APPLICATION ._, PROJECT NAME: Renae.sance Commons Phase V LOCATION: 1500 N.W. 22 Avenue (Gateway) PCN: 08-43-45-17-02-001-0000 ~ 0 0 s I FILE NO.: Nn JR 04.fiF OOS' II TYPE OF APPLICATION: New Site Plan 1 AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Compson Associates of Boynton, Stephen B. Liller LLC Town & Country Builders, Inc. ADDRESS: 980 North Federal Highway Suite ADDRESS: 1275 Gateway Blvd. 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 FAX: 561-391-2423 FAX: 561-364-7861 PHONE: 561-391--6570 PHONE: 561-364-3300 Date of submittaVProiected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 5/12/04 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 6/1/04 PUBLIC NOTICE: TRC MEETING: 6/15/04 LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 7/27/04 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 8/3/04 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\NWSP 04-011 Phase V\2004 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc ~ City, Codes Accessed Y.ia Web~Ue www.bovnton-beach.org www.amIegal.com/boynton_beach_fl.us CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE PLAN ...." >" \ I 2 ' Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? ,Date This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Monteverdi 2. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Town & Country Builders, rnc. Address: 1275 Gateway Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (Zip Code) Fax: 561-364-7861 Phone: 561-364-3300 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Town & Country Builders, Inc. Address: 1275 Gateway Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (Zip Code) Phone: 561-364-3300 Fax: 561-364-7861 If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Stephen B. Liller Boynton Beach, Gateway Blvd., (Zip Code) ')61-164-7861 FL 33426 Address: c/o Town & Country Builders, Inc., 1275 Phone: 561-364-3300 Fax: E-Mail: sliller@townandcountryhomesfl.com 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:* *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Buyer 7. Street address of location of site: 1500 NW 22nd Ave. (aka 1500 Gateway Blvd.) 8. Property Control #(PCN) 08 43 45 17 02 001 0000 ~""..... Ma~~ 12 2004 22: 45 QJF ##########0 56U'''?1610 p.3 _~":.I.~.U:l'___. i.........lltn_-=_t:1\ ..... _'1.iIi1i.I.Ja ,eaSliJili1l1iillZ1Sli/J' M4Y-13-2004 06:32AU FROU- 9. Legal description of site: 'T-475 P, 003/01 0 H5Z , SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPT~ON MULTI FAMILY 10. Intended use(s) of site: 11. Architect: Quincy Johnson 12. landscape Architect: 13. Site Planner: Coutler Hearing Ouincy Johnson 14. Engineer: 15. Surveyor: 16. Traffic Engineer: Scrn~r~ ~ng;n~~r;ng Caulfield & Wheeler , i 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commis$Jon for this property? YE~ Tinter & Assoc. / II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. ' I 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan: ,yln ~ ~ ORI. 2. Zoning District; _ <j ~~ ! 3. Area of Site: S<-; _~ g- acres '671 }! ~'S7 sq. fl 4. Land Use - Acreage Breakdown: ' j a. Residential, Including 7. Gg-O acres g-o,,0,-5 % of site surrounding lot area of grounds \ b. Recreation Areas · O. 8'5 <i? a ores 10.05 % of site (exduding water area) I c. Water Area NA acres ~A % of site , , d. Commerolal NA acres l~A % of site I e. Ind ustlisl N.A aores 11A % of site f. Publlcll nstitutionBI NA acres \~A % of site , 1'l4 g. Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way NA acres i % of site h. Other (specify) "-'4 acres \'\. A % of site 2 I " ! ,I \ '~ij(: . ! ., ,"-.' .'", ~i :Yi~_:':: " .' .,'( Ma~ 12 2004 22:45 QJf _..~.....,... ... .... ##########0 561t"~?1610 p.4 _!c:.r.=-.'.I:1'.~. A~r"'''''I,n-'''''I;' _'-;W-''1m...1I '11S;;;;l;iiJlll!ilili!11~' ~Y-13-2DD4 D6:32A~ FROM- i. Other (specify) T-475 P.OD4/010 F-452 j. NA Total area of site ~, .f?'2,S<" acres. : 1 0 0 \ 00 % of site */ncluding open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and ha:Vlng a minimum dimension of 50 ft. ~~~ ' acres 'NA % of site 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building Lj, S\ 0 area ("building footprint") acres ~bI6L/ % of si1e b. Water Brea 0.08"6 acres "oJ % of site , i c. Other Impervious areas, including paved area of public & Priv~te streets, paved area of par1dng lots & driveways (exctuding landscaped areas). and sidewalk~, patios, decks, and athletic courts. I, ~tS-tJ acres 1(01 ~ to R' % of site d. Total impervious area C;, 67.6 acres i 77.0 ^ % of site , e. landsc,aped area . .~ A acres ~ A % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space requJ,red - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). ' f. Other landscaped areas, t . Of G ")... acres 1?- ICf~ % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course. natural areas, yar~s, and swales, but excluding water areas N..A scres ~A % of site h. Total pervious areas \, Oft; A a ores ~ ~ .01 R- % of site I. TOlal "re. of site >r. 15:5 \?' acras ! I Q " . c>-z:> % of 61te S. Floor Area a. Residential _C; / b. I '-14 sq. ft. I b. CommerclaVOffice NA sq. ft. c. IndustrialJW arehouse ~A sq. ft. d. Recreational c" OJ 70 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional "-I A. sq. ft. f. Other (specify) !=;:l I. Ofqct sq. ft. (~rKI;~ kv~e) , g. Other (specify) wA sq. ft. h. Total noor area I) D4L-1: I o?' sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwellioa Units a. Single-family detaohed \'-l A sq. ft. b. Duplex "'\ A sq. ft. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling unite) t-.lA 3 "'\' , 1, , I' 1 I. i 'I 'f " 't:+ . 1':.5 Ma~ 12 2004 22:45 . . QJE ######1#1#0 , ."...~,~ 561p.....?1610 _!cr.=...ll:z..... __ .1I......."....'.'.."U'.,.U.'...,!!J. ~~r.-a:'I.~_I1RI; _....~__,...._..JI ____'.-1 ~I -"-. MAY.13-200~ DS:33AU FROM- (2) l'e;'d;;;;;m (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom T-4T5 P,005!010 F-452 d. Total multi-family t'l1-L-J '2..%:;2... %\ NA owelllng unitS dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units t-/ t17 a. Gross Density~dwe/ling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site 73 feet h stories I ( 10. Reauired off-street Dsrklng a. Calculation ot required # of off-street parking spaces. Off-street parking spaces provided on site p'Ian I (~~ I ~~~ 1,5: DC: (2 '2- :L 2..: 58"1 := (.8"1') 3 ~~V'{'Jr)"""(J.. A e Ib^ = Rec.v'ec...+{c:Jv"\ Ar-e:.cv ~ .5 1?-.6 !~~ ~ G 57 b. Calculation of required "# of handicsp parkIng spaces ~ % l'Jf' -r;..*<. L::: 'R" = i I I Number of handiqap spaces provided qn site plan 41 I I I I REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PR~SENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE. I PLANN. INO A~~lDEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (C~ AND CITY , COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS prOJECT. i I 4 I : >,\ '\'11 III. CERTIFICATION " (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith re e to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted u'nless'signed accordin to the instructio s below. "'\IO-\v~t'^' ~ -/l-u-{ , UJ~~ C'~OL'+11:-j Date by co ~ l:c't-to..... j lLl n)l) OR" . !~ L~t!lt( Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) ,~ - /.2 ~ 01 Date IV. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent Date (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this,application. AJ ~~lI'- '" at e ofOwner(s) T s ee, ~~ c....'>~(jLI~ Date or Authorized Principal if pro erty is owned o/- ,':)~" .....\~ iJA.." by a corporation or other business entity. I J 'S - I l -c>--f \ fI01Uz~I_[ z-). ! , ...-' I L( U f Date I Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. 5 , " RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. RE~D, ACKNOW.LE.DGED AND AGREED TO this I:)'~. da' _ ~iL: )c11 ~--- -- ~' / ~eL~/ Witness d Applicant ~{<M R. 'k~ w ss ,20Qj 6 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ 3320 FOREST HILL BLVD.. C-331 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTHURC. JOHNSON, PhO, SUPERINTENDENT December 19, 2003 Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner, Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE #03120301C - RENAISSANCE COMMONS DRI (FKA MOTOROLA) PHASE III Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the above referenced project for a Concurrency Determination for 1001 multi-family units. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for Renaissance Commons DRI Phase III. This concurrency determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343. Sincerely, p cc: Ruden McClosky enc. S :\Planning\Public\INTERGOv\Concurrency\Concurrency Determination Letters\Concurrency\C0312030 1 C.doc AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER A PORTION OF "MOTOROLA", ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, AT PAGES 139 AND 140, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PLAT; THENCE SOUTH 07^10'03" EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT, A DISTANCE OF 675.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82^49'57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 893.37 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH OO^OO' 12" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 57.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88^41 ' 41" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 55.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00^06'1O" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 284.37 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT, AT WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 76^ 19' 41" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 457.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14^17'32", A DISTANCE OF 114.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH 00^37'13" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 384.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89^33'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 412.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00^07'42" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 370.11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03^05'34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 152.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00^36'51" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 224.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 27^14'24" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 62.84 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00^00'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 42.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89^59'48" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 438.41 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAIN 7.986 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. .. ,i:r'" .' 'i .' 1 ~ ,~: ' r" ." I ; l~" (' ,>:L" > > l , ',:/rl" He','!' i~ ,OIL'}1 . ~.\~ 'j ;"'!,!" I' I " ,.' r it !;:',,' tH . '. ~ . ~ " ,;, ,1:; i I :1. " , , \., .\Jtt, , ' r,- :'.) II;:; ,!J]" ,~f" . th,"~~~:",:'~ :0-'. .. c '\ . , '.1', \ ~.. ',~ ~} " .1ii,.\r : ;..~, t ,( ~. i~'t ~r.~~ \" C'.'c, '.' . t l<~~;~ ,:\ " ,~~ . .. .:j, ~ : \' ~ ' ~ I l' P,OOl F-4;'~; ., ,wnt cmd the . matter. In the ~e to call. NiA Y-i 7::2%4 10: SSAM :UW~.lLQ)!!lI:2;,~!le~;!l. <m:g \\"'1Wf.f;tJ'llesal,c.'o~"r:ooyato_~ br;s.oh_f:.flJ'.5 t".~'~'1"'llf"~',?;;' ',;:;),~~!,';.F~' ~1l',~,'lf"~Il<,J ~;U:A.CE1" 't:'" "''"lr''i'W' fl. 'lr;~' f ~ lf~,~, ,ltt.~t;~~ t t~ w ~#Pi l~h ,~, fl'<~q.~~ti:\'1~,~1l,,~(~, FLIl:lff~p;,r~ ~,?,'1J~\HNG D~V!S~ON '>>"---,'" "",p~'~nl;:;::"'f '!oll'F~LU'",'''''!~'!,''I''' ",,,'~r,.J, \I.~H! ~: =~. {il::!' HC:'fik i>rJ(5 'r IlvA. ,~~~.ii') ]~"~~,'ilfo,. ~, !f<.Ilr::, 'im ~;');~l'j;; LIt Jl iI'! '1:; HP'i' i';!")';:C .' i1;",'V'~I'Z:.('., 1\ "r"Olu~ ~"r, t;'''::'f'''r~R;G SITE n-!~J; 'if~ ~;..t~ h If'" y.."tiru'~;~ ~~ t-tl.~"'+:\z,\},.o,~~ '\ J,,':'tJ'tn'/sr ~~."l,:tt.", ~ !'!g! ~:~ ~L,".r\,~'~" ~ n'~ F~O~i;.., T-494 P,002 F-478 1 Luu4 Has apPJ!cam atl:end~d ,'a pre~:;1ppJ!r,;)tiq'! ::r';le~;infti:' ..". ....._"'~,Da'~'i!,.. .~..'"....'.'".._~_ 'nils, application ml,,ist 08' fiHt"Jd eH.lt ~;<;:'-:' 'iJi'd subrnit;f::d ,~:~ P1 c;'L]inal to the Planning and ;'~Qning Divisloil. TV'i~i_VE GOM;F)_tT,"~:, ~;~.':q"~ :";:;;r~Cf:~l"f;Jd! A$~t~~1'N:f:it.Er;, ,:",1.'10 STAPLED sets of plan;. indudjn~; a recent 3urvej' and 8:op,.~;t:\i",t\=' , ':hli >~: :3/Jnj'ded wm, "!'l~l ,;:qpfiC:;:lUQn for the initial process of thHl S!~I~ r:I:f.1ll P':;;l'fleH ;;';:"'J>:~~~iL:r'2, i:l'J~;;n:~;\H;:'U;;YE i~:J!Ji,lHTTA.L W~;.l" NCTi3E PROCESSED. Please print legibly {in inl<J V" tyr'f~ ~ ~ GE~i ER.AL 1. Pf'::~'Jf?\~t ~ :.:: ;:j '~:. .~ -:;-:~, ..... ,", .., ": Ii,2.. :.'::3, ~!J !;i,.: .:,~~: e CC:1TJ;-,'~:. ~';:';:. ..,..,.-,....,.......-' .,....'. ,.". 0',.."..-, "p ..,.-,- ~ ..""1....,-"..~',...,-_'..i.,..",....,.'".......,.~_......""...l'r-.,,.. .".""'..... ,,_ ,",,.,,,.,,.,,..........,__ 2. Prcpsrty \:J~ir,e~.-.1:s: (~}r h~l] bl2"n"';,:~~: C~:rJ"t:'~,:;n A~,~,I~:f::.,~La.?;~:!.t:" ')J Boynton, LLC l\ti~:1r75w's:..,.._.~~~..~5.::,T ;. t ...E..{j~~,-t:d~_ 7:1'{~),,~, ::.'~,,;,:~.!:~1. 20~"J:J -.~;,:Jc'''_ 3,::=..t.:':'j:!.;c ~ 33432 .... .r ~ """j- ' ,- - ,. I j -,,~, "''''-~''''''-T ,..-..,. ":"""''''''''''''''''~__---'''''''""",~",~ ."" ."..-,".",~....,._.....",... ;> J'<J91-<R~fode) ':;, -.' ~ r::~1i~~~ :.!I!' ;! ~ '. ,,} ~": r !i}:(:~,'~~ r:n~5~~f; i "lli"ho'~i€: nr~.E;,'h:.'j ;;iFplication is made): .r\~"j;.::~;_ :\, _ 'e' ....~.;.. 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(;~;;:',i~"~;~fN'!1~if.!U;ill tf ",:, ;;,d i;',., ,~" ll.f';/;n",;; I:i; H no ~:;'!~iTL !t j~".! t~, ;1.ppliqant unless a substitukl i.E: $~( :;,(~tf -;:;--"i f"",.".:,;:.:,;:.,tJ", '1, .. Of' _.,._'~ '~",''''.. ._...... ...,.........,'_.~__.._...,,.,.'"'~'...,',,,.,,.,,,,,."'.'~___I'~'..........~...... ........._ _.~"""""'."_'._ ---"""'........~..~ ~-_.- ..,................"'.,,,,...............-,- -.- - '.,-, ....-,,.,, , " f~'"'hL~3 k~ ~t;~; ~~"~~f~' "., ....--- .---..........._.,.._..........' .._., '_.T,r=< .~...'.."_~T~~:...' :',,: ,~ra!,l1..f,';:'; '{~tters e;"H:i0 k/)" rn;::;\arials will be mailed. 6, f".!mF.8C,t p.,2'r;f!:~ef.':-il'<;;;Ct.9d? (:::wnj,"'.; c tl~;YEJ", lessee, builder, developer. -- . .,,,. . ~~..... . ~.- .. - ",'. . ,....~ .,., ........____ __._._""_~.. "'"''.''' ,"', "C' .""'.'" .. _ .,...~.,.", ,""""'_~ er L ,. -. ~ '~,:'C:i ~~~':. 2.~?:2.:; /,\n.',.J .;.5,~'O c~, t!;~~'.'r~.:; :8:-;lcl~) ." - ~.-_.. '.''''-''''''-''''''"'n_.''_ - _ ."", " ~'>' ...<..........,.,..___._~~__........wn...."..,u-~~.. _...__..-.-"..,........... s. F'rCF~~r~:>: (.~:,\!i:.~.f:.:~'~ 17 \:' ,: -)::1 oeri[ 1,1AY-17:~OC~, 10: 5~A,M PROM'" T-494 P.003 F-478 ",,"'_1'.' ,....; CONTR~,(:r r-::I\ P'URCHASE A,i';n ,sALE OF REIl.t 1,;iROF'ERTY I/i',::,'y' 1 7 iuu,+ This O.'f'tr2~J: f0(')i';'\CT,~:I5~ and Sale of Ke~'l 7wperty (th~ "Ccf:l'\'UC() is made by'and between Compson Ags.oc::at~s of 3oy.:1t:;r, :.LC, a Floridz; liTYl:\~;t\ liability compl!TI/, (.111:; "Seller") and Town & Country Buildern, in\;. a F,,)1",I1:, ::G,pOl:ltiOn, (the "!:\uj~;r"). iil c'Jnsid.er~tiQ':l Df fl:f,; rr:J,:t1:al agreero]m~ 1!'l'~; n ~,i:t. forth, the pard.es L,::,ret'J agree as follows: I. D'3!lPitlC;1f, TIle :,~J!.:o-,\ ing t'i)fIIlS wne:'111:;; ~;i ir i~:!;S Conusc:; Jty ";\:J:c:hSlS-; and Sale shall have the foEc.""v}!lg Ine;,?;~~,:1.~,~: 1.:, A~;':;'rre.1~J~,)L AI! .easonab";:;: ;:<::~:!: ar.:~ .:~penses .;:hH1::,,(~dby>Ji. attorney fQ'l' his or her services (),TId t~-::,~ E~::yk;:;~ of ;~:r;:,,;,:3';gals, leg<;,; a",S:!:it2:lli Dr law clerks, in';bding 0.'ilt not limited to) fees and eXli'm,'~s ClH:r::~oj ';~,r ,: :::'1; ,:;~:, ,~~;:ndered L ',:;r.rr., ::~:': n with reF~:(;jl;::,tiu1 <,t the trial level, in all ~PFeals, ;o,.rl iI', llrq t ':Cl,~;~ding, 1,2 ~0oker, TJ'.\Y:, "q:'r~sents tba:: th:;' ;:,Tle 1:0t dc~lt with ::my \J:'okers in this transaction. S<';)'UE,1; :;:;T:'re3f:);.~:; ~:~<,t the'} :;:;:.'" r ",,;t David !\I~, F:.','" w'::c s'hall be paid :~t, Cl,,;l5i:[;!~ by Seller pursuant to a sep~~rate, agr~!?!I!.e~t :3:r:):-;:':"~T,~::;"~ r;.;.-;.:~ v~ill be pfd.d; if., C~,~(:, C ~f~ c;.osing; GCC.l.:~S., ;~t!(;..~;.;~~;)~2~( J-i},:.~ day ex:hl/LLf;3;i..-;.:":,ays and ~"jrla:i's ,sld kgal holidays. '.'~ 3<:.onald L. ::;;,;~t. F.s~c7re, who~e aC.dr;;ss i'l; no N.W. Spanish River Bo:iltYliY:C, Bo",:! ?,2tC:C." ':;",."7.[';, '::,::<:r1; Telephc'-Y:; 5iS :,: :lIi8-33J7; Td;)(:f'piE.r: >:561) 368-3471 -; ~ :"own & ~>:j'~c:',s, be:- 2~]9~S ',~C'D~t,);:;;.te Blvd., N.W., Executive <.,ice, Florida }:)<1 ~;,: ,V,,:,~ficn: Tut1<,;:h) '" Kd:.y; 1'elephone: (561) 893- Cc{~"'t C~:::~t:., S:lxit~ 0029; T;;::e~;:'vp1,~n~-: (- S1jb~;:~:. rn ~~~::: '';'';,10 PurC;,:I~,Sf: "'If;:--; ,:r;:,; all of :BC!Y'~l:'S dO'iJiLg costs specified herein, "'j'~ ::-crein, leSE ;-: ;:" ~r: ;:r' );5'\1.. ~~ _7 , "c,i1ery 00>'(:::. v .,1'" ::0ncw-::~r;'1/ 7,r,(t: tt; d~livery of the Purchase :F'r'i~e ~G 8::~1r-~;:,~.~ , " ;;c.._ date oHr.: "'::tall b~ 'ii~thi11tr.D C~Q) business days of the date th~ <,:E\}:,: '::.',c j r;. "~ir;<.'c;ies have ':,; ,':; ,~X'''' ::':lft~d but :::,C;ilt~;;' ;:t\,m 24 months from the full e"(\;r~l,t.O'::\ c:' t':i:; c :l11t.",;" 1:' -: ':' ::,;,osing GO':'" . I:,'r::,';: ~:. 'vitru;l, sad ::;~ ','n:"lh period, either party shall hf!Y~ tb;: cp-;b;:; '~.:':e: ';;], .:. ;':; Contn,,:': :,r ;~: E111111 n::f'':;1-:\~l cCnEB of its Deposits and this tr;:t;:.sani:'c ~:'a:': :,,(;'~l~ . ..' !' 1 "Buyer Ii>,:' ,',,- t'; ::r;~c:ecd to fix erE this trausaction without ODc",2Ih::,;,ji '::1 ,Ie 't": ." :"r.:,nafter>: '':~TIlS Eet ';~m:~h iJ) ~~E;;tj,N! 11- i.] ,(, ':', ".,: J 'Nan,,:,':;')"!': 1l';l::::h ccnveyr; It,\;. Lm-r., from Seller to Buyer that ~y~~~ "Y:. C-t;.:. '~;.~):.r 2_: I.. ,'. f,\ :c.:, Buyer has r~,ct .p::evif.n"f.E:.y t;~.JC.. l ':'!'r'osit C'" ;1*.\~~ji.j~.}}'~.,t.~. f.:u..,~ . . "':\11. ~,amidllllllill\ Dollars shan be .t' ~. ~li1ty'; .~''''t'' P ,JMI,~.~~:~.~:1M:4:itgf~.RfIlIIS7' ',1. l~5(:c.'i: ,,: " ,:', ' ":~gent pr;."]x i:,' .~: ;:,' ~:'dr~tion cf fh'~ J:n'i'~ftiE\1tion Period provided the the Cor:t:;;>,~: ::ne Ir~pecti.,:,:"Per.i,:::1. ~kid Deposit$ shall remain 1::: m";1-refund"bk etC!:;!" as set forth he~ein i.D. rj~,mgraph$ 1.20,5.5,24, or in ;1;,,;: e':e: "',)e ' " <:,n:'i';,:~ L" es are n-:?t ,;'J:.'lTe,j t:: 1:1, tUG ev ';l?J~jf t:ail~~,f,) of title, or in the event of a '~,,?~'l(:1't ::-::. 3d}:';:- '.-h :i',,;: ",:i.'~ :T:: an be C..,PL1S':,C:, ~'1\,1 i::lterest ':'elri';',;;; ~F;c:t'iJ,nt and the interest eamed t;JC:;:~C,C;, :)Y:'-,~ ice:;' t,,;,'< . ,:: ,~~:FJt in ,b::r;' u:_. .:. ;:ccHn..\l?: 1;y -S':,YG)', Tb:. Deposits shall be credited J\f' ::: .iu;:'~;" lC" ,,'1:>ing. :',>>' ";'!>':':~,~;: ~;o fll1; 'P,),",:: ,s)' ,f:.a11 aiso mean Deposirs if t~'\c: :;e :;C;.( '_"~ ~~~nal Dt"': ,~.\:~2 ~ .;',~' ~,::';; ':.>-"J.1 ne:c':n, 'b~~s ':.'\G~,~I'; n},'J,~~{;:. " ;. 0..: ,L --'ie date C:i5 :::\n :!.::C~ is e;<ec\.1ted tj:;;; hst party (excluding Escrow 1'{~ '~.:3C r~)'i S';'; '?( ?~',::'!: r "i MJ,Y-1,i-2004 10:o5AM ~ROM'" T-494 p,0041015 F-478 Ag~nt) ;0 2i3'-" :,t ar:d ptCOL3;':l G:"~ 1. =-'t party t:;; sizn :"Jtifi :'5 the other p,?;rlY by fax or otherwise within 24- hO'Jrs 0:: exeC'Jt1O?J <j]1f.,t ~t }::)! tt1f'r' D;~i;'vuted. 1,12 lisCJv't'.-1:ici.~IG. I~;J'i:lald L. Pli3Jt: :F~~,qLl;r~: ~h~n be th~ E~CfO"~'" ,A.scnt~ 1..1:3 'J,)v<;!J],!I;S'il1;L,eJ::l.~ritl. A:1j' fhl~r~\, stnte, CQIID.:y, nTl1Juci.pal or other government dep.l:r'im.~;;,~ i:.nt~ty, utI-,t:'~~ ;:1, ~. ~,,~;;:,:.~~;iQn, ~c?.rr}.('t:':~al', c:m.rt, agenc'y' Of ~',r~y instrumentality of any of fucnL Let; iJ~;:;:tr:krLLt:~~E[gl, Any li-:r;;:mk",t; ,,!, explosive rr)';\t~::rhIs. petroleum or petroleum produc\'s, oi.J, cr,,,,d,i) oil, ';2",r:';?!.s Or $j'T.f:,~:j;: g",cJ~~ble fer fuel, radioactive materials, asbestos, hf;Ziii.(C.~.1S ',^if~tl')::. 0" $l.'b,,':'l",(:>; '2'" ":':J:l!"Jc wa2tf' '}~ nl;,'::?DCeS, pesb;ide:3, fel:tili:;;;ers, fungicides, including witho,.;.t I,:pjt:rGO,> "JJ.Y ,n:: ',:;":'j(: :,~ :<1',,' Or hIT(;:'JiC~I 'i'~rilf,d as c,;;: induded in the defll'lition of "hazardous s~ibS'_:c:1se5.:n ~th211tr"'~C~u3 ';)i~.:rJ 1'~".e22.rdous il 'rt~J;dc matcrif'J~~ II (\:!~ ,1t,~xlc substances" under any GDVG.:T..:_;rE~.trJ. (.! S '::~~::~::: }i":L[;.';:~,;j:lon Pqri2,~. T1"<' :,",:icd of time begirutLcg on the Effective Date and end:1.::g Zlt (~.:C'o P.ZvL ..::".?:;\:. L .'. "" :",~.} SCptCI-:'"11~'~~:i ;' Z,(.i-'D3, : ",1 .' ' ~: ;;:'::, real ',',:,:: ;,,:f.{ iu P"L:D, ::'kac;'i C:,l;HY, Florida, and more D";:;-ti;;:',,,kri:i G.'e.;;,:;:''-::: 3d n ,c,:.::.':tache:c. '~,crc": ,,~/;~:Jlde a pflrt hF;Tl;~;:i.: 3T,d which is interchangeably :ref<:~md ';r: hc::~;iJ. (is "r ~",; '; .,', :uperty" Dr ';=<,~),.: ?r:;DClU'. '" T'lt: P:operty is commonly called the Motords 5i':: 'lr,d i,li:;,::::c'o/"_;.::~ ."~F,"' be cornm:;;:;': 13ii'ITed to as the M~Glor('\'l Site ConIract In the event the )"'8<:1 fbs;;'Tjp':.it) ':'~, ,,0" ,';' r.,!" c, .. Sx.hib';,; 'A' :;,;: :ot cj~a:dy asc/)rt,d)}~b~" at t1u: time of full execution ofthe CC'!HJ.'ac: t~,e ::l,~-:io, 1"',',( '2~;"':fed th~; ""P;';~GXi:-:'1.l(:~ location (,fl.he PrJf):::rty on the sketch attached as E:;6ibir ".1\""'-,0, .b::: ;:;;.:T'::E "T',';~:rat they',','.:j l.-xv, :~ c'::'~ect 1ej~Blc~gL:cit)ticn to be incorporated in the ':'''; sum (l~?fli'Hfl;iIH\ir~1I , fit) ') i' ,:ddng ti,,~ p3'" ',"~f ~';"eUing Fri~l~ of Dollars and F ~;X,I;;, w:hich's i,J'3::."2t(; of';I!.e :-.:14:;'1:e: 1 mg units that will be : :);:::~;ntal::{,.;;:.:'>' ,:: "; :'.~ M'lst::'T 3i:te I't(.,J'l, If th~, Master Site Plan that is "'f.:":el1ta;, zE'r'~ ;." : ;~!.:~':'1.r:.~ G.J.t c}~ .,:.L);nbf;X 01 d-~Nelling units allocated .., :;GtJIIlatc S S~: fc0rtl1 herel:J.ih:c al:"d :'n fhat event, the Purchase " 11:1~;tft ,:~1iji~~c]j;~, per w.:it f':JT each unit approved for ;" i j ~ "A." ., t ,,':C 'Site PIa::: that [:; f!.7rroved by the appropriate ,: J ',11C ,~i"' ';::; ,;"",nirJ.g ',i:!,:':,; i:::r ':::',,: ?rc'pert)' is less than the " ":1e, b ,~]: [.:, ,c.' ih ::'nrc:;;.<1;,r;: p,',;:;: 3J.ail ~)e adj1,lsted downward by ," :"0 fer e~':::' \:,1,' 'L~?~ Lci: tha': 1:;;;,:; 'j!"~Cl~,;:',:;lrQ'.1,;;d provided however that ?"';7,rved bY:';lE ;'c'p'-J:;r;a,c govemmf;:rmii 4i\el:Cy' on the Master Site Plan ";, then ~ :,; :,',,;.: .'i,: ': ~;;r:'l~ip;te ','h) CJE',raCl ,,,nd B\.~yer shan receive a .jet sit'3,^;~'. ~_r~; ']L.. ":.':t ~-"c~,d. ~.nd ~r.:'ll}l';~: ~h;:Jl have any iec.ourse , "f wrJ: '1,:.. 'i,; :::':::'''',:i1H~,(I:1 G[fJ:.'~, C.)L i ~',t. 3ayer represems that it , . d:;v~)::Jc ,,' j ~,::6 dilig;e.xLi:y' :c,?)),',}' ii)j: and seck fInal site plan d~g 'C::TW'. i':, co '-':i: 'ci'r:.rb: ,\f: "'{;li] ,T;: ~;~tc ~)l(?:(:, approval simultaneous ",~":oas ;:':c;i'; .,',( ;;1'~agrilFb #1 1, };~~.~f.::;. 2'::!:er shall ha.ve the right to '~'. ~.- ._~~ -.:1 :ax('} ~r.:-:::.~~-" .H in its re(~:s~~1~,:b~.~ discT~t1on prior to submission COr'.'1 ,:;;.(' t ~i:L~ r,- "~~"^7 -.- in f,:.g :rl~'.;'f-i2.'j:-:-::{JIH ~.):.~' " .;~ ~j :;:~:~ 1',~~t,h ~'i;'~'~h,L).U:"~'t':?,. FC[:}111 t:;- ~,~u:::j '} i.)Q;'.ia'~, ~'. ~lt; .F'~, =~ 5 ~:r:-:~i, ~ ~;'- :: r.:,',-i~X ~ n:-: ap"F7;'c-.J ::~, 'J.j' t;.:.~; "'7 a~:r~J:~f-)'~~': tll;. ~:::'" ,- d '. r . fer the 1?I":)r_~~::t)7 -=..5 ~;:r''.2 f"~:r f-:-::.:. P~/:e s?:~i]I t ~ 2' -} '.',~ 'f "~~ '" f::,e . ::ie' .;-'..-..... g :)'{r.;::.:l!T;..I::~j ~::" ;. fD~ the PT~'t;C(':".r ;;:: t]~;:. 'r" .::;~: reWIll o'~ i'; rd'. . d:~: ,~-~?:.f::! 'f.~'..':;. 1,;.E~ ;' ':? :~Qt;~' '::',:: :,) ;. ~; 1 ~---,-, "1'.-'~b :]"~ .:. "_~"':~ :., 1'. -r:-j..~t,~""~ 5 . F.P1=.i")\ ';; f.l? .- . -- 1 .~, '<' c.. .~ ' -:c ,;'::0 ,-o:;~c ';:L~ ~,~c., r:'t'-.;; I ,.::.~! 'There .(~ 1~: 'r:'E;l::;;~ ;.~::..~; ?:roper(y" in~;t.;deci iT". th,:;.s transaction. , .l':'pmg ;::'F ,J.aigs. ..pproT.im,rtd~,f 450 ::esidential dwelling units . . ',~;::,.vIrcr:'~n ~"nt:: ,1, :~,: :'-.iJ:':-::.\~:1t:; reIati'rJ.g t:} ft.e F:rDperty whicb. may be on :' ','1 l':o:mired go'!','mTI1~n',G.:, t'o:e(s) such as~ licenses, ~ ,j. 1..;- ",",' C r~.:; ;',nd stlJ6.:l(S, ;:l1~lt:Jg )?,~ritiollS and resolutions. (:;., .,."\.ny av:::';.,::'\;: ,I:~' ::'.);.1 P3,Y::".i:'':'; :'. f ,;- MAY=17..20(!4 10:5[l,M r~ori" i-494 P.005/015 F-478 to the (:ity Q{}Joynter, E,'~~:,J:. 'Tj~.J,.s pil)vision shall .31,:/;'vlvr: the closing. 1.21 T3.roes CO;::1??J'Z1::;': :/D C{;mpson A.3S0,~i"ltl':~ or Boynton, LLC.; 980 N. [i.rJ-:":2: :R;;.tQTI.~ Ft. ;'.~i(J.~~:2: FJl,one (561), .'is;).,~6j?O ",,~Jlular (561) N/A 7 fax Federal :Higll\v~~y~ ~S~,:~.itr;. z:)); (56!. 391 -2"'2;3) ". 12 ~l];;r.~;!Ji:I~'S'2:.:' C/o Rich~:'d P. r/::::-:oF3.dand, ESqi.1.llC\ Bro"i, B,nj Cassel, 7777 Glades Road, Sv.itd('O, 30'.~i ILt':r, F,...3313"~; phone (Slj1) ':83 .7000, :M (56 j.) 4'.)3-7321. ;, _i:: Tb::n~ :;:i:: o\"(.~!.jt,m.ce shall be;:t~n:e c::; tl;&lnes;;; days from the date '..;-:':.:::".ct to 6'0 3<:;.'.11':":, 2. :?rrc::'l.iiF i5'~,~._S~~J ~ ~: ~i'g.7 zi;recs to ',dl ::LD:' C'.','V";:r the PJ\iI>,~r~1 to B;,:ycr and Buyer agrees to p'.m;h.?~~. \'n.5. 'i~T <: ',' ';.,; "y"c::n S(;:lI~l Gi:, ti.e ',.f.':::.1:', and cun~t:t'cm1s ):'.~r6i,HJ<er set forth- -, ,..,J- ...,.-1 ,.-, .I"C' ::'::."'::;~ J?;6cE' t}-;,~l1 tf' p;d.d as foik,','/s: n( ,. .~ ;;' 'Pur:S;3..~:~~t ~,) t.(\~~ ten!.!!; Qfparfl,r;~:1}.Jh 1 .1D h~~~~inabove.. c.,.C; tr ;311<,".1 '-,?,~' t:':~ C":;!1 ~() Clos~ ::::d :~;;~.\:TO"'i Agent shall disburse the DeFosi~; ..",,;:::: 11:., ;1e;:.;iJJ.(1f:~:;: ;'l: :c~ ':11- 3Tyi,r Vim ,[f;C;',ly.e ;i separate check at or post clo<;ir'~' fm' ;"~",,.,~, ~,'~";"e"'''''-c' ",\0,. ri~pOSl"'l ",,",n :.,,.. ~"f,,'utr>l; "':";')'"11'0 P'J-C},""!' P'n'CF: at tn" e Closm' g '._ ._A,~. II-....\. .1...,.- ....,. "'-..,.. ,. ..~'I-_' ~ . .... _ _). _...,j,. _,,_~ 1...,,_' ~ " ~ "'~. .r.......!'" .,,' ". , }... ,",.'\ .., \. ....-\ Q,~.q.+t..:'it. ...'""" " ..t "'~""~ .... ~ - ... . L- ~!::f:.-[ i:;~~ ,:;,) ';~, ~.... ;.;:. I,~:~(::':eg:!t?'Cp. OfJ4~J;:Sr.il~:. lJt'Jing th;~ in'ir.;"t;gaton Period. Buyer shall have :-;:_ :~r :n orc.(,rr:J :;'..c,~;r;:'<;l t":;:;l J?::op.;:ni,' ,~ov3icif)li <J.nd usability for Buyer's .: Eu:itd it'. hI';; ;':~' :i,;?r and l:c>.spU:,i;io.!. of an public re;cords inclusive of r::.e' PrQP~:~:'.') rm>:.iH j.mf(~HJ.g~hor'.': Qj-l1\e c,:,ndition of the Property r c .~, :i', ,i, :i;0:o11.1ding, Cl,t ,..~t l.h:i'.ed !()~ .suli bo:in;;;s; pt:rcolation tests; health and 'J.."T~d {~'JA~',:';:iJ\~; ~;tl~('~:,ss; de'\~ek)l:::(.;.T~t. studie~~; environmental audits; of zml:,T:'~ t ~1';:~x,~c ",ses d 6,1" rr.:)~:;~,rty; the availability of utilities, i115P",(;tk,:,; s'J:"'~j(s); a'i:;l.\kbJi~y:,:t CDJ1CL'U'ency; all of which -1.7.)1"'''-':' ,,' _ ..,d ",.,,, __'",~",~n ~,<b" ""J' -'''I'''l~'':ng ;.~ l-nvestt'satt'on of '.' ,;,>,'.:" ';.'., ',,",'c, .' .... "':'!;';:"'''' /'.1,:;,,, v, H'\, :-".. .", . . . ;' ",)~c>,(,o.~ e',.;,:'LL"",, Te'Jar. 2.::;:)' 3.ri,:'H;.gc CF,:.sed to the Property ansmg ,. . ';,:i gs;riG\:'>= ,':'1 ,; ~;;" : );:,d'j~,tc(\ d';T~:lJ, r..<::rn'r'.t lmsim:ss hours with prior '::;;,.mlir:ci,';:('- 2r,,/ :n-!;;t:; :\wcstigat.O!!!, <;if ,~~:~) F'roperty with Seller, All t11': ?ericd flnd tb,ct,::;..;.tr;:ru:l).l Closing shall be kept :;1",' :l,f:c;''Jc.' ;,:3 fl.;;::: !.r;nde;:s as may be required in \~"-:j::1 a..r:/~ :;.;:::: ',~5.''';f.:!'1. t)f fb.e PrGl>;~r~) (li" ~,,~ otr'~r\yise required by laW. : ';:~f' f:~'1 . "{" ;'::~;Cl ,,;' ':;u'; :;\':~ 'c,8:;;t :::eJkr :,gre~s to f.m1ish Buyer the ,lz'iit c.[ ';'" P:C r' ;',':'; [~rior ~:,':"..-S\'. ,cui ,"1:.1 bcring tests (if any). If I,"~ S::~!iJi ,:'," -, ')T;(,;.;~ h<:l'X: ~;)fd~ t,} ;:'t';!'.-::. vi:~h a copy of the results ,,' :,::T:JrZnec. l~"!c~. .:::J". "2-'.1 .r'.~ :e'J-;:~~';~'.~:~ ~"i. ~ ;' ,~\ ,7,: :}.~ell pai.d i~ full). Any test ,_. ',~i'lS') '}','.;;:::;":::' \': t~., SeIle,,' dl~\ fi,,;'ji-,";rd tD :;eHer within 5 days of '..':;_:';ng r::",;'i '." Bil:,r;:~ ";'3,:1 :Lhvcrlo Seller a certificate of ." I; ,~).J, \J:~:ii;r~ ;l::~,'; ..~" LI...C:. Ii.::) :~:.~.:~-~::r.~d';s tttereon with minimum . .:" 'I, ',:--1 fr,-{~ r{gh: tt ir.'"i".~.r ~. ~"... <:t jDtenu:;r ~SJ:{s:.~:(~"~':;~~s ':, \~ , ,. h1<:; ~:. ~..i: . '\v):5ch B~~;:''5r ;:,;;~.:-'; :c:;;.e':.: S?::--l'C?XV t:)?tIW~:;;\~~i.~;~-1 exi~teD.~'~' :;:~f i: i:hc n:i~i~~:s to .""...:.' ,- . r:,;j.:~~I~-:1~t~OL' COl.lud~J.: :i~\ t 37'~C:':.:, ;.: :. n: ~ .c'eI?lY~':" ; :: lj, ~ \~.~:'> \~~',~.(-,:~ !.~'r'=,.' :~:'~' . ~;: '}(~'~'i~ ~ ,.: . i. ':' ~1~' ~\; ~~f;:;l~:; ;.'! ~...~..,~. ",:;t _'r' ~ ,-.-. '.-,- ,~',.\", '..' ...:'.,... .,<, ,'.",-";:;' P;/.~ ;"j:~C [> l ,,~ e. :;::;. ,;,('.s:T?.:C' ".:--- ''-: ",,'0" ~ - iJX.~:"t.,. ","':." '. J, 5,.l)'e,\''':,':' . =:ll'eiO to jnd(;:"i~.';.f:' ;~ejJ:T tlnd hold. barmless Seller ~,~~~ :~-~:~-;. ;.:?) :'!, ~t~.' ';" 'i ';.'t:tl1)\ 7r:=~...,:'-::g :,',~, t' l~n ii,:\! :.0. .:; ~~:'( f:0~:; ~fr(~ 1 :;::.~ cf :~)I l",,~,1~::;J3rr.rJ~1\t for services render;:;d to '-,) [.'erSODl' Qr prope:;ty arising out of '1f8.tters which are solely the Thl:. [Jrtg)ing inden',nification shall :'}.~ '::O-::<2"--;".(;C~, ';t E'U:>f'f~r~ ~ ']:':.6-:':r, J:: . :\~~; '{:5T]';,~ .:::'~: .:s.:,;.~~r...:~)c I; C'::" 31r';I~.Y.:: ;.(:.t~~:?j!," ]U" n' ! '; j'~ '- , . :'it~.gll,F' rJ 7:;? '~'\f ~~ '''ref ~,~'~..;; I;;:<:::C~;';,; r,bi~) sec~i~)n. ~: ~ '!f;','f', .," a::F. e''jr".C}~' 'J '?::.? \~j ',d ~-:;:~ ~";,.t, ~-:~.:t~ TC ~::~ ~:::j' ~.:: ~~ :' liiA'HHOC4 10:511AM FROV-- T-dS4 P,006/015 F-478 (1.3 ?E\::!1l~t::1L;:U,~"mina~t 4!.:rD:i1E-,~f~;::JDve~i;?,\lJj.!~r~c.~d r~l the event that Buyer's jnvc.stigatin:: c.f f::r~ PrCpt~-'1_ ',f ':5 ~,.p]rw tsfac~Qry "~fJ .'Cl;J'< ~/'~ ~1i Buyer~s soh~ ::1i~'"'ret~o.J. and for any reaSOn wh:atsoe'ier, ~:~.~>n C2,;,':;~) I':':;7'O\\' Al;~1Jt and Se!:f:r, prior tc4:00 P,:VL EOlstem Time in effect on the unal d8./ of,:)'1e I':li~f..i:;;.,.,;{",. T!~:r~ocl, wri',!c:. rll)ti,;e of i,ts e),ecnon ,0 l:f,=inate t.'1is Contract (the "TennirutLiOn NOlhi"), err':':?:' ~!;;ln's and ESI;ruv,o ,:,gent's timely n::cl'ipt of the Tenr.Jnation Notice, Escl'c.'>'; Ag~::': ~,"'i] retu::'" t~lf "::1 Buym, ":~HI:h:?'r",,,:Rer :neil:b~t I3\,.~!el' fj(rc' SeHer shaH have any fm:1he;: nght5 or ')::1.l::gf;~i:;n; '1':::'1'..::"," excen: 'M: ,:'th~T';ii3" expre;;s1ypm\'id~d r:~:;,ein, If Buyer fails to lerr;:;.:.'}"t" t:"L:S C0-:':7r::t ::",~ ':-;'ii;: :'j';: S'~;r;h:;>.rr, :,'-.B:1 ::':"'::yer ~hall (;r;: 'J(;;~m.~c tOJ.ave waived its right to tI':'IT,jir:ntc '.b.': ';":\\' "~;:'1 Lhi~ seriic:1, ',,:.r" ';c h;;:.ve a~;rf'Ci:l :hOI.: J:e Deposit shail not be ref1J:ztiiHec'le e:~:'~I~lt ;3.S- :.,f1J~;;~;'1:-;; :-, ~'f. ;,~-:-_l}"p:r{rl~d~d ',;.Af:T~::-J. .5 ~ ;.;:[l:;,~2L!~L. .~ ~:[:j\" 1.,:; (';;,nvey to E'l;,:."~'~ :;)Je to the Land subject only n, i.tt f~'l~:~l ;':., :::x>!:~';t "13" (the Fm'mj~1'"ll 't~x;"':~?ri(lIJ!l") and such other "n ',;,''(', ',;..: nr rnr[',.r rC,:,\'(;lp, Mark~tat\: 'l7,tle s!:'.nl1 be determined according ,.::J ,:-.r .~1.1'>_ ~:Jlo,r.1dii, ~'3;f '4r. J ;:.~ '~i,x:jrdance 1;vif.11.]'~.:f"" ':0 tb.:: ?,::;;::~~iii:":;( j.t~.c13 ;::'3 1/,.' iH r ':\~. "~'~.'.~"~l,n' 1.a app.~~.ca:2,:f; ,~)~~:'(lG'.;.f:'" :,~, :Li, ;',1. :!::iji;);:Ul~LD,DJ[:\~:..(":' ,he Eff~,:t:ve J)::."e, :~dJer',; imomey shall, at ,'~';I\";:V~c'~ ;::;)t~:n :..-,_f:_}~:'~,n: 1:',iXl1 !J.G"Tn .;- '?'f':;,:' cf ~:'oposed Schedule B-II ; , ~~, .~~,~~ ge'n8..~t8 ~tiC-:'~},cy~ ~','hal1 deliver to Buyer an :. ;)'fr~c:',~':c"~ {'<' ',~,v:; r',~~',::h~se ~:,?:ricc :in: ,:;~',i.:!, ::;!,';)E,;~~~i~ insuring Buyers title T j ~:<~(;, I>' T; 2 -::; ":,:,, C;.1la;ifiCi3 ~',or',s ,p:!df.i';'c; in this Contract. The: :'C:, ~T,: sU 'i[,!::'':'. r;; f:;~ attached EyJ:libit "13", Additional Permitted " t,;.I:::/':1 '::1':1::: ','I;:";]:,:::t to 51;1;,'io1;':. 5_~; b'n~;.3:cr, p::ovided ritle remains S~ll[ .-:".:; c:' ~Y2 E~ct::'~pt~t~:l::;_ .;.'-: '-;;T ()v"'n:..:Z';~:: :.=' : I ~ J.GY "-1. ::1:,:\ -, ~ ~,~~J ~ ~'t;' s":~:...'" ,,'. pres:,:..:n: ~~;~j~r;:~;cg ~~~:~:-~-:{ i~_(,: 0 ,~_ Exc€ ,=-1.1-C'7]:: , ,J ,1 , ':~ ::: 1 . 'j'- ::.".t:L;r~ :::_~1J:k:.~~;.~.~JJ.~: St;j ~~:,: .;,~..~~.p{'J1:. " ..' ,", ~'" ...,-,-,.-..~~".",.,,--, '!,',C1 '" "r'" ~.': ,; :, 'J: ':::- ::',t) , ,:b"n, 1: ':; ct;,"veyed by Seller to :,":\: i::i': "E'" v',hi!'::,:" p'~:::.dt(d E:~c:ep'dons have been , ~, ". '; iii. ;;ot :::,;;}C',e:' tLJc ll~jl12ilI~.'.:>k or umnarketable. .\ 'j '~.G~J.s, J i!3 ~L ,.' ;::.P~~;~'/ n~-:, !'~ '"' '"1' ~;' -, ~:;/T , , .. '.. (.~':~-:.~;: ~~:;" ;: (tJu: .'(\:7';' ~,'~'-~l:. ~J. rl.;:;:t :y"',LI~ .~r~ve~i":'?;i3~t'cr'l :i.'\~~'d'~ 1 ?f.:d ;~t C~losing.. iftit1e is , ,,' :'l ~::;cij:"d ;""1 ':11,; ':: ;)H~,';t!~t ~1;C, 2" ~i5tcd as Permitted ::".;';:,r :=h;;U :il~;Jj"\' ";c'J;:t :\li' 1,\<1'iting specifying the !';':,:-:;; G:~fcct(s:, i~.f:;:i ~':l~1J be dc:c:med to have "'" l u,. :",;; InvestJg;r:i';'E P,:r:_c;\: ~,;d rt Ciosing, if b0t11 ',}j'c Kmarke~fjb;~, t>~ S;;l.i;;r ~halJ t:,ave sixty (60) days ';1 tje U~l11:lIl;;~t.~.blc, ;.1' ~:,en~r fails to remove the :;' .~ "ii.: ;:OP;:!Ol). DE rh:; \;rm:Qsaction and accept " ":-ie" E1 the i\1:':;(;\":"1; c::' (;c (;~lst to cure the title ,~: <ei' j.',~;c S'i~ ,,:,?::d "r:t:.;d: shl'Ji be retllmed to ::';,;rLc;;r ',iecen~)d:;r, e;i'~cept for those ':'" i.~, ~(, , . f. ~ .. _" c, ?r:i.DT t) ~j~:;: fO..1Dd d::):,':-r::'.i'~.~ i ..; 1- \ ~ ,. '.; ~",' ".' .' ';" i::;C::; (r:~l,. ~',~ t;;~:T~t,(:;!..~.::~: 2::-'':, ,: . ~,-~- f'''- r' 1 :'. _~, ?! ~; ~B ~ I, '~~/i. ~t~~ r' ,:~.~ ;J~Jt~,,;,) de:"i.::t( :;;, ., ::--f' ",0 rJ~~: EO'" ':('; ~< :: C~,J-. '!",' ~ : ',' .'1 ..,: I': ~.f:~.:;t:; ~'E': .. -, ..-' Q::~J'~~G~~ ~, ' ...;,'-,,:"", '.. .~: ,,', I " ~! ;jnYf;t' ~:h~ oJ " ti;j':1 ".: > {:'.e'~"; i~. u~' t'r.,;~ T':,"'~'. E 1h' CUi:', ',: .. ',' ~:,-~[(:r~ "[~';:. cb_',,~ C2,';::::::-...'~ ;-" :i 1~ ~ , C"f (/~;,":~r~~ ~~. {:1'1'~ ~ "(,,; :'"::.,:;'.1 ;'~' ~-J7'C';T~..s:..n~;;: , - ," . :.'l'~' '. ,~,,::,~:, C\mtrecl to purchase ,nO. thm :seliing it to :.~ ~..~t;f,) p,~.::"~Y rt\ay terminate the ,I' ~"! . :~,~ ~~(~~J:. :J~;:I C'i~J l1e~:'~i~~l {:},:,::t ~ '.J1}', :~" :::,;; ,\" ., ':'1'-;',;' .. .'- " -, i ,I" :~: C-::. T~~:-: (:{.~:;-]<rit~. ': .", <~ ;':' .,~ ~ J.1,\:' I ::.' I,..,'!e;: ,I--:~ " i'-' ',f. ; .:::v;~~" 1,:'.1 n"'jl:.!::rr~~ C',')Et, ,::j":-' ~);n':~ :,~C ?T('pert'j surveyed and '!~': :};,!"~ eX Florid",. lNd~~t;l.bie and insurable:: li;;to::d \~li \:h~ CC"E,,'!;tn::ent shall be added to f~ 'e .: ~'.;:'~',~(':' ,;,~:rr;:n 3~ ,:'~ ,,,> 2~ 5~;, 1.:'~ "',G"\r',~"~ ~~, 2GIi'1i,r:f.~< :'~~'/':, ."1<~ i f1/:>';';~~.~ t::'L.....C:.r,- ,J}-, , ;:,. ~ ,. T~".-~1;,'~:',~,~-'.::",,:,-' ~t- MA Y-1(--200tl 1 C; ScAM ~:!.;.,c~/.. ;-494 P.Q07l015 F-478 ,;. ., t.,..~.!' _:::,:::~':~<_2'(~'~; [f ~'{e i~'.1TV~Y S;;.GN~ ,;~':;r(!acnm~nt~ or <;'.LY o'~t.er matters which would ::-t" ,..';" -' :r):,; t;:;- "l:":F. (f~r,,!)> .:t~~ S:iIT',e 5:,n1\ a Tit1e Defect and be '~"\ <", : ).~";j}jll;j::jLm;;J;'J:L>,'~H rendsr th~ t~.tl=.:. t~ trf;a:\~d.l"l. ;~;:;:Tda::;;;;:w'; 7. ;~~) 1~~~.l;';~S:Tt:fiJ~'~LI'~:':2 .1l1( _~Y:m'l':1I~i~~\ ~ , ,I..'. ~_T'{I,"::}J,rr1J].\;!~], S":\itfE jerr~e"ts 0l.nC. WZ,Ir,;jJt:, to Buyer as follows; .,"\ S;'.jlt~. - :: fL',U pOY'ler D,nQ fn:~~}l::.)~i'ci t.~ coznply vvith the terms of '~h~s CQrt:~fQ~' {:"~.!::.:. tC"~:_'1:,"E;.:l._:].:.~.~L:. .:~,:; t(ft'\3~C;~:.,::,::t3 Lor.'t;:'T"r.r?l~.ted hEre(il:l~~e'r;, :;ind flat it :s a valid and in good s.t1j,:J.6.L~:",g :.7.:~::.'.~tf:~ ~1~:~~:~:r\-:' -':'r'~rp?,,~lyj:"1 th~~ ::'~~3J:-:: of ,r;'~i:,:::-!,da.~ ':nUl r.;:(::-:~Ii.(m :1;:\ 1e1ivi~ry of (ds Contr"ct by Seller and the . r."'~ ,; '.'nr 'i,:EC( ',::; I):j::; C JJ.~;7."C1 ;:~T."'; v ilL") S~lier'5 capacity arId all ... ;1 }.:I~ th~:j ~_ :~::~;--;r~". .'. 'Ie; 3.I:J.d. "j~:~0~11~+ C~1 S~~'JC~d 1:,:. ~c:;oIdance with its CCl1.'5u.n:n0.tje ~1 ::~ ~. ... .'.! ?J" re~:.,~s;itf .?.c!::.or t:-'~ t~ef' t\~;r~r 3, tc tr;.c ~" :<:;;!f"~' 1 ~ 'r:~'''' F':""','~Y. "i..,b.:'If~ f;,,~::~ v.o z.:~'i;~'~~'SJ Fwlt3, :pr(~.:~eej.'IT.~~S c; ';:~ve~;tigations pending Of, "g":fiEt 5:,:\~r ':r '~..,;: Property ;;ffe-';:ci::-!'j ~m}' },ortkm ofthe property. P()~':~ e:SST,C'''l . { " ";~~,~s5'(~~~-~;;;::,~ ';7-e : ::'~ :;:~L~ ;~::tiC~~ (' c~::';:::r '\T\,:ll '~.ne ~u:rre:nt title holder in r;pn ::1F,;",;'T :::lxe;:); \a!c.h,g tr,:~1;' tQ (:ll: :t'rQP'~r;:y they will cxe<:ute f~ ~31 ,~:.f~j-,~1?-~.:": ::,,~:?'''~!~~3~:' :J-' ,c :"~'6 (>: ~:'J~"'i >T? '.:( ~ ~:~[;;~:;1.:.~~. 1:aJ,(."[~':te-d';;cJ f-:.c-c; '~.n;: ~~,' S ;lI~:::s i::,,:,..,~~,.tL;~[ ~: ~ f::'~ -:{)"" , ::"J.l:~~;.:.'G~;r~t;"E :~ ~<,;'ler t(;pre;,::;r:J;;; (}) "]iBt to the best of Seller's ~,,,;:J'!:'.1~ m ,he Prop.:',';Y; <!J'-.c (b) that to the best of ,J::-;;:n:;mer.t<.:. g'ki:.fl7.;,tr?,i..,'; proceedings filed Or '!" ~\ ,.') :;"',1 1~;~nj~,n~; : r;';, :-- J ::-'~~ :;1:: ~" ,,;:.r.:,r~,--'~"'::'!>.:'. ' ; .~>, ~ ~':.:', ~in~,~ 'C l::~.)~, F r ::'r' ~';r'~l',. ;~: .', ~ ~. :;. '::;i::J~;'~ :.e-::'eFE'~ts 2nd. 1~\iTr:'~'~'.lt5 YD Scller a..~ follows; :::;.-'1. " _.:::1, '\:;.;~: < '.i'nL...':" '''':',:~.1c.n:.t~oTl .,.. _, ~~f3TIbg ?,nd has fllll power "~, .'. ::1]':1:'.':"'" '!-, ,.- ":;";:," +~c' ~;:".~~ t~:. ~.,'V"' :~',1~' 1~>~ t.:-::m~. ',..~.': U3~;~;3 (\:r;;.,tr'H:':~ t,' '.:;'."'.,,:,:~'i:. i?:[' :'.;' j:;~' :r:tb.:.3 Co;:r::"',::' r";r Bu;:c! and the consummation ".''),~'~'-3~':-i.:'.. ~ 1 ,:' :.~},:.L. '3LY'';/:: (~,~~pz\;:i;;;i s..nd. 2.1). requisite acticn has l;Y ~31..'1.rt:. ::~"': ~.r s.: ::l" ~' 'b~; ,~',:r.i "t:::.\- i.- -: ~. ". ...; n::..~; 1::::,(< ~r':.._.;.. . ~ "., ~ ;: !:. ~. !. ;7e,:~ 1\1 ~:'.G.:;::T"'~::L~~]'.C';-~ Vl:";r. 1::~~ terms.. ~_<.L~e~: >, ,;.:..' T ~ __ :', "" ,)<J :-~ ". ,: r !, .',T t :":Vi~'r ,~!,~. ;:.i .<<. e::na~r. documents (the ~, . ';"',.., ".;-,~ .... I' !, ',I :;);1'i;'.'. ',:; ':7':(Cct':cd ",no acknowledged by ~h~~~'" '~':~ I:' ," ._ :';; :';,"("..1 ~;.c'~~~h~~' f.;,~~: f:l:.:l~ Sl,~tj-eCt to tll.B Permitted j', ''.' ;" . ;,,1';'::1' :;,bJ!l ",~C' ':l,el.i.nT 11. D~partment of Revenue ,~';[~~ ::1 :;!:~ ':1 J"~. r; ;~'-.(i!~~i5' ,c,r ..".1~ ::'r"::::~:"; ~~:', r;:/b,xch !:he Land is located. S-;.~::';:r f' :~'\:. W .:::.~:'~(: ;-~.l:<, " " ?'~):~T1. TJ: _ i,;: 1~:P -~:-\~t-':'L ~"';':'/. !:-: :~:;;;:;:_~.Jrt~;I~,j_'~n6JjJ3.Yit.. .\L ;;Jfic.,,'/;; fb~'l SeD!';:; attesting that, to i_'- :.j 'I': :I"'.i: ,.'m.t;ty has 'If:) ;.:I.1\irn "g::inst the Land under the f:'~ ~>;l"r "~ le;.olvid1.1d 'Dr fF;'ty is (~::th;::r in possession ofihe .(:j':: .;;:) . ',::..'f, l:n::'2r.:"J; ~XI'::' ,;"O impr,)vements to the Property .', ::'i::'1n:'.': "?~ .:~':': ')e<o'i rl,.dr', ':'L:. "J';'i,r,'?vit shaH include language '}) i\" L' '.:s T' '~;'-1?,' ," ,. ';'~' ,,5 6."1 "xccption to the Title '::>','''';:;~ ::~ ,,; ::;:":-:c: ."e :2/:"tc (jf"):;~ -_~;::J.e '::,)<':T::lii::nent md the Effective ,,>;s'" ,::") , ?.;! fT.',urk: Hm c~r;:iii';i:1:.;(,n of ::lc::;fot'eign status required ?,;;:. th.C' ~ ~~3'\:' C(. ': ':; .!_~> -. :~':'<~'~''':'r~ "','~' ';., ';l ': ',", ..,.,. f _fl. -j', .!.'~~~~\"'-3 c~',::::n, 'lJ--':l,:.C:'. l~ - "t"; ::'~~Ti~' C.!~, r.."': ~-",^' '" ~ '. (:(. nil: ::;-",,~ .. :' " 'I'",' ~i~.tt~ .....J "'~,-, T.: -~ .:) "C ,-::' ~ .r,~, "'.." '.~.'" IiAY-1H004 10:5TAM FRO\'~ T-494 p,ooa/015 F-47B undt,;! ,;[~r.ti{'n ",VS ,:)::' ~i..:: :,: .,'- F,I~"i:;;:W';; C8d~ t,:' :,,,F:j,6 tho wit11holding of:c-J,~o,n~ tax by the Buyer. 9.3 S:'~2f:i!~r: ':-<t.;:~'k;~,~;.T(~~,...:_, it.. 'Closlnf S it~:~r..r:.:!:;at ~i,~t-:ing fcsth i:h,;:,. r~'1~.z~h::}.,se Price, Deposit (when 2.ppli.cablJ~), ?;~d ,1,'1 'Cre~~~~~:; e;.':'.~,?;~\}.;:::~1; E,djr~':r::rneYJ.t~: ,::~'11 ?;:cr~Jti0ns b~~t\~<,.e~l:t Buy;'!;! ~.:nd Seller and the net Cash ta (:l()~T:: dL~e ~~ ~~',:,o~.. Q :' ;-3r.'::::t'. fi?:;1et~2J. .i!,::.<'tk:1'~ r~,:~{. re~orts jPf$I-'eG'l"~ng' .~:'..~~ s3.h.~ cf the PropeITj as are re(!l;;T~d by i:l,~ ht:7L::.l If. ',"~'3,: CJ!!e C)f ;,9;;;(;,1: ';::!?:', be'; :11;,; resp:71siliiJJy Dr the Bt;yer to file a Form l09j...B t;r-i'i~. t1i; TD";:::;-:':,~] ;?...~~ ~~~~"'~~~: ~~;l.~:.'-):i:e jf3t~C;} Llicf \':; te~l~.ired bl1.Jl~[, Floricl.;2, D~~J:'~:;:<::!:-,c:-,t of':; ?;:~~;' {..'~-,.\.' -: ';:' . f,':<::,d i.1 C'i211ft:.t ~ert:,::~;:d -c>~rtlri:D,:~ of Status from the ,:,,c.<:iu,Ct l:nHh:c:,,:; 1~J. FkLda if it Is in fact a :Florida ~l c- ~~ .~ ~"~ li!!ll1.e~ :~12bt~:~'~~2':=2J~D~:"rp::1,.j ~: ~,;~,\: :~_-' ':::".:1] pxec~r.~:: ,t ~ J.'.l'::lc;"riate r:-;~Gl;)tic,'!J. Err cL:)s;,rj.g~ ,- \ ~~' ,r', ')' ~. '7 , t\,~':,:-; :;:.ep.'cQratcn. A. i~~(:'''~TI'.\''-~~-~. .!;h2.H b~~ ~xec~t1:ed at 'dl~ <::':r: '~~::-lg .-, n ;,...1 ..;~~:~,t:G.t< i, ~,,;~i~..;: ''\.F~'~;l''tm ;f,'; d:~3r.:rib('=; in ?,ragraph 24 sh!111 b~~ \,: ~'C:curi~:t ;~,': j.~.:'. ;''''' ~,~"".-,,: -. ......,. IO, ~~r.:';::,. '-,I,r ,q, .~hll exec~t<.: and ;:'!~is';:r &\l~h documents required ~;,';:l': lJ lOme!be :3_r.::1 C:vit1'~r:] Tide Insurance Policy. \ c~'\.:::.bl.~~; .',~~;'1 mC'l,~\tt.s f~':~:-:'" t!;; f ,~E 8 fc: j, 1":;i1... :'.:: ':I:: r~.-; ~~")"':I ' " l, ~ " " :.:::.-!.\1~~~~~0i~'! '- _~::3~~::~.'2"~?I:!?..: 'l'r.is ~:_=;:)~-~::- ,l.~:t ;-i::,dClosing i;s ccntinge:nt :,';[ ':" ~ ~'I;.F,ilg fl":,~,:<)Vf,1S f:'G.Y:, t::';: :.:::pHcable goveI'l".ment .. :c,':',iJ1f;:-,:c ':",:-.'"I'('::;:OT.\ing~:',,,,:i<} ",,,<"; n':}; L,btlllnea On Or before 24 ';: mt::~,:':, c'u:', ':r 1,., ":::,:;'1' :::ann:'. 'lkl:;' C'Jnt"3';-; 2nd Buyer shall receive ",: )':-l'~: ( ~ ':, ',C, ,'.I'. J:t'\:~ v-::i[1. ,:E ;J.srec that they win use ,; ~::'\:;; ,:, ."r F,' ; :,~"'l~~'lio:" ::0 (:..,; of' the Inspection Period i'.;; r~'{]i;,j~>fi:'[', ;r,f f:.:1:i:: in pas, 0'<,p1. ;),4 hceb" If the parties fail to h ..J' ':,'. ~ 1::";f'or~':g:i',:'lI F'~ri;~-{ (;\~ Seller or Buyer may #: - . d' :; (t:_t t.e4)E<~ r/'~~ 1,::,1 .\):~:t)~;.)::;_ The Section 11 11" r;Q..~Lt~~;:~:-.:.~_:~."~,'_:, 'J'" :.~; -- ~,~-~ - 'U,;Jon :.t::e ...;: ?,J::~' ,~' 1: ' ;;;\[t1; ~:. "L-k.::; !:' ;~. ~~ :'-r. -h' . t' ,\i" tb,ei~' ).-,,_...... ~~. 'C';"~5 ~ t.hat ';7~] "9.,~~~"'; tc ~:,,'2;'~~ ,-~ . ._t;~- (" -" " erl.tCj" r.-,:~tr) 3?p', .h,:r:-," ..- ',T t;]:':,;,-,;" l"'''': -f'-f:'. ~-_.. ~,~~ ' '\ i.:..;:; (',::!:.., ,;.;.::,~. ... .,.' -"~-lj::~",E~ :'~~; =rj';;~.C:7, :5~~ rrf,;:'~c(;t to t.~ CEve1oped. ,i ,.{ ,'1~""~ '-~l_rl ,-I:, ,,;: ~:: ':,~- ~ ~':'1 ~)~" i:, .:' ": t,<; t:".::"lC'.. ~~r,'l:: (1;:.; ~'i:" ,.- l' ,;:~~' ~:;;~:rc'~:~ t{~ ,:.r"- 1>)i.Kr"T~ntly with NOpe _ .~:--=- S :-:' j~,' . ~.~.. "',~'.i :~.-) t.~()..:a,?;'~i;,cl:/ ~.~r:'): Sf:~j~=.. c~' {j.t!; !/ .,i.", .::\ .:t:i:--:;.g.. Ir:r::.t!;,<f." ,~ ~ , ':1" ~ .': :' )');:5 Ciud footings, ;;-sphalt ;: ;-;~,~, :~[~':,fi .; ~:.~,c:t .~:"~ ,,:~f::\::'i'~~"' :JtJ<:.~ ,r ,,;",1..;.-.. . ,~:.~.~r ~JIr;y, !J~~:~ 1 ',?<~!:es aJ~r~::' ,'(~ ~'.~:~,~~:J:, :;';lC'.b. G.th~r by sigIling all ;: ':-:"2,),',/ :-' ....,; :;.:_ ':"1_~"! ~~ '.:,~)? li.c~.~lc g ;"r"~:~:)'.2::~';:,= i ":';l~ al"p::~Y/.a!.3, "'l::'(::)L:r..nt.:~ .,..~_ rf,_;~ "r .~ ~,'. .. j} ... :- '1 " 'T~' ." \- T '11;, ~~,~',.: r;;'~~ ~:1 "pf':'cee-d !.:G. :r,c r~ta,rt1.er~ j::.j)."'I~'r '.:',: '.r/ t",~,,",.... !:,u-;:e:r's i::t,X:)CV ,;,::y:; :;;;r.;.[';; <'\ttomey shaH each . ,,:-:,.:, r()':J;X(..';'!:'(c~ ri.:,d 'Sd'",,::", Closing Documents not IC';:~.!~ ':1.w~;:~ ~?'~' ~2~;' ;,""-"-";:.- .~~',.~T,-:f:r ., : 1 ' '1'\:; ~?3h ~-" v .~ , 0, ~,''''' !0 ~h~:. Cbsing Agent by wire --;: -~T'''';;~f.:)1'l--;-:'-:.f''-~~ ,"':"" - .". MAY-lr~20G4 la:~7~~ FRJM.... T~494 P,009/015 F-4TS '~aIl:::];I t::' a d:.::c,~j';c'~ OU'll:~r;s litJ:;. Ir.:;'rr?:Jc,:~" ~CCCf~1::':': t:hs:'::!::. <r::J;f. Clos;ng b y 'V~/t.~e ~rr~ 11 t,(;" ',110: party issuing the 0,. th;' cIGS1Il3 agent's escrow 12~} R~l.tY~.;::~.",~. ._,;.:!.:.~~~.:~_~!ll;:ia;A BX.f:~:" ,~I-u.:j. .::;f,.:~J\'et" t:J tt.; C;l~~s~~ng ?'.gent the Buyer's Ciosing DOCl)rne;n\:~. ;aTd .3,:~I;1~;:r ::;}l'.~i.3.- c:e1::.::r j'~' dl'~ (~~oE~iTI,;~ ...\.g:~nt. ~]lt~ S-:l1el"lE IC:.Gs'.~ni;; J)t:K:'(Tmtnt:1. carrr.;;D.:J y .r-.~' ~ c:\p.?ea!'\ng ~;e':-';"i ~~en :.:::~ f~1er", :!r:.d ?~~lvidf.:6, ....~~ De~(Gsi~, t-~~: 1':.aL:.\ ~ ~:, D.)t:jrj~:n~'5 'J:': :8::;:r-~,~. S;mlJ11IU}~:C;;,~ "cv,:th anI ;,,( Clo.ing, once the title r ' ~'~l'~~;S ;,6.\1:,.. ' ' '." ":'Qi:iill~t:r!:';:\v: .';., d;~\;'.t':~ f':,,; exc:,;pti::m for matters ,~~I ;f~";i"r,~ r1r:(i: ~~,f ti:w! ~~i:::..;~ "::(I:~L.~=:r~tm~nt (4li0. tl'1t ~;:Efecii.Ye dar,(: of th.e Title Policy: r~'!:" ~r "." .jg~.":-;.>J5 ~:o ~J.C~;fJ h:~n,,~ ~.~(':en perfc.~'f.~edl E5\'::n:.\V )q~eD.t shall deliver the \.~l'~' S::'.~ i~ -, .~~. _'.... ~'i;.::l'~:2';i , !.,?...:;~: i~)Q:.i.l-::t:C'n,th .~(, SI~:li.,::,T~ ':\r,.,:'. ~}la Sellerts Closing 1 Ft.., 1 13, ;:~~ :~~:~;'L ~d.)l;;..sted ;: ~t'Vf.~~!\ ~:;:;' 1>::1 rT. o"."n '.; ,~.c'6.~c ::'::,,:"'.. he~~I';~i~~: C-tT7_,nt1 r:,~rns S,..:r1.n De prorated and I. ,..:' '.~' I;' l::.--~: ' : f .~u~ ',~J.:Hn.Lg ~'~l j ,''''. '~"c~ e ~nd ];-'Ie;fsonz) -~'FC~'tJ.l'~ ~ 's..?':' .o;.,:;~~ '-:.~;t:C1JKJm fJi~;(',IJ~,::J: .~r(, ~~!;.r_~ '~~:~ ~'.. ':"".1 i::F.' ':ade b~,,:3e.~~, n:~\:.r.', ~,rorlf,:r:,/ ta,:,,;;s, i.f any, shaH be ;;.;ct']l th01,t j.f tax amounts !)Ic.!:a~ed ~>2,,:'~~'J ~,.-. for ~\:"...'~C' ,;;:;r; ',;!.;'-'I "',0:;:;' '1. ;.;., ~~l;'~~'~' Xe?' tb:;5 preceding year, \,': '.: 'X ~:;",1 .;" ~'~.,'''''' c~;- ""',-1,: ~:, -";"' ; { E':li:'~'7< J:~' ',:i..:: i~~.,'~'~ .~".;'EJ""-' , r ,-~E/~jf,8rl c;Ol1vc_led a".~ fi'ij.fid Sp~c,:i:al Assessment :~~"':.:5.1lg liens C!';L?"y": of (>';31n.(; shaH be assumed by '1' '-, ~il~.;~:t~r;'~_fl~ ':,~ ::'I::L:~r 1 ~;.::~C: as cf '~;1~'(i. Da_~e) s.r\cn pending lien.s - - ;1-<' :-:~i--:::''-'' :...:.~.r'~, :~: ',~:J~::- srudl, '.~,\: ~;{':.' r:~~.~xg~d an amount equal '.r '. ., ....'::. ,: 't'i t'e p-l';:C).',:,c :': ;;LcJJ. be fl':sponsiblc for j~.;/:.n:; ?::~ r,. f'l:v:;,;~ ~-.;~: '.~,'.1 E ;;~~ :.1. ';J~:: ,;,:-,';'1'; ~J';; '~: 'r' :~ ''':::rf t:~ (J,,"~' ; ~F~ d~~:ir:-:l-~..~ I;~:' ~ '~ .: [ t:t.!~ p~:;j':[: ::;.~~ .:::': ;,J.J G;,), r. ", ':;';: :::';,~;'\1'-,:r'~, fY, '" ~.,. ,.,:- ~'re.:~:;?~~d 11z ;;'::::":;G ~:~~;~(l fees under assigned li( ;-:r)~;f::~ C..::e.-, -;:..:~;.r-'" ~r. .:-;,b,' -'1 TJ,:::-~ 'n:;~_ -:.:;:t ~JtI',i 7,' ;,:" ~-",'., ,. ,. I i i~'~ ."; .. IJ~' ,;,~{'.,. ;'C":,'"~ '-'~'.e'~I..-- . ~ I. " ,:-Y." ,<c :1:::: >,':i<Z:;Ti. I!Lhi3 Contract to TJ >:: ~1";..:.s Cc:~.,:;'~~':';".~ ~'t-::r:r:, r,crr.c..aHy prorated in the ", r:c:~~r:::r2'~" ',;'h t'h~' !;~;r,d::,j(is plcyailing in the el~H;.~J:-)' \i.' :~~~:.<~ ~~:lt. .:_?-' ," C';-')h'D.~/ L~ '~~:~.~-: ,...... ','l- ,,~.J ~. ." .,:i .' ~,f~':1 i"~~'~:(:: 5~~,:~!}, tf.:.h::. , '::~L:S o,h<:lI b:; prora:ed and "';'T,'cc\ cJ meher Buyer or Seller, . , " i :' ~; -i, ~ ') 1'1' ~ L. '. ~ r --';i' ':,L _0 ,~.. ... ..1.; 1~~('IJ~.!.;.i!J:,::. (~,?: .~~, ;;~,;.;"-;.,'~ ';)-,:: i .,... .-'" I" .' 1Z, . ~'l~.;,' f':, r ccrt1:l'l:1. :te.,TJ.:! ::0 cr ai; the time of Closing '.'.;.,)..;.:;~/ (~:'~ '~':~~,:d~;~'~ /:~. '\ ;, ",,,;/-,,,;,~, ,~)el;d a: r ::'.,' '::0. :':::~;1 ~ t' e title inSt'ri,lmcDts; ~. Crl:.:. ..~.., : ;~), _'". .:.-\':' .r: ..~;; '_ ~.G t~~;; .;J'ec'::~ '~r~".:: ~_" )~~,"'J.:'" 'i:~:-,[.;,',-l~ t:"~J':, PcJ,~~Y: .' ~ .1 .,;;,q. ;;hJ. r>;,' br c~I1ain 'liei'll:' r:~iJr 10 or at the time of Ciosing (~:~.e ;ta.,.. :ie~ :~ (' .~\,: ~} ';'j .,- : '. 1- 'j" ~;; ~ . ':'r',;~ ."""' ....f 1- ;~L_c.e,n~s,; "1'; . ;.'~--'''~.:-1 ~)'r f~:1.~ T.': ;;~!J '.::r-~":,;;.,,:, pC ;.... ';";' . ,::,( MAHT.,,004 10;S','pM ~;~()~{,." 1'*494 P,ul0/015 F-478 i4. EQ;~S:~~~fi~~L I~t1~/t:1' ;.,<~,:l.i "~"l ?~nJlt.:j. fD;.~':j."3f.~'~::.:.::U ~ift.1e Propert~y ~r: C:"!Dsing. 15. Cq,~dfmJi&O{,~;;l!'1 h', :'L'i:T:~ l)~i-:-;: ,y C;,:;~'in;'_ ;>.ny proceer'lmg;; 3::oaH b;; coriJrnenced fot the taking elf Z, r, .of :h.e :?.roT:':r::i -::: ' ?'; Y r-:.;.r:e~l'&i p(.lr:i~c;', ftL;~eL.:f~ fot publ1,; G1' q~.~asi-r;..iolic 12Sf:: pursuant to the pc-wer ~)f Cc-;i::J'>!I:,t dc::r,:,;~;,[', ::::;in :;:;Cl:'J naT~~h IYyn ';,';>'1, \v:ritten TIGtIc'? of ,o,ny proposed condemnation withi)., five (5; dp,;':':l"'::~': ::! ;>;/. ()f f:)Jch ncif:i ~ 'i~;J;Tj, "cut ::1 nr) event 18.ter rh;>n tbe Closing. In such frVel'rt, .,ric:'!. t':.:;;t n }:;,T '" ",:, o71,i;r"vv:,;c; i: 6::(,:\ 31': '3:,:,d1;.f this Scnt;2,;t, :';'.1)"::T shall have the option to 'te:rrJh)lw' ;,':-3, ,~::: T:'a' ~ ftLi'J J"'~':':ll', U) .1,,:"1 ,?~; L: ;'Y';'('s re::~i:?t of:b,e 11,or:c,~~ from SeHer by sending ~7VIi~e}j~ :::(~t:l; '. :1.: .,: (<t;:.r ~~. ; 1: Sf, l'r:'I./ J:~-7t;"_r/, C;::):~~.:~l'-' }~~},y~;r ':ertrJinate t1:j.i;~ C\)?ljT~,Gt; t;.!:e Deposits shall be ~-'e:t;.~~;:.~ed :;: ~3"L" ~ '~~T~ ~;~,~!,: '- ~:'I '; " .._;~~: f.:~:,/t J~~~'~ :.Y(~-',~:,:'::: ;::'(i 1'!~~ ~:h$n ~'aY~' ;l~'),:{ :EDXf~,::~' righ(') Or obligations b.e~~~~'l:a('a::.'~ I.f!i,i;~/';;" ..x. ;:~." ." .: ;_T'';'H1;~'~ ~~.'..'~, I"' thCi!1 0) :d~r;';; i';L)~~;i~I~ .shaH yIOgtl:SS as herein pYQ\'jd';;:i -;;j:;\:cr.: ',';[~\:u:'r'( r. "';,r(,L,"';;: r,i:CJ; (\.:' ;;:,~.~yc:[ sa{j,lJ hJ',r:; 6:" x;Qh~ ':0 panicipate in the D.el~:,tistjr:l CL:,cj:'("(.'lFT,> "',:';, :If c,;l;,"'\C:i:,~.T,;<,tiQTI,~ for ':nJrirg, 0,t~d un Sellf:f shall assign to B~y~r Z~:-~~.: ,:.}".:.rJ '<." ~_',1'~:.t' :~;~ : .... ,<>. :>~::p:~:.nSLt-E;:~",. ;';:.~ ~"'".<:h "t(:cirig :0 '{~\bi;.;h i'i: rltCl!.I.d. br: otherwise entitled as O't:~'1Ie?" cl':h,t ;':~'.ri .~} :: !.3 ;;f'c:rl'~':.l 'f.:~~(; t" ~C"':~,,;.':l of the :Frooe:(:-~'. if :?',rr'; ~.rJ:l:'.Gh remains after the ~S"~:~':;ng:. "j'.f,:: ,:,;.~'t ~_" ~',_c ~~ "f'; " "-"~'1 ':] ~.~~~ '-:;~"S':: :'~. ,:.~':":; ::::- right3-...~}D::\;'/BY' .~,~..)'::1~cJ~~ rr.ay be -3.edY.cated to t.;e ~?J['~'~:' l:L ~';l::::.--,(;c'" ;Vj:~ i" /"':l"~:":>:::<~.:;:~,)_" '-) -2"~ <'~f't1:.\-.' ." B"1f)TT ::t~(=-.:_. ," ,~~f, f~;~: ',-~' ii, '::'.8 ,:::/~:~':~'. ,:'::;,,'~ '-. '; <:'. :t~~11g fails to C'~(;:}E du~ tn s. ,iefi,ult on the part of '-"J3,>~': '-Ln) 1:'''' ~.J l Cf' ~,~~}r:t ~:'~~ fr;:'~ ~>~L':7" ;;5, at:"eed u,pon liqu.idated ".,' -.7,f!:~' ?r:- ~"-~'" :f :i;rt. i:ry f:-:.:<~ r:'Jn1:rac. L ~!.eithf.;.r 'BGycr nor SeHer ~.~ ~~ '''T ~_; '; J: is;,, :~y:tr~:,c( ~8 '~~":' Gf :~'.I1d ~~ ~::}l c'r ~ck.nc'v ledge tba.t if ,it,:" :;'1,': ',;,'bid:, ::[m;l;)~ b~, u!;ce:tl:',rred with reasonable ,. ;: :.::>e [.&id to Sdbr r,;;:.:;;t r.;bs<:jy app;:oximates the ",,::'1 def:rult. Buyc: ;.\;"d Sdkr agree thOJ.t this is a ,; ~(-E-'i.~' ,}~ .'..' B ~:':.(~]~. -r:::jf =~ ~::t-, :,7:'~ '--1,- ,L c.~,;,.n1;]f.s :'.::,~r~ ~>:1 ::..,:.~~ ""-,:":. ~'..1:':',~\ .':'.~:,Vf; '1"JY ~'':~~ :Jrr" ,',,:.} ~~~;,'~:~ 'l~f.7~:f.:;~~:.I'" :;:r;' ._-..,-; , 'n.". l',7.'~~I~:.1~;.r ': ::'.:, :'~:': "17.; ::~ ~: )1 J:' ':1t:.: ,'~ t:T'2 fid' J. , r, . ,~I ',j ._L ,> :; -:: ~:(\rCC7'::"U..:~~; r~,; (f\',\;~::r.~r;~ i;lil, t} C::;;;" ':,;';,C :c \.:v:: ckfZ\',.ilt on the part ~ ;:tt\5 r;;~;.;~:'.\:":3 }~2.c}: ~.ne Deposits in. (,;1!';r l'P,,':Y Gr (ii) seek specllc 0": :~.. f::~ ~ ':T" ; 'I ,.:: c:r. L::; ibe (:~~,'T.~~~~~l', .;::=":~~t'2;~ ....:;,,!'-:' ,,'~"1' ,......,. '..... j) :' i '~1 'C~~: ' ".";.~' i~ f ';:.g~ir...ft LW~ ,'.,:,. " ":,~...~..:.~' ;:r, ~., ~ .. ..,',. . " ':.':!~. .' ......... ~..., L. ,1, : I..;'.:':' :',~~,l ~nYo:~-,::l;~d i~(. ttjs transa.ct~on i:c ;;"'pra::e agreements, ':.-'c~lt-~,.~tbF:tc,nG:~g any1hing ,::t.: ~'-I;'"/e (;t}sing or earlier r: r "f~' :':~\- -.:":'" ... t ,~l', 7 '''', ,..' " E.;~;: (~.::';rL"i~. -:-;.S~:f;.::;~~ 'L ';~n t 1~.~ ~:"'};' ~:':-:_:~; s: :1 I. ... _!.~:'.:; ~'e<::t>,:l: 1'7 :>'.,:~:: ~~~~-::-J::.~.~:;'( "",._,:.. ,: .,' ~ ), 'T': ':l'1:,' r ?~'~:y r ,=,p: ?". . r:~ ':'I' tJt~,j,~'; '~":' r.:.":.J.U I:. .Ct ~1 ct.!. to be given to either :ih',~j "" )p ''''l';li,l; :,lnd 31:,0111 either be; ,1,.r,r_,j"~ Sl;J',.1L~:e';~ u;:~ : i ll) s~.:;::t by Certiiizd ',r;,t:;;:-";i;~,:'li l'!w";cicd tha: an original S":;J'z:':~ -E'ui~~rY:; atto:rney~ Sel1e'r's 'try. Sec'':~,or.\ J. of '?:his Contract. Notic~ .,..f. '.,.' ;1. ';,'.,l..'. , . , .-": ''{ ::..;" . C~l' !':-, r-.:';;: n ";).:,":;).trJl,t,~ ....'~ {' i. '!J'" ;:.- ;:,:,.;:~j: 1'0 S''':':'~~'1.~T~ ~~, :",n~:'\ l-', '2,"', ;:,~ y,l, i~' ,': ;:^,:':j.-r..,:~,~;';:E ;:.e:t fcrt':l ':';:i.~Gr :~;,~- ~l;1;: },:'.!... f"",'. r..'", .,:.:':' r ~. ,...., ".J, l..; ~... l. ;;;epc;:it<,;c. with. ilie FedEx or Cr~:('j>'j~:.,d mail, retJII: r~ceipt l"!' ,d.dcnf:'.'~~ c,f such delivery ]5 5;:.~':,l r~ r~:~~!:.~>(:, ,. I:. :,' 'r"'f:'~'::' ;~~~~\::.~ I" ~'7 ~.::~' 't~(:~~~~ , ,',. f'r: f' ' ;~. c:~~';!'~\)~"1.:;' I" ~T -:.... \''::;c ;::> c ;{ r,c-; '-\" -"::."; ',' "~;";:" :," I',: r. ',;;:rf inii, ...~;]:'I:'~ c::;,angf'd by giving ;:\0"":' :; '1 ~ .. l' ">:' t::,~~ L;~'~ :;;.~~0.rf::~.:"e~' :..T.Ld k'.dCl'i,~5S ~ta.ted herein shaH jc "'!,'~'-'~,~' , ~',.' "j . J , ;, ".'" "J ::;;:;'~;.(': , " l,1ft,HH004 10'5'iA,'<J\ 'R(I'i- r'''L~rl P011!015 F-478 19, tL,:0L~:Lf,:~L!. L ,L ,Y:!', 'n1.'; ;;\)Ti;;:l of tl'.e Depcm', to ''':;105C ~.nd all other fJuds pro\')d:~(l, ;'i;.re:jEd':.r:n 'i:", F.,(:r~ ,,r ';;,r::L\t ).;, );;:'1 '1:~ "c':\);;I:'':lOd..'.io;\'1 <:,[ the: ;nc"t'_G' 10 t~\iz Co:;ltl'aC1, The duti~5 Qi' t'le Es(::~,v;. ),,,: ~; "~I .~\tJ;eT':lil'e":' 5 ';ki" (,e <:)xp::e.,; Pl1''''ii5i()TIS of fins Contract. In the ~Yen'. E,~')"ll Age:.:. '['<~;::,-.\;q' " ,)"/~T:i di":n,".nd f::OTi 'i::'p', S':llk:o:;, ot r>u>\~:; tl~:~ nl~ D~::;osjt (which demand shzE h;.di."~e m, ;':n :t,:: 'S' k,,:b ;1'"r; i:"",:'" -::?T SliCe. F,rty's ;';:;u(;5t fj.. (.1::: :;eposit), Escrow A:p:,! ~h<.; ;;d'iC ',,, i C::- '. ",' . ", :'(',1:' ,:1' 1';.. d';r or <;:;c\1 d,.~n!;:\D': ;;c,;i oJ: Escrow Agent's irw:r':~c~:: '::; :~C;\~t .t',; t"c)'" >.. . ':,; "',;y ''1'1'', ,I,:: .:~ (:,'l'~ 0;:1 'I,ht ,,::a.~\'r: ::',i}f;. L' E~':row Agent does not rec~~"i~ l': ';,j"jiC.'" ,0"" . pO' ,,:,;',;1' ~;) :,., no~;cr::, E::;;]'ow ''''-:Fi/. i:> J:.er;:'i:lY authorizec. to $0 r(~mi'; ,l:~, :L ,1",', " " :::;,1 ':\;V:." "n, "/ ': :;,,-',....c;::.). o';).1('.f:':iot ':r;;rrt the O':h:r pa.rty withill ten (10) d~.y;; ,'.freT '" ..,",c::r.""" ',",)J~:::; ,j.T:.H \ ')' ':,' .: 1':, 1:81:', :;:', Vqio,'i" Ll:.t1.:\ ,;-d:~erwise dirc::eted by jQi!'.t 'ii-:'.'"'' ~,';'TS .T': ':':''Ycr,: 'i -:.:; ,,' ,," C;Y):' .~, i'U",';ni; it E,;:al j',ldg;f;P..::t ':;.E ,:L "\;'::frc-'T~a,te court is issued. TJLf\:C? ~i~"7/. .i~:r'~~ ;_:~, .~:":.:r .2l~ \ ,. ;: 'r- l::,-:"~:':' "~ :T::~.?~'..i.ng ~r:~'~:- [\b'i:i.~~~;r~nI:!. or: '!'~';f! pa::.t of the Escrow h~:~;;i:, :i.i', "e ,',T.: . "";, ' :t :r::""~c .::1H::.'1::;':1. "~. i;'1:: ',. t;) fhc Depos\t with jjl',::i:~!.'!:: ,. .:: ~;:'"~t . , ", c.: 'I " h ,.., Es,:::r)'i'i !\g"'~1.t shaH be fuBy "e~i;.'{,;,:6 " (' ,.h ,..'. ' ,; ,. " ::":'prc::. , ",':)' :..' "r;' ?f): St!,krs also .mthoGze It,\f: .~:;.:~r:~~C\ . . 'j:V~, r~. . .\..,~ " ~.. . I..,;.; ;; :1.'.,1".1 t~, lI1 :r:lp" -;3.2. 2.,:U ~.-:.'.,,::-;-\~Lt,~d ::;H::~(::i.:::.s in any cour~ of ,.'; ~l;:r\: c;' '::., "..":.:t ",~j{1 'J~T(';'"'DC'I;' the Escrow C i::1 fi"'? ;~: r ?:'I.~ :";1:-0- '"i, \..'; i,i ,;11 ': c.:' ,; _" r i .~: ~ ':"f,::C', .~:+ : r' T~/3'J .. , 1:;"~(~; )j-J,~.:',:. :.7 ~ ',' IH:,k ::" Ti,': ::f :,::act or e:t.:or of b-;; ....,.=\ :,:, :,tfT:~" [:; -1 ;,:1: (jr;~::" .c}':r., :';~,'.2~.::.d 'i'r:~1 C. ri~ '~~ri~:;ti1 r. ~::1is.::'~r.dllct c:r gross ,. 'lI.," ]~\~'rur;;';;-,' '0., ,: believed by him to ~,) in'," !;o':;:~ i). instructian in t:"',e. r:a.r\:,' '..~'~~. 'lh.:'.~<'::::,e 'f~tI3half :;,",~':h ".,citing2' notice, ",;:' I.~:~.~r)in::; cr:"'~ ~,::'l.:~;c h-:7_T.::~l.:~-.r,-t<)E o~c'tJ':-rls Contr~ict. ;"')/'l,:'::ne;';'t r.:" ;~'f .., ~:! _._c..' .d,>.'- :"~J ..'r; ;;.' ::'1.(..~~ :',1:: ~, ~.. ....'C:i _..: ~ 0,;: i i. 'i( i~' " ~ ., -- ~ -~..- . . ~ . ~.... t !) fl-~i'~, ~,~:J ;,:i- ,. .< .,....-' 1:' "~l r.;.""~ ;;'-E~ref,: '}!'~l~ :~i,::J;V ::i.nc severally, \'. ~:~;'" :'X-,r' ~'0~:_:::'8~ LE'Y .G:;;),. :}::' ~~~'i;_pc-:lSe~ includ.ing '\'~',:'f;~:. :"~I tL 'n '~r-. ':,If.~ P;:1+. c,,~, 'f-;'0' };S;~H:i'W )'L.g;<.:lt ii.risrng cut of or .,.,; '"i:,~; ~,( ~.li! d:;';,::" r';',:< 't\\:.,. C::r:.'::,:;ct, as well as the ';d :;~~i~~,' nr-.:;~~::1.~ '_';"!.~5;- ~ ;~,~:,- :'>,)-:'l.::"~G';~ :.:'TJI~SS (,au-sed by L ".:~ =:. '~:>-' '::, ';q ::.?,L.::.t "Tr.~s S;r~c ,:']';'-;, ;. '::'_'; ~~:J:<.-: ; T:_~"':J;-F? tt.e Closi:;~g or ('" .. i'~- l:J ::, ">:~ 7~',e :.::., " ,1T/ ~>:j~:, ,,,':'Jl '''.',C 'c' ~n_~~ y,r;.:_~:;. .. , L : ::tJl ':..l i.'....if..... ~:?l i~~):~ t~ n-:-1, ,,: "~.' ~ ::' ~ " '.,':';'~S ''-~:~'.t thz, ":~'.8~; \.," /\,~'~: t J.;.' :~,~.~~,~) ~:f:J}.er;s atto~eys ~_.1~' .,'. '..., . ~ ,'--:1"""+1 ,~ .r:;" (: ~:;: ~;j' ,Ii'. ("'::,';', .;.<,;: :i'. ::11 ;;5, but not limjt~d ',,'I ?'!Tk Ir.';C 0, :': .1"'-""', ,.t ::;'.)y:tcn Beach llnd/or .: ',;2'~;~;~'-'~,~.LS<' ~ i ('ity' t,:f n,~:~~>;tl~r~ Beach ~.~ldJQr . <~' i:';~:;. T~;'~'; -:l~, iI.? ':i.- tT "; ~,L1L', E, :1;.:;.cl"~ CKJ":J.nty F,ecrcriLional ;'., i'~,. " ",' ~)~'::", :5~'-:;3 for ~~~qte:::' and .:',:U ,:;C::<eJt "w 1\;'es agreed to be .; '. '~'.~ . ""." ':,i. ::;::: -\ ~h:", $1:21.1 be tb.~ fee3 .'. ,..l"il; ?2~'~-':. .~, - ;,r' 1:-' ,~!:y a~~r::es:o reimbu1:SC ~. d"!r':c'"::O~. 'r,~f;':~ ,,,I-~"i ~;~::;:), ;\; ~'>.G Property being ~ ;\ .. . ~ ,~~;. \ ;". " ., ~('i' .:i( l_~_' ~i1'.' .....;:.1' I",r.',r:~ ;'~~r;'-"< "'I :']; ,:0.. ~ . .... .~ ~, :~ ~I ::.\1 .~: ~_~, :!. :J ,'t,' ~ I'"~ ~.. ',"'. J ~:", '., .~....~' _.~ . .r; :"'J.: ...: ,~"'._~". . ~ . .,\ ,",-'.' ~ '. :"';"''''_ t r J.. pr;:.::c.J.~~S(": ,:. ~:::.::: ~ ~:; 1- ':'0','1-1. ,< ;i'.C::' f ' '~t t'l:" E'~;,y;~: nr~: ::;s~:igu this Contract ".:':;' :.,:;':).:1;-,: \~:)\ve...et, that if the ~. 0\:, " I'.~Nral person, tllat ".,,";' '~"L;). ,::cod standing and 'b~ ;.1nc i;--) 6is Contract. Tl1e - : ',"" .. ~;f" , ("If S.:~~'.:{ \ " -.. ;- ~ r :.) 1 -1'" . ~ ,~, "l ,'1 ;: "17 ;1. 'I~ t ,,:\',~",d(:d ~'r'!;~" ~:t~.}~ ~;~:~~/;~ ~\}' :-1 "~--i': ~.~, ,l~i';~i.sJjee ~:.-(~~1 ;~ j' ',:;f,~:: -.. j ':. ~k- ~." ,_ . ~, " " : 'I qc -:" l-f ~ ::!.~"': ;1: '_'I f~. ,f: r:- f1"" F": 'l''J ~~:'0 ("':1 :;:~ ,~, ')", w~(itten noti';e to , , ',: t ,; W,,y"17.,2GC4: 0: afN"j .''''....''i r!~Ur'.. .,<-ii!J4 ?,012/015 F-478 Se:Jer 1!" ..:. ,^ .~. .;;'-;~:'..id ,~::f ~~:e: ~ ,x;~.:::{(~:,' :~l~'~r;~tG 3h,.~:11:..:..:u: ~i:D C:'~I'V:J. CC'3t& :::;.no ~~.ttGrneys; fees L.'"l "1' :' ,:':~');:\lT:t\~~~':: c'tv:;~ .d.:" COD.s'iJ~"':na!.i(~'). c-f 'the c:onsac~riCIl c.ontemplated : :1" I,,, ;~.~r:;~:~~l~Jt(r::-:' i',o ~~ SUi1 heiJi.'5 :~}~\t::6 i::l 2, (';:Ol~.r~ of competent ~;;. ::~'" )1:1 f};)~.;..:.:-;;:~, ~ re,:,~~~.I:.:r :re1.s\~ra(;~ie n.lt{.n:::Jf~y:sl let;~:': ~;cr;ts an,a ex.pc:i'1ses, :'.T~":'t:}'::7d :r;' :..t ;;.~:~. (,~r.J.:c~ ,'~'it'! ~;:Ihh -::':"~~ ~:vJo:>~-::;.j"!t~;nt of n:ti~) (~or.txact. con[/;c:'io:J \V1('~ rh.~~ f<'.fe :'T:L" tel'etJy. .Tr:, tht; ~'""~:.r.:! ~~':;: j"Jrisd~cci',n; the ~ .... ;;.t l:,(.~21 ~;,';:~1 ~.'~"j f}T:.rfJ;~"-;:i J:, (!:..,;C': r, . .,- '. (~:;; 1 '.1":. ::~: ",.~ c :~. :,.pe~.j~lE;:~( :>), I ,~E' ,~.:t":', ~')J.\:}rd,~.~,z,.7 (;\L, (':o:rt?tt;'" ~tDY reference. berei..":! [;~,d l:;~~J, holid..:;'S in the tQ (" ,~.1J1:' h-;;:','W:~ 'j'l , , ~J:i -, T:.~:~l-,-' .i~'''V' ~~,: ;~~f":..~'::':[.[l :n. ~":a_'" n..~.':nJ}f;,r of cO'.I:.r~{~r.oarts? any otle and ~~,,\ ~~dj Qf "\vb::.~,;:~ S~~JLE .::;,~; (~i;t~t~".r3:"J ~Ll C'rigiIla1. ?;)l of ,/,/ ':: ~~L r,,,;"'{'" . j. r;, ~..~ ~,,~' ".: .-J: B~);:Gr ::'::~~,{~i",:-'=:., '~c 't ., (....-. ! r..: -:-;: ft};r:h ~~n'~ ~:Tl'-;r;' .~',~,~re';!~TI::,]y ..!e.~.;!e~n s~n;r and '.-' ,It: tz.". -, ~.,~ .~:n ~up:::rs~.~5.~:~:; S' U. 7;:r'~_<lr ;':,,"(1 ':QptGm?oraneons "; ':: (,,_ J, cr em\.. b(~t\7,',~";:J +,c p:,:n:ie:; ard ::hcye are no "i~~::;(:':.:: .. ?~ c;.:-\(J~;~' "'h.~ ~:),;:e~1~ a:) (~:~h,:,ry:ise indicated :: :"~;.-' '.'C ';, '~~n:, ~--:- ;afr';~[~l:.-: " " '~", ,- -~-;~ :'1.:f n~: , ~1-:I;:'.F .~:;~< !', 1 J'; "i ;....!;. ~, . ' '.. ~,' 't~ ..:.:~ !,:l~ '5C~..l:.1.rJ.,; shfJ.l i'r:':; ,>,i J.~ fi',~ ferr,~t:?,~F.: aYJ.d rt~ilter, 11:.:~ (J _,',I.; . : "'.: _, ~ ", I (_: ~,'" ',; th'] (;C;~lt",;t rnay require, '",,':, ,.' .~'~ ,'1 .,;.",.~, -; ~'r'-. ~" '- .~. ... ~~,~-;;'~r;;t{: ~:.~:~-c-e':~ th~~." lb~t~~ CO\J.tract vriU be ':(~[=3 ~~l r.ccr::::':!2J~',~ 1-:: -;:::\~:: !~:,~-:. i:-;.'Jl$ of the State of ,....,1- Ii: F~(' ;-o'~\ _ ,. , " ',:<' -,:::'''' h',; '..l ':;~ '> i':. : i~, '''>t.rr;'~:Y7 ~: >:1.( CL:~ "' ,:, ~'I ';f "~. . ; .t':-;-;, I~; ,0"" :~IWT; ",1'u;uum rel0titlg .~;J~r; 'J' ~"l. -_ ;, j --. ~~ '., '., 'j; ~j!:. ':',J.t~'r r:~;J~: i,:;:~;:..Cll.:gS \er~in contained :..[. '-,.',~;' I:", ''.:r!,;5 i0f,~r:~:' "3 ~'(;'S '.)T~;tra.:t. ) -, . . ".~:.:- r:' -n~," ..1 .J tc,~, (~-r;r.t:-:.~~:." .; C::.~~fCl~n5':x:;'::~ to be iHegal, : ,'\';, fT,;;:,' !':n,~,};'cri '.11: ,; "CI1'C of competent ::: ~: .~. ,. .~:C:::'~.::L fJler;:::t)r, L: j:~ t"~:'e i. l/e:(IOTI vi the :parties that ~:":r~;r::'2.ble, te, ,;;::~ ",'i') ':'(; ':,(:':C:[ in tieu th<:reof a '~ 'ir"~:~''l,\~,:;; ( ....,F::::,::'.. ,..' .'...'.. 5YIJi ~df,'::,\':, ( ;'::~~;:. ':l\P,}:~'jF~;' if i..~T'. ~~ ~X:.::':} .:-:::~": 'v' ~'~(".':" , " ~ :: I' . D T:""~~ . ~ ,g~; I~"~~!~' tel ~.;~:',ir.:! ~.Ld eiJ';b.~ce;:~l~. '. ,',)et. .-:'~ ',~ ~~!. .- ; ~ ~ .'1",~'!:\\ 'i 1')'I~jl -i':t~.1j~f.. l:C ,.~. '", " d ':.r;:~ t~ bindir:.g UPC0, .it~r r"'~,;".r: ':;( -,1"-:1/: J-\,.'I :~~;,,'" :::e:t' ;L'r"~~ '. ~~~'\ ~. ~t'~ <>y ~tT~~X.\ ''';H r-epY;:sen"taticns and ?~r:~1 .':~.; .;-;;::,~!:~- ::et J.';}r'~:~ :l~j t.b53 Contf2,ct shall '..~,('~~~.~.' :~\r:; ,- ..) '< T;: r;:-.......A..r: Cl ~.' '~,~ . . ,', ~ e ~ 2r.~r.cl:~ ~.'~l f'r r: ':::';!'l1' :~": :,l:! '.'11 c.oEgal.10ra: by !,.;. ":. ~ ,.:.; F- l' ~~''''.{ ::~t i~~:,t .,:..- ..... ";', ;: 'I".. C '.\) .\ l',,:Teuf';:l;,;' 81'. s'lborcinate to any "mi d,r:"elopmen~ of the c":SO ',),'(f;[" i,':lder t'l".is contract :.,,~ f.l.C.::X:nt.tt k}~x ;;;UI~G~"::, 2::;Yf;'~~ ?.'s:cst~3 to execute ~;uch , ',':' L'i"i,l~", t>;'i{:; j '1 ,'I;,;': l ::n' .,).)- ,...",':i 'P,l:'\Jr,::"~'l , ~:,'\ > ;.~. ;:: '.~,: ' ,;. ~ ";:':r>.~ i': !1 ' " ~. l! 11 ~:~ TF~: ';; 'fh.~'.T "r;'il DC, '." tc~~,,:, ., ':;"}"~' :-i' ~~ "~,';' . 1... <1](' ';;:7'~D):.~ r;,; ~.i'!':; . . ]'.' ~'N{-:HOCl lC:6g'il4 :~i(~Y, ;'~t.04 P01S!015 F-47€ _ "'., ... SUD~1I~i:::;,2.:J.:)D, I~j::tj~ -'q;.~'. .'~.l~U."~.',; r';; :...> )\;~~;: .:,:~,I;: b..y l'r:;.(~~}..zlrt'::l t y :~ ~Ji:::.( L. .~endr.:r t t~). RESPEC' C'}' ()H. /\IUS:l< 0" .'\ ':"c"r T '.~ '1'7, ,1,"U C,! :"; .;~:l ::r.'2A.t:;:"? }(1' Kt/i!;'!CLl. XFF:.EVOCABLY, IN ,",(,.:,:, ,~,>'~' I{~(i:nE. 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J , I " :.,~..l_};_ '11 Ll, i, t.,,,"" (,"~ ;",1':,'., .- w: ::;c c'\'~'.: ': :'f <( Time and Date ofMeeting'~' .s:h (?=?Jc> Those a~d~ng meeting: ~ _ , /J / &{ ~t.e- ~ 6?)"1 ,f0rJ /~y, "" PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant's Name: ~ !J~~ -su Phone: '117- 7'f''l I .L:.(4'! ~ ~.c~oLu I ~ ~ ~ HAVE Y<)U SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes-L- No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? 1. . STAFF MEMBERS NAME: ~ 2. 3. WHAT ~.7LD YOU LIKE TO DO? "" I' / I. n /' II i fA tL NEW PROJECT tv ,,0 ~ p ~'"""-{ .So- II L-f Lo ( BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO~ERCIALPROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ll{DUSTRlALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED ~ HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? 5. Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. Ifurgency is sensed, discuss with Mike. . Meetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day 11lursdaymornings Note: Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m S: \Planning\Planning\Pre-applicationcontactquestions.doc C/\ 0/ ) C Q() >'I /1 G-}.1/Vyrt;tY1-~ t]!'r)-,. 1!.. V ~ - l""k, '- () '.(, (Lr' "-~ ->>'') -~ PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REVIEW FORM Date S 7-04 Time Started: I~ ';0 Time Finished: z.:~o Attending as Applicant Sl M Wl 11,cUl.G Phone Fax Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and ' Type/Use f2e_tJa \ 9;{XM..iV' Site Location (Address if Available) Site PCN Existing Zoning Existing Land Use/Density Anticipated Submittal Date ~ jl.'{i.~"LS 'Pt~ ..~ L/ <-=-- Proposed Zoning Proposed Land Use/Density / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth , c~ix<:wd ~ /lR<~j),. . -Ii--- Height (p Stt-JKleS'-) '.~ 1-' -P1'~ U'lt~tA.o u~"'- IS '~~ Parking Requirements or Improvements {~ e t. S~",[) Z---~ L.A."-""..... <e1 Z ~j[), , , Setback Landscaping/Buffering Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required Environmental Review Requirements ct .s~ n.kA'.-X'rtN\lC2-iA&-o ~'Yt{.lt.4 C{ '~t4 tJu 6-tp rty:L<J,J?.?L' C-\.,~l,.c, ;d1 iJ2J"€/(. j)t't-~ ) I I 5tvf~O SP(VfV1 rwf{4 ~it1 (~trff Notes/Comments/Recommendations Q4S Mt ,:y{evv, J ~~~{'7 15 3pad~ " ~11)Jj) ecd JeJe ~-? NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. .... . ./""~ . ',' Ksu'\C4/M~/!'LGf3~'YVLf~ ~y PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT lV1EETING DATE: 5 - 7-0tj , TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conf~rence shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not . binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendin Staff 0L- lL ",'f 0 }V\Ac;.C,1J!1 ~ lwt ~ bY1 ~ >OG A !\ <,~ ,I):k \)~ \0'"2.-1\ C/h o v; VI c'- (j CJhl1,sCJ"-' ( (I --if~ _,I ",t__ \:Jr'... ,----. ~\ ij ~ I I I I I J:I.SHRDA T A\PLAJ'INL"iG\SHARED\ WP\FOR.'IS\PRE-APPL MEETP.iG-SIGN L'i SHEET.DOC