APPLICATION . I~.~ ~ .1 r-..'--..... " \ J r hl 2 ~ flu ., , . , Retum: Reed " SmlllSllh P. O. Box 640 . B~nlon BIICh, Fla. 334!~' nee. . " '2Ct;IIfCr Fla. Sf. . _ EASEMENT, AGREEMENT =. ". al\o&l. f~ This Indenture. made this ~day of September. 1978. between PAUL H. PLUNKETT and JOHN H. McCORTNEY. es Trustees. joined by their respective wives, MARY E. PLUNKErT and VIRGINIA W. McCORTNEY, of the County of Cooke and State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "Grantors", and MEGA MINI CO., a Florida limited partnersMp, whose permanent address is 400 Renaissance Center, Suite 1800, Detroit. Michigan 48243. hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"; en Lf') ('r") C') .:.ow co ,.... WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantors have silDultaneously herewith sold the property (the "Property") described on the annexed Exhibit A to Grantee; and to -:r en ::';! WHEREAS, Grantors are fee simple owners of the adjacent ~and (the "Adjacent Property") lying to the south of the Property; and o N 0- l.LJ VI a:> - ~~ WHEREAS, the parties ~sh to assure one another that Grantee shall have access to the Property over two (2) ,rollds running to the Property from Southwest 30th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida; that the parties will equally share the cost of constructing these roads; that upon completion of construction, both parties will dedicate said roads to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and that should the City refuse such dedication, theae roads will be dedicated to the owners of all land fronting on each roadway, with the costs of maintaining these roads being sllocated equally among said owners. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto covenant and agree with the other and by and between themselves as follows: 1. Grant of Easement. Grantors hereby establish and grant to Grantee, its successors, legal representatives and assigns, two (2) perpetual nonexclusive ease- ments ("Roadway Easements") in, on, over and across the land legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto, for the purpose of affording ingress and egr8U for motor vehicular traffic and necesaal'Y utilities in, on, over and across the Roadway Ease- ments. to and from Southwest 30th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida ("Southwest 30th Avenue") and the Property to which Property the Roadway Easementa are and shall be appurtenant. 2. Construction of Roadways. Grantee shall construct in each Roadway Easement, a road in accordance with City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County, Florida, specifications. The construction of the roads in the Roadway Easements ahall commence simultaneously with commencement of construction of certain mini warehousea on the Property by Grantee. but in no event later than six (6) months subsequent to the date Grantee recaives final approval of its mini warehouse aite plans from the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Mutually agreed upon costs of road conatruction shall be borne equally by Grantors and Grantee and shall be due and payable by each upon commencement of construction as aforesaid. In the evant that Grantor. and Grantee sre unable to agree aa to the costs associated with the road construction, such dispute shall be submitted to Rossi & Ma1ava.i. Engineers, as ~~~~H m 29 2 8 PAGE 11 32 '! ...' ........ .."....-.", .....) .arbierators, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding upon Grantors and Grantee and a judgment may be entered thereon by s court of competent jurhdiction. 3. Dedication and Maintenance of Roadways. Upon completion of the road construction, both Grsntors and Grantee shall dedicate the roadways to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for public use. Should the City of Boynton Beach refuse to accept said dedication, theerantors shall grant to the subsequent owners ~f property fronting the Roedway Easements ("Fronting Property"), easements for ingress and egress over and across the Roadway Easementa, to and from Southwest 30th Avenue, aubject, however, to the agreement of the respective owners that each shall contribute equally to the payment of costs of maintenance, repairing and otherwise preserving the roadways, which abut their respective properties' Such costa shall be due and payable ~pon unanimous agreement of all such owners to the effect that one or both of theB~ roads needs maintenance and. upon selection of a contractor to perform said maintenance. In any sale of the Fronting Property or any portion thereof, Grantors agree to IIII1ke any such aale subject to the terms of this Agreement, and Grantors shall be relieved of liability hereunder thereafter with respect to the ~onveyed parcels. In the event that Grantors and Grantee are unable to agree upon the necessity of or the costs aSBociated with such maintenance and repair. the issue of necessity and costs shall be submitted to arbitration in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Aasociation. The decision of the arbitrators shall be binding upon Grantora and Crantee and a-judgment may be entered thereon by a court of competent jurisdiction. 4. Additional Agreementa. Grantors and GrplitlW agree that after the date hereof, each will execute and deliver easements, deeds, releases, grants of dedication or such other instruments as either party may reasonably request to effectuate the terms and conditions contained herein. 5. Effect of Agreement. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the heirs, successora, legal representatives and assigns of Grantors and Grantee and their respective mortgagees and the mortgagees' succeasors and assigns, shall constitute covenants running with the Property, the Roadway Easements and the Adjscent Property and any peraon who shall hereafter hold title to any of the Property, the Rosdway Eaaelllents and,the Adjacent Property aha1l have the same right to enforce the provlaions of this Agreellle~t and the same duty and obligation to comply with the terms hereof that each of the undersigned varties hereto shall have upon execution of this Agreement. *Unt1l such time as these easements have been granted, Grantors and Grantee shall equally bear the costs of maintenance, repairing and otherwise pre8erving tbe roadways, ~~i~H ~H 2 92 8 PAGE 1133 . ' -2- ',: . \ .. MEG1\ VISlOO CO., a Michigan co-part:nership, as General Partner ~.~~ ~. KlRRIS, a Partner ,~ As to Grantee . 1<,c."'If~ 61.. Me:.:. "Grantee" -3- ~~~~H m 292 8 PAUE 1 1 3 ~ &rATE OF ILLINOIS cxx..NIY OF COO 1< I HEREBY CERI'IFY' that on this day before Ire, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgrrents, personally appeared PAUL M. PLlJNKEI'1', as Trustee, joined by his wife, Ml\RY E, PIlJNKETI', to Ire known to be the persons described in and who execut:e::1 the foregoing instrurrent ClJ'l1 acknc:Mle::lged before Ire that they executed the sane. WI'lNESS ~ A90d and official seal in the County and State las~ aforesaid this/~y of Septa'nber, 1978.,.::;..'.'~':;:'";:,,, . .,.. '" ....!I 11 ..' ,';" I .A .....,,'\ ."''''4, ~.,~ ~. .0' ,";"." ""'i '/ . :/'~~','."..,;...'.. ...:,:....~:.;; I ~J!~-d,i," · I ,... ,.... 1'. ~ I ;,...0;". . . ~ ...... ') 3i~' No ~C, Sta of Ill~~: ';'. ,.....' ;'.". ;/.' .~@. ',,' .,.\.. . ssion t:t.&,;:ires' "";}I ~... * .{ 1" . ....:: ~ . .....OH'-. ~~. ". . .., . .. .;.' ,:~. . ~~ .0,. to .....~.:' ',,..- ...."..... ,'" .. , ":,.1....1\,) .'i .,. ~. . STATE OF ILLOOIS OOUN'I'Y OF COO K I HEREBY CI:m'IFY' that on this day before Ire, an officer duly qualified to take ackna,.lledgnents, personally a~ared JOHN H. M::<;:9~, as Trustee, joined by his wi~e, VIOOINIA W, McCaRtNEY, to ~ ~~:il'''''',;" to be the persons described m and who executed the foregolJl9 ~~e~,...'''''; and acknc:Mled~ before Ire that they executed the sane. ~~,~:.,.>~ ~;;<.* '.: ....... "):., ...' . .. '(' O!.: . .. . ., ,...., ,. Wl'INESS nt:>~and official seal in the County and Sbil.~).lUl~ ': ,...; 1:~: :';' aforesaid this /r.. day of Septat1ber, 1 78. ~~. '~'..,/ '. ,,' :>J" ;;" L jO , ~ ". .,'.~ ;:~'! ;:.:: .,.. ~ ~.., ..,~- ...'.' .,.' ". ,'. .... v -'" .'. ,'1.- ,', . . ':' ./..... .' ..~:. , , .~~t.-,.. ~~" .,... ~t'... NOtary.. he tate 0,. lJ'lO~S ' My Ccmni.ssi~n Expirf?JJ'~ ~ W t) srATE OF FLOJU])A CClJN'l'Y OF P}\lM BEACH I HEREBY CERrIF'i that on this day before 1'00, an officer duly qualified to take acknc:Mle::lgrents, ~~y a~ MEGA VISICI'I r,u.~~. I7f l: ~l\.-. ~ts ~ ' 1'00 to e al partner of MEG\ MINI . urn,), a Florida l:i.mi.ted partnership, who did swear to and ackncMledge that he did sign the, foregoing instrl.1K:!nt as his free act arxl deed and as the frOO act and deed of the linu;!J'1:ed ,', ~ership. ". ~ ~ I .1.1" .1I~~1I1'" W rrtJE'SS fn V h~d' tl,...t U 0 ,-" \ .:> '" ."i" S. I J J. ...J-/41( ~ " . .;.:):.:-:..:.:...~ ,,'r:','., ~~ I~I ( ') :' .....". - ... '..\''''')~ .. r.J. \ rJ . Ii r i' . ..' ': l :i[ ~'.. ....,:. \} ~ :. .; ,....Cd....' :..: ~>\ P:'O' \V .:,.'[ ':- ,r'\.' \J l. ," "~1: ~'J.:\ "0, ..' r_. . " ". I" .,- ( 0" f, "'1-. ;'u"". . t. .. '.(,1;2 q \".' "'" ,\ i.".. . 'II., "01" .' .\~ .. My Camdssion Expires: Noll,., Pllbli<. Sllle af floridl I' luge , Mv Cammiuion Eapilea fcbH 11, 198' .....4 " ~icae fir, . '-'It, c....., ~t~~M ~~~ Z 9 7. 8 P^Ut 113 ) -4- - cO ~ .__.....~-...---. .....-I~-....'__._--_._~-_.. . . ~ EXHIBIT A Legal Deacrlptlon A parcel of land in Section 5. Township 48 South. Range 43 East. Palm Beach County. Florida. said parcel oOand being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 5; thence North 87029'35" Ell8t along the North line of said Sectlon 50 a diatanc__ of 353.34 feet; thence South along a line 353.00 feet East of and parallel to the W..at line of said Section 5, a distance of 40 .04 f~t to the Point of Beginning of the herein described parcel of land, , o . Thence North 87 29'35" East along a line 40,00 feet South of and parallel to the laid North line of Section 5, Baid Une alBo being the South line of L ,W . D . D. Canal L-28, a distance of 999.12 feet; thence South 0002'45" East along the E8It-llne of the West one half (W 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of sald Section 5, a distance of 438.31 feet; thence South 8.,029'35" West along a line 415,91 reet South of and parallel to the said North line of Section 5, . distance of 999, 47..mt; thence North along a line 353.00 feet East of and parallel to the said West line of Sectlon 5. It distance of 438.33 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10.000 Acres. more or less. ~t~~" m Z 9 2 8 PAGE 113 6 'jIf " \ . . ...'~ 4...._..,..\'~.~.~ I~XIIIIII'I' "II" , ~~l~:. !O~!!.~....!~!H.~I..~!!,..! '!l, A pn reel of IUl\d lyinR in the Wt'IU one hair (W II IIf the Northwl'HI <>unrtflr (NW II of Section 5. 'I'ownllhiJl 46 South, KnllJtc .3 ":lIIt. Pahn HeRrlh County, 1.'lnridll, t1nid pllreel of Innd beinj{ more pOl'tkululy dellcribed aft follnwll: Commencinl{ at the Northwest corner of uid Section 5: thence North 870-29'-35" Enst along the North line of lIaid Section 5, . distlnce of 353.34 feet; thence due South DIone a line 353,00 feet Ent of and parallel to the Wellt line of said Section 5, . distance of 418,37 feet: thence North 810-29'-35" Elllt along a line .75,91 feet South of and par.llel to the nld North line of Section 5, a'dis- tnnce of 289,50 feet to the Point of Hcglnnin" of the herein described parcel of '. IlInd. Thence continue North 87"-29'-35" Ent, R distsnce or ~O, 00 feet: thence South 20-30'-25" East, a di.tancc of 219,09 feet to a point on the North line of S. W. 30th Avenue; thence South 81ll-29'-35" Wellt Illong the f1l1id North line of S. \\" 30th Avenue. /lRid line .Iso heing 895.00 (eet South of and parallel to the !iuid North line of Section 5, a dilltance of 80,00 feet: thenC'c North 20'30'-25" Wesl, s dilltance of 21!1, on fC,'et to the I'oint of nt!lfinnlnif, ~~!!!!rL:'!I: ~',!l...~Q:...!!~.lti ght.~_~& ^ 11IITI'l'I of IRnll Iyinl: In the Wellt une hili! (W U of the Northwcst QUarter (NW II of SecUon 5, Township 48 South, RanlCe .3 P.ast, Palm Beach County, fo'lorida, llllid pureel of land beini more pa~ticul8rly deacrlbed all follow.: <:ommencinll' Bt the Northwellt corner of 1lI1d Secdon 5: thence North 070-29'-35" East along the North line of .ald Secdon 5, a diatonce at 353,34 feet; thence due South along a line 353.00 feet F.a.t of and p....all.l to the Weat line at &sid Section 5, a distance o( 418.31 feet: thence North 170-29'-35" Eaet aloni I Jane 475.91 (eet South of and parallel to Ute ..Id North Un. of Section 5, a die- lltncl!' o( 104.41 feet to the Point of Beginning of the her.in dedcrlbed parcell)( "'" d . Thence continue North 870'29'-35" East, a dlstlnce of 60.00 feet: thence S(luth 20'30'-25" Ellst, a dl.lance of 219.09 reet to II point on the NOrth line of H, W. 30th Avenuej thence South 870-211'-35" Weat alonf( the !laid North line of S, W. 30th ^ venue, said line- alao bei nR 895,00 (eet South of and parallel to the s~lld Nllrth line of St'Ction 5, a dlfltance of 80,00 feet; thence North 20-30'-25" Wcst, II dl:llllnCe of 2111,09 feet to the I'uint Ilf lleilnninlol, PALM OFF 'l. 9 2 B PAGE 1137 BE~tK m . ~'l\\\'~ ~\t. ""t.~l~ ~\\lI\'1' "t~ ~,t.~' '~'~'I<<'\' 1f.~ :c'f.t\!t.1l "P r-.... (Y') N c.o = = <.:.:> 00 ::n 9 ~ ,:...,; c...t. ~~ I~ .~ c C") o 0- N ('f') GO <:.~'>t~i:\T"i:='-::;i:"" f.:" C(:j h; :"T,.'\ -, iihqii,\; ;.'FM-:Y .', ~ TilfM; -I f.), 1i. :: -(\:~ t l'\ l ~~.:: f', ....J.~ j~:'~~: _.~- . . . - - ~ ~& :.. JU' ,'.': \,"" :i.' ~..:" 1) 0, 4 0 ..... :z...I~....__..._..:.;.;.:.:.,-_...._-_......- AGREEMENT AND GRANT OF EASEMEN~ '^ I THIS AGREEMEl\'T, made and entered into this ~ day of ~~ , i979 by- and between MEGA MINI CO. (LTD.), a Florida limited partnership, whose address is 400 Renaissance Center, Suite i800. Detroit, Michigan 482.43, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor>' and the CITY 'OF BOYNTON BEACH, Fiorida, whose addl'ees is l,2.0 N. E. Second Avsllue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33S0S, nereinafter referred to as "Grantee": WITN":':SSETH wr;EREAS. the Grantor Ie the owner of certain iand located in Palm Beach County. FloTida, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"): and WHEREAS. the Gra.nt"!e rcq-uires. and the Grantor agrees to grant to the Grantee, an easement (or a water main under said Property on the terms and conditions bereinaftar set fOrth. NOW THEREFORE. The Gra.ntor for the consideration of the sum of $lO.OO in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowiedged. does hereby agree and covenant with the Grantee a, follows: ' 1. The Grantor does hereby grant. convey and confirm unto the Grantee a permanent easement fo r the purpose of installing. operating. maintaining, inspecting, replacing, andJor repairing a 6-inch water main and its appurtenances (the" Easement"). in the parcel of iand described on Exhibit B thereto. 2. The Grantee hereby agrees that the Grantor may construct buildings. structures. and improvements or any part thereof, within the limits of the Easement without the prior written approval of the Grantee, provided that such building str~ctu.re s Or other improvements do not interfere with the rights of the Grantee in the Easement. ,-....-..-.....-.. __I I , I , Cf') C) Q.. N , Cf) co ....- .......- --.-...._~---.. --- 3. The Grantee hereby agrees that it shall at its own cost, rLsk and expense. install, maintain. operate, inspect, repiace and repalr !laid water main and ita appurtenances. 4. The Grantor and Grantee hereby agree to permit the con. struction of other publlc utUitie s within the Easement provided, however. that all costs of installing such utlllties and all COl!ts of relocation necessitated thereby are borne solely by auch other public utilities, 5. The Grantee agrees that should the use of the E;asement ever be discondnued or abandoned, then all right, title and interest obtained by the Grantee hereunder shall revert to and revest in the Grantor, its heirs, successors and aaaigns. 6. This Agreement And Grant Of Easement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon tbe heirs, succelllora. legal representatives and aaaigns of the Grantor and the Grantee and such present or future mortgagees of the Grantor as may now or hereinafter exist. and shall constitute covenants running with the Property, and the Easement shall be appurtenant to the Property, lN WITNESS WHEREOF. this Agreement And Grant of Easement is executed as of the day and date first above written. MEGA MINI CO. (LTD.). a Florida limited partne.rship By Mega Viaio,n Co.. a Michigan co - partnership. the General P'~ By ) Its ~ "Grantor" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. a Florida m icipal corporation By -2. . . ,. , STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) SS, ComITY OF WAYNE) , On this feJ.- day of }J01}{/fYl.h..eA ,1979 before me, the stacribed, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared . ' C t ' . to me pel tonally k own, who being by me duly sworn, dld say tint he is a partner of MEGA VISION CO., a Michigan co-partnership, and that sa\d co-partnership is the General Partner o( MEGA MINI CO. (LTD.), a Florida limited partnership, and that the instrument was signed on behalf of said Umited partnereblp by autho:.:ity o( Its Limited Partner. ship Agreement. and , acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Limited Pat'tnershlp. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55. COUNTY OF PAlM BEACH) lINDJI ^, HMIEV Notary F'utlic. 'I:::,"'~ ~c"nt~. IJIlch, My CQ,Tlrll;ssk.r. [Xj>i((:3 M;.y 30. 19a3 .:.. ~/,.',';~.".,. r ;~.. . ,., ",; '.. . "'i;' / ~ ' ~:,f '.,' " .. ~.- " ..,., ;:: (":~. .- . . r:;i~--\~~.." . ..:~'tIt''' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5th day of December , 1979, by E. Harmening who is the Mayor of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. , ,', It l'li~"'", ~ "-.r__ ..,-"'>."'....':/:.i-".. tttd 'J~ . ;\1:) j';\ lir'\ \, No a ublic , t. .... .; :: Palm Beach County, Florida <t\.~:JSl.~.~:..,r: My commission expires: ~~, ..' ~. .... ,< .' No\&rt PuLIic. Sial. .1 Florid. at LII't . (~:"> ':':.<i\"'< My (oI:II..n"," Ex..,n Stpt, 18. 1983 J.;i.Di,l:"l.~::.~~:" ;.,' ...4ft h "'...... n..LC-*r t~.y This instrument drafted by: Donaid R. McMillan, Esq. Honigmar MUler Schwartz and Cohn 2290 First National Building '\. Detroit, Michigan 48226 ~When recorded return to: City of Boynton Beach 120 N. E, Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33505 "'" ('I') (:) a. N CW) CG -3. j' . ' EXHIBIT A Legal Description A parcel of land in Section 5, Township 46 South. Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. said parcel ofland being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 5; thence North 87029'35" East along the North line of sal d Section 5, a distance of 353.34 feet; thence South along a line 353.00 feet East of and parallel to the West line of said Section 5, a distance of 40.04 feet to the Point of Beginning of the herein described parcel of land. Thence North 87029'35" East along a line 40.00 feet South of and parallel to the said North line of Section 5. said line t:.so being the South line of L, W .0.0. Canal L-28. a distance of 999,12 feet; thenc.e South 0002'45" East along the East line of the West one half (W 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW l/4) of said Secticn'5, a distance of 436.31 feet; thence South 8t'29'35" West along a line 475.91 feet South of and parallel to'tbeosaid North line of Section 5. a distance of 999.&7 feet; thenoe North along a line 353.00 feet East of and parallel to the said West line of Section 5, a distance of 438.33 feet to the Point of Beginning, Containini 10.000 Acres. more or less. ~ C'I') ~ 0.. N ~ ~ RECORD \ERIFI~O FALM BEACH COUNTY. AA JOHN B, DUNKLE r.t.EIll< CIRCUIT COURt I '.' " ' '.' .' " : " '~:'.'.', '. ': - .> :~-,-,'~il~~ ~~'~, ': -, ',' I,., l ~ ~\ \.., N (l;) Ccn C'l?o.. Q o...od' od' -('0.1 -('t) ~ m :\GREE~tENT ,\ND GR.-\NT OF F :\SE:~IF.::--;T . TillS :\GllEE~IE:-;T, milde :lnd entered intn this ~ day oi _j\h.\~ ( )t,).:./.. '1. _, l<jj') by and h.H.....ecn ~IEGA ~t[l\1 CO. IL.TD, l, :I Florida limited p:trtner.hip, .....hos" .'ll:dre:l. i. -l00 Ren..i..sZln>:c C.,nter, Suite 1800, D..,troit, Mlchigaa -ll\;!.n, herelnraiter reierr"d ~o as "Gr.in!Or' and th" CITY OF' BOYNTON BEACH, F1orid:l, .....hose i1Jdress is I;!O!\. E. S"cont! Avenue, Boynton B,,~.ch, Flodda 3350'i, hcrt:io.-,itc!r r~i'~l.rt:d to :15 "Gr~ntl..t:ll; WtTi';ESSETH '.'.'EERE,-\S, the Gr.intor is the ,}W/H,r ,)! certain i3ncl located in Palm Hcach CO\lnt~'. Florid... more p"r:ielll"rly de~crih<ld on E>:hihit A 3ttach,'d lu :eto 'the "i'ropd/'ty"l; "nd WHEREAS, ,he Grolnt~'" r",quirtls, :Ind the Gr..,,!or agr""s to ~r,l,:t to the Grant",,,,, an ealienl"nt lor a water molin under said Prop"r!y on :h.:: terms :\nd conditions hero!inaiter S"l (or:h, :-;ow TIIEREFORE, The Gr;.ntor ior the coo5lder:ltlon oi th" 5um 01 $10.00 in hand paid, and oth"r goa~1 an.1 vahlilblt: considcr3tlor. thl' reco!ipt and adequacy of which i5 herd,y ac\<,no....l"dged, do,~s h"r~hy a~r"'e :.nt! covenant ',\llh the Cirilntec :1:1 iolloWli: l. The Gr.lnlor ~1,l"S hereby grant, convey ..nd coniirol unto the Grantc" a pcrnuntlnt easemr.nt for rhe p'upo,;e o( Installing, operating. malntillninll, Insp<lctlng. replacing. aod/or r"Piliring a !'-inch .....ater Illaln :lnd it,; "PP'lrten..nc",s (the "E:asemel\t"). in the parctll oi land de~c riberl u!1 Exh.\.it n th"reto. ;!, The Grantee hereby ..gr,,"5 that the Gr,ln">r may c'}I\.tr'lct uuilding5. str'JCtUre5, "ocl impruvCmtln',5.:1r ..oy part th"r"oi, \\ithin '.hl! limits .:I: the Llse:n"nt, wlthuut the prior wrlllen approv.l1 oi the Grantee, prllvided 'h.1t stich hullding :;r.rtIClUro.l5 or o:her ImproY"mtlnt~ do n"l Int",rier<l with rho! rillhcs oi the Gr:.ntee in ',he Easement. ," ;:; :8 :~ r C) ~ t::l C 1''> oJ ;l .i) CJI r.......,~. ('> ~--; O'M CJI r. 9B.~ -~ '-'::1'0 tJ.' ~ III ~ J:j (0 III 0 Jj <€~~ ..0 tOo t _') :>, ~ t o I!J I-< '0 I-< 0 cliO..... '0'" I-<I!J::-' 01-<+1 U ;"J ill Ill.c I-< I-< +I 'M ..' t: . t: 'J rl1 III ' clI . .ooJUl: 'd..1 I '0.0 ,oj \ '" 'M ! .c.c: ~ I X 'M . +I t.l I c: +I ~~g' ~3 : 'r! I III ' (II U . . 'M 0 1':'0 ~1 'M ~l ill .c/O.c f-<):+I \~ I , .-:t' -:;to N . C'r) CD ('r) c.o en a.. ('(') c n. u . _ .' . .~ .. . - - .---,- - -- --" ." . -.---:-..-, - ~ :. .. . .. r , ~..." . '. "/ 1 , . 1 . or'!.," I . - '~"". ... .. ' ."',." ~ . .J~' ' . ~ .a' : 3. Th" Cl'dnl.,e hereuy .';;:reeti th...l it sh.lll at ils own Cu:lt, rltik ar:d e"p,lnSe, install, maintain, Operate. inspect. repl..ce :lnd rt!p~ir ,;;,id ',~'alcr :n;;in :\nd its :'ppllrlCnanct!s, .1. The Cr;101ur ":lcl Granl"e hert!hy a~ree 10 p"rmit Ihe con. str\lction oi otl",r pqblic lIlilitics within tht! Eilsemelll nrovicl"d, ho'...'evcr. th;,t al\ costs ui inst..llin~ such u:iIlties and all costs oi relocation nec"stiitate:l thereby arc, uorne soldy hy slIch otht!r Pllhlic utilides. :" Tht! Grantee allr""s th..t should th" u:ie ui th" E;,tienl"nt e\'er ht! 'liticontinu"d ,11" abanclo:;ecl, then :;\1 right. title and interest obtained h~' the Grantee h"r.!und"r shall revert t:l :lnd r"vest In th" Grantor, its heirs. SlIccc:;s'Jrs and ....ssl~'1,;. '.. This Agrecrnt!nt And GrOlnt Oi E,...sement shal\ inure Ii) the br::"\o'!iit (Ii and sh.',1\ be hiniling upon the hclrs, s\lccessors. legal represent..tives :1ncl as~i~ns or' thc Gl'.\ntor and th" Grilnt.,,, OInrl such pre:ient or illlurc mortgagees oi the Grar.tor .IS m:1Y n<lW or hercillait"r ""i:lt. and '!1:11l cOntititllt" cOV"n:1nlS running with :h" Pr"pcrty, ;111(1 tht! Eas"ment sh..1\ he ,\ppurten:1l1t t'l '.h" Propert;, 1:-; WITNESS WHEREOF. thb :\Rr"em~nt :\11<1 (jr"nt O! Eaio:ffi"nt iti ;,x"cllte,1 ;Ul oi th~ clay and clat" iirst abovr! writt"n, -I j , ~- ~IF.GA MINI CO, (LTn,). a Florida limited ?artner:lhlp By ~I"ga Vision Co. . a ~lichisan co-partnership, th" Ceneral Partner no tJ.. '-. I L -, / <_AI'_ t 'r/ ~ -- . I I I , ,....t f t I It ti , ,I 'J ii#:_':L . ~~ . . '~ ~;,-"~ ~ ~' CITY OF eO'lNTOr-: f~EACH. FLORIDA, .: ~7U:=;'.""" Its r // HGr...ntcl:" N (Y) CD .~.. '" ,-'.,... . '. ' "-;"-'-' , , '--:-,,' ':'.-, ,-' " , ., . It. ..'-, , . ,. . t. .' . f"'. .. .' . . " . . .'''''' ..' -I . . . ," . Jf"... 'Co.. ......: ~ -.-, ~ .... C'-' .:;I' ('I') (0 c:::l en 0.. ...:t" C'oI 0#- CY) C'oI m ('I') tx:l STATE OF ~.IICmG:\NI I 55. CO!J(-;TY 0 F W t\ YNE ) On thiti .j day oi 1\.:':' ( , I. J.; " ,\,),,) bd.:lr.' me. th.:: su')~crilled, ., Notary Puhlic In and ior sOlid County. p,'rso!\ally app".,r"d 'I ' : ... ""1.\1/ ,f ...~ ~, ;'. ____. to Y'l1c" p,'rsonally known, who bt:in~ by' Ine duly sworn, (lid ~ay Ihat h.. is a pH~r.~r oi ~IEG..\ VISION CO" a ~lichill'ln ~u'p:lr~n"rship, 01-,.-1 ',h;.! s:dd co-P,Htll<,rship is Ihe General Partner oi MEGA :-OIlNI CO, i LTD,). a Florida limited p.1r:ner~"ir, and that the instrument W,H signed un behali oi said limited par:nership hy authority oi its Lir,,:tr.d Partner. ship t\gr.::emc;'lt, and , acknowled~ed said instr'1ment to hl: the iree O\t;t and deed of said Limited P:.rtn"rllhlp, i \ _~W:_ ,\, .; Nllfi/,'ry Public Wayne CO'.lnty, :-'lichi~:ln ~.ly commission expire~: "" ,'" . 9' , .,- I. ",..... t ..~/ STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF P."!..."I IlEl,CH) LI:'~'. '., ~1."'~V rl',: 'j 1',' .", /,'d\, t.!;' c.:...~': . .. I 1, 1 .) . 'i.; 55. The toregoincJ instrunent WI::; acknow~",dged he~ort: n\c this 5th day 0 f [)<lco:lmber , 19i9 I by E.. Hil rml.lnLng who is the Hilyor of tfieCIT'f OF BOnl'''O~1 llF.i\CII, Fl,Or-lOl" ~ Florida municipal corp~ration, on behal~ of the co~poration. .-: ;/ltJ ", i . "J J; J. ('-I.(-n ttttd j{ftuJ-. !Iota Pu he Palm Beach County, Florida Ily commission e:qnres: Il;.tllv P.,j;~l. S'.l. .t flolid. .1 l'lqt 1,':/ (~:","il\;'" fs,.., Sept. 18, I9SJ ....'.1 If ...."'._ 't" L e......., t.-..-r " '" ,;.' 13L Thi9 instr'.1ment draited '>y: Do,:dd R, ~lc:-'lillan. E9q. l-Iu:1igman ~liller 5chwart:r. and Cohn ~:!')o First National Building Oct ru it. ~.lichigan .1822', " ~\','h"'l\ r..,~.)r:j"d return to: City 0: Iloynton llehch I~O ~:. f, Second Avenlle l\o;nlon !\r.ach, Fh-rld" 33505 0- {:r.:Co;ul :'j 1.1:]' l'I'.I~ (1:1 oi L~, ;,','0 l ~J:~ p 1;, !'" '.:, h)..!)j, :,',J;,I rl'.:,;] 3.;.:.~ -1. .... _" ~ '. . :. . _~. .. .~. _,..._. __ - ... .r, . '. _ ~ . '. . . l . . . '~. " I ".' . I EXHIBIT :\ !:5al l)"sc:-iutiul\ A parcel oi land in Stlcticn 3, Township 46 Suuth. Ran:;o! -11 F.a:H, P;"'(:1 8e:.::h (our.ty, Florida, said parcel oi la..d being more paniCtllady dc!scrib.:d ..", :d:,-,w s, .-------..., Commencing at the :-:orthwest corner vi said Section 5; thence ~;<.:.rth 87():9' 3S" E~~t along the North line oi said Section 5, a distance v( 353,3; iect; tr,er.ce ':0uth :Joug a line 3~3.00 ieet East of and parallel to the \\'est Une oi sa.ld S"cuon 5. a cl5tar.ce oi ~O, O~ feet to the Point of Beginninrr oi the herein describold parcolI ')i bod, Thence ~;orth 6;029'35" East along a I:r.~ -10.00 :'eet Sv.Jth 'Ji and para!!,;! :0 the said North line oi Section 5, said lit;e also being the South line ci L. \'i .D,!), Canal L-:!d, a distance oi 999.12 ieet; thence South 0002'-15" East .liong the East l:ne vi lhe West .:lnf: half (\... 1/:!) oi :~e Northwest Quar:er (:>''1,' 1, -I) oi said Sect;cn 5. a distance of -136.31 feet; thence South 0;029'35" West alvng a line -175,91 iei!t South d and parallel to 'the' said North line of Section 5, a dl:lunce of 999.,-17 ieet; thence ~:Grth along a line 353.00 fcolt East of and parallel to the ~aid \\'"st line ,)f :3",;:ion 5, :. distance c: -136 ,~3 feet to the Point oC Be~inning, Containing 10,000 Acres, more or le5s, ('t') &on CO (\") en 0 0- a.. ...:t ...:t N N ('I') (\") m c:c :'1,1',;);10 \El\IFI~D , ;;F.Ar.li COUNTY. A.A 10HI'j n nutll\lS: ::t(n,: CI,'Io';Lilr COURt - ;;' 'J ..~. ", ." '.' ~ " ,-- , ; '.~.' , ~ .> , ", '. ,~~;., " "',,, '. .', I '::' I ': ,:, ..: 011 . ... . l EXIIInlT !\ ^ parcel of bnd lyin~1 in the \~Jest onl,..half (Wi) of the Northwest quarter (NW~) of Section !I. Township '16 South, R,IO!le '13 (<1st, Palm Dei,ch County, f1oric/a, said parcel of lime! lIl.iog more parliclll;,r1y described <1$ follows: Cornmi ,Icing <It thl; Northwest corner of r.aid Section 5, thence North 87029'35" East .llong th!l North line of !>aid Sectior, 5, OJ distilnce of 353.311 fo!:l; Ihence clue South along it line 353.00 feet EilSt of "nd pi1ritlJlll 10 th::: West line of !iilid Section 5. " dist;snce of 1176.37 ((:(:1; thence Nc.rth 870 29'35" E.lst "long a linc: 1175.91 (eel South of c,nd pnratlel to the silid No~th line of Section 5. a eJjS\ilnCe of 315.50 fect to th!! Point of n"ginning of the lIerein c/(:scl"ibed pi1rcel of I;md; Thence .s1ong t1H' following COLlr$es and c/i!>lances; w w en Nort h O:!" 30'15" \'I.:lst. 39.20 feet, . Nort!) 25000'25" \'lcst, 29.60 feet, North 02030'25" \Vest, 325.50 feet, Nor..h 87029'35" East, 8.00 feet, South 02030'25" East, 323.90 f!.let, South 25000'25" East, 29.60 fect, South 02030'25" I.:ast, 32.80 feet North 87029'35" Eilst, /j110.97 feet, South 02030'25" Eilst, 8.00 feot, South 87029'35" Wl:st. '1118.97 feet, To t1w Point of Beginning. 0- ..::t' ..::t' N ('t) CO ()_' ',~:'''1,4\1 '/i'I'.lrllD fJ". ~ :.nl counTY, FLA. ,'..., ,,\ ~., .:' outlKLE JlJH., li A'- 'J'.cIlK CIRCUIT COU ' .. ' co en en 01 cr, =. e:, CO I C'l - M '- a.. ~.:l I ~ . - . .-::J , , ~ U) c.n C') a.. -:r -=:- C"o.I CW) CC I AGREE:-'ICNT ~l\'D GRANT OF EASEMENT ,TillS :\GREE}'IENT, m:lde an:! en~er.:d into thi;; .:..:~_ d:l~' 0: /:: ..",~ ~ , 19;9 !.l~tWcc:l PAUl. ~,1. PLUl':I,ETT and JOH~ H. ~lcCORTNEY. j'1ined hy their respective \\lives MARY E. PLUNI-\ETT ,,"O V[RG[;\1.A \'I, McCOHT:.:EY (h~rein:litcr rct~rr,,<! to as "Grantors") whose address Is 231 South La Sid I.:: Strtlt!:, H".,m l'n(1, Chic ago. Illinois 6Cil04, and :-'IEGA ~nNI CO, (LTn,). a Flo rid;. limited par:nershlp, who5~ address Is -101) ll.",nalss;\lv:l, (;entl~r, Suite 1800, DetNIt, ~lichig:ln 4&2.\3, and the CITY OF nO'i;.:TON I1EACH, FLCRID:'., whose address Is lZO N. E. Second Avenue, Boynton Heach, Flodd:l ,3505 (her<llna!ter rd~rred to as "Grar,tee"). .lU T N E SSE T Ii, WIJEREAS, thl: Grantors are the owner u! C"r:i.:n I:,r,c\ loc..ti:c\ il; Palm r.<:ach County, Florida, more p"r:iculal'ly de:.c dbcd ulI Exhibit A attached hereto :lnc\ Me~:. \lilli Co, (Ltc,) is lhe "wner oi ':ert:lin IC\nd 10cate,1 in Palm Beach County, F'lodda, more ?:lrtjc,1\;;.rl',' d'::s':;rib~..~ on Exhibit B attO'lched he I'eto (he r., in ~ile r cO lIec:ivcly rei" r r.:,1 to :l ~ the" Prop..: r:y"); and WHEREAS, the Grantors have entere:! Into 01 r..,rt:.Ln E..s~m:nt Agreement dated September 19, 1978 with Meg;, Mini Co, (Ltd.). 01 Florid., limited partMrship, which is recorded In L1h.:r 29::!S, Pa:::'~ 1132 oi P:llm HeO'lr.h COIC\\)ty OULdal Records wherein lhe Gr.1nloo conveye,] to Mella :\lini Co. (Ltd,) two perpetual r,or, ,<,xdu;;iv... ro.dwo1Y easemcn~,; (the "Road,,:ay Easements") over the proj)'Hty describ"d on Exhibit A attach.HI he r~to: anci WHEREAS, the Gr."l~e,' require. :l"l e:lse:-ner,t (or W:lter lTIain~ over the prop'Hty described 0:\ Exhibit :\ atl;;.ched h.:.reto; f\OW THErU:FOp-r:, lh<' Grant.ors, In consider.1tb'l ,1r th..: sum of 510,00 in Iland paid, and other goo:! ar.d ...alu.1ble consldcr.\tlor.. tlw rer.,~i?', ilnd <ld"'1~lacy o! which I s he reby ac\< :\')".\'lcd3ed, dv~ s h~ reuy l!~ r.~e and coven".", with the Gr;.nt".: as iollow~i: l. The Grilntors do h'Heb~' grant, c"nvo:~' :\:"j .::onHrm unto tho! Grantee a p~rma;)ent eaS;l!nent ior the p'lrpllsCl 0:" inst.dlint/, op~r:ttillg, ., " I L "- Lf') en c.. -=to 04- ('0./ ~ CD , ",. .' . \ .. ~ I ." '. - . , . maintaining. in,;p.:lc!ing. rilplacin~, a:vl/or rep:lirin~ (;..inch w:,t.,r mains and th~ir .lPlhlrtenances (the "Easement"). in the p:;rcel oi lands d.~scriben on Exhibit A hereto. Upon completion of tnol constnl.:~ion and in:;tall:.!ion oi (;-in.::h .:..t"I' ;;'\ains, the (i,'allt,,/: s'l:s1l prep3r" a precise I,,:\al dolsc rip~io.., ell th" wate I' mains as cunslr'.l';!ed and submit same to the GrantOl';\ ;':l~ :.!<::';' :,lilli Co. (Ltd.) :01' their ;,??r.::.";!.\. which :l??rlW;.\ sh:.\1 n..: :h' ll:lrL';,son:\lJly with~elcJ. and upon ;'PtHuv.'1 said p;<:cise \<:~:\I d.:,;c rip\lun sh.1I1 be IncorpL1r;,:e.:l In:o :sn Addcmlun\ tu this .-\l;reemcnt And Gr.,n! Oi E:'Ise::\ent. which shall Le record~d In the ap,Jrl11'rb.tl! Palm Ele:\ch C:o'.l:lty OHid...1 P.ecods, 2. Grilntee hereby accepts this r:ase:-:len~ ~u!.jec: to the Ro~dw;!.y E:\sC:nC:lts, :,nd Mega ;\lini Co. (Llc!.) herc\)'{ C(JrlHnts to, and :lsre"s to L" uuur.c1 by the pro\'isluns of Ihls .A.~reelnt.lnt .^.,,~ Gra,"1t Oi Easement, 3. The Grantee Iwr<:by agrees that th.. (jri,ntors or Mega ~lini Co. (Ltd.) may constr~ct, within th~ limits u! tne E:lse:nent or may pave or o~herwi5e ImprOve the roadway pres~ntly locate:! thLreo/l according to such plan;; and :ip<!ciiicatio:\s as may be appr')\'ed h}' the F.ngir,eering Departnl"nt of the City of !3oynton B(.:..ch. FI'1ric!:\, .\. The GrantN' hcr"l1y a::r",,~ that it sh:sll at its own cost, risk an':! ,,~xp'~n~e, ir.s!all, maintain, op'nate. ill;P'~Ct, replace and repair said \1:;\1<'1' nlair,s a:lCl their ;tP?'Jr:en:'Il':.);, s. Th.~ Gr .ntur~ 'l~d Gr;".tc~ hcr~.JY agrt:..: tv ,H:rnlH the ..:on. strllctloll oi o'.h.:r public utilities within the Easen1cnt provided, howeVer, that all costs 0: installing such u:ilitlcs and all cost:; of relocation necessitated thCf"by ar" l>ofoe solely by ouch Clthef ?,,!...\ic "tillei"s, lJ. The Grantee agr.:'~s that should Ihe use ,J: Ih" F.;.~."rn"n~ ever be disco~:inll"c] .:Jr ahan;bned, then a II right. titl" ar,rj intI: r('5: o":aln.~d by ~ht" (jr~ln~t~(: hcrC:1loder sh.:Ill rC,'vcr: ~\.) ant! rt:'..~st in tht: Cir..\:'".tors, their heit's, su~cellsorS ..:lei 3ssigns, 7, This :\cre,m1e::t And Gran: Oi I::asemen\ :ih;dl bllrr: tl,) the bene:'lt of anri shall he bindin;l up.:ln the heirs, !uc..:essors, leg:1l re?rc5entativ..,; anrl 3s:;\gn, of the Gr.:ln:ors, the Gr;.r;tcc anrj "-leg:. .2. " " I :,:,': ,\." , ... '.' .~": -'. .,.. ."" ;'-.., ,'.. -:- r.~--:-" lI.!ini Cu, (Ltd.) ;md such pr,'~cnt or f\lturc mor~gagccs uf lh<: Grantors or ~(<llla Mill. Co. (Ltcl.) a:l may now or hel'einafter exist, and uball constitute covenan~s runnin~ with the: Pr-'>f'"rti, a:.d the F.aseme:lt ~I-,all be a??llrtenant to the Prupcrty. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this A~reement And Grant Of Easement ls ex~cuted as oj the clay and date first above written. Before me peTsor,ally appear"d. P:\U L ~.1. PLI!I':KF.TT a~d MAR Y E. PLI!:'-:I'~ETT, his wii", ;.::d JOHN H, ~1cCORT~EY and VIRGINI:\ W, ~{cCORTNEY. his wii.:, to roe known to be the p"r"o~s that eXol.::uted the within and (or.~going Instrument arc! aqkno'.v\<ldged that they el(ecu~ed the! ame as their fre,", act and deed. __~' "'~~'~:'. >' , . // :, '/. .~;, ," 'AI' . I...... " :,..~ ~;~(t'i1C.(.. "'~r;,...~t /.' l" Notary.Pulif\c; ..... :. , -:;' CQut1li'. I1linoiJ. ' ~ly commiss,inr. (:xplr.H:..(....'. ;'<<, ~,. .1 /.~ .. " . .7 ..... ,.)'" ,..., ('t( ~ /-' . .' " :::'l " .4 .....,. . . . . ..:..,;::::- ~ :;{:, ;11"( {l-" ("', l: .' ,.,.f t , J;. . tC_ ,.hl:c1/t1 /, ''{ I ". ". Ii ' APPROVED ~~ 7......--r' ,,.::. )...,:,. '\!l:,rn~y :L ".(J ci.'I- Cily Man.lger )' ) ('I ;:1 Ii l f I, It.' .,., :' "'/~J' ~f ., ,.~ ;l~ f"~ .... ~ ~" - 0.' .... ---'-. , \ .-- '. ,\ ST ATE OF ILU,,:015 COU~TY OF c:o IJ") ~ Q.. ..,. - ('00.1 C'r.I m I, :'\ . , -"--'.-....../ .'-.- ~.~~( (/-. \ ' ( (<.. /) Ie. C!. / "'I- I Paul M. PI~lnkc~t ( '. /")/0' __--- (IJ ," "( (.. \ r... ,'. .- t::-:::.- }.~f E. 11\ln~;c~t. hi" wi:e >4f.A.,-fl -;911 <:. 6.'1~ /~n H. ",C."",,y fn"'~fl:;- ~ " U-!k ia W, ~Ic~'rtney, -hi~\'''ije - "Grantors" MEG..\ MIi':l CO. (LTD,) :, Florida limited partnc.'ship By ~Icg.. Vi:.ic.on Co, , a Michil:an Co-p:ll'tn'~rshi~. the General P:\r~n~r BY~~,~~~ CITY OF BOYNTuN, BEACH, FLORID:\. a Florida mU~1icip;1I corporation .-. ( ~ ..// fly ~.: .-'/:;'tt-tJIt...J.<(.;".!...t:- Its ~.../ --tIGr~e.~'I- 55. .3. -- .. -.- ..' , : .' ~ :.,:,' ' '. ' ' ' ',,; , , .' ' " ... '.' , ' " -. ."' '\' I ' / " ' " ,) en I.J") en 0.. oR Jto '" en CD ST J\TE Ol~ MICHIGAN) ) 55. COUNTY OF WJ\YNE ) . .. On lhis ~ day oC ~.',.".' r ,197-) bdor~ Pole, the subscribed, a Notary Publk in .~nd r~'r &:.id CO'ln:y, p"rs'~nidly "ppeilr<:d '; _',..~ .r..:~, ~'....., _ . 0 ... ), ."'..:;. ___, tc rne ('l~r;;on:ll\y known~ who hein3 !:.}' 11l'~ duly' sv.'orn, c1id s:.y Ill"t h" is ;l par:no:r oj MF:GA VISION CO" a Michigan co'pa.rtnc:r:i~.ip, ;J.lld :har. said co-partn03rship Is the Ge:leral Partner oi ~IEGA :-"U?-:i CO, (LTD.\, a Florida limited partn~r:lhip, and thai lht! InSln!:no:n' was signed 0:1 behalf oC said limited partnership hy authority of its Limited Partner. ship J\grccnler.:. and . ' ',' ,-....".. ,., '. ...... :, . acknowledged said Instrut'llenl to be the free act and dN,d ,,: ,;";'id Limited P",:'tncrship, .:' ,I -J ' . . -to . " fLOIUDlt ST ATE OF ;.l.,{lGU1GA-.I'-:) I'M')'l nEl,h~S. COU(-:TY OF W~~'l'NE ) NOla ry Pub lie Wayne C.:>un:y, MI":llgan My commis:jJ?:n:~~p\~\~,: tJ..I::I:',' ~... M, '-......._. . .... ,. ~ I! ') f1" .. 'j. :'.1 The day oi the FLORIDA, {orc:going inSI,Un1Cal was .)ckr.owlc:l~e:! bdorc Ille thIs 5th D':!ccmbcr __' 19,:j Ly I';. Il<a'mc:ninq ,-;-hrJ i~ Havor oj the CIT'i OF r.OY~TO".; I'E,\CII, a F'lorirla Illuniclpal corporation. un behaJj of tho: carpI> ra:ioll, l ,1' I . -: /f . ,I _-21.. .tZU, ~(,~~~ Notar~' Pu!,lic Pltlrn BC:ilch county Wllytv:''(;~~c.;=MI'eM~!.Tff 1 or ida My commis:;ion expires: I:,"'. ,.,>1,1. 51,'. 01 f1"i~. ..lll9' MI (".~;\\". ['I;'" S,pl, la. 19aJ ...,.,.,,_., .0..& ....... ,......, .0' . ','. d.'~'. . " "} , "h:5 instrument draited by; Donald R, Mc~nllan. E$q, Honigman Miller Schwart;o, an1 Cohn 22'1:l First National Dulldir.g Dc~roit. !l.lt.:higan 482Z6 When recorded return to: City oj Boynton Beach ) 120 N. E. Se.:ond Av"nue Boyn:on Reach, Florida 33505 Office of Ihe Cily Clerk Ci:y ot BOl'nlon IlC3Cl1 p, ~, eel!. 110 \:.0101131\ Umh, florida 33H5 .-1. " " .' .' .. " ' " 4..... -, . ". .r.' "",~' wl .. . f" . : 01 . . . '" .... ~.. ' . . '.. .':' _.,. ~ .... 'to .......... , .;~~ 4';"'#1' EXHlHlT :\ . Parcel I: A parcel tlf land lying in the \'I~st one-half (\'Ii} of the: Northwest Quarter (N\'I;) of Section 5, Township 116 South, Rar,gc 1i3 Eclst. Palm Deach County, Floriua, sak: parcel of land being mor.a pilrticulMly descl'ibed as follow;;: Commancing <It the Northl'leH cornel' of said Section 5; thence North 87029'35" East along the North line of said Section 5, a distance of 353.31i iecl; thence Due South nlong a line of 353.0Q feet Eil:>t of CI,lJ parallel to the West line oi said Section 5, a distance of '116.37 feet; thence 1.lorth (1702!l'35" East along a line 1;75.91 feilt 5....11:. of anel panlllcl 10 Iht! suid North line (',r Section 5, a distilllce of 21;9.50 feet 10 the Point IIf Be~linnill9 of lhe herein described pilrc.:! of land. Thence continue NOI.th 87029'35" Eil;;t, ;\ disl.lncc of 60.00 feet; thence South 2" 30' 25" East. II di!.l~ncc: of 21!/. 09 feet t-:J a point on the North line of S.\':, 30th, Avenue:; thence Sc.uth 87029'35" West along tlw saiel North lin.:: Clf 5.1'.', :lOth. IIVcmlc, saiel line also IH:ing G95.00 (lid Saulll (If and pnr41lle! to the !:aid North li/le of Section 5, i1 dist~ncl: of GO.OO feet; thence North 2030'25" We:;t, distimcc o( 21~, O~ fect to th.:.: Point or Degjnnin~J . Parcel 2: A pal'eel or land Iyir,g in the Wi.::>t one-half (\'Jl) of the Northwc:st QU<I,.tcr" (N\'IU of S~ction 5, Township '1(. South, n..nu~ 113 East, Palm Beach Cou..ty, Florida, said ra,"cel of lanel being more pilrliculilrly described as follol'/5: Commencing at th;! Norlhwest corn~I' of said S~ction :.; thence Norlh 6 ;02 :;'35" EilSI Dlon~J the Nor~h line oi s;:!d Section 5, a distance of 353,34 feet; lIh:/lt;C DUE: South alan!! a line 353.00 feet EC1s1 of parilllel to the West line of SOlid Section S, a distance of 1176.37 (eet; thence t~ol"th 87029'35" East illong a line 117S.91 feet sO~lth of ilnd pal'nllel to the saiel North line of See lion 5, II distance of 7011. 117 feet to the Point of Bcginnir.g of the herein dcscribcd parcel of lime!. o CD 0) Thcmc:c contimlc North 37029'35" East, a distanc\! of 60.0a fr:et ;the/l'" SOI.HII 2030'25" East, OJ distance of 219.09 feet to a poir:l on Ih:'! Norlh line of 5.\'/. 30th Avenue; thence SClutll E7"'29'35" \'Iest along thl:: SJid North linc of 5,\'1. 30lh AV€'r1u{', siliclline also being 69:;,1)0 filet South of and parallel tv tll:: said North line of Section 5, il distance of 60.00 fe:et; t1li:nC(! North 2030'25" \I"st, distance or :!19.09 feet to the Point of Ocginning. a.. ..... -d' N (I') m ~ .." ,." . '". ",' ...~..,. .-' " , . . ' . . - . ..,... . '. . , ... .. t. ' .... .' ,", '. 'I.. J . ' .. '" . ~ '" .. . ' '. ' ., .. . l " .' .. '\ ,. , ' ,: ',", ~ .' ..... : :-.... 4, '. r. . .. , \06 . '. t I ~'''",." .... _ , .. - -~.r , '"' .. n:HlRIT P I I !:-er.al D'~scr ip!icn :\ parcel of !;J.od in Sectiv:\ 5, To'....nship ~G South. !bnge ';3 I::;.st, Palm ne~ch County. Florida, s:lid !Jarcel DE bnd bci:'!tr more pan!cul:ldy cl'~f.cr:bl!d ..01 iellows: Cc~rr.encinli ;;.t the ~or:~',"'cst cornel' oi s,1i<i Secti.:n 5; thlmel': :';orth 8,o:!!)'35" f:;:.:;t :I!cng the Xcnh lin" 0:" ;;:tid Sc'ction 5. a di5t;,:lce ot' 353.:1.1 ieet; tt".::nce South i1!unt; a line 353, DO feet Last 01' ;;:;d ol.!':JJel to the \~":st line of said S(:ction 5, a dis~:;r.c~ of -ia,O~ fC::d to the Peirot of Be~i~r.ing of the here::l Jes::r::;cd p;;rcc) oi lanel, l'ncr:ce :-:onh 87029'35" Ea:;: along a line -10, Oil fed 5\Ju:h ot' and P;l: :\!!r:! to the s:.iu }:crth line of Scc:ion 5, said line ..!,>o b<Jing :~e SOl::h 1::)(: of L, W .0. C', Canal L- 20, a cti:S:3:1CC of 99!1.12 :'eet; thenc~ South 0002'45" E;,s! illv:;g thl: E::st line c:' the Wes: one h;ll! (\'1 i/:!) oC the ~on~Wcst QU;lrtc:- (;':W I.'~) of s:.id Scc::on 5, a <.lislilnc.:: of -136.:11 feet; thence Scu:h 8'ic:!9'35" \','es( along.. h:-.<: '175,91 fc:ct SO\::I\ l'{ ,jnd p:l.l"allcl to'thc'said '-';onh line or Sec::or. 5, 11 disun.::e 0;' S9:l..;7 fl.:et; t!:!'ncc: :'iu!':h ..lone a Hne 353,1'0 feet E:l!;t or and parallel to the ,;:;id West line v[ S"ction 5, a clis::lnee or ';36.33 fl.:ct te-, the Point oi i3"t::nn:ng, Con::llr.i:1t; 10, OUO r\cl'o:S, r.!0re or 1.'51>, C.t:l en Q... ..:T ..:T N 0') a::l ;''-:.. .~li.iJ '.<; ~~lrtF[J ,I...:' '.~ !h:. .:" H t:;';'.Jl'~ i... f'1.A ,I-.};,I:, l\ l)~tJn,r r: ~.;::l' Cli!CU'T :';UUllT --. City Codes Accessed via Website www,bovnton-beach,org www.amlegal.comlboynton_beach_fl.us NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications PLAN submitted to the Planning Division (two (2) copies of application required). ZONI~~~t,,~D PROJECT NAME: V~f{i raN tJ,'f-<Eless Si~ #(P8fosv - 5rt1C6 p/f-'l ~ ${,rA()C AGENT'S NAME: :}A~o"" L..A'5b2~ S f?A. NEA-v..brk. SE~vlc€..s I J ADDRESS: S:-9oo t)n>ke"'/ Sov.i-J..I ~~k""(.t.t NN; 5ocl\ R~-l:v,J,. FL s,?<ff(J7 PHONE: (~l) 22" 9?!S"1. o(',(ke (so S-) sZI- ~ ~S- - rPoh)/5 FAX: L~') CJBI- <t9ol E-MAIL: jIAskel/~<5gl\~Ik-.Co~ I OWNER'S NAME: ifI C ~A (Y} ;N; Co. ~:;:e~'k 2 "151 $ W I </ #.. flllce:, Do,/,vb".J "geM"- I FL- 31 <(2C. PHONE: -l S7P I) 99 S- S-7b Y FAX: [5le/) 91S--S-sc'8 PROJECT LOCATION: 2q S- L5-W Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? ,/€.S Date: el!.f...~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Ir~ :~j~-J-~Yi If"-~- PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION ! I Iii r - ." !JJ t, I n I J . (not legal description) J t./ f( ffA~~) Eo \/I\J -/?J~ DeAcL... FL I ) 3 ~ 'I z, PCN NUMBER: 0 B - '-Is - LIfe - 0 s- - 0 0 -- 00 0 - sliD CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * "SAW1E AS A~E^'t AOOr~~ Abav-e- (if different than agent or owner) *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. Date Submitted: Applicant's Name: VEiL, ''&-0." {;J(rele<:.s Applicant's Address: '7'7'7 Y;ill1r,'b. C"lAIJ, S..,~ ~ '0C-> bi)CA ~Ab,.J FL- 5'3 ~I 51 J Phone: (Slv r) 1? s- - 5 7 G I C/o rJ1 th' S /.1 fJ It I$/LAJ11 (-" r-' 'li, r1 L - , Fax: (~ f) '77 <) - s-')~ f5 Legal Description: 5 - 1~ - '(3) SL V L/ 3fc .'17 Ft:. 0 r AJ '-'( '1714. $~ rl:::: JLr E.L Y ~11, '/7 Ff 0 { IAJ Vz. 0 f NIAJ '/1 Project Description: ~ONs..J-r.(;'.c..b'(j,..l AIVO ;",s~I',d:..t'(.),..J "f A /3S- {.e<<i:: ill II '5feA\+l.- F7;4jfO/~ bNE.rf- ~;-b- 101 (/G"JZ.(~rJ WiRe(e~s. /J"rtE^'^'t4S IlSSQciA.fed "",' tL ~"'efZ- IItle f/At€D /1'1 SJ pe;- rlA~ ~c. }5ASE s&b?JrJ RItOlo ctJ1S'iI'lC+S ANd bA/-te&rV' CAL..,;,vet \ k k / .-:-- ( vfA-cEP 141::.. bA~E of ~;,JE'fL. !()NE(L crlAl ACC-<>;-?l'rlvd/1.\.e- 'AODt't((),vAL VtSElZS. ~~ f~ a~ Owner Signature ~ ~ Sign r The Owner has hereby designated the above-signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf.) 2 , " I. GENERAL INFORMATION ~. /b. All property owners located within (400) four hundred feet surrounding the subject parcel shall be notified. The ownership of all surrounding properties as submitted by the applicant, shall be reviewed by the City Clerk, who shall notify the owners by regular mail of the date and purpose of the public hearing held in conjunction with the conditional use application. c. Notice of the public hearing shall also be advertised in a newspaper published in the City at least ten (10) days in advance of the hearing. d. At the public hearing held by the Planning and Development Board and Community Redevelopment Agency Board (CRA), evidence for or against may be presented. e. The Planning and Development Board or CRA may recommend, approval with modification or denial of the application subject to the standards provided in Ordinance No, 76-46. A written report of the Board's findings shall be forwarded to the City Commission, f. At a regular meeting, the City Commission may approve, approve with modification or deny the application subject to the standards provided in Ordinance No. 76-46. g. Each new application for conditional use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payable to the City of Boynton Beach as per the fee schedule, as well as addressed envelopes for property owners to be notified. h. Each application for an extension in time of a conditional use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payable to the City of Boynton Beach for four hundred ($400) dollars. Such application shall be submitted to the Planning Director not less than 45 days prior to the expiration of the approval. 1. Representative of the proiect must be present at all Technical Review Committee. Planning and Development Board, or CRA. and City Commission Meetings held to review this proiect. II, CONTENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Application for conditional use shall contain two (2) copies of the following items: a, Statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be developed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and a certificate from an attorney-at-law or a title insurance company certifying who the current fee simple title holders of record of the subject property are, and the nature and extent of their interest therein, and: 1. If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the development proposal by all owners of record, or '1 2. If a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the seller/owner, or 3. If an authorized agent, a copy of the agency agreement and written consent of the principal/owner, or 4. If a lessee, a copy of the lease agreement and written consent ofthe owner, or, 5. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said representatives have the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation. b. Legal survey, prepared by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, showing an accurate legal description of the subject property, and the total acreage computed to the nearest one-hundredth (11100) of an acre (these two surveys are in addition to the surveys required on page 6 of this application, Sec. 111.19.). c. Vicinity map, showing the location of the subject property in relation to the surrounding street system. d. Drawing showing the location of all property lying four hundred feet (400) adjacent to the subject parcel, and a complete list of the property owners' names, mailing addresses and legal descriptions. The owners of property shall be those recorded on the latest official County tax rolls. Such list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. Contact: Palm Beach County, Property Appraisers Office, Attn: Mapping Division, 30 I North Olive Ave., WPB, FL. III. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS Twelve (12) complete, assembled and stapled sets of plans shall be submitted. All drawings shall be scaled and the maximum size sheet shall be 24" x 36". The following site information shall be shown on the submitted plans or where applicable, separately submitted. Incomplete site plans will not be processed. (Please check) ../ ./ V' ../ 1. Boundaries and dimensions of the parcel. 2. Scale, graphic scale, north arrow, and date. 3. Adj acent properties or land uses. 4. Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for all streets, alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes, driveways and unimproved rights-of-way within one-hundred (100) feet ofthe site. Also, names of adjacent streets and rights-of-way. ,/ 5. Location of all proposed structures, and any existing structures that are to remain on the site. ./ 6. Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft. in height) from property lines. 4 "",IA . /' /' ~/A tJ/ II . N/A . ,\J / A f rJ/A , v V" ~ N/A , I'IiII1 7. Use of each structure, indicated on the site plan. 8. Number of efficiency, I-bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc, dwelling units in each residential structure, to be indicated on site plan. 9. Indication of height and number of stories of each structure. 10. Indication of structures, equipment, etc., above 45 foot height, including height in excess of 45 ft. II. Floor plans or typical floor plans for all structures. 12. Finish floor elevations of all structure. 13. Uses within each structure, indicated on floor plans. 14. Elevations or typical elevations of all structures; including materials, surfaces, including roofs. IS. Indication of the numbers and types of recreational facilities to be provided for residential developments. 16. Indication on site plan of location, orientation, and height of all freestanding signs and wall signs. 17. Location of walls and fences, and indication of their height, materials, and color. 18. A landscape plan, showing conformance with the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation Code, and showing adequate watering facilities. Plants must be keyed out according to species, size and quantity. 19. A sealed survey, by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, and not older than six (6) months, showing property lines, including bearings and dimensions, north arrow, date, scale, existing structures and paving, existing elevations on site, rights- of-way and easements on or adjacent to the site, utilities on or adjacent to the site, legal description, acreage to the nearest one-hundredth (11100) of an acre, location sketch, and surveyor's certification. Also, sizes and locations of existing trees and shrubs, including common and botanical names, and indication as to which are to be retained, removed, and relocated, or replaced. 20. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the property to be indicated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey. Also, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site. 21. Location of additional fire hydrants, to meet standards set forth in Article X, Section 16 of the Subdivision and Platting Regulations. 22. Fire flow calculations justifying line size for both on/off site water lines. 5 tJ/rl I ~ N/A tV/A 23. Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilities, as per City specifications. 24. Information regarding form of ownership (condominium, fee simple, lease, etc.). 25. Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpster facilities. All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-endloaders, and the dumpster area must be provided with adequate width and height clearance. The site must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab shall be provided. All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accordance with the City Landscape Code (see Sec. 7.5-35(1)). A minimum 10- foot wide opening is required for dumpster enclosures. 26. A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parking Lot Regulations, and including the following information. Any exceptions to the Parking Lot Regulations that are proposed for that are continued will require an application for variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. a. Location of all parking and loading facilities. b. A parking lot layout plan, including curbs, car stops, and double striping. c. A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot. d. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site, including exterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp types and sizes, and average illumination level( s) in foot candles. e. Information showing conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordinance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. f. Location of existing and proposed public and private streets, including ultimate rights-of-way. g. On-site traffic plan, including arrows and other pavement markings, traffic signs, and stop signs at exits. h. Location of handicap parking spaces, plus signs and access ramps, consistent with the State Handicap Code. 1. A drainage plan for the entire site, including parking area; to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drainage calculations, and details of the drainage system. If the total impervious area on site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then drainage plans and calculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the State of Florida, and must be sealed. Percolation tests must by provided with drainage calculations. 6 J. Existing elevations on adjacent properties, and on adjacent rights-of-way. f\J/A I 27. Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance is required, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmentally Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the site plan to the City. -N!--L 28. Submit a traffic impact analysis for the proposed use. The analysis shall comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Six (6) copies of the analysis shall be submitted with all conditional use applications. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner described above may delay approval of the site plan application. /' 29. In addition to the above requirements, the following items shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division no later than the site plan deadline: a. One copy of colored elevations, not mounted, for all buildings and signage to be constructed on site. These elevations must be of all sides of each type of building and signage proposed and the colors proposed must be accompanied by a numerical code from an established chart of colors. b. Elevations must also include information related to building materials. All elevations must be submitted on 24" x 36" drawings. Buildings constructed will be inspected on the basis of the elevations submitted to the City and approved by the City Commission. Failure to construct buildings consistent with elevations submitted will result in the Certificate of Occupancy being withheld. c. A transparency of the site plan (maximum size of 8-1/2" x 11 ") or 8-112" x II" reductions of submitted plans to be used at public hearings. However, the Planning and Zoning Division will not be responsible for poor quality transparencies which result from the submission of poor quality site plan blueprints, and poor quality transparencies will not be presented to the Planning and Development Board or CRA and City Commission. d. Colored photographs of surrounding buildings (minimum size 8" x 10"). 30, Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Committee to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances, Any of the above requirements may be waived by the Technical Review Committee, if such information is deemed to be non-essential by the Committee. IV SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 7 1. Land Use Catee:orv shown on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map: f".../l-'ts-fyrl) L - I flJ-l 1 Ie Jjor 2. Zonine: District fY}- 1 3. Area of Site )ttJo sr, (,J QfA~ rA>-q~) ~ r!?r)os- 4. Land Use - Acreae:e Breakdown: a. Residential, including ~ site surrounding lot area or grounds acres 0 %of b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) rJ/A acres 0 f % of site c. Water Area acres d. Commercial acres e. Industrial } O. 1 acres /00 f. Public/Institutional qy I/z '-/I)!- acres % of site % of site % of site % of site g. Public, Private, and Canal Rights-of-Way acres % of site h. Other (specify) acres % of site 1. Total area of Site acres 100% of site Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation. and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building ("building footprint") sq. ft. % of site Area b. Water Area ~ I A , sq. ft. % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots and driveways (excluding landscaped areas)and sidewalks, patios, decks, and 8 athletic courts sq, ft. % _of site. 6. Floor Area Residential tJ I A I d. Total hnpervious Area 2oZ- sq. ft. 12,7 % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required--see Sec. 7.5- 35(g) of Landscape Code). tJ J .A. sq. ft % of site I f, Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area sq. ft. % of site g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas Al J A sq. ft, % of site , h. J-Sqg % of site Total Pervious Areas 8 7. ::r sq. ft. 1. Total Area of Site I foOD sq. ft. 100% of site a. sq. ft. b. CommerciaVOffice Nt II ( IndustriallW arehouse N / A , sq. ft. sq. ft. c. d. Recreational tJ fA , sq. ft. e, Public/Institutional J:1jJJ Other (specify) fO'lIIYHu",ic.-AtJOr-J 'r;;we.- IJNJ ('O;"",LhltJ,L IlDoo Other (specify) sq. ft. sq. ft. f. sq. ft. g. h. Total Floor Area sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Unit~ Single-Family Residential N I ^ b. a. dwelling units Duplex~ dwelling units c. Multi-family (3 + attached dwelling units I) Efficiency tJlA . rJlA ( r-J/A . dwelling units dwelling units 2) I Bedroom dwelling units 3) 2 Bedroom 9 4) 3+ Bedroom rJ/A , dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family tJ/ A , dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units ,J/fl , 8. Gross Density ,J/A I dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum Hei!!ht of Structures on Site , -g S'" feet stories 1 o. Required Off-Street Parkin!! Calculation of Required Parkin~ Spaces N I A Off-Street Parking Spaces tJ/ A Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces tVl A Provided on Site Plan rJ / A - fO/rle fL i s . (ANfl1IiNN~~ FAcJliy RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation ofthis application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLED D AND AGREED TO this e/'-vf day of I\1VE'u.1~..r ~PjL- 10 r r o Verizon Wireless Signal Propagation - BEFORE o It , - Verizon Wireless Signal Propagation - AFTER o ,. ~ DELORME , wee. 8' earn I '. n'f2~~ I > > , , 1-1} . @ 2003 DeLorme. Street Atlas USA@ 2004. www.delorme.com TN MN 1',l.W) { 1" = 4,166.7 ft Data Zoom 12-0 I: '" ml "" South Property Line of Parent Tract e 0' ~ 'i ~Cl . \ s;"' ..~ ' ~' ~. Dt . - .." " r'" - 'li. ,.~;. jil::;:r. ;.of,,". '''~ - ;. :.. .~ "'.' ~ ~l ::, ," If'.( . .( ., .'< ,,- ~ .} I:' !\ ~ _.' '" ~. ~ '" ,_~....., r'.., ....,.~[. ".. :'" :s.' .' .' '. ~~~". .- _~"!'J l' . .4; ~~_~ >>" .., ~ I t:.... { \~.r -....l~ :.' t~~11'.:o ~~ ~. s~ . " ~~.... nIl"":' .4<>>;;,1 ~.: ;,~,~ . "..'.,v "... tri ~.~1 - ~.t, ,~~~"'i:.~ :ft,.--~. .- . ~9'"Vf<I :~. ~ 1< ~ ~ '~q. ol:~' ! 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I 1rtNrt:J ~ II ~ U "\ 3Ml ;~ 'M S \J.J @ 0:: @ @ @ \ & ,. . g 1 :.:: ::~~2 .. a: . u ' .;t " ! ~ ~ C\J . a:' I- ~ ~ CIl N ... o ~ti <I ~ ~ cr MS I~ ~ I ' I I ~-.:-, f7 ~ ' ~, r.:. ., n .' ~ t.ri \ , I I \ i ~ J r r I ',t ;1 I I I .; \ ~ 'h '- .- if; /' , 'n , " / ihl .' ~_."'..'. .. .- " ,,,,..~J:.,-"._" ~i~:":~" d' ~ J J Iil -" ... V", , . . ,,~ ~11.& · ,.,.... .~. t ' .- -!' ..~' ~,.~.:. '" ~ '''':t.- ~",. --:-, , .. J'.iil*,_.f.o' ", ".,,, I, ,f f"" -, (I' '_. I..., ~ '. , · _rrt~_~J .~j. ~~:rt ~~'!i I' , III MONcn cn..-lt'lO 0 ID...O~ ... ':''?'';'''i' 0 ...M...... LU :r NMNN M=....M I- a. ~OOO < r '" 000 lf ::2'LUO J: 0 0 e!!!?!!!?!!!? --,0 UCJlI- IIl-' . ~<5~ e::CJlO a.-' " III .... . Ill'" ~~J: :liO 0 q a: en . ::2' a. -' c~-, a. ~ .. a. "' "'.... W "CZ ~ .. ~-O 0"'- ... ~$~ 0 I AUTHORIZATION OWNER'S SWORN TO CONSENT PERMITTING TENANT TO FILE FOR ZONING AND PERMITTING Site Name: Verizon Site #68650 - Space Plus Storage Property Address: 2951 SW 14 Place, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 I, Bill Thomas, Managing Partner of Space Plus Mini Storage, hereby authorizes Verizon Wireless, and their authorized representative, SBA Network Services to file the above referenced zoning application for governmental approval and building permit related to the construction of a stealth Flagpole tower. "Bn.L. ~H~) Signature H lW\~ Print Name / Tit IO.~q-t)4 ~~ Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 15(Z.o""t\(lD : ~g instrument was acknowledged before me !hi - ~";;,y of rz.- ,2004, by Bill Thomas, Managin~of Space Plus Mini Storage, He/she is personal known to me or provided vAtl$) Fft,,c..V/1} { lCJ'1'-f-'L-- as identification, . (AFFIX NOTARIAL SEAL) (Official otary Signature Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission expir . ...'rf.WNf'.... ELIZABETH M, REGA [.r'Ji.~;\ MY COMMISSION # CC 999115 ~~'~1 EXPIRES: May 25, 2005 ">;!p"'F'~~., Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters """,,,"\ AUTHORIZATION OWNER'S SWORN TO CONSENT PERMITTING TENANT TO FILE FOR ZONING AND PERMITTING Site Name: Verizon Site #68650 - Space Plus Storage Property Address: 2951 SW 14 Place, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear SirIMadam - Verizon Wireless hereby authorizes Jason Laskey of SBA Network Services, to file Conditional Use and building permit applications for the above referenced project. veritf2A-42 J.!f11ti!!S'1/ 'fa" {...fIe to />-1/4) <f . I I Date STATE OF FLORIDA : COUNTY OF P,;tfL-4 /O~H The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this October _, 2004, by K'HkE?sH ~LS~E Representative of Verizon Wireless. He/she is personal - as iJl::lltiul:ation. r <f).1 day of , as Authorized known to me m pIov~JI::J (AFFIX NOTARIAL SEAL) My Commission expires: Printed, typed or Stamped Name of Notary :\I>-RY PUL> OFRCL~L NOTARY SEAL o <T~ JOSEPHINE CONDE -, ,,) '" liT '0 ,~Yfi} ,. COMMISSION NUMBER ";~. ,.~ 2f 00024074 'w COMMISSION EXPIRES i'2:V 8,2005 ... ~" . Ver'70"wireless Verizon Wireless 777 Yamato Road Suite 600 Boca Raton, FL 33431 October 21, 2004 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Site # 68650 - Space Plus Storage, 2951SW 14th Place, Boynton Beach, FL Dear Sir or Madam: Verizon Wireless and/or affiliates ("Verizon Wireless") operate a PCS network authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide state of the art digital wireless communications in many parts of the nation, including Florida. Verizon Wireless' operations and network are licensed and regulated by the FCC, The RF design, as proposed for the above noted site, is in compliance with all applicable FCC requirements. In addition, the proposed site meets all applicable ANSI/IEEE C95,1-1992 exposure levels, as adopted by the FCC requirements, Verizon Wireless is committed to assuring the safety and welfare of its employees, the public and the environment. Additionally, upon receipt of notification from the FCC and/or Boynton Beach, Florida, that harmful interference is being caused by the licensee's emitter, the licensee shall either immediately reduce the power to the point of no interference, cease operation, or take such immediate corrective action as is necessary to eliminate the harmful interference. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 995-5564, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH _ SI / The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J-I day of tfl(!.WOeY,2004 by Weimar Taborga, as Manager, System Performance ofVerizon Wireless Personal Communications LP, a Delaware Limited Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless. He is personally known to me \:Ir has predtteed m; irlplltitiefttien. (Printed/Typed/Stamped Notary Name) ~ (Official Notary Signature) Notary Public - State of Florida ----.~ALNOTARY SEAL ....1'-\< v - JOSEPHINE CONDE o ;;:: ':' ',:,,$SION NUMBER ':1 '1~;, DC) 024074 >'-" '''" '}ii' .,1!SSION EXPIRES i (-'OFi'." ,.11"18,2005 :'~-;".'''''''.'.'.'''''''''''''~'''''"'' UIIIIId SI::IIIs or A.maic:a 'WtdIaI C ',T U . _Ii...... en . -4aa RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION C - feW MaII8e b6t Sa ..~ Pd>>- ~ o-......L:1". ....., Serrice . .~,., " . ~ ..015 IUWlI RJAT~aRD..u ~ B1oc:t: B Fk!hnt--: QOCl27-Q.-: L-e5 Can Siaa: M2Etec PCS PAlMECO. l-P. do Altrouch CommuricIIIans. Inc:. 1818 N S1nIet.N.W_ Suleaoo WashingIml. DC 20036 '%be 1rt. baeDfil ~ . ~ '-.. pr.IiaII ~~ ~ ., ---........-.l ~SIdia l~ ~.~II~ bM ... 1._ _. vtwidl..-=-_.-...-..... ~ A_ lot ~ "111II ~ .J..,.;.-.1IIiIje=,,1IIr:~.~af 1bIC' _L.l....A.:zClf1f3f,.. ~Jll . I AalGtCn..... -i," _~M~_..., ..-..~ D.wIIicta.. tJ.-.sS-il&~_ 1/....' .. ~___.....~tJt_FcdeaIt"'. rr .,. C ..7 ..... W.1be11dc4''-at_us.CaIII~ . ~I",U' "~ . I:aizi3lGratDalC...."............."... .~~1SHi15 Five-yQr ltaiJd OalDare. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . June 23. 2000 ~cio Dale. . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JIIrIe 23. 2:005 . O)~m~ : l"1a.~I_UI) ~ DCJa) at lie ~ ., -- AAGt 193ot. . all ~ (Q u.s..c. ! 309Qa)). dIis Iiri:aa is ~II) eM -. _~ _1-> "DIll ~.... .....~ "''-1Il)ClpQ:IIIC. __... .., rlPlJD die.. aC~~ bll,adlba ..1IIIeaI.... ill., ClIbct~........ :._, ~ Ndd.Cr IllisJicaae........-.a- ~-s..a_ -..~.......~-~- - _.AiD....--ctdle (".1lI! l .w',. N:1. olJJ:M.. - .. j (Q u.s..c."I1S1. e&~). 'DIia..... -.;ea ill -=as.. 6c 1iplat"_a.nIJ .- 1.A1.JSa::Iiaa,*tJl...~ '- ._"N1.~~. 'Gl~ ~ (~ U'.s.c.I-. c .,',*.. ~ ~ . hie z. w~~: No ~ ~ ~"-t willi dlis :,.. \' (jff) __n.: J-'%3.D9S KC~4Qa Pap: [ ClC2 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Search System Page 1 of2 Gary R. Nikolits, CFA Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System Home Location Address: 2951 SW 14TH PL ~ ~~~ Search Municipality: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Search Re ult Parcel Control Number: 08-43-46-05-00-000-3110 Property In ormation Subdivision: Owner Info mation Official Records Book: 02928 Page: 1127 Sale Date: Jan-1978 Structural etail LID' t' 5-46-43, SLY 436.33 FT OF NL Y 476.33 FT OF EL Y 999.47 FT OF W 1/2 ega escnp Ion: OF NW 1/4 Extra Feat Land Detail Tax Detail . r Owner InformatIon J Name: MEGA MINI CO Print Inforllration Mailing Address: 2951 SW 14TH PL BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 9005 Property HO~803 Certified Appraisal Improvement Value: Land Value: Market Value: Use Code: $0 $0 $4,000,000 4800 Number of Units: * Total Sq. Ft: Acres: 9 240254 10,01 I Structural.., I ( Elltra__, I r Land... I Description: WAREH/DIST TERM * in residential properties may indicate living area. 2003 Certified Tax Ad Valorem: Non ad valorem: Total: $95,600.40 $7,793.75 $103,394.10 ~ fTa)( calculato1 ~t"'l.,. I 2003 Certified Assessed & Taxable Values Assessed Value: $4,000,000 Exemption amount: $0 (2003 Exemption) Taxable: $4,000,000 Exemption Information Unavailable. Sales Information Sales Date Book Jan-1978 02928 Page 1127 Price Instrument $445,000 Owner MEGA MINI CO Print Information I Home I I Back I I Search I I Search Result I 'EJ:>=<J Please send us your feedback Copyright @ 2002 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/papa/main/detail_info.asp?p _ entity=08434605000003110 7/6/2004 JUL 06 2004 17:08 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 P .,08/10 ~. ro. Prlft,,41 ,..:~~ : ~,: ... " ~ - ..-~USI:U~t;ll:.kt= ~:LOr A URTAX.. ~r smn. III. '489. 5 Q'~ N ,11ft... ",... _ Uarrantg Jeed (SfArarDIY lOIll-5((flOI UU2 F.S.) Thil "'''''''''11I _. p,epoHd 1011 N_ RnRRR'!' R R~"n p~ Ad.I.... POST,OFPICE BOX ItO BOYN'mN R~ACH PL ~H35 ~ Itrll JnlIllllUrf, Ma~, Ihh ,~ d.y 01 September 19 'I . _a"n ~ PAUL M. PLUNKln"l' and JOHN H. MoCORTNEY. .. Trustee.. joined by thair reapeCllve 0') wl!u, MARY E. PLUNKETT aDd YmGINlA W. McCORTNEY J..- 0' ,he COlI.,,, .1 Cook , Slale.1 II..I.OOIS . ;.."'ot., ollCl c:o "- MEOA MINI CO. (LTC.), . F1orldaUm1ted partnerahlp ..hell p'lf .mew oddle..1t 400 RenaJ..ance C~~, 5\11t81100. Detroit. MI ..243 .1 rhe c:.../lI)' .. . ......1 Mic:hl((ln . IIrorll"'. .ltlt....t~, Tho' laid .,....,. let a.... III ~....id.1lt1l1A If Ill, IUM .. --------TEN AND N0I10Q------------- Delio.., ....01 0'''- good anti ......." (OIIfiduallul Ia 101" Qlentar '" hue! paid It, 1IlI11 OfOll.... the -.ipl wha,e.r it "...~ ad_le"ed. he. lJIGIIMtf. _g.ined aNi IOlel .. I'" 141d' i~. .ad 9'011,..'1 h,in .lllI alllQlll '0,..,,,, "'- lollewlllV dclCllll.II 10..... "rYall. 1,iIIa 0IIc1 lIel,. ill Palm Beac:li CaUNr. Ftooido, 10.';1, CO) ..:r in ~ C N Q.. .... on In ~ SEE EXHIBIT "I." ATTACHED ... I.;: ... " .. ., ;: QI s--"ATe"7:w FL-(.1RIO~ I [:GfUt'ur..t.\:;.,...', ;.. Si~I\oiF ll,~ I IKr .I,' ""'lHVI ,"'; \ I ~ ,.. ~ IlPl"JI i . "..i 3 3 6. 0 0 I =1111' _ ;.~ I SUBJECT TO ruervatioM, r..trictlon. &nd eaeelllentll oC record. lr any. Rnllll reJU1.tiaH or appUc:able 1I0Vtl",lIlentaJ authority. and 1'..1 proPllZ'ty \Uea 'lIb- eequent 10 the year I111T, " lit lit,,,: fI'N " S/lIOII.... ",0, eel ":l I:C:/ltlOlllalolCh, Pl.. S31135 Ilee.. . #'hO r:..a. tt. . I, . CIa ~l:li.1 . "'.Sl) Ir:LlIIc. . .,..a=s;1O .... ---- J~ FL.ORTO'A I ..~'" STAM.. 110):1 fJ-"'~ --. I ~.~ 9 9 9. 0 0 I ',:':' -, cs..n (s..Q A,. to JohD II. and ISnIl STAT~ 01 ILt.JHOIS COUNIV OF CXXIC I HElEIY am "'" OA ... do, ..,,_ 1IIlI. .. oRiul dul, ClllO/llietl I. tak. oa...le"''''''''I. .._0.. ."..,ed , PAUL". PLUNtCETT. a. Truatee, join8d by hit wJte. MARY E. PLUNICET'l' ..,...,....... I. _ u.._ II .. th8,.,..... dawilld In oed who encurad "" '.,ellaillt '..IIV......' .nd lItkuwI.~~J'Aii~. ' , 1 "-y_1ad ,,,, -. ",,--./- I"" ......:.~.'!..'i!:.;.,.. WITNESS Illy hGIMI .nel .Ilidel MOlin ,., COUll" end Slate I II " /~,. .,.,. . 'If.~1 "71. ../. ~ 0 ,';fti.tij: My CGMarls,*, ..pi"" 9'; .J/~ , . ' .0 m"j{j~ '~.."~.:..c~;.,:,,~....'.:' ' . !. .,,/~.......... .~"O- '~', .... ...U.~~ PAlM G.F 8 1 2 _ .~ . .~"'~~..,,~.. fUtI lEe 292 PAGE 1 1 ,:'ooto:~..,I:'''' ,." .... , ' JUL 06 2004 17:08 FR TO 99819901 P.09/10 ,- , j . . ,. -.--.-.." -- ....-----.T.-..-..- -- ..4~~~v.':rI,..:,,:::.. " a' . . I.- STAT!' OF tLLJNOlS COUNTY OF calK, -. I HEREBY C2RT1FY that on \bl. da7 berol'e Ill.. aa ofDcer dul)' qulllUled to take acknowledllllenll, perllDD.uy appeared JOHN R. Mc:CORTNBY. .. TN.'ee, Joined by bi. wlte. ,VI1\GlNlA \f, McCORTNEY. 10'. kDa"" to bll thlt pu... .desc:&1bed in and who executed &he torePllf lnatrument and .c:k~Jedpcl b~..m. that tbl)l,.X8CU1ed U2e SIDle. ' . ~TNESS illY bend ad o~al .ell ta Ibe COQ"~ ud Stal, la" ~"eid thll ~""oISop_". ..... ~..:.' ,.~ .. '64 ~ N ;~c. S.. - II!Iooio My CGmrm.elan Izplr_: ~~~.. , :orfP-.\' '. ...~;...:e.,.., , !~ A ..... 't~ ::.::,. ' ~.,' · l~", a';'",. ~ !", I ..."q:'~' .. 0 . . . ~ ..,. J :;,1 v ia:.':rlt "I"$..\.,:~. ; ~ '-: U' it J. 0 ~~~l: .:. , '.... .-.'JJ.; ., "" !'..~ .," .... .~~..~. ",..~N:......:....~4) " " ." '..A:'.,t 3" ' ". . . , " " ~ . ~ . , .' .- 1,'\ '~II n~ 29 28PAGE.11Za ~~ " :'" . '. "- ",.. .........-..........-.......... ...-...... . ., '.,,11 ......-. ~ ~~II:..,. :~ ~~ .:-.., i l JUL 06 2004 17:08 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 " , l .. .' BXH18IT A. Legal Deac:ription ~ A pucel ollaad In Sedion 5. TOlln.hlp 'II South, llmp t3 lan, Palm Buch COQn'y, Florida, .ald puael or l.nd belnlll'llOre particularly duc:rlbed ..follow.: CallUll.naInl at ebe MarCh".., eorqe.. of nicS SecdoD I; tbcaC8 Nonh .~2"3S" aut .JoD, th. North line or n1d s.otlan 5, . dl.IaDC4I or 353.3. ,..t: tbeace 9auQ 1I10DI . line 3S3.o0 f.., Eut of md parallel ~ the Welt Une el..ld Section 5. . dlRmce ot 40, Of teet to tho Polnt or Blltnnlna ot the herein deacrtbed pare.1 or l.ad. Thence Monh ,.,a28'35" Ia.t &1011' e Uno 40.00 re.t South at &lid parallel toO lb. .aid March 11". of Section II, allld line alae IMIDI die SQ\I&h line at L.W .D.~. Cenlllr-2I, · di.Wlc. or 881.12 fee~ theace South cflOZl4fjll Eut alonl die But llEM at the \fa.' .1 ane bllU CW 1121 or tbe North...t QIla.na1' (NW 1/4) ar .ald Seadon &, II d.iatl.llca or 438.31 teat; thence Sauth ,.,038'311" Weet alonla lIn. 415.11 feat South or and pAI'allel t.o'!he" aald Nanh Une at Saction II, . di.fanc. of 818.'7 (cot: thence Nonh alanlll line 353.00 t..t IABt or anel pU'aUel to the llaid WUl line or SlCtian 5, . dln.ac:e 01 U8 . 33 feet fa the Poi nt of Bei'lanlni. Conta1nJn,lD.ODD "'cr... more or leea. .. ! . ~t~ m Z 9 Z B PAGE 1 1 29 -- .... ,...., .... ....... ....~ "'.1.... ....... .. :~ j:O :... . . .:\ ~'.f. '.~ j ~.. .,.. ;. 1...:\':';1 P.10/10 ..,..... ~ .J.. T' ' 'i r . ...1 j ~: "~ ! j " ~ , i .i , \ '. ~ .~ " "i, ~w TnTQI cor.~ 1~ ~w JUL 06 2004 17:06 FR -------------------- P.02/10 U f~r/otl CHICJ\:G~. TITLE INSURJ\:NCE J\:GENCY, INC. {} ~ 3067 EAST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD · FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33308-"383 ~ TELEPHONE 9~4/771-4300 . TELECOPV NO, 954/771-6934 TO 99819901 ME..BER WWW.CTIAGENCY.COM DENNIS 1", PETERS, CLS. PRESIDENT CATHARINE L., eABBITT, VICE PRESICENT MARTHA L. MAGER, SECRETARY'TREASURER April 27, 2004 VIA UPS OVERNIGHT DELIVERY WAIlREN T, SHEFFIELD ["'7 - l!l7ZJ A. N. (.JOHN] TALL.EY. [1914 - 197!!l1 Verizon Wireless Personal Communications, L.P., d/b/a Verizon Wireless 777 Yamato Road 6th Floor Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Attention: Josephine Conde RE: Site Code Name: Property Owners: Address: Legal: County: Our File No.: Space Plus - Site 68650 i'/ Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.) 2951 SW 14 Place. Boynton Beach, FL Lands lying in Section 546-43 Palm Beach 35033 Dear Josephine: Pursuant to your recent request, we are pleased to enclose herewith the original of the Ownership And Encumbrance Search prepared by our office, together with unstapled copies of the documents set forth therein and our original Invoice for same. Please note that a copy of the Ownership And Encumbrance Search, together with unstapled copies of the documents set forth therein are being forwarded to Jane Ricker pursuant to your request. Should you have any questions. please do not hesitate t9 contact our office. v~, Dennis F. Peters, CLS President DFP/mm Enclosures cc: Holland & Knight (w/encls) Attention: Jane Ricker JUL 06 2004 17:06 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 P.03/10 OWNERSHIP & ENCUMBRANCE SEARCH TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN RE: A parcel of land in Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East. Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described in EXHIBIT MAW attached hereto and made a part hereof. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC., a Florida corporation, hereby certifies as of AprilS, 2004. at 6:00 AM. that it has caused a search to be made of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, as to the above captioned lands and find the following: The record title to the land as described above is in the name of: MEGA MINI CO. (LTD.), a Florida limited partnership SUBJECT TO: 1. Easement Agreement between Paul M. Plunkett and John H. McCortney, as Trustees, joined by their respective wives, Mary E. Plunkett and Virginia W. McCortney, and Mega Mini Co., a Florida limited partnership, dated September 19, 1978, recorded September 20, 1978, in Official Records Book 2928, Page 1132, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Ronda. 2. Agreement And Grant Of Easement by and between Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.). a Florida limited partnership, and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, dated November 12, 1979, recorded January 11, 1980. in Official Records Book 3211, Page 310, and re-recorded March 6, 1980, in Official Records Book 3244, Page 1962, both of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3, Agreement And Grant Of Easement by and between Paul M. Plunkett and John H. McCartney, joined by their respective wives Mary E. Plunkett and Virginia W. McCartney, and the City of Boynton ijeach. Florida, dated December 5, 1979, recorded March 6,1980, in Official Records Book 3244, Page 1956, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 4, Mortgage from Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.), a Florida limited partnership, to Glendale Federal Savings And Loan Association, dated June 3,1987, recorded June 15, 1987, in Official Records Book 5314. Page 1217, as affected by Notice Of Future Advance dated September 23. 1992, recorded October 13, 1992, in Official Records Book 7431, Page 285, as assigned to Oxford Life Insurance Company by Assignment of Mortgage dated June 22, 1994, recorded September 14, 1994, in Official Records Book 8426, Page 112, as assigned to Bear, Stearns Funding, Inc., by Assignment of Mortgage dated August 10, 2000, recorded August 21. 2000, in Official Records Book 11966, Page 56. as mOdified and extended by Mortgage Modification. Extension And Future Advance Agreement dated August 18. 2000, recorded August 21, 2000, in Official Records Book 11966, Page 59, as amended and restated by Amended And Restated Mortgage, Security Agreement, Assignment Of Leases And Rents And Financing Statement dated August 18, 2000, recorded August 21. 2000, in Offidal Records Book 11966, Page 71, as assigned to laSalle Bank National Association, as Trustee for the Registered Holders of Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities. Inc., Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 200Q..WF1, dated October 6. 2000, recorded May 3. 2001, In Official Records Book 12514, Page 1047, as assigned to LaSalle Bank National Association, as Trustee for the Registered CHICJ{GO TITLE INSUR~NCE ~GENCY. INC. JUL 06 2004 17:07 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 P.04/10 Holders of Bear Steams Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc., Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2000-WF1, by AssignmenVfransfer Of (lien Of) MortgagelDeed To Secure DebtlBeneficiallnterest Under Deed Of Trust, dated October 6, 2000, recorded May 3, 2001, in Official Records Book 12514, Page 1054, and corrected by Corrective Assignment Of Mortgage, Assignment Of Leases And Rents And Other Loan Documents dated April 1 0, 2003, recorded May 15, 2003, in Official Records Book 15231, Page 254, all of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 5. Easement Deed by and between Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.), a limited partnership, and Lake Worth Drainage District, dated May 21, 1992, recorded September 11, 1992. in Official Records Book 7390, Page 1455. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 6. Easement by Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.), a limited partnership, to the City of Boynton Beach, dated September25, 1992, recorded November 5, 1992, in Official Records Book 1464, Page 1746, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. 7. Easement Agreement by and between Estelle Blumberg, a married woman, and Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.), a Florida limited liability company, dated July 26, 2000, recorded August 21, 2000, in Official Records Book 11966, Page 49. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 8, Assignment Of Leases And Rents by Mega Mini Co. (Ltd.), a Florida limited partnership, to Bear, Steams Funding, Inc., a Delaware corporation. dated Augus118, 2000, recorded August 21, 2000, in Official Records Book 11966, Page 119, as assigned to laSalle Bank National Association, as Trustee for the Registered Holders of Bear Steams Commercial Mortgage Securities Inc., Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 200o-WF1, by Assignment Of Assignment Of Rents And Leases dated October 6,2000, recorded May 3.2001, in Official Records Book 12514, Page 1062, and corrected by Corrective Assignment Of Mortgage, Assignment Of Leases And Rents And Other Loan Documents dated April 10, 2003, recorded May 15, 2003, in Official Records Book 15231, Page 254, all of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 9, UCC Financing Statement between Mega Mini Co. (ltd.), as Debtor, and Bear, Steams Funding, Inc., as Secured Party, recorded August 21, 2000. in Offidal Records Book 11966, Page 133, as assigned to laSalle Bank National Association, as Trustee for the Registered Holders of Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Inc., Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2000- WF1, by UCC Assignment recorded May 3, 2001, in. Official Records Book 12514, Page 1044, both of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 10. Taxes for the year 2004 and subsequent years, which are not yet due and payable. Real Estate Taxes for the year 2003 and aU previous years have been paid. NOTE: Real Estate Taxes for the year 2003 were assessed in the gross amount of $102,986.15 under Folio No. 08-43-46-05-00..000-3110 , This report is prepared for Infonnation purposes and the responsibility hereunder is confined to the party for which it is prepared; and acceptance of this report shall evidence agreement with the company that this is not a commitment to insure title, furthermore this report is not to be construed as an opinion of title. CHIC~GO TITLE INSUR~NCE ~GENCY, INC. JUL 06 2004 17:07 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 P.05/10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY. INC.. a Florida corporation, has caused this Certificate to be signed by an autho~ officer and sealed with the Corporate Seal this 27th day of April, 2004. CHICAG I. ~CEAGENCY' INC. Dennis F. Peters, ClS President CERTIFICATE NO. 35033 BY: CHIC~GO TITLE INSUR~NCE ~GENCY, INe. JUL 06 2004 17:07 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 P.06/10 ..I. ORB 11966 Pg 137 eXHIBIT.A. . PARCELA A parcel alland In Sectlol15, TownshIp 46 South, Range 43 EIsr, Po1lm Beach Counly, RDrfdfl.181d parce' 01 land bulngmare panJculadydascrlbed 81 fallows: Commenclngallhe NOItI\weSl canlei' or &aId SBdIon 5; thencll Nolll1 87- 29'36' EaSl along lhe North li"e of saId Section 5. a dJalance of :ss:s.a4 feet; !hlllee South lIonga line 353.00 flit E8sl of and parallel ta the Weslllno 01 said SlIdIon 5, . dl_nee of 410.04 'HI 10 the Point af Beglnnn1ng or 1M herein desctlbed parcel 0.11I00. Thence NOtIJ187- 29'3S" East alona a line 40.00 feer Soulh of and plli1l1e1 10 Ihe said Haith tln8 at Sectlan 5, mId "no also b8fng rho Soulb Una of LW.D,D. Canal L-28,1 dlsfBnce or 9!J9.12 faet.lh8nce SDUIhO~ 02'45"' Easr Ilang lho ERSI liIle of the W-' on.h.J1 tN 1/21 of "', Northwest anu-quaIl8i' (HW 1/4) alufd Slellon 5, a distance 01436,31 reet; .lhence South 87- 29'~ W8Sl along ann. 475.91 feel South of and .......to 'M North One at SeClran S. a dlslance 01 999.47 fellC: thence Narth along 8 line 353.00 'am East 01 and paralello Ihe Weslllne 01 Sldlan 5. a dlslancQ 01436,33 'eel 10 lhe Polnl of 8ogfnllfng. LES3 (he Nanh 0.92 'em aI.he Dbav8-relerlllcBCf plrce.. Said Pare.IA.lso being more plrtlcularlydGsctlb8d II 'aRows: . ' A parcel of land In Sectron 5, Townshfp"(8 South, Ranga43 Easl, Palm Beach County. PlDrlda, sard parcel of land befng maro panlClllarfy cfesctlbed as 'allows: Commlnclng ar the NotIJIweSf comer of saId SBCllan 5: rhenoo North 87.29'35. e851alang Ihe ~lolfh IImt 01 &aid Section 5, I dfsf8nce 0'353.34 leet: d1enCI South along a fino 353.00 'eel ElISt or Ind pIIrBlfd to Ill.. West finD 0' said Section 5, a dlsJance a' 40.ge 'eet 10 the Pornt 0' Blglnnnlng of tho herern desCllbed parcel of '.nel. Then!:8 Nanh 87- 29'35- Easl along a line .moOD leel SoUlh of and pamUlI to the Slid North IIno of Secrion 5, said line 8Iso being lhe Soulh lIna 01 L.W.O.O. Canall.28.1 dIStance of 999.12 fell: 1hllnctl South 0- 02'45. Easl along tho East line ollho Wellt one-ludf fN . /2) ollhe Northwest one-qualter (NW 1'4) of said Sldlon S. II distance or .0135.39 ICel; thl!l1C8 SDurh 87. 29'35"' WlSt aJong IlIna 475.91 '18t Soulh of and pard" /0 lhe NoIfh Une af Seellon ~, B dllllnco 01 999.41 feet; 1hcnce Nanh alang a Ifne 3$3.00 feet East at and paille! 10 Ihe West lna of Secllon 5. a dl&lanco of 435,4 , 'eel \0 Ihe PolN or Blglnnlng. Induding IS petpelUIII. nan-exchlsNe easement or rlghl.ol.way aver!wo (2) roadways 10 bo conslrucled on the (cllawlngdacrlbed parcels: NCN.EXCWSlVE PERPETUAl. eASEMENTS PARCELS EASTERlY 80' ROAD IUGHT-OF-WAY A plIrcaJ of lund I~ /n ,". Weill on......' ~ 1'2) oUh. NOrlhw..t qu.rt.r (NW 1/4) of Sadlon 5. Township 46 South. Ringe 43 Elat, Palm Beach County, Flarldll, uld plreef of land belna mora plnleullrfy described IS follaws: Commlnclng allhe Nar1hW8111 mrn.. o' cald SICIIan 5: thence NDIdt 87- 29"35a Eaa along Ih. NoltJ.lino 01 mid See/Ion S. a dIU nee of 353.34 teat.lhence due SOUIh IIong I ffn8353.ao IB8t elSl 0' III1d pIrdII.a Ihl WlSt line 01 said SecIIon s. . dlsbmce at "76.37 'IIt thence NClth 87- 28'W East ..ang I Una 475.81 '881 SGulh al and piUlIellO '''' Slid North line of SIcUon 5, . dr.tanc. of 70M? "'.IQ the pornt of Begrnnlng of lhe herein dtccrlbed puce! of land; lhence conrlnue Nonh 87- 29'35'" East. a dlslance at ISO.DO fesl: Ihence SOlllh 2- 30'25. ElIst, . dll1lnce at 219.09 .;:.,. . ':. JUL 06 2004 17:08 FR -------------------- TO 99819901 P.07,'10 " ORB 11966 ~g 138 IlOtOfHY H. UILKEJI, Q.EII( PI aum, Fl EXHIBJT -A- feee.a8 poln. an tho Nart'l Una 01 S,W, 3lJthAVllltI8; Ihenco Sourh 81- 29'3S-Wllla'ong SUrd North IIna of S.W. 3D1I1 Avenue, aid "ne 1110 beIng 805m leal Soolh af lIOO pal8UeI .a rile said North line 01 Slerfon 5, a dlslancG 0160.00 real: lhenco Non" 2- 30'25" West. . dlst.1nce 01 219.011 ,..I '0 "'8 PaIn. or BegInning. PARCEL C WESTERLV60' ROAn RlGHT.Of.WAV ^ parceJoIlat1d Ivfng II'Ilho Wise one-half rN 1/2) ollha NOI'hw.. qullllGr (NW V.. of S8CIIon5, Townahl'J 46 Soulll. Range 43 East, PiIfm Beach CountY. Florida, said parCl!l allalld ball\g nun pll1Icullldy described as 1010\"1$: Convnendng.1 Ihe Nar1hwD&l corner allBld Sadlon 5: lhence Narth 87- 2ns- Easl along lhe NDI1h Ani of said 511C1fon 5, a dlst8nco 01 ;,53.34 '181; Ihlnce du. SOUl" along a Un. 3S3.oa "" Ed at4nd parallel 10 lhe Wesr lino 0' said Sed10n 5. a dlstlnce of 476.37 feet; .hence North 87- 29~ E'asr along a line 475.91 leI South 01 and paraDel to the said NaI1h line af Seelron 5. II dJalance 01289.50 fl!8l to Chi Point 01 Beginning of Ih8 hartln d8liCftbed patCeI 01 land; thence continue North 87- 29'35" Eal,. dlsumce 0'60.00 '"1; lhenca SOulh 2. 30'25. fast, II d181anc8 a' 219,09 'oello a pornl on 1he Nonh Une 01 S.W. 30lh Avenue; thanee SOUlh 87. 29'35'" West along 1118 said Nanh line of S. W. :lOth A"enue, &arcs Ine also being 695.00 '811 SclUIh or and paraUeI'o Ihe said Non" line o. Sectlan S, II dIstance of 60.00 'lei: thence Nanh 2- 30'25'" WlIsI, a dlsl8nce 012'9.09 '!ena lhe rafN Dr BegInning, PARCEL D Easemenl lor sign purposes, dllsc:rlbed Illho -AJlemllive Slgn." In lhal conaln Ea$'~1 Agreemenl by BlId belwel!n ESfelle Blumblrg Ind #'1 Mini Co. (lid.) clallld . 2000, recorded ~ - ~ . 2000, in Official R~rds Book 11j'6bago , Publfc Recorda of Palm Beach Cannlv. Rodda, :' 04 ,. , , ,;,It, Applicant's l'{ame: Time and Date ofMeetin Those attending meeting: ~ &1-/ ~?l %.~~.5L?~ , r . PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS ~Yl ~~cl Phone: \16-1': .3..2/. <I'Cf4 , / 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? . Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MENffiERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) ~. ~J ~"'J . ::-.<~-.. P1.~yV, _____~~. '___ 71' ( J'Cv /if4 tY WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE COlY1MERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? 2. 3. ffi,z ~ e.- !o 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5. IiO\v MANY PEOPLE ~L BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING?cl:.- " Note: Tell the persoll that someoltefro/n the Departmellt will call them to confirm tire meeting. ................................................................................., Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled .0 less than two (2)" days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or tusia. Meetfn~s mav be scheduled: Monday afternoons . Tuesday all day Wednesday all day , Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11:30 ll.m. and 2:30 p.m. \Planning\Pl4nning\Pre-applicationcontactqucstions.doc .:.we.. ) ~ I ~6y - C/e~". - , C?tC1L,,~ ~ PRE~APPUCATION CONFERENCE ~EW FORM /- ,):5 - u y'- Time Started: c;2.'--3 0 Time Finished: .." I;' t Date Attending as Applicant Phone Fax Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and Type/Use Site location (Address if Available) Site PC~ Existing Zoning existing land Use/Density Antidpated Submittal Date Proposed Zoning Proposed land Use/Density I Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback Height Parking Requirements or Improvements landscaping/Buffering Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required En'.qrO~' ~i~qulrements Notes/Comments/Recommendations jO-r.-~ fe, ~ c~ lo:2::J. C ,'- 11 -=",- M c-!\[ & ( ,j = < -k.JI!'--rr g. c-(:>t~;t r..!e~ /~< 7.4 r:~~ ~ frc ~t" .<0 . 'eM. "oR he.' .~ --.:., 0 f<r:r;fr ( .. VI e. - C r..[: ~ 'f """- i'S i"" <Q N<;,.C""; J" .3 ~~-t ",-" c. ~=.. ~"IVI~"--L ~ ~(':r' p~ ~k S~eh(~ ,Qz.:f' s-fi<< ;;t~'d2 &<:;<ZT~"ct -s of' )'\'t-.f ' 1,1 IcS :::20 ~ be- ""'",-T'-_ D~..~-.o( ~ ~ v -h o=~w.,.Q.,+c.. 2 CQ- TT; '9:4: - (-~'" .J:)s "-<t; ) r""'i "de ....0 ~ G<'-"/i~"" t;;? ~, ,'n ~'t't\(;( ( V~,{,~ r; V,<;c:z., o..:C~C',_ (;.c., ;)y;1' MI'~ t/- CC1I\.,-6~~ h~~)_ NonCE: Th~urpose of this conference shall be for the staff' and applicant to discuss overall community goals, Objectives, polldes and codes as related to the Proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. r' f ,.... , I" .", PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT ivIEETING DATE: , rrTl\K'Ii'. " .,. .. ' ~J..L'.l..I:I. .' . ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose ot this contj!rence shaD be tor the staff And applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, poUcles and codes ass rel:lted to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-applfcntfon conference are not . binding Cor Cormal review purposes. A.dditional stact comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted tor review_ City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant "Attendin Staff EO~ ~,.J ! A-S k.e '#di# // '(/-'/##~ C-- J:\SHRDA T A\PLA.'fNING\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\IS\PR,E-APPL MEETf.'ic..sIGN IN SHEET.DOC .. ... - . ~ .. ... Time and Date ofMeetinb Those atten:l; meeting: ~. J~ b ~ it!> 0 PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant's Name: ~ ~ t:2.-.i- pS{.I- 9'1~- Si ,~ Phone:~ S(./-302..j..y73 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes)( No (IF YES}{A VE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? 2. ~~-rl LOCATION OF PROPERTY (~RPSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) /AJ~ &. f54 ~~,~Jih~ " a....--~ . t' ~ ... S I.A...) I y.... /2-t. STAFF MEMBERS NAME: " .). 'vVHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? X NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY V ACJ\J.'-JT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE COM1vfERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ,~ INDUSTRlAL PROPERTY? DO YOU K1'-JOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? ., 4, TIME A1'ID DATE PREFERRED 5, HO'vV M.A..L"lY PEOPLE 'vVILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETIN"G? Note: Tell the persoll that someOlze from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (I) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting, If urgency is sensed, discuss \vith Mike or Lusia, . Meetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a,m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a,m. and 2:30 p,m. S: \P I ann i ng\P lann ing\Pre-app I ieati oneon taetquestio ns.doe )fv . .CZ:<0 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE R&'ttrW FORM /: A..5 Time Started: -r; Attending as Applicant ~~ ~~ ~ kCr<lJ WtaF..!I Phone (~/) tff5 - 57(, I- o?'1J' (lieu /<f,-~ d Date .3- 4 - 04- Time Finished: 2.: 30 Fax Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and 1 ~ Type/Use 1/ @'tI ~ Site Location (Address if Available) Site PCN Existing Zoning Existing Land Use/Density Anticipated Submittal Date ~ Proposed Zoning Proposed Land Use/Density / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback Height Parking Requirements or Improvements lalldsca pi ng/ Bufferi ng Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required Environmental Review Requirements Notes/Comments/Recommendations M.,/~€ 12... ~1U1!21 11.fE- -r~ ST7~ ~- MlTl"liE . /TlE>tU /2&P~ ~ /2e]//@U ~ n~. ~~ Iq~/Ck'7iJ) , '"Jl.h+r 7J.I€...'f ~ ~ 6.J71MJU ~w 12€Lpu1~ ~ ~~no4l.- 4-1lfI) tTrJ.iOZ- '{9'wetS, //.I:&.!f /f7WG ~ Af ~- UJC/t-7ZOtV hU ~~.!f ~. &.Jr , nlCtI .lHt> IU7I1 ~w€ 71If:. caA:P fA} "J"HfD/L ~ ~~ ~$77~. Iff€::! ~ f{)IUJAH'P T?J .i)o A- ~ ~. 1l~/~.4- ~f.Jo-t.e hV6 Itfl€ ~ ' , ~ 10 ~/~ CJo~t<;CA-rZ6rl) tylJ 17I€./e. ~. 7#e.::J ~ 'tr:> ~ .e.. I - /5tJ ~. /tI€.'/ Witt- hu1/tJi6 ~~ ~C8 ~ Mtfd~ /l€Vf(5'C) WI77J.. Strl """ ~,'1'!ltE-. NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN:IN' SHEET PLEASE PRINT lYIEETING DATE: TTh1E : ATTENDING FOR APPLICA1.~T: NOTI CE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual I b "tt d f plans su nu e or reYlew. City of Boynton Beach I Attending for Applicant I Attending Staff I I I I I I I I I I I I SBA .JI ~ 1m) j:.",- LI..,.,!!C! J:'.5HRDA. T AV'LA,:'i,,'t'.ClSHA.REDI \YPlFOR.\ISlP RE-.-\.PPL .HEETI:";C-SIG,'i r: SBA Htlwork Srrvim, In<. 5900 Broktn Sound Parkway HW Boca galon, n 33487 HARSDALL BLUHfNTDAL /~ Silt Acquisition Managtr Phon,: (561) 99H 4 fax: /561) 995-5568 4"' (M'l 1~ ffl1 marshall,blumtntha/@vtrizonwirtlm.lom ..rZ,.~~ 'to - 2Jf 7.> iPor'~f6it5 ~ C O'hlrJ C~S' //~ /7 -the ~<?,.. I-L -'" df"'-l ~, ('A OJ !J. -ry' f S V,7 1"" r1 ru.;J J6~'.'<;n o e EXiS t:i~O V6/Z/CvrJ CUc.flr1jC e '" I"')ONcrt 0 ~:::g:z ... ~~:~ 0 UJ J: N"'NN MCO..,,., f- 0. .oeo < r '" '1')000 ~UJo I 0 0 e~~e ---lO UO">f- ",-, . X~C") 0::0">0 0.-' " '" " " . ... OUII ~~I ::lit) t) " 0:: UJ ' ~ Q -' ;t Q ~ " 0 -' Q 1< '" " " z ~ w ;t 0 .. 0 ;:: ... 0 '" .. ~ ~-' !( o '" ,... g ~~, \~ '. ~,~, '. '~ .,"~ I' \ \~",_J ~ \!!) @ @ r 8 (g, o f"-/ .J 3Nnld31' 00 @ @ @@@@@@ ~~ 1'1NtfJ 3M' ~~ @ w zl!! gg:el2 ZO:~~ ~WZO g~ttu w . . '" !li @g ~:!l c' ~ "'- ~ ..I-. 1 '" ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ -' ::> a.. <.) W cr. @i \ '~~'t @ 3M "IO~ ; ) s-~l~l, " :\~.L- _~~r. Q;~ \:;J '? _~~.J:!:!..!-.7 -_.:~~'-_::- .' ---- -- ---- @ \\ M S \ @ ~ -- " z 9 1 -' _en . Q. l"- ., . as I"- ~ " I o 0 :..:: . 0, to ~~~~ , a: ~ = . v <X: ~ . , ::!C\J , a: ' I-~ . ~ (J) N ....1 ~ ::l!;i <l D..J - ~a.. '" ~ '" ~ ---1 \' l~ or I , ..~' .' I ' I I \ I I \ Ul :>- <I ~~..~, i?"" If '.~ e'", ~ . , ". .' }It ~ r ~I,,'.' , " r i \ , I j .; I:! \ I I \ lfl lfl Ul a: <.? Z o u ,I " j ~ CENTERS 6303 SPACE PLUS STORAGE 734 ~~ ~ , ~~~ ~~ ,n:. ~iP j--. ,(' .' . f +- ~ ~ - ... v .. ... - - - ::i:~ - ~' ,," ,- , jJ o .r ~ ~_.~ (I n ._'" I .,:-.: ~' I' il II -, ~, ~ ..,~ ~ . ~- ",- ,..;i;" ~. !"" -- ..... .-..-..';.---- ............;.;';>,.~-~ ,- "'''.,j>'.'''' ,;;"\0- e e JPG Projected Loc! Projected Location " Itc '~~ ~-. TJtfIJ " , t ;0 C44~ ....~"'~_s;~---i!"-~ -- ~:: .;:- Project d Locatiorl~:~ "!"I'!'~iJ ~""':\ ~ :'''":-jC\. - - ~- ld/.'\;';"~~ ='" :;;, .. -- ...--- I _ -: - - II o ""'" ,... J ....' -"" - .. ~ . <iI ~~.~- ,.-~"......~... .:,.""M, ,~.~'JA r :... !l 'r~~ *'"~~ .,.....' ..--.; -- -..-,< .-- - lIlt! ~ .G ....... ~~. ~ ~:- ...-- :.; }'" ~. ,. , ~- , Time and Date ofMeel<l"lg \ 0\ \ Cl ~ Those attending meeting: t't' ',\C""(, I U l u', 00 p-tV'l PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant's Name: ~"^ ~~ Phone: 76;) - ,,6)" () 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO A1'\JY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No >< (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 2. PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) ~ ~ , \ .- 1:::.-\ .., ,j. WHAT WOULD YOU LlKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY V ACA1~T? V ARlANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE C0111vfERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNO"V THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? <, 4, TllvfE A1'\fD DATE PREFERRED 5, HO"V MA1'\JY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? } Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................1 . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (I) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting, If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia, . lYleetine:s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p,m, s: \P I ann i ng\P lann ing\P re-app I icationcon tactquestio ns,doc Date /o/;%:!;) ( I 1/ ,- i I " I .~, , ( ( ,'- I L 1.( )--...) \ ,- I -') I "\ ,(oJ.. I PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REViEW FORM Time Started: If) :06 Time Finished: JIM $-NA-1j ,fhl,. tie - 12-48 '- Attending as Applicant Phone Fax .5&1 - H~ -- 05'11 Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and Type/Use Site Location (Address if Available) Site PCN Existing Zoning Existing Land Use/Density Anticipated Submittal Date Proposed Zoning Proposed Land Use/Density / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback Height Parking Requirements or Improvements Landsca pi ng/ Bufferi ng Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required Environmental Review Requirements Notes/Comments/Recommendations /3/ &/ !J~'f7/N ~ l/et1 "tffi1J Wk'N/'.5 T7J tIJ~ txtJ ~ 1J.H1..-r CIA) ~ IS ~.!j ~. /)J~ 17) ~ktJ wv-UlJ (IV Me>4-) ~~ Jv~n:12 /Wl) IO/~ 16' j)~ IV@U f)fJrt) AJ./l. ~ elrUIPIIMfJVr/ m} ff ~ GC/UI!J. ~ . t~AJtJ-14. c'#tA'1p-e:tJ ~ IAJTlIt..lJ b€,{Ja::() IZtt2- E'i\JtP I~ Pr:r 4 ~e~. ~€'h,Cf ~/eYIJ ~ YJU'YISIO(VS ~ Co- ~~ ~ /!:JU) Ih M IF- f/€. 6hU ~ #L 7l.,I.E /Z..67y (.;! IteM G11J7J I r WtU- " fffie PuJ~c:!) A-5 A- M/~ ~(~~. /-I€ WltL @'(tAIL PML!M. J?;lAvJpJ~ 17f) UJruMAI>>A-, l?~ FtJtL.- ~ ~/rTlJ<.,. //11 I Y,%-~TJIej. NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT lYIEETING DATE: TIiYIE : ATTEl'l'DING FOR APPLICA.NT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass rel:1ted to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application confer'ence are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lb. d f pans su rrutte or reVIew. City of Boynton Beach I Attending for Applicant Attending Staff GJ ~e I LCWnMa Locr an I I -s- '-'AI\... <; " ,~0~ I I 7 /1 I I , , \ 'S \ L-\. 'N E ~\0G I ~ ctJStY~ Jim S I Planni 1liIlI:l'I:I,'llllil.l. I Crown Castle USA Inc. Tel Fax Florida Region I 6413 Congress Avenue, Suite 250 Cell Boca Raton, FL 33487 Jim.5 WWW I - I I nay ng/Zoning Specialist 561218,1243 561 443.0597 561 762.5652 nay@crowncastle.com .crowncastle.com J:'.5HRDA T A\PLA'i~I:-;G\SHARED\ \\'P\FOR.\IS\PR.E-APPL "'IEET[,,;G-SIG;\ ['.' SHEET,DOC ., " 0.', JJ PROJECT NAME: Verizon Wireless Boynton Space Plus Storage LOCATION: 2951 SW 14th Place PCN: 08-43-45-05-00-000-3110 I FILE NO.: CODS 05-003 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Jason Laskey SBA Network Services ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 5900 Broken Sound Parkway FAX: NW Boca Raton, FL 33487 PHONE: FAX: 561-981-9901 ~sIoO--'j1 .e..... . CO('r'l - PHONE: 561-226-9359 'loS Cell: 305-321-5655 J Date of submittal/Projected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 11/4/04 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 11/30/04 PUBLIC NOTICE: 1/15/05 TRC MEETING: 1/25/05 LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: 2/22/05 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 3/1/05 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\SPECPROJ\TeleComm Towers\Verizon Wireless Mega Mini 295] SW 14th P]\2004 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc