TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (10/2003) Venetian Villas Golf Road & SW 13th Street Boynton Beach, Florida TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS October, 2003 aCYL ? I' , t Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 12900 Southwest 84th Street Miami, Florida 33183 305-386- 1212 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis Introduction Miles Moss and Associates, Inc. has been retained to investigate traffic related matters at the proposed Venetian Villas Townhomes development, located on Golf Road (SW 23rd Avenue) at SW 13th Street in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This report serves to provide an analysis and forecast of future traffic conditions. Miles Moss and Associates, Inc. (MMA) is an engineering firm specializing in traffic engineering, traffic safety and accident reconstruction. Clientele consists of homeowner's groups, developers, facility managers, special event coordinators and all levels of government. MMA investigations address traffic engineering elements including traffic volumes, traffic circulation, intersection sight triangles and Site Plan reviews. Additional safety, liability, and accident prevention elements analyzed by MMA include human factors, visibility and perception, traffic control devices, land use, roadway and drainage attributes, vehicular injury potential and vehicular performance specifications. The firm provides Expert Witness testimony on cases and produces courtroom displays, computer graphics and photo essays to help illustrate reports or opinions. Items chosen for inclusion within our reports are based upon client requests and government requirements for the subject under investigation. Addendums are prepared, if needed, to further satisfy various governmental reviews and evaluations as each project moves forward. Documentation Intent . Although most readers of this document will be professionals in the fields of traffic engineering or planning, the report is structured to educate and direct other (non-traffic) professionals so that our conclusions may be easily understood. Our process may result in a verbose report; however, we believe this style best serves our client in the event that a future administrative appeal or legal action is desired. Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305- 386-1212 1 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis Site Attributes Atlantis Development Group has proposed the construction of a luxury townhouse community on the south side of Golf Road between SW 13th Street (on the east) and the existing Homewood Residence complex at #2400 Golf Road (on the west). A navigable canal runs along the southern perimeter of the parcel. The development site is currently a vacant, unimproved lot. Golf Road Golf Road is a two-way, two-lane collector roadway on the north perimeter ofthe subject parcel. This roadway serves as an east-west route between the western residential areas and eastern residential and commercial areas of Boynton Beach. · The main driveway of Venetian Villas will intersect Golf Road near hypothetical SW 22nd Street (based on roadway alignments north of Golf Road). This driveway will host inbound and outbound traffic to the development. · An additional, exit-only driveway will intersect Golf Road near the west perimeter of the parcel. · Golf Road continues east of the site with an Interstate 95 overpass and access to commercial zones near South Seacrest Boulevard and U.S. 1. · Golf Road intersects South Congress Avenue west of the site, and then continues west into other suburban neighborhoods of Palm Beach County. Congress Avenue South Congress Avenue (State Road 807) is a two-way, six-lane arterial roadway serving Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County. This is a major north-route that connects area neighborhoods, commercial zones, schools, institutions, and activity centers. South Congress Avenue is the nearest major roadway to the development site. · The intersection of South Congress Avenue and Golf Road is signalized, including left- turn bays and pedestrian crossing features. Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 2 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis Other Perimeter Features Southwest 13 th Street provides an eastern boundary for the development, although no connection to SW 13th Street is called for in the Site Plan. This road serves a few single- family residential homes on the east side of the street, followed by a curve into SW 24th A venue and a termination point within the development site. . Since no connection will be made to SW 13th Street, this road will continue to serve existing residential properties without any traffic impact or growth from the proposed development. The Homewood Residence assisted living center exists along the south side of Golf Road at the western perimeter of the townhouse site. A driveway intersects Golf Road to the west of the site. No connection will be made between the Homewood Residence and the townhouse community. · The Homewood Residence will not experience any adverse traffic impact from the proposed development. The southern boundary of the site is delineated by a navigable canal and waterway maintenance easement. The canal is designated as the Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral #27, "Lazy Lake Waterway." 0 I l' North I ] Q) iil :J II> C .. Q) i" ~ (/) (/) Q) .... 0> C 0 U Golf Rd I~' SW21s1-Way - :a ~ - ::l a. Q VI ~ SW2:lo;\AVe .c ~ m ~ 1! in ~ ~ G ! CIl ~ s- Se II} sw 22nd ",va CIl I Golf Road SW 22nd Way SWZlrdAvS-- Homewood Residence SITE - Q) Q) .... 00 .c M ~ ~ D SW 24th Ave \ 'k 'q ~ C/) SW25th />..\18 @2OO1 Mcrosoft _ AI ( reserved. Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 3 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis SITE PLAN I l' North I I.QI~II""'II"'TIlNTl-lml:'Tll:p" IV~ It>Pl: 11......1) Golf Road -. -- _ y- -..- ,.. .-.--...... -...~ --- .. ........ ~ f " ~ ,.- ____ - - __ - I .~. - -- --'----- --' --~ - - = = - ~. = =----~_.. ~:-~=,;~:;" ;.,-~:.x~:~;:~.;..,; --= "-'== ~ Canal Homewood Residence Assisted Living Center Single-Family Homes East of SW 13th Street Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 4 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis Traffic Volume Forecast Impact assessments of new developments and related traffic forecasting efforts represent important resource-management tools. While everyone agrees that unchecked growth is detrimental to a community, methodologies for evaluating growth have not evolved into a national or regional standard. Instead, growth management legislation establishes a requirement for impact assessments, while leaving the assessment mechanism to local planning and engineering decisions. A widely-used forecasting method is one developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and presented in their publication entitled, Trip Generation. The proposed development exhibits the following Land Use Category identified by ITE and represented by nationally-accepted trip generation rates: . Land Use Code 233, Luxury Condominium/Townhouse Traffic Circulation Patterns ITE trip generation rates for each Land Use Code are further categorized by time-of-day and day-of-week traffic patterns. Tabulations ofITE Land Use Code data, trip generation rates, traffic volume forecasts and related statistics follow below. VENETIAN VILLAS TRAFFIC VOLUME FORECAST TRAFFIC FORECAST ITE ESTIMATED GENERATOR TRIP GENERATION RATE AND PERIOD VARIABLE TRAFFIC VOLUMES Tovvnhornes/VVeekday 50 residential 0.56 trips per dwelling unit 28 trips AM Peak Hour dwelling units 23% entering, 77% exiting 6 trips entering 22 trips exiting Townhornes/VVeekday 50 residential 0.55 trips per dvvelling unit 28 trios PM Peak Hour dvvelling units 63% entering, 38% exiting 18 trips entering 10 trips exiting Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 5 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis VENETIAN VILLAS WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR FORECAST 30 10 U) 20 0.. 22 ~ I- 10 o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour PERIOD I D Entering D Exiting I During the AM peak period, 28 new trips are forecast for Venetian Villas, with 6 inbound (entering) trips and 22 outbound (exiting) trips. For the PM peak period, 28 new trips are also forecast with 18 inbound trips and 10 outbound trips. These trips may now be compared to existing traffic on local roads. Traffic count statistics for nearby roads are published by Palm Beach County and include annual totals, seasonal totals, and detailed intersection counts. A review of significant traffic count data follows below and on subsequent pages, progressing from broad to narrow in scope and detail. Congress Avenue and Golf Road . On Congress Avenue, 200' north of Golf Road: 35,163 vehicles (average 2-way traffic) . On Congress Avenue, 200' south of Golf Road: 33,555 vehicles (average 2-way traffic) Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305- 386-1212 6 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis A recent count, completed in 2002, found a total intersection volume of 49,542 vehicles. The AM peak hour volume was 4,505 vehicles and the PM peak hour volume was 4,266 vehicles. Individual approach volumes to the intersection are illustrated below. 24-HOUR VOLUME COUNT ON AUGUST 27th, 2002 Congress Avenue and Golf Road Intersection Southbound Approach (North leg of intersection) Westbound Approach (East leg of intersection) z o ~ o w ~ Northbound Approach (South leg of intersection) Eastbound Approach (West leg of intersection) 19935 o 5000 10000 15000 DAILY VOLUME 20000 25000 J Detailed turning movement counts, conducted in May of this year, further illustrate the traffic patterns of the Congress A venue and Golf Road intersection. · Between the August, 2002 and May, 2003 counts, the AM peak hour intersection total grew from 4,505 vehicles to 4,734 vehicles, or 5%. · In the afternoon, the PM peak hour intersection total grew from 4,266 vehicles to 5,179 vehicles, or 21 %. · Westbound traffic on Golf Road near the development site accounts for 14% of the AM peak hour volume and 9% of the PM peak hour volume. Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 7 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis AM PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS ON MAY 10th, 2003 SBND APPROACH ..v 1261 I EBND APPROACH -7 I 589 684 1 ~ WBND APPROACH l 2200 l' NBND APPROACH SBND SBND SBND RIGHT THRU LEFT ~ ..v -7 143 992 126 EBND LEFT l' 192 285 l' WBND RIGHT EBND THRU -7 242 341 ~ WBND THRU EBND RIGHT ..v 155 58 ..v WBND LEFT 344 1748 108 ~ l' -7 NBND NBND NBND LEFT THRU RIGHT Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 8 Venetian Villas Townhomes Traffic Impact Analysis PM PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS ON MAY 10th, 2003 SBND APPROACH .Jt 2497 EBND APPROACH -7 744 479 ~ WBND APPROACH 1459 l' NBND APPROACH SBND SBND SBND RIGHT THRU LEFT ~ .Jt -7 188 2041 268 EBND LEFT l' 149 117 l' WBND RIGHT EBND THRU -7 316 266 ~ WBND THRU EBND RIGHT .Jt 279 96 .Jt WBND LEFT 209 1094 156 ~ l' -7 NBND NBND NBND LEFT THRU RIGHT Miles Moss & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 305-386-1212 9