AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office D April 4, 2006 March 20, 2006 (Noon,) D June 6, 2006 May 15,2006 (Noon) D April 18, 2006 April 3, 2006 (Noon) D June 20, 2006 June 5, 2006 (Noon) ~ May 2, 2006 April I?, 2006 (Noon) D July 5, 2006 June 19,2006 (Noon) D May 16, 2006 May 1,2006 (Noon) D July 18, 2006 July 3, 2006 (Noon) D Administrative D Development Plans NATURE OF D Consent Agenda D New Business AGENDA ITEM ~ Public Hearing D Legal D Bids D UnfInished Business D Announcement D Presentation D City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the May 2,2006 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing, The Connnunity Redevelopment Agency Board, reconnnended that the subject request be approved on April II, 2006, subject to all staff connnents except the modifIcation of connnent #9 to allow for an alternative dimension as approved by City Engineering Division staff, and a new condition reconnnending the addition of working shutters in lieu of the shingle "eyebrow" over the windows. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Memorandum No, 06- 067. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Deliverance by Faith Church (COUS 06-006) Michael E, Siipula, JMS Architecture Design, Inc, Glenn Lyons South side ofNE 10th Avenue, approximately 50 feet west of Railroad Avenue Request for conditional use/ new site plan approval for the construction ofa 3,538 square foot church and aI, 712 square foot daycare center within a single structure, and related site improvements on a 0.666-acre parcel zoned C-2. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: /'\:4 A~~ /) DeVelOp}2ZE!ft:f ,..., I City Manager's Signature lanning and rung Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJ CTS\Deliverance by Faith\COUS 06-006\Agenda Item Request Deliverance by Faith Church Daycare COUS 06-006) 5- 2-06,dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM ,DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-067 TO: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Michael Rum~~ Director of Planning and Zoning Ed Breese ~ Principal Planner THRU: FROM: DATE: April 31, 2006 Deliverance By Faith Church & Daycare (COUS / NWSP 06-006) PROJECT: REQUEST: Conditional Use/New Site approval for a Church with Daycare PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: Deliverance By Faith Church, Inc, Applicant: Mike Sipula, JMS Architectural Design Agent: Mike Sipula, JMS Architectural Design Location: South side of NE 10th Avenue, approximately 50 feet west of Railroad Avenue (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Existing Land Use/Zoning: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) / Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) Proposed Land Use/Zoning: No change proposed Proposed Use: Church with Daycare Acreage: 28,995 square feet Adjacent Uses: North: Right-of-way for Northeast 10th Avenue, then farther north is the Boynton- Delray Academy zoned C-2; South: East: Vacant property zoned C-2; Developed commercial property (King's Cafe) and a single-family residence, both zoned C-2, then right-of-way for Railroad Avenue, and farther east is right-of-way for the Florida East Coast Railroad; and West: Developed multi-family residential properties zoned C-2. Deliverance By Faith Church & Daycare - COUS/NWSP 06-006 Page 2 Memorandum No, PZ 06-067 BACKGROUND Mr. Mike Sipula, agent for the Church is proposing to construct a one (1) story, 3,538 square foot church with a 1,712 square foot daycare, within a single structure. The project is proposed to be located on a vacant parcel on the south side of NE 10th Avenue (MLK Boulevard), within the eastern commercial node designated in the Heart of Boynton Plan, The proposed building height is 29 feet - 10 inches (accounting for the tower feature), which is below the 30-foot maximum allowed in the Martin Luther King Overlay Zone, The parking lot associated with the use is proposed to be located at the rear and along the east property line of the church (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Site Plan). A Church is a permitted use in the C-2 zoning district, however the inclusion of the daycare operation triggers the requirement for Conditional Use review and approval. STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDmONAL USES AND ANALYSIS Section 11.2,0 of the Land Development Regulations contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform, Following each of these standards is the Planning and Zoning Division's evaluation of the application as it pertains to standards, The Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, recreation space and sidewalks, as shall be determined necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizens' general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section, In evaluating an application for conditional use approval, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety and welfare of the community and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provisions have been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe, The project proposes one (1) point of ingress and one (1) point of egress. 717e entrance is proposed on Northeast 1 {jh A venue along the west side of the building and circulates around the back of the building along a one-way drive aisle to the parking area. 717e exit is proposed on the east side of the building at the end of the one-way circulation drive through the parking lot 717e entrance would be 12 feet in width and the exit would be 20 feet in width. A sidewalk currently exists along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in front of the subject property and would be repaired/improved as necessary, 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use will have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The parking spaces required for the proposed project are required to be tabulated based on both the ratio of one (1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, which is required for churches (Places Deliverance By Faith Church & Daycare - COUS/NWSP 06-006 Page 3 Memorandum No, PZ 06-067 of Assembly) and one (1) space for each four (4) seats in an assembly type occupancy. The calculation requiring the greatest amount of parking is then utilized to establish the required amount of parking for the facility. A 3,538 square foot Church would require a minimum of 36 parking spaces utilizing the square foot method and 50 parking spaces with the number of seats (197/4). Additionally, daycare facilities require one (1) space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, which equates to another six (6) parking spaces. However, since the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Overlay zone provides a 50% reduction in the number of required parking spaces, the site plan proposes a total of 33 parking spaces for the proposed uses, which includes two (2) handicap spaces. Based on the highest number of required parking spaces for the Church (50) and six (6) for the daycare, the 50% reduction in the MLK overlay would require a total of 28 parking spaces, resulting in the applicant providing an excess of five (5) spaces. All parking spaces excluding the handicap space will be dimensioned at least nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet. 3, Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection 1 and 2 above, The site plan (SP.1) shows a dumpster enclosure is proposed near the southeast comer of the site, which will allow adequate circulation and maneuverability for the service provider. Per code, the dumpster enclosure will be painted to match the building. , 4. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. Consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies and city regulations, all utilities, including potable water and sanitary sewer are available for this project, 5, Screening, buffering and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions, and character. Commercially-zoned properties abutting other commercially-zoned properties do not require a buffer wall. The landscape buffers along the side property lines are designed with Cocoplum hedge, Sabal palms and Yellow Elder trees. The rear landscape buffer includes a Cocoplum hedge with Live Oak trees, With the close proximity to MLK Boulevard, the limited planting area landscaping includes Bird of Paradise plants against the building with Dwarf Schefflera and Ixora foundation plantings. The landscaping as designed meets the code requirements and exceeds them relative to tree spacing, in an effort to adequately buffer adjacent uses. The outdoor play area associated with the daycare operation will be fenced and landscaped with hedge material and trees. The play area is also approximately 50 feet from the nearest property line. 6. Signs, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties, The only sign proposed at this time is the name of the Church, located on the north face of the tower, and is proposed as individual aluminum letters, eight (8) inches in height. The exterior lighting is such that it meets minimum code requirements and the photometries plan (L TS.1) indicates that the lighting would not produce light spillage or glare on neighboring properties. However, the CRA staff has requested the applicant utilize a slightly more ornate type of lighting fixture in the parking lot, one more compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood (see Exhibit "C"- Conditions of Approval). Deliverance By Faith Church & Daycare - COUS/NWSP 06-006 Page 4 Memorandum No, PZ 06-067 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces, As previously noted, the subject property lies within the Martin Luther King Boulevard Overlay Zone. T77e front/street side setback in the overlay district must be between 3 and 12 feet T77e site plan (SP.l) depicts the front setback against MLK Boulevard as three (3) feet for the decorative tower and generally between six (6) and twelve (12) feet for the remainder of the building. T77e minimum side setbacks denoted in the MLK Overlay are five (5) feet, and the applicant has depicted the east side setback at approximately 49 feet and the west setback at approximately 31 feet, A minimum rear setback of 20 feet is required and the site plan depicts a dimension of approximately 85 feet A minimum of 20% of the site is required to be green/pervious. T77e site plan indicates that 9,015 square feet or 31.5% of the site is being maintained in a pervious state. As part of the overall design of the site, the applicant has included a 1,400 square foot outdoor play area for the Church/Daycare, which again, is approximately 50 feet from the nearest property line, 8. General compatibility with adjacent property and other property in the zoning district. T77e City previously identified a segment of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard as an area in need or redevelopment and revitalization. T77e particular site is located in the eastern commercial node of the corridor and the Church/Daycare would deemed to be a compatible use in a commercial setting. Churches are allowed by right in all commercial zoning districts and by conditional use in all residential districts, Daycares are a conditional use in both residential and commercial zoning districts. With the appropriate design and buffering proposed within the subject application, the requested conditional use would appear to be generally compatible with adjacent properties. 9, Height of building and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony to adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. T77e maximum allowable building height in the C-2 zoning district is 25 feet, not to exceed two (2) stories. However, properties located within the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Overlay, such as this, may have building heights of up to 30 feet According to the elevations, the proposed height of the single-story building, measured to the peak of the tower roof and the top of the cross, is 29 feet - ten (10) inches. T77is would be in compliance with the Overlay's height limitations and compatible in scale with any proposed commercial projects to be designed under the Heart of Boynton Redevelopment Plan. 10. Economic effects on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. According to the applicant, '~...the city as a whole will not be adversely effected by the proposed site plan design'~ T77e overall positive impact that the Church/Daycare should improve the immediate vicinity and would tend to predict that the economic effect would only be positive on adjacent and neighboring properties, 11, Conformance to the standards and requirements, which apply to site plans, as set forth in Chapter 19, Article II of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. (Part III Chapter 4 Site Plan Review). With incorporation of staff comments, the proposed project would comply with all requirements of applicable sections of city code, Deliverance By Faith Church & Daycare - COUS/NWSP 06-006 Page 5 Memorandum No, PZ 06-067 12, Compliance with, and abatement of nuisances and hazards in accordance with the performance standards within Section 4.N, of the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2; also, conformance to the City of Boynton Beach noise Control Ordinance, With incorporation of all conditions and staff recommendations contained herein, the proposed use would operate in a manner that is in compliance with the above-referenced codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. RECOMMENDATION Based on the discussions contained herein, compliance with development regulations, and the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, staff recommends that this request be approved subject to satisfying all conditions of approval as contained in Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval. Furthermore, pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11,2 Conditional Uses, a time limit is to be set within which the proposed project is to be developed, Staff recommends that a period of one (1) year be allowed to obtain a building permit for this project (see Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval). S:IPlanninglSHAREDIWPIPROJECTSlDeliverance by Faith Chun:hICOUS 06-006\StaffReport,doc -+- 1 in, = 113,0 feet /~?'\ ~ .~, ,/j \., ~ ,~ 1-, ~ -: -1- 't;:) ~\.~, ... Deliverance by Faith EXHIBIT A ~ ROBERT WEU.S SUlIOMSlOH (PlAT BOOK t t. PAGE eel l.OCAI. REl'Nl. COIIIIfllCW. (UIC) lAND USE 'CZ'm NfJGH8OflHODD COloIotERCW. 0lStRlCT ZONING I ~ . ~ on 155.05;' W,P.L ROBERT WELl.S SUIIOMSlON (PlAT IIOOK It. PAGE eel l.OCAI. REl'M. COIIIotERCW.. (UIC) lNIO USE .c:t'm _ COIolIolEJICW. DISTRICT ZONING .~~ .. -0 >- '" ... Z II C> '" ;;l Ji 20 ,C> , ~ EXHIBIT B ,r- Ia 6 z ::r >- -a I . I I '1 ~wl It~1 !ftlil !JIII'!llli l:il.:~lil 11'1 .. Hi -III 1"IaI. II I'" I .'.. 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PAGE. 88 I EXHIBIT B - i .~ Ii p~ ~ ~a .. t ,2 .... t t 1;1 I ~'~I 'ii , l~~ t I l" ~ I i ~ . :z I I ~ ~ L::=J ~ ~'~~~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [7 lITE PUN_ "DEl.IVERANCE BY FAI1lr QUCH LOT 2 II08BIT W8..l.S' SU8OMSION. PLAT BOOK .. PA~ 88 ..................111....... PLANNING &: OONSULTINC _111Ul11'1U1,_....~.u. lQl111~ ta.lIll_.AXl5II)_ lH~r If I ~~ I J~ ~n~l!ii~!~ UI:~ ~~ Ii filii ~ !1~li:; hll~'llii'Jf h! ~ ~1!1,.;hhllilj;;1 ;1 III! llll GI ,iJ'lil,~I' Ilr: i I&i' 1,1 I ~I aEI ! II ~ ii " !i!il~ Ii !I j III Ilu!:. J : I~~I.I Jill! :1 ;S,uH I ; 1t~!1 i I. ~ af ~llll!bg i'UII i Ii II ~ :d it J l ejU I t I ~. II J Ii ;I~i ' I, :; i j I ~ , IJ 5 l ~I , ~ ~ .e; i I . f I I I' (Iii IIi I 8nil J : f ~iilflft JIll 1111~ldll', ~ WI UJI~ I' fl i lie ,~ ~ Hi nUt ii!l H ft I f!i I~ c I~ P; lU G~ If & rem(r ~Iij i J 11~ JJj lui II I" fl. ,jj;f.1 , . II ".. I! 'f!'1I f il !lll~ ~ 'i ~n hOO,j I ", 1: J 'if fir, . 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PAGE 88 .................. lit ............. PLANNING ok OONSULTlNG _K_-'MlllIEAlII~II." 1UII1I~1Llf6l)_'AXlf611_ EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Deliverance by Faith File number: COUS/NWSP 06-006 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a Conditional UseINew Site Plan with a March 21,2006 Planning and Z ' d ki omng ate stamp mar ng. I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- X 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse per the CODE, Section 10-26 (a), PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: 2, Provide an updated notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards X Review), which includes the daycare operation, from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering, prior to issuance of the first permit. UTILITIES Comments: 3, The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be X paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand, 4, A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department X has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15, 5, Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the domestic water X service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-207, 6, Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction X acceptability at this time, All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates) and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. FIRE Comments: None X Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE d POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 7, All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be X reflected on all appropriate sheets, 8, Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional X comments, Acceptance of these plans during the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review, 9, Show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 7,5, Article n, X Section 5,H,) using a 35-foot sight triangle at the driveway onto MLK Blvd, 10, Provide an engineer's certification on the Drainage Plan as specified in X LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7,F,2. 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the X LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 12, Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction X acceptability at this time, All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application, BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 13, Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional X comments, Acceptance of these plans during the TART (Technical Advisory Review Team) process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the commission and at permit review, 14, Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the X minimum wind loads of 140 mph, Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2004 FBC, Section 1609 (Wind Loads), Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application, 15, At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT proposed construction, 16, If an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width, then passing X spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches shall be located at reasonable intervals not to exceed 200 feet. A "T" -intersection of two corridors or walks is an acceptable passing place. 2004 FBC, Section 11-4.3.4, 17, Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) X that is proposed for the building, Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues: A The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following text to the site data, "The proposed finish floor elevation 11.35' NGVD is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the SFWMD's suiface water management construction development regulations," B From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within, Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation, If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans, C Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the drawings titled site plan, floor plan and paving/drainage (civil plans), 18, CBBCPP 3,C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water, City water may X not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available, 19, A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that X utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source, A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F,S. 373.216, 20. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of X Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: A The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. B The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission- approved site plans, C The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer, (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 21. At time of permit review, provide a completed and executed CBB Unity of X Title form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels, or tracts combined as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed with legal descriptions, of each property that is being unified, is required to be submitted to process the form. The property owner that is identified on each deed shall match. 22, At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel, or X tract. For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel, or tract. The recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit review, Conditions of Approval 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 23. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting X shall meet the City's codes and the 2004 FBC in effect at the time of permit application, 24, Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, X the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission, 25, The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction X documents at the time of permit application submittal. The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 26. The survey shall have been prepared within the last six (6) months and X appropriately signed and sealed, Please submit an updated survey at time of permit application, 27, The Typical Parking Striping Detail on Sheet SP ,1 does not match the X spaces depicted on the site layout of the parking lot. 28, Continue landscaping (both layers) along the north side, adjacent to the exit X drive, 29, It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the new site plan is publicly X advertised in accordance with Ordinance 04-007, 30, The applicant is responsible for compliance with Ordinance 05-060, the X "Art in Public Places" program and must demonstrate their participation, 31. The west building elevation has been modified and now has a large expanse X of blank wall, Incorporate architectural features to enhance this elevation, such as windows or faux windows to match others already proposed on the other building elevations, 32, Pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.2 Conditional Uses, a time X DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT limit is to be set within which the proposed project is to be developed, Staff recommends that a period of one (1) year be allowed to initiate this project and pull a building permit. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF COMMENTS Comments: 33, Change light pole and wall mounted lights from commercial design to one X that would be compatible with residentiaVrnixed-use development. ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 34, Modification of condition #9 to allow the Engineering Division to work X with the applicant on appropriate sight triangles at the driveway onto MLK Boulevard 35, Recommend the applicant utilize working shutters over the windows as X opposed to the shingled eyebrows depicted on the drawings. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: 1. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Deliverance by Faith\COUS 06-006\COA.doc