ELEVATION CERTIFICATEO0 21. Should it be necessary to ddll in tiled areas, Company's technicians will exercise reasonable - care. Since tile or surrounding areas are not normally constructed to facilitate drilling. Company v,411 not be responsible fcr tile dama§e. 22. In order to complete the termite treatment or re-treatment, it may be necessary to remove baseboards or paneling to provide access to treatment areas. Company will not be responsible for damage occasioned by removing or replacing baseboards or paneling. 23. Purchaser should at all times avoid handling or using any of the termiticides or termiticide application equipment used by Company. The purchaser should immediately notify Company in the event that such materials or equipment are inadvertently not removed by Company at the conclusion of its operation. 24. COMPANY'S UNLIMITED WARRANTY AND ANY LIABILITY THEREUNDER MAY BE ABATED OR TERMINATED SHOULD THE COMPANY BE PREVENTED FROM FULFILLING ITS RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT BY REASON OF ACTS OF WAR, OPERATION OF LAW, NATURAL DISASTER AND/OR UNAVAILABILITY OF ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, OR THE CUSTOMER'S FAILURE TO PROVIDE REASONABLE COOPERATION. 25. Purchaser and Company agree that any controversy or claim between them arising out of or relating to this unlimited warranty shall be settled exclusively by arbitration. Such arbitration shall be concluded in accordance with commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. The decision of the arbitrator shall be a final and binding resolution of the disagreement which may be entered as judgment by any court of competent jurisdiction. The site of any arbitration under this agreement shall be in Broward County, Florida. In the event that matters arising out of or. pertaining to the unlimited warranty are litigated in a court of competent jurisdiction then such matters shall be tried by a judge only and not by jury trial. 26. This unlimited warranty may be assigned to a purchaser of the treated residence. Such notice of assignment must be directed to Company in writing and must be made while this agreement is in full force and effect. 27. Purchaser acknowledges receipt of an exact copy of this unlimited warranty and that all questions about it have been clearly answered by Company to purchaser's satisfaction. A~CONTROL, INC. BY"Ha rve~ S~-P resid en---'~t )qEDEFLAt. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD fNSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Imporlant:' Read Ihe ink.ms on pages 1- ?. Altman Development SECTION A- PROPERIY OWNER INFORMATION ~GS11RE~N3ORES$~.,U~e, andf~.No.)~P.O. ROLr[EANDBOXNO. 2000 S". Federal Hwy. "TUSCANY ON THE INTRACOASTAL" C~ STATE Boynton Beach FL 00-4162 O,M.E). No. 3067-0077 Expires July 31, 2002 zip COOE 33425 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot end Block Nmdx~, T~ Pared Nmlber, Legd Dmcr¥6on, etc.) Buildin~ 2, TUSCANY (see Survey for complete legal description) - ~NO U~ ¢,.~.';R-~i~. N~ ~ Ac,:,,.~. ,~ U. c,,~,.~ ~ ~ Residential LATITUDE~LONO'TUDE (OPTrONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM; SOURCE: [] GPS (rype~. NAD t~? [] NAD tg&l [] uso$ Quad Map [] ~ SECiloN B- FLOOD INgURANC~ I~m ~ ~FIR~ II~ORMAT1ON BI. NFIP cOMMUNFPF NAME & C~ I~R I B2 CCUNTY NAME City of Soynton Beach ) Palm Beach ' B4'MAPAN~PANEL J BS' 81'JFFFIX I B61FIRMINDEXDATE120 19BN'L'MBE~0003 'C 9-30-82 EFFEOllV~BT' FIF~I PANELDAlmE [ BB. FLOOD ZONE(S)B/A_5 BiO, ln(Ica~e lhe somme dlhe Base Flood EleVal)on (BFE) da~a or base flood depth entered In Bg. [] FIS F'mfle J~ FIR~i [] C~r~ly De(ermined [] O(her (Desc,'be): Bll. Indca[elhedeva6ondab~m med~lheBFEInB9:~] NGVD 1929 [] NAVD igc8 [] Clhe(Descdbe): BiZ bb~mbu~lng~ca~edba~as~BanierRes~umesSys~em(cBRS)~eaor~henNbeP~xk~:(edAma(~PA)? [] Yes [] No B3. STATE FL Im. I~,SE FLOO~..ELEVATION(S) { (Zoce AO, u~e deffh ot IIo(xr~j) 7 SECTION C- BbtLDINO ELEVATION ~O~'$~nON (SURVEY d) Affadmd ga'age ~ of e) Low~ elevalbn of machlnen/md/or equipment Lowest ad)ac, eH grade (l_AO) g) H~h~t ~a~ gr~ ___~) * 235W3 .... fl.~ County ___~) System 8 0 _~.(m) 8 .2 It(m) I cefllfy fhef fha irformaffon In Sedlons A, B, end C on fhfs cen'iflcafe represenfs my besf efforfs fo lnferpref fha defa aveflab/e. I undersfand ~af an)' false sfafemenf may be punishable by fine or Imp#sonment under 18 U.S. Code, Secfion 1001. CERTFER'S NAM5 B r u c e N .~' C a r t erf LICENSE NUMBER 2 9 6 3 TEtE P r e s i d e n t j COMPANY NAME B r u c e C a r t e r & .~~A CITY STATE AD.ESS 405 S ve. Delra3_ Beach FL SIGNATURE DATE Assoc.,. Inc. 4/l/O2 ZIP CODE 33483 ~ELEmONE( 56 I ) 265 - I 9 I 0