r;> .OJ
~ iE,
"",. f' \in ~
L'] u _J
Broward Countv:
4401 West Tradewinds Avenue
Suite 201
Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308
Phone (954) 491-7811 ~
Fax (954) 491-7825 W
Consulting Engineers
Dade County:
12945 Southwest 132nd
Unit 5
. Miami, Florida 33186
Phone (305) 253-1970
Fax (305) 253-0897
August 14,2006
Mrs. Sherie Coale
Planning and Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Project Number 260101
Dear Mrs. Coale:
Pursuant to the first review comments received for the New Site Plan of the above referenced
project, following please find a brief summary of how each comment has been addressed:
1. Information statement.
2. Applicant proposes to handle the solid waste in two ways as follows:
a. Units with garages and driveways will use a roll-out cart. Also, Units No.1 & 4 in
Building No.1, Units No.5 & 8 in Building No.2 and Unit No. 19 in Building No.
4 will not be provided with a roll-out car and will be using the dumpster. Since the
proposed project is a condominium, the waste handling rules will be specified in the
documents and enforced by the association.
b. Units without garage and driveways will use the two dumpsters which have been
added to the site plan. Please refer to revised site plan.
3. See No.2 above.
4. Dumpster have been added to the project.
5. Traffic concurrency letter from Palm Beach County approving the project has been requested
and will be submitted as soon as it becomes available.
6. The project has been re-designed as a "condominium" and therefore, the roads and parking
are considered parking tracts and part of the common areas. No road right-of-ways are
7. Circle and parking locations have been revised to provide the necessary backup distance of
24 feet.
8. Garage has been deleted from Unit 4, Building 1 to avoid movement problems.
9. "One Way" sign has been added to the traffic circle area to direct traffic.
1 O. Additional pavement has been added at the end of each dead-end road by buildings No.1 &
11. There will be no gates at the entrance of this community.
12. Note has been added to the plans. Please see Site Plan note 8. on the sheet SP1 OF 2.
13. Information statement.
14. Information statement.
15. The development will have condominium ownership. Please see Site Plan note 9. on the
sheet SP1 OF 2.
16. Refer to landscape architect comments.
17. Refer to landscape architect comments.
18. Refer to landscape architect comments.
19. Refer to landscape architect comments.
20. Information statement.
21. Sections F-F, G-G, H-H have been revised to show Type "D" Curb.
22. Paving Notes have been added to Sheet PD2 OF 2.
23. Information statement.
24. The time table for the development ofthe project is as follows:
Obtain City Commission Approval =
Obtain Utilities Department Approval =
Obtain PBCHD Approval =
Finish Construction =
Request Water Meters/Service =
October 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
June 2007
See note 9 on Sheet No. WS1 OF 1
25. Utility easements and existing utilities have been shown on the Site Plan.
26. Information statement.
27. Enclosed please find a copy of the Fire Flow Calculations.
28. Information statement.
29. Information statement.
30. Information statement.
31. Information statement.
32. Backflow preventers have been shown on the plans.
33. Refer to landscape architect comments.
34. Meter note has been revised in Sheet WS 1 OF 1.
35. Information statement.
36. Information statement.
37. Note has been added to Sheet WSl OF 1 regarding the water main connection.
38. Water main, valve and easement has been added by Building No.4 for future connection.
39. We have deleted the water main in front of Building No.2 as it was not needed as per the
new condominium configuration.
40. Existing utilities with sizes have been shown on the Site Plan.
41. Note has been added. Please refer to Note No. 10 on Sheet SPl OF 2.
42. Information statement.
43. Enclosed please find a copy ofthe Fire Flow Test.
44. No gates are proposed for this project.
45. Note has been added. Please refer to Fire Department Note No.4 on Sheet SPl OF 2.
46. See Fire Department Note No.1 on Sheet SPl OF 2.
47. Information statement.
48. Photometric Plans have been provided.
49. This project is a residential comunity; developer will provide metal halide fixtures if
available by FPL.
50. Information statement.
51. Information statement.
52. Information statement.
53. Information statement.
54. Information statement.
55. Information statement.
56. Information statement.
57. Please refer to architect comments.
58. Please refer to architect comments.
59. Information statement.
60. Information statement.
61. Information statement.
62. Information statement.
63. Information statement.
64. Information statement.
65. Information statement.
66. Information statement.
67. Information statement.
68. Note has bee added to the Site Plan. Please refer to Note No.7 on Sheet No. SPl OF 2.
69. Information statement.
70. Information statement.
71. Information statement.
72. Proposed finish floor is 10.25 NGVD.
73. Please refer to architect comments.
74. Please refer to architect comments.
75. Information statement.
76. Refer to landscape architect comments.
77. Refer to landscape architect comments.
78. Information statement.
79. Information statement.
80. Information statement.
81. Information statement.
82. Information statement.
83. Applications have been revised. See attached.
84. Applications have been revised. See attached.
85. Applications have been revised. See attached.
86. Applications have been revised. See attached.
87. Signed and sealed surveys are attached.
88. Bearing and distances have been added to the Site Plan.
89. Information statement.
90. Drainage statement has been added to the drainage plans.
91. Traffic impact study will be provided as soon as it becomes available.
92. Attached please find a copy of the school concurrency approval by the School Board.
93. The billboard will be removed prior to applying for a certificate of occupancy of the 20th unit.
94. Zoning and Land Use designation of property adjacent to the south has been updated.
95. Index of Sheets has been revised as per your request.
96. Information statement.
97. Site address has been revised in the Site Data.
98. Building data table has been added on sheet SP2 OF 2.
99. Unit B floor plan has been revised.
100. The minimum setback has been stated in the site data table; we have provided more than the
minimum required on the plan.
101. This item was discussed at a meeting with staff and agreed to keep setbacks as originally
102. U sable open space calculations have been added to the site data tables; usable open space
areas have been shown in the Site Plan.
103. Project will be a condominium.
104. Project has been revised; lot lines have been removed.
105. Information statement.
106. Note has been added to the Site Plan.
107. Setbacks have been labeled on the Site Plan; there are no landscape buffers on this project.
108. Information statement.
109. Streets to be private parking tracts.
110. There are no internal right-of-ways.
111. There are no internal right-of-ways.
112. There are no internal right-of-ways.
113. Information statement.
114. 24' backup distance has been provided.
115. Please refer to handicap access plan.
116. Two parking spaces have been provided for each unit.
117. HOA will be responsible for monitoring proper parking assignment.
118. 85 parking spaces have been provide, including 5 parking spaces for the Clubhouse.
119. Parking spaces have been evenly distributed and will be assigned to each unit as per
condominium requirements.
120. See 2 above. Note has been added to the Site Plan.
121. No lift station is proposed for this site.
122. All utilities will be placed underground.
123. Mail kiosk will be located at Clubhouse.
124. Information statement.
125. Handicap space has been placed in front of the Clubhouse.
126. Additional signage has been added to the plans.
127. Please refer to architect comments.
128. Please refer to architect comments.
129. Please refer to architect comments.
130. Information statement.
131. Please refer to architect comments.
132. Please refer to architect comments.
133. Please refer to architect comments.
134. Please refer to architect comments.
135. Please refer to architect comments.
136. Please refer to architect comments.
137. Please refer to architect comments.
138. Please refer to architect comments.
139. Please refer to architect comments.
140. Please refer to architect comments.
141. Please refer to architect comments.
142. Location approved at staff meeting.
143. Please refer to architect comments.
144. Please refer to architect comments.
145. Please refer to architect comments.
146. Please refer to architect comments.
147. Pavers details have been provided in the Landscape Plans.
148. Please refer to architect comments.
149. Please refer to architect comments.
150. Please refer to architect comments.
151. Information statement.
152. Note has been added to the Site Plan.
153. Refer to landscape architect comments.
154. Refer to landscape architect comments.
155. Refer to landscape architect comments.
156. Information statement.
157. Information statement.
158. Not applicable per staff meeting.
159. Refer to landscape architect comments.
160. Not applicable per staff meeting.
161. Refer to landscape architect comments.
162. Refer to landscape architect comments.
163. Refer to landscape architect comments.
164. Photometries have been provided for Clubhouse.
165. Information statement.
166. Information statement.
167. Information statement.
168. Signs have been shown on the Site Plan and Landscape Plan.
169. Please refer to architect comments.
170. Refer to landscape architect comments.
171. Information statement.
172. Please refer to architect comments.
173. Refer to landscape architect comments.
174. Refer to landscape architect comments.
175. Please refer to architect comments.
176. Refer to landscape architect comments.
177. Wall has been replaced with fencing.
178. Not applicable per staff meeting.
179. Information statement.
180. Please refer to architect comments.
181. Please refer to architect comments.
Attached please find twelve copies ofthe revised plans and seven copies of the responses with the
requested supplementary information. Reductions and JPEG files will be submitted by separate
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call our
cc: Hector Garcia, SOUTHERN HOMES w/encl.
Tom Pagnotta, SOUTHERN HOMES w/encl.
C :IDA T A IProjects\260 10 1 - BaywalkINew configurationlCorrespondenceltrc response L wpd
A~H- i f~c.-l
- ~
co Vf /'<1 J2 AJ l: S
57. This development is condo ownership but each units are separated from their adjacent
by a masonry wall without openings giving one hour fire rate separation, basically the
same solution as in fee simple units.
58. As per table 704.8 note g buildings with unprotected bearing walls can have unlimited
exterior unprotected openings.
73. Type of construction. VB.
74. We added the Grab bars to toilets and the 60" diameter accessibility area circle is
shown on plans.
123. The mailboxes will be grouped in the pool house covered terrace.
127. A bike rack is located in front ofthe Pool house.
128. The building height is 24' -9".
129. The building height is marked in all front elevation.
131. Elevations are labeled with their geographic orientation.
132. Building 1 and 2 rear elevation were treated as front elevation, Mullions were added
to the sliding glass door to give them like and entry door look, we also redesign the
property fence facing the US-1 adding individuals gate and walkways for each units.
133. All the decorative shutters match the window type.
134. The buildings front elevations have a lot of architectural detail in a specific
architectural language we consider that we can not add another more detail without
135. We will consider this suggestion for our construction documents.
136. We added Box out around several rear elevation windows Braking the long planes
of wall and the roof line
137. With the use of three different Box out in each rear elevations we broke all roofs in
four different section.
138. This will be too expensive and nobody can see these doors because we have a 6'
high perimeter wall.
139. We increase the size and added details and decorative metal railing to the Box out
that we had in the side elevation that can be seen from Federal Highway.
140. The Entry arch was redesigned to achieve the 14' -0" clearance, dimension and color
are labeled on the new plans.
141. We don't consider this necessary, looking at this building rendering is possible to
notice that with all the architectural details and the front elevation movement and colors,
is hard to notice the building length.
143. The A-3 was revised.
144. A color schedule was added to all elevation, including roof and railing material and
145. See previous.
146. See previous.
148. We redesign the whole community federal highway elevation following these
149. Pool fence details and color are on page A-3, the perimeter fence is on page SP-1,
and the decorative fence facing Federal Highway is on page A-I.
150. The perimeter wall is a prefab wall built by another company, they will provide the
details and specification, what we have in our plans is how this wall will look, it has
columns with caps in different colors than the wall panels please see sheet.
169. Sign detail is in page A-I.
172. We will be using the same garage doors that we are using our other projects which
have a very nice look.
175. The architectural floor plan layout that we have for the all the units works very well
independently of their width.
180. Please see answer in 132, 134, 136, and 137.
181.Please see answer in 132 and 148.
IJ-/VO~~~ ~I n~6J
16. Large canopy trees have been relocated to eliminate shadowing pole lights.
17. The note was already in the General Notes, Sheet P-l.
18. Landscaping along the East property line was and still is in accordance with the FPL
19. The Oaks along the perimeter are and are columnar shape trees ('High Rise' Oaks,
Dahoon Holly's) which do not develop a mature canopy greater than 15' spread. The
trees do not conflict with surrounding landscape.
33. No Canopy trees are located within Utility easements.
63. Landscape irrigation source shall be an on site well, this was in the general notes.
76. 110% irrigation coverage has been added to the General Notes.
77. Live Oaks and Mahoganies (Large canopy trees) are only planted in the largest
landscape areas.
148. East Wall along Federal Hwy. has been deleted and replaced with a fence panel and
small columns.
153. AC screening has been completed - see sheet P-1.
154. Landscape has been enhanced - See sheet P-1.
155.A detail elevation ofthe fountain has been added, see sheet P-1
159. The 12' Utility easement has been clarified, and only palm trees have been planted
within the easement.
161. The native material has been categorized into Canopy Trees / Palm Trees / Shrubs
and Groundcovers within the landscape criteria information sheet P-1.
162. All shrubs and hedges have been increased to 24" height and spread @ 24" O.c..
163. The irrigation source will be well water as stated in the general notes.
170. The sign is setback at least 10' from property line and is surrounded by (2) colorful
shrubs and (2) colorful groundcovers.
173. The pool equipment has been relocated and more landscape screening has been
174. Tall material has been added to these locations.
176. This comment is noted and understood.
WEST PAlM BEACH, FL 33406-5813
(561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187
June 19, 2006
Ms. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner
Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Dear Ms. Zeitler:
The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency
Determination on the above referenced project for 40 multi-family units.
Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency
Application and Service Provider Form for Baywalk (FKA Oceanside at Boynton Beach). This
Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a
Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be
valid for the life of the Development Order.
please feel free to contact me at
cc: Carlos Ballbe, P.A.
L:\Pla n ning\Public\lNTER GOV\Concu rre ncy\Concurrency Determi nation Letters\Concu rrency\2006\Boynton Beach\C04031 902 Rev, doc
03/10/2002 19:01
'- '
Th. !kllool 01atrlet or Palm 8Hdl Cwn1Y
Planning DcpaI'IIIl..-t
3320 F....., 1M eMi. C.110
West Palm eNcI>, FL 33'109-$813
Phona: (6lll) 4J4.ll8OQ or (6111) 983.3877
F"" (5$1) ~1eT Of (~1) 4~-38'5
A_em: COf!eIITT'tfIC:y
The School District of P;.Ilm Be;.lch CQunty
School Concurrenc:y Application & Service Provider Form
I~ont: $\Ibmlt O~ c:opy of 1tI. comp1etee 3JlPI1e3tIcm ~nc1 '- for eaeh n_ f1lSldentlal prcjac1
~ulrlnll . d*rmtnatlon of concurrwncy for KhooI.. A d9terTnln8llon will be pmvlded withIn IIIIHn (15)
worklno dlIyt; of rllCeipt of 8 cornt/lOlo 81l!l1lC8llOn. A dotormlnation I; nO! U'3I'lmr:lble and 1$ v;1Id lor one ye:tr
from d_ of lau_nee. Once the Oewlopm_nt Order ~ 'aaU<Od. tI'M! con<:unvncy doPt8rmlrnltlon ahaW b<I valid
lor the life of ~ ~1Opmen1 Ord9r.
P~" c:~ \ .. I tyI)lI of appllc;ltiOn (on_ only):
~ ConCUlTllncy Del8rmlnatlan ( ) ConcumII'1C}' EMrmption ( J Conc\Jmrncy Equlva"",,cy
[ I AcleQv,,~ Sd100l F:lcll1tl~ Oelerrn1n:lt1on ( lleller of No IrnPl'tl [ 1 Tlme ExTen.~1on
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,......_. nw ofllle _C/lf/'rIaiotI plait_ ...._-tI()' _ _c__
Prot-ef ~~: BAYWAlK MvnlelDllIlty: CITY 0" BOYNTON 8fAOl
Prop.rty Controt ~ (PCM): 08-43-46-04-17-QOO-06Z0
~On I Met,.... ot Subject Pl'Q9IIft1: N. FED!AAl KWV lit CHUKK!R R.OAO. BOYNTON BeACH FL. :
Tolal Number of Unib
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.Ii 52JD)
Broward County:
4401 West Tradewinds Avenue
Suite 201
Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308
Phone (954)491-7811 ~
Fax (954)491-7825 ~
Consulting Engineers
Dade County:
12945 Southwest 132nd S
Unit 5
. Miami, Florida 33186
Phone (305)253-1970
Fax (305) 253-0897
August 14, 2006
Mrs. Sherie Coale
Planning and Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Project Number 260101
Dear Mrs. Coale:
Pursuant to the first review comments received for the New Site Plan of the above referenced
project, following please find a brief summary of how each comment has been addressed:
1. Information statement.
2. Applicant proposes to handle the solid waste in two ways as follows:
a. Units with garages and driveways will use a roll-out cart. Also, Units No.1 & 4 in
Building No.1, Units No.5 & 8 in Building No.2 and Unit No. 19 in Building No.
4 will not be provided with a roll-out car and will be using the dumpster. Since the
proposed project is a condominium, the waste handling rules will be specified in the
documents and enforced by the association.
b. Units without garage and driveways will use the two dumpsters which have been
added to the site plan. Please refer to revised site plan.
3. See No.2 above.
4. Dumpster have been added to the project.
5. Traffic concurrency letter from P aIm Beach County approving the proj ect has been requested
and will be submitted as soon as it becomes available.
6. The project has been re-designed as a "condominium" and therefore, the roads and parking
are considered parking tracts and part of the common areas. No road right-of-ways are
7. Circle and parking locations have been revised to provide the necessary backup distance of
24 feet.
8. Garage has been deleted from Unit 4, Building I to avoid movement problems.
9. "One Way" sign has been added to the traffic circle area to direct traffic.
1 O. Additional pavement has been added at the end of each dead-end road by buildings No.1 &
11. There will be no gates at the entrance of this community.
12. Note has been added to the plans. Please see Site Plan note 8. on the sheet SPI OF 2.
13. Information statement.
14. Information statement.
15. The development will have condominium ownership. Please see Site Plan note 9. on the
sheet SP 1 OF 2.
16. Refer to landscape architect comments.
17. Refer to landscape architect comments.
18. Refer to landscape architect comments.
19. Refer to landscape architect comments.
20. Information statement.
21. Sections F-F, G-G, H-H have been revised to show Type "D" Curb.
22. Paving Notes have been added to Sheet PD2 OF 2.
23. Information statement.
24. The time table for the development of the project is as follows:
Obtain City Commission Approval =
Obtain Utilities Department Approval =
Obtain PBCHD Approval =
Finish Construction =
Request Water Meters/Service =
October 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
June 2007
See note 9 on Sheet No. WS 1 OF 1
25. Utility easements and existing utilities have been shown on the Site Plan.
26. Information statement.
27. Enclosed please find a copy ofthe Fire Flow Calculations.
28. Information statement.
29. Information statement.
30. Information statement.
31. Information statement.
32. Backflow preventers have been shown on the plans.
33. Refer to landscape architect comments.
34. Meter note has been revised in Sheet WS 1 OF 1.
35. Information statement.
36. Information statement.
37. Note has been added to Sheet WSl OF 1 regarding the water main connection.
38. Water main, valve and easement has been added by Building No.4 for future connection.
39. We have deleted the water main in front of Building No.2 as it was not needed as per the
new condominium configuration.
40. Existing utilities with sizes have been shown on the Site Plan.
41. Note has been added. Please refer to Note No. 10 on Sheet SPl OF 2.
42. Information statement.
43. Enclosed please find a copy of the Fire Flow Test.
44. No gates are proposed for this project.
45. Note has been added. Please refer to Fire Department Note No.4 on Sheet SPI OF 2.
46. See Fire Department Note No.1 on Sheet SPl OF 2.
47. Information statement.
48. Photometric Plans have been provided.
49. This project is a residential comunity; developer will provide metal halide fixtures if
available by FPL.
50. Information statement.
51. Information statement.
52. Information statement.
53. Information statement.
54. Information statement.
55. Information statement.
56. Information statement.
57. Please refer to architect comments.
58. Please refer to architect comments.
59. Information statement.
60. Information statement.
61. Information statement.
62. Information statement.
63. Information statement.
64. Information statement.
65. Information statement.
66. Information statement.
67. Information statement.
68. Note has bee added to the Site Plan. Please refer to Note No.7 on Sheet No. SPI OF 2.
69. Information statement.
70. Information statement.
71. Information statement.
72. Proposed finish floor is 10.25 NGVD.
73. Please refer to architect comments.
74. Please refer to architect comments.
75. Information statement. S
76. Refer to landscape architect comments. ~ j E:..<-- r
77. Refer to landscape architect comments.
78. Information statement.
79. Information statement.
80. Information statement.
81. Information statement.
82. Information statement.
83. Applications have been revised. See attached.
84. Applications have been revised. See attached.
85. Applications have been revised. See attached.
86. Applications have been revised. See attached.
87. Signed and sealed surveys are attached.
88. Bearing and distances have been added to the Site Plan.
89. Information statement.
90. Drainage statement has been added to the drainage plans.
91. Traffic impact study will be provided as soon as it becomes available.
92. Attached please find a copy of the school concurrency approval by the School Board.
93. The billboard will be removed prior to applying for a certificate of occupancy of the 20th unit.
94. Zoning and Land Use designation of property adjacent to the south has been updated.
95. Index of Sheets has been revised as per your request.
96. Information statement.
97. Site address has been revised in the Site Data.
98. Building data table has been added on sheet SP2 OF 2.
99. Unit B floor plan has been revised.
100. The minimum setback has been stated in the site data table; we have provided more than the
minimum required on the plan.
101. This item was discussed at a meeting with staff and agreed to keep setbacks as originally
102. U sable open space calculations have been added to the site data tables; usable open space
areas have been shown in the Site Plan.
103. Project will be a condominium.
104. Project has been revised; lot lines have been removed.
105. Information statement.
106. Note has been added to the Site Plan.
107. Setbacks have been labeled on the Site Plan; there are no landscape buffers on this project.
108. Information statement.
109. Streets to be private parking tracts.
110. There are no internal right-of-ways.
111. There are no internal right-of-ways.
112. There are no internal right-of-ways.
113. Information statement.
114. 24' backup distance has been provided.
115. Please refer to handicap access plan.
116. Two parking spaces have been provided for each unit.
117. HOA will be responsible for monitoring proper parking assignment.
118. 85 parking spaces have been provide, including 5 parking spaces for the Clubhouse.
119. Parking spaces have been evenly distributed and will be assigned to each unit as per
condominium requirements.
120. See 2 above. Note has been added to the Site Plan.
121. No lift station is proposed for this site.
122. All utilities will be placed underground.
123. Mail kiosk will be located at Clubhouse.
124. Information statement.
125. Handicap space has been placed in front of the Clubhouse.
126. Additional signage has been added to the plans.
127. Please refer to architect comments.
128. Please refer to architect comments.
129. Please refer to architect comments.
130. Information statement.
131. Please refer to architect comments.
132. Please refer to architect comments.
133. Please refer to architect comments.
134. Please refer to architect comments.
135. Please refer to architect comments.
136. Please refer to architect comments.
137. Please refer to architect comments.
138. Please refer to architect comments.
139. Please refer to architect comments.
140. Please refer to architect comments.
141. Please refer to architect comments.
142. Location approved at staff meeting.
143. Please refer to architect comments.
144. Please refer to architect comments.
145. Please refer to architect comments.
146. Please refer to architect comments.
147. Pavers details have been provided in the Landscape Plans.
148. Please refer to architect comments.
149. Please refer to architect comments.
150. Please refer to architect comments.
151. Information statement.
152. Note has been added to the Site Plan.
153. Refer to landscape architect comments.
154. Refer to landscape architect comments.
155. Refer to landscape architect comments.
156. Information statement.
157. Information statement.
158. Not applicable per staff meeting.
159. Refer to landscape architect comments.
160. Not applicable per staff meeting.
161. Refer to landscape architect comments.
162. Refer to landscape architect comments.
163. Refer to landscape architect comments.
164. Photometries have been provided for Clubhouse.
165. Information statement.
166. Information statement.
167. Information statement.
168. Signs have been shown on the Site Plan and Landscape Plan.
169. Please refer to architect comments.
170. Refer to landscape architect comments.
171. Information statement.
172. Please refer to architect comments.
173. Refer to landscape architect comments.
174. Refer to landscape architect comments.
175. Please refer to architect comments.
176. Refer to landscape architect comments.
177. Wall has been replaced with fencing.
178. Not applicable per staff meeting.
179. Information statement.
180. Please refer to architect comments.
181. Please refer to architect comments.
Attached please find twelve copies ofthe revised plans and seven copies ofthe responses with the
requested supplementary information. Reductions and JPEG files will be submitted by separate
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call our
cc: Hector Garcia, SOUTHERN HOMES w/encl.
Tom Pagnotta, SOUTHERN HOMES w/encl.
C:\DATAIProjects\260101 - BaywalkINew configurationlCorrespondenceltrc response \,wpd
- ~
co Yf /V( JZJJ ~ S
57. This development is condo ownership but each units are separated from their adjacent
by a masonry wall without openings giving one hour fire rate separation, basically the
same solution as in fee simple units.
58. As per table 704.8 note g buildings with unprotected bearing walls can have unlimited
exterior unprotected openings.
73. Type of construction. V B.
74. We added the Grab bars to toilets and the 60" diameter accessibility area circle is
shown on plans.
123. The mailboxes will be grouped in the pool house covered terrace.
127. A bike rack is located in front ofthe Pool house.
128. The building height is 24'-9".
129. The building height is marked in all front elevation.
131. Elevations are labeled with their geographic orientation.
132. Building 1 and 2 rear elevation were treated as front elevation, Mullions were added
to the sliding glass door to give them like and entry door look, we also redesign the
property fence facing the US-l adding individuals gate and walkways for each units.
133. All the decorative shutters match the window type.
134. The buildings front elevations have a lot of architectural detail in a specific
architectural language we consider that we can not add another more detail without
135. We will consider this suggestion for our construction documents.
136. We added Box out around several rear elevation windows Braking the long planes
of wall and the roof line
137. With the use of three different Box out in each rear elevations we broke all roofs in
four different section.
138. This will be too expensive and nobody can see these doors because we have a 6'
high perimeter wall.
139. We increase the size and added details and decorative metal railing to the Box out
that we had in the side elevation that can be seen from Federal Highway.
140. The Entry arch was redesigned to achieve the 14' -0" clearance, dimension and color
are labeled on the new plans.
141. We don't consider this necessary, looking at this building rendering is possible to
notice that with all the architectural details and the front elevation movement and colors,
is hard to notice the building length.
143. The A-3 was revised.
144. A color schedule was added to all elevation, including roof and railing material and
145. See previous.
146. See previous.
148. We redesign the whole community federal highway elevation following these
149. Pool fence details and color are on page A-3, the perimeter fence is on page SP-1,
and the decorative fence facing Federal Highway is on page A-I.
150. The perimeter wall is a prefab wall built by another company, they will provide the
details and specification, what we have in our plans is how this wall will look, it has
columns with caps in different colors than the wall panels please see sheet.
169. Sign detail is in page A-I.
172. We will be using the same garage doors that we are using our other projects which
have a very nice look.
175. The architectural floor plan layout that we have for the all the units works very well
independently of their width.
180. Please see answer in 132, 134, 136, and 137.
181.Please see answer in 132 and 148.
LJt~vD~CA-pg ~J fl~6J
16. Large canopy trees have been relocated to eliminate shadowing pole lights.
17. The note was already in the General Notes, Sheet P-l.
18. Landscaping along the East property line was and still is in accordance with the FPL
19. The Oaks along the perimeter are and are columnar shape trees ('High Rise' Oaks,
Dahoon Holly's) which do not develop a mature canopy greater than 15' spread. The
trees do not conflict with surrounding landscape.
33. No Canopy trees are located within Utility easements.
63. Landscape irrigation source shall be an on site well, this was in the general notes.
76. 110% irrigation coverage has been added to the General Notes.
77. Live Oaks and Mahoganies (Large canopy trees) are only planted in the largest
landscape areas.
148. East Wall along Federal Hwy. has been deleted and replaced with a fence panel and
small columns.
153. AC screening has been completed - see sheet P-l.
154. Landscape has been enhanced - See sheet P-l.
155.A detail elevation ofthe fountain has been added, see sheet P-l
159. The 12' Utility easement has been clarified, and only palm trees have been planted
within the easement.
161. The native material has been categorized into Canopy Trees / Palm Tree~ / Shrubs
and Groundcovers within the landscape criteria information sheet P-l.
162. All shrubs and hedges have been increased to 24" height and spread @ 24" O.c..
163. The irrigation source will be well water as stated in the general notes.
170. The sign is setback at least 10' from property line and is surrounded by (2) colorful
shrubs and (2) colorful groundcovers.
173. The pool equipment has been relocated and more landscape screening has been
174. Tall material has been added to these locations.
176. This comment is noted and understood.
WEST PAlM BEACH, FL 33406-5813
(561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187
June 19, 2006
Ms. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner
Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Dear Ms. Zeitler:
The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency
Determination on the above referenced project for 40 multi-family units.
Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency
Application and Service Provider Form for Baywalk (FKA Oceanside at Boynton Beach). This
Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a
Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be
valid for the life of the Development Order.
please feel free to contact me at
cc: Carlos Ballbe, P.A.
L:\Planning\Public\lNTER GOV\Concurrency\Concu rrency Determination Letlers\Concu rrency\2006\Boynton Be ach\C04031 902 Rev. doc
03/10/2002 19:01
"- '
Thl ~''''"I Dlllflct of Palm 8Md1 CQ\lllty
PIan"lng Dopattm..-t
3320 FO'WfIllll emt. C.1'O
wm ""1m ellch. FL 33'109-6813
Phono. (68 1) 4l4oll8OO or (5!1') 9153-3877
~.x; (~') 4J4-f'fr Of (";'1 4)4-4815
The Schoo' District of Palm Beach County
School Concurrency Application & Service Provider Form
Intmletlont: S\lbmlt 0.,. copy of ltl. c:ompl~ :tppI1eMiotl ~ftCI '- for each n_ mId_1lI1 pntJect
requiring_ det.nnlnatlon of concurrwncy for Khoola. A det&rtnin8llon will be provided wtthln lIftftrt l'5)
wor1dng dlIy$ of rteOipt 01 a compltlllllClllI1eoflon. A dOlOmIlnation 1$ nollransfor.lble and 1$ v;1Id for one ye:u
In>m d_ of IDuanee. Once the O....lopm.nt Order III..""". !he co"""""""Y dlrt8rmllllltlon ahaA be ..lid
for the II,.. Of tht Dro1IlOpmenl OrdM.
P~' ehtek I" I type of 31lP1l=tlon (on. only):
)4 Concumll'lcy Oel8rmlnstlon [ ) Coneumrncy E.oemptlon ( I Conc\Jmmcy Equlva"",,cy
[ I AcleQu~t~ ~ F..c1I1l1e$ OelerrrdTl~l1on I Il.etler of No Im~ [ I TIme Exten.o;lon
1'_: ConeY","ey o.a...mlnlltlcm 'If' AcI.~ khool I'ocnm.o ~"",,on (S2OO.oo lor m.... ""'" 20 ...m./ 20
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,.,..., __. COW Of IltelaIlD4f/'rlalotl plait. ..., - -/>I)' _ ___
ProjKt "'mt: 8A YWAlK MvnIdDaUt)': aTY 0" BOYNTON efACH
Prop.rty Controt Number (PCH): [)8.43-46-04-17-OOO-O620
~on I AclcIrtM of SUbject P~ N. FEDfAAL. 'rffIY & CHUKK!R IlOAD, BOYNTON BEACH FL. :
Total Number of Unib
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.. ^ Aftftktlve COvInant .. NqU" tor..~ mrnmunn-...
Agent's Name: CARLOS BALLBE. P.A.
M.DIn" Addru.; 4401 W. TMOEWINDS AVEN~ ~1
Fa Nulllhr: .~~l;W.S
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New Site Plan
Project name: Baywalk
File number: NWSP 06-017
Reference: 151 review plans identified as a New Site Plan with an April 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-
6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section
10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four [J"( II
unit types (Type "A") proposed for this project does not have a garage (for t'\..:1. ~ 1..--( I-
screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway (for placing the roll-outs for , ~
D c:1 ( ; .'p~
pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Type "A" please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for
Buildings 1 and 2. A solid waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to
Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering the development from
Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have
to back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the
development. These conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste
pick up in this development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this
site given the space constraints. If dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be
located and constructed in compliance with all applicable regulations and
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR,
Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.) Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths
for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width,
including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way
to handle solid waste storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an
evaluation of sight distance for backing out of garages. Clearly indicate on
the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the
terminal traffic circle at the west end of the project. Please correct to provide
the minimum requirement of 24 feet.
8. The turning movement necessary to gain access to Unit 4 (Building 1) is
virtually impossible to make in a single movement. Even making multiple
maneuvers to gain access creates an unsafe condition for motorists. The
driveway access point shall be 30 feet from the roadway intersection (LDR,
Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 1.A.l.)
9. Add "One-Way" signs around the terminal traffic circle to direct traffic.
10. Provide an additional five (5) feet of pavement at the end of each of the
dead-end roadways in front of Buildings 1 and 2 to facilitate the backing
movement for Units 1 and 8.
11. Please be advised that insufficient stacking distance has been provided at
the development entrance to ever allow gating of this community.
12. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits
shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These
permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage,
curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from
other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth
Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD),
Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach
County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM)
and any others, shall be included with the permit request."
13. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be
reflected on all appropriate sheets.
14. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory
Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments
may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
15. The plans do not indicate whether this development will be fee simple or
condo ownership. If fee simple, upon satisfactory Commission approval of
the site plan, the applicant shall enter the plat process through the City's
Engineering Division. A preliminary plat application may be initiated
during the site plan review to expedite issuance of the Land Development
16. It will be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light
fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR,
Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. Lb.) Conflicts are noted between the Live
Oaks and both light poles in the landscaping in the terminal traffic circle at
the west end of the project, between the Mahoganies and the light pole at
the south end of the south dead-end roadway in front of Building 2, and the
Dahoon Hollies and light pole in front of Building 5.
17. The medians on Federal Highway have existing irrigation and plant material
belonging to the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to the irrigation
system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's operations shall
be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as approved by the
City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of the developer.
The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of Boynton Beach
Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum of six (6) weeks
in advance of any underground activities. Please acknowledge this notice
in your comments response and add a note to the appropriate plan sheets
with the above stated information.
18. There are overhead lines along the east property lines (west right-of-way
line of Federal Hwy.) Landscaping shall be designed and installed in
accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place".
19. Oaks that are closer than ten (10) feet to the north, south and/or west
property lines may conflict with landscaping on adjacent properties. Please
verify landscaping on adjacent properties and adjust your landscaping
accordingly. Alternatively consider the use of different tree species where
conflicts with landscaping exist.
20. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of
21. Sections F-F, G-G, and H-H (Sheet PD2 of 2) are incorrectly calling out
Type D curb as "Thickened Edge Sidewalk." Please correct.
22. The typical sections on Sheet PD2 of 2 refer to notes that were not found on
this sheet or on Sheet PD 1 of 2. Please correct.
23. Paving, drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
24. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer
services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date
for the timeline should be the date of City Commission approval. Also
provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and
the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine
the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project
upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible.
25. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the site plan and
landscape plans (as well as the Water & Sewer Plans) so that we may
determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may interfere with
utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within
utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so
that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in
the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article I, Section 18.1 gives
public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way.
26. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the
water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
27. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments)
with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV,
Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters,
whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-l6(b)).
28. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be
paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature
on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site
plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based
upon final meter size, or expected demand.
29. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be
included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on
the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12-ft. The Water
Distribution and Sewage Collection System Plan Sheet reflects only two (2)
6-ft. wide utility easements on either side of the main roadway (ingress-
egress), which does not cover the proposed water and sewage main lines.
Please clarify. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to
the City as stated in CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
30. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer
utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the
City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that
setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
31. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department
has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
32. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water
service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in
accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
33. There are canopy trees specified within the utility easements throughout the
project. Please correct.
34. Note #7, Sheet WS10f 1 refers to a total of 65 water meters required for the
proj ect. In the Baywalk - Site Data, Sheet SP2 of 2, specifies a total of 40
units for the project. Using this number and noting that there are two meters
shown at the Clubhouse it appears there will be 40 - % x %-in. residential
meters, 1 - % x %-in. non-residential meter (clubhouse) and 1 - I-in. non-
residential meter (pool). Please correct the plans accordingly.
35. Water meters shall be placed within a non-traffic area per City Standard W-
36. Clean-outs shall be traffic rated where placed in driveways.
37. Complete a loop of the water main from the north end of the main in
front of Building 1 to the main running east west in the adjacent property.
38. Provide a valve and easement at the south end of the water main in front of
(and at the south end of) Building 4 to allow for future connection(s).
39. Check into the possibility of a loop of the water main in front of Building 2
south into the proposed Palm Cove project (EOR is Winningham &
Fradley). If no connection is possible the main may be reduced to 6-in. in
40. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(0) requires Master Plans to
show all utilities on or adjacent to the proposed tract. The plan must
therefore show the point of service for water and sewer, and the proposed
off-site utilities construction needed in order to service this project. Please
indicate main sizes and materials for all off-site connections.
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be
included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other
appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans.
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in
accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design
Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates)
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
43. Provide water supply information for this site. A flow test conducted by the
Boynton Beach Fire Department within six months of submitting of the
plans must be the basis for any hydraulic calculations
44. Any gates shall have a Knox override keys provided for Emergency Vehicle
access. Gates must be 12 feet wide for single lane traffic and 20 feet wide
for two way traffic. Any card readers or landscape islands cannot obstruct
vehicle access
45. All roads shall be compacted to 32 tons to the point of vertical construction
and shall be kept clear of debris and obstructions so that emergency vehicles
can respond within the site. Any damage to Fire Department equipment
because of roads not being compacted or debris in the road will result in the
developer and/or contractor paying for repairs.
46. All Fire hydrants shall have water supply before vertical construction
begins. This does not mean that the Health Department must sign them off,
but there must be water on the system.
47. The turn about at the end of the site looks tight. If any piece of Fire
Department Apparatus cannot negotiate the circle the project will not be
48. Applicant shall provide a detailed photometric lighting plan.
49. All lighting shall be metal halide following IESNA Lighting standards.
50. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting (to include long-term tree
canopy growth).
51. Timer clock or photocell lighting for nighttime use shall be above or near
52. Pedestrian scale lighting shall be used for all street and pedestrian
walkways. It is suggested that interactive or lighting on demand be used
in sensitive areas.
53. Numerical address:
. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility (dusk to dawn).
. Shall not be obstructed.
54. Residential Security:
. The door leading into a residential unit should be a solid core door and
equipped with a single cylinder dead bolt lock (including garage door).
. When placing the order for a front door that will have a side pane window
it should be placed on the opposite side of the door handle and lock making
them unreachable.
. If front door has zero visibility to front entryway are, it should be equipped
with a 180-degree peephole.
. Entry door should open outward versus inward.
. All exterior doors should be equipped with security hinges.
· Anti lifting auxiliary locks should be installed on sliding doors and
· Should be pre-wired for alarm system.
· There should be strategically placed directories with arrow indicators for
buildings throughout the property at vehicle driver sight level. The
directories should be placed at the ingress points.
· Ifbenches in a park area are intended for nighttime use, adequate lighting
should be provided for the area in which they are located. They should also
be in open view to eliminate concealment areas.
Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a
construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police
Department CPTED Official.
· The development/project manager after site clearing and placement of
construction trailer shall institute security measures to reduce or eliminate
opportunities for theft. The management plan shall include, but not be
limited to , temporary lighting, security personnel, vehicle barriers,
construction/visitor pass, reduce/minimize entry/exit points, encourage sub
contractors to secure machinery, tools at end of work day and or any other
measure deemed appropriate to provide a safe and secure working
56. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments
may not be generated by the commission and at permit review.
57. The height and area for buildings or structures of the different types of
construction shall be governed by the intended use or occupancy of the
building, and shall not exceed the limits set forth in Table 503 of the 2004
58. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall
openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2004 FBC, Table
704.8, or 2004 FBC, Residential, Section R302.2. Submit calculations that
clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings
permitted per 2004 FBC, Table 704.8 or 2004 FBC, Residential, Section
59. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or
structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and
the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that
are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of
Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
60. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the
loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table
1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design.
61. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
62. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
poolhouse, provide the following:
· Will the poolhouse be restricted to the residents of the entire project only?
· Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to
the pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office?
· Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
· Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to
the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be
sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the
applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their
determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office.
63. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are
readily available.
64. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the
permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216.
65. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and
the Commission-approved site plan.
. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
. The number of dwelling units in each building.
. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer.
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
66. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel, or tract.
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer,
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel, or tract. The
recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
67. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
. A legal description of the land.
. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and
the Commission-approved site plan.
. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
. The number of dwelling units in each building.
. The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f))
68. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall
meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time
of permit application.
69. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies,
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must
incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order
and approved by the City Commission.
70. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted.
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
71. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement
Watershed. Therefore, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton
Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the
CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted
to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal.
72. Sheet SP2 - Site Data Information lists minimum finish floor elevation as
10.25 NGVD and Miscellaneous Site Data lists finish floor elevation as
11.00 NGVD. Clarify.
73. Sheet SP2 - Indicate on plan if construction type is III(A) or (B).
74. Sheet A-2 - Size of handicap toilet stall shall comply with 2004 FBC,
Section 11-4.17 (Exception: New Construction).
Park Impact Fee
75. 40 single family, attached units @ $771.00 each = $ 30,840.00 to be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
76. Irrigation needs to provide 110% coverage and have separate zones for
grassed and bedding areas.
77. It is recommended that oaks and mahoganies only be planted in areas that
can provide as wide a growing area as their mature canopy due to the losses
sustained during hurricane events. Additionally, behind the units, there is
only a growing space of seven (7) feet which is far too narrow for the use of
Comments: NONE
78. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written
responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised
plans. Each set should be folded and stapled
79. At the technical advisory review team meeting, also provide a full set of
reduced drawings, sized 8Yz inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each
plan to a compact disk and submit that to staff as well
80. Staff considers these plans to be at the final stage of site plan review, the
last stage prior to permit review. As such, all comments need to be
addressed and shown on the plans prior to the TART meeting
81. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the new site plan is publicly
advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007
82. The applicant is responsible for compliance with Ordinance 05-060, the
"Art in Public Places" program and must demonstrate their participation.
Please submit a completed form for this program prior to the TART
meeting. Identify location of public art on site plan, if the intent is to place
the art on site (as opposed to payment in lieu of). The fee associated with
this program is required at the time of permitting
83. Revise application (Sec. 1.7) to provide street address (3103 N Federal Hwy
84. Revise application (Sec. 1.9) to provide legal description (Amended plat of
Tradewind Estates Lots 62 and 63, less road right-of-way) OR attach an
Exhibit "A" as noted (Exhibit A was not included
85. Revise application (Sec. 1.17) to indicate that a site plan was previously
approved (NWSP 04-004), but is no longer valid (expired May 18, 2005
86. Revise application (Sec. II. 1 0) to correct calculation of required parking
spaces (to match plan sheet SP2 of 2
87. Each survey should be signed and sealed (Ch. 4., Sec. 7.A.). Copies are not
88. Add bearings and distances (which match survey) to perimeter property
lines on site plan
89. A unity of title may be required. The Building Division of the Department
of Development will determine its applicability
90. A drainage statement is required prior to the Technical Review Committee
meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2
91. The traffic impact analysis must be approved by the Palm Beach County
Traffic Division for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any
building permits
92. The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach
County regarding school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building
permit. It would be preferable to have this approval prior to the Community
Redevelopment Agency Board meeting
93. The survey shows an existing billboard is located on site. Please indicate
it's location on site plan and add to note when it will be removed (prior to
development of the property
94. Property to the south was recently approved for annexation, land use
amendment and rezoning for the proposed Palm Cove development. Please
update site plan re: information for adjacent property to south
95. Reorder plan set so that architecturals precede civils. The suggested order is
as follows: Survey, SPl-2, SD-2 (correct spelling of typical), A4-14, A2-3,
A-I, SD-1 (sheet has SP-1), T-1, P-1, PH-I, HAl, PDl-2, WS1, T
96. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the
plan set
97. The Site Plan Data indicates the project location is North Federal Highway
and Chukker Road. This is incorrect; please provide an appropriate location
98. Provide an area breakdown table (SP 2 of 2) which lists all model units for
each building, size of each unit, total building square footage per building,
and grand total building square footage on site
99. Revise Unit B floor plan (A-12) to indicate correct number of bedrooms (2
not 3
100. The site plan tabular data (sheet SP2 of 2) is incorrect because the
"Setbacks" indicate the proposed front building setback is 8 feet but it is
graphically shown as 12 feet. Please clarify
101. The zoning code does not specify minimum setbacks for the IPUD district,
but states that setbacks provided should mirror setbacks of adjacent
development. Indicate the building footprint of the closest building on the
abutting properties to the west (setbacks for RM in PBC) and north (south
previously approved at 11 feet). The front setback approved for the
adiacent Palm Cove PUD is 20 feet
102. The IPUD zoning district requires 200 square feet of usable open space per
dwelling unit. The plan proposes 40 dwelling units, and therefore, 8,000
square feet of usable open space is required (Chapter 2, Section 5.L.3.).
Note size and boundaries of all usable open space areas on site plan. The
pool/clubhouse area may be utilized in the calculation to meet this
requirement. On the overall Site Plan Tabular Data please indicate usable
open space totals (required and provided). Note that usable open space is
not the same as pervious area
103. Clarify on plans whether this project will be condo or fee-simple for
ownership. If fee-simple, indicate all townhouse lot lines on separate lot
line plan, and include a typical lot detail with dimensions, building
footprint, and max. lot coverage
104. Clarify property lines for townhouse units and total right of way width. The
townhouse property lines divide parking spaces in many areas. If parking
spaces are to be included within the lots, the lot lines can not divide the
parking space, how will this work with fee simple townhouse lots
105. Prior to the issuance of a building or land development permit, the applicant
shall provide a copy of the homeowners or property owners association
documents for review and approval
106. Provide a note on plans that the established homeowner's association and
condo association will not allow individual pools or additions, and will not
allow the patios, porches, or balconies to be modified (i.e. increased in size,
enclosed, or screened
107. Dimension and label building setbacks and landscape buffer widths along
perimeter property lines
108. In order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends
converting them from private property to "buffer tracts" that would be
owned and maintained by the Home Owners' Association
109. Clarify if streets interior to the project are public rights-of-way or private
streets to be maintained by the homeowner's association. Streets, regardless
if public or private, are required to be 40 feet in PUD'
Clarify (by dimensioning and labeling) the total width of the internal rights
IPUD may be considered for approval with right-of-way and pavement
widths less than the minimum PUD requirement of 40 feet, however in no
case shall health, safety, and / or welfare be jeopardized. However, these
roads are primary circulation roadways for use by residents and service
providers alike. Solid waste pickup would be roll-out curbside service for
each unit, rather than a centralized trash dumpster, therefore large garbage
trucks will be required to maneuver and circulate throughout the proposed
develo ment.
Due to the minimal street width, there is limited area for utilities within
those streets. There are required distances that underground utilities must
be separated from other utilities and from structures. In addition, the
reduced internal street width poses a potential sight distance hazard. All
proposed buildings are oriented toward the interior of the site, and residents
would access their garages from the private streets internal to the
development. Due to the limited street width (currently shown as 24 feet)
and backing out into a roundabout, sight distance may be compromised,
leadin to a safe issue for residents backin out of s aces
The dimension of the parking stalls, vehicular back-up areas, and dumpster
enclosure location / orientation is subject to the Engineering Division of
Public Works' review and a roval
A 24-foot back-up distance is required behind every 90-degree parking stall
Per master plan requirements, indicate pedestrian circulation which should
'be planned to prevent pedestrian use of vehicular ways and parking spaces.
Note on plans the sidewalks interior to the development, continuous
perimeter sidewalks, and widths of sidewalks. The plan does not have a
pedestrian pathway from the parking spaces located at the roundabout and
south of the roundabout, to some of the buildin s
ach unit requires a minimum of two (2) parking spaces. Fee simple
townhouses typically have the two spaces in an attached two car garage, or a
combination of garage and driveway that meets the required parking space
size. Consider revising plan to provide this type of parking which
townhouse owners want, rather than the proposed surface parking spaces
found in rental communities
Units which have garages are limited to one-car garages, and all but one of
the driveways located in front of the garages are too small to count as the
additional parking space needed for the unit. Parking is available, but may
require walking some distance from the space to the unit. Residents will
most likely use the 8 foot deep driveway in front of the garages for parking,
which will result in cars blocking the sidewalks and possibly a portion of the
road's travel lane as well. What measures will be taken to prevent this from
Parking is deficient on site. A total of 5 spaces are required for the
recreational amenit area, brin in the total arkin re uired to 85 s aces
Parking spaces are not evenly distributed throughout the site. Two parking
spaces are required for each unit. The deficient parking space locations at
each buildin are as follows: building 2 (-2 s aces), buildin 3 -6 s aces),
wai u (r
. /it
, NC-I
building 4 (-5 spaces), and building 5 (-8 spaces). The 21 remaining spaces
required for these buildings are located in the roundabout at the end of the
road, and the row of parking spaces south of the roundabout. These spaces
will be out of sight of many of the residents who own the vehicles parked
there. The community does not appear to be gated or provide security other
than lighting
---1 20:,ffi.dd note to plans that solid waste disposal for townhouses will be curbside
---- garbage pickup in front of each unit, instead of a centralized trash container
or dumpster
121. Will an on-site lift station be required as a result of this development? Ifso,
indicate its location on the site and landscape plan
122. It is recommended that all utilities be placed underground
123. Will townhouse mailboxes be located at each unit or grouped at a kiosk? If
grouped, indicate location
124. It is a basic public expectation that landowners requesting the use of the
IPUD district will develop design standards that exceed the standards of the
basic development standards in terms of site design, building architecture,
and construction materials, amenities and landscape design (Chapter 2,
Section 5.L.1.b.). The city is not obligated to automatically approve the
level of development intensity requested for the IPUD. Instead, it is
expected to approve only such level of intensity that is appropriate for a
particular location in terms of land use compatibilities (Chapter 2, Section
5.L.1.c.). The proposed project contains no provision for guest parking. In
addition, no tandem parking (driveway parking) has been provided for these
dwelling units that may very well possess two (2), three (3), four (4) car
households, not to mention storage within the garage that can compromise
necessary parking spaces. Therefore, staff recommends providing surplus
parking, additional garages, etc
125. The one (1) handicap space on site should be located to afford the easiest
and closest access to the clubhouse. The handicapped space should be
relocated closer to the clubhouse entrance (space 41 location
126. Additional one-way signage is needed in the roundabout area (near space
49), and possibly other areas within the roundabout
<i2f)Include bike racks near the swimming pool area. Staff recommends that
they be covered or sheltered.
128. The building height depicted on all elevation drawings (28'4" to top of
ridge) should directly correspond to the proposed building height in the site
plan tabular data (37') (sheet SP2 of2
129. All elevation drawings should dimension the mid-point of the roof, between
the "top of beam" and the "top of roof' elevation. This dimension should
directly correspond to the proposed building height in the Site Plan Tabular
130. Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the TART meeting
(Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.). These will be on display at the public meetings
131. Label elevations North, South, East, and West
( 132~eorient the two buildings with frontage on Federal Highway so that they
~face (front) the street to correspond with the adjacent Palm Cove
development to the south. Create walkways from Federal Highway sLdc ,-~ +-c 10<_
sidewalk to front entry of these units to engage the street as noted in the -f~ AJ~J l Ii <...JO ,.-
CRA guidelines .
133. Revise front building elevations to ensure that type of shutter proposed
matches shape of window proposed
134. T ~e-the..fI'ontJ:~~ilding elev~tions amt provide 1'equired foundation
landscaping, consider .pio.v~-Per.gQlas above garage doors and large V
potted boogainviflea';r other climbing ;}d7orfloweting vines on each side
of garage door
135. To enhance the front building elevations, consider providing white light
fixtures on each side of garage doors. Will front entry of each unit have an
outdoor light
~ The rear elevations are lacking detail. Staff recommends incorporating
additional architectural features on the rear elevations similar to that of the
front and side elevations
137. Revise rear building elevations to include additional architectural features
and enhancements. Break up large expanses of fayade, and provide roof
.~ articulation
.!.lVo enhance the rear building elevations, consider replacing sliding glass
doors with French doors
139. Provide additional architectural treatments (wooden shutters, trellises, faux
windows, etc.) to the side elevations visible from Federal Highway, to
alleviate large areas of blank wall
140. Revise elevation of the front entrance archway by labeling clearance height,
overall height, exterior finish, and color
141. Consider breaking up buildings to include 4 to 5 units each in order to \..,./"
reduce large expanses of fayade, and add visual interest
142. The amenity area is not centrally located to all units
143. Revise front area of clubhouse on site plan to match detail on A-3, and label
all impervious areas to clarify
144. All building elevations, including the clubhouse, should indicate paint
manufacturer's name and color codes (Chapter 4, Section 7.D
145. Staff recommends using a "color schedule" to identify each proposed color.
Provide color / paint swatches for the elevations including, but not limited
to, wall color and entry feature. (Chapter 4, Section 7.D
146. On the elevations, indicate the material and color of the roof, and 2nd story
balcony fencing
147. Provide details on plans which indicate location and type of pavers in streets
and driveways, and type of pool deck material
148. Delete wall in front of buildings along Federal Highway, and tie walls along
north and south property lines so that they connect with front corner of these (l 0 [c<
buildings, OR replace wall along Federal Highway with a decorative L.J / ~ II l~ 5
wrought iron or aluminum rail fence with individual gated openings for ../''''1./ ,oJ
access from each unit in Buildings 1 and 2 to public sidewalk along Federal ' (
149. Provide a detail of all fences (pool, along Federal Hwy), and privacy wall
proposed on site, including the dimensions, material, and color (Chapter 4,
Section 7.D
LJa. {(
hJ 6~
f..etJ t. f' /
;1 () V":: f(,
,..... fr
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150. Revise perimeter wall detail (sheet SP-1) to include columns with caps at
regular intervals. Only the columns and caps may exceed 6 feet in height
(not continuous coping). Wall detail indicates "By Others". Please explain
151. Consider working with your neighbor to the south (Palm Cove) to utilize
their perimeter wall rather than building one immediately adjacent to it
152. Place a note on the site plan that all above ground mechanical equipment
such as exterior utility boxes, meters, transformers, and back-flow
preventers shall be visually screened (Chapter 9, Section 1O.C.4
153. It is noted on landscape plan that all above-ground equipment will be
screened with plant material. Revise landscape plan to include screening
the at-grade AlC units proposed behind each unit with native hedge material
and add to plant list
154. Provide an enhanced landscape theme in the planting areas immediately east
of the entrance structure
155. Provide a detail of the water fountain (Chapter 4, Section 7D.) Staff
recommends that it be illuminated
156. Equipment placed on the walls of the buildings shall be painted to match the
building color (Chapter 9, Section 10.C.4.). Place a note on the elevations
indicating this requirement
157. In the past, the CRA Board has been very diligent in requesting that
developers provide a drawing that shows what the project would look like
when viewing the subject property from public rights-of-way. Therefore,
staff recommends providing a supplemental drawing that shows the east
elevation (along Federal Highway) that depicts the buildings, fences, and
plant material at time of planting
~T5~he subject site is located along the Palm Tran Bus Route. A bus stop
should be shown on the site plan, along Federal Highway. Staff V
recommends installing an upgraded shelter. Coordinate with Palm Tran and
____ provide a written response at the TART meeting
~ A 12 foot utility easement along the front property line interferes with
v landscaping (trees and shrubs) required along the right-of-way of Federal
Hwy. Clarify what utilities are located there, and how landscaping V
(including 12 foot trees) can be allowed there without affecting the utility
160. ~onsider moving buildings 1 and 2 further west to mirror 20 foot front
setback of adjacent Palm Cove, if the 12' UE cannot accommodate the V
161. Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species
(Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Canopy
trees, Palm trees, Shrubs & Groundcover. On the landscape plan, indicate
the total quantities within each category and their native percentages
162. All shrubs and hedges are required to be at minimum 24 inches in height,
24 inches III spread, and planted with tip-to-tip spacing measured
immediately after planting to adequately cover the planted areas on the site
(Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.4.
163. If potable water is used for irrigation purposes, the use of drought tolerant
plant species (per the South Florida Water Management District Manual) V
shall be maximized, and the irrigation system should have water conserving
designs (such as a drip system), where possible
164. No photometrics have been provided for the pool and clubhouse area
165. The elevation of the typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole: the design,
style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design
(height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9,
Section 1O.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle
shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one
(1) foot candle and none below Yz foot candle (Chapter 23, Article 11.A.1.a
166. Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property
(Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.2
167. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is
encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3
168. Indicate proposed project development sign locations on both site plan and
landscape plan
~lease provide a detail showing sign type, dimensions and sign face area
(max 32 sf), materials, exterior finish, letter font, and letter color(s) that
comply with Chapter 21, Article IV, Section 1
170. All sIgnage IS subject to reVIew and approval of the Community
Redevelopment Agency and City Commission. The sign structure must be
located at least 10 feet from any property line and surrounded by two
colorful varieties of shrubs and two colorful varieties of groundcover. Staff
recommends that the sign be externally lit, with ground up-lighting
171. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for
presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning
and Zoning Department representative at least one week prior to the
scheduled meeting. Staff recommends using a PowerPoint presentation at
the Community Redevelopment Agency Board meeting
172. Staff recommends the use of a more decorative residential garage door for
those units with garages
173. Provide denser landscape screening between pool equipment and residential
unit to the south
174. Staff recommends placement of additional tall planting material along the
north side of Unit #1 and south side of Unit #8 to soften the building
elevations from Federal Hwy traffic. Staff recommends the use of Coconut
palms, Montgomery palms, and/or Traveller's trees
( _~~ff recommends the width of all units be a minimum of 20 feet like all
others approved by the city, as opposed to 15, 17, and 18 foot wide units
depicted on the plan
176. The pool deck and pool fencing are located in a large utility easement, and
are subject to Engineering review and approval at this location
177. Replace perimeter wall at S. Federal Highway frontage with fencing.
Fencing shall have openings/gates for each unit fronting S. Federal
Highway. Show fencing detail on plans.
178. Install overhead utilities at Federal Highway frontage underground.
179. Provide PowerPoint presentation and color elevations for CRA Board
180. Add architectural details to first floor at rear elevations and to the 151 and 2nd
floors on the north and south elevations. Such details may include, but are
not limited to the following items:
~ Columns projecting a minimum of 4" from the wall.
~ Plinth at base of wall projecting a minimum of 6" from the wall.
~ Projecting cornice.
~ Projecting canopy.
~ Trellis
~ Medallions
~ Windows/openings
~ Artwork
~ Lighting fixtures
~ Arcade
~ Awnings
181. On rear fayade, provide two roofline breaks per 100 feet of frontage. Breaks
to be a minimum of four (4) feet.
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Southern Homes of Palm Beach\Baywalk (fka Oceanside)\NWSP 06-017\1ST REVIEW
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Rodger W. Kemmer, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal
May 10, 2006
SUBJECT: Baywalk (3,920 sq. ft. bank)
RCB Centura (40 Units; two-story townhouses)
The Fire Rescue Department expects to be able to provide an adequate level
of service for these projects with current or expected infrastructure and/or
staffing levels.
V;'u 1/9~ ttJ
cBll r!C)~
New Site Plan
Project name: Baywalk
File number: NWSP 06-017
Reference: 151 review plans identified as a New Site Plan with an April 21. 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-
6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section
10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four
unit types (Type "A") proposed for this project does not have a garage (for
screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway (for placing the roll-outs for
pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Type "A" please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for
Buildings 1 and 2. A solid waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to
Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering the development from
Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have
to back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the
development. These conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste
pick up in this development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this
site given the space constraints. If dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be
located and constructed in compliance with all applicable regulations and
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR,
Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.) Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths
for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width,
including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way
to handle solid waste storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an
evaluation of sight distance for backing out of garages. Clearly indicate on
the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the
designs (such as a drip system), where possible
164. No photometrics have been provided for the pool and clubhouse area
165. The elevation of the typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole: the design,
style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design
(height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9,
Section 10.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle
shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one
(1) foot candle and none below Yz foot candle (Chapter 23, Article 11.A.1.a
166. Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property
(Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.2
167. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is
encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.3
168. Indicate proposed project development sign locations on both site plan and
landscape plan
169. Please provide a detail showing sign type, dimensions and sign face area
(max 32 sf), materials, exterior finish, letter font, and letter color(s) that
complv with Chapter 21, Article IV, Section 1
170. All slgnage is subject to review and approval of the Community
Redevelopment Agency and City Commission. The sign structure must be
located at least 10 feet from any property line and surrounded by two
colorful varieties of shrubs and two colorful varieties of groundcover. Staff
recommends that the sign be externally lit, with ground uo-lil!htilllZ
171. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for
presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning
and Zoning Department representative at least one week prior to the
scheduled meeting. Staff recommends using a PowerPoint presentation at
the Community Redevelooment Agency Board meeting
172. Staff recommends the use of a more decorative residential garage door for
those units with garages
173. Provide denser landscape screening between pool equipment and residential
unit to the south
174. Staff recommends placement of additional tall planting material along the
north side of Unit #1 and south side of Unit #8 to soften the building
elevations from Federal Hwy traffic. Staff recommends the use of Coconut
palms, Montgomerv oalms, and/or Traveller's trees
175. Staff recommends the width of all units be a minimum of 20 feet like all
others approved by the city, as opposed to 15, 17, and 18 foot wide units
depicted on the plan
176. The pool deck and pool fencing are located in a large utility easement, and
are subject to Engineerinl! review and approval at this location
177. Replace perimeter wall at S. Federal Highway frontage with fencing. /
Fencing shall have openings/gates for each unit fronting S. Federal
Highway. Show fencing detail on plans.
178. Install overhead utilities at Federal Highway frontage underground. /
179. Provide PowerPoint presentation and color elevations for CRA Board
meeting. ~
180. Add architectural details to first floor at rear elevations and to the 1 sl and 2nd
floors on the north and south elevations. Such details may include, but are
not limited to the following items:
~ Columns projecting a minimum of 4" from the wall.
~ Plinth at base of wall projecting a minimum of 6" from the wall.
~ Projecting cornice.
~ Projecting canopy.
~ Trellis ~ V
~ Medallions
~ Windows/openings
~ Artwork
~ Lighting fixtures
~ Arcade
~ Awnings
181. On rear fayade, provide two roofline breaks per 100 feet of frontage. Breaks ,/
to be a minimum of four (4) feet.
S:IPlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Southem Homes of Palm Beach\Baywalk (fka Oceanside)\NWSP 06-017\1ST REVIEW
New Site Plan
Project name: Baywalk
File number: NWSP 06-017
Reference: 151 review plans identified as aNew Site Plan with an April 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-
6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section )(J
10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four
unit types (Type "A") proposed for this project does not have a garage (for
screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway (for placing the roll-outs for )(
pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Type "A" please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for
Buildings 1 and 2. A solid waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to
Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering the development from
Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have
to back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the X
development. These conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste
pick up in this development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this
site given the space constraints. If dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be ~
located and constructed in compliance with all applicable regulations and
standards. ~ &~
\ L.
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. ~
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR,
Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.) Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths
for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width, ~
including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way
to handle solid waste storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an
evaluation of sight distance for backing out of garages. Clearly indicate on
the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the ~
terminal traffic circle at the west end of the project. Please correct to provide J1
the minimum requirement of 24 feet.
8. The turning movement necessary to gain access to Unit 4 (Building 1) is
virtually impossible to make in a single movement. Even making multiple j
maneuvers to gain access creates an unsafe condition for motorists. The
driveway access point shall be 30 feet from the roadway intersection (LDR,
Chapter 6, Article IV, Section LA. 1.)
9. Add "One-Way" signs around the terminal traffic circle to direct traffic. )(j
10. Provide an additional five (5) feet of pavement at the end of each of the
dead-end roadways in front of Buildings 1 and 2 to facilitate the backing ;<:
movement for Units 1 and 8.
11. Please be advised that insufficient stacking distance has been provided at
the development entrance to ever allow gating of this community. ~
12. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits
shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These
permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage,
curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from
other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation X
(FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth
Drainage District (L WDD), Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD),
Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach
County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM)
and any others, shall be included with the permit request."
13. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be
reflected on all appropriate sheets. 'X
14. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory
Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments ><
may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
15. The plans do not indicate whether this development will be fee simple or
condo ownership. If fee simple, upon satisfactory Commission approval of
the site plan, the applicant shall enter the plat process through the City's ~ X
Engineering Division. A preliminary plat application may be initiated
during the site plan review to expedite issuance of the Land Development
16. It will be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light
fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR,
Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. Lb.) Conflicts are noted between the Live y;
Oaks and both light poles in the landscaping in the terminal traffic circle at
the west end of the project, between the Mahoganies and the light pole at
the south end of the south dead-end roadway in front of Building 2, and the
Dahoon Hollies and light pole in front of Building 5.
17. The medians on Federal Highway have existing irrigation and plant material
belonging to the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to the irrigation
system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's operations shall
be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as approved by the
City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of the developer. ~
The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of Boynton Beach
Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum of six (6) weeks
in advance of any underground activities. Please acknowledge this notice
in your comments response and add a note to the appropriate plan sheets
with the above stated information.
18. There are overhead lines along the east property lines (west right-of-way
line of Federal Hwy.) Landscaping shall be designed and installed in X
accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place".
19. Oaks that are closer than ten (10) feet to the north, south and/or west
property lines may conflict with landscaping on adjacent properties. Please
verify landscaping on adjacent properties and adjust your landscaping )4
accordingly. Alternatively consider the use of different tree species where
conflicts with landscaping exist.
20. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of X
21. Sections F-F, G-G, and H-H (Sheet PD2 of 2) are incorrectly calling out
Type D curb as "Thickened Edge Sidewalk." Please correct. )4
22. The typical sections on Sheet PD2 of 2 refer to notes that were not found on
this sheet or on Sheet PD 1 of 2. Please correct. )d
23. Paving, drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in )(
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
24. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer
services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date
for the timeline should be the date of City Commission approval. Also __ X
provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and
the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine
the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project
upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible.
25. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the site plan and
landscape plans (as well as the Water & Sewer Plans) so that we may
determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may interfere with
utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within 'f.
utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so
that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in
the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article I, Section 18.1 gives
public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way.
26. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the
water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). ')(
27. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments)
with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV,
Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters,
whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). Du.~ IV +1YV\(.. of
~t lttVlt\.
28. The CODE;-Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be
paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature
on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site
plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based
upon final meter size, or expected demand.
29. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be
included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on
the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12-ft. The Water
Distribution and Sewage Collection System Plan Sheet reflects only two (2)
6-ft. wide utility easements on either side of the main roadway (ingress-
egress), which does not cover the proposed water and sewage main lines.
Please clarify. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to
the City as stated in CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
30. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer
utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the
City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that
setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
31. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department
has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to X
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
32. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water
service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in X
accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
33. There are canopy trees specified within the utility easements throughout the
project. Please correct. )(
34. Note #7, Sheet WS 1 of 1 refers to a total of 65 water meters required for the
project. In the Baywalk - Site Data, Sheet SP2 of 2, specifies a total of 40
units for the project. Using this number and noting that there are two meters X
shown at the Clubhouse it appears there will be 40 - % x %-in. residential
meters, 1 - % x %-in. non-residential meter (clubhouse) and 1 - I-in. non-
residential meter (pool). Please correct the plans accordingly.
35. Water meters shall be placed within a non-traffic area per City Standard W-
l4A. /<(
36. Clean-outs shall be traffic rated where placed in driveways. X
37. Complete a loop of the water main from the north end of the main in
front of Building 1 to the main running east west in the adjacent property. X
38. Provide a valve and easement at the south end of the water main in front of
(and at the south end of) Building 4 to allow for future connection(s). '><'
39. Check into the possibility of a loop of the water main in front of Building 2
south into the proposed Palm Cove project (EOR is Winningham &
Fradley). If no connection is possible the main may be reduced to 6-in. in X
40. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(0) requires Master Plans to
show all utilities on or adjacent to the proposed tract. The plan must
therefore show the point of service for water and sewer, and the proposed X
off-site utilities construction needed in order to service this project. Please
indicate main sizes and materials for all off-site connections.
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be
included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other ~
appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans.
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in y,
accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design
Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates)
v 'i II ~I D ~
New Site Plan
Project name: Baywalk
File number: NWSP 06-017
Reference: 1 sl review plans identified as a New Site Plan with an April 21. 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-
6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section
10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four
unit types (Type "A") proposed for this project does not have a garage (for
screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway (forblacing the roll-outs for
pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Typ'~'''A'' please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units. \.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for
Buildings 1 and 2. A solid waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to
Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering the development from
Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have
to back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the
development. These conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste
pick up in this development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this
site given the space constraints. If dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be
located and constructed in compliance with all applicable regulations and
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR,
Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.) Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths
for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width,
including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way
to handle solid waste storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an
evaluation of sight distance for backing out of garages. Clearly indicate on
the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the
54. Residential Security:
· The door leading into a residential unit should be a solid core door and
equipped with a single cylinder dead bolt lock (including garage door).
· When placing the order for a front door that will have a side pane window
it should be placed on the opposite side of the door handle and lock making
them unreachable.
· If front door has zero visibility to front entryway are, it should be equipped
with a 180-degree peephole.
· Entry door should open outward versus inward.
· All exterior doors should be equipped with security hinges.
· Anti lifting auxiliary locks should be installed on sliding doors and
· Should be pre-wired for alarm system.
· There should be strategically placed directories with arrow indicators for
buildings throughout the property at vehicle driver sight level. The
directories should be placed at the ingress points.
· Ifbenches in a park area are intended for nighttime use, adequate lighting
should be provided for the area in which they are located. They should also
be in open view to eliminate concealment areas.
Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a
construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police
Department CPTED Official.
· The development/project manager after site clearing and placement of
construction trailer shall institute security measures to reduce or eliminate
opportunities for theft. The management plan shall include, but not be
limited to , temporary lighting, security personnel, vehicle barriers,
construction/visitor pass, reduce/minimize entry/exit points, encourage sub
contractors to secure machinery, tools at end of work day and or any other
measure deemed appropriate to provide a safe and secure working
56. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical )
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments C if
may not be generated by the commission and at permit review. U
57. The height and area for buildings or structures of the different types of
construction shall be governed by the intended use or occupancy of the
building, and shall not exceed the limits set forth in Table 503 of the 2004
58. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall
openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2004 FBC, Table
704.8, or 2004 FBC, Residential, Section R302.2. Submit calculations that
clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings
permitted per 2004 FBC, Table 704.8 or 2004 FBC, Residential, Section
59. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or
structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and
the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that
are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of
Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
60. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the
loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table
1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design.
61. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
62. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
poolhouse, provide the following:
· Will the poolhouse be restricted to the residents ofthe entire project only?
· Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to
the pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office?
· Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
· Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to
the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be
sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the
applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their
determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office.
63. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are
readily available.
64. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrilZation svstem that
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the <sIt:
permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216.
65. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and S!c
the Commission-approved site plan.
. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
. The number of dwelling units in each building.
. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer.
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
66. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel, or tract.
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, f/
S t/
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel, or tract. The
recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
67. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
. A legal description of the land.
. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and sl~
the Commission-approved site plan.
. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
. The number of dwelling units in each building.
. The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f))
68. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall ~It
meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time
of permit application.
69. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies,
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for sit!
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must
incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order
and approved by the City Commission.
70. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction > ~
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. I
.. .
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
71. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement
Watershed. Therefore, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton 5J;
Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the
CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted
to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal.
72. Sheet SP2 - Site Data Information lists minimum finish floor elevation as ~~
10.25 NGVD and Miscellaneous Site Data lists finish floor elevation as (J
11.00 NGVD. Clarify.
73. Sheet SP2 - Indicate on plan if construction type is III(A) or (B). VB ~
74. Sheet A-2 - Size of handicap toilet stall shall comply with 2004 FBC, i?~K
Section 11-4.17 (Exception: New Construction).
b K-/
Park Impact Fee
75. 40 single family, attached units @ $771.00 each = $ 30,840.00 to be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
76. Irrigation needs to provide 110% coverage and have separate zones for
grassed and bedding areas.
77. It is recommended that oaks and mahoganies only be planted in areas that
can provide as wide a growing area as their mature canopy due to the losses
sustained during hurricane events. Additionally, behind the units, there is
only a growing space of seven (7) feet which is far too narrow for the use of
Comments: NONE
78. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written
responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised
plans. Each set should be folded and stapled
. ~vl."1 ~ ~ 9/ /5/ 06 12!d~ -;f..v 12~
New Site Plan
Project name: Baywalk
File number: NWSP 06-017
Reference: 1 st review plans identified as a New Site Plan with an April 21. 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-
6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section
10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four
unit types (Type "A") proposed for this project does not have a garage (for
screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway (for placing the roll-outs for
pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Type "A" please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for
Buildings 1 and 2. A solid waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to
Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering the development from
Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have
to back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the
development. These conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste
pick up in this development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this
site given the space constraints. If dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be
located and constructed in compliance with all applicable regulations and
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR,
Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.) Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths
for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width,
including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way
to handle solid waste storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an
evaluation of sight distance for backing out of garages. Clearly indicate on
the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the
" .
New Site Plan
Project name: Baywalk
File number: NWSP 06-017
Reference: 1 sl review plans identified as a New Site Plan with an April 21. 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-
6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section
10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four
unit types (Type "A") proposed for this project does not have a garage (for
screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway (for placing the roll-outs for
pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Type "A" please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for
Buildings 1 and 2. A solid waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to
Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering the development from
Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have
to back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the
development. These conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste
pick up in this development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this
site given the space constraints. If dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be
located and constructed in compliance with all applicable regulations and
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR,
Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.) Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths
for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width,
including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way
to handle solid waste storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an
evaluation of sight distance for backing out of garages. Clearly indicate on
the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the
terminal traffic circle at the west end of the project. Please correct to provide
the minimum requirement of 24 feet.
8. The turning movement necessary to gain access to Unit 4 (Building 1) is
virtually impossible to make in a single movement. Even making multiple
maneuvers to gain access creates an unsafe condition for motorists. The
driveway access point shall be 30 feet from the roadway intersection (LDR,
Chapter 6, Article IV, Section LA. 1.)
9. Add "One-Way" signs around the terminal traffic circle to direct traffic.
10. Provide an additional five (5) feet of pavement at the end of each of the
dead-end roadways in front of Buildings 1 and 2 to facilitate the backing
movement for Units 1 and 8.
11. Please be advised that insufficient stacking distance has been provided at
the development entrance to ever allow gating of this community.
12. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits
shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These
permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage,
curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from
other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth
Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD),
Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach
County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM)
and any others, shall be included with the permit request."
13. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be
reflected on all appropriate sheets.
14. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory
Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments
may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
15. The plans do not indicate whether this development will be fee simple or
condo ownership. If fee simple, upon satisfactory Commission approval of
the site plan, the applicant shall enter the plat process through the City's
Engineering Division. A preliminary plat application may be initiated
during the site plan review to expedite issuance of the Land Development
16. It will be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light
fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR,
Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. Lb.) Conflicts are noted between the Live
Oaks and both light poles in the landscaping in the terminal traffic circle at
the west end of the project, between the Mahoganies and the light pole at
the south end of the south dead-end roadway in front of Building 2, and the
Dahoon Hollies and light pole in front of Building 5.
17. The medians on Federal Highway have existing irrigation and plant material
belonging to the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to the irrigation
system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's operations shall
be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as approved by the
City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of the developer.
The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of Boynton Beach
Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum of six (6) weeks
in advance of any underground activities. Please acknowledge this notice
in your comments response and add a note to the appropriate plan sheets
with the above stated information.
18. There are overhead lines along the east property lines (west right-of-way
line of Federal Hwy.) Landscaping shall be designed and installed in
accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place".
19. Oaks that are closer than ten (10) feet to the north, south and/or west
property lines may conflict with landscaping on adjacent properties. Please
verify landscaping on adjacent properties and adjust your landscaping
accordingly. Alternatively consider the use of different tree species where
conflicts with landscaping exist.
20. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of
21. Sections F-F, G-G, and H-H (Sheet PD2 of 2) are incorrectly calling out
Type D curb as "Thickened Edge Sidewalk." Please correct.
22. The typical sections on Sheet PD2 of 2 refer to notes that were not found on
this sheet or on Sheet PD 1 of 2. Please correct.
23. Paving, drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
24. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer
services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date
for the timeline should be the date of City Commission approval. Also
provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and
the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine
the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project
upon the proiect's completion, so please be as accurate as possible.
25. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the site plan and
landscape plans (as well as the Water & Sewer Plans) so that we may
determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may interfere with
utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within
utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so
that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in
the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article I, Section 18.1 gives
public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-wav.
26. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the
water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
27. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments)
with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV,
Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters,
whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
28. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be
paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature
on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site
plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based
upon final meter size, or expected demand.
29. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be
included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on
the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12-ft. The Water
Distribution and Sewage Collection System Plan Sheet reflects only two (2)
6-ft. wide utility easements on either side of the main roadway (ingress-
egress), which does not cover the proposed water and sewage main lines.
Please clarify. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to
the City as stated in CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
30. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer
utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the
City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that
setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
31. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department
has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
32. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water
service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in
accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
33. There are canopy trees specified within the utility easements throughout the
project. Please correct.
34. Note #7, Sheet WS10f 1 refers to a total of 65 water meters required for the
project. In the Baywalk - Site Data, Sheet SP2 of 2, specifies a total of 40
units for the project. Using this number and noting that there are two meters
shown at the Clubhouse it appears there will be 40 - % x %-in. residential
meters, 1 - % x %-in. non-residential meter (clubhouse) and 1 - I-in. non-
residential meter (pool). Please correct the plans accordingly.
35. Water meters shall be placed within a non-traffic area per City Standard W-
36. Clean-outs shall be traffic rated where placed in driveways.
37. Complete a loop of the water main from the north end of the main in
front of Building 1 to the main running east west in the adjacent property.
38. Provide a valve and easement at the south end of the water main in front of
(and at the south end of) Building 4 to allow for future connection(s).
39. Check into the possibility of a loop of the water main in front of Building 2
south into the proposed Palm Cove project (EOR is Winningham &
Fradley). If no connection is possible the main may be reduced to 6-in. in
40. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(0) requires Master Plans to
show all utilities on or adjacent to the proposed tract. The plan must
therefore show the point of service for water and sewer, and the proposed
off-site utilities construction needed in order to service this project. Please
indicate main sizes and materials for all off-site connections.
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be
included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other
appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans.
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in
accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design
Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates)
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
43. Provide water supply information for this site. A flow test conducted by the
Boynton Beach Fire Department within six months of submitting of the
plans must be the basis for any hydraulic calculations
44. Any gates shall have a Knox override keys provided for Emergency Vehicle
access. Gates must be 12 feet wide for single lane traffic and 20 feet wide
for two way traffic. Any card readers or landscape islands cannot obstruct
vehicle access
45. All roads shall be compacted to 32 tons to the point of vertical construction
and shall be kept clear of debris and obstructions so that emergency vehicles
can respond within the site. Any damage to Fire Department equipment
because of roads not being compacted or debris in the road will result in the
developer and/or contractor paying for repairs.
46. All Fire hydrants shall have water supply before vertical construction
begins. This does not mean that the Health Department must sign them off,
but there must be water on the system.
47. The turn about at the end of the site looks tight. If any piece of Fire
Department Apparatus cannot negotiate the circle the project will not be
48. Applicant shall provide a detailed photometric lighting plan.
49. All lighting shall be metal halide following IESNA Lighting standards.
50. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting (to include long-term tree
canopy growth).
51. Timer clock or photocell lighting for nighttime use shall be above or near
52. Pedestrian scale lighting shall be used for all street and pedestrian
walkways. It is suggested that interactive or lighting on demand be used
in sensitive areas.
53. Numerical address:
. Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility (dusk to dawn).
. Shall not be obstructed.
54. Residential Security:
· The door leading into a residential unit should be a solid core door and
equipped with a single cylinder dead bolt lock (including garage door).
· When placing the order for a front door that will have a side pane window
it should be placed on the opposite side of the door handle and lock making
them unreachable.
· If front door has zero visibility to front entryway are, it should be equipped
with a 180-degree peephole.
· Entry door should open outward versus inward.
· All exterior doors should be equipped with security hinges.
· Anti lifting auxiliary locks should be installed on sliding doors and
· Should be pre-wired for alarm system.
· There should be strategically placed directories with arrow indicators for
buildings throughout the property at vehicle driver sight level. The
directories should be placed at the ingress points.
· If benches in a park area are intended for nighttime use, adequate lighting
should be provided for the area in which they are located. They should also
be in open view to eliminate concealment areas.
Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a
construction site security and management plan for approval by the City's Police
Department CPTED Official.
· The development/project manager after site clearing and placement of
construction trailer shall institute security measures to reduce or eliminate
opportunities for theft. The management plan shall include, but not be
limited to , temporary lighting, security personnel, vehicle barriers,
construction/visitor pass, reduce/minimize entry/exit points, encourage sub
contractors to secure machinery, tools at end of work day and or any other
measure deemed appropriate to provide a safe and secure working
56. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments
may not be generated by the commission and at permit review.
57. The height and area for buildings or structures of the different types of
construction shall be governed by the intended use or occupancy of the
building, and shall not exceed the limits set forth in Table 503 of the 2004
58. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall
openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2004 FBC, Table
704.8, or 2004 FBC, Residential, Section R302.2. Submit calculations that
clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings
permitted per 2004 FBC, Table 704.8 or 2004 FBC, Residential, Section
59. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or
structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and
the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads). Calculations that
are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of
Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
60. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the
loads and forces encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table
1607.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the building design.
61. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
62. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
poolhouse, provide the following:
. Will the poolhouse be restricted to the residents of the entire project only?
. Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to
the pooVclubhouse/recreation building/lease office?
. Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
. Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to
the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be
sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the
applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their
determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office.
63. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are
readily available.
64. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation svstem that
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the
permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216.
65. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and
the Commission-approved site plan.
. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
. The number of dwelling units in each building.
. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer.
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
66. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel, or tract.
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer,
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel, or tract. The
recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
67. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
. A legal description of the land.
. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and
the Commission-approved site plan.
. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
. The number of dwelling units in each building.
. The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f))
68. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall
meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time
of permit application.
69. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies,
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must
incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order
and approved by the City Commission.
70. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted.
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
71. If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement
Watershed. Therefore, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton
Beach Utilities Department prior to the issuance of a building permit per the
CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406. Proof of payment shall be submitted
to the Building Division at the time of permit application submittal.
72. Sheet SP2 - Site Data Information lists minimum finish floor elevation as
10.25 NGVD and Miscellaneous Site Data lists finish floor elevation as
11.00 NGVD. Clarify.
73. Sheet SP2 - Indicate on plan if construction type is meA) or (B).
74. Sheet A-2 - Size of handicap toilet stall shall comply with 2004 FBC,
Section 11-4.17 (Exception: New Construction).
Park Impact Fee
75. 40 single family, attached units @ $771.00 each = $ 30,840.00 to be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
76. Irrigation needs to provide 110% coverage and have separate zones for
grassed and bedding areas.
77. It is recommended that oaks and mahoganies only be planted in areas that
can provide as wide a growing area as their mature canopy due to the losses
sustained during hurricane events. Additionally, behind the units, there is
only a growing space of seven (7) feet which is far too narrow for the use of
Comments: NONE
78. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written
responses to all staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised \/
plans. Each set should be folded and stapled
79. At the technical advisory review team meeting, also provide a full set of
reduced drawings, sized 812 inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each v'
plan to a comnact disk and submit that to staff as well .~
80. Staff considers these plans to be at the final stage of site plan review, the
last stage prior to permit review. As such, all comments need to be \,/""'
addressed and shown on the plans prior to the TART meetinl!
81. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the new site plan is publicly \...-.
advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007
82. The applicant is responsible for compliance with Ordinance 05-060, the
"Art in Public Places" program and must demonstrate their participation.
Please submit a completed form for this program prior to the TART
meeting. Identify location of public art on site plan, if the intent is to place V-
the art on site (as opposed to payment in lieu of). The fee associated with
this program is reauired at the time of permitting
83. Revise application (Sec. I.7) to provide street address (3103 N Federal H wy V
84. Revise application (Sec. 1.9) to provide legal description (Amended plat of
Tradewind Estates Lots 62 and 63, less road right-of-way) OR attach an ~
Exhibit "A" as noted (Exhibit A was not included
85. Revise application (Sec. 1.17) to indicate that a site plan was previously
approved (NWSP 04-004), but is no longer valid (exnired Mav 18,2005 V
86. Revise application (Sec. II. 1 0) to correct calculation of required parking
spaces (to match nlan sheet SP2 of 2 V-
87. Each survey should be signed and sealed (Ch. 4., Sec. 7.A.). Copies are not i/
88. Add bearings and distances (which match survey) to perimeter property ~ S 1PLV
lines on site plan
89. A unity of title may be required. The Building Division of the Department .v
of Development will determine its applicability
90. A drainage statement is required prior to the Technical Review Committee 'V
meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2
91. The traffic impact analysis must be approved by the Palm Beach County ./. ~ ~~. [1 S
Traffic Division for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any ~/(! sflXi [
building permits -b- dI
92. The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach
County regarding school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building V
permit. It would be preferable to have this approval prior to the Community
Redevelopment Agencv Board meeting
93. The survey shows an existing billboard is located on site. Please indicate \/ hi o. +0 M
it's location on site plan and add to note when it will be removed (prior to 11 ()1'1.;-[''(' ( (".
development of the nronerty If'>".i' ()-r ..J. c ,-
94. Property to the south was recently approved for annexation, land use I
amendment and rezoning for the proposed Palm Cove development. Please .~/'
update site plan re: information for adiacent property to south
95. Reorder plan set so that architecturals precede civils. The suggested order is
as follows: Survey, SPl-2, SD-2 (correct spelling of typical), A4-14, A2-3, i--"
A-I, SD-1 (sheet has SP-l), T-1, P-1, PH-I, HAl, PDl-2, WS1, T
96. Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the V
plan set
4Y\.l4.J t
fYl. A
, e ;0_
97. The Site Plan Data indicates the project location is North Federal Highway
and Chukker Road. This is incorrect; please provide an appropriate location '~
98. Provide an area breakdown table (SP 2 of 2) which lists all model units for
each building, size of each unit, total building square footage per building, V
and grand total building square footage on site
99. Revise Unit B floor plan (A-12) to indicate correct number of bedrooms (2 L---
not 3
100. The site plan tabular data (sheet SP2 of 2) is incorrect because the
"Setbacks" indicate the proposed front building setback is 8 feet but it is ,---
graphically shown as 12 feet. Please clarify
101. The zoning code does not specify minimum setbacks for the IPUD district,
but states that setbacks provided should mirror setbacks of adjacent
development. Indicate the building footprint of the closest building on the V
abutting properties to the west (setbacks for RM in PBC) and north (south
previously approved at 11 feet). The front setback approved for the
adiacent Palm Cove PUD is 20 feet
102. The IPUD zoning district requires 200 square feet of usable open space per
dwelling unit. The plan proposes 40 dwelling units, and therefore, 8,000
square feet of usable open space is required (Chapter 2, Section 5.L.3.).
Note size and boundaries of all usable open space areas on site plan. The
pool/clubhouse area may be utilized in the calculation to meet this L ......--
requirement. On the overall Site Plan Tabular Data please indicate usable
open space totals (required and provided). Note that usable open space is
not the same as pervious area
103. Clarify on plans whether this project will be condo or fee-simple for
ownership. If fee-simple, indicate all townhouse lot lines on separate lot J.---/
line plan, and include a typical lot detail with dimensions, building
footprint, and max. lot coverage
104. Clarify property lines for townhouse units and total right of way width. The
townhouse property lines divide parking spaces in many areas. If parking V
spaces are to be included within the lots, the lot lines can not divide the
parking space, how will this work with fee simple townhouse lots
105. Prior to the issuance of a building or land development permit, the applicant .~
shall provide a C?py of the hOl:a86'''111;;1.r-"1 l1~r~lt} owners association
documents for reVIew and approval L c) ,\._J (, 0
106. Provide a note on plans that the established homeowner's association and
condo association will not allow individual pools or additions, and will not .~
allow the patios, porches, or balconies to be modified (i.e. increased in size,
enclosed, or screened
107. Dimension and label building setbacks and landscape buffer widths along V
perimeter property lines
108. In order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends \/
converting them from private property to "buffer tracts" that w01 be
owned and maintained bv the Home Owners' Association (! i:J AI (. ..fl
109. Clarify if streets interior to the project are public rights-of-way or private
streets to be maintained by the homeowner's association. Str:eets, ,ardless f L/
if public or private, are required to be 40 feet in PUD' b rt J/ oCt e
t ',Afi C' ':"1
( H 1/ I.-J)
110. Clarify (by dimensioning and labeling) the total width of the internal rights
111. IPUD may be considered for approval with right-of-way and pavement
widths less than the minimum PUD requirement of 40 feet, however in no
case shall health, safety, and / or welfare be jeopardized. However, these
roads are primary circulation roadways for use by residents and service
providers alike. Solid waste pickup would be roll-out curbside service for
each unit, rather than a centralized trash dumpster, therefore large garbage
trucks will be required to maneuver and circulate throughout the proposed
develo ment
112. Due to the minimal street width, there is limited area for utilities within
those streets. There are required distances that underground utilities must
be separated from other utilities and from structures. In addition, the
reduced internal street width poses a potential sight distance hazard. All
proposed buildings are oriented toward the interior of the site, and residents
would access their garages from the private streets internal to the
development. Due to the limited street width (currently shown as 24 feet)
and backing out into a roundabout, sight distance may be compromised,
leadin to a safe issue for residents backin out of s aces
113. The dimension of the parking stalls, vehicular back-up areas, and dumpster
enclosure location / orientation is subject to the Engineering Division of
Public Works' review and a roval
114. A 24-foot back-up distance is required behind every 90-degree parking stall
115. Per master plan requirements, indicate pedestrian circulation which should
be planned to prevent pedestrian use of vehicular ways and parking spaces.
Note on plans the sidewalks interior to the development, continuous
perimeter sidewalks, and widths of sidewalks. The plan does not have a
pedestrian pathway from the parking spaces located at the roundabout and
south of the roundabout, to some of the buildin s
116. Each unit requires a minimum of two (2) parking spaces. Fee simple
townhouses typically have the two spaces in an attached two car garage, or a
combination of garage and driveway that meets the required parking space
size. Consider revising plan to provide this type of parking which
townhouse owners want, rather than the proposed surface parking spaces
found in rental communities
117. Units which have garages are limited to one-car garages, and all but one of
the driveways located in front of the garages are too small to count as the
additional parking space needed for the unit. Parking is available, but may
require walking some distance from the space to the unit. Residents will
most likely use the 8 foot deep driveway in front of the garages for parking,
which will result in cars blocking the sidewalks and possibly a portion of the
road's travel lane as well. What measures will be taken to prevent this from
118. Parking is deficient on site. A total of 5 spaces are required for the
recreational ameni area, brin in the total arkin re uired to 85 s aces
l19. Parking spaces are not evenly distributed throughout the site. Two parking
spaces are required for each unit. The deficient parking space locations at
each buildin are as follows: buildin 2 -2 s aces, buildin 3 -6 s aces,
building 4 (-5 spaces), and building 5 (-8 spaces). The 21 remaining spaces
required for these buildings are located in the roundabout at the end of the
road, and the row of parking spaces south of the roundabout. These spaces
will be out of sight of many of the residents who own the vehicles parked
there. The community does not appear to be gated or provide security other
than li htin
120. Add note to plans that solid waste disposal for townhouses will be curbside
garbage pickup in front of each unit, instead of a centralized trash container
or dum ster
121. Will an on-site lift station be required as a result of this development? If so,
indicate its location on the site and landsca e Ian
122. It is recommended that all utilities be placed underground
123. Will townhouse mailboxes be located at each unit or grouped at a kiosk? If
ou ed, indicate location
124. It is a basic public expectation that landowners requesting the use of the
IPUD district will develop design standards that exceed the standards of the
basic development standards in terms of site design, building architecture,
and construction materials, amenities and landscape design (Chapter 2,
Section 5.L.1.b.). The city is not obligated to automatically approve the
level of development intensity requested for the IPUD. Instead, it is
expected to approve only such level of intensity that is appropriate for a
particular location in terms of land use compatibilities (Chapter 2, Section
5.L. I.c.). The proposed project contains no provision for guest parking. In
addition, no tandem parking (driveway parking) has been provided for these
dwelling units that may very well possess two (2), three (3), four (4) car
households, not to mention storage within the garage that can compromise
necessary parking spaces. Therefore, staff recommends providing surplus
arkin , additional ara es, etc
125. The one (1) handicap space on site should be located to afford the easiest
and closest access to the clubhouse. The handicapped space should be
relocated closer to the clubhouse entrance s ace 41 location
126. Additional one-way signage is needed in the roundabout area (near space
49 , and ossibl other areas within the roundabout
127. Include bike racks near the swimming pool area. Staff recommends that
the be covered or sheltered
128. The building height depicted on all elevation drawings (28'4" to top of
ridge) should directly correspond to the proposed building height in the site
Ian tabular data 37' sheet SP2 of 2
129. All elevation drawings should dimension the mid-point of the roof, between
the "top of beam" and the "top of roof' elevation. This dimension should
directly correspond to the proposed building height in the Site Plan Tabular
130. Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the TART meeting
Cha ter 4, Section 7.D.2. . These will be on dis la at the ublic meetin s
131. Label elevations North, South, East, and West
132. Reorient the two buildings with frontage on Federal Highway so that they
face front the street to corres ond with the ad' acent Palm Cove
/\J /A
r. I
fLT /
6 tLl:~VI. /'
to It c)ttk
. ---
V '10
development to the south. Create walkways from Federal Highway ~
sidewalk to front entry of these units to engage the street as noted in the
CRA guidelines
133. Revise front building elevations to ensure that type of shutter proposed V
matches shape of window proposed
134. To enhance the front building elevations and provide required foundation
landscaping, consider providing pergolas above garage doors and large V
potted bougainvillea or other climbing and/or flowering vines on each side
of garage door
135. To enhance the front building elevations, consider providing white light V~ 6/--0Lz./ (}
fixtures on each side of garage doors. Will front entry of each unit have an ~ ~ 'eJ V
outdoor light /1/'/0
136. The rear elevations are lacking detail. Staff recommends incorporating "
additional architectural features on the rear elevations similar to that of the .-
front and side elevations
137. Revise rear building elevations to include additional architectural features
and enhancements. Break up large expanses of fayade, and provide roof L/
138. To enhance the rear building elevations, consider replacing sliding glass V
doors with French doors
139. Provide additional architectural treatments (wooden shutters, trellises, faux
windows, etc.) to the side elevations visible from Federal Highway, to :../
alleviate large areas of blank wall
140. Revise elevation of the front entrance archway by labeling clearance height, L..---/
overall height, exterior finish, and color
141. Consider breaking up buildings to include 4 to 5 units each in order to V
reduce large expanses of fayade, and add visual interest
142. The amenity area is not centrally located to all units V
143. Revise front area of clubhouse on site plan to match detail on A-3, and label t.-/
all impervious areas to clarify
144. All building elevations, including the clubhouse, should indicate paint V
manufacturer's name and color codes (Chapter 4, Section 7.D
145. Staff recommends using a "color schedule" to identify each proposed color.
Provide color / paint swatches for the elevations including, but not limited ~/
to, wall color and entry feature. (Chapter 4, Section 7.D
146. On the elevations, indicate the material and color of the roof, and 2nd story V-
balcony fencing
147. Provide details on plans which indicate location and type of pavers in streets V
and driveways, and type of pool deck material
148. Delete wall in front of buildings along Federal Highway, and tie walls along
north and south property lines so that they connect with front corner of these
buildings, OR replace wall along Federal Highway with a decorative V
wrought iron or aluminum rail fence with individual gated openings for
access from each unit in Buildings 1 and 2 to public sidewalk along Federal
149. Provide a detail of all fences (pool, along Federal Hwy), and privacy wall V' r{! LXS-€ {'Xb
proposed on site, including the dimensions, material, and color (Chapter 4, -LI/1 Ic.-P. -fG.k r,
Section 7.D J / )1
-{.Ie:. v 11 [ILT (!,/
~) of t--r?rr
150. Revise perimeter wall detail (sheet SP-1) to include columns with caps at V #i)
regular intervals. Only the columns and caps may exceed 6 feet in height
(not continuous coping). Wall detail indicates "By Others". Please explain
151. Consider working with your neighbor to the south (palm Cove) to utilize V
their perimeter wall rather than building one immediate Iv adiacent to it
152. Place a note on the site plan that all above ground mechanical equipment
such as exterior utility boxes, meters, transformers, and back-flow 'V"
preventers shall be visually screened (Chapter 9, Section 1O.C.4
153. It is noted on landscape plan that all above-ground equipment will be
screened with plant material. Revise landscape plan to include screening V
the at-grade AlC units proposed behind each unit with native hedge material
and add to plant list
154. Provide an enhanced landscape theme in the planting areas immediately east
of the entrance structure V
155. Provide a detail of the water fountain (Chapter 4, Section 7D.) Staff ~/
recommends that it be illuminated
156. Equipment placed on the walls of the buildings shall be painted to match the qoY~
, building color (Chapter 9, Section 1O.C.4.). Place a note on the elevations V I L./o-f'f'"
indicating this requirement
157. In the past, the CRA Board has been very diligent in requesting that
developers provide a drawing that shows what the project would look like V
when viewing the subject property from public rights-of-way. Therefore,
staff recommends providing a supplemental drawing that shows the east
, elevation (along Federal Highway) that depicts the buildings, fences, and
plant material at time of olanting
158. The subject site is located along the Palm Tran Bus Route. A bus stop
should be shown on the site plan, along Federal Highway. Staff V
, recommends installing an upgraded shelter. Coordinate with Palm Tran and
orovide a written resoonse at the TART meeting
159. A 12 foot utility easement along the front property line interferes with
landscaping (trees and shrubs) required along the right-of-way of Federal V
Hwy. Clarify what utilities are located there, and how landscaping
, (including 12 foot trees) can be allowed there without affecting the utility
160. Consider moving buildings 1 and 2 further west to mirror 20 foot front '/
~ setback of adjacent Palm Cove, if the 12' UE cannot accommodate the
necessary landscaping
161. Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species V
" (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Canopy
trees, Palm trees, Shrubs & Groundcover. On the landscape plan, indicate r't l/I' s-(
the total quantities within each category and their native oercentages
162. All shrubs and hedges are required to be at minimum 24 inches in height, V
24 inches III spread, and planted with tip-to-tip spacmg measured .J,(~,
immediately after planting to adequately cover the planted areas on the site .7'~
:)'/1 .r-c-ft: ..,
(Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.4. 'J.t (/... " K
163. If potable water is used for irrigation purposes, the use of drought tolerant -/ r:f 17'0 l!
plant species (per the South Florida Water Management District Manual) V'~ ~
shall be maximized, and the irrigation svstem should have water conserving
<"(-' ~,
designs (such as a drip system), where possible
164. No photometrics have been provided for the pool and clubhouse area r/
165. The elevation of the typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole: the design,
style, and illumination level shall be compatible with the building design
(height) and shall consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, ~/
Section IO.F.1.). A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle
shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot readings below one
(1) foot candle and none below ~ foot candle (Chapter 23, Article 11.A.1.a
166. Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property V'
(Chapter 9, Section 10.F.2
167. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is ~ V
encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.3
.168. Indicate proposed project development sign locations on both site plan and j./
T landscape plan
169. Please provide a detail showing sign type, dimensions and sign face area
. (max 32 sf), materials, exterior finish, letter font, and letter color(s) that V
comply with Chapter 21, Article N, Section 1
170. All sIgnage IS subject to review and approval of the Community
Redevelopment Agency and City Commission. The sign structure must be
located at least 10 feet from any property line and surrounded by two V
colorful varieties of shrubs and two colorful varieties of groundcover. Staff
recommends that the sign be externally lit, with ground up-lighting
171. Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for
presentations at City Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning
and Zoning Department representative at least one week prior to the y
scheduled meeting. Staff recommends using a PowerPoint presentation at
the Community Redevelopment Agency Board meeting
172. Staff recommends the use of a more decorative residential garage door for V'
. those units with garages
173. Provide denser landscape screening between pool equipment and residential 'v 'f-<.:, r>K.1)
, unit to the south 0/ 01-\ ,,() rr
174. Staff recommends placement of additional tall planting material along the
north side of Unit #1 and south side of Unit #8 to soften the building ~
elevations from Federal Hwy traffic. Staff recommends the use of Coconut
I palms, Montgomery palms, and/or Traveller's trees
175. Staff recommends the width of all units be a minimum of 20 feet like all
others approved by the city, as opposed to 15, 17, and 18 foot wide units V
depicted on the plan
176. The pool deck and pool fencing are located in a large utility easement, and V
are subject to Engineering review and approval at this location
177. Replace perimeter wall at S. Federal Highway frontage with fencing.
Fencing shall have openings/gates for each unit fronting S. Federal
Highway. Show fencing detail on plans.
178. Install overhead utilities at Federal Highway frontage underground.
- )
179. Provide PowerPoint presentation and color elevations for CRA Board
180. Add architectural details to first floor at rear elevations and to the 1 st and 2nd
floors on the north and south elevations. Such details may include, but are
not limited to the following items:
~ Columns projecting a minimum of 4" from the wall.
~ Plinth at base of wall projecting a minimum of 6" from the wall.
~ Projecting cornice.
~ Projecting canopy.
~ Trellis
~ Medallions
~ Windows/openings
~ Artwork
~ Lighting fixtures
~ Arcade
~ Awnings
181. On rear fayade, provide two roofline breaks per 100 feet of frontage. Breaks
to be a minimum of four (4) feet.
S:IPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Southern Homes of Palm Beach\Baywalk (fka Oceanside)\NWSP 06-017\1ST REVIEW
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning and Zoning
Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer
~ ,l~ @ ~ n w l~ I ~ I
l, ~'V 2_1 ?Offi \~\
May 22, 2006
Review Comments
New Site Plan -1st Review
File No. NWSP 06-017
The above referenced Site Plans, received May 1, 2006, were reviewed for Public Works, Engineering,
and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances.
Following are our comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LDR)
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-6200) regarding the
storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a).
2. The plans do not indicate how solid waste is to be handled. One of the four unit types (Type "A")
proposed for this project does not have a garage (for screened storage of a roll-out cart) or driveway
(for placing the roll-outs for pick up.) As nearly half of the total units are Type "A" please indicate how
solid waste will be handled for these units.
3. Please indicate where solid waste containers will be placed for pick up for Buildings 1 and 2. A solid
waste truck pulling into the dead-end roadway to Building 1 will be forced to back into traffic entering
the development from Federal Hwy. Similarly, to access Building 2 the solid waste truck will have to
back into the dead-end roadway, conflicting with traffic trying to exit the development. These
conditions are unacceptable.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant reconsider the method of solid waste pick up in this
development. Staff would prefer the use of dumpsters in this site given the space constraints. If
dumpsters are used the enclosure shall be located and constructed in compliance with all applicable
regulations and standards.
5. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from
Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
6. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD (and iPUD's) is 40-ft. (LDR, Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F.)
Please provide appropriate right-of-way widths for all internal roadways and/or make a written
request for reduced width, including justification for the request. Justification for any proposed
reduction in right-of-way width shall address the adequacy of the right-of-way to handle solid waste
storage and truck movement, utility maintenance, and an evaluation of sight distance for backing out
of garages. Clearly indicate on the plans the proposed right-of-ways and townhouse lot lines.
Dept. of Public Works, Engineering Division Memo No. 06-051
RE: Project Name, New Site Plan -1st Review, NWSP 06-051
May 22, 2006
Page 2
7. Insufficient backup distance has been provided in several locations around the terminal traffic circle
at the west end of the project. Please correct to provide the minimum requirement of 24-ft.
8. The turning movement necessary to gain access to Unit 4 (Building 1) is virtually impossible to make
in a single movement. Even making multiple maneuvers to gain access creates an unsafe condition
for motorists. The driveway access point shall be 30-ft. from the roadway intersection (LOR, Chapter
6, Article IV, Section 1.A.1.)
9. Add "One-Way" signs around the terminal traffic circle to direct traffic.
10. Provide an additional 5-ft. of pavement at the end of each of the dead-end roadways in front of
Buildings 1 and 2 to facilitate the backing movement for Units 1 and 8.
11. Please be advised that insufficient stacking distance has been provided at the development entrance
to ever allow gating of this community.
12. Add a note to the Site Plan stating "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code
requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following:
paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other
permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach
County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental
Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request."
13. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate
14. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments.
Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not
ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
15. The plans do not indicate whether this development will be fee simple or condo ownership. If fee
simple, upon satisfactory Commission approval of the site plan, the applicant shall enter the plat
process through the City's Engineering Division. A preliminary plat application may be initiated
during the site plan review to expedite issuance of the Land Development Permit.
16. It will be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate
future shadowing on the parking surface (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b.) Conflicts are
noted between the Live Oaks and both light poles in the landscaping in the terminal traffic circle at
the west end of the project, between the Mahoganies and the light pole at the south end of the south
dead-end roadway in front of Building 2, and the Dahoon Hollies and light pole in front of Building 5.
17. The medians on Federal Highway have existing irrigation and plant material belonging to the City of
Boynton Beach. Any damage to the irrigation system and/or plant material as a result of the
contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as approved
by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of the developer. The contractor
shall notify and coordinate with the City of Boynton Beach Forestry & Grounds Division of Public
Dept. of Public Works, EngineeOrOing Division Memo No. 06-051
RE: Project Name, New Site Plan -1st Review, NWSP 06-051
May 22, 2006
Page 3
Works a minimum of six (6) weeks in advance of any underground activities. Please acknowledge
this notice in your comments response and add a note to the appropriate plan sheets with the above
stated information.
18. There are overhead lines along the east property lines (west right-of-way line of Federal Hwy.)
Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the
Right Place".
19. Oaks that are closer than 10-ft. to the north, south and/or west property lines may conflict with
landscaping on adjacent properties. Please verify landscaping on adjacent properties and adjust
your landscaping accordingly. Alternatively consider the use of different tree species where conflicts
with landscaping exist.
20. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article
IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting.
21. Sections F-F, G-G, and H-H (Sheet PD2 of 2) are incorrectly calling out Type D curb as "Thickened
Edge Sidewalk." Please correct.
22. The typical sections on Sheet PD2 of 2 refer to notes that were not found on this sheet or on Sheet
PD1 of 2. Please correct.
23. Paving, drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All
engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach
Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and
will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
24. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to
serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the timeline should be the date of City Commission
approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting
of the first water meter. This timeline will be used to determine the adequacy of water and
wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as
accurate as possible.
25. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the site plan and landscape plans (as well as
the Water & Sewer Plans) so that we may determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may
interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility
easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will
not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5,
Article I, Section 18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way.
26. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water and sewer systems
serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
27. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500
g.p.m. some residential developments) with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter
6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater
(CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
Dept. of Public Works, Enginee~ll1g Division Memo No. 06-051
RE: Project Name, New Site Plan -1st Review, NWSP 06-051
May 22, 2006
Page 4
28. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either
upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within
seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon
final meter size, or expected demand.
29. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utility
easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum
width of 12-ft. The Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Plan Sheet reflects only two (2)
6-ft. wide utility easements on either side of the main roadway (ingress-egress), which does not cover
the proposed water and sewage main lines. Please clarify. The easements shall be dedicated via
separate instrument to the City as stated in CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
30. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the
systems be fully completed, and given to the City Utilities Department before the first permanent
meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
31. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for
the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE,
Section 26-15.
32. Appropriate backflow preventer (s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and
the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
33. There are canopy trees specified within the utility easements throughout the project. Please correct.
34. Note #7, Sheet WS10f 1 refers to a total of 65 water meters required for the project. In the Baywalk-
Site Data, Sheet SP2 of 2, specifies a total of 40 units for the project. Using this number and noting
that there are two meters shown at the Clubhouse it appears there will be 40 - % x %-in. residential
meters, 1 - % x %-in. non-residential meter (clubhouse) and 1 - 1-in. non-residential meter (pool).
Please correct the plans accordingly.
35. Water meters shall be placed within a non-traffic area per City Standard W-14A.
36. Clean-outs shall be traffic rated where placed in driveways.
37. Complete a loop of the water main from the north end of the main in front of Building 1 to the main
running east west in the adjacent property.
38. Provide a valve and easement at the south end of the water main in front of (and at the south end of)
Building 4 to allow for future connection(s).
39. Check into the possibility of a loop of the water main in front of Building 2 south into the proposed
Palm Cove project (EOR is Winningham & Fradley). If no connection is possible the main may be
reduced to 6-in. in diameter.
40. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(0) requires Master Plans to show all utilities on or adjacent
to the proposed tract. The plan must therefore show the point of service for water and sewer, and
the proposed off-site utilities construction needed in order to service this project. Please indicate
main sizes and materials for all off-site connections.
Dept. of Public Works, Engineering Division Memo No. 06-051
RE: Project Name, New Site Plan - 1st Review, NWSP 06-051
May 22, 2006
Page 5
41. The LOR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are
available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the
submitted plans.
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility
construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering
Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be
reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Glenda Hall, Forestry & Grounds Manager, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division
Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste
Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
S:\Engineering\Logan\ comments new site plan 1st review. doc
The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
To: Peter Mazzella, Assistant Director, Utilities
Kofi Boatang, Director of Utilities
Matthew Immler, Police Chief
Rodger Kemmer, Deputy Chief / Fire Marshal
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Cc: William Bingham, Fire Chief
Wally Majors, Parks Director
Laurinda Logan, Civil Engineer
Rick Lee, Fire Protection Analyst
John Huntington, Police Officer
From: Ed Breese, Principal Planner t19
Date: 4/26/06
Re: Impacts of proposed site plan upon City facilities and services
Project: Baywalk
As part of the City's concurrency requirements, the City Commission directed the Planning & Zoning
Division to report whether or not the City could maintain an adequate level of service with current
infrastructure and / or staffing levels in order to support the proposed development.
Plans for the above-mentioned project have been forwarded to your department's representative
for their technical review and comment. We are requesting that you review the proposed project for
anticipated impacts to your department's level of service (as requested by the City Commission) and
provide us with your comments for direct insertion into our staff report. In the past, you have sent
us something that indicates your current staff / infrastructure would either be able to support the
proposed project or what would be required to meet the adopted level of service. Please respond
no later than 2 weeks from today. Also, any recommendations that you believe that would
enhance the project are certainly welcomed. I thank you for your assistance in this matter. Should
you have any questions regarding the requested information, please do not hesitate to call me at
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Southem Homes of Palm Beach\Baywalk\NWSP 06-017\Impact Analysis.doc
LOCATION: North of Miller Road, West of Federal Highway
FILE# NWSP 06-017
CAPACITY: 40 Two Story Townhouses with small clubhouse and pool
1. Provide water supply information for this site. A flow test conducted
by the Boynton Beach Fire Department within six months of
submitting of the plans must be the basis for any hydraulic
2. Any gates shall have a Knox override keys provided for Emergency
Vehicle access. Gates must be 12' wide for single lane traffic and 20'
for two way traffic. Any card readers or landscape islands cannot
obstruct vehicle access.
3. All roads shall be compacted to 32 tons to the point of vertical
construction and shall be kept clear of debris and obstructions so
that emergency vehicles can respond within the site. Any damage to
Fire Department equipment because of roads not being compacted
or debris in the road will result in the developer and/or contractor
paying for repairs.
4. All Fire hydrants shall have water supply before vertical construction
begins. This does not mean that the Health Department must sign
them off, but there must be water on the system.
5. The turn about at the end of the site looks tight. If any piece of Fire
Department Apparatus cannot negotiate the circle the project will not
be approved.
Ed Breese,
Principal Planner
May 9, 2006
FILE: NWSP 06-017
John Huntington, Officer
Crime Prevention Unit
SUBJECT: Baywalk
REFERENCES: Impacts of proposed site plan upon City Services
I have reviewed the building plans and impact of services for Baywalk residential units at S. Federal Highway
and Miller Road. This project is planned for 40 multifamily units.
A statistical analysis was completed to show the percentage of increase of police calls for service for the
selected development.
This study showed that 11.5 % of all police calls for service were within this zone. This is an increase of 2.3%
over a one year period. Currently, there are numerous site plans for future residential projects along the 2000-
3600 block of S. Federal Highway:
1. Moreno Bay
2. Coastal Bay
3. Colony Club
4. Watershed
5. Waterside
6. Gulf Stream Gardens
7. Gulf Stream Gardens 11- 108 residential units
8. Heritage Club - 166 residential units
The projected growth along S. Federal Highway will have a direct impact on future public safety issues, to
include an expected increase in calls for service of 5%. Additional police personnel and equipment will be
needed to balance the increase in population and non residential traffic into our city.
Page 1 of 1 /
Rivers, Jody
To: Breese, Ed; Coale, Sherie
Subject: Site Plan Review - Baywalk
File No.:
NWSP 06-017
1, Park Impact Fee
40 single family, attached units @ $771.00 each = $ 30,840.00 to be paid prior
to issuance for first permit.
2. Irrigation needs to provide 110% coverage and have separate zones for grassed
and bedding areas
3. It is recommended that oaks and mahagonies only be planted in areas that can
provide as wide a growing area as their mature canopy due to the losses sustained
during hurricane events. Additionally, behind the units, there is only a growing space
of 7 feet which is far to narrow for the use of oaks.
Jo&ttJ RLve~s.
Parks Superintendent
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(561) 742-6226
(561) 742-6233 (fax)
A sense of COMMUNITY ..It Starts in Parks
What transforms a crowd into a community? Parks provide that chance. Boynton Beach's parks are
where lifetime friendships are formed, where generations can come together, where people discover
what they have in common It starts in parks,
DATE: May 4, 2006
List of Acronvms/Abbreviations:
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ASCE - American Society of Civil
CBB - City of Boynton Beach
CBBA - Boynton Beach Amendments
CBBCO - City of Boynton Beach
Code of Ordinances
CBBCPP - City of Boynton Beach
Comprehensive Plan Policy
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
EPA - Environment Protection Agency
FBC - Florida Building Code
FFHA - Federal Fair Housing Act
FFPC - Florida Fire Prevention Code
FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map
F.S. - Florida Statutes
LDR - Land Development Regulations
NEC - National Electric Code
NFPA - National Fire Prevention Assn
NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical
Datum of 1929
SFWMD - South Florida Water
Management District
TO: Ed Breese
Principal Planner
FROM: Timothy K. Large ~
TART Member/Bu~ion
SUBJECT: Project - Baywalk
File No. - NWSP 06-017 - 1st review
Buildina Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. Larae (561) 742-6352
1 Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments.
Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process
does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at
permit review.
2 The height and area for buildings or structures of the different types of construction shall be
governed by the intended use or occupancy of the building, and shall not exceed the limits
set forth in Table 503 of the 2004 FBC.
3 Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and
exterior wall construction comply with 2004 FBC, Table 704.8, or 2004 FBC, Residential,
Section R302.2. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and
unprotected wall openings permitted per 2004 FBC, Table 704.8 or 2004 FBC, Residential,
Section R302.2.
4 Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind
loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the
provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind
Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the
state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
5 Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces
encountered per the 2004 FBC, Section 1607 and Table 1607.1. Indicate the live load (pst)
on the plans for the building design.
6 At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed
7 To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story poolhouse,
provide the following:
A Will the poolhouse be restricted to the residents of the entire project only?
S\Development\Building\ TARn TART 2006\ Baywalk
Page 1 of 3
B Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office?
C Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
D Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the
impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should request
that the County send the City a copy of their determination of what impact fees are required
for the pool/clubhouse/recreation building/lease office.
8 CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may not, therefore,
be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available.
9 A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that utilizes water from
a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of
permit application, F.S. 373.216.
10 If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach
Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building
permit application:
A The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
B If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The
building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans.
C The number of dwelling units in each building.
D The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
E The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
11 At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel, or tract. For purposes
of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, provide a copy of the recorded
deed for each lot, parcel, or tract. The recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit
12 At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of Boynton Beach
Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been satisfied by a paid fee or
conveyance of property. The following information shall be provided:
A A legal description of the land.
B The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
C If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The
building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans.
D The number of dwelling units in each building.
E The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f))
13 Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall meet the
City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application.
S\Development\Building\ TARn TART 2006\ Baywalk
Page 2 of 3
14 Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for
this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit
application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in
the development order and approved by the City Commission.
15 The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the
time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-family, then all addresses for the
particular building type shall be submitted. The name of the project as it appears on the
Development Order must be noted on the building permit application at the time of
application submittal.
16 If this project is located within the Downtown Stormwater Improvement Watershed.
Therefore, appropriate fees must be paid to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department
prior to the issuance of a building permit per the CBBCO, Chapter 26, Section 26-406.
Proof of payment shall be submitted to the Building Division at the time of permit
application submittal.
17 Sheet SP2 - Site Data Information lists minimum finish floor elevation as 10.25 NGVD and
Miscellaneous Site Data lists finish floor elevation as 11.00 NGVD. Clarify.
18 Sheet SP2 - Indicate on plan if construction type is III(A) or (B).
19 Sheet A-2 - Size of handicap toilet stall shall comply with 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.17
(Exception: New Construction).
S\Development\Building\ TARn TART 2006\ Baywalk
Page 3 of 3
Planning Memorandum: Forestp- / Environmentalist
Page I of 1
Coale, Sherie
From: Hallahan, Kevin
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 2:16 PM
To: Coale, Sherie
Cc: Breese, Ed
Subject: TART comments- Baywalk
Planning Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist
New Site Plan - 1 st Review
NWSP 06-017
May 9, 2006
I have no comments on the submitted site plan.
, ...
, ~
Ed Breese,
Principal Planner
May 9, 2006
FILE: NWSP 06-017
Off. John Huntington
Police Department
CPTED Practitioner
SUBJECT: Baywalk
I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments:
1. Applicant shall provide a detailed photometric lighting plan.
2. All lighting shall be metal halide following IESNA Lighting standards.
3. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting (to include long-term tree canopy growth).
4. Timer clock or photocell lighting for nighttime use shall be above or near entryways.
5. Pedestrian scale lighting shall be used for all street and pedestrian walkways. It is suggested that
interactive or lighting on demand be used in sensitive areas.
6. Numerical address:
a Shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility (dusk to dawn).
b Shall not be obstructed.
7. Residential Security:
a The door leading into a residential unit should be a solid core door and equipped with a single
cylinder dead bolt lock (including garage door).
b When placing the order for a front door that will have a side pane window it should be placed
on the opposite side of the door handle and lock making them unreachable.
c If front door has zero visibility to front entryway are, it should be equipped with a 180-degree
d Entry door should open outward versus inward.
e All exterior doors should be equipped with security hinges.
f Anti lifting auxiliary locks should be installed on sliding doors and windows.
g Should be pre-wired for alarm system.
h There should be strategically placed directories with arrow indicators for buildings throughout
the property at vehicle driver sight level. The directories should be placed at the ingress
If benches in a parR' area are intended for nighttime use, adeq-uate lighting should be provided
for the area in which they are located. They should also be in open view to eliminate
concealment areas.
1. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction site
security and management plan for approval by the City's Police Department CPTED Official.
a) The development/project manager after site clearing and placement of construction trailer
shall institute security measures to reduce or eliminate opportunities for theft. The management
plan shall include, but not be limited to, temporary lighting, security personnel, vehicle barriers,
construction/visitor pass, reduce/minimize entry/exit points, encourage sub contractors to secure
machinery, tools at end of work day and or any other measure deemed appropriate to provide a
safe and secure working environment.
Project No:
Type of Project:
Size of Site:
Number of Units:
Existing Land Use:
Proposed Land Use:
Existing Zoning:
Proposed Zoning:
Parking Required:
Parking Provided:
CRA Comments:
Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
Proj ect Review
NWSP 06-0 17st Review
S.Federal and Chukker Rd.- Planning Area V
Town Homes
2.26 Acres
40 (17.70 du/ac)
80 + 3 for clubhouse
Southern Homes
1. Replace perimeter wall at S. Federal frontage with fencing. Fencing shall
have openings/gates for each unit fronting S. Federal. Show fencing detail on
2. Install overhead utilities at Federal Highway frontage underground.
3. Provide PowerPoint presentation and color elevations for CRA Board
4. Add architectural details to first floor at rear elevations and to the 1 st and 2nd
floors on the north and south elevations. Such details may include, but are not
limited to the following items:
a. Columns projecting a minimum of 4" from the wall.
b. Plinth at base of wall projecting a minimum of 6" from the wall.
c. Projecting cornice.
d. Projecting canopy.
e. Trellis
f. Medallions
g. Windows/openings
h. Artwork
1. Lighting fixtures
J. Arcade
k. Awnings
5. On rear fac;ade, provide two roofline breaks per 100' of frontage. Breaks to be
a minimum of 4'.
baywalkcornrnentsC:\Docurnents and Settings\coales\Local Settings\Ternporary Internet Files\OLK9\baywalkcornrnents.doc
NWSP 06-017
1st Review Planning
At the technical advisory review team (T ART) meeting, provide written responses to all
staffs comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be
folded and stapled.
At the technical advisory review team meeting, also provide a full set of reduced
drawings, sized 8Yz inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to a compact disk
and submit that to staff as well.
Staff considers these plans to be at the final stage of site plan review, the last stage prior
to permit review. As such, all comments need to be addressed and shown on the plans
prior to the T ART meeting.
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the new site plan is publicly advertised in
accordance with Ordinance 04-007.
The applicant is responsible for compliance with Ordinance 05-060, the "Art in Public
Places" program and must demonstrate their participation. Please submit a completed
form for this program prior to the TART meeting. Identify location of public art on site
plan, if the intent is to place the art on site (as opposed to payment in lieu of). The fee
associated with this program is required at the time of permitting.
Revise application (Sec. 1. 7) to provide street address (3103 N Federal Hwy).
Revise application (Sec. 1.9) to provide legal description (Amended plat of Tradewind
Estates Lots 62 and 63, less road right-of-way) OR attach an Exhibit "A" as noted
(Exhibit A was not included).
Revise application (Sec. 1.17) to indicate that a site plan was previously approved (NWSP
04-004), but is no longer valid (expired May 18, 2005).
Revise application (Sec. II. 1 0) to correct calculation of required parking spaces (to match
plan sheet SP2 of 2).
Each survey should be signed and sealed (Ch. 4., Sec. 7.A.). Copies are not permitted.
Add bearings and distances (which match survey) to perimeter property lines on site plan.
A unity of title may be required. The Building Division of the Department of
Development will determine its applicability.
A drainage statement is required prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting
(Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.).
The traffic impact analysis must be approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division
for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any building permits.
The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach County
regarding school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building permit. It would be
preferable to have this approval prior to the Community Redevelopment Agency Board
The survey shows an existing billboard is located on site. Please indicate it's location on
site plan and add to note when it will be removed (prior to development of the property).
Property to the south was recently approved for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning for the proposed Palm Cove development. Please update site plan re:
information for adjacent property to south.
Reorder plan set so that architecturals precede civils. The suggested order is as follows:
Survey, SPI-2, SD-2 (correct spelling of typical), A4-14, A2-3, A-I, SD-I (sheet has SP-
1), T-I, P-I, PH-I, HAl, PDI-2, WSI, TMl.
Plan revisions must be reflected on all appropriate sheets throughout the plan set.
The Site Plan Data indicates the project location is North Federal Highway and Chukker
Road. This is incorrect; please provide an appropriate location description.
Provide an area breakdown table (SP 2 of 2) which lists all model units for each building,
size of each unit, total building square footage per building, and grand total building
square footage on site.
Revise Unit B floor plan (A-I2) to indicate correct number of bedrooms (2 not 3).
The site plan tabular data (sheet SP2 of2) is incorrect because the "Setbacks" indicate the
proposed front building setback is 8 feet but it is graphically shown as 12 feet. Please
The zoning code does not specify minimum setbacks for the IPUD district, but states that
setbacks provided should mirror setbacks of adjacent development. Indicate the building
footprint of the closest building on the abutting properties to the west (setbacks for RM in
PBC) and north (south previously approved at 11 feet). The front setback approved for
the adjacent Palm Cove PUD is 20 feet.
The IPUD zoning district requires 200 square feet of usable open space per dwelling unit.
The plan proposes 40 dwelling units, and therefore, 8,000 square feet of usable open
space is required (Chapter 2, Section S.L.3.). Note size and boundaries of all usable open
space areas on site plan. The pool/clubhouse area may be utilized in the calculation to
meet this requirement. On the overall Site Plan Tabular Data please indicate usable open
space totals (required and provided). Note that usable open space is not the same as
pervIOus area.
Clarify on plans whether this project will be condo or fee-simple for ownership. If fee-
simple, indicate all townhouse lot lines on separate lot line plan, and include a typical lot
detail with dimensions, building footprint, and max. lot coverage.
Clarify property lines for townhouse units and total right of way width. The townhouse
property lines divide parking spaces in many areas. If parking spaces are to be included
within the lots, the lot lines can not divide the parking space, how will this work with fee
simple townhouse lots?
Prior to the issuance of a building or land development permit, the applicant shall provide
a copy of the homeowners or property owners association documents for review and
Provide a note on plans that the established homeowner's assocIatIOn and condo
association will not allow individual pools or additions, and will not allow the patios,
porches, or balconies to be modified (i.e. increased in size, enclosed, or screened).
Dimension and label building setbacks and landscape buffer widths along perimeter
property lines.
In order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends converting
them from private property to "buffer tracts" that would be owned and maintained by the
Home Owners' Association.
Clarify if streets interior to the project are public rights-of-way or private streets to be
maintained by the homeowner's association. Streets, regardless if public or private, are
required to be 40 feet in PUD's.
Clarify (by dimensioning and labeling) the total width of the internal rights of way.
Per the IPUD zoning district regulations, privately-owned streets providing secondary
vehicular circulation internal to the IPUD may be considered for approval with right-of-
way and pavement widths less than the minimum PUD requirement of 40 feet, however
in no case shall health, safety, and / or welfare be jeopardized. However, these roads are
primary circulation roadways for use by residents and service providers alike. Solid
waste pickup would be roll-out curbside service for each unit, rather than a centralized
trash dumpster, therefore large garbage trucks will be required to maneuver and circulate
throughout the proposed development.
Due to the minimal street width, there is limited area for utilities within those streets.
There are required distances that underground utilities must be separated from other
utilities and from structures. In addition, the reduced internal street width poses a
potential sight distance hazard. All proposed buildings are oriented toward the interior of
the site, and residents would access their garages from the private streets internal to the
development. Due to the limited street width (currently shown as 24 feet) and backing
out into a roundabout, sight distance may be compromised, leading to a safety issue for
residents backing out of spaces.
The dimension of the parking stalls, vehicular back-up areas, and dumpster enclosure
location / orientation is subj ect to the Engineering Division of Public Works' review and
A 24-foot back-up distance is required behind every 90-degree parking stall.
Per master plan requirements, indicate pedestrian circulation which should be planned to
prevent pedestrian use of vehicular ways and parking spaces. Note on plans the
sidewalks interior to the development, continuous perimeter sidewalks, and widths of
sidewalks. The plan does not have a pedestrian pathway from the parking spaces located
at the roundabout and south of the roundabout, to some of the buildings.
Each unit requires a minimum of two (2) parking spaces. Fee simple townhouses
typically have the two spaces in an attached two car garage, or a combination of garage
and driveway that meets the required parking space size. Consider revising plan to
provide this type of parking which townhouse owners want, rather than the proposed
surface parking spaces found in rental communities.
Units which have garages are limited to one-car garages, and all but one of the driveways
located in front of the garages are too small to count as the additional parking space
needed for the unit. Parking is available, but may require walking some distance from
the space to the unit. Residents will most likely use the 8 foot deep driveway in front of
the garages for parking, which will result in cars blocking the sidewalks and possibly a
portion of the road's travel lane as well. What measures will be taken to prevent this
from occurring?
Parking is deficient on site. A total of 5 spaces are required for the recreational amenity
area, bringing the total parking required to 85 spaces.
Parking spaces are not evenly distributed throughout the site. Two parking spaces are
required for each unit. The deficient parking space locations at each building are as
follows: building 2 (-2 spaces), building 3 (-6 spaces), building 4 (-5 spaces), and
building 5 ( -8 spaces). The 21 remaining spaces required for these buildings are located
in the roundabout at the end of the road, and the row of parking spaces south of the
roundabout. These spaces will be out of sight of many of the residents who own the
vehicles parked there. The community does not appear to be gated or provide security
other than lighting.
Add note to plans that solid waste disposal for townhouses will be curbside garbage
pickup in front of each unit, instead of a centralized trash container or dumpster.
Will an on-site lift station be required as a result of this development? If so, indicate its
location on the site and landscape plan.
It is recommended that all utilities be placed underground.
Will townhouse mailboxes be located at each unit or grouped at a kiosk? If grouped,
indicate location.
It is a basic public expectation that landowners requesting the use of the IPUD district
will develop design standards that exceed the standards of the basic development
standards in terms of site design, building architecture, and construction materials,
amenities and landscape design (Chapter 2, Section 5.L.1.b.). The city is not obligated to
automatically approve the level of development intensity requested for the IPUD.
Instead, it is expected to approve only such level of intensity that is appropriate for a
particular location in terms ofland use compatibilities (Chapter 2, Section 5.L.1.c.). The
proposed project contains no provision for guest parking. In addition, no tandem parking
(driveway parking) has been provided for these dwelling units that may very well possess
two (2), three (3), four (4) car households, not to mention storage within the garage that
can compromise necessary parking spaces. Therefore, staff recommends providing
surplus parking, additional garages, etc.
The one (1) handicap space on site should be located to afford the easiest and closest
access to the clubhouse. The handicapped space should be relocated closer to the
clubhouse entrance (space 41 location).
Additional one-way signage is needed in the roundabout area (near space 49), and
possibly other areas within the roundabout.
Include bike racks near the swimming pool area. Staff recommends that they be covered
or sheltered.
The building height depicted on all elevation drawings (28'4" to top of ridge) should
directly correspond to the proposed building height in the site plan tabular data (37')
(sheet SP2 of2).
All elevation drawings should dimension the mid-point of the roof, between the "top of
beam" and the "top of roof' elevation. This dimension should directly correspond to the
proposed building height in the Site Plan Tabular Data.
Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section
7.D.2.). These will be on display at the public meetings.
Label elevations North, South, East, and West.
Reorient the two buildings with frontage on Federal Highway so that they face (front) the
street to correspond with the adjacent Palm Cove development to the south. Create
walkways from Federal Highway sidewalk to front entry of these units to engage the
street as noted in the CRA guidelines.
Revise front building elevations to ensure that type of shutter proposed matches shape of
window proposed.
To enhance the front building elevations and provide required foundation landscaping,
consider providing pergolas above garage doors and large potted bougainvillea or other
climbing and/or flowering vines on each side of garage door.
To enhance the front building elevations, consider providing white light fixtures on each
side of garage doors. Will front entry of each unit have an outdoor light?
The rear elevations are lacking detail. Staff recommends incorporating additional
architectural features on the rear elevations similar to that of the front and side elevations.
Revise rear building elevations to include additional architectural features and
enhancements. Break up large expanses of fayade, and provide roof articulation.
To enhance the rear building elevations, consider replacing sliding glass doors with
French doors.
Provide additional architectural treatments (wooden shutters, trellises, faux windows,
etc.) to the side elevations visible from Federal Highway, to alleviate large areas of blank
Revise elevation of the front entrance archway by labeling clearance height, overall
height, exterior finish, and color(s).
Consider breaking up buildings to include 4 to 5 units each in order to reduce large
expanses of fayade, and add visual interest.
The amenity area is not centrally located to all units.
Revise front area of clubhouse on site plan to match detail on A-3, and label all
impervious areas to clarify.
All building elevations, including the clubhouse, should indicate paint manufacturer's
name and color codes (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Staff recommends using a "color schedule" to identify each proposed color. Provide
color / paint swatches for the elevations including, but not limited to, wall color and entry
feature. (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
On the elevations, indicate the material and color of the roof, and 2nd story balcony
Provide details on plans which indicate location and type of pavers III streets and
driveways, and type of pool deck material.
Delete wall in front of buildings along Federal Highway, and tie walls along north and
south property lines so that they connect with front comer of these buildings, OR replace
wall along Federal Highway with a decorative wrought iron or aluminum rail fence with
individual gated openings for access from each unit in Buildings I and 2 to public
sidewalk along Federal Hwy.
Provide a detail of all fences (pool, along Federal Hwy), and privacy wall proposed on
site, including the dimensions, material, and color (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Revise perimeter wall detail (sheet SP-l) to include columns with caps at regular
intervals. Only the columns and caps may exceed 6 feet in height (not continuous
coping). Wall detail indicates "By Others". Please explain.
Consider working with your neighbor to the south (Palm Cove) to utilize their perimeter
wall rather than building one immediately adjacent to it.
Place a note on the site plan that all above ground mechanical equipment such as exterior
utility boxes, meters, transformers, and back-flow preventers shall be visually screened
(Chapter 9, Section 10.CA.).
It is noted on landscape plan that all above-ground equipment will be screened with plant
material. Revise landscape plan to include screening the at-grade AlC units proposed
behind each unit with native hedge material and add to plant list.
Provide an enhanced landscape theme in the planting areas immediately east of the
entrance structure.
Provide a detail of the water fountain (Chapter 4, Section 7D.) Staff recommends that it
be illuminated.
Equipment placed on the walls of the buildings shall be painted to match the building
color (Chapter 9, Section 10.CA.). Place a note on the elevations indicating this
In the past, the CRA Board has been very diligent in requesting that developers provide a
drawing that shows what the project would look like when viewing the subject property
from public rights-of-way. Therefore, staff recommends providing a supplemental
drawing that shows the east elevation (along Federal Highway) that depicts the buildings,
fences, and plant material at time of planting.
The subject site is located along the Palm Tran Bus Route. A bus stop should be shown
on the site plan, along Federal Highway. Staff recommends installing an upgraded
shelter. Coordinate with Palm Tran and provide a written response at the TART meeting.
A 12 foot utility easement along the front property line interferes with landscaping (trees
and shrubs) required along the right-of-way of Federal Hwy. Clarify what utilities are
located there, and how landscaping (including 12 foot trees) can be allowed there without
affecting the utility lines.
Consider moving buildings 1 and 2 further west to mirror 20 foot front setback of
adjacent Palm Cove, if the 12' DE cannot accommodate the necessary landscaping.
Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species (Chapter 7.5,
Article II, Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Canopy trees, Palm trees, Shrubs &
Groundcover. On the landscape plan, indicate the total quantities within each category
and their native percentages.
All shrubs and hedges are required to be at minimum 24 inches in height, 24 inches in
spread, and planted with tip-to-tip spacing measured immediately after planting to
adequately cover the planted areas on the site (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.CA.).
If potable water is used for irrigation purposes, the use of drought tolerant plant species
(per the South Florida Water Management District Manual) shall be maximized, and the
irrigation system should have water conserving designs (such as a drip system), where
No photometries have been provided for the pool and clubhouse area.
The elevation of the typical freestanding outdoor lighting pole: the design, style, and
illumination level shall be compatible with the building design (height) and shall consider
safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section IO.F.1.). A minimum average
light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than 10% of the spot
readings below one (1) foot candle and none below 1'2 foot candle (Chapter 23, Article
Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property (Chapter 9,
Section IO.F.2.).
Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged
(Chapter 9, Section IO.F.3.).
Indicate proposed project development sign locations on both site plan and landscape
Please provide a detail showing sign type, dimensions and sign face area (max 32 sf),
materials, exterior finish, letter font, and letter color(s) that comply with Chapter 21,
Article IV, Section 1.D.
All signage is subject to review and approval of the Community Redevelopment Agency
and City Commission. The sign structure must be located at least 10 feet from any
property line and surrounded by two colorful varieties of shrubs and two colorful
varieties of groundcover. Staff recommends that the sign be externally lit, with ground
Applicants who wish to utilize City electronic media equipment for presentations at City
Commission Public Hearings must notify the Planning and Zoning Department
representative at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Staff recommends using
a PowerPoint presentation at the Community Redevelopment Agency Board meeting.
Staff recommends the use of a more decorative residential garage door for those units
with garages.
Provide denser landscape screening between pool equipment and residential unit to the
Staff recommends placement of additional tall planting material along the north side of
Unit #1 and south side of Unit #8 to soften the building elevations from Federal Hwy
traffic. Staff recommends the use of Coconut palms, Montgomery palms, and/or
Traveller's trees.
Staff recommends the width of all units be a minimum of 20 feet like all others approved
by the city, as opposed to 15, 17, and 18 foot wide units depicted on the plan.
The pool deck and pool fencing are located in a large utility easement, and are subject to
Engineering review and approval at this location.
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