CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION TO: Janet Prainito, Mike Rumpf, Peter Mazzella, Tim Large, and Carol Kribs FROM: Ken Hall c:e. DATE: August 5, 2004 RE: Recorded copy of the Serrano plat. Attached is your copy of the subject plat. C: Dave Kelley Eng. File fJ~4- \ Dec.27. 2004 3:05PM D. R Horton Land Dept No, 0853 P. 1 D.R.HOHlON · ~~s: FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET 10: Ed Breese FROM: A. Rob Tessar, Jr. D~TE: DECEMBER 27, 2004 rOTAL NO. OF PACES INCLUDING COVER: 3 COPtllPANY: Boynton Beach FAX NUMBER: 561-742-6259 PHONE NUMBER; SENDER'S PHONE NUMBER: 954-725-4067 754-264-5087 RE: Serrano Neighbors SENDER'S ~AX NUMBER: 954-428-7391 o URCiENT !if FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY o PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Ed, Attached Is a copy of what we (D.R. Horton) agreed to with Baker/Ryan. We now have all three agreements In place. which Is mildly comfortingly. Just thought you would like to see a copy of the executed agreement. Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or advice. Thank you for your personal and professIonal courtesies. Regards, 1192 EAST NEWPORT CENTER DR. SUITE 150 DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 ~D 27 20042 3:05PM8283D. P Horton Land Dept KEITH RYAN , e c. . No. 0853 P. 2E: eJ2 184 LicklkUlet Road Franklin, NC 28743..2965 (828) 369.7979 fax (828) 369..1989 To: Pax #: Address: Mr. Rob Tessar 9S4~4Z8M7391 D. R. Horton 1192 East Newport Center Drive Deerfleld Beach, PL 33442 Sent: Dec. 23 2004 Pales Sent: 2 ill A'" Ail t\ *******H*******......*************'******"""*'*********'***'*******"'**.. Dear Rob, Attached Is the agreement signed as we discussed. I would I1ke to apologize once again for any misunderstanding we mJght have had It was never my wish for this to be hard on either one of us. It's my understanding that we were able to el1mlnate 1/2 of the palm trees reducing the total number to 5 Instead of 10. I spoke to Andrew Dodge and this Is OK with him too. Have a merry Christmas, ~~~ I1Dec.27. 2004': 3:05PM!283ED. P Horton Land Dept KEITH RVAN ... ~Il 2vv", IJld9PM ". n~~~or. 13n,) UHt No. 0853 P. 3~ 131 hOel! ~. 2 Deocnb., 11,1* D. II Haztn, 1nG. 1181 E..xewpo.d Cu_ l)aM hlte J 10 De.s.Jd hM1h, rL..... b: .qult for Aluminum '...... TIIIIllltw Mm. U . OImftrmltlon by IItdt.Iran. . 1Jn;l. man. inti Iunu.e1 ....1 . *,,11 man, tNt the, hi.,. ....s INS r.qu..t t.hat D. R. H.... lnG, ('IHoftoJa'') 00Mts'Uat 1ft al1lm!n!,~ . 00Mnte ..n on the buk of tMir yIZ'CIloc..d It ~ n _a Wd.l1u.mi1\wn. feMe will J>t GOnaW\lgled wWl.Ift U. Plat af SCl'ano Mrdertftl our b.0k711d up to the ..em. bound., 01 the ~t '" lcaNIat .!\t&pt detwm!Md by HoIteft. ~~.~ ,. JC.lth .,. ~-' ~ ". lam,.l au.. FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: Jul./ A7IJ ~.J/ A-trJ FROM: ED ~/l€~ / - 5cP/- ..:39/ - 3eo5 FAX: DATE: /2- -(, - a4- NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) u RE: ~ J 4N-k~ Ju LJ JhU ./ 4~ Me ~ t1J@1.) /Z8&vCA-i7CM.J75 ~ NonFtC47700 tJF ~/.J-rpS. :r IhtvG ~ k~ ~ AJances Ftst2.. ~ k,. Vlevv. I~ ~ J.Hk)& ;r,u..Y ~Ue57?~ ./ p~ t/?/ue NE A CM.L. ~6 If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Julian Bryan and Associates, agent for DR Horton, has requested Master Plan Modification approval, as follows: Request: Request to modify the Master Plan for Serrano Beach Planned Unit Development to allow for a reduction of the front yard setback from 25 feet to 22.5 feet. The Master Plan consists of 47 zero lot line single-family homes. Location: Quarter mile west of Congress Avenue; South of Golf Road Legal: The southeast quarter (SE Y4) of the southwest quarter (SW Y4) of the southeast quarter (SE Y4) of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS the south 40 feet thereof, totaling 9.742 acres, more or less. A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WILL BE HELD RELATIVE TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2004, AT 6:30 P.M. AND THE CITY COMMISSION ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2005, AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742- 6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Julian Bryan and Associates, agent for DR Horton, has requested Master Plan Modification approval, as follows: Request: Request to modify the Master Plan for Anderson Planned Unit Development to allow for a reduction of the front yard setback from 25 feet to 22.5 feet. The Master Plan consists of 85 zero lot line single-family homes. Location: West side of Lawrence Road; South of Hypoluxo Road Legal: The east 643.18 feet, as measured at right angles to the east line thereof, of tracts 9 and 16n Northeast one quarter (NE l!4) of section 12, as shown on the AMENDED PLAT OF SECTIONI2, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST, MARY A. LYMAN ET AL, as recorded in Plat Book 9 at page 74, in and for the records of Palm Beach County, Florida, totaling 18.3194 acres, more or less. A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WILL BE HELD RELATIVE TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2004, AT 6:30 P.M. AND THE CITY COMMISSION ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2005, AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742- 6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc. Land Development Consultants November 29, 2004 Eric Johnson Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Serrano Beach Site Plan Major Modification Dear Mr. Johnson, Please accept the following amended request for a major site plan modification on the above project. The specific modification requested consists of the reduction in the proposed front setback from 25' shown to 22.5'. This is being requested in order to allow more single story models to fit on the lots without necessitating a reduction in the square footage of the unit. Two situations have arisen since the original approval which have led to this request, they are as follows: 1. The internal lake originally proposed a bulkhead arrangement which was rejected by South Florida Water Management District. As a result the design was modified to alter the cross section of lots adjacent to the lake. 2. Ongoing discussions with adjacent residents of neighboring communities. The increased emphasis on one story units is as a result of commitments made to residents of adjoining communities regarding the use of single story homes along portions of the Serrano Beach perimeter. Because of this, D.R. Horton would be required to restrict certain lots to 1-story units, which are smaller square footage, yet with a larger footprint. C. \Documents and Settings\randall.schnarseng\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK17F\majorspmod 101304 (2) doc 1700 Arcadia Way - Boca Raton, Florida 33432 - 561.391.7871- Fax.561.391.3805 Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc. Land Development Consultants The above issues have created a situation where the builder would not be able to offer the originally anticipated range of models without reducing the setbacks slightly. The requested change will not impact any other aspects of the previous PUD approval, and we feel will not be detrimental to the overall design or function of the community. The reduction of the front setback to 22.5" will not result in any additional changes to the design, and will allow the offering of all of the home models originally anticipated for this community based on recent market experiences by my client in other Boynton Beach communities. Based upon discussions with your department, we will restrict this setback reduction to single story homes only and allow it on a maximum of 200/0 of the total lots. Additionally, this revised plan reflects the specific language of approval regarding increased setbacks along the west property line and portions of the north property line. It also corrects an acreage discrepancy for the lake area, and adds 2 general notes regarding landscaping. Please contact me with any questions concerning this request. Cc: Karl Albertson, D.R. Horton C"\Documents and Settings\randall.schnarseng\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK17F\majorspmod 101304 (2).doc 1700 Arcadia Way. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 . 561.391.7871- Fax.561.391.3805 FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: J uL./ JHJ k~ b &tEES!!. J>605 FAX: 5(p/ - 31 I - 7e 71 FROM: DATE: //-?~- tJ4- NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) q RE: ~o ~~~. J~I#()I 1I1l>>Ct1a> IS 7J.If:~. O. ~#Jr AJr;, 71IC ~bl71~ ~ ~a. {!()A :Jt fa ~ TJ.t€ ~ ~ 7#G lhtA.AIU: ~~. lis ~ ~ tk-5o ~I 7J/e~ WA.& NlJ ~Iu 716Al ~ Tf.k 17M rJJ.(; or s..-XWtJA.le ~ S:? 7JHJ.7 ~ C!A7U bG IZG - I y/$~ ~ f'ML:r dF /lie ~n:e,o~ AMa.J~ 4.> ~ ~ /ttA-K1>>r; ~ 10 I14E ~ ~ ~~ vPr>>v me. ~ p~ IAJ~ : .I . 2.5' ~ ~" l4~bF~ . ~..... yJ:. · AOl> A $r1I1EfI(.8J'f ~ 7JJ€ ~~ jJWJ IItJi>lCA7JJ(1" ~"'~ WI7?I '-U1t 31. IF 7lJE ~ 1.6 "/Z) eE 4MJ12!>UPCRrE:ZJ A-r A t.A-~ ~ I 7JrE s~ .5ltJoc.u> fleI::lF~ ~ J1I.e t47tJUCA-IJ',.;r;, w/u B€ ~ /:!tt-~ 71f€ ~ce ~ 1)J€ LWl>t> ~A{.,. · h:t> 11 ~ ~ ~ /lM.s1EZ- p~ "iYtfr ~rmJl.J6U. tnII-!J IJ()-r ~ t.tWUCH/~ ~ Ilel:fO(4/) UMJ/)~ ~ (JtL. ~~. · rJ~ TJIG ,5dE. J;rttn'E ~ ~ tA,~ $I'U,. A-S J>lsC<.cHEl> I1H" ~. J:\SHRDATA\Planning\Planning Templates\P&Z Fax\P & 0 Blank Fax.dot ~ ~LeT82-~/~ ~ ~ 40 ~~ ~~.1 /Q.)() A1.&O ~1'ZOdL ~ I$-.JUC>();V ~ ~~ S~AJ~ ~I CR::..) /Wi> ~ln1Ice WIY# C!()A s .5/IOOU) l!J€. ~/11a> WIT1//2.eVIse7) ~u..h:..8 If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. I _ 80 n&>~~, Nov~ ~. /F ~Jbk)G A1Uy ff.ue&ll~ J ~'1 CJc-("L 0 t=JJ The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org August 20, 2003 Mr. Chip Bryan Julian Bryan & Associates 1700 NW Arcadia Way Boca Raton, FL 33432 RE: File No. Location: Serrano Beach NWSP 03-010 Y4 mile west of Congress Avenue/South of Golf Road Dear Mr. Bryan: Enclosed is the Development Order granted August 5, 2003. Site plan approval is valid for one year from the date of final approval. ill order to maintain vested status, a building permit must be secured or an extension granted within one year of final site plan approval. To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. A copy of the Development Order, including these conditions must accompany the submission of the fully amended site plan set. The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable Development Order conditions in the submitted plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit issuance. A thorough review will be conducted by the Plan Review Analyst and if the necessary documentation is not attached and/or the plans are not amended to reflect all of the approval conditions, the plans will be returned to the applicant for correction and re-submittal before the permit is further processed. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments. Imoortant: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan beyond those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff for a review before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. A copy of the complete Development Order and Amended Site Plans reflecting the "Conditions of Approval" must be submitted to the Building Department along with the first permit request to avoid any delays in the processing of your permit. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning -;- G:\Serrano Beach NWSP 03.{)1O Site Plan approval letter after CC - new.rtf APPLICANT'S AGENT: Mr. Chip Bryan- Julian Bryan & Associates "De-v Pt. Z- Bl~ ;~L"e DEVELop~r "'.[ ORDER OF THE CITY COMMit., ""JON OF THE \", I Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI....-\ PROJECT NAME: Serrano Beach APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1700 Northwest Arcadia Way, Boca Raton, FL 33432 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 5.2003 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request site plan approval for 47 single-family dwelling units LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1,300 feet west of Congress Avenue on the north side of the Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral Canal 28 (L-28f' .' i I DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "Bit ATTACHED HERETO. , ~ < (, ;; ; ^'UG - fu' \:!i \ n I i i; _----- X THIS MATTER came before the City Commiss.ion of the City qt,~&>~W;~ ~~CbtfJe5~cja appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commissionlliereby:.aH'op{s-fr-le----- . findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: , '.....'\,-. OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Appliyant 1L HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the pUblic and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. DATED: f5-8-o~ 6. 7. S:IPlanninglSharedlWplProlectslSerrano BeachlNWSP 03-010100.doc EXHBIT "C Conditions of Approval Project name: Serrano Beach File number: NWSP 03-010 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a July 8. 2003 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. I I DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT I i i PUBLIC WORKS - General 1 , ~I ! Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic i , Comments: I 1. Provide off-site improvements to provide an access for the homeowner (Derle X Bailey) to the north. Meet with the homeowner to determine his needs and provide access accordingly. Inform the City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department in advance of the meeting of the time, date and location so that a representative can attend. UTILITIES Comments: I , 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, provide the location within the X , adjacent elementary school site that this proposed subdivision will be , connecting to. If the elementary school site is also located on a lift station, justify that it has capacity to intake this development's flow, or reflect the changes that will be required to the school's system(s) to accommodate this , i development. ENGINEERING DMSION Comments: 3. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional X comments, Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission I and at permit review. 4. Show sight triangles on the landscape plans (Chapter 7.5, Article IT, Section X 5.H.). Each sight triangle shall be 35 feet at the property lines per Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.2. of the Land Development Regulations. 5. Specify storm sewer diameters, inlet types, etc, on the Preliminary X Engineering plan. Indicate proposed inlet and invert elevations for all structures, and prooosed lake elevations on the Preliminary Emrineering plan. COA 08/07'03 2 , , DEP ART1V1E:"jTS INCLUDE REJECT 6. Full drainage plans in accordance with Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will X be required at the time of permitting. : , 7. Provide copy of the Lake Worth Drainage District permit for the outfall into X the L-28 canal. : I 8. A Clearing and Grubbing permit and an Excavation/Fill Permit will be X i required and may be applied for prior to site plan approval. I 9. Upon Commission approval of the site plan, the applicant shall meet with the X EnlZineering Division to initiate the plat process. 10. Provide a naming plan for the proposed streets within the subdivision. X : FIRE Comments: 11. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with Chapter 6, Section 16, X which provides requirements for hydrants. Connections shall be to mains no less than six (6) inches in diameter. , , ; POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DMSION Comments: 12. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X , prooosed construction. 13. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the X location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request. 14. A water-use permit for the irrigation system is required from the SF\V1vID. A X copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 15. The Parks and Recreation Facilities impact fee is figured based on 47 single- X family units; 47 single-family units ~ $940 ea = $44,180 COA 08/07,'03 , I I i DEPARTME~TS INCLUDE REJECT The fee is due at the time of the first applicable building pennit. FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST I 16. The applicant must design / install native species of upland trees, under story X and littoral plantings along 50% of the lake perimeter within the entire 20 foot wide lake easement. The upland and littoral plantings must be contiguous to each other and cover 50% of the lake perimeter. A cross-section of the design should be included on the landscape plan. I 17. A Lake Maintenance Plan document must be provided for the proper X maintenance of the lake plantings. A time zero and quarterly monitoring report for two years is required of the developer. 18, All newly installed trees noted on the Landscape Quantities list must be a X minimum of 12 feet in height, 3 inches DBH (4.5 feet above ground), Florida #1 quality (Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec.5.C.2.). 19. There is no irrigation system design included with the site plans (Chapter. 7.5, X Article II Sec. 5,A). Submit irrigation plans at the time of permitting. PL~~1NG AND ZO~1NG Comments: 20. Approval of this project is contingent upon the approval of the accompanying X request for annexation in the City Of Boynton Beach (ANEX 03-00 I). 21. A re-plat will be required. Abandonment and rededication of any easements X can occur during the platting process but no building permit will be issued until the process is successfully completed. 22. At the time of permitting, on the site plan (sheet 1 of 1), name this sheet as X both the "Master Plan" and "Site Plan" since it will serve as both according to Chapter 2.5, Section IO.A,3.d. 23. At the time of pennitting, the floor plans, landscape plans, and elevations X should directly correspond to each other (Chapter 4, Section 7.C). 24. The "unit type" designation (Le. Unit 1950, Unit 2279) must match between X the floor plans and the Typical Landscape Quantities tabular data, 25. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Palm Beach County Traffic X Division shall approve the Traffic Equivalency Statement (Chapter 4. Section 8.F.). ~ .) . ' COA 08/07/03 4 I j DEP ARTylE~TS INCLUDE REJECT , 26. At the time of permitting, the elevation pages shall indicate the exterior finish, X paint manufacturer's name, and color codes. Staff recommends using a color schedule (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). 27. All proposed signage is subject to review and approval of the Planning & X Development Board and City Commission. 28. The detail of the typical freestanding outdoor lighting fixture should include X the overall height, exterior finish and color(s). 29. The removal/relocation of landscape material IS subject to review and X approval of the City Forester / Environmentalist. 30. All plant material shown on the landscape plan (sheet 2 of 5), in particular X within the landscape buffer, must be identified with a symbol and its corresponding quantity. At the time of permitting, identify all plant material of this page. Approval of the common area landscaping (by the City Forester / Environmentalist and Planning & Zoning staff) is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 31. A signature tree (such as a Yellow Elder, Tibouchina Granulsola, or X Bouganvillea) is required at both sides of each project entrance / exit. The signature trees must have 6 feet of clear trunk if placed within the safe-sight triangle (Chapter 7.5, Article 2, Section S.N.). Alternative plant material may be substituted if the above referenced plant material is not available or undesired. Any substitution of plant material (for the signature tree requirement) will be subject to the City Landscaper / Environmentalist review and approval. 32. At the time of permitting, provide an overall plant list that accurately X identifies all (total) plant material provided. 33. All trees are required to be at least 12 feet overall height and three (3) caliper X inches at the time of installation (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2.). This impacts the Bougainvillea, Ligustrum, Wax Mytle, Alexander Palm, Washingtonia Palm, and Sabal Palmetto trees. All trees identified on sheet 3 of 5 must comply with this requirement. Correct the spelling of "Gumbo Limbo" tree. 34. On the landscape plan plant list (sheet 3 of 5), correct the proposed Future X Land Use from "MDR" to "LDR". 35. All shrubs and hedges are required to be at minimum 24 inches in height, 24 X inches in spread, and planted with tip-to-tip spacing measured immediately after planting to adequately cover the planted areas on the site (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.CA.). 36. Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species X COA 08/07/03 5 f I I DEPARTi\'IENTS INCLUDE REJECT (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section SoP). Separate and indicate the proposed plant material into the following categories: Shade Trees, Palm Trees, Shrubs I / Hedges, and Groundcover. Please tabulate the amount of native material in each plant category. , 37. At the time of permitting, place a note on the master site plan / site plan (sheet I X I of I) that the maximum height of any proposed screened enclosure shall never exceed the mean roof height of each single-family dwelling unit. ADDITIONAL PLAN~lNG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS: \ Comments: i I 38. Provide perimeter fence around project through maintenance of existing or X addition of new fencing where currently void, X 39. The proposed fence (along the south property line) be placed along the northern limits of the lO-foot wide landscape buffer. 40. The developer should maximize as much as possible, the rear setbacks of X those lots abutting the north property line. 41, At the southern property line, the developer shall irrigate the north side of the X of the canal consistent with the Lake Worth Drainage District's requirements. 42. The developer shall work with Chant eclair Lake Estates regarding the X maintenance (installation ofbahia grass and other vegetation) of the entranceway over the L WOD canal. 43. In reference to the street lighting on the subject property, the developer shall X coordinate with the Village of Golf in order to minimize glare and spillage. 44. The developer shall install more shade trees (double the amount) along the X entire northern property line, 45, The developer shall work with Mr, Derle Bailey on the relocation of the X shared ingress / egress easement (along the subject property's western property line). COA addition comment 08/07/03 6 I DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 46. No solid-roof enclosures shall be permitted within the rear yard. X 47.The developer shall install additional scented / fragrance type oflandscape X material around the lift station subject to the Engineering Division review and approval. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: A minimum setback of 25 feet shall be maintained along west boundary, which abuts the Village of Golf. Amended site plan submitted for permits shall be revised accordingly. X TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL SER.# 11/23/2004 17:25 PLANNING 5617426259 BR0L3J876851 DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 11/23 17: 22 91561391380598568 00:02:43 09 OK STANDARD ECM JULIAN BRYAN & ASSOCIATES November 22, 2004 Mr. Ed Breese, AICP City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Division P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: SERRANO PUD Dear Mr. Breese, Attached are revised site plans and written responses for the above referenced community. We have resubmitted the site plan only as referenced in your staff comments, inasmuch as all other aspects of the previous approvals will remain unchanged. This major amendment is being reviewed for a limited front setback reduction from 25.0' to 22.5'. It will be limited to one story homes and may not exceed 20% of the total lots in the community. On a separate issue, it is not our understanding that lots along the west property line required a greater setback of25' total. We did however agree to double the mnnber of buffer trees along the west line in response to concerns of the Village of Golf representative. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please call if you have any questions. -11~~ I President cc: D.R. Horton Homes 300 N.E. 2511I Street Boca Raton, Florida 33431 JULIAN BRYAN & ASSOCIATES fr, I! :'1 , "i I i I I ,! !: j: ! h-/ ~. "{ -i' I r ~-, I '1 3 m04 f:: - i ,i ;.U November22,2004 L ~T"-;l",',~.'!-j~~,;~~.,~ ':r' LOri; \ .r~..__. ~~ ~____"n'_A.=- "" SERRANO BEACH PUD RESPONSE TO T.R.C. COMMENTS FOR 11-23-04 MEETING FIRE No response required, all aspects of site engineering, plat & landscaping remain unchanged. BUILDING DIVISION No response required, all aspects of site engineering, plat & landscaping remain unchanged. PARKS & RECREATION No response required, all aspects of site engineering, plat & landscaping remain unchanged. FORESTER I ENVIRONMENTALIST No response required, all aspects of site engineering, plat & landscaping remain unchanged. PLANNING AND ZONING ~OnIY the rectified master plan is included with this resubmittaL ~ince the majority of front setbacks will remain unchanged the applicant has not revised the graphic depiction of building envelopes. A maximum of 20% of the lots will be allowed to utilize the front setback reduction and only when one story homes. On both the building typicals and ~ered front dimensions on lots we have shown a 25' typical and 22.5' minimum dimension. 30. he applicant respectfully requests copies of your documentation of this since the parties ~a different understanding of the approval. (1)tie understand all original approval conditions apply, VlfZ. H.OA documents will reflect the fact that homeowners may not remove landscaping within ~~d landscape buffers or common areas. ~; ~.~, fence is proposed at this time. 34, The acreage shown for the water management tract is correct. ~he applicant agrees and further limits this amendment to a maximum of 20% of the lots. 36. These rear setbacks are the same as originally approved however the graphic was changed to >farify the intent ~. Street names are revised to match those on the plat. 300 N.E. 25th Street Boca Raton, Florida 33431