Chair and Members
Planning and Development Board and
Mayor and City Commission
Eric Lee Johnsonl AICP U--
Planner (J
Michael w. Rum~
Director of Planning and Zoning
August 101 2005
Boynton Dixie PUD / NWSP 05-024
New site plan approval to construct 82 fee-simple townhouses on an 8.6-
acre parcel in the PUD Planned Unit Development zoning district
Property Owner: Pineapple Grove Propertiesl L TD
Applicant: Mr. Robert Mathias with New Century Companiesl LLC and Pineapple
Grove Propertiesl L TD
Agent: Weiner and Aronsonl P.A.
Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of Gulfstream Boulevard and Old
Dixie Highway (just west of the FEC railroad right-of-way)(Exhibit "AI)
Parcel Size: 8.6 acres
Existing Land Use: MR-5--Medium Density Residential with a maximum density of 5 du/ac
with PUD zoning (Palm Beach County)
Existing Zoning: RS--Single Family Residential (Palm Beach County)
Proposed Land Use: MeDR-Medium Density Residential (9.68 du/ac)
Proposed Zoning: PUD Planned Unit Development
Proposed Use: 82 fee-simple townhouses
Adjacent Uses:
Property within the City of Boynton Beachl the northeastern half of the
abutting property designated MeDR and zoned R-2 Duplex Residential; the
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 2
northwestern half designated LDR Low Density Residential and zoned R-
1A Single Family Residential Development. The property is developed as
a single family residential neighborhood;
The right-of-way of Gulfstream Boulevard, then property within the City of
Delray Beach designated (from the southeast to southwest) Commerce
(Industrial), Transitional Commercial, and LD (Low Density Residential [5
The rights-of-way of the FEC railroad and Old Dixie Highway, then
property within the City of Boynton Beach designated Special High Density
Residential-SHDR (20 dufac) and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development;
Developed single-family residential neighborhood within the City of
Boynton Beach with a land use designation of LDR and zoned R-1A.
Owners of properties within 400 feet of the subject request for new site plan approval were mailed a
notice of this request and its respective hearing dates. The applicant certifies that they posted signage
and mailed notices in accordance with Ordinance No. 04-007.
Site Characteristic: According to the survey, the subject property is a fairly rectangular-shaped parcel,
8.6 acres in size, containing 69 trees and a mixture of native and exotic vegetation.
The species include the following: Ficus benjamina, Sabal palmetto, Tropical
Almond, Ear Leaf Acacia, Royal Poinciana, Schefflera, Wild Tamarind, Strangler Fig,
Green Buttonwood, and Ficus nitida. The parcel is located outside the city and
within a small enclave of unincorporated Palm Beach County. The survey shows an
existing six (6)-foot chain link fence is located along the east and south property
lines. It would be removed as a result of the proposed development. Also, the City
Forester f Environmentalist determined that site contains several existing gopher
tortoise burrows. Therefore, the applicant must provide a Flora and Fauna survey
to the City and obtain a gopher tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife
Commission. The applicant must submit a copy of the permit application to the
City Forester prior to the issuance of the property Clearing and Grubbing permit
(see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). The highest ground elevation (19.09
feet above sea level) would occur near the center of the property.
The applicant proposes to develop the subject property with 82 fee-simple
townhouse units. Approval of the site plan would be contingent upon the approval
of the accompanying request to annex the property into the City of Boynton Beach
(ANEX 05-003) and to rezone it from Single-family Residential (unincorporated
Palm Beach County) to PUD (LUAR 05-007). Fee-simple townhouses are permitted
uses in the PUD zoning district. The maximum density allowed by the proposed,
Medium Density Residential (MeDR) land use classification is 9.68 dwelling units
per acre, which would provide the developer a maximum of 83 units. The project
would be built in one (1) phase.
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 3
A traffic impact analysis was sent to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for
concurrency review in order to ensure an adequate level of service. On May 20,
2005, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division determined that the proposed
residential project is located in the county designated Coastal Residential Exception
area and therefore, meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach
The City's water capacity, as increased through the purchase of up to 5 million
gallons of potable water per day from Palm Beach County Utilities, would meet the
projected potable water for this project (project to a total of 35,500 gallons per
day). Local piping and infrastructure improvements may be required for the
project, dependent upon the final project configuration and fire-flow demands.
These local improvements would be the responsibility of the site developer and
would be reviewed at the time of permitting. Sufficient sanitary sewer and
wastewater treatment capacity is currently available to serve the project total of
16,000 gallons per day, subject to the applicant making a firm reservation of
capacity, following approval of the site plan (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of
Police/Fire: Police and Fire review is pending and will be presented by staff if available at the
time of the City Commission hearing.
Drainage: Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The
Engineering Division has found the conceptual information to be adequate and is
recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred until time
of permit review. All South Florida Water Management District permits and other
drainage related permits must be submitted at time of building permit (see Exhibit
"C" - Conditions of Approval).
School: The School District of Palm Beach County must approve the project for school
concurrency prior to the issuance of any building permits (see Exhibit "C" -
Conditions of Approval).
Driveways: The plans show that the project would have one (1) point of ingress / egress. This
driveway opening is proposed along Gulfstream Boulevard, approximately 75 feet
from the east property line. Both the entrance and exit lanes would be 10 feet in
width and separated by a 12-foot wide landscaped median. The exit lane would
allow for both right-turn (west) and left-turn (east) traffic movements onto
Gulfstream Boulevard. The plans also show a 20-foot wide stabilized emergency
access point, proposed near the west boundary of the project, along Gulfstream
Boulevard. This access point would be used for emergency purposes only, and only
if the main entrance is obstructed. According to the site plan (sheet SP-1), the
rights-of-way, internal to the development would be 40 feet in width. Each side (or
half) of this right-of-way would consist of 10 feet of asphalt, a four (4)-foot wide
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 4
pedestrian sidewalk, valley gutter (for drainage purposes), and the remaining
portion would be a swale (grassy area). In strategic locations, paver crosswalks are
used to direct pedestrian traffic and to alert motorists.
Parking Facility: Three bedroom dwelling units require two (2) parking spaces per unit. The project
proposes 82 three bedroom residential units and therefore, would require 164
parking spaces. Each unit would have a two (2)-car garage. This provision equals
the required parking. Also, the site plan (sheet SP-1) indicates that the driveways
in front of each unit would also accommodate two (2) parked cars. The detail
shows the driveways would be dimensioned 18 feet in depth and be as wide as
each garage. The plan would also provide eight (8) off-street parking spaces and
seven (7) on-street parking spaces for a total of 343 parking spaces, or an excess
of 174 spaces.
Landscaping: Over 2.4 acres of the subject property would be set-aside as "green area". This
pervious surface would account for 29.1 % of the total site. The tree removal plan
(sheet T-1) indicates the presence of 69 trees for a total of 1,069 caliper inches.
The plan indicates that 19 of the 69 trees would remain. The landscape data on
sheet L-4 indicates that the project would have a total of 359 canopy trees, 60
palm trees, 5,830 shrubs, and 3,744 groundcover plants. The plan would proVide
over 50% native species in each of the above referenced plant categories. In
summary, the project would provide a mix of canopy and palm trees. The tree
species would include the following: Gumbo Limbo, Carpentaria palm, Pigeon
Plum, Green Buttonwood, Silver Buttonwood, Golden Shower, Coconut palm,
Satin leaf, Japanese Fern tree, Black Ironwood, Lavender Crape Myrtle, Solitaire
palm, Live Oak, Florida Royal palm, Cabbage palm, Purple Glory tree, and Winin
The plans propose landscaped areas around the entire development. However, the
landscaped areas would not be part of a separate "buffer tract" or easement but
rather, as part of the fee-simple back yard of each property owner. Therefore, in
order to ensure proper maintenance of the landscaped areas at the rear of each
unit, staff recommends that they be maintained by the Home Owners Association
or protected as such in the Home Owner's Association documents, so that no
individual property owner removes any of the required plant material along the
perimeter of the PUD (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). The applicant has
affirmatively indicated to staff that the Home Owners Association would restrict
property owners from removing landscape material.
The landscape plans indicate that the north (rear) and west (side) perimeters
would contain a mix of Green Buttonwood and Lavender Crape Myrtle canopy trees
with a continuous row of Redtip Cocoplum hedges installed at their base. The
specification sheet indicates that they would be installed at 12 feet to 14 feet in
height and spaced as close as one (1) tree per 15 feet. Staff recommends that all
trees proposed along the west, north, and east property lines be installed at a
height between 14 feet and 16 feet (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). The
east (side) perimeter would have additional plant material installed in order to
provide increased buffering from the railroad tracks. The plans show that Live Oak
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 5
trees, clusters of Cabbage palm, a row of Green Buttonwood hedges, and a six (6)
foot high pre-cast concrete wall would provide for this added buffering. The plant
material proposed along Gulfstream Boulevard would consist of Japanese Fern
trees, clusters of Cabbage palm trees, and a wall (identical to the wall proposed
along the east property line). A row of 36-inch tall Redtip Cocoplum hedges is
proposed on the outside of the wall, facing the street.
The dense layout of townhouse units along the west boundary maximizes the
contrast between the subject project and adjacent single-family homes. Therefore
the west buffer increases in importance, particularly if the western building is not
split into individual buildings with fewer units, as described in the following section.
The interior lots would contain less plant material than the perimeter lots. The
landscape plan shows that the rear yard of each interior lot would contain a Green
Buttonwood tree spaced one (1) tree per 30 linear feet, with a continuous row of
Redtip Cocoplum hedges installed at the base. Staff recommends that the spacing
of these canopy trees be no more than one (1) tree per 20 linear feet, regardless of
proposed lot lines (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). The air conditioner
units would be placed within the rear yard of each lot. Wild Coffee plants would
screen three (3) sides of each unit. The plant material proposed in the front yard
of each townhouse would consist of White Bird of Paradise, Florida Thatch palm,
and j or Winin palm. The street trees proposed within the development would
consist of either Pigeon Plum or Black Ironwood trees.
Building and Site: As previously mentioned, the maximum density allowed by the Medium Density
Residential (MeDR) land use classification is 9.68 dwelling units per acre, which
translates to a maximum of 83 units. The site plan proposed 82 units. It should be
noted that according to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support
Document, Section VII, Problems and Opportunities, the following is recommended:
"This property should be annexed into the City prior to providing water or sewer
service. The portion of this parcel abutting the FEC tracks for a depth of
approximately 175 feet should be placed in the Medium Density Residential land
use category and R-2 zoning district, which would allow for the construction of a
row of duplexes similar to that which exists further to the north, along S.E. 2nd
Street. The property which lies to the west of this line should be placed in the Low
Density Residential land use category and R-1A zoning district."
According to these directions, that portion of the property earmarked for the
Medium Density Residential designation would be eligible for development of up to
25 units (::1:2.6 acres x 9.68 dujac), and the remainder would provide another 29
units (::1:6 acres x 4.84 dujac) for a development total of 54 units. By utilizing the
PUD zoning, these units could be arranged with a higher density unit type being
constructed along the eastern boundary of the property adjacent to the FEC right-
of-way and a less-dense unit type constructed abutting the single family
development to the west, or the density could be dispersed uniformly on the
property. The applicant is requesting a single land use designation with a density
of 9.68 dujac and proposing a development containing 82 units utilizing the same
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 6
unit type throughout.
Given the size of the subject site, adjacent railroad right-of-way and land values,
staff recognizes the challenge to providing single-family homes combined with town
homes on this site. However, alternatively, staff recommends that the building be
reduced in length to lessen the impression of density along the western border, or
that the buffer width be widened and contain more trees and other plants.
The site plan tabular data indicates that the buildings would account for 2.831
acres or 32.9% of the entire property. The recreation building and pool deck
would account for 4.3% of the site. The remaining portions would be comprised of
roadways / driveways, sidewalks, and pervious surface. The 0.372-acre recreation
area would accommodate a swimming pool and a 708 square foot cabana /
veranda facility. However, only 98 square feet of the cabana building (i.e. the
restrooms) would be considered as building area, the remaining portion would be
without walls but still "under roof". The site plan does not indicate the dimensions
/ land area of the tot-lot; it appears to be 2,700 square feet in area. The
recreation / pool area would be located at the southeast corner of the property
while the tot-lot would be located within the project interior.
According to Chapter 2.5, Section 9.B., when rezoning a property, no minimum lot
size or minimum yard shall be required; provided however, that PUD frontage on
dedicated public roads shall observe front yard requirements in accordance with
the zoning district the PUD use most closely resembles and that peripheral yards
abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as required in the abutting zone.
The abutting lots to the west are zoned Single-family Residential Dwelling (R-1-A).
As such, the rear setback of the R-1-A zoning district is 25 feet. The site plan
proposes a side (west) setback of 25 feet on the subject site. The abutting lots to
the northwest are zoned R-1-A and to the northeast are zoned Single-family &
Two-family Dwelling (R-2). As such, both zoning districts (R-1-A and R-2) require a
25-foot rear setback. The site plan proposes a rear (north) setback of 25 feet on
the subject site. The Florida East Coast Railroad owns the property to the east.
Its' zoning could be construed to be Community Commercial (C-3) with a zero (0)
side setback. The site plan proposes a 15-foot side (east) setback on the subject
site. The rear of each building is proposed 15 feet from the south property line,
along Gulfstream Boulevard. It would have been desirable to have these units face
Gulfstream Boulevard similar to the design of Heritage Club, which will front town
home units along Gulfstream Blvd, just west of US 1. At minimum, staff
recommends that the rear facades of these units be enhanced to have some
resemblance of the fronts of the units to enhance the streetscape.
The Typical Lot Details illustrate the proposed placement of the unit within each
respective fee-Simple lot. The project proposes two (2) different types of lots,
namely, a Premium (perimeter) lot and a Typical (interior) lot. The perimeter lot
would be 42 feet wide and 72 feet deep. The interior lots dimensions would be 42
feet wide and 62 feet deep. The actual buildings would be placed no closer than
seven feet (7) from the front property line and two (2) feet to a side corner line.
The units attached to each other would have no side setback (between each lot).
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 7
Perimeter units would have a 25-foot rear setback while interior units would have a
15-foot rear setback.
The applicant is requesting provisions for swimming pools and screened-roof
enclosures within the rear yard of Premium lots. According to the details, the pool
would be setback seven (7) feet from the rear lot line while the screen enclosure
would be setback six (6) feet from the rear lot line. Staff has no objection to the
allowance of pools and screened rooms provided that the plant material proposed
within the perimeter of each fee-simple lot would remain consistent with the
landscape plan. It should be noted that these setbacks are minimum and that any
pools constructed within each lot would not interfere with landscaping or air
conditioner units. However, staff recommends that the height of the screen
enclosures be limited to the mean height of the house on which the structure is
proposed (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). The elevations show that the
mean height of the two (2)-story town homes would be 32 feet - eight (8) inches
tall and the peak of the roof would be 37 feet - two (2) inches tall. The maximum
height in all residential zoning districts except R-3 Multi-family Residential is 30
Associated with the proposed type of townhouse developments are a wide variety
of possible building designs (i.e. contemporary, traditional, Spanish-Mediterranean,
etc.). This project would be considered as more of a mixture of traditional with
hints of "Charleston" architectural accents with the front elevations having
columned double porches, classic shutters and projecting pediment sections. The
design, as proposed, would provide for a sense of separation between units. The
articulation of the front fa~ade would relieve the monotony and lessen the
perceived density typical of townhouse developments.
The elevations show the roofing material would be a Concrete flat roof tile. The
exterior finish of the walls would be smooth old world stucco. The applicant is
proposing a variety of color schemes. The Duron paint colors are as follows:
Scheme Colors Paint Location
1 Te rra cotta OCR 035 Drawing Room Exterior Walls
Black Shutters & Door
White DCR 100 Charleston Accent Moldings & Base
2 Tan DCR 002 Aiken Ivory Exterior Walls
Garnet Shutter & Door
White DCR 100 Charleston Accent MoldinQs & Base
3 Yellow OCR 014 Low Country Exterior Walls
Spoon Bread
Rockwood Shutter Door
Oark Green
White OCR 100 Charleston Accent MoldinQ & Base
4 Light Yellow OCR 008 Blake House Exterior Walls
Hamilton Shutter & Doors
Staff Report - Boynton Dixie PUD (NWSP 05-024)
Memorandum No PZ 05-148
Page 8
White DCR 100 Charleston Accent MoldinQ & Base
5 Light Green OCR 084 Acanthus Exterior Walls
Black Shutter & Doors
White OCR 100 Charleston Accent Molding & Base
6 Off-white DCR 7009 Exterior Walls
Midnight Shutter & Doors
White DCR 100 Accent Moldings & Base
7 Light Blue OCR 069 Exterior Walls
Black Shutter & Doors
White DCR 100 Accent MoldinQs & Base
Staff has no objections to the proposed building colors, architectural style, or roof
types. Staff encourages feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers,
entrances, and exits (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). The applicant has indicated to
staff that these elements would be provided within the construction drawings.
Project development signs are proposed on each side of the main entrance. The
construction details plan (sheet L-6) shows that it would be 38 square feet in area
and contain black, decorative aluminum pin lettering. The wall in which the sign
would be placed, would be five (5) feet - nine (9) inches in height. The sign face
would be placed in between two (2) decorative columns on the wall proposed along
Gulfstream Boulevard.
Staff has reviewed this request for new site plan approval and recommends approval, contingent upon the
approval of the corresponding petitions for annexation (ANEX 05-003) and rezoning to PUD (LUAR 05-
007), subject to satisfying all comments indicated in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval, and in particular
the recommendation to improve the transition to the adjacent single-family homes to the west. As
described in the corresponding rezoning report, a land-use recommendation from the Comprehensive Plan
acknowledges the adjacent single-family homes and railroad rights-of-way, and therefore recommends
split zoning/land use classifications. Staff opines that the size, location, and value of the subject parcel is
a challenge to the split-use concept, and therefore supports the townhouse project. However the borders
of the project should be designed to minimize the impression of density, through building length, design,
and / or setbacks and denser landscaping. Any additional conditions recommended by the Board or City
Commission shall be documented accordingly in the Conditions of Approval.
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Dixie\NWSP 05-024\Staff Report.doc
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Exhibit A
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Conditions of Approval
Project name: Boynton Dixie
File number: NWSP 05-024
Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a Julv 19, 2005 Planning and Zoning
Department date stamp marking.
Comments: None
1. Provide an acceptable turn-around for the northeast dead-end roadway. The
turn-around may be placed either at the end of the dead-end roadway or may
be placed in the green area west of the northeast grouping of townhouses.
2. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the
FECRR/Gulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The extent
of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for fiscal year
2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks shall extend
west a minimum of 100 feet.
3. If the City Commission approves the Site Plan, the applicant shall enter the
plat process through the City's Engineering Division. A preliminary plat
application may be initiated during the Site Plan review to expedite issuance
of the Land Development Permit.
4. The medians on Gulfstream Blvd. have existing irrigation and plant material
belonging to and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to
the irrigation system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's
operations shall be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as
approved by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of
the developer. The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of
Boynton Beach Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum of
six (6) weeks in advance of any underground activities. Please acknowledge
this notice in your comments response and add a note to the appropriate plan
sheets with the above stated information.
5. Full Drainage Plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of
6. Specify storm sewer diameters, inlets types, etc. on Drainage Plan. Indicate
grate, rim and invert elevations for all structures. Indicate grade of storm
sewer segments. Indicate material specifications for storm sewer.
7. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and
will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
8. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water
and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
9. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments) with
20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section
16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is
greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
10. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid
for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the
Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of Site Plan
approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon
final meter size, or expected demand.
11. The Utilities Division will not require surety for installation of the water and
sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to
the City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note
that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
12. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has
approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
13. At the time of permitting, the applicant will be required to verify the sizes of
the existing water / sewer line sizes. The eight inch (8") line depicted in
Gulfstream Boulevard may only be six inches (6").
14. The proposed water main system is shown tying into an 8-in. line on the south
and north. The northerly existing main reduces to 6-in. west of the railroad
tracks. The northerly line shall be upsized to a 12-in. main to Seacrest Blvd.
This work shall be coordinated with the developer of the Gulfstream Mall
property. Work will include providing a hydraulic analysis showing that the
proposed work, including main upgrade is capable of providing adequate
flows for domestic use and fire flows for this development.
15. Revise alignment of the water main to the north to keep the main out of the
FECRR right-of-way as long as possible.
16. Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of
each dead-end section to properly service each fee-simple townhouse.
17. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability
at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the
Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and
Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be
reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
Comments: None
Comments: None
18. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure
shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the
provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are
signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida
shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
19. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the
loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table
1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design.
20. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the
location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject
21. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
22. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation)
that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in
compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site
data that address the following issues:
a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that
the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood
elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans;
b. Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for
the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the
drawings titled site plan, floor plan and paving/drainage (civil plans).
23. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse/recreation building, provide the following:
Will the pool/clubhouse/recreation building be restricted to the residents of
the entire project only?
Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the
Please provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the impact
fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should
request that the County send the City a copy of their determination of what
impact fees are required for the pool/clubhouse/recreation building.
24. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily
25. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit
shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216.
26. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan;
If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans;
The number of dwelling units in each building;
The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34).
27. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract.
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer,
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded
deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
28. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
A legal description of the land;
The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan;
If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-
approved site plans;
The number of dwelling units in each building;
The total amount being paid (CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(0).
29. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies,
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate
all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved
by the City Commission.
30. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted.
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
31. The mail kiosk is considered a "common area" and shall comply with the
handicap accessibility requirements in 2001 FBC, Chapter 11.
32. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee:
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
33. There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant
must provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher
tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission. The applicant
must submit a copy of the permit application to the City Forester prior to the
issuance of the property Clearing and Grubbing permit.
34. The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the
following (35) trees proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered
2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37 ,40,41,42,43,45,46,49,50,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,
62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated from the site. These trees are all
mature native species of trees.
35. All shade and palm trees on the Trees and Palms List must be listed in the
description as a minimum of 12 feet to 14 feet in height, 3-inch DBH (4.5 feet
off the ground), and Florida #1 (Florida Grades and Standards manual). The
height of the trees may be larger than 12 feet to 14 feet to meet the 3-inche
diameter requirement; or any clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), or "wood"
specifications (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. S.C. 2).
The landscape design should include the City signature trees (Tibochina
granulosa) at all of the ingress / egress areas to the site. These trees must
meet the minimum size specifications for trees (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec.
The applicant should show an elevation section indicating how the height of
the proposed landscape material will visually buffer the proposed buildings
from the Gulfstream Boulevard road right-of-way;
All shrubs specifications should indicate the spread dimensions.
II Comments:
36. To follow the intent of the recommendations of the Problems and
Opportunities section of the Future Land Use Element Data and Analysis,
pertaining to land use compatibility, the western building, containing 12
units, should be broken up to relieve the wall-like effect against the adjacent
single-family development and/or separated from adjacent single family
homes with a wider buffer and increased landscape materials.
37. Add additional architectural design elements to the rear elevation of the
units facing Gulfstream Boulevard so as to resemble the front facades, and
to provide some visual variety and interest.
38. Approval of this site plan is contingent upon the accompanying request for
annexation (ANEX 05-003) and land use / rezoning application (LUAR 05-
39. The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach
County regarding school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building
permit. It would be preferable to have evidence (i.e. a letter) of their
approval prior to Commission consideration.
40. In order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends
that they be maintained by the Home Owners' Association so that no
individual property owner removes any of the required plant material along
the perimeter of the PUD, and HOA documents reflect same.
41. On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities match between the
tabular data and the graphic illustration.
42. The palm trees proposed around the townhouse buildings must be installed
at Yz the building height of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section
43. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is
encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.).
44. The on-street parking appears to eliminate the ability to have sidewalk on
both sides of the streets. Recommend eliminating these spaces due to the
proposed number of parking spaces within the development well exceeding
code requirements, and olace sidewalk on both sides of each street.
45. Staff recommends all trees proposed along the west, north, and east property
lines be installed at 14 feet to 16 feet in height.
46. The landscape plan shows that the rear yard of each interior lot would
contain a Green Buttonwood tree spaced one (1) tree per 30 linear feet, with
a continuous row of Redtip Cocoplum hedges installed at the base. Staff
recommends that the spacing of these canopy trees be no more than one (1)
tree per 20 linear feet, rel!ardless of proposed lot lines.
47. Staff recommends that the height of the screen enclosures be limited to the
mean height.
48. Consider combining the recreation areas at the central location to eliminate
need for parking spaces, place active areas remote from the vehicle intensive
entrance area, and maximize the efficiency in design.
49. To be determined.
50. To be determined.
S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Dixie\NWSP 05-024\COA.doc
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Boynton Dixie
File number: NWSP 05-024
Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a Julv 19. 2005 Planning and Zoning
Department date stamp marking.
Comments: None X
1. Provide an acceptable turn-around for the northeast dead-end roadway. The X
turn-around may be placed either at the end of the dead-end roadway or may
be placed in the green area west of the northeast grouping of townhouses.
2. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the X
FECRRlGulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The extent
of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for fiscal year
2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks shall extend
west a minimum of 100 feet.
3. If the City Commission approves the Site Plan, the applicant shall enter the X
plat process through the City's Engineering Division. A preliminary plat
application may be initiated during the Site Plan review to expedite issuance
of the Land Development Permit.
4. The medians on Gulfstream Blvd. have existing irrigation and plant material X
belonging to and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to
the irrigation system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's
operations shall be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as
approved by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of
the developer. The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of
Boynton Beach Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum of
six (6) weeks in advance of any underground activities. Please acknowledge
this notice in your comments response and add a note to the appropriate plan
sheets with the above stated information.
5. Full Drainage Plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the X
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of
6. Specify storm sewer diameters, inlets types, etc. on Drainage Plan. Indicate X
grate, rim and invert elevations for all structures. Indicate grade of storm
sewer segments. Indicate material specifications for storm sewer.
7. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction X
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and
will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
8. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water X
and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
9. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments) with
20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section
16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is
greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
10. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid X
for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the
Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of Site Plan
approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon
final meter size, or expected demand.
11. The Utilities Division will not require surety for installation of the water and X
sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to
the City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note
that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
12. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has X
approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
13. At the time of permitting, the applicant will be required to verify the sizes of X
the existing water / sewer line sizes. The eight inch (8") line depicted in
Gulfstream Boulevard may only be six inches (6").
14. The proposed water main system is shown tying into an 8-in. line on the south X
and north. The northerly existing main reduces to 6-in. west of the railroad
tracks. The northerly line shall be upsized to a 12-in. main to Seacrest Blvd.
This work shall be coordinated with the developer of the Gulfstream Mall
property. Work will include providing a hydraulic analysis showing that the
proposed work, including main upgrade is capable of providing adequate
flows for domestic use and fire flows for this development.
15. Revise alignment of the water main to the north to keep the main out of the X
FECRR right-of-way as long as possible.
16. Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of X
each dead-end section to properly service each fee-simple townhouse.
17. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability X
at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the
Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and
Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be
reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
18. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the X
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure
shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the
provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are
signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida
shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
19. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the X
loads and forces encountered per the 200 I FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table
1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design.
20. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the X
location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject
21. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X
proposed construction.
22. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) X
that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in
compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site
data that address the following issues:
a. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that
the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood
elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans;
b. Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for
the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the
drawings titled site plan, floor plan and paving/drainage (civil plans).
23. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story X
pool/clubhouse/recreation building, provide the following:
Will the pool/clubhouse/recreation building be restricted to the residents of
the entire project only?
Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the
Please provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the impact
fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should
request that the County send the City a copy of their determination of what
impact fees are required for the pool/clubhouse/recreation building.
24. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may X
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily
25. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that X
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit
shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216.
26. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of X
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan;
If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans;
The number of dwelling units in each building;
The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34).
27. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract. X
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer,
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded
deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
28. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of X
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
A legal description of the land;
The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan;
If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-
approved site plans;
The number of dwelling units in each building;
The total amount being paid (CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f)).
29. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, X
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate
all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved
by the City Commission.
30. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction X
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted.
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
31. The mail kiosk is considered a "common area" and shall comply with the X
handicap accessibility requirements in 2001 FBC, Chapter 11.
32. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee: X
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
33. There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant X
must provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher
tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission. The applicant
must submit a copy of the permit application to the City Forester prior to the
issuance of the propertv Clearing and Grubbing permit.
34. The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the X
following (35) trees proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered
2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,40,41 ,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,
62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated from the site. These trees are all
mature native species of trees.
35. All shade and palm trees on the Trees and Palms List must be listed in the
description as a minimum of 12 feet to 14 feet in height, 3-inch DBH (4.5 feet X
off the ground), and Florida #1 (Florida Grades and Standards manual). The
height of the trees may be larger than 12 feet to 14 feet to meet the 3-inche
diameter requirement; or any clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), or "wood"
specifications (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. S.C. 2).
The landscape design should include the City signature trees (Tibochina
granulosa) at all of the ingress 1 egress areas to the site. These trees must
meet the minimum size specifications for trees (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec.
The applicant should show an elevation section indicating how the height of
the proposed landscape material will visually buffer the proposed buildings
from the Gulfstream Boulevard road right-of-way;
All shrubs specifications should indicate the spread dimensions.
(/oJ ~)J.(, ~ - ro Fr
36. 0 follow the intent of the recommendations of the Problems and
Opportunities section of the Future Land Use Element Data and Analysis,
pertaining to land use compatibility, the western building, containing 12
units, should be broken up to relieve the wall-like effect against the adjacent
single-family development andlor separated from adjacent single family
homes with a wider buffer and increased landsca e materials.
37. Add additional architectural design elements to the rear elevation of the
units facing Gulfstream Boulevard so as to resemble the front facades, and
to rovide some visual variety and interest.
38. Approval of this site plan is contingent upon the accompanying request for
annexation (ANEX 05-003) and land use 1 rezoning application (LUAR 05-
Af.>t> ~
39. The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach X
County regarding school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building
permit. It would be preferable to have evidence (i.e. a letter) of their
a roval rior to Commission consideration.
40. In order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends X
that they be maintained by the Home Owners' Association so that no
individual property owner removes any of the required plant material along
the erimeter of the PUD, and HOA documents reflect same.
41. On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities match between the X
tabular data and the a hie illustration.
42. The palm trees proposed around the townhouse buildings must be installed X
at Yz the building height of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section
43. Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is X
encouraged (Cha ter 9, Section 10.F.3.).
44. The on-street parking appears to eliminate the ability to have sidewalk on X
both sides of the streets. Recommend eliminating these spaces due to the
proposed number of parking spaces within the development well exceeding
code re uirements, and lace sidewalk on both sides of each street.
45. Staff recommends all trees proposed along the west, north, and east property X
lines be installed at 14 feet to 16 feet in height.
46. The landscape plan shows that the rear yard of each interior lot would X
contain a Green Buttonwood tree spaced one (1) tree per 30 linear feet, with
a continuous row of Redtip Cocoplum hedges installed at the base. Staff
recommends that the spacing of these canopy trees be no more than one (1)
tree er 20 linear feet, re ardless of ro osed lot lines.
47. Staff recommends that the height of the screen enclosures be limited to the X
mean height.
:;> Consider combining the recreation areas at the central location to eliminate X ..- /'.~ .-
need for parking spaces, place active areas remote from the vehicle intensive ..- '-'I'T .- - .
entrance area, and maximize the efficiency in design. ~ (lJ. :c Atte)I..
49. None X
50. To be determined.
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Dixie\NWSP 05-024\COA.doc
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1 st REVIEW COMMENTSu ,~;'.t~-"
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New Site Plan ',' \ \\.. \ g:6Jb
Project name: Boynton Dixie
File number: NWSP 05-024
Reference: 151 review lans identified as a New Site Plan
date stamD markinl!.
with a Ma 26 2005 Plannin
Comments: /'
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department. ,//
2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. V
The letter of compliallce from the Palm Beach Coullty Traffic Divisioll was
sent to the Planlling alld Zonillg Departmeflf 011 May 2(), 2()()5. All additiollal
copy has been providedfor your convelliellce.
3. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control
devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping, t/
directional arrows and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard
Drawings "K" Series for striping details.
All traffic control devices have beell identified Oil the site alld civil plans.
4. Dead-end roadways in excess of 125 feet will require an approved turn
around (cul-de-sac, "T", or "Y") to allow for safe backing movements for ~/
Fire-Rescue and Solid Waste.
The dead-elld driveway located at the Ilortheast corner of the property has beell
I provided with a turn-aroulld. All other dead-elld driveways are le.\'.\' than 125'.
5. Add curb & gutter to the north side of Gulfstream Blvd. from the west /
property line (tie into existing) and extending to the FECRR right-of-way.
Curb and Gutter has beell added.
6. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the
FECRRlGulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall /
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The
extent of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for
fiscal year 2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks
shall extend west a minimum of 100 feet.
The applicallt af!rees to provide design plalls ami an ellgilleer's estimate.
7. Close the median opening west of the main entrance matching the existing /
configuration and providing landscaping and irrigation as necessary.
The mediall has beell closed.
All I st review responses
8. Add a general note to the Site Plan that all plans submitted for specific
permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application.
These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving,
drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required
from other permitting agencIes such as Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District
(SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department
(PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm
Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management
(PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request.
The note has been added to the site plan, see note 1.
9. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be
reflected on all appropriate sheets.
10. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory
Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments
may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
11. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets.
Written ami Graphic scales have been orovided.
12. Upon satisfactory Commission approval of the Site Plan, the applicant shall
enter the plat process through the City's Engineering Division. A
preliminary plat application may be initiated during the Site Plan review to
expedite issuance of the Land Development Permit.
13. Show proposed site lighting on the Site and Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter
4, Section 7.BA.) form common parking areas. The lighting design shall
provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting
Plan, specifY that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load
(LDR, Chapter 23, Article 11, Section A.1.a and Florida Building Code).
Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photo-electrical control
and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LDR, Chapter 23, Article 11, Section
A.1.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7
and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall
be directed away from any residential uses (LDR, Chapter 2, Section 4.N.7).
Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals.
The c\'ite lighting ic\' shown on the site and landscape plans. Lighting pole
locations are shown on sheets L-2 and L-3. In addition, the photometrics plan
has been provided on Sheet L-5.
All 1 st review responses
14. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light ~
fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR,
Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. 1. b).
All trees near lieht poles are small trees.
15. Show sight triangles on the Landscape Plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, ~
Section 5.H.)
Site trian}.!les are shown 011 Sheet L-5.
16. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there t/
shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above
the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.).
Provided on Sheet L-3.
17. The medians on Gulfstream Blvd. have existing irrigation and plant material
belonging to and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to
the irrigation system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's /
operations shall be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as
approved by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility
of the developer. The contractor shall notifY and coordinate with the City of
Boynton Beach Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum
of six (6) weeks in advance of any underground activities. Please
acknowledge this notice in your comments response and add a note to the
appropriate plan sheets with the above stated information
Note added in median on Sheet L-3.
18. There are overhead lines along the north and west property lines. /
Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL' s
"Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place" (see attached.)
Small trees have beell plallted alollg these boulldaries ill accordallce with
FPL's "Plant the riltht tree ill the ri~ht place. " ""
19. Canopy trees shall be placed a minimum of 1 O-ft. off property lines. Palms /
shall be placed a minimum of 5-ft. off property lines.
This has been dOlle where lar~e trees were used Ilot small trees. /
20. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified In t/
LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.
A certificatioll has beell provided on the Draitlll~e plall.
21. Full Drainage Plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the /
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of
22. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof /
(LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g).
A Ilote has been added to the site and draina~e plans.
23. SpecifY storm sewer diameters, inlets types, etc. on Drainage Plan. Indicate
grate, rim and invert elevations for all structures. Indicate grade of storm /
sewer segments. Indicate material specifications for storm sewer.
Storm ,\'ewer diameters, illlet type, etc. will be provided Oil the Filial ellgilleerillg
olalls. Please Ilote that all structures have beell located alld high alllllow points
llIve been showll 011 the plalls. Fill ish floor elevations have also beell illdicated.
All 1 st review responses
24. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
25. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer
services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date
for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also
provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and
the setting of the first water meter. This timeline will be used to determine
the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project
upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible.
The following is the anticipated schedule.
City Commission Approval - September 2005
Platting and Final Engineering Plan Approvals - December 2005
First Water Connection - Mal' 2006
26. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the Site Plan and
Landscape Plans (as well as the Water and Sewer Plans) so that we may
determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may interfere with
utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within
utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so
that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in
the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article I, Section 18.1 gives
public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way.
All utility easements have been shown on the site plan. For clari(v, utility lines
have been shown 011 the engilleering plans. These are showll Oil Sheets L-2
and L-3.
27. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the
water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
28. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments)
with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV,
Section 16, or the requirement imposed by msurance underwriters,
whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
Fireflow calculatiolls will be provided with the final desiJ!ll.
29. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be
paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature
on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of Site
Plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based
upon final meter size, or expected demand.
All 1 st review responses
30. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable
water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed /
for irrigation.
The irrigation pump has beell added to the site plall. Water will be provided
from all on-site well.
31. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be /
included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on
the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The
easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in
CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
The easemellts have been shown 011 the olans.
32. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer
utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the /
City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that
setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
Acknowledf!ed. J
33. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department tI
has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
34. PVC material not permitted on the City's water system. All lines shall be /
Ackllowledf!ed. /
35. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water 7
service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in
accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
The aporooriate back flow orevellters will be provided.
36. Please verify existing line sizes with the Utilities Department. The 8-in. line l/
depicted in Gulfstream Blvd. may only be 6-in.
The water maill !tize Oil Gu({stream Blvd. will be verified prior to final
enl!ineerilll! desif!ll.
37. The proposed water main system is shown tying into an 8-in. line on the
south and north. The northerly existing main reduces to 6-in. west of the /
railroad tracks. The northerly line shall be upsized to a 12-in. main to
Seacrest Blvd. This work shall be coordinated with the developer of the
Gulf stream Mall property. Work will include providing a hydraulic analysis
showing that the proposed work, including main upgrade is capable of
providing adequate flows for domestic use and fire flows for this
Per our discussiolls with Peter Mazella, the Ilortherly line shall be up sized to
an 8" maill to Sea crest Blvd. The hydraulic analysis will be provided at the time
of permit submittal. /
38. Revise alignment of the water main to the north to keep the main out of the /
FECRR right-of-way as long as possible.
The water maill alignmell1 has beell reviewed with the utility departmell1. The
water maill currelltly ellcroaches illto the FECRR right-of-way as little as
All 1 st review responses
39. Extend water main as necessary at dead-end roadways. Water services shall
not exceed 100-feet in length in accordance with City of Boynton Beach /
Utility Standards.
Water mains have been extended.
40. Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of
each dead-end section to properly service each fee-simple townhome.
The design contemplates a single service to each building terminating the city',\'
ownership at a cleanout. The private service will branch from that cleanout to
each unit within a private easement. This is the same concept as we have used
on other townhome projects serviced b.JI Boynton Beach.
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be
included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other ,/
appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans.
The required statement has been provided on the site plan and engineering
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in
accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design (//
Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates);
they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
43. All entrance gates to construction area shall have a Knox lock system that
will also open in case of electrical power failure. All gates shall be a /
minimum of 20' wide. Fire Department apparatus shall be able to turn into
the construction site in one turn.
There will be no entrance J:ates.
44. The construction site access roads shall be maintained free of obstructions at /'
all times.
45. All required fire hydrants, standpipes or sprinkler systems shall be in place
before going vertical. Vertical construction shall be protected by standpipes V
and the sprinkler system to one level below the highest level of construction
throughout the building.
46. Any cost of damage to Fire Department vehicles because of improperly
stabilized roads or any towing fees if a vehicle becomes stuck will be the V ~
responsibility of the contractor. A minimum of 32 tons is required for
ground stabilization. The pouring of the foundation pad is considered
vertical construction. The roads must be acceptable before construction
47. Adequate Fire Department vehicle turn around space shall be provided in J
the construction area.
All 1 st review responses
48. Show all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs and {/
Do Not Enter signage on site plans.
All traffic control devices have been shown on the site plan.
49. It is recommended that a photometric light study be completed to show that t/
standards are met and the site has safe lighting levels.
See new Sheet L-s.
50. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments 1./
may not be generated by the commission and at permit review.
It has been noted that changes or revisions to these plans may generate
additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may
not be f!enerated br the commission and at permit review.
51. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall
openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600.
Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and 1/
unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600.
Calculations have been placed on the exterior elevation sheets to indicate the
amount of exterior openings allowed and the amount provided on each
elevation. The site key plan sheet A-I 00 has been created to indicate tlte
dimensions from exterior walls to assumed or common property lines for tlte
purpose of calculatin[! tlte amount of allowed exterior openblf!s.
52. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with J
approved opening protectives per 200 I FBC, Section 705.1.1.2.
It ha.5 been noted tltat every exterior wall witltin 15 feet of a property line shall
be equipped witlt approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section
53. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or 1"/
structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and
the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that
are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of
Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
It has been noted tltat building structures and parts thereof sit all be designed to
withstand tlte minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building
or structure sltall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Cltapter 6, and
the provisions of 2001 FBe, Section 1606 (Wind Load.\). Calculation.\' tltat are
signed and !iealed by a de.\"ign profes.5ional regi.\"tered in tlte state (~lFlorida
shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
All 1 st review responses
54. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the
loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table
1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design.
It has been noted that every building and structure shall be of sufficient
strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section
1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (psf) on the plans for the
buildin!! desi!!n.
55. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents
the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the
subject request.
Limits of construction line has been added.
56. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
It has been noted that at time of permit review, we must submit signed and
sealed workin!! drawin!!s of the profJosed construction
57. On the site plan and floor plan, indicate the number of stories that are in
each building. Indicate the overall height of each building.
The number and overall height of each building has been noted on the .floor
58. If an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width, then passing spaces
at least 60 inches by 60 inches shall be located at reasonable intervals not to
exceed 200 feet. A "T"-intersection of two corridors or walks is an
acceptable passing place. 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.3.4.
It has been noted that if an accessible route has less than 60 inclles clear width.
then passing spaces at least 60 inclles by 60 inches shall be located at
reasonable intervals not to exceed 2()O feet. A "T" intersection of two corridors
or walks is an acceTJIable passin!! olace. 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.3.4.
59. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation)
that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in
compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site
data that address the following issues:
a. The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following
text to the site data. "The proposed finish floor elevation _' _ NGVD is
above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building
site, as determined by the SFWMD's surface water management
construction development regulations."
b. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that
the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood
elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans.
c. Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for
the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the
drawings titled site plan, floor plan and paving/drainage (civil plans).
The reque."ted notes have been added. Flood zone and Finish floor elevations
have been established and itlell1ified.
60. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed
perimeter wall. Identify the type of wall material and the type of material that
supports the wall, including the typical distance between supports. Also,
provide a typical section view drawing of the wall that includes the depth that
the wall supports are below finish grade and the height that the wall is above
All I st review responses
finish grade. The location and height of the wall shall comply with the wall
regulations specified in the Zoning Code.
Detail on Sheet L-6.
61. On the drawing titled site plan identifY the property line.
The property line has been identified. Show on L-J.
62. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pooVclubhouse/recreation building, provide the following:
1 . Will the pooVclubhouse/recreation building be restricted to the residents of
the entire project only? Yes.
2. Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building? No.
3. Will there be any additional deliveries to the site? No.
4. Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the
site? No.
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be
sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the
applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their
determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building.
63. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor area.
The area breakdown shall specifY the total area of the building, covered area
outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated for the
clubhouse and other uses located within the building. SpecifY the total floor
area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor spaces.
A breakdowll of the floor plall area for the club/lOuse has been added to the
clubhouse plan sheet. The area breakdowll specifies the total area of the
building with a breakdowll of exterior ami illterior spaces. All rooms have
been labeled on thefloor plall.
64. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily
All Oil-site well will be utilitized for irriJ!atioll.
65. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy ofthe permit
shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F. S. 373.216.
66. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
5. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
6. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
7. The number of dwelling units in each building.
8. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
9. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer.
All 1 st review responses
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
67. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract. /
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer,
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded
deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
The re{/uested information will be provided at the time of permit review.
68. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of /
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
A legal description of the land.
b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
c. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
d. The number of dwelling units in each building.
e. The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(t))
69. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall
meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time V
of permit application.
The note has been added to the site ohm.
70. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, /
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate
all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved
by the City Commission.
71. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction /
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted.
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
Acknowledf!ed. /
72. Show the proposed site lighting on the site and landscape plans. (LRD, I
Chapter 4, Section 7.B.4) If possible, provide photo metrics as part of your
TART plan submittals.
Site Iif!htinf! shown on Sheets L-2, L-3 and L-5. /
73. Submit a floor plan for the pool building. 2001 FBC 104.2.1. tI
A floor o/{m has been submitted for the 0001 buildin}.!.
74. The mail kiosk is considered a "common area" and shall comply with the /
handicap accessibility requirements in 200 I FBC, Chapter II.
Mail kiosk will be handicap accessible.
All 1 st review responses
75. Clarify the area between the buildings that depicts a passageway. Are these J
yards with gates? See Sheet SP-l.
The back yard of each unit is provided with gates. A maintenance access
easement will be orovided in the back yards.
76. If the parallel parking spaces at the end ofthe buildings are passenger loading /
zones they shall comply with 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.6.3.
Parallel parking !ipaces are /lOt passenger loading zones. They are not
handicap accessible. A handicap parking space has been provided at the
recreation buildinf!.
77. All tree species shown to be planted under/near overhead FPL utility wires /'
must be in accordance with the agency's Right Tree in Right Plan manual.
This has been done.
78. City water can not be used for landscape improvements/irrigation. /
Well is to be supplied- location shown on Sheet L-3.
79. The City Code requires a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer. t/
7' buffer provided, along Gulfstream 15' rear yard includes 7' bl~[fer, 8'
private rard.
80. Irrigation coverage should be 110%. ~
See general notes on sheet L-4.
81. Mulch other than cypress should be specified. /
Sterilized melalerca is being called out. See general notes on sheet L-4.
82. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee:
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid ~
prior to issuance of first permit.
Sterilized melalerca is bei/l(! called out. See f!eneral notes on sheet L-4.
83. Existine: GODher Tortoise burrows on the site:
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant V
must provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher
tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission.
84. Existine: Trees Manae:ement Plan Sheet T-l
The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the /
following (35) trees proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered
2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,40,41 ,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,5
9,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated from the site. These trees are
all mature native species of trees.
Trees to remain and to be removed are shown on Sheet T-l.
All 1 st review responses
85. Plant List Sheet L-4 c/
All shade and palm trees on the Trees and Palms List must be listed in the
description as a minimum of 12'-14' height, 3" DBH (4.5' off the ground),
and Florida #1 (Florida Grades and Standards manual). The height of the
trees may be larger than 12' -14' to meet the 3" diameter requirement; or any
clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), or "wood" specifications.
[Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C. 2.]
a. The landscape design should include the City signature trees (Tibochina
granulosa) at all of the ingress / egress areas to the site. These trees must
meet the minimum size specifications for trees. [Environmental
Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C.3.N.]
b. The details sheet section should include a line indicating where the height,
clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), and "wood" area of the palm trees will
be measured at time of planting and inspection.
c. The applicant should show the calculated 50% native species of trees, and
d. The applicant should show an elevation section indicating how the height
of the proposed landscape material will visually buffer the proposed
buildings from the Gulfstream Boulevard road right-of-way.
e. All shrubs specifications should indicate the spread dimensions.
f. All trees proposed under any existing overhead electric power lines must
meet the FP & L Right tree in the Right Place manual selection.
All answered on Sheet L-4.
86. Irrie:ation Plan-No Irrie:ation plan included in the submittal
The irrigation system design should be low volume water conservation using /
non-portable water.
Acknowledf!ed. /
87. City water cannot be used for landscape improvements. V
88. Turf and landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate t/
zones and time duration for water conservation.
89. Trees should have separate irrigation bubblers to provide water directly to ~
the root ball. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.
\ C;;>mments:
~ At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written /
responses to all staff's comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised
plans. Each set should be folded and stapled.
All 1 st review responses
At the technical advisory review team meeting, also provide a full set of
reduced drawings, sized 8Yz inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each
plan to a compact disk and submit that to staff as well.
owled ed.
Staff considers these plans to be at the final stage of site plan review, the
last stage prior to permit review. As such, all comments need to be
addressed and shown on the plans prior to the Technical Advisory Review
Team (TART) meeting. Any information not shown on the plans at the
TART meeting would be required to be shown at the time of permitting.
Acknowled ed.
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the new site plan is publicly
advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007.
Acknowled ed.
94. Based upon the recommendations of the Problems and Opportunities section
of the Future Land Use Element Data and Analysis, the project would be
limited to a total number of 54 dwelling units.
is will be addressed se aratel' rom TART.
Approval of this site plan is contingent upon the accompanying request for
annexation (ANEX 05-003) and land use / rezoning application (LUAR 05-
c nowled ed.
6. According to Chapter 2.5, Section 9.B., when rezoning a property, no
minimum lot size or minimum yard shall be required; provided however,
that PUD frontage on dedicated public roads shall observe front yard
requirements in accordance with the zoning district the PUD use most
closely resembles and that peripheral yards abutting other zoning districts
shall be the same as required in the abutting zone. The abutting lots to the
west are zoned Single-family Residential Dwelling (R-I-A). As such, the
rear setback of the R-I-A zoning district is 25 feet. The site plan proposes a
side (west) setback of 25 feet on the subject site. This is acceptable. The
abutting lots to the northwest are zoned R-I-A and to the northeast are
zoned Single-family & Two-family Dwelling (R-2). As such, both zoning
districts (R-I-A and R-2) require a 25 foot rear setback. The site plan
proposes a rear (north) setback of 25 feet on the subject site. This is
acceptable. The property to the east is owned by the Florida East Coast
Railroad. Its zoning could be construed to be Community Commercial (C-
3) with a zero (0) side setback. The site plan proposes a 15 foot side (east)
setback on the subject site. This is acceptable.
owled ed.
A drainage statement is required prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4,
Section 7.F.2.).
ti lcation has been rovided on the Draina 'e Ian.
Submit a traffic impact analysis prior to the TART meeting. The analysis
must be approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for
concurrency purposes (Chapter 4. Section 8.F.). The proposed uses and
intensities on the traffic study must be consistent with the proposed uses and
intensities itemized on the site plan (sheet SP-l).
The letter 0 com Iiance rom the Palm Beach Count. Tra lC Division was sent
All 1 st review responses
to the Planning and Zoning Department on May 20, 20fJ5. An additional copy
s been rovided or our convenience.
99 The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach
County regarding school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building
permit. It would be preferable to have evidence (i.e. a letter) of their
approval prior to the Planning & Development Board meeting.
wled ed.
Are the units proposed as fee-simple? If so, on the site plan (sheet SP-l),
show the extent of their lot lines. Also, what would keep property owners
from removing landscape material? At the time of permitting, provide
Home Owners' Association documents to verify necessary maintenance of
common areas and landscape buffers. ~-1 tv,tXI t.J'I.A.l0fde oXt;Jv'
The units are fee-simple. Lot lines have beea added to the site plan. The
Homeowners Association documents will restrict property owners from
removing landscape material. HOA documents will be provided at the time of
ermittin .
. Will an on-site lift-station be required as a result of this development? If so,
show its location on the site plan (sheet C-l).
n on-site Ii t station will /lOt be rei uired.
1 The dimensions of the roadway (pavement), drive aisles, back-up areas, and
rights-of-way are subject to the Engineering Division of Public Works'
review and approval.
wled 'ed.
All elevation pages shall indicate the exterior finishes, roof material, paint
manufacturer's name, and color codes. Staff recommends using a color
schedule (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
All material!;" and exterior finishes have been indicated on the elevation pages.
A site key plan has been created to indicate the color scheme of each individual
unit of the development. The color legend has been incorporated onto the site
an a e A-I ()().
Include a full-sized (24 inches by 36 inches) color rendering, including
color swatches, of all buildings at the Technical Advisory Review Team
(TART) meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). Please provide its
corresponding color paint swatches.
A full sized color rendering is being provided a.\" part of this submittal. Also, a
7i' color Ie 'end with aint swatches is bein rovided.
Will there be a provision for outdoor patios, concrete patios, screen
enclosures, or solid-roof enclosures for the townhouses? Please discuss
these amenities with staff prior to the TART meeting. According to Chapter
16 of the 2001 Florida Building Code, a concrete slab is required at the base
of screen enclosures. Indicate the impervious area should all homeowners
choose to build a screen or solid-roof enclosure at the rear of their unit.
o tion shown on Sheet L-3. 12- \ bLl..'
1 Label the "tot lot" on all plans.
1\, lot lot has been labeled on all lans.
1 On the floor plan of the townhouse buildings, graphically indicate the use of
each room (i.e. garage, bedroom, and kitchen). In addition, indicate the
square footage and the number of bedrooms for each unit.
Acknowled ed.
All 1 st review responses
The code defines building height as follows: The vertical distance in feet
measured from the lowest point at the property line of an adjacent property
or from the minimum base flood elevation as established by FEMA,
whichever is highest, to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the
deck line for mansard roofs and parapet roofs with parapets less than five
(5) feet in height. Gable and hip roof heights shall be measured to the
midpoint between the eaves and the ridge. On all elevation pages, indicate
the proposed building heights and also include the dimension of the highest
point of the structure.
The building heights have been measured in accordance with the City of
Boynton Beach Code and the mean roof height and highest ridge poim have
ee indicated on each oor Ian a e.
Provide a floor plan and elevations of the one (I)-story cabana building
(Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). Staff recommends constructing a clubhouse
building (w A/e) rather than a small cabana building in order to provide a
place where owner association meetings home can occur.
A floor plan and exterior elevations have been provided for the cabana pool
uil in .
1 . The sidewalks internal to the development shall connect with the sidewalk
along Gulfstream Boulevard.
The internal sidewalk connects to the sidewalk on Gulfstream Blvd. They do at
e tr - See Sheet L-3.
111. n order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends
converting them from private property to "buffer tracts" that would be
owned and maintained by the Home Owners' Association.
The buffer areas will not be converted to buffer tracts, however these areas will
be maintained by the HOA ami restrictions will be in place against the removal
an landsca e material.
The removal/relocation of landscape material are subject to review and
approval of the City Forester / Environmentalist.
heet T-l.
On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between
the tabular data and the graphic illustration.
eri 1 d on Sheet L-4.
1 Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species
(Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Shade
trees, Palm trees, and Shrubs & Groundcover.
More than 50% are native of each. See City of Boymon Beach requirements OIl
he L-4.
115. All trees, if proposed as trees, must be at least 12 feet in height and three (3)
caliper inches at the time of their installation (Chapter 7.5, Article II,
Section 5.C.2.). This would apply to the Green Buttonwood trees.
This has been su lied on Sheet L-4.
116. The palm trees proposed around the townhouse buildings must be installed
at Yz the building height of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section
This has been done. Heights are on Sheet L-4.
All 1 st review responses
All freestanding monument signs shall have colorful groundcover installed
at the base (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.0).
as been rovided. See Sheets L-3 and L-4.
Landscaping at each project entrance shall contain a combination of colorful
groundcover plants and a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species on
both sides of the entrance (if sufficient space is provided- Chapter 7.5,
Article II, Section 5.N.). Revise landscape plans so that they comply with
the above referenced code.
his has been rovided. See sheets L-3 and L-4.
1 . Provide a detail of the proposed buffer wall, including its dimensions,
material, and color (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
,is IUS been rovided. See Sheet L-6.
1 Provide a detail of the fence proposed around the pool/clubhouse area,
including its dimensions, material, and color (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
as been rovided. See sheet L-6.
Provide a detail of a typical outdoor freestanding lighting fixture. The detail
of the typical freestanding outdoor lighting fixture should include the
overall height, exterior finish, materials used (i.e. concrete or aluminum)
and color(s). The lighting fixture height, style, design, and illumination
level shall be compatible with the building design and height and shall
consider safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.l.).
I,is has been rovided. See Sheet L-5.
1 Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property
(Chapter 9, Section 10.F.2.). Staff recommends submitting a photometric
plan at the TART meeting.
has been rovided. See Sheet L-5.
Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is
encouraged (Chapter 9, Section 10.F.3.). Ef\lWCV\,v
will be rovided in Construction Drawin IS.
24. All signage is subject to review and approval of the Planning &
Development Board and City Commission. Is there an entrance sign
proposed for the project? If so, on the site plan (SP-l), indicate its location
and provide a detail of the sign area, including the dimensions, exterior
finish, and letter color(s) (Chapter~, Section 7.D.).
i n etail is shown on Sheet L-6. ~"'
1 The tree removal plan (sheet T -1) indicate that only 0 e (I) tree would be
preserved. Can't any of the other 68 trees be preserved; along the
perimeter? Can't they be preserved in areas earmarked for plant material?
ore are now bein reserved. See Sheet T-l.
Staff recommends installing the Redtip Cocoplum hedges at 36 inches in
height (proposed on the south side of the buffer wall along Gulfstream
oco lum Hed 'e has been s eci led, see Sheet L-4.
Staff recommends increasing the size of the Japanese Fern trees (proposed
along Gulfstream Boulevard) from 12 feet to 16 feet at time of installation.
hi has been rovided. See s ecs on Sheet L-4.
1 . Staff recommends screening the at-grade A/C units proposed behind each
unit with native hedge material.
This has been rovidedusin Wild Co ee. See Sheets L-2. L-3 & L-4.
All 1 st review responses
, I
I~' Site data on sheet SP-l should indicate existing land use and zoning, then
proposed land use and zoning.
The reauested information has been added.
130. The on-street parking appears to eliminate the ability to have sidewalk on
both sides of the streets. Recommend eliminating these spaces due to the
proposed number of parking spaces within the development well exceeding
code requirements, and place sidewalk on both sides of each street.
We have not removed the parallel parking !;paces, because these spaces provide
for needed guest parking located outside of the individual unit driveways.
Please note that the sidewalk is sufficient to provide pedestrian access
throuf!hout the site.
131. Consider locating tot lot to the same block as the pool, in place of the three
units, to unify the recreation areas, reduce the incidents of children running
back and forth across the street between recreational facilities. In doing so,
do not have the parking lot between the two, place the tot lot immediately
adjacent to the pool facilities
Site constraints do not allow the relocation of the tot lot to the pool area. .
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Johnson, Eric
Hallahan, Kevin
Tuesday, August 09,200512:34 PM
Johnson, Eric
Coale, Sherie
RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2 (amended)
I have amended my prior comments (sent in an earlier e-mail)
and now include a reference to the Flora and Fauna (Gopher Tortoises) survey requirements. Thanks. Kevin.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hallahan, Kevin
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 3:57 PM
To: Johnson, Eric
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2
I will do that! Thanks. Kevin.
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 1 :54 PM
To: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2
When? Prior to P&D? Prior to CC? Prior to permitting? I respectfully request that you include this in your
conditions of approval. Thanks, Eric
-----Original Message-----
From: Hallahan, Kevin
Sent: Monday, August 08,200512:22 PM
To: Johnson, Eric; Rumpf, Michael
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2
Mike, Eric,
I would recommend that the project environmentalist (biologist) give us a written status report on the
gopher tortoise(s) relocation alternatives.
Thanks. Kevin.
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 11 :58 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2
Preliminary indication of relocation alternatives sounds reasonable to me. What about you
Kevin? Thanks, Eric
-----Original Message-----
From: Rumpf, Michael
Sent: Monday, August 08,200511:55 AM
To: Johnson, Eric
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie
Your concern is logical. However, if there are ample sites currently available for
relocation, this is not a big deal. A little extra money required for relocation, but I'm not
sure of the current acreage available for new critter homes. Perhaps at minimal, we need
a preliminary indication of relocation alternatives. What do you think? MR.
-----Original Messagenn-
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Monday, August 08,200511:42 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie
Below is a COA from Kevin regarding the Boynton Dixie site plan. How should this be
approached? It'll probably be a sensitive issue. Shouldn't the survey be requested
now rather than later?
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant must
provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher tortoise permit
from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission.
. - Tkc Memorandum
Page 1 of2
Johnson, Eric
From: Hallahan, Kevin
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 12:30 PM
To: Johnson, Eric; Breese, Ed
Cc: Coale, Sherie
Subject: Boynton Dixie-TRC Review comments (Amended) see item #2 below
Planning Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist
Boynton Dixie
New Site Plan -1st Review (Amended)
NWSP 05-024
August 9, 2005
Existing Gopher Tortoise burrows on the site:
1. There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant must provide a
Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife
2. The applicant must submit a copy of the permit application to the City Forester prior to the issuance
of the property Clearing and Grubbing permit.
Existing Trees Management Plan
Sheet T-l
3. The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the following (35) trees
proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered 2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,
40,41,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,62,63,64,65,66,67 ,68,and 69 to be relocated
from the site. These trees are all mature native species of trees.
Plant List
Sheet L-4
4. All shade and palm trees on the Trees and Palms List must be listed in the description as a
minimum of 12' -14' height, 3" DBH (4.5' off the ground), and Florida #1 (Florida Grades and
Standards manual). The height of the trees may be larger than 12'-14' to meet the 3" diameter
requirement; or any clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), or "wood" specifications. [Environmental
Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C. 2.]
5. The landscape design should include the City signature trees (Tibochina granulosa) at all of the
ingress / egress areas to the site. These trees must meet the minimum size specifications for trees.
- .. Ti~.c Memorandum
Page 2 of2
[Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C.3.N.]
6. The details sheet section should include a line indicating where the height, clear wood (cw), gray
wood (gw), and "wood" area of the palm trees will be measured at time of planting and
7. The applicant should show the calculated 50% native species of trees, and shrubs.
8. The applicant should show an elevation section indicating how the height of the proposed
landscape material will visually buffer the proposed buildings from the Gulfstream Boulevard
road right-of-way.
Plant List
Sheet L-4 (continued)
9. All shrubs specifications should indicate the spread dimensions.
10. All trees proposed under any existing overhead electric power lines must meet the
FP & L Right tree in the Right Place manual selection.
Irrigation Plan-No Irrigation plan included in the submittal
11. The irrigation system design should be low volume water conservation using non-portable water.
12. City water cannot be used for landscape improvements.
13. Turf and landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate zones and time duration
for water conservation.
14. Trees should have separate irrigation bubblers to provide water directly to the root ball.
[Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. C.2.]
Johnson, Eric
Logan, Laurinda
Tuesday, August 09,200510:01 AM
Johnson, Eric
RE: Include or Reject
Include - amend to say this can be handled at the time of utility permitting.
l--Cf!'-{ \"LV\A,ic{
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Friday, August 05,200511:27 AM
To: Logan, Laurinda
Subject: Include or Reject
Below is a Utilities comment made for the Boynton Dixie townhouse project:
Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of each dead-end section to properly service
each fee-simple townhouse.
You didn't indicate on your comment sheet whether you want to keep as a COA or reject. Please advise. Thanks,
Johnson, Eric
Rumpf, Michael
Monday, August 08, 2005 11 :55 AM
Johnson, Eric
Hallahan, Kevin
RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie
Your concern is logical. However, if there are ample sites currently available for relocation, this is not a big deal. A little
extra money required for relocation, but I'm not sure of the current acreage available for new critter homes. Perhaps at
minimal, we need a preliminary indication of relocation alternatives. What do you think? MR.
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Monday, August 08,200511:42 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie
Below is a COA from Kevin regarding the Boynton Dixie site plan. How should this be approached? It'll probably be a
sensitive issue. Shouldn't the survey be requested now rather than later?
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant must provide a Flora and Fauna survey
to the City and obtain a gopher tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission.
Johnson, Eric
Hallahan, Kevin
Monday, August 08, 2005 12:22 PM
Johnson, Eric; Rumpf, Michael
RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2
Mike, Eric,
I would recommend that the project environmentalist (biologist) give us a written status report on the gopher tortoise(s)
relocation alternatives.
Thanks. Kevin.
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 11 :58 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie2
Preliminary indication of relocation alternatives sounds reasonable to me. What about you Kevin? Thanks, Eric
-----Original Message-----
From: Rumpf, Michael
Sent: Monday, August 08,200511:55 AM
To: Johnson, Eric
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: RE: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie
Your concern is logical. However, if there are ample sites currently available for relocation, this is not a big
deal. A little extra money required for relocation, but I'm not sure of the current acreage available for new
critter homes. Perhaps at minimal, we need a preliminary indication of relocation alternatives. What do you
think? MR.
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Eric
Sent: Monday, August 08,200511:42 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Cc: Hallahan, Kevin
Subject: Gopher Turtles - Boynton Dixie
Below is a COA from Kevin regarding the Boynton Dixie site plan. How should this be approached? It'll
probably be a sensitive issue. Shouldn't the survey be requested now rather than later?
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant must provide a Flora and
Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife
All 1 st review responses
V--~ ~.I~.D~
75. Clarify the area between the buildings that depicts a passageway. Are these
yards with gates? See Sheet SP-l.
The back yard of each unit is provided with gates. A maintenance access
easement will be provided in the back yards.
76. If the parallel parking spaces at the end of the buildings are passenger loading
zones they shall comply with 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.6.3.
Parallel parking .\paces are not passenger loading zones. They are not
handicap accessible. A handicap parking space has been provided at the
recreation built/inf!.
77. All tree species shown to be planted under/near overhead FPL utility wires
must be in accordance with the agency's Right Tree in Right Plan manual.
This has been done.
78. City water can not be used for landscape improvements/irrigation.
Well is to be supplied- location shown on Sheet L-3.
79. The City Code requires a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer.
7' buffer provided, along Gulfstream 15' rear yard includes 7' buffer, 8'
private yard.
80. Irrigation coverage should be 110%.
See general notes on sheet L-4.
81. Mulch other than cypress should be specified.
Sterilized melaler('{f is being called out. See general notes on sheet L-4.
82. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee:
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
Sterilized melaler('{f is beinf! called out. See f,!eneral notes on sheet L-4.
83. Existine: Gopher Tortoise burrows on the site:
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant ~
must provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher
tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission.
84. Existine: Trees Manae:ement Plan Sheet T -1
The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the
following (35) trees proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered V
2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,40,41 ,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,5
9,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated from the site. These trees are
all mature native species of trees.
Trees to remain and to be removed are shown on Sheet T-l.
All 1 st review responses
85. Plant List Sheet L-4
All shade and palm trees on the Trees and Palms List must be listed in the /
description as a minimum of 12'-14' height, 3" DBH (4.5' off the ground),
and Florida # 1 (Florida Grades and Standards manual). The height of the
trees may be larger than 12'-14' to meet the 3" diameter requirement; or any
clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), or "wood" specifications.
[Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C. 2.]
a. The landscape design should include the City signature trees (Tibochina /
granulosa) at all of the ingress / egress areas to the site. These trees must
meet the minimum size specifications for trees. [Environmental
Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C.3.N.]
b. The details sheet section should include a line indicating where the height, v---
clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), and "wood" area of the palm trees will
be measured at time of planting and inspection. V--
c. The applicant should show the calculated 50% native species of trees, and
d. The applicant should show an elevation section indicating how the height V
of the proposed landscape material will visually buffer the proposed
buildings from the Gulfstream Boulevard road right-of-way. ~
e. All shrubs specifications should indicate the spread dimensions.
f. All trees proposed under any existing overhead electric power lines must ~
meet the FP & L Right tree in the Right Place manual selection.
All answered on Sheet L-4.
86. Irrie:ation Plan-No Irrie:ation plan included in the submittal
The irrigation system design should be low volume water conservation using ~
non-portable water.
87. City water cannot be used for landscape improvements. ~
88. Turf and landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate ~
zones and time duration for water conservation.
89. Trees should have separate irrigation bubblers to provide water directly to
the root ball. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. v---- --
A c:knowle{/Jzed.
90. At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written
responses to all staff's comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised
plans. Each set should be folded and stapled.
jco--l K\,-IL-~2~:>
Project name: Boynton Dixie
File number: NWSP 05-024
Reference: 1 sl review plans identified as a New Site Plan
date stamo marking
1 st REVIE~ COMMEN'r~ Irj\.rL~_~_ri.~>jO-~-1 ~l
New SIte Plan : i_ < I ' 'I "i
i ,I ii I 9 Inns
with a May 26. 2005 Planning and Zoning Department,
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department.
2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
The letter of compliance from the Palm Beach County Trtiffic Division was
.\'ent to the Planning and Zoning Departme/lt on May 20, 2005. An additional
copy has been provided for rour convenience.
3. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control
devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping,
directional arrows and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard
Drawings "K" Series for striping details.
All traffic control devices have been identified on the site and civil plans.
4. Dead-end roadways in excess of 125 feet will require an approved turn
around (cul-de-sac, "T", or "Y") to allow for safe backing movements for
Fire-Rescue and Solid Waste.
The dead-end driveway located at the northeast corner of the proper(r has been
provided with a turn-around. All other dead-end driveway!;' are less than 125 '.
5. Add curb & gutter to the north side of Gulfstream Blvd. from the west
property line (tie into existing) and extending to the FECRR right-of-way.
Curb and Gutter lu/.\' been added.
6. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the
FECRR/Gulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The
extent of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for
fiscal year 2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks
shall extend west a minimum of 100 feet.
The applicant a}.!rees to provide desif!n plans and an enf!ineer's estimate.
7. Close the median opening west of the main entrance matching the existing
configuration and providing landscaping and irrigation as necessary.
The median has been closed.
All 1 st review responses
75. Clarify the area between the buildings that depicts a passageway. Are these
yards with gates? See Sheet SP-l.
The back yard of each unit is provided with gates. A maintenance acce.'Is
easement will be provided in the back vards.
76. If the parallel parking spaces at the end of the buildings are passenger loading
zones they shall comply with 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.6.3.
Parallel spaces are not passenger loading zones. They are IlOt
handicap acce.nible. A handicap parking space has been provided at the
recreation buildinf!.
77. All tree species shown to be planted under/near overhead FPL utility wires
must be in accordance with the agency's Right Tree in Right Plan manual. ./
This has been done.
78. City water can not be used for landscape improvements/irrigation. \/'
Well i.\' to be supplied- location shown on Sheet L-3.
79. The City Code requires a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer.
7' buffer provided, along Gulfstream 15' rear yard includes 7' buffer, 8' v'
private ~'ard.
80. Irrigation coverage should be 110%.
See general notes on sheet L-4. V
81. Mulch other than cypress should be specified.
Sterilized melalerca is being called out. See general notes on .\'heet L-4. J
82. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee:
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid ,J
prior to issuance of first permit.
- ". . . ",' . . .. . :;u I.:ml!rttI" L~4..
83. Existine: Gopher Tortoise burrows on the site:
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant
must provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher
tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission.
84. Existine: Trees Manae:ement Plan Sheet T-l
The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the
following (35) trees proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered
2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,40,41 ,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,5
9,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated from the site. These trees are
all mature native species of trees.
Trees to remain and to be removed are shown on Sheet T-l.
New Site Plan
Project name: Boynton Dixie
File number: NWSP 05-024
fc 1 sl I'd
'fi d
----..' '
f \. ~'P [s fn). ~ n \\7 f:). r-'
26 200J \st"~~'1 ~Z~~ 0
Re erence: review o. ans I entJ Ie as a New Ite P an Wit a av nnmll an onmll eoartment
date stamo markinll. , - - -' ;- .-.
, .,-- -~----
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department. "
Acknowled1!ed. ^ '.
2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
The letter of compliance from the Palm Beach County Traffic Division was
sellf to the Planning ami Zoning Department on May 20, 2005. An additional
copv has been provided for rour convenience.
3. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control
devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping, "
directional arrows and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard
Drawings "K" Series for striping details.
All tra[fic co/ltrol devices have been identified on the site and civil plans.
~. Dead-end roadways in excess of 125 feet will require an approved turn .. 1 ,
around (cul-de-sac, "T", or "Y") to allow for safe backing movements for .
Fire-Rescue and Solid Waste.
The dead-end driveway located at the northeast comer of the property has been
provided with a turn-around. All other dead-end driveways are le.n' than 125'.
5. Add curb & gutter to the north side of Gulfstream Blvd. from the west
property line (tie into existing) and extending to the FECRR right-of-way.
Curb and Gutter has been added.
6. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the
FECRR/Gulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will .....
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The
extent of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for
fiscal year 2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks
shall extend west a minimum of 100 feet.
The applicallf a1!rees to provide desif!n plans and an engineer's estimate.
7. Close the median opening west of the main entrance matching the existing
configuration and providing landscaping and irrigation as necessary.
The median hlls been closed. ,
'h M
All 1 st review responses
8. Add a general note to the Site Plan that all plans submitted for specific
permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application.
These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving,
drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required
from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District
(SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department
(PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm
Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management
(PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request.
The note has been added to the site plall, see note 1.
9. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be
reflected on all appropriate sheets.
A ckll0 wledf!ed.
10. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory
Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments
may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
11. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets.
Written and Graphic scales have been provided.
12. Upon satisfactory Commission approval of the Site Plan, the applicant shall
enter the plat process through the City's Engineering Division. A
preliminary plat application may be initiated during the Site Plan review to
expedite issuance of the Land Development Permit.
13. Show proposed site lighting on the Site and Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter
4, Section 7.B.4.) form common parking areas. The lighting design shall
provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting
Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load
(LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.a and Florida Building Code).
Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photo-electrical control
and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section
A. La. ) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7
and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall
be directed away from any residential uses (LDR, Chapter 2, Section 4.N.7).
Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals.
The site lighting is shown 011 the site ami lalldscape plalls. Lighting pole
locations are shown on sheets L-2 and L-3. In addition, the photometrics plall
has been provided 011 Sheet L-5.
All 1 st review responses
14. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light
fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, \..
Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b). ,
All trees near 1if!h1 poles are small trees.
15. Show sight triangles on the Landscape Plans (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II,
Section 5.H.) "-
Site trianf!les are showll on Sheet L-5.
16. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there
shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above .'
the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). "
Provided on Sheet L-3.
17. The medians on Gulfstream Blvd. have existing irrigation and plant material
belonging to and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to
the irrigation system and/or plant material as a result of the contractor's
operations shall be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better grade, as
approved by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility 'fl:"";~
of the developer. The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of " i~
Boynton Beach Forestry & Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum
of six (6) weeks in advance of any underground activities. Please
acknowledge this notice in your comments response and add a note to the
appropriate plan sheets with the above stated information
Note added in mediall on Sheet L-3.
18. There are overhead lines along the north and west property lines.
Landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with FPL's
"Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place" (see attached.)
Small trees have been plallted along these boundaries ill accordallce with
FPL '.'I "Plant the rif!ht tree in the rif!ht place. ..
19. Canopy trees shall be placed a minimum of 10-ft. off property lines. Palms
shall be placed a minimum of 5-ft. off property lines.
This has been done where lar}.!e trees were used not small trees.
20. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified in
LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.
A certificatioll has been provided on the Drainaf!e Pltm.
21. Full Drainage Plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the
LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of
22. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof
(LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g).
A note has beell added to the site and drainaee olans.
23. Specify storm sewer diameters, inlets types, etc. on Drainage Plan. Indicate
grate, rim and invert elevations for all structures. Indicate grade of storm
sewer segments. Indicate material specifications for storm sewer.
'storm wwer diameten, inlet type, etc.'. will be provided on the Final engineering
'plalls. Please note that all structures have been located all(l high and low points
'ftave been ...fIOWIl on the plans. Finish .floor elevations have also been illdicated.
All 1 st review responses
24. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in
accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings
and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"
and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
25. Please provide a time line that clearly illustrates when water and sewer
services will be required to serve the proposed project. Your starting date
for the time line should be the date of City Commission approval. Also
provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and
the setting of the first water meter. This time line will be used to determine
the adequacy of water and wastewater treatment capacity for your project
upon the project's completion, so please be as accurate as possible.
The following is the anticipated schedule.
City Commission Approval- September 2005
Platting ami Final Engineering Plan Approvals - December 2005
First Water Connection - Mal' 2006
26. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the Site Plan and
Landscape Plans (as well as the Water and Sewer Plans) so that we may
determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may interfere with
utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within
utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so
that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in
the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article I, Section 18.1 gives
public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way.
All utility easements have been shown on the site plan. For clarity, utility lines
have been shown on the engineering plans. These are shown on Sheets L-2
and L-3.
27. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the
water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
28. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments)
with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV,
Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters,
whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
Fireflow calculations will be orovided with the final desifm.
29. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be
paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature
on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of Site
Plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based
upon final meter size, or expected demand.
All 1 st review responses
30. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable
water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed
for irrigation.
The irrigation pump has been added to the site plan. Water will be provided
from an on-site well.
31. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be
included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on
the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The
easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in .'
CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
The easements have been shown on the plans.
32. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer
utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the
City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that
setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
33. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department
has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to
service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15.
34. PVC material not permitted on the City's water system. All lines shall be
35. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water
service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in
accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
The appropriate backf[ow prevellfers will be provided.
36. Please verify existing line sizes with the Utilities Department. The 8-in. line
depicted in Gulfstream Blvd. may only be 6-in.
The water main size on Gulf\'tream Blvd. will be verified prior to final
enllineeri/lf,! desif,!/l.
1()7. / The proposed water main system is shown tying into an 8-in. line on the
- south and north. The northerly existing main reduces to 6-in. west of the
railroad tracks. The northerly line shall be upsized to a 12-in. main to
Seacrest Blvd. This work shall be coordinated with the developer of the
Gulfstream Mall property. Work will include providing a hydraulic analysis
showing that the proposed work, including main upgrade is capable of
providing adequate flows for domestic use and fire flows for this
development. \ . , -~, j '. " ."
Per our discussions with Peter Maul/a, the northerly line shall be up sized to
an 8" main to Sea crest Blvd. The hydraulic anlllysis will be provided lit the time
of permit submittal.
38. Revise alignment of the water main to the north to keep the main out of the
FECRR right-of-way as long as possible. '.
The water main alignment has been reviewed with the utility depllrtme/lt. The "
water mllin currently encroaches illfo the FECRR right-of-wll)' liS little lI.'i
All 1 st review responses
39. Extend water main as necessary at dead-end roadways. Water services shall
not exceed 100-feet in length in accordance with City of Boynton Beach ,
Utility Standards. ,
Water mains have been extended.
(40: Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of
':::---- each dead-end section to properly service each fee-simple townhome.
The design contemplates a single service to each building terminating the city's
ownenhip at a cleanout. The private service will branch from that cleanout to
each unit within a private easement. This is the same concept as we have lIsed
on other townllOme projects serviced by Boynton Beach..
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be
included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other
appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans. "."
The required statement has been provided on the site plan and engineering ,. ~,
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in
accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design ".."
Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates);
they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
43. All entrance gates to construction area shall have a Knox lock system that
will also open in case of electrical power failure. All gates shall be a
minimum of 20' wide. Fire Department apparatus shall be able to turn into
the construction site in one turn.
There will be no entrance }.!ates.
44. The construction site access roads shall be maintained free of obstructions at
all times.
45. All required fire hydrants, standpipes or sprinkler systems shall be in place
before going vertical. Vertical construction shall be protected by standpipes
and the sprinkler system to one level below the highest level of construction
throughout the building.
46. Any cost of damage to Fire Department vehicles because of improperly
stabilized roads or any towing fees if a vehicle becomes stuck will be the
responsibility of the contractor. A minimum of 32 tons is required for
ground stabilization. The pouring of the foundation pad is considered
vertical construction. The roads must be acceptable before construction
47. Adequate Fire Department vehicle turn around space shall be provided in
the construction area.
~~-~ ~ ~ Q \tJ~
1 st REVIEW COMMEN''l ~ ~J r !; I
New Site Plan ' . ; JUL' 9 2005 ._./ I
Project name: Boynton Dixie Burl/DIAl/; f1f~ ~ ,'-1'II/J}.<:\ ~
File number: NWSP 05-024 W / ;oJ 0 /(6D U:tvD I TJo/h - 1 \. ....n. __.-:~ ~
Reference: 1 st review lans identified as a New Site Plan with a Ma 26 2005 Phr IIi and onin De artment
date stamD marking.
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department.
2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
The letter of compliance from the Palm Beach County Traffic Division was
sent to the Planning and Zoning Departme/lt on May 20, 2005. An additional
copy has been providedfor your convenience.
3. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control
devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping,
directional arrows and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard
Drawings "K" Series for striping details.
All traffic co/ltrol devices have been identified on the site all(l civil plans.
4. Dead-end roadways in excess of 125 feet will require an approved turn
around (cul-de-sac, "T", or "Y") to allow for safe backing movements for
Fire-Rescue and Solid Waste.
The dead-end driveway located at the northeast corner of the property has been
provided with a turn-around. All other dead-end driveways are less than 125'.
5. Add curb & gutter to the north side of Gulfstream Blvd. from the west
property line (tie into existing) and extending to the FECRR right-of-way.
Curb and Gutter lul.'i been added.
6. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the
FECRR/Gulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The
extent of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for
fiscal year 2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks
shall extend west a minimum of 100 feet.
The applicant af!rees to provide desif!n plans and an enf!ineer's estimate.
7. Close the median opening west of the main entrance matching the existing
configuration and providing landscaping and irrigation as necessary.
The median has been closed.
All 1 st review responses
48. Show all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs and
Do Not Enter signage on site plans.
All traffic control devices have been shown on the site plan.
49. It is recommended that a photometric light study be completed to show that
standards are met and the site has safe lighting levels.
See new Sheet L-5.
50. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional
comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments V
may not be generated by the commission and at permit review.
It has been noted that changes or revisions to these plans may generate
additional comments. Acceptance oft/lese plans during the TART (Technical
Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may
not be f!enerated by the commission and at permit review.
51. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall
openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600.
Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and
unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. V
Calculations have been placed on the exterior elevation sheets to indicate the
amount of exterior opening.\. aI/owed and the amount provided on each
elevation. The site key plan sheet A-I 00 has been created to indicate the
dimensions from exterior wall... to assumed or common property lines for the
purpose of calculatinf,! the amount of aI/owed exterior openinf!s.
52. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with
approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. V
It has been noted that every exterior wall within 15 feet of a proper(l' line shall
be equipped with approved opening protective.\. per 20()] FBC, Section
53. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or
structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and
the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that ~
are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of
Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
It has been noted that building structures and parts thereofs/lllll be designed to
withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building
or structure shall be determined by the provision... of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and
the provisions (~f 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Load.\). Calculations that are
signed all(l sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida
shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
All 1 st review responses
54. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the
loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table
1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design.
[t has been noted that every building and structure shall be of sufficient
strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section
1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (psj) on the plans for the
built/in desi n.
55. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents
the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the
subject request.
Limits 0 construction line has been added.
56. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
[t has been noted that at time of permit review, we must submit signed and
sealed workin drawin 's 0 the ro osed construction
57. On the site plan and floor plan, indicate the number of stories that are in
each building. Indicate the overall height of each building.
The number and overall height of each building has been noted on the floor
58. If an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width, then passing spaces
at least 60 inches by 60 inches shall be located at reasonable intervals not to
exceed 200 feet. A "T"-intersection of two corridors or walks is an
acceptable passing place. 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.3 A.
[t has been noted that if an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width,
then passing spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches shall be located at
reasonable intervals not to exceed 200 feet. A "T" i1l1enectio/l of two corridors
or walks is an acce table assin lace. 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.3.4.
59. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation)
that is proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in
compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site
data that address the following issues:
7ft The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following
text to the site da~e proposed finish floor elevation _' _ NGVD is
above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building
site, as determmed by the SFWMD's surface water management
construction development regulations."
From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that
the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood
Q elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans.
c. Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for
the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the
drawings titled site plan, floor plan and paving/drainage (civil plans).
The requested notes have been added. Flood zone ami Finish floor elevations
have been established and identi led.
60. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed
perimeter wall. Identify the type of wall material and the type of material that
supports the wall, including the typical distance between supports. Also,
provide a typical section view drawing of the wall that includes the depth that
the wall su orts are below finish rade and the hei ht that the wall is above
\\ If "c(
6 ~v
All 1 st review responses
finish grade. The location and height of the wall shall comply with the wall
regulations specified in the Zoning Code.
Detail on Sheet L-6.
61. On the drawing titled site plan identify the property line.
The propertv line has beell idelltified. Show on L-l.
62. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pooVclubhouse/recreation building, provide the following:
1 . Will the pooVclubhouse/recreation building be restricted to the residents of
the entire project only? Yes.
~. Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building? No.
3. Will there be any additional deliveries to the site? No.
4. Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the
site? No.
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be
sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the
applicant should request that the County send the City a copy of their
determination of what impact fees are required for the
pooVclubhouse/recreation building.
63. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor area.
The area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building, covered area
outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated for the
clubhouse and other uses located within the building. Specify the total floor
area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor spaces.
A breakdown of the floor plan area for the dubllOuse IIlH beell added to the
clubhouse plall sheet. The area breakdowll !;pecijies the total area of the
building with a breakdowIl of exterior alld i/lterior .\paces. All roOIllS have
been labeled Oil the floor plall.
64. CBBCPP 3.C.3A requires the conservation of potable water. City water may
not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily
All on-site well will be utilitized ftJr irrif!ation.
65. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that
utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit
shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216.
66. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of
Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be
provided at the time of building permit application:
5. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
6. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
7. The number of dwelling units in each building.
8. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
9. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how
much is for sewer.
All 1 st review responses
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
67. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract.
For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, V
provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded
deed shall be submitted at time of permit review.
The requested information will be provided at the time of permit review.
68. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of
Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been
satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information
shall be provided:
A legal description of the land. V
b. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
c. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be
provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the
Commission-approved site plans.
d. The number of dwelling units in each building.
e. The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(t))
69. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall /
meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time
of permit application.
The note has been added to the site plan.
70. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies,
the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for V
review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate
all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved
by the City Commission.
71. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction / ./
documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-
family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted.
The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be
noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal.
72. Show the proposed site lighting on the site and landscape plans. (LRD,
Chapter 4, Section 7.BA) If possible, provide photo metrics as part of your ~
TART plan submittals.
Site Iif!htinf! shown on Sheets L-2, L-3 and L-5.
73. Submit a floor plan for the pool building. 2001 FBC 104.2.1. V
A floor plan has been submitted for the pool buildinf,!.
74. The mail kiosk is considered a "common area" and shall comply with the /
handicap accessibility requirements in 2001 FBC, Chapter 11. v
Mail kiosk will be handicap accessible.
All I st review responses
75. Clarify the area between the buildings that depicts a passageway. Are these V
yards with gates? See Sheet SP-l.
The back yard of each unit is provided with gates. A maintenance access
easement will be provided in the back rards.
76. If the parallel parking spaces at the end of the buildings are passenger loading V
zones they shall comply with 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.6.3.
Parllllel pllrking splices are not passenger loading zones. They lire not -
handicllp acces.\'ible. A handiclIP parking space has been provided at the
recreation buildinf!.
77. All tree species shown to be planted under/near overhead FPL utility wires
must be in accordance with the agency's Right Tree in Right Plan manual.
This hlls been done.
78. City water can not be used for landscape improvements/irrigation.
Well is to be supplied-location shown on Sheet L-3.
79. The City Code requires a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer.
7' buffer provided, along Gulf'itream 15' rear yard includes 7' buffer, 8'
privllte l'ard.
80. Irrigation coverage should be 110%.
See general notes on sheet L-4.
81. Mulch other than cypress should be specified.
Sterilized melalerca is being clllled out. See generlllnotes on sheet L-4.
82. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee:
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid
prior to issuance of first permit.
Sterilized mellllerca is beinJ! called out. See }.!eneral notes on sheet L-4.
83. Existine: Gopher Tortoise burrows on the site:
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant
must provide a Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher
tortoise permit from the State of Florida Wildlife Commission.
84. Existine: Trees Manae:ement Plan Sheet T-l
The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the
following (35) trees proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered
2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,40,41 ,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,5
9,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated from the site. These trees are
all mature native species of trees.
Trees to remain and to be removed are shown on Sheet T-l.
~t;- ~
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Project name: oynton Dixie
File number: NWSP 05-024
Reference: 1 sf review plans identified as a New Site Plan
date stamD marking.
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with a May 26. 2005 Planning and Zoning Department
New Site Plan
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department.
2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance
Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
The letter of compliance from the Palm Beach County Traffic Divisioll was
sent to the Planning alld Zoning Departmellf 011 May 20, 2005. All additional
Copv has been provided for your convenience.
3. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control
devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping,
directional arrows and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard
Drawings "K" Series for striping details.
All traffic cOlltrol devices have been identified Oil the site and civil plans.
4. Dead-end roadways in excess of 125 feet will require an approved turn
around (cul-de-sac, "T", or "Y") to allow for safe backing movements for
Fire-Rescue and Solid Waste.
The dead-end driveway located at the northeast comer of the property has beell
provided with a turn-around. All other dead-end drivewars are less thall 125'.
5. Add curb & gutter to the north side of Gulfstream Blvd. from the west
property line (tie into existing) and extending to the FECRR right-of-way.
Curb llnd Gutter hm. been added.
6. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the
FECRR/Gulfstream Blvd. crossing, including roadway re-alignment, curb &
gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The applicant shall
provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will
consider sharing the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The
extent of cost share is subject to allocation of funds in the City budget for
fiscal year 2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the tracks
shall extend west a minimum of 100 feet.
The applicallf af!rees to provide desif!n plalls ami an ellf!illeer's estimate.
7. Close the median opening west of the main entrance matching the existing
configuration and providing landscaping and irrigation as necessary.
The median has beell closed.
All 1 st review responses
39. Extend water main as necessary at dead-end roadways. Water services shall
not exceed 100-feet in length in accordance with City of Boynton Beach
Utility Standards.
Water mains have been extended.
40. Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of
each dead-end section to properly service each fee-simple townhome.
The design contemplates a single service to each builtling terminating the city's
ownership at a c/eanout. The private service will branch from that c1eanout to
each unit within a private easement. This is the same concept as we have used
on other townllOme proiects serviced bv Bovnton Beach.
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be
included that utilities are available and will be provided by all other
appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the submitted plans.
The required statement has been provided on the site plan and engineering
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction
acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in
accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design
Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates);
they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
43. All entrance gates to construction area shall have a Knox lock system that
will also open in case of electrical power failure. All gates shall be a ~
minimum of 20' wide. Fire Department apparatus shall be able to turn into
the construction site in one turn.
There will be no entrance f!ates.
44. The construction site access roads shall be maintained free of obstructions at V-
all times.
45. All required fire hydrants, standpipes or sprinkler systems shall be in place
before going vertical. Vertical construction shall be protected by standpipes V
and the sprinkler system to one level below the highest level of construction
throughout the building.
46. Any cost of damage to Fire Department vehicles because of improperly
stabilized roads or any towing fees if a vehicle becomes stuck will be the
responsibility of the contractor. A minimum of 32 tons is required for V~
ground stabilization. The pouring of the foundation pad is considered
vertical construction. The roads must be acceptable before construction
47. Adequate Fire Department vehicle turn around space shall be provided in V
the construction area.
Johnson, Eric
Logan, Laurinda
Wednesday, July 20,2005 1 :00 PM
Johnson, Eric; Breese, Ed
Livergood, Jeffrey; Kelley, David
Boynton Dixie TART Review
As a result of our TART review of 7/19/05 please revise the following comment as noted below:
Substitute the following comment for #4:
Provide an acceptable turnaround for the northeast dead-end roadway. The turnaround may be placed either at the end of
the dead-end roadway or may be placed in the green area west of the northeast grouping of townhouses.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information
Page 1 of 1
Johnson, Eric
From: Hudson, Dick (Orran)
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 20052:26 PM
To: Johnson,Eric
Cc: Breese, Ed; Rumpf, Michael
Subject: Boynton Dixie density
With regards to the BoyntonlDixie project:
Based on the recommendations of the Problems and Opportunities section of the Future Land Use Element Data
and Analysis (which are now advisory policies), the eastern-most 175 feet of the property should be developed
under a Medium Density Residential (MeDR) designation. This would provide a density of 9.68 du/ac. The
remainder should be developed under a Low Density Residential designation at 4.84 du/ac. Calculating the 175
feet x a north-south property line of 647.90 feet gives a parcel size of 113,382 sq. ft. or 2.603 acres. The total
parcel size is shown as 8.6 acres.
6 acres @ 4.84 du/ac=29 units
2.6 acres @ 9.68 dulac = 25 units.
The total then for the entire parcel should be 54 units. You may want to convey this to the applicants, so Mr.
Whiner can prepare his request above staff's recommendations.
Breese, Ed
Rivers, Jody
Thursday, June 09, 2005 7:32 AM
Breese, Ed
Impact - Boynton Dixie NWSP 05-024
This project will no direct impact on the Rcreation and Parks Department
J O~ ~ Ri.vers
Parks Superintendent
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(561) 742-6226
(561) 742-6233 (fax)
P.O. BOX 310
FAX: (561) 742-6259
to: Weiner & Aronson, P.A.
fax #: 272-2869
date: June 30, 2005
from: Sherie Coale
re: 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS FOR Boynton Dixie
Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the
current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all
documents to the Technical Application Review Team who will meet on Tuesday,
June 19,2005.
1. Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of
notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/ comments, and bring 12 copies
to the TART meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted);
2. Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments; ( i.e. traffic
analysis, engineering certification, etc.)
3. Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each
comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information
including location on the plans (this promotes an expeditious 2n review by staff and your
project representatives during the TART meeting );and
Submit reductions (8 ~ X 11) and in digital
format (JPEG) for the proposed site plans,
elevations and landscaping plan (this is required
for the final report and public presentation).
Planning and Zoning Division
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Fax: 742-6259
The applicant should not attend a second review meeting until all documents have been revised
and copied for staff review. If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled
meeting, contact Ed Breese in this office by the Thursday prior to the scheduled meeting date.
Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings,
which are held every Tuesday. To reschedule, contact Sherie Coale, by the Thursday prior to the
Tuesday meeting that you desire to attend. The remainder of the review schedule will be
adjusted accordingly. If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the
respective reviewer using the attached list of review representatives.
If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed following 2nd
review, the project is forwarded to the Planning & Development Board meeting that falls
approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TART meeting. An "*,, by any comment identifies a
comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and Development
Note: Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report
and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from the Palm Beach County
drainage certification by a licensed engineer, signed "Rider to Site Plan Application"
form and colored elevations of the proposed project. This information is necessary for
the project to proceed. If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note.
Engineering Dave Kelley Laurinda Logan 742-6482 742-6485
Building Don Johnson Timothy Large 742-6352 742-6352
Fire Department Rodger Kemmer Rick Lee 742-6753 742-6357
Police Department Marshall Gage John Huntington 737-6167 737-3136
Utilities Pete Mazzella H. David Kelley Jr. 742-6401 742-6485
Public Works-General Larry Quinn Laurinda Logan 742-6482 742-6485
Public W orks- Traffic Jeffrey Livergood Laurinda Logan 742-6482 742-6485
Parks & Recreation Jody Rivers 742-6227 742-6233
Forester/Environmentalist Kevin Hallahan Kevin Hallahan 742-6267 742-6259
Planning & Zoning Michael Rumpf, Ed Breese 742-6262 742-6259
REVISED 4/12/05
S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlBoynton DixieINWSP 05-02411't Review comments FAX COVER.doc
128. Staff recommends increasing the size of the Japanese Fern trees (proposed
along Gulfstream Boulevard) from 12 feet to 16 feet at time of installation.
129. Staff recommends screening the at-grade AlC units proposed behind each
unit with native hedge material.
S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Dixie\NWSP 05-024\1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS. doc
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NWSP 05-024
1st Review Planning
June 28,2005
At the technical advisory review team (TART) meeting, provide written responses to all staff's
comments and questions. Submit 12 sets of revised plans. Each set should be folded and stapled.
At the technical advisory review team meeting, also provide a full set of reduced drawings, sized
8Y2 inches by 11 inches of each plan. Save each plan to a compact disk and submit that to staff as
Staff considers these plans to be at the final stage of site plan review, the last stage prior to permit
review. As such, all comments need to be addressed and shown on the plans prior to the
Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) meeting. Any information not shown on the plans at
the TART meeting would be required to be shown at the time of permitting.
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the new site plan is publicly advertised in
accordance with Ordinance 04-007.
Based upon the recommendations of the Problems and Opportunities section of the Future Land
Use Element Data and Analysis, the project would be limited to a total number of 54 dwelling
Approval of this site plan is contingent upon the accompanying request for annexation (ANEX
05-003) and land use / rezoning application (LUAR 05-007).
According to Chapter 2.5, Section 9.B., when rezoning a property, no minimum lot size or
minimum yard shall be required; provided however, that PUD frontage on dedicated public roads
shall observe front yard requirements in accordance with the zoning district the PUD use most
closely resembles and that peripheral yards abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as
required in the abutting zone. The abutting lots to the west are zoned Single-family Residential
Dwelling (R-I-A). As such, the rear setback of the R-I-A zoning district is 25 feet. The site plan
proposes a side (west) setback of 25 feet on the subject site. This is acceptable. The abutting lots
to the northwest are zoned R-I-A and to the northeast are zoned Single-family & Two-family
Dwelling (R-2). As such, both zoning districts (R-I-A and R-2) require a 25 foot rear setback.
The site plan proposes a rear (north) setback of 25 feet on the subject site. This is acceptable.
The property to the east is owned by the Florida East Coast Railroad. Its zoning could be
construed to be Community Commercial (C-3) with a zero (0) side setback. The site plan
proposes a 15 foot side (east) setback on the subject site. This is acceptable.
A drainage statement is required prior to the TART meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.).
Submit a traffic impact analysis prior to the TART meeting. The analysis must be approved by
the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for concurrency purposes (Chapter 4. Section 8.F.). The
proposed uses and intensities on the traffic study must be consistent with the proposed uses and
intensities itemized on the site plan (sheet SP-l).
The project must obtain approval from the School District of Palm Beach County regarding
school concurrency prior to the issuance of a building permit. It would be preferable to have
evidence (i.e. a letter) of their approval prior to the Planning & Development Board meeting.
Are the units proposed as fee-simple? If so, on the site plan (sheet SP-l), show the extent of their
lot lines. Also, what would keep property owners from removing landscape material? At the
time of permitting, provide Home Owners' Association documents to verify necessary
maintenance of common areas and landscape buffers.
Will an on-site lift-station be required as a result of this development? If so, show its location on
the site plan (sheet C-l).
The dimensions of the roadway (pavement), drive aisles, back-up areas, and rights-of-way are
subject to the Engineering Division of Public Works' review and approval.
The site plan tabular data (sheet C-l) should accurately indicate the number of required parking
spaces. The code requires parking as follows: ...._____--,
All elevation pages shall indicate the exterior finishes, roof material, paint manufacturer's name,
and color codes. Staff recommends using a color schedule (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Include a full-sized (24 inches by 36 inches) color rendering, including color swatches, of all
buildings at the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Will there be a provision for outdoor patios, concrete patios, screen enclosures, or solid-roof
enclosures for the townhouses? Please discuss these amenities with staff prior to the TART
meeting. According to Chapter 16 of the 2001 Florida Building Code, a concrete slab is required
at the base of screen enclosures. Indicate the impervious area should all homeowners choose to
build a screen or solid-roof enclosure at the rear of their unit.
Label the "tot lot" on all plans.
On the site plan tabular data (sheet SP-l), change "parallel" spaces to "on-street" parking spaces.
On the floor plan of the townhouse buildings, graphically indicate the use of each room (i.e.
garage, bedroom, and kitchen). In addition, indicate the square footage and the number of
bedrooms for each unit.
The code defines building height as follows: The vertical distance in feet measured from the
lowest point at the property line of an adjacent property or from the minimum base flood
elevation as established by FEMA, whichever is highest, to the highest point of the roof for flat
roofs, to the deck line for mansard roofs and parapet roofs with parapets less than five (5) feet in
height. Gable and hip roof heights shall be measured to the midpoint between the eaves and the
ridge. On all elevation pages, indicate the proposed building heights and also include the
dimension of the highest point of the structure.
Provide a floor plan and elevations of the one (I)-story cabana building (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Staff recommends constructing a clubhouse building (w Ale) rather than a small cabana building
in order to provide a place where owner association meetings home can occur.
The sidewalks internal to the development shall connect with the sidewalk along Gulfstream
In order to ensure proper maintenance of the buffer areas, staff recommends converting them
from private property to "buffer tracts" that would be owned and maintained by the Home
Owners' Association.
The removal/relocation of landscape material are subject to review and approval of the City
Forester / Environmentalist.
On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between the tabular data and
the graphic illustration.
Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape materials must be native species (Chapter 7.5, Article II,
Section 5.P). Please categorize as follows: Shade trees, Palm trees, and Shrubs & Groundcover.
All trees, if proposed as trees, must be at least 12 feet in height and three (3) caliper inches at the
time of their installation (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2.). This would apply to the Green
Buttonwood trees.
The palm trees proposed around the townhouse buildings must be installed at Y2 the building
height of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.M.).
All freestanding monument signs shall have colorful groundcover installed at the base (Chapter
7.5, Article II, Section 5.0).
Landscaping at each project entrance shall contain a combination of colorful groundcover plants
and a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species on both sides of the entrance (if sufficient space
is provided- Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.N.). Revise landscape plans so that they comply
with the above referenced code.
Provide a detail of the proposed buffer wall, including its dimensions, material, and color
(Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Provide a detail of the fence proposed around the pool/clubhouse area, including its dimensions,
material, and color (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
Provide a detail of a typical outdoor freestanding lighting fixture. The detail of the typical
freestanding outdoor lighting fixture should include the overall height, exterior finish, materials
used (i.e. concrete or aluminum) and color(s). The lighting fixture height, style, design, and
illumination level shall be compatible with the building design and height and shall consider
safety, function, and aesthetic value (Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.1.).
Lighting shall not be of an intensity that produces glare on adjacent property (Chapter 9, Section
Feature lighting emphasizing plants, trees, barriers, entrances, and exits is encouraged (Chapter 9,
Section 10.F.3.).
All sign age is subject to review and approval of the Planning & Development Board and City
Commission. Is there an entrance sign proposed for the project? If so, on the site plan (SP-l),
indicate its location and provide a detail of the sign area, including the dimensions, exterior
finish, and letter color(s) (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.).
The tree removal plan (sheet T-1) indicates that only one (1) tree would be preserved. Can't any
of the other 68 trees be preserved; along the perimeter? Can't they be preserved in areas
earmarked for plant material?
Staff recommends installing the Redtip Cocoplum hedges at 36 inches in height (proposed on the
south side of the buffer wall along Gulfstream Boulevard).
Staff recommends increasing the size of the Japanese Fern trees (proposed along Gulfstream
Boulevard) from 12 feet to 16 feet at time of installation.
Staff recommends screening the at-grade AlC units proposed behind each unit with native hedge
S:\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\Boynton Dixie\NWSP 05-024\Planning 1st review.doc
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The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
June 2, 2005
Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer
Palm Beach County Traffic Division
Department of Engineering and Public Works
P.O. Box 21229
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416
Re: Traffic Study: Boynton Dixie Residential
Dear Mr. Atefi:
The enclosed concurrency traffic statement, prepared by pinder Troutman
Consulting, Inc. dated May II, 2005 was received by Planning and Zoning
for the above-referenced application.
Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's
Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building
Code Administrator and me with your written response.
If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
Transportation Planners and Engineers
May 11, 2005
2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1H
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
(561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663
Mr. Michael Rumpf
Planning & Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Fl 33425
Re: Boynton Dixie Residential - #PTC05-081
Land Use Amendment
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The purpose of this letter is to provide a Comprehensive Plan Amendment traffic analysis for an 8.8
acre site located in the City of Boynton Beach. The site is located on the north side of Gulfstream
Boulevard west of Old Dixie Highway. It is proposed to change the Future land Use designation
from Medium Residential (MR5) to Special Medium Density Residential (MDR).
Exhibit 1 provides the daily trip generation potential of the existing land use designation as compared
to the proposed land use designation at the maximum intensities. Based on a net daily trip
generation of 148, the radius of development influence is the directly accessed links. Exhibits 2A and
2B show the project distribution and project impact percentage. The proposed project has a
maximum impact of 0.20% as shown on Exhibit 2B and therefore does not have a significant impact
on the area roadways. Based on the findings of this analysis, no additional significant traffic impacts
are projected and the proposed land use designation is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive
An rea M. Troutma , P.E.
FI ida Registration #45409
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Letter Rumpf 05-081 5-11-05
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Ed Breese,
Principal Planner
June 21, 2005
FILE: NWSP 05-024
John Huntington, Officer
Crime Prevention Unit
SUBJECT: Gulfstream Gardens
REFERENCES: Impacts of proposed site plan upon City Services
I have reviewed the building plans and land use for Boynton Dixie.
For the purpose of this analysis, a similar development was used as a comparison. Also, a statistical analysis
was completed to show the percentage of increase of police calls for service for the selected development.
This study showed that 11.5 % of all police calls for service were within this zone and 3.2 % of these calls for
service were responses to this address. This is an increase of 2.3% over a one year period. It is estimated that
the addition of Boynton Dixie will have a 3% increase to this zone's police call for service. An additional
Officer will be needed due to the estimated increase of calls for service.
Currently, there are numerous site plans for future residential projects along the 2000 - 3600 block of S.
Federal Highway.
1. Moreno Bay
2. Coastal Bay
3. Colony Club
4. Oceanside
5. Watershed
6. Waterside
7. Heritage Club
These new developments will have a direct impact on future public safety issues, to include calls for service.
Service requirements for the police department will be impacted greatly and the demand for more police
personnel and equipment will be needed to balance the increase in population and non residential traffic into
our city.
l.. ,J
- The City af Bayman Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
To: Peter Mazzella, Assistant Director, Utilities
Kofi Boatang, Director of Utilities
Marshall Gage, Police Chief
Rodger Kemmer, Deputy Chief / Fire Marshal
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Cc: William Bingham, Fire Chief
Wally Majors, Parks Director
Laurinda Logan, Civil Engineer
Rick Lee, Fire Protection Analyst
John Huntington, Police Officer
From: Ed Breese, Principal Planner ~
Impacts of proposed site plan upon City facilities and services
Project: Boynton Dixie NWSP 05-024
Gulfstream Blvd.; West of FEC Railroad
As part of the City's concurrency requirements, the City Commission directed the Planning & Zoning
Division to report whether or not the City could maintain an adequate level of service with current
infrastructure and / or staffing levels in order to support the proposed development.
Plans for the above-mentioned project have been forwarded to your department's representative
for their technical review and comment. We are requesting that you review the proposed project for
anticipated impacts to your department's level of service (as requested by the City Commission) and
provide us with your comments for direct insertion into our staff report. In the past, you have sent
us something that indicates your current staff / infrastructure would either be able to support the
proposed project or what would be required to meet the adopted level of service. Please respond
no later than 2 weeks from today. Also, any recommendations that you believe that would
enhance the project are certainly welcomed. I thank you for your assistance in this matter. Should
you have any questions regarding the requested information, please do not hesitate to call me at
S:\PIannlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton DIxIe\NWSP OS-Q24\Impact
Rivers, Jody
Breese, Ed
Impact - Boynton Dixie NWSP 05-024
This project will no direct impact on the Rcreation and Parks Department
)OC{ij RLvev:;
Parks Superintendent
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(561) 742-6226
(561) 742-6233 (fax)
Ed Breese,
Principal Planner
FILE: NWSP 05-024
John Huntington, Officer
Crime Prevention Unit
SUBJECT: Boynton Dixie
I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments:
1. It is recommended that a photometric light study be completed to show that standards are met and the
site has safe lighting levels.
2. Show all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs and Do Not Enter signage on
site plans.
Li~ Acronvms/Abbreviations:
ASCE - American Society of Civil
CBB - City of Boynton Beach
CBBA - Boynton Beach Amendments
CBBCO - City of Boynton Beach
Code of Ordinances
CBBCPP - City of Boynton Beach
Comprehensive Plan Policy
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
EPA - Environment Protection Agency
FBC - Florida Building Code
FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map
F.S. - Florida Statutes
LDR - Land Development Regulations
NEC - National Electric Code
NFPA - National Fire Prevention Assn
NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical
Datum of 1929
SFWMD - South Florida Water
Management District
FFPC - Florida Fire Prevention Code
TO: Ed Breese
Principal Planner
FROM: Timothy K. La~
TART Membe~Y8TIjfcfl~ti~';sion
DATE: June 21,2005
SUBJECT: Project - Boynton Dixie
File No. - NWSP 05-024 - 1 st review
We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board
review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the
working drawings submitted for permits.
Buildina Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. Larae (561) 742-6352
1 Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments.
Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process
does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at
permit review.
2 Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and
exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that
clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per
2001 FBC, Table 600.
3 Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with approved
opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2.
4 Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind
loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the
provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind
Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the
state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
5 Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces
encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load
(pst) on the plans for the building design.
6 Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the location and
perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request.
7 At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed
S:\Development\Building\ TARn TART 2005\Boynton Dixie
Page 1 of 4
8 On the site plan and floor plan, indicate the number of stories that are in each building.
Indicate the overall height of each building.
9 If an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width, then passing spaces at least 60
inches by 60 inches shall be located at reasonable intervals not to exceed 200 feet. A "1"-
intersection of two corridors or walks is an acceptable passing place. 2001 FBC, Section
10 Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed
for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the
code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues:
A The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following text to the site
data. "The proposed finish floor elevation _' _ NGVD is above the highest 100-year
base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the SFWMD's
surface water management construction development regulations."
B From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is
located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. If there is no base
flood elevation, indicate that on the plans.
C Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for the building
within the footprint of the building that is shown on the drawings titled site plan, floor
plan and paving/drainage (civil plans).
11 Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed perimeter wall.
Identify the type of wall material and the type of material that supports the wall, including
the typical distance between supports. Also, provide a typical section view drawing of the
wall that includes the depth that the wall supports are below finish grade and the height that
the wall is above finish grade. The location and height of the wall shall comply with the wall
regulations specified in the Zoning Code.
12 On the drawing titled site plan identify the property line.
13 To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse/recreation building, provide the following:
A Will the pool/clubhouse/recreation building be restricted to the residents of the entire
project only?
B Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
C Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
o Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the
impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should request
that the County send the City a copy of their determination of what impact fees are required
for the pool/clubhouse/recreation building.
14 Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor area. The area
breakdown shall specify the total area of the building, covered area outside, covered area
at the entrances, total floor area dedicated for the clubhouse and other uses located within
the building. Specify the total floor area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms
and floor spaces.
S:\Development\Building\TARnTART 2005\Boynton Dixie Page 2 of 4
15 CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may not, therefore,
be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available.
16 A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that utilizes water from
a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of
permit application, F.S. 373.216.
17 If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach
Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building
permit application:
A The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
B If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The
building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans.
C The number of dwelling units in each building.
D The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit.
E The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for
(CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34)
18 At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract. For purposes
of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, provide a copy of the recorded
deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit
19 At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of Boynton Beach
Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been satisfied by a paid fee or
conveyance of property. The following information shall be provided:
A A legal description of the land.
B The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the
Commission-approved site plan.
C If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The
building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans.
D The number of dwelling units in each building.
E The total amount being paid.
(CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f))
20 Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall meet the
City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application.
21 Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for
this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit
application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in
the development order and approved by the City Commission.
22 The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the
time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-family, then all addresses for the
particular building type shall be submitted. The name of the project as it appears on the
S:\Development\Building\ TARn TART 2005\Boynton Dixie
Page 3 of 4
Development Order must be noted on the building permit application at the time of
application submittal.
23 Show the proposed site lighting on the site and landscape plans. (LRD, Chapter 4, Section
7.B.4) If possible, provide photo metrics as part of your TART plan submittals.
24 Submit a floor plan for the pool building. 2001 FBC 104.2.1.
25 The mail kiosk is considered a "common area" and shall comply with the handicap
accessibility requirements in 2001 FBC, Chapter 11.
26 Clarify the area between the buildings that depicts a passageway. Are these yards with
gates? See Sheet SP-1.
27 If the parallel parking spaces at the end of the buildings are passenger loading zones they
shall comply with 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.6.3.
S:\Development\Building\ TARn TART 2005\Boynton Dixie
Page 4 of 4
Rivers, Jody
Breese, Ed; Coale, Sherie
Site Plan Review - Boynton Dixie
File No.:
Boynton Dixie
NWSP 05-024
1. All tree stecies shown to be planted under/near overhead FPL utility wires must be in accordance with the
agency's Riqht Tree in Riqht Plan manual.
2. City water can not be used for landscape improvements/irrigation
3. The City Code requires a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer
4. Irrigation coverage should be 110%
5. Mulch other than cypress should be specified
6. Recreation and Parks Impact Fee:
82 single-faily attached units @ $771.00/unit = $63,222.00. Must be paid prior to issuance of first permit.
JOc{!.-1 R-Lvevs,
. u
Parks Superintendent
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(561) 742-6226
(561) 742-6233 (fax)
Planninl! Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist
Boynton Dixie
New Site Plan - 1st Review
NWSP 05-024
June 20, 2005
Existinl! Gopher Tortoise burrows on the site:
There are several existing gopher tortoise burrows on the site. The applicant must provide a
Flora and Fauna survey to the City and obtain a gopher tortoise permit from the State of Florida
Wildlife Commission.
Existinl! Trees Manal!ement Plan Sheet T -1
The Landscape Architect should review the tabular mitigation for the following (35) trees
proposed to be removed and show the trees numbered 2,3,4,5,6,7,14,30,31,33,37,
40,41 ,42,43,45,46,49,50,51 ,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,and 69 to be relocated
from the site. These trees are all mature native species of trees.
Plant List Sheet L-4
All shade and palm trees on the Trees and Palms List must be listed in the description as a
minimum of 12'-14' height, 3" DBH (4.5' off the ground), and Florida #1 (Florida Grades and
Standards manual). The height of the trees maybe larger than 12'-14' to meet the 3" diameter
requirement; or any clear wood (cw), gray wood (gw), or "wood" specifications. [Environmental
Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C. 2.]
1. The landscape design should include the City signature trees (Tibochina granulosa) at all
of the ingress / egress areas to the site. These trees must meet the minimum size
specifications for trees. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec.
2. The details sheet section should include a line indicating where the height, clear wood
(cw), gray wood (gw), and "wood" area of the palm trees will be measured at time of
planting and inspection.
3. The applicant should show the calculated 50% native species oftrees, and shrubs.
4. The applicant should show an elevation section indicating how the height of the proposed
landscape material will visually buffer the proposed buildings from the Gulfstream
Boulevard road right-of-way.
Plant List Sheet L-4 (continued)
5. All shrubs specifications should indicate the spread dimensions.
6. All trees proposed under any existing overhead electric power lines must meet the
FP & L Right tree in the Right Place manual selection.
Irri2ation Plan-No Irri2ation plan included in the submittal
7. The irrigation system design should be low volume water conservation using non-
portable water.
8. City water cannot be used for landscape improvements.
9. Turf and landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate zones and time
duration for water conservation.
10. Trees should have separate irrigation bubblers to provide water directly to the root ball.
[Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. C.2.]
PROJECT: Boynton Dixie
LOCATION: Just West of FEC tracks
FILE# NWSP 05-024
AREA: 374,557 SQFT OF LIVING AND 8.1 Acres
1. All entrance gates to construction area shall have a Knox lock
system that will also open in case of electrical power failure. All
gates shall be a minimum of 20' wide. Fire Department apparatus
shall be able to turn into the construction site in one turn.
2. The construction site access roads shall be maintained free of
obstructions at all times.
3. All required fire hydrants, standpipes or sprinkler systems shall be in
place before going vertical. Vertical construction shall be protected
by standpipes and the sprinkler system to one level below the
highest level of construction throughout the building.
4. Any cost of damage to Fire Department vehicles because of
improperly stabilized roads or any towing fees if a vehicle becomes
stuck will be the responsibility of the contractor. A minimum of 32
tons is required for ground stabilization. The pouring of the
foundation pad is considered vertical construction. The roads must
be acceptable before construction begins.
5. Adequate Fire Department vehicle turn around space shall be
provided in the construction area.
6. Provide the fire hydrant layout for this project with the hydrants
clearly shown. Show all water supply lines for fire protection and
hydraulic calculations.
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning and Zoning
Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer
June 16, 2005
Review Comments
New Site Plan - 1st Review
Boynton Dixie Townhomes
File No. NWSP 05-024
The above referenced Site Plans, received on June 8, 2005, was reviewed for Public Works,
Engineering, and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances. Following are our comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations
(LOR) referenced.
1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-6200) regarding the
storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a).
2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from
Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering.
3. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars,
stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping, directional arrows and "00 Not Enter" signage, etc.
See City Standard Drawings ilK" Series for striping details.
4. Dead-end roadways in excess of 125-ft. will require an approved turn around (cul-de-sac, liT", or "Y")
to allow for safe backing movements for Fire-Rescue and Solid Waste.
5. Add curb & gutter to the north side of Gulfstream Blvd. from the west property line (tie into existing)
and extending to the FECRR right-of-way.
6. The applicant shall provide design plans for reconstruction of the FECRR/Gulfstream Blvd. crossing,
including roadway re-alignment, curb & gutter, concrete median dividers, striping, and signals. The
applicant shall provide an engineer's estimate for the railroad crossing. The City will consider sharing
the cost of construction of the FECRR crossing. The extent of cost share is subject to allocation of
funds in the City budget for fiscal year 2006/2007. The concrete median on the west side of the
tracks shall extend west a minimum of 100-ft.
7. Close the median opening west of the main entrance matching the existing configuration and
providing landscaping and irrigation as necessary.
Department of Public Works/Engineering Division Memo No. 05-079
Re: Boynton Dixie Townhomes New Site Plan _1st Review
June 16, 2005
Page 2
8. Add a general note to the Site Plan that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's
Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following:
paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other
permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach
County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental
Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request.
9. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate
10. Please note that changes or reVISions to these plans may generate additional comments.
Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not
ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review.
11. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets.
12. Upon satisfactory Commission approval of the Site Plan, the applicant shall enter the plat process
through the City's Engineering Division. A preliminary plat application may be initiated during the Site
Plan review to expedite issuance of the Land Development Permit.
13. Show proposed site lighting on the Site and Landscape plans (LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.4.) form
common parking areas. The lighting design shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-
candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (LOR,
Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall
be operated by photo-electrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.m. (LOR, Chapter 23, Article
II, Section A.1.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with the LOR, Chapter
6, Article IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.8.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on
the Lighting Plan. Lighting shall be directed away from any residential uses (LOR, Chapter 2, Section
4.N.7). Please provide photometrics as part of your TART plan submittals - it is much easier to
identify and correct any deficiencies now than while you are waiting on a permit!
14. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate
future shadowing on the parking surface (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b).
15. Show sight triangles on the Landscape Plans (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.)
16. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed
cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II,
Section 5.H.).
17. The medians on Gulfstream Blvd. have existing irrigation and plant material belonging to and
maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. Any damage to the irrigation system and/or plant material
as a result of the contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced to the equivalent or better
grade, as approved by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibility of the
Department of Public Works/Engineering Division Memo No. 05-079
Re: Boynton Dixie Townhomes New Site Plan _1st Review
June 16, 2005
Page 3
developer. The contractor shall notify and coordinate with the City of Boynton Beach Forestry &
Grounds Division of Public Works a minimum of six (6) weeks in advance of any underground
activities. Please acknowledge this notice in your comments response and add a note to the
appropriate plan sheets with the above stated information.
18. There are overhead lines along the north and west property lines. Landscaping shall be designed
and installed in accordance with FPL's "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place" (see attached.)
19. Canopy trees shall be placed a minimum of 10-ft. off property lines. Palms shall be placed a
minimum of 5-ft. off property lines.
20. Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified in LDR, Chapter 4, Section
21. Full Drainage Plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article
IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting.
22. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article
IV, Section 5.A.2.g).
23. Specify storm sewer diameters, inlets types, etc. on Drainage Plan. Indicate grate, rim and invert
elevations for all structures. Indicate grade of storm sewer segments. Indicate material specifications
for storm sewer.
24. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All
engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach
Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and
will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
25. Please provide a timeline that clearly illustrates when water and sewer services will be required to
serve the proposed project. Your starting date for the timeline should be the date of City Commission
approval. Also provide milestone dates for permit application, the start of construction, and the setting
of the first water meter. This timeline will be used to determine the adequacy of water and
wastewater treatment capacity for your project upon the project's completion, so please be as
accurate as possible.
26. All utility easements and utility lines shall be shown on the Site Plan and Landscape Plans (as well as
the Water and Sewer Plans) so that we may determine which appurtenances, trees or shrubbery may
interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility
easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will
not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. The LDR, Chapter 7.5,
Article I, Section 18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility
services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way.
27. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water and sewer systems
serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12).
Department of Public Works/Engineering Division Memo No. 05-079
Re: Boynton Dixie Townhomes New Site Plan _1st Review
June 16, 2005
Page 4
28. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500
g.p.m. some residential developments) with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter
6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater
(CODE, Section 26-16(b)).
29. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either
upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within
seven (7) days of Site Plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon
final meter size, or expected demand.
30. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable water. As other sources
are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation.
31. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utility
easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum
width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in
CODE Sec. 26-33(a).
32. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the
systems be fully completed, and given to the City Utilities Department before the first permanent
meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the
Certificate of Occupancy.
33. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for
the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE,
Section 26-15.
34. PVC material not permitted on the City's water system. All lines shall be DIP.
35. Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and
the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207.
36. Please verify existing line sizes with the Utilities Department. The 8-in. line depicted in Gulfstream
Blvd. may only be 6-in.
37. The proposed water main system is shown tying into an 8-in. line on the south and north. The
northerly existing main reduces to 6-in. west of the railroad tracks. The northerly line shall be
upsized to a 12-in. main to Seacrest Blvd. This work shall be coordinated with the developer of the
Gulfstream Mall property. Work will include providing a hydraulic analysis showing that the proposed
work, including main upgrade is capable of providing adequate flows for domestic use and fire flows
for this development.
38. Revise alignment of the water main to the north to keep the main out of the FECRR right-of-way as
long as possible.
39. Extend water main as necessary at dead-end roadways. Water services shall not exceed 100-ft. in
length in accordance with City of Boynton Beach Utility Standards.
Department of Public Works/Engineering Division Memo No. 05-079
Re: Boynton Dixie Townhomes New Site Plan - 1 sl Review
June 16, 2005
Page 5
40. Extend sanitary sewer mains, and add manholes as necessary, to the end of each dead-end section
to properly service each fee-simple town home.
41. The LDR, Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3(P) requires a statement be included that utilities are
available and will be provided by all other appropriate agencies. This statement is lacking on the
submitted plans.
42. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility
construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering
Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be
reviewed at the time of construction permit application.
Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E.I P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division
Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste
Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
S:\Engineering\Kribs\Boynton Dixie Townhomes New Site Plan - 1st Review.doc