APPLICATION WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN MONTEREY BAY, WESTBROOKE HOMES The Monterey Bay project is permitted under ACOE permit 200004269 (IP-BP) and SFWMD Permit 50-05137-P. For unavoidable impacts to 8.46 acres oflow quality melaleuca infested wetlands, the applicant will provide 5.52-acres of on-site mitigation. Mitigation will be comprised of the enhancement of 1.44 acres of existing melaleuca wetland habitat and the creation of 4.08 acres from uplands and an existing lake. When completed, the mitigation area will provide habitat with a higher functional value and more diversity than is otherwise available in the existing wetlands. Construction will begin with the isolation of the mitigation area with silt curtains and/or hay bales, this will be followed by the removal ofthe Melaleuca and all other invasive exotic and nuisance vegetation. All vegetation removed as a part of this mitigation project will be disposed of in an approved manner. Construction will employ scraping and earthwork to provide suitable wetland elevations and substrate. The marsh area will be over-excavated to allow a minimum of l' of backfill with suitable wetland soils. When the earthwork is completed the elevations within the marsh will vary between 6.6' to 7.6'NGVD. The control elevation is identified as 8.6' NGVD. A 25' wide forested buffer will encircle the marsh habitat. The buffer planting will start at the control elevation and go up to 14.3' NGVD. Wetland mitigation area earthwork will continue for approximately six (6) months wherein the ground elevations will be lowered as necessary to the proposed wetland mitigation elevations. All soils will be used onsite or disposed of in an approved wetland area. Perimeter berms will be held at a maximum elevation of 14.3. A control structure will be installed in the southeastern comer ofthe mitigation area. Following completion of the scraping and earthwork, an as-built survey of the area will be generated and reviewed for consistency to the permitted mitigation plan. Upon approval by the jurisdictional agencies of the as-built conditions--confirming that the wetland area is the appropriate elevation, configuration and acreage pursuant to the issued permit--the mitigation area will be planted according to the Wetland Mitigation Planting Plan (See attached plan). The planting chart identifies the quantities, plant spacing and recommended elevation for plant materials that will be installed in the mitigation area. Signage identifying the area as a" WETLAND MITIGATION AREA, Protected for Environmental and Conservation Use Only" will be placed at 250' intervals along the limits of the mitigation area. Within one month of completion of the installation of the plant materials, a base-line Time Zero report will be submitted to the jurisdictional agencies. Upon acceptance of the Time Zero report by the jurisdictional agencies, quarterly monitoring will be conducted for a period of five years. If the mitigation area is determined not to be in compliance and the Time Zero report is not accepted as satisfactory by the jurisdictional agencies, the problems that are identified by the permitting agencies as not in compliance will be corrected and a new Time Zero report will by submitted. Quarterly monitoring will not occur until the Time Zero report is accepted by the permitting agencies having jurisdiction. Routine maintenance to remove and eradicate nuisance and invasive exotic vegetation will be ongoing from the start of construction throughout the entire monitoring phase and shall be conducted in perpetuity to ensure the mitigation area remain free of nuisance and invasive species. MITIGATION AREA MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN MONTEREY BAY, WESTBROOKE HOMES A monitoring program will be implemented upon completion of the construction and the installation of the plant materials within the mitigation area. The goal ofthe monitoring program is to ensure the establishment and long-term viability of the designed habitat functions. At least 80% coverage of desirable plant species by year two, maintained at least at this level for the next three years is the minimal accepted survival level to consider the site as successful. Routine maintenance to remove and eradicate nuisance and invasive exotic vegetation will be ongoing from the onset of construction throughout the entire monitoring phase and shall be conducted in perpetuity to ensure the mitigation area remain free of nuisance and invasive vegetation. Maintenance will involve physical and chemical eradication methods. Nuisance and invasive exotics are considered to be, but not limited to, those species identified by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as invasive exotics. The goal of the maintenance program is to ensure the successful eradication of invasive exotic plant species that would otherwise disrupt the success of the designed wetland habitat functions. The exotic and other nuisance plant species shall not exceed more than 5% coverage between maintenance activities. Upon completion of the excavation and re-grading, and upon approval by the jurisdictional agencies of the as-built conditions, the installation of the plant materials will begin. Within one month of completion of the installation ofthe plant materials a base-line Time Zero report will be completed and submitted to the jurisdictional agencies. The time zero report will provide a quantified inventory of all species planted within the mitigation area and will document the habitats and the acreage of each. The report will quantify the degree of invasive material present on the site and conunent on the health of the planted material. The report will include a site plan identifying the location of the established transects, photo-stations and staff gauge. Staff gage readings will be reported and site photographs will be included. Upon acceptance of the Time Zero report by the jurisdictional agencies, quarterly monitoring will be conducted for a period of five years. Quarterly reports will reflect data gathered from established transects which represent typical habitat sections. Transect data will include an inventory of species present and percent coverage of desirable species represented, and exotic species. The quarterly reports will include an inventory of recruited species, the wildlife observed on-site and photographs taken from the established photo-stations. Comments will be provided on the survival and overall health and growth of the planted species and overall success and viability of the mitigation area. Each report will quantify the degree of invasive material present and discuss reconunended or implemented remedial actions as or if needed. A forested transect will be established as well as two (2) transects within the herbaceous habitat. Each transect will be 250' feet in length. Along the herbaceous habitat transects, replicate 1m2 samples will be randomly selected for each monitoring event by blind throwing of a quadrat along each transect line. No less than 6 samples will be taken per each transect line. Sampling locations, along each herbaceous transect will be randomly selected for each monitoring event. The percent coverage of the desirable herbaceous species will be visually estimated and recorded. The percent coverage ofthe undesirable species will also be visually estimated and recorded. The transect within the forested vegetated buffer will be a 'belt transect' 20 feet in width. Within 10' of each side of the transect line all trees and shrubs will be identified and quantified. Each tree will be measured for canopy width, height, and DBH with the mean height, canopy spread, DBH and percent cover for each tree species reported. Within the belt transect the herbaceous component will also be sampled by randomly selected, blind throwing of the quadrat. The percent coverage of the desirable herbaceous species will be visually estimated and recorded along with the percent coverage of the undesirable herbaceous species within each quadrat. No less than 6 random quadrat samples will be taken per each monitoring event within the belt transect. All monitoring event data will be provided to the maintenance contractor to assist in the effective control and eradication ofnuisahce and invasive plant species. LAKE SHELF MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN MONTEREY BAY, WESTBROOKE HOMES To filter run-off materials, facilitate nutrient uptake, stabilize the shoreline, provide functional wildlife habitat and enhance the overall health of the lake, twelve (12) lakeside planting beds comprised of 13,045 square feet of planting area covering 1,260 linear feet of shoreline will be install within the proposed lake in the Monterey Bay development project. A monitoring program will be implemented upon completion of the construction and the installation of the plant materials within and along the lake edge. The goal of the monitoring program is to ensure the establishment and long-term viability of the designed habitat functions; 100% survival in the upland portion of the edge planting and 80% survival on the aquatic shelves is the minimal accepted survival level of planted material. Routine maintenance to remove and eradicate nuisance and invasive exotic vegetation will be ongoing from the onset of construction throughout the entire monitoring phase and shall be conducted in perpetuity to ensure the lakes shelves remain free of nuisance and invasive vegetation. Maintenance will involve physical and chemical eradication methods. Nuisance and invasive exotics are considered to be, but not limited to, those species identified by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as invasive exotics. The goal ofthe maintenance program is to ensure the successful eradication of invasive exotic plant species that would otherwise disrupt the success of the designed wetland habitat functions. The defined lake edge p1antings must have less that 1 % invasive coverage. Additional measures of success are wildlife utilization and dissolved oxygen content in the lake. Upon completion of the creation of the lake by excavation and re-grading, installation of the plant materials will begin. The shelves will be planted according to the permitted Planting Plan; which identifies the species, quantities, size, spacing and recommended elevation for plant materials. The Planting Plan will also be incorporated into the compliance monitoring reports. Within one month of completion of the installation ofthe plant materials within the planting beds, the first, quarterly monitoring report will be completed and submitted to the City of Boynton Beach, Planning and Zoning Division. Monitoring will be conducted for no less than two years. At the end of the two year monitoring period, if the City does not feel the site has achieved and maintained an adequate level of success, the City may required the monitoring continue. Each monitoring report will: . Inventory all planted species, determine % survival and identify the specific species and location of mortalities; . Examine for the introduction of invasive or nuisance species; identify, quantify and provide the specific location if present; . Inventory all wildlife observed within and in the immediate vicinity of the shelves; . Provide photographs of each planting area; . Provide comments on the appearance of overall health and viability; . Conduct oxygen monitoring; . Clearly identify any problems or non-compliance issues that may be present; . Provide very specific recommendations on any problem that is identified; and . Establish a deadline for the completion of each specific recommendation. All monitoring event data will be provided to the City, to the Client and to the maintenance contractor to assist in the effective control and eradication of nuisance and invasive plant species. MONTEREY BAY WETLAND MITIGA T/ON AREA PROPOSED PLANTING PLAN I II I - Spacingl Community - Elevation Common Name Botanical Name Number of Designation Range Plant Type Plants NGVD cypress Taxodium spp. Clumps 10ft. Forested Area 8.6-9.6 7 gallon On Center 100 ~ red maple Acer rub rum Clumps 10ft. Forested Area 9.6-10.6 3 gallon ~ On Center =' 50 a1 dahoon holly /lex cassine Clumps 10ft. Forested Area 9.6-10.6 3 gallon "C c On Center III II) 70 CIS wax myrtle Myrica ceritera 10 ft. On Buffer 10.6-14.3 1 gallon f < Center "C 380 CD - II) cocoplum Chysobalanus 5 ft. On Center Buffer 10.6-14.3 1 gallon f 0 icaco 1,500 u. swamp fern B/echnum 3 ft. On Center Forested Area 8.6-9.6 bare root serru/atum 2,050 beak rush Rhynchospora spp. 3 ft. On Center Marsh 7.6-8.6 bare root 4,700 spike rush E/eocharis spp. 3 ft. On Center Marsh 6.6-7.6 bare root CIS 4,200 CD leather fern Acrostichum 3 ft. On Center Marsh 7.6-8.6 bare root "- < danaetolium 4,200 .c pickerelweed Pontederia cordata 3 ft. On Center Marsh 6.6-7.6 bare root II) "- III 4,200 :i: duck potato Sagitta ria spp. 3 ft. On Center Marsh 6.6-7.6 bare root 3,720 fi reflag Thalia genicuJata 3 ft. On Center Marsh 6.6-6.7 bare root 3,700 Total Trees, Shrubs & Transitional Plants Total Herbaceous Wetland Plants 4,150 24,720 i c::;: , ':::t: t:: 0 - u CD V) C>? Dl 0 ... U t::l u '0.. ,:::... -- , ;. '" .I ".- c...,-, ....:....:;..::..;~ ~ ~ " e- UJ .. ~ ="0 ..( .~ "C;... ~ - ~ . " .. - = o _ "-< = ~ = = '<. ~ -" =, = ~ ~ ~ - : ~ .21 ~ ~ - .~ g- ~ ~} : ,~ 'l , " C '0 ~ b "'0 , > =c.:l ..~ c:- C:m ~~ ~w c: ~ " i:i: . 5' l3 in .-'---;.., .' - . .::;-.. ~-~ ,-J--:'. r ........., '.. !",>".,,- -'G;~~. Pi..-.-.. ~~f~. '-.~ ~ 1 l:1 ..... , b " ~, ". > ,. ~ ~.: :.~:.(.~.iJ :::,:;. 2i i ~~ '::0 .. ~ ,,- C:'" 0.... '';:' 0 "'- ~ to, w'" ~w ;; E ~,.g :;-"j..; ~;:J ! o~.,~ /) -'y . :'1 ~'~1 ~'\ :~l c~l il ~'!j .-.l "i ~ ~ -'b o ~ ~~ - . E it ,,~ E'" ~~ ~ ~ o > ~ '" ,i ; I " , .E. 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