CORRESPONDENCE ~ The Citl} 01 &l}l1tOI1 B;;ach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org December 22, 2004 Mr. Rob Tessar DR Horton Homes 1192 E. Newport Center Drive, Suite 150 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Re: Serrano Beach MMSP 04-30 Dear Mr. Tessar: In response to your request dated December 13, 2004 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: . Removal of proposed lake retaining wall and provision of a 20 foot maintenance easement completely around the lake (as depicted on the attached plan) . . Shifting of the sanitary lift station southerly and planting aromatic landscaping around the perimeter (as depicted on the attached plan) . . Doubling of the number of trees on the north perimeter (as depicted on the attached plan) . . Provision of a tree mitigation plan, including the doubling of the number of trees on the west perimeter and planting of Royal Palms on the north side of Palmland Drive (as depicted on the attached plan) . . provision of a notation on the plans should a fence be installed along the south perimeter of the property, the fence shall be placed with the landscape buffer between it and the canal (as depicted on the attached plan) . . A note on the attached letter from Cotleur & Hearing, dated December 13, 2004 indicating that irrigation and maintenance of the Royal Palms along Palmland Drive will be the responsibility of the Serrano HOA (see attached letter) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 12/13/04 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Site Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a .. . Page 2 December 22,2004 1. Approval by the City of an approved planting plan for the placement of the Royal Palms along palmland Drive. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Ed Breese, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, City Forester . Cotleur & Hearing Landscape Architects Land Planners Environmental Consultants December 13, 2004 Mr. Kevin Hallahan City of Boynton Beach 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Serrano Beach, D.R. Horton Homes Tree Mitigation Plan CH Project #030512 Dear Kevin: The purpose of this correspondence is to follow-up on our meeting of October 7, 2004, in connection with the above referenced project. As you are aware, your office has requested that D.R. Horton provide 498 caliper inches of mitigation for trees removed on the Serrano site. 40 of the 498 caliper inches was for the removal of exotic Acacia trees and the remainder 458 caliper inches of mitigation is required for the removal of native Slash Pine trees. The Applicant proposes mitigation to off-set the impacts to the trees on-site by planting Royal Palms along the roadway adjacent to the south boundary of the site. The Applicant proposes the following Mitigation Plan. This Mitigation Plan is a simplified approach and proposes 17; 24" caliper Royal Palms for a total of 408 caliper inches on the north side of the roadway, at a spacing of 50 feet on center. This option is perhaps the cleanest of the options as the trees are contiguous to the Serrano property and no impediments to installation exists. A bubbler irrigation system would be provided for each of the Royal palms. The Royal palms would be maintained by the Serrano Homeowner's Association. 32 caliper inches of replacement will be provided by installing additional trees within the west buffer. An additional 63 caliper inches of replacement will be provided by installing extra trees in the common areas, as shown on the enclosed plans. In total we exceed the minimum 498 caliper inches of mitigation required. Maplewood Professional Center 1934 Commerce Lane - Suite 1 Jupiter, Florida 33458 Lic.# LC-C000239 561-747-6336 FAX 561-747-1377 http://www.cotleur-hearing.com Mr. Kevin Hallahan Serrano Beach, D.R. Horton Homes Tree Mitigation Plan CH Project #030512 Page 2 of 2 December 13, 2004 It is our understanding your office will assist us in securing the required permits from the City for planting within the public street right-of-way. At your earliest opportunity, we request your review and direction in this matter. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me. DEH/mlb CC: Enclosures: Rob Tessar - D.R. Horton Homes Preliminary Plans for each Option F:\Projecl Documents\Serrano Beach, DR Horton\Llr to Kevin Hallahan.doc 4. . Cotleur & Hearing Landscape Architects Land Planners Environmental Cansultants December 13, 2004 Mr. Kevin Hallahan City of Boynton Beach 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Serrano Beach, D.R. Horton Homes Tree Mitigation Plan CH Project #030512 Dear Kevin: The purpose of this correspondence is to follow-up on our meeting of October 7, 2004, in connection with the above referenced project. As you are aware, your office has requested that D.R. Horton provide j98 caliper inches of mitigatipJ1 for trees removed on the Serrano site. 40 of the 498 caliperlnChes was for the removal of exotic Acacia trees and the remainder 458 caliper inches of mitigation is required for the removal of native Slash Pine trees. The Applicant proposes mitigation to off-set the impacts to the trees on-site by planting Royal Palms along the roadway adjacent to the south boundary of the site. The Applicant proposes the following Mitigation Plan. This Mitigation Plan is a simplified approach and proposes 17; 24" caliper Royal Palms for a total of 408 caliper inches on the north side of the roadway, at a spacing of 50 feet on center. This option is perhaps the cleanest of the options as the trees are contiguous to the Serrano property and no impediments to installation exists. A bubbler irrigation system would be provided for each of the Royal palms. The Royal palms would be maintained by the Serrano Homeowner's Association. 32 caliper inches of replacement will be provided by installing additional trees within the west buffer. An additional 63 caliper inches of replacement will be provided by installing extra trees in the common areas, as shown on the enclosed plans. In total we exceed the minimum 498 caliper inches of mitigation required. Maplewood Professional Center 1934 Commerce Lane - Suite 1 Jupiter, Florida 33458 Lic.# LC-C000239 561-747-6336 FAX 561-747-1377 http://www.cotleur-hearing.com Mr. Kevin Hallahan Serrano Beach, D.R. Horton Homes Tree Mitigation Plan CH Project #030512 Page 2 of 2 December 13, 2004 It is our understanding your office will assist us in securing the required permits from the City for planting within the public street right-of-way. At your earliest opportunity, we request your review and direction in this matter. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me. DEH/mlb CC: Enclosures: Rob Tessar - D.R. Horton Homes Preliminary Plans for each Option F:\Project Documenls\Serrano Beach, DR Horton\Llr to Kevin Hallahan.doc D. R. Horton, Inc South Florida Division 1192 East Newport Center Drive Suite 150 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Ed Breeze Kevin Hallahan Boynton Beach DATE: 14-Dec-04 PROJECT: Serrano PROJECT ID : FROM: A. Rob Tessar, Jr. Development Project Manaqer INCLUDED ARE THE FOLLOWING: x Signed & Sealed Plans Application Copy of Original Permit Redlined Plans Copies Plans Professional's Letter Samples Required Fee Other: As Listed x Copies Date Description 4 LS Plans revised per meeting & to include Irrigation 2 Proposed Remediation Plan Letter 2 North Property Concrete Wall Detail AND ARE BEING TRANSMITTED For Approval X For Use X As Requested Revised per Comments Dated: COMMENTS: Ed & Kevin, Thank you for your personal and professional courtesies. A. Rob Tessar, Jr. t:0/0Vll :t(lISI^~ lS'v'l 1:J31IH~'v' '093 ,l2'-,I=,Y/'r: :31"1:)9 ll\113C ll\1m A::J\1^I~d ql = ...l.13dV'9 dO ~Ol:)V'd HdJ...l <2'YI = 033d9 ONlm 3NJ1 ...l.1~3dO~ 101 0~3Z o ...l.38 ON31X3 10N 11V'H9 "S;)ld ,<2I-,€ Cd...l.l) J...lOll08 . "lNO:) SI~ ;;:; ~ . ~" t:. . . ~ . ", t:.. 4,. . . .~ "XV'J...l ":)"0 ,ay. ~V'8 39~3AS~1 SI '4 ~ 30~S;) HSINld >0018':)NO:),a NJ 011010 031no~s;) ":)'0 ,ay .. "1~3A SIt 11V'm dO dOl "NIJ...l 30~S;) "A8V' ,<2'-,'3+ '13 3snOH ~V'mOl 3d01S S3J~V'A 30~S;) s;)NI1SIX3 30110 N01~OH ~'O G- ,- ~ :I Z :I ~ 11V'm X?018 ,a NO HSINld O:)::::>nlS "lNO::> SlI 1m J...lV'38 ON08 ,a x ,a 3NI1 ...l.1~3dO~d J.lO:11O'<1.H~V'0'\>''r 1'V'1..j- = ELlv-II>E <19..) xV'~ ..lIv-II>E <19..) 13.1. Em 'ltI 'NO.LW Y.Xl& tit auns BAV 'UN t "IAN 001: SmINNV1d l' ~lIV .OYf 11 ~OJ~O'= 'H:;J~a8 NOJ.N;..08 9aWOH NOJ.~OH '~'O - ON~~~a9 . J.Qao '~O'8 ..J.-J.NnO:;J H:;J~a8 W'~Q Fab.19. 2004 11:17PM " ". 0,11' Horton Inc. South Florida No.6783 P, D-R.HOHRIl\le ~i fimerka-'~ ~ FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET Kevin Halahan FROM: A. Rob Tessar, Jr. OATE; FEBRUARY 19, 2004 TO: COMPANY: Boynton Beach FAX NUMBER: 561-742-6259 PHONE NUMBER: TOTAL NO OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 2 SENDER'S PHONE NUMBER: 954-428-4854 ext. 118 754-264-5087 Serrano - BIDO - 236.23 SENDER'S FAX NUM8ER: 954-428-7391 RE: D URCENT ~ FOR REVIEW o PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY o PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Kevin; I received a call from Ketih Ryan, a resident of Cranbrook Estates who resides to the immediate north of the Serrano PUD. Mr Ryan stated that he had reviewed the Landscaping plans for the site and had concerns with the trees planted in the landscape buffer (please see attached) and has been In contact with your office. Mr. Ryan is requesting that we remove/relocate the trees abutting his property_ I informed Mr.. Ryan that the trees are located in the landscape buffer and that we would be happy to move the trees to the .southern most acceptable point" within the landscape buffer. However Mr.Ryan would like the trees moved 10' or more from the property line, If not removed all together because he believes the leaves will continually drop in his pool. The 2S'UE directly south ofthe landscape buffer does not allow for such a relocation And furthermore the trees are rightfully required to be in their current locations We are willing to accommodate Mr. Ryan to the point to which your office is satisfied and there are no incumbrances on the water Isewer lines in the UE Please contact me with questions, concerns, or advice Thank you for your personal and professional courtesies A. Rob Tessar. Jr. Development Project Manager 1192 EAST NEWPORT CENTER DR SUITE 1 SO DEERFIElD BEACH" Fl 33442 -' f_eb.~9. 2004 11:17PM l~O. 6783_P. 2 D., Horton Inc. South Florida r F CRANBROOK LAKE ESTAtES" l UD Ktn~ ~i.4J t~t~ \ I I \ - 21 \ LL l---- ---~- r;'\ \ - -........... ; \ \ 1 I 22 . iU- I, \ l- -..-.--.-------. : ~'-....: .... 1 e-~~ir----;~-'.l\ I' I .-- :.~;_-;-=~.~:~~;~-.-=:,,"-\ .... \.........\:.~, I 23 ~ ..,...... ...., ' \ = ----"--''''''' ~-,._-- ... "' .... j I \ t+- ' _' _- -- -' - '~', ~ I ~-" i -- ------ --- ,-----=--~-l '1 . n: '\'1\: \ i \ l_............-- .-. I I '\r'-' \_-..- -- -.,---.--- --I \ I \ 46 J; I ! I 25 \ \ \ 26 \ I. \ L.---.------.-. ._.---.>- '!;{~ ~ i', I '__. i ~ _'. ./' -..._ ,_ _ .<r.,/ "" . . 'dT \- 27 \ 1 \ 1 \ \--..-- -- ---- 20 24 I ".;,.. . . '"r'--' , , " ~ t -:D \ j'''- -~ ---------.------- ~-( / ", ~) ~. ~--) t. \. '2-;/ ~ A&>rr).J<tr ~ '\ 1liL{M,( sf ~ -b~ ~ ~ ~ t - () ~"-tU C-e-z oN ~.A:JSsT ~*~ ~AG IAI T7htr ~. t!J Ir:; ~~ ~ ~O€) ~ O-V7lJe ~/~. JUL. 6,2004 10:32AM D rlORTON LAND DEPT D. R. Horton, Ina South Florida Division 1192 East Newport Center Drive Suite 150 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 NO, 709 p, 1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 5-Jul-04 PROJECT: SERRANO PROJECT ID: FROM: A. Rob Tessar Jr. Development Prolect Manager TO: Kevin Hallahan Mike Rumpf City of Boynton Beach ATTN: SHERRY INCLUDED ARE THE FOLLOWING: Signed & Sealed Plans Application Copy of Original Permit Redlined Plans Copies x Plans Professional's Letter Samples Required Fee Other: Revisions to Lanscape plans Copies Date Description I I I I Revisions 1 Monument Stvle Wall added at entrance 2 Retaininc Wall removed from north lake bank 3 Lift Statrion relocated oer BCC reauest 4 CBS wall along north property line;oniY as reauested by adiacent orooerty owner reQuest 5 L1ftStation landscaoing revised oer BCe reauest - AND ARE B F F X..~-) F COMMENTl Please COi Thank YOL IteV(tJ / lJJ If1&It) ~ CJff fr ~U( CIrtv ~ ~ ~ ~1J(p ~ M (A/rJ(l..- fI.A..trt) . Regards, ~~I ED _-d.~ / ~ A. Rob Tessarf;1r. ( , 110 ~ .:J16M) 9€~6. ~ !. I -:J.' j. ~ -~ "- iel J" ..J~. i -I:.) . tv#!j1JO P~JJ-G, t9f UH4$ ~ f.t)~ /Ze1'7t'MJ- I~~~? ~ tm4-<.L I ~ ~ l2eQ.oas- 11!:l> ~ M>J. ()JuJ{J. ~ ? PnAv,{)ra ~(." t:F AJ~ 0!>8 ~. uq $Ir1t-17 eM) JA1tJbS~ .ltJeS J;rif ~ f1zA~. (CoA) From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Monday, March 15,200410:51 AM Hallahan, Kevin; Main, Karen Serrano Beach As part of our plat review for this project, I looked back to review the comments. One very interesting one caught my attention that we could start working on or thinking about now. 47.The developer shall install additional scented / fragrance type of landscape material around the lift station subject to the Engineering Division review and approval. If Barbara Meachum's assistance is needed please plan accordingly. MR. D. R. Horton, Inc South Florida Division 1192 East Newport Center Drive Suite 150 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Mike Rumpf Boynton Beach P & Z DATE: 11-Mar-04 PROJECT: Serrano PROJECT ID : FROM: A. Rob Tessar, Jr. Development Project Manager INCLUDED ARE THE FOLLOWING: x Signed & Sealed Plans Application Copy of Original Permit Redlined Plans Copies Plans Professional's Letter Samples Required Fee Other: x Copies Date Description 4 S & S Landscape plans Revisions HiQhliQhted 1 Review ree-IAU :P1UU AND ARE BEING TRANSMITTED For Approval For Use As Requested Revised per Comments Dated: 19-Nov-04 x COMMENTS: Please Contact with anby questions, concerns or advice. Thank you for your personal&-wofessional courtesies. \ \ Re~ards,.. __~:..--;;./~ . c.---- "...('" ./ /. _..-.."'"7 . (. --- ....- (" /) A. Rob Tessar, Jr. L../ \ .. O'R.HOHIDN@ = A;mwjca!:; ~ A. Rob Tessar, Jr. Development Project Manager 1192 E. Newport Center Drive' Suite 150 . Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Office: (954) 428-4854 Ex!. 118 . Fax: (954) 428-7391 PROJECT NAME: Serrant, Beach LOCATION: West of Congress Avenue; South of Golf Road PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 04-030 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: A. Rob Tessar, Jr. - D.R. Horton ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 1192 E. Newport Center Drive FAX: Suite 150 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 PHONE: FAX: _ 954-428-7391 PHONE: 954-428-4854 ext 118 Date of submittaVProiected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 3/19/04 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: 0~C S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Serrano Beach\MMSP 04-030\2004 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc