EXHIBIT 7 ~Iant:;!i ! DEVELOPMENT" LLC . . . . . January 5, 2006 Palm Beach County School District Attn: Bob Riley, Director of Transportation 3300 Forrest Hills Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Reference: Venetian Villas (Venetian Villas, LLC) 1300 SW 23 Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Mr. Riley: We are currently building a 50 unit townhouse project in the City of Boynton Beach called Venetian Villas located at 1300 SW 23 Avenue, Boynton Beach. The projected date of completion for the project is March 1, 2006. As part of our development order from the City of Boynton Beach the developer has to request from the Palm Beach County School District that a school bus be located within the project. Please accept this letter as our official petition by Atlantis Development, LLC the developer of Venetian Villas (Venetian Villas, LLC) requesting from Palm Beach County School District that a bus stop be located within the Venetian Villas project. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call me directly at 786-888- 6957 or my cell 305-206-8160. you for your assistance. 169 E. Flagler Street, Suite 1123 * Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 786-888-8400 * Fax 305-371-8801 ~Iantt!i .I DEVEL.CJPMENT., LLC . . . . . Date: January 5, 2006 From: Rene Gutierrez, Vice President To: Karen Sides Palm Beach County School District Fax: 561-357-7585 Reference: Venetian Villas, Boynton Beach Number of pages including cover page: 2 Karen, It was a pleasure talking to you today about our request for a bus stop to be located at our project. Attached is a letter making the official request to Palm Beach County School District. If you have any questions or If you need any additional information, please give me a call at 786- 888-6957 or my cell 305-206-8160. 169 E. Flagler Street, Suite 1123 * Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 786-888-6957 * Fax 305-371-8801 p, * * * Memory TX Result Report ( J an, 5, 2006 3:35PM) * * * 1 ) 2 ) L jTi me: J an, 5, 2006 3: 34 PM F i 1 e Page No. Mode Destination P g (s) Result Not Sent 1675 Memory TX 15613577585 p, 2 OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or 1 ine fai E.3) No answer E.5) Exceeded max. E-mai E.2) Busy E.4) No facsimile connection S 1 Z e ~,!!l!!!!~ . . . . . Date: January 5. 2006 From: Rene Gutierrez, Vice Presideat To: Karen Sides Palm Beach County School District Fax: 561-357-7585 Reference: Venetian Villas, Boynton Beach Number of pages including cover page: 2 Karen, It was a pleasure talking to you today about our request for a bus stop to be located at our project. A1tluilied i. a letter making 1I1e official roquest to Palm Beach County Scbool District. If you have any questions or If you need any additional information. please give me . call at 786- 888--6957 or my cclI305-206-8l60. 169 E. Flagler Street, Suite 1123 . Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 786-888-6957 * Fax 305.371-8801