EXHIBIT 6 ~ant;!i !DEVEL.CPMENT., LLC . . . . . January 11,2006 Palm Beach County Engineering & Public Works Department Attn: Tony Miller. P.E. 160 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Reference: Venetian Villas (Venetian Villas, LLC) 1300 SW 23 Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Mr. Miller: We are currently building a 50 unit townhouse project in the City of Boynton Beach called Venetian Villas located at 1300 SW 23 Avenue, Boynton Beach. The projected date of completion for the project is March I, 2006. As part of our development order from the City of Boynton Beach, the developer has to request from Palm Beach County to allow a westbound left turn lane into our project (Venetian Villas) and that Palm Beach County will fund and construct such turn lane. Please, accept this letter as our official petition by Atlantis Development, LLC the developer of Venetian Villas (Venetian Villas. LLC) requesting from Palm Beach County School to allow a westbound left turn lane into our project (Venetian Villas) and that Palm Beach County will fund and construct such turn lane. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call me directly at 786-888- 6957 or my cell 305-206-8160. ou for your assistance. / 169 E. Flagler Street, Suite 1123 * Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 786-888-8400 * Fax 305-371-8801 Department of Engineering and Public Works p.o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti, Chairman " L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affinnative Action Employer" fAY February 16, 2006 Atlantis Development, LLC 169 E. Flagler Street, Suite 1123 Miami. FL 33131 Attention: Rene Gutierrez Vice President Subject: SW23 AVENUE (GOLF ROAD)-REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN LANE AT PROJECT ENTRANCE AT 1300 SW 23 AVENUE FOR VENETIAN VILLAS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mr. Gutierrez: Thank you for providing a copy of City of Boynton Beach Resolution No. R04- 107. as adopted by the City Commission on July 6,2005. The Resolution allows an amendment to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions far a project, and said Declaration was a requirement of a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Milnar Corporation. The Amendment is to allow a change in the type of units in Exhibit "A" and to set certain limitations and requirements on the development of the property in Exhibit "B". Condition 6 of Exhibit "B" states: "The developer shall petition Palm Beach County to allow a westbound left turn lane into the Venetian Villa projects. The parties to the Declaration acknowledge that the petition shall request Palm Beach County to fund and to construct such turn lane." At this time, we must deny your request to fund and construct a westbound left turn lane on SW 23 Street (Golf Road) at the entrance to the Venetian Villa project. Please note that the second 'WHEREAS' paragraph on Page 1 of the Amendment states: "WHEREAS, the City, the Governing Associations, ARC and RSPB are the sole benefited parties to the parcel described an Exhibit "A" attached hereto and are therefore the only parties required to join in this partial release of the covenants, restrictions, conditions, terms, provisions, rights and Atlantis Development, LLC Attention: Rene Gutierrez, Vice President Subject: SW 23 AVENUE (GOLF ROAD) - REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN LANE AT PROJECT ENTRANCE AT 1300 SW 23 AVENUE FOR VENETIAN VILLAS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH February 16, 2006 Page 2 of2 obligations created and arising in that certain Declaration." Since Palm Beach County is not a party to the Amendment, the County has no obligation to fund or construct the left turn lane. We have no knowledge of the Board of County Commissioners allocating funds for this construction, and. there no current line item in the County's Five Year Road Program for this improvement. If a left turn lane is desired or required due to the number oftuming movements, the Developer's engineer can submit plans to the Land Development Division, Permit Section for a R/W Permit, and the plans will be reviewed in accordance with standard procedures. Upon issuance of a permit, the developer can construct the roadway improvements. If you have any other requests, contact me at (561) 684-4075. Sincerely yours, ~.~ Tony . MIller, P.E., Project Engmeer ec: Omelio A. Fernandez, P.E., Director, Eng. & Public Works Oper. David L. Young. P.E., Special Projects Manager, Roadway Prod. Div. pc: Dan Weisberg. P.E., Director Traffic Division Kenneth S. Rogers, P.E., Director, Land Development Division F:\ROADW A Y\TWM\GolfRd(1300SW23A ve- Venetian VillasBB)LTL-RG2.doc Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works Department Homepage Page 1 of 3 Land Development - 561-684-4090 ~ Reviews construction plans and plats of residential and commercial subdivisions propc / unincorporated areas of the County for conformance to code. The Division revie' / <.Q/V\." approves work performed in County rights-of way, administers the abandonment proc () I /JA / J} roads and easements, performs drainage reviews for residential and non-residential ~ V'~ ;' rl///A and issues base building line waivers. "i~1-r"V //V/ p( ~~ 4{~1 ~y~ Q~1'i http://www.pbcgov.com/eng/ Palm Beach County Links . Planning. Zoning~ Building . Comprehensive Plan . Zoning MaRS Future Land Use Atlas Environmental . Resource Mi'!n~g~meDt Unified Lane[ Qevelopmentcod.e Featured Links . Water Management DIstctct . KeelLEalm Beacb C_o.YDty_6e_i'!utifuLJoc. Solid Waste Service . Providers County-related Destinations . !::lrop.e.rtY__8Ppri'!Jser . CJer~of CQu_r1 . Palm_Lran · Parks & Recreation . Elected Officials Convention & Visitors Bureau Community Safety Animal Care & Control . Fire Rescue . Sheriff Engineering and Public Works Departmen George T. Webb, P.E., County Engineer Tanya N. McConnell, P.E., Deputy County Eng, G. Haney Frakes, P.E., Assistant County Engi, 160 Australian A venue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 561-684-4000 DIVISIONS AND SECTIONS Engineering Action Center - 561-684-4018 Designed to assist the public by providing timely responses to Engineering-related pn suggestions, and complaints, and to quickly disseminate general information re Engineering matters (to include roads, bridges, traffic problems, traffic calming, traffic street lighting, pathways, mowing, canal maintenance, etc.). . Bridge Construction Update . Frequently Asked Questions . 1-95 Exit Numbers . Road Construction Update . Send Us an E-mail <iQQPr_Q~essiD9 - 561-684-4004 Is responsible for GIS application and data development for the Engineering and Public Department. We maintain the road base map GIS along with other transportation features such as railroad and air facilities. We also maintain the County lane boundaries, commission districts, and surface water features, in addition to other GIS Geoprocessing publishes the annual County Road Atlas and a Hurricane Support At assists the Department and other County agencies in their post-disaster Emergency: Functions. . Commission District Map . County Commission Agenda Location Maps . Palm_BeachCQYQtyMaR . Palm Beach CQ!..!DJyJ~.Q~8tlas Abandonment Procedures Package Land DeveloRment Division Fees Land[1e'leJoR-rne.nt_Q~sig-'L~taDJ::t.aJ~$~anual 1/11/2006 Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Warks Department Homepage Page 2 of3 o Land Development Forms for Platting o ElfitWaiver andVa[ianCe_ARplicatiO_ILEaClsage o PrQPo~ed_8Ight-of - Way__Qrd i na_n_ce Road and Bridge - 561-233-3950 Is responsible for maintaining all County-owned roads and bridges. Maintained areas drainage ditches, sidewalks, pathways, & guardrails. Tasks involve, but are not lilT developing and managing a road resurfacing program, patching potholes, operating owned bascule bridges, mowing right of ways, maintaining storm drain systems c related drainage ditches, and operating the north and south inlet sand transfer p stations. ODllcb_&EQ_l1d_tn\LentQry~ith Cou nty-mai I1tajned_RQ_a_d~ Roadway Production - 561-684-4150 Administers, coordinates, schedules, and monitors the design, right-of-way acq preparation of contract documents, bidding, and construction of the County's Five-Yec Program, as it relates to thoroughfare roads. o 5 Year Road Program o Bid~ln9 Scb_edul.e o Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA) forms o Consultants Considered Fees o Thoroughfare Right-of-Way Identification Map o ThorQJJgbrnLe Road _CQJ1~t[yc:;tiQn_Statll~ Streetscape Section - 561-684-4100 Provides aesthetically-pleasing median beautification, in the form of trees, on the ( major unincorporated area thoroughfares in a way that complies with accepted standards. The goal is to install and maintain such median enhancements to ensure thE of the landscaping and provide a favorable experience for those motorists and others v these enhancements. o University of Florida InstityteJQLEQQd~Agric_yttural Sciences_(IF8 Survey Section - 561-684-4070 Is responsible for providing a wide range of surveying services to all County agend review of subdivision plats, boundary surveys, legal descriptions and sketche Development Review Committee petitions to insure compliance with all applicable coe standards. The Survey Section also provides horizontal, vertical, and geodetic contre private sector in their service to the public. Traffic Division - 561-684-4030 Provides for the safe and efficient movement of traffic on roads under the jurisdiction, Beach County through professional traffic engineering through designing and ir signalization, pavement markings, and signing. The section also provides input to maJ construction projects, land development, site planning and transportation planning. o HCS Default Inputs o JJ1teL$e_ctiQDApP[Qach\/QJ!JrneJ:;Ql,.lnt~_a~_of .OctQbeLJ8,_2_QQ4 o intersection Tuwing Movement Counts List o Off.Peak 2003 FOOT Counts o Palm Beach County Interim Traffic Management System o Palm J~ea.Gh_C.QYnty_Ac_c~ss ManggeJnent Standards htto://www.obcgov.com/eng/ 1/11/2006