APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: Wils~~ Park Complex LOCATION: 211 NW 13TH Avenue PCN: I FILE NO.: MSPM 05-011 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONT ACT PERSON: OWNER: Wally Majors/ Jody Rivers ADDRESS: ADDRESS: FAX: FAX: PHONE: PHONE: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 7/20/05 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 8/4/05 PUBLIC lIP ARC NOTICE: 10/1/05 TART MEETING: 8/30/05 LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 10/11/05 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 11/1/05 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wilson Center\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc l. ' : , . RESOLUTION NO. 'R9~-.$.f . 'A RE~OLUTION 'Of ,THEc:ITY COMMISSION OF 'THE eITY OF. . BO;YNTON 'BEACH,,' FLORIDA, APPROVING A 'JOINT USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF B9YNTONBEACH AND THE PALM ,BEACH COUNTY. SCHOOL BOARD FOR' THE JOINT, . . '.' .-' . I USE. OF.WILSO~ CENTER AND' POINCI~A :ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BY BOTH AGENCIES, AND' PROVIDiNG AN' EFFEtT~VEDATE. ' W.HE:REA$, ~he City of. B9ynton Beach and -yhe Palm Beach CbuIltyschoplB(:)Cll;c;i arejolnt :paitners in the sitjeexpansion o,f, '.Poinciana 'Elementary School ; and '.' F''''':'''~ I I I. ! . , .. I . . :':P.I~R~~~,-. both, th..e,.pi 1:.Y a;'nd, th~ ~Ch~Q ~ Boar~ r.ec?gnize tl1e . ne(3d;c;>.n,:,.QCSiS~OIl fpr l:>o~h par~ie~ to utJ.IJ.ze tl1el. facJ.lities of the oth,er,:thereby minilI},izii1,g" the duplication of I facilit;es i . i . .' . . I , .W.QW, 'D.a2Ri:FORE , ~E IT R,ES.OLVED BY 'I'HECITY! COMMlSS I'ON OF THE CITY OY':SOYNT.ON' BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: . 'i . ,S:ection 1. The .City CoItlIll.issiol1 of the C~.tyof Boynton Bea~,h(' Flo:pida!, does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor .to execut,t; the, JoInt Use'Ag'reement, with:t:he school I Board of Palm Beach County, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". I PASSED. AND 'ADOPTED this ;<.f day of June, 1993. CITY OF BOYNTON BEicH, FLORIDA K~tT" ., \......\ \ L..::O ~ ? ~C r P~....JCl . ~i. ' joD'-l ATTEST: ~~9;v'~~, ~ (Corporate' Seal) il ..'~~ '" v--" ,........ .. This Instrument Prepared by: ~:::.~ I I l_ ",,' Agustin A" Hernandez with Robert A. RosilIo and should be r~ to: Robert A. Ros,i11o. Associate Counsel ~;SchO()l Board. of palIn Beach County 33-18' Fort'3t Hill Bo~evaId West Palm Bea<:h, Florida 33406-5Si3 This space provided for recording PUIpOll&:S. Do not write iri Ihis space, - ... ..... . - ... . - - - - - ... - - .. .. .. . ... ... ... - - - - . ... - - ... - - ... .. - ... ... ... ... . - ... ... - - .. '. ... - - . - - ... ... .. - - .... .. ... ... - - - - ... ... - - ~ - - .... - JOINT USE INTERLOCAL AGRJ;~ENT BETWEEN THE, SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM.13EACH COUNTY AND THE-CITY OF BO,YNTON BEACH FOR POINCIANA ELffi4ENT~Y SCHodL AND., TH~ WILSON CENTER .. . THIS AGREEMENT. entered into this day of , 19_. between the SCHOOL BOARD , ' . OF fALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. a corpOrate bodypol~tic PlUSuant to the Constitution.of the State of Florida, . (hei~inafter referred to as ~SCHOOL BOARDW). and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). r-,";"';";';:'t\ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS. it is the intmtof the Local Govemnient Comprehensive Planning and Pla:il Development Regulation Act, iF,S. '163.3161 (4), to encourage and. ensure cooperation betw~ and among the local governmental entities to provide for $e coOrdination of development ~tivities belween units of locali government; and. I . WHEREAs. the SCHOOL BOARD i,8 the cOntrolling Qody of the Public Schools of Palm Beach County. Florida. and,'4oes own ~d operate Poinciana Elementary 'School in the City l)f,Boynton Beach; and . , wHEREAS. the City is the controling body of the W~n Center located adjacent to Poinciana Elementary; and WHERMS. the City and the SCHOOL BOARD anticipate entering into a site expansion agreement, and ' WHEREAS, both the SCHOOL BOARD and the CITY recognize the needs on occasion for both parties to utilize . the f~ilities of the other; thereby minimi7.iT'lg the duplication of facilities; and WHEREAS. the cITY, under its powers~ is desirouS that under its required. procedure that the integrity of its Comprehensive Land Use Plan is maintained, aDd that the residents have reasonable use of certai.nparts of the school facilities , . r"'" whe~ not in use for educational or progrimpurposes established by f:he BOARD. WHBREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD reco,gnizes the need on occasion for use of WllSon Center Facilities for ,I " . h:\data;\wp50\doc\agreemt\jointusc,poe AAH:lem 6/11/93 1 , .- r:::~.~ educational or program purposes. \0.. JI-.. (J"'"~-~'" . I ~ ~ ! 1.1l .cJ NOW, THEREFORE. for and in consideration of the covenan~ herein contained, the parties, agree as follows: 1. That this Agreementiserttered into under the authority of Section 163.01, Florida Statittes. 2. The' individually designated Poinciana Elementary School Center and the Wilson Center facili~es shall be subject to all terms and condiQ.ons of th*' Agreement. 3. The Poinciana Elementary School. Centershal~ be available for ~ublic use when not required by. the . . SCHOOL BOARD fOf'its.public education program; providedhowev~r, such use shall be subject to the rules, regulations and policies oithe SCHOOL BOARD and in compliance with all Federal, State and local laws, 4. The CITY's use of sc!wol center facilities shall be requested by proper application identifying the nature of the use, f;u:i1ity space requirements, and SCHOOL BOARD personnel requirements in accordance with SCHOOL BOARD po~icies for community use of school facilities. Application for use shall be made to the school's Principal at . least teJi (10) days. prior to CITY use with the Principal making a recommendation on the use to the SCHOOL BOARD and/or Assistant Superintendent of' Support Services. Good faith effort will be made to give the City of Boynton ~ach Priority for use. 5. The Wilson C@ter faCilities shall be available for SCHOOL BOARD use when not required by the CITY for its programs; provided however, such use. shall be subject to the roles, reguIations and policies of the CITY and in compliance with all Federal, State and local laws. 6, The School Board's use of Wilson Center f~ilities .shall be requested by proper application identifying the nature of the use, facility space requirements, and CITY personnel requiI;mentsin accordance with CITY policies for community use of CITY facilities. Application ror use shall be made to the City Mangers Office at least ten (10) days prior to SCHOOL BOARD use with the City Manager making a recommendation on the use to the City COUDcil and recreation departmenL Final review and. approval of the application restS solely with the CITY and !be SCHOOL BOARD shall be.notified of their decision at least 72 hours prior to the use. h:'\data \ wpSO'ldoc\agn:emz\joi.al\l5o.poe AAH:lem 6/11193 2 , . . 7. The SCHOOL BOARD recognizes its liability for certain tortious acts of its agents, officers, employees ,-c,~:;~ ! t and invitee! to the eJttent.and limit provided in Chapter 768.28, Florida Statues, the State of Florida's partial waiver of sovereign immunity, for the period of time the SCHOOL BOARD is using CITY . facilities designated through 'an addendum to this Agreenient. provided however, that this provision shall not be construed as a waiver of anyrightordefell~ which the SCHOOL BOARD may possess, and it reserves all such right as against. any and all claitns that may be brought against it 1id~r this Agreement. 8. The CITY recognizes its liability for certain tortious acts of its agents, officers, employees and invitees to the extent and limit p~vided in Chapter 768.28; Florida Statutes, for the period of time the City is usin8the facilities designated through an addendum to this Agreement, provided however, that this provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any right or defense which the CITY inay posSess, and it reserves all such rights as against any and all claims ~ may be brought against it under this Agreement. 9. This Agreement may be modified only by mutual resolution of the parties' respective governing bodies. I I . I , f..,". j 10. This Agreement may be recorded, iJi ~e Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 11, This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period of three (3) years: commencing on the. day r";r.t'., . I and date. fIrst written above. It is understood that this Agreement may be renewed or extended by the mutual consent of the goveIIling bodies for both parties, for an additianal three (3) years commencing at the expiration of the original previous three year term, subject to'the same terms and canditions and provided herein and by ad4endwn.or amendment. , Either party intending to exercise the option to renew this A~" shall provide the other pany with written notice of their intent at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiriwon of the term of this Agreement. 12. This Agreement may be terminlltedin its entirety by either party giving to the other party, written notice .~.~ at least Ninety. (90) days prior to the date of termination. 13. A11notices herein required. permitted to be. given to or served upon either party shall ,be in writing. Any such notice shall be deemed sufficiently given or served. if served personally, sent Certified mail by the United States Mail, or by any nationally recognized overnight carrier to the SCHOOL BOARD or the City at the address set forth as follows: h:\data\wp.so\dOc\agIeemt\join~poe AAH:lem 6/11/93 3 :.... ... As to School Board: F"~ SCHOOL BOARD OF, ' PALMBEA.CH COUNTY, FLORIDA OffiCe of General COunsel 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5813 . With 'Copies to: C. MoDica Uhlhorn Superintendent 3340 FOrest Hill Boulevard West Palm aeach, Florida 33406-5869 As to: the City: City of Boynton Beach City Atto~'s Office 100 E.Boyilton Beach BOulevard Boynton Beach Florida 33425 With Copies to: Scott Miller, City Manager 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 13. If any terni or provision of this Agreement shall, to any extent, be deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreenient shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent of the law. 14. This Agreement together withariy addendum 'that may now or in the future be attached and become a part ~-~.7."\ hereof of this Agreement set forth all covenants, promises, agreements, conditions and uriderstandings between the parties hereto, There ar~ no covenants, promises, agreements. conditions and understandings, either oral or written, between the parties other than those here~ set forth. Except as herein provided, no subsequent alteration, amendments, changes" or additions, shall,be binding the parties, unless and until reduced to writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties herein on the day' and year first above written. Signed in the presence of: SCHOOL BOARD OF, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIPA Gail Bjork, Chairperson Attest: C. Monica Uhlhom,Superintendent Fr'''!\'"1 , , h:\dala\wpSO\doc\agrccm1\joimuseJ,poc AAH:\em 6JU/93 4 j " . F-;;->Tr-;! . 1 SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH . . I HEREBY Ct;Rl1F'X that.:on this date 'bc:~ore me, an officer duly authorizeq in the Sweand cOunty fIrst Dam above to takeaemowledgement8 Personally appeared ~aiIperson of the PaImBeach County School Board, and Chairman I . Monica Uhlhorn as ~retaryof~e. $cll.oOl 'Board of}>~ Beach County,. Florida and they. ack:oowledged before me that th executed the foreg()ing instiu.rnent as s~d' offi~ets' ~d, th,ar they, also affIXed. thereto. the official seal of the ,School ~ard. SW.ORN TO and subscribed before me this _ day of , 1992. My Commission Expires Notary Public (Notary Seal) Signed in the presence of: ;~~ F';'l,.~ "'P~.~ , 'Attest;~r~~~Ck~a~ STATE OF FLORIDA . COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me, an offiCer duly authorized in the-State and Cowityaforesa to take acknowledgements perScjnally appeared 'J()se ."t5{.j//4 i V,c.e~Mayor.andS(.l1.ctnne 11- Kt'"uSe ,: . City' Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach. FloriWt..andthey a.cknowledgedbefore me that they executed the foregoing instrume as said officers of the City and that they also affixed thereto the official seal of the City of BoyntOn Beach~ SWORNTOand subscribed before me this Ib day Of~, l~ ~3 ",~}:.CommiWnn_Erni~ ..';~";'.....rlt'" ~~. g:r 4' t\ Mf CQMMlSSlCIf , CC ~lJ5B33 EXPIRES ~.~,~;,~~~! Ap\t 17. 19l1ll . ~~~f,~';'~:t~'J.~\..1 ICNCEO T1RJ IF\OY fAIN 1NdWWE. DC. Notary Public ~.8wLk (Notary Seal) r....:~ Approved: Approved~ . Robert A. Rosino SChooi Board Attoincy b; \daIa\wp50\doc\atllceml\joimuse..poo AAH:lem 6/11/93 5 RESOLUTION NO. R93-9/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE SITE EXPANSION OF THE POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND AtJTHORIZ ING THE MAYOR TO SIGN T.HE INTERLOCAL AGREEMEN'l'BETWE.EN THE CITY A~ THE EALM BEACH COU~TY SCHOOL BOARD, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .~i WHEREAS, the City Conunission.of the City of ~oynton Beach, . Florida previously adopted Resolution R92-209, wflich supported the School'. BOqrd' s ef.fort to remodel, expand! the ,physical facititi~s . ~:lIidimplernertt a magnet program I at Poinciana Elementary School; ariel ; i WHE.REAS" the City Commission deems i.t. to ~e in the best iz:tere~ts. of the Ci tv to ~eep that elementary schpol open and a v J..ab Ie part 0 f the commun.1. ty; ,and ~ I the legal minimum size ! WH~REAS, the site is presently below forthed' capacity of the School; and i ,i4HEREAS, the City Commission deems it to ~e in the best lnte.rest ,of the City to be an active partner with the School Board in' the remodeling and expansion of this SC~OOl site; and WHEREAS, due to the. location of the ex!isting school facilities the surrounding property is the bnly property available to bring this school site up to the minimum size and to enable the School Board to continue to operate this.school for the future; i , i . ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY I COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: ! Section 1. The City Conunission of the City of Boynton Beach, -Florida, does hereby support the site exwansion of the Poinciana Elementary School. : J~-- I~ , Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton ~each~ F1o,rida authorizes, and d~rects the, Mayor to execute the lnterlocal agreement between tne City and Palmi Beach County School Boardl attached hereto as Exhibit "A". I I PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day of June, ]993. I CITY OF BOYNTON BE4cH, FLORIDA :! !i ~, IT,. ~', 1,1 . .J,~" .' ~. '. ;," ;;.i ~ ~ r~ l.~ " P"'c, This Instrument Prepared by: Agustin A, Hernandez with Robert A. Rosillo and should be returned to: Robert A. RosilIo, Associate Counsel The School Board of Palm Beach County 3318 ForeSt Hill BoUlevard West PalrnBeach, Florida 33406-5813 SITE EXPANSION INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BUCH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FOR POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TIllS AGREEMENT, between the School Board of Palm Beach County and the City of . ' ! Boynton Beach, Florida,entered into this _ day of , . 19_, betjween the SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY ,FLORIDA, a corporate body politic pursuaqt to the Constitution of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as tI SCHOOL BOARD ") and the CIty. OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "cjrry"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Local Government Comprehensive! Planning and Plan Development Regulations Act. Section 163.3161(4), Florida Statutes, to encpurage and ensure cooperation between and among the local governmental entities to provide for :the coordination of development activities of units of local government; and WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD is the controlling body of the Public Schools of Palm Beach County, Florida, and.doe;s own and operate public schools in the City of Bornton Beach; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into under the authority of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Plan Development Regulations Act; and WHEREAS. the SCHOOL BOARD and the CITY recognize the recommendation within the Resolution No. R-92-209 from the City of Boynton Beach attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit "1" , which encourages the City and School Board to publicly and jointly pursue acquisition of adjacent parcels of properties in and around the campus of Poinciana Elementary School as shown on Exhibit "2" attached heretO' and incorporated by reference and, H: \data\ wp50\doc\agreemt\interloc, poe MH:hf 6\.11\93 WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD and CITY believe that ajoint use educational/recreational f- It facility adjacent to. the existing Poinciana Elementary School boundaries will be mutually advantageous for the community and students; and NOW, TID:REFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1, The ;SCHOOL BOARD shall present sale and purchase contracts to the property owners . of properties to be acquired hy the Board and by the City shown On exhibit "2" within 45 days of approval of this agreement. Contracts for sale and purchase of properties for SCHOOL BOARD use will be adniinistered by the SCHOOL BOARD Real Estate Department. Contracts for sale and purchase of property for City use will be administered by the : \ -School Board Real Estate Department and coordinated with the City Managers office, Cost associated with the acquisition and due diligence for the acq~sition of parcels shall be included in the total cost of each parcel, ie, Appraisals, Surveys, Environmental Studies, Title ;. ~ - ' Research, and demolition cost of existing structures, The Total cost of property acquisitions .shall be split on a equal basis between the School Board and the City, not to exceed.$500,OOO for each party, unless circumstances wanant that this cap . be raised~ in such event the School Board and the City must mutwllly agree to do: so, 2. The SCHOOL BOARD is to acquire properties as shown on Jlxhibit "2", with the procedures .outlined in paragraph 1 written above, However, in an event of an uncooperative seller, the CITY shall exercise its power of emineilt domain. Upon written notification from the School Board the City shall proceed with a quick taking within 60 days of notice. In the event of an eminent domain proceeding, the City will be solely responsible for the relocation cost if any, and legal fees associated with any quick take procedings, subject to the provisions and limitations of Chapter 73 and 74, Florida rr"- : ' Statues, Costs associated wi,th acquisition and due diligence shall be split on an equal basis between the City and School Board as described in Paragraph one. H: \data\ wp50\doc \agreemt\interloc, poe 2 AAH:bf 6\11\93 ~. ;[' ':1 " :' 3, All properties are of equal importance for.the success of the project and acquisition of properties shall be handled expeditiously,. however all properties must be acquired or under contract for purchase prior to May 15, 1994. 4, In the event the CITY and the SCHOOL BOARD are unable or are unsuccessful in acquiring title to the properties described in Exhibit "2" prior to May 15, 1994 either party inay cancel this Agreement. The time for performance may be extended by mutual agreement by both parties, Both parties shall be relieved of all duties and responsibilities hereunder by providing :10 days prior written notice, however all costs incurred to date, except those identified elsewhere in this agreement as being the sole responsibility of the City, will be split on a equal basis by the parties, 5, Upon the acquisition of properties 00 the south side of N. W, 12th A venue by the School r:' Board, the CITY .shall abandon to the School Board N,W, 12th Avenue between $eacrest Blvd and 1st Street. 6. Following the acquisition of properties on the west side of N,W.. 1st Street the CITY r shall abandon to N, W. 1 st Street between N, W. 13th A venue and the end of N, W, 12th Avenue, All of the above shall be abandoned no later than 60 days after all of the properties listed in exhibit, 2 are acquired. 7. Notice shall be given by the School Board to all utility providers. Any public utilities j. such as electric, gas, telephone, and cable T.V. shall be removed at the utility owners expense and the i j, I 1 ! ~~ party shall endeavor to remove said utilities within a reasonable time from date of notice. The CITY shall relocate city utilities such as water, and. sewer, from the abandoned rights-of-ways, at the CITY's cost only as necessary to improve the school campus, as determined by the 1 i ! l School Board project architect, 8. ' The CITY shall retain title to all properties currently held by the City located west of N, W, 1st Street, Titles to properties acquired under the terms of this agreement which are located west of N.W. 1st Street and shown on exhibit "2" shall be retained by the City, Such properties shall be used in accordance with the provisions of a Joint Use Agreement between the City and The School Board, H: \data\wp50\doc\agreemt\interloc. poe 3 AAH:bf 6\11\93 r~~ '1 'I I l.. .,' l;' " , i~ .. I; f'""," I I .; ;.< r~ Titles to all other properties acquired WIder the terms of this agreement shall be retained by the School Board. 9, The joint use recreational property which includes the Wilson Center and the City pool property shall be improved' to meet [he criteria of the American Disabilities Act and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 6-A2standards. The City shall construct, implement and maintain facilities located at the Wilson Center at the City's sole expense, 10, Contemporaneously withth:e executionofth:is agreement the parties shall execute aloint , I Use Interlocal Agreeme:nt for the perpetual use of facilities located at the Wilson Ceilter and the Poinciana Elementary Campus. 'The Joint Use Interlocal Agreement shall permit the use of the Poinciana Elementary School Facility by the City and the School ,Board the use of the adjaceIit City facility known as Wilson Center. 11. The SCHOOL BOARD shall construct and make improvemepts to the Poinciana Elementary School as may be necessary to implement the proposed Math Science Technology Magnet Program as described in the Magnet School Assistant Program Grant Applicationifor the 93-94 federal funding cycle, 12. In the event that litigation between the City and School Board shall be necessary for the enforcement of this Agreement on behalfof either party, then each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred in said litigation. 13. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall, to any extent. be deemed invalid or unenforceable prior to January 1, .1994. the remainder of this Agreement should be canceled as herein provided by law. 14. Amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and, can be made by the mutual consent and consign by both the CITY and the SCHOOL BOARD, 15. This agreement will not be construed against the party who drafted the same, both parties have had experts of their choosing to review this Amendment. H: \data\ wp50\doc\agreernt\interloc, poe AAlLbf 6\11\93 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County named above to take acknowledgements, personally, appeared Gail Bjork, Chairman and C, Monica Uhlho~ Superintendent of the School Board of Palm Beach County" Florida, and they acknowledge befQ1'e me that they had executed the foregoing instrument as said officers and that they also affixed thereto the official seal of the School Board. r'~ L_ ' SWORN to and subscribed before me this SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Gail Bjork. Chairman Monica Uhlhorn, Superintendent ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH day of ,1993, Signed in Presence of: NOtary ! My Cohunission Expires: ! I i ] HEREBY CERTIFY that on this date before me, an officer duly authorized ~. t1h.e State and County e- named above to take acknowledgements,. personally appeared Jose Aguila as layor, and Sue Kruse as. City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. and they acknowledged be,fi re me that they had executed the foregoing instrument as said officers and-that they also affixed there, the official seal of the City. i ..-.=, SWORN TO and subscribed before me this Approved as to form and legal sufficency by: Approved: r--'".' School Board Attorney H: \data \ wp50\doc\agreemt\interloc, pac 1l:J I H, 1993, day of Signed in Presence of: ~ - . ' ~...........--"'~ 0JI/c1~iL ~~ i Notary Approved: . 5 ~:bf 6\11\93 f~ t.~., ' r-~" ! i :~ .~ ..; -.- F'" ~.,....,-:":' , I " " 11 '1 " d i - RESOLtrrlON R92-...tt:Jf' '..,/ C:X~J'{',-f- i. --- .\ RtSOLUTIOK OF THE CITY COMMISSION or THE CITY OF BOYNTON BtACH, .fLORIDA; URGING 'I'HE PALM BEA.CJf COUlfTY SCHOOL BOARD NO'1' '1'0 CLOSE POINCIANA ELlHEM1'ARY' SCJtOOL 1.JtO "EEP SAID .::;C:fl~1. O'EIC AS ''A PRE~ KINDERGARTEN THMUGH GRADE :5 KAGlfE'1' " SCHOOL; AN%)PROVIOINC AD EFFECTIVE DATE. :i .! WREJItU$, 1n order, to Illalnt.ain the. vL"bil1 ty ot our , ,;o4ste.l schools an~ to '.f.n.ure the contlnulty of nelghborhood schools; 4n<i . \" ;i ./ WH!:RzAS, the 1Il4I9net school c:onc..~t. is . proven ...n. to il ass1st 1n .ach1ev1ng ncid boillance a.nd enhancing tne quality , at ed'llc.tJ.oni and ' ~ "j, WkER~S. th_Clty C~1SS1c:1110f t.~. Cft)' of8oynton :j Be~eh'" Flo-;-J;da :d,.iu it tQ ~inth. be,_t in~.r..u, at the . rl o::'1tl:'..~lIl'.J\4 ns.J..de,n'tllol tb'.CJ.t:y; of.B:oynt'(lAB..eh to 1l~ge the", p&'lllle...ch;Co'llnt,ySchool SOard teo' k.ep PoincIana ;1 Elem.nurYSi:hool open; oII.nd . 1/, .. WHt~,1;h..CUY Com.-J...!on Qf the C.lty otaoyl"~O" I 8e.~~~rl~r;1.cs.,: l.I#'9'. .~h.. Pal. s.&ch. C~nty '~cJloalBo.r4' t.o ,j. a;>l?fy.'".,;h.~ 'n:..~.,..,~: r~.ou.r~~. ; t,Q ..tahU.b, II: _gn.t ~ . ~OC1;-allI ,'(11I011,' t, .,:..,o~.L: ~e#~~, :..ctl,:'&t'lJ.&i4;:1C,hQo.1" Wh, teb.,,,Ulbenene ,to, he i st.\I.tl~ll:t:s frplll;.~. ec1Ucat1onal .t.andpoLn.~ .. .~U .u.UQw them :,to- at.t_.rtd, 'aC!.lpalin the ne1ghb<>rhOOd in whJ.ch they n.,.. a HOW.. ~~&;rolll, 15Z IT USOLVED BY 'nB CITr COHXISSlOH or :1 THZ C1TTOPi' BOl1I'1'CM.'BEACH.. n..aAIDA, 'l'HA'fa il "Se.;ti'on .1. , TJ:l~,Cl~y C~1..lc:lftOf~h' CUy at Boynton f ~.~.#:; fl~t44l dO~'~1:lIby~~~ ~htin~.~' Beach COunty ~chool 'II =~~~~~.01:i=rto'~~~~'::'d.I:'~~i1~V ~~b:~&:~b -:. ~9~;:- I] , pZl',ogr&lll :.~ '~~ .chool. II ',~ecUon 2. . Th,.Cit,y Coca.lu1on ot the Cit; of Boynton ;/' seaeh" .i',:',t:l" F, ',~",;~,',' ".~. .lty d;J:;~ the,' Clty Cl.:k, toprov1de . copy 'I att!!..L.:R~.~J.:lltJ.onirUpOnp.an.g.,; toth.'&l. Ie.cll County I SchO'O'l; SOakXl. 0 . ~ . if S'ect.lon 3. ThiB R..oluUon will b.co~.' .Ueeuve I immedj~t..1:Y upon p.""ge. U PASS&D AND ADOP'l'ED this ~ day of Oeceaber# 1992. ! , A'r':"Esr: -' COllUlliss1oner '. ,l,__~' _/ . """ r ~~~? /F./"..". .,.L:/t ~ M L' C~~ Cl.rt ~ (Corporate Seal) Polncl.an".Res '" " (; (I :, ~ .. ,. r~, :1 I L ' <\J t- ...... 't:(J '~, , ~ ~ .\t1 . ',.. \, r.r-..,; i ': .. . Ii l ~.( i ! . ~ w z. CJ < :E ~> <,8 ~~, ~ wo: - ::EZ; CI) w. - a: ....1(.) : 50ww Uu"1I(1- . II( ZW Q <0 Z 02 It( Z~ · -0 - O(/). ~ GG :J: ... < :i . \l .;,'" . It !I 1: '$1 I~ ~ "," .." >- t 1 :~ ~ ..;:; . .. ~! ~~ ~! ~.! lC ... ;; 'II ~'4 ...", eo: t~ ~:C' ~' ~ ... 5J~ ~ C) ... ... AGENDA MEMORANDUM NO. 93-44C June 15, 1993 x. LEGAL C.4. Proposed Resolution No. R93- RE: Authorize execution of Site Expansion Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the School Board of Palm Beach County for Poinciana Elementary School C.5. Proposed Resolution No. R93- RE: Authorize execution of Joint Use Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the School Board of Palm Beach County for Poinciana Elementary School After the City Commission Workshop the School Board staff and City staff have been revising the Poinciana Site Expansion Agreement. Additionally, it was pointed out at the workshop that a Joint Use Interlocal Agreement should also be drafted. Both agreements are before you for consideration. The summary points of the site expansion agreement are as follows: 1. School Board staff will initiate contact with all property owners and prepare all background information required (appraisals, title research, etc.) 2. School Board staff will negotiate with the property owners to reach an agreement. Once an agreement for sale has been reached, School Board staff will prepare all contracts for sale. School Board staff will keep the City Manager's Office informed of the process of negotiations and all final contracts will be reviewed by the City. 3. The City and the School Board will equally split all property acquisition costs in the event of a willing seller. Our estimate is $500,000, however there is a clause to mutually increase this amount if necessary. 4. In the event of an unwilling seller, the City will proceed with eminent domain and do a quick taking. This will be done through the City Attorney's Office and the City will be responsible for these costs. 5. The City may have to relocate our water and sewer utilities from the expanded campus area if the architect designs over these areas. Staff is coordinating with the archftect to see if the campus can be designed around these areas. 6. The School Board will construct new classrooms (approximately 10), 2 laboratories, art, music and physical education offices and a multi-purpose room for a planetarium and greenhouse. Total new square footage is approximately 20,000 plus ~~L~way~, bus loading, expanded parking, PE play areas and adequate drainage. The School Board approved these improvements at its meeting of June 2, 1993. Additionally, the Math/Science Technology Magnet Program curriculum changes have been approved. The Joint Use Interlocal Agreement states that the School Board and the City can use Poinciana Elementary School facilities and Wilson Center faci- lities upon request subject to each agencies rules and regulations. If there are any additional questions, a representative of the School Board and City staff will be available to address ~hem Tuesday evening. I ., , ;'/) (c..r!l.L-U /((,( _________ Carrie Parker' Assistant City Manager CP:jc Attachments cc: Parks & Recreation Utilities . 50% Submittal Preliminary Drainage Report Wilson Park Community Center, Pool and Park Complex Improvements For: The City of Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Department \(-. ,~' INTRODUCTION Currently Wilson Park in Boynton Beach, Florida does not have an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP), Stormwater drains either into one of two catch basins along NW 3rd Avenue or into on-site detention areas, As part of the current park improvements, the site is being upgraded to meet South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) quantity and quality regulations for stormwater. Although the two on-site detention areas (DA #1 and #2) and the third detention site to the west (DA # 3) are part of the adjacent Poinciana Elementary School's stormwater system, observations indicate that they are usually dry even after substantial rainfall and that there is not a drainage problem with the school site (Figure 1), The significant size of the detention areas and the large infiltration rates expected for the sandy soil in the area may account for the dryness of the detention areas, As part of Wilson Park's improvements, the school's stormwater management system is being reevaluated to determine what portion of Wilson Park's discharge the detention areas can hold and treat. The three detention areas are on city lands that were leased to the School Board as part of their Environmental Resource Permit. Because the detention areas are already permitted by the School Board, we recommend that the City apply for a modification to the School Board's existing ERP, As part ofthe negotiations with the School Board and SFWMD, we could offer to clean out the debris from the existing ponds, jet clean the on-site pipes, construct new FDOT mitered end sections, fence and reestablish grass cover, and clean out and repair the control structure in the west detention area, EXISTING CONDITIONS - WILSON PARK On the existing Wilson Park site, stormwater drains into one of two catch basins along NW 3rd Avenue or into on-site detention areas, Using the existing site topography, it is estimated that 75% ofthe stormwater enters the NW 3rd Avenue system through the catch basins, The catch basins drain to a stormwater pipe that discharges directly to the C-16 Canal with no treatment. Although most of the stormwater flows either through a swale along NW lih Avenue or across the existing baseball field before reaching the NW 3rd Avenue system, there is still untreated stormwater from the pool that enters the system, The other 25% ofthe stormwater drains to the on-site detention areas that are permitted as part of the adjacent Poinciana Elementary School's stormwater management system, A 24-inch RCP pipe conveys the water from the school site to detention area 1, The three detention areas are interconnected with two additional 24" RCPs, A drop structure with a circular culvert controls the discharge from detention area 3 to the C-16 canal. South Florida Water Management District restricts the peak discharge into the C-16 Canal to 62,6 cfs/ square mile for the 25-yr, 3 day storm event. This would limit the discharge from Wilson Park to 0,515 cfs, The peak discharge for the 25-yr, 3 day storm event was calculated to determine how realistic this is based on the existing site topography (Table 1), Under the assumption that the detention areas are "off-site", the total peak discharge from Wilson Park is close to 34 cfs, As this is much greater than the 1 ,# 0,515 cfs required by SFWMD, it is unrealistic to detain enough of the runoffto reach this peak discharge rate, A post improvement discharge rate closer to the existing peak discharge rate is a more realistic goal. Table 1 - Existing Site Q (Ac-ft) Q( cfs) NW 3T<\ Avenue System 3,6 20,5 On-site Detention Areas 1.2 13.3 POST -CONDITIONS - WILSON PARK The proposed site plan was evaluated to determine how much stormwater would be generated and how much water treatment should be provided per SFWMD's regulations, Table 2 summarizes the results for the 25-yr, 3 day storm event. Table 2 - Proposed Site Q - Total Q- Peak WQTV (ac-ft) Runoff (ac-ft) Runoff (cfs) Wilson Park 5,38 48.43 0,58 Available storage is not accounted for in the peak discharge rate, To limit the peak discharge from the site, a large portion of the total runoff generated will need to be directed to the detention areas. There should be sufficient volume in the detention areas to provide the water quality treatment volume before discharging to the C-16 Canal. To maintain historical flows, a portion of the site will be directed to the existing NW 3rd Avenue system, The majority ofthe site will be directed to the on-site detention areas for storage and treatment. POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The School Board's ERP was reviewed to determine how much volume was assumed for the three off-site detention areas, The permitted volumes were compared to actual volumes determined from as-builts and survey drawings (Table 3), Table 3 - Detention Area Volumes School Board ERP - Area (at) Survey/As Builts- Area (at) Detention Area 1 0,57 0,57 Detention Area 2 0,60 0,50 Detention Area 3 1.16 2,11 TOTAL 2.33 3.18 The difference in available storage volume indicates that there should be 0,88 ac-ft of available storage that is not required for the School Boards Permit. 2 ,}":' The school's ERP was also reviewed to determine how much credit could be given for infiltration, As part of the school's ERP submittal, modeling was performed using MODRET to quantify how much stormwater is infiltrating from detention area 1, Based on the results, over a 3-day, 72 hour storm event, 6,5 ac-ft will be infiltrated from detention area 1, The large magnitude of this value would account for the detention areas remaining dry even directly after storm events, The infiltration rates for detention areas 2 and 3 were not provided in the ERP submittal. Due to the proximity of the three detention areas, similar infiltration rates (adjusted for area) are expected for detention areas 2 and 3, CONCLUSION Once all infiltration is accounted for and the additional treatment volume of the detention area 3 is factored in, there should be sufficient volume to detain and treat the runoff from the Wilson Park site, As the detention areas are leased to the School Board as part of Poinciana Elementary School's ERP, we recommend that the City modify the existing ERP to include the drainage from Wilson Park. 3 j I 1 I ~ i I J 1 i I 1 l ~ f 1 1 I I J J I I I 1 .. J I I . ... I ; ! :l; I ~ 1 ~ I ~ [ .. t !, ;;j ) - t ~ I ii .. il .3 I . {I II it ~ 1 €t ~ , ~I ~J I J :: . ~~ :i: SCAlE AS NOlm ;I DDIGNED BY ~ ........ BY SF ~0IECKEJ)8Y "i !! o -71~ ~_n Kimley-Hom ~_U and Associates, Inc. @ 2OO!l KMEY-HORN AHIl ASSOCIATES. IlC. 2eOt Cattiernen Rood. SUIt. MaD. Sar.ota. R. 34232 PHONE (Ml) 122-8187 Ff<X (Ml) 822-2351 _.J<JllLEY-HORN.ClII CA 0000CJe1l8 Il[SIQI ENQNEER: Michael D. Spruce fUR)A P.Eo lJCOIS( N..t.IIEJt: 52776 SHEET NUMBER DATE July 2005 Figure 1 Existing Drainage Map PROJECT NO. 044349009 WILSON PARK EXISTING SITE DATA Description Land Use Breakdown (Ac.) Roof Paved/ Asphalt/ GreenlPervious Total Area Area Impervious Area Area Detention Area Basin I 3,94 0.10 1.11 2.73 0.00 Basin 2 1.33 0.17 0.25 0.71 0,20 Totals (Ac.) 5.27 0,27 1.36 3.44 0,20 Cumulative Site Data Description Acres Total Basin Area 5.3 Roof Area 0.3 Paved! Asphalt/ Impervious Area 1.4 GreenlPervious Area 3.4 Detention Ponds 0,2 H:\044349009\Drainage\PreDrainage Calcs.xlsSite Data ,Pre WILSON PARK EXISTING SITE DATA BASIN ROOF AND ROOF AND AREA PERVIOUS PERVIOUS PERVIOUS PERVIOUS BASIN BASIN (AC) AREA (A C) AREA CN * AREA (A C) AREA CN* CN Basin 1 3,94 1.21 98.00 2,73 49 64,0 Basin 2 1.33 0.42 98.00 0.91 49 64.5 TOTAL SITE 5,3 1.6 98 3,6 49 64.2 *CN values are from the Soil Conservation Service Technical Release 55, Table 2.2a for Type A soil. The pervious areas are considered open space in fair condition. Assumes Type A soil in Fair Condition. H:\044349009\Drainage\PreDrainage Cales.xls WILSON PARK EXISTING SITE DATA For 25-yr, 3-day Storm Event, P = 16.3 inches S = 1000/CN - 10 Ia/P* Fp qu qp Basin CN Area (ae) S o (in) o (ae-ft) 1 64,05 3,94 5,61 11,08 3.64 0,11 1 300 20.46 2 64.47 1,33 5,51 11.15 1.24 0,11 1 575 13,33 TOTAL 64.16 5,27 5,59 11,10 4,87 Total Runoff =0 = (P-,2S)^2 / (P+ 0.8 S) * From SCS 4.1 graph H:\044349009\Drainage\PreDrainage Cales.xls WILSON PARK PROPOSED SITE DATA Description Land Use Breakdown (Ac.) Roof Paved! Asphalt/ GreenlPervious Detention Ponds Total Area Area Impervious Area Area Area Total Site 5.27 0.44 2.42 2.27 0,14 Cumulative Site Data Description Acres Total Basin Area 5,3 Roof Area 0.4 Paved/Asphalt/ Impervious Area 2.4 GreenlPervious Area 2.3 Detention Ponds 0.1 H:\044349009\Drainage\PostDrainage CalcsxlsSite Data WILSON PARK EXISTING SITE DATA Requirement = Provide water quality treatment volume (WQTV) equivalent to the first inch of rain over the basin, or 2,5 inches times the impervious percentage which ever is greater. First Inch: Volume = ( 1 inch * Drainage Basin Area) Volume = (I inch * 5.27 ac)* ( 1 ft/12 in) First inch = 0,44 ac-ft 2.5 Inches times % Impervious Area for Water Qualitv: Site Area for Water Quality = (Basin Area - Roof Area - Lake) Site Area for Water Quality = 5.27 ac - 0.44 ac - Oac Site Area for Water Quality = 4.83 ac hnpervious Area for Water Quality = (Site Area for Water Quality - Pervious Area) hnpervious Area for Water Quality = (4.83 ac - 2.27 ac) hnpervious Area for Water Quality = 2.56 ac % hnpervious Area for Water Quality = (hnpervious Area for Water Quality I Site Area for Water Quality) % Impervious Area for Water Quality = (2.56 ac 14.83ac) % hnpervious Area for Water Quality = 53% ~Wet Detention = 2.5 in * % Imp Water Quality*(Site Area-Lakes) * (1 ftll2 in)= 0.58 ac-ft IWater Quality Treatment Volume for Treatment (ac-ft) = 0.58 ac-ft H:\044349009\Drainage\PostDrainage Calcs.xlsWaler Quality WILSON PARK EXISTING SITE DATA BASIN ROOF AND ROOF AND AREA PERVIOUS PERVIOUS PERVIOUS PERVIOUS BASIN BASIN (AC) AREA (A C) AREA CN * AREA (A C) AREA CN* CN Total Site 5.27 2,86 98.00 2.41 39 71.0 *CN values are from the Soil Conservation Service Technical Release 55, Table 2,2a for Type A soil. The pervious areas are considered open space in fair condition. Assumes Type A soil in Good Condition, H :\044349009\Drainage\PostDrainage Cales ,xis 3 '.. J WILSON PARK EXISTING SITE DATA For 25'yr, 3,day Storm Event, P = 16,3 inches S = 1000/CN - 10 lalP' Fp qu qp CN Area (ac) S Q (in) Q (ac-ft) TOTAL SITE 71,02 5,27 4,08 12.25 5.38 0,11 1 480 48,43 Total Runoff =Q = (P-,2S)^2 1 (P+ 0.8 S) . From SCS 4,1 graph; Assumed Tc is 30 minutes, H :\044349009\0 rai nage \PostOrainage Cales ,xis . City Codes Accessed Via Website www.bovnton-beach,org www,amlegal.comJbovnton beach fl p--- r CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA !JV/ Jl4.----;~2005.. ... PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION I' SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE PLAN Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes Date 0JrJf..- ID,jfX5' . This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division, TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure, AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED, Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information, I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1, Project Name: WILSON PARK COMPLEX (Community Center, Pool and Park Improvements) 2, Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT Phone: 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 (Zip Code) (561) 742-6255 Fax: (561) 742-6233 Address: 3, Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): City of Boynton Beach... c/o Mr, Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director Phone: (561) 742-6255 Fax: (561) 742-6233 33425 (Zip Code) Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): N/A Address: (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: 5, Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:* *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed, 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc,) Owner 7, Street address of location of site: To be determined, Current Wilson Center address is 211 NW 13th Avenue 8, Property Control #(PCN) Multiple, Current Center PCN is 9, Legal description of site: Multiple parcels.., Refer to plan sheet C-14 for legal description, General limits/bounds are as follows: To the north - the C-16 Canal; east - N,W. 1st Street; south - N,W, 12th Avenue; and west - N,W. 3rd Street. 10, Intended use(s) of site: To expand Wilson Park, Community Center and Pool complex to to provide public facilities consistent with the proposed Heart of Boynton improvements, 11, Architect: MPA Architects, Inc, (Includes: BDA- Structural, and JLRD- mechanical/electrical) 12, Landscape Architect: Kimley-Horn and Associates, inc, 13, Site Planner: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, 14, Engineer: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, (Includes EDA for site electrical) 15, Surveyor: Heller-Weaver and Sheremeta, inc, 16, Traffic Engineer: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, 17, Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? Yes II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan, 1, Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan: 2, Zoning District: 3, Area of Site 5,27 acres 229,340 +/- sq, ft, 4, Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown: a, Residential, including 0 acres 0 % of site surrounding lot area of grounds b, Recreation Areas * Green space = 2.61 acres 50 % of site (excluding water area) c, Water Area 0 acres 0 % of site d, Commercial 0 acres 0 % of site Industrial 0 acres 0 % of site Public/Institutional Buildings = 0.24 acres 4 % of site Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way 0 acres 0 % of site Other (specify) Pool/Parking/walkways = 2.42 acres 46 % of site Other (specify) 0 acres 0 % of site e, f, g, h, i. j, Total area of site 5,27 acres 100 % of site *including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft, 5, Surface Cover courts, site a, Ground floor building Total Roofs = 0,24 area ("building footprint") 4 % of site acres b, Water area o o % of site acres c, Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic 2.42 acres 46 % of d, Total impervious area 2,66 50 % of site acres e, Landscaped area In parking lot = 0,17 acres 3 % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq,ft, per interior parking space required - see Sec, 7,5-35(g) of Landscape Code), f, Other landscaped areas, 2,30 44 % of site acres g, Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas Detention Pond = 0,14 acres 3 % of site h, Total pervious areas 2.61 acres 50 % of site i. Total area of site 5,27 acres 100 % of site 6, Floor Area a, Residential N/A sq. ft, b, Commercial/Office N/A sq, ft, c, Industrial/Warehouse N/A sq, ft, d, Recreational Exist. Pool bldg = 2,900 sq. ft, e, Public/lnstitutional Prop. Rec, bldg = 13,600 sq, ft, f, Other (specify) Exist. Pool and Deck = 10,000 sq, ft. g, Other (specify) BasKetball Courts == 13,520 sq, ft, h, Total floor area 23,520 +/- sq, ft, 7, Number of Residential Dwellinq Units a, Single-family detached N/A sq, ft, b, Duplex N/A sq, ft, c, Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1 ) Efficiency N/A dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom N/A dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom N/A dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom N/A dwelling units d, Total multi-family N/A dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units N/A 8, Gross Density N/A dwelling units per acre 9, Maximum height of structures on site 51 feet 2 stories 10, Required off-street parkinq a, Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces, Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 108 = = = b, Calculation of required # of handicap parking spaces Number of handicap spaces provided on site plan 8 = REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. '". CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief, This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below, ~ Signatur: of Owner(s) or Trustee, of Author' d Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date IV, AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT _:----J ~ Sigrlafure of AUfhorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application, Date Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, _or Authorized Principal if property is owned _by a corporation or other business entity, OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted, The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same, READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this day of ,20 , Witness Applicant Witness CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS OR PERMITS Please be advised that all applications for the following land development orders and permits which are submitted on or after June 1, 1990 will be subject to the City's Concurrency Management Ordinance, and cannot be approved unless public facilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid waste, recreation, park, and road facilities) would be available to serve the project, consistent with the levels of service which are adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan: Building permit applications for the construction of improvements, which, in and by themselves, would create demand for public facilities. Applications for site plan approval. Applications for conditional use approval. Applications for subdivision master plan approval. Applications for preliminary plat approval. Applications for final plat approval. Applications for rezoning to planned zoning districts. Applications for revisions to any of the applications listed above, which would increase the demand for any public facility. Any other application, which, in and by itself, would establish the density or intensity of use of land, or a maximum density or intensity of use of land. Applications for development orders and permits submitted after February 1, 1990 and which generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day, must comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, unless exempt from that ordinance. Please be advised, however, that the following applications will be exempt from the Concurrency Management Ordinance, pending final approval of this ordinance by the City Commission: Applications for the development of property which was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and either the final plat or the preliminary plat and Palm Beach County Health Department permit applications were submitted or approved prior to June 1, 1990, and the use of the property is consistent with the general use which was intended for the property at the time of platting. Applications for the development of property, which was platted prior to January 13, 1978, the area of the platted lots does not exceed 2 acres, and the proposed use would not generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day. Applications for building permit, if a site plan or conditional use application was submitted prior to June 1, 1990 and subsequently approved and the site plan or conditional use has not expired. Applications for the development of property within an approved Development of Regional Impact, and which are consistent with the approved DRI. Applications for approval of final plats, if the preliminary plat and application for Palm Beach county Health Department permits for utilities have been submitted prior to June 1, 1990. Applications for revisions to previously approved development orders or permits, which do not increase the demand for any public facility. Please be advised that these exemption rules are tentative and will be subject to final approval by the City Commission. If you have any questions concerning the proposed Boynton Beach Concurrency Management Ordinance, please contact the Boynton Beach Planning &Zoning Division at (561) 742-6260. CHAPTER 4 SITE PLAN REVIEW Section 7. Submission Requirements. Each applicant shall submit to the Planning and Zoning Division the following plans and exhibits in the number of copies specified by the Planning and Zoning Division, together with a Site Plan Review application and a fee adopted by resolution by the City Commission. 12 ASSEMBLED COPIES REQUIRED A. Existina site characteristics map: A sealed survey, not older than six months, showing all adjacent streets, alleys and driveways, and also illustrating: 1. Existing natural features, including but not limited to lakes, trees and other vegetation and soils and topography. 2. Existing buildings, building elevations, other structures, including use, height, dimensions and setbacks. 3. Existing utility lines and all easements. 4. Existing elevations (corner, street and finished floor) B. Site development plan: 1. A scaled drawing clearly illustrating proposed buildings and other structures, and any existing buildings and structures, which are to be retained, including use, height, dimensions and setbacks. 2. Proposed off-street parking spaces, driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks, traffic control markings and signage. 3. Proposed fences and walls, including location, dimensions, setbacks, height and material. 4. Proposed location of lighting on site. 5. Proposed dumpster location. C. Landscape plan: 1. A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site development plan) prepared as required by state law clearly illustrating proposed trees, shrubs, grass and 2. Proposed berms, watercourses and other topographic features. 3. A notation on method of irrigation. Architectural plan: 1. A scaled drawing clearly illustrating proposed building floor plan and elevations, including height, exterior dimensions, exterior color and materials. 2. A colored elevation drawing (not mounted) showing all elevations of the building. (This submittal can be waived by the Planning and Zoning Director when not applicable.) E. Tabular Summary Containina: 1. Total gross project area by acreage and square footage and net buildable land area in acres and square feet. 2. Total number of proposed residential units, including characteristics by number of bedrooms and bathrooms and gross square footage of each typical unit. 3. Proposed nonresidential floor type of use and total gross square footage. 4. Square footage and percentage distribution of the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular use areas, other paved areas, and building coverage and total coverage. 5. Number and ratio of required and provided off-street parking spaces and number of loading spaces. 6. Water bodies in acres and square feet. 7. Height of buildings. F. Drainaae plan: 1. A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site development plan) showing elevations, flow arrows, proposed drainage structures, proposed treatment facilities, etc. 2. An engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of these Land Development Regulations. Revised 10/26/01