AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office 0 December 6, 2005 0 December 20, 2005 0 January 3, 2006 0 January 17, 2006 November 14,2005 (Noon.) o February 7, 2006 o February 21, 2006 o February 28, 2006 r8J March 21, 2006 January 17, 2006 (Noon) December 5, 2005 (Noon) February 6, 2006 (Noon) December 19, 2005 (Noon) February 21, 2006 (Noon) January 3, 2006 (Noon) March 6, 2006 (Noon) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative o o o o o Consent Agenda Public Hearing Bids o Development Plans o New Business r8J Legal o UnfInished Business o Presentation Announcement City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this tabled public hearing item on the March 21, 2006 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinance - Second Reading to follow the corresponding land use amendment and rezoning requests, so that [mal consideration of the land use and zoning changes precede action on this height exception request. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Me_randum No. PZ 06-008, EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Wilson Center Complex (HTEX 06-002) Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director City of Boynton Beach 211 NW 13th Avenue Request for Height Exception approval to allow a decorative cupola on the roof of the proposed two (2)-story Wilson Park community center building at a height of 52 feet, seven (7) feet above the maximum building height limit of 45 feet in the REC zoning district. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Developme City Manager's Signature ~t.!C~ ~ Planning and itnmg Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wilson Center\HTEX\Agenda Item Request Wilson Center Complex HTEX 06-002 3-21-06.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: PROJECf: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-008 Chair and Members CommunIty Redevelopment Agency Board and City CommissIon Michael Rum~ Director of Planning and Zoning Kathleen Zeitler t ~ Planner February 7, 2006 Wilson Center Complex / HTEX 06-002 Height Exception City of Boynton Beach Property Owner: Applicant: Agent: Location: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: Acreage: Adjacent Uses: North: South: East: West: City of Boynton Beach Mr. Wally Majors, City of Boynton Beach Recreation & Parks Department Wilson Center Complex, 211 NW 13th Avenue (see Location Map - Exhibit "A") Recreational (R), and Medium Density Residential (MeDR) Recreation District (REC), and, Single- and Two-Family Dwelling District (R-2) Recreational (R) (see LUAR 06-005) Recreation (REC) (see LUAR 06-005) Recreation / Community Park 5.27 acres (229,340 square feet) C-16 Canal, and farther north, single-family residential in Rolling Green Subdivision zoned R-l; Single-family residential in PoincIana Heights Subdivision zoned R-1A; NW 1st Street, and farther east, one- and twO-family resIdential In Poinciana Heights Subdivision zoned R-2, and Poinciana Elementary School zoned P-U; and, One- and twO-family residential In Poinciana Heights Subdivision zoned R-2. Page 2 Wilson Center HTEX 06-002 Memorandum No. PZ 06-008 BACKGROUND The City of Boynton Beach has acquired several residential lots along NW 1st Street adjacent to the existing Wilson Center Park In order to expand and redevelop the community park complex. The subject property Is located within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), and the proposed park expansion and redevelopment Is noted as a key project of the Heart of Boynton Community Redevelopment Plan. The acquired residential portion of the project Is currently pending approval of a land use amendment request (LUAR 06-005) from Medium Density Residential (MeDR) land use classification to Recreational (R) land use classIfication, and a rezonIng request (LUAR 06-005) from the Single- and Two-Family Dwelling District (R-2) to the Recreation District (REe). In addition, the subject property Is also pending approval of a major sIte plan modification (MSPM 05-011) for the proposed park expansion and redevelopment. Approval of the sIte plan will be contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request for land use amendment / rezonIng (LUAR 06-005). The Wilson Park sIte plan modificatIons Indicate a two-story 13,816 square foot communIty center to be constructed. Although the new building will comply with the maximum heIght as permitted under the REC zonIng district, there is a certaIn element of the building that exceeds the 45-foot threshold. That element Is the subject of this request for height exception. The exterior building elevations reveal that a proposed decorative cupola, approximately ten (10) feet In height, will be located on top of the community center and will exceed the maximum height of 45 feet for structures located in the REC zoning district. The height exception would only be required for the two-story community center building (see ExhIbit "B"). The exterior building elevations Indicate that the elevation from finished floor to the highest point of the cupola is 52 feet. The applicant requests a height exception of seven (7) feet above the maximum height of 45 feet allowed In the REC zoning district. ANALYSIS The objective of the CRA, In part, is to support and stimulate revitalization efforts in the heart of the City. Staff recognizes that a viable community center will offer a mix of recreational uses to various age groups and will greatly benefit the public. The architecture for the proposed community center is a Floribbean theme with a standing-seam metal roof and a cupola or dome on the highest point of the roof. The archItectural enhancement of the cupola is decorative in nature and considered non-habitable space. The cupola raises the building height slightly above the maximum height allowed, but Is necessary to provide articulation and give the building a more desirable aesthetic appearance. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height LImitations and Exceptions, limits all portions of structures to a maximum height of forty-five (45) feet above the minimum finished floor. Noted exceptions to the maximum building heIght Include noncommercial towers, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanical support systems, parapets, and sImilar structures. However, the noted exceptions are allowed only through obtaining approval from the Oty Commission. In considering an application for exception to the dIstrict height regulation, the City Commission shall make findings Indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered In relation to mInimum standards, where applicable. The City Commission approved a new method for measuring building height based on roof type (Ordinance 02-010, adopted on March 19, 2002). The goal of the new definition was to be consistent with current standards and to allow more flexlb/llty In building design. Plans Indicate the proposed community center will have a gable or hip roof. Building height for gable or hip roofs Is measured from the finished grade to the midpoint between the eaves and the ridge. The two-story community center building will comply with the REC zoning district height limitation of 45 feet (rOOf Is approximately 36 feet Page 3 Wilson Center HTEX 06-002 Memorandum No. PZ 06-008 and the midpoint between eaves and ridge, and 42 feet at highest point), but with the decorative cupola the maximum building height Is exceeded by seven (7) feet. The proposed building height of 52 feet (which Includes the cupola) Is mItigated by the location of the building on the lot. The proposed building will be setback 123 feet from NW 12th Avenue and 143 feet from NW 1st Street. In comparison, the minImum setback for the REC zoning dIstrIct Is 25 feet. The proposed height would be compatible wIth the neighborhood presence envisioned for the Wilson Center Complex, a key redevelopment project In the REC zoning district. As evIdenced by previous approvals, thIs request for height exception would not constItute a grant of specIal privilege. RECOMMENDAnON As previously mentioned, staff generally supports the redevelopment efforts proposed in the accompanying requests for land use amendment and rezonIng (LUAR 06-005) and for major site plan modification (MSPM 05-011) of the Wilson Center Complex. The applicant meets the criteria as set forth In the Land Development Regulations. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the request for a 7-foot height exception, contingent upon satisfying all comments noted In exhIbit "c" - Conditions of 'Approval (see MSPM 05-11). Should the Board or City Commission have any additional comments, they will be placed accordingly within exhibIt "Cft. S:\plannlngISHAREDIWPlPROJECTSIWilson Cent~TEX 06-002\Staff Report.doc LOCATION MAP' OF WILSON PARK COMPLEX - EXHIBIT "A" LLU~ ""r- I ~ \ II I II I ~ t- _ :\ - WlLSONPARK - COMPLEX I EJ ill 1] m~D~ \. / .1 I I I 1/ \KJ \ \\\ \ t--- '-- Itf C [] o ~~ t-- lie.... ILIVA1IONI .... It. toM 111.11"" ....." .. ..... ......,-..-- .~ I J . tN' . . i ;ff) ! ~II q~ I ~~ ~tl~ I. '" . WILSON PARK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH NllIIDA RECREATION BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS t. -.......-- ....n__ -.... ~L.J lIlIIAiIacIIIIe,. .... ~.......... \:-=.............- ... - :.=.=.;;- "'-rm"'- It ... ......,. ...... .. - IXHtlfr . . AI: IT ....... MIftC O:\I4,.\I4'.....\UI.1\0411C1L1W... ......a lie... ..., ........ 11__ . ..... ....... - ........ .. .................. -.....-.. . ~k ~ ~- . i'~'111 IUPIIf II - .P--B~.~U '11 ~ ill I I I I IJ.ol ~ I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ - ~ l- ""']~--:I' r~L~ i1It-~ 'WfJ!. B: 1 JIl ~~ - - - - ~I I, II ~ .IJII ~, ,. . ~ .11 ~iJ ., i I f "I' J . "4~H '-El.' --AI ~ If: ~~I'! ,~ s '" III 'i' : ,I I ' . "l. . ~I I X',]~. t- v'" l ~,'J\!CJ ~ ---- <B i\ : I .' ~ . _ I ! \ .,_ " - t'-: -- 1 I : i: . "'..:: i ~I r;..r. .,.. -:-: "T? ~ -r "1 ~ vp It -V 11 & .I III jJ ~~ " " s; 6 I ~ J (/) ,7"., ~ _' -,I I . ~ " " _ l~ I' ,I, ;( /I \ \' ., IIII I i - 11 \ " i,' '1ID,'!II- I J,_ I' "S I I III I IhU t ~ n Ii .~ ': " ~)A i \ ~ '=" /\: 1171 (1-, ~\ ~ f-4 --~ , -; ~ ~ ~T ~~ 'to f'; C: l: ;k:d::; :' !j;j! ,'r H:f,:~ T'; r::rA. ';:11i";, I WjL !~:'l 'r;11/ I ( Y ~ , Ilii 1U1~' . I ~. i I I ~ ~ " if (~ :~~ -~. .u11,1 ~~l-. r~~-1~111 8 ~ 0 _ 8 ~ ,}..- ~ "~ ~ ~ ~ . \ \ ~,~ \ ~ ~ \\ k ~ '.>> ~ ~'~) \ I ~ " if. ~ I I rIA' 'i, ! ~- - I ~ ,~"../ -1 / ~ :_ I!: '. !r:o_~ I r % ~ ~ ~~ · ~. I' . I I- II. I ~ ~ tJ .. ~~ N' ~ h II J f.- ~._,. ,", ' ... II' . WILSON PARK ""f .r... - ,...... __ ll.:J" I ! I CITY OF BUIlDING secnONS .. ___ ~ ..1iIocIite.... tl""4 . III BOYNTONBEACH =- ...fT':"t.:.l~==:"_ R.OMA , .......-=-...-==:,. J EJCHfI.T . .. EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Wilson Center Complex File number: HTEX 06-002 Reference: Recreation Building Exterior Elevations (A-4) and Building Sections (A-7) dated 12/15/05 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WILSON CENTER (HTEX 06-002) PAGE 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: None X COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS: Comments: None, X CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: To be determined, MWRIkz S:\Planning\Shared\ WP\PROJECTS\ Wilson Center\HTEX 06-002\COA.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates 0 December 6, 2005 November 14, 2005 (Noon.) 0 February 7, 2006 0 December 20, 2005 December 5,2005 (Noon) 0 February 21, 2006 0 January 3, 2006 December 19,2005 (Noon) [8J February 28, 2006 0 January 17, 2006 January 3,2006 (Noon) 0 March 21, 2006 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 17, 2006 (Noon) February 6, 2006 (Noon) February 21,2006 (Noon) L .' 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans Ul NATURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 \J [8J Public Hearing Legal ,,,,,.:1- 0 Bids 0 Unfmished Business f'.,) 0 0 Presentation C,) Announcement 0 City Manager's Report March 6, 2006 (Noon)' ',) " f-q <.::0 ',"J -4 -c. -.'., '-j . 'CJ , ~..""- . /) (~:i :;;:0 ..-r'1 :~2> ll/e-) ::x: RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the February 28,2006 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing to coincide with the corresponding land use amendment and rezoning request. The Community Redevelopment Agency Board recommended that the subject request be approved on February 14, 2006, subject to all staff comments, So that fmal approval of the land use and zoning changes precede consideration of this height exception request, staff recommends that this item be heard but then tabled to the March 21 5t meeting for fmal action to follow ordinance approval. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Memorandum No. PZ 06-008, EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Wilson Center Complex (HTEX 06-002) Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director City of Boynton Beach 211 NW 13th Avenue Request for Height Exception approval to allow a decorative cupola on the roof of the proposed two (2)-story Wilson Park community center building at a height of 52 feet, seven (7) feet above the maximum building height limit of 45 feet in the REC zoning district. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Development partm t Director City Manager's Signature p~.{L ~tor CIty Attorney I Fmance I Hwnan Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wilson Center\HTEX\Agenda Item Request Wilson Center Complex HTEX 06-002 2-28-06.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: PROJECT: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-008 Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission Michael Rum~ Director of Planning and Zoning Kathleen Zeitler k z- Planner February 7, 2006 Wilson Center Complex / HTEX 06-002 Height Exception City of Boynton Beach Property Owner: Applicant: Agent: Location: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: Acreage: Adjacent Uses: North: South: East: West: City of Boynton Beach Mr. Wally Majors, City of Boynton Beach Recreation & Parks Department Wilson Center Complex, 211 NW 13th Avenue (see Location Map - Exhibit "A") Recreational (R), and Medium Density Residential CMeDR) Recreation District CREC), and, Single- and Two-Family Dwelling District (R-2) Recreational (R) (see LUAR 06-005) Recreation CREC) (see LUAR 06-005) Recreation / Community Park 5.27 acres (229,340 square feet) C-16 Canal, and farther north, single-family residential in Rolling Green Subdivision zoned R-1; Single-family residential in Poinciana Heights Subdivision zoned R-1A; NW 1st Street, and farther east, one- and two-family residential in Poinciana Heights Subdivision zoned R-2, and Poinciana Elementary School zoned P-U; and, One- and two-family residential in Poinciana Heights Subdivision zoned R-2. Page 2 Wilson Center HTEX 06-002 Memorandum No. PZ 06-008 BACKGROUND The City of Boynton Beach has acquired several residential lots along NW 1st Street adjacent to the existing Wilson Center Park in order to expand and redevelop the community park complex. The subject property is located within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), and the proposed park expansion and redevelopment is noted as a key project of the Heart of Boynton Community Redevelopment Plan. The acquired residential portion of the project is currently pending approval of a land use amendment request (LUAR 06-005) from Medium Density Residential (MeDR) land use classification to Recreational (R) land use classification, and a rezoning request (LUAR 06-005) from the Single- and Two-Family Dwelling District (R-2) to the Recreation District (REC). In addition, the subject property is also pending approval of a major site plan modification (MSPM 05-011) for the proposed park expansion and redevelopment. Approval of the site plan will be contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request for land use amendment / rezoning (LUAR 06-005). The Wilson Park site plan modifications indicate a two-story 13,816 square foot community center to be constructed. Although the new building will comply with the maximum height as permitted under the REC zoning district, there is a certain element of the building that exceeds the 45-foot threshold. That element is the subject of this request for height exception. The exterior building elevations reveal that a proposed decorative cupola, approximately ten (10) feet in height, will be located on top of the community center and will exceed the maximum height of 45 feet for structures located in the REC zoning district. The height exception would only be required for the two-story community center building (see Exhibit "B"). The exterior building elevations indicate that the elevation from finished floor to the highest point of the cupola is 52 feet. The applicant requests a height exception of seven (7) feet above the maximum height of 45 feet allowed in the REC zoning district. ANALYSIS The objective of the CRA, in part, is to support and stimulate revitalization efforts in the heart of the City. Staff recognizes that a viable community center will offer a mix of recreational uses to various age groups and will greatly benefit the public. The architecture for the proposed community center is a Floribbean theme with a standing-seam metal roof and a cupola or dome on the highest point of the roof. The architectural enhancement of the cupola is decorative in nature and considered non-habitable space. The cupola raises the building height slightly above the maximum height allowed, but is necessary to provide articulation and give the building a more desirable aesthetic appearance. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height Limitations and Exceptions, limits all portions of structures to a maximum height of forty-five (45) feet above the minimum finished floor. Noted exceptions to the maximum building height Include noncommercial towers, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanical support systems, parapets, and similar structures. However, the noted exceptions are allowed only through obtaining approval from the City Commission. In considering an application for exception to the district height regulation, the City Commission shall make findings indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered in relation to minimum standards, where applicable. The City Commission approved a new method for measuring building height based on roof type (Ordinance 02-010, adopted on March 19, 2002). The goal of the new definition was to be consistent with current standards and to allow more flexibility in building design. Plans indicate the proposed community center will have a gable or hip roof. Building heIght for gable or hip roofs is measured from the finished grade to the mIdpoint between the eaves and the ridge. The two-story community center building will comply with the REC zoning district height limitation of 45 feet (roof is approximately 36 feet Page 3 Wilson Center HTEX 06-002 Memorandum No. PZ 06-008 and the midpoint between eaves and ridge, and 42 feet at highest point), but with the decorative cupola the maximum building height is exceeded by seven (7) feet. The proposed building height of 52 feet (which includes the cupola) Is mitigated by the location of the building on the lot. The proposed building will be setback 123 feet from NW 12th Avenue and 143 feet from NW 1st Street. In comparison, the minimum setback for the REC zoning district is 25 feet. The proposed height would be compatible with the neighborhood presence envisioned for the Wilson Center Complex, a key redevelopment project in the REC zoning district. As eVidenced by previous approvals, this request for height exception would not constitute a grant of special privilege. RECOMMENDATION As previously mentioned, staff generally supports the redevelopment efforts proposed in the accompanying requests for land use amendment and rezoning (LUAR 06-005) and for major site plan modification (MSPM 05-011) of the Wilson Center Complex. The applicant meets the criteria as set forth in the Land Development Regulations. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the request for a 7-foot height exception, contingent upon satisfying all comments noted in Exhibit "Cft - Conditions of Approval (see MSPM 05-11). Should the Board or City Commission have any additional comments, they will be placed accordingly within Exhibit "Cft. S:\PlanningISHAREDlWPlPROJECTSIWilson CenterIHTEX OS.Q02IStaff Report.doc LOCATION MAP OF WILSON PARK COMPLEX - EXHIBIT "A" LLU~ j 1/ '\KJ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~~ \.. ~~ \ II I ~ . I I I I I ~ I- - tt I- WlLSONPARK - COMPLEX II l C ---.. ~ [] ...... ill - 0 IJ m~D~ ..r-- ~~ DtwMt llMIII Q\041t\04tHaotl\wll_.... lXTGIOR WY"'ftONI -. II, lOO4 th3tlln It)!: rMun - .......-.. ........ .................,........-............. _........._.__....._--_....._------~.......--'--'...... .. . ~ i ! I~" ~ 11"- .'1 !II ~~ ...~~ ~. WILSON PARK ;t, B E CITYOF ... ~ BOYNTON BEACH nooGA RECREATION BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS t. ""'''110''0-- ~_n~ -"... ___..._ ~_u Ild"""'m ....tf h. ....f.-:=::-.:.:::::-.. _n ~~~~. _ -- IXHIBtT I 0"'11: IT EXHI8'T B ON.... MIM: ~\04'8\041""'\CD'1\0411UtLVl.... IUI..DlMC IlCIKlH A-' Dee II. IOClS ,1:.)1,.. ilIJC..... -.....-.................~.......-..- ......."'-'-1... .._____ _._.....- .....__-......__~_-..........-..................................-..-..-...-. I- ... f'.. .fT~'- \\ l' "t'HH+ I. ' '1 " ' '! ,! 'I ;:11 ~! -- }~ t-'.~ ~~ ~~ G> j'-;, I "~ ~ ~ 1111'" '~'U K tr,,--j ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ! ~ I ' &: ~'~ . \, . ~ ,\, ~ ---- - . ' · \ :t ,& . - , -: -- I I ---,1 ~~~_I ~; ~ 1'jY I' " .I II II (~ (') c: ~ s: en ~' [I z P- '. ~- ~~~ i I~I II 11111111111 $ _jll h--~b~uHt 'I 11'" "J ", I .n! .1 I ~......'f 1111 II U : I ~ I I I ~~ -I ; I ~ ~j 111 c: 6 z G> en ~ '0 z " ",,, I ] .. ;;00;: , , 1'. _,I' " / _ 1~ II I, ( II \' J I' IIIIIGI"I= I ~l'lil '!ill J! I il~,! , ~, : \' \ ,~\ .li i i fill " ~ / I fI7 lfl j >~,'I \1. __\ - I @ , ~'. i~ ; 1 . - -~ 't ~-;~~~t;~-: ~il MrrN.ltfd 1 ,:i ~'1 !I !'~I ,til i I I ~, i ( I II '1 ~ 1) 'I '. ~ II =1 ~I'II ~/ r'll !lij~11 ,~~ ~ ~ ~, B . ~E> ~, 'II : ~ ~~~, H, ~~I~~~ ~ \~ l'},,- ~oi~N1~ ~ ~ ~ \ \ \ en \\ \ r f ~ '." \ \' \ 'I \ \, l.>> ~ P. v; / \ Il))) ~ V / / 1 ~./ I J ~\ L \j, ~ I iiiblo IJ ~ ~2r~J~Ho ~ .pJlII~ I( ~ ~h :IQtJ iY1i ~ ~r~~ N 'IIPJ !. I~ J '1 1--... . I IR .. K I' - WILSON PARK ""f .,'.... -- ...,.n .....,... a:f"1 ft I CITYOF BUILDING SECTIONS -"-...___ ~u 1llII-,. t:oioI. BOYNTON BEACH ::: ... "'*-S~~':- flORIDA ,....-..:~ 11._ lIIEWIICINI ..... Il EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Wilson Center Complex File number: HTEX 06-002 Reference: Recreation Building Exterior Elevations (A-4) and Building Sections (A-7) dated 12/15/05 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WILSON CENTER (HTEX 06-002) PAGE 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: None X COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS: Comments: None. X CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: To be determined. MWRIkz S :\Planning\Shared\ WP\PROJECTS\ Wilson Center\HTEX 06-002\COA.doc