APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: High'Ridge - New Urban Communiti~s . LOCATION: NW corner of High Ridge & Miner Road PCN: 00-43-45-08-00-000-5011 & 00-43-45-08-00-007-0010 I FILE NO.: ANEX 05-001 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Paramount Investment Group Timothy Hernandez & Roger Decapito ADDRESS: 1401 Forsythe Rd. ADDRESS: 306 NE 6th Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Delray Beach, FL 33483 FAX: FAX: 272-3951 PHONE: - PHONE: 279-8706 ext 201 Date of submittal/Proiected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 10/1/04 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: Legal Ad: 12/18/04 & 12/28/04 TRC MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 12/28/04 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 1/4/05 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\ANEX 05-001\2004 PROJECT TRACKING lNFO.doc CitY Codes i\ccesSed Via Website: www. bovnton-beach.orq www.amleqal.com/bovntonbeachfl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? , Date: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION ANNEXA liON APPLlCA liON NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application reauired.) PROJECT NAME: High Ridge AGENT'S NAME: New Urban Communities - Timothy L. Hernandez and Roger Decapito ADDRESS: 398 NE 6th Avenue Dekay Beach, Florida 33483 OWNER'S NAME: Paramount Investment Group and George Kechriotis (Or Trustee's) ADDRESS: 1401 Forsythe Road 7731 N. High Ridge Rd West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Boynton Beach, FI33426 Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road 00-43-45-08-00-000-5011 and 00-43-45-08-00-007-0010 and 00-43-45-08- PROJECT LOCATION 01-000-0361/00-43-45-08-01-000-0330 / 00-43-45-08-01-000-0362 AND PCN NUMBER (Not legal description) *CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: (If different than agent Or owner) *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. \ 2-\ \ ~\(J~ .' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applications. No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit two copies of this application and other required information. Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all required information as stated below. ATTACH THE FOllOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. €) Q a. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record. or All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property. The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. b. c. /@ G If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, or If a lessee, a copy of the lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, or If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or written consent of the seller/owner, or If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, or If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the seller/owner. 2 GENERAL DATA , Name of Developer/Owner: Area of Subject Property: Estimated Present Population 0 Existing Future Land Use: Palm Beach County - Residential Medium Density and low density residential Proposed Future Land Use Boynton Beach - Hiqh Density Residential Existing Zoning: RS - Palm Beach County Allowed Density: Proposed Zoning: PUD - Boynton Beach Allowed Density: New Urban Communities Sq.Ft. or Acres: 18.43043 77 199 d.u.s d.u.s EXISTING UTILITIES: Water City of Boynton Beach Wastewater Collection City of Boynton Beach Solid Waste (garbage): STATEMENT OF USE EXISTING USE: Stables PROPOSED USE: For sale residential, approximately 48 sinqle family homes and 126 town homes JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: . The property is surrounded on 3 sides (East, West, South) by the City of Boynton Beach . Annexation will allow more efficient delivery of public services . Annexation will result in additional tax revenue for the City . The property will be developed to a high standard of quality EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See attached 3 ~, 2"d I Q) x <is >- C,) ~ I- CI) .-= Q. lr ,g So 0 ~::E z '0 > z '0 ""l ~ ::;) C ~ f...; ~ ""'l ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ." -' I- ~ en :r ~ .... oQ ::r ~ ~ -S oS ~ ~ ~ ~ l:: ~ e4l .so!: ~~ ~ ... " ~ - t.> ~ ~~ ... ..~ '0 &: ~.g ~~ ~ ~... ::r ~ '. t3 .:.:.g ~ -- ~ ~ ~ (,,>> ~ ~ ~ ~ . J:q Q:Oi: &: z: 1; _ ::r ~ ~t3 ~ ... ~ ~ u ~ ~ ...~ ~.s ~~ '5~ ~~ ~ .. z: ~ ~ t.> ... ~ C) .. ~ ~ ~~ll ~ .~;~ --", ~:<>~ ~~-5~~- u ..;:!~.~!!... oci"u~a~~ Q.~a:OOUwu .g - .. o ~ .. ;; ii r g ~ -' ., ~ Cb C u :: f O~ ~8..c.s'Eo E ~5'i5.~~;.aE~ -;~:~~.!?~~8.E -a~e-;;~~~~~ u""n.:D...tI-I3~c a.. Q ~ -' a: .....'u '" ." ~ .. c: ~ ~i ~ G.1 t.: C ~~.!! ~E~. x JOt'" ".-!IV g ii~.3~2~:::E ~~i~.s~~~~ & -a~.g'~ : : E 3 -5 '~ .....UD.c-M...,,~ ai Q.~. n CI..% wLL a: 0: ~~<J@< ~:5 G 0.: 0.. ~ ::; ~ Ct -OcUc U -..0>0.. c: ~;E5ii~-:~: a.. 0 ~ ,. . Cl .... >--fi .CLS~~g-~~l5 E-3Eo~~:~o~ O""t: .. - - _ E o.~ _ tiiE.E'OO ~r;~ c ~ ~ 0 - E ~ cs . e; ~Jla:~o~~ti. If-JU.a..Q,o.., 'oGuU."CtL=> ~a.:~c::-:....:.c..~~ ':=U::UcLn:c.:..~ulU ..E_ ~~&-'= .~ 2~-E 0.0 ~u_e.. a.~ o2c-:=uc>> -::3 O.~OCC 0.. .n""ouec:cv-g: a]g-~E~EE~.s ~~3:i3~=~~!; i~~:i~~:g.~~ ~ ~ .~ !.~ a ~ ~ ~ :: o3o...Q.~n..5o~~ "JfHD.1J~~ug rricrioc:tirri.n,ujY ~a!qqqql!:!~~ai o U c.. c...lL IL 0 U lC,..... , - ,- \~ eto2:01 toO 80 oaa IDJ( 1587e PAGE 11~ Legal Description Exhibit "A" .Parcell: The South on~f(S YI) ofGovernDlcnt Lot 7, in Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being l~/""i more or)~ lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. 5: South 60.00 feet ofGovemmc:nt Lot 7, Section 8, Township 45 South, ~ ge 43 East. Palm Beach County, Florida, less the East 25.00 feet thereof. '(.;::: ~articularlY described as follows: \r/ ~mcing at the Southeast comer of Section 8, Township 45 South, . ~ 43 ~ Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 880 30' 45" West, aJon~SOuth line ofsaid Section 8, a distance of 25.0S feet to a point on a lirl;~S.OO feet West of: when measured at right angles, and paralld with ~ line of said Section 8 and the point of beginning oftbe parcel to be h~ribcd; thence continue South 880 30' 45" West, along the South lin~~ Section 8. a distance of36l.27 feet to a point; thence North 20 53' 24" ~~ance of 60.) 8 feet to a point 00 a line lying 60.00 feet North of, ~:e' '. at right angles, and parallel with the South line of said Section 8; , North 880 30' 45" East, along the said parallel line, a distance of 360. feet to a point on a line lying 25.00 feet West of. when measured at right ~ and parallel with the East line of said Section 8; thence South 20 14~c:st. along the said paraJlelline, a distance of60.l3 feet to the point Ofbe~' /' .n of the herein described parcel. " \..,..1 Said parcel containing O. ~rn)crcs, more or less. ~.0' Less: A triangular parcel of I~~~ right-of-way purposes lying in Government Lot 7 ofScction ~ . p 45 South, Range 43 East, County ofPahn Beach, State ofFJorid # --.:cuJarly described as follows: For the pwposc of this description ~;t~ine of said Section 8 is assumed to bear North 890 16' 21" East and~gs recited hetein arc relative thereto. ~...~ Commencing at the Southeast comer of ~n 8, thence S~uth 8~ 16' 21" West, along the South line of said SectJO!!jdistancc of2S.0S feet to the existing West right-of-way line of High '~gc(Road, being a line 25.00 feet West of (as measured at right angles to) ,- leI with the East line of the Southeast one-quarter (SE 114) of said~ See, hence North 020 59' 35" East along said West right-of-way line a di ~.13 feet to a point at the intersection wi1h a line 60.00 feet North of I at right angles to) and parallel with the South line of said Sec~ the point of BOOK 1:se7e PA8E 11"; DorDth, If. Ui 1 b-, Cl.... beginning; thence continue North 02059' 35" East along said existing West rigbt~f-way line of High Ridge Road a distance of 17.41 feel; thence South 460 07' 58" West departing from said West right-of-way line. a distance of 25.41 feet to said line 60.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of Section 8; thence Nor1h 890 ] 6' 2]" East along said paraDel line a c:tistance of 17.41 feet to the point of beginning. ~g 151.3 sq..... feet. more or less. Parcel 2: ~~~ 0 ,. J) Commencin utheast comer ofSeclioo 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 Eas~ Palm Beach County, Flori~ South 88"" 30' 45" West, along the South line of said Section 8. a distance of386.32 feet !oJ! thcaQ.,est comer of Government Lot 7 of said Section 8; thence North r 53' 24" East along the . e of said Govemment Lot 7, a di.stanu of 60. 18 feet to a point ona line lying 60.00 feet No ben measured at right angles, and parallel with me South line of said Section 8 and the poiD ofbf&inning; thence South 880 30' 45" West. along the said paraUelline. a c:tistance of 1 I S.SO feet '. t; thence North 1034' 02" East, a distance of 125939 feet to the Southwest comer of Lot rding to the plat of High Ridge Subdivision. as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 6, in and for p' _ lie records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence North 880 38' 08" East. along the South . '-". '. Lot 36, a distance of 144.63 feet to the Northwest comec of the South one-haJf(SY:a) of sai vemmenl Lot 7; thence South r 53' 24. West, along the West Jineofsaid Government Lot 7, a~ of ]260.96 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described parcel. ~' Said parcel containing 3.7549 acres. ~br less. < 1...' '= r-.:--... ~' r\,"'-\ ( .v, '/t. /,~ V-s=--;> ~-i..' ..... ~h~~~_ V;. ~.' V ,.r ,.\ ,- l.> 1,., -' <"~.....""' Y~?1' , i ,.. \ ' ~~ {\~ ,/"7} ~,';;_.~ (ei) ~~ ~ l~ /lA ~- -2- OWNER'S AUTHORIZA nON Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owne of property in an area to be annexed. The authorit)' authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a . ion must be attached to and accompany su 'on. ~.~ ~k SIG TURE OF AP SIGNATURE OF OWN ,._.-"- e..e.AQ", 10 OWNER(s) f\i(\o\\-{~.I~NJ~LL TYPE'NAME 0 APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT f1.( \U (( a SC t:.OO G-\ E. TYPE E OF OWNER(s) TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT A RE OF OWNER(s) OF RECORD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT G( ~ C t-i;\ R-0, ~O <;;, ~ l\ TYPE NAME OF OWN (s) ~~ OCZf<rlJl\J (AI0~ STREET ADDRESS TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT 'bq~ f()~ G% V\ue. STREET ADDRESS ~u\ (\1+\010, R 3~~ & STATE ~\ItQc, ~O-C~ .p 3?,L(i?2c, TY & STAT~ " S~\,- ?-~q - D-)n6' TELEPHONE NU ER TELEPHONE NUMBER s ~ \' l ~ 2- ,- ~~ ~ , FAX NUMBER ' FAX NUMBER AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } } SS COUNTY OF PAlM BEACH} 'Sc..t'aY0G-i t- O, Before me, the undersigned authority personalty appeared A{(t\\fO '1\~ f 'd,RO(Q---R \)e.U\OC 11) 't\ \ (~ f) l.( ()~ ~ t.-l\who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: (Give legal description) <:;:"v----V A-T\'Pn~ 2. 3. (attach an additional page if insufficient space) That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. ~ t:!: U " That he has appointed W () '\t-\' - l\t.~ A..'~ Z- to act as agent in his behalf to acco plish the above. ~ ~ / /' ------- ~. ' " IGNAT:'--- -~ .-/./,. ~ffian.L (SIGNATURE OF ~- (S A 1: RE OF OWNER) ffi Notary Pub My Commission Expires: /~9~Y ut~-l~-~~ l~;~~ JjHNI\ ur- \..UI'U.1tK1...C ,.....,,~/,,~ ~to"VIT STATE OF FLORIDA }SS COUNTY OF~... _..CH } S~~ Befor- me. ,,,. und8f5igned ~ ;lef~onalIy .ppear~.(,q b t.t.. /l.-itJ'/;ry- wno ~ oy me Irst duly sworn. on 0$'1'1 deposes and says: , . Thirt ho i$ the fGe simple t:1NrwJK of tl8 f~ descrilled pI'Operty. to wit; ~Give.: des~ipt~) A1k~~ --- 2- 3. ~ 8dditJOnII1 paoe illr.sulfici8nt space) ThaC he dcairc. a"'~. t:) ~on Beach. Aondo. Tt.et he has ~ to act u a..Jenl In nis ~half \0 accon'lPll&!I tne allj)lIe ~/~z1g. (S1GNAl'URE OF OWNER) A1f'cart ~cQ-~ -~"~.'-":/i~~ b>ok. My Cc;m<nl$5ion EJ<pires: It- / I-e), S"",-~JlA~"TlOfj,tlOCIlEVl$eo'0I11R1 0:. 0ebcnII D COClII8 \'1".l1tt ~....... D02eQt EIlpiIw.... tt, 2G07 7 DEC-13-2004 12: 28 BANK OF COMMERCE P.03/l1l.3 AFFlOAVlT STATE OF flORIDA } }SS COUNlYOF~~~ Bef(),8 me. die underSigne<lauthorly pen;onally appear~e whO lIei'll by me first duty sworn, on oath depOSes and says: 1. That he is the foe simple owner of the follCwitG described property. to wit: (Give Iegai desC.;ption) t1N~ /CA,t/A';'J!J;s 2. 3. (attach en additional page if insulfic:ient space) That he desires aMCJC8lion to Boynton Beach, FkY.ida. That he ha$ appoimecl to act 2S .~ in his behalf to accomplish tne abOve, .Nl;.z,~ (SIGNA E OF OWNER) A1fJ8Mt ~and subSGribed before me ~.I~' n~ . Ptlblic, State d ~~ t.. odu. My Comtnis5ion elCpires: J I - II - 0 --, S_~NNEAAT1ONS>,ljlPUCA'lON.DOCREVlSeOl0{lM1 . ~. ..e.. - 'i) ~............ . ......~. . ."'''' . ,.~ ~ ~BI:lIif1." 7 TOTft.. P. 03 V~V ~w ~uu~ ~,.~v LJr"lI "'" ur \.A.JI-. .1Cr\\.A:. r'.t:l;:)/t:J;:) OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the JIfO'li$iomI for Voluntarv Anne)(81.~ Aorida Statutes require that a petition the Signahn$ of all owners 01 PI'Ope;t,y in an area 10 oe anneKlld.. The autilorily a than the owner to $ign such a petition nws\ be a1lat:heO to and accompany $\lCh petiti I. /~k&. ,;-r SIGNATUREOFOWNER($)OF~CORO SiGJ.~~OFAPPU~ ~. . ,'1,. " ' , ~~~~1(/OT/~ _~ll)UItVXU C ,\ "\1,' lLC EN.) NAME OF I\PPLICAN", (')\ 456 I.oNII&AT cU18 R.IJ -# 5/)1 ~ot '?3 ~ {:. ~~ % 4u--E:. 1\ fY'{\ t.-\t (( f\J A;A.10 i.2 STREET ADDRESS STREET AOO~ toftl68MT KEY' F?~~U~ ~l-~ . ,- a:.Gl ~l~ltg==\ CITY & STATE & _' ) . _u___. - , ---.J !5~(/L'~Q. ~ TB.EPH NUMBER . ~0\-: '2~~~'\ J FAX NUMBER ~~{U~40q qB1-=~L.J386 FAx NUMBER 5 TOTAL P. 05 ULv ~v ~~ ~,.~U .1JIr1lI"" ur \';UI-.-~\...C. OWNER'S AUTHORIZA T10ft under It,e grovl5ions for VoIu:lt4tlY ~tion. Florida Statutes require that a petit" nexation r."lU$' tM signatUl1lS or all 0lMle1S of property in an arsa 10 be annexed, The lIulhori au\J1O z~ .. P;: 11 othef' than tI'Ie owner to Sign such a petitiOl'l must be attaChed to arcl .ccompany suer. itiOn. S~.t@~~)bFRECOAO .- ~E.(JR.GE. ~E.~f:'OTis. TYPE NAME ONN 5) ~r~lfD~ IC'7P /?d. B~n.Z,,z, FL334:lb cm& ~E · TE~~N~e1~ 5'1'1-1 FAX NUMBER 5 ~~lt ~ 3 r. lO'-i/ ~ taW Ollices HOLLAND & KNIGlIT LLP AmapoIs AtlR BeIhesda Bosloo IIIadenIon Chicago JadcsorwilIe I.akdnI Ills Angeles MeIlowne MiiIni New YOIt N!mlIinIabs: CaIz:as" ~ Meimar Ifollt..lnio One East Brawanl Boulevll'd. Suite 1300 P.O. Box 14070 (ZIP 3330H070) Fort lauderdale, Florida 33301 954-525-1000 FAX 954-463-2030 www.hklaw.com October 1, 2004 NorIIem ViQinia 0rtIld0 POl1Iand - Providela Sll'!ltrsluv SanAlllonio San FIKisco SeaRIII TaIW&ssce T~ WalIlin!lIa\ D.C. Wtst Palm Beacb SlDI'Ul 1lI1W' Tdl\Q '~Oh JONATHAN S. MARCUS (954) 468-7924 ioo.marcus@bk]aw.com City of Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: That certain real property located in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, commonly known as "High Ridge" and more fully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "PrOperty"). Dear Gentlemen: This firm represents New Urban Communities Corporation ("New Urban") in its proposed acquisition of the Property. New Urban is the buyer under an Agreement for Purchase and Sale for the Property dated August 30,2004 ("Agreement"). According to the Agreement, the Property is currently owned by Paramount Investment Group, Inc., and a copy of the Warranty Deed to Paramount Investment Group, Inc., is attached hereto as Exhibit liB" and made a part hereof. Paramount Investment Group, Inc., is currently a party as the seller under that certain Vacant Land Contract to sell the Property to Arturo Scroggie, Roger DeCapito and Richard Yusem, dated July 12, 2004, and such individuals are the sellers of the Property under the Agreement with New {Jrban. Please contact me if you have ahy additional questions or comments. HO JSM/jk # 2293495_vl Rue; 12' 04 10:'37p , 87/8B/2084 14:42 5&14321123 .,--- ... .1.,:..so L"liU')-~'frl:.H ~ UlU'IAS ."rr.t'~flD<I ,ur.tr.L :>bJb:i'~tJ BERMJDA lANDSAPIN:; 5613589233 ~ lNt t- ll<'l'f-+ AA ".L p.l1 PAGE llf12 T-128 Pl1/12-U-648 PA<J:: 11(12 IlI:Q\ 1 se?e PfKlE 1 J~ !ApIDHo-jptl_ . Exhibit II Aft hrull: 'lkSollChou-balt(3 Ii) ofGavarnntQltIDt7, Ua SectiJmI. TO\lrJJIhip 4' ~ .Range 4] bat, -bc:bta 12 more or ku,. MAl ancf befq in Pahn Bc.aci Comty. Florida. ._ _ h -. , SoaIb 1G.oo feet olCo~aJll...ot '. SeedoP .. 'rowntb{p 4$ So.lll>>. 4! ~ hlaDc:adaCouet,..J1wMS., -Ih. ~~$.OO Jied~i; ~1a1y dnon"bed U faD01IWF. . ~ ~ the Sa.4b.....1 CDQacr or ~ioq s, Towiubip ~ SOuib. . ~'9~ P.1uaBc.drCo\lal)',florida; 1f;enceSoutb sr)O' 4$M w~~ ."'w~~ h. oC_ SeotiOll ~. cIiaaDae 0(23.0' ~ toO . pa.., UJa · ~OO.bt Wat II( ~bc:n 1tIeaNI'CIII. JiPt~ and ParalJrJ -stI1 ~~ - .raid Scai~ II .. t1M pakat orheaUmill8 ottbe ~ to be' ; haec ~ Sovth QO 30' 45- Welt, along th_ ~ . See1ioaa.~d~ofJ61.27fcdlo.~tbau:oNordt 2- 5]' 24'" otC50.U fftl to . POint ~ . IDe l.Yins 6O.<?Q reel ~ of; at rigbt aagJet, IIOd pvaIlcJ wfCb !be Sollllt Uae of Rid ~ a: - North ... 30- 45" t:a1, *ac!he said P4Q1ld Una, It data:nc. 0(360. iiO apoinr on a fiDe ~ 25.00 li:d.. West oJ; wban rtIC8SIJrwd 1Il opt IIIId paraUd ~ t1le M&t lina 6C r-'4 ~rioa t: tbmoc: South 2- 14 at. alOftJ the ad.p..rw be, a 4~DCof60.1J f"toa to the point nrhea~ of~~ ~ ~ed JI.ft.c1. . s.;.,....... ----. ~ .._ <><1-. . Lees: ^ 1rianlUlar ]NlrCet ~ , ~ riahto()l-",->- plltposca l)1ioa in ~Lot.7or1kotiCIQ ... .tS80lnL,a.s.13JWf,CoUlUy oll"ahn B.Ids. Stat. ofF] - . ~ ;q foUows: ,~..1. FonhcJlUrpo.5ealtb,,~ ~E Ofaaid&.e6oa 8isllQ'!ID1ed ='Nonh W Iii 21" Ea&t Ind~ l:~. .. nci1ed hat:in .. rcJ.ti'\'1: - ,y CoIDl~~.IbeSDuCh"~\1r . 8.IJ.ceccSo.ab"'1" 21- WII:If, aJcac fu: S4Ml1b... of PId S&IWleC of2S.Dj t'cet 10 thD tIIOeM. W'...~f-.lINy line, ofRlah . , ~ alioc: 2S.oo ... w_ 01(. ~.-t rieJd .,.,.. to) WI. theE.,. line O(tJut~cae.qIl__(5E U4)otua. ~llronbOl. ,,. 3,oIliI.st*ae Aid Watrlcbt-ot--.y JiM . dO 13 feet 10 a paiJIJ ....~wf.aHft.60.00f'a:tNorth or . 1It1t&hl~q to) aDCI p.ralfd 'ltitlt I~ Soa1b tiDe of .set ~~. tbc point of Au~ 12'Q1 10:~7p 87/8B/2e84 14:42 5614321123 .- .., - - i.._;)U f''''-\'l-wuiU:Jf 5 'T~S ..,.~.LDOoI .....:,,:l :lblb:.!nn.4V ~ LtlNDSAPlt-li 56136811293. 1-1011 Pl2112 U-648 DGS5 lAW FIRtH:A)( 2 PAGE 12/12 p.12 PAGE 12112 ~a~ ~Ja,. hreth, "' NU.p, CJn-Ia "-linn, tbaao. ~ No,th fD8 $$1' 35" JiM.1t~~ ~ West rigbt.of-way liDeofBiBbRldp Road a ctiltlllceof17.4. !ecrj lbcac:e9Obth W D7' sa" West ~ ftom fticS W-rlsht-o~~ -. . diaauae. Df 2SAJ Ad 10 said line 50.00 fut NoM ofwtd plraJJc:(.,jdJ the South tioc of ScdiOl\'; rbeneeNoJthI9" 16'2J" hat aJqaaidpcaJoUl1aD ..dI~of 11.-1) "to.po&atoC~ ' . . ~ IS!,> _..... ............ ' ~.;....O(_.. r_~,........_..", "'"'r....._ Co=ty,. SCNd&... JO'.s- W_. AlODB1he ~Jint or sald.geatlan a, . distaQcC oO,6..J:Z feet to tjEOQIIlU' DlOovtInUDQIt Lot 7.r .-i4 ScdiDa. I; ....be(I~" 2. 53' 24" B.~ ~ Iba. . ofalid <Jo~1 Lot 7,. ~~ of60. 11 Ad... ))oint on ..Uoe ~ ~.oo feet Hi ~-..cJ .. riefat~ lad PIlI':IUd "tit lba Soudllina of" sald &olica had the ~ . 'as; ~Soufhsse 30' 4S"' West, IIoq t~.._ PamJd 6De. .. ~ of J J ".SO fl::c\ . . tbeoce NartIt J' -"", 02" ~ a ~e of 12S9.39 k to the 9oath.~ CICIOMr of Lot . 8 to tf>>e plat or Hjgb IUdae SllbdiYisloa. u ~nb1 in .PJaI BoOt22. ~5.ina.dfoi ,Gon:cookOC~BddlCol&ftty.PJorid&;~NClftbI&. sa- or 'EMt, aJOD, \'Qc SolQ Wi 3G. . tIi.tuoc of 1 ".53 .. 10 tta. Narttrw'*f "~er' DE the South~bdf(.&K) or Lor 7; tbmce $c)bdJ 2' 53'2". Wbt. a!oo~ the Wqt Jiue "rDid ~QIlI Lot 7. · ~c. Dr 1261>.P6 ~ to die point a(~nnIrJa oCtile hen,iJl. &lc:nDed jlart:B). i?' " ' 8aill p8n:d colltaWng 3.7549 ~ ~ Ica.r. ~~. 7{~ ~~/ ' ~~O , ~~~ \(..... . ~~ 1~ r;~ ~"l (?)) ~~ ~- f-') ~"""""A -2- ~..../4 1111111111111111111111 TbJj documeDt was prepared by aDd should be returned to: C. J. Wdrmu m. Esq. REDGRA VE &: TURNER I...LP 128 East Palmetto Park Road, Suite 450 Boca lUton, Florida 33431 eV16f~ 1~:16:~ 20e~127J7 OR OK 15878 P6 1193 Pal..B~ach County, Florida A"T 588,898. B8 Doc Sta.p 3,509.89 ~ -~'~>> 0 ~ WARRANTY DEED . . c-U9~ ~~ THIS DEED. made ~ day of . ~ , 2003, between H. A. l.EWIS, whose post iddress is 10225 S. . Grecnridge e,Pahn City, Florida 34990, first party, andPARAMOUN.., v TMENTGROUP. INC.. a FJoridacorporation, whose post office address is 1401 Forsythe Roll est Palm Beach, Florida 33405, second party. ~/~ WITNESSETII. 't~d fiISt party, foc and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) in hand paid by th d party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, aiien, con~~tmn. remise, release and quit claim \mto the said second party fo{cvcr, all the right, title, interest, claim.~<t~nd which the said f"1Ts! party has in and to the folJowing described land situate. lying and being in P~Beacb County, Horida, to wit: PROPERTY MORE p'~ n AnT Y DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "An, ATTACHED HERETO ~~~PART HEREOF. 1be first party does hereby fully ~e title'lo said "and and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. {'~J",. ~/~ This conveyance is subject to conditi&i<'~tions. reservations, limi~tions and easements of record. and taxes for the year 2003 and SUbscq~O . Note: This deed has been prepared at the ,~~e first party without examination or legal opinion of title. This property is not now, nor has it ~ "ihe homestead of the Grantor h~in. . ~ WITNESS WHEREo:r. the first party has Si~~ sealed tbesepresents the day and year first abovewntten. (j:>>' Signed. sealed and delivered ,7 intbepresence of: ~~ :' RA.~~~ - ~: print ~~ EXHIBIT "B" BOOK 15878 PAGE 11~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MARTIN I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me. personally appeared H. A. Lewis. personally known to me or who produced as identification and who did take an oath and are to me known to be the persons descn1>ed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledg fore me that they executed the same. ~ hand and offlCial seal in the County and State aforesaid thisn day of ~>)O %rQ\ c~/"'/ '0 ~;% \\~ /~ \??~ o \L..p''')/ .-;;:; ~ ~ ~ ((~ m~ \{;~~ ~7 ~~\ \( -!> ~ ~@ ~ (t~ ~ ~h ,~ (\../ .L-~ NOTARY PUBUC: sign Sth.-~ lit",,\. 80IA M.'.wwc IIY~, DDIlOlI1W '-d~~'te...u -2- OWNER"S AutHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other ~an~,~ D2;::=~;=;a~~~~. /__ IGNATURE OF OWNER(s) OF RECORD SIGNATURE~ ~ ~ All GO lfi' \ ~ Vt -,-m w i G-f.{t\) P tJ"'." 0 1H:\ L(* re. N A lJ ~ € z.. TYPE NAME OF OWNER{s) -wPE NAME OF APPliCANT o At) 3q~ k.\f rl? ~ ~e. STREET ADORE S STREET ADDRESS ~~1" Q r\~ "'^ a'\ltcJ, Q 3~oS- CITY&S~' - FAX NUMBER ~f-L(LA~ ~tf\ ~L 33Y~~ ITY & STAT f 5~\~1~~ -~~b TElEPHON NUMBER ~b\" L":)'(,- 3<q ~ , FAX NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER APPUCANrS 'CERTlFICATlO. (I) ~e) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) ~e) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) ~e) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: Owner Optionee 'Timothy L. Hernandez and Roger Decapito (Co-Applicant) TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT Lessee 398 NE 6th Avenue, Dekay Beach, Florida 33483 CITY AND STATE Agent 561-279-8706 TELEPHONE NUMBER x Contract Purchaser 561-272-3951 FAX NUMBER 6 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } }SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH} n _ Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared. f)Ya 11 dvn Jtoff ~ ;S who being by me flTSt duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit (Give legal description) S~/ ,I\Tffi ct-\ttb (attach an additional page if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has apPOinted}'; ~ Om ~ U~ ({ k 1 Ml~F- L to act as agent in his behalf to accomPlish the abov . IGNATURE OF OWNER) Affiant ~l7fj;:,o. . Notary Public.L of Florida at La'-'J _s- . . ~, My CommilSkl" 00184583 '\; ~~ Elcpires May 01, 2JXR My Commission Expires: S:'tPl.ANNING\HuDSON\ANNEXATIONS\APPLICATION.OOCREVISED10/16101 Su.... C. JOol'!3oaa.. r DB1JlAY TITLE .lUID ABSTRACT 7S em lith A'Wl. SUiee .104> DelJ:~Y Beach, l't. 3)483 08-.576 we-43 SSI - GRANTEE 3.: - J.a-&-lM ...:as. 99-.386~2 _ 18891 PI 1.7 Ca ...._ he 1..,,_ DflIlDIH'l H. ~ 1lSI('" I:IIIIIIY. R. ,..................... Prepareel by and Rltum to: ~ WARRANTY DEED mi, I ~Jb .... do" 15th day of ~~o JAMES ~~~ Uld ELlZABErB MAGAFAS, hi_ vife '\Z"ffi.. .. Grartt.OI'-. ~;~address is: 720 SLDORAIlO LlUfE. DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ))444 ... L.. o. ~. . _=,... _ as Crantee-. whooJ"\ dr... 1., 420 IIU1'TOIfllICIO PLACE, ilOC~ ItATOlII, FLORIDA 33431 ~-?2 wnRESSB'!'H: Thlt the , for aud ill CODaideradon of the 8\8 of ftM .lUID )I()/100 DOLlARS 1$10.00) and 0 ..., uable coJlllideratiCXla to .aid graDt.ora in hand paid by aaid grantee., the Z:8cei . :::~f ill hereby aelmow1edged, has granted, ~ lUId lIold to ehe grantee an(#antee' a bc:irs forever e1le followiJlg de_cribed IIlDd located in the County or ~ALM B~, State of Florida, to-wi~, (;::sJ ) Locs 33. 34 and 35. HIGH ~ SUBDIVISION. according to the plat: t:bereof, duly recorded in the Offi(:e of t:h~~rk of the circuit Court: in .uW for Palla ~ch County, Florida. in Plat Boo,\~<\page 6. .....'-:or:- Property Tax IV Dumber: 00-4)-4S.08f~~O-0330 '~\J~ S....- TO t" ~~~ , f d' f d ........r.o...~ easements. res r~ct]ons a V~-...~at;\CIUlJ 0 reco:r, 1 any. an taxes f01" 1999 and aubsequomt yei\lrs. ~~~ 0 Said grantor does hereby fully warrant ~~~~O aaid land. and will defeud the _ against the lawful claito!l of all ~OlIIIIOeV.%. .Singular end pluxill are intercbi\ll1geable aa ~~.,t xequires. ~~:r hereunto set ~ hand and seal the day ~# .January . A.D. 1999 between 1H tfI'TliESS HBERiOF, Grantor has Gd year first. aboVe! written. Wibte..e8 (1Unu,:ss U ~~ -?-:~ . K:IIT 011 ~~ CJ I~' (NI1l1BSS 2) -.A ~ ~ __ .atIIl' Qll nn _. ~C:-P:~~ ""IW-~"~ ....u~~ ..~)-~-- \~ 1IIIs ~~ Iud Mad. IIw W111la8 Lt_llcera a alns18 .-a ....-% 1....maI- c:au..l ~~_ 10 &eo!'.. IechrloUa a .1ade aaIl ,.-, . ......_ ............., J-"'~ ~ - RETURK TO OATBMY TITLE tile 4 -' 1ft~T'lfi2' lID ABS'1'JW:T CCIIPAJIY. 111 N. 00II0JtBSS AVUUI BOYIIlTOII BEACH. FLORIDA SU28 071-8.,82 IIlC. - WA..."'" DIO.O ........ ... ......... 11111111.1111111111111 07/1612003 15100:58 200300\1'"" DR II( l~ PB 1061 Pal. a.~eh Ca~nty, Flo~ida AIIT 51,500.00 >>oc 8~.p 4OI!.50 Dorothy H. WUk.n, CleTk ----..-- 15tll JUI" It. D. 1OOf, cl.,0I ~ . u ~.. 81" 81....... ....... _. ....,....... -- _talfb ~ . .......,..Jc.r cvlW alae . , t~ ... ~ IlK... -.......~ ... ~- _..... . . ~ .. ... ........ ... ... ............. . ...._ .. __ .... ... _ ... --'Po 01 .........1 ~: n... ..... ~[,. f- ...J in cvn.icl......i.... 01 11.# .... of $ 10.00 ..." eI'" .............. ~. --"pi ~~~. ",.,.."" wI_.W""". Ia.-nol." _nla. La........ _IL. ah-. ,.. ......... rJ.a.... ~.,. cand COftI~ II.. """"H. .U .'u. tM4in I.nJ .1Iw:... In PAUl IBACH C-..,. FIoricla. &rn; 'i..5 TIle ...t 1/2 or Lot Thlrty-al(,:.~) Plat ot Rip Itl. 8ubcUv1aloD recorded In Plat Book 22 Pap 8 ot the ~~~rda af PIlla Beach COUnty. Florida, a1tuatecl in Secltion 8 Town.blp f"~th. RaDp 43 a.at. ~,?' ~>""~,. " "';-"--, t'~'-<' ,..... "-So ..,'-' 'J ':/ ." lIU8.IfCT TO ....t1'lctl_. ~t1_, 1I.lt.t~ ~~ts of r1IClII'4I. ZlIIfRt ...~. IIllI t_ for the ~ 2m tnd ~t yurs. "'i~:}> '-._l 'to / V'" ;~ . (~,) 1,,* wilI..U,t.. _. r.-l1--..(~ rA... ~ ., In Gft7- wu. .................. '(s' I. 11M attd II IIDW, tit. _ in 1... .'-~~. In. ... """'.... '-" -'- .lrA aeJd ....... ~~ II '-lull, ....., 01 ...., fond .. J- .......' .... ... ....... .. ..... ..... ... '-,.. 4 -- .... ....., .... ... ........ "-I>, ,all, _II tIa. lid. 10 MId '-l and .1Il d.(~. ......... ala. '-fal ew- 01 all .....-. ...'-01....; ..J. rI..t ...., r....l II 1- 01 all ';" ta.. -..me .",-,-, 10 o.-..J- :51. 2002 ----~ r Ia -.unm 18Iamtf"t.. eoiJ ..-.... '- .....d ...d ~:~ ..-.. da. _ IIAIl ,... linf ....... n1f1lE~ PLORIDA COf6tJ'.TOT PAUl BBACJI .PrI*w----~v... II rftl-_. " Willi.. L Rosera ..r-/M/ tIJ.......".,. .IIl:r~_ ~ (l lIOIllJriil~ ~ ~....... IIY.....~ !If:!'r'1!* ........ J:;l}L ~ ~ -. ''-1 Ifl111.. L Ropra "',- 715 faet e..t.... ~. FlorIda J34S2 L.B. L.S. /5 ... ~ JJt>>3 ~ .......-= (..-....M. '. ,. ............. &iCORD - RBTURN TO GATEWAY TITLIl w/e . ""."IlITY DCLD .....,... ... 'M.--' - '11111111111111.11111 - lftm.w-r-mr lio ABSTRACT cmlPAlIY. 111 ... COltGRBSS AVBIIUE ~ BRACH. rLORlDA 33428 0'f1-8'18S IRe. 07/IfJ2003 14:59:21 20030411453 DR II( 1SS38 PB 1013 Pal. BeAch County, flD1'id.a AItT 57.500.00 Doc st..p 402.50 JoTOthy H. Wilken, Clerk ""D-~~-~~~ ......, s.~""'~ -~.-- -~~ 11Iis ~~ Jui MoJ. ,,.. 18th J.., .., Jub A. D. ~ ~ . IlU'rled lIIUl jo1De4 by Ue "ife Charlotte Jlogers ~>.......... ,-"-/t<< aalI.d" ~Ior. 10 OeOl'p Itechrloti. a .incl. .ul ~~f r, """- ,....Io/lta ~:Q")""31 Hip Rldp Road BoptoD "ach. Florida 3SC.. ,--/w ..... -.;;-~~ ~ ;: I ~........ --:=..r...;=....:.---: ~....:r ~ ..L~~~ 1IiIaasdh: no. I"~~ . /or ami I.. nJluiJeoroll_ 0/ ,Iw _ .., S 10.00..J odwr ...J........ -cJ...J_. ...,..;:i .......pJ ;. ".......7 d_.....ft,..I. ~ ...nb. ~d'" ... -... ......~. ~. a..J ~~)d" tit. .......... all rloat nr..i.. ....., si'.....~ lot C--'7. FIor..... pca, ~ The .ut 1/2 or Lot ThJrty-.~) Plat or Blch Rldp SUbcl1v1elon .. recorded 111 Plat Book II Pap e la th.i.~~o Recor4a of Pala leach COUIlty. Plorida. Sitoate In s.cUon 8 rOMl.hlp t~/~th. RIID" <<3 "'t. ~ ?':;l Y/;;'? ~~O SUlJECT TO NSt/'fctl_. ...--tfGn, If.ftlt~~~ of~. ZCII'Ifnt ar4fNnc". .. ~ for till ~ 2103 and IU!IIacIuInt ycI8"'. ~:i/ )'''' t..) "'-'" ,/ V~/;i)) ~\/ l~- "'"" aU ,Ivt a-r.. ~~"'DACa ,"-to ........... or ... -7- II>fH ;::::.. -V' J. IIaw lid II IIIId, n.. _ In I.. &. Ilnd dw ....,mor "-L7 ClO--" ...uA HId ....... tIuaI :.--, . '-Italq ..bel at .., '-' In I.. ~; ,Ju., .... ......... _ .-l rCtI'" anti _/ut .~ii) R anti cooan'J' MIld '-'; tlet IIle _,_ ......"7 fully _.. ,J.. Hd. ... _Itl Ia...l .,.J ...dI d./.:tJ:JJ ........ ,fa. ..../al c..... 01 .u ...- ""'--. .nd ,,,.. Mid r.....l .. 1m .., all . .". !.j~l...... eecraIntI .~ to D-'- St. aGOI ,..- //~ Ia 1IiIntsS "fit{, dw ..iJ .......... ..... IfO....l ....l ~ ......... ".. Ja, and ,.... lint ....... ........ "';f - 0:-' I//S ._ C) e4J '1 tf_ B.JK.t~ ------- IOOf, ~~ lenaeth Ropn ml.~.IDId~~lIl'f. mtt-m5 ,~4. ~ L.S. (; roe. 8er8 L.S. .rDm; OJ" ,tOIUDA :=-......:.~~ t Ift/rn.... /S If .j 9:4 d}TJ13 "';'t:i~r:!:~-~~'t:;l2't. .....l;;;,. . / . · r~~~1 ~~~ ~~. 'ilL..,.,.... ~ ' _~bMo, ~~ BOCJ< ,j 5a11ll PAGE j 195 Legal Description Exhibit "A" Parcell: The South one-balf (S Y2) of Government Lot 7. in Section 8. Township 45 South. Range 43 East, being 12 ac~ore or less. lying and being in Palm Beach County. Florida. . . ~'.::'./"I 1..Fss: South 60.00 feet of Government LOt 7, Section 8, Township 45 South. ""'/ ge 43 East, Palm Beach County. Florida, less the East 25.00 feet thereof. \..... "...~articularly described as fonows: ' \r~encing at the Southeast corner of Section 8. Township 45 South, . ~ge 1.3 ~ Palm Beach COWlty. Florida; thence South 88030' 45" West. alo~.&~SOuth line of said Section 8, a distance of25.05 feet to a point on a lirle;~5.00 feet West of. when measured at right angles, and parallel with ~~t line of said Section 8 and the point of beginning ofthe parcel to be here~cribed; thence continue South 880 30' 45" West, along the South lintCf~ Section 8, a distance 006 1.27 feet to a point; thence North 20 53' 24n~:~-:4istance of 60.18 feet to a point on it line lying 60.00 feet North of, wh~~ured at right angles, and parallel with the South line of said Section 8;~North 880 30' 45" East. along the said parallel line. a distance of360~ feet to a point on a line lying 25.00 feet West of. when measured at right ~ and parallel with the East line of said Section 8; thence South 20 l4i-~est. along the said parallel line. a distance of 60.13 feet to the point Ofbe~' . of the herein described parcel. / ), \. v Said parcel containing O.~res. more or less. Less: A triangular parcel of 1 . ~:9'ad right-of-way purposes lying in Qovcmment Lot 7 of Section ~ 'p45 South, Range 43 Bast,COlDlty ofPaIm Beach, State of Florid ~aqicuJar1y described as follows: For the purpose olthis descriPtiOn~""'~J~ine of said Section 8 is assumed to bear Nonh 890 16' 21" East and ,~gs recited herein are relative thereto. ~y Commencing at the Southe~ comer of ~~on 8, thence South 890 16' 21" West, along the South line of said sectiOIi' distance of 25.05 feet to the existing West right-of-way line ofHigb '~g~oad, being a line 25.00 feet West of (as measured at right angles to) ,- Ie] with the East line of the Southeast one-quarter(SE 1/4) of said See .:;; hence North or 59' 35" East along said West right-of-way line adist~ej .13 feet to a point at the intersection with a line 60.00 feet North of ~ at right angles to) and parallel with the South . line of said Sec~~ the point of BOOK 1~18 PAGE 1'196 DorDthy H. ~i) bn, Cl.rk beginning; thence continue North 02059' 35" East along said existing West . right-of-way line of High Ridge Road a distance of 17.41 feet; thence South 46007' 58" West departing iTom said West right-of-way line, a distance of ' 25.41 feet to said line 60.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of Section 8; thence North 890 ) 6' 2]" East along said parallel line a distance of 17.41 feet to the point of beginning. ~' ntaining 151.3 square feet. more o! less. " \(-'1 ~ . Parcel 2: \.~ 0 ~~ , Commencin~~outheast comer of Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florid~ce South 880 30' 45" West, along the South line of said Section 8, a distance. of386.32 feet to the ~th\vest corner of GovenUnent Lot 7 of said Section 8; thence North 20 53' 24" East along the'Wfme of said Govenunent Lot 7, a distance of6O.18 feet to a point on a line lying 60.00 feet Noi(~hen measured at right angles, and parallel with che South line of said Section 8 and the poiilr of b~ginning; thence South 880 30' 45" West, along the said parallel line, a distance of 115.50 feet ';i" l; thence North 1034' 02" East, a distance of 1259.39 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot Qrding to the plat of High Ridge Subdivision. as recorded. in Plat Book 22, Page 6, in and for ~l?P}lic records ofPaIm Beach County, Florida; thence North 88038' 08" East, along the South li '6::e~ Lot 36, a distance of 144.63 feet to the Northwest comer of the South one-half (SYz) ofsai(.~vernrnent Lot 7; thence South ZO 53' 24" West. along the West line of said Government Lot 7, a ~ce of 1260.96 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described parcel. ~ Said parcel containing 3.7549 acres, ~~r less. ~~ (~~ ~~~ \?""\}? ~"'-'O ~~-, ~\'n.\. \s" j) ~ . V@ . \~ (L~ ~~C~' ~~) '-/> -2- C\..j~ OF i1(/) to . r- fT1 Q;) r- (") ".;" l> ;:OJ ~ :z: rn -0 " " p- :::0 ... - V>::: N - {j) -, w r ,.,-< C"lo -0 m '"Tl~ ::J: r- (f) .r:- 0 o ---i ;;:: ::> .. --i C) OfTJ ......, l> ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION The undersigned incorporator, for the purpose of forming a corporation under Chapter 607, Florida Statutes, Corporations, hereby adopts the following Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE 1- NAME The name of the corporation shall be: NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION ARTICLE II - EXISTENCE This corporation is to exist perpetually. ARTICLE m - PURPOSE The purpose of the corporation is to engage in or conduct any or all lawful business activities as permitted by the laws of the United States, the State of Florida or any other state, country, territory or nation. ARTICLE IV - PRINCIPAL OFFICE The principle place of business and mailing address of this corporation shall be 12782 Cocoa Pine Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. ARTICLE V - SHARES The number of shares of stock that this corporation is authorized to have outstanding at anyone time is 1000 shares of common stock having a par value of $1 per share. ARTICLE VI - DIRECTORS This Corporation shaD have two (2) Directors initially. The number of Directors may be changed from time to time by Bylaws adopted by the Shareholders. The name and address of each member of the first Board of Directors is: Kevin E. Rickard 12782 Cocoa Pine Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Timothy L. Hernandez Same ARTICLE vn - INITIAL REGISTERED AGENT AND STREET ADDRESS The name and street address of the initial registered agent is CORPDIRECT AGENTS7 103 N. Meridian Street7 Lower LeveJ7 Tal1ahassee7 Florida 32301. ARTICLE vm - INCORPORATOR The name and street address of the incorporator to these Articles of Incorporation is: CORPDIRECT AGENTS 103 N. Meridian Street Lower Level Tallahassee7 Florida 32301 IN WITNESS WHEREOF7 the undersigned agent of CORP DIRECT AGENTS7 has executed these Articles of Incorporation this 23rd day of April7 1998. CORPDIRECT AGENTS By. 44%t4 d tiel) 15 Ag~ Cynthia A Hicks 2 ACCEPTANCE OF DESIGNATION AS REGISTERED AGENT FOR: NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION Having been named as registered agent to accept service of process for the above stated corporation at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. CORPDIRECT AGENTS By: ~aaWr.l) ts Agent, Cynthia A. Hicks ~ JS:(n r-'-ni r-C) h;::o ::efT; -;!>;: U) en:::: rr: -~ :"0 ,-ry -ry r-U) 2i1 am 0 .l> ......, (;0 Q) ~ .." =u ~ Go> .." ::r .c- .. ,., - J- m o 3 ASSIGNMENT OF INCORPORATOR RIGHTS CORPDIRECT AGENTS. ]03 N. Meridian Street, Lower Level, Tallahassee. Florida 32301. being the sole Incorporator of NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION. a Florida corporation, does hereby assign it's rights as Incorporator to the individual listed below: KEVIN E. RICKARD AND TIMOTHY L.HERNANDEZ This Assignment was hereby adopted by the undersigned agent this 2411l day of April, 1998.. CORPDIRECT AGENTS BY:~b-d 9Wd) ts Agent, Cynthia A Hicks . of jfj ~tatt f~." 10"'ta --- .--- -. ~1 a ~. . i__--._. ._~. . J=~~?. . - irpartmrnt of &tatr I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Articles of Incorporation of NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, filed on April 23, 1998, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this corporation is P98000037124. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Cap.itol, this the Twenty-third day of Apnl, 1998 CR2E022 (2-95) ~d~ ~anora ~.~nrtlyam ~rrrrta1l;! 1Jf~tatr City Codes Accessed Via Website: www. bovnton-beach.orq www.amleqal.com/bovntonbeachfl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? , Date: WD -;;-.- ~""n-.~:-7'-I' \::--") f n I I~ If. ,', . ,', '~I . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID I \' r-:::' 1-" ! I '- PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION !. ,! OCT - , "iI" ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application reQuired.) PROJECT NAME: High Ridge AGENT'S NAME: New Urban Communities - Timothy L. Hernandez ADDRESS: 398 NE 6th Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33483 OWNER'S NAME: Paramount Investment Group (Or Trustee's) ADDRESS: 1401 Forsythe Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road PROJECT LOCATION 00-43-45-08-00-000-5011 and 00-43-45-08-00-007-0010 AND PCN NUMBER (Not legal description) *CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: (If different than agent Or owner) *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applications. No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit two copies of this application and other required information. Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all required information as stated below. ATTACH THE FOllOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. 8 6) a. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record. or All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property. The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. b. c. G G If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, or If a lessee, a copy of the lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, or If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or written consent of the seller/owner, or If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, or If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the seller/owner. 2 GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: New Urban Communities Area of Subject Property: Sq.Ft. or Acres: 13.948 Estimated Present Population 0 Existing Future Land Use: Palm Beach County - Residential Medium Density Proposed Future Land Use Boynton Beach - Hiqh Density Residential Existing Zoning: RS - Palm Beach County Allowed Density: 69 Proposed Zoning: PUD - Boynton Beach Allowed Density: 151 EXISTING UTILITIES: Water City of Boynton Beach Wastewater Collection City of Boynton Beach Solid Waste (garbage): d.u.s d.u.s STATEMENT OF USE EXISTING USE: Stables PROPOSED USE: For sale residential, approximately 45 sinqle family homes and 85 town homes JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: . The property is surrounded on 3 sides (East, West, South) by the City of Boynton Beach . Annexation will allow more efficient delivery of public services . Annexation will result in additional tax revenue for the City . The property will be developed to a high standard of quality EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See attached 3 OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owne 0 sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such pe . . ~"-i~JV ~f-b-ti/.'J' <",-r-;~ '. IGNATURE OF OWNER(s) OF RECORD SIGNATURE OF APPL QA e A \\ OU lfi' 't t\J ~ t ~\T\ W T G-cLo-u r '''''-\,-y r\ 0 ,\)-\ V\ L_, (* ~ N A IJ It\ E z.. TYPE NAME OF OWNER(s) PE NAME 'OF APPLICANT ~~'-\1ltt ROM ~q~ ~f (/? ~ ~p STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS - \OO~'\ ~ ~ fi'tI ~~(ll~ Q 3~oS- CITY & STATE l ' 5 ~ \ ' ~ \ ~ - ?::>Q'2 2- TELEPHONE NUMBER ~~BER '~e:l(lA~ lfcAtt\ ~L 33y-g~ ITY & STAT I 5~\,- 1- ~~ - ~ ~ ~ TELEPHON NUMBER ~b\ r L 4l. r 3<q S- , FAX NUMBER APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (I) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: Owner Optionee Timothy L. Hernandez and Roger Decapito (Co-Applicant) TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT Lessee 398 NE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 CITY AND STATE Agent 561-279-8706 TELEPHONE NUMBER x Contract Purchaser 561-272-3951 FAX NUMBER 6 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } } SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared. fSva V\ de'}, Jtott LM'IJ: S who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: (Give legal description) S~/A-\'T'f\Gt~ (attach an additional page if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has apPointe~~ D m V\ U ~ rz k \ MJ\\ f.. L to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the abov . IGNATURE OF OWNER) Affiant u,^'o Notary Public, tate of Florida at La~ Wendy 5 DlEdUllrdo . ~, MyComrnissionDD184583 \;01''':; Expires MayDe, 2007 My Commission Expires: S:\PLANNING\HUDSON\ANNEXATIONS\APPLlCA TION.DOCREVISED1 0/16/01 8[IJ( 1~ PA6E 1195 Legal Description Exhibit "A" Parcell: The South one-balf(S VI) of Governmcnt Lot 7, in Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being 12 ~ore or less, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. l#s'~ South 60.00 feet of Government Lot 7, Section 8, Township 45 South, ~/ ge 43 East. Palm Beacb County. Florida. less the East 25.00 feet thereof, '(.~ ....~articularly described as follows: \-/-' '~~encing at the Southeast comer of Section 8, Township 45 South, , ttimge 43 ~ Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 880 30' 45" West. alo~~'~uth line of said Section 8, a distance of2S.0S feet to a point on a lirl('~5.00 feet West ot: when measured at right angles, and parallel with ~ line of said Section 8 and the point of beginning of the parcel to be here~ribed; thence continue South 880 30' 45" West, along the South lin' Gi' Section 8. a distance of36l.27 feet to a point; thence North 20 53' 24" -;T"/-:wstance of 60.18 feet to a point on a line lying 60.00 feet North of, ~~! ~. at right angles, and parallel with the South line of said Section 8;1k9' North 880 30' 45" East, along the said parallel line, a distance of 360. feet to a point on a line lying 25.00 feet West of, when measured at right ~) and parallel with the East line of said Section 8; thence South 20 l4~est. along the said paralle1line, a distance of 60.13 feet to the point ofbe~ of the herein described parcel. Said parcel containing o.~rn').cres, more OT less. ~:J' Less: A triangular parcel of l~~~a.d right-oi-way purposes lying in Government Lot 7 of Section _ . p 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florid >~~cularly described as follows: For the purpose of this description ~J~ine of said Section 8 is assumed to bear North 890 16' 21" East and~gs recited herein are relative thereto. ~;_ ( {":5~ ' Commencing at the Southeast comer of ~'fB'&tion 8. th~ce South 890 16' 21" West, along the South line of said sectiO~. ,dl,'stance of2S.0S feet to the existing West right-of-way line of High '~ge(Road, being a line 25.00 feet West of (as measured at right angles to) -,- leI with the East line of the Southeast one-quarter (SE 114) of said See ......lS-~ence North or 59' 35" East along said West right-of-way line adist~e-~.13 feetto a point at the intersection with a line 60.00 feet North of{~~d at right angles to) and parallel with the South line of said Sec~~ the point of BOOK l~ PA8E 1196 Dorothy H. Ni 1 bn, Cl.rk beginning; thence continue North 020 59' 35" East along said existing West right-of-way line of High Ridge Road a distance of 17.41 feet; thence South 46007' 58" West departing from said West right-of-way line. a distance of 25.41 feet to said line 60.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of Section 8; thence North 890 16' 21" East along said parallel line a distance of 17.41 feet to the point of beginning. rg 151.3 square feel, more or I..,. \?=,~ Parcel 2: V:,?> 0 \i-;.>> commencin~~utheast coma of Section 8, Township 45 South. Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Flori~ce South 880 30' 45" West, along the South line of said Section 8, a distance of386.32 feet to the ~di\vest comer of Government Lot 7 of said Section 8; thence North 2053' 24" East along theW~,~ . e of said Government Lot 7. a distance of 60.18 feet to a point on a line lying 60.00 feet No ' hen measured at right angles, and paTallel with the South line of said Section 8 and the poiil of~ng; thence South 880 30' 45" West, along the said parallel line, a distance of 115.50 feet '. t; thence North 1034' 02" East, a distance of 1259.39 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot rding to the plat of High Ridge Subdivision. as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 6, in and for 'pii"lic records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence North 880 38' 08" East, along the South r ~~ Lot 36, a distance of 144.63 feet to the Northwest comer of the South one-haJf(S%) ofsai(<:P'overnment Lot 7; thence South r 53' 24" West, along the West line of said Government Lot 7, a ~ce of 1260.96 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described parcel. \.~~) Said parcel containing 3.7549 acres, ~'i>t less. "\"CV .:.=.> /""~~ /C"\'\ '\ .. t.V I ~ \/.. /',<. \.(/\::'7 ~~.... ~ h<-~_.. V,:.' ,--, ~ ,.': l \ " ,> 'y"', ~, ......r~....J ~f' ,,- -...... .rX)' ,\ '~:; ~~5'-.. ({,oI)v;/ \~ -2- "7) ((..~) , '.... "\.. ....-., / 1'-'\ {( ii ,-,--,,/ ....... ........./ '5> /' ~;:V:::) ) ~~0 ~~ OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owne of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a ition must be attached to and accompany su<;:J;ype,tion. _."- . I (,"' " J I ~~ / . / rcI.' SIGNATURE OF OWN :IG~ruRE OF A~~ {\ (( TD ~ a SC t:.OO G--\ E. TYPE E OF OWNER(s) G( : (I--\A ~ ~O ~ t: 1\ TYPE NAME OF OWN (s) .~~ O(\f~r0 (~~ STREET ADDRESS ~cA ~f\\DN (~L ~~~ & STATE SCJt~~\. 0G~2 TELEPHONE NUMBER 5.hJ - 2~q - ~D ~ 'S' FAX NUMBER f\ l (\ 0 "1~ l~tbJ filltL2- TYPE'NAME 0 APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT 'bC~ ~ J(J ( G '-\{,{ V\J e . STREET ADDRESS ~\I\.Qc, ~o.C~ P :=5?,L(l?~ TY & ST A T~ l / 50\, ?-~- ~1n6 TELEPHONE NUM ER s ~ \ r Z ~ 2- .:~C~ ~ \ FAX NUMBER ' AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } } SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } c~ r_' .:::A-iZOO ~-i E- n I ' , , ~ef~re me, the ~ndersigned authority personally appeared A~ \ f( 0 "tJ~ t 'rt R OG-V ~e. cAO ( 11) '{\i.L (-\v\-/7 ~ ~ US-::-, (. "who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: I 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: (Give legal description) c;...~~ t\-T\Y-\C~ 2. 3. (attach an additional page if insufficient space) That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. That he has appointeJ1, 0 () \'t\ 1 L l~lt IdfrlJ 1::1 f 2- to act as agent in his behalf to acco plish the above. ~ ~e///~ <.:::::::.....--"'...-:". .......-{SeIGNA T Affiant. - ) (SIGNATURE OF :i#- (S AT. RE OF OWNER) ffi Sworn to a before me l;"~~:'fi;~< CAROL DELONIS rr~" ;*~ MY COMMISSION # CC 978151 ~i-~~~i EXPIRES: October 29, 2004 Notary Publio:; , . My Commission Expires: 1~9~Y Law Offices Annapolis Atlallta Bethesda 80ston Bradenton Chicago JacksofWille Lakeland Los Angeles Melbourne Miami New York InimiIiooII 0Ibs: CaJa:as" ftlIsinki Mexico City lIiJdeJir'eim HOLLAND & KNIGI-IT LLP One East Broward Boulevard. Suite 1300 PO Box 14070 (ZIP 33302-4070) Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 954-525,1000 FAX 954.463.2030 www.hklaw.com October 1, 2004 Northern Virginia Orlando Portland , Providence 51. Petersburg San Antonio San Francisco Sealtle Tallahassee Tampa Washingtl)), D.C. West Palm Beach SikJ Pallo TelA..... T~ '~Olial JONA TIlAN S. MARCUS (954) 468-7924 ion.lIl:U'CUS@hklaw,com City of Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: That certain real property located in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, commonly known as "High Ridge" and more fully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property"). Dear Gentlemen: This firm represents New Urban Communities Corporation ("New Urban") in its proposed acquisition of the Property. New Urban is the buyer under an Agreement for Purchase and Sale for the Property dated August 30, 2004 ("Agreement"). According to the Agreement, the Property is currently owned by Paramount Investment Group, Inc., and a copy of the Warranty Deed to Paramount Investment Group, Inc., is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. Paramount Investment Group, Inc., is currently a party as the seller under that certain Vacant Land Contract to sell the Property to Arturo Scroggie, Roger DeCapito and Richard Yusem, dated July 12, 2004, and such individuals are the sellers of the Property under the Agreement with New Urban. Please contact me if you have ahy additional questions or comments. p JSM/jk # 2293495_vl Au~ 12 04 10: 37p 07/68/2884 14:42 5&14321123 llI'-"o- ~ .l'l;')o t"~")-U\jfr~ ~ l'.H<JMA~ ."a~'~~c~ ~~:~L ~Jb~I~~~ BERMUDA lANDSAP1N:.i 5613689233 ~ lAW ~,U<l'f""~}Ii '.l p.l1 PAGE 11/12 T-100 Pl1/12 .U.648 PAG! 11(12 IlIQ\ l5a?e PAlE 12~ L91.DHc:ription . Exhibit uA" Pared 1: l1re Sovch oaa-baIf (! K) of GaYIXMtQsf u,t 7, ill SectiDn.I. TO\1rnlhip .4j ~ .Rinse 43 bat, --bcU!t (2 ~lOfeor 1~s,.Iy{q&IJcf bdq in Pall1lBudl County, Florida. . . t;i.? ..... "'-00 "'" al(;O_... "" '. ''''''' .. T~.. s..... 4! Eas\. hbIa Dcaeh Ca.ud,. JIor.ida. hru tIu .h%t 1$. 00 led 1heulof; '(~ ;~eIl1I11Ydnon"blld u foUows; \~.. !be 9_ '...... of SuI... 8. T......mp 4,\ SoaGt, . '.u ~ Palm"ch CO\lat)', F~ lfJenceSoutb sr 30. 4,SM W~t, .I~~ lin. Dfllid SeoIiOllIt. ~ 01'2.s.05 ~ U) . poInl UJI · ~,OC) 6a Wcat < ""hen flaeaNtOll.at nPt~ and p.tItd)e1 ~tf1 ~.f'ti.linc ol'_d Section 8 ~ tM ~t orbeairmins ot tM ~l to be' ; tbeacc ~ Soll1h QlJ 30' 4S. Welt, along th~ Seuth . k1l.0Q a. ld~of36U7 feel io.~ thaJocNonfl 2- 53' 24'" taoce Qf60.11 ree'lt) . Joint ~ . Hne lying 60.Q(l roel . ~ of; It riIbt ~ca.1IOd pva1}c] with rbe Salllh Un~ of Aid ScctiuQ s; . Nodh 88- 30' 45" t:aI1, alaa: the sa1d ~Jellino. It ~ 0060. iiO I. point on. JiQll ~ 25.00 t1:et. West oJ; wtxul n1eesl1rwcf at ri~l and paral]d ~ tAD ~ linla I)Cclid ~rioa 8; tbcnoc: South 2- 14 eat. aIOftJ the uilt pll1llle1 be, . diatMC!C of60.lJ Fcettg tbe point n'hl!s~. of~~ N:ram dftctJtled ~1tCe1. . {( 2i Said J"r'coJ ~l Q;~~ moro or- 'tit.. ...., ^ ......... -." .. ~.ht..,...ay _.... ",,,.,. .. C3oYcnIat.au Lot ., of IKoIiOQ '.' 4S llo.tf,. a.s.13 B:Lat. COUtl.ty otJlabn ~ State of'Ploricf . c:u.lalrIy d-.crl~ as follows= F"""'_oftb~..._ ~~. ""'d-.., 8 ""'!lID'"' to ~ North W t 6' 21 ~ Ea&t and .. nclled hen:in are ttlati~ ~. . ~~ CoamlQeiD,. the SO&lCh08St ~ V~~tm,8. o,~c So.tb 89. 1&' 21- "'lISt, a1cng du= SO\lUl m. of md S.'1fUce of2S.0j feet 10 dotD 1IlIOeti~ W.a\ risht..vf-w.y line of RllIh (j lid, befnE II !me 2S.00 ~ W_ ot (- meuuml.-t rlJht ClaJ_ to) '- lei ~ the Ealline OrthIl3oath~me..qllll'tw{SE U-4) of ui4 ~cc: lIloc'lb 02. '9' 3.sN6.rt~~aAid WClltrigbt.of~_Ylin"d' .1.3 teet to a.pauu .u..~w1Olalin'60.00rectNOI1h of . .rtlbt~~ ~) ~ ~Ud ~il', the Sou1b line of :laid ~~. the point of Au, 12 04 10:37p 07/6B/2804 14:42 5514321123 -- 01' .... ..... .........>u t".I'II.A'/-loIUiL.t.H ~ 'rWMA~ II" a.u ..,...... ..,,: tl:.t =>bl b:.! rlib4W BERMUDA LtlNDSAP1NG 55136B~29:t 0GSs LAW F'IRM-FAX '1 p.12 PAGE 12112 1-109 P12/12 U-64B PAGE 12/12 ~ &~ PNIl 1&,. ht-eth~ fol.. WUha, C'rN. . -~._---.- ~ IbaooG COMinue N~ 02- $9' 35" liwt It'onr ~ Ifltiati~ West right-ot-W&yline ofHigh :Ridge Road a di~ of t 7 .41 feetj IhcJtce SOUUl .to" rrr 511" West dcp~!2I.fmm llid West right-ot-~ 1iA<:, . di~ Df 2SAJ :ftlct to !laid line M.OO feet NoM Orand .-.Jlc:l with th. Souds tiac of ScdiOl\'j ~NoJth8go J 6':U. Baa.Joa, .lidJ.*1lJfoUi.'lI~ adl$tance of t1..t) fOe to die pobataCbesinniJl&. ~&f.D& 1$l.3 J4uuo S&et, more or l~ \,71 ' ~ P~c12: -~ .:...>>0 CDD1I1lenr.:i CIIlStc:omaofSastion 8, TOWllIIlIp4}8oum.ltange43 bct,1"a!nl.D..a:]a County, " SO\lth Ir 30'~. West, along !he Sou"" Jind or ullt Section S, . ~na: o( J16.32 feet to IiEClQIZlc:r .'QovDmlDcM Lot 711 haitS Seet:lDc. '; ttuhel!t NlW'tl\ 2 _ 53' 24" !!aJf-,IbI. . oflai400~tIM 7,. d~.-nc:.o Of60,tltfe.rlOapoint DD ..Une bUt! 60.00 feel N meuMed .t rieflt 1IIWes. aM pllr.Illd ""Ill lht Soud11iD.CI or 581d ScoIiQa Ii 8Dd the : ofbBbmina; Ihtace South 8SO 30' 4S"' West, lIon,g the Aid PiQUe] lb1e, . . diJlMc:a of J J ".SO ~ . '!bMce NoJ1h 1 e 34' 02" !ad, a dSstulee or l259.39 D:a. to the Sc1lthweu CIOQM.r or Lot iDs to the Flat or H; gll ltidg,e SubdiYislQll u recunbl in .Plat BoOk 22. ~ 5. iuad for --- r 1;0 n:corck or.Pabn Beadl CoIwy. PJoricfa; Otence NOrth 8&. .3 8' OI"Eset.l1oXlB ~ SOw:ll I.4J13ti, . diauocof 1-44.6] ~ to tta. Nott1lwr..tt r.(9.t1l!l1' of thi SouthClr1&-Iu.If(X~) o.r,.' emc1ent Lot 7; tbence Soudt 2" 5'3'24- Wt:st. a10DX thl: We" - rlrlaid~c:ZIlI Lot 7, .~ce C1t'1261),Pfj f'ento Iltepolntuf~~Clf'tbc: herein ~'bedparc..). ~ . l!laid pct;d ~1It<<Wng 3.7S491lDreS. ~ lea.. ~~. @0-~ 7 ~.' :;s c?'..))o ~~~ \l".., . ~~~ '\. ~2 1-::~ (;.,::,.- ..,1. r;~ ~~,~~ ( '')1 t--./~ % ~.. y~ \.~"" ~ -2- ~-:L..:.-.~ 11111111111111111111111 ThiS document was prepared by and should be returned to: C. J. Worman ill, Esq. REDGRA VE & TURNER LLP 120 East Palmetto Park Road, Suite 45() Boca Raton, Florida 33432 04/16/2083 1~; 15:52 208382127J7 OR BI< 15070 PG 1193 Palh Beach County, Florida Ai'll 5B9,B139.13B Doc StaMp 3,500.130 \;/~j \\ ,,/ ~<.:~~ \(......-: 0 \;< )) \(;-'0\ WARRANTY DEED. THIS~~DEED.made~daYOf}-~ ,2003.betw<<oH.A I .EWIS, whose post (l.f~~ddress is 10225 S. . Grecnridge~ane,Pa1m City, Florida 34990, first party, and P ARAMOUNl'~TMENT GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation, whosepost office address is 1401 Forsythe Rod~.w~st Palm Beach, Florida 33405, second party. f\... ~~....~ WITNESSETH, 't..BWd first party, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) in hand paid by th '~~ond party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, alien, con~..:.9d1;firm, remise, release and quit claim unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest, clairri'~d~nd which the said first party has in and to the following described land situate, lying and being in P~Beach County, Florida, to wit: ~G:\ PROPERTY MORE P . Y DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "An, A TT ACHED HERETO A MADE A PART HEREOF. The first party does hereby fully ~he title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. (CO~ '..:-/~ This conveyance is subject to conditi~i~tions, reservations, limitations and easements of record, and taxes for the year 2003 and SUbseque~~. 0 /<:'~.-._- Note: This deed has been prepared at the 9!\'i{,jb.e first llarty without examination or legal opinion of title. This property is not now, nor has it s..~~;ihe homestead of the Grantor herein. ,-,.... \i'//,~\. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the first party has sigt~.d ~ sealed these presents the day and year first above written. "7-;)v5') (( " ,/ '<? Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: sign print "' sign print H. A. Lewi __.........~.I... - /' /.,J,._, ~ (' , \,r\l//) t\..../ ..:.--'\ "'-=...--~ EXHIBIT liB" BOOK 15871& PAGE 11 ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MARTIN I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, personally appeared H. A. Lewis, j>ersonally known to me or who produced as identification and who did take an oath and are to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledg efore me that they executed the same. '\Y~ my hand and official seal in the County and State aforesaid thisP 7 day of (}<t 111. I -, .-s V~ \:>>) 0 ~(O\ \~;~., ,,",0 "'~. \: ,') r?;\ \ iJ JL---) \;:~..~, y~-~ V,.,>"'"-.:\ \C...;!:?, '-(f v '*' ~) ((::::::;\ / ,r' i. v ..;.::%',~;\ ( ( \'... } \:-..,,\....5' --/',} ~}:;> c;?........> ,.... ? ~'>(::.---- y......... .I--:~.,.~'''''!'\ \[/ J;"~) V;;~, \ ( \,1) ~j Tr~ \f (('I) <- '~- - ~-.~ ({.-) ) ..C.../",\ '-,./ /' /;..-_., ~Aj /1 \J \~!\ ,'r' t\.../ L.J\ ~_.-... NOTARY PUBLIC: sign SU-~ IA-t-\ ~ 8(NAtlPAVWC : ,'I 1IY~'OOOO87'82 . ~ EXPIRES; !.fay 18, aXX5 Ilondodnv......., PIlblc Uowlo-., -2- Legal Description Exhibit "A" Parcell: BOOK 15070 PAGE 1195 The South one-half (S Y2) of Government Lot 7, in Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being 12 ac more or less,lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. --:/'" 1#58: ~I South 60.00 feet of Govermnent Lot 7, Section 8, Township 45 South, ~/ nge 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the East 25.00 feet thereof, \:_-~...~articularIY described as follows: \'/ . \S1f~enCing at the Southeast corner of Section 8, Township 45 South, . ~8rige 43 ~t, Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 880 3D' 45" West, a1o~K~'SOuth line of said Section 8, a distance of25,05 feet to a point on a li~::-~1.,25.00 feet West of, when measured at right angles, and parallel with ~.Elst line of said Section 8 and the point of beginning of the parcel to be herei~scribed; thence continue South 880 30' 45" West, along the South lin~~~ Section 8, a distance of361.27 feet to a point; thence North 20 53' 24" ~~~istance of 60.18 feet to a point on a line lying 60,00 feet North of, wh~~ed at right angles, and parallel with the South line of said Section 8;-~05North 880 30' 45" East, along the said parallel line, a distance of360~ feet 10 a point on a line lying 25.00 feet West of, when measured at right _ and parallel with the East line of said Section 8; thence South 20 14/-~J-'\Vest, along the said parallel line, a distance of60.13 feet to the point ofbe~~ of the herein described parcel. \.C6 Said parcel containing O:"4"?1fJyres, more or less. \..':::' \:')..,~ Less: A triangular parcel of la~~~~:!pa.d right-of-way purposes lying in Government Lot 7 of Section ~se;.p 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State OfFI0rid~~~$~~~\cularIY described as follows: For the purpose of this description ~;Juuihne of said Section 8 is assumed to bear North 890 t 6' 21" East and~~ngs recited herein are relative thereto. ~(;~-"'V . I ~ Commencing at the Southeast comer of ~ ~ ection 8, thence South 890 16' ~ 21" West, along the South line of said SectioIl-~distance of25.05 feet to the existing West right-of-way line ofHigb '~g<tRoad, being a line 25.00 feet West of (as measured at right angles to) an ' 'n-)llel with the East line of the Southeast one-quarter (SE 114) of said See ~~~. hence Nonh 020 59' 35" East along said West right-of-way line a dist~e-/ ,13 feet to a point at the intersection with a line 60.00 feet North off~~ d at right angles to) and parallel with the South line of said Sec~~ the point of BOOK 15870 PAGE 1196 Dorothv H. Wilktn, Cltrk beginning; thence continue North 02059' 35" East along said existing West . right-of-way line of High Ridge Road a distance of 17.41 feet; thence South 460 07' 58" West departing from said West right-of-way line, a distance of 25.41 feet to said line 60.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of Section 8; thence North 890 16' 21" East along said parallel line a distance of 17.41 feet to the point ofbeginning, ~ontaining 151.3 square feet, more or less. \2~~ <'--:~ ') Parcel 2: V/" 0 \";.-:..)) \L./ Commencing~~t~outheast comer of Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florid~ence South 880 30' 45" West, along the South line of said Section 8, a distance of386.32 feet to the ~"14tbWest corner of Government Lot 7 of said Section 8; thence North 20 53' 24" East along the~c.we of said Government Lot 7, a distance of60,lS feet to a point on a line lying 60.00 feet Not{Q.k>1rwhen measured at right angles, and parallel with the South line of said Section 8 and the poinTofb~ginning; thence South 880 30' 45" West, along the said parallel line, a distance of 115.50 feet . &~t; thence North 10 34' 02" East, a distance of 1259.39 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot Qrding to the plat of High Ridge Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 6, in and for 'pii.~lic records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence North 8So 38' OS" East, along the South Ii .~o~ Lot 36, a distance of 144.63 feet to the Northwest comer of the South one.half (SY2) of sai(.~vernrnent Lot 7; thence South 20 53' 24" West, along the West line of said Government Lot 7, a ~ce of 1260.96 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described parcel. f?-) Said parcel containing 3.7549 acres, t:tf'~'i>r less. \i.. Iv .:.::.>.....-:::-... / '\\\\ (I 'N J .~ \./~, /" ..~ t""-/-'L'-.. \! ..>:? (~"0- ,-' ~_,'J .../ \\"'''-..'. .........',\ ~/)') t.,,) ~"--'""/ V>~45' ~~V ({~> '~'-//' '" f(:::::p, ~:~3) ,(...)/~ ~-.". /}.... ~/'>#~ \(\k:::/A 2 ,~ ;/;V.l\. - - \..1....J_~--v OF >c.n <.0 . iT] CI;) 1(") >;::'~J :%3- ::r: ... -0 " ::--:;p.':::'~ :::0 ~:~~ N W ~ ri-<: & 7'ic' -0 m ""l ~ ;- (J) +:- !=: 0-' ~>. .. --i C> o iT] '...l l> ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION The undersigned incorporator, for the purpose offonning a corporation under Chapter 607, Florida Statutes, Corporations, hereby adopts the following Articles ofIncorporation, ARTICLE I - NAME The name of the corporation shall be: NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION ARTICLE n - EXISTENCE This corporation is to exist perpetually. ARTICLE m - PURPOSE The purpose of the corporation is to engage in or conduct any or all lawful business activities as permitted by the laws of the United States, the State of Florida or any other state, country, territory or nation. ARTICLE IV - PRINCIPAL OFFICE The principle place of business and mailing address ofthis corporation shall be 12782 Cocoa Pine Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. ARTICLE V - SHARES The number of shares of stock that this corporation is authorized to have outstanding at anyone time is 1000 shares of common stock having a par value of $1 per share. ARTICLE VI - DIRECTORS This Corporation shall have two (2) Directors initially. The number of Directors may be changed from time to time by Bylaws adopted by the Shareholders. The name and address of each member of the first Board of Directors is: Kevin E. Rickard 12782 Cocoa Pine Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Timothy L. Hernandez Same ARTICLE vn - INITIAL REGISTERED AGENT AND STREET ADDRESS The name and street address of the initial registered agent is CORPDIRECT AGENTS, 103 N. Meridian Street, Lower Level, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. ARTICLE vm - INCORPORATOR The name and street address of the incorporator to these Articles of Incorporation is: CORPDIRECT AGENTS 103 N. Meridian Street Lower Level Tallahassee, Florida 32301 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned agent of CORP DIRECT AGENTS, has executed these Articles ofIncorporation this 23rd day of April, 1998. CORPDIRECT AGENTS By: 2 ACCEPTANCE OF DESIGNATION AS REGISTERED AGENT FOR: NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION Having been named as registered agent to accept service of process for the above stated corporation at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity, I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. CORPDIRECT AGENTS By: ;;; r-C/} i7; r-C) b~ ::::,T; <0 0;) 2ao " ;:0 N W -n - -:,;'" ::-~ (~::; '-r-._. . fi~~~ j ."C) " -ry -71 ::r r-v: a':": .&:- =v:z;; .. --I 0 ~rr; ....., rn ~ "-.JI 3 ASSIGNMENT OF INCORPORATOR RIGHTS CORPDIRECT AGENTS, 103 N. Meridian Street, Lower Level, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, being the sole Incorporator of NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, does hereby assign it's rights as Incorporator to the individual listed below: KEVIN E. RICKARD AND TIMOTHY L. HERNANDEZ This Assignment was hereby adopted by the undersigned agent this 24th day of April, 1998.. CORPDIRECT AGENTS By: ;. AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ("Aneement") is made this.la. day of ff4(')tJ..5f ' 2004, by and between ARTURO SCROGGIE, individually, and ROGER DE CAPITO, individually, whose address is 10 SE 1st Avenue, 2nd Floor, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, and RICHARD YUSEM, individually, whose address is 389 Oregon Lane, Boca Raton, Florida 33487 (the foregoing individuals shall be collectively and individually hereinafter referred to as "Seller" or "Sellers", as applicable), and NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, whose address is 398 N,E. 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483, and/or its successors or assigns (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"), R E C I TAL S: A, Seller is the contract vendee under that certain Vacant Land Contract dated :rUl Y I"J , 2004, and all addendums and amendments thereto (collectively, the "Seller's Contract") with PARAMOUNT INVESTMENT GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation ("Owner"), for the sale and purchase of certain real property located in Palm Beach County, Florida, more fully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Prooertv"). B. Buyer desires to purchase the Property from Seller and Seller desires to sell the Property to Buyer pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement following Seller's acquisition of the Property from Owner. C. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by Seller to be supportive of this Agreement in its entirety, it is hereby agreed as follows: ARTICLE I SALE - PURCHASE Section 1.1 Prooertv, Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to purchase the Property, consisting of approximately 13,9 +/. acres of real property upon which Buyer intends to construct approximately 120 residential dwellings as appearing on the site plan for the Property to be prepared by Buyer (the "Project"), together with all rights, ways, privileges and easements appurtenant to the Property, including Seller's right, title and interest in and to all strips, gores, streets, alleys and ways, public or private, adjoining or crossing the Property, all of which are appurtenant to, and shall benefit, the Property. Buyer shall have the absolute right in its sole discretion to alter its development plans at any time without any approval required of Seller, so long as the Project is development in accordance with applicable building and zoning ordinances and statutes, . Section 1.2 Collateral RiErhts. The sale of the Property shall include the sale, transfer and conveyance of all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to all certificates, licenses, bonds, permits, authorizations, consents and approvals which in any respect whatsoever relates to or arises out of the use, occupancy, possession, development, construction and operation of the Property (hereinafter collectively called the "Seller's Permits"). Section 1.3 Contracts and Al2'reements, The sale of the Property shall include the sale, transfer and conveyance of all intangible personal property, including, without limitation, all maintenance and service contracts, water and sewer hook-ups (including, but not limited to, all over.sizing credits and reimbursements), development agreements, approvals, consents and agreements, as well as all rents, issues, proceeds and profits now or hereafter accruing from the Property, all of which are intended to encompass all of Seller's contractual rights, benefits, or entitlement relating to the Property (hereinafter collectively called the "Contracts"). Section 1.4 Time for Acceotance and Effective Date. If this Agreement is not executed by both Buyer and Seller, and a fully executed original Agreement delivered to Buyer by 5:00 P,M. E,S.T. on August 30, 2004, then this Agreement shall thereafter be null and void, The "Effective Date" of this Agreement shall be the date on which the last of the Seller and Buyer has executed this Agreement. The "Closinll' Date" (as defined in Section 7,1 of this Agreement), shall be the time at which all terms of this Agreement are considered fully performed, as they pertain to the Property, subject to any of the terms which are intended to survive the Closing hereof, The use of the terms "Closin~" and "Closin~ Date" when used in this Agreement can be used interchangeably, and each use of those terms shall be construed to address the Closing and/or the Closing Date, as appropriate. Section 1. 5 Assirnment of the Seller's Contract, Buyer agrees to use reasonable good faith efforts to assist Seller, if desired by Seller, in obtaining the Owner's consent to an assignment of the Seller's interest in the Seller's Contract to Buyer prior to or at Closing, In the event that the Owner consents to such assignment, then Buyer and Seller agree to work in good faith to agree upon an amendment to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to provide for the effect of such assignment upon the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE II PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT Section 2.1 Purchase Price, The purchase price for the Property is FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($4,650,000,00) DOLLARS (hereinafter called the "Purchase Price"), Section 2,2 Terms of Pavment, The Purchase Price shall be payable in the following manner: (A) Buyer shall initially deposit the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($30,000.00) (hereinafter called the "Initial Deposit") with Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. (hereinafter called the "Escrow Allent"), within three (3) business days of receiving an original fully executed Agreement. The Initial Deposit shall be remitted to the Escrow Agent by check, subject to clearance, or by "Letter of Credit" (defined in Section 2.3 hereof). All subsequent deposits paid under this Agreement shall be in cash only and in the event the Initial Deposit is by Letter of Credit, it shall be replaced with cash at the end of the Investigation Period. The Initial Deposit shall be held by the Escrow Agent in an interest-bearing money-market or "repo" account without penalty for early withdrawal, provided that Buyer completes and executes Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 simultaneously with delivering said Deposit. The Escrow Agent 'shall abide by and operate pursuant to the terms of this Sections 2.2 and 2.3 and Article IX of this Agreement, subject only to mutually agreed upon modifications executed by the parties hereto in writing. (B) Within three (3) business days after expiration of the "Investigation Period," as defined in Section 4,1 hereof, Buyer shall tender to the Escrow Agent the sum of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($220,000.00) (hereinafter referred to as the "Second DeDosit"), by check, subject to clearance, or by Letter of Credit. Escrow Agent shall hold the Second Deposit in the same account (if Deposit is made by check or cash) and in like fashion as the Initial Deposit, (C) Provided that Seller delivers all deposits in accordance with the terms of the Seller's Contract, then within three (3) business days after expiration of the Investigation Period (as hereinafter dermed), Buyer shall pay to Escrow Agent the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($60,000,00), by check, subject to clearance, (which amount shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Third DeDosit"), to replace the deposits previously paid by Seller under the Seller's Contract. (D) All references in this Agreement to "Deposit" shall represent the aggregate of both the Initial Deposit, Second Deposit and the Third Deposit, as well as all interest which is earned thereon, unless specifically stated otherwise, All interest which is earned on the Deposit shall in all instances be paid to Buyer, except if Buyer "defaults" in its obligations hereunder, pursuant to Section 12.1 hereof, in which event all interest earned thereon shall be paid to Seller, (E) At Closing, Buyer shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price (minus the amount of the Deposit if not paid by Letter of Credit) to Seller for the Property, subject to prorations and adjustments stated elsewhere in this Agreement, by wire transfer of immediately available federal funds or cashier's check made available to Escrow Agent at or prior to the Closing. Section 2,3 Letter of Credit. Buyer shall have the option to deliver to Escrow Agent, in place of cash for the Deposit, an unconditional and irrevocable letter(s) of credit (the "Letter of Credit"), to be issued by a federal or state-chartered bank or lending institution, including, but not limited to, Bank of America, SunTrust Bank, Amsouth Bank, City National Bank, Wachovia Bank, or such other author~zed issuer of 2 commercial paper as may be reasonably acceptable to Seller, in a form substantially similar to that attached as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. The Letter of Credit, or any renewals or substitutions thereof, shall remain valid and in an amount equal to the Deposit from time to time. Buyer shall have the unilateral option of securing and remitting to Escrow Agent a Letter of Credit: rather than cash, or subsequently as a replacement for cash, pertaining to the Deposit required hereunder at any time without the approval of Seller, whereupon the Letter of Credit then being held by Escrow Agent shall be immediately returned to Buyer, Not later than ten (10) days prior to the expiration of any Letter of Credit being held by the Escrow Agent as the Deposit under this Agreement, Buyer shall furnish to the Escrow Agent a replacement Letter of Credit in the same form and amount, whereupon the replaced Letter of Credit shall be returned to Buyer. In the event that Escrow Agent does not receive such replacement Letter of Credit from Buyer at least ten (10) days prior to the expiration of any Letter of Credit being held by Escrow Agent as the Deposit under this Agreement, then Escrow Agent shall have the right to draw upon the Letter of Credit, whereupon the funds received by Escrow Agent as a result of drawing upon the Letter of Credit shall be the Deposit for all purposes under this Agreement and shall be held in escrow by Escrow Agent in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. AR TI CLE III TITLE AND SURVEY Section 3,1 Evidence of Title. Simultaneously with execution of this Agreement, Seller, at its sole cost and expense, shall furnish to each of Buyer and Buyer's counsel, a copy of its existing commitment for issuance of a title insurance policy for the Property, (the "Seller's Title Commitment"), The Seller's Title Commitment, together with a computerized title update (the "Uodate") to be performed by Buyer or Buyer's counsel shall show and evidence that title to the Property is in the name of Owner and that Owner's title is marketable and insurable, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions (as hereinafter defined). The Seller's Title Commitment and the Update shall be sufficient to permit Seller's title underwriter, through its agent Carter & Thomas, to issue a title insurance commitment (the "Commitment") in favor Buyer, in form and content reasonably acceptable to Buyer, It is acknowledged and agreed that Carter & Thomas shall serve as Title Agent (the "Title Asrent") under this Agreement and Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. shall serve as Escrow Agent, At Closing, Buyer shall receive a credit against the Purchase Price in an amount equal to ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED' AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($1,500.00) to offset Buyer's present or future expense in attempting to obtain a release of the reservations listed as Items 2 and 3 on Exhibit "C" attached hereto. At Closing, Title Agent shall be unconditionally committed to deliver to Buyer an ALTA Owner's Policy of Title Insurance - 1970 (the "Title Policv") (or an updated duly executed "marked up" Commitment) issued by Title Agent with all pre-printed standard exceptions deleted, dated the date and time of the recording of the Deed (as hereinafter defined) and in the amount of the-Purchase Price which insures Buyer as owner of marketable fee simple title to the Property, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. Section 3.2 Survev. Buyer acknowledges that Seller has previously provided Buyer with a survey of the Property. Within thirty '(30) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Buyer, at Buyer's expense, may have such survey updated or cause to be prepared a new survey and legal description of the Property, certified without qualification to Buyer and any other parties designated by Buyer, prepared and sealed by a Florida licensed surveyor or engineer (such updated surveyor original survey to be obtained by Buyer shall be referred to in this Agreement as the "SurveY'), The Survey shall comply with Chapter 472, Florida Statutes, as well as the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, as amended, for Land or Boundary Surveys, as defmed therein and shall certify compliance therewith. Section 3.3 Obiections to Title or Survey, If the Commitment and/or the Survey reflects that the status of title to the Property (a) is not marketable and insurable, (b) contains exceptions to title other than the Permitted Exceptions, (c) discloses any encroachments, overlaps, easements or rights-of-way, or any other title matter not approved by Buyer, or (d) which adversely affects any portion of the Property such that Buyer cannot construct its intended improvements, then Buyer shall notify Seller of any and all objections to same in writing within ten (10) days after the date on which Buyer receives the Commitment or Survey, whichever is later, Any such objection by Buyer shall be deemed a "Title Defect," whether shown in the Surveyor disclosed in the Commitment, Buyer shall also have the right to object at any time to any Title Defect occurring or becoming known to Buyer subsequent to the date of effectiveness of the Commitment, whether by virtue of an update to the Commitment or as indicated on an updated Surveyor otherwise, Seller shall have a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days after receipt of Buyer's "notice of title defect" to cure same to the reasonable satisfaction of Buyer. Seller agrees that it will use due diligence and its best efforts to cure any Title Defect, including the bringing of 3 necessary administrative proceedings or law suits. If Seller shall fail or refuse to comply with any such requirement to cure a Title Defect, then, at the option of Buyer, Buyer may (i) terminate this Agreement, but retain all of its remedies set forth in Section 12.2 of this Agreement, or (ii) proceed to Closing without satisfaction of Buyer's objection(s), although Closing shall not extinguish Buyer's remedies set forth in Section 12.2 of this Agreement, Each of the "Investigation Period" (as hereinafter defined) and the Closing Date pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended for a period of time commensurate with the amount of time required by Seller to cure a Title Defect pursuant hereto. Section 3.4 Existing Mortg-ag-es, If any mortgage presently encumbers the Property, Seller shall be required to satisfy or release such mortgage(s) with respect to each portion of the Property prior to or at Closing, and any cash due Seller at Closing may be paid to the holder of any mortgage in order to satisfy or release such mortgage(s). Seller represents and warrants that no existing mortgage contains any provision which would prohibit the satisfaction or release of such mortgage(s) at the Closing, Not less than five (5) days prior to the Closing, Seller shall cause to be delivered to Buyer's counsel a written estoppel letter and in the event of a non. institutional lender, an executed satisfaction of mortgage(s) in escrow in recordable form from the holder of any such mortgage. The estoppel letter shall set forth and confirm the amount (including any per-diem rate of interest, accrued interest, late penalties and prepayment penalties) which will be required to be paid at the Closing in order to satisfy or release such mortgage(s), and indicate place and method for payment. Section 3.5 Permitted Exceptions, The Property shall be conveyed to Buyer, subject only to certain exceptions to title (hereinafter collectively called the "Permitted Exceptions"), which are comprised of those matters set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto. AR TI CLE IV INVESTIGATION OF PROPERTY Section 4,1 Rilzht of Entrv. Commencing as of the Effective Date and continuing for a period of forty-five (45) days thereafter (hereinafter called the "Investie:ation Period"), Buyer, including all agents, contractors, consultants, representatives and other persons designated by Buyer, shall have the absolute right, without notice, to enter on any portion of the Property for the purpose of investigation, discovery and testing of the Property, including, without limitation, surveying, soil testing and boring, hydrological studies, environmental studies, or any other testing Buyer determines to be necessary or appropriate, and to obtain all internal approvals for the transaction described herein, Seller agrees to provide Buyer with its full cooperation in regard to Buyer's efforts to obtain all appropriate or relevant information concerning the Property and Seller. Provided Buyer has not terminated this Agreement or defaulted hereunder, this right of entry, as well as all rights provided to Buyer in this Section 4.1, shall continue unabated through Closing. Seller hereby designates Buyer as its agent for conducting inspections of the Property pursuant to Paragraph (C) of the Addendum to Seller's Contract, Buyer shall use reasonable efforts to deliver 24 hours' oral or written notice to Seller prior to entry onto the Property in order to allow Seller to obtain permission for entry onto the Property from Owner in accordance with the Seller's Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller acknowledges and agrees that Buyer does not have control over the schedule of the parties who will conduct the inspections on behalf of Buyer and that Buyer shall have no liability for changes in such party's schedule. Section 4.2 Propertv Documents. Buyer acknowledges and Seller represents that Seller has previously furnished Buyer with all information concerning the Property which Seller currently possesses and Seller shall continue to furnish to Buyer all information concerning the Property which Seller acquires possession of subsequent to the Effective Date, including, but not limited to, copies of all correspondence from Seller to Owner and from Owner to Seller under the Seller's Contract (including all prior and future correspondence. to be provided to Buyer within one (1) business day following the giving or receipt thereof by Seller). Seller shall assign all of its rights to Buyer in regard to the Property Documents (as hereinafter defined) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement if requested by Buyer, including, but not limited to plans, plats, existing surveys, zoning and land use information, contracts, soil tests or reports, environmental tests or reports, engineering studies, soil boring tests, environmental assessment reports, inspection reports, appraisals, feasibility studies, landscape plans, site plans and all other governmental and quasi-governmental applications, approvals, consents and authorizations relating in some fashion to the Property. All of the information which has been furnished or which shall be furnished subsequent to the Effective Date under this Section 4.2 shall collectively hereinafter be referred to as the "Propertv Documents." Seller shall assist 4 Buyer in obtaining any documentation related to the Property upon receipt of Buyer's written request thereof, Seller hereby represents and warrants that all of the information contained in the Property Documents is true and correct in all material respects and fairly and accurately reflects the condition or statement oHacts reported to be described or represented thereby, Seller shall assign to Buyer all of its right, title and interest in and to the Property Documents and deliver all of the original Property Documents, and Seller's Permits and Contracts, to Buyer not later than the Closing Date (as hereinafter defined). If the Property is not conveyed by Seller to Buyer at the election of Buyer or as a result of "Buyer's Default" (defined in Section 12,1 hereof), then Buyer shall promptly return to Seller upon such election or upon Buyer's Default any of the original Property Documents previously delivered by Seller to Buyer. Section 4.3 Ri2'ht of Cancellation, Buyer shall have the absolute and unqualified right to terminate and cancel this Agreement at any time during the Investigation Period for any reason whatsoever, conditioned on Buyer exercising such right by delivering written notice to Seller, pursuant to Article X of this Agreement, reflecting Buyer's decision to cancel, which notice must be received by Seller not later than 5:00 p.m. E,S,T. on the day the Investigation Period expires (if not a business day, then it shall extend to 5:00 p.m, E.S.T, on the next business day), Upon any such cancellation, the Deposit, together with all interest earned thereon, shall be returned promptly to Buyer, and this Agreement will be terminated and canceled in all respects and neither Buyer nor Seller will have any further rights or obligations hereunder, except for Buyer's obligation to return the Property Documents pursuant to Section 4.2 above to Seller and those rights and obligations which are intended to survive termination to survive termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE V REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Seller represents and warrants to Buyer, as true and correct to the best of Seller's knowledge and information both on the date hereof and throughout the period of time until and through the Closing that: Section 5,1 Violations. LitiEration and Adverse Information. There has been received no notice or knowledge of: (i) violation of any law, statute, ordinance, order, regulation, rule, restriction or requirement of any governmental or quasi- governmental agency or tribunal pertaining to or affecting any portion of the Property; (ii) suit or proceeding pending or threatened affecting Seller or any portion of the Property in any court or before any governmental or quasi-governmental agency or tribunal which would in any manner impair Seller's ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or impair Buyer's ability to own, develop, and sell or lease the Property in a timely fashion; or (iii) other fact or condition, which would have an adverse effect upon the Property or its value which has not been disclosed in writing to Buyer as of the date hereof. Section 5.2 Ownershio and Parties in Possession, Owner owns marketable fee simple title to the Property and there are no parties in possession of any portion of the Property whether as lessees, tenants-at-sufferance, trespassers or otherwise except the horse stable tenants (the "Existin2' Tenants"), whose interest in the Property Seller shall terminate prior to Closing. 'No "person," as such term is defined in Section 1.01(3), Florida Statutes, has any right, claim or interest in the Property or any portion thereof, arising out of adverse possession, prescriptive rights, or otherwise, The Property is not now nor has it ever been the principal residence or homestead of any of the Sellers, as defined under the laws of the State of Florida. Seller and Buyer acknowledge and agree that the Closing is contingent upon Seller acquiring fee simple title to the Property prior to or at Closing, In the event that Seller acquires fee simple title to the Property prior to Closing, then Seller shall provide Buyer with a copy of the recorded deed for the Property from Owner to Seller within one (1) business day of recording such deed, If Seller does not acquire title to the Property pursuant to Seller's Contract, then the provisions of Article XII of this Agreement shall apply. Section 5.3 Prior Aoolication or Commitments, There are no applications or commitments to any governmental or quasi-governmental agency or utility which would affect the Property which has not been disclosed in writing to Buyer. Section 5.4 No Liens, No work has been performed or is in progress upon, and no materials have been furnished to, the Property or any part thereof, which might give rise to any mechanics, materialmen's, or other 5 liens against the Property, There are no special assessments, pending or certified, which may now or hereafter become an obligation of Buyer, monetary or otherwise. Section 5,5 Environmental Condition. Based upon the Phase I environmental assessment report prepared by OF A International dated August 10, 2004, a copy of which has been previously provided by Seller to Buyer, to the best of Seller's knowledge there is not any: (i) presence of any "Hazardous Substance" (hereinafter defined) above, below, on, or within the Property; (ii) present or past generation, recycling, reuse, sale, storage, handling, transport and/or disposal of any Hazardous Substance on the Property; or (iii) failure by Seller or any former owner of the Property, to the best of Seller's knowledge, to comply with any applicable local, state or federal environmental laws, regulations, ordinances or administrative or judicial orders relating to the generation, recycling, reuse, sale, storage, handling, transport andlor disposal of any Hazardous Substance, As used herein, the term Hazardous Substance means any substance or material defined or designated as a hazardous or toxic waste, material or substance, chemical contaminant, or other similar term, deemed to be such by any federal, state or local environmental statute, regulation or ordinance presently or hereafter in effect, as such statutes, regulations or ordinances may be amended from time to time. Section 5.6 FIRPT A. Seller is not a "foreign person," as defined by Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code, and shall comply with all requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service in regard to same. Section 5.7 Title to Prooertv, Neither Seller nor Owner will cause, permit or suffer any act to be performed or not performed, the result of which will cause any lien, encumbrance or cloud upon Seller's title to the Property such that Seller shall be unable to convey title to the Property to Buyer in accordance with Section 7,3 hereof, Section 5,8 Chane:es to Documents. Neither Seller nor Owner shall terminate, modify, amend or waive any provision of any lease, contract (including, without limitation, the Seller's Contract), permit, agreement, or any other document previously provided, or to be provided, to Buyer in accordance with this Agreement, or any benefit or entitlement described in this Agreement to be conveyed to Buyer, without the prior written consent of Buyer, except for the Existing Tenants whose tenancies shall be terminated prior to Closing by Seller. Section 5,9 Bankruotcv, Seller, as well as any of its subsidiaries or parent companies, shall not be involved, whether voluntary or otherwise, in any bankruptcy, reorganization or insolvency proceeding, except as a creditor of a bankrupt estate. Section 5.10 Authoritv of Seller. Each of the Sellers has the lawful right, power, authority and capacity to bind Seller to the terms hereof and consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, pursuant to the terms, provisions and conditions of this Agreement, Section 5.11 AlITeement Does Not Violate Outstandine: AlITeement or Law in Ree:ard to ~. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Seller's Contract and the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby and under the Seller's Contract will not result in any violation of or default under any agreement to which Seller is a party or by which Seller's assets are bound, or any law, order, rule, regulation, judgment, writ or decree issued against or imposed upon Seller. Section 5.12 Seller's Contract, Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "D" is a true, correct and complete copy of the Seller's Contract, together with all addenda and amendments thereto. The Seller's Contract is in good standing and shall remain continuously so through the Closing Date and there has not occurred any event of default thereunder nor has there been a failure of any event to occur which but for the passage of time would be a default thereunder. All representations and warranties of Owner in the Seller's Contract are true and correct as of the date hereof and Seller is not aware of any fact or circumstance which but for the passage of time would make such representations and warranties untrue or incorrect. Seller shall indemnify and save Buyer harmless from and against any and all 6 loss, liability, .damage, penalties or judgments, any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, assessments, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses through all appeals, incurred as a result of a breach of Seller's obligations under the Seller's Contract. The foregoing obligation of Seller to indemnify Buyer shall survive termination of this Agreement. All representations and warranties by Seller in this Agreement shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date hereof and shall be construed as continuing representations, warranties and agreements which shall survive the Closing of the transaction described herein, Should Seller breach any of the foregoing representations and warranties, Buyer shall, at its option, proceed with any of those remedies available to Buyer under Section 12.2 hereof. ARTICLE VI CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CLOSING Section 6,1 Seller's Actions Prior to Closing. Commencing as of the Effective Date and continuing for the entire period in which Seller has any legal or equitable interest in the Property, or any portion thereof: (A) Seller shall cooperate fully with Buyer, including providing of access, during the Investigation Period, and at all times thereafter prior to the Closing, pertaining to Buyer's investigation of the Property, as well as the obtaining of necessary consents and approvals for the development, construction and operation of the Project; (B) In the event Buyer seeks application or request to any governmental authority which requires the joinder or consent of Seller or Owner for the purpose of obtaining any permits, approvals, consents, plats, variances, waivers, easements or rights-of-way, or declarations, Seller agrees to join in, consent to, and execute all of such documents, including all applications and requests, and pursuant to Paragraph 18 of the Seller's Contract, Seller shall obtain Owner's joinder to, consent to, and execution of all of such documents, including all applications and requests; (C) Subsequent to Seller's acquisition of the Property, Seller shall not cause, permit or suffer any signs to be placed on any portion of the Property. Subsequent to Seller's acquisition of the Property, Buyer is permitted to construct or place on any portion of the Property advertisement or other signage, selected by Buyer, provided such advertisement or signage is in compliance with applicable law, proper liability insurance reasonably acceptable to Seller is obtained by Buyer, and Seller is indemnified for any demands, claims or losses as a result of such signage. (0) Subsequent to Seller's acquisition of the Property, Seller shall permit Buyer to locate construction andlor sales trailers or other facilities on the Property, provided the placement of the trailers or other facilities comply with all applicable laws, proper liability insurance reasonably acceptable to Seller is obtained by Buyer, and Seller is indemnified for any demands, claims or losses as a result of such trailers or other facilities. (E) Seller shall, simultaneously with its execution of this Agreement, deliver to Buyer a letter of authorization for Buyer to act on behalf of Seller in obtaining any and all approvals, permits, authorizations or other documentation in connection with the Governmental Approvals or the development of the Property, which letter of authorization shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "E". AR TI CLE VII CLOSING Section 7.1 Closing Date. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and unless otherwise extended by the terms of this Agreement, the Closing shall occur on November 8, 2004 (the "Closina' Date"), Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to accelerate the Closing Date, provided ten (10) days prior written notice is delivered to Seller (A) Extension of Closing Date, Buyer shall have the right to extend the Closing Date for two (2) additional periods of thirty (30) days each (the "Extension(s)"), The right of Buyer to exercise the Extension(s) is conditioned upon: (i) Buyer providing notice to Seller of Buyer's intention to extend the Closing Date, which notice must be received by Seller at least five (5) days prior to the Closing Date then being extended as may have been previously extended, and (ii) Buyer delivering to Seller the sum of $10,000,00 for each Extension the Buyer exercises simultaneously with providing such notice of extension to Seller ("Extension Deoosit(s)"). Upon receipt of the foregoing, Seller shall likewise extend the Closing Date under the Seller's Contract by remitting the Extension 7 Deposit to Owner in accordance with the terms of the Seller's Contract, Each Extension Deposit shall not be refundable to Buyer, except in the event of a default by Seller under this Agreement as described in Section 12.2, Buyer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to accelerate the Closing Date calculated hereby, provided ten (10) days prior written notice is provided to Seller, Section 7.2 Place of Closing, The Closing shall commence at 10:00 a,m. at Seller's counsel's office, unless Seller otherwise notifies Buyer no later than three (3) days in advance of a different location in Miami-Dade, Broward or Palm Beach County, Florida. Seller and Buyer agree to reasonably cooperate in scheduling the Closing so as to enable the transaction under this Agreement to coincide with Seller's acquisition of the Property in accordance with the terms of the Seller's Contract. Section 7.3 EXDenses of Closing and Prorations. (A) Taxes, At the Closing contemplated hereunder all ad valorem real property taxes for the Property will be prorated as of the Closing Date based upon the maximum discount for early payment, If the tax bill for the current year has not yet been issued, tax prorations will be based upon the prior year's tax bill, subject to reproration at the request of either party when the current year's tax bill is issued. (B) Recording Fees, Seller and Buyer shall equally split the cost will for state documentary stamps to be attached to the "Deed" (as hereinafter defined), and Buyer shall pay for the cost of recording the Deed. (C) Title Policy and Survey. Seller will pay the cost of providing the Commitment and the premium for the Title Policy. Buyer will pay the cost of the Survey, as set forth in Section 3.2 hereof, (0) Conveyance of Title. At Closing, Seller will convey fee simple title to the Property or any of the portions thereof, to Buyer or its assignee by Statutory Warranty Deed (the '~"), which is good, marketable and insurable, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions set forth in Section 3.5 hereof. At Buyer's election, separate Deeds shall be used by Seller in conveying common area parcels if any to Buyer or its nominee, if reasonably determined by Buyer to be necessary in connection with Buyer's development of the Property, (E) Governmental Liens. Prior to Closing, Seller will satisfy and pay all outstanding certified governmental and municipal improvement liens and special assessments and at the time of Closing Buyer shall assume all pending governmental or municipal improvement liens. (F) . Buver's Loan Costs and Fees. Buyer shall pay all costs and fees incurred in connection with any loan obtained by Buyer in order to finance its acquisition of the Property, including, but not limited to, all documentary stamp taxes, intangible personal property taxes on any mortgage and note executed in connection therewith and all mortgagee title insurance premiums, The provisions of this Section 7,3 shall survive the Closing of this transaction, or the earlier termination of this Agreement. Section 7,4 Documents for Closing. Prior to or at the time of Closing, the parties will execute and provide any and all documents necessary to effectuate the terms, conditions and intent of this Agreement, Seller shall execute and deliver each of the following: (A) The Deed, in recordable form, conveying good and marketable title to the Property, subject to only the Permitted Exceptions; (B) An Affidavit executed by Seller, attesting to the absence of any liens, parties-in- possession, or other claims, which is also sufficient to insure the "gap"; (C) An Assignment executed by Seller evidencing the transfer and assignment of all Seller's benefits and entitlements hereunder, including Seller's Permits and Contracts, as each is described in Article I hereof, as well as all other leases, contracts, licenses, agreements or other documents, which are in effect as of the Closing Date; (0) A Certificate of Seller to the effect that the representations and warranties of Seller contained in this Agreement are true and correct on and as of the Closing Date; (E) Original executed satisfaction or partial release of mortgage and the note secured thereby, as applicable, pertaining to any and all mortgages now encumbering any portion of the Property; 8 (F) . FIRPTA Affidavit; (G) A Closing Statement, signed by Buyer and Seller. All of the documents executed by Seller which are to be delivered to Buyer at the Closing will be duly authorized, legal, valid and binding obligations of Seller, which, at the time of Closing, will be sufficient to convey title (if they purport to do so), and do not, and at the time of Closing will not, violate any provisions of any agreement to which Seller is a party or to which it is subject, The parties agree to execute any other document, following Closing, as reasonably necessary to effectuate the intent of all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, The parties agree to furnish each to the other all proposed closing documents at least three (3) days prior to the Closing Date, ARTICLE VIII REAL ESTATE BROKERS Section 8.1 BrokeralZe-Professional Service Fee. The parties each represent to the other that there are no real estate brokers, salespeople, finders, or consultants, who are or were instrumental in the negotiation andlor consummation of this transaction, Except for Calco Development Corporation, Inc., and The Knight Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Broker") which shall be paid a brokerage commission equal to three (3%) of the gross selling price (the "Brokeraq;e Fee"). The Brokerage Fee shall be earned by the Broker and payable by Seller only upon the Closing being consummated and in no other event. Seller shall be responsible for payment of the entire Brokerage Fee hereunder, Section 8.2 Indemnitv. Seller and Buyer agree to indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against any and all costs or liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees, for brokerage or professional service fees claimed by any broker employed or claiming to have been employed by one of the parties, Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Buyer be obligated to indemnify Seller for any costs or liabilities arising from professional and/or brokerage fees owed to the Broker. The indemnification provided hereunder shall be applicable to any party claiming that it is owed a fee or other form of compensation due to or arising out of this Agreement. This Section 8.2 shall survive the Closing of this transaction, or the earlier termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE IX ESCROW Section 9.1 Escrow AlZent, If there is any dispute as to whether the Escrow Agent is obligated to deliver the Deposit, including any monies, or documents which it holds, or as to whom same are to be delivered, the Escrow Agent will not be obligated to make any delivery, but in such event, may hold same until receipt by the Escrow Agent of an authorization, in writing, signed by Seller and Buyer directing the disposition of same, and in the event either party would be entitled to the Deposit, or other monies or documents held by the Escrow Agent, the parties agree to forthwith execute such joint written authorization upon the request of any party hereto. In the absence of such authorization, the Escrow Agent may hold the Deposit, or other monies or documents in its possession until the final determination of the rights of the parties in an appropriate proceeding. If such written authorization is not given or proceedings for such determination are not begun and diligently continued, the Escrow Agent may, but is not required to, bring an appropriate action or proceeding for leave to deposit said funds or documents in court, pending such determination. The Escrow Agent shall not be responsible for any acts or omissions of Escrow Agent, unless same are a result of the gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud of such party, Otherwise, provided Escrow Agent acts in accordance with this Agreement, the Escrow Agent shall have no liability following the delivery of any funds or documents which the Escrow Agent holds pursuant to this Agreement, If the Escrow Agent elects to bring an appropriate action or proceeding in accordance with the terms of this Section 9.1, then the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to recover all of its reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with the action from the party not entitled to receive the Deposit or other monies or documents as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. Section 9.2 Indemnitv. The parties agree that they will hold the Escrow Agent harmless from and indemnify it against any costs or liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any action brought against Escrow Agent, unless due to Escrow Agent's willful misconduct, gross negligence, or fraud. The provisions of this Section 9,2 shall survive the Closing of this transaction, or the earlier termination of this Agreement. 9 ARTICLE X NOTICE Section 10.1 Notice and Addresses. All notices required or desired to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and either (i) hand-delivered, (ii) sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, (ill) sent via Federal Express or similar overnight service, or (iv) sent via telecopy, so long as notice is also provided through either method (i), (ii) or (iii) as herein described, All notices shall be addressed to the party being noticed, and shall be deemed to have been given (i) when delivered, if by hand delivery, (ii) three (3) business days after deposit in a U.S, Post Office or official letter box, if sent by certified mail, (iii) one (1) business day after timely deposited in a Federal Express or similar overnight service depository, or (iv) upon confirmation of receipt by sender if sent via telecopy, All notices shall be delivered or sent prepaid for the specified service by the party giving notice, and shall be addressed as follows: SELLER: ARTURO SCROGGIE ROGER DECAPITO 10 SE 1st Avenue 2nd Floor Delray Beach, Florida 33444 RICHARD YUSEM 389 Oregon Lane Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Copy To: DONALD J, THOMAS, ESQ. 1200 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 312 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 Telecopy No.: (561) 368-0293 BUYER: NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION 398 N,E. 6th Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33483 Telecopy No.: 561-272-3951 Attn: Timothy L. Hernandez Copy To: HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP One East Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telecopy No.: 954-463-2030 Attn: Jonathan S. Marcus, Esq. ESCROW AGENT: ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC. 340 Columbia Drive, Suite 106 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Telecopy No.: (561) 640-9387 or to any other address hereafter designated by any of the parties, from time to time, in writing and otherwise in the manner set forth herein for giving notice. Section 10,2 Attornevs. The respective attorneys for Seller and Buyer are hereby authorized to give any notice pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of their respective clients. ARTICLE XI CONDEMNATION AND MORATORIUM Section 11.1 Condemnation. If, prior to the Closing hereof, all or any material or significant portions (material or significant portions shall mean that that which causes the loss of twelve or more residential dwellings which Buyer anticipates building on the Property) of the Property is taken by eminent domain or is the subject of a pending taking which has not been consummated (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "Takimr"), Seller shall notify Buyer of such fact, and Buyer shall have 10 the option to either (i) terminate this Agreement upon notice to Seller given not later than fIfteen (15) days after receipt of Seller's notice, or (ii) proceed with the Closing in accordance herewith. Buyer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to contest and negotiate the amount of money offered for such Taking, as well as any of the terms related thereto. If this Agreement is terminated as aforesaid, the Deposit and all Extension Deposits paid by Buyer shall be returned to Buyer, together with any interest earned thereon, and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations to the other hereunder (except for any matters which specifically survive termination of this Agreement), If Buyer has not elected to terminate this Agreement as aforesaid, or if the Taking does not cause the loss of twelve or more residential dwellings which Buyer anticipates building on the Property, Seller agrees to assign to Buyer at Closing all sums which are to be awarded for the Taking. Buyer shall thereafter be entitled to receive and keep any awards for such Taking by eminent domain. ARTICLE XII DEFAULTS Section 12.1 Buver's Default. In the event of any default by Buyer ("Buver's Default"), including the failure of Buyer to close this transaction, the parties acknowledge it would be impossible to ascertain the amount of damages suffered by Seller, and therefore the parties agree that in the event there is a Buyer's Default, the portion of the Deposit previously paid by Buyer to Escrow Agent as of the date of such Buyer's Default shall be paid to and accepted by Seller, together with the portion of the Deposit previously paid to Seller, as full and liquidated damages and as Seller's sole and exclusive remedy and each of the parties shall thereafter be released of any further liability or responsibility hereunder, except for Buyer's obligation to return the Property Documents to Seller, in accordance with Section 4.2 hereof, Section 12,2 Seller's Default. In the event of any default by Seller ("Seller's Default"), Buyer shall be entitled: (i) to terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of the Deposit and all Extension Deposits paid under this Agreement and to also seek monetary damages against Seller as a result of the Seller's Default, or (ii) to seek specific performance of this Agreement. For all purposes under this Agreement, a refund of the Deposit to Buyer shall include all portions of the Deposit previously paid by Buyer, whether paid to Escrow Agent or Seller, A default by Seller under this Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred if (a) any representation or warranty of Seller contained in Article V hereof is not true or becomes untrue whether discovered prior to or after Closing; (b) performance of any item under this Agreement andlor the Seller's Contract by Seller shall be unfulfilled within the time specified for such performance; (c) Seller fails to Close this transaction for any reason whatsoever on a date required under this Agreement; (d) a default by Seller under the Seller's Contract, including, but not limited to, the Seller's failure to close the transaction described in Seller's Contract for any reason whatsoever while the Owner is not in default under Seller's Contract; or (e) Seller terminates, modifies, amends, revises or waives any provision of the Seller's Contract, without notifying Buyer of the basis of such termination, modification, amendment, revision or waiver and obtaining Buyer's prior written consent to the exercise of such termination, modification, amendment, revision or waiver, which consent may be withheld in Buyer's sole discretion. Seller shall provide written notice to Buyer of a default by Seller pursuant to the terms of the Seller's Contract within one (1) business day of Seller becoming aware of such default, Seller shall simultaneously with said notice to Buyer, provide copies to Buyer of all default notices given by Owner to Seller in the Seller's Contract and all responses by Seller to Owner in regard to same pursuant to Section 4.2 hereinabove. In the event of a Seller default in the Seller's Contract, Buyer, at Buyer's option, shall be entitled to pursue against Seller the specific performance of the Seller's Contract, as well as pursue any rights and remedies Buyer has under the terms of this Agreement, Additionally, in the event that Seller is entitled to a return of the deposits and/or extension fees paid by Seller under the Seller's Contract, including, but not limited to, the Extension Deposits, then all such deposits and extension fees shall be paid to Buyer by Seller provided that Buyer has paid the same to Seller in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, Section 12.3 Default Bv Owner Under the Seller's Contract. In the event of any default by Owner under the Seller's Contract ("Owner Default"), Seller shall provide written notice of such Owner Default to Buyer within one (1) business day of Seller becoming aware of such Owner Default and Seller shall simultaneously provide copies to Buyer of all notices provided to Owner by Seller of the occurrence of an Owner Default, Seller shall pursue such remedies against Owner as shall be directed by Buyer in writing to Seller at any time for so long as such Owner Default shall be continuing, Additionally, for so long as such Owner Default continues, Buyer shall have the right, at Buyer's option, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion, to terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of the Deposit, together with all interest earned thereon, 11 Section 12.4 Termination of Seller's Contract Other than bv Default Seller and Buyer further acknowledge and agree that in the event the Seller's Contract is terminated for any reason other than a default by Seller or Owner thereunder, then this Agreement shall also terminate as of the date of termination of the Seller's Contract, whereupon Buyer shall receive a refund of: (A) the Deposit, together with all interest earned thereon, and (B) all Extension Deposits paid by Buyer, and Seller and Buyer shall be released from all further obligations and liabilities hereunder, AR TI CLE XIII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 13.1 Choice of Law and Venue, This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida, without giving effect to principles of conflict of laws, except where specifically pre-empted by Federal law, Seller and Buyer agree that the proper venue with respect to any state or federal litigation in connection with this Agreement shall be held in Palm Beach County, Section 13.2 Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement shall not bind any of the parties hereto unless such amendment is in writing and executed by Buyer and Seller. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be binding upon Buyer and Seller as soon as it has been executed by both parties. Seller agrees not to amend, modify or revise the terms of the Seller's Contract without the prior written consent of Buyer, which may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of Buyer, Section 13.3 Approvals and Permits, Buyer has the express right to make any applications, or seek any approvals, as are required for Buyer's anticipated ownership, development, construction, use, operation and management of the Project, and shall not be required to seek any approval by Seller to effectuate any of the foregoing. Seller shall however be a co-applicant on all such applications and at Closing Seller shall transfer and assign any and all interest in such applications or approvals in accordance with Section 7.4(C) of this Agreement. Section 13.4 Confidentiality" Buyer and Seller agree to use reasonable efforts to keep the terms of this Agreement confidential, except as may be reasonably necessary to divulge to such third parties as reasonably determined by each of Buyer and Seller, as applicable, including, but not limited to, each parties' respective attorneys (and all employees thereof), accountants, financial advisors, title insurance underwriters, architects, contractors, surveyors, site planners, engineers and other consultants, lenders and prospective lenders and all applicable governmental and quasi-governmental entities. Section 13,5 Entire Aln'eement. This Agreement, together with any exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no prior written documents, and no prior or contemporary oral statements, representations, promises, or understandings not embodied in this Agreement shall be of any force and/or effect. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the Seller's Contract in regard to the rights and obligations of Seller and Buyer thereunder, the terms of this Agreement shall control and prevail. Section 13.6 Survival. All terms and provisions of this Agreement which are to specifically survive Closing, as well as those terms and provisions which are to survive within the context of this Agreement, shall survive Closing, Section 13,7 Lithz:ation. In connection with any litigation arising out of this Agreement the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred, including reasonable attorneys' fees, including, without limitation, those incurred before trial, at trial, and during appellate, probate and bankruptcy proceedings. 12 Section 13,8 Assiinment. All of the covenants, conditions and obligations herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties. Buyer shall have the right to assign its rights and/or obligations in this Agreement to any party without the consent of Seller required. Seller is prohibited from selling, assigning, pledging or otherwise conveying all or any portion of its interest hereunder or in the Seller's Contract, or any portion of the Property, without the written approval of Buyer, which may be withheld in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion. Section 13.9 Headin2's. Captions and section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only; in no way do they define, describe, extend or limit the scope or intent of this Agreement or any provision hereof. Section 13.10 Gender, All terms and words used in this Agreement, regardless of the number and gender in which used, shall be deemed to include any other gender or number as the context or the use thereof may require, Section 13,11 Possession. Possession of the Property shall be delivered to Buyer at Closing, Section 13,12 Time, For the purposes hereof, the parties agree that time shall be of the essence with respect to this Agreement, and that the representations and warranties expressly set forth herein are all material and of the essence of this Agreement. Section 13.13 Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing signed by the party against whom it is asserted, and any waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be applicable only to the specific instance to which it is related and shall not be deemed to be a continuing or future waiver as to such provision or a waiver as to any other provision. Section 13.14 Severabilitv. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision was omitted. Section 13,15 Time Periods. The ca,lculation of the number of days that has passed during any time period prescribed in the Agreement based on calendar days shall commence on the day immediately following the action or event giving rise to the commencement of the period and shall expire at 5:00 p,m. E,S.T. on the last day of the time period, Furthermore, any time period provided for herein which shall end on a Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday, shall extend to 5:00 p.m. E.S.T. of the next full business day. Section 13,16 Counternarts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same agreement. To facilitate execution and delivery of this Agreement. the parties may execute and exchange counterparts of the signature page by fax. The signature of any party may be appended to any other counterparts. Section 13.17 Radon Gas. In compliance with ~404.056, Florida Statutes, Buyer is hereby made aware of the following: RADON GAS IS A NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE GAS THAT, WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED IN A BUILDING IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, MAY PRESENT HEALTH RISKS TO PERSONS WHO ARE EXPOSED TO IT OVER TIME, LEVELS OF RADON THAT EXCEED FEDERAL AND STATE GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN BUILDINGS IN FLORIDA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING RADON AND RADON TESTING MAY BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT. 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date and year as indicated below, /~/'------- ~~ , . - By, ' ARfURO c~ Dated: 9 ~ )() - 0 '1 WITNESSES: Dated: ~~~. ~ CHARD YUSEM, individually Dated: <t l'"3" ) Ol{ BUYER: ,;;::::? -----?-- ---- ESCROW AGENT The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Initial Deposit in the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/lOO DOLLARS (~) and agrees to act as Escrow Agent in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, 11 ~ d - ~ -ff:/ @ESCROW AGENT: ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC, By: Name: Its: Dated: REAL ESTATE BROKER The undersigned acknowledges and agrees to act in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including Article VIII hereof. BROKER: THE KNIGHT GROUP, LLC, a Florida limited liability company BY:J~/(~ Dated: tf?,. 2tJ - t:J ct' ~~~ C.fi L- (C 08/ t!-.CJI< P, r r1 ~, 115 r T5 14 (J R E5.r oe,Jt- / 6 ((()K ~ JAMe;:~ u, ~Jr:6- tir Parcel I: n. Soulh one~haJr(S Y..) of Govemmcnt LOI'. in Section 8, Township 4' South, Ran"c 43 East. beina 12 acres more or less. l)'ins and bcinl in Palm Beach County, floriw.. Less: The South 60,00 feel of Government Lot " Section S. ToWftship 4" South. Ranle 43 fISt. 'aim BelCh Co,",,)'. Plorida. less the East 25.00 feet thereof. more parUcularl)' described II (ollows: CommcacinJ II the Southeast comer or Section 8. Townahip .15 South. Ranle 43 &It. Palm BClC:h County. floridai thence SQuib 81' 30' 4S. West. alOIla the SOUlh line or..id Section a. . distance or 2~.05 feet to I pollll on a line lyinI2S.00 teet West of; when meuurod at riaht &nala. &Dd parallel with the East line of laid Section a lineS the point of bqiMinl or the pan:el \0 be berein described; thence continue South a8- 30' 45'" Welt. &Joal the South line of said Set:tioa 8. a cUstIIneC or.361.2 7 f.et to a point; thence North 2' 53' 24'" fut. . dil\ance of' 60, II fed lO a point on I line JyinJ 60,00 feet North or. whco measUred at riJbt anales, and parallel with the South tine or salc1 sectJon s: thcac:e North 8S. 30' 45" Eu1, along the uleS paraUelliD., · cUatance of 360,59 roe( to a,point on a tine lyina2.5.00 feet West of. wben measured at ript anales, and parallel with the East line of laI~ Seelion 8; the~e Sollth 20 14' 00. W cst. alona the said pU:IUclline,1 diltanct of 60.13 feet to the point ofbqioninS ofthe hCfcin described parcel, LeA: A triansu1ar parcel of land for road. riJht-of.way purposes lyina in Government Lot 7 ofScc;tion 8. Township 45 South, Rana.4) Eat. County of Pit I'll Beach, Stale of Florida. more puticulQly described II follows: for the purpose ofthis description tbe South line of said SKtion 8 i. IIlumcci to bear Nonh 890 16' 21- Eut and .11 heirless recited herein are relative thereto, Commoneina IC tho Southeut comer of said Section 8, thence South 891' 16' 21" West. alona the South line of said Section al cSis1inc:c 0(2'.0' feet to the cxistina West risht-of..way line of Hish Ridlc Road. heinll line 25.00 reet Welt of (u mcuurcd It riabt anSlcs to) and parallel with the &at line aCthe SouchelASt one.qlW'ter (SE 1/.&) oCsaid Sedion a.thencc 'North 01. $9' 3S" Easulona said Welt ri&hl-Or.WlY lin~ a distance of60.13 feet to I point Itlhe mtcncction with I line 60.00 feet North orcas measured It right anales to) and parallel with the South line of aaid Scc:rion 8 llnd th; point or Page 1 of2 beaiMing: thence continue North 02. 59' 35" Easl alonl.aid ni~ins West ript-of.way line of Hip Ridp Road a distance or 17,4.1 fed; thence South 46' 07' 58" West departing from said West riaht-oC-way line. al1i5\111CC of 25,41 feet to said line 60,00 feet North orand parallel with the South lincof Section 8; thence North 89. 16' 21- East .10nl said l'araJJclliM a distance of 17.41 feet to the point C)fbeginnina. Parcel 2: CommeRCiaa at tho Sout~ comer orScclion 8, Township 4' Soum. Ranae 4' East, Palm 8eldl Coun!1. Florida; cheacc South sr 30' 4Slt Well. alonl the South line or aid Sectioa 8. a dl~A of386J2 feet to the Southwest comer ofOovemmcnt Lol1 of said Section 8: tI1cnce North 2. 53' 24" Eut alonathe West line ofllidOovcmmcnt Lot 7,11 diltanc.o!60,11 feet to a point onlline l)'iq 60,00 Cote No.c1h or. when meuured at riaM Inales, and pamlet wtdl the South Une of slid Section a and the point orbeJirmina; thence South 88. 30'45. West. alonlthouid parallel line.. distance of I 15JO feet to a point: thenCe North 1. 34' 02" Eul, . distanct of 1259J9 feet to the SouthwClt comer or LoC 36, ~8 to the pill of Hlah IUdse Subdivilion. 1$ recorded in Plat Book 22. Paae 6. in and for the public records of Palm Bach County, Plo.rida; tlK:nc:c North aa- 3S. or East,. aloal the South line of said Lol 36. a distance of 144,~3 fcello the NortllWCllt comer of the South ollc.half(SVa) oCRid CiovemmcnlLol 7; thence Soulh 2' 53'24" Wat, alon, the West line ofuid Ocwemmmt Lol 7. D distance or 1260.96 feet to the point ofbeainninl of the befcin dclcribccS parcel: Page 2 of2 EXHIBIT "B" FORM OF LETTER OF CREDIT ,200_ LETTER OF CREDIT: LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT: EXPIRATION DATE: IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT # $ ,200_ NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION 398 N.E. 6th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483 APPLI CANT: BENEFICIARY: ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC. 2701 Gateway Drive Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 We hereby issue our Irrevocable Letter of Credit #. INSURANCE FUND, INC, as Beneficiary. in favor of ATTORNEYS' TITLE We undertake to honor your draft or drafts at sight on us not exceeding U,S. $ accompanied by: when A sworn statement of ARTURO SCROGGIE, individually, ROGER DECAPITO, individually, and RICHARD YUSEM, individually (collectively, "Seller") that a default under the Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Real Property dated , 2004, by and between NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES CORPORATION, a Florida corporation ("Purchaser") and Seller (hereinafter "Agreement") has occurred, that all applicable grace periods in respect thereof have expired and that Seller is entitled to be paid the proceeds of the Letter of Credit under the terms of the Agreement, or a sworn statement of a representative of Beneficiary that the Letter of Credit is due to expire within ten (10) days and Purchaser has neither replaced the Letter of Credit nor caused the expiration date of the Letter of Credit to be extended so as to continue to fulfill the deposit requirements of the Agreement, This Letter of Credit is valid until 200, and drafts drawn hereunder, when accompanied by the statements referred to above, will be honored if presented to us at our office at on or before that date. All drafts must be marked "Drawn Under Letter of Credit # _,200 dated This Letter of Credit is subject to the to the Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision), International Chamber of Commerce Publication No, 500. (BANK) By: EXHIBIT "C" PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes for the year of Closing, which are not yet due and payable. 2, Reservations in favor of the State of Florida, as set forth in the deed from Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida recorded in Deed Book 891, Page 172, as affected by that Quit Claim Deed recorded in Official Records Book 89, Page 120, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida (as to Parcel 2). 3. Reservations contained in Deed from Lake Worth Drainage District Recorded in Official Records Book 901, Page 848, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. '08-10-'04 17:02 FROM-~R & THOMAS --- ..........--.. 81-8'-'/14 14 ~ 31 Prm-o~R & nDJAS .." U~ .._ .l.:.... :Je4 .... 5613680293 IlC.I'G"UI.IA L,ANIr.;iAPH-<<i 56136&8293 &ll:t.r:i lAf ~ !1<foI.... A.. 2 T-512 P02/12 U-578 PAGE 82/12 T-U8 P92/32 0-648 PAlE e2l12 , ., I' I....' I - i T ~ 1::' I t.1o\Ul AND JllIACIWI.. ~-~~ -.... - -:::-- -...._--~.- -II: ~.~.. ti_ Ao.d ......".. . .. I.RI!!&T. ~~~r~ .a.~.ll."""",, .....m PARl1U Nfl) DUCMPnDNOI ~lf ~ ......Ii i.=; --.. II ...."-1'lIfU ..VII ~ IddilMllI P/'OpIItf. PAICe&NCI~ PIr.alle ", 1u,.1n u.s. btd. IS lbIoIc Ie ....cej r"'"MWr Apd). d.,. Il'om T.e.I FWI...... c.. 3 ~,f"",..;'...., IV "".........J Olhar. .*'cI1O daIIi (NIt ~ '....). AI UI* pelfI .. .... .... .. pili" _locIIIr Cll'awl Cllltler'l "lOll. 8fIIclal_. ., __ AMelI, C C'I (...... .,.., ,: ~ price will_ cIeleMllnecf ..... OCt . per unit ON& ...... .r. 11M ".) The UIl" 411'" '0 ....,..- ~ ~ II Q IDI a .. a ..... -.at a oIW(lIMcifv: , _ I ....."",....fUltllllll,TIIi..............,_ Pet unlMiiiii till NlcllllIOIllll'tDtal ~ P..1Itd to .."., 1ftII...., ~ II ...".. .....lIe4 SUIVfIIDf ifI -"101 .. "'1lIiIII8IIh I(~ ~ "15 n.. ......... elf.... _1lIfw..... 1M! ...,~.. tom.. ~.......: __ ..__ I.CMlIWlNANcIJI": ( .11I"....) . ,at 'u,efv.tl ,.,~h_1Ie PrOl*t)'''''''roh~.I>>I,'''''''''cy. ,..---. ellJ a:. I' .1..0 800.04 ~Iy .. .."., or m-.oe ....., .. ...... ell such ...." ), I..~. ~ of. __ flit.. ~ ~ II PI" t ....... ~..., ..... """'.loIIIll....~...~r.... ~1,.a c: ...,.. A1Iii .., ......... 1oI~ All..... ....... ('lMJ 17~ 08-10-' 04 17: 02 FROM-CAr""",: & OOMAS "7-88-' 04 14: 31 FRa'l-Cr '"'iR & notAS .. . .,.., "t, 4""'" ...W..... .....,..ftt4I" 5613680293 --..... __- __..,__ ..' ..A 5613688293 u.~ 1.- "J""-~AA 2 T-512 P03/12 U-578 "'AGe: 03/12 1-198 P93/12 U-648 PAliI( 12/83 -- - u., ~ · CUNrllIJ ~ al ..... lit III lIIIiiiIii .... ..... tI __ Q .. (dtecrIIe) ...... .... " ".... 0 ... 0 ..... ...... .." a 1ft lie ......... ...., 1ft the ~ ~.. ~Ilo will puIdIMe s.IIef'a e~__....., ....,. " .". ...... ~....... ...... I/IIClftfrart_.... "orlll. "lI'll...o.Jhntfer...--..s · .... PM1r...,.. In py lie ...... ,.llltllllotlWt W. ~"" wi' t...... .......,.,.. CLoIIICI .. 0LaII1O DATI; OCCUPANCV: 'OW Coftlllgt 1M" ~CIoeM MIlt... deed ellll DOM..... dIIhIeMcl on Of IleAl. ~~ . uMu.~ by "'* IIfOIWlIIaM Of ... ee..ca. If Oft 0..."'0 Dille .. ".,..,.a, ~ ~ IMlI1lOnI cI~. up 10 5 _ abt hlNclrana .11I...." ,. d-. So Q ~IIIG ~ COSTa: CI6si/Iv" -.... . ... UUtII1........ p~ llloceIitcI... "'-1 be ~ by .1iI11l...J& ---. .,.. --.. lIIeIIlU _It fOr'" *'lIcU ....... .......,. IN ".lIfnd.r ........ ... and ~ ", ..,..,..... ........... MuM etctolln8lM lIIl............ tv.... 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JIIOf' IQ ....... ~ ... IMnIh ."., .. C~ .... ... ....,... Per'" ..... ..... .. CIDIiIlf (tI afllt). lldt ......,.1IIn ,... MIl ....". fees. (~ ......... ,... .....,... _"1& .. lie -- CUIMfIt 41'" PftII*d. oJ'" __ ..... ~ ~ .... ac.v tn&S, ......It. --. ~.- .........., ~ -~...... and........... If......td "Milo4\4iI_..the ..,.,. ~ -MO'_ .............. ,........... ... U'" will adJIItII'lIenIl'or.... ..-.... tel T......,u............ -....,.uJ~... h FlIf'I9t ,........" if! R..' ProoIwtyT..AcC, wtdrII""V reQub !ellor to "..1IIcIII0MI msft,. aotM, , ""It is a ....." ~.II"""'IIJ"""" w, PROPlltTY coNDI.., .. ~'-" .....lIIl'.liwrl-. ~ " ~ . ... ....".... Jrl .. ..,..... ... b- tort....., __ ........ '"ulIrIg hill ~.. ~~, "_ny, .lCIIPtId, StIIer WI....... tilt .......ina............. in . _..... ="' ee::.... ... '"" ...... in lit ....'.111...., ".t.ud .......)'....1Ie ~". CClIIGIIIIO" ......1 h ........ priw c.) ""'Zone: ~ il MvlIId '0 ..", by IlINI" . tne IiIndet ... WIlft 1Il5lI".... fO*mlInI.... wflIch flood ~.....,.. ~ .. In. ....... lIood NUrIfIq it ""..... Ill" ""* IWlIIlidION .ppt, ID ~ t'" ~ ItId -III 1ft .....,. "'*_. (It) .............~" ..iilld.,. cNftItI i" '~""'*""""~ and J...... ", MWIoe WIlWI.,., ~ :=.;~~~ ...,~ """"''''-'''- ...-......-....- ::: - . -" .~( ....-.-".-..---.....,........ ~..~ c:,;==-J:.'t:.,.'1I~.-~:r.&:-~-=_~... '08-10-' 04 17: 03 FROM-C!~ ;~_~..!OOMAS ~1~~ti-'~ l~:J~ ~HOM-CAf ' ~ THOMAS ~"W4'4UU~ '.:-4 ~_~~ db.~ 5613680293 ? -"'I:.totMULHol l.ANDSAPING 5633680293 DGSS LAW F'I~-,:'A/( 2 T-512 P04/12 U-578 F='AGf 04/12 T-]~ra pg4/j2 U-648 PAGE 14/12 tI.._... ;:. -....~-- tc'I"~t~ftJ"fll_1bwI . , ,. CI Ct) ......W., sw,: -..rlllll,.,..,.. -..me ....lIliIIflilt _ ~ lrom bIc:rM Olne p....iItIy itWy ......,.,,11.._._ .....,~ ~ _t.III'IMI.,.....,.,........ ..oii.iii........ ,.. lor fIeuliIA~ " IMF GCll'IIIGf. Ptl_ I INMI'Cln ......1IftIA( ~ ...., ....., ...,.... '--'-IM 'nw",M1.~ ("'ll~~ ..,.... ...,.., 'Mf'll ....tNty 10 t 1 . ..~_ to NCktt..".... "",",,,_ ~., ......... and ....llItrItII ,.......; _"I and DI'In.' *'- .........: ICIInd ~: __lIIll1ly Of -- tD paaIla ..lis. ...r,.... ..., utI_ ~.., . ..Ind......... ~....t DYne: ~.,~, ....~.... ."...., MlI--. .~ lIlIIer .... .....1lIMlM ............ Ie .......... .. ~ ~ !Dr Ole ...,.". inIIn4ed lltC. UIte IllUSt lie ........, .."., '1111 aIIIIIn ... llIIaIIiftg .... ........... QOIMINflI........ .eI........ . ...... ''''''' $ ~ 10 lie In lllI,.~ wiIh .. ~f1J1_"'........... .,...,., ............, II....., ....., and .eigns, !he ",Of IN p~ It..., IiIwe ....,. lie ,.~ .dy flielfocIliIr Ole ,.",...of..........lIt'f~!:{1 ... r.... ..,.r,......... ..... ~ . end -1IIIg-.....r the r...... Mil.....""..... ...., own 1iM. ... ~... MIlt...,. ___ Inm ...... illl'\lOb, ... CIII.. - ........ fII an, ....., ..... ...., hm 0...... AIW ~ Irlaunw .... ........ ,..,. ........ II' ..... =...., MIl hili iii ~ 1MitMn, MIinf ("," .. IlandUCIl of ., .. III ~ 01,,,, ..... ~ .... ....-. ... '" .,., ~y "'.. _uIlf ...... in a ~~ .... ....l"CJ tlIWf....... ht "'-tr......&eIIa"e ....,0lJlfIIII II ft. ~.... NIl Close. ......... ~....... f""'" at' ~ lilt II................ 1~16 MIl..... lit ~ 1Ilt"- ~........ ..... CIaftlIueI ftI.. .....,....... ..... c::b......... ... ~ MIlt --...,..,..,lld _ I ..... -UlIt ~ a..,w........ "*10 a. ~OI... ,.....,~ ~ ot~ detllnliMlcm or llIIMIwerllCll.... ~ ''''''' ,.,.,. to ~ '"" "* _oa ...,hIMt1C will ....... ~. ", ... ........,.. .... ......... .- ~ .... '.. ia. .....1Dft. ".. ProIIIf\' it In. k. to Bu,., 8nlf ~ .. 01", .... ,. ........ _ ..." UIis Cll:IfItJ.ad "., .. dMMed """illllotf . . u.. ., ""'M .....,..., Scudy · *PaIIf.) wi 1M ,.",.. ... "crow AI.". ,...,.. ...,.,. "'......on .... .. "'lerI&IN ....1IlII~ ctr- .".. " UIIs... ...t en. ......~ ,. .~ to, ~ ,,~, ......... 0Iift. Utldad ~. . .......... ....,. ..,... PIDDMv er lie ~ \llII De epplVWd fbr &he.....1/oII 0'. well ,-- -... chJlOMl --- llnd .,.. ..~ IMlnf ~d .., '*"'*" ........... .. ~.. euctllt or~. l'tIIfrlcllof.. ~. '"""'" IIlIIIIIIfllcnt I/tftd IIIWoMlenfe,...1UoniI. 1ft II ~ ~ IJllltlllte su,.r, .. not ClDIlfifIMnt on ..".. __~ '''V tltlt.. ......3,..... td)luWuNed......: Ir WI c:om...c It flat 1M ...... oIlUWMcItcl .., defined II., ~I uw., "(II) A"f OllnIiOuout 1M- ....,.<< ...... fit is IIRIC*IG ..lie ClhIIded tor the DWlNe or......... /nil) eo . .... ..... ....... lift"" w~: If II) An, ....... ......., 0DftI/0U0uI or "' ~ Ie -....; 01 ........ ... U chfded 11I&10 tJI .. -. .... unhI. III .......... ....,.. pM.'~ JIWIIOIIo/I8I...... ~... CIInIIlWl CofthGt _ _....,. ~'~__J lbr. .-wi ffI' --- .". tom !he'" an """Ida ."., ....,... w. ~ If ~... .. CIInaIf ~ Ihe ...,Iod ....... · ...... GI' Of"" ~ ,... " Iv)1wr" lie ta"ndW IIiChouC II..", Of -..ti.. wIIItlIt zo .,. 01.. NlCltlIII or !he 1lCIIIcII., ..,.w~~ by ,"- ____. '0... OF LONr _NEItT IDOMAIM: I' ~ I*1bn atllle- P,.".~ II InIt1fCe1ly ........ br ClMU"'Y... CMafnD, tit "If.. ... '\.In .... · ..........., ~ to ..... ell or NIl of Itle ~ ;" leu of _MIl ...,.. JIfOOIeIS"", or I an ....... ..... /1'....... Ill...........,... -~ w.m ..-,. ... ~ fIlIf. __ .. Co...,.. ...,..... neta II .. .. ..... to ..ys..... ...... ... of....... ~, ... "'*" ......1iII... In lICCIORlIftCI....., .... CDl'llnlc:f ."..........,....... ~ ''''''''''lIItIIt~ or ill.... ClDmNft1. if I"V. ".",& .. lI1Ub...,., 'lilt ~ ..x..... I1lt to .. ~.., _ ~ Mnwty deed 01' lIUCtIe. pefIONI ~ ~, ....... "U~to""""_, (IJ TIle ......... TIle ..... lIIII'.,.,. ....'.ODeSl.. .. P~.lICI ",..... ... tllIe.. lit s.18r in ~4MfI,* ..., CIIll'eIIt - ....... ..,..,. Il1' tile FIoricfI Bar, ~ 0flIJ to In. -...... _ ......, nont"~ "..". .......,~... Ollie"""", .'~b ~Ud . .....-. -........ -.. ~. Of ~; ~ : IIIIdrij ~0IlI,. ... ~ NIIU~: oa, 111& .nJ ....... .. ~ if.... II no noN 11I"~: CUtrellt IUu; ........... ...,.. ......; .....~... ...., wi! ~~ <<01 beftn dOlillIl.......,. wfI~ pIfot II eIowing. dlliwr to ...,., ""'s ca-. 01 ..,. r1I file ~ ~.,... ......ftGe, -Ieh It'I.. CIa .......,~ ill ltellOuntl' lIIIIIe,..... p~ It __ t~ lrI ~ SIc, ... ...... we). .....,..,IIM opton C1, ill PIIm .... County InG .... (i) in 0.. c~. lq A._......... __.... "- ~ ... ........... """... ........--. Gl\/y1D.... .-t fortn~" *. ca. ...~ ow_ ,'I L 1__..._.."'__........_. ~ ~ ....!. ., /l4'" ........I.IIIIrwM. AlII .... ~ Us. __ '-.n,. - ~..... AII:I Slat'......... Ill&. All....'............. -"lrNIM '08-10-' 04 17: 03 FROM-~~~~,,"".:. ~_!IDMAS e7-e8.'~ 14:32 fHOn-C~orER ~ THOMAS .,.. ....' ....IJ..' ,."Cf4 :ll 100"" 56136813293 oc.~"Il.I&.I" I.MNU~ J I'a.. 561361le293 ~ L.AU ..tlo/M-, , ., ~ T-512 P05/12 U-578 PAGE 05/1 2 T-lm8 PiS/12 U-648 IDAGE 85/12 . -- - I." ....." (21 Aft -.... ~", tiel. f",", . ,.,..Ille Md ..... ablhc:t """ ,If f/ml I, not ...., !hen a MtI8CI mu'l lie 011..... ........ IIy '" ...,. tml) ~ 10 .. 8ft eouaIe .~ of 'h. ~ ~ '"11I10 tne """"'Y ......... ..... IlUltlle..... f:I.. conv ""IN !he P11lIlMV II -..., -.J ""10 ~ o.e., ~;f IUOl II" .......11_...... . ..I..... tfwIII .",., OMl,,"s'" ~r ~. to lilt ~ in....., III ;/ .,... ... .........., - .... ~ tor.., of III ....., 4>~..IIIll."." in . ~1mlIl1CCII"''''1o au,.... ,... IIfItIII tam ,.. -- .. ancI ..... to ...,., or...... ....1fl9 ...... IDgetIW MVI IleJlltt of .11 __"*III IWIIIN .. h ..., IlOIIcr Iftd in ... .... If. _ ...~ illlllt..lItlIC Ie ..... ,,,- (1) ... wi. t>> ... .. CIWIdtnM. ".. ...,.,. wi.. 0IIMnd no ..., H" 1D &II,. IlefIR CIoIi", 011I. ("I ,. e.........: ..... ..., ....-Ch. .. ...... .,.. deGlIer \lIRIeft 110-. to ..." Wlhlrt II _ ,""" ~'-' rA lilt ..... .., ftlJ ........It .... tit.., d__.,.,.~ "'.. ~.. .1Jer ...... ao lie,. ..... ..... or ..... 111*...' d.-. ~ ....., tD can 1M .t.cf..,....... up.... It...,...". lilt __ lIlWn .. c--. ...... .....WII.... --......10 .~... the DlrtIH ,..... aa.. ... "-Idon on e..... 0.. ., WiINn 10 .,... .~.....,...". ,... ilQot,.. DIte .. '**- .,.....is "".. tl ue the ...... ~N" I,. ~ fWM. ....... ......... IlliCIt 10 .... and .."., .., ~ 10 ..... ffM ",",pC of........... IIitNt -.1 .. ~ III..,........... HftcIt oIIlCI dClM 1Ie~. (eI --" -ua- mer. ..,Ie c~ 0.11 ... . ....... ......., "-we lilt Pnl,erty '''1Wr1Cll Mcf "'_...r .......,. llOU-to ..... -'"'1WI . ...,. twn ..-oe ttllUIWtV IlIJIIlO IItIr lIltn -ho. vt My eIlCI'CNIclh...._ OIl tile .~. ...."...._ ~ '" PIOMnva ,""........ 011 Oller ...... ar ..... ~n . ZOftInt lollll..ns./vt1ltd ~'M 01' ............. ..."'I'Ie..".".,..... till... I'" ...... __....... _... .. .. II..",.".. ~ ICDIlIW..- ....... 1UINr........." ~ ...., .... DtIIt Of lie PtoNft\I.. .......,. of" CIIIeiIiII CO~ eo""'...... .....1I4I1..GriM ...,.,. _1ft ...... Dr ICIMlr . ,..,1NcI ty IlIW GIIlno...... the 5"... IlleIfion on IIIe IS~~. ..... ....,., WIII_ ttlil ~"ftment In... MMlt..l.NfIoU. "1!~\tI ~TI: TillE: Tllc ~ Dale- or U. Contrwr Ie .... __ Ill'I w~1Ctt lhe .... 1M .... ...rUoe wt_ D' cigM .. IMtt oIIr. nlM" (If.. ....... -.. prowtaJ... .,..... ~ All 'IM petiOf' ..... .. ...,. IIllIII Qe c:DIlllUIClI '" IMIM.u ... fa "INaIN.. .., ia IMfY ClIIII..... .. ... 31....', ...., aN IIItiMIl ..... 1lOIdt\llJ. .... lor t_ ..........,..IM 10 ..,., llIhich wIl W ~ III .......:11' -.. "a'W .....". W. on. ""cfI" &1'*1 or......" ,.".. ,..,., .fIM........ .. tie due ... .... .....ss .-y. AN tIm. /*IOda wII/ _ .. S:OO II..... IDIlIIIIIme (~"" in lhe ~ ... fie ~ 111-...0 rIf IIIe ........ _. ,1. NOTICU:1lIl "ca willle made 10 ""1IMb Ind BroIl. II, ftlIiI. p'l'lIONl dthety Of I~ medI~ au,.,.. flIll"", ID *'ivw ....., __It .... .. ......, ....... ... ... Ie requlMd ." .... C'"*-f, .....,... ...., ~ct.. will ....... thee CWlflIIIIMJ' I"'" .... ~ ..... 1fto ComtNt WIll..........., _ "..IlGMIf.....,.. ...c ... 11. 0CIIPI.lTE AGItIlMom TN. c-.. is the IrlIre .V...... ~ hJw.... .....,. Eaeept far ItlNl.er.lge. .......... ... ".. fit ....... ......"".- WI. IIIncf ~ ........... .................. ,. eNs Oetth~ Mr~llllUll "'We Clnlreclwt .. be *dint 1IlII.. '" -di11ll. .....,.. ..~ _ .. ~ ro ... NwId, are,........ ~ dOowtte.... .......... In CItII Cantlacl, ~ W .....lNdIoalI... OClmm'""",,1IIcf ...~ or on __ WIll .. Ie....... ,.,.. puIJIv-. InclvIIng ~ .rId .ca lie trIncIww. Haft...... Of twI......" __ InIoIUld /It ... "*'*' . .. ~""""'1IIWrfnIed .."".. ., ... "".CenInIcl Of beclDmiIs ".... or unvIoroe.. ... "'"1rllI ~"" .... GOII...... . .. ~~.., .. iii'1Inr t:!llDIc ,....,., ,.. A.a.~wun: "MONa :...,...., "M....... CcIMict ...........lIMMrtt. The ..". ........ ......... ............ 1M)' ''"tiller or..... n. ClIll_ is ""..., .~, tIIlUDrs,I*tGn., -~~.,..... (W lM*'....1tr "A&n.T INJ DIIfIIUR QlournON f1 DerAW. T: c.J ..... Default "lot M) ....WI .'ChIn 11III..- "Ie/,.,.. ... Sen,,,. III. ........llt. ........ .~ --.... ..... or fIIIIlacII b....... .... CorftCl. au,., ~ d-.. 10 fIICtive . ..""" _..,... ..... ....&a WIlWw ""...,.\o................'_"**.....a(1h_'O....'........,....,.. .... 1lIbI. 10 ...., tar '" U ..... at... .......1Ie. ... ..,. ~ "...., .... eo pertaml "* C...,. WIIIlin .. IN ....IN. ~ ...., .......... -~~~.-Y ~ ~ ~ _ICI.' a.-..., fNI.~ II.....,. ~".4l1M.._ 01' - - -- M '* .- ---~ ": InclI lro,* WIlL llPOt'l Cienland, ,....,. _ of .. CIepClIIIt 'lid ."d .e... 10 lie... CIt be.. .... lmong ~O ......) lip .. u.. WI ........1 fA '" DrOa...IN, 14. -PUJI M$CK.UTlON.: '"* Conn.ot "" ... CIOn"'* IINIII FIoIt,. r.. AN COftI"""., ....... ~ 0/"., m'lIe" .. 4UIIt/oft ..... 0.4 '" or....... lID .. --"'1'1 0( ... CcImNa or IlIIlfNc:h lMllIe. HtIM .. ,...,.: ~ ~ ~ ........... --lie Ndt 8NL.,Ntf to .. INdr. ...,........ s.Uw wit "-- 30 "')15 '""" tile .... ClOlI_ .....Ada ....IN.. " ."", to ...... hi cIIpu.. IIWa&Itf\ It'Maa-.... " .... ..., &ovw AfenI "'II SUOlllC ~~.: ......... -.. Ilerl.. ...., 10 E"'-r AcI.... dlCliot ., MIinfIon. . Flolfda coun . .... ~ ItNI e.. -.- --~~...,........_..- . ........ .. r... '.....__....._....__........_ ~ 1 .... fit ,_"!.I~""'._ ~IO_....__ 1Iw,.. ...u.."" --..... AddM ~"'ht ...~. St~, SO"-....III~. All ft/IIl.'"...",.., .*)17...... -08-10-'04 17:03 FROM-ell. .P. & TIDMAS ~:fV~#.~~~ .~.~~ ~O~~!t~J . lfl-IS-' 84 14; 33 FlD'I-cABI"' & iF01A5 .f' II... CCHl'l ".,. v.r -:all A 11.& . .11 5613680293 BERKJDt:. L.ANDSAPlt-<<j 56J36BlI293 ""';1 ...... r. ",".r"^ .. T-512 P06/12 U-578 P~GE 0V12 T-1e9 PI6/12 U.648 "_ .." ~J ,It' All oller .......: _... .nd s..... "., hIw 30 .,. hrft .,. C13t1 . cfilP'b ...... ~ 1M'" 10 .....' a. retOIIre Iht lIIdIt lhrougll.....iICIM. r.I/lIlt"'" the ..... wi' ,.1OIlIe 1h<< dIIcIul. Itvwg" ".~.. bincllng ""'...,. in tile ClllUn\, IIoIwwt ... ~ it .... The ~ near '* ... !he CIIltNct ........ af ...,. !IIV ...... ,.". JnMrIeclI rGr /II .. COIlRcl, .,... ....1'lII .. III h.., .. ... .,...... -WIt 01 tile ..,~ end "'" __ ...... of flee Met tile -...... ~ M ..a I .. IlII1d If II. ..,.. .... .. u. .....". It will "- irt ..a"'-- '"'" lie FIol* Ruin of CIIM ProcelIIft fItCf ... ..... WI! I'ISCIMI -'I 111;11 iYr ....Ied _JuIIs, All., lIicIlUlet ... . '... est. Iceft... I'IMItd III ,........, 'If lilt III ~ 10 ~1llIniIDl onlt If... .....'. .... COllI............,,' 10 ~ . ""110 ...~, 1lis dIIat wi......... tel ... ..M.... ........: ........: .....,...... It. ...... " wNch NIIin """'10 1'1'" a ell.... bv .~ II (0 III .... mecIuDr 11IM ,..... 1M ....... "'lhe ..... IMIt .. . MI.",~ ID IIIlI'OM . ......... 0iI1h. ..... .............. III .oe........ """ 01'" ~ MIllIon ~., rAM") or.. ,....,.... 1ft W... ...... 1111...... "'I eQUllr.. .. mNaI.n .. r 1fW, -Mtilr_II".. praatW In lIlINcIl", ...... ..... .. ..... - · ...... ........ ....,,....,. ~ ..... '" filii.. wIlIlM ..Ion it....... an .. DIlUte. AIbIrIIIolI.w. ~;'''''' ..1ft Wle'~" III .v.. or.. MA" oil., ......, ..... .., III ...... e. J*\f tD "'Y ~ WIIIp-., Its --...... ............ ..... ......... i........ .......,...... MII....-...................... ..... efMlt\IItIIM lea rJl ....,..... lit. WI..,. to... ~ ~.... lite ...... ....,.. fie.......... ..... 1M ..... to feCOIoet ...'" tile "~, ....., -..... ............. ....... UI*lI" DOIIOW AC8NT AltO MCN<EA if. BCIIOw AGMI .... .M....... ...... cu.w I\aIrC III '*lIIiwe. ._ .", ...... funde Ma ...... items 'n ~ ..... .... .. ""IICI. ........ .... "*' ".............n .. h ~.... wiIft !lie ......, .f .... ~ ~ .....". .............. -n.c ,.... ... ... hCI'N .. will lilt be ...... 10 "'" pMlWl Ibr ......., 01 awOlMId -.-ria ..... or ...... ..... ffIIlMiallwry Ie ~ 10 !tcrow~. ..'" ..,..,. 01 "" Otwlhd.. .... .....~. He.... AQIIlt.,.... 1M ~......,.........." r.e.w Aftnt..., ~ .... "';of ow.. '"'"'.. HpoaIIw will.....r ..............,.,... INIllICl5.. III IIlIid m1llt ~ W. <<'''''Ill W dMlgeCl..... ...... a. ClDUrt OOSla '" ,.. .'ltlellfWllno .. AI d"ll9IiMt EIOIl:Jw AIeftt.. be.......... $0 1onlI- it-..,..,. --lilt II> ___Ie. tc. ~ AIMeE: ~ lIMILnY: .......................,... ., ~ . .... 11II4 ~ thai ..lift....." 11Im.... 10"" jIIn ~1Iri* ......,., ~ _,... (lor ~ ..~...~ ~ d~" lilt .. tf... ....... ~ oM WINelMn. ..1111. till. ......,. .... ~ ........... Me,) ~ ftlt -. '1QPel1Y ~ ....~.... -..,.......-. ""'lCIullJ AJ fge;.1NI......... ...... Ill". PItMItV... CNII i1" ..1.UU 1IritaI..~ MIllIn. OlIO.......) ~... WI............. "'A"~ ~= IIClIIIds unee .... i........ ........ "'-11011 II -....~. ..,., _... . .., ....Ir OIl ....... --,.11.... olllll tow.n....,. ........ tor.,..... Of.. ....I*W ctnllllOft... ....... .............. .................. ............ ~ will II' II c-. .1Id ...,....... ......... ............ .......... fete " .. ... IncuINd ~ BraIlIr Me .,..,.. ..... ~ ....- ~., "MIdIOII_ ar '"""'......".... or...wa ........ ..lIUJe tI ,.....,.. ......, tMgrti... .....1nCI.....1lDl~ /I;I""'-.fld.......lInMltr.,.. ....,.................... ..._......,.. ... "Ii~", '* 01'55..... en f'1 .......,.. ar""'" "1IIomeIlt or r..... pMonIt ~ -....."1: fI} .....,. ~ .. ..."....... ........ VII ~ .... ...... die IlGlIIIlt 01 ..... ........., ~ cr.......,. 47$, F.I.. -....... NlI4ng r..... '~,""""" _ ""'*: fI' ..... " MMCIQ MlltdeG 11'I eny __inri M .....1 .. ~ by 1fI1....., .".... W.. '*"1IIUIIltI U NIp01I!111l1r' _....'" WId...~ IhIlr ~ ".,.,." ""- ...,."" WIIlKl1 fIIIlIW __ of...., OltlIVMIUI$, r.. ~ tJI th. ,.,..,.. a....., wi. ........ .. . '*" lO1fIis C4NIQcL "............. willUMIe ....' 17,1IIIOICMS:". .....1(., IIfd ...,,", ftlmMl Meow lie ~ '-lei.... -e........... eM 8v1er Dflt ....,..... ......t.) ....,td ........ tIW pI'OCUtnJ QUIt.f.... .....,I"*"...... to C"-ing ....: ....., .. 1Iu,., d'ftd ~ .... 10 d.... . '**'9 ... U MlDUIIt '" ... ......... .... . apedlIecI If' 1IIl8r'" We..,... .....OINrll& .,. 1M -- ... -.,.,. .......,. ....-e" III Ifoae... .......... Iln ,.._ wc:h .... ""'" ... _o-tI ~ In Ih. --- Dl ~ -.... ..-m..a. ClIotint .,.... ........ .......,0... MIndIcItIcl W-. 1m ~m.:: !KIt ~lW:P!CM ,...... .. I --... II: Bra ~tOlf ... Eet_ ~nHe .....-,.,....., ('0("" ~ ~} B~"_y 1M, "..'" .fPtonr... "'-k .... J~<~. --., c:::.:::..:5 f ..... r ( 1 ~ NOtilll of. .., 0I1IlO peat. wtI~ " "'" , ., 8 Peg.. t=.~... · ., M..._~.AIot...s~~"........J,,~ ... ~, AIII_,........,..... All.....,. ,,",""I. (85, m.IUI '08-10-' 04 17: 04 FBOM-CAl...._:_~.THOMAS I, 1,.'-II~-.~ 14;34 FRa1-CI "iJt & TlDIAS tJII."W#14 111:,u "11...4548 5613680293 .....,..........,... ..... ..~...,. .. '''''' T-512 P07/12 U-578 ~~ t"'12 5513681293 DQS5 !.AIII "JItM-f"Q J T-ll8 Pr7/12 U-648 PAtE 11183 . A~ IE.... ~~_ JI--'~ ,J 0:'- 't ,h. .. "*.. .......10.. . ...., ...., C..... If not _ undefsIDod. "'lMacMN of.. ......, ,.,.. ait"'"" OF" MDACCII'rANca IChecllIf ......~ a ."., /QIIlItd . "'*" flit 0IaPtJ\' GecIowre ........ .. ,-'_ ........... Offw.) ..... ....10 ,..,....... .........,... fl. .....,""........" UnI.. !hit CClIWQ III ..., ~....r Ind . cop, ........ID...........,=~ .. 0 .."".,... U1J~l,Jal ."0. .NIt aIIr ........... - .~. did......... cMIwlce of .. ~~.., ~ ~'\~... 2.()1.\.,,~,.,1. I I "\t.~ r, ~- } 7-- I ~ ; >' DIll: ,.. f 10 r .~ Print.me:~ - ....: :fA!..., ~_= ...._!S]-<{'l-cl9.." PfIQM: AMfwIs; "C .. DIll: '1;; v;;' bl I PM.~ DIYUIID'lr )' , :DIO.. . F1NM1a oo.,..ftUoa Tn IDII$N: t -; lMIlet: PtfIlC nllIM: ~: 'T1IlC 1M18N: PbIne: F. o ......,.-s ~..., (tD ......,. .... offw, IiIuww lIlUII."" or InWII III. <<MI_ ...... fIlmS IIlIl dlfMr I _ · lie ..... 10 ..... '" 1,01) p..... ... \, 0 "'..... ....... II~. DIJtt, (Tao... 4lfI "". W\O.. "My'9* or...... .......n.l:IIlhlfNf ......J ....... f ,............ rneIlK fit. ...., of ... ~. -Ictl ill '''' . of t ....... . .".....,.... ....-. ,_.. "--... '1.....tt4.. - ....."""~......... ~-""""'ttlll.""._ ....-.... -- .... ...., .... -.................... - -- - -........ ...... - to -...... _ _......._ ............ ......... ........ ...... ......, ......, 11.....- ........ ___ __......,... ............. _____ ...... "......., .-.......,...,..... -............. c....._...., ""'....... -.... u..... n7 U,I, ~....... u'..JIIII........... ---- ...... -................ "............"...,.,., ml VMlot ,.... ......11"11 T .,........ AI..... ......." 1M,..,. . MIl'" ~ ... .. '~J1JA. ............ ...... FcniIItii.. ee"-t ...-. .., ........, ... AU "le." -.....& P... anMN o. I, '02-10-' 04 17: 04 FROM-CA~,^,.' & TIDMAS ~7/D8/2ee4 14:42 5&14321123 "'-lA-'," l'l:.tI l'~r 5 nD1AS v"~.'4~~~ ....4 ~...~.~ 5613680293 BEFMJDA L.ANDSAPlt-b 5013081293 ~ UIW . LNlI-+A)( 4. T-512 P08/12 U-578 PAGE 88/17 T-1811 P18/12 V-HS F'AGE "/12 #I ~ I , , f ~ \ I > - I . I, I . r MeftIU/lt" 1M CMInlIdII ~....n ~~~~."-'__m~ n. -- ......... .......... ..... ClINlhd ....,......... tJIIJf . inlIrIIecf ., tCIl*1e1; IIEmON 1U11XC11WG1: a ....... laUe' ,...... . -*" 'WI ... tInI.CIon. 'IlIe.......-1o ~ '" ...... lie _III "'..........- .... ...... ........, fill ..., w.-_.. Itlel ..., lie '" II""'" .......IW .......1Ml --. v.r nJ lie ........ lit ...... IIIIIIIl ..., .. ..... ... ..... III ~ ..... ltle e.IIIllI"_ G; ... IWlI r lu..... ,..,. *. .... ........... " ....... .. ..... .,.. __ .., .... ......... . .u.r -....e ,..... for... ............, __.... ....... Mt\IlIlft. II ......w-w oo.a. '. 01'" ArwfdII MIocIItDlt Of 'lfIoL TOASe AI RWIlI ReleNeCl. UIIMIla..... u.r,,-,= 146.111~ . ....... ~,.,..... 01__.......... IIILAa", "-"-do 41... m.-. tilt ,.. ,.,It 08-10-' 04 17: 04 FROM-CAI......) & THOMAS U'/VO'4UV~ 4~;~4 ~..~~.~~ , .., w ~ J",~J rt!Y.'..W'......I'I ~ nMJI\~ U"DL'~G'- .0:04 ~.. ..~. 5613620293 tlt,KMU!.Nl l..Mt'~ J '...... 5613688ZS3 ~~ lAI ~,lI.Il""', 2 T-512 P09/12 U-578 ,.,.~ 10':1' J." T-19g P99/12 U-648 p~ D!/12 " -'"'\'11 1f1(1,)1 ~'H.11 \ jl'I('Ild".-i ~ . - '\. " " ... l .' ,- ,- ~ '1OPI!1lTY IIdIllrnON AND REIWR1 PlIII/IIlII7 at lie ConWet I. MIM..... .... ..... . ~..lIlJIIfnS.~. fIN ..... fOrl/lle,.,.,_ .1 .......... .......... _."... ~ ..... ...... '" p",,.rtr ....llDlIIlur... ....... II......, ... ..,.,............... .. .....,...." .... -. cIItftt .nd ........ ., -W IIIUI. ..... ....... ..... .... ... ....." Ia art, ,.,..., '*iIf Iln .. 0Il\IUlll . III ...~...... ............ ",..,... ..... .... .... ....~ III ... ....,~.... _.. ....." III " IMdwIlr.j 11M........, ... lolIIlNuI........~WltIIn........ lIt........W..CII." ...Nt.................,.,.. . ~ If' .... Wille ~ .....-n"...." lMll\IIIICIilInIlN __.. p~ It u ,.,.... fIllIlIIitt\... (2l....... to .....,....IIII..........WIVfl..........,.,......... .11..1_....... lID ~ II............ ___............ ..,............ br....In~....1II S;DO Poll. ........ 1M ___....." ~ ........... ...... ... ........ ................., ff1..... (QIecIr II........): ---'........,.........a..........,.,..... '--Y........ U.. fl/III .....-; 1OlIf:.......w-.: ........... .. .,llIll1M; ........ WAC. ~ .., ...." .......,.... ..."" t ........ "'--:.......... ar 1llflIt.....1IIlIlcUw If!'" ,~ ...... ..... - -.. ...... r--.......... "'.... .... .., ., _.111etlC :I '"'" .. ......,...... ...... ..-1"'- .,.. .... 11M...... '" fill llMi........ __ LW'). IW ,..,... .... " . .......... ........ _ ... ~ ___Ill Un. ... 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ClInlIt ..."".... tn CIIelIlD I w~ 0._ NUeCI..... fO ~ ... ew.n ~ vf ~ Il<<*a wilt..... .... ............... ....... .....110 ' a ~ WIN De.~..., ill.......,.... , ............,........... __...... . ...... ~.-. "lIIIIWd -........ - .....11\ F.s. 4ft. WIlIlin _... hilt .....DIIt f'......... ......11.,.... .......... --.... ~ · 1lroMIl~.................................. 01" M ,............... .... ..... .,......................... .............. II..... .. -. .....r ........ .. ............ InfIlllllNlV......flanl a.......,...iII ........... "'lit aN ..,.... .. II ....... - ___ ... ell.. ,...... ,... C"T__ ..... UIIrt. " .. ....... .. '.......,............~ ""'Md.,.,....-............., ..." -................. e. tt ............ lie ~. -..r....... ..,.,., Iii lla JIIUO"&...... ....."....., aid .., .. ..,... ... 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