APPLICATION ',.t' . PROJECT NAME: Interstate Slgncrafters (Phase III) LOCATION: 130 Commerce Road PCN: 08-43-45-09-002-0013 and 08-43-5-09-002-0014 I FILE NO.: NWSP 05-025 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Jeffrey Peterson - Interstate Sign Michael E. Sipula ADDRESS: 130 Commerce Road JMS Architectural Design, Inc. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 ADDRESS: 10800 N. Military Trail #211 FAX: 561-547-3842 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 PHONE: 561-547-3760 FAX: 561- 77 5-5823 - PHONE: 561-775-0356 SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 6/22/05 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 7/11/05 PUBLIC /IP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: 7/26/05 LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ,--1)fffffl5 "1/~(os AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 1 0/18/05 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Interstate Signcrafters\NWSP 05-025 Phase III\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc City ~des Accessed Via Website www.boYnton-beach.org www.amlegal.comfboynton_beach_fl.us CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE PLAN f7.t!I-. ~~,\) j Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? ~E:J? ,Date \I\~~ 2\ I "J.co') This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. 1. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name: rt-.)(~~lA--r~ Stl4~ ~l~ , ~MMCL t[ (~-?~'\~'\l~. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: JE.-~RU:..'f V~~~E.0" ~C~~To..llt. Stc..\,,) Address: \~O {e'>W\M~ ~ p 1)01\..,)'\0"':> ~ K- =3~l.(,.. \. (Zip Code) Phone: (~\) ~l, ~ 1 too Fax: (?o \) S4-1.:> cef=L 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): J~~'f fEr€..\...S w.. rt0~"tA-1\'_ <;tW) r:'(2J\f-r\t;..U Address: l":\"o CoIM"^-EJk.IE. \t.e>1\'t>'- 1:>O'f\:>fC>N e\~ t'v -::;~2.(.p (Zip Code) Phone: (~<.o\) '>4-1, ~~ 10 Fax: \S~\) S~l-~84-L 4. If C6f1traet ptll c..1.83er, please attash &9Atraet for Eale and purt'hase Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): t\A..\(.,HI'\E-\..,. ~. S'~\.-A.. b....~, jM0 ~\'Ttt:.C1\.A,VU)L..- D~\(..~..v ~'-- Address: lo<iSOO 0. 'tv\\\"\.\~'(2..."1 'Tl.A\L- '"l.l\ ~b.G., t=-L. ~=:14~ (..... (Zip Code) Phone: \?b\)T1S ~ o6C'~ Fax: &e\\ 115 - bB'2-;~ E-Mail: Je.S\~V'\ f\ @ a.o\. <..0"""- Correspondenc to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:* ~\~. ~ """. Lc...H:tl.c.\.; - S t.flM...A, lb ~ v .i\ '2A\ UN\. ~ s. \ \'0 *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected?~buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) 5. 6. 7. Street address of location of site: J)O ~f.,(t..Ot. ~t> · 60'1"'"(0-..) t~ .~L- ?~~S- 8. Property Control #(PCN) De - 4~-AS- ~ oq - oo?". 00\:' ~~ 00\4 9. Legal description of .....e: Upb.-fI..- ~CcA.\t. ~ \-\.\..Cc.H. (h..i~ CcV)'\.V'I\.\~ ~~ l-o, l";, ~ \...0, \4 ~\..<X:..~ 'L tO~C4t"t-\:tt:-Y'L \;.)l-r-~ ~'\~ou <:>l-=- A~C\~Do"':>F/n \" ~T S.1. (~\~'4't..- 12..e,\ b ') 10. Intended use(s) of site: ~D\.\l.(:JtV - 'PH~<E. 1\t '. rl\)Q~'(\L,\(\.V~~~ f. \" ( ?l{ot'I..\:)A~~\)u...\G:. "\ 1,.)/ offia ,,~ic. '41\~'1) \0 ~t.b\\~k. r~~ -L <t u::. -s.\~ V\\~Cc- w/o,=-t=./ 11. Architect: j'N\t7 ~\ "\\LL..\:\ k~ _ .tA=-~~~1,..) k, 12. Landscape Architect: ?A.\'L..~VL' ~ b..""~tTI~ tM..~~v..~ ~'ne",.p ~L... 13. Site Planner: J'M5 ~\\\t-C\~ ~\.\A.~ ~ t... 14. Engineer: (Cll.hV') ICt:)o.) ~€-c;.\.L..."-J G~v....'P 15. Surveyor: J'O"'~ Ar, G.~~\ ja..~ tNL- 16. Traffic Engineer: "/Vh{'Jt.-.....r-; ~~L- \~~c.. (~~&v..\...\'\"N\, k 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? \./ E. 7 - S~ A- \ThC-~ti-tl r-:)<;.~ T~") f\-\~ L (~ ~~~ 1t ~ 5a AlrA<..l*~ E.K~~ fu~ -nI ~J~,A. II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Cate~ory shown in the Comprehensive Plan: \.. 2. Zoning District: ~.,.)",ct> -':~'t> Wll'- lPo.bt 3. Area of Site 'L,~~ acres 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown: (v>.t.bJ sq. ft. a. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds acres ~ % of site b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) acres ~f). % of site c. Water Area acres t-J~ % of site d. Commercial acres t-J6.. % of site e. Industrial acres loo T0t\- acres ~ NA- % of site f. Publicllnstitutional acres % of site g. Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way % of site h. Other (specify) acres % of site 2 . i. ~. Other (specify) % of site acres j. Total area of site "2. $7ps acres loe::. % of site *including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover \:)&>;1'0,. f'lE.n.. leT? \> ~ \4 a. Ground floor building .. ~~ <63 area ("building footprint") (, V'ttJ\l>C 1: \ tt: It NE:.W f> f\:~~ 1It. ') acres lif-,;8b ?G=J ~".~~ % of site b. t-JA.. % of site Water area 0.0. acres c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ~ ~(p ~1- acres (4 '2. ~oCot. 00 7~) '?'B. \ ~ % of site d. Total impervious area _l,~2Ao acres (1~.4ST.~ sF.) 1'2.c>\ % of site e. Landscaped area .101):> acres (30. ~~. ~l ~ ) "21.''> % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). f. t--.JA- % of site Other landscaped areas, acres g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas acres 10~ % of site h. Total pervious areas ..10C)O acres (~e,e4-. ~l ';IF-) "2:=f .~'} % of site i. 1. . S~~ acres \ oc:> Total area of site % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential Nbr sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office 1 I oS- sq. ft. (EI\..rnrU:- c;.\\'\::- ': ~~b\l1\X. ~~~J , c. IndustriallWarehouse ~'2 i 1 \ sq. ft. Cf..~'(\~ ~t\l; -- tlC.\. 'I. \1\1c... ( ~~) . d. Recreational Nt\. sq. ft. e. Public/I nstitutional ~r> sq. ft. f. Other (specify) N~ sq. ft. g. Other (specify) NA. sq. ft. h. Total floor area "?<=). ~I<O sq. ft. Number of Residential Dwellinq Units 7. a. Single-family detached N^, N~ sq. ft. sq. ft. b. Duplex c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) 3 (1) Efficiency --14 " dwelling units . (2) 1 Bedroom N~ dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom ~~ dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total multi-family Nf\ dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units (\1f\ 8. Gross Density -f'J ~ dwelling units per acre .' '2c:\-!.1.'h. 'l. Maximum height of structures on site '2..'2-<2>" feet \ ~X.\.c;,.T\'I",)c- 01~ r()\~'1') stories Nlt.\)ol f>H.~..';(t Ut \"t 6~ I'tl.u'Y'If"t) 9. 1 O. Required off-street parkinq a. Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces. ~ tJtv..'(I\e.y-.../1.. y.. \.\7 :: 2'2..-5"1 t~\''>''\o.1c.... ~ 10~. {;~~ 1: 'Z}; 'ZS = t-\€.-..v \ 1 ~ ~ / ~C' :0 30S = I ~ ______ 1O,\1l..\;o /2.rft\..\\Q.t..t> ~~., -::. tpe> = t-L~~.. ~.At'l.J,citV'- Bo.!,~~ oU A~MP'T1oN 1j5oc Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan Zo 4\ ( I7l 1oT~ f('~\l\D€.C f:)tc..U.'\>s I~~":l>~il..\... F1\.~TC\I\... ~ ~~'tt.'t.>)C. LS "- b. Calculation of required # of handicap parking spaces S\ ~ 15 -::: ~ ~ Number of handicap spaces provided on site plan '3 t>w-.l\ ~ = REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. 4 III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the pefmanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hefeby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers Of plans submitted herewith are tfue to the best of (my) (OUf) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. ~~1A~c{ Da e OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date IV. ( - ~\..o\ 9 Date ~- '2,\-0( Date OR Signatufe of contract purchasef (if applicant) Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. 5 RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. GED AND AGREED TO this '2\ d~{\L~ Q ~nt ,20~ 6 I '1 Jun- .9911 03:'+9pa 99-224664 Olus 1..:1. 145 Pg 1159 I IIIl II nlll "111111 i 1tllllU II III II nil m 1111I11111 - .. Ch\\raejoro ~ I VIDr \\ /' \ /')\ .::;s, ,// . -'" ~~ ," .'';~ \} ,\ ././ 0 t:, ,..r ~-,'- t:'\. J \.. ,,;> '\:r'JT~\ lINIn' OFTITI.[ InCOP.5idcrollIOIl.of~'is.sw~~c~iapcrmit 10 (lUlnc) Contract:or~ Ma nagpmpnt S~rvices, Ine. for the consllUctlon of ,'<j>hPW mpt-;d hn-i Iding 13.0 0 n ~F In the CIty o~Bu)1\lOn R(.~-5I~~idil. Ult: I.lndcrsigncd property owner~ler~by agrL'CS In rcsrricllhe tL't: of the following kgal1y deSCribed propc:rlll;t) ; ,;.,. _ . .~EE ATTACH~n--EXH,~BIT A ../ " . h. \{..) indicale :lbow SC~ attached exhilfrr: ..a..idn...sscd~.; fullo\\5: \.. ._.C, 1 3 0 Cornroerc~ R O~(r, R~y n rrm .Beach, FL 3342..6...-. in thdi-,UowUlg rn:mncr: \'-- ",~ ..-.... / <" I. S:1id property shall b::: considered ~1)~(11 and JlMcd ofl,mJ.. znJ 11I3tno p:mion of said pIm and parcel orIilnd shall b.: sold, tr2nSfcm.'\l., devised Qr :l5s~~ed s~'P:lr.Ildy. CXl.:Cpt in it!; entirel)' as one plot or p:m:c1 ofhJml. .'~ C.;' 2. 'nl!: Undersi~ncd agra:s that Ulls l.:on4.~tt~'Jstrictjoll and limiulion shall be (kcm~d a cmcnanl running \\;ulthe l:md, aud shall rem:lin in full force and L~ and be binding upon the under.;ign~-d, their ho:irs and :1Ssigns. 'I his :lg.rc~rnent shall continue in effecl tmtil relc~w1hc authority of the lldministr:ltivc head of Ilo~nlO!l Ik:lcl1 Dt:pJruncn~ of Develupment and iJpr~o\"cd ~y:thc ;~)ry. Anomey ilnd the :>1ayur upon suhmillal of request. appl icahlc fees und e\'lllcncc: that the ;Jgrc.:mcnlls no IO~~~I,~-J hy I",w. I " \~'-.i) , Further. the Vndcr.;igned und::-rstands lhallllc 2'ik-sh.akl).'cord [hi:; instrumcn[ in tht: I'uohc Records of Palm ileach County al his (her) C:>Ip<:Tl5l:. \(>F'~',,::;, //.....\.\ ,~ SIgned, scaled. CXCcutl:tJ'and acknowlcdgcd on tllis d::l!C ~J:~>:t:".l 9 9.9__ . at BO}nlon BC;Jch. Florida. \J ,-" ",', ,,, /.> ".:: ':. :" ~"tnL"s:)('"5 (2) ,\, ...'-.. .....,./ --:J .- \l,...<Si1llll111r.:) u. .... . .."....:;.d ~-----, '------- _ ~~9~lmu. ".111:1 S'~~~'~' .. ) (~j#ili!~1 '-_-----..:_'-~ --c../ i I \:tnro:mU' 1 f/::Y~ \ i // ,j/ ... ''-/ ,r'" \.,.( Thc i<neStling instrument w.... :lCl;nn~,lcUScl before me this ::!nd (<hi.C}~: ~une 1 999 '0~. . ,,'ho is p=onOllly Imo\\n 10 me)llM9b~bo)qJtlJldOtDdJ{~X1{X XX:XXXXXX^XX\~k~~vroh"~)~~~X:1C1i)(,J.'1d ",hI) di<l (did not) take;m o~th. . /;-' --';\ ~ \::"~?~) ; ~,...;.,_.-"-) ~1 ?1(lL\' '~/\ PATRICIA O. SHORE ~~._' 7'~~MMl!SlO~ # CC 685851 .... ~'. ,..-c---.lEXPIUS OCT 5. 2001 ~'t- ~ llOIlDEOTKIU ~Df p.lJ' ....TlANTIC FlONOl.~G CO.. INC DEPARTl\tIENT OF DEVELOPl\'IENT BUILDING DIVISION (when: :ludliiunal Sp:JCC is required. E"l1e~~ - (Slgn:llun:). _~~ (Print namct PF"t-PT"sen. (Sign:lturc) ._ . {Print namcL. STATE Or: Fl.ORIDA, COCI-.TY OF I'AI."I rlfAClI SignOllurc of ~m taking al:mowlro!:cnlCnl Name of officer tolkmg acknowlcd.j:rnu:m..t}1>L-d\ P=I''\l Qf S;3lT1i"~ (SEAL) Tille or r.mk MEHbg - 3J!l9 h __ Sl.-rial num!l.:r. If any _. J:\SHRDATA\OevalopmenI\FOR\\S.doclUnily of Title doc ORB :a. 1. 1. 45 Pg 11610 DOROTHY H. \oIIU<EN, ClERK PB COI.ftlTY, FL EXHIBIT A '-<lI{S) IJ and 14. Dhx;1. 2, CEDAR RIDGE, 8 P.U.D. &. IlIGI/ JUDGE COMMERCE l'ARK. II P.J.D.. ilccording 10 lhe ~1'bllhereof on file in lhe office oflhe Cleric orlhe Circuil Court in and fnr ralm Deach C()tlllty. F1orid3. retorded in Phi ,,/ [lpok 46, I'~lle 58. Said Innds siluate-Iyin!; and bdnl; in !'a1m DCllch County. norida / /'\ ,,-/'/ ) \.{ Jl~~ -TilER WITJI ,I'lh.., por1ion nr ilb.:lntloned Tr:JcI 5-2 (Mint'Or HocI.) lyinc Saud, of an,) :"Jj~unllo $;Iid'Lots 13 and . .-' / _ (}lock 2. Cl~D^R RIDGE. ill' .U.D. &. IIlGII RIDGE COMMERCE I'^ RK. II r.l.D~ being bounded on the We.s: by \("';U5' SOIlIhe,ly ,,:.'ension of Ihe West line of said tot 14. Bloc\: 2 ::Inti being bounded on lhe East by lhe Soulllcrly \:-6tlpuiQ of Ihe E:lslline of uid Lor 13. mock 2. CEDAR RIOOE, " P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERC~ PARK. ::I t;-.r.J'~J1,tconlil1g IQ the rlallhmor On file in the office of lhe Clcrit ohhe Cil""l:uil Court in and (Of ['111m DCoIII:b Counl)'. \f~nridP~~corded illl'bllJook 46, Page 51. Ssid 'and~ silUllle. lying llnd be;,,!: ;n Palm lJc.ch County. florid.. \ \ ) ;" ,\,:_" ......... )"...... ,..; c....//' ,..,-' '. /(:::--' \:"_; {...., \, ( I') ,. , ~ \ ..... l..1...J r " , \;~~'::~h \-../~ \((~::.~\ "--, '........-. ..... << /' /\..) r,/ \....~ .-- (;::, ( "-.."',,,) \ \',"-".,.-,:./ C~ <:';~'" / " .' , \: U "':':}r;',~\'-'\ !! \' J "~>:~~I ':;~,2""_ \;/ \:,' ::"' /,Y'-"'.....\,:~ ~-.... (~ .>~, ',,-I '-'" .r-' _~ ~--/,'..,., ~_.<..::<') \) ..-' / '(- --- .--, ;//r{,)\ \ i. \,J \.......;.:,;) -_. (~-'-:Y'./~ Ii / / 'l."'-:~:r~~ " /::::"0 I I .. I ~ I ;; \.:1',:':_:::\ \C. I.,., ._..~...<~ C\,.//,>'- ") "'\ \;"": ::::..~?~ ,~.\ . ;\ , ....../ .:.-::---:, ,-~..--- (J::Lj~~f3J;~ Po Soy 3/Dn_ L ~ IJ..... ,,_ TIN.) I,X.#", rl.. ~--_.- .33 f./;J S" -1)3'0 Jl@e--21-1 18:5&... 9'3-5016.73 ORB .... -'.518 Pg 1298 1...........m..n....I. ..;. . ...1' . ~.- E1\SEMEN'l' ~ ./;..:.\ ~ t~EHTURE made this ~ C':"-o'''> ,,' ._:\ hy\(' 4>J'f'\'8Pn:~~ \/ >'"'> a cor'P9~~lon existing under the laws of '>;'; \/): anci h~~:t'ng 1~ principal place of bu5:.1nellll at 1"n (,.,...""e{"C.e. f2t! . ~ .~ \..J first ~~to tbe City of Boynton Beach, a political >;;1i 0.1, subdlvi.1oriJof the State of Florida. second partyz .;"\. ... ~.,,~-,-=-.. \ ..' ), \:.~~" CWhil(rtiver used herein. the terrllB, "fir.t party" and ~.,~~ party" shall include slngu~ar and plura~~eirs, legal representatives and assign. of indiViduals and the successors and &55i9n8 of corpora~fI, wherever the context so a.dmits or requ.Uezt,>I...:;) ,....; /";-:--.....;.\nTN&5SE'11! \:, ;'~.' WHEREAS, the first pai~~~;~ the cwner of property aituate in Palm Beach county, FlDr~Is.'t"an4 descrIbed aa followBl ^ or.l' /3 ",D,O /Y ;J;;,j>'1i.... . CcpA.-r ~.. -'IE .;d . Po u. a ~ G;:/'i; e; , /lNr.> tli'liN ~'P9r ec,,""l...~f~.~'_?~7'K I ..., P.I.I>. Ra.{('Dr:7.) y 6- ~~>~ ) .58 - (0 I tf>F 71'# '\ ...... ,'"'-" 01'"" Bc>Y'I'o/711V>~c.,.. ?ALl"( BFpe"I COoJ-./f"'Y \5. _;~.~,~__ J' J 7....-):,J) \l ",, ",,'" \~:.-,,,. <1 day of A.u~I,)S+,A.D., ~o.~ ~c\Q.A~s 1 t....C-. 1998, t=="lo,~dl........ "N PLAr DOc>o'( Pv~~c. ~ORps fWJ;z., 004 . ((,?! --'I'~:~:'''\\ WHER:&).S, the aecond party desires an t!J~..~~nt. for aewer utilities and/or other apprQpria~.;~poseB thereto, on. over and acro.. .ai4 pro~i'~';"J\ , r' and C"\ <,."';.~.;\ r .......::-:.- -' .-..> and. water and incidental 1rfH.lmEAS, the f!.rlllt party is w111ing to ..,rant such an easement., NOW. 'l.'HEREFORB. for and in conslderatlcm of the laut.l1al covenant. each to tile other running and one dollar and other good and valuable considerati.ons, the first part! does herel1y grant unto the party of the secood pert, t.B successor. and assign., full and free right and autbority to cOhatruet, maintain, repair, in9t~11 and rebuild f&Cll1~1eB for above stated purposes and does hereby grant a perpetual easement on, over and across the above described property for said purposes. ~ ~. . . . .... ORB L518 P!I 1Z99 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party ha& caused these presents to be duly executed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authDri~ed. the day and year first above written. Signed. sealed and delivered in ~he pre5ence of: ~ "\ -,' f /' .. ........, .....,... ~ \ l;"'~9.,,-;-.. ,\":J()\ J..~II ,.l~........r_;.~:"~ <\~~_: c,,' '. ."> It ._1,..:';,. U,., C -; ;;",...... ~~ ig ~~rn ~1~~;';-, ~. .\-0 -: - - ~) ::. 0 ...., ~ _.... ,....I; ~.:.~'..~-.....:l.."~<:.../ ''''"~ ,~/~") ':".....~~...~F M4-. COUNTY OF 94 ~_. ,. 'r-" ~ I HER!:BY ~IFY that on this day. before me, an officer daly .uthg~ in tbe State and County af~resaid to take &ckl\ov1.edgelllen~/ personally appeared Ji!'fCF~ft Pnt~.!pI "-!;. we1.1 known to me to ~--:;t:~ President and , re_pect1gely, of the eg!e' ation n~ a. first party in tbe ~or4HJoln!J Ea.ement and ",' ~~'j they ..verally acknowl.edged executing the BDIe in t ..-;pr..ence of two aubacribing witnes.ea freely and vol~.~ily, under authorIty duly vested 1n them by said Ca~~V~n. and that the seal affixed thereto 15 the tru__sC~r.te seal of .ald COrporation. '('/ j",-:'~>. l~/.~ ..... ':.~. and o~fti(i"1-""'ct9~ <,."'I-unty .... thIs ft,y..~ ' A.D., t,t.. '../ .'~/~.::::~"):::) \.. .' '. <>" VI'l'HESS IllY hand State last afore&ald 199111 P.IINJI'J.~. ru,,~ ;;-1IFfM~-- PRESIDENT ATTEST: SECRE'l'ARY Nota 1 e n and for th. State '''~:>Co~nty aforesaid. \(/ I My cOlDli!tl'~.!~n upire8: ~~:;'\'~~~~~:>~~)i\ .Or' ",u..~ ..... i'j .:\'\ A.__..~_ ~. . ,'~.-..-w ;. . _ - llCl #ac 1040fiJ ~, .. :E&i>lra J....~. 2IIOJ "'. '~W.- ..u..1le~~."",. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION.-I 12' UTILITY EASEMENT A PeRT/ON (F TRACT !r2 'tlD4R RlDfE. .. P.UD. 8 H/GH Rf~ COWLEJll:f' PARK. A P./h.. PLAT 90()1( 45. PAGES fJ8~'. P.B,r:.R. CfTY OF BOrt>lTON BEACH. PI.LM EJEAD-I ~. F1.ORfDA Cl "" 111 !JCA!E: r . zrf ~ P.O.c.~\ ~ z },y" \~ .. ,.~',./ \~?/ () ';"./. :> LOT '"I, '-Of;/( Z ~ 1 ~ \"::. '()\ 'tl:J)4Il R~. A P.Wl a ~. ~ \~. .HiG'f RrtXE ~ PARIl'. Ii. P.J.D.. ~ ~ ~t:JDO<.... -- ~~ . ~.... r--/;:/;\ \"'1((\ "-,_: ~; ~,., COMMERCE ROAD ,....,1SI'r ca.,.' ~~ L.&T 13. tLoar: Z LOT /.3. &OCX 2 LOT 15. BLOCK 2 ttnAR RIDGC. A PJJ.D. 8 . H1GJ'o1 RIDGE C()ItM;R(L PARK. Jl P,I.JJ. IUt __.or. MID _. P.I.U.I $ LrE LUT 13. !LOQC 2 ~~.... "-"'-::'~~) --, \(...-::-, "=' I V">">" ~ '(<;:::;~T ~ ....." .... >Ib. ~ . j! 8 ~ Sl 77?ACT 5-2 ~ RIDGC. ... P.uD. a . HlOol p./DGC ~ PIIRIC. " F.W. ,.....r .... 41; /IIIlD _ ~~ S. LI/'E ~.::. ~ j; (~ (~v) ..;.. ,-/ -....!;. I-;:..~:.~ \':"?7~~~.. '~t~;.:~~'t>..~., ,l / ;-.:.:, MINER ROAD LEGENJ: P.B.CR. t:eifJtE:s PAUl tu.r:H r:aKfY RI:'C1/DS P.D.B. DENOTES POtIiT rT lE:GrN-iN; P.a.c ~1B POiNT rT ~ f. ~ PRtPE1rrY LIl'C -..::- /..' ~/..../.,... \J~ w'~ ~~.~~.~. -.~) . LAN) DESCRIPTION: \<;.<? .,.. \{~"">'\~~l\ .A Pl:RrlON OF 1RACT '5-2: 'tEnt.R FIDEL A P.JJ.D. B HIQ{ R4XiE ~~~.'~ 1'.1.D.~ A~ TO TIE I'tAT ~ AS In\7iI:El) IN 1UT ScCIr.oj/i, PA/B 5HL iF 7IE 1'1.&."~' (JF~"'fI!JjA.~,a:Jf.NrY. n.CR~ ~ AS ~ I l' ,J' /~~ auoa Ar nE NafTMrEST ClR1iE1t rT 1J}1 If. a.DCJ( 2 (F TIE .~DD PlAT. >>EN::E: Ia/TH 8S'41'51" EAST ~ T7C N:11f1H LIE aF SA., LOT H J3S.1f FEn' 70 1I-E JDm.JaFSr aJRJER riM'a /ilDOIC 2 DF TIE IIF'OIDEJl1'1fJ A.A" 11EH:E SDtJ1H 0I'e'lf" f:.tS'T .ALCNi ~ II!ST l.1E OF .5UI LDr fJ. I/1D ITS SlV71f1~,"'_'Ni4TIl:iII( 3lHZi FU:r: 1tEJcE: M:IlTH tIIn/'5f' EAST ALfHi .. L/fC .5Cl.00 nrr SQflH tF AN) PlIlRIlLL.B.. "TH. AS ~ AT R/9fT .w;us 70, >>E srvr~ I..IIrE aF SAO I..UT 13. 4./7 FEET TO >>E PrJIIr IF lE'6IINI.S: 1I6oCE" a:NTH.E IIfRTH a!!"41~USr-'ALGMi 5U) P~ l.1fE /2.00 F'E1:r.. nea $OtJ1H CX"Il1'a!I" EAST Zr#,q() FEET 70 A PONT' ON ltE 5iOJf'H LII€ IF SEr:ihtJN'..\ TD'Mt!i1IP 4S SlVlH. RNfiF: 43 EAST. ~ ~ '=i ~~ 'FI€HrE SOtmt ~ tfEST ALIH1 SAIO SWTH ~:~O;~ 'f1.EM::E!DITH 0I"16'if" EAST ~.OO S4(11..AK1S smJA7C. LYIMi ~ f/EHi fN T1f an' rF BO'f1fTl1i &:AO( IWM ~~)fi..0Rff)A A/() CONrAiN11tri 2BB SDUriIE 'fET 1D.!lI5& ACFIE:SJ __ OR L"SS. "-' /~r' (,:\,:..;:..-=::""'~ .st.RVEY~S N07FS: L ~ OF THIS SCCTtH AIIf: MJT vAL-(I ~.z&U:D WI'fIoI AN fMIcS5ED ~ ~ L 1..AK1S SHJffN tEREDN ~ 101" A!SI7lAClEl) FlII't RlriImHl" -"'A r, ~ ~- OR OTH'ft '6T1UENTS r:F ~ or AiI:llX.U1C ~ N:. 3. ~ SH:/fIIPt #BB1N Ale inA nl{' TD 't:EDM 1/!f)(;(. A P.lJ.D. . HD/ __ CDIIlERa:' PARI(, A !'.w." REI:aitEJ " FLAT - ~ ~ _ OF Trf /<UUC IiIEtQ!n5' IT PAUl BCAr:H aum, fI.ClIIllA. <<. 7MS IS IIJT A /.AN) !i.Rrf:Y. SlRVE'mR's CERTlFJCA TF! , t6IfBT CDfTTT '/Hl r THIS ~ or 0C5C1IlPJ7ai' IS 11iI.E 11M! WlIifrT ro 7fE lfEST aF lIfT ~ JIM) .u:r.~1 FIlmER r>>rrFl' 1HilT TNS lESCFIf7T1DN IIfnS TIE~~ t..s SET =:~~~,faiii4~~~-t".. . PlR!i.JA'{'f n>!iErTI(M ~7. fl.~ S3)1~:;-li'.~.~~_, ,j ..j" 4i? it'..:i.~ p " "" :...~ ~~.. ai"-"~:- ~"::::!"-' 't-Z-"fcr '" fi"'fj .....~. ~7E-- sr: . ...'... t.,.'" 'r' . 1m1Eui'R. ~ ...:~. :-~ . ..;~.... ~~ l!I..II/1f'POi'~' fI.0'illl4 161STiVtrlOfl"'RJ!II . :*. - PRD.E;CT No.: 98338 Iif'V1.5ltW DIfIJ llll Xl' ~ oa; SIlfT01I/N) lESCRfP7Iaoi JIP Ir-~ lie BS5LUTE SURVEYING INC. LAJ.D SRVEYrY?S 5615 SOUTH Ul/I'IERSITY OR/V:: DAYlE, ftClRIDA ~ f954} 25:2--a22O l.1CI::NSED BIJ511l:5S No. 6218 ~ pol tII ... I>> ~ lIIlI ... W & & ~\ "" ....;;. ""\ \\ \,">., J,~ ^''; ~// P.O.C. '-\':':")~ ~C1RER ',( /./ U1T H. ll.00t 2 \>' J':, 0 r ~:<,",.... ~''$I'f;; RIJ.OO' ,''<< 'f-i;t 'iffJ!.J, IT CASEJENT L ~';'-'" t) _ ~- %::::::- \, l' (." \,J !'>' ."'~.~ . LOT.k;, aocx 2 'tlVAJii:~1j{tXif: A P.u.D. 8 HIGH RfD(E ',. PARK. A P./.D.. IlI'UT ~ ,'~'~ P.8.CJU LoT /5. BLOCK 2 --, (\'~.: ':>;;. - . I /-;/\,~ ""\ :!: "" ~ ..J l oJ _ · ~~\~'J, P.B.CR. w.tm:S F'AUI EACH r:tII.NTY I8IR:1s \(>-\~';o P.OB. ~1E3 PONT rF IEIiIIIiN:. /", , " P.rlC. lSDTf:S POI>IT rF ct:UEJCDBfT ,-S' "j Ii fEM)7t.S FRt:'JPD1T'Y utE \(- :.>'~:-. ~ "-.': \~~ \(l?%. j i ( \:.!) 1 LAID !JESCRJPTlDNt '<:.>~-- ( :~'-i,..)') I'Umt1N OF U1T' 14, ll.lXlr 2. 'taMR ROC. A f'.tJ.D. It _ fiIlXi: ~!.A!!3.'1. P./Jl ~ N::r1RJHJ ru 1l€ IUT TIf1C(F AS IEaRED "FUT IJ()OI( 46. iWES 5Ak (F 11C PlRIC ~ rF p~ /JEADf autTY.. 11.CltCl. lESt:Rf!1ED AS FlXLOlrS' . $CA/.E:. r . zrt SKETCH OF /..;....SCRJPTJON J : 12' UTILITY cASEMENT -....j A PORT/ON OF U)T 14. BLOC/< 2 I "ciD4R' RtrxE. A P.u.D. 8 HIGH RIDGE COMrERCE PARK. A P./.D.. : PLA T B!XK 46. PAGES 58-61. P.B.C.R. CiTf OF' BOYNTaN BEACH. PALM ~Oi CO/.NT'f, FLORiDA g ::a ""0 ~~. :r... 2:.... ~(A ~.... ~I) I ",_I ~, ~..I ;~! ,;e:.-; ~ \ ; I I COMMERCE ROAD P.O.B. ,-'.... (;..~-::,\ -y."/'" -..!;. t!~ ~!it /'lEIINIM" lI\ 1R.f# 3lllN15r'W1 - - - UN' . 1 111' UTA-fIT ~ ;z' UTLlTT ~ ~ .. C .... LOT 13. BLOQ( 2 "8 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ loi ,/ \ ...._, .... ,-"",\ C!MENI AT 11f tDffl1Wf:ST aRER aF SU) IJ)T 14: necE 1Of1H 8fNf5I' fiST AiJN; M IDiTn LIfE tF SlID LOT 14 110.00 FfET: >>EKE stXmI 0l'I8'f EAST /0.00 FEri'To:~1If;.~ r1F Br~ -noa: N:IfiTH "41'51" EAST 12.00 FEET; '1tfNC1': 5CX.ITHCJrJ81r DSr 7UJO WT.' ':':s:::: ....''5/'' IffST 12.00 FEET: >>ea 1DlTH OI'lStf IIE57 7J.,xI FEET TO,~.~ :-........- ,...." ,,' 1 SlID LAN25 Sl7U4 n: L}'Hi. AMI l!ElIt$ IN TIf arr Of' BOY1fT'CrI lEApt PALM fEAOf\~' / I, FI.CI'l'D4 ND caffAINNi 676 5C[..IIIR!' ffIT 1l1a20 AC1ES1 __ CJ< u:ss. ",-,,~ .-' ~ (~:~~:~~ Sl.RVEYMS M:}7ES: L I/EJ'RQtJUI:T1( OF' 7NS $KETrH AlE NOT I'AU! UUSS !iEII4EfJ JIII1H <IN fI8lS:ai' .5IRIf"71'JI'/S .!CAL 2. ~ 9arN H!.'1If:ON MJIIC ""T A/J$1JlACTED F'OR RfQf1'S-<)F-'WA r. EA:SEM9RS. ~, aor O~ IN!iT7UENT'S fF Jl::I%I'lP BY AB:il:LIII: ~ II(;. "- EEARWiS 5tt:lft' tE181N ARE lEU. ~ TO 'tmlo'l RItJiE. A p.lJ.D,. II ~ IllOl1C au.pa: 1'Nf(. A P.UJ.." I/EClaEIl IN 1'L4 T !ClD\' of6. PAli6 5fJ-VJ CT TIC P.R.IC IIECalf)S OF PAUl 1CA0I aum; 11.fJ'lIDl. 7lfS 15 M1T ,. LWJ stfllf'T. esSLUTE ~VEYING INC. LAhO Sl.R'IO'aRS 566 SOUTH tlilVERSfTY DRiVE D.t.V1E. FLORft)Il ~ (954) 252-9220 LICOISED BUS/fCSS No. 6218 .stR~OR:S CERTIFICATE: i lVl!By tZRTIFT m::r 1H!5 '!iIflD1 Of' i:E!iCRPT~.tS T1ilE AIC aHlEP' 7l) M BEST rF f/'f IIltt1II.BXlE AKJ. . I F.UmER r::EJmFl' THIo T 'T/fS lESDlF71CIIlEn TiE ~~ 'STAMIoAIil:5 ti 5fT FrR1H BY nE Ft.!JIlIP4 _ OF ~~.IID' ~ IN owrTE1I 61GTT-6. Fl.~~Ii.f'1~~~j" ~.~: 1'UfSJINT TII srt11tIV <f7?-Cn. f!9iI'D'I ,epr "':.... 7., . , t:.. _,~. .;- J.....j;.~... ....... 1-z.-'i~ ~~~ ~~.~ :.. !lC7V BY: ~.~~ ~'lI'~-"_'" ...? ~ 5IIM'ltW'8.'~,/' I'2.t1IlO4 1lERS1RlI7Ot ',*,' _ . . .. ~f"" C' PRO;.ECT ,NO.: 98338 Rf:Y1S1r:N SKUai ANJ rerRfPTlflN D/IiN .JIll' a.l1F e-~ ar:D we , . The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org October 13,2003 Mr. Mike Sipula JMS Design Inc. 211 South Federal Highway #11 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Inter"tateSignCrafte (FE ~le.e:D <;'.P,A) f2.fSv.lH~\\""A.\... ,.)-\\) ~ft\.\(,.,c.TIO~ NWSP 03-014 HA,5tE. ~ ~. '21- oS" Lots 13 & 14 High Ridge Commerce Park (130 Commerce Road) RE: File No. Location: Dear Mr. Sipula: Enclosed is the Development Order granted by the City Commission on October 7, 2003. The site plan approval is valid for one year from the date of final approval. In order to maintain vested status, a building permit must be secured or an extension granted within one year of final site plan approval. To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. A copy of the Development Order, including these conditions, must accompany the submission of the fully amended site plan set. The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable Development Order conditions in the submitted plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit issuance. A thorough review will be conducted by the Plan Review Analyst and if the necessary documentation is not attached and/or the plans are not amended to reflect all ofthe approval conditions, the plans will be returned to the applicant for correction and re-submittal before the permit is further processed. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments. Important: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan beyond those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff for a review before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. A copy of the complete Development Order and Amended Site Plans reflecting the "Conditions of Approval" must be submitted to the Building Department along with the first permit request to avoid any delays in the processing of your permit. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, ~ Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\lnterstate Signcrafters\NWSP 03-0l4\Site Plan approval letter after CC - new.rtf PROJECT NA:\~E : Interstate Sign Crafters De.v ?~ .z- t>1d~ ~L. 'c.... DEVELOPMF ,.. ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS 1N OF THE , CII Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT'S AGENT: Michael E. Sipula APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 211 South Federal Highway, Suite 11, Boynton Beach, FI 33435 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: October 7,2003 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request new site plan approval for the construction of a one-story, 17,384 square foot warehouse on Lot 13, a 2.533-acre lot in the High Ridge Commerce Center Planned Industrial Development. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 130 Commerce Road (Lot 13) DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. x THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evide~ce are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby ~ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 7. Other 6. DATED: 10 - 0 - 0.:3 '\ Location Map INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS EXHIBIT "A" 8 NIC o cr w C> 9 cr :c C> I'" mm_" , RI M o ,<{ 10 I~ ,~ 10 a::: I<{ j! R2 ! I ! I I I " I I I : ! i I H-R1 l ' i I I I i II U'") OJ W f- ~ (/') a:: w f- Z REI N W~E s 12 '::I '-" ~ i~i-!:!...-t l!!!:'J~ ",. . ,!iIF ~ t ~~~~~~ ~ ';lCrd3 ~ ~iit~; m m < > ~ is z 10 -;" '1'1""' <~!".".9' c: J;~ _~~ '(~...~!~ Sl.I:;:~I ~ ~~;!~ ;~!~~~~ i!D~~:_; ~ !-~~~ i~i~.~' :"!;~~c;;;;.. I rT"\ ~~~.=) !!'~-i<:::!~ : .~!!~!! c> ~)~-~-r o ~~ : ~ <.n \ I~- ' . ..... ~ "tI 6~.~~ r- ..~..".. ~ ~~:!j ~i!il 6 z ......------........!t.____~__ i==--...... .Ii'~-~~-:..,- ll~! ~ r" ! I jj ".... 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ARCHITECruRE PLANNING ENGINEERS ..I __ 1.\___ _ · HICH - p- AP.LD. ....__.._..._ ., (,0 - .-nr.w.,rl..JIII.:. - \11I-- - - \..___ __'- _ *'"""'* __ _"'--\2aZc....\..a.Iht '"" f17 2llO3 .E ~ or::: ;: ~ ~:'.::-:: ? ~ I ~:~~.:::::. ~.:. ..]. ~.... ~ ~..;;~~ ~ ! i .. .~l' ~ .., ." - - ~ I ~ ~--~-~~ : I ,,",oo>n-I : ; 5' t I HHW I I IUUW OQQ,=>()O::: ~ggggg- ~~~iiI~ ii~~;t~ oO-[f1 !'; :d~ a. t ~~; ;;1 0 f l , I . rn , I -r -i " ~:D; ; t... Im~lfl " i~ '~ " , 1,_ i; ;~ fF . .1 ==r 0_' 15 'l'~ ~: f ~~f g5~ f 8;~ ~ o 'I~ ~-I-- I'" .' I ~ , I~ . j i:g :' Q " -0 ~ - }> . z it !----:.....- Ie ~ r----' . I e - I' , ~:' II' If I ~ 'ii J: }> to m :" ~ ~ % '" E % ~ '" > ~ . E ~~~ ll~~ nr ,.,.,.,.,. -,.,. ~~.1t 11 . !i: j rEi ~ ~ 'ii :r: i';; m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. 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Ii II ii I 1i l! ~i I' U ;Hi d .] I II m i! ~I I; 'H~ AI l ii ;i! i ii l' .1!!. , . . I "> W i~Di ~ ,...", i! -: '" " ,.., : c...... .: INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS, INC. AT HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK LOTS 13 & 14. BLOCK 2, CEDAR RIDGE. A P. U.D, & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK. A P.I,D. O~'" .. ~ -" ~ ~ - -<. . > ::l ~ :: :J: > n '" --.!!..:.!..!l!'!'l"~_... r~"'~~ !"" x o n :I: ~ C' '" , :! 1= H a , ! ~! -, ~. ~~ ~g ~. ,~ ao EXHIBIT "8" :'. .I~. ;:::':--- ~ ;;~ .;:, , ;. ~ ~ . m X ~ % C' - "', - R~ I I 'I I, I " i I I I 'I I, I I I - ~ '" ~ x o n :I: ~ C' !:! MS IGN lNC'I~~'.'" -- J 2111JJllf fElOAl KIGtiT. 1OI'1fT~ &fAOf. flCJI11>> SlJlTElI,TEl.ISlllr3HIIO FAlI!lIlIm...., ARCHITECTS & CONSULTANTS !~ i iMil il~ilij~ . 'if' I' I ~ f lUll! I ft i &' If.tiiII .11 - 'a'l I ::;"" t ..1........ "-I I' I ; ~ uSln . ~ I lll'l"'lll ... .. I....."''' ,,"' II" T' -I le!~ i ow,. n_" I I 5j 111I I 'I "Ii' III' I Ii II 'r, II ~I'.II Jill I · ,IIIR I, I "11 · J! II. ! III il ii- II '! Ii ;-1 .1 1:1, I . Ii! T' o i(f '-.~ I I" r r~ III rll E HIBIT "8" r ...-=-~-- ~~ .-: I rr .0 I I~ I I I ~ 0 I 3 J I :I ( 1 DI I z: - ,. . .. :I . 1I Do . 1I . . Do 01 I ~1111111U111N'~4rA.1I! 8ICiN c::AIIITI!M, Ie. I tin 8Ji! _I I I~"II &.tIM..".......:lllW..A..... ao~ I .~ J' I I ......~....... ! I~o ~. €I I ........ ...... f ftl EXHIBIT "B" . '. -I i 119 . i i ~ & , ~ ; ! i , S I . g i \ ~ i I ,. ~ I r I ; ~ I ' i . . i t f I .... .."~"I'.""I IlldlU!I!,1 i~ ill !~ rH!r!; ~ ,h '1 :,.),1, I "~ I ..1;:11 ;','.. II' I =;11 !, 'illl': r ~ I I I It !;;I or- ! i I ~'I~~ , i i i~ I .11 !I I . I I. , , · I I j' . I l i ~J ~ C I I ; = II' I I.... . ,"Uml ~ :11 =11 e iill'! i I ,I!III lO 11111' ... I' 1,1 S! 1"11 .. ; ,III ;il = I' ! I III 1 " . .1 i " !l f .. f' I , ~Im;ir IIIU!:! !1'II~i!! ~I'~ ~ &11i',11 Ip .I,',' I I. I · ; !'Ilii Hh II I ' J I I . '"; I ili"I'lii II. , B I ,'I ~ ~ " 11lI i II Iii i,~,! I .,51 I! · '19 I II II J i' I~ I I. i 'p ~ I i IiI I 11~1 II I \ lir: : I I ; r. I I I ~ I .", i ~H ~!~ I 2~ I ;!I ~i:i Iii II ~R .1 i ~ r !l . . f ~II,; Iii ii II & i'" J' s !ii :i !! h!nlll"i I~ i~ i ;,1 it I ~ = I ~" I 18 J I I it ~ Ii I I ~ ~ i !II ~; I I & a I ~ I ~ I F ~ I , , ! 3 o o II i 15i' & I ,I ~ ' II; I Me I") ~ I · I, i , iii. ~ . & I ~ I 1II1 ~ ~ I Ii - I ! = . I ~ \ ' p "I . j~!-jl I Iii , ! i Iii ~ I flli ~ I II ~ 'I ~I' I: I I il ; I. ! Ie ~ q I e 1JII.IUr~-- ~- ICON DESIGN GROU~_- D =ax ~~T~I~~ CRAFTERS. 1N<f..RCHlTECTS &: ENGINEERS .~~ LOlS 13 a '4, ~ COINl RIlClE .v.u.o. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING ENGINEERS 0 ~..__ . HIQt RIJGE P"" N1J.D. _ L... --. _......."... -w-....~ -- -...- ~o -... - - - 1-'" .... tH =~ ~ ~'" -- - \...\nool __'-- _ d1r-""'- __ ...,.._\2a20....'-CJ.ollt _ ,. 2COJ EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Interstate Sign Crafters File number: NWSP 03-014 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a September 9,2003 Planning & Zoning date k stamp mar mg. I DEP ARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- X 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 2. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water X system serving this project, primarily the fire sprinkler system feed line (CODE, Section 26-12). 3. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 4. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid X for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demaHd. FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 5. An ExcavationlFill permit will be required if on-site fill is removed. X Conditions of Approval 2 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 6. Full drainage plans, including certified drainage calculations, in accordance X with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 7. Indicate how many lifts the asphalt will be placed in on the Roadway/Parking X Area Typical Section. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 8. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the X minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be detenmned by the provisions of rhapter 6 of ASCE 7, and the provisions of Section 1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 FBC. Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 9. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the X loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. 10. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X proposed construction. 11. A water-use permit for the irrigation system is required from the SFWMD. A X copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 12. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) have been paid in advance to the City X of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: a. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. b. The total amount paid and itl~mized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 1. None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. ~ ~n s: \Planning\SHAP-.ED\ \VP\PROJECTS\lnterstate S igncrafters\NWSP 03-0] 4\COA~ I S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Condition of Approval 2 page -P&D ORA 2003 form.doc Sep 09 03 04:57p Department of Engineering and Public Works P.o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T, Marcus. Chair Tony Masilotti, Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L. Greene County Administrator Rob~!:t Weisman "I!.n Equal Opportunity I!.ffirmari>e !\.coon Employer" @ prfnt<<f on recyc/6d paper ~ztc 561 624 9578 p.2 September 4, 2003 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P,Q. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Interstate Sign Crafters TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the project entitled; Interstate Sign Crafters, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: East side of High Ridge Road, North of Miner Road intersection, Boynton Beach None 17,384 SF Warehouse 82 @ 5% pass-by 8 AM and 9 PM - @ 5% pass-by 2004 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER - ---..' ---.- ~~;.~ Sr. Engineer - Traffic Division cc: Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants Inc. File: General- TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F :\TRAFFICIrnCl\Admin\Approvals\030905.doc ~,',",,'~"'~.' .~."~'.: . (1 A k''1 YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSUL TANTS~ INC. 11440 86th St. North, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 Telephone (561) 624-7262. Facsimile (561) 624-9578 August 19, 2003 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Plmming and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Interstate Sign Crafters Phase 3 - Trip Generation Dear Mr. Rumpf: YVOlme Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc was retained to prepare a trip generation analysis for the above- referenced project. The proposed facility is located on the south side of Commerce Drive, east of High Ridge Road, between Gateway Boulevard and Hypoluxo Road as shown in Figure 1. The proposed project involves the construction of a 17,384 square foot (SF) warehouse facility. The total trip generation calculation for the proposed project equates to 8 AM peak hour and 9 PM peak hour trips. Refer to Tables 1, 2, and 3 for traffic generation information used to develop this data. Since the peak hour traffic generation expected from the proposed project is 20 peak hour trips, a traffic study is not required. Sincerely, ENCLOSURES Tr!:lffir- ~nnino.orinrt ~nrl PI~ nnin,., ~ N.T.S. Hypoluxo Rd. <ll -c LO > 0:: ct: Ol "C ~ <ll ..!. 2: IJ) Cl ro IJ) I <ll "C +-' .... 0:: IJ) Cl <ll co c ..c 0 ..... 0 Cl ro Q) 0 "0 I <ll Q) CI) u.. Miner Rd. . YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INC. TRAFRC ENGINEERING III PlANNING 11404088 Street North, West Palm e.ach, Florida 33412 TelepI'IOOto5(l1.0241~2 - FOlI5el.1I24-'il518 Gateway Blvd. Boynton Beach Blvd. FIGURE 1 INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS PHASE 3 SITE LOCATION ~ .. INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS-PHASE III BOINTON BEACH, FL UTILITY DEMANDS FILE PRINTED 8-1-03 INTERSTATEdemand. WK1 DATA: TYPE OF USE: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING AREA = 17384 SF, TO'1'AL UNIT FLOW = o . 1 GPD / SF, PER PALM BEACH CO HEALTH DEPT DETERMINE WATER AND SEWER FLOW: TOTAL AV'ERAGE FLOW = = 1738 GPD (AVERAGE) 1.21 GPM 1738 GPD/350GPD/ERC 4.97 ERe 1490 GPD/300GPD/ERC 4.97 ERC 4346 GPD 3.02 GPM = TOTAL WATER DEMAND = TOTAL SEWER DEMlWD ;: = TOTAL P],QK FLOW = DETBRKINE FIRE DEMAND: PER ISO "GUIDE FOR DE'J'BRKINATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOW" F = lS*C*(A)**0.5 C = COEFFICIENT RELATED TO TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION = 0,8 (NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION) A = FLOOR AREA = J. 7384 SF F = FIRE FLOW, GPM = 1899 GPM NOTE: 50% REDUCTION ALLOWJ:D FOR SPRINKLED BUILDING NET F = 949 GPM IN'I.'.ERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS BOYNTON BEACH, FL PALM BEACH COUNTY S9, T45S I R43E WAT.E:R MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS FILE PRINTED 7-23-03 INTERSTATEwate:t:mgmt LAND USE: LOTS 13 & 14 TOTAL 110342 SF 2.53 ACRES BUILDING 37389 SF 0.86 ACRES PAVEMENT 42068 SF 0.97 ACRES LAI<E 0 SF 0.00 ACRES OPEN SPACE 30885 SF 0.71 ACRES MINIMUM ELEVATIONS: R.Ol\DS AND PARKING FINISH FLOOR PER SFNMD PERMIT 150-01081-S 18.00 FElT 22.00 FEET DESIGN ClUTElUA WATER QUALITY: 1 . FIRST INCH OF RUNOFF '" 1 IN. X 2.53 ACRES X 1 X 1 FT/12 IN 0.21 ACRE-FEET 2. 2.5 INCHES TIMES THE PlmCENT IMPERVIOUS = SITE.AR&A '" TOTAL - (LAKE + BUILDING) 1 . 67 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA '" SITE AREA - OPEN SPACE o . 97 ACRES % IMPlmVIOUS '" DG'nvIOUS AREA/SlTE AREA X 100% 57.66 2 . 5 X % DG'ERVlOUS '" o ..30 ACRE-FEET 3 . REQUIRED RETENTION STORAGE = o . 30 ACRE-FEET 4 . MINIMUM P1Ui:TREA'l'MENT VOL '" 0.5 IN X (TOTAL -LAKE)/12 0.11 ACRE-FEET 5. THE RETENTION VOLUME WILL BE PROVIDED BY MEANS OF GRASSED SWALES. PEP. SFNMD GENERAL PElUIaT 150-01081-S, BACH LOT IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE 1/2" Pl'IE'rREATMENT VOLUME. NET REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME '" 0.05 ACRE-FEET/LOT 2299 CUBIC FEET MINIMUM SWALE AREA: AVERAGE WIDTH == LENGTH ., AVERA.GE DEPTH = VOLUME = 6FT 775FT 1.0 FT 4650 CF == 0.11 AF ICON DESIGN GROUP 561 3670074 12/13/03 08:00pm P. 003 SOUTH FlORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT :\301 (;\11', Club R(';ld, \Vest P"J11' H~~d\, Florida ,134ilh " (Sfl) 686-~8()1I . FT. Wj\TS J.800.432-20-15 . 1'1'.D (5(')'1) 6t:;'..2574 Mailin~ l\ddre~s: 1'.0. Il(l" 2,l-680, Wc~l Palm lk;\ch, F.l. :nnr,-4h~ll . ww\-\.cs(wmd.gov CON 24-06 Application No.: 030909-12 General Permit No.: 50-D6240-W December 11, 2003 COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC 130 COMMERCE ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 Dear Permittee: SUBJECT: General Water Use Pennlt No.: SO-06240-W Project: INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS PHASE 11/ location: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S9rr45S/R43E Permittee: COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC This letter is to notify you of the District's agency action concerning your Notice of Intent to Use Water. This action is taken pursuant to Chapter 40E-20, Florida Administrative Code (FAC.). Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a General Water Use Permit is in effect for this project subject to: 1. Not receiving a filed request for Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, administrative hearing and 2. The attached limiting Conditions. The purpose of this application is to obtain a Water Use Permit for landscape irrigation of 0.75 acres of turf using a sprinkler irrigation system. Withdrawals are from the Surficial Aquifer System via one proposed withdrawal facility. Prior to drilling the proposed well, it will be necessary for you to obtain a well construction permit from the Palm Beach County Public Health Unit. (,;~(l~'rt-...t.,.nv(; .An.1st' fS~\'ECUT!r/t': ()/'~/('/' Ni\:I)j;~S,l, \'~nl-il~'lT('/" Jr.. E~Jq" (J!tlb l'r:IJW!,) nnJok~-'.n'I(Jlrlt)g, i"lle~!..}'if;i J t"t:...L~ ('vI. J\'glH: MichaC'l C<)I1i..ll~ HlJ.gh )\.1. Engli~~1 r .I~t1I1MI E. L.indahl, P.l'. Kevin IV1<:Cn.r\'\' f1.,n:kh,y P. Thornlop Trl.ldi K. W:Uii1l~\s, P.E. H~:nq.' De(\.o, [IFOdt;ll.' [)ili't};.'r ICON DESIGN GROUP 561 8670074 12/18/08 09:21pm P. 001 Application Number: 030909-12 COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC December 11, 2003 Page 2 Date Of Issuance: December 11, 2003 Expiration Date: December 11, 2023 Water Use Classification: Landscape Total Serviced Acreage: 0.75 ( 0.75 acres of turf ) Water Use Permit Status: Proposed Environmental Resource Permit Status: Not Applicable Right Of Way Permit Status: Not Applicable. Ground Water From: Surficial Aquifer System Permitted Allocation(s): Annual Allocation: Maximum Monthly Allocation: 937,900 Gallons 135,800 Gallons Proposed Withdrawal Facilities - Ground Water Source: Surficial Aquifer System 1 - 2" X 180' X 30 GPM Well Cased To 160 Feet Rated Capacity Source(s) Surficial Aquifer System Totals: Status Code P GPM 30 30 MGD 0.04 0,04 MGM 1.3 1.3 MGY 16 16 ICON DESIGN GROUP 581 3670074 12/13/03 09:00pm P. 004 Application Number: 030909-12 COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC December 11, 2003 Page 3 Should you object to the Limiting Conditions, please refer to the attached Notice of Rights which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you prior to the time frame specified in the Notice of Rights, we will assume that you concur with the District's recommendations. Certificate Of Service 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that a Notice of Rights has been mailed to the addressee not later than 5:00 p.m. this 11 th day of December, 2003, in accordance with Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes. KS Isb Certified Mail No.: 7002 2030 0006 4396 0800 Enclosure c: Div of Recreation and Park - District 7 Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Icon Design Group Inc Mr. Ed Dailey, Chairman Patrick Martin, Director of Engineering Solid Waste Authority Town of Jupiter Utilities I CON DES I GN GROUP 561 3670074 12/18/08 09:21pm P. 002 Application Number: 030909-12 COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC December 11,2003 Page 4 Limiting Conditions 1. This permit shall expire on December 11, 2023. 2. Application for a permit modification may be made at any time. 3. Water use classification: Landscape Irrigation 4. Source classification: Ground Water from: Surficial Aquifer System 5. Total annual allocation is .9379 MG. Total maximum monthly allocation is .1358 MG. These allocations represent the amount of water required to meet the water demands as a result of rainfall deficit during a drought with the probability of recurring one year in ten. The Permittee shall not exceed these allocations in hydrologic conditions less than a 1 in 10 year drought event. If the rainfall deficit is more severe than that expected to recur once every ten years, the withdrawals shall not exceed that amount necessary to continue to meet the reasonable-beneficial demands under such conditions, provided no harm to the water resources occur and: (a) All other conditions of the permit are met; and (b) The withdrawal is otherwise consistent with applicable declared Water Shortage Orders in effect pursuant to Chapter 40E-21, F .A.C. 6. In the event of a declared water shortage, water withdrawal reductions will be ordered by the District in accordance with the Water Shortage Plan. Chapter 40E.21, FAC. The Permittee is advised that during a water shortage, pumpage reports shall be submitted as required by Chapter 40E-21, F .A.C. 7. Withdrawal Facilities: Ground Water. Proposed: 1 .2" X 180' X 30 GPM Well Cased To 160 Feet ICON DESIGN GROUP 581 8870074 12/18/08 09:00pm P. 1Zl1Zl5 Application Number: 030909-12 COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC December 11, 2003 Page 5 limiting Conditions 8. Permittee shall mitigate interference with existing legal uses that was caused in whole or in part by the permittee's withdrawals, consistent with the approved mitigation plan. As necessary to offset the interference, mitigation will include pumpage reduction, replacement of the Impacted individual's equipment, relocation of wells, change in withdrawal source, or other means. Interference to an existing legal use is defined as an impact that occurs under hydrologic conditions equal to or less severe than a 1 in 10 year drought event that results in the: (1) Inability to withdraw water consistent with provisions of the permit, such as when remedial structural or operational actions not materially authorized by existing permits must be taken to address the interference; or (2) Change in the quality of water pursuant to primary State Drinking Water Standards to the extent that the water can no longer be used for its authorized purpose, or such change is imminent. 9. Permittee shall mitigate harm to existing off-site land uses caused by the permittee's withdrawals, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance. When harm occurs, or is imminent, the District will require the permittee to modify withdrawal rates or mitigate the harm. Harm as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance, includes: (1) Significant reduction in water levels on the property to the extent that the designed function of the water body and related surface water management improvements are damaged, not including aesthetic values. The designed function of a water body is identified in the original permit or other governmental authorization issued for the construction of the water body. In cases where a permit was not required, the designed function shall be determined based on the purpose for the original construction of the water body (e.g. fill for construction, mining, drainage canal, etc.) (2) Damage to agriculture, including damage resulting from reduction in soil moisture resulting from consumptive use; or (3) Land collapse or subsidence caused by reduction in water levels associated with consumptive use. 10. Permittee shall mitigate harm to the natural resources caused by the permittee's withdrawals, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance. When harm occurs, or is imminent, the District will require the permittee to modify withdrawal rates or mitigate the harm. Harm, as determined through reference to the conditions for permit issuance includes: (1) Reduction in ground or surface water levels that results in harmful lateral movement of the fresh water/salt water interface, (2) Reduction in water levels that harm the hydroperiod of wetlands, (3) Significant reduction in water levels or hydroperiod in a naturally occurring water body such as a lake or pond, (4) Harmful movement of contaminants in violation of state water quality standards, or (5) Harm to the natural system including damage to habitat for rare or endangered species. ICON DESIGN GROUP 561 8870074 12/18/08 09:21pm P. 008 Application Number: 030909-12 COMMERCE ROAD ASSOCIATES LC December 11, 2003 Page 6 Limiting Conditions 11. If any condition of the permit is violated, the permit shall be subject to review and possible modification, enforcement action, or revocation. 12. Authorized representatives of the District shall be permitted to enter, inspect, and observe the permitted system to dstermine compliance with special conditions. 13. The Permittee is advised that this permit does not relieve any person from the requirement to obtain all necessary federal, state, local and special district authorizations. 14. The permit does not convey any property right to the Permittee, nor any rights and privileges other than those specified in the Permit and Chapter 40E-2, Florida Administrative Code. 15. Permittee shall submit all data as required by the implementation schedule for each of the limiting conditions to: S.F.W.M.D., Supervising Hydrogeologist - Post-Permit Compliance, Water Use Regulation Dept. (4320), P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680. ." . SOUl. , FLORIDA \V A TER MA1...AGEMENT DISTRICT SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO. 50-01081-8-07 Form /10942 08/95 DATE ISSUED: April 16. 1999 PERMITTEE: INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS INC 23109 BOCA CLUB COLONY CIRCLE BOCA RATON. FL 33432 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: MODIFICATION OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVING 2.53 ACRE(S) OF COMMERCIAL DEVr'_OPMENT KNOWN AS INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS. PROJECT LOCATION: PALM BEACH COUNTY. SECTION 9 TWP 455 RGE 43E PERMIT DURATION: Five years from the date issued to complete construction of the surface water management system dS authorized herein. See attached Rule 40E-4.321. Florida Administrative Cooe. This is to notify you of the Distrlct's agency action concerning Permit Application No. 990308-10. dated March 8. 1999. This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E-1.606 and Chapter 40E-40. Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Based on the lnformation provided. "District rules have been adhered to and a Surface Water Management General Permit is in effect for this project subject to: 1. Not receiving a filed request for a Chapter 120. Florida Statutes. administrative hearing. 2. the attached Standa~~ Limiting Conditions, 3. the attached 8 Special Conditions. and 4 the attached 5 Exhibit(s). ~JiCiJld you object to ~;,c.)c LOr,~ _. please refer to the attached "h~ Rights" which addresses the procedures to be follol^Jed if you ~~_':'~ a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this of~ice if you have any questions concernina this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance Wltfl HlI? "N-- ~2 of Rlghts. we Wl il assume that you concur with tIle District's actioll, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - ,lEREBY _"jloJ. ~_ _' ._ ;..,~ U2,:::r1 .;.~.!ed to the Perrmttee ~,and the pers ns llsted in the attached dlstri6ution list) no later than 5:00 p.m. on thlS 16th day 01 A~~il 1999. in accordance with Section 120.60(3). Florida Statutes. CertitlEcl r1dl! fJu 2286 :..lJ J:n Enc 1 OsUr'es SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION: 22 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION: 18 FEET NGVD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: 1-2' W X 3.1' L DROP INLET WITH CREST AT ELEV, 21' NGVD, RECEIVING BODY : MASTER SYSTEM CUNTROL ELEV : 17.5 FEET NGVD, /17.5 FEET NGVD DRY SEASON. 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION. SHOALING ~R WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 5. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 6. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY. 7. FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE STATED" HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPROVED MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT 8. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS. INC. PROJECT: . INTERSTATE SIGN CFv.. fERS PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET APPLICATION NUMBER: 990308-10 PERMIT MODIFICATION NO.: 50-01081-S LOCATION: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S9/T45S/R43E OWNER: INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS INC ENGINEER: ICON DESIGN GROUP INC PROJECT MEA: 2.53 ACRES DRAINAGE AREA: 2.53 ACRES PROJECT USE: COMMERCIAL FACILITIES: 1. EXISTING: The project site is located on the south side of Commerce Road within High Ridge Commerce Park. - 2. PROPOSED: The proposed surface water management system will serve a commercial faCility. The water management system ~ll consist of site grading and a catch basin that will direct all runoff to a system of swales for water quality pretreatment. Runoff will pass from the swales to the master system via a raised catch basin adjacent to Commerce Road. PROJECT LEVEL: DRAINAGE BASIN: INTRP,COASTAL WATERWAY RECEIVING BODY: EX!~TING SYSTEM WATER QUALITY: Water quality treatment is belng provided for a volume of water equal to one half inch over the project area. Basin SIGN CRAFTERS Method .11 acres SWALE Va 1 Va 1 Req'd. Prov'd (Be- tt) (BC- ft) .11 .11 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Extll b 1t L C-- APPLICATION NUMBER: 990308-10 ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY: The proposed project is located within the previously permitted High Ridge Comnerce Park (Perm'it No. 50-01081-5), specifically, lots 13 and 14 on Cedar Ridge Road in Palm Beach County. Tliere are no wetlands or other surface waters on the site and there are no wetland protection or mitigation requirements in the permit for this parcel. The proposed activities have been evaluated for potential secondary and cumulative impacts and to determirre if the project is contrary to the public interest. Based upon the proposed project design, the District has determined that the project will not cause adverse secondary or cumulative impacts to the water resources and is not contrary to the public interest. TOTAL ACRES WTRM ACREAGE BUILD COVE,RAGE PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TOTAL PROJECT 2.53 .11 .52 1.34 .56 PREVIOUSL Y PERMITIED THIS PHASE 2.53 acres .11 acres .52 acres 1. 34 acres .56 acres COMMENTS: 1 . The proposed project is consistenl with the site grading arId land use assumptions from ,":hp design of the master stormwater management system, therefore. the surrace water management system for this project has not been designed to limit discharge from the design storm to a specified rate. DIVISIONAL APPROVAL: OAT" 41(1/ Nl ;. " \t RESOURCE MAN,~GcMENT .- / 'i 1/... . -.. ~ "1. (. {,;1. /'1 ,.( j cl<-~ ,- Am ta R. Sa 1 n / /. DATE: 1-/ "; /';) B ExtlibH ~ ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., 4100 NORTH POWERLlNE ROAD. SUITE G-1 "361 OKEECHOBEE BLVD.,- SUITE A-5 POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33073 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33"09 BROWARD (954) 97276"5 (SOIL) - DADE (305) 9"7"768 1-800- 32976"5 (SOIL) . (561) "718220 FAC/MILE., (954)-971-8872 ESTABLISHED 1981 September 08, 2003 Report of Engineering Evaluation For: J M S Design Inc" Project : Proposed Interstate Sign Crafters Location: 130 Commerce Road - Lot #13 Boynton Beach, Florida Palm Beach County, Florida Gentlemen: As per your request EastCoast Testing & Engineering, Inc. performed the standard penetration test borings at the above location on August 28, 2003. We are herein submitting the results of our findings. " A review of our boring logs shows that beneath the surface the upper level off;;l!:Psoils are comprised of fine-medium grained sands little root and silt in-tJ.e top +/-1.0 feet ciftJepth. Beneath this upperstratum our borings generally disclosed multifarious layers affine-medium grained sands in a medium dense state of relative consolidation to a depth of +/-16.0 feet below the existing surface grade elevation, These sand substrate extend past the terminal depth of our subsurface investigation, sixteen feet maximum penetration. In order to prepare the site to support construction designed for an allowable soil bearing capacity of 2500 psf, we recommend the following procedures be implemented. 1. Clear and strip the proposed building pad area feet plus an extended perimeter of five feet beyond any proposed wal/ footing or foundation element. Care should be taken so as to insure the complete removal of any deleterious materials encountered including all vegetation, stumps, roots, foreign material, debris, silts, clays or muck. . 2. Once the excavation has been accomplished and approved by this office compact the bottom of the excavated area insitu with ten, (10) perpendicular overlapping passes with a twenty ton vibratory roller, (CA-2S1 or larger) until the bottom 2 feet of the excavation has been compacted in excess of 98% of the material's modified maximum dry density as per AASHTO T-180. Each pass of the roller should overlap the preceding pass by one half of the width of the vibratory drum. Maximum speed of the roller should be 2 ft./second. For optimum compaction efficiency we recommend that the soils be within +/-2% of optimum moisture at the time of densification. The contractor shal/ exercise due care during the performance of the compaction work due to vibrations within nearby buildings. If such vibrations are not considered tolerable, then isolation trenches or other means of alternate foundation techniques should be considered. 3. Once this has been accomplished and verified by our office, the proposed building pad may be brought to construction grade utilizing clean granular fill, The fill may be placed in lifts not to exceed twelve inches in compacted thickness. Each lift should be compacted to a minimum density of 98% of the material's modified proctor density as per AASHTO T-180, Clean granular fill shall be construed to mean granular material containing no more than 5% by weight organic and clayey matter and no man-made debris, It shall be free of vegetation, foreign material, roots, fiber, branches, leaves, and should not contain any rock and gravel larger than 3 inches or 50% of the compacted layer thickness, THRESHOLD/SPECIAL INSPECTIONS. SOIL. BORINGS. DENSITY. ASPHAL T. C~~& GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORA TORY _ ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., .SERVlNG SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1SJtl1. 1 - 800 - 32SJ .SOIL. Page 2. Order #2305837 4, Suitable materials may be stockpiled at the site to be reused after approval and testing by the Engineer, Following and during the clearing and excavation stage the area shall be witnessed by an inspector from this laboratory for approval prior to selective backfilling. No vibration shall take place in the vicinity of any existina structure as this may cause localized damaae to nearby existina structures. The excavated surface and each 12" loose lift of imported fill material within the footing and slab areas shall be tested to within 98% of the Soils Modified Maximum Dry Density as per AASHTO DESIGNA TlON T-180 inspected by this laboratory and verified with field density- moisture relationships. . ' Footing embedment shall be of sufficient depth below the adjacent grade so as to comply with all local and area building codes. Minimum footing widths of 18" and 36" are recommended for continuous wall footings and individual column pads respectfully, although they may not develop the full allowable bearing pressures. For purposes of this report V(e have anticipated that the proposed bottom offooting elevation will be similar to.the .. . . elevation of the site at the time of our investigation. Foundation elements may be designed as isolated footings or as a monolithic type of foundation/slab system as long as ample consideration is given to the increased shear stresses inherent in monolithic systems at the slab to footing interface. Surface compaction specifications shall be verified utilizing in place density tests at the frequency of 1 test per 100 If of wall footing, and 1 test per column pad. Slab areas and undisturbed pad lifts may be tested at the frequency of two tests per 2500 sf, but in no case less than 3 per lift. The natural ground water table was discovered to exist at an elevation of +/-10.0 feet below the existing natural ground surface at the time of our borings. Fluctuation in the observed groundwater levels should be expected due to rainfall variations, seasonal climatic changes, construction activity and other on-site specific factors. The Standard Penetration Test ASTM D-1586 The Standard Penetration Test is the most commonly employed tool utilized to identify in-situ subsurface soil conditions. The "N" values obtained from the boring provide an accurate estimation of internal soil characteristics such as relative density, internal shear strength, angle of internal friction, and the approximate range of the soil's unit weight. These "N" values represent the resistance of a 2 inch diameter split spoon sampler driven by a 140 pound hammer free falling 30 inches. Each drive of the 24 inch long split spoon is divided into four six inch increments. The second and third increments are totaled to produce the "N" value found on your report, The Standard Penetration Test also allows for the recovery of soil samples which are returned to our laboratory and visually examined and classified. The SPT samples are available for laboratory testing if requested. Samples are generally held for 90 days unless otherwise directed by the client. THRESHOLD/SP.E.QAL INSPECTIONS. SOIL. BORIN~~~lTY~A~PJjAI", G._CONCRUE & GEOIECHNICAL TESTING LAJ~QR~ TORY ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., -SERVING SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 19S1" 1 - 800 - 3Zg "SOIL" Page 3. Order #2305837 An approximate ground water table is obtained from the borehole upon completion of the drilling procedures, This water table is useful in the general evaluation of particular soil conditions, and may give the contractor some insight into what can be anticipated during construction. It should be noted that the ground water level will fluctuate seasonally. This level may also be affected by local drawdowns, soil conditions, and the watersheds contribution to the underlying aquifer. It should not be construed to be a measure of the soils permeability, or of the dewatering characteristics of the site. Although the standard penetration test is one of the most reliable methods used to identify soil characteristics and types, it may only represent a small fraction of the materials actually deposited at the site. As is common industry practice, we have assumed a uniformity of profile between borings to provide a subsoil profile for engineering purposes. This profile is strictly based on the data obtained from the borings, and if unusual or varying conditions are found we should be notified immediately, A test is expressly representative of the immediate location tested, and the reliability of the conclusions are a direct result of the quantity of tests performed. Any variation in location may reveal similarly some changes in the depth, thickness, texture, and conditions of the stratum encountered. Unless specifically stated otherwise, and specifically directed and prearranged by the client, all elevations are taken with respect to the existing ground surface at the time of testing. Boring locations are usually obtained in the field by pacing off distances and approximating right angles to landmarks and property corners. More precise locations may be obtained from on site surveys and placement of the boring locations by a Land Surveyor, Registered in the State of Florida. These services are provided at additional costs and are beyond the scope of this report. The data presented herein was obtained for the specific purposes stated in this report, and should not be misconstrued to apply to any other circumstance, project, or ancillary use unless so specified and addressed by the engineer of record. Thank you for using EASTCOAST TESTING AND ENGINEERING, INC., for your geotechnical needs. Should you need further assistance with this or any other project, please contact this office. Respectfully Submitted; EASTCOAST TES~TNG G.INI5I5RING, INC./) A . ~ .. /:.. ~iIII ,~c, .pq~~ Craig S. Smith, President Stat FI da #35683 ~ / ~ecial . sp. No. 1177 fldata Iwpdocslspt\2305837.cs rHRESHOLD/SP~L INSPECTIONS. SOIL. BORIN~~N~lr'(~A.sPJjAL LCONCREIE& GEQIECHNICAL TESTING LAfjQ8A TORY ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerline Rd. - Suite G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471-8220 I ESTABLISHED 1981 I TEST BORING REPORT CVO: C.O,D,: po#: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 2305837A OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER: 1 CLIENT: J M S DESIGN, INC, CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED INTERSTA TE SIGN CRAFTERS CREW CHIEF: HE PROJECT LOCATION: 130 COMMERCE ROAD, LOT 13, BOYNTON BEACH, FL DRILLER: RM BORING LOCA TlON: APPROX. 20' WEST & 375' SOUTH OF NE PROP. CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 10' DATE: 08/28/2003 ELEV: N/F CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: B.E.G: BELOW EXISTING GRADE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX UNLESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: 1 PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 GRAY FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND, TRACE OF ROOT & SIL T 2 4 2 2 WHITE FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 10 6 8 3 7 7 4 19 12 12 5 13 8 6 3 BROWN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 14 6 6 7 4 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 7 4 8 8 4 5 9 5 5 10 9 4 4 11 5 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 4 4 12 8 4 4 13 6 3 14 6 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 5 2 1 15 2 1 16 BORING TERMINA TED AT 16' 3 2 2 STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30" SOIL INVESTIGATION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A. S.T.M. D 14521STANDARD PENETRATION TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNATION D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAS!,)fING & ENGINEERING, INC., !:gA hi! CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS. CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT BY THIS FIRM, (ETE) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Power/ine Rd. - Suite G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471-8220 I ESTABLISHED 1981 I TEST BORING REPORT CVO: C,O,D.: po#: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 2305837B OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER: 2 CLIENT: J M S DESIGN, INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED INTERSTA TE SIGN CRAFTERS CREW CHIEF: HE PROJECT LOCATION: 130 COMMERCE ROAD, LOT 13, BOYNTON BEACH, FL DRILLER: RM BORING LOCA TlON: APPROX. 80' WEST & 375' SOUTH OF NE PROP. CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 10' +/- DATE: 08/28/2003 ELEV: N/F CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: B.E.G: BnOW EXISTING GRADE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX UNLESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: 2 PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 GRA Y FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND, LITTLE ROOT & SIL T 1 2 2 2 GRA Y FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 4 2 4 3 5 7 4 3 WHITE FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 18 11 10 5 11 14 6 25 11 10 7 4 BROWN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 8 8 8 (6'-7,5') 14 6 5 9 5 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 5 5 10 (7,5'-10') 11 6 6 11 12 13 14 BORING TERMINA TED AT 10' 15 16 STANDARD PENETRA TlON TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" O.D. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 3D" SOIL IN VESTIGA TION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T.M. D 1452/STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOn TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., (gArrl! , CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS, CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT BY THIS FIRM, (ETE) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerline Rd. - Suite G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471-8220 I ESTABLISHED 1981 ] TEST BORING REPORT CVO: C.O,D.: po#: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 2305837C OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER: 3 CLIENT: J M S DESIGN, INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED IN TERSTA TE SIGN CRAFTERS CREW CHIEF: HE PROJECT LOCA TION: 130 COMMERCE ROAD, LOT 13, BOYNTON BEACH, FL DRILLER: RM BORING LOCA TlON: APPROX. 50' WEST & 275' SOUTH OF NE PROP. CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 10' +/- DATE: 08/28/2003 ELEV: N/F CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: BEG: BELOW EXISTING GRADE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX UNLESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: 3 PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 BROWN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 1 2 2 5 3 4 3 6 7 4 2 DARK GRA Y FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 15 8 9 5 (3'-4.5') 13 20 6 3 WHITE FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 44 24 25 7 (4,5'-9~ 16 15 8 26 11 10 9 10 9 10 4 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 18 9 7 11 6 6 12 12 6 6 13 5 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 4 3 14 6 3 2 15 2 3 16 BORING TERMINA TED AT 16' 5 2 3 STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2. 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30" SOIL INVESTIGATION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S.T.M. D 1452/STANDARD PENETRATION TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LAB ORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOA~T TE ~/NG & ENGINEERING, INC., irf/. ,,/ CRAIG S. H, PRESIDENT THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS, CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT BY THIS FIRM, (ETE) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRmEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerline Rd. - Suite G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471-8220 I ESTABLISHED 1981 I TEST BORING REPORT CVO: C.O.D.: PO#: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 2305837D OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER: 4 CLIENT: J M S DESIGN, INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED IN TERSTA TE SIGN CRAFTERS CREW CHIEF: HE PROJECT LOCA TION: 130 COMMERCE ROAD, LOT 13, BOYNTON BEACH, FL DRILLER: RM BORING LOCA TION: APPROX. 50' WEST & 180' SOUTH OF NE PROP. CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 10' +/- DATE: 08/28/2003 ELEV: N/F CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: B.E.G: BELOW EXISTING GRADE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX UNLESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: 4 PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 GRA Y FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND, TRACE OF ROOT & SIL T 1 2 2 (0'-2.57 5 3 6 3 12 21 4 2 WHITE FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 49 28 20 5 (2,5'-5') 13 9 6 3 BROWN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 17 8 6 7 7 5 8 8 3 3 9 4 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 2 3 10 7 4 6 11 7 5 12 9 4 3 13 5 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 3 3 14 6 3 3 15 3 5 16 BORING TERMINA TED AT 16' 11 6 4 STANDARD PENETRA TION TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30. SOIL INVESTIGA nON AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T.M. D 1452/STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LAB ORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOA~r ~/NG & ENGINEERING, INC., 'A?rJJ v CRAIG S. ITH, PRESIDENT THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS. CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT BY THIS FIRM, (ETE) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerline Rd. - Suite G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471-8220 I ESTABLISHED 1981 I TEST BORING REPORT cVO: C.O.D.: PO#: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 2305837E OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER: 5 CLIENT: J M S DESIGN, INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED INTERSTA TE SIGN CRAFTERS CREW CHIEF: HE PROJECT LOCA TION: 130 COMMERCE ROAD, LOT 13, BOYNTON BEACH, FL DRILLER: RM BORING LOCA TlON: APPROX. 90' SOUTH & 80' WEST OF NE PROP. CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 10' +/- DATE: 08/28/2003 ELEV: N/F CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: B.f.G: BELOW EXISTING GRADE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX UNLESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: 5 PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 BROWN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 1 2 2 (0'-1.5') 5 3 6 3 2 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 10 10 4 (1,5'-5? 20 10 7 5 6 6 6 3 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 11 5 4 7 4 4 8 8 4 4 9 4 5 10 4 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 10 5 6 11 4 6 12 9 3 3 13 3 2 14 5 TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 4 2 1 15 2 2 16 BORING TERMINATED AT 16' 4 2 1 STANDARD PENETRA TlON TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30" SOIL INVESTlGA nON AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T,M. D 1452/STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOASJ1EJTlNG & ENGINEERING, IN~., Udrirl/ CRAIG S.~i1, PRESIDENT ..~ e BLANC, V.P. P.E., RIDA REGISTRA TION #35683 THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS, CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT BY THIS FIRM, (ETE) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRIITEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED ---- ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerline Rd. - Suite G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471-8220 I ESTABLISHED 1981 I TEST BORING REPORT cVO: C.O.D.: PO#: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 2305837F OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER: 6 CLIENT: J M S DESIGN, INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS CREW CHIEF: HE PROJECT LOCATION: 130 COMMERCE ROAD, LOT 13, BOYNTON BEACH, FL DRILLER: RM BORING LOCA TION: APPROX. 20' WEST & 90' SOUTH OF NE PROP. CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 10' +/- DATE: 08/28/2003 ELEV: N/F CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: B.E.G: BELOW EXISTING GRADE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX UNLESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: 6 PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 GRA Y FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 2 6 2 2 BROWN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 10 4 5 3 (1'-3.5? 4 4 4 7 3 3 5 3 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 2 5 6 (3.5'-5.5? 11 6 6 7 4 LIGHT TAN FINE MEDIUM GRAINED SAND 5 4 8 (5.5'-10? 8 4 4 9 4 4 10 10 6 4 11 12 13 14 BORING TERMINA TED AT 10' 15 16 STANDARD PENETRA TlON TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30. SOIL INVESTIGA nON AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T.M. D 1452/STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS, THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOA?;T}fTlNG & ENGINEERING, INC., S:gA TtIJ CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT ...-.-/ THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS, CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT BY THIS FIRM. (ETE) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED