CORRESPONDENCE rr"'\lIY 0" ~, >,fe> , " , ' ~ ! ... ... , ' \ ' 0\ l:t .1-,> / (; v:;;."'- /"~ , ,~o N "', The City af Bayman Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org May 9, 2006 Mr. Jose F. Jaramillo The Architectural Group, Inc. 127 North M Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Re: Ber.muda Cay MMSP 06-027 Dear Mr. Jaramillo: In response to your request dated-stamped May 4, 2006 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Modification to stairwells consisting of replacement of vinyl lattice with infill stucco (as depicted on the attached plan) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 5/4/06 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The stucco and paint finish to match that of adjacent walls. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst . PROJECT NAME: Bermuda Cay LOCATION: 611 E. Woolbright PCN: , FILE NO.: MMSP 06-027 " TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Jose JarimiIlo, AlA ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 127 North M St Lake Worth, FL 33460 FAX: FAX: 561-588-7887 PHONE: - PHONE: 561-233-9999 E-Mail: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 5/4/06 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC /IP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Bermuda Cay aka Gulfstream Harbors\MMSP 06-027\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc ARGlllECIURE INIERIORDESIGN LAND PLANNING 127 North M Street Lake Worth-Florida 33460 Tel: 561.233-9999 Fax: 561.588.7887 April 26, 2006 City of Boynton Beach Development Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach- Florida 33425 ~. '~' 4'." "I" - /',0,) ji \ ,~w Re: Bermuda Cay - Elevation Changes Building "A" - Permit #0600001145 - 611 E. Woolbright Road Building "B" - Permit 0600000628- 621 E Woolbright Road Building "e" - Permit #0600000421-631 E. Woolbright Road Building "D" - Permit #0600000420-641 E. Woolbright Road Building "E" - Permit #0500006410- 651 E. Woolbright Road Mr. Timothy Large; Please accept this letter as our acknowledgment of a change to the exterior elevations at the project mentioned above. Please note that the originally specified vinyl trellis on the stair walls will be replaced with infilling the area with stucco on wire mesh. New Stucco to match existing. This is a strictly ornamental change to the elevations. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at 561-233-9999. Thank you, -ff Jose F. Jaramillo, AlA EL. +37'-4" TOP OF PARAPET EL. +35'-0" TOP OF ROOF INFlLL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE MESH , STUCCO TO MATCH EXlSnNG, EL. +26'-3" TOP OF SLAB .. '. " . , :/: 'NFlLL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE MESH , STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING. EL. +17'-6" TOP OF SLAB IN FILL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE MESH . STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING, EL. +8'-9" TOP OF SLAB [ +5 -7 '.' o. +5 -7 +5 -7 'NFlLL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE MESH , STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING. EL. +0'-0" TOP OF SL Cadd File Number: ? Scale: ASN NOTED Project No: 0538.00 Sheet No: A 1.2 Project Mgr: JF J Design: JF J Drawn: JF J Checked: JF J Date: 4/26/05 .>& EXTERIOR RENOVATION FOR: GULFSTREAM HARBOR APARTMENTS, LLC 611 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING A 621 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING B 631 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING C 641 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING D 651 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING E BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA +5 -7 Till AI) -H Tf \ TIII'(" I' llr ARCHllECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN LAND PLANNING "-..- ~ ~~J Sa~ Of~\ \ . , . , ........ ...., '\. ' "" .'," , , , I \. ""' .. J . -- p' ;;.- ~~.. , .... ~ ;>.)... . ", -- "'p ..... '-, '.",~ - --.....~: ~r ____.. '"' .... , . ,. ..-.- : - ~......... .,... ~'~ ~ ......, . )>0 ....\,.,_ . '-- '-.'- . '-~ ........, -- I . ~/. "., r ~ .1!: \. ...." ~ _ I .. . 'I ~~ "- .... " .......... '.~. - 1 .. . ~ >, -, ~\. , ~ ........ " . .......-- -- .. '. -- .. '" :~ . . .~ .l.~ '."'. :.,:.,~" '\ ...,."1-., . .....r:t ;~. .~ 1- -,.., i- :--- i \ ) . ARGlllECIURE INIERIORDESIGN LAND PLANNING 127 North M Street Lake Worth-Florida 33460 Tel: 561.233-9999 Fax: 561.588.7887 April 26, 2006 City of Boynton Beach Development Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach- Florida 33425 Re: Bermuda Cay - Elevation Changes Building "A" - Permit #0600001145 - 611 E. Woolbright Road Building "B" - Permit 0600000628- 621 E Woolbright Road Building "e" - Permit #0600000421-631 E. Woolbright Road Building "D" - Permit #0600000420-641 E. Woolbright Road Building "E" - Permit #0500006410- 651 E. Woolbright Road Mr. Timothy Large; Please accept this letter as our acknowledgment of a change to the exterior elevations at the project mentioned above. Please note that the originally specified vinyl trellis on the stair walls will be replaced with infilling the area with stucco on wire mesh. New Stucco to match existing. This is a strictly ornamental change to the elevations. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at 561-233-9999. Thank you, -ff Jose F. Jaramillo, AlA ./ EL. +37'-4" TOP OF PARAPET EL, +35' 0" TOP OF ROOF " , . INFlLL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE t,lESH , STUCCO TO t,lATCH EXISTING, EL. +26'-3" TOP OF SLAB INFlLL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE t,lESH , STUCCO TO t,lA TCH EXISTING, EL. +17'-6" TOP OF SLAB 'NFlLL EXISTING WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE t,lESH , STUCCO TO t,lATCH EXISTING, ~ EL. +8'-9" TOP OF SLAB IN FILL EXlSnNG WAlL VtlTH NEW STUCCO ON VtlRE t,lESH . STUCCO TO t,lATCH EXISTING, -~. .:::~ ~ EL. +0'-0" TOP OF SL Cadd File Number: ? EXTERIOR RENOVATION FOR: Scale: ASN NOTED GULFSTREAM HARBOR Project No: Project Mgr: JF J APARTMENTS, LLC 611 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING A 0538,00 Design: JF J 621 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING B Drawn: JFJ 631 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING c Sheet No: 641 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING D Checked: JFJ 651 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING E A 1.2 Date: 4/26/05 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA [ +5 -7 +5 -7 +5 -7 +5 -7 . .' ~ . Till AI'~HTILTIf'A I' Ilr ARCHITECTURE 'NTERIOR DESIGN LAND PLANNING O-pf\ ... ~,- .... ~"."', ". ~ ,. ." . , t , ~. \ -,- ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~4~ ~4~ ~ ...~, ~ , .'t- \.,......~~. , J<' '... ....."\."", ". ~ . .. ......... ... .. .,..~. ..,..... ....; ~, .::-----. ..... '-. ", ... -." ...... " . -- '~.'" . ~ ... ...... '" ...... "(... '" . ). - ~~ . ~~~ '-. '-... ..- .",,\ -- co' 1t.;.'- - .' \ - ... ~ ". , ,2 '-~'" : _ _"'.~ 'W'~~~,_ .' I -.' ~ ~ ~; . . - ')., ....- , , ~. 1\ ~ j "')..,. i "', I ' '1 l 'l. ~ -'..... ~ ,. . --- -- ' .~ ,. \'\... ARGlllECIURE INIERIORDESIGN LAND PLANNING 127 North M Street Lake Worth-Florida 33460 Tel: 561.233-9999 Fax: 561.588.7887 April 26, 2006 City of Boynton Beach Development Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach- Florida 33425 MAY - 4 / Re: Bermuda Cay - Elevation Changes Building "A" - Permit #0600001145 - 611 E. Woolbright Road Building "B" - Permit 0600000628- 621 E Woolbright Road Building "e" - Permit #0600000421-631 E. Woolbright Road Building "D" - Permit #0600000420-641 E. Woolbright Road Building "E" - Permit #0500006410- 651 E. Woolbright Road Mr. Timothy Large; Please accept this letter as our acknowledgment of a change to the exterior elevations at the project mentioned above. Please note that the originally specified vinyl trellis on the stair walls will be replaced with infilling the area with stucco on wire mesh. New Stucco to match existing. This is a strictly ornamental change to the elevations. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at 561-233-9999. Thank you, -ff Jose F. Jaramillo, AlA EL. +37'-4" TOP OF PARAPET EL, +35' 0" TOP OF ROOF 'NFlLl. EXISllNG WAlL \\ITH NEW S1lJCCO ON \\IRE IotESH , S1lJCCO TO iotA TCH EXlSllNG, EL, +26'-3" TOP OF SLAB . , , . .... . )K!S ....... INFlLl. EXlSllNG WAll. \\ITH NEW S1lJCCO ON \\IRE IotESH ' S1lJCCO TO iotA TCH EXlSllNG. EL. +17'-6" TOP OF SLAB 'NFlLl. EXlSnNG WAlL \\ITH NEW S1lJCCO ON \\IRE IotESH , S1lJCCO TO IotATCH EXlSllNG. EL. +8'-9" TOP OF SLAB ~ [ +5 -7 +5 -7 +5 -7 'NFlLl. EX'SllNG WAll. \\ITH NEW S1lJCCO ON \\IRE IotESH . S1lJCCO TO iotA TCH EXlSllNG, EL. +0'-0" TOP OF SL Cadd File Number: ? Scale: ASN NOTED Pro ject No: 0538.00 Sheet No: A 1.2 Project Mgr: JF J Design: JF J Drawn: JF J Checked: JF J Date: 4/26/05 >t EXTERIOR RENOVATION FOR: GULFSTREAM HARBOR APARTMENTS, LLC 611 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING A 621 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING B 631 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING C 641 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING D 651 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING E BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA +5 -7 I Till fd1-HTI flj)t\ I' llr ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN LAND PLANNING ~,- . I' ... " 6 1 ':~ 2 ~~,~~ ~~\e. - S%CLo (lP{ I J b ~ I 2-cu 1cJ - .,. " .. ... ~ ... - - , ... '''''':... - '\.. \, -.' '. , ,>~ ..". '-+~ " . ..... '- , \, '. >, ..... ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~4~ ~4~ ~ -. ."" '.~. ~ \. ~'-. f '. ,l! '~ "1 " ?l ~ ~- t\ ' 1i 1 '- ... ., ~ . , .- '''" -- . ~."... -- ' . -~'"'" ..- ~_... .... , - ':"".. ~ "".. . -'. - .....~ -"'" .'-, ....-...... .. , '. --.. ,\.' ,.'. .... "" .. .. ~ ~ "'" t , , MI "'...... .)-, . ....~~ :; - '--. , .,.:'. r'___. __ ~ (:r:~" "..-'; ... - -, . ~ . . l .... \._ 6...}# .~ l . . ',.., .".~ "' ......... "-', '" >"'"' . ~...4 \ "-. ~ ~J- .. . ~. . '.. ~ .'"'\ -~ - '" '. ~, · t.... "> - " -. , , ., , ... - " ", - '>. t ARCliI1ECIURE INIERIORDESIGN LAND PLANNING 127 North M Street Lake Worth-Florida 33460 Tel: 561.233-9999 Fax: 561.588.7887 April 26, 2006 City of Boynton Beach Development Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach- Florida 33425 Re: Bermuda Cay - Elevation Changes Building "A" - Permit #0600001145 - 611 E. Woolbright Road Building "B" - Permit 0600000628- 621 E Woolbright Road Building "e" - Permit #0600000421-631 E. Woolbright Road Building "D" - Permit #0600000420-641 E. Woolbright Road Building "E" - Permit #0500006410- 651 E. Woolbright Road Mr. Timothy Large; Please accept this letter as our acknowledgment of a change to the exterior elevations at the project mentioned above. Please note that the originally specified vinyl trellis on the stair walls will be replaced with infilling the area with stucco on wire mesh. New Stucco to match existing. This is a strictly ornamental change to the elevations. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at 561-233-9999. Thank you, -ff Jose F. Jaramillo, AlA EL, +37'-4" TOP OF PARAPET EL, +35' 0" TOP OF ROOF -,~ 1 -. INFlLl EXISTING WALl \\ITH NEW STUCCO ON \\IRE MESH , STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING, EL. +26'-3" TOP OF SLAB INFlLl EXISTING WALl \\ITH NEW STUCCO ON \\IRE MESH , STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING. ~..,.\ EL. +17'-6" TOP OF SLAB INFlLl EX'STING WALl \\ITH NEW STUCCO ON \\IRE MESH . STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING, ~~." ~....~ EL. +8'-9" TOP OF SLAB 'NFlLl EXISTING WAll \\ITH NEW STUCCO ON \\IRE MESH , STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING. ".1..... ' EL. +0'-0" TOP OF SL -1fLc.,."),, ~ Cadd File Number: ? Scale: ASN NOTED Project No: 0538,00 Sheet No: A 1.2 Project Mgr: JFJ Design: JF J Drawn: JF J Checked: JF J Date: 4/26/05 >.. '. " , , , I '. I EXTERIOR RENOVATION FOR: GULFSTREAM HARBOR APARTMENTS, LLC 611 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING A 621 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING B 631 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING C 641 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING D 651 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD - BUILDING E BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA [ +5 -7 +5 -7 +5 -7 +5 -7 . . . ~ . fill AP~H TI ( T 11't'\ I ) I ~ } I I ARCH'TEcruRE INTER'OR OES'GN LAND PLANNING r~ ~ ~' ->~ '-g~~~ ~--fCL -~, )tca ~( .pl''-- ..... ... -... '" ..~... -' ......-... . . \ ..... .. '4 ~ I \. ~ . '-'-, . . ~, , ... -'-" ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~....~ ~4~ ~ -. ~ , ." .- " '> .... --,,, '-"..... ". . -:," ..--':,. " ')0,. '. .~ oJ ...~ , " ,., . .. - ~ ,. ~ .. \'1_ ~ ........... ',,- . .-~ . , ~- . -,--. ,.' . , -- ..- ;.~~~ , ~ ~ ......~ ~~ '" ~..-....'~ -"\.. - " '.", .... - ~.-... ., '.,,'" ...-. ~ ..-::". --... , ..)10... "- .:~ ~ . .. ...... . '" '-. ..::- '"",. . '" ~' ""- . \ "- :.0 '!f' " ..,'. '- " ---); ~ ::~ \ .,.:", ~ - - ,.. "ft t .~ " , '. "- ! ~ ~ ,.l1.,.." , , '. ., ;j ~ ;, i ) ! WOOLBRIGHT EQUITIES, LLC MEMORANDUM Date: June 2ih 2005 To: Michael Runft CC: Phillip Gesue From: Dermot B Johnson Re: Gulfstream Harbor Apartments Condo Conversion Woolbright Equities, LLC (an affiliate of Time Equities Inc, a national real estate development and investment company) is under contract to purchase the Gulfstream Harbor apartments to convert it into luxury condominiums, Since the project is in excellent structural condition (and currently 97% occupied by renters), the scope of work is largely cosmetic and consists primarily of the following: 1. Upgrade unit interior finishes as per attached typical floor plan-this will not occur on all of the units as some buyers may elect to either take the unit "as-is" while others may want upgrades-there will be no structural changes to the units 2, Replace all balcony and exterior walkway handrails 3. Replace windows and frames 4. Cosmetic upgrade to interior cabs of elevators - 5. Architectural upgrade to pool house - 6. Addition of new landscaping (including some covered parkin..&! and replacement of some hardscaping (we will decrease the amount of haniscape bur will replace some existing blacktop with brick pavers). 7, Upgrade to fire alarm system and add new video security system,';' :]dc-v::>--( c .~f"""", . -- 8, Cosmetic exterior improvements including addition of decorative shutters on all (~~'f;j"." I,~ndows, EFI~, architect}lFal details throughout the fayade and decorative roof details, ~(' t"1. <.,)c:O.c<.... xulrr It is our desire to contract as the owner directly with several contractors (both GC and subcontractors) for various components of the overall scope of work without a master permit, however, we would like your guidance as to how you would like to see permit documentation for this project presented so that we can accommodate your request at this early stage of document preparation, We would also like to confirm that since the improvements are largely cosmetic and repair/replacement of deferred maintenance, that existing parts of the building that may be non- code compliant (eg, elevator cab size, doorway widths in units, etc) but that will not be improved will be grandfathered. Of course all improvements that will be made to the property will be done by licensed contractors pursuant to local codes, Please let us know your thoughts as to how we should document the project considering the above context. Thank you in advance for your consideration. 55 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10003 , 'f" Time and Date of Meel.uig it l 0:" 3: 0 U Those attending meeting: ~/r~-1 )/~hl.;:, ~< " 1. PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS ~~_ ~ s::e Phone:::J-1 ~J-o~- (..12-,-- Applicant's Name: HAVE YOU SP~OTO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE HOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SeHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 2, LOCATION OF PROPERTY (eROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) ~1~~~~(~ ;;,:-_~;;u~;!;~ t.~ ~~~ '" ~p , ',,:1 ~J- 3, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? ~ NEW PROJEeT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFIeATION eHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUeTURE eURRENTL Y V AeANT? V ARIANeE TYPE: POOLORSeREENENeLOSURE eO~RCIALPROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ~USTRlALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING eODE DESIGNATION? 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. · Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike. · Meetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a,m. and 2:30 p.rn. S:\Planning\Planning\Pre_App Fonn pp 1-3\Pre-application Fonn p l,doc " JI4Iw~~C/j.'I;l /y5!:. , ~?47Z':~~ I / PRE-APPLleATION CONFERENCE REVIEW FORM _~ _ _ Date ~r TirJo\l,slarted tr::::t ~ Time Finished Atten6lllg as ~pplicant ~l.-e<-p cZ __ ~ Phone ,';Co (- f RC?.-- (<-{ ~ }( Fax I, Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and ~. Type/Use ~/~~~f . Site Location (Address if Available) Site peN Existing Zoning Existing Land Use. Density Anticipated Submittal Date Proposed Zoning Proposed Land Use/Density / Vacant Notes and Comments Lot Area 5~ Lot Frontage Lot Depth Setback Height Parking Requirements or hnprovements LandscapinglBuffering Non-conforming Use or ehange in Use Other Zoning ehanges Required Hazardous Material Notes/eommenf /Recommendations... ~~~i_A2qf.1 :;;~~::~;;ji ~~D7~ &f~~- aJ.tXJ~D A~ A- ~ A WII :r-/~ , NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. S;\Planning\Planning\Pre_App Form pp 1-3\Pre-application Form p2,doc ". ~l PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: N OTI CE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual lb' d ~ . pI ans su nntte or reVIew. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendim! Staff j).~ /~~~.u ~~/~ ~oc ka~-,v AI.btJ S:\Planning\Planning\Pre-App Form pp 1-3\Pre-appIication Form p3.doc