LEGAL APPROVAL TO: FROM: DATE: COPY: RE: CL', .--- r-E' tV )Cj \' ,:;', f,. /J < ~ , C' G rr) rr:. A-, < 't-' h ~.. _ " 1",;7 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning rDJ/, [ & ~ n w [ m! W OCT 2 ~~': tJ ' Janet Prainito City Clerk October 23, 2006 I DEPARTMFNT OF DEVELnPMHJl I Central File Recorded Limited Access Easement, Special Warranty Deed and the Affidavit. Attached for your information and files is a copy of the above mentioned documents that were recorded in Palm Beach County on October 16,2006 regarding the roadway right-of-way along Gateway Boulevard with Compson Associates of Boynton Beach II, LLC. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 'tn. p~ S:\CC\WP\EASEMENTS\Memo Transmitting Recorded Easements-10-23-2006.doc The City of Boynton Beach '.[ '\. r.~. "~'.' _0..'.'.'." .....' " ,/ :..._- ~- .-....\ t,: ", t. ! .. ,,~, .._~... \';,;.:~-~)(J 'Q~~~~V~ City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj@ci.boynton-beach.f1.us www.boynton-beach.org October 23, 2006 Michael A. Schroeder, ESQ Schroeder and Larche, P .A. Suite 150 120 E. Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 Dear Mr. Schroeder: Attached for your information and files is a fully executed, recorded copy of Limited Access Easement, Special Warranty Deed and the Affidavit that was approved by the City Commission at its regular meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2006. These recorded documents relate to Compson Associates of Boynton Beach II, LLC. .regarding the additional roadway right-of-way along Gateway Boulevard for turn lanes into Renaissance Commons along its north boundary line. If I can be of any additional service, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Yn. p~ net M. Prainito, CMC City Clerk Attachment S:\CC\WP\AFfER COMMISSION\Other Transmittal Letters After Commission\2006\Renaissance Commons roadway agreements-10- 23-06.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 11111111111111111111111 PREPARED BY: RECORD & RETURN TO: MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, ESQ. SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P.A. SUITE 150, 120 E. PALMETTO PARK ROAI BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 (561) 241-0300 CFN 20060585924 OR BK 20969 PG 1677 RECORDED 10/16/2006 16:14:42 Pal. Beach County, Florida Sharon R. Bock,CLERK & COKPTROLLE Pgs 1677 - 1681; (Spgs) LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this 1~ day of A.J:YS'T , 2006 A.D., By COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose mailing address is 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 200, Boca Raton, FL 33432 first party; to the City of Boynton Beach, a Florida Municipal corporation, second party, having its principal place of business at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435: (Wherever used herein, the terms, "first party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals and the successors and assigns of cOIporations, wherever the context so admits or requires) WITNESSETH Whereas, the first party is the owner of property situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, and described as follows: Portion of PCN 08-43-45-17-15-004-0070 Legal Description: SEE EXHffiIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE ("Property") and, WHEREAS, the second party desires a perpetual limited access easement for access control purposes and/or other appropriate purposes incidental thereto ("LAE"), on, over and across said Property, and, WHEREAS, the first party is willing to grant such an easement, LK.. F:\DATA\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\BB Limited Access Easement.doc NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dollar and other good and valuable considerations, the first party does hereby grant unto the second party, its successors and assigns, a perpetual non-exclusive limited access easement for access control purposes and/or other appropriate purposes incidental thereto across the Property for said purpose. Said LAE shall be non-exclusive and the grant hereofby first party shall not prohibit the first party from landscaping the Property, granting utility easements across the Property or the construction of improvements incidental thereto, so long as no easements granted or improvements made shall provide vehicular access of any sort over the Property, or violate the requirements of applicable governmental authority pertaining to the Property. Second party acknowledges by the acceptance hereof that the LAE granted hereby shall not affect building set-back requirements with respect to first party's property of which the Property is a part and that set-back requirements will be the same as ifthe LAE did not exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused these presents to be duly executed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. By: Name: Its: STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) l1v ent was a knowledged before me on the L day of () I 111 . . ~ + , ~ . ofCOMPSON ASSOCIATE~ II, LLC, a Florida lmited-liability com ny, on behalf of the company, he is ~rsonally know to me, or _ has provided a valid driver's license as identification. My Commission Expires: My Commission Number: My Notary Seal: ~", ," i"I.I'~NA1UUI'" i'~ ~~ \IW\UI,IC' Ie WII"IMUI1U ~: joK MY COMMISSION' DO 224139 Iot~, . EXPIRES: JUIlt 19, 2007 IIll' Sanded ThnI NolaIy NIlo Undenwttera F:\DATA\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\BB Limited Access Easement.doc 2 WS'01l1l8111111/116, lilt:. SURVEYORS &MAPPERS 18815 ANNEUS DRIVE. LUTZ, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAl SURVEYING '" MAPPING CERTIFICATE OF AlITHORIZATlON: LB 7188, STATE OF A..ORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST ,~ .<1)01' f.J~~~' c}1. I I ~ l~ 10' ~ ~ 5' ~ ~. i!: \)l~ II:: ~. ~ ....'" ;; P.O.c.1 t POINT~" ~ ~ ~ I p~ ~ 1 \I) P.O.B. N89 4 '47"E 3EARING NOTE _ _ _ 446.29~ HE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED MATCH - SHEET 2 OF 3 o THE NORTH UNE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.U.D. HIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY CEATlACATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE () BEST OF Mf KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND V )ESCRIPTlON MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 OF THE flORIDA ADMINIST;??T CODE L,. "URSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027. flORIDA STATUTES.PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027. flORIDA STATUTES. / IS' REVISIONS DATE BY yv ~ PROFESSIONAl SURVEYOR AND MAPPER Icfs~TATE OF FLORIDA WILLIAM S. PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS. INC., ILB7188 DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FILE NAME 07/17/06 WSP WSP BTC-GW3-LAE LEGEND P.O.C. = Point of Commencement P.O.B. = Point of Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County Records O.R. = Official Records ~B. = Plot Book L = Centerline R!W = Right-of-Way P.O.B. N.E: CORNeR TRACT 0-7 '" It: ",,,,":, f"\ Ult:O: ~ iii ~~ -Ell:lltl: ~"'IQQ; ~~ ~~ ~i!:1,u I' CS~~ ~ ~ lfl I !IS {3 13 ~~~~~ ~- i{ ll: ~~ll::l\cI'1oj' ~g ~~ !g lQ iii A. n: ll: iii ~'-ti ll: \:} ~~~ it '-~ '" 60.0' TRACT A-6' a SCALE: 1- - 100' BEARINGS ARE PLA T E"AST UNF TRACT 0-7 r! ~t.., "C> 't~ ;'It) ~ 0) ~ ~ [l: :::i I 5' UMITED ACCESS E"ASFItIFNT Ss. (PER P.D. 1030 PACES 104-107, P.D.C.R.) ~ll:: II M;.'!I/io'!.Nl TRACT D-7 II RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T 7We:::>. A p.u.a ~;. lit. PLA T BOOK ~ PAGES 104-107, P.B.c.R ".... ".... 't "'; I ~ ~ OWNeR: COMPSON ASSOCblTES . ~ .... ~ OF DOYNTON II UC ~I<) I ~'" PARCEL' 08-4J-45-17-15-004-0070 . II;) I<) ~ I ~ LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT ~(2,'64.98 Square Feet x) III TOTAL ARE4 54.0' (4,566.92 Square Feet x) 589"04 '47"W 7.07' SHEET 1 OF 3 SEALL"':,, '/ NOT VAllO WITHOUT THE ~IGNArJREAf.!D THE'~' ORiGI~ 'rW~~(),,:~Ii- : ,:::~~~~~~J~~~~' .( , ~, ,-- ,.. '~ . . :' ,.. ~ ~ ", WSP ConGultants, Ine. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815 ANNELIS DRIVE, LU"l'Z. FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING & MAPPING CERTIFICATE OF" AUTHORIZATION: LB 7188. STATE OF" flORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST LEGEND P.O.C. = Point of Commencement P.O.B. = Point of Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County Records O.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plat Book <t = Centerline R/W = Right-of-Way a SCALE: 1- = 100' BEARINGS ARE PLA T MATCH - SHEET 1 OF 3 -. _.- - -. - 11-5' 66.0' 1 5' UMITED ACCESS EASEMENT (PER P.B. 103, PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) 0) ~ 1- ~II ~ ~ II~ ? II ~ UMlTED ACCESS EASEMENT ~ ~1I (2,401.94 Square Feet x) -oJ ~.5' TOTAL AREA S. .5 '(4,566.92 Square Feet x) IC !oJ" ~ II ~6 TRACT 0-7 ~ J.o1U ~t RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT 7WC>, A P.U.D. ~ 111 ~~ P!..A T BOOK 103, PAGES 104-107, P.B.c.R ;. II~ ~ II" OWNER: COMPSON ASSOCIATES 0) .:'t' OF BOYNTON /I LLC ~ 'I~ PARCEL # 08-43-45-17-15-004-0070 illO) , ~ f IV) .' J.-l0.0' (! 11-,8.5' , , 10' F.P.L. EASEMENT I (PER P.B. 43, PAGES 139-140, P.B.C.R.) 10' m I 5' UMITF:O ACCESS CASEMENT I (PER P.B. 103, 54.0' I II\S'~ PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) '\ \3'. -1.;.. V>~~- \3'. '" V> ~ .~~ I V> ~-, ?~ 't~. -- ~ .. h(;S>-\'" NOI'44'21-E 7.24' () CONGRESS A VENUE ~ (PUBUC R/W - WIDTH VARIES) I ~ I I ....... ...... r.. ~ ~ ~ ;:;::! II! u U "EQ.: ll:i ll:i ~"'<oll: ll: .. . ~ :g I:i r-: """ - "*" () !oJ :si!:~ 'j 'j ~ O~~ ~ ~ s. I r:ti I ~13Il3 IC )...~~~ ~ :J- I ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll: ~O<:i~ "'i o~;;s:~~ 'f ~ ::s ll:i ~~~ll: ~ ~ ~ Q.: \.:} ei ~ ei ~~I~ I ~ 60.0' --- BEARING NOTE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH LINE OF" RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.U.D. REVISIONS DATE BY WEST UNE TRACT 0-7 EAST R/W LINE (jG cJf/ THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY SHEET 2 OF 3 F"ILE NAME BTC-GW3-LAE DATE OF" SKETCH 07/17/06 DRAWN BY WSP CHECKED BY WSP WI'OIlIl8llIlllI/16, lilt:. SURVEYORS 8r MAPPERS ') 18815 ANNBLIS DRIVE, LUTZ, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264""7540 PAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIOHAl. SURVEYING Ie MAPPING CERTIFICATE Of' AUTHORIZATION: LS 7188. STATE OF flORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOU1H - RANGE 43 EAST DESCRIPTION A parcel of land l:?'9ing a portion of Tract 0-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO, A P.U.O., as .recorded in Plat Book 10J. Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Ron'da, said parcel belng more particularly descdbed os follows: BEGIN at the Northeast corner of said Tract 0-7,' THENCE on a plat beadng of S45'55'1J"E: along the East line of said Tract 0-7, o distance of 7.07 feet to 0 point on 0 line 5.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Tract 0-7; THENCE S89'04 '47"W along said parallfJl linfJ 0 dlstance of 55.99 feet; THENCE S88'04'47" a distance of J72.44 feet; THENCE 589'04 '47"W a distance of 7.07 feet,' THENCE NOO'55'1J"W a distance of 5.00 feet to a point to be referred to later in this description os Point ':4 ':. THENCE N89'04'47"E a distance of 7.02 feet,' THENCE N88'04'47"E a distance of 372.44 feet to a point on the North line of said Tract 0-7,' THENCE N89'04'47"f! along said North line a distance of 51.0J feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH; COMMENCE at Point ':4 ':. THENCE S89'04'47"W a distancfJ of 90.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,' THENCE SOO.S5'13"E a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE S89'04 '47"W a distance of 444.28 feet; :J THENCE S4S'24'34"W a distance of J6.71 ffJet to a point on the West line of said Tract 0-7 and the East n'ght-of-way line of Congress Avenue; THENCE NO 1'44 '21 "E along the West line of said Tract D-7 and said East right-of-way line a distance of 7.24 feet; REVISIONS THENCE N4S.24 '34'e a d'stance of JJ.48 feet; THENCE N89'04'47"E: a distance of 446.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,' Said porcel of land situate wlthin the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, ~ q~. Florida, containIng 4,,566.92 square feet mare or 10$$. ~;;r , DATE BY DATE Of' SKETCH I 07/17/06 DRAWN BY WSP I SHEET 3 OF 3 CHECkED BY I FIlE NAME WSP BTe GW3-LAE ReTU.RN +0: Office of the City C~, ,k City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ~ . IIImlllllllllllllllllU Instrument Prepared bv and After Recordinl! Return To: Michael A Schroeder, Esq, Schroeder and Larche, P.A. Suite 150,120 E, Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, Florida 33432 CFN 20060585939 OR BK 20969 PG 1754 RECORDED 10/16/2006 16:18:51 Palm Beach County, Florida AKT 10.00 Doc Stamp 0.70 Sharon R. Bock,CLERK & CO"PTROLLER Pgs 1754 - 1760; (7pgs) Property Appraisers Parcel tD. Number: SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED TillS INDENTURE is made the ~ day of -;::rv,Jt- , 2006, by COMPSON . ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON D, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose mailing address is 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 200, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (hereinafter called the "Grantor") to City of Boynton Beach, a Florida Mnnicipal corporation, second party, having its principal place of business at 5469 West Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 (hereinafter called the "Grantee") (wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall include Grantor and Grantee and their respective successors and assigns): WIT N E SSE T H: FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF the sum ofTEN AND NOIlOO DOLLARS ($10.00), in hand paid at and before execution, sealing and delivery hereof, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, aliened and confirmed and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey, alien and confirm unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, and being more particularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said tract or parcel of land, together with any and all of the rights, members and appurtenances thereof to the same being, belonging or in anywise appertaining to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of Grantee forever, in FEE SIMPLE; and subject to the title matters set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. GRANTOR HEREBY COVENANTS with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of the above-described property in fee simple and that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said property. GRANTOR HEREBY WARRANTS and will forever defend all right, title and interest in and to the above-described property unto Grantee and the heirs, successors and assigns of Grantee against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor, but against none other and always subject to the matters set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto. ? S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\-Sna;ssance to City - special warranty Oeed (ROW conveyance).DOC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Indenture to be executed under seal as of the day and year first above written. Si In GRANTOR: STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) -dv~ ('\ The regoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~ day 0 ., 2006 by \.... ~ as . of COMPSON ASSOCIAIES OF B ON, II, a Florida limite Ii iIity company, on be If of the company, he is ~ersonally know to me, or _ has provided a valid driver's license as identification. My Commission Expires~ 14,..200+ My Commission Numbe;";O - - . My Notary Seal: ~..<Ll'~~~ ary Public ~,'.U"''''I CLAUDETTE DIAMOND ~~ MY COMMISSION t DD 224139 .;D EXPIRES: June 19, 20CJT ~~' Bonded TIvu Notary PtbIk: l)1derwrilels. ,:~ 2- S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\-Snaissance to City - special warranty Deed (ROW conveyance).DOC EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION (GW-03A) S:\7\ClIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\-Snaissance to City - special warranty Oeed (ROW conveyance).ooc /V WSP CORsullaRts, IRe. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815 ANNEUS DRIVE, L~ FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING ck UAPPlNG CERTIFlCATE Of AUTHORIZATION: LB 7188. STATE Of flORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH P.O.B. = Point of Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County O.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plat Book <t. = Centerline R/W = Right-of-Way Records P.O.B. N,E. CORNER TRACT 0-7 RANGE 43 EAST 4' ,,\~Il '-~ , ~'J r,tc i 11-10' r! I r?in ~i., I' r--.O) r--.<:) ~c::i ~..: II ~l() ~ It) <:) ~ II ~ ~ 'I ~ ~ j!::::i III S' LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT Ss. I (PER P.B. 103. PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) ~lt: I NORTH LINE TRACT 0-7 I TRACT 0-7 'I RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T 7WC>, A P.U.D. I~. FLA T BOOK ~ PAGES 104-107, P.B.CR r--.~ ~~ OWNER: COMPSON ASSOCIATES I ~ ~ OF BOYNTON /I UC I ~~ PARCEL # 08-4J-45-17-15-004-0070 I ~ UTIUTY EASEMENT 'GW-03A' i r(9,SS8.86 Square Feet :1:) , ill I r TRACT A-5 a LEGEND EAST LINE TRACT 0-7 SCALE: 1- = 100' BE!ARINGS ARE FLA T ~ :::J S. ~ 6.5' Iii JI t~ ::: ~~ r ~'" ~H;~ _ <: s~ 3EARING NOTE MATCH '=-SHEET 2 OF 3 'HE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED ro THE NORTH LINE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO, A P.U.D. ..... ll:: ....., I"'\. ()ll::~ ~ llil.5(j ~l3'~Ill! ~ ~""I(jlt ~~ ~~ ~i!:\&I11 C)~ ~ ~ ~ ttl I co l3 13 ~~~(5~ ~.... ~ll: ~~~I~~ UI~ lfl lli . J;;::!t '" n' ll:i ~~ti ... ~ ~!l: ~!l:: l:J A: ~>:::. ~ 5' LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT 'ER P.B. 10J, PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) SHEE;T "HIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY CERTlACA TE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND )ESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE "URSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FlORIDA STATUTES. REVISIONS DATE BY UPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER NLS 5685. STATE FLORIDA WILLIAM S. PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS, INC., #LB7188 DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FILE NAME 04/24/06 WSP 10/17/05 WSP WSP BTC-EASE-GW3A WSP CIIRSUIl8Rts, IRe. SURVEYORS &MAPPERS 18815.ANNEUS DRIVE, LUlZ. FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-'7540 PAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYINC " MAPPING CERTIFICATE OF AlJTHORlZATlON: LB 7188. STATE OF F1.ORIOA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SEC1lON 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOlTTH - RANGE 43 EAST LEGEND P.D.C. = Point of Commencement P.D.B. = Point of Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County D.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plot Book <t. = Centerline R/W = Right-of-Way --- o SCALE: 1. - 100' BEARNGS ARE PLA T MATCH - SHEET 1 OF 3 Reco'~s l- - I ~ I I . ..... '"' r\. ~ II: II: ~ ~u U "'wit Q$ Q$ ~~IOl( l( ~~~ ~ ~ !&J ~i!:~11 ;;!: ~~~ ~ ~ :::i ~ 1(...... ~1(Q1~13I13 Q:; )..~~~ ~ :J- I ~...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2 ~ ~ II ~ Q$ l ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '=-I~ I ~ 66.0' 5' UMITED ACCESS EAS/iME:NT , (P/iR P.B. 10J, - I PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) '" , "1I1~ ~II" ? II ~ lITLITY EASEMENT 'GW-03A' ~ ifl (9,558.86 Square Feet ~) ~ -r:k.5' Q:; !.oJ" ~ II ~~ TRACT 0-7 ~ ~111~h A P.u.'''''' . ....." RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T 7We:" . ""'- ~III ~~ PLA T BOOK ~ PAGES 104-107, P.B.c.R ~ II~ . I " ~ I~ ~ II ~ 11 ~ ( ~ 10.0' (I 1+'8.5' 10' F.P.L EASalE:NT (pm P.B. 43, PAGES 1,39-140, P.B.C.R.) OWNm: COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON /I LLC PARCE:L , 08-43-45-17-15-()(H-0070 60.0' 10' 5' UMITaJ ACCESS EASalE:NT 1 (pm P.B. 10J, U PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) ~ NOO.55'13"'W ~ 10,00' WEST UN/i I ~ _ _ TRACT 0-7 __ h EAST R/W LlN/i o CONGRESS A VENUE ~ (PUBUC R/W - WIDTH VARIES) BEARING NOTE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH UNE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT lWO, A P.U.D. REVISIONS UPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO DATE BY THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY SHEET 2 OF 3 DATE OF SKETCH 04/24/06 WSP 10/17/05 DRAWN BY WSP CHECKED BY ~LE NAME WSP BTC-EASE-GW3A WIP Consultants, Ine. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815 ANNELIS DRIVE, LUTZ, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 21>4-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROfESSIONAl SURVEYING at lAAPPINC CERTIFICATE Of" AUTHORIZATION: La 7188. STATE Of" flORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being a portion of Tract D-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T TWO, A P.U.D., as recorded in Plat Book 103, Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the Northeast corner of said Tract D-7; THENCE on a plat bearing of S45'55'13"W along the East line of said Tract D-7, a distance of 14.14 feet to a point on a line 10.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Tract D-7,' THENCE S89'04'47"W along said parallel line a distance of 60.95 feet; THENCE S88'04 '47"W a distance of 372.44 feet; THENCE S89'04'47"W a distance of 527.50 feet; THENCE NOO'55'13"W a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE N89'04 '47"E a distance of 527.41 feet,' THENCE N88'04 '47"E a distance of 372.44 feet to a point on the North line of said Tract D-7,' THENCE N89'04'47"E along said North line a distance of 51.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said parcel of land situate within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 9,558.86 square feet, more or less. UPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO DATE OF SKETCH 04/24/06 WSP 10/17/05 DRAWN BY WSP CHECKED BY WSP REVISIONS DATE BY EXHIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes and assessments for the year 2006 and subsequent years not yet due and payable; 2. Notice of Commencement recorded July 15,2005, in Official Records Book 18910, Page 1244. 3. Notice of Commencement recorded July 20,2005, in Official Records Book 18935, Page 690. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal description) 4. Notice of Commencement recorded July 26,2005, in Official Records Book 18964, Page 711. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal description) 5. Notices of Commencement recorded August 1,2005, in Official Records Book 19000, Page 1866, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1867, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1868, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1869, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1870, and Official Records Book 19000, Page 1871. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal descriptions) 6. Notice of Commencement recorded August 8, 2005, in Official Records Book 19044, Page 952. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal description) 7. Notices of Commencement recorded November 16, 2005, in Official Records Book 19538, Page 1949, Official Records Book 19538, Page 1951, Official Records Book 19538, Page 1953, and Official Records Book 19538, Page 1955. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal descriptions) 8. Notice of Commencement recorded February 24,2006, in Official Records Book 19967, Page 993. 9. Notice of Commencement recorded March 15,2006, in Official Records Book 20059, Page 1654 10. Florida Power and Light Easement as reflected on the Plat of Renaisance Commons Plat Two, a P.U.D. II. Plat recorded in Plat Book 103, Page 104. 12. Master Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements for Renaissance Commons recorded in Official Records Book 16940, Page 94; as supplemented in Official Records Book 17987, Page 61; and as amended in Official Records Book 19713, Page 1369. 13. Cross-Access Easement Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 18288, Page 1218. 14. Easement Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 7738, Page 1865, together with required water and sewer improvements as set forth in Contract recorded in Official Records Book 7770, Page 598. 15. Notices of Adoption of Amendments to the Renaissance Commons Development of Regional Impact recorded in Official Records Book 17386, Page 352 and Official Records Book 17386, Page 370. 16. Notice of Establishment of the Renaissance Community Development District recorded in Official Records Book 18360, Page 378; together with Notice of Assessment by Renaissance Commons Community Development District recorded in Official Records Book 19738, Page 386; and together with Declaration of Consent to Imposition of Special Assessments recorded in Official Records Book 19786, Page 39. 17. Memorandum of Lease recorded in Official Records Book 19805, Page 1747. 18. Environmental Resource Permit Notice recorded in Official Records Book 17669, Page 209. (Informational only; not an encumbrance) S:\7\clIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\-$naissance to City - Special warranty Deed (ROW conveyance).DOC II~gln~glllllllllllmll Prepared by and when recorded return to: CFN 20060585'340 OR BK 20969 PG 1761 RECORDED 10/16/2006 16:18:51 Palm Beach County, Florida Sharon R. Bock,CLERK & COKPTROLLER Pgs 1761 - 1788; (28pgs) Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P.A. 120 East Palmetto Park Road, Suite 150 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 (561) 241-0300 AFFIDA VIT On this 26th day of July, 2006, I, Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. (Florida Bar No. 202320) ("Affiant"), hereby certify that the property described on Exhibit "A" annexed hereto (the "Property"), is owned by Compson Associates of Boynton IT, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, pursuant to Special Warranty Deeds recorded in Official Records Book 15482, Page 610 and Official Records Book 15931, page 1607 and Palm Beach County, a political subdivision ofthe State of Florida, as evidenced by Warranty Deed recorded in Official Records Book 18208, Page 1638, all ofthe Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. In reliance on a title report prepared by Commonwealth Title Insurance Company with an effective date of July 10,2006 at 8:00 A.M., the Property is free and clear of all liens, mortgages and/or encumbrances, excepting the lien for taxes for the year 2006 and subsequent years and the matters listed on Exhibit "B" annexed hereto. FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\TITLE AFFIDAVIT CITY GW-03A.wpd STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on July ~ G , 2006, by MICHAEL A.. SCHROEDER, who is personally known to me. My Commission Expires: My Commission Number: My Notary Seal: roorrHL YNN]()CIS i G) JUDITH LYNN JOCIS .( l -i~ MY COMMISSION' 00226145 ... EXPIRES: AugUSt 'l7. 2007 . AJt/DC.Co Hl004,NOTARY FL NclWY D11Cllll11ll . S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\TJTLE AFFIDMrIT CITY GW-03A.wpd EXHIBIT "B" PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes and assessments for the year 2006 and subsequent years not yet due and payable; 2. Notice of Commencement recorded July 15, 2005, in Official Records Book 18910, Page 1244. 3. Notice of Commencement recorded July 20, 2005, in Official Records Book 18935, Page 690. 4. Notice of Commencement recorded July 26, 2005, in Official Records Book 18964, Page 711. 5. Notices of Commencement recorded August 1,2005, in Official Records Book 19000, Page 1866, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1867, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1868, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1869, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1870, and Official Records Book 19000, Page 1871. 6. Notice of Commencement recorded August 8, 2005, in Official Records Book 19044, Page 952. 7. Notices of Commencement recorded November 16, 2005, in Official Records Book 19538, Page 1949, Official Records Book 19538, Page 1951, Official Records Book 19538, Page 1953, and Official Records Book 19538, Page 1955. 8. Notice of Commencement recorded February 24,2006, in Official Records Book 19967, Page 993. 9. Notice of Commencement recorded March 15,2006, in Official Records Book 20059, Page 1654. 10. Florida Power and Light Easement as reflected on the Plat of Renaissance Commons Plat Two, a P.U.D. 11. Plat recorded in Plat Book 103, Page 104. 12. Master Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements for Renaissance Commons recorded in Official Records Book 16940, Page 94; as supplemented in Official Records Book 17987, Page 61; and as amended in Official Records Book 19713, Page 1369. 13. Cross-Access Easement Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 18288, Page 1218. 14. Easement Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 7738, Page 1865, together with required water and sewer improvements as set forth in Contract recorded in Official Records Book 7770, Page 598. 15. Notices of Adoption of Amendments to the Renaissance Commons Development of Regional Impact recorded in Official Records Book 17386, Page 352 and Official Records Book 17386, Page 370. 16. Notice of Establishment of the Renaissance Community Development District recorded in Official Records Book 18360, Page 378; together with Notice of Assessment by Renaissance Commons Community Development District recorded in Official Records Book 19738, Page 386; and together with Declaration of Consent to Imposition of Special Assessments recorded in Official Records Book 19786, Page 39. 17. Memorandum of Lease recorded in Official Records Book 19805, Page 1747. 18. Environmental Resource Permit Notice recorded in Official Records Book 17669, Page 209. (Informational only; not an encumbrance) S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\TITLE AFFI~vh CITY GW-03A.wpd 19. Notice of Commencement recorded May 3, 2006, in Official Records Book 20282, Page 1074. 20. Notice of Commencement recorded May 26, 2006, in Official Records Book 20390, Page 1329. 21. Notice of Commencement recorded June 1, 2006, in Official Records Book 20416, Page 1371. All ofthe foregoing recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\TITLE AFFIIBvk CITY GW-OJA.wpd EXHIBIT "A" WlP CII08011ll018, loe. SURVEYORS lie MAPPERS 18815 ANNEUS DRIVE, Lurz, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-'7540 PAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAl.. SURVEYING" MAPPING CERTIFICATE or AUTHORIZATION: L8 7188. STATE or FlORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOlJTH P.O.B. = Point of Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County O.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plot Book <t = Centerline R/W = Right-of-Way Records P.O.B. ME. CORNER TRACT 0-7 RANGE 43 EAST 4' ,,\\~er (,.~ ~ ~'J ;ti t ,1-10' r! I t;1io ~b 'I ,,01 ,,0 I ~ti ~...: I, ~'O ~lt) I I::) I::) . . ,~ ~ il (I) ~ iI:~ I' I 5' WilTED ACCFSS EASeMeNT S): I (PeR P.D. 103, PAGeS 104-107, P.D.C.R.) ~ ~ NORTH UNe II TRACT 0-7 TRACT D-7 , RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT 7We), A P.U.D. ~;'l it, PLATBOOK 103, PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R ~ ~ I, ~ ~ OWNeR: COMPSON ASSOCIATCS '" 't ~ OF BOYNTON /I LLC ~") I~" PAReD. # OB-4.J-45-17-15-()(H.-0070 . ~..., ~ J 131 UT1UTY EASEMENT 'GW-ooA' ~ t' Vr9,558.86 Square Feet r) I; II 71lAcr A-5 a LEGEND EAST UNe TRACT 0-7 SCALE: r = 100' BEARINGS ARE Pt...A T "" it: "";. " oit:ll:: ~ iii 00 "~ll:ICliIli ~t1 ll: ll: ~SICi ~:g ~~' ... ...... :::s i!: l,u I I O~~ ~~ ltil!Q!:Jl:l )...~~(S~ ~... ~Q:; ~Q:~I 'I<) .::s;;~o ~C) ~,.jo _ ~ III iii . !l. ^' n' Il:i G"=-ti'll: ei!t: ei 11: ~ 11: "=-~ '\;;. ~ ~ ~ r:: JI ~~ ~~ _ _ ~ 5~ ~EARING NOTE MATCH - SHEET 2 OF 3 HE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED o THE NORTH LINE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.U.D. SHEET 1 ,OF 3 . 1 '4 .. f, .;", , 'SEAL"l.; , ..' " . , ~ '. I.. 5' LIMITED ACCeSS EASeMeNT 'ER P.B. 103, PAGeS 104-107, P.B.C.R.) , 0'<(..' NOT V~11h WIT~T iH,~ ,SIG.~T4tt. A%R~:: I" '"ORI~~~'~~ao-'~~': :- OFA~LO~~ ;).l~1t ~, ~~rP''':N~;,IQA~'Po~ /~., ''''','' '~. .. ~'(\."..... '''f,' >:.~,:~~:\~y -:...~ I);:;. \:1 . , ~;, ,. HIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY ~RCATE li/S IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE lEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND IESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 'URSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472,027. FLORIDA STATUTES. /7 REVISIONS DATE BY r~ IPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER #lS 5685. STATE FLORIDA WILLIAM S, PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS, INC., #LB7188 DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FilE NAME 04/24/06 WSP 10/17/05 WSP WSP BTC-EASE-GW.3A WlP C1I1I8111t1111talllC. SURVEYORS &MAPPERS 18815 ANNELIS DRIVE, LU"n, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-'7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAl. SURVEYING ot MAPPINC CERTFlCATE OF' Al/JHORIZAT1ON: LB 71811, STATE OF' f'l.ORIM SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST o LEGEND P.O.C. = Point of Commencement MATCH - SHEET 1 OF 3 P.O.B. = Point of Beginning - - -- - - - - 'R-s' P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County Recordsl 66.0' 5' UMITE"D ACCESS EASEMENT O.R. = Official Records , (PER P.B. 1o.J, P B = PI t B k - I PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) . . 0 00 ~ III b It. = Centerline ~ II) ltjll~ R/W = Right-of-Way I -:- I ~ I ~ I 0 ~ ~ -:- ~-l* ,Iltj UTZ.ITY EASEMENT .GW-03A. no: ~ ti ~ ~ ll::(9,558.86 Square Feet r) "iii'Q: Qi Qi..... , rn~ ~ lO' II: II: S. .5 ~l2~" Q:; !U ... 't C) ;::" ~ ~~~ II ~ I'I::J~ TRACTD-7 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II ~t; RENAISSANCE ~ FL4 T TKt:), A P.U.D. S I (Q I ~ tl1tl ~1I1~~ PLATBOOK KJ3, PAGES K)4-107, P.B.CR Q:; )...~K(:l (:l ""II~ ~J~~-~~ ~ "- ~~~~a:~ ~::~ ~~~II: ~ 11~ ~ ei ~ ~ ( ~'0 0' ~ -'::'I~ 1'11+18.5', J ~ 10' F.P.L EASEMENT (PER P.B. 4J, PAGES 1J9-140, P.B.C.R.) SCALE: 1- - 100' BEARNGS ARE PLAT OWNER: COAlPSON ASS0a47ES' OF BOYNTON /I LLC PARCEL' 08-43-45-17-15-004-0070 60.0' 10' --- J~A~ (PUBUC R/W - WIDTH VARIES) EAST R/W UNE C) !Q CO BEARING NOTE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH UNE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT lWO. A P.U.D. THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY Ju REVISIONS DATE BY IPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO DATE OF SKETCH 04/24/06 WSP 10/17/05 SHEET 2 OF 3 DRAWN BY WSP CHECKED BY ~LE NAME WSP BTC-EASE-GW3A WIP CDnsultants, Ine. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815 ANNELIS DRIVE, LU1Z, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAl.. SURVEYING tic MAPPING CERTIFICATE OF" AUTHORIZATION: LS 7188, STATE OF" FLORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUll-I - RANGE 43 EAST DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being a portion of Tract D-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T TWO, A P.U.D., as recorded in Plat Book 103, Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the Northeast corner of said Tract D-7; THENCE on a plat bean'ng of S45'55'13'W along the East line of said Tract D-7, a distance of 14. 14 feet to a point on a line 10.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Tract D-7,' . THENCE S89'04'47'W along said parallel line a distance of 60.95 feet; THENCE S88'04'47'W a distance of 372.44 feet; THENCE S89'04'47"W a distance of 527.50 feet; THENCE NOO'55'13'W a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE N89'04'47HE a distance of 527.41 feet; THENCE N88'04 '47HE 0 distance of 372.44 feet to a point on the North line of said Tract D-7,' THENCE N89'04'47HE along said North line a distance of 51.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said parcel of land slfuate within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 9,558.86 square feet, more or less. REVISIONS DATE BY JPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO DATE OF SKETCH 04/24/06 WSP 10/17/05 CHECKED BY WSP DRAWN BY WSP 9329 S.. Military Trail Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 FPL June 28, 2006 James Alan Cherof" Esq. City Attorney The City of Boynton Beach Office of City Engineer 1 00 East Boynton Boulevard Boynton Beach, FloIida 33425 Re: Florida Power and Light Company ("FP&L") Subordination of Easement Rights Proposed Right of Way Parcel GW-03A (1950 Congress Associates, LLC) Portion of Renaissance Commons on Gateway Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Dear Mr Cherof: We have been advised that the right-of-way parcel described in Exhibit" A" eROW") to this letter will soon be conveyed to The City of Boynton Beach FPL has facilities located within easements that lie within the proposed ROW parcel. Florida Power & Light has been provided with a new easement, a copy of which is attached as Exlnbit liB" to this letter ("Easement") Florida Power & Light will be relocating its facilities fi"om the easements that lie within the proposed ROW pm'cel, to the new Easement It is the purpose of this letter to confirm to The City of Boynton Beach that, upon the relocation of the Florida Power & Light facilities in question to the new Easement area, Florida Power & Light will execute and deliver a subordination of its easement rights in the easements within the proposed ROW pm"Cel. It is anticipated that the relocation of these facilities will be completed within approximately 5 months, 1L~~ Relocation Coordinator [I " ~~x (-Kc~-. It- WS' COIISBII8DI6, IDe. SURVEYORS&-MAPPERS 188%5ANNELIs DRIVE, LUTZ, PI, 33548 paONE (813) 264-7540 PAX (813J 964-8760 PROfESSIONAL SIJRVF/lHC . IW'PIHG C(1(McAlE OF Al.IlHOmZA1lON: UI 7188. STAlE OF F1.ORIOA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ACaUlSJTION - PARCEL GW-.03A SECTION 17 .- TOWNSHIP 45 solmi -. RANGE 43 EAST ---.-- LEGEND P 0 C, ... Point of Commencement p 0,8. ::: Point of Beginning p, B.C-R. "" Palm Beach COlJnty Records o R_ '" Officiol Records P. B.. = Plat Book <t. "" Centerline R/W = RIght-of -Way I 7R.4cr ...-6 o ------ SCALE: 1- ... 100' BEARINGS ARE RAT , . !Sf.O' I ~ C ~~~ ~~tr~~IM ~'~I~ I ~~ II I ~~1!{ ~ 0)<1;..... ii~i J $' LI1.iI7ED A~ EASEuENr . (pm PoB. 10'S, PACES 10f-107; P.B.c.R.) TF!ACT'D-7 RENAISSANCE ~ ftATTWq A P.UD. FlAT BOOK ~ PAGEs ~107, P.s.CR, OWMrJ?' COUPSON ~0C.I41E3' OF' BOYNTON II lL.C PARCEL # 08..<0-45-17-15-004-0070 PARCEL ~W-m4' (7,588:S8 Square Feet :t) 10' F'.P.l EASEMOir (PeR PoD. 4J, PACES 1J9-140, P.D.c.R.) BEARING NOTE . ' 'i'HE, BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFtRotCED )'0 THE NOIffH 1I1i1~. OF: RENAISSANCE COMMONS PlAT TWO, A P.U O. 'O-flSskEtC.H: IS NOT A SURVEY' . CERTlFrCATJ; , THIS IS TO CElmFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE AlTACHED DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEsT Of" flY l<NOlYl.EOCt AN/} BELIEF AND DOtS NOT REPRESENT A F1E1.O SURVEY_ I f"IJRTHlm CERTIfY THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAl. STANDAROS SET FORTH lINDtR RULE 61G17-6 Of" THE: f"lOR1OA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSlIANr TO CHAPTER 472,027. nORICA STATUTES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027. FLORIDA STATUTES / { . () .. RE:VlSIONS DATE BY 1..J5/~~ .4 - Z.. 0(..:. VPll/ITE WITH CURROO TITlE INfO 04/24/06 WSP PROFESSIONAl SURVEYoR ANO LlAPISER ILS 5685. STATE or FlORIDA ~'ON or PARCEL PER ClIENT REQUEST 11/07/05 AJM WILLIAM S, PAYNE WSP CONSUlTANTS. INC.. ILB7168 DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKE:D BY FILE NAME JPOtI.TF: PER PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMENTS 10/17/05 AJM 07/26/05 WSP WSP BTC -RW-'GWJA llur ,~. NOO"55'"rW 12.00' .5' S8!r04 '47"'W 527.41' 80' OPEN/N(; $' LIMl1ED ACCESS l'ASD.IENr -(PER P.8. 1~ PACES 104-107, p.B.c.R.) SHEET 1 Or 3 SEAL. NOT VAl.lO WI1ll0lJT THE SIGNATURE ,'\NO THE: '. 'ORIGINAl RAI$C;O SEA/;. OF' A FLORIDA UCEN~ED SUiM:YoR AND MAPPER -..-- WIP CORSUltaDI6, Int:. SURVEYORS&- MAPPERS 18815 ANNEUS DRIVE, LUTZ, PI.. 33548 PHONlt (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIOPlAL SllR\'EW4C . AW'PIHG CEJmFlCATE <IF AlmfORllATlOHI L8 7188. STATE Of" F1.ORlOA -- r- SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION . RIGHT-OF-WAr ACQUISITION - fARCEL GW-031L ~ 8EC1l0N 17 .. TOWNSHIP 45SOlJ11i - RANGE 43 EAST ... ~ SCALE: 1- - 100' BEAIIINGS ARE PLAT LEGEND P..O.C ... Point ot Commencement MA TCH -. SHEET 1 OF 3 P,Q.B os Point ot Beginning __ _ __ _. _ __. _" .. P.8.CR. = Palm Beach County Records I 66.0" O.R. = Official Records P 8. = Plat Book h <t =< Centerline ~ R/W = Rlght-ot-Way I ~ I ~ __ PARCEL 'OW-0a4' 'rd ~~ ~I~ 8.5' (7.,588.38 Squart! FHt z) I~ 13 lei' ~ ~ ~ -:1 ~~!~ ~ ~ ~ *~ TRACTD-7 ~ 8 i ~ ~ ~ ~ -.~ ~f~ RENAISSANCE ~ PLAT 7Wa A P.UD. ~ f~ I ~ ~ In ... PLATBOO/( XXJ. PAGE8104-107, P.D.C,R : 'mi i~ ~ !/! 1-- ~ ,..~ OWNER: ~~~lL~' ~ 2 'of 0 ~...., D PARCEL , 08-<l.J-f.5-17-'1.~-O()-I-0070 ~~~; .~ ~ s: Q ei q; {<Jv; ( o ~ ~ ei k ~ (PER P.B. 4.1, PAGE3' 119-1-w. P.e.C.H.) J l~ CIj 1tH' 5' J. I I~ '0" 54.0' S' UUlTEO ACCf3:S &.sa.IENT , -(pER P.B. 10J, ~~ NOO.55'IJ"W I ~td ~ 18,50' WE.Sr LINE ~~ - -- ==-=h.TRAcr 1).-7 ~AI6\(EI ~ ---- {'-li_ --~~~~1_ _ __ 5' IJMITED ACCESS CASEAiENT' (PER P.8. 10.1. PAG€S 1(H-107, P.e.C.H.) BEARING NOTE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE RUERENCEO TO THE NORTH UNE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P,U,D. REVISIONS DATE BY UPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO 04/24/06 WSP REVISION OF" PARCEl. PER CUENr REQUEST 11/07/05 AJI.l 'THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY SHEET 2 OF .3 DATE OF Sl<ETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY F1lE NAMe: UPDATE PER PAU.I BEACH COUNTY COJ.lMOOS 10/17/05 AIM 07/26/05 WSP WSP 87C-RW-GW3A -.--- WSPConSUll8nl1J, lue., SURVEYORS l!r MAPPERS 18815 ANN.BLIS DRIVE, LUI'Z, FL 38548 PHONE (813) 264-'7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIOfW. SURVE'YlNG " IW'f'ING CERl\FJCA~ OF' AlIlHORIZATION: La 11ll8, $TATE Of' f1.ORIDA ----..-.J---- SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ACOUJSmON ... PARCEL GW....03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST --.. DESCRIPTION A pan;el of land being 0 portion of Tract 0-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWo. A P.UO., 08 nlCordlld In Plot Book 1 OJ, Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida, said parcel being more particularly descn'bed as fonows~' COMMENCE at the Northeost comer of said Troct 0-7,' THENCE on 0 plot bearing of $89'04 '47"W along the North Ilne of said Tract 0-.7 o distance of 51.0J feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S88'04'47"W 0 dlstance of .37244 feet;. THENCE S8~r04'47"w a dlstance of 527.41 fCt1t,' THENC€ NOO'SS'13"'W along s"aid West line 0 dis-tance 01' 18 SO feet, The next seven (7) courses ore along the North line of said Trac.t 0-7 and the South right-of-way line of Gateway 8oulflvard,' THENCE N89'04'47"E 0 distance of 85J9 feet; THENCE S'77'25".28"E a distance of 51.42 feet, THENCE N89'04 '47 ME 0 dlstance of J7500 feet," THENCE' NOO"SS'IJ"W 0 distance of 12.00 feet; THENCE N89"04'4rE 0 distance of 110,44 feet.. THENCE S7r25'28ME a distance of 51.42 feet, THENCE N89.04 '47"E 0 distanctl of 228.97 feet to the' POINT OF BEGINNING; Sold porc"el situate within the City of Boynton Beach Palm 8each County, F1or/da, containing 7,.588.,38 squoro feet, more or less.. REVISIONS UPDATE WITH CUFlRENT TITLE INFO REVISION OF" PARCEl PER CUENT REOVEST uPDATE PER PAUl BrACH COUNtY COMMENTS (lATE BY 04/24/06 WSP 11/07/05 AJM 10/17/05 NM SHEET 3 OF 3 DATE OF SKETCH I DRAWN e=r- CHECKED BY ~-fiLE ~ 07/26/05 WSP WSP BTC-RW-GW3A -.. WOfl(OrderNo 11(;S-,oL/ ~A l'f1J5J/}-' ' ~' I EASEMENT This Instrument Prepared by l~nUU.~IIUIBmIIUmtinlll_U Sec.!.1Twp~~, Rgelf3E PJ;t~~f 11 t ~O(>"()l)70 (Maintained byCounty Appraiser) Fonn 3722 (Stocked) Rev. 7/94 Name: Michael A, Schroeder, Esq. Co Name; Schroeder and Larche, P A Address ill 50, 120 E. PalmeUo Pk ReI Boca Raton, ilL 33432 Pg-Lof~ CFN 20060381.Cll1.7 OR BX 20534 PG 1204 RECORDED 06/28/2006 10:26:01 PalD Beach County. Florida AJST 10.00 Doc St.8mp 0. 70 SharDn R. &ck.CLERK & COKPTROLLER Pgs 1204 - 1209; (6pgs) 'Ihe undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $J.OO and otber good and valuablo considCl'3tion, the adequacy iIIId receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Powcr & light Company, its licensee, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of OYCfhead and underground electric utilily facilities (including wires, poles, guys, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed trom time to time; with the right to r~n8truct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the volcage, as well as, the size of and remove such tilcilities or any oftbem within an easement 10 feet in width described as follows: See Exhibit "A~ attached hereto and made a part hereof. R....-..d tor C'ircut Coor1 Together with the right to permit any other person, fum or corporation to attach wires ..' to any facilities herct11lder and lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same for communications purposes; the right of ingTCss and egrcss to said premises at all times; the right to clear tbe land and keep it cleared of all tress, undergrowth and other obstrUctions with in the casement area; to trim and cut and keep trinuned and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous tress or limbs outside of the easement area which might interfere with or ran upon the lines or systems of communications or power transmission or distribution; and further aranls, to the fullest extent the undcrslgned bas the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore deScribed, over, along. under and acrOS$ the roads, streets or higbwliys adjoining or througb said property IN WfTNBSS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and scaled this instrument on '::s' '" /'J~ l:J.... .2006. COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF DO Florida Ii d JiabUlty compan LLC, a Print N8lJUl.___ UA.u. ~ K .~~",., j).... 980 N. Fedel'lll Highway, Suite 200, Boca Raton, . 4~~ !4n. 1't~;......_> Print Name \ I J?erf:~ 1 Atlest:_... Print Name:___.____. Print Address:___ (CotpOrate Seal) g instrument was acknowledged before me this "cl.-t/c.., of CQMPSON ASSOCIATES OF liability co pany, on behalf of sa! ,Com ny, who ar'e personally known to me~e as identification, and who did (did not) take an oath, _' . LJ . f . ~. .. ......-........- --.... '. b. . _h-H... '>..'V .J L--- ^ ~ _' ~) - "'" "'bli" S_ ~.0: z:= . ~ .IL#'-JN~ ClAUDETTE DIAMOND . MY COlAMISSION' DD 2241Sl1 EXP!AES: JlJIe t81m 1lat1dfdTJ;..lIOlIr7 Pltlb~ (Type of Identification) My Co_ Expi~___ I1.J "'...).... W8PCDDsull8nl8, Ine. SURVEYORS 4t MAPPERS 18825.ANNELIS DRIVE, LUTZ, PI. 38548 PHONE (BJs) 264-'7540 PAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SUINEYlNQ II: I.W'PlNC CERJlFlCATE OF AUlHORJV.llON: ... 7188, STAlE OF /'LOaJ04 SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTJurv EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUlH - RANGE 43 EAST o . I · ~ ,. TRACT A-S ~'\tc. .- ,% . ~T'fr-S P.O.8. c:1 N.E. CORNER ,I- 10' TRACT 0-7 r! 1;1 J ~a II (~ J " . I ~ti .=t ... I ,.10 j Q ~~~ ~ll)11 ~ ~~~I~llS ~ 'I ~ ~ i I ~_: ~ ~ III ~' I./N1TEf) AC'Ca'S E:A5EMENr ::r ~ ~ (PER P..8. IO$. PAC€$ 104-107. P.B.CoR.) ~~~ 5 ~ '~, {ffifIftf:!'!f TRACT 0-7 lii M tl g I RENAISSANCE ~ PLAT' rwa A P.lI.D. ~i~ ~~. I~. PlATBOOKI03, PAGESD4-KJ7,P.Bc:.R ~ ~ !"~"C(~' . ~ I~~ OWNEJr. c~':v~u~ J!:!i::: :::... ~to) I~'" PARCEL , fHJ-~-17-15-(J()1--(X)70 ~ ts ~. I ~ lITILI1Y EASEMENT paW-aM p \J ~.l~. C!: r ~(9,55886 Squa~ FtI(1f :1:) ~J 0' {'III NORTH UNE' "T. -rRACT 1)-7 - 10' F.P.L F.ASEJ.lENT I I' (PER P.B ~. PACES 1:J9-14o. P.8.C.R.) /0 ~ 1-_ '0' I I, U,a.s' ~ 5'- ~ I it ~ (,jJ u' LL ~ b ~ I rT. lI) I lu (". I ~'" I i 1 ~; I ~ &f r ~~, '80' OPENING ~~ . , s' 5' UMlTED ACC~ E:ASFAIO/T BE: ^ ~INQ NO~ -- - -- - -- - 'ER p.B. 10J, ~ . 'I t:: MATCH - SHEET 2 OF 3 PAGeS' 104-107, p.B.e.H.) THE BEARlNCS SHOWN ~ON ~ PiAl", AND ARE REfERENCED . 'R) ~,NORTH UHf: 'OF' RtNAlS5ANQE 'COMMONS PlAT 1:WO, A P U D THIS ~~ IS NOT A SuRVeY CERTIFICATe: f' '. I] /L..- . T1'lIS IS TO camfY THAT lHE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE' ATTACHEP DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE ANO CORRECT TO THE ) BEST OF' I.rY KNOWlEDGE ANP aWEF AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIfY m~T THIS SKETCH ,wo . DESCRIPTION UEq5 THE MJHllolUM TECHNiCAl STANDARDS Sf:!" FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 OF THE f1.ORIOA AOMINIS CODE Ii PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES.PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472027, FLORIDA STATUTES. . U REVISIONS DATE BY ~/' ';2 ~ LEGEND P,O.B .. Point of Beginning P.B..C.R.. = Palm Beach County Records O.R. - Official Records P.B. = Plot Beek it = Centerline R/W ... Right -of-Way -~ SCALE: 1- c:a 100' BEARINGS ARE PLA T SHEET 1 OF .3 : ~AI:- ~."""., NOT VAUD WlT!iOlp THE SltNA.TUR~. -A~ :piE ~~ omCfr.w.. li!\1SED .~'ii'L :~F'Ffl~ ~~~o ':~~O~~~ER ~J", .: ..~..~:r:::: UPDATE WITH CURRENT TiTlE INFO PRorESSIONAl SURVEYOR ANO MAPPER LS 5685. STATE or FLORIDA WILLIAM s. PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS. INC., ILB71SS DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FlU: NAME 04/24/0 WSP 10/17/05 WSP WSP BTC-EASE-CW3A WlP CII_u1l8/1.loe.. SURY.BlVRSIc MAPPEHS 18816 ANNEUS DRJVB. Ltn'Z.PL3S548 PHONE (823) 264"'lS4o FAX (813)964-8760 PROFESSlOHAL SUIMWfO " WMHG CE:RJlFJCAlE OF' ~0RIZIiI10H: lB 71ee, STAlE OF f1.ORIM SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUJH - RANGE 43 EAST o SCALE; r ... 100' LEGEND BEAR1NGS ARE FLAT P.O.C. - Point of Commencement MATCH - SHEET 1 OF 3 :..~.~.R,-= :~:~ofa:::~n~:~nty Reccr~sl- -'. - - ;;,;.- .:;' 4' UNITED AcesS' FA5EMENT OR."" Offlclol Records .. I (PER P.D. IOJ, P B. - Plot Book ; .. PAGES 104-107, P.B.c..R..) ~ = CenterHne ~ III ~ R/W co Rfght-ot-Way I ~ I ~ II ~ q:; r ,I f lrj II'nI I"r'VEA Oz:ll.ll::ll,.,. "~-fIOA " 'I' ~it~ il~ ! 1~'~'~~;6 s,,:::::'f::: r)"~ ! ~iill!;.... ~..."..:: ~ 1H~ ~ 115~ TRACTD-7 ~ ,I4IJ, r~t RENAISSANCE ~ FLAT ~ A P.uD. ~ I I ~13'~ ~III~~ Pl.ATBOOKKA7.PAGESD4-107,P.B.aR. t ri~a~~I~ ! II( OWNER; COIIPSON~ia ~~ 'f' cs m I J~ OF' BOYNroN II u.c ~ ~l~ ~ i '< ~ Ii -= , ~;7'-"-004-f>>70 ~ l,~ I L~:;:O' I ~ If _ 10' F:P.L FASEI.IENT - (POi p.D. ~ PAGES lj9-140. p.I1.C.R.) I 10 rrl 60.0' 5' LIMITED Acca:s E'ASEI.IENr (PERp..s.r()J, I U - PAG'a 10+- 107. P.B.c.R.) ~NOO"5$'IJ'" , ~ 10,00' HESr 1fS I ~A::l: 'W_ _L(Pveuc Mv ~ W/t)TH J104RIe3') -- - ------. - --- --- ....- ..----. - BEARING NOlE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARe: REFERENCED TO THE NORTH UN!:: OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.l.J l> UPDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO n..us SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY DATE or H DRAWN BY O"l2'V06 WSP 10/17/05 WSP CHEC/Ca) BY WSP Jz " /. ,- - ~\ / SHEET 2 OF J FILE NAME BTC-.EASE-GW3A REVISIONS OATE BY -----.- WSPCIIDsuJ18n/8,lnc, SURVEYORSSr MAPPERS 18815 ANNELIS DlUVB, LUTZ, PI. 33548 PHONE (813) 264'7540 PAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAl SIIRVE'\'ING .t J.lAPPIHG CER11FIC4lE OF' AIJrnORlZATlON: L8 71118. STAlE OF FlORIDA ---------.--- SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-03A SECTJON 17- TOWNSHiP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST --- DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being a poriion of Tract 0-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.lJ.D" as- recordtld In Plat Beok 10J, Pages 1().(.-T07 of thB Public RBcords of Palm Beach County. Rorido, said parctJl being more parlleularty dBscribed as rDllow$~' BEGIN at the NorthfJ(1st corner or sa/c/ Tract 0-7; THENCE on a plat bearing of S45"55'13"W along the East lintl of saki Tract 0-7, o distonce of 14.14 feet to 0 point on 0 '''ne 10.00 feet South of and paralfel with thrJ North line of said Tract 0-7; THENCE: S89'04"47'W along said parallel line 0 distance of 60.9.~ feet,' T7fENCE SSS.04- '47'W 0 distance of 372.44 feet; THENCE S89"04'47'W 0 dt'stonce of 527.50 feet,' THENCE N00"'55'T3'W 0 distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE' N89'04'47ME: 0 distance of 527.41 feet, THENCE N8lr04'47"E (1 distance of 372.44 feet ta 0 point on the North line of said Tract D-7,' THENCE N09"04 '47HE along satd North line a distance of .51 OJ feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,' Saki parcel or land situate within th8 City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, ccntoining ,9.S.~8.86 square feet, more or les$. REVISIONS DATE BY ()~ " IV(./ UPDATE WITH CURRENT TIM INf'O DATE or SKETCH I WSP 10/17/05 I SHEET .3 OF :3 CHECKED BY I FILE NAUE WSP BTC-EASE-'GW.3A DRAWN BY WSP 04/24/06 '\ WIP CORsultaDI$, IOc, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 1B8JS ANNELJS DRIVE, LUlZ, FLS3548 PHONE (818) 264-7540 PAX (813) 964..8760 PROftSSlONAL SUR\/EYING " foW>f'IHG CERTII'lCAli OF" AUTKORIZA1l0N: LB 7188. STATE or FlORIDA - SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT - PARCEL GW-038 SECltON 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 sourn - RANGE 43 EAST ~ I ~- SCALE: r ... 50' BEARINGS ARE PLAT BEARJNG NOlE 'THI: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARf; REFERENCED .TO .THE NORTH UHF: Of" RDfAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT twO. A P.U.D, n-flS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVE;y CERTIFICATE ~., THIS IS TO CEFmN THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON ANO mE AlTACHE:D OESCRIPnON IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE ,< . C. .,' PEST Of" MY KNOWLEDGe NlO awE!" AND OOES NOT REPRESENT A FJELD SURVEY. I fURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SK~CH AND ../ DESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM n:CHNICAL STANOARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 0;: THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE v' PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472 027, F'lORlOA STATUTES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472 027, FLORIDA STATUTES , , /) REVISIONS DATE BY 11/5 ("t<'. ",,_ {;~&"; .Oc . PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MA:2ER ILS 5685, STAn: OF' FLORIDA WILUAM S. PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS, INC., 1l.67188 DATE OF" SKETCH DRAWN BY' CHECKm BY FILE NAME 07/26/05 WSP WSP BTC-EASE-GW.3B I i 0 <:i !!l it - ~ -~ -f- ~ II UI1LJTY EASEUENr 5~ Sj 'Ow-oas. ~~ P.O.C. ~ ~ (506..11 Squ~ Ft1t1t z) ~~... 'f!RIcr~ ~ fl3 ' .4;k,. - ~. L $O(f11f I0V UNE' m ~ ,:,'}fc .., - -.- .:-:: ::- -:- - .=-=--- ::::;-. _.~. _. _ ~ ~ ""J ~~, --:p, 0. 8. NOkrH 1./NC"l- ".. - - '- - -- ... - q; ~ :T . . . . 7RAcr 0-7.' 5" LJlllTED ACCF:S$ EASDlENT U "=" 7 .N89TJ4 "47'"[: 41) ~ "D 1M PAaES 104-107. P.e.c.R.) ;) r .... 7 ". 15.90' .".,. r,.... '^" o ~ ,.., /....\S)" 10' FR.! E"ASCAIDIT U "L ~ - ... ~ C?~ (PU? PB. O. PAGa 1.~-HO. P.B..C-R.) ;..r ~ 0.. ....~:"b .U';. ~ ~ , \Jl.. 0;"';. ~.....~ S)... ~'b'. _:l. TRACT D-7 88.0' ~... f '~:"Lj. ~. - I ...... RENAISSANCE COANCW8 PlAT rwGt A P.lJ.D. J' -l. PLATBCJC!K1J3, PAGES'DI-D7, P.B.c.R '/.( ~" OWNm CCMPSON ASSOa4ta' OF' 8O't'N1rJN (/ uc j if I J',': J::i: PARCel. , OB-IJ-45-17-14-()(H-(f(J70 ~~ SHEET 1. ~QF 2 LEGEND 's'!'-! JI. . ". '." P o,c. '" Point of Commencement I::I-\L P.0.8, ... Point of Beginning NPT 'v~~~Wrr~ ni~;: PB CR. "" Palm Beach County Records 'r'stG~TUt# ANaJ~ ~:", o .R.. = Official Records :":oRfClNAl;' B.AlS8):~r;W ::; .' 0" -,,';, ~~. . P..B ow Plot Book Of' A :~QR,!~;~~..:. ~, It. = Centerline S~R AND.~~~0 .' ". .....,.....~(\( R/W - Right-of-Way ',: I'i'!~:' JS\ (.' -,NOR~ ~~E a4 7EWA Y BOUlEVARD (PUeUC .vw - WtOTH \WlIf3") (PER O.R. BOOK 17J8. P~' 1888. P.B.C.R.) _ (pm P:; <f.J, PAGES 1.18-140. P.B.C.R.) (PER P.B. IOS. PAGn" 104-107, P.e.c.R.) b ~ UPDATE WrtH CURRENT me INFO 04/24/06 WSP r WSP ConsullaRIs, IDe. SURYEYORS I!r MAPPERS 188JSANNBUS DRIVB, LU'IZ. FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-1540 PAX (813) 964-8760 PROfESSIOtW.. SURVitlHO . aw>PlNG CERlIF1CAlE or AUTHORIZATlON: L8 n88" STAlE Of' FlORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT.- PARCEL GW-038 SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 50UlH - RANGE 43 EAST DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being 0 porNon of Tract 0-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS' PLA T TWO, A P. U.D., as recorded In Plot Book 10.3, Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm B/Wch County, Florida, sold parcel belng more particularly described 0$ follows: COMMENCE at the Northwest corner of saki Tract D-7,' THENCE. on 0 plat bearing of SOO'5S'1.JNE a distance of 1850 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENC-c continue SOo-55'1J"c a distance of 10.00 feet, THENCE S89'04'47'W a distanctl of 11.90 feet,' THENCE' 5'45'24 'J4"W a distance of .39. 9.5 feet to 0 point on the West line of $oid Tract 0-7 and the East right-or-way line of Congress AvenuB;: THENCE N01'44'21"E along the West IlnB of said Tract 0--7 and said East n"ght-of-way line 0 distance of ''lAB feet;. THCNCE N4.5"24 'J4"E a dlstanc8 of JJ.4B feet, THENCE N89"04'47"E a dlstance of 15.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,' Saki porcel sltuate wlthln the City of Boynton BtJach, Palm Beach Caunty. Florida, containing 506. 11 square fefJ(, more or less. ~liAli: or ftOflIOA' PALM BEACH COUNTY i !t(;l\:by WI lify thai I:r~ . !ure\>'<Ii1l1l iis a tn,a copy ',~ of 1hil ~ In my offlc~. l"I:.f~~I)AY ol/ ltM: :..... 2utft _ SHAR R. DOCK .fERK & COM~9t~ fly,. ..ldd-_(~U4 't. DEPUTY CtERI0 REVISIONS DATE BY a.4 C'J . /'1.'..' .' j' UPDATE WITH CURRENT lITlE INF'O 04/24/06 WSP DATE OF SKETCH 07/26/05 DRAWN BY WSP CHECKED BY WSP SHEET 2 OF 2 FilE NAME BTC-EASE-GWJB AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH .:rA n1 ES (!f)ml"R~ TO) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this date personally appeared MA~~ G e-R _("Affiant") who, having been first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: 1. That Affiant is the MA vA fa Eft. ofCOMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Company") and in such capacity has good right and authority to execute this Affidavit. 2. That Company is in good standing in the State of Florida. 3. That Affiant has personal knowledge of all matters set forth in this Affidavit. 4. That Partnership is the owner (hereafter referred to as the "Owner") ofthe fee simple title to certain real property (hereafter referred to as the "Property") situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit" A" attached hereto. 5. That Partnership's title to and possession and enjoyment of the Property have been open, notorious, peaceable and undisturbed. 6. Neither the Partnership's title to, nor possession of, the Property have been disputed, or questioned, and Affiant is not aware of any facts by reason of which the title to, or possession of, the Property, or any part thereof, might be disputed, or questioned, or by reason of which any claim to the Property, or any portion thereof, might be adversely asserted. . 7. No person, or entity, other than the Partnership claims or is presently entitled to, the right to possession, or is in possession, of the Property and there are no tenancies, leases or other occupancies that affect the Property. 8. There are no disputes concerning the location of the boundary lines of the Property. 9. There are no outstanding or unpaid taxes or assessments (pending or certified), unpaid or unsatisfied mortgages, or claims oflien or other matters, that constitute, or could constitute, a lien or encumbrance against the Property, or any improvements on it or any part of it, or against any personal property located on it, other than with regard to those matters listed on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. ~. 10. There are no security agreements, financing statements, title retention contracts, or personal property leases, affecting any materials, fixtures, appliances, furnishings or equipment placed on or installed in or on the Property or the improvements located on it. 11. There are no actions or proceedings pending with respect to, or, judgments, bankruptcies, liens or executions, pertaining to or affecting, the Property, Partnership or Corporation, recorded among the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, or any other county in Florida 12. No improvements or repairs have been made to the Property by or on behalf of Partnership during the ninety (90) day period immediately preceding the date of this Affidavit, and there are no unpaid bills of any nature, either for labor or materials used in making improvements, or repairs on the Property, or for services of architects, surveyors or engineers incurred by Corporation in connection with the Property, other than those arising out of matters listed on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, none of which would specifically affect the Property. 13. Affiant affirms, on behalf of Company that Company has not, and Affiant on behalf of Company hereby covenants and agrees that Affiant will not, execute any instrument, or do any act whatsoever, that in any way would or may affect the title to the Property, including but not limited to the encumbering or conveying the Property, or any interest in it, to anyone other than the party named in paragraph 14. 14. This Affidavit is made to induce 1950 Congress Associates LLC, a Florida limited liability company to purchase the Property. 15. This Affidavit is made and given by Affiant with full knowledge of applicable Florida laws regarding sworn affidavits and the penalties and liabilities resulting from false statements and misrepresentations therein. ~ S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\Nb LIEN COMPTON ROWs.wpd STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~~ S ORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this ~ day 0 ~ . , who is personally known to me or hal' prodJ~ a identification. , 2006, by ~:;{if~~11 Print name of Notary My Commission Expires{\v'~ 19, a 00 r My Commission Numbe~~' .. My Notary Seal: ..~,"""H',~~~ CLAUDETTE DIAMOND ~, MY COMMI~ION # 00 224139 ~$" EXPIRES. June 19, 200l . .P,f"tli.' Bonded lIvu Nolary PIlIlIic UnderwlIIers S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\Nb LIEN COMPTON ROWs.wpd ~ EXHIBIT "A" ROW LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\NO LIEN COMPTON ROWs.wpd JV WSP CDnsull8nl6, Ine. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815.ANNEUS DRIVE, LUTZ, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING. UAPPING CERTIF1CATE OF AUTHORIZATION: L8 7188. STATE OF FlORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-Of-WAY ACQUISITION - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH RANGE 43 EAST LEGEND P.O.C. = Point ot Commencement P.O.B. = Point ot Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County Records O.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plat Book ct = Centerline R/W = Right-ot-Way BEARING NOTE a TRAcr A-6' EAST liNE TRACT 0-7 P.O.C. N.E. CORNER TRACT 0-7 SCALE: 1- = 100' BEARINGS ARE PLA T 54.0' 66.0' k. 0) Q ~';? ';? ~~ 0: qj u u i!:.....' ~wc( ~I ~ ~~ ~~cci'll:: It ~~ I UJ ~ ~ ti' '" I~ i!: ...:t ~ ~ I ~ ~.....~ I I I 10, ~!( ~ ~ ~,,~ CIl Q:....... ;. ~'t- I ~1Il III ~ ",'I: ).... ~ ~ ~ ~ 0) ~~ ~~... ~ ~ ~~.., ~ ... f2 ;S; 0 ~ ...;1 to) .41 VI Lfi ~ Cil ~ ~ ~ ~" ~... Qj N~ ~ I ~~llic( ~ ~~ C) \J C)!l:: It N ..... i!:t; lli ~ lli k It) r ~~ ~ 'Co ~ C;j I ~~ 60.0' 54,0,.1 5' liMITED ACCESS EASEMENT (PER P.B. 10J, PAGES 104-107, P,B.C.R.) TRACT 0-7 RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T 7Wa A P.U.D. PLATBOOK ~ PAGES 104-107, P.B.CR OWNER: COMPSON ASSOCt4TES OF BOYNTON /I LLC PARCEL # 08-4J-45-17-15-oo-l-0070 PARCEL "GW-03A" (7,588.38 Square Feet :1:) 10' F.P.L EASEMENT (PER P.B. -IJ. PAGES 139-140, P.B.C.R.) 18.5' ~ 5' NOO.SS'13tf ..J 12,00' ~ 6.5' ~ (,}J S89.04'47tf Ii!:I S27.41' I~ ~'OPEMNG ~ J ~ ~ 5' liMITEO ACCESS EASEMENT _ r __ _ _ _ ~.., _ _f~'i:-fo4~~~7. P.B.C.R.) MATCH - SHEET 2 OF 3 ,/ ... ; _i~;;' tPr,(~~ ~ ;'ii' , :l.~.:f;.c";.. -,.' :".c A~ . "flfJOTi~Ilj.}WITI-!guT AI~., ,.?/SIg;:fAI!..I-RE AN"lUT~ ; " ,rbRI~ALf'~sE.lt: s~;. . OF A ~1()AAYX Ll1fN!JEd '~:;.c ft sURVEll"ef7..ND MAPp!6, ~ ./ J-"""'<~" ~.. ......~ . '.'. ...,f. " .-. . J~'# -,' ~/'~c I ' .".. r~ ' ,~;\< " . "-'~~ ~,~.; . rHE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED ro THE NORTH LINE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.U.D. "HIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY CERTlRCA TE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 OF THE FlORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE. &00 PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. I k' REVISIONS DATE BY ~ .e-Z -o~ "DATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO 04/24/06 WSP PROFESSIONAl SURVEYOR AND MAPPER ILS 5685, STATE OF FLORIDA ~SION OF PARCEL PER CLIENT REQUEST 11/07/05 AlM WILLIAM S. PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS. INC., ILB7188 DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FILE NAME 07/26/05 WSP WSP BTC-RW-GW3A PDATE PER PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMENTS 10/17/05 AlM WIP Consullanl8, Ine. SURVEYORS &MAPPERS 18815 ANNElJS DRIVE. LUTL, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING '" UAPPING CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: L8 7188. STATE or flORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-Of-WAY ACQUISITION - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST o ~ o z LEGEND P.O.C. = Point of Commencement P.O.B. = Point of Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County Records O.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plat Book ct = Centerline R/W = Right-of-Way SCALE: 1- = 100' BEAF/INGS AF1E PLA T MATCH - SHEET 1 OF 3 I ~ I I'"' ~~~ ~ ~(j (j "4", B'~ lli lli m~ "'<cia.: a.: ~:g~" ....... <:l ~ ~~t511 ::I 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ Ir:o I cQlIlllll ~ ~s.~~~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ::) lli ~~~a.: ~ \J ~~~ ~~I~ I ~ 5' LIMITED ACCESS EASFMFNT (PFR P.B. 10J, PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) PARCEL 'GW-a:1A' (7.588.38 Square Feet :1:) ~ ::I ~~ ~"'- ~ ~ ~ ::>P &1 Ol ~ ~" ::II <<::l ~I-.. ~~ ~~~ "'- ~ ~ p ~ tI; TRACT 0-7 FIENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T 7We::>, A P.U.D. Pl.A T BOOK ~ PAGES 104-107, P.B.CR 60.0' OWNFR: COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON /I LLC PARCEl. # 08-43-45-17-15-004-0070 10' F.P.L. EASFMFNT (PER P.B. 4J, PAGFS 139-140, P.B.C.R.) 18.5' ~~ "'.., I ~lli L~CQ --- ~ <:: CONGRESS A VENUE (PUBLIC R/W - WIDTH VARIES) 5' UMllFD ACCESS EASEMENT (PER P.B. 10J, PAGES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) NOO"55'13W 18.50' WFST LINE TRACTD-7 EAST R/W LINE <:l !I:i co BEARING NOTE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH LINE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO. A P.U.D. ~ REVISIONS DATE BY PDATE WITH CURRENT TiTlE INFO 04/24/06 WSP EVISION OF PARCEL PER CLIENT REQUEST 11/07/05 AJM THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY PDATE PER PAlM BEACH COUNTY COMMENTS 10/17/05 AJM 07/26/05 WSP CHECKED BY WSP SHEET 2 OF 3 FilE NAME BTC-RW-GW3A WSII Consultants, Ine. SURVEYORS &- MAPPERS 18815 ANNEIJS DRIVE, Lurz, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAl SURVE'f'lNG .t MAPPING CERTIFICATE OF AUlHORIZATlON: LB 7188. STATE OF FLORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-Of-WAY ACQUISITION - PARCEL GW-03A SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being a portion of Tract D-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO, A P. V.D., as recorded in Plat Book 103, Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the Northeast corner of said Tract D-7; THENCE on a plat bearing of S89'04'47'W along the North line of said Tract D-7 a distance of 51.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 588'04 '47'W a distance of 372.44 feet; THENCE S89'04'47''W a distance of 527.41 feet; THENCE NOO'55'13''W along said West line a distance of 18.50 feet; The next seven (7) courses are along the North line of said Tract D-7 and the South right-of-way line of Gateway Boulevard; THENCE N89'04 '47"E a distance of 85.39 feet; THENCE S77'25'28"E a distance of 51.42 feet; THENCE N89'04'47"E a distance of 375.00 feet; THENCE NOO'55'13"W a distance of 12.00 feet; THENCE N89'04'47"E a distance of 110.44 feet; THENCE S77'25'28"E a distance of 51.42 feet; THENCE N89'04 '47"E a distance of 228.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said parcel situate within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 7,588.38 square feet, more or less. REVISIONS IPOATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO ~EVISION OF PARCEL PER CLIENT REQUEST IPOATE PER PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMENTS DATE BY IV 04/24/06 WSP 11/07/05 AlIA SHEET 3 OF 3 DATE OF SKETCH I DRAWN BY I CHECKED BY I FILE NAME 10/17/05 AlIA 07/26/05 WSP WSP BTC-RW-GW3A WSP CDnsullants, Ine. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815 ANNEUS DRIVE, LUTZ, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING" t.W>P1NG CERTlFlCATE OF AUTHORIZATION: La 7188. STATE Of' FlORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION - PARCEL GW-038 SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH RANGE 43 EAST ~ SCALE: 1- = 60' BEARINGS ARE PLAT I ~~L ~1i?1 ~~ ~ ~~ f8 ~ PARCEL 'GW-a1B' ~ ~ (253.57 Square Feet :1:) ~~ C> ~ I G~ '- NORTH R/W LINE o ti <0 €- GA 7EWA Y BOULEVARD (PUBLIC R/W - WIDTH VARIES) (PER O.R. BOOK 173B, PACE 1686, P.B.C.R.) (PER P.B. 43, PACES 139-140, P.B.C.R.) (PER P.B. 103, PACES 104-107. P,B.C.R.) P.O.B. N. w. CORNER TRACT 0-7 o ;:; 88.0' ~ ---- - - - ----- - ~ - - NORTH LINE r ~ Q 0 TRACT 0-7 ~ ~ o. _ .~~ ~\S'~ 0."';. 10' F.P.L. EASEMENT ~ ~~b vo, (PER P.B. 43, PACES vo're>. 0.11". <f' V....... 11" '11"~ ~~ ~ 11". "".vo 11"~ SOUTH R/W LINE S' LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT (PER P.B. 103, PACES 104-107, P.B.C.R.) 139-140, P.B.C.R.) I AI~'l' ( : l:::i~ ~ I' ~tl :::i ~~ ~ ; .... ' II) ~ TRACT D-7 RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLA T 7WeJ, A P.U.D. PLATBOOK A?3. PAGES 104-107, P.B.CR OWNE:R: COMPSON ASSOCIATES OF BOYNTON /I LLC PARCEL .I 08-43-45-17-15-004-0070 LEGEND BEARING NOTE THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PLAT AND ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH LINE OF RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO, A P.U.D. P.O.B. = Point ot Beginning P.B.C.R. = Palm Beach County O.R. = Official Records P.B. = Plat Book <t = Centerline R/W = Right-ot-Way rHlS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY CERTlRCATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON AND THE ATIACHED DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 OF THE FLORIDA AOMINIST VE CODE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027. FLORIDA STATUTES. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. REVISIONS DATE BY 'PDATE WITH CURRENT TITLE INFO EVlSION OF PARCEL PER CLIENT REQUEST 04/24/06 WSP 11/07/05 AJM 10/17/05 AJM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPE #LS 5685, STATE OF FLORIDA WILLIAM S. PAYNE WSP CONSULTANTS, INC., #LB7188 DATE OF SKETCH DRAWN BY CHECKED BY FILE NAME 07/26/05 WSP WSP BTC-RW-GW3B t;"rZ-o~ rpDATE PER PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMENTS WSP Consultants, Ine. SURVEYORS & MAPPERS 18815 ANNELIS DRIVE. LUl'Z, FL 33548 PHONE (813) 264-7540 FAX (813) 964-8760 PROf[SSI()NAl SURVEYING ac MAPPING CERTlFlCATE Of' AUTHORIZATION: LB 7188. STATE Of flORIDA SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION - PARCEL GW-038 SECTION 17 - TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH - RANGE 43 EAST DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being a portion of Tract 0-7 of RENAISSANCE COMMONS PLAT TWO, A P.U.D., as recorded in Plat Book 1 OJ, Pages 104-107 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Tract 0-7; THENCE on a plat bearing of SOO'55'1J"E a distance of 18.50 feet; THENCE S89'04'47"W a distance of 15.90 feet; THENCE S45'24 'J4 "w a distance of JJ.48 feet to a point on the West line of said Tract 0-7 and the East right-of-way line of Congress Avenue;; THENCE NO 1"44 '21 HE along the West line of said Tract D-7 and said East right-of-way line a distance of J.48 feet; THENCE N45'24 'J4 "E continuing along the West line of said Tract 0-7 and said East right-of-way line a distance of 55.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said parcel situate within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 25J.57 square feet, more or less. REVISIONS JPDATE WITH CURRENT mLE INFO tEVISION OF PARCEL PER CLIENT REQUEST JPDATE PER PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMENTS DATE 04/24/06 11/07/05 10/17/05 BY WSP AIM DATE OF SKETCH 07/26/05 I DRAWN BY WSP I CHECKED BY I FILE NAME WSP BTC-RW-GW3B AIM r SHEET 2 OF 2 EXHffiIT "B" PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS I. Taxes and assessments for the year 2006 and subsequent years not yet due and payable; 2. Notice of Commencement recorded July 15,2005, in Official Records Book 18910, Page 1244. 3. Notice of Commencement recorded July 20,2005, in Official Records Book 18935, Page 690. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal description) 4. Notice of Commencement recorded July 26,2005, in Official Records Book 18964, Page 711. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal description) 5. Notices of Commencement recorded August 1,2005, in Official Records Book 19000, Page 1866, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1867, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1868, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1869, Official Records Book 19000, Page 1870, and Official Records Book 19000, Page 1871. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal descriptions) 6. Notice of Commencement recorded August 8, 2005, in Official Records Book 19044, Page 952. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal description) 7. Notices of Commencement recorded November 16,2005, in Official Records Book 19538, Page 1949, Official Records Book 19538, Page 1951, Official Records Book 19538, Page 1953, and Official Records Book 19538, Page 1955. (Vague, broad or incomplete legal descriptions) 8. Notice of Commencement recorded February 24,2006, in Official Records Book 19967, Page 993. 9. Notice of Commencement recorded March 15,2006, in Official Records Book 20059, Page 1654 10. Florida Power and Light Easement as reflected on the Plat ofRenaisance Commons Plat Two, a P.U.D. 11. Plat recorded in Plat Book 103, Page 104. 12. Master Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements for Renaissance Commons recorded in Official Records Book 16940, Page 94; as supplemented in Official Records Book 17987, Page 61; and as amended in Official Records Book 19713, Page 1369. 13. Cross-Access Easement Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 18288, Page 1218. 14. Easement Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 7738, Page 1865, together with required water and sewer improvements as set forth in Contract recorded in Official Records Book 7770, Page 598. 15. Notices of Adoption of Amendments to the Renaissance Commons Development of Regional Impact recorded in Official Records Book 17386, Page 352 and Official Records Book 17386, Page 370. 16. Notice of Establishment of the Renaissance Community Development District recorded in Official Records Book 18360, Page 378; together with Notice of Assessment by Renaissance Commons Community Development District recorded in Official Records Book 19738, Page 386; and together with Declaration of Consent to Imposition of Special Assessments recorded in Official Records Book 19786, Page 39. S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\NO LIEN COMPTON ROWs.wpd ~ 17. Memorandum of Lease recorded in Official Records Book 19805, Page 1747. 18. Environmental Resource Permit Notice recorded in Official Records Book 17669, Page 209. (Informational only; not an encumbrance) S:\7\CLIENTS\HARTMAN SIMONS\RENAISSANCE\NO LIEN COMPTON ROWs.wpd The City of Boynttnt Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org December 13,2004 Mr. James Comparato and Mr. Carl E. Klepper Compson Associates of Boynton LLC 980 North Federal Highway - Ste. 200 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 RE: File No.: Location: Conditional Use/New Site Plan COUS 04-008/NWSP 04-015 Renaissance Commons Phase VI - SE Comer of Gateway Blvd. and Congress Ave. Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Development Order granted by the City Commission on December 7,2004. The site plan approval is valid for one year from the date of final approval. In order to maintain vested status, a building permit must be secured or an extension granted within one year of final site plan approval. To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. A copy of the Development Order, including these conditions, must accompany the submission of the fully amended site plan set. The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable Development Order conditions in the submitted plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit issuance. A thorough review will be conducted by the Plan Review Analyst and if the necessary documentation is not attached and/or the plans are not amended to reflect all of the approval conditions, the plans will be returned to the applicant for correction and re-submittal before the permit is further processed. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments. Important: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan beyond those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff for a review before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. A copy of the complete Development Order and Amended Site Plans reflecting the "Conditions of Approval" must be submitted to the Building Department along with thefirst permit request to avoid any delays in the processing of your permit, Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Si~cer~ W6 Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\Site Plans\Phase VI COUS 04.Q08\Appvl Ltr. after CC.doc I. / - DEVELOP('~T ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISS(;I OF THE urrY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Development PSZ Building Engineering Oe:e:. Lh:.nu D..~III, ~llrlr ~~. + PROJECT NAME: Renaissance Commons Phase VI APPLICANT'S AGENT: Mr. James Comparato and Mr. Carl E. Klepper AGENT'S ADDRESS: 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: December 7, 2004 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request conditional use I new site plan approval for the construction four buildings between 55 feet in height and 75 feet in height, pursuant to Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6.H (SMU - Suburban Mixed Use Zoning District). The four buildings consist of a six (6)-story building proposed at 75 feet in height, a five (5)-story building proposed at 75 feet in height, a four (4)-story building proposed at 70 feet in height, and a three (3)-story building proposed at 75 feet in height. The project proposes a total of 348 multi-family dwelling units, 58,645 square feet of retail, 49,240 square feet of restaurant, and 176,097 square feet of office. All buildings are proposed on an 18.126-acre portion of the 86-acre project known as Renaissance Commons zoned Suburban Mixed- Use (SMU). LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue. DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning & Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: DATED: 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. ~ ~ & ~D \~.? r,~' i.- I b ('.. I' j IIEC , 0 2004 -J' ~ established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested _ DEPARTMENT OF DEVElOPMENl The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applical]Y ~AS HAS NOT 3. The Applica~s application for relief is hereby ~GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms conditions of this order. Other S:'J'lanninglSHAREDIWPlPROJI!CTSlRrnaissance CommonslSite PIansIPhasc: VI cous () o. EXHIBIT "A" \. . RENAISSANCE COMMONS LOCATION MAP t." . LEGEND Il~... L,,~ Use$t...___. ______. no . .._. .__ .. _. ....n.... . .-.. .......----~....--at-. . .., -... , -..vn-- -....................~~.nu -~. ..-... -. - -.- ._.~. MODR - Moderate Density Residential LRC . Local ReteR Commercial .-~::-.-:=::----=:---==--=::=--=---~:::::::. = S o 200 <<10 100 1.200 f-m.. : ""',-,' :) I-It j (.,A' -"'-''''-'-'-''-O~J[-._~'..~.,.:''~-.-..rl.'' EXH. .' , .,afT --NoTTH CON5RE55 A~ ; -\t- "8" ,-"- -'.---_....," I l:q:'~f::::':":'::'~';' " '\. I ; I ): ! .~rkf:;~~U~'. .....),.., '" !'"j' o",.'C!;--' "J"'-C~~:~.J. j : U 'C -'. I ~,::.:. L 5 f.,j, r r~':~~ L- r! -, r---! , !" tJ i: C t--[l"-1~ '_ _r:.. J:'q~ '- j :i I. ~~ II~jl ~~ II MOURIZ 8ALAZI\R ARCHITECTS & PlANNERS ~..I$SClCII.1O.1C. i;' C/j '1:l I 06 " .' ~ . ..., ,.,,' ", f ~... 1.1,' RENAJSSANCE COMMONS PHASE n BOYNrON BEACH.1I.OIUDA CompsOlI Asoociala""oflloymlm n. LLC ....,.. ",.' .. .."':........ ..:;.:~.~:..::: -:.,..:;<~.....~:.....M':.'..:.:~..~; :';!~~. ,;:.''-". . 'or- .;._. ... o a ~ m i" ...- .1" " .1" w . CUI " Ilf OJ C r o Z G> c... EXHIBIT "B" . \ QJ C ;:: CJ Z Ci' '- tl! ~! IdIT .~ ',' J\1 . I n- .. . tiN v dF · ~i' DlI I U ~. ~ i I ! il ~ I I l- i i I I I I I , 1 ; .a lu I o EXHIBIT "B" ~ ~ n" .. 1'QI o UI .. o Q I i I i -{- m c r- o Z (i) c.. . EXHIBIT "B" . 'r i' :'~ :"; .: " ~::"ffr~ ":,jrF~r 'i~~!i:~';~H" o EXHIBIT "B" ~I Q ~. l" Du w m c r o Z G) c:... () () .EXHIBIT "B'~ ,- l: i i ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~~~. t)~~ ~~!ii ~ s.(lS ~tijo\ :::) Ii ~1'10 ~O)~ II W q IIUi I ~~~ Renaissance Commons R~J1'lj&~ If ~ II Ol I Boynton Beach, Florida II i J t ~ I !I ""l:. o EXHIBIT "B" ~ . ~ ; ~~ ~ '~~~~ ;: ", [~ _ ~~O\ · ~t'1. ~&\ro' gW!::s r~i ~ ~~~ Renaissance Commons H!f nIl &~ 0 1/1 ~ ,( III en II Boynton Beach, Florida ~I r 1 f !.~ . ~ (1 EXHIBIT "B" ~ , ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ c [~ (\)~OI ij ~l'1o tr&\~ g.W'J~ II w q ~ ~ L- . NfJI<11(........,.._ ". . .. ..~-, '. ,",., . -.. . . ...,..,....~. ... :. =:J ~U'I i [II(~ Renaissance Commons R!IIIU~ 0 I~I~ ,I III ~ ~ I; III 0> I Boynton Beach, Florida II i E; ! " o o EXHIBIT "B". Q \ '. . . I -... ,"'---, . . l · ! '~..../ ~ r VI .~ Q if ::3~ ~ II ~~ w q ~~~ 9"t'i ~tiio\ - :j . ~r-;. z O)~ 0 ~ Illf ~ ,( ~I; RenaIssance Commons II!' fI'l &g~ III C) tl Boynton Beach, Florida II i J f !.g o EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval a Project name: Renaissance Commons Phase VI File number: CODS 04-008 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a November 2, 2004 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- X 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Article II, Section 10-26 (a). PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance X Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, X Section 5 .H.). Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along Gateway and Congress 4. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the X LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 5. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction X acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES Comments: 6. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water X and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). 7. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments) with .' o e COA 11/22/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 8. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid X for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 9. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer X utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy. 10. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has X approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 11. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer X services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also, provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon its completion. Please be as accurate as possible. 12. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability X at this time. All.utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be. reviewed at the time of construction permit application. FIRE Comments: 13. At the time of permitting, please update the master sign program to include X buildin~ addresses and subdivision identification signs. 14. At time of permitting, all buildings shall include fire sprinkler systems in X accordance with NFP A 13 and / or 13R. 15. At time of permitting, all buildings six (6) stories or higher shall comply with X Ordinance 04-005. Further review for its applicability will be determined at the time of pennittin~. o o COA 11/22/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 16. Smoke scrubbers are required if an exhaust fan is proposed within 10 feet of a X window or other building opening. Further review for its applicability will be determined at the time of permitting. POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 17. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional X comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. 18. Indicate within the site data the type of construction of each building as X defined in 2001 FBC, Chapter 6. 19. Indicate within the site data the occupancy type of each building as defined in X 2001 FBC, Chapter 3. 20. The height and area for buildings or structures of the different types of X construction shall be governed by the intended use or occupancy of the building, and shall not exceed the limits set forth in Table 500 of the 2001 FBC. 21. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall X openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 22. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with X approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. 23. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the X minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 24. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the X loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design. 25. Buildings three-stories or higher shall be equipped with an automatic X " o e COA 11/22/04 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sprinkler system per F.S. 553.895. Fire protection plans and hydraulic calculations shall be included with the building plans at the time of permit application. 26. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the X location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request. 27. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X proposed construction. 28. As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The X building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheets A-17, A-18. However, add to the floor space drawing a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to each building. The location of the doors shall match the location of the accessible entrance doors that are depicted on the site plan drawing. Submit floor plans for the commercial buildings (retail/office/storage). 29. At the time of permit review, submit details of reinforcement of walls for the X future installation of grab bars as required by the Federal Fair Housing Act Title 24 CFR, Part 100.205, Section 3, Requirement #6. All bathrooms within the covered dwelling unit shall comply. 30. Identify within the site data the fmish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) X that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans. 31. As required by the CBBCO, Part III titled "Land Development Regulations", X submit a site plan that clearly depicts the setback dimensions from each property line to the leading edge of the buildings. The leading edge of the buildings begins at the closest point of the overhang or canopy to the property line. In addition, show the distance between all the buildings on all sides. 32. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story X clubhouse, provide the following: a. Will the clubhouse be restricted to the residents ofthe entire project only? b. Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the clubhouse? c. Will there be any additional deliveries to the site? d. Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the site? () <) COA I 1/22/04 5 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their determination of what impact fees are required for the clubhouse. 33. Add to the floor plan drawing ofthe clubhouse a breakdown ofthe floor area. X The area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building, covered area outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated for the clubhouse and other uses located within the building. Specify the total floor area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor spaces. 34. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may X not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available 35. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that X utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216 36. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of X Boynton Beach Utilities, Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: a. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. b. If the project is a multi-family project, the building numberls must be provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans. c. The number of dwelling units in each building. d. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit. e. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 37. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract. X For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit review. 38. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of X Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information shall be provided: a. A legal description of the land. b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. c. If the project is a multi-family project, the building numberls must be provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans. o e COA 11/22/04 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT d. The number of dwelling units in each building. e. The total amount being paid. (CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(t)) 39. Add to the site data the total area under roof of each residential building. X Provide tabular area data for each floor of each building. The breakdown shall include the following areas and each area shall be labeled on the applicable floor plan drawing: a. Common area covered walkways; a. Covered stairways; b. Common area balconies; c. Entrance area outside of a unit; d. Storage areas (not part of a unit); e. Garages (not part of a unit); f. Elevator room; g. Electrical room; h. Mechanical room; 1. Trash room; J. Mailbox pickup and delivery area; and k. Any other area under roof. (Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review, Section 7.E.2 and 3) 40. This structure meets the definition of a threshold building per F.S. 553.71(7) X and shall comply with the requirements of F.S. 553.79 and the CBBA to the 2001 FBC, Sections 105.3.1 through 105.3.6. .The following information must be submitted at the time of permit application: a. The structural inspection plan must be submitted to the enforcing agency prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a threshold building. b. All shoring and re-shoring procedures, plans and details shall be submitted. c. All plans for the building that are required to be signed and sealed by the architect or engineers of record shall contain a statement that, to the best of the architect's or engineer's knowledge, the plans and specifications comply with the applicable fire safety standards as determined by the local authority in accordance with this section and F.S. Section 633. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 41, 348 multi-family units @ 656 ea = $228,288 X The fee is due at the time of the first building permit for this phase. o ;' o COA 11/22/04 7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 42. This project reqUIres conditional use approval from the Planning & X Development Board and City Commission. If approved, staff recommends that a period of one (1) year be allowed to initiate this project (obtain a building Permit). 43. Based on the proposed uses and respective building areas, the entire Phase VI X project would require 2,001 parking spaces. However, only 1,804 spaces would be provided, a deficiency of 197 parking spaces. This should be labeled as such on the cover sheet and master plan tabular data. The number of seats for the restaurant is limited to 1,231 seats, which in turn, is based upon the gross floor area of the restaurant space. The applicant may submit a shared parking analysis, which would be reviewed at the time of permitting. The City may issue no building permits until the number of required parking spaces is provided, the City approves the shared parking analysis, or relief is granted. 44. The project has school concurrency approval for 1,700 units but there is an X inconsistency between the type and number of units between the School District's approval letter and the proposed master plan's tabular data (townhouses versus condominium). This is a minor inconsistency, so therefore, at the time of permit review, the applicant will be required to submit an updated School Concurrency approval letter that is consistent with the number and types of dwelling units, approved through Phases One through Six. 45. At the time of permitting, provide detail drawings of the entry wall and sign, X gazebos, trellis structure, fountains and clock. tower. Staff recommends installing a considerably more substantial structure at the entry drive off of Gateway Boulevard. 46. The square footages for Building "L" do not match between Sheet SP-l and X Sheet A-7. Please make sure the square footages match for all building floor plans versus the site plan and site data, and that the parking calculations accurately correSpond. 47. Bicycle racks should be placed appropriately throughout the site. X 48. The plans indicate "storage" as a potential use. However, self-storage uses X require conditional use approval. o o COA 12/13/04 8 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 49. Abandonment and rededication of easements must be recorded prior to X issuance of a building permit for the project. 50. The traffic equivalency determination must be approved by the Palm Beach X County Traffic Division for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any building permits (Chapter 4. Section 8.F.). 51. The usable open space plan shows that 4.55 acres would set aside as usable X open space. However, there are certain elements of the design, such as terminal and landscaped parking islands that cannot be counted towards usable open space. After discussing the pervious and impervious surfaces of the plan, staff believes that the project still complies with code because at least 3.62 acres of land would be set aside for usable open space. Therefore, at the time of permitting, the applicant would be required to revise the plan to accurately show the usable open space in order to comply with Chapter 2, Section 6.G.4 of the Land Development Regulations. 52. Since the total number of seats for the restaurants is undetermined at this X time, the parking methodology would be based on the gross floor area (49,240 square feet), which would limit the project to 1,231 seats. 53. At the time of permitting, on the site plan tabular data (sheet SP-l), indicate X the proposed floor-are a-ratio (excluding the garages) to ensure compliance with Chapter 2, Section 6.G.4. 54. All elevation pages shall indicate the exterior finish, paint manufacturer's X name, and color codes (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). 55. All outdoor freestanding monument signs shall be located at least 10 feet X from the property line. If proposed near the spine road, then it must be located at least from the outside of the curb along the spine road and access road 56. At the time of permitting, indicate by note that there will be no provision for X outdoor patios, concrete patios, screen enclosures, or solid-roof enclosures. 57. On the landscape plan (sheet L2 of 6), the dimension of width of the X landscape buffer along Congress A venue and Gateway Boulevard must be at least 25 feet in width. No vehicular encroachment may occur within these buffers (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 3. Revise the Cross-Section of the Congress A venue buffer (on sheet L6 of 6) to show the above requirement. 58. Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species X (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Shade trees, Palm trees, Shrubs & Groundcover. On the landscape plan (L6 of 6), indicate the total quantities for all proposed native plant material. o o COA 12/13/04 9 . . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 59. A bus stop and shelter should be depicted on Gateway Boulevard. Its location X should be coordinated with Palm Tran and its design should reflect the architecture and materials used on adjacent buildings, not the standard Palm Tran shelter. 60. Where possible, staff recommends the use of stone balustrades on the west X elevation of Building "J" (sheet A-IO) in the same manner that they are used on the east elevation of Building "L" (sheet A-16). 61. Staff recommends adding extra trees and plant material with the landscape X buffers in order to help screen the parking garage openings of Buildings "K" and "L" from Congress Avenue. This can be accomplished, in part, by adding more trees to the public park in Phase III of Renaissance Commons. 62. The sign program, which includes the monument signs and all wall signage, X would require Planning & Development and City Commission review and approval. No sign permits may be issued until the City approves the sign program. 63. Staff recommends installing a more decorative monument "one way" sign X within the traffic circle as opposed to the standard mount. 64. Staff recommends installing a fountain feature in the center of the Phase X Three park. 65. Staff recommends adding benches within the 25-foot wide landscape buffers X adjacent to the Congress A venue and Gateway Bouevard, where possible, taking into consideration the proposed grading of the buffer. 66. Staff recommends installing the Royal Palm trees at 22 feet of gray wood X along the south fayade of Building "J" instead of the proposed 12 feet (of gray wood). 67. Staff recommends using another variety of tree (such as Pigeon Plum or X Dahoon Holly) in the parking lot other than Seagrape due to the leaf drop and messy nature. ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS: Comments: 68. None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 69. None X MWR/elj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Renaissance Commons\Site Plans\Phase VI COUS 04-008\COA.doc - c o The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 November 10, 2004 Dottie Legal Advertising PALM BEACH POST 2751 S, Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Dear Dottie: Please advertise the following in the Leaal Ad Section, PUBLISH: Renaissance Commons Phase VI - COUS 04-008 DATE: November 14, 2004 Please CONFIRM receipt of this ad either by return e-mail, FAX or PHONE to me and submit proof of publication, Thank you, My phone number is: (561) 742-6060 (561) 742-6090. My fax number is: Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M, Prainito, CMC City Clerk S:\CC\WP\legal ads\Post - Legal Ad Section - Renaissance Commons COUS 04-008.doc 'An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action! ADA Employer' , DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 04-266 TO: FROM: Janet Prainito City Clerk ()t; Michael W. RumPfrt Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: November 10, 2004 SUBJECT: Renaissance Commons Phase VI COUS 04-008 Accompanying this memorandum you will find an application and supporting documentation for the above-referenced case. A check was received by the Department of Development to cover the review and processing of a Conditional Use/New Site Plan application. The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. This request is scheduled for the November 23, 2004 Planning & Development Board meeting and the December 7,2004 City Commission meeting. Please advertise in the newspaper as described herein. Please note the property owner notices will be mailed by the applicant in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. MWR:elj Attachments S:IPlannlngISHAREDIWPlPROJECTSIRenaissance COlTVTlOnslSlte PlanslPhase VlllGLNOTICEdoc " REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two (2) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATOR: Plannina and Zonina Division PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: November 10, 2004 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Conditional Use Approval! New Site Plan for four (4) buildinas in excess of 55 feet: November 23. 2004 - Plannina and Development Board and the December 7. 2004 - City Commission meetina. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) STANDARD LEGAL AD SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Applicant and the Plannina and Zonina Director. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The Post DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: November 14. 2004 APPROVED BY: (1) (o~~~!or~ //'- /0 ~C)~(' (Date) (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: S:\Plannina\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\Renaissance Cammons\Site Plans\Phase VI\LGLNOTICE.doc NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Mr. James Comporato and Mr. Carl E. Klepper of Compson Associates, Incorporated has requested the following parcel to be considered for Conditional Use approval. Legal Description: On file Proposed Use: Request conditional use approval for the construction of four buildings between 55 feet in height and 75 feet in height, pursuant to Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 6.H (SMU - Suburban Mixed Use Zoning District). The four buildings consist of a six (6)-story building proposed at 75 feet in height, a five (5)-story building proposed at 75 feet in height, a four (4)-story building proposed at 70 feet in height and a three (3)-story building proposed at 75 feet in height. All buildings are proposed on a 25.307 -acre portion of the 86-acre project known as Renaissance Commons zoned Suburban Mixed-Use (SMU). A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST IS SCHEDULED BEFORE THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23,2004 AT 6:30 PM, THE CITY COMMISSION WILL ALSO CONSIDER THE REQUEST ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2004 AT 7:00 PM AT THE CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS, All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing dates. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Development Board and City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742-6268 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: NOVEMBER 14, 2004 The Post S:IPlannlngISHAREDIWPIPROJECTSIRenalssance CommonslSlte PlanslPhase VIILGLNOTICE.doc