LEGAL APPROVAL The City of Boyncon Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 April 24, 2006 www.boynton-beach.org Mr. William Hatcher 400 W. Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Re: For: File No.: Location: Dear Mr. Hatcher: Zoning Code Variance Request Minimum Lot Frontage Variance ZNCV 06-004 912 NW 13th Avenue Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for application item ZNCV 06-004 which represents approval for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11.1.C.3, requiring a minimum lot frontage of sixty feet (60'), to allow a frontage of fifty feet (50'), a variance of ten feet (10') within the R-1-M Single-family Residential zoning district. The City Commission approved this variance on April 18, 2006. Please include a copy of this letter and Development Order when you submit your application for permitting at the Building Department. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, .J'c..Michael W. Rumpf {/ Director of Planning & Zoning Enc. DO wjCOA S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\912 NW 13th Avenue (Hatcher)\Approvalletter after CC.doc " DEVELOPMEf ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISS ~ OF THE CIl y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT'S AGENT: William Hatcher Development P&Z Building Engineering Occ. LICCel~SyeC'erk Deputy --=:::::;;;;- PROJECT NAME: 912 NW 13th Avenue (Hatcher Variance) APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 400 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: April 18, 2006 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11.1.C.3., requiring a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet, to allow a frontage of 50 feet, a variance of 10 feet within the R-1-AA Single-family Residential zoning district. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 912 NW 13th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" A TI ACHED HERETO. X THIS MA TIER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant /HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby / GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: t/ -()./-ob S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\912 NW 13th Avenue (Hatcher)\DO.doc .~ EXHIBIT "e" .. Conditions of Approval Project name: 912 NW 13th Avenue File number: ZNCV 06-004 Reference: DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X " . ' Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1. None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. ~.l'n1.. 0 S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\912 NW 13th Avenue (Hatcher)\COA.doc S:\Planning\Planning Templales\Condilion of Approval 2 page -P&D ORA 2003 form.doc ... 1 in. = 167.2 feet AVE NW13 .' .....~..'0~~;"\ /' " - \ , I. [, f - \ ~ h ,(~ \, l~><, '; '. . '--..1 ~_.... \ ~> '''~ I ( () r". _ 0:: C <( t- W r:o z :E 00 z :E 00 -i z :E ..... -i :t NW 13th Avenue (Hatcher Variance) EXHIBIT A r . t- tJ) ::t t- r-.. NW 13TH AVE z :E ..... -i ::t: ~!;( ..I. "a.. c( I. I ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ti ~i3 '. ""{ "Q ~l'~ ~"">e Q::.....~ Cl~).;; ~~~ ~~ i~ t~ 'n. Of. '~ ~ -- - --- -- --_.- ~ ....., 9 ~l-... II ~'" 1........ ~ ~.~ ;':'JCl;: :,,"011 'II) r;. ~ill~ ~ ~ "<:/) Pi' ~~. l:~1O ~ ''I. l....1 """ ,"St . ~ fi'.. 1;. . -k '0 Q."oO "a \;..) ~~ ~~ --:..~ ,,~ ~~'" --.i~1O '<.J., . ,-<:::)1::) t()~'rl ~~~ .....~,; <:~'<J c::>>-~ "'!:::~ Q~~ :5~~ ~~~ -.J'/ /- I ~ (, ~ ~ \} ~ I ~. I ~ I '-,j I ~ ' ~ I \I) , '0 ~ t; " ~ "tl- ~< .....~ r... ~ ~ -',I.> ,,::s """1- ~~ "'" ~'"'t ":::., ,OSL ,<, ~ "~J J~ ~~ ~~ n")N .,. J t-- t.:" C;)"-. ."...... 0.. "" "'"I ...... -::::. 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Final disposition of the February 23, 2006 Planning and Development Board meeting agenda items Ed Breese, Principal Planner, informed the Board of the actions taken by the City Commission on items previously heard by the Board: 1) The Ruffini abandonment at 504 S.W. 7th Street was approved on first reading; 2) the Healing Heart Veterinary Clinic major site plan modification was approved. VI. Old Business - None VII. New Business C. Zoning Code Variance (Heard out of order by consensus) 1. Project: 912 N.W. 13th Avenue (Hatcher) (ZNCV 06- 004) William Hatcher York Builder, Inc. 912 N.W. 13th Avenue Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a foot minimum lot frontage of 60 feet to allow a frontage of 50 feet, a variance of 10 feet within the R-1-M Single-Family Residential zoning district. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Chair Wische explained the variance request and stated Staff had recommended approval. Stan Rothman, 6965 Ashton Street, Boynton Beach, advised he had contacted Marcus Acevedo, the person who owns the house to the right, which also includes a 40-foot vacant lot. He offered to buy either the entire lot or ten feet of the lot so as not to require a variance. Mr. Acevedo declined to sell the property. Ed Breese, Principal Planner, reported the subject property was currently an undeveloped lot on N.W. 13th Avenue between N.W. 8th Court and N.W. 8th Street in Laurel Hills. The subdivision is zoned R-1-M and was platted in 1951, with the majority of the lots having a 50-foot frontage. This parcel abuts the canal to the north. It is a 50-foot lot in excess of 200 feet in depth. The applicant is requesting a variance to the minimum lot frontage requirement of R-1-M lots platted prior to 1975, which requires 60 feet, in order to construct a single-family dwelling. Staff recommended approval of the requested variance based on findings of hardship. Staff concurred with the applicant that special conditions and circumstances exist that are not the result of actions by the applicant. This request will not be injurious or detrimental to the area, and the variance requested is the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of 2 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2006 the land. The construction of a modern single-family home on the subject lot, representing reasonable use of the land, can be accommodated and still meet all of the minimum development regulations for the R1-M zoning district and be compatible with the neighborhood. Chair Wische opened the floor for public comment. Arnold Thompson, 1307 N.W. 8th Court, Boynton Beach, lives around the corner from the subject property. He did not think granting the variance would create a problem in the vicinity, but was concerned about another lot to the east of him on which the owner could possible request a variance. He made the Board aware if another 50-foot lot came in for a variance, there would be considerable opposition from the neighborhood. Dr. Jerome Vincenti, occupant of the lot next to the subject property, believed the applicant's 50-foot property would not be adequate once construction began. There was a sharp drop off of two to three feet from Dr. Vincenti's property to the lower elevation of the subject property. He did not know how this could be accommodated and thought the construction would have serious negative effects on the value of his property. Chair Wische closed the floor for public comments when no one else came forward. Mr. Casaine inquired if Dr. Vincenti had sought professional advice about what would be required if the construction would put his property at risk. Dr. Vincenti responded he had short notice of the project and was very busy. He added when building took place on adjoining lots with different elevations, something had to be done to accommodate the difference. Mr. Casaine asked Staff if they had taken Dr. Vincenti's observation into account during their analysis of the request. Mr. Breese confirmed this property would probably have to have additional fill for the final floor. Even if that was not the case, the drainage and erosion effect on adjacent properties is taken into account during the review and if necessary, a retaining wall would be built between the two properties. Vice Chair Hay had to leave the meeting at about 6:40 p.m. and was replaced on the dais by Ms. Grcevic, Alternate Board member. Motion Mr. Casaine moved to approve the request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.C.2, requiring a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet, to allow a frontage of 50 feet, a variance of 10 feet within the R-1-M single family residential zoning district with the conditions that the Board presented. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion. Attorney Tolces commented there were no conditions, unless the Board wished to add them. Mr. Casaine understood from Staff that, if necessary, a retaining wall would be built between the two properties and that this was a condition. Attorney Tolces indicated this would take place as a matter of course during the permitting process. . 3 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2006 Mr. Casaine changed his motion to approval without conditions and Mr. Baldwin, who seconded the motion, agreed. The motion passed 7-0. D. Zoning Code Variance (Heard out of order by consensus) 1. Project: 1370 S.W. 26th Avenue (Kervern) (ZNCV 06- 005) Scott and Stephanie Kervern Scott and Stephanie Kervern 1370 S.W. 26th Avenue Request relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11, Supplemental Regulations, E., requiring minimum rear setback of 8 feet from the property line for the construction of a pool, to allow a rear setback of one (1) foot, a variance of 7 feet within the R-1-M zoning district. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Chair Wische explained the variance request and stated that Staff had recommended approval. Scott and Stephanie Kervern, 1370 S.W. 26th Avenue, Boynton Beach, offered to answer questions. Ed Breese, Principal Planner, outlined the adjacent uses to the Kevern's property. The applicants were requesting a variance to the rear setback to allow for the construction of a standard size pool approximately 14' by 33'. The homeowners' French doors lead out to the rear of their residence to a patio, necessitating a distance separation from the pool to create a safe zone. This led to a proposal to have the pool five feet away from the rear of the house, causing the pool to be placed one foot from the rear property line. To the rear of the applicant's property is an 80-foot canal right-of-way, a part that is a 13-15' grassy area, terminating at the edge of the water by the homeowners' seawall. Mr. Breese reviewed the variance against the criteria and agreed with the applicants that granting the variance would not confer on the applicant any special privilege that had been denied to others in the same zoning district. City records show that out of 489 parcels on the Plat of Golfview Harbour, Section 2, 113 lots had been the subject of variance approval since 1970 for rear setbacks, and 105 of those 113 lots were located on the water. Denial of the request could potentially deprive the applicants of rights enjoyed by others in the same area and same zoning district who have received variances to the rear setback, some of which had been for pool installation. Chair Wische opened the floor for public comment, closing it when no one came forward. Motion Mr. Baldwin moved to approve the request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11, Supplemental Regulations, E., requiring minimum rear setback of 8 feet from the property line for the construction of a pool, 4