CORRESPONDENCE .;:: ~r; :5", /'.. _ (k- :v'::' The City of Boynton Beach OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Po. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (561) 742-6050 FAX (561) 742-6054 April 16, 2007 William Garcia, Esquire General Counsel SH Communities 12895 S.W. 132nd Street Miami, FL 33186 Re: Declaration of Condominium of Baywalk at Boynton Dear Mr. Garcia: Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed and approved the Declaration of Condominium for Baywalk at Boynton. J AC/lms S:\CA \LETTERS\Garcia (Baywalk Condo docs).doc cc: AUintus Greene America's Gateway to the Gulfstream em P.A. Sroward Countv: 4401 West Tradewinds Avenue Suite 201 Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308 Phone (954) 491-7811 ~ Fax (954)491-7825 ~ , CARLOS J. BALLBE, P.A. Consulting Engineers Dade County: 12945 Southwest 132nd Street Unit 5 Miami, Florida 33186 Phone (305) 253-1970 Fax (305) 253-0897 D MEMORANDUM Date: September 3, 2006 To: Sherie Coale, CITY OF BOYNTON From: Carlos J. Ballbe, P.E. Re: BA YW ALK Project No.: 260101 Copies: Hector Garcia, SOUTHERN HOMES Dear Sherie: Enclosed please find the following information for the above referenced project: 1. Affidavit regarding the mailing of notices. 2. Mailing list. 3. Notice of Public Hearing. 4. 400' radius map. 5. Sign wording. 6. Six sets of the revised Site Plan package. 7. Color schedule/paint chips board. 8. Picture of sign posted at the site will be submitted by separate cover. 9. Color renderings will be submitted by separate cover. 10. JPEG presentation will be submitted by separate cover. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call our office. H:IProjects\260 I 01 - BaywalklNew configurationlCorrespondencelcoale notice submittal,mem,wpd em P.A. Broward Countv: 4401 West Tradewinds Avenue Suite 201 Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308 Phone (954)491-7811 ~ Fax (954) 491-7825 W , CARLOS J. BALLBE, P.A. Consulting Engineers Dade County: 12945 Southwest 132nd Street Unit 5 Miami, Florida 33186 Phone (305)253-1970 Fax (305) 253-0897 D August 21, 2006 Mrs. Kathleen Zeitler City Planner Planning and Zoning Division CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: BA YW ALK Project Number 260101 Dear Mrs. Zeitler: Pursuant to the T.A.R.T. meeting comments received for the New Site Plan ofthe above referenced project, enclosed please find a the following information: 1. Copy of traffic statement information submitted to PB County Traffic Engineering. 2. Exhibit "A" - Legal Description. 3. Revise application as per your request. 4. Public Art Information Form. 5. Fire flow results. 6. One copy of the revised plans (full size). 7. One copy of the revised plans (8.5" x 11 "). 8. One copy ofthe revised plans (PDF files). If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely, CA J. BALLBE, P .A. Carlo's }~ Ballbe, P .E. \ ~ector Garcia, SOUTHERN HOMES w/encl. Tom Pagnotta, SOUTHERN HOMES w/encl. cc: C:IDA T A IProjectsl260 1 01 - BaywalklNew configurationlCorrespondencelZeitler add info.let,wpd ,It THESOlOOl DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FlORIDA PLANNING DEPARThENT 3300 FOREST HILL BLVD., C-110 WEST PALM BEACH, Fl 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTHUR C. JOHNSON, Ph.O. SUPERINTENDENT June 19, 2006 Ms. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER #04031902C - BAYWALK (FKA OCEANSIDE AT BOYNTON BEACH) Dear Ms. Zeitler: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination on the above referenced project for 40 multi-family units. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for Baywalk (FKA Oceanside at Boynton Beach). This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-8876. ~n~e y,~ Tony Deal Senior Planner cc: Carlos Ballbe, P.A. L:\Plann ing\Public\INTER GOV\Concu rrency\Concu rrency Determi nation Letters \Concurrency\2006\Boynton Beach\C04031902Rev. doc AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 03/10/2002 19:01 5517425259 PLANNING '- . "'-"" Th. ~lIocl Dl.tflcl of Pelm Ileed1 CCMll'ItJ Plalol'lng Do9Mtm..-t .)320 F...... 1M 9N<I. C.ll0 west ""1m eNcI>, FL ~oe-~13 Pho>>o> (681) ~J4.ll8OO Of (lIll1) 9153.3877 F." (%1) 4J4-61tT Of (';1) ~34-381S A_on: !;"""","",,,y The School District of Palm Beach CQunty School Concurren<:y Application & Service Provider Form IntmlWont: S\1bm1f 0.... copy of Itl. eompl~ "",,leatIorI ~ftd '- for each n_ mId_IaI prc}act requiring 8 demmlnatlon of concurrwm:y for ac:hooIa. A detertnln&tlon will be provided withIn lIIIHn (15) wor1tlng dtI~ of reeoipt 01 a comPlOllIllPllIlcatlon. A dOlOI'mlnation 1$ nOllr.ll'l$fotllble and 1$ valid lor one yt:tr !rom d_ "'lauRna. 0naI thtt O....lopm."1 Order m lasuvd. th9 concunvncy d<rt8rmlnellon sheR t.. valid lor \he lire Of \he DevtlIO~ Ordtf. Plea.. eMek \ "I tyoe of appl\c;ltiOIl (on. only): )4 ConcumlllCY Oeturmlnstlon [ ) CtlTlC\IITlIOq 8<emptlon [ J ConcIlmIncy Equlva......cy [ I Acl(oqu;ote Sd1IXll ~..cll1tles Oetermlnallon [ I Letter of No 1IT1\)lOt1 [ 1 Time ~n.,,;1on F_: C_","~ Otmmlnollllon or Acf.~ $ehool FlOC,",," ~nfliOl1 CS2OO.oo lor m"" lIMon 20 linn. I :zo 11_ or.... Slll0.ool; EaulVIIl1ftCY (S12s.o01: E..""uon Of ~ of P10 I",,,,~ (SZ5.VOI; TImt ~,1Oft ISTUG) ~!6I!l~~illl~lffilllllllllinr.~ll'IH!lll~~~.~1iIl!1:!\/i~~all!l!ll!~1hifll~J.E!ffi~UtlilM p/ft'._8nfJYof __plall.laar__M>'____ project Name: SA YWALK MvnIelDaUty: ClTY 0," BOYNTON !)fAOi Propvrty Controt Number (PCN): 08-43-46-04-17-000-06Z0 l.Oe3tIon I AckIreM Qf lubjod Prvparty; N. FEDEAAL. ~ &. CHUKKEP. R.OAD, BOYNTON BeACH FL. : " K ....!,:able. "1M" ..-. PIIool." ""'" ~~ ""'......~ ond IYl'" dJ u....1O _ _".1 """"poney ~. " Rntrit!1.,. COvM'MInt It NqUhd ToT"'~ (':ornmu~. 0WNatSH~ I AGENT INFOfWATlOI'f: 0wNr'. Name: SOUTHEI\N HOMES OF PAlM BEACH V, U.c Agant's Name: , CARLOS BALLSI':. P A. MallinI' Addn,...: 4401 W. TRADEWINDS AVEtiUE. ~Z.01 33.09. 'ax NIllllllar: .~9.1;m.5 ___"bW_fl:ct\O~ nt Slgratu.. ToIltJ)IlOne Number: I '-""7 -"'t - - .. -...... .... .... "","-.,.. ;1', '1' 'k.~t~~ =onNumbtr. ~~X- 017 D*~RIad: ReIll9WeO' By; Ok! ~ AppllCllnt PIIY ~ "ling I'n lD you? DYES IPI....."....""""dJp"J"'-) ua- NO (1f roo "" opoMoo.. m.o! P'll'.... _ 0..."". .",. S.- D",""''''''"",___~', 51~ I 0(;., 0.. I verily lh1Il tl1e prcjcet will comply wIII1 v.. atlathed nc ~~ I C1IM?\ PAGE 02 Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissionel'S Tony Masilotti, Chairman Addie L. Greene. Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper August 21, 2006 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Baywalk - (fka Oceanside) - Revised Plan - Build-out Extension TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the revised development plan and build-out extension of the previously approved residential project entitled; Baywalk (fka Oceanside), pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: West side of Federal Highway, east of Old Dixie Highway, north side of Miller Road. Boynton Beach 08-43-46-04-17 -000-0620 Vacant 45 MF Residential Units (Apartments) 40 MF Residential Units (Apartments) 280 24 AM and 25 PM 2008 Municipality: PCN#: Existing Use: Prevo Approval: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed residential project is located within the Coastal Residential Exception Areas of the county, and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic Cf'll1curr81'1!::y ~pprOV8' is subject tc tr.e f'lroject P'9wegalion Rules ~c;t forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, m~/lTY Masoud Atefi, MS TPS Coordinat ,Mu~jelpalities - Traffic Division /, / .II /' cc: Carlos J, B~lbe, P.A. ! t- ."" , '''' [" ~ "'! [~ r' \, ; -_.!! \--:,~~~I~___"'; ___; ~~ ~ :-; ; : File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F :\TRAFFIC'.ma\Admin\Approvals\060823.doc FRO~ (THU) MAR 9 2006 23: I\r, 1ST, 23: 01 INo. 6823696318 P 2 , CARLOS J.. BALLBE, P.A.. Consulting Engineers Dade County: 12945 Southwest 13z1d Street Unit 5 Miami, Florida 33186 Phone (305) 253-1970 0 Fax (305) 25:3-0897 em P.A. Broward Couo~ 4401 West Tradewinds Avenue Suite 201 Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308 Phone (954}491-7811 r-;l Fax (954) 491-7825 W March 9, 2006 Mrs. Sherie Coale Planning and Zoning Division CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: BA YW ALK. Project Number 26-01-01 Dear Sheric: Pursuant to the owner's request, Southern Homes of Palm Beach V, LLC, we would like to withdraw the site plan application for the above referenced project. Southern is considering changing the product to meet new market demands. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely, Carlos cc: Hector Garcia, SOUTHERN HOMES 1I:\PIojecls\260 101 .1IaywoIk~e _ lCIIIOVII.Icl,wpcI FRO~ (THU)MAR 9 2006 23:nr'/ST. 23:01/No. 6823696318 P 1 em P.A. Broward County: 4401 West Tradewlnds Avenue Suite 201 Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308 Phone (954) 491-7811 f7 Fax (954)491-7825 ~ CARLOS J.. BALLBE, P.A.. Consulting Engineers Dade County: 12945 SouthWest 13~ Street UnitS Miami, Florida 33186 Phone (305) 253-1970 0 Fax (305) 253-0897 FACSIMILE TBANSMITTAL Date: March 9. 2006 Pages (inc. cover):-L. Please deliver the following telecopy to: NAME COMPANY FAX NUMBER Shene Coale C.O.B. 561-742-6259 Hector Garcia SOUTHERN HOMES 305..971-6662 Rs: BAYWALK Project Number: 26.01-01 From: Carlos J. Ballbe, P.E. eODies: Message: Please contact us immediately if there are any illegible or missing pages. THIS TRANSMITfAL IS INTENDED FOR TI:lE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE ONLY. If you have received this fax in error, please notify our office Immediately by telephone collect and return the original message to us at the above address. Thank you for your consideration.