CORRESPONDENCE I Th.e Cill} 01 Bo9111011 Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org October 5, 2005 Mr. Dermot Johnson Woolbright Equities LLC 611 E - 651 E Woolbright Road Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Bermuda Cay MMSP 05-078 Dear Mr. Johnson: In response to your request dated-stamped October 4, 2005 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Revised paint colors (as depicted on the attached plan) . · Modification to building elevations (as depicted on the attached plan) . · Modification to the existing landscape plan (as depicted on the attached plan) . · Modification to the entrance sign and addition of a directional sign (as depicted on the attached plan) . · Installation of a gated entry system on Woolbright Road as well as gated exit only onto Federal Highway (as depicted on the attached plan) . · Addition of covered parking internal to the project, not along the perimeter or in required setbacks (as depicted on the attached plan) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 10/3/05 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The guest parking and total parking needs to be reduced by two (2) spaces due to the use of spaces 177 & 178 for the call box and the cross-hatching and signing of those spaces. 2. Two (2) "one-way" signs are needed on either side of the one-way drive at the west end of Building "A". , . Page 2 October 5, 2005 3. Modification of proposed colors to further soften the appearance and increase compatibility with surrounding structures, as follows: Blue Building - ICI Paints 1454 "Skier's Trail" Pink Building - ICI Paints 118 "Pink Parfait" Salmon Building - ICI Paints 315 "Petite Peach" You obviously may choose any paint manufacturer, however the paint chips will be compared to the ICI palette in the Planning Office to ensure the color selected matches the above. Staff will be more than happy to assist you in this endeavor. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Ed Breese, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer Woolbright Equities LLC Mr. Ed Breeze Principal Planner Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Po Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida, 33425-0310 September ih 2005 Dear Ed, Woolbright Equities LLC, will acquire title to The GulfstJ;'eam Harbor apartments located at 611 E thru 651 E Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, FI, S$4q5 or around the 19th of September 2005. The property is currently a 160 uni~Jem~1 apartmen-tcomplex that is 95% occupied. We are proposing the following MINOR sitem())dificatiQ):lt changes for your approval after we become the new owners as part of our . conversion of the property from rental to condominiums. As per your request, we have attached four (4) copies of the following items to further clarify these minor chan~~s. Please find attached; 1. The yx.teriotelevaUp~ drawing A3.0 tlUP matching details A3.1 which illustrate the. minor cosmetic4.t:U~r~des of the fa~~de of the building. The Wind Pressure , t f j " ; ~ : ' ! . ' dr~wing A 1 and the Sttt1ClurFll Gable Detail S 1. 2. Letter sized paper (8 1'z" x 11") presenting the "Proposed Building Exterior Colq~~" with paint chips of these colors and the decorative shutter and front entry door color. 3. The Site Hatdsca.pe La.yout Plan LP-1 and LA-2. The Site Landscape Plan LP-1 and LP-2. The Landscape Specifications LP-3. The Site Illumination Plan IL-1and IL-2 and the Site Irrigation Plans IR-1 and IR-2. 4. The detailed site engineering drawings "Courtyard Grading Plan" and "Paving and Drainage Details" which illustrate existing catch basins, water run off and site drainage. Primarily this includes the addition of the paved walkways and two fountains in between buildings 611 E and 621 E, 631 E and 641 E, the reduction of hard paving around the pool area and the new pergola's at the differing landscape entry locations. /1/ '1St:' d:r()'lS 611 E thru 651 E Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida, 33435 Woolbright Equities LLC 5. The site car parking plan CP.1 which illustrate no changes in the existing car park spaces, numbers provided or layout, however does show a typical detail of the new canvas hurricane rated and structurally approved car port covers and their location on the site plan. 6. Letter sized paper (8 Y2" x 11") presenting the "Proposed Typical Covered Parking Canopy Awning Color" with the sepcified canvas fabric. We have also attached four colored rendering boards for your general information and to further detail the aesthetic architectural cosmetic upgrade while still complying with the minor site modification city ordinances. For your reference there are no physical changes tQ the square footage of any of the buildings and the site layout. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 917 658 8107 with any queries that may arise. Regards, Dermot B Johnson Director, Project Management Woolbright Equities LLC 611 E thru 651 E Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida, 33435 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 05-110 TO: Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning and Zoning FROM: , Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer i DATE: September 19, 2005 RE: Review Comments Minor Site Plan Modification - 1 st Review Gulfstream Harbor Apts. (aka Bermuda Cay) File No. MMSP 05-075 The above referenced Site Plans, received on September 13, 2005, was reviewed for Public Works, Engineering, and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Following are our comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LDR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS - GENERAL No comments at this time. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC 1. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping, directional arrows and liDo Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard Drawings ilK" Series for striping details. 2. The proposed gated entry plan does not provide adequate stacking area or turn-around space for trucks refused entry into the site. An alternate plan will need to be provided or gating will not be permitted. Additional comments may be generated upon receipt of an alternate plan. ENGINEERING 3. Add a general note to the Site Plan that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request. 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. '- ,~ Department of Public Works/Engineering Division Memo No. 05-110 Re: Gulfstream Harbor Apts. (aka Bermuda Cay), Minor Site Plan Modification - 1st Review September 19, 2005 Page 2 5. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified in LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. 6. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 7. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES No comments at this time. LUck Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Gulfstream Harbor Condos - FKA Bermuda Cay - Minor Site Plan Mod. 1st Rev..doc Woolbright Equities LLC Mr. Ed Breeze Principal Planner Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Po Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida, 33425-0310 October 3rd 2005 Re: Bermuda Cay (MMSP05-078) Dear Ed, Following please find responses to the comments we received from the City of Boynton Beach development department, planning and zoning division on September 26, 2005. Please note that all numbers refer to the comment numbers received from the city. 1. All applicable "traffic control devices" have been included on our Civil Engineer Schnars Engineering Corporation drawings. 2. Please see attached Schnars Engineering Corporation drawings. 3. Please see attached indicative drawing of sliding gate. 4. We do not plan on installing any additional site lighting. We would like to re-use the exact existing lighting, other than the two new paved landscaped areas where low voltage ground and knee high lighting would be installed. 5. As per our discussion we will add aU applicable city code requirements and any other code requirements as and when required. 6. Schnars Engineering Corporation advises us "We will add a note that the new drainage being added will conform to all city codes. We make no representation as to the adequacy of the existing drainage system." 7. Schnars Engineering Corporation advises us "This is a minor modification to an existing drainage system that does not warrant drainage calculations." 8. OK 611 E thru 651 E Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida, 33435 Woolbright Equities LLC 9. Please see attached our design architect "The Architectural Group" drawing A3 and the attached legend on this drawing which shows the new elevation at a maximum of 45' -0". 10. Please see attached our landscaped architect "Blakely Architects" drawing LA-1 which shows the new directional sign. 11. Please see attached our entry design drawings from "Signarama" with the maximum square footage less than 32 sq ft. additionally the sign position 11 '0" is detailed on "Blakely Architects" drawing LA-I. 12. Please see attached our design architects "The Architectural Group" revised drawing CP-1 with the updated parking legend and color coding. 13. The covered parking close to Woolbright Rd and the neighboring service station has been removed from the "The Architectural Group" revised drawing CP-1. 14. OK. 15. Please see attached revised building colors and locations. 16. OK. 17. OK. Thank you for your time and effort over the last week to finalize these minor site modification issues. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 917 658 8107 with any queries that may arise. Regards, Dermot B Johnson Director, Project Management Woolbright Equities LLC 611 E thru 651 E Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida, 33435 ARCHITECTIJRE INTERIOR DESIGN LAND PLANNING 127 North M Street Lake Worth - Florida 33460 Tel: 561.233-9999 Fax: 561.588.7887 '; September 29, 2005 City of Boynton Beach Development Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach- Florida 33425 Re: Application Number (MMSP 05-078) 611-651 Woolbright Road-Exterior Permit To: Ed Breese - Principal Planner Following please find the responses to the comments we received from the city of Boynton Beach building department on 9/26/05. Please note that all numbers refer to the comment numbers received from the city. 9. The decorative fayade features depicted at the top of the building exceed 45 feet in height? Please reduce the height to conform to the district regulations. - Please refer to adjusted details 1,5/ A3.1 and 1,2,3,4/ A3.0 and the legend that shows the updated dimensions that do not exceed 45'-0". 12. Parking tabulations on sheet CP-1 are incorrect. While the color coded parking totals the 234 parking spaces indicated, only 3 of the individual color coded totals are correct. - Please refer to CP-1 that shows updated parking legend and color coding was updated to match the legend. 13. The Covered parking canopies cannot be place 40 feet of the east and west properties or 20 feet of the north and south property lines. - Covered parking that encroached into setbacks has been removed from plans. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at 561-233-9999. ,.~ ~_.~ PROJECT NAME: Bermuda Cay fka Gulfstream Harbor Apts. LOCATION: 611 E. Woolbright Rd PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 05-078 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Woolbright Equities, LLC Dermot Johnson ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 611 E Woolbright Rd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 FAX: FAX: PHONE: PHONE: 917-638-8107 SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 9/7/05 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC /IP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Bermuda Cay aka Gulfstream Harbors\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO. doc ,j12:07P "" I~ I I I - - I , l-JI J r- - - I ~ lr I III =. . ---- oF=> - f = . ....-. -'=:1 =. 7 u .'=:, ~.,- =. . ~ . I . l -1= =. I - oF=> . .....-.. =. , ",' - b:- "- J ...... =. --- ...- -, . ~o:::J =. :~" = J 0 1-" I =. .. - I _-::J =. ' J !- I ~ .- I -:::I ~~ =. . i : " :-:.. " 1= :.> ...... =. .-' -;::> '" :::... ~ ~ =. .r. I 3 =. 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