PLANS (REVISED LANDSCAPE 3/18/04) 3:L CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING TITLE FORM DATE:'tL2.\ or PROJECT # t.J~ (fJlUs.P o~-o~) PROJECT NAME:J~~\\Af\,) 'Y1l..l.As.. PROJECT TYPE: lA..f~fL tte\JlS(otV ADDRESS: _Y'E.f..Jt\\ A"-' 13 L.VP peN 0 (. "t 3- '*~ _ 32.- Ic-ol t-.. 6000 STATUS: STATUS DATE: .3..z~ - lu6't DESTRUCTION DATE: ;V D Miscellaneous D Commercial ~esidential DNew D Addition D Renovation 0"Revision INDEX OF DRAWINGS: SHEET # SHEET TITLE (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) (ex: Sheet A-I) (ex: Floor Plan) "t::>ATl..i> \'0- '2-l- ~ ~ f-evtS~--+O '3-li-- ~f 20. S:\Planning\File lists. file procedures\Procedures\FILING PROCEDURES\p&z TITLE FORM. doc JFS Design Inc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LC 000393 March 22, 2004 Mr. Kevin Hallahan, City Forester/Environmentalist City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 Re: Venetian Villas, SW 23rd Ave (Golf Road), Boynton Beach, FI. Landscape Plans Dear Kevin: Per the requests as outlined by the City, and our subsequent revisions, we are submitting a final set of landscape plans to you for your record. Please let us know if you will need any additional sets in addition to the building permit record sets. These landscape plans show the additional elevation along the canal right of way and the trees in different stages of their growth period. However, we do have a question regarding one comment from Exhibit "C". # 25 . . . "all 408 caliper inches of replacement trees as Quercus virginiana, and/or Swetenia mahogany..." The column at the right indicates this item as REJECT. According to our previous conversation, we understood that ALL of the proposed trees on the site were contributing to the caliper inch replacement calculation and that the upsizing of the trees to 16' on the S.W. 13th Street and the upsizing of the trees along the canal property line would suffice for this comment. We hope that it is now complete. Subsequent to the city meeting on 12/08/03 (per your suggestion), we removed those existing trees along the canal right of way and the tabulations on the chart. This now has changed the previous 408 caliper inches of removal to 352 inches. Per the tabulations, we are replacing the 352 inches with a total of 761 inches, more than twice the caliper inch removal. We trust that these additional trees to the south and east and their upsizing will suffice for item #25 and will be removed from conditional requirement. Thank you for all your help and cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, .~ ~'mY Socash, RLA ~dscape Architect Cc: George Abadie, Atlantis Development Group LLC MAR 2 .~ 12420 SW 20TH St. Miramar, FI. 33027 Tel: (954) 447-1852 Fax: (954) 442-8225 T socash@bellsouth.net