CORRESPONDENCE Page 1 of 1 logan, laurinda From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11 :43 AM To: Breese, Ed Cc: Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: 310 S. Federal Hwy. Ed, At your request I've taken a look at the above project plan. During our first review we did not recommend that the (then) request to fence and gate the parking lot (in the rear of the property) be approved due to accessibility issues. It is my understanding that they have now dropped the request to gate but would still like to fence the area. Our position with respect to this request remains the same. At present there is a partially improved alley (15-ft. width), which, when combined with 15-ft. pavement on the subject property provides 30-ft. or usable "roadway." However this usable width is constrained by two power poles 15-ft. north and slightly east of the northeast corner of the building. The location of the poles makes it impossible to provide tw-way traffic flow. It is at this point that the pavement (improvements) in the alley right-of-way ends. In order to support the applicant's request they must provide, at a minimum, adequate width to allow two-way traffic. to and from the parking lot. I would suggest they investigate having the two power poles relocated OR improving the alley east a sufficient distance to allow traffic entering the lot to go around the poles on the north and allow traffic exiting the parking lot to use the paved area on the subject property. Please let me know if you need clarification regarding the above. If you have any questions please feel free to call. La lA.yt'^'ct VI 9/20/2006 -> The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 FILE COpy www.boynton-beach.org August 3,2006 Lisa Kallai-Hargrove 310 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Marketing Innovations 310 South Federal Highway MMSP 06-043 Dear Ms. Kallai-Hargrove: In response to your request received July 18, 2006 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: . Addition of a fence along the east property line with a swinging gate located at the northeast corner of the building. Staff is unable to support the proposed minor modification due to insufficient driveway width, location of the existing driveway, and the location of utilities adjacent to the proposed fence and gate. More particularly: . Due to the location (and age) of the building there is no driveway to this particular lot. The building was constructed leaving approximately 15-feet between the building and north property line. The north property line abuts a partially improved 15-foot alley. Access to this lot is from a curb cut located half on the alley and half on the property located to the north (Hudson Realty.) Access to any given lot should be located solely on the subject property and be no less than 20-feet in width for two-way traffic. . The alley is also a utility easement. One concrete power pole, anchored to the south ofthe pole, is located in the sidewalk approximately 5-feet north and 5-feet west of the northwest property corner. Also several wooden power poles are located in the alley north of the northeast corner of Marketing hmovations. Due to the location of the pole and anchor, there appears to be no opportunity to construct a driveway into the subject property. Please be advised this is a legal non-conforming property and certain modifications would necessitate bringing the site up to current code. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, ~ Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director Cc: Ed Breese, Principal Planner Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Tim Large, Building Code Administrator DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 06-085 FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning and Zoning Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer ~-' August 1, 2006 '___ ') Review Comments ". '-'-.- . Minor Site Plan Modification - 1 st Review Fencing of Parking Lot (Marketing Innovations) File No. MMSP 06-045 TO: DATE: RE: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above request to fence the parking area on the above property located at 310 S. Federal Hwy. The owner (Lisa Kallai-Hargrove) is proposing to fence their parking area to try and address issues with loitering they have experienced. The plan submitted indicates a fence at the rear (east side) of the property with a swinging gate located at the northeast corner of the building. After a review of the provided survey and a site visit, Public Works and Engineering staff cannot support this request for the following reasons: . Due to the location (and age) of the building there is no driveway to this particular lot. The building was constructed leaving approximately 15-ft. between the building and north property line. The north property line abuts a partially improved 15-ft. alley. Access to this lot is from a curb cut located half on the alley and half on the property located to the north (Hudson Realty.) Access to any given lot should be located solely on the subject property and be no less than 20-ft. in width for two-way traffic. . The alley is also a utility easement. One concrete power pole, anchored to the south of the pole, is located in the sidewalk approximately 5-ft. north and 5-ft. west of the northwest property corner. Also several wooden power poles are located in the alley north of the northeast corner of Marketing Innovations. Due to the location of the pole and anchor, there appears to be no opportunity to construct a driveway into the subject property. If the owner were to seek relocation of the power pole and anchor, it would be at her expense. To summarize - Public Works and Engineering Staff do not support the proposed minor modification due to insufficient driveway width, location of the existing driveway, and the location of utilities adjacent to the proposed fence and gate. As this is a legal non-conforming property, I suggest the owner consider "leaving well enough alone" rather than getting in a situation where they would have to bring the site up to code. Please feel free to call me if you have questions or need additional information regarding this minor modification review. I can be reached at ext. 6982. Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) File S:\Engineering\ Memorandums\Memorandums 2006\06-085 LOGAN -MMSP 310 N Federal Hwy.doc To whom it may concern, My name is Lisa KaJ/ai-Hargrove, r am requesting to place a fence on my property at ~ to South Federal Highway .in Boynton Beach. I feel that this would help with some unstable situations J have been. experiencing with wandering people from the neighboring area. The front gate wiUbe kept open during working hours to allow vehicles to come and go. Thank you for your help with this matter. C~dially. --'-'''-",.,.;~ __~~L_... .-=If>~:Z:~ -7-f1,.o",~~::,; .:l7.-~"'~~c;1_ . iRl ~ @ ~ U VI ~ IJl> JUN 2 1 ~ CORRECTED, 11.111 nlNG DIVISION 4" POST "''',v/~ ..... .. ... .. . . .. '. ... .... 9..' .... ..' 0.' . 'I." .... ,.. '0' . ~ ,. .' .... ... 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Federal Hwy LOCATION: PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 06-043 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Lisa Kallai-Hargrove Margaret Fillinger ADDRESS: Lawrence Fence Company FAX: ADDRESS: 211 Commerce Way PHONE: #4-8 Jupiter FL 33458 FAX: 561-747-4416 - PHONE: 561-747-4228 E-Mail: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 7/18/06 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days /10 days IPARC: TART MEETING: LEGAL AD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\310 S Federal Hwy\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc c.n ~ ~ -....I '1\)<: :0. -< ";'.I -:D ~2'b>m I\) '2. 3 Z CD(i) 0 :o3m '"T1 (t) Q)"Tlal1 ~r-(t)m ~*~t5 ~ CD~ m :0. ~- -....I :0."1 I '0 ~ CD ~ :D 0') :"0 1J::r - ~ ~ )C: ~l:; "0 6"... rl d V -<. - (T\ ~, tv ~ (i-' ~g to- frW iAJ ~ @ G) ::0 "" liW U( m - :~(') __ 1..- < -I "" c;;:::. 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