AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Tumed Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 December 6, 2005 November 14, 2005 (Noon,) 0 February 7, 2006 January 17, 2006 (Noon) 0 December 20, 2005 December 5, 2005 (Noon) 0 February 21, 2006 February 6, 2006 (Noon) [8J January 3, 2006 December 19,2005 (Noon) 0 March 7, 2006 February 21, 2006 (Noon) 0 January 17, 2006 January 3,2006 (Noon) 0 March 21, 2006 March 6, 2006 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 Public Hearing [8J Legal 0 Bids 0 Unftnished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the January 3,2006 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinance - Second Reading. The City Commission approved the subject request under Public Hearing and Legal, Ordinance - First Reading on December 6,2005. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Memorandum No. PZ 05-185. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Spotts Abandonment (ABAN 05-007) 805 North Federal Highway Daniel Spotts Miami Aqua-culture, Inc. 805 North Federal Highway Request for abandonment of a portion of a 20-foot right-of-way west of North Federal Highway abutting the Federal East Coast Railway. AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/ A ALTERNATIVES: N/A oevelopme.dt.&.4l City Manager's Signature &:.~r City Attorney I Finance I Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\805 N. Federal Hwy\ABAN 05-007\Agenda Item Request 805 Spotts Aban (ABAN 05-007) 1-3-06,dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-185 TO: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Michael W. RumPf'\1d~ Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: Kathleen Zeitler Planner DATE: September 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Abandonment Request of the Alley west of 805 North Federal Highway ABAN 05-007 NATURE OF REOUEST The applicant, Daniel Spotts, owner of Miami Aqua Culture, Inc., is requesting the City to abandon a portion of a public alley which abuts the rear of his business property located at 805 North Federal Highway (formerly Act II consignment shop, currently an unoccupied commercial building). This 20-foot wide unimproved public alley runs north and south adjacent to and parallel with the Florida East Coast (FEe) railroad. The portion requested to be abandoned is approximately 20 feet in width by 50 feet in length, and a total of 1,016.7 square feet (0.023 acre) in area. Per the survey submitted with the application, the platted alley segment is legally described as follows: A portion of a 25 foot right-of-way lying west of Block 1 of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Being bound on the north and south by the westerly extension of the north and south line of Lot 17, of said Block 1. Bounded on the west by the west line of said right-of-way, said line also being the east right of way line of the Florida East Coast Railway, as shown on plat, and bounded on the east by the west line of said Lot 17, Block 1. It is important to note that the legal description on the survey submitted incorrectly states that the width of the right of way is 25 feet, when it is actually 20 feet in width. The survey submitted indicates no below ground improvements, footers, foundations, or utilities have been located or shown on the survey. The Location Map (see Exhibit "A'') shows the general vicinity of the public alley right-of-way to be abandoned. The Proposed Abandonment (see Exhibit "B'') depicts the exact location of the subject site and its boundaries and legal description. The following is a description of the land uses and zoning districts of all properties that surround the subject portion of the public alley right-of-way. North - A portion of the 20-foot alley located to the rear of Lot 16 (a vacant 0.12 acre lot zoned C-4); South - A portion of the 20-foot alley located to the rear of Lot 18 (a 0.56 acre lot zoned C-4 used for vehicle repair); Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 05-185 ABAN 05-007 East 805 North Federal Highway (Lot 17, Block 1 of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach Plat) zoned C-4 (applicant's property); and, A 50-foot wide railroad right-of-way for Florida East Coast (FEe) Railway. West - BACKGROUND The subject portion of the 20 foot wide alley lies within the boundaries of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach Plat. The approved plat was recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71 on April 9, 1925. The plat includes a total of 190 individual lots, a 50-foot wide railroad right-of-way owned by the Florida East Coast (F.E.C.) Railway, several 50-foot and 66- foot wide rights-of-way, and several1S-foot wide and 20-foot wide alleys. The plat also contains a reversionary clause in the dedication, which states "does hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public as public highways, the streets, avenues, boulevards, and alleys as shown hereon, reserving however unto itself, its successors and legal representative, the reversions or reversion of same, whenever abandoned by the public or discontinued by law". The City makes no representation regarding the impact of the reversionary language on title to the adjacent properties. Re-development or expansion of the adjacent property following abandonment requires the property owner to establish proof of clear title as a condition of re-development or expansion. The applicant has submitted a copy of a report dated January 7, 2005 from Title Evidence of South Florida, Inc. which discloses that title of the subject property is vested in the City of Boynton Beach via the dedication shown on the recorded plat, and at this time said property is free and clear of any liens and encumbrances, and exempt from ad valorem taxes. On July 7, 2005 staff held a pre-application meeting with the applicant. Notes of the meeting indicate that the applicant initially informed staff that the alley was overgrown with weeds and attracted vagrants and crime, and he wanted to abandon the property so he could maintain it. The applicant further clarified that he intended to use the alley behind his lot for additional business parking. Staff explained that there were alternatives without the need for abandonment, such as a revocable license agreement, whereby the applicant could lease the land from the City. Staff also informed the applicant of the following: (1) per State law, if the property is abandoned each adjacent property owner would get one-half of the abandoned property, (2) the presence of any live utility in the alley would require an easement dedication, and (3) the use of the property for a parking lot will require a City approved site plan modification which complies with all applicable Land Development Regulations. City records indicate that portions of the public alley located north of the subject property have been abandoned by the City (Resolutions 90-179, 93-79, 98-56, 98-130) subject to conditions of approval regarding easement dedication. ANALYSIS When a right-of-way, such as this unimproved alley, is abandoned the abandoned land is transferred in equal portions from the general public to the abutting property owner(s) per State law (9 336.12). Typically, two (2) properties would be affected by an abandonment request: one-half of the right-of-way is conveyed to one (1) abutting property owner and the other half is conveyed to the other abutting property owner. The applicant requesting this abandonment is the owner of the abutting property to the east (at 805 North Federal Highway / Lot 17, Block 1 of Lake Addition). Public records indicate that Florida East Coast Railway is the owner of the abutting property to the west (50-foot wide railroad right-of-way). Staff has attempted to contact a representative of the FEC Railway and has received no comments from the FEC regarding this requested abandonment. If the abandonment request is approved, the applicant would receive only one-half of the alley width, or ten (10) feet total. A 10 foot strip may not be enough property to utilize for additional parking as the applicant proposes. The applicant could try to obtain the additional property from Florida East Coast Railway. Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 05-185 ABAN 05-007 A summary of the responses from the city staff is noted as follows: CITY DEPARTMENT / DIVISION Public Works / Engineering No objection to requested abandonment Support Abandonment with Dedicated Easement or a Revocable License Agreement Development / Planning and Zoning No objection to requested abandonment Support Abandonment with Dedicated Easement or a Revocable License Agreement Recreation & Parks / Parks No objection to requested abandonment Per letters from utility providers submitted by the applicant, responses from the utility companies are noted as follows: PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Bellsouth Florida Public Utilities Company Cable Company (Adelphia) Cable Company (Comcast) No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment N/A Adequate public notice was given to all affected property owners in accordance with Chapter 22, Article III, Section 4, of the Land Development Regulations. All public utility companies have been notified and the abandonment request has been advertised in the local newspaper. Comments from the City Engineer / Assistant Director of Public Works regarding the abandonment state that there is a live utility service (sewer line) located within the 20-foot alley, and that a majority of the alley would have to be retained as a utility easement (a minimum of 12 feet in width). The City Public Works / Utilities Department typically oversees easement dedications. At least sixty percent (60%) of the 20-foot alley would be required to be dedicated as a utility easement if the alley were abandoned. An alternative to abandonment, proposed by the City Engineer is a Revocable License Agreement which allows the subject property to be leased. The Revocable License would allow the applicant to use the entire width of the alley (20 feet), rather than one-half (10 feet) if abandoned. RECOMMENDATION Staff has determined that the subject portion of this alley no longer serves the public for access purposes and, with establishment of an easement! the limited use of the alley for utility purposes would be preserved. Therefore, staff has no objection to the request for abandonment! and supports (1) abandonment with a condition of approval that a utility easement be dedicated! or (2) a revocable license agreement. Since the applicant desires to improve the subject property with additional paved parking for his business, he would rather own the property! not lease it. Staff recommends approval of the requested abandonment with the condition for an easement, and the applicant has agreed to the stated condition. Any additional conditions recommended by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or by the Commission will be placed in Exhibit "e' - Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\805 N. Federal Hwy\Staff Report (ABAN 05-007).doc ~. 1 in. = 127.4 feet EXHIBIT "An LOCATION MAP CAMltH I "!:l" SURVE ) I=LORID,4 ~~-r dOA-:;T /(A./Ll<oAD g,C: J<16J.IT -ol="-WA ( \- s ~ c.L ~ ili N --- t' I LA(/ fO'l.lNO 1\2. I.rz'l /L.~ ZIOZ, II N01- Zo'41 E t' , yoLJr-JP 1\2 I.~ Y LAf'l-t7ZIOl.-, ~,t38' ~ ~:t "l:O~ cL. _ (.) _ ~ ~ - ~\) ~ ~ o~ ~ 2. SUBJECT ABANDONMENT k?/(o.1 -=?QUARE PEET ~ RI<SIJ-r-Oi=-WAY Pt=:R PLAT Ft<f'BTrNb G. L. F ~ 90.19 ' ~.. '-.-- .. LI~~C - ~~/. P \,01 t1 ::;7 ~ \ 2:'c.... - ~ ~~ ~.. Lo1' Ie ~~ ~l.<x-K 1 ~O1O ZO'd"1 W LoI 11 ~ LOcJ(. I - YNTO!'J LAK6 AOOI-rlbtJ 10 l%> \ p~ 1\ Ph.l , , <-1~ J ~o<Vl '\I ---- , ~OIOO ~\\J ( 1'l?~1lI Fe PE. gA L Pl){\E "'~"WA'{ ~-- \u ~~ &J\ - - -:r- - o:r~ i) 'J' --- ~oerW L.liV6 ~ -~ P La! ~-r 1(P <S CJ BLo~K ~ HI('~IJAY~ N~ EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Abandonment of a Portion of 20-Foot Wide Alley for 805 North Federal Highway File number: ABAN 05-007 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 1. Dedication of a Utility Easement for City utilities within the right-of-way to X be abandoned is required. 2. No structures or landscaping shall be placed within the confines of the X required utility easement without the express written consent of the Engineering Division of Public Works. 3. The legal description needs to be corrected to read as follows: X "A 20-foot (not 25-foot) right-of-way lying west of Block 1 . . . POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X Conditions of Approval 2 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 4. The dedication of the utility easement shall occur prior to the second reading X of the ordinance. PUBLIC UTILITY PROVIDERS Comments: None ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 5. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 6. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\306 BBB, ABAN 04-005\COA.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Fina] Form Must be Tumed Requested City Commission Date Fina] Form Must be Tumed Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office ~ December 6, 2005 November ]4, 2005 (Noon.) 0 February 7, 2006 January ]7,2006 (Noon) 0 December 20, 2005 December 5, 2005 (Noon) 0 February 21, 2006 February 6, 2006 (Noon) 0 January 3, 2006 December] 9, 2005 (Noon) 0 March 7, 2006 February 21,2006 (Noon) 0 January] 7,2006 January 3, 2006 (Noon) 0 March 21, 2006 March 6, 2006 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM ~ Public Hearing ~ Legal 0 Bids 0 UnfInished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the December 6,2005 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing and Legal, Ordinance - First Reading. The Community Redevelopment Agency Board, reviewed the subject request on November 8, 2005, and recommended that it be approved. The subject request was tabled at the City Commission meeting on November 1,2005 to return to the CRA meeting on November 8th. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Memorandum No. PZ 05-185. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Spotts Abandonment (ABAN 05-007) 805 North Federal Highway Daniel Spotts Miami Aqua-culture, Inc. 805 North Federal Highway Request for abandonment of a portion of a 20-foot right-of-way west of North Federal Highway abutting the Federal East Coast Railway. AGENT: OWNER: LOCA nON: DESCRIPTION: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature ~J7~ Planning and Zo' Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\P]anning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\805 N. Federal Hwy\ABAN 05-007\Agenda Item Request 805 Spotts Aban (ABAN 05-007) ]2-6-05.dot S:\8ULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM. DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-185 TO: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Michael W. RumPf'{ld~ Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: Kathleen Zeitler Planner DATE: September 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Abandonment Request of the Alley west of 805 North Federal Highway ABAN 05-007 NATURE OF REOUEST The applicant, Daniel Spotts, owner of Miami Aqua Culture, Inc., is requesting the City to abandon a portion of a public alley which abuts the rear of his business property located at 805 North Federal Highway (formerly Act II consignment shop, currently an unoccupied commercial building). This 20-foot wide unimproved public alley runs north and south adjacent to and parallel with the Florida East Coast (FEe) railroad. The portion requested to be abandoned is approximately 20 feet in width by 50 feet in length, and a total of 1,016.7 square feet (0.023 acre) in area. Per the survey submitted with the application, the platted alley segment is legally described as follows: A portion of a 25 foot right-of-way lying west of Block 1 of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Being bound on the north and south by the westerly extension of the north and south line of Lot 17, of said Block 1. Bounded on the west by the west line of said right-of-way, said line also being the east right of way line of the Florida East Coast Railway, as shown on plat, and bounded on the east by the west line of said Lot 17, Block 1. It is important to note that the legal description on the survey submitted incorrectly states that the width of the right of way is 25 feet, when it is actually 20 feet in width. The survey submitted indicates no below ground improvements, footers, foundations, or utilities have been located or shown on the survey. The Location Map (see Exhibit "A'') shows the general vicinity of the publiC alley right-of-way to be abandoned. The Proposed Abandonment (see Exhibit "B'') depicts the exact location of the subject site and its boundaries and legal description. The following is a description of the land uses and zoning districts of all properties that surround the subject portion of the public alley right-of-way. North - A portion of the 20-foot alley located to the rear of Lot 16 (a vacant 0.12 acre lot zoned C-4); South - A portion of the 20-foot alley located to the rear of Lot 18 (a 0.56 acre lot zoned C-4 used for vehicle repair); Page 2 Memorandum No, PZ 05-185 ABAN 05-007 East 805 North Federal Highway (Lot 17, Block 1 of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach Plat) zoned C-4 (applicant's property); and, West - A 50-foot wide railroad right-of-way for Florida East Coast (FEe) Railway. BACKGROUND The subject portion of the 20 foot wide alley lies within the boundaries of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach Plat. The approved plat was recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71 on April 9, 1925. The plat includes a total of 190 individual lots, a 50-foot wide railroad right-of-way owned by the Florida East Coast (F.E.C.) Railway, several 50-foot and 66- foot wide rights-of-way, and several is-foot wide and 20-foot wide alleys. The plat also contains a reversionary clause in the dedication, which states "does hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public as public highways, the streets, avenues, boulevards, and alleys as shown hereon, reserving however unto itself, its successors and legal representative, the reversions or reversion of same, whenever abandoned by the public or discontinued by law". The City makes no representation regarding the impact of the reversionary language on title to the adjacent properties. Re-development or expansion of the adjacent property following abandonment requires the property owner to establish proof of clear title as a condition of re-development or expansion. The applicant has submitted a copy of a report dated January 7, 2005 from Title Evidence of South Florida, Inc. which discloses that title of the subject property is vested in the City of Boynton Beach via the dedication shown on the recorded plat, and at this time said property is free and clear of any liens and encumbrances, and exempt from ad valorem taxes. On July 7, 2005 staff held a pre-application meeting with the applicant. Notes of the meeting indicate that the applicant initially informed staff that the alley was overgrown with weeds and attracted vagrants and crime, and he wanted to abandon the property so he could maintain it. The applicant further clarified that he intended to use the alley behind his lot for additional business parking. Staff explained that there were alternatives without the need for abandonment, such as a revocable license agreement, whereby the applicant could lease the land from the City. Staff also informed the applicant of the following: (1) per State law, if the property is abandoned each adjacent property owner would get one-half of the abandoned property, (2) the presence of any live utility in the alley would require an easement dedication, and (3) the use of the property for a parking lot will require a City approved site plan modification which complies with all applicable Land Development Regulations. City records indicate that portions of the publiC alley located north of the subject property have been abandoned by the City (Resolutions 90-179, 93-79, 98-56, 98-130) subject to conditions of approval regarding easement dedication. ANALYSIS When a right-of-way, such as this unimproved alley, is abandoned the abandoned land is transferred in equal portions from the general publiC to the abutting property owner(s) per State law (9 336.12). Typically, two (2) properties would be affected by an abandonment request: one-half of the right-of-way is conveyed to one (1) abutting property owner and the other half is conveyed to the other abutting property owner. The applicant requesting this abandonment is the owner of the abutting property to the east (at 805 North Federal Highway / Lot 17, Block 1 of Lake Addition). Public records indicate that Florida East Coast Railway is the owner of the abutting property to the west (50-foot wide railroad right-of-way). Staff has attempted to contact a representative of the FEC Railway and has received no comments from the FEC regarding this requested abandonment. If the abandonment request is approved, the applicant would receive only one-half of the alley width, or ten (10) feet total. A 10 foot strip may not be enough property to utilize for additional parking as the applicant proposes. The applicant could try to obtain the additional property from Florida East Coast Railway. Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 05-185 ABAN 05-007 A summary of the responses from the city staff is noted as follows: CITY DEPARTMENT / DIVISION Public Works j Engineering No objection to requested abandonment Support Abandonment with Dedicated Easement or a Revocable License Agreement Development j Planning and Zoning No objection to requested abandonment Support Abandonment with Dedicated Easement or a Revocable License Agreement Recreation & Parks j Parks No objection to requested abandonment Per letters from utility providers submitted by the applicant, responses from the utility companies are noted as follows: PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Bellsouth Florida Public Utilities Company Cable Company (Adelphia) Cable Company (Comcast) No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment NjA Adequate public notice was given to all affected property owners in accordance with Chapter 22, Article III, Section 4, of the Land Development Regulations. All public utility companies have been notified and the abandonment request has been advertised in the local newspaper. Comments from the City Engineer j Assistant Director of Public Works regarding the abandonment state that there is a live utility service (sewer line) located within the 20-foot alley, and that a majority of the alley would have to be retained as a utility easement (a minimum of 12 feet in width). The City Public Works / Utilities Department typically oversees easement dedications. At least sixty percent (60%) of the 20-foot alley would be required to be dedicated as a utility easement if the alley were abandoned. An alternative to abandonment, proposed by the City Engineer is a Revocable License Agreement which allows the subject property to be leased. The Revocable License would allow the applicant to use the entire width of the alley (20 feet), rather than one-half (10 feet) if abandoned. RECOMMENDATION Staff has determined that the subject portion of this alley no longer serves the public for access purposes and, with establishment of an easement, the limited use of the alley for utility purposes would be preserved. Therefore, staff has no objection to the request for abandonment, and supports (1) abandonment with a condition of approval that a utility easement be dedicated, or (2) a revocable license agreement. Since the applicant desires to improve the subject property with additional paved parking for his business, he would rather own the property, not lease it. Staff recommends approval of the requested abandonment with the condition for an easement, and the applicant has agreed to the stated condition. Any additional conditions recommended by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or by the Commission will be placed in Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\805 N. Federal Hwy\Staff Report (ABAN 05-007).doc . 1 in. = 127.4 feet EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP \-- ~ c.L t. ~ I;\.j --- ~:2 ~ =g 2 - - ~ ci._ _ '$ ~ - ~ .\) ~\ Q. .~ '''' w . 1: $ 2. ~.. 'H_ .. ll~~/ - 7~/, .... ldT t1 ~ =r ~~ - ~ ()~ ~.. lD-r Ie ~ ~ ~L<X..K I EXHIBIT "8" SURVE' ) I=L~RID.4 ~~i ~A~T ~AIL~A.D I l?e> J2.lGl-I;- -or:- - J,.J A r . , FOlJr-JP 1\2' l.~ r LAf? \..t7 ZlOl.-, ~,S8' ~ SUBJECT ABANDONMENT /01(0,1 -7QUARE PEET , ~ RIGt-l1""-OF-t..JAY Pt:::R fXtBTfr-Jb ~. L , F ~ Eb-r LI t-J& LoT r7 90.19 ' wr 11 ~LO~ I - ~YNTc>r0 LAKf. AODI-rlotJ '-0 I . P~I' Ph.1 r;OIOO' ~I\J ~-- \u ': ~ Ll\ - - -:r . o:r~ i) \f) --- -- woerW LI...,e ~ Lot n -~ II) to. 1(P ~ r BLo~K -J ~ ~ t\ u1'J€ /.-/ (t-t'JRnI Fep~~L PIllE \-\'~"WA'( " 'LAP fO't.lNO Itz. 1.12'1 /L.E7 ZIbZ, .. II No-)- Zo'4, E HI6r~IJAY J N~ EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Abandonment of a Portion of 20-Foot Wide Alley for 805 North Federal Highway File number: ABAN 05-007 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 1. Dedication of a Utility Easement for City utilities within the right-of-way to X be abandoned is required. 2. No structures or landscaping shall be placed within the confines of the X required utility easement without the express written consent of the Engineering Division of Public Works. 3. The legal description needs to be corrected to read as follows: X "A 20-foot (not 25-foot) right-of-way lying west of Block 1 . . . POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 4. The dedication of the utility easement shall occur prior to the second reading X of the ordinance. PUBLIC UTILITY PROVIDERS Comments: None II ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 5. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 6. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\306 BBB, ABAN 04-005\COA.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to Citv Clerk's Office 0 August 2, 2005 July 18,2005 (Noon.) 0 October 5, 2005 September 19,2005 (Noon) 0 August 16, 2005 August 1,2005 (Noon) 0 October 18, 2005 October 3, 2005 (Noon) 0 September 6, 2005 August 15,2005 (Noon) [gj November I, 2005- October 17, 2005 (Noon},-; '---1 " z=:J 0 0 C) September 20, 2005 September 6, 2005 (Noon) November 15,2005 October 31, 2005 (Noon-H j --: f'V 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans tJ ~ -.--! -",. 0 ", . ....., ~ '.'.~ NA TURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business r...v .".:: .cl- " .. -'lGJ AGENDA ITEM [gj Public Hearing [gj Legal ,0 -- rr1 i......ii S~J> 0 0 ,. (.-, Bids Unfinished Business z 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the November 1, 2005 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing and Legal, Ordinance - First Reading. The Community Redevelopment Agency Board recommended that the subject request be tabled to the November 8, 2005 meeting. If ratified by the Commission, the item would return to the Commission from the CRA, at its December 6, 2005 meeting. A motion to table by the Commission should be date specific (to December 6, 2005), timed consistent with the ultimate review by the CRA Board. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-185. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Spotts Abandonment (ABAN 05-007) 805 North Federal Highway Daniel Spotts Daniel Spotts 805 North Federal Highway Request for abandonment of a portion of a 20-foot right-of-way west of North Federal Highway abutting the Federal East Coast Railway. AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: AL TERNA TlVES. N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature l)~ plaim4ug and mng Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:IPlanning\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\805 N. Federal Hwy\ABAN 05-007\Agenda Item Request 805 N. Fed Spotts Aband. ABAN 05-007 11-1-05.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-185 TO: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Michael W. RumPf'(\Q~ Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: Kathleen Zeitler Planner DATE: September 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Abandonment Request of the Alley west of 805 North Federal Highway ABAN 05-007 ' NATURE OF REOUEST The applicant, Daniel Spotts, owner of Miami Aqua Culture, Inc., is requesting the City to abandon a portion of a public alley which abuts the rear of his business property located at 805 North Federal Highway (formerly Act II consignment shop, currently an unoccupied commercial building). This 20-foot wide unimproved public alley runs north and south adjacent to and parallel with the Florida East Coast (FEe) railroad. The portion requested to be abandoned is approximately 20 feet in width by 50 feet in length, and a total of 1,016.7 square feet (0.023 acre) in area. Per the survey submitted with the application, the platted alley segment is legally described as follows: A portion of a 25 foot right-of-way lying west of Block 1 of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Being bound on the north and south by the westerly extension of the north and south line of Lot 17, of said Block 1. Bounded on the west by the west line of said right-of-way, said line also being the east right of way line of the Florida East Coast Railway, as shown on plat, and bounded on the east by the west line of said Lot 17, Block 1. It is important to note that the legal description on the survey submitted incorrectly states that the width of the right of way is 25 feet, when it is actually 20 feet in width. The survey submitted indicates no below ground improvements, footers, foundations, or utilities have been located or shown on the survey. The Location Map (see Exhibit "A'') shows the general vicinity of the public alley right-of-way to be abandoned. The Proposed Abandonment (see Exhibit "B'') depicts the exact location of the subject site and its boundaries and legal description. The following is a description of the land uses and zoning districts of all properties that surround the subject portion of the public alley right-of-way. North - A portion of the 20-foot alley located to the rear of Lot 16 (a vacant 0.12 acre lot zoned C-4); South - A portion of the 20-foot alley located to the rear of Lot 18 (a 0.56 acre lot zoned C-4 used for vehicle repair); Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 05-185 ABAN 05-007 East 805 North Federal Highway (Lot 17, Block 1 of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach Plat) zoned C-4 (applicant's property); and, West - A 50-foot wide railroad right-of-way for Florida East Coast (FEe) Railway. BACKGROUND The subject portion of the 20 foot wide alley lies within the boundaries of Lake Addition to Boynton Beach Plat. The approved plat was recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71 on April 9, 1925. The plat includes a total of 190 individual lots, a 50-foot wide railroad right-of-way owned by the Florida East Coast (F.E.C.) Railway, several 50-foot and 66- foot wide rights-of-way, and several 1S-foot wide and 20-foot wide alleys. The plat also contains a reversionary clause in the dedication, which states "does hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public as public highways, the streets, avenues, boulevards, and alleys as shown hereon, reserving however unto itself, its successors and legal representative, the reversions or reversion of same, whenever abandoned by the public or discontinued by law". The City makes no representation regarding the impact of the reversionary language on title to the adjacent properties. Re-development or expansion of the adjacent property following abandonment requires the property owner to establish proof of clear title as a condition of re-development or expansion. The applicant has submitted a copy of a report dated January 7, 2005 from Title Evidence of South Florida, Inc. which discloses that title of the subject property is vested in the City of Boynton Beach via the dedication shown on the recorded plat, and at this time said property is free and clear of any liens and encumbrances, and exempt from ad valorem taxes. On July 7, 2005 staff held a pre-application meeting with the applicant. Notes of the meeting indicate that the applicant initially informed staff that the alley was overgrown with weeds and attracted vagrants and crime, and he wanted to abandon the property so he could maintain it. The applicant further clarified that he intended to use the alley behind his lot for additional business parking. Staff explained that there were alternatives without the need for abandonment, such as a revocable license agreement, whereby the applicant could lease the land from the City. Staff also informed the applicant of the following: (1) per State law, if the property is abandoned each adjacent property owner would get one-half of the abandoned property, (2) the presence of any live utility in the alley would require an easement dedication, and (3) the use of the property for a parking lot will require a City approved site plan modification which complies with all applicable Land Development Regulations. City records indicate that portions of the public alley located north of the subject property have been abandoned by the City (Resolutions 90-179, 93-79, 98-56, 98-130) subject to conditions of approval regarding easement dedication. ANALYSIS When a right-of-way, such as this unimproved alley, is abandoned the abandoned land is transferred in equal portions from the general public to the abutting property owner(s) per State law (~336.12). Typically, two (2) properties would be affected by an abandonment request: one-half of the right-of-way is conveyed to one (1) abutting property owner and the other half is conveyed to the other abutting property owner. The applicant requesting this abandonment is the owner of the abutting property to the east (at 805 North Federal Highway / Lot 17, Block 1 of Lake Addition). Public records indicate that Florida East Coast Railway is the owner of the abutting property to the west (50-foot wide railroad right-of-way). Staff has attempted to contact a representative of the FEC Railway and has received no comments from the FEC regarding this requested abandonment. If the abandonment request is approved, the applicant would receive only one-half of the alley width, or ten (10) feet total. A 10 foot strip may not be enough property to utilize for additional parking as the applicant proposes. The applicant could try to obtain the additional property from Florida East Coast Railway. Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 05-185 ABAN 05-007 A summary of the responses from the city staff is noted as follows: CITY DEPARTMENT / DIVISION Public Works / Engineering No objection to requested abandonment Support Abandonment with Dedicated Easement or a Revocable License Agreement Development / Planning and Zoning No objection to requested abandonment Support Abandonment with Dedicated Easement or a Revocable License Agreement Recreation & Parks / Parks No objection to requested abandonment Per letters from utility providers submitted by the applicant, responses from the utility companies are noted as follows: PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Bellsouth Florida Public Utilities Company Cable Company (Adelphia) Cable Company (Comcast) No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment No objection to requested abandonment N/A Adequate public notice was given to all affected property owners in accordance with Chapter 22, Article III, Section 4, of the Land Development Regulations. All public utility companies have been notified and the abandonment request has been advertised in the local newspaper. Comments from the City Engineer / Assistant Director of Public Works regarding the abandonment state that there is a live utility service (sewer line) located within the 20-foot alley, and that a majority of the alley would have to be retained as a utility easement (a minimum of 12 feet in width). The City Public Works / Utilities Department typically oversees easement dedications. At least sixty percent (60%) of the 20-foot alley would be required to be dedicated as a utility easement if the alley were abandoned. An alternative to abandonment, proposed by the City Engineer is a Revocable License Agreement which allows the subject property to be leased. The Revocable License would allow the applicant to use the entire width of the alley (20 feet), rather than one-half (10 feet) if abandoned. RECOMMENDATION Staff has determined that the subject portion of this alley no longer serves the publiC for access purposes and, with establishment of an easement, the limited use of the alley for utility purposes would be preserved. Therefore, staff has no objection to the request for abandonment, and supports (1) abandonment with a condition of approval that a utility easement be dedicated, or (2) a revocable license agreement. Since the applicant desires to improve the subject property with additional paved parking for his business, he would rather own the property, not lease it. Staff recommends approval of the requested abandonment with the condition for an easement, and the applicant has agreed to the stated condition. Any additional conditions recommended by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or by the Commission will be placed in Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\805 N. Federal Hwy\Staff Report (ABAN 05-007).doc . 1 in. = 127.4 feet .rrr) , l)r, EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT "8" SURVE~ ) I=LOR/DA ~5i c1OA:;T I(AIL~p C?C: I< tG,.,,- -oJ=" - J..JA r t-Joern L.I tV(; ~ icrr n -~ I') (.01" I~ g r B 1..0<<.1'.. I <~ ~ . ~ t\ ,// ~hJ UtJ€ \- ~ r:.L ~ -L1\ ~ ,t I LAP f(J\JNO Itt 1,12,- - - .JLe> Z v>z'N err Zo'4,"E . I F'oLJr-JP 1\2' ,.f. '" LAf' ~~ ZIOZ" 9f:), se' ~ ~":1 ~ :0- - l) ~ e:.l_ _ ~ ~ - ~ -.\) ~ a.. ..~'~ ~ - 1: ~ 2. SUBJECT ABANDONMENT /01(0.1 -7QUARE FEET .2b1 RIGf./-r -OF - a.JA Y Pt=:R E:XtBTI't.Jb ~. L . F ~ - -- w ~.19 · lo-r IB ~L.tl(.. K I ~ , ~o.:. - ~ c~ ~.. l"C'~ ()l::) .. wr 11 ~ LOc.K I - ~YNTOr0 LAK6 AODtflotJ 10 , .. PB7 \I Ph. 1 cI '::..I~ ~71 ~~ I tfXJ ,c;c> yo- " '<-1~ J~~lI '-- , ;to,OO ~-- \u '& ~ IJ\ - - "r . .-:T ~ a) '\f) ---- (I'l?R11I Fep~RAL HI~IJAY~ PItIE "'lbllWA'f . N~ EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Abandonment ofa Portion of20-Foot Wide Alley for 805 North Federal Highway File number: ABAN 05-007 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 1. Dedication of a Utility Easement for City utilities within the right-of-way to X be abandoned is required. 2. No structures or landscaping shall be placed within the confines of the X required utility easement without the express written consent of the Engineering Division of Public Worlcs. 3. The legal description needs to be corrected to read as follows: X "A 20-foot (not 25-foot) right-of-way lying west of Block 1 . . . POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 4. The dedication of the utility easement shall occur prior to the second reading X of the ordinance. PUBLIC UTILITY PROVIDERS Comments: None ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 5. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 6. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\306 BBB, ABAN 04-005\COA.doc PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE DATE AND TIMES: October 11, 2005 at 6:30 PM November 1, 2005 at 7:00 PM Type of Application: Request for Abandonment: Alleyway Proposed Use: Maintained Landscape Buffer Location: City Commission Chamber 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd INFORMATION: Sherie Coale, 561-742-6265 Planning and Zoning To the City Clerk - City Of Boynton Beach AFFIDAVIT RE: Property Address: Project Name: File #: UWe, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400 feet of the above-referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The notifications were postmarked a minimum of 1 0 days in advance of the public hearing. Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advance of the public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. Cc: Planning & Zoning Department :Po~ Applicant/Agent Notary Public, State of Florida S:IPlanninglPliznning TemplateslP&Z letters and memoslAFFIDA VIT.doc ~': CALVIN H. CHANDLER,JR. ~ MY COMMISSION #I DD254170 "..:; EXPIRES: October 24. 2007, To the City Clerk - City Of Boynton Beach AFFIDA VIT RE: Property Address: Project Name: File #: UWe, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400 feet of the above-referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The notifications were postmarked a minimum of 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advan'ce of the public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. s~ ~) _. Applicant/Agent ~ Notary Public, State of Florida Cc: Planning & Zoning Department doO~ S:lPlanninglPlanning TemplateslP&Z letters and memoslAFFIDA VIT.doc ~~ CALVIN H. CHANDLER,JR. ~ MY COMMISSION II D0254170 ~:; EXPIRES: October 24,2007. 0 0 l- I- W W 0:: 0:: W W :c :c :.:: l- I- -, en-, ...J LLO 1-0 U U m 0<( ...J<( ~ ~ Ii:~ t~ ~ 00 00 0> 0> 0>0 0>0 0 0 ~en ~Z 0 I- 0:: I- co U U en N(!) N(!) co 0> U ~ ~ ~~ >->- 0> ~ en en ~ I'- W ...J...J en Z>- Z>- ~ ~ 0 0 <o:! ~ ~ O/lW enW LL ~ 0 0 N...J en...J LL 0 0 o><i! 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