. Zeitler, Kathleen
Breese, Ed
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 11 :32 AM
Zeitler, Kathleen
FW: buffer wall variance
Keeping you in the loop! Ed
-----Original Message-----
From: Rumpf, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 11:25 AM
To: Breese, Ed
Subject: FW: buffer wall variance
Importance: High
-----Original Message-----
From: Merle Den Besten []
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 3:54 PM
To: Rumpf, Michael
Subject: RE: buffer wall variance
Importance: High
Thanks for your message, Mike;
We have made no formal approach to Laurel Hills residents, although we have had a few observe the
sample and offered positive comments. One even wanted to know if it could be placed at the rear of
his property and at what cost? We really don't want to open a "grab bag" of questions or comment
prior to confirming P & Z approval, but will be notifying all property owners within 400' of the wall of
our request for variance at least 10 days prior to the hearing before CRA. We have ordered the list of
recipients from Palm Beach County Appraiser's office and should receive that next week. As the
proposed steel fence can be placed within the 2' strip and 12" bore for stabilized post leave 6" on each
side we should be grandfathered into FPL present ease-ment, we may wish to avoid any further
questions or suggestions to FPL. Yes, the steel fence does not require a continuous footer. I'm
notifying both John Phillips and Rick Kozell by copy of this message and requesting their comments
as well. Thanks for your continued interest and consideration.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rumpf, Michael []
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 1:23 PM
To: Merle Den Besten
Subject: RE: buffer wall variance
.Mr. DenBesten,
,Just a couple early questions/comments. First, have you made any attempts to coordinate your
desired improvements with or obtain comments from the adjacent property owners? Secondly, I
would suggest, if possible, that you obtain from the FPL a letter approving the desired placement of
the steel fence where the wall was. Your letter from FPL states opposition to placement of anything
that would extend into the easement, but can the steel fence be placed to their satisfaction? I know it
sounds obvious but I don't want to assume anything. Perhaps the real issue is the width of a necessary
foundation? Whereas the cement/CBS wall would require a footer, which would encroach into the
adjacent ROWand apparently the easement, the steel fence would not? It would just be beneficial to
have that complete documentation.
"Thank you" and all for now,
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