REVIEW COMMENTS 7.C.l RENAISSANCE COMMONS PHASE I (HTEX 04-001) HEIGHT EXCEPTION ufVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-069 TO: Chairman and Members Planning & Development Board and City Commission ""'- \IQ,- Michael Rumpf ~- Director of Planning and Zoning THRU: FROM: Ed Breese Principal Planner DATE: March 11, 2004 PROJECT: Renaissance Commons Phase 1/ HTEX 04 - 001 REQUEST: Height Exception PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: Compson Associates of Boynton Beach, LLC Applicant: Compson Associates of Boynton Beach, LLC Agent: Mr. Carl Klepper, Jr. of Compson Associates Location: 1500 Gateway Boulevard (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Existing Land Use / Zoning: Industrial (I) & Local Retail Commercial (LRC) / Planned Industrial District (PID) & Community Commercial (C-3) Proposed Land Use/Zoning: No change proposed Proposed Use: Construction of a mixed-use project, consisting of a 10,662 square foot commercial building, 250 multi-family units and 250 townhouse units. Acreage: 28.36-acres Adjacent Uses: North: Developed Motorola site, zoned Planned Industrial District (PID); South: Right-of-way for the Boynton Canal (C-16), then farther south is vacant property zoned Single-family residential (R-1AA); East: Right-of-way for Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) E-4 Canal, then farther east is the Boynton Beach Community High School, zoned PID; and West: Right-of-way for Congress Avenue, then farther west are developed commercial properties, zoned Community Commercial (C-3). Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 04-069 BACKGROUND On July 15, 2003, Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC, owner of the 28.36-acre parcel was approved for a large-scale mixed-use project known as Renaissance Commons (NWSP 03-007). The project consisted of a 10,662 square foot commercial building combined with eight (8) townhouse units, a 4,338 square foot stand-alone commercial building, 250 multi-family (apartment) units and 242 fee-simple townhouse units. The Applicant has submitted a request for Height Exception approval for decorative roofs over non- habitable spaces / access to mechanical appurtenances, such as stairs, elevators and AlC equipment. The maximum building height in the PID & C-3 zoning districts is 45 feet. The elevations (see Exhibit "B" - Sheets A3.1.1 - A3.4.1) show that the buildings would be constructed utilizing a hip type roofing system. The code indicates hip and gable style roofs shall be measured at the midpoint between the eaves and the ridge. Utilizing this method of measurement places the typical roof height on the four (4) building types at 43 feet - 10 inches, just below the maximum allowable height of 45 feet. However, the roofs covering the various mechanical spaces exceed the maximum allowable height of the zoning districts, thus the application for Height Exception. ANALYSIS Except for within the Central Business District (CBD), Mixed-Use Low (MU-L), and Mixed-Use High (MU-H) zoning districts, the citywide maximum building height is 45 feet. According to Chapter 2, Section 4.F.1 of the Land Development Regulations, no portion of any structure intended to be utilized for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes within the municipal limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, shall exceed the height of 45 feet. The Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height Limitations and Exceptions, also states that in considering an application for an exception to the district height regulation, the City Commission shall make findings indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered in relation to minimum standards, where applicable. According to Chapter 2, Section 4.F.2, electrical and mechanical support systems and their necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected within a structure or on top of a structure, above the district height limitations, and are eligible for consideration of approval by the City Commission on a case - by - case basis. The applicant has submitted a letter dated January 15, 2004 which details the roofs on each building that covers a mechanical appurtenance and exceeds the height limitation (see Exhibit "0" - Letter of Explanation). According to the elevations (see Exhibit "B" - Sheets A3.1.1 - A 3.4.1), the roofs over the stair towers on each building are proposed to be 50 feet - four (4) inches in height to the midpoint between the eaves and the ridge, or five (5) feet - four (4) inches above the maximum building height. Similarly, the roof over the elevator mechanical rooms on each building is 47 feet - four (4) inches in height, or two (2) feet - four (4) inches above the maximum allowable without a Height Exception from the City Commission. The distances from the closest of these roofs to adjacent property lines are approximately 290 feet to the west and Congress Avenue, 900 feet to the east and the E-4 Canal, and 310 feet to the south and the C-16 Canal. Staff has determined that the project meets the intent of all criteria itemized in Chapter 2, Section 4.F.3. These roof structures provide dimension and interest along the roofline, and enhance the appearance of the buildings, while providing the necessary mechanical and access spaces. When reviewing the elevations provided herein, these structures are barely perceptible from the average roofline, since they do not protrude as far above the roof deck as they would if the roofs were flat in nature, with a minimal parapet wall. In considering the standards for granting approval, staff agrees with the applicant that the exception is necessary to provide the required access to the roof, that there should be no adverse effect and that the requested waiver would not severely reduce light and air in adjacent areas. The applicant Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 04-069 notes that there are no occupied spaces within the proposed mechanical rooms and that there should be no perception of the project as a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property or as a special privilege granted to the applicant. Finally, the request is in accordance with the pending Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) zoning district regulations proposed for the entire Renaissance Commons DRI, which would allow a maximum height of 55 feet by right. RECOMMENDATION Based on the analysis contained herein, staff recommends that this request for a height exception of five (5) feet - four (4) inches be approved for the various mechanical rooms of the Renaissance Commons Phase 1 project. No conditions of approval are recommended; however, any conditions of approval recommended by the Board or required by the City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Renaissance Commons Phase 1\HTEX 04-00 1 \Staff Report.doc \lIG Location Map RENAISSANCE COMMONS EXHIBIT "A" PID PID o C30 n EXHIBIT "B" ~ 0 0 ~ m (J) &i!i~ -t m 0~!Jl r m El",~ < H~ )> -I nn", ~2 "'?~ ~&gj , s z , 8~~ ~!:l~ - ii ~~'" -zO ~~lil ~&l~ ! \3... o V> '" . ~~ ~~ ~'" Q:!'" l:l 03 @ ; I ~-I-T--I-~i.c'T----(0) ~~'-I--~-l-=_.I ~tfJU ~~ ~~~~~~l M.~[ MOURIZ ~,~.~... ~ ;5. 8' SALAZAR t~,,~'~ :f ~ ~ 1 ; I " ^P(,~In.-rT<:: .~, PI MIMfDC' -----{~ - - -I<ID lID I!iil 6~ P, :h ~ Iii ~11.u JI-JIJI I \1 J[J;f" I I I I : I ' "ill ..-.. ! . '_J ~ . -, ._,., N' 414'- ..... ..... "t'oO' ,~ if, ~ L--e 'I I I I I /..f.... I"",....,-.!-=-l ~lf'U i ~ S.ln R::phael Renaissance Conunons r<< Renaissance Re,idcnlial HOldings I, L,t.C. 1I0'iNTON D~CH, R.ORlDA ~~~ o;sel ~"';;; ~~~ nn;o> ~~~ "'>CI> "';;lr>l SSz ~~~ 0",0 "'ttli!= ~~!"' ~~8;O> ;:;;:;;,: ~~;] "'n~ ....ttl o '1'... :i Sil~ ~~ CO g 8 !liJ I ~ , p ~ ~ 'g Iii = l)> I (!ill i.!> i.!> -L- I I i ~I - --(0 ) j!'-- j:; :-~::,)Iu'u-jl II ,f ! )1: I~ Ilt- j.!: '11:11 ~I, 1 i 11111,1_-.111- II ); ! )il ]'1111 \": 'I rill! _J_,' :J1 ! )ilJI II' \] i': I It I n1 -- <I: !'m:~J~ ~ J. , )11111::1 L I, it ,. (m:)I: 'J':I:'- 11"11 \ji :lnl'I::~" -,' Ji' i )1 JI il }i' 'I!Tl~U' - I <: illll Iii 11 : ..... I I I I I I ~---"'!'---+---"':'+-~'"'-l-"..,j ,~ i f J iI ij, it o o 'I I I I I I ~ .... I - 1.....- I - 1 -I a I ~ i I J 'II ij, is (J\ EXH/S/T "S" Gl~ , c;l ai' , , , ,t II .... ..... .... .... L III I i~ I I I i 1! (J) m o -1 B z l \ ,I... --@ I I 1- "'1---1- 'I"'@) ~.... I .... 1.....-:-. I.... I-I a I ~ II J t II ij, is ! Q o tIl o r: ~. ~ 0 n~ :r '~fl )> r II Gi~;;;~i Jlllo~ i~h _ Nt MOURIZ ~aAaSOQt.1I1,1I:. San Raphael ..u~ ~""'hl.l)' '''nn )INUI =.~OItIDO. m~. .. SALAZAR tJo,;~1 HJ.lIIIll Renaissance Commons M COOQO'j~ .. ReDaissance ResideDti.1 HDldiDgs I, L.L,C. ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORJDA ~'r.~:':{:!::,:.~~~'C:t~:.. ~~~~~J.~, ~ft....~,..::~:.~:;;~, .~~J.:.:"l'...:~-;..:::.=.' ::,:.:~~:"::;I:.::. .!":-:~:'';:'.~~':..~:':-i'':'' <D < .... ,^ ~~~ O=i'" ~"'~ ~Sm ~~~ 00>'" 'I'::;j'" SCZ ie;~~ 0"00 ~!:li!: 00" ~~8 '~'" ~n "'~ ....", <> ~~ ~~ 8~ ~", O:ol ~ EXHIBIT "B" 19(-, !~ E) El - '6' f'~ tV (fJ ~ " 0 c UJ r -\ rn rn r rn r < rn ); )> -\ l:j 12 ,~ ~ , , I I I!B ,r r r rn F CI ~ t J U $I p .." 0<( 'e ii1 ~, .~ .e .e = nt, ~~r ~ ~ 6~~iilQ~ ~ !lhO~ M. MOURIZ ~.ASSOCa1tI.JC. San R::phael I.d ......." ~..t ,G....tt.al ......In.O..lIoO Ut" ~,t[ ,0<1 SALAZAR (J07.011lJ_Vl" Renaissance Commons MC_, .. Renaissance Residenlial Holdings I, l.L.C. ~n""f IiTrrTC'" I. nl ^~lurn(' BOYNTON IJI!ACJI,I'LORIDA @@@@@@@ 0@0@G)@ @ 0\1)@c">~ '11111 I ~ .IfU I ~ E I I PI I~ i I ~ 8 8181 f ~ Ilitl i i I i J 4h~! 1III I~ IUJr. iii' uflll P ~111'idi IIII II~ f a ~I 8i h'lI i Ilfllh I~~i ~ J' I~ I ,I d i i I I . R . . (I' 'H IIPnil1 ~ !I ~H hhl'lr: II "II ill~ 'p ~I Illl IIIHI B II II iP! I ~3 JII III II ! ~ P i < i ~ffi~ o~!:l E;",~ Z<"l~ ~~ <"l~ ' g>~ \^n1lTl So~ g~~ ~!:l~ gjot"' ~E;" u;z8 -~." ~<"l~'" -'>lTl o !~ ~~ ~!ll ~ 8 OJ o ~ m r m < )> ~ ::j ,2 , ~ ill -I m r ~ )> -I !2 , , !!!J F' CII P '"'l c( "e iii Ii rfrJl~ ij, .~ 'I ~El~ to> F: 'I I l-1....I....I~...I-.I""'1 ~ t f J tl ij, i~ EXH/S/T "S" I B~ 'I I I I I I J..,. -. I.... I.....":"" I.... 1""'-1 I I' t t J ~ II ~, i~ s g ~ ~ 'I~ ~ i;::i~ .... ~~~~~ IGal/IillAZ.IA . GOCIIJD, IIIC.. San R:.pl,ael I....WI"...S"O'",.lltUl .........Il_u.5f; SlnIt,gO IlJ')lfJ-U" Renaissance Commons _COOl>llI5 .. Renaissilnce Residential Holdings II t.L.e. BOYNTON URACil, FlOIUDA '"', ~ffi~ o~l:l E:j",'" zn~ ~~1iI &In" ~~~ b;;!'" ....O~ Ei~;;j 0...0 ...~~ ;;jot- Oi:!:" ~z8 -~." ~n~'" ....'" o b~ ~~ o~ ~'" 0" ~ i$ @ ~ e; I ! 0- (f) m o -t p ~ I! g l fi) : . ~ -< ' : Ih:ti~t~ ~, i~ 0 l .~ n)> 1: .0 l)> i; ~~~i I fill ~ ~ 'I t x i:!J a I , e (') UI (f) m 0 6 -t @I 5 z EXHIBIT "B" 7'\ m -< ~ @) ~t z@) , , I ~@)~ ~@)E-l ~ m [:;l;i -t III m '" ~ F: -t !~ ~ 4 o o 'I I I I I I l-f-I.... I"'. I ~=-l _qlf,u ij, i~ Nt MOURIZ ~.. ABXMIQ, tc. San Raphael '..~ .....,~ .... IO"R ~'"'' _111,'100-00 ~l" ., ~.." .0Il SALAZAR /lCI:IIZ'J-II" Renaissance Commons -,;-~ r~ Renaissance Residcnlis. Holdings ., L.L.C. ARCHITECTS & PlANNERS 8OYNrON BEACH, fLORIDA ~:~r!.:~.trr:t:, ~~':;.':.~:i::~;,.':i- .~"',.:,~:.~~'::r.' ,~=o:.r'~./:~j~-=~::;':-.t. ..;;.1:;.:,:::'....,:0 .:;::'~.:...~......~':t:{:. '" < F''OlTl 0>11"""" ""~MftI>M 0....'11">1\.. 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San Raphael /....~ 'Wul" ".~l ,g.u. ~rllUl -.Ag""", ~Jl5a " ""1(10D SALAZAR (:lIr.oIJ>J-III1" Renaissance Commons ... CIlOOOI~ .. Renaissance Residential Holdings I, l.L,C. M~r~m.-(,T(' t, DI ^M",roC" " HOYNTON U1!ACH, FLORIDA. ~~~ ......,.- O:r'" S~~ ~~~ g~~ &>cn "';;l'" SoZ ?;>O o~~ , ~1iI~ OOr-' ~~81O :;;:;,: ;;'~Cil :gn~ ...", o \".. :i f;;~ ;;J", "1O ~ ~ -.j ffi o -l 6 z iii' '1'11'1 \; i )1 U , , I' 'I ' , 'J lnfl ' _".1,' .,j. )1 II )1 )~' -r! . -'-". I I I I I I I ~ ~ I ~ I..... I.... t""""j ,~ I f J U ~, ~S ~ C "[ 0 0 ,f.~~...~: 1'1 ~"'<)::E j i5 8 ~ t.3~& ! Ij: .. . \'E. .. I 'I'ILE" lm',)!' __' jf J ~ 1'11'11' 'nl:; -t~, m .) '," l> i. n'. I .1 ". (J) -I pi m < }> -I f6 -@ s z I , .. ~ (J) m o -I 2 - X ~ "")fIJIJ F I' "')111 JIJ ) . "")IJ]j: ~. ~(J) 1111)IJI JI) ~ ',,'JIlIl)' , . I ')I! JI! J'I: J 11'11, on.. , ~ j I' )_ -.j~ J~J ill ,,' i J,J: _[_ I I k-.I.J.'_....I_~ l,' I ! J t Ii ij, is EXHIBIT "B" i ~ ~ 'I I I i,' t I j ~, .... U is EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Renaissance Commons Phase I File number: HTEX 04-001 R fi A r . d J 21 2004 e erence: ~ppl1CatlOn receIve anuary , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTERJENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 1. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Condition of Approval 2 page revised 2003 form.doc S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Condition of Approval 2 page -P&D ORA 2003 form.doc EXHIBIT "0" Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC VIA FACSIMILE (561) 742-6259 8 pages January 15, 2004 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Attn: Mr. Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning Re: Request for exception to height San Raphael at Renaissance Commons previous site plan approval #NWSP 03-007 Dear Mike, On July 15, 2003 we received approval from City Commission for the above referenced site plan. According to chapter 2 (zoning) section 4 (F12) we would like to ask Staff, Planning and the Development Board and City Commission to consider an exception to the 45' height limitation. Enclosed please find ten (10) sets of drawings for submission to the Board. As set forth in the attach drawing there are approximately twelve (12) areas which exceed the present heights limitations. However, this exception is being requested for non habitable architectural elements for access to mechanical appurtenances (i,e. stairs, AlC Equipment and Elevator). Attached is a breakdown of the areas requesting an exception in Exhibit "A". Accordingly, we would ask that our request for a height exception be submitted to the Planning & Development Board hearing on March 23, 2004 or sooner. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, pson Associates of Boynton, LLC ill ~ o r~- I ! JAN l I /Iln4 I L_ . r.n~-. ~ r 1 Ii ! 1: ; ; U I) : ~ ,~.,.",i j Carl E. Klepper, Jr, Member CEK/crd Enclosures City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 EXHIBIT "0" Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC January 15, 2004 AUn: Mr. Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning RE: San Raphael at Renaissance Commons Dear Mike, Please be advised that pursuant to the plan review approval given to us by your department on July 15th, 2003 there are twelve (12) roofs which for design, function and or safety reasons exceed the height allowed in the current zoning district. They are denoted on the attached drawings as follows: Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4 A Roof over stair # 1 B Roof over stair #2 C Roof over elevator # 1 D Roof over elevator #2 E Roof over stair # 1 F Roof over stair #2 G Roof over elevator # 1 H Roof over elevator #2 J Roof over stair # I K Roof over elevator # 1 L Roof over stair # I M Roof over elevator # 1 All of these roofs are otherwise code compliant with respect to height Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. CEK/crd Enclosures