APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: Fosters'LVlin LOCATION: North of Miner Rd; between Lawrence Rd. and Congress Ave. PCN: I FILE NO.: MPMD 05-010 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENTICONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Bernard Malatesta VPI Treasurer ADDRESS: Fosters Mill Homeowner's Assn., Inc. Castle Management, Inc. FAX: ADDRESS: 5850 West Atlantic Avenue PHONE: Delray Beach, FL 33484 FAX: PHONE: 561-719-2529 -Cell phone SUBMITTAL I RESUBMITTAL 5/13/05 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: 8/13/05 TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 8/23/05 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 9/20/05 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Foster Farm PUD\MPMD 05-010\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc FOSTERS MILL HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION c/o FLORIDA COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. P.O. Box 9139 Coral Springs, FL 33075 Office (954) 346-6262 Fax (954) 346-6557 F cmst1(iV,hotmail.com Monday, March 13,2006 Attn: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning & Development Board Planning & Zoning Director The community of Fosters Mill in Boynton Beach, Florida is requesting a change in our master plan. This change will help and improve our community by allowing our residence more options when installing/adding screen enclosures and screened roof enclosures. The current Master Plan: SIDE (opposite zero side) 10' (pool/spa & screened roof enclosures) Rear setback 8' (pool/spa), 5' (screened roof enclosure) Master Plan desired chanoe: SIDE (opposite zero side) 10' (pool/spa) SIDE (opposite zero side) 8' (screened roof enclosure) REAR SETBACK 5' (pool/spa) REAR SETBACK 3' (screened roof enclosure) Thank You, , j) pi ;i;/~ j>>-i - Y-------- George Delarosa, President Fosters Mill Homeowners Association, Inc. Cell #561-951-6696 Fosters Mill Homeowners Association, Inc. Castle Management, Inc. 5850 West Atlantic Avenue, Suite 106 Delray Beach, Florida 33484 (561) 276-4500 MAY I a 2005 Attn: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning & Development Board Planning & Zoning Director The community of Fosters Mill in Boynton Beach, Florida is requesting a change in our master plan. This change will help and improve our community by allowing our residence more options when constructing pools, screen enclosures and screened roof enclosures. The current Master Plan: SIDE (opposite zero side) 10' (pool/spa & screened roof enclosure) Master Plan desired change: SIDE (opposite zero side) 8' (pool/spa & screened roof enclosure) Daphne McCoy . ent Bernard Malatesta VP/Treasurer (561) 719-2529 Fosters Mill Homeowners Association, Inc. Castle Management, Inc. /Yl /JAfJ OS- - C/O Time and Date of Meeting ,; ~I (" '~f ,->1 Those at!Xnding meeting: f-A h./~~ Applicant's Name: PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Phone: ~t.3 ..~ - 7 J-:> f ./' 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? v" VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO~RCLALPROPERTY? RESIDENTLAL PROPERTY? ~USTRlALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? ~ ( )u M/ J/~(cY) ., .AtL.I-<..' (I..LJ<.. (<./tl tl,_~ C' ~?.L.( Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. 1/ .................................................................................. · Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike. · Meetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Mike is not available on Mondays between 11:30 a.rn. and 2:30 p.rn. S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp I-3\Pre-application Form p I.doc .. t1P,M17 t.:OtJr~ WllLL '-F~ PRL-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REVillW FORM I , Date 11- 28' ~O~ Attending as Applicant Phone -1 J ..:::;ol - 7':r;{ cf Time Finished 4- : Of) p.."- ~ .::r iJ Fax Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and TypelUse ( :~t Site Location (Address if vailable) Site PCN Existing Zoning p(,,/lJ Existing Land Use. Density /-blZ- Anticipated Submittal Date Proposed Zoning )VI? Proposed Land Use/Density I-Jle- / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback ReM! ~ I Height Parking Requirements or hnprovements LandscapinglBuffering Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required Hazardous Material s IDE ~ f (17 12Hi 1) ~ r!P.H-/lAJ{AfPJ Ad .~E ('(VYl Jt?.4 /ltp ~1iJ &f~, "*' $" NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for staff and applicant to discuss overall commuDlty goa s, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted foruvie'ft. S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p2foc Sf /1...e~ ~ 3~ ~CVl fOO 5,E, I I -- PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: Ii. zg-t>5 TIME: 3 fM. - If pM ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: N OTI CE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendin Staff ERiC ''I f1 t. Crrl ED x -:J;,/-JIV IV Y LoPE "'2- S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p3.doc Gary R. Nikolits,CFA Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Mapping System Legend D Parcel B omdary ~ lot nunber Page 1 of 1 Owner Information peN: 08434507190000260 Name: MCCORD KEVIN 8r. Location: 1051 FOSTERS MILL RD Mailing: 1051 FOSTERS MILL RD 80YNTON BEACH FL 33436 8715 2005 Preliminary Assessment Market Value: $194,795 Assessed Value: $151,46 Exempt Amnt: $25,00 Taxable: $126,46 2005 Estimated Tax Ad Valorem: Non ad valorem: Total: Sales Information Sales Date Aug-2002 Au -1999 Palm Beach County Property Map Map Scale 1:934 Map produced on 11/28/2005 from PAPA http://www.pbcgov.com/papa http://gisweb.co.palm-beach.fl.us/ipapagis/presentation/mapping/printnew.asp?MAPURL. .. 11/28/2005 Gary R. Nikolits,CFA Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Mapp in g System eOA Ii,A CI'/\, ~'E.'O"'AM 'P){.Wt Kll~KWOO'O ^crR^ It: 7l14D q o CHAl.l.EliGEll:CIR ~ ~ liEWMOOIi'P](Wt f'A1.RICJAltCJR Legend L==:J Parcel Bo.....dary ~ Lot nurrber Page 1 of 1 Owner Information peN: 08434507190000260 Name: MCCORD KEVIN 8r. Location: 1051 FOSTERS MILL RD Mailing: 1051 FOSTERS MILL RD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 8715 2005 Preliminary Assessment Market Value: Assessed Value: Exempt Amnt: Taxable: 2005 Estimated Tax Ad Valorem: Non ad valorem: Total: Sales Information Sales_Oi'te Aug-2002 Au -1999 Palm Beach County Property Map Map Scale 1:5146 Map produced on 11/28/2005 from PAPA http://www.pbcgov.com/papa http://gisweb.co.pa1m-beach.fl.us/ipapagis/presentation/mapping/printnew.asp?MAPURL. .. 11/28/2005 ~~l ~IL i tv\ ;lL ~' '" "'~':>r.:~~\bEVELC 98 4.19 (units per acre) 5,000 square feet (50' x 100', typical) DEVELOP '(Frfty foot minimtrn Jo( fror(age mea5lred at the 20' building setback line) 6,134 square feet 13.7 acres (58.5%) 0.63 acres (2.7%) 2.00 'acres (8.5%) 1.90 acres (8.1 %) 3.08 acres (13.2%) 2.20 acres (9.4%) 3.59 acres (15.3%) 5.85 acres =42.7% of Residential 13.7 ac. with Max. Bldg. envelope '". -~";:~'I:t~t: Ii :;]i'~'.-- .,'. 4') ~.,... ~. c. ~ .' SITEAREA'BR~ \KDOWN: r ". . TOTAL UNITS DENSITY MINUMUM LOT SIZE SETBACKS (aU'~p~$"of'hard roof structures) FRONT (Garage Face) 20.0' FRONT (Non-garage Face) 15.0' REAR 0 15.0',' ~ SIDE, STREET /'JON ze'C" 15.0'(~L,) 1GW ~tt>t, SIDE, INTERIOR 'Ze<:tJ 0'" r -. . . " I. r~~ ~mkt.. ~~ t.oI JS 'S1,.lt,JL u:; J6:3' '. · A fire rateQ wall complying with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code is required where a hard roof is adjacent to a property line. SETBACKS (au)(iliCl():strl;.Jctu~es)' . FRONT same as above .J.. '* REAR 8'(poollspa), 5'(screened roof enclosure) ()'Cf; lJ~ Hili SIDE, STREET 15' (pooVspa), 15' (screened roof enclosure) 'J SIDE (zero lot line side) , 3' (pooVspa, with privacy wall) . . . 5' (pooVspa. no privacy wa/Q . 0' (screen roof enclosure) SIDE (opposite zero side) 10' (pooVspa & screened roof encfosure) (NO PORTION OF THE TOT LOT PlAN EQUIPMENT OR ANCILLARY STRUCTURES SHAlL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE 10' SETBACKAAEA.) ark - AR Zoning (Palm Beach County) , sub d i V id e d \.-. ,(;. 'J ) ~v L,,) \ tm-l .f~~ 'r' AVERAGE LOT SIZE RESIDENTIAL PASSIVE PARK PERIMETER BUFFERS OPEN SPACE INTERNAL ROADWAYS LAKES WATER MGMT. TRACTS (Inc. lakes) LOT COVERA<?E 5.020 08'27"W. __ 20' Perimeter Bu"-r :::::;/ 40,0' 14 1629.321 40.0' 40,0' 4{),O' 40.0' OWNER Continental Hen 8000 GOvert'lOIT Miami Lakes, At 305- 512-4954 ENGINEERS Schnars Engine 951 Broken Soo Boca Raton, FIe 561-241-6455 LAND SURVE Hager, W~ 3850 N.W. Boca Boca Aaton, F1o: 561-395-3600 PLANNING C Julian Bryan & A 756 St. Afbans C Boca Raton, Fler 561-338-0395 LANDSCAPE Michael T. SchaI, 4800 N. Federal Boca Raton, Ror 561-417-5470 VI VI ~~ ~ ~. !"o ~; n' ,...r'1 o.~ :l ..... -..jJ>. '0 ~- tl J../6JJ FtZ/XE, 6/..Jr.;c; 50.0' 40,0' 40.0' 40,0' 40.0' 40,0' 40.0' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 22 24 <: q Max. c :l Bldg. 50 Env. ~ Max. ~ Bldg, Env, >- ",..--, LaKe Access Tnact , ~er --- - "-":"=-"n"A~ -.. -... -.. ---.-...- -_...-- -- -"'-r--- "'---"'--;:::;;-:'7;'::;::":- -.-" --;:;::..~_. '-;''' -- -- -.. -.. -- -..-. E: .. . ~! ~} st 1/4 and the West hip"~ South, Range 55 the South 40 feet .-' . " :S'TE' O'ATA":;,:', PRESENT ZONING FUTURE lAND USE . , ~rLU.L (Land Use Intensity) . TOTAL TRACT AREA TOTAL UNITS AllOWED TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT RECREATION REQUIRED RECREATION PROVlDED TYPE of OWNERSHIP P.C.N. et per unit. ED PROPOSED as 3.60 acres " ;res 15.87 acres as 15.65 acres es 0.63 acres 1. GENERAL NOTES: A minimxn of 3 pat1<inJ spaces wil be provijed P8' heme (2 spaces in aiveway and minimum 1 , ca' garage). ~ . \..j{ru bJ2J\)5l.)~y A IJ.IU"~ lit ,~ R>~ 2 CAfE:.. bA.UlbC: De.I\)W~'" &)\tn All ccrnrnon areas will be owned and mairtained by a master homeowners association. " 'oJ' . . 1 All homes to be zero lot line and located on lot with orientation as shown hereon. _ M.oIl \ &; ~ 10 /..(.(0' 11. All internal roadways to be private and focated within access tracts of minint.m 40' wi<!h. . --(b RluClJ~ ~) ~.lC~ Comer driveways to be a mlninum of 30' from 1ntersec1ing comer AJW line.' . If) Y - 1iie regulalioris speci1Ied in C Chapter 2, Zoning, of the City's Land Regulations$HAL.(.. lIfft.y 7a fl~C.e.6SC>R..Y l3uJ/.o"v('J ! or;/~-< Sr1ZvcT"~S J \~. Water and sewer service to be provided by the City of Boynton Beach via 8)Cisfjng lines located .- adjacent to the property. There shan be a 3' root cralnage and maintenance easement for' root overhangs, along the zero- sije lot line, on the adjacent lot (see typical lot). There shall be no building Of any Idnd of constructlon placed within an easeme~ _. . " . .. ..". . , ". .. ,. L' """" . Based upon a LU.1. rating of 4.0, a rnaxirnun living noo- area of 2081 square feer per home would be a/Iowed. Since, however, some home models will be smaller and sane larger, a COOlldative totel square footage wilibe StbTtitted witt! each building permit application. This would limit the 98 homes to a total maJdmum square footage of 203,938 (98 x 2081). The rea- setDack tor auxifwy structtxes fex Lots 91 and 92 shall be 10' due to the proximity of the zero lot line side of Lot 93. No signs will be located in the lot lex area. An skfewal<s along roadways and within the tot lot area wiD be conaete. Site signage shall be subject to site pian review for compfiance with apprlCable code regulations. . Fences located on common ground tracts shaI be subject to the fence regulations specified in Mob II e H 0 m e Park _ the ZoninJ C0ge with the exception that no side of a ~ ground tract shall be considerad as a_fr~..'.. ; "., '. .' ,~ .,.'...: U n S l - - . . , . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ''--- 11.;, 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. -fO~ t az.' ~ tvt~\n~ PUD, Planned Unit Development MR 5 (Palm Beach County) 4.0 23.4 acres (1,020,035 sq. ft.) 113 (4.84 units/acre, Boynton Beach) 98 (4.19 units/acre) 45% 30' .' 1.76 ACRES 0.64 ACRES FEE SIMPLE (wtth master H.O.A) 00-43-45-07-00-000-7030 2/3 of E. .3/4 of S.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4. Section 7-45-43 S. -7~W6'U~P~OO~ADD~~~~--~~~ 50,0' 0.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 3 4 ox. <.> J.lax. dg. :i I3ldg. nv. Env. 40.0' 40.0' 40,0' ~-- .-------- - -- - ---. - --. _ _ _C"-",....,..r-~,... _ .tl, ..-.-.........._ 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' ,40,0' 40.0'