AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office [8J August 2, 2005 July 18,2005 (Noon.) D October 5, 2005 September 19, 2005 (Noon) D August 16, 2005 August I, 2005 (Noon) D October 18, 2005 October 3, 2005 (Noon) D September 6, 2005 August IS, 2005 (Noon) D November 1,2005 October 17, 2005 (Noon) D September 20, 2005 September 6, 2005 (Noon) D November 15,2005 October 31, 2005 (Noon) D Administrative D Development Plans NATURE OF [8J Consent Agenda D New Business AGENDA ITEM D Public Hearing D Legal D Bids D UnfInished Business D Announcement D Presentation D City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the August 2,2005 City Commission Agenda under Consent Agenda. The Community Redevelopment Agency Board recommended that the subject request be approved on July 12, 2005. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-121. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2625 Lake Drive North (ZNCV 05-003) Jeff Tomberg Avon Investments, Inc. 2625 Lake Drive North Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a seventy-fIve (75) foot minimum lot frontage to allow a 22-foot variance, resulting in a fIfty-three (53) foot minimum lot frontage within the R-l-AA Single-family Residential zoning district. PROGRAM IMP ACT: FISCAL IMP ACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature ~~ ~ctor City Attorney I Finance I Human Resoorces S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\2625 Lake Drive North\Agenda Item Request 2625 Lake Dr North ZNCV 05-002 8-2-05.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM. DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-121 STAFF REPORT To: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission Through: From: Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director Eric Lee Johnson, AICP W Planner U Meeting Date: July 12, 2005 File No: ZNCV 05-003 Location: 2625 Lake Drive North (Lots 31 & 32 in Lakeside Gardens) Owner: Avon Investments Incorporated Project: Construct a single-family detached home Request: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot frontage to allow a 22-foot variance, resulting in a fifty-three (53) foot minimum lot frontage within the R- 1-AA Single-family Residential zoning district. BACKGROUND Mr. Jeff Tomberg, agent for the property owner (Avon Investments Incorporated) submitted the variance request on April 20, 2005 (see Exhibit "C"). As of today, this office has not received any letters of support or denial by the neighboring property owners. The subject property is comprised of two (2) lots, zoned R-1-AA, single-family residential (see Exhibit "A" - location Map). They are located on the east side of Lake Drive North, just south of the intersection of Lake Drive North and Dimick Road. The lots were platted on January 22, 1922 as part of the Lakeside Gardens subdivision. Both lots combined form a single parcel that is dimensioned 53 feet in width and 160.69 feet in depth. The width of the lot is wider at the street front (Lake Drive North) than it is at the rear (along the Intracoastal Waterway). Evidently, the owner was able to acquire a three (3) foot wide sliver of land from the property to the south (Lot 33). This sliver of land is approximately 55 feet deep. A single-family detached home was previously built on the property. However, Building Permit #04-4869 permitted the demolition of the existing house. Now, the 0.188-acre parcel is vacant and does not conform to current R-1-AA zoning district regulations as it relates to lot width. The owner applied for a building permit (#05-1493) to construct a new Single-family detached dwelling. The district regulations of the R-1-AA zoning district are as follows: · Minimum lot area: 7,500 square feet if lot is platted prior to June 13, 1975 · Front and Rear setback: 25 feet; · Side setback: 7.5 feet if lot is platted prior to June 13, 1975 · Maximum lot Coverage: 35% Page 2 2625 Lake Drive North Variance File No. ZNCV 05-003 The survey (Exhibit "8") shows that placement and configuration of the house, proposed on the subject parcel, would be located 25 feet from the front property line, seven and one-half (7- V2) feet away from the side property lines, and over 39 feet from the rear property line. The placement of the new house would comply with code, except that the lot frontage does not meet the minimum required by the R-1- M zoning district. The property has been zoned R-1-M since 1961. ANALYSIS According to Chapter 1.5, Article II, Section 2.1.D. of the land Development Regulations, the zoning code variance cannot be approved unless the board finds the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the lanct structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the lanct building, or structure. f. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. g. For variances to minimum lot area or lot frontage requirements, that property is not available from adjacent properties in order to meet these requirements, or that the acquisition of such property would cause the adjacent property or structures to become non-conforming. The applicant for such variances shall provide an affidavit with the application for variance stating that the above mentioned conditions exist with respect to the acquisition of additional property. Staff reviewed the requested variance focusing on the applicant's response to the above criteria contained in Exhibit "C". With regards to the applicant's response to criteria ''a'' and ''b/; special conditions or circumstances appear to be peculiar to the land on which this variance is being sought. Despite the fact that the property owner acquired a three (3) foot wide sliver, the lots were platted in 1922 with widths of 25-foot. During the course of time, various property owners combined two or more lots to form parcels that were practical to build upon. The subject property is one such parcel where two (2) lots have been combined and a house could be built and meet the zoning district's required setbacks. With regard to criteria" c', no special privilege would be granted to the applicant because a number of similar lots within this subdivision (with 50-foot lot frontage) have houses built upon them (see Exhibit "D" - Aerial photograph). Likewise, literal interpretation of provisions of the hardship criteria would in fact, deprive the applicant of the rights previously enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district within the same subdivision. With respect to criteria "e' and "f', the variance sought would be the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the land for a single- Page 3 2625 Lake Drive North Variance File No. ZNCV 05-003 family detached home. Granting of the variance would not change the nature or character of the neighborhood due to the fact that there was a house already built on the property. Contemporary homes (built within this area of the city) tend to be constructed larger in size than their predecessors. larger homes are the product of rising property values in conjunction with diminishing supply of vacant properties, especially within desirable areas of the city. Staff has no objection to larger homes, as long as these homes are built in accordance with the regulations of the R-1-AA zoning district. It appears as though the proposed survey shows the placement of the house would comply with all setback regulations. Lastly, the aerial photograph shows that the subject property is bounded by Lot 33 of lakeside Gardens to the south (improved with a single-family home), and a 4.2-foot wide walk easement of the plat to the north; the subject lots cannot be expanded to either the north or the south. It should be noted that last year, Mr. Rod Regan attempted to abandon the walk easement to the north in order to acquire additional property. However, his abandonment request was denied by the City Commission. Therefore, there would be no future opportunity for acquiring additional property. Under Chapter 2, Section 11.1.C.3, Non-Conforming Lots, a detached, single-family dwelling may be constructed on any parcel in an R-1-AA district, without requiring a variance, provided that it meets the following requirements: 1) the parcel contains at least one whole platted lot; 2) the parcel has a frontage of not less than 60 feet, and a lot area of not less than 6,750 square feet in area; and 3) it would not be possible to acquire property from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become non-conforming or more non-conforming. The applicant would meet all of the criteria for being allowed to construct a home without the necessity of a variance under these non-conforming provisions, except if the applicant has 53 foot frontage and not the requisite 60 feet, a deficit of 7 feet. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATION As analyzed above, the proposed variance request would appear to comply with the entire above- referenced criteria. It is a challenge to the city to know when to adhere to new zoning regulations, and therefore through attrition bring neighborhoods up to current standards, and when to recognize development rights established, in part, by original platting. However, staff has arrived at this conclusion based on the fact that the property remains as originally platted, various properties in the neighborhood have been improved that are similar in size, that the total width of the subject lot is only eight (8) feet narrower than the minimum width required for the R-1-AA zoning district for a legal non- conforming lot, and based on the inability to expand the subject lot to a conforming width. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested variance of 22 feet, to reduce the minimum required lot frontage from 75 feet to 53 feet, within the R-1-AA zoning district. No conditions of approval are recommended by staff. Any conditions of approval added by the Community Redevelopment Agency or City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "E" - Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\2625 Lake Drive North\Staff Report.doc Exhi~~t 'A' - Location MetP 200 I Feet w+, , . 50 25 0 I 50 100 150 .0 ci ~ ~ ~ ~I'\ ,0 ~'- t~"'~ t~,,>.1 f~ ,3.03' F t.v' 0:& - i:AK-EDR I VE - NORT~ - - '?~ I~ ~ ! ~ <> ~ "f- '" ;.. .r ~I''J<o ( 7. ,0 TIE <:::> '" 0- ~ <:::> ~ w 8 " " 8 '" u- t- o- z b -l ~ LAKE WORTH WATER:WAY 50.0' . '? 017 4(, , 00' E 1; f22] 'J<oJj! . v.s- ~fQ' -tC @ 2~ '0 ':>ITE OIMICK KD. ~ , '" '4 <I' " " :> ~ H li ~ ~2 ~ ~3 ILl 4 r j ~, ~ ~, '11 ~ POT11"K ro. ~~ ILl ~~ "- LOCATION MAF N.T.'? -~ "'" 33 2NJ FLOOK LINE ~l>" ....O~ ;... 7.,0 35.00 TIE ~ <:::>. <:::>",,,, . <() '" <:::> . <:::>",1- @ t-<:::><:::> 0-_-1 Z PROPO':::>ED "' RE':::>IDENGE " <> FF =1 O. 00 '" rP l' I 3.75 7.50 TIE \LJ <:::> <:::> <:::> <:::>. 88 DKA I NAGE NOTE':>: FLoro ZQI\E: A7 lEI. ~) 0~i'0/6Z C~llY-PAN:L NO. I 2e1 ~, 0004 C MAP I<1:Vl?ED: ?EPTEMleK '0, I ~OZ LOT AREA . 1l220.,2 ':>0 FT . /- z'" WVEKED CERTIFY TO: AVON I NYf':>TMENT':> , INC. WI TED 6EN"~AL TITLE I i'W~AN(,E UM' ANY VOt-N HOOKE~ 4 CeM' ANY TITLE I N?URAN(,E AGENCY, I NG -> ''b P~Of'ERTY ADO~~: 2'25 l-AKE DR I VE NORTH OOYNTON BEAGH, FlORIDA 3343> NOTE':>: I. t.N:>ER5ROL.N) lIT I 1.1 TI E? WERE NOT LOCA ra:> EXCEPT A'? ?HO\lN. 2 . Tl-E L-ANJ'.> ':>HCIfN H:REON WERE NOT Af>">TRACTED OY '?LJRVEYOR FOR EA'7ElvENT':>, ~IGHT-OF-"AY'?, RE?EINATI~ />N) 0Tl-E~ <;,IMILAR w,T11"R'> OF REWfW. ,. ELEVATION'> ARE NATICI'lAL 6EODETIC VERT I GAL DATJ..t.A Of I ~zq. 4. BEAR I NO':> ARE OA?ED ON Tl-E 'IE'?T R/'I LI~ Of LAKE '?IDE D~IV!", A'7":>LM;D TO BEA~ N 00 00'00' E. , . UON ROD />N) C/ll' I.N-~ NOra:>. , . DENOTE':> r~OPO':>EP \-OT GRADE? 7 . DENOTe':> EX I ':> TI NG \-OT GRADE'? lEGfN) : F . FIELD FNJ . - POL.N) GONG. - CONGI:ETE e:L. . ElEVATION N4D . NAil 4 DI':><; K/'I - KIGHT OF WAY '? .13 . . ?OLJ11-f:RN I3ElL I~'G - I~ON ~OP . C/ll' LJ.E. . llTlLllY EA':>EM:NT NITT . NAil AN:> TIN TA5 M.E. - W.I~E EA'7I:M:NT FP4L - FI-ORIDA rOfEK I LIGHT r.c.r.- PE~ CONT~OL- rOINr @ - \JATE~ t.eTeK @ . ?EWER ~.r PLOT PLAN 2 -24-05 ADO EXI':>TING , PROf'O">ED ELEVATION'> I 2-0(,-04 KEVI':>!: CERTIFICATIa-.! 4-02-04 ID WITHOUT THE '?15NATURE AND THE ORI51NAL RAI'?ED '?EAL OF A FLORIDA LIGEN'?ED '?URVEYOR ER. . BOUNDARY '?URVEY LOT':> THIRTYwONE (~I ) AN) lHIRTY-TWO OZ), IN LAKEC;>IDE 5ARDEN";t. A '?l,e- DIVI':JION OF THE TOWN OF OO"t'NTON, FLORIDA, ACWRDIN5 TO fHE PLAT OF '?AID ':Jl..OO I V t <; I ON RECORDED I N THE OfF I CE Of 1HE Cil-ERK OF lHE C.I RW I T c;oL.JRT IN AN:> FOR I'ALM ~CH COt..t-lTY. R..ORIO.A.. IN I'LAT OOOK 6 AT PAGE 57. AN:> TH: NOl!:lH THREE fEET OF 1HE WE?T 55,5'FEET OF I.-OT THIRTY-THREE "", a ~ \0 ~ 1<\ . ~ .J ~ 3-11 -04 ~IlATE: I . -20' %AL-E : FIL..E P.l:'. r. UNIVER~AL.. ~WRVEYINo ~Y~TEM?, IN~. vEF1:T I F I vATE OF At.ITI-t:lR'1 ZAT ION tu.eER t.e 5Q6"l 2'2.' LAKe: DRIve: NORll-l . OOVNTON "EAGH. F\..O~IDA ".mi OFFICE: 5~ -1"-04'1 FAX: 5~ -1"-OQ06 00-11 -033 HIBIT B EXHIBIT C Application for variance of Rod Regan, Avon Investments, Inc. Statement of Special Conditions: A. Special conditions exist which are peculiar to the land which are not applicable to other land in the same zone and district. Result from the property being platted prior to the modern zoning codes. This Plat dates back more than 50 years. At the time the individual lots were platted in 25-foot frontage by 160' depth. The applicant owns Lots 31 and 32, and has a 3' parcel relating to Lot 33. B. The special conditions arise from the lot having been previously platted and the City amending or altering the size frontage requirements for single family residential lots. The non-conforming use existed prior to the purchase of the property by the applicant. C. Granting the variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege denied by this ordinance against other lands or structures in the same zoning district, or simply allow the applicant to build on property he currently owns that previously had a residence on it. D. Literal interpretation of provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district by precluding him from building on a previously-built residential lot, which at the time it was originally platted and built upon, the two lots conformed with necessary zoning codes. Currently the zoning and ordinance in questions requires a 60-foot frontage, and the applicant does not have 60 front feet. E. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of this property. The reasonable use of this land is for a single family residence, and without the variance this property is non-conforming because it does not have the necessary frontage to comply with the ordinance. F. The granting of the variance is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the variance does not change the nature or character of the neighborhood; nor does it change the nature or character of the lot; nor is it otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Granting the variance will permit the applicant to remain consistent with the nature and character of the existing neighborhood and consistent with the existing use of the property. It is not injurious to the character of the neighborhood in any respect. G. Variance of minimum lot front requirements is not available to be purchased by the applicant, as the property on Lot 33 currently has a residence on it and the necessary frontage cannot be acquired by the applicant on the south side. On the north side there is an easement for ingress and egress to the Lake Worth waterway which cannot be acquired by applicant. There is no possible way to acquire sufficient frontage to comply with the zoning code. EXHIBIT 0 ~z .... ~ o --I o o -" ~ o "T\ CD ~ ..' ltl I\.) (j) I\.) CJ1 r Q) '" CD o ..., -- < CD Z o ;4. ::T :5" II <0 o i>.> <t (!) - It EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: 2625 Lake Drive North File number: ZNCV 05-003 Reference: DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Conditions of Approval 2 I DEP ARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I Comments: 1. None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 2. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\2625 Lake Drive North\COA.doc S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Condilion of Approval 2 page -P&D ORA 2003 form.doc DEVELOPMEt' 'ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISS" '" OF THE crt 1 OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: 2625 lake Drive North APPLICANT'S AGENT: Mr. Jeff Tomberg, J.D.; P.A. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 626 Southeast 4th Street Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 2, 2005 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot frontage to allow a 22-foot variance, resulting in a fifty-three (53) foot minimum lot frontage within the R-1-AA Single-family Residential zoning district. lOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2625 lake Drive North DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, which Board found as follows: OR TH IS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\2625 Lake Drive North\DO.doc Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 coverage with the proposed project would be 38.5% or a variance of 3.5%. Staff had not received any letters in support or denial from the surrounding property owners. Staff recommended that the project be denied for lack of traditional hardship. The board may wish to consider, however, that an ordinance to amend the LDR to allow maximum lot coverage of 45% in R-l-AA zoning districts had passed first reading at the City Commission and was scheduled for second reading on July 19, 2005. If the ordinance passed, this issue would be moot. Attorney Jeff Tomberg appeared on behalf of the owners, Mr. and Mrs. John Trach. He stated that there was a pending Code Enforcement issue on this property for the addition of a balcony that would be between the first and second floor of the home. The variance was being sought because his clients hired a contractor to put in a balcony, assuming he had pulled the appropriate permits and gotten the appropriate permissions. The contractor proceeded to erect the balcony. Code Enforcement notified the Trachs that they were in violation of the City's Code. If the variance were not granted, it would seem unfair to have the Trachs tear down the balcony now and come back for a new permit if the new LDR ordinance were approved at the next City Commission meeting. The Code case had not proceeded to the fine stage and was not going to be heard again until the September Code meeting. After discussion by the board, it was decided to continue this item pending Commission action. Motion Ms. Horenburger moved to continue request ZNCV 05-002 until the next regularly scheduled CRA meeting pending Commission action. Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion that passed 5-0. 2. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: 2625 Lake Drive North (ZNCV -05-003) Jeff Tomberg Avon Investments, Inc. 2625 Lake Drive North Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot frontage to allow a 22-foot variance, resulting in a fifty-three (53) foot minimum lot frontage within the R-l-AA Single-Family Residential zoning district. Eric Johnson, Planner, presented a summary of the request for variance, stating the subject property is comprised of two lots that form a single parcel, zoned R-l-AA. The lots were platted in 1922 as part of the Lakeside Gardens subdivision. The 0.188-acre parcel is vacant and does not conform to current R-l-AA zoning district regulations related to lot width. The owner applied for a building permit to construct a new single-family detached dwelling. From a preliminary review, the placement of the house would comply with Code, except that the lot frontage does not meet the minimum required by the R-l-AA zoning district. According to the Code on non-conforming Lots, the applicant would meet all of the criteria for being allowed to construct a home without the necessity of a variance, under these non-conforming provisions, except the applicant has 53 feet of frontage and not the requisite 60 feet, a deficit of 7 feet. Staff recommended approval of the requested variance of 22 feet, to reduce the minimum required lot frontage from 75 feet to 53 feet. Jeff Tomberg, agent for Avon Investments, Inc., asserted that Avon Investments had been building homes in Boynton Beach for the last eight to nine years. He had built in excess of 100 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 homes in the Cypress Creek community and was in the process of building and rebuilding in Atlantis Country Club. They believe that this house would be an asset to the community. Chair Heavilin opened the floor to the public. Mike Mrotek, 2624 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, speaking on behalf of the Lakeside Gardens residents, expressed opposition to the granting of this variance because there was a 30% difference between the Code and the request. Chair Heavilin closed the floor to the public since no one else came forward to speak. Jeff Tomberg stated that the variance should be granted because all of the legal criteria necessary to allow the variance had been met. The house would comply with all setback and other requirements. Chair Heavilin voiced the opinion that the City had a number of lots in the City that were platted many years ago and did not conform to the current Code. She thought the board should continue to address the 50-foot lot frontage requests as special cases. The board supported her view. Motion Mr. DeMarco moved to approve the request (ZNCV 05-003) for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot frontage to allow a 22-foot variance, resulting in a fifty-three (53) foot minimum lot frontage within the R-l-AA Single-Family Residential zoning district. Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion that passed 5-0. 3. Project: 625 NE 15th Place (Deasy Variance) (ZNCV 05 05-005) Maryanne and John Duncan Maryanne Deasy 625 NE 15th Place Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a ten (10) foot side yard setback to allow a six (6) foot variance, resulting in a four (4) foot side yard setback for a screen enclosure within the R-l-AA Single-Family Residential zoning district. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Ed Breese, Principal Planner, stated that the request had been initiated due to the homeowner's desire to screen an existing pool. The former owner did not take the location into account and as a result, created a situation that now limits the applicant's ability to construct the enclosure within the setback regulations. Based on the traditional hardship criteria, staff believed that the variance request should be denied. However, the board has previously granted variances for other than hardship criteria, and may want to consider that: 1) This was not a case where the applicant built the maximum size pool knowing it would preclude the installation of a screen enclosure and was now requesting to vary the City regulations to accommodate one; 2) The subject request represents the minimum amount of area required to screen the pool and deck, based upon the existing improvements; and 3) Staff had not 5 TOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the Community Redevelopment Agency Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for a hearing as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions ofthe zoning code of said City: Owner: Avon Investments, Inc. Request: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a seventy-five (75) foot minimum lot frontage to allow a 22-foot variance, resulting in a fifty-three (53) foot minimum lot frontage within the R -1- AA Single-family Residential zoning district. Location: 2625 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, Florida. Legal: Lots 31 & 32, in Lakeside Gardens, subdivision of the town of Boynton Beach, Florida according to the plat of said subdivsion recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 8 at Page 57, and the north 3 feet ofthe west 55.5 feet of Lot 33. A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST IS SCHEDULED BEFORE THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD ON TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005 AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742- 6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: THE POST July 2, 2005 < ~ ~ " i I S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\2625 Lake Drive North\Legal notice. doc Copy to: City Commission, City Atty., Mike Rumpf, Agenda File Original to Legal Ads Folder Zoning Code Variance Application To the City Clerk - City Of Boynton Beach AFFIDAVIT RE: Property Address: Project Name: File #: I/We, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400 feet of the above-referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The notifications were postmarked a minimum of 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advance of the public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. - PR.E.SIDE~\' / / /- /' CM~ Applica Florida Notary Public, State of d~ Cc: Planning & Zoning Department ""'JIll", Adele Holcomb " ~'PU~" NKlA.... ~~)1:.......~~ coIIJIDission // DDu.)(ft'" = . ; 1';"= "'vnixes August 12.2005 ::c;:.... 'co:: -!' n_-'-'......- -:,. ~"--. .,....~.:- [)(JIlL.EU. J. J.1.1I& ",,f OF\\.~'" AIlanl:ic Bonding Co., :Jnc 'IIn\\\ 4 Zoning Code Variance Application Typical Dimensions/Not to Scale Sign shall be legible from a distance of 1 00 feet. This is a samole. Please customize to accommodate your project information. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ~u 1-"1' IL'l'1. 2..00~; Dates: A \A G..( ~ r 2">;\ 2tJc-5"Times: b ~O f"f>\ Type of Application(s): V f\ R If\: "-.) L-E- Proposed Use(s): R E <;::)\ b~ T \ t,\ \- . Qo ..... Location: City Commission Chambers, City Hall 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Information: Department of Development (561) 742-6265 24" 5 To tile City Clerk - City Of Boynton Beach AFFIDA VIT RE: Pl'operty Address: 2625 Lake Drive North, Boynton Beach, Florida Project Name: Avon Investments, Inc. File #: UWe, tile undersigned do certify that to the best o/my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners withi" at least 400 feet of the above...referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records Oil file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The Iwtifications were postmarked a minimum of 1 0 days ill advance of the public hearing. Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advance olthe public hearing ill accordance with City Ordtilance 04...007. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. ~ VR.c s . ~~~V~I'" Roberta Massey ff:l~co~ssion # DD078100 ~....\ i~- ExpU'es Jon. 23, 2006 ~p;,. ~~~ Bonded Thru '" OFf\:,' ,.'__' nt'lln.. 'IIJ11'" nucwlic BO__ca..1Dc. S:IPlallnillglPlimnillg TemplatelflP&Z letters and memoslAFFJDAVIT.doc Hl 39\;;ld 9NINN\;;lld 69(;9(;pL199 19:90 (;00(;/80/10 S;;:l:50~ ,,0()J:,. mom... :Een~J:,. oOm"" ;o()O-" -Imc"" :r:)>,;;:l "zm. ~~~g ~C3~~ en "", '" ;00 a, 0 l:5 " en m ;0 -I iii (f) S;;:~~,;~ i58€i3EAl ~bZ6cp o .... en 0 '" en c..n ~ 0 en )> , m "mo"~ )>0)>;0-1 Qo-l5' f11l"'TIm C;;o~~:E rvCO-tr.oO 010"1-0 -.leeo ",.0 '" ~s;~;g~ c:'~~~'i> ocn~ "'-10 "gg '" 0:> .... S;;:l:50~ ~g~t; :E(f)~J:,. oOm"" ::o()o-" -ImC"" :r:)>,o -nzm~ ~~~g ~C3~~ en ,,0 '" ::00 a, 0 l:5 " en m ::0 -I iii en S;;:~~,;~ i58€i3EAl ~6Z~<;n '" -" '"" '" o <.n 080 en )> , m "OJo,,~ )>0)>::0-1 QO-lo, f71:;o;:f71m ~C;~~~ ~~~80 ....."'0 ",0 '" mZ-l"S:: ~~~55-1 '60m'i> oOO.!.... 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