APPLICATION Christine G. Ruffini 504 S.W. 7th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (561) 650-0449 November 8, 2005 w ~@~~W[~ ~ t<<lV 82005 ~I ] PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT VIA: HAND DELIVERY Ms. Sherie Coale City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Road Abandonment Application Enclosed please find my Application to AbandonNacate with attachments. The only thing I am missing is the 2 sentence letter from FP&L which was promised by Lee Hines (742-2025) at FP&L just before the hurricane. He verbally approved the enclosed Grant of Easement before it was recorded. He has received the recorded copy of the Grant of Easement and accepted it. I should have no problem obtaining the letter before the meeting. If you have any questions, please give me a call at your convenience. So that I know that you have received this application, please sign or stamp the additional copy of this letter and return it to me in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Enclosures C:\CHRIS\City of Boynton.doc " City Codes Accessed Via Website www,boynton-beach.org www.amlega1.comlboynton_beach_fl.us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes , Date: 9-2004 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two (2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: 504 S.W. ih Street AGENT'S NAME: Christine and Thomas Ruffini AGENT'S ADDRESS: 504 S.W. th Street Boynton Beach. FL 33426 AGENT'S PHONE: HM: (561) 736-2152 WK: (561) 650-0449 Cell: (561) 523-9053 AGENT'S FAX: (561) 650-0485 OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: Christine and Thomas Ruffini 504 S.W, th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 OWNER'S PHONE: HM: (561) 736-2152 WK: (561) 650-0449 Cell: (561) 523-9053 OWNER'S FAX: (561) 650-0485 PROJECT LOCATION: OR PCN NUMBER Dirt Road directly in front of 504 S.W. 7th Street. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) Same . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue the,(check one): x ) ALLEY ) STREET ) SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT ) OTHER NON-FEE INTEREST OF THE CITY ( ( ( ( as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development Board or Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission meetings held to review this project. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): x ) DEED ) DEDICATION ) PRESCRIPTION ( ( ( Recorded in Official Record Book 294, Page 111 and Official Record Book 740, Page 611, in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinitywill be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. Pursuant to City Ordinance 05-004, noticing of all property owners within a 400 foot radius of said proposed abandonment, posting of signs on said property and providing City Clerk with affidavit, photos of signs, listing of property owners within 400 feet and radius map is required by the applicant. 2 NAME ~ ~". tCxhi b,'t 6 ADDRESS 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) (ALL UTILITY COMPANY RESPONSES MUST BE INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION SUBMITTAL) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: City does not maintain Road. Road cannot be used as a lOad or to build on due to utilities that e>Gst underground. Owners would be able to construct an addition to their existing home extending out to the property line that exists prior to the abandonment. DATED: ",to/pm btA 7, j:){y)5 APPLlCANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) I. .U-, -- Christine G. Ruffini ~4 ADDRESS Thomas R. Ruffini 504 S.W. th Street. Bovnton Beach. Florida 33426 504 S.W. ih Street. Boynton Beach. Florida 33426 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that they are the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to AbandonNacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. I/~-r~. NOTARY PUBLIC, Sta e of Flori~ ",',iA'';.'~~'",. Valerie). Krieg ~:~?".rb.~~;~ MY COMMISSION // 00107794 EXPIRES ~,J.~.:~ff July 17, 2006 ~,1>.:'"",*" BONDED THRUWaY F"IN INSURANC~ INC. '4,,9f,,~'\ My Commission Expires: Updated 10/15/01 3 SHEET 1 OF 2 ~ EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ABANDONED RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT PORTION OF VALENCIA WAY, A 50 FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY, LYING BETWEEN LOT 1, BLOCK 21 AND LOT 16, BLOCK 22, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 17, SAID PORTION BEING BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE EAST BY THE WEST LINE OF LOT 16; ON THE SOUTH BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 16; ON THE WEST BY THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1; AND ON THE NORTH BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1. CONTAINING 6,000 SQUARE FEET (0.138 ACRES). PREPARED ~ /~I ~ ~ t..-/6 MICH . J. MILLER, FI aa Surveyor & Mapper, License No. 4034 Miller Surveying & Mapping 1121 Lake Ave., Lake Worth, FI. 33460 Date: 09/07/2005 SHEET 1 OF 2 i - SCALE I DR QPJ FIELD J. O. f DATE 8/.3 t / os ! 561-586-2669 REFERENCES ..s:- /~ / 57 P8o/5~ JOB NO. 'I- 05 - /9- 63 s- 4z1 484 MILLER LAND SURVEYING 1121 LAKE AVE. LAKE WORTH. FLORIDA 33460 ~dtLtt 6 - ~ ~ Ai<!: Gary R. N ikolits,CFA Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Mapping System Legend D Parcel BOUldary I 0120 I Lot nulTber Page 1 of 1 search Parcel Details Owner Information PCN: 08434529210220151 PalalIIIf'onutIon Name: RUFFINI CHRISTINE G . Location: 504SW 7TH Sf Mailing: 504 SW 7TH Sf BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 4779 2005 Preliminary Assessment Market Value: $133,1 Assessed Value: $75,37 Exempt Amnt: $25, Taxable: $50,37 2005 Estimated Tax Ad Valorem: Non ad valorem: Total: Sales Information Sales Date Price May-2001 Nov-1996 May-1992 Aug-1983 Oct-1982 Palm Beach County Property Map Map Scale 1:3891 Map produced on 11/3/2005 from PAPA http://www.pbcgov.comlpapa http://gisweb.co.palm-beach.fl.us/ipapagis/presentation/mapping/printnew.asp?MAPURL= ... 11/3/2005 ~N2chQQ b ...l~ -=7 Otrf"l, DIaL ol~61 010 J, 001/- C07"~ ,..~X)~ -7 C(:> 10 f (JQ::)1 t I (X) ~J I 0041 ,.. 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Engineering Department 2021 So. Military Trail Room 107 West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Office: 561-439-9118 Fax: 561-964-3499 Via Fax & U.S. Mail October 6,2005 Mr. Thomas R. Ruffini 504 SW yth Street Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Re: Application to Abandon the R/W West of the Residence at 504 SW 7th Street, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Ruffini: Bel/South has reviewed the above-mentioned abandonment and has no objection. I have included in this correspondence a copy of the recorded five foot utility easement requested from you in my May 2, 2005 response to your initial request. Contact my office if you require additional information concerning this response. \ S~n~~retr' .J) Q~r;f.~ Robert Lowen Project Manager Cc: Ben Williams Attachment """'" @ BELLSOUTH BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Engineering Department 2021 So. Military Trail Room 107 West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Office: 561-439-9118 Fax: 561-964-3499 Via E-Mail & U.S. Mail May 2, 2005 Mr. Thomas R. Ruffini 504 SW 7th Street Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Re: Application to Abandon the RIW West of the Residence at 504 SW 7th Street, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Ruffini: BellSouth has reviewed the above-mentioned abandonment and would request that a minimum five foot (5') utility easement be recorded for the existing buried telecommunication cable along the west property line. In the area where there are buried and aerial facilities running along the south RIW there will need to be an easement described also, Please forward a copy of the executed utility easement to this office and BellSouth will provide a letter of no objection for the requested abandonment. Contact my office if you require additional information concerning this response. Sincerely, Robert Lowen Project Manager Cc: Ben Williams Attachment SEf:. 26. 2005 1:C18PM JONES FOSTER JOHNSTON & STUBBS NO.8C16 P"2/3 IlRr1fHlIII ~ I1IIIII11III III ~mllllll ,., 1l'Iis Instfllment Prepared By i!lnd RAtum to: JONES. FOSTER" JOHNSTO~ & SnJElBS. PA P.Q, Box 3475 We& Palm Beilch, fl- 33402 CFN 2005059981-4 OR BK 192a~ PG 1177 RECORDED 09/22/2005 12=50:26 Pal. Beaoh CQunty. Flor~da AltT 10. 00 Sharon R. Bock~CLERX & CD"PTRDLLBR Pgs 1177 - 1178; (2p~s) WIL.L CALL BOX #8S PO.,); (l~-1f34S- :;2.q~~l ~02.:2.PCI 5 l EASEMENT The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $ 1.00 and other good and valuable consideration) the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and give to BellSouth Teleconununications) Inc. its licensees) agents. successors. and assigns. an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of oyerhend and underground utility facilities (including wires, poles. guys, cables. conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct. improve, add to. enlarge) change, IlS well il$, the size of and remove such facilities 01' any of them within an easement five (5) feet in width described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHBD HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Together with the right to permit any other person. flnn or corporation to attach wires to any facilities here1.Ulder and lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same for communication purposes; the right of iugress and egress to said premises at all tinles; the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees. undergrowth and other obstructions within the easement area; to trim and cut and keep t:rimme:d and cut all dead, weak, leaning ot dangerous trees or limbs outside of the easement area which might interfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of communications or power tratl$IIlission or distribution; and further grants to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant;. if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described. over. along, under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have signed and sealed this ins1rument on September 13, 2005. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: i ,I ~/1~- THOMAS R. RUFFINI / :'~ .. STATE OF FLOlUDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13th day of September. 2005 by Thomas R. and Christine G, Ruffini. They are personally kno'Wn to me or have produced a dtiver)s license as identification. (Notary Seal) ill~. JUANITA I. WENMAN f!': ~} MY COMMISSION' 00 3109B1 ~. : ~ EXPIRES: August 18, 2008 , ,it f.. . . BcxIdId 1l1I\ll'4011ly P\llIIIc U~ C'\cmus\Bc;lIsouth easement.doc SEP. 26. 2005 1:09PM JONES FOSTER JOHNSTON & STUBBS NO.806 P,3/3 EXHIBIT "A" THE EAST 5 FEET (5') CONTAINING BURIED TELECOMMUNI- CATlON CABLE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THAT PORTION OF VALENCIA WAY, A 50 FOOT WIDE RIGHT- OF-WAY, LYING BElWEEN LOT 1, BLOCK 21 AND LOT 16, BLOCK 22, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE '{7, SAID PORTION BEING BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE EAST BY THE WEST LINE OF LOT 16; ON THE SOUTH BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 16; ON THE WEST BY THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1: AND ON THE NORTH BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF lOT 1. . I=PL Florida. Power & light Company, 9329 S, Military Trail, Boynton Beach, FL ;33438 Phone: 561-742-2025, Fax: 561-742-2016 September 7, 2005 Mr. Thomas R. Ruffini 504 SW 7tll Street Boynton Beachl Florida 33426 Re: Application to Abandon the R/W West of the Residence at 504 SW th Street, Boynton Beach, Florida. Dear Mr. Ruffini Florida Power & Light has reviewed the above-mentioned abandonment and would request that a minimum (l 0') utility easement be recorded for the existing overhead power lines for Florida Power & Light along the west property line, In the area where there aerial facilities running along the south R1W there will need to be an easement described also" Please forward a copy of the executed utility easement to this office and Florida Power & Light will provide a letter of no objection tor the requested abandonment. Contact my office if you require additional information concerning this response. ee Hines Customer Project Manager 561-742-2025 'JuW ~~,-/~ud .iD % EY.1~'<1.~ 6' ~~vt;- an FPL Group company 10 3Si'i1d ld.::l '310GGvL1'35 '31:'31 500G/L0/50 1~~ijgln~lllumlllllllulml This Instrument Prepared By and Return to: CFN 200=.OE.39=1=1~1 OR BK 19383 PG 0434 RECORDED 10/11/2005 10:58:26 Palm Beach Countyp Flor-ida Shar-on R. BockpCLERK & CQftPTROLLER Pgs 0434 - 435; C2pgs) JONES, FOSTER, JOHNSTON & STUBBS, PA P.O. Box 3475 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 WILL CALL BOX #85 EASEMENT The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $ 1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of overhead and underground electric utility facilities (including wires, poles, guys, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement five (5) feet in width described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Together with the right to permit any other person, firm or corporation to attach wires to any facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same for communication purposes; the right of ingress and egress to said premises at all times; the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within the easement area; to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the easement area which might interfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of communications or power transmission or distribution; and further grants to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over, along, under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have signed and sealed this instrument on October 7, 2005. ~ Juanita 1. Wenman ~h-~ ~ ~~ THOMAS R. RUFFINI / . afiAJ.frfid/l 81dt1ifM-~ CHRISTINE G, RUFFINI STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7th day of October, 2005 by Thomas R. and Christine G. Ruffmi. They are personally known to me or have produced a driver's license as identification. (Notary Seal) otary Public- . , r.' Print Name:.d\>.Rt\.-~ ~ j,--. My commission expires: C:\CHRlS\fpl easement.doc EXHIBIT "A" THE WEST 1 % FEET (1.5') AND THE SOUTH 5 FEET (5') OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THAT PORTION OF VALENCIA WAY, A 50 FOOT WIDE RIGHT- OF-WAY, LYING BETWEEN LOT 1, BLOCK 21 AND LOT 16, BLOCK 22, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 17, SAID PORTION BEING BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE EAST BY THE WEST LINE OF LOT 16; ON THE SOUTH BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 16; ON THE WEST BY THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1; AND ON THE NORTH BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1. ,,;< ~(!';\Tc, Of FL (:1'\:"14\. p'.. L:::-.fCH C~~~.iNTY i :i:':i;'~~b,; .~~::-;;~'. ~!e /40:' ~ ~. ::)ri;' ': r; I,' .,...,?, I{~~/ r .1"~1 I ~"v" ~)rr '..8 i(1~:\ ,t ,: :f~1 ~ D Q)/' \~!:;.~~' ,..-;,.." "I" ;. j """ r:X-... ,~,~~" .-:<- -' "-,<:~ ">''1 - ~_ LO ~'~;'M;~';'C"i'~;:" i dU--- - -- mY~JT~ ,.U:'R~\ .,. -Adelphia 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, FL 33407 (561) 478-5866 October 10, 2005 Chris Roffini 504 SW 7TH St. Boynton Beach, FI 33426 RE: ROAD ABANDONMENT Dear Ms, Roffini: Adelphia's facilities are aerial at this location. Adelphia has NO OBJECTION to the road abandonment at the above referenced property. If you have any questions please call me at 561-227-3464. Sincerely, ~ Henry A. Patino Construction Supervisor Boca-Delray / WPB HAP/mf A FLORIDA PUalC UTILITIES Thomas Ruffini 504 SW ih Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 P.O. Box 3395 West Palm Beach FL 33402-3395 (561 )832-2461 March 22, 2005 RE: AbandonNacate Right-Or-Way at SW 7th Street Dear Mr. Ruffini: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of the existing road Right -Of- Way as described in your letter. At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. If you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 561-838-1782. Sincerely, &m/~;C [orank Studenski Engineering Tech cc: C.C. Canino P:\FPUC\PRIV A TE\Engineering\LETTERS\ACTUALS\03-Mar\2 _Ruffini OS.doc 4t! HOt'H"i nn-on _ . - -.., n"~ YO" Dff; (AU ~L'\'~HI'1 1-~OO-4]1-4770 Irs flU.' 0" ".' .. lI.q ....f II 'I .'1 r~;".;.n-\. 401 South Dixie Hwy. ... West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 ... Phone: 561.832.0872 ... www.fpuc.com TITLE SEARCH Showing Ownership and Encumbrances Fund File Number: 06-2005-10601 Provided For: Jones Foster Johnston Agent's File Reference: Ruiffini Effective Dates: From August 22, 2005 at 8:00 AM To August 11, 2005 at 11 :00 PM This title search commences from the date of the last outstanding institutional first mortgage on the property. If there is no outstanding mortgage, the search commences with the date record title vested in the current record owner. Description of Real Property Situated in Palm Beach County, Florida. Shell Rock Road adjacent to the West 12.5 feet of Lot 15 and All of Lot 16, Block 22, Lake Boynton Estates Plat No.2, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book, Page(s), Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Apparent Title Vested in: Palm Beach Boynton Development Company by Warranty Deed Recorded in: O.R. Book 294, Page 111, O.R. Book 740, Page 611 This search does not cover matters other than those recorded in the Official Records Book of the county and does not assure the legality or validity of the referenced instruments. Ad Valorem tax information is not provided. Prepared this 2nd day of September, 2005. Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. Prepared by: Typist: Marian Moore rt Rev.O.O Page 1 of2 TITLE SEARCH Showing Ownership and Encumbrances Fund File Number: 06-2005-10601 ENCUMBRANCES 1. Restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, and other matters contained on the Plat of Lake Boynton Estates Plat 2, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page(s) 17, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 2. Resolution recorded in Deed Book 1153, Page 282, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. Easement to Florida Power and Light Company recorded in O.R. Book 358, Page 178, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 4. Easement in favor of Flo-Gas Corporation, contained in instrument recorded in O.R. Book 358, Page 625, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 5. NOTE: Plat show Valencia Way a 50 foot wide road adjacent to property in question. No deeds were found. A 20-year name search has been performed on parties acquiring an interest within the time period covered by this search. This Title Search is prepared and furnished for information only. It is not an opinion of title and may not be used as a title base for the issuance of a title insurance commitment and/or policy, nor should it be usedfor the preparation offoreclosure proceedings or other litigation. Maximum liability for incorrect information is $1000 under Sec. 627. 7843, F.S. Page 2 of2 ~. : 'UJI'IUIlT DlSJ-To ~ ~rOl'''' r,., rll18 IKLJEXTI!1tE, .'/"d~ tIi~... Jd,...... _. .. rl4l1 ",. ~~.__ , .1. I'. J9.2. 6', BI!:TWEEY __-.11&.a.a.&...tt.....:&..J~. f)+JlJ.I#..lUi~..k~..:lI.ift._ .__.'__ ...__ "n " ..._____ ... ..~.- ....- . .. -.:...---.. . . .....:-: -1--' _. n. .-----.-.-........ -.. . ~~." -; - ...- ._.,_.__u ..- ___'U n_.._._. .-..__~ 01 fly c,.,.,,;, ,,/..r:JAJ.r._~~--,,-..._ ..... ...__ _._........Ad ~_ .1.....:l!_~'r~L'da...___..._----,___._.._........ . ~ ~. 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J '--.. 1 J ~ i I r I 4 . j '1 -, fES \ S 2 2j fr\ '\1. 3004 II 740 nct611 s ~ ATE OP P LOR I D A ) 53 OP'PICE SECRETARY Of' STA'!'E ) I, 'TOM A04XS. SecN~.l"J ot Stat_ or the sute ot P'!Or'~d5, 110 not'tb,. certU', fro. the records ot thIs of'flc<z t.hn: PAUl BEACH IOlVfQlf IlEVELQPUNT CMPA!fT. .fi~ ~nco.~orated ~nd.r ~he 1..0 ot Plor14a on May 13th ~ ,2-. ar:<! ,:ontlnued alii II CQr'Po~...tlQn I.:n&11 t).,ee.be!" 7th, l'.lJ~. '-'11 ..illch date 11 I>~Q<:l...tlo.n I!I&S IlJ8u'Ild by th~ G.J'..e:--f':o:' .;,r the seate or P10r1<'. dheolvlns saId ';'),?G:"a-:; ~;.:~ Cor It:5 fallure to ru. 10 tM,s otttce ~~~ a~,~e~ cO~Qrat1on repo~to. and pay It~ corporat:oo ':;iip~t.~. _1..';\l:k taxe* &.$ requlred b) La.. : ~~~~n~~ ee~tlr, tr~t ~~ la~t 4~~~~Q~ ot ~~C~ ~r; tt.~:l .J:-~lce are IlfI rollowll: .). ;:, :;:': ~t. Vut ,,*1. Bo.~I"I. PLOn.~ fl. !-i. lL!l'1.. "ut Paba a.'a.;:!'!, Plortd. :;..w:--"';l;i C _ lIloo",. ~".t P*l. e..cU~, Plorld.. !.<>.. ~:. .:I. ff,fn1kvr. W"5t Pallll. !!i:;:acl'\. Plot'lda QIVU I.mdtlr" .~ han4 and tno Or'..t S.al or tn. 3t&t. or Plo~14.. at Tall*na..e.. tho CaPltal. thl. ~n. ~6tn ~., of Januar, A. D,. 19tJZ. ~~ SlCRlTIJIT 0' STlft -=a~1f\f)ll",....~~ ." Jao",u~r u 1 ... t: '. ".s ..~ "'\.1) J 4: t I ION "It" l CI.t.if' u. ,.,tI"';'ulf Cl'l.."g fte \ ~ 2' 23 fl' .n 3004 .". ".. ..._..._ ____".;'" _ __ --.. .-............. --.............,l........._ ..'" ...-..!...,4....-~.~.;~.....,.-:' .' :.. .. 148 ttd11.... -- . 8TA.?1 Ol',PLOR IDA} 3S OP'PIeB SI~ARr OP StAB ) I. '!'Oft ADAA'S, Seo":'ur'J ot Stat. or the S~te ot Plorldll. ,do M"b:r _rUf1 t~ ,.. :reCO"~ or. ~hj" ofUce that PAUI..ca lIOYftOa IaftU)PIIIft tXaPAII!. -.. lne.rpO~'.d under tbt u... or Plor14i1 on "*1 13~b 1925, and continued .. . oorporation until Dec..be~ 7tb, 1936 on ~hlab da~. . Procl...tlon ... issued b.r tho OQ\;el'Tlor .ot the a~.t. or 'lorlel. dl...o1YloS ...14 corporatlpn to~ It~ r.l1u~ to rl1e In tbl. orrlee Hs annual corporation reporta. tIld pal tt3 OClMMlNt.lOl'l cllPH.al ~;o~ ~. as ~qiU~d bJ I.ail. r !urtht':" r::O:"tlt',J tha~ t~ .laat 41;"fit~~l:na ot rcroo:'f! in tn1~ Qcrlc. ~ .. tollow.. J. C. Crh,", w..c. FIla e..on. Pl0t"1~ ". R, Iltn.. __., Pal. ir.eb. Plorl~ acor'i_ C, )100ft. .,.,.t. ,,1. a..ca, 'lot-Ida LQuh A. ftJD1kv. Wen Pal. .aeb. Plor't. .' oj. ,.1:. ~ . OIVP IIn... ~ hAD4 and th* 0....' S..1 ot Chit 3"" ot 'lot'l~. at ftllaba..... eM C.plUl. thh t.... ~,i\ cSa, ot J."ll'l'7 A. D.. 196~. ~~~~ SlClftAll't' 01 Sf Aft t' . "r ....J~"" M;oIiW In ~W fIDnI .... ot P.."" Q...... '" r~"*". ,...... J ALt.;\ aM"'\' nt CUJbI. Of CI~Ull CPJ- . . ;~;~~;~~~ ' :~.:, .........:....... ;+, .!.:::<; ":;~~"~ ~:~.:~? f~i:'~~' ::.:..z~~~;:.;,,(~~~,~ "'~,.;~:::- ~ .: .~,. ' ."":~.'. i ,1' .. .;......~::":""~"":~'~....."..., ...-u.'.w '<--<~ ....._<....... . Form 1'J32 '4/58. Page 104 I~i 35~ ~A~E178 EASEME~T ~;" DWO No, ER No. Pole No, ti'_..-.~ p~ 19--2L " FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY , Miami, Fl~rlda 1m~ 5 PM I 33 . , Gentlemen: . IIlconsideration.9f the payment to meus by you of$ 1.00 and other good and valuab1~ consideration which I we have received. I we and those holding through me 1,l8, grant and give to you and your successors the right to set and roalnuin poles, guy stubs, !f'1.': Y wires an.d'anehors for e1pctrlc transm18810n and distribution lines and the necessan appurtenances for such Upes, and the fiSht to permit the attachment of conduits, w(res, Of ,cables of any other Company or perlfOftja18o, the right to cut, trim and ~ep cle.ar aU"trees, :1;>rush and unc:lergrowth that might endanger the proper COD- struction, operation and .palntenance o~ .sald lines. o~ my our property described as follows: Block. 17, 19, and 22, Lake Boyntoo:Est&tes Slbdivi.sion, .~H.7 of Boynt.on Beach; Pl9;-ida., 48 r~orde<l in Plat: 'Book 14, on page 17 ard Plat bOok 13, on page 32, Orticial'oltecord. of Palm. Beach County, Florida arid more par- ticular~ descl"ibeda~ follot.'lu An E3.seant 12 feet in width .beir.g the south 6 teet. of lots 1 through 8'and the north s~ teet of lots, 25 tJlrough J2, of Block 1.7; plus an M.s.'ant 12 feet in width being tile south 6 feet ot lota 1. tbrl:ugh lo.1nclu3ive and th. n01'th 6 feet otlots'17 throU gh 32 inclusiVe at block 19; and an easaent 6 teet in width be1Dg the l!'outh 6 feet or lots 1 thrO~ 16 1rlclus1ve ot bl:~ck 22, ill in Lake Boynton Estates 5mdid.sion~. City ot Boynt'c.9D I_ch. F101'ida, as recorded in Plat Book: 14, on page 11, and in Pl"t Book 1;), on page )2, Official Record. ot Pala 8~acb CountT. Florida. UK& bC.INTON ESl'A'l'::'\), Die. " In ~ presence of: I' ~~ ' ,(jZ~ . ,. <!. 7ttH--I~ ;ifr".Y~~ ,I ~~>,. , ...... . ....)~..~..... "",' " ..' \B~l',.' :! -: ~'{;>/. ~ ':. : \,., ( ... :.!;,&-t : ~ ,';'1 \~ S~1w.iJ : : ,:...~\ ".;.;....... ,l.' ". "'/''''~E-i)r ' -, J-)-~.....~ ... '".~.,: .:oi'l ~ ;~~'".,,~,.. " .. t,!. I.t'.'~"" ...., STATE OF Fx.oltl~AND C(:)UNTY or . :..~>tf? J~;-:~j"~'~~'::'~ iJ~~;t~.$~;'; " ,T::~..~~::~ .ma;}a5B.i;p~6~1.,1.9...' ,..,..., .,..". ...."..J . I:.'" l, a NoIal1 PIIbIlc It, lnd ~r tli. COunty,"" flt&te aforiiald. 110 Ilareb)' eerllly th&t ~_..:.__'uu _.... ..~ and_ -_______ kllDwn to llIe, per.lOMU),.pPl'llred bolon! me and aeknl>wle4;ted the t'lIt'rutlon r r I~ . foregoing In.lt1Imenl for the lISt'a and IIIIr~e. thereIn e;llpreaJI.cL WlrNESS my hand an4 otllclalaeal In ..td Counly and Slate thie__._... 19 __. __. day of - NOiiry Publlc;Siilieo(F1ortdaal Larj;; My CommlsalOll aptr...: ____ 19___ STATE OF FLORIDA AND COUNTY OF I B~#Sy CERTIFY that boto~ 1II~ pe~O~y apj)U ~-f- Pre.ldellt ~~ Seeretary of a Corporation o~ganlied \Ulder the taw. ~f the Iftllte of in and who exCC!uted !be fore,;olng Inauument, and ..,verdly aCMowledeed the execution thereollo be thl\,lr lree acl and del'd u ."c:' ~~' ;.p'~ '- "~~CIY' H' H._G:;;.. __.. ... h _ _ . :. ....- \'~';:'~':,>-:-."~ ~(~~ '. offlcers. lor Ihe uses lU!d parpo.sca therein menllonecl; and that they .rnxed thereto the offiCial seal or said col'pDrallon and I~I ....Id instrument 19 the act an4 deed of aid corp;)rallon. /~'_ ~ h IN WITNESS ~E)1OF; I~e hereunto edlllY hand and o!tlelaJ 8f'a1 at ~~~ ~ L Ln tho County o~~d ~ _ an:! Slate ot Florida, lhle -=2~.- .. _da1 of ffi / . 19.J2.. ,;::? ~ .C . ..~ .... .......... ...~I...S_~F. I~- t'- 6~h t... ... ".~ ......IV r.- ~ ......, -.. ...,.. Notary Pllbll. for I~~~~l~' lui'.f.do....., ~~='::'~=~2~ J"~~ t.,,' ,.,':. .:. :.~. My Comrniss!ol1 e~l:res~ 19_ ( ---. Recorded In Official R.,cord Book of PJlrn B~.'f:' Go :1l'Y, f l<mda J ALEX AHNE. rn: CLERK Of CIRCUIT CLluRT. .. ,~ -::::> .;:;.. >~r.1~a2:;Nt<itiif5i~:-." . .r ~ r ,,{);;:.eGf';~ lfftQ. . lftOM . 3~~;,!rA~tle.O E~a;.)lE~T .' ::OWO No. .ER'tfo. POJ,.ENo. . 1FLOiUDA ~\fER 1& LIGHT COMPANY .. . :tMlaml.F1or(~ 1'. , . /Y'~ .,;J 6 19....$.:2. , !Gentlemen: , . ., ,., i: .' ,. .... }. l. lneo~tp.ra,tJOD:pf'~"Pll~~t:of' 1.00.. ~nd otherval1Jable conslderattonB, : ;~Celp~'Of'~C:Il,1.i~r;;b~:~~9'W'!~.~!w.r~J;$~~~~.ucee.'~Pr~, hell's ~d assigns . g,rlpit:aadglve:to 7O~ arid.19ur !'\,tCcee-I()~:,~r:lIbt'to lJWtdl8llclmabltaln guy . :.~.)~ ... :. .2 : ...~tWl~~) ~>";i ......~.~~r($)for:'lt.nelect~lc transmission and .dlalrlbutlonUi,1Ei. on my o~proP!8tty ~....~lbbcllUJ"fOUo~: . , - ", ~. ; .., . . .: Lot~'9 Bloclc; J.2 La.ke Boynt&n Estates Subdivision, City.cr Boynton s<:a:-h, fbrHa ~ Reco1!<ied 1n1'1'lat BOok 13 On Paee 32, ott):e:I.&1 R~cord! of Pa~ ~aeh County, Flo!'io;l ar.d Illorc parti'!iplarJ.y. de~cri~~ &s tollows :', ; ,.' . "'. . \ An easo!llent 5. foet in width. 'and 20 -relit in length beir..; tJ-.c &'lst 5 teet of tl1e'-roilth 20 teet ot t)1e ~~st 222 !<:l9t ot lot 9 Blod: 12, 1;...1';(" Boynton Est:ltes Subdivision, City of eD~'r.t(ln Beach, F1orlda. as :!\ecoroed in PltJ.t:Book 13on?aee 32 01'fiei.'a1 Record~ of Palm Beach County, Florida '. "'! i I . ! I. . i , I , j , , .", , ~ ~! ,. '" it ~ . ; :" I . ~ , ! .. ~ I: ,..- ~\\.\-... 40 : :... . . ,...... ..... ~., : . . "'ra~.;::- . ~.. r< :>~.:" \ - ., '::'laIN&1~ . .... . ,.,....~~..i :;,~\ I<C ". :. ~ .,1...., ,S~.i....... ..."....~..~a~..... -'.....' "f ~ . .' '~ ;. :~ d' iF~~ : !"-~:.:;: - : J" "' " . ' ;. ~...-'f.~:....-,.:.:' ::.:::-:':; ':",~~-r-~ .:'::.- ..: '::::::::::::::::':' ".----'-"!.... . ..-... .. , , ..,' STAnOI' ~~;~'oP ll;Jf35S'tAllr181 r. . ~ '_'_ _' .; ~ {. I, a Nolal'f Male- ~ allll to.. the eo.,.....,. doi;UIit~~~'..,' ulUfJ tI* . . .' . ': :~ allll '. . .. ... __10 _,;'rtallIUJ..".arM bellln aull4 acbolIlq.4 tilt -..cutWD of tIIII fONllllaC \UtNlltIlt m tM _ 1M ,urpaeu,tIlitnIR .,MM. I . . wrtNE88 at ~ Ilud ud ofttc:1&1 Malll& I&Id Coull" llIId lItaw Ita~ 19_' . dli, of libtar:r PulllIC, 8t&te or P1IIl'idI ,t lArp lob Comm~&loD _""I " 111_ STATE OF ~ A!ID COUllTY () 1 HEREBY CERTI~; ~Iore me. ~nou1lf'" "....Well! and .&:~ s.creca.., at a CorpantlOll o~ i.IldIr thO Law, 01 u..-Ctat. ot In and who ezeelltH lIle IONlOlllllDalr_nt. ... .....nIl, acbt01I!.d,fdI tM _UUOa tIle~ to be Ibtir m. "I and deed u .ucb office..... for !he _ uad. PJIJPOHO \llerell& ,...rtjollllld; and thai lber drlJe4l11el'tlo ~ 61al .-1 oIl1&1d corponttolllllll:l Uult Aid l....trumenlIStb..~CUIl4ht.~Of..r4~ :. ~. . ,'7.-....... .ilL ~ ~ INWfnld4i'!:PE}F'~"'IM..-to-ID"IlaDClaadomcla1f'Hl.t ~ ~ ~~. , lntbeCoUAtYOf{~"l .~ ands_ofl'lorl.. tIiIa cJ,6 . .,of h.tc7 1927- ~ \ ,J. ; ..:..;~~ Sta~~- M, ComalNloa lIlIp\rQ: --- ~ P"b"c, '5tate ot fIG';" >l' '.)"0- My QOtTlmiultI'." elil~''" ':>ef't. ;':1 : 9~9 80nded by I,rntf,oon ~,..~h Co. "jot J'1, f. .,'l",~a'" "'f ,;;...... ~ ... " ..~ , ~'" .. " ..'I. 'H(~.~\' .- Recordmj In Otfi~',ll 11 'cP':::: SO' )GK ot r'~l1rn 8.:,_!d\ C'::'i 7.. ~ '~-,. lc! J, ALt::X Af\.'.,[ j 'L CLERK OF ClflCUlT CGU!IT ~ ~ o ,-.... - ~ I ~ ..,~ ';, m;~ '~..d '~Gf625 NA \\ \0 EASEY.SIT '(fff ~ 8 In (lI)ns1d....t.1.on or the .... ot (1.00. patel t.O III tv FW-GAS C:)R_"OilitTIotl ot ::nt .:>a1111 Beach, norid., and tor othlll'pd alld YIIluabl. oona1aerat.ion, receipt ot w'h1oh 11 hereb;y acknowltdpd, _ Lake B01DtOll. .htat.., Inc. du hereby grant and eon". unt.o tho lItJ.cl rJ.o..GIiS COR:'ON\T.iJi" 1t.. wcee::~r :l!;.1 8aai!tnti, I!. pet'petual ea...-nt. and Z"1dlt to oonlltl'llct, JAQ', Nlocate, operate, N and mai1I~/Ltn a.t this tlu Or" at such t:Llll or Um.. 1ft the tuture a.a t.he Com:'al'l,f dellires, a .).1S nipe 11.ne, gllll plpe l1~e, tanka, or appurt..nan~. tor the ,tranlllpQrt.atJ.on ot gaa, upon, o~:-, M!'lJ~ and it: ~"~'.':.; ~~ lollo..i.ng de.orib.d ~ PZV.-1'ty in :>alJh ae.ch Count.y t.<)-vit.: .aI~~~~XMCUQXU mDlJD~ the north 12 teet. at the _at. 7 t..t ot the eaiR 9.5 teet ot Lot 4 ot Block No.6, the vellt 12 teet ot the llouth 7 t..t of the north 9.5 f,,:,",~ 01 Lot 9 or Block Jlo. 9 an4 tkie north 12 te.t or the eaet 7 teet t;'f L~<.. ...SlIt 9.5 teet ot Lot 11 ot Block Ko. 12 all ot Lake B07Dt.on EBtates Plat No. I IIhOVD in Plat, Book Jlo. 13. Page 32 ot the Public ReeOl'da tor Pabl Beach CountT, Florida. Also, t.he ..,~ 12 teet. ot the north 7 teet ot tbe south 9.S ten. ot Lo\ 16 of Block No. 19, aDd the west 14: reet ot the north 7 teet. ot the aouth 9.S feet or Lot 16 ot Bl.oek Ho. 22 all ot Lake BoyntClll Batate, Plat Ro. 2 show in Plat Book 10. 14, Pag_ 17 ot t.he Public Reeorda tor 'ala Beach County, Floriaa. Together ldth t.he right or 1ngl'u. and elP"*"a to. Oft1" and fmm aaid prer..isfltl to the eJCt.ent necessa.ry \0 lay, uInta.in, Ope rate, repair and r.!Il:G1I6 said pipe l1ne, lines, tank., ot" . ~purtlll1anee.. ?l"Ovided. bowen%", that said no~ Corporation IIhall replace ~"td repair &1"(.' ttamage to ten~', dra1.nll. or dN1n. t.U.., and lhaU J>>.Y III <lalJl.ge tn Ct"O;lll ~d t.:) tF'.e ~nlnlora' p!'tlll1H' .. ~ be CAuSed b;r l.aJing. l'~Ying or tenairing of ::I..ld pipe line, lines, t.a."l.kll, or appurtenaneeB. II: ',:rr::~:ss !.lll::RE:F, we have h-~unt.o lIet. ~r hlUlQlII t.hill '-~ 1~. . t;'J1".j :tnd aek~edged in ,~-cnencec.or' --- ~6 da;: of ~t..'.t~ 'It Florida " ,." ....:.:..a...... Palm Beach ..: -- 9Bfm~/~. & !/O\6!7F:' llc......ln a~ to~~ Cot1Iunt.,)'j, r/=pe n&.l..J.y api"'ltt'l'd lh. "'J'J\!-n-"'-c'i~l'...rl~..l T '-V --f:k::' 'L.~'_-L _ '/. V . " , .t:Y":l..wled"ed t.ha.t. they c1iu. sign the toregoinr; lm;tnunent, and that ti~ S...e i~ t,: '"' ~ ~r\ ~ fl,..t ..;..4rl deod... J~~r ;;:-,;.':::."'! ,I'~_wr, ! hava hereunt.o lllJbll:l"ibed r..:,' !'Jal:1tJ It.is _';"'l._ ;la,: , A.D. 19....I:e. / :~" ~-f,~~~ Oe- ~'4~tvp~ ~,~ , v"'~i r~"" ~.". (/. )t?-~,;/~ ,_LnL~ ..'1 CJ.' - . ,.t. " ~ .-;-~/ ;::{ _' . .' ,\- :~'., :.,2~;'..:~.'.~.".',,,,... __-.,r. ~ ..I:)l..tE:.l"~: .'lltJllC. y ". L"n~~, \, ~::I~T:~;';~) ~;~~~ ";~~:~~ ......,;' .\\\t~.... .1ona~OY^"""ilt1J:ftMel~c.o..Gf"'-f~ "', .~\r.lt~..;.\.~ # ~~.~ ."\ ~.. .f .t,<... ~ ~~ <-''::-.~ ....i. ~~~t-..."V ~..';......rJ ~ $' ~'-.,<.1~ ~.> ~'::rqe'''-iG of- ~ 'i" & d " d' Q.~").~ (Cia- .!i CJ ~~ " ~. (f) / -.;:g . lLl,~. . ~., '\ 0:: 11'''' ~ ~ :::> Z'(o .. ~(/) OdS, LO, - ~ ~N'. q-. ~ Z I'f) .m )-(/) ~ :r: 0<.9 u CD"O- lJ.. CD ,J . I t. 0 c::::: ",~ I'f) .::=. ~ _i ,(J) J, <tal :J <!- .-J n.. (f) ':\ 0... ._. (\1 I'f) /;;@.--"'"4-O( - 0 ~ ~ &AI .JiLI - Z ~ -). z \... .. l:: .~ i5 '5 -~ ~ -...II:'" , - "~ ~ Q. ~-:I .,j \-. ~"'< .".....0;:,1 .--,.~. ~'j' ~.;I>_lJ' . ~' \ ~IL." ..\ (0'. .. - ..@l ~~~. : ~, r-J _~.,1 -,.-.------ ..L..-. .- :.. , J~" :-:~: ~... , l'I=2:'"7Jq t' 0:: ::> ~ w -3 J: u CD :a .....J' <to 0...' en o ~t C/f " )':.-" "= = = = ') = = = = It ...- ~ LO t- '0 0 0 li.I li.I ~. . z. en z: .... . .~,...--,~ . ::t . ---...... CDt 0" ~~ z c- _.<, \ N# ~. '"r_ _.~.~=. . ~'I '? i;,. .,&t.' 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I ~ ~ I "~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~:..- ~ I €I Q J:~ ~ I . ~ - .!~ i :] illl! ~ ~ ~ I '1 ~ '!:llt I ;1 ~ -+- : 13' ~l ~ 'l! ,: !l! ~~ ~_...-! 'rt ; i'-Ii>i!?:!. ~!l!...1 I~~!!l ~ -y .J ~~..". ..J!,-.,J ~!!l ." 1. ..r~;l ~ os-. os; - os:. . Or;" f;I- .'-~f-L--=------..fP.ff---~=_~w=-----~W .. _:!.,---- --I r-------------i r---------.---, ;----------------1 :---------...---1 r-~ Q __--_:Jil-;" S .i.j~7c1' ..~..LV:LS:-;' /;/Ql/i.1,f(.Jf:/ 3.>ifY ; ,. en ILI~ i ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . tI) · (5 I- ; ~! I~ n :1.. ~~~l!s~~ ~ ~ it~~~la II ~E~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -...J w ~ ~ co ~ ..J tf ILl :.:: ~ ....I y, l'J i<i o "-' ---' -.:'-.......-. ~---"----.~~~- . ~-_...........-=-,,--.....~-:>-~...-~--,-..,..,.~~p-=-~~_":':::.- i: . ! . .i . .1 f~: t <.. r. -. " t . (.' , t '1 ' ..1 : -t.. 1, ~ . t.; ~. ( ; {, ., {" i: : i'. " ~. ~ f-,': . ~.' ~ J , i . .~ r j: ',' r. r' ,t f . .. . t . ..1 .'1. l, f' .1: ,., 'f' c: o c. . , mTI7ntD con rn llJIIltUTlllI UlICIIIDIJIQ ll!SltllTItlll ...~ 0(',' WI, NAntlUI1':L J. )';l.!lN, SeoretAry, "nd IRVINO f'IRm., hilt. !"cre- tary, do hereby c.rtity ur.to ",hnll it m"y concern, 1n r.l'ln@rd. all rollc-IlI .;....-............- . ThAt. Ll.)(! nOYNTON !:s'u.rr.s. TIle. 18 . Florida corpouHC\n, Ilnd that KOIUt1; "'~"JlIA.N 1. it! President and thllt the \lnritll"'lirned b ita ~flerflt.nry, and iRVINa.I~1 its Auhlent ~.crehry. . . That. nn the ,~ day or lJaro~r 1956. a-t II.~ IIH....UnC or' the !loard ot f11reolora nt nld cort>o,ntion, .t. which t.h"re ."tJ\re prle.ent all of the director. And 11;11 of Ole atockholden, tho follow1nC rl!tlloluUon ""I u.n~lmoully adoptedl' "Rt IT R~SOLvm by the BOard of t'1reeterl and by the .owner or Allot tho tlulatandl.r,,' stock 1n L.ln~ OO~- . 1'0:1 ~~9TA.TI;:.q. THe., . Florida corpor~tlon, 88, rOllO"11 IIIl) ThAt I1nt11 t.hh HeaoluU(l~l.' now .brlut to be scot. tort.h, shall hll...e b~fln can:81ed in tl':a...!lilhlv" h"re- lnlltt"l" let fort.h. no dt'nd, I':'ortgllreo. I'll!51rnmnnt or oU1or trATulfer of the.cC'mplUl;y'a property, herfOlollrter !nOrlt spl\c1f1o&1ly ldunUfhd, or IV;)" lu.!u" or ti1(~ paid pl'f')perty, or "n~' pllrt t.hr>reor. w111 h~ val1J. nC"r -ill any .ttempted det'ld or .5~1 mmtlnt pAn t1 t.ll!l to " rrll.ntef'l or '5d~o~r nf')r nl11 .tny ntt,.mptnd mort- r..r.e tOnr.r _ 11ln upon tho mort~~", nOl' will ""y nttAlIlpted 1.Ilu ennffllr MY ellt,..... wh_tloflv"r 1I.,,,n Hu, ....tternptl'ld ,118se... nf:\r w111 I'ln,' n~ cert1~lclI t,,! (If .lock 1uutld by the corronti..,n bo vIllld, 'lnle::;l!I 8IH::h deecl. asdrnlftont. mortrM"e. 1('1l11! nr !t('lCK cf"rti!'1clltn 1., t'l,lll:eclltfld i., thn nn:n&'('I{ the "(Jt"porIlH('In b,. twn nr- f1cflre. C"'ne or who!'ll 1'!I~1I..t b~ 1tft A.J'll'lI!1tnnt t!n~~f'tnt'Yt 'II'V1np: Ht't.cl. - -'. { , b) Tnl, 1',"lIo1'J~-i(>n 1D :aada t'!'l.:nulunoou9ly w'lll 'hi'! dft_ ro:)!!..t by t~e stockholder of LAY.r. EoY'lI'!'P;': ~:sur~:~. 1'1:. Jnto escrow _lUI lrvlnr. lirtel, or l.a.ml ~e..jci., !-']ori- dA, of .11 of the present. aut.horlterl~ iU1J8J IIn~C\ut- stanuinr stock ('If th;~ cnrr:"T~t.1Cl:'l. ftS collllt'~rl\l Sl!CU- rHy ror lhfl pill~rmt of,t.hrt dl!bt menHl'lncd li\ a c~rtflln collator"l note m'ldf' of fl)ven (late hnTC'w1th, Md f';"ovl- ::110:'18 hl''''' been m:lde wlth the u1d oacro.- ...,.('!\t. [(')r rrocur1r". l.h~ rp.,1I'nntlnn .,r tt,f1 811.1d Ilvlnr 11rlel fit the time when Ole condlUon of f.hfl !)a1.d "scrOll :<~nll "Ine be.,n r\11r111~rl.. "nd such re~\"nI\Uon .H1 be 1n ,uch COM .... ".111 entl th 1 t t'l rtlcodln,o Ami thAte- fore, lhh tleeolutlon .shall nl!ldn ol..1t:standlnt" llnd of rull (nree nnd eftoct 'Until tnl!!lre ,hap hllY",b"en rnl'!d' for r"eord ..mon~ tnft Fubl1e H~cord5 of f'AInl !lp.,ch "':COlln- ty. l-lorldilll) thn re!1t-.Ilt1on herl'!1nnbovt" r"rt'~d' t.o nnd ..1.1 1..rt1~5 \.l::I Whe-'M t....."f;fl T"re~'I(~:"lt~. or ill c,.rt I ri,':i, ,; 11((11153 _283 copy thereot may COllie, shan reply upon th.: ~.enc. from the PubUe Reeorda or such r~d,n..t1on a8 lnd1~ cJ1t1ng the eontlnued vd\dtty And effectiven... ot" this keeoluUon. c) The directorll _nd etockholdar of tu,'"E oor.nOl'r lS- TAnS, .1.~C..lrrevoc...bly bind 1nIllJlll'lelvu. fthou)cI r!tVINO FIRll:L dh 01" 'cecam" ot.hord~. lerll.lly lncapl- e1 h led clurlnr the t..hut ...hfln t.h~ ucrow above. rer~rr~d to, shAll not:hllve been fulfllled and dhchllrl""ed, ~ elect DI IUCCl!3,Or bahlant. Sf'!crotlll"V to the !l.ic!' Jrvinr nrhl, Low E. !:lrut"rmnn, cll'" if hl!! bf! not Hv- 1np, then Louie fleln!lt.e1n. d) Tho rroperty r~r~rred to 1n U,18 ~~e:lo1.uti'9n fa lhfl' red r.!Ilote owned by I;.'~' ffln:1Y1fl !-:~TA,!,I~~J~"''' I!Jll\l- "..."'. lyln... md tl'!!nJ.'" 1n ~l"ynten n."nch, hIm n,,1\C,", r:r:~:n- ty, norhlll, hrlllly rl~!'Icrlt-'H1 "" f"ll",w:lI Lot:!! 10 tn If) incl.. ....ntl ;~, ~1or.l( :?r I.r"lt, l!J, 15. ;'1 Ilnu 21., i~1odc ); Lot, ), ), 1~, 19 to 22 Jl\r:l. :,nd 2'1 tC1 ~:? hC'l., PI. ~; Lot.s 1 to H 1r.cl., lR il.nrl ~O l., ;") ~IIC1., ~lo,:k (11 Lqts 7 IUld 21, illock 71 Lot~ 1 tn lL 1ncl., :J1ock '1: l.ol" 1 to 11 1n=1., E'lo!.:" 10; Lot.! 1 tt' ) inc1., <; nr.d f), :'lo::k 11-11; Lol" 1 t.c> 2) ind., tlJor.k 12J ' Lot!! 1 to tl anlJ 1) to 16 incl., :-'lClck IJI Lot:!l 1 t.') tr irlo1. M~ 10 to 1"1 111::'1., !1toC~( 1111 Lot~ 1 tc 7 ~nd lL 1011 j'w1., :jlo,:k 11)t tot:! 1 to 11; ind., !Jlock 1:'1 L,t! 1 1.0 )2 ind., Llbck. 1'/1 I.l'ls 1 tI:l 6 incl., !,lo-:k ill; Lot~ 1 to 6 tnc1., "lock 1;:-.\; t('ltl'l 1 to J!' incl., ~lC'ck 10; Lot:! 1 to 7 .n.J ]</ to ru 1m:]" "1('.'(''.: ::':', J.^h-a: :'(lrrm" ;.~"TATJo:S PI'll Nn. 1, ^<':~('l7'd1n" to VI" r,IJlt t~wrt"of on r1le irl th~ 'J[!"1':"1 of '..h.. !;l",'k of 1.1 OJ C1rcl:11 "".::'t tn a~1'1 rot' P.J.t'\ p..,."lC'1 ,....'.lnt...., 'l"':'~'l". r.......T.dr..j In ;'l..~ i)'Jok 1 J, pnC'''! )?; n1tt! t',r....~ Lo'.s I t,) ~ Il~d :'0 t.., III j ndd, '~lod( ?1 i Lot~ 1 to 28 an1)0 t..,..)2 ~'1d., -llnek :-~; All "t ;lloek::- 23. ?/J ~nrJ 2~; :"ot! 1 to 5 Ilnd 2tl tn ~b h'~1. f ::ll(\r'~ 21'1 Lob! 1 to 5 a..,rJ 27 t,-, )6 ~~lf':1.. :"l,..,..k ;0',": A~l .,r Ulockll 2" lIod 31; Lots 1 to ~11ncl. "no:! ]~ i."\ ~(, !lJd., .~ock 1:': ~ot:! 1 to II :md 21 to ;'11 beL, :;:o~k '): A.ll ,,~ Sloeks J~J, 35, )6 lI!"O 11; I.ot~ 1 tIl 5 nnd 2:! to 21 jn~l.. ;lnt:x Jr" L,K~ ~~:~:: ~~T:.iI: ;~A ~h~o~r~i~'~~b~.rt~~t":;:T~/"'~/~~; "ircu~t r':!'}'lrt. in ..:1.j for /'1\1111 :O..ch ';O'lflt.y, ~1~'U.1CJ~, recorded in Pht. 300k Ib, rllf'1!t I1j ...nd :'ot. 1 to~ 1 :<lnt! 2) to ?~I incl., folr;ock )"': All or ~locks ~{j :Jl, L2, LJ And L~..q Lota 1 to ~ ...1d "lJ to 2i".J Incl., dlock 1:1:; Lots 1 to 9 and 17 to 25 lm:l., :llock 1.51 LotI 1, 2 &1lJ l, to 6 hId.. :Jlo~:C: 111; LotI 1, 5 AJ\<J 6. F-IC'ck IJ1-.1 - 2 - . ._ ......~._,~~,~~:.,~.:.~.~-~~,~~~~,...... . . ir:':' ~,\ , :~}; ..........'....:.:::~ ','if: , , fu ot ~"'Jr"'" ':" '", , tot.o 1 to 16 ...4 22 to !7 1M1.. Blook SO. tot.o 1 \0 IS lnc1. and 20 to 2S I.no1.. B1""k ~l . Ul ot Il100Jr S2. ' an4 tot'lS, 1l100t SJ. uxr: BOYIIroN 1!lIT111!l1 PUT No. ), aOC'Drd1nl to t.htI plat thereot on tile 1n the otti O. ot the Clerk ot t.h. C1re'Ji t. C01Jl":t. j n .ul tor Palm 'Beach Count,., norld"r r.corded., in Plat Book 1). p.,. S.3,- toto L. '5. 6 .,,4 22 t. 2~ incl.. Blook S~-~. LUX BOYiiTON ESTATES PLAt "0. Jr.A, 'eeordln,. to the })lat. th.r.~r on rUe 1n the ,,[.nee of th. Clwrk or th.. Circuit COllrt In ,and for rdm Rueh Count,., no:",. ~ ~. ride, r.ac.~~ In Plllt flook IL. pA"'" 691 and .: ::.._'~ tot S.'Blo~k I-A,' ,',', tot 19. Blook 6, i:~ ~: {t:~: ~: ' ' , ~: ~tB~~"st~~k J. d~l~'~"~~~'~~-- _,~'b-.l. .ooordln~ to the pla"- ." " 1n the ortie. of Ul. Clerk ct Us. .l(lifr~. . and tor PaJ.. Beach County, F1.orlda, in Plat'Book 1), p....~e 32, Plat Book 13, pap:e ,), and nit Book ?-u, p.,... 17 llnd 691 . and t1~t of 't1X~ of ~Ei' Et .f NEil Eo of ,,~ of ~.Ii of . HE , N. .l L or E or t.-yri or t/!!:11 ~.) of 1lr.:j of !'iP.~f st of I\~ or ~F. ond SE1 c~ SF. , LESS Plllt. 1, &., ) end L-A of La.ke ~~'Tlton r.,t.tca lint! L~SS "'-ll:-?SC ~jrht-ot-w~' 1n 5eetit'n 29, 1oKfl~hlp h~ Scr.th, ~.rll'e 11.3 ~ut. to... l' to l' iftcl'Ie1...... :tlo-:k i'1 or LAE~ :l!\T~:"IC'" .;.~- 1'ln:~. Pl.t 110; r, ~confln' tD !=l~t.Ulanlar GIt .rUe In Ule..ll.Uillla ",1 t.h. Cllt1"k fOr the r.1recJ t r,t'tlrt In ""<1 fOI" Pala ''''..eh ~D~t.,;, norlrt., In Fh1. "!coJo 11:, . paFn 11. .. _ . LeI':' the tol1ow!nr dlt:lcribpd I_nd.ll: Loti: J to 7 incl.," tat. lit t.o 1f. incl., ..nd lh.. ":,,>>t ,S t..l Df tot 8.. all of illoe~ l~. .nil Lota 10 to 21. ineI., .nd tb.. ::..t'. e~ l.n~. :"... :-0; t1~ iloek 17. in ;.a1Ce ~t.on .."t.a1.... :'a.. 1., M~!;!'n...c! lr'l ~t.-5oDk 13, PiP! )2, Jo"tUr: ; t-:'C"n!r: ...:: !'a]:o:. ....:,.!'OI'.:~. ';I)unty, Ji1orld.. and Lou 10 t4 16 11'11,:1., M'l117 ~ClI ::1 Irei. ,..~ 'i.~r~ 1", loti). tn :; Jncl. IIhd t-ll t.n 21, l:~J.. 'ltt-:)r ,'. inti 1 tn .; l:\r.l. III".J ~ tD 11, l:':r:l. I:~ ,'~C',,:k ~1; l.o'l..lD ".. 16 tl'Cl. ant) 1'? to: :') hi"!.' -:'(II':~ ;>;.." ~8e~~ect...D!" ltO':ilrl~di ..ttt.:I~" thtt 1I,,.,,.tuf- ar it. A..t~t"nt. ~'tC"rt'1..r-,;tt",'1~", - . ~..... Imn. nrtel. ._-._...~...-... ,.-...,... ,'" .v . PROJECT NAME: 504 SW 7th Street Ii- LOCATION: PCN: I FILE NO.: ABAN 06-002 I! TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: City Of Boynton Beach Christine and Thomas Ruffini ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 504 SW 7th Street Boynton Beach, FL 3326 FAX: FAX: 561-650-0485 PHONE: - PHONE: h- 561-736-2152 w-650-0449 cell-523-9053 SUB MITT AL / RESUBMITT AL 11/8/05 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC /IP ARC NOTICE: 2/13/06 TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 2/23/06 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 3/21/06 COMMENTS: S:\Plannmg\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\504 SW 7th Street ABAN\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc