T.b.e Cill} 01/30l}111011 Beach.
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
November 23, 2005
Mr. Dick Britt
Hunter's Run
3500 Clubhouse Lane
Boynton Beach, Florida 33436
Re: Hunter's Run
MMSP 05-096
Dear Mr. Britt:
In response to your request dated November 10, 2005 for the
administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to
the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following:
· Installation of landscape and hardscape along Summit Drive, from
Congress Avenue to the guardhouse (as depicted on the attached
plan) .
Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised plan
date stamped 11/18/05 are "minor" as defined within the Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. This
project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a
permit application.
Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to
the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you
have additional questions.
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst
Kevin Hallahan, City Forester
'3801 Lake North r{oad. Suitp. ,115, Lake Worth, "L Tj4FI
Te:: (561) 432-8431+ Fa:'" (:161) 432.8482+ FMai" df)~lgf:@'<wdesig".n{!1
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~{~ltnt Wj~land beSign, Inc."
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To: .Ed Hrel~sc, City 0' Boynton Jkarh
From: Stephanie I)ortus, Krcnt '\,'ieland Design
Date: l1ilO/05
Re: H~mter's Run Entry
Dear Ed,
Krent Wieland Design h8S been commissioned as the landscape architect to design/er.haq':;e
the entry ~o Hunter's Run .e..s you wi!! see in the plans we are introducing hardscape feature$ 8S well
ns new landscaping material for the entry corridor beginning at Congress Ave and ending at the
The proposed design illtr(ld~jGes hardscape fealures that wiil tie the entry signage in with the
con'idor and guardhouse. The hardscape features are integrated within the proposed landscape and
arc us(~d as an element that provides for a more hwmn scale. Therd are (2) planter piers located
directly adjacent to the entry sign. The planter will be faced with coral stone, which ties into the existing
theme of the community. (12) 12' ht piers are also proposed which will have bougainvillea planted on
top inside of built-in plantms. The piers create a module along the ~ength of the corridor. There is also
::!n() optiona1li!;lht fixture tllat IS proposed to enhance street lighting.
The proposed pl8nting design is intended to create a continuous corridor of planting Ihat
enhances the streetscape and driving experience for the community while providing a buffer to the golf
course, Tile landscape consists of a mixture of native and non-native species. The existing royals are
to remain in their existing location with the exception of foul', which will be loc2ted in [he median. The
canopy tree of choice is the Live Oak. A combination of 25' oaks and large 35'-40' specime!l oai<s are
being used.
~f YOll should have any questions about the proposed design elements please feel free to call
me at any time (5f31) 432-8481
Stephanie Part us
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