APPLICATION :lOP'OdNI DNDI;)VM.L .L;)3JOlld EOOZ\SUOlUlUO;) :l:lUllSS!llilllll\S.L;)j;lrolld\dA\\03I>1VHS\llu!uUllld\:S :SLN:lWWO:J fO/Il L :DNIL:I:lW NOISSIWWO:J XLI:J ffilV08 X:JN:lDV V/N LN:lWdO'I:[A:lU:.nI XLINilWWO:J :DNIL:I:lW fO/t'U9 mIV08 LN:lWdO'I:lA:la ~ DNINNV'Id :(SNV'Id :ILlS) V/N U:lLSOd SNDIS LN:lWdO'I:lA:la aNY'} V/N ::lila SLN:lWWO:J A\:lIA:.nI GNZ V/N ::lLVa 'IVLLIW8ilS:.nI 'IVilL:JV V/N ::I,LVa 'IVLLIW8ilS:.nI a:lL:J:lfOHd fO/f/9 :DNIL:I:lW :JlIL V/N ::I:JILON :JI'I8ild fOI LIS ::lila SLN:lWWO:J A\:lIA:.nI .IS 1 fO/ZUt' 'IV LLIW8ilS:.nI I 'IV LLIW8ilS :salBp ounaaw papa!o.ld/lBlnwqns JO alBa Zft'ff 'Iii 'U01BlI B;'08 Zft'ff 'Iii 'u01BlI B;,08 OOZ al!ns OOZ anns ABM.q~!H IB.lapail ql.lON 086 :SS:.nIaaV ABM.q~!H IB.lapail"N 086 :SS:.nIaaV fZt'Z-16f-19S:~iI fZt'Z- 16f- 19S :~ iI OLS9-16f-19S ::lNOHd OLS9-16f-19S ::lNOHd :J'I'I 'u01UA08 JO .Iadda1)l ].IB:J/olB.lBdmo:J sawBf salBpossV uosdwo:J :lI:lNA\O : NOSlI:ld L:JV LNO:JI LN:lDV I u~Id ans MaN :NOI.LV:JI'lddV .iO 3:dX.L II LOO-fO dSMN :.ON 3:'lI.i I OIOO-IOO-ZO-L I-St-ft-80 :N:Jd' (~IO.lOJOW) .PAUI A~MaJ~~ OOSI :NOI.LV:JO'l ,II suowwo:J aJut';~J;I;lH :3:WVN .L:J3:rOlJ . 'Of' City CIlUCS .\cccsscu \'i:l \\ cbsirc \\\\.\'. hl)\'n\t()l1-h"':;1Ch.nr~ '''liW :Jmlc';J.l.com: boynton _ bCJ.ch _ 11. us CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING .- "') \ IwD1l-r!t:, r~ ~ i~ [1 '.r' Ir;" r n: i ; \' I I Aoq 2 2 ~ - ; j iJ' IT~P ~^N ", _J-' Pt M,I!.:1,;..,. .' 7CiNIi\C: [\! I:T Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes ,Date April 9, This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division, TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted vvith the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED, Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information, /, GENERAL INFORrvlATION 1, Project Name: Renaissance Commons 2, Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: ** Co-Applicant ** Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC Address: 980 North Federal Highway, Suite # 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Fax: (Zip Code) (561) 391-2423 Phone: (561) 391-6570 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): *Co-Applicant* Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC (Front) To'vn ann C:mmtry Builders, Inc. (Rear) Address: Same as above. Fax: (Zip Code) Phone: If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. 4, Agent's Name (person, ifany, representing applicant): James Comparato/Carl Klepper Address: 980 N. Federal Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Phone: (561) 391-6570 (Zip Code) Fax: (1i)61) 391-2423 5, Conrespondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, tnen to aDD/icant unless a substitute is specified below:~ ' , +This is the one address to Vvtlich all agendas; letters and other materials wll be mailed, 6, What is applicant's interest in the premises afected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Owner/Contract Purchaser ~ , , Street address of location of site: (V t 1 nd On South Side of 1500 Gateway Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL acan a Motorola) 8, Property Control #(' ~\J) .., 43-45-17-02-001-001i 9, Legal description of site: See Attached 10. Intended use(s) of site: Construction of 15,000 square feet of Retail with eight (8) townhomes, four (4) story multi-Residential Apartment Units and 242 Town Homes 11, 12. Architect: Mouriz/Salazar & Associates 7695 SW 104th st., # 100 Mi ami FL 331 56 (:3 U ~) 273 - 9 91 1-' # 1 Landscape Architect: cotleur & Hearing, 1934 Commerce Lance, Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 747-6336. 104th st., # 100 Site Planner: Mouriz/Salazar & Assoclates 7695 SW Miami FL 33156 (305) 273-9911 # 108 Engine~r: !=:r.hnnrs Enqineering Corp., 951 Broken sound Parkway, Boca Raton, FL 33487 (5?1t) 2418~j5~E 8th Avenue Deerfield Beach Surveyor: pumort & ASSOCla es, , Florida 33441 (954) 421- 91UI T~fficEn~nee~ Pinder Troutman Consulting, 2324 S. Congress Avenue Suite 1H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (~bl) 4~4 1644 Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? NO 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, vtlere applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan: 2. Zoning District: Commercial - 3 3. Area of Site 28. 368 acres 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdo'M1: R 'd . & Re,tail a. eSI entlal, Inc ualng ? ~ R R acres surrounding lot area of grounds b, c. d, e. f. g. Motorola DRI (DRI-A 02-002) 1.235,710 sq. ft. 84.2 % of site Recreation Areas '* 2.04 (excluding water area) Water Area 2.45 Commercial N/A Industrial N/A Public/Institutional N/A 7.2 % % of site acres 8.6 % % of site acres % of site acres acres % of site acres % of site Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way % of site acres ..: h', Other (specify) acres 00 of site I. Other (specify) acres % of site J, Total area of site 28.37 acres 100 %ofsite "including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5, Surface Cover a, Ground floor building 8.22 area ("building footprint") acres 28.9 % % of site b, Water area 2.45 acres 8.6 % % of site c, Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidevvalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts, 10.88 acres 30.3 % of site d, Total impervious area 21. 55 acres 75.96 % of site e, Landscaped area .08 acres O. 7 % % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft, per interior parking space required - see Sec, 7,5-35(g) of Landscape Code). f. Other landscaped areas, 6. 74 acres 23.75 % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas N / A acres N / A % of site h, Total pervious areas acres % of site I. Total area of site acres 24 . 03 % of site 6.82 o. Floor Area a, Residential 736,110 sq. ft. b, Commercial/Office sq. ft. c. IndustriallWarehouse sq, ft. d, Recreational sq. ft, e, Public/Institutional sq, ft, f. Other (specify) Recreational 9217 SQ. ft, I g, Other (specify) Retail 15,000 sq. ft. h, Total floor area 760,327 sq, ft, Number of Residential Dwellina Units a, Single-family detached sq, ft, h u, Duplex NIl>. sq, ft, 3 c, Multi-Family (3 + att ,ed dv..€/Ilng units) (1 ) Efficiency 0 dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom 78 dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom 142 dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom 38 dwelling units 3 Bedroom Townhouse 242 dwelling units d, Total multi-family 500 dwelling units e, Total number of dwelling units 500 8, Gross Density 17.62 dwelling units per acre 9, Maximum height of structures on site 45 feet 4 stories (50' for retail/res decorative tower) 10, Required off-street parkinq a. Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces, Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 1050 Req. = 1156 Provided = = b, Calculation of required # of handicap parking spaces Number of handicap spaces provided on site plan = 21 21 REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. 4: IJI, CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted hereWth become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or shov.,ings in any papers or plans submitted herewth are true to the best of (my) (our) kno'lViedge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Date IV, Lf.. ).2-03 Date ~-l2-fJ Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authoriZEd agent in regard to this application. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a c oration or other business entity. Date LI-}..:l., - 0 3 ' Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY ~EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO ~EVIEW THIS PROJECT. 5 RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted v.ith this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or emploj€d by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, stat or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance wth the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in \iolation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as pro\ided for by the 3pplicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the 3pplicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from st, expense, :Iaim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the a e, AND AGREED TO this J.l day of ./ 6 AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF PROPERTY THIS AGRE~ET (hereafter called the "Agreement") for sale and purchase of f h b (. < (. ,.....,/o{ yo property is made this y ofWQ"iJRger, 2002, BOYNTON OFFICE OWNERS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, hereafter referred to hereafter as Seller, and COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, as Buyer, WITNESSETH: I. AGREEMENT TO SELL: PURCHASE PRICE. A. Agreement to Sell and Convey. Seller hereby agrees to sell and convey to Buyer and Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from Seller, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, all that certain parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, as depicted on Exhibit "A" (the "Property") constituting a part of the parcel shown as "Parent Tract," attached hereto and made a part hereof. The exact legal descript~on of the Property has not yet been determined; however, within seven days of the Effective Date (hereinafter defined), the Seller will provide a tentative legal description of the Property for purposes of ohtaining issuance of a title insurance commitment as required by this Agreement. Title shall be conveyed by use of the metes and bounds description of the Property shown on the survey which Buyer shall obtain as set forth in Paragraph II. D. hereof and the title insurance commitment shall be endorsed to conform with the survey description. S. Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid for the Property shall be ,- _ _ _ _ _/ (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price shall be paid by Buyer to Seller in cash at closing as follows: 1. One hundred thousand and noll 00 dollars ($100,000.00) cash paid to WOODS & WOODS, P.A" attorneys at law, (the "Escrow Agent"), as an initial earnest money deposit ("Initial Deposit") within two (2) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement. In lieu of cash the Initial Deposit may be paid in the fonn of an irrevocable letter of credit issued by an S:\BoyntonOwners\Compson\motorola-compson-rev 111402Clcan, \\Vd M~~ WITNESS: /:J~~~ ' r Print name: R.t/t./,/J ~e P7/u..b?2 , 0~.~~ l~ntnam l. - - ,. I'Jc( @~~~ S :\BoyntonOwners\Compson\motorola-compson-rev 111402Clean, wpd SELLER BOYNTON OFFICE OWNERS, LLC A Florida limited liability company By Daryl M. C er, a duly authorized signatory / Date: /2-/1,0 L BUYER COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYN ON, LLC Page 19 of 19 Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC April 22, 2003 The City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Attn: Ms. Sherie Coale, Application Technician, Planning and Zoning Division Re: Renaissance Commons Submittal for Site Plan Approval on former vacant land 29 acres adjacent to Motorola Dear Sherie, Attached hereto is the complete application and drawings for site plan approval for the above referenced project. Including, but not limited to is the following information: Co-application complete with check; For Compson Associates of Boynton, LLC; For Town and Country Builders, Inc.; Twelve (12) copies signed and sealed survey; Twelve (12) copies signed and sealed civil drawings sheet CI-C5; Twelve (12) copies signed and sealed drainage letters; Twelve (12) copies of architectural plans for applicant AI-A 15, co-applicant TH AI-A36: Twelve (12) copies of signed and sealed landscape Plan Ll-L6; Colored elevation of each elevation, (Waived until further notice as per Eric Johnson as per conversation with Jeff Schnars). Elevation of typical Apartment-II x 17 for reference only; Elevation of typical Townhome- 11 x 17 for reference only; Copy of drawing index - Attached hereto; As we discussed should you find in your review anything that may have been accidentally left out Kindly contact me at (561) 391-6570 and I will have it to you in short order. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. CEK/crd Enclosures Received by City of Boynton Beach Sherie Coale, Application Technician, Planning and Zoning Division C:\Documents and Settings\Compson Associates\My DocumentslMotorola 291CK Itrto Sherie Coale, City of Boynton re Submittal for Site Plan Approval for Renaissance Commons 4-22-03,doc PROJECT: Renaissance Commons OWNER: Compson Associates, Inc. ENGINEER: Schnars Engineering Corp., Project No. 02151 DATE: Apr 18,2003 DRAINAGE STATEMENT This project is comprised of approximately 29 acres of the Motorola property located on the NE corner of Congress Avenue and the Boynton canal within the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) C-16 Drainage Basin and surface water management permit no. 50-00931-5. The surface water management system will be under the jurisdiction of 5FWMD and Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD). The project will discharge to the LWDD E-4 canal and will be limited by a control structure to 62.6 CSM at the 25 year storm event. Additional off-site retention will be provided within a new lake constructed off the NE corner of the property adjacent to the LWDD E-4 canal. The finished floor elevations will be above the calculated 100 year - 3 day, zero discharge storm event. A berm will be placed around the perimeter of the site with a top elevation equal or exceeding the calculated 25 year - 3 day routed storm event to prevent unauthorized discharge from the site. The design water level is 8.5 feet NGVD as established in SFWMD permit no. 50-00931-5. At this time, it is estimated that the minimum finished floor elevation will be set at 14.25 feet NGVD and the minimum crown of road will be 12.20 feet NGVD, Stormwater management calculations will be submitted to SFWMD and LWDD with the final engineering design plans. The water quality volume will be detained in the on site lakes and will be allowed to bleed- down at a rate of one-half inch per day. Pretreatment for the commercial development component will be provided by sub-surface exfiltration trench prior to discharge into the on- site lake system. Pollution retardant baffles will be utilized on all outfall structures prior to discharge to a surface water body. The on-site drainage system will consists of a series of catch basins and pipe which will direct runoff to the lakes. The on-site drainage system will be designed for a 3 year storm event. The rear yards of lots adjacent to a water management tract will drain to the water management tract, SCHNARS ENGINEERING CORPORATION (SEAL) dtmes W. Mahannah, P.E. r~~~rida Reg. No. 47066 (For the Firm) !iCHNAR'f ENGINEERING CORPORATION Apr 22 03 12:16p MSA Arohit.eot. 3052739424 ,""" p.6 DATE INDEX OF DRAWINGS OESClIPTION SURVEl ?~~. PLAN ,..5P::L.,__., OVEI?ALL ~Iil: PL.AA!... ,..,__. SP-2 ..n._~ITE PL.A,,! -, CId~~T I ,,_SP-3 SITe:.~AN.,- ~AC~ 2 ,.._$P4 ,..,_.s!T5 Pl.AN - OI,.J~AN1' ~_ , .., ~5 5111: PLAN " OUADR~..4-_.." ~I2CI-lITECTLRAL .. MLLTI-PAMILYJ l<eTAIL --. .-... ..... ......, A-I ._,_'3~!AILI ~I~IAI. B..!ILDI~.~.- GQOlN) LE~E..L: A-2 l?CrAII.I.~I~TIAL ~l..DI~,f.'!::~' 2ND E.3QO Lgy~.. , A.:;i_, _I;Z!;:TAILI !?~!~.~,EI..f;Y~T!9N9 ,A::L_~ILD~,:J:'~,I":~.Il.PING,,!,,L~ PI..ANS A-5 ,_,. auI.QU~C;; TYpe, .II - ~f.l~ F'LM! , '.. _... ." , ,_A~6._ , , , ..WLOING"TYPE .II 7,~ TO 4T\.j,LEVELS f\OOR Pl.ANS , , -, A-7 .. __~ING TYpe ,1IL.:...aJlJ.QI$ FLOOll Pl.ANS .._..A.s .,_u~!bP'I~ TYpe I :ELe\lAl]QM?, ,.~:?......." eulLDING TY~ II. a..e~~1~. A-IO _,.____E\llJ.:DING T'rPe ,Ill. - aEV/!..TIONS . _~-lI.,.. ~~!NG TYPe IV :,~~TI~ _,_~d~, , ,.~TY ~ FL90lC! PlAN ,_A.:13___ IJ'llT FLOOR PLANS ..__._,__, A-I4.__!J'lIT R.OOl? Pl,.H:!/; ,_._ . .,_~:';; ,~IGN.~A,U. ""AN e.Of!!TAIL ARCHITECTURAL . TO~.LClF.!S .. ..- ._n-!.-A-I a.sII.:QII~V1~ 1- ~~ATeJ..- PI~ST I'"LoolO' P!,.A/':l T"'-~~_._eull,.r;>1NG rr~..I - ALT~ATe I . SECOI\O FLOOI.1 Pl.AN .. ,.._T.I.:L-,A.J.. ,ElU1I.t)l~ I~J . AL.T~It;:_1 . T~IRD FLOOQ ,~~, ,.on", .A-4 L:lUILDING T~ ,I ,7,~TE ,I - ~OOF PLAN TI-I :~:~_..~l,.QING TYPe.l.7 AL.~,TE I - F'RONT ~ REAl<' aEVATION!:i n-I-A",!>.. ,., .~II.DJi'IG..TYpe I . .A!..lr::RNAI!;:_,1 - LI9"T t. ~I(,."\.IT .ELEVATIONS .._IH.:.~.:7.. ,.. ElUILD~ TrPe.l ~ ~~T.g,_:.]..~ FIIo?$T Fl.~ PLAN ,.,...TI;I..::..~.:IL. .BUILDING T'rP!iL:..AI,:rER~Te ,2 ~ Sl;:'COl\O FLOOlC! PLAN 1)-1 -A-9 ,BUILDING T~ ,I ,~.~!.JI;~.T..E...~ ,:,!~~ Fl.OOR PLAN .__n-I-~dC2.-,DUII.OII\IG U~I: .Al..le<NAT\: ~... ROOf" Pl.AN ,n.I-~.1I , ...'.. BUIl"Q!NG T'r'P'I:: I ...f\L~Al:.~ ~ . fSrlCNr f REAR !=~EVATlONS , .II-! -~ ...~iL.DING T"rPE; t, :.&.~I'IA re 2 . 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LANDSC~PE L-I l.A1\DSCAPE: ~ ~OV~ SLeE:T l,.-~ , COMMON ~ l.AN~_~_Pb~ ,.., k~ ._ .,._., c;OMMON ~A ~_~.._,., _, . L-,! .....__..,~ONAI<eA~.~..., L'~ ,Cpr,M,.4QN AS:!C,A ~ PLAN ,1-,;-6 TYPICAL TO~ ~~ r:'!-AN 1.-6 " _ ,LA,NPSCAF'e SPeCIFIC~ T!ONS e; Q.~T A~. CIVIL ENGINEERING C-!, "Pl2a.IMI~Y~ING,~, , ~-,2 _ __ _.P.~~!MlNArO!Y ~ING PL~, .. . , c-:) P~I.IMlNARY ~~ING..f'l~ .._, C-4,., ,__'p!?~!.,I,MlNAlC!Y E:NG11'IE!f;:~1N(;) PL~.., , C-5 .,__._,.,9~~T.~CTIOI'! ~~~.~,,~o.:res. p.7 y ", , {) ',. ( " ~ ( II " , II ,~ e \l .. , " 1111 O'~I \ ' nO : .. ~ ~ .. , , , ~~ \\ ~~ . '0 U\' ,\ P ( \l ~1 ,111 01 , \I 11',. .. , . \I 1\ , \\ ~ U '\l t\,~ " . " II \) 'n \I 0,' 1_. . .. .. I \I " ,~ \I , I :'1\ \) ~; II Ii :~ u I II II / ~ ,) ~ ~~ Ifl.. .( " .. " e rf :~ .( , "1'- <( .. I~ -( :, \11,1 ~i\1 1'1 " o ~. ) If (~ \l ~~ rt~ ('I) : I \. \~ ~ rI 11 ~ ~ ~) Il' I) " ~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG IHEETING DATE: l/a/D3 J 1,(;0 ItM APPLICATIONS: r.:it<-e. ZONING DISTRlCT: ('- PROJECT NA.ME: ,L ~ '/ A:f %rt-wt..- l~t6pr7 ~ ATTENDING STAFF: !-/)4(4- ATTENDING AS APPLICA1'iT: I - .;...fa 1/ {'-- {/ /111 b2 ,:: th'kj I A ck '/--4.;dxQu ~C', (~ abdJlIJu,i- ,?Jcn 1/",:<.,'0(.-<. de,) .- I FA,X: PHONE: NAlvIE OF ..u>PLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: ~c.U~ ] ick",L I FAX: PROJECT ADD S:. t~~l k ' _i.-/clcn6-6:{ l)1Cl- MJ6#. t<d~ (/ , PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA.l'iCY: DATE SUBI\tIITTAL RECEIVED: , DATE DEl'IIED: COLY!J.vIENTS: f~ J f' ClC/'~ Dr. f, "'haVz. lL - L-ei 11/[;1- c( JUt -<. J:\SHRDA TA\l'laooing\SHARED\ WP\.PROJEcrS\P r...E AP PLICA. TlO,'iS :'<lEETL"C LOCS\Pre-Ap p lication :'<l~~tin~ Lo~,doc )..-1 ~CA.- 1~();cl{JdJ.JJ I I i I I I I I I I I I I ~ )l;,/~/,,/) /)I'} j., '/1 v f Uf"'G' r L"-f "- (u.. . I C ((:Ll1 iLf' PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT :MEETING DATE: ( ',1,/()~ TIME: /1:DO,M1 ATTE~l)ING FOR APPLICA1~T: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not , binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual b . df . Dlans su nutte or reVIew. City of Boynton Beach I Attending for Applicant Attending Staff J dJa t/ I J{).~ (~"mr:;12 ~Io CXi1~'A )v/IkJ! ,/) i I (lt1f~' F , /(J-€j)~ (, j}z, 16(~. '~Jc -JJ i/ cJs c1M I '))a 1// c/ A) , w-U/ I I I I I I I I I <, J:'.SHRDA T A\PLA.'1l'i[:'iGI5HARED\ \YP\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL ;\IEET[s;G-SIGl'i ['i SHEET.DOC \ "" ~ ~,J-,t' h \d-M t'I,I~C? \\ 4/\ ( ot~'iJ.[ ~)' f\hJr"~-<--t ) I . I ~ _ t I o 'rime and D~ of Meet ins -l!t '11 j <.J ~ Those atte~ding .meeSil(g: ~.-.-, ~)~JU-I ~ PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant's Name: '8 ~ "" ~ p ~ f1 Phone: ~~ C'~'Y- ~. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No )( (IF YES, HAVE rnosE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING?, \J~ S1, l- 3toi'-1 t.tOj> 1. STAFF MEMBERS NAL\1IE: 2. OSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) "- vv-- ~ tJ-..<......CL. ~ .., .). WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? ? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION, CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE C01tfMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ~USTRlALPROPERTY? DO YOU K1'SfOVV THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? ~ lJ~~ V\~~ ~k~ ~ 4. TllvfE AL'ID DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MAL'N PEOPLE vVILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the person tltat someone from the Department will call tltem to confirm tlte meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting, If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. . IVIeetine:s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m, meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. s: \P lann i ng\Planning\Pre-appIicJ.ti oneon taetquesti ons, doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG IHEETING DATE: I TEVlE: I (J .. /~- /r)A . I / //S-IO~ DtUL ' riD /V/A APPLICATIONS: ZONING DISTRlCT: PROJECT NAME: 'Uz- ATTENDING STA.FF: LuJ-1CA 6'z1w );//0. 0.- ATTENDING AS APPLICAl'\[T: (~~) PHONE: I FA:X: NAtvIE OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: I FA..X: P~OJECT ADDRESS: ~ I ...~?: L"u1UWr0f- 6W~f Ctffi I PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA...:.'iCY: <..Wt'1e~J DATE SUBlVIITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DEl'fIED: COl'rlMENTS: - fua<cll!-', K1' tWc;. r . ~ A,/lJ/v ,-~7J;?I . , I u. ,~ ' LttL ( D (2) I WA1C .s:J=:t. , JtL tII ..de. ,"1"- 6 Cc:/Iltf'SoYl As-.so {j'~ ( .Mofvy(~Cc) I I i I ~ J:\SHRDA TA\Pl~nning\SH.AR.ED\WP\PROJEcrS\PRE APPLICA TIO:>S :\lEETL'iG LOGS\Pre-Applk~(ion :\lcc!in;; lo;;,doc Jf()hJ~ cJ-I?.- (C'a''ff(ffi IIsl,,,"ZkA ) PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT l\'IEETING DATE: II/IS" /D 2- TIME: /0' I)" At4 ATTENDING FOR APPLICA.L~T: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not , binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attendina Staff 1 dc,.1L AI ~ILU ~ J:\SHRDA T A\PLA.'lL'iI1"G\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-.-\PPL MEETf:','G-SIGL'i ['i SHEET.DOC ~ t-f / L.-\s /D ~ .~ 'CYJ~:C*-~ i A '.. rZ"-M?~ef"? h-1.(/OL0'Y' ~ C &-c-"4 g~'(\.L:\\'SSt;\..v~ C~~ TNt:> Ok,-,<,.~t _ '2' S ( ~RAuAfl'1 -+ _~-<-0cJ1.0 3, .- S+c:YY>..F .~ho u- 9,.Q/?:, G<&..\-Pt--'71/l - JDl~-t C.P--~[(~~ 4 - ~=*4:.\1 ltNh~ iJf' .~I ~\OjZ\tA ,_, \J -2 42 .~ ~'\~~ - $;2.0(j~ $1S,C _k s.r; CI fC~~ _ -. 1("2--/3 ~6'6'1V1 to 10U ~(cw ,J/lt ~ ( U ~l C' ~ F~v~ M^(~ t-f -- SlO/2f (~) (j,V) "~-: !,~ .~- Sc h D CI I C. ~'2/l.-LA-(..e, . -!cvIUA---, Ct:Cvu' c-"6. ,] / ref>- 5tMpk; 1uurJ,M-eS 2e:.Q flk/, fl2l<"f'Plc-- s.,+a+e~J /&r e/~ r(fif,e~ _'") / - f .-' j-E';.)r- i :'5S/-1/\,J:::' t.- c- -t/fJ/YJ LJ\i.s -- /_' (/'"7./ F.e p.., 1""7' I In,r7\..,.. <1'")0;, ,am AALZ'-Z . .' L- '/1 V'r /-L 7IJJ ~YV )Caif ti:.L - nr' /'{a.IIV'c;, .;Jtfr ~-i';t /ut'l!5 .c:idlv,AD CJJ~6/IvLI):)-;j":": tCt/'- {;~) 'tv./ ~1~- _~S6.,..:5fI....' liM, 6.lo.t. 11~~17~~~! ~tl('. ;3OS'~!3-'fTIl j]:f\. ~JNS ~~""1f"ID %1.'1't-7 b3$#Zdl. :Ii /11 ~.4e4.r6 (!!O/'"lW .'}f/VL .':>7P ( ~ Srl-bj~ 0 n .,Lill Si/i- t{; lfLA1/ I I.J- Z- ,.. 1~-~0 ;fQhv~l p-rZ , J1 ;) /)-1 v , ft.,) t IA..I J (! t Z. ." ~,^cP+,(LA~~ ~U}\N I~ .' (l([~e '/f'jl'1.rf' P... z- .s~?(.z -c:,2'-CJ ._ ActL ji;o#)J -+i- rl c ~~ ... 'DMI"./ ,Flof {lomjJ5t?i~ St./391- 6676 (J\'Ll <(, 'L\-e~~~\Lrs-~ \.v,^\,~\)",-, ~t4 '5613':11 - Cc<:;7u ) t-- A-- -~c., \ - 2.-1 2.. 3 fULl L- fL, 5 CJt6W;J~ 0 Jon lcJV/l,b Afl-G~)YeLij PI..J ,tJ r 5'13 -1, ~ g S-f"evt...- l-;/.JJ,-~;1./ -tor..vA.) 4' 001l.Jt1 bu~ \~ ~H;)cS t. ~.~ -)' '-"~-:"<f