REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-120 STAFF REPORT To: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission Through: Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director Eric Lee Johnson, AICP <.... ? 2-d-- Planner () From: Meeting Date: July 12, 2005 File No: ZNCV 05-002 Location: 2623 Lake Drive North (Lots 33 & 34 in Lakeside Gardens) Owner: Mr. John Trach Project: Solid-roof screened enclosure addition to a single-family detached home on a parcel zoned R-1-AA. Request: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, regulating the maximum lot coverage, to increase the maximum lot coverage from 35% to 38.5% for a single-family residence within the R-1-AA Single- family Residential zoning district. BACKGROUND The subject property is comprised of two (2) lots, zoned R-1-AA, single-family residential (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map). They are located on the east side of Lake Drive North, just south of the intersection of Lake Drive North and Dimick Road. The lots were platted on January 22, 1922 as part of the Lakeside Gardens subdivision. Both lots combined form a single parcel that is dimensioned 47 feet in width and 161.93 feet in depth. The parcel and the existing house do not conform to the current R-1- AA zoning district regulations. On October 24, 2001, the owner was given a building permit to demolish most of the old house and reconstruct a new/larger one in its place. It is believed that the original house was built in i:1959. This allowed the property owner to reconstruct the legal non-conforming house. Subsequently, on March 16, 2005, the property owner submitted a permit application to the Building Division to construct a solid-roof screened enclosure to the rear of the newly built house. This covered patio, according to the survey, would be 8.67 feet by 33.33 feet, or approximately 289 square feet. The intent of the property owner is to add a second story balcony to overlook the Intracoastal Waterway. However, it was never approved due to it exceeding the zoning district's maximum allowable lot coverage (see Exhibit "B"). The required building setbacks of the R-1-AA zoning district are as follows: · Front and Rear setback: 25 feet; · Side setback: 7.5 feet if lot is platted prior to June 13, 1975 · Maximum Lot Coverage: 35% Page 2 2623 Lake Drive North Variance File No. ZNCV 05-002 The maximum lot coverage of the R-1-AA zoning district is 35%. The proposed lot coverage, as a result of the requested permit for the solid roof screen enclosure, would be 38.5%. Therefore, as depicted on the survey, this addition would exceed the allowable lot coverage by 3.5%, thereby generating the subject request. Mr. Jeff Tomberg, agent for the property owner (Mr. John Trach) submitted the variance request on April 20, 2005 (see Exhibit "C"). As of today, this office has not received any letters of support or denial by the neighboring property owners. ANALYSIS The code states that the zoning code variance cannot be approved unless the board finds the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. f. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Staff conducted the analysis focusing primarily on items "a", "b", and "c" above, which require that the request is initiated by special conditions and circumstances that are peculiar to the subject land, structure, or building, which are not the result of the actions of the applicant. Additionally, the criteria require that the granting of the variance would not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the regulations to other properties within the same zoning district. With regards to the applicant's response to criteria ''a''and ''b'; no circumstances appear to be peculiar to the land on which this variance is being sought. The applicant is clearly the one who desires approval for the covered area over the existing patio of his two (2) story home. Therefore, staff does not concur with the applicant's justification that special conditions and circumstances exist, related to lot configuration, which are not the result of actions by the applicant. Based on this information staff has found no evidence of a hardship. The applicant claims that their contractor informed them that he (the contractor) was bonded and insured, and that the building permit (#05-1543) to erect the solid-roof enclosure / balcony was approved. While it is unfortunate to have this miscommunication between the two parties, the response is not pertinent to an argument that there are no special circumstances or actions caused by the property owner. This is, in fact, a self-created hardship due to negligence on the part of the property owner, thereby representing a special privilege to just the current property owner of the variance were approved. Despite the responses by the applicant, a variance is to be granted on the basis of a hardship, which is established by characteristics other than those created by the landowner, or previous owner(s) as a result of various site improvements or alterations. The emphasis of criteria "a", Page 3 2623 Lake Drive North Variance File No. ZNCV 05-002 "b", or "c", in order to justify a hardship, is based upon natural or unique limitations relative to other properties within the neighborhood or similarly zoned. Staff does not concur with the applicant's arguments (Exhibit "0'1 related to special privileges. Denial of this variance request would not deprive the applicant of the rights already enjoyed by others owning standard sized lots within this subdivision. Therefore, criteria "c"and "d"are not satisfied. Criterion "e" above considers if the request is the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the property. The property is currently improved with a 2-story home including a 2-car garage, and patio and swimming pool. The footprint of the structure is 2,761 square feet, significantly in excess of the minimum living area for the R-1-AA zoning district (1,500 sq. ft.). Therefore, it is the opinion of staff that "reasonable use" of the land has been achieved, and therefore the variance is not necessary according to criterion "e". Although the subject improvements may be less in value than other properties similarly located along the Intracoastal Waterway, which is due to land values, attributes of waterfront properties, and personal choice, the applicant has not substantiated the position that "reasonable" use cannot be attained without the subject variance. Regarding the intent of the zoning regulation, and impacts on adjacent properties, staff acknowledges that if the standard building envelope (and likewise for solid-roof screened enclosures or extended balconies) are expanded closer to property lines, the impacts on adjacent properties can include reduced light, air flow, and views. However, this is not necessarily the case with this particular request, because the requested expansion of approximately 289 square feet is at the rear of the home, facing the Intracoastal Waterway. This 8.67 foot extension to the rear of the home should have little if any impact on light, air flow, or views to the neighboring properties, looking directly out onto the waterway. While it may be difficult to say that the request is detrimental to the public welfare, it is equally difficult to say that the request is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning code. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the request for relief from Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5,C.2, to allow an increase in the maximum lot coverage from 35% to 38.5% for a single-family residence within the R-1-AA zoning district, be denied due to the lack of traditional hardship, and due to the circumstances not being peculiar to the lot itself. Staff is supportive of residential redevelopment and associated improvements and recognizes that past variance requests have been reviewed by the City using more than the traditional criteria, or interpretations of this criteria, which places greater emphasis on economic potential, minor home improvements, and characteristics of or impact upon surrounding properties. For these reasons, staff also offers the following information for consideration: 1. The Land Development Regulations (LOR's) are in the process of modification to encourage reasonable home improvements and expansions. Previously, both the Planning and Development Board and the Community Redevelopment Agency Board reviewed the proposed residential development regulations and recommended their approval to the City Commission. The City Commission approved the code amendments on 1st reading at their July 5th meeting. The applicant's request would fall within these regulations, which would allow up to 45% maximum lot coverage; and 2. The subject request is minimal relative to the magnitude of physical improvements on the site; the balcony and enclosure that would extend out from the rear of the home 8.67 feet and cover approximately 289 square feet of an existing patio. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECfS\2623 Lake Drive North\Staff Report.doc Exhloit 'A' - Location IVrap 40 20 0 I 40 80 120 160 I Feet ..' Jun 27 05 11:48a Universal Surve~ing S~ste 561-736-0908 EXHIBIT B PBTZfV1 IT IV{).. 02-'/4-Z~ ~CJ J./. 7\1 I lLA..e \-t L..-la '23:, LA.-Iut:?.. n fL 1J. 56 'I 1\..JTI) ^-J ~H SITE & BUILDING DATA ADDRESS OF PR.OI"ERiYr TRAGH RESIDENCE 2623 LAKE DR. NORTH OO'1'NfON eeAC.H. Fl.. 51'TE CAI..GUl..A nONS: &I're~ LOT~ 6UILDfNe FOOTPRINTS I.AND5CAPE APv. DRIVEJliAY AND FRONT HAL.K5 POOL. AND REAR DECK. TOTAL FLOOR AAJ:A. RA no FIRST F1.OOR N<V. 5EWND F1.OOR AAE.A 0Ttf:R Fl.OOR AREA TOTAL ',e~ $G. FT. ,~ 5Gl. FT. :35~ OF 51'TE 233 OF SITE p.2 l'-=fr 6'-8' -~ \<401 $G. FT. n.~ OF 51'TE IQ06 5Gl. FT. :24.1~ OF SITE i,6~ SG. FT. I~ 2,n6 SG. FT. 2"""1 5Gl. Fr. i4S fiG. FT. 5402 5Gl. FT. 6e..~ OF S/'TE {,~._.[}.,W..C. ~ fn1 !~L~@ OU'AFlrM[NT OF ()EV ---~ 06/28/2005 16:22 561734pCl71 Jun 27 05 U:4S. " ..ni vel" 'l II I PROPER7Y ADDRE'?'?: 2'-2;\ L..oklt 0.;." Newlh """"tl)Tl ee""t" F'1~ri.u n.."s FL.OCD ZONE: ZOM.' 'A-'. w.~tv ,.. dI,c1 No. 17.00Q" 0004 C '='crtcm~c!(' }O, /<162 JEFF TOMBERG, J-~~ SUl"ve::li.." Sl:I!l.te 5S1-7:ilGl-090d"" ...-..-,,----. . VIG~1ity M/lp PAGE EXHIBIT B 03 COI.N)A!:Y "'UR'VEY Prcp",,-cJ For: JOHN TRACH z,z~ ~AKe O~lve NO~TH e>OYNTON Ol:ACH. F~IOA ~H~$ :: ... "~ ~ i ,p'~ :: II ~ ..... . ~ ~.. R;., ... ... ... ~~ 3 z f II r'"f =:~ 8~ :; N:UZ ......... ! ~ f ,,,. i ! i. .. .. NoI T. '!lcoIo NO~fH LOT foRf:.^ .. 7"12'1 ~Q FT -I" :;:; I<;;'O"Q I1:LG:)6t FOurP2l1lff Z7bJ/"I ~4-S~~ tIttD'Pll::>G'b COO V '0. PI"> Tl CI fii,,.7'k ~;.;'S ~ z.'Oio.q.,~::; ~~ "38.49 .'10 Te,>, ~GIlOI.Nl lJT II. IT fC'll WCa.: rcr L..OCA CX~~I"T II'> ~. % I't!ICI!lN WERE N(1T . ~TR,ac; 0 IC EP/ t,ENT,> 1C1clt!T.",.....4V';. oll-t, ..IMIl-AIII W.TTE~ Of' r.r;:t;.f.IE . ~, n..r.vAT ION') AICE Nb,T 1011I61_ 6EODETlC VE,",lc.<lI,. 04TLN at'1 'lH. ... flWINIl'> AilE: PA'lCP nN ~ we.,r ICIW L..11E 01' L^,,~ ';>IOC L'>~IY!. ^'~ TO Dl!4P. N 00 00'00' E. ~. ~T III"" Itoo fW) eAr \.M.5"J ~~ (.. ~1T;<J rl:orU)fp I.OT \!IP.-=, 7. OEN:lTe-, EXI"m~ I.CIT ~~. L.!!0fN:>, D -D~D r . n.AT T' - r lI:Ll' A\O. . FOl.Nl r;(lfIlC;. . C(NC;~l:Te E\... . eI.EVAT'~ ~o .. NAIl. t o,~ 1(1"1 - P.I~HT (1(' WAY '>.e!. . 'JOt,IT~ ElE\-1.. IP-tt: - 11e0N t(Jt) t (.1\1' I).E. . IIrll..tTY E4';E!ENT N4TT . NAIl.- /Ik) TIN loA!' M,t:. - MAINT1!N.wC1!! E~NT FP'L - FL./lll: ID^ rOWl!( , 1.16H1' ".,f.r.- r~ r~~~ rOINT Q!) . "ATEIII !>ETEP. ~ .-~~ t.SddL. ~t:U.TlCN: ~..;r&!.~-t::F~)l.-~rn'M!i'fJ:H~~rJ,~~~A~.. ~1"'91"'" 1lI:COIlDa:> IN lH: 0l'T'1C!! Of' M a.eIlI: t1I' _ "Il:WfT GDUP.T IN =~PIl~~~~~g^~ ::It'Li'8''M ~t~~~~I~ EVI~ ""err AftA "'m.'~ ""'~ Wt'O:P r""ul ,alP.." r II'W. ~IMy '" -(/C-In 1:),,11 eU!1~ee fl1G. P.O. Box Z 4 ,88 7 Boynton BBIlG.h, Florid", ;)'424-'887 5(;;1-7;12.-7877 0..,. 1/ ~~~ ~"..o{/'o .fJ' 16.J! T'~ ,. T)oP.'~"--t~",,~....,.rlll'''''''''''''''''' II... "~~~P"'J'If6~I.~ ~~"=:J:.~~ /"::::.'-:~":'-:':;.="'7:'::1;=~~~~ ~ f"r......J in "'" OIilu .1 II", ..........,.... :l;l:l e.~t 5.l1~~..... 1:)""'0....", lSlo,.,tQn f)~lOC;h, F!"ri.d.l ~''''';)5 LAW OFFICES OF JEFF TOMBERG, J.D., P.A. P.O. Box 1426 626 S.E. 4th Street Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 EXHIBIT C Jeff Tomberg Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer June 28, 2005 (561) 732-6488 (561) 737-1345 FAX: (561) 734-8971 e-mail: piatty@yahoo.com Mr. Ed Breeze City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Fax and mail transmission: 742-6259 Re: John Trach Dear Ed: The building footprint including the proposed covered patio totals 38.49% of the lot area. The code permits 35%; so we are asking for a 3.49% lot coverage variance. A copy of the survey and site and building data is enclosed. JeT/ah enc. cc: Mr. Trach Very truly yours, ~BERG (Dictated by Jeff Tomberg. Signed in his absence to avoid delay.) (0)1 ~ @ ~ II WI ~ @ tnJ JUN 3 0 2005 ~ I I .r~_i:.~!nMENT OF OEVELOPMENl EXHIBIT 0 Application for variance of John Trach Statement of Special Conditions: A. The special conditions and circumstances which exist peculiar to land structure of building which are not applicable to the land is that the applicant seeks to square off his building as set forth in the proposal under his survey, to extend the covered patio over the patio of his two-story residence. B. The special conditions and circumstances result from the failure of the contractor retained by the applicant to pull a permit. The contractor claimed to be licensed, bonded and insured, and assured the applicant that he had pulled the permit necessary to erect a covered patio extension. C. The granting of the variance requested will not confer on applicant any special privilege denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures. Applicant believes that the variance would be consistent with changes currently being proposed by ordinance as to lot coverage, for the applicant seeks only to extend a balcony and is not enclosing the patio. D. The literal interpretation of this chapter would cause applicant unnecessary and undue hardship. Lot coverage issues should not be included as this is an open area balcony that is being extended and not enclosed. E. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the building as contemplated by the owner. F. The granting of the variance would be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and would not be injurious to the area involved otherwise detrimental to the public welfare in that it is simply a covering over of the patio and will provide the applicant with a sheltered area to enjoy his pool area in the event of rain. G. Not applicable. EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: 2623 Lake Drive North File number: ZNCV 05-002 Reference' I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Conditions of Approval 2 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I Comments: 1. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 2. To be determined. S:IPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTS\2623 Lake Drive NorthlCOA.doc S;IPlanninglPlanning TemplateslCondition of Approval 2 page -P&D ORA 2003 form.doc