CORRESPONDENCE PROJECT NAME: Estancla LOCATION: 3010 S. Federal Highway PCN: 08-43-46-04-00-001-0480 08-43-46-04-00-001-0132 I FILE NO.: MMSP 06-038 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENTICONT ACT PERSON: OWNER: Brian Bullock ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 42 N. Swinton Avenue Suite 1 Delray Beach, FL 33444 FAX: FAX: 561-243-0299 PHONE: - PHONE: 561-243-0799 E- Mail: stofft(a),bellsouth.net SUBMITTAL 1 RESUBMITTAL 6/1/06 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC lIP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Estancia @ Boynton Beach\MMSP 06-038\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 '\. ...~ t~_'U~'1 \ \- \.. \I www.boynton-beach.org June 30, 2006 Mr. Brian Bullock Randall Stofft Architects 42 N. Swinton Avenue, Suite 1 Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Re: Estancia MMSP 06-038 Dear Mr. Bullock: In response to your requests dated May 30 & June 9, 2006 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Modification of the building elevations (as depicted on the attached drawing) . · Modification of number and size of boat slips (as depicted on the attached drawing) Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised plans date stamped 6/1/06 & 6/9/06 are "minor" as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review. This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst ~ u.i ~Ar:"21J ~ .:3: 32- &-I\) ~!I idO : AWj.)(~ + ~~ TO ~ ~ 6f ejl5n~ ~ ~~. ().JtU- ~ Tt> sere if ~ ~~~~~. - 2-t ~ ~ r'l'lJ01te5 ee- 11rt-~ . WelL- ~ $-~ f5l8I. ~lJt.<ft.- RSrIOV .. ~ " ,. " ~., ~ HHC FLORIDA November 8, 2005 Mr. Steve Gallagher 816 Bamboo Lane Delray Beach, FL 33483 Dear Steve: We are glad to know that you and the surrounding neighbors are in favor of our project and look forward to your support. Per our conversation, we will agree to pay the costs associated with the hook up of water to your home at this time. We will also reimburse Bruce Jarvis and Christina Fried for the actual cost of the work and meter fees up to $4,000 each. We will agree at a minimum to add awnings to the second floor square Windows that face Bamboo Lane, which will complete your request. Additionally, we will review other options with our Architect today to see if other decorative feature items can be added on the Bamboo elevation. We have added several additional items to the facades including shutters, stucco bands, arches, etc. With regards to Bamboo Lane, we have already agreed to pave (top coat) up to our property line and landscape the island all outside of our property line. We feel that our landscape architect has created a great design with respect to the surrounding streets. We will be happy to review our landscape plan with you. Feel free to contact me at 561-779-3239 if you have any questions. Sincerely, C-ijC~ Garrett Graue Construction Manager cc: File 1000 East Atlantic Avenue, Defray Beach, Florida 33483 . P 561.266.9910 . F 561.266.2815 . hhcflorida.com . =-~ - LL'1L-G'1G (bt(..) 1::1: '::I0I1Ut::'N bbL0'-....7G (1'1~i1"'VVtt. I~ Cf:7I:'~ rrt:".1r""O~~f"'Ti1~N GY ~ S ~ J tI .1 I H J 1I v .~/ ~i ~ ,0_ n~ ~ 011 \oIo'+L.lnoa 'O'O'H ;;" ~ ~CJ" ,= '4~e?cra L.lowfioa 1tltl 01 S -- ~ H ~ .ll ~ ~ \, ~ I ::IN~ J.ga aHJ. '1 '1 vaN v "H /"{~ *~:n ~ SNO':M3~ / ~ / "-iI'~ ...._._u................._._.._..........._._.._....__.._....._H._..H._H.H__._..D7..--..........,~._.__......... D.. .~.. ~. ! ~; r l l l ~~: ~ ~~p t' ~~H. ~~~. lII'.' iL' 1I;llfi I ~ ll"O~ ~g.g ~ ,,~~ ~.~.;;. ~.~. ~~t;~ ~ " l ~.> ~I~I'. "oi~~ ~H~ ~~ ~~~;;j gilh ~5 g "il~; ~ ~ I ~ I ~~~. DII] ~ J~ :r Iii; ei ~.. ,.~r'...7.~...1I I' .~! 00 IIH~J~~ DII] 'd ~~" hS:2:SgfsJ H ~i' !i~$'(i~) ~ I ~ -C~S(I~ . -(:1 ~~ ffl~~~ ~ ;~ ~. tr~* ~ ~~*l; 0 IT ',f a;~~~ '. .. ....,..., ~_".'__.....<..-I- C-'-i _ ,-; !I !il~...1 .) ~ : <ITII1 ~~ . '.2.'~'..~. -... i1FiTTI1 t.. ~.(.'. ~.~ liiiir I ~~ rrrn1 \JUJ...J..JJ ~ ~.'." 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'.J \U \0 n~1 IIII ~II ~I ~I II i ~I ~I ~JI ()j (0\ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ \~ ~ \~ ~ Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 8, 2005 development to the northwest of the subject project called Heritage Club and it should state Colonial Club. This project was constructed at a density of 21 dujacre. Staff recommended approval of the requested land use amendment and rezoning because: 1) The future land use amendment is consistent with the policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan, particularly the portions of policy 1.16.1 that defines Special High Density Land Use relative to redevelopment planning, urban densities and housing opportunities. 2) The requested land use amendment and rezoning meet or exceed the criteria for review as required in the Land Development Regulations. 3) The proposed redevelopment plan is consistent with the vision and recommendations of the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan. Due to the regulations of IPUDs, the site plan approval has to be concurrent with this approval. D. New Site Plan 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Estancia (NWSP 05-0260 Carlos Ballbe, Keith & Ballbe, Inc. HHC Boynton, LLC 3010 South Federal Highway Request for new site plan approval to construct 30 townhouse units and related site improvements on 2.65-acres to be rezoned Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) Eric Johnson, Planner, presented the site plan on behalf of staff. Mr. Myott commented that he and Mr. Barretta had requested they be provided with full size plans and not the scaled down version in the agenda packets and they had not received them. The architectural and other details are not really visible on the smaller versions. Vivian Brooks apologized for the omission and hoped that Mr. Johnson's presentation and the applicant would be able to answer their questions. Mr. Johnson shared his full-sized plan with the board members so Mr. Myott and Mr. Barretta would be able to see what they wanted to see. Mr. Johnson showed the elevations of the project. Mr. Fenton and Mr. DeMarco inquired about the status of the water issue that arose with the Dakota Lofts project. Mr. Johnson said unless there were underlying conditions or requirements such as deed restrictions granting water rights to the existing users, it was incumbent upon the applicant to either install a new well to serve those residential dwellings or to connect the' aforementioned dwellings to City water. Mr. Johnson understood that 821 Bamboo Lane is connected to potable water and sanitary sewer but it appeared that 2 Virginia Gardens Drive is still on a well and septic tank. Steve Gallagher, 816 Bamboo Lane, resident abutting the proposed project, commented that the developer had agreed to pay for the installation of the water meter and hookup at 816 Bamboo Lane. Mr. Gallagher submitted a letter to the Clerk that the applicant had written to the developer outlining the understanding of the homeowners and the developer's offer to pay the costs associated with the hook up of water to Mr. Gallagher's home. Mr. Gallagher also submitted letters to him from the former developer offering to reimburse Bruce Jarvis and Christina Fried for the actual cost of hooking up to City water and meter fees up to $4,000 and other commitments. Mr. Gallagher asked to have the letters from the developers included in the conditions of approval. The residents also wanted the southern side of the 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 8,2005 proposed project to be more aesthetically pleasing to those residents who had to look at it and the developer agreed to put awnings on the south side. Mr. Barretta asked Mr. Johnson to elaborate on Condition of Approval #36 recommending enhancing the south fa~ade of the southernmost building proposed along Federal Highway. He explained that the south- facing fa~ade was a focal point for the City and needed to be enhanced. Mr. Barretta thought the applicant had been aware of this comment and wondered whether the applicant had responded to the comment with an elevation to show the board what it would look like. He hoped the board was not being asked to approve something without knowing what it would look like. Chair Heavilin asked to have the applicant and the CRA Planner make their presentations because Mr. Barretta might find his question answered during their comments. Vivian Brooks, CRA Planning Director, stated she had reviewed the plan for Estancia and recommended approval. The conditions CRA staff applied were to 1) incorporate on-street parking on South Federal Highway, since the project only had four surplus parking spaces, and 2) underground the overhead utilities on South Federal Highway. She had met with the developer the day before and they had agreed to pursue on-street parking with FDOT and the utilities request. Mr. Myott inquired whether the project would have gates along the side fronting on South Federal Highway. He did not see them on the drawings and without them, the project would be much too "open." The developer responded that there were gates but they were not shown on the particular elevation that was shown during this meeting. Carlos Ballbe, 4401 West Tradewinds Avenue, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, appeared representing HHC of Boynton, the new owners of the former Dakota Lofts project. He was proud of the work done by the developers in meeting with the neighbors and coming up with a plan that met all the conditions of approval given to the Dakota Lofts project. He introduced his team of consultants to answer specific questions. A PowerPoint presentation was shown for the project and the board asked questions. The project architect stated the theme of the project was to have a courtyard feeling with townhouses as opposed to a condo look. Gate and wall details were not shown but they did have a detailed blowup of the gates in the architectural drawings. There is a main gate made of iron between the units and individual gates with pilasters in front of them. Mr. Barretta asked if the elevations satisfied staff and Mr. Johnson said he would have to evaluate them, Mr. Barretta wanted the board to know what it was approving, saying the board had asked staff not to have open-ended design items. He felt if staff made open-ended comments, they should ask the petitioner to bring drawings that satisfied those comments, review the drawings and let the board know whether they were satisfied or not. The board is supposed to approve the aesthetics of the project but it was not clear what they were actually approving. Mr. Barretta was satisfied with the embellishments the applicant suggested for the southern end of the building, but if he approved it, he would expect the final result to look like that. Mr. Fenton confirmed with the applicant that the turning ratio for fire trucks issue had been resolved. Mr. DeMarco inquired about parking and Mr. Ballbe responded they had eight spaces for guests on site. The landscape architect discussed the plant material planned for the proposed project. Mr. Myott asked the applicant's plans for watering the landscaping. Mr. Ba/lbe said due to the potential of salt-water intrusion into the water supply, the City Utility Department preferred those living east of U.S. 1 to use other than non-City water if possible. They had not been able to find water at 40 to 60 feet yet but were 5 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 8, 2005 continuing to try. The City would allow them to use City water if they were ultimately unsuccessful in finding water. Chair Heavilin opened the floor to the public and closed it when no one came forward. Vice Chair Tillman asked the applicant what timetable they were looking at for the project. Mr. Ballbe responded they would start working on the construction drawings upon Commission approval. It would take about four months to get site development permits through the City and the property had to be replatted. It would take about six months to get the plat recorded. They hoped to open the first quarter of 2006. Chair Heavilin asked when they planned to demolish the remaining buildings on the parcel. The developer responded, "by the end of the year." Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from High Density Residential (HDR) and Low Density Residential (LOR) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR) (WAR 05-009). Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion that passed 6-0. Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the request to rezone from Planned Unit Development (PUD) and R-1-AA Single Family Residential to Intill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) (WAR 05-009). Vice Chair Tilman seconded the motion that passed 6-0. Chair Heavilin suggested the board might wish to include the two CRA staff comments as conditions. The board might also consider the request of the homeowner abutting Estancia to include the developer's agreements pertaining to water and certain aesthetic features as conditions also. Mr. Barretta asked about the awnings the homeowners had requested on the south side of the project and the architect's feelings about it. Also, he wanted to know what any proposed awnings would look like. The project architect responded that they had no problem with awnings or carrying out the theme from the South Federal Highway side to the south side. The homeowner commented that it did not have to be awnings but could be windows, balcony railings, or something similar to the South Federal Highway fa<;ade - just so it did not look like a blank wall. Attorney Spillias commented if the board wished to make the homeowner's Jetter from the developer a condition of approval, they should read it or have it read into the record. Mr. Myott suggested stating the developer would have the same architectural features on the south elevation as on the west elevation. Chair Heavilin read a portion of the letter from the developer to the Gallaghers as follows: "We will agree to pay the costs associated with the hook up of water to your home (Steve Gallagher, 816 Bamboo Lane) and will also reimburse Bruce Jarvis and Christina Fried for the actual cost of the work and meter fees up to $4,000 each. We will agree at a minimum to add awnings to the second floor square windows that face Bamboo Lane, which will complete your request. Additionaliy, we will review other options with our architect today to see if additional decorative items can be added to the Bamboo Lane elevation." Attorney Spillias suggested that the issue having to do with awnings would be appropriate issues to place as conditions for site plan approval. Agreements for payments to be made between individuals would probably not be appropriate to place on the site plan approval. Mr.. Fenton agreed, adding that the homeowners in question were not in the City limits. Motion Mr. Barretta moved to approve the site plan with the addition of the two CRA conditions and removal of staff's Condition #36. Mr. Myott seconded the motion. 6 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boy~ton Beach, Florida November 8, 2005 Chair Heavilin asked if Mr. Barretta wanted to include the comment about awnings, but Mr. Barretta did not wish to include it. The motion passed 6-0. Ms. Horenburger returned to the dais. VII. Pulled Consent Agenda Items A. Aooroval of Minutes for the Seotember 22, 2005 Workshoo On page 8, Mr. Barretta wanted to delete the second sentence in the third paragraph from the bottom and replace it as follows: There should be no blank walls in excess of 20' x 10' without windows. On page 9, Mr. Barretta wanted to add, "Mr. Rumpf confirmed this' following the statement about sidewalks not having to be paved. On the same page, fifth paragraph from the bottom, "but staff is flexible" should be replaced with" the guidelines are flexible. " On page 12, third paragraph from the bottom, the words "45' step back" should be deleted. The intent was to provide a 5 or 10-foot setback at heights of 45 feet. On page 15, second paragraph, insert the words "for example" after INCA. On page 15, third paragraph, delete words "have worked" and replace with" will work." On page 15, fourth paragraph, "this proposal versus the current zoning" should read instead, "their current proposal versus the current zoning. "In the same paragraph, "Mr. Hutchinson said he would work with City staff on this" should be replaced with" Mr. Hutchinson said he would have eRA staff prepare the document/data. " On page 16, Map #6, MU-L! should be MU-Ll. On page 18, third paragraph from the bottom, strike the words "or R-3. On page 19, third paragraph from the bottom, sentence ending in mixed use should be "mixed-use low." In the next paragraph on page 19, a reference is made to a consultant reviewing the current height limit in M-1 zoning districts. Mr. Barretta did not recall such a comment and did not know who that consultant might be. Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, stated that they had preliminary comments and recommendations from the consultant regarding the M-1 zoning district and building heights. Mr. Barretta asked if the consultant should, then, be identified by name. Ms. Horenburger stated, "Not if you didn't then; it would be changing the record." On page 20, the last paragraph prior to Adjournment, add "meaning density" after the word people. Ms. Horenburger said that if this was not what he said, the record should not be changed. Attorney Spillias agreed. Mr. Barretta stated he was recommending the changes. He spoke at length at the meeting on density and a lot of it was stricken. He felt if the members listened to the tape, they would agree adding "meaning density" was appropriate to what he said at that meeting. Mr. Barretta asked if the board wanted to listen to the tape, but Chair Heavilin thought that would not be necessary. 7 HHC FLORIDA November 8, 2005 Mr. Steve Gallagher 816 Bamboo Lane Delray Beach, FL 33483 Dear Steve: We are glad to know that you and the surrounding neighbors are in favor of our project and look forward to your support. Per our conversation, we will agree to pay the costs associated with the hook up of water to your home at this time. We will also reimburse Bruce Jarvis and Christina Fried for the actual cost of the work and meter fees up to $4,000 each. We will agree at a minimum to add awnings to the second floor square \vindows that face Bamboo Lane.,: ~hich will complete your request. Additionally, we will review other options with our Architect today to see if other decorative feature items can be added on the Bamboo elevation. We have added several additional items to the facades including shutters, stucco bands, arches, etc. With regards to Bamboo Lane, we have already agreed to pave (top coat) up to our property line and landscape the island all outside of our property line. We feel that our landscape architect has created a great design with respect to the surrounding streets. We will be happy to review our landscape plan with you. Feel free to contact me at 561-779-3239 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~/ // --./'/~ /~ C..-G., I / U ~ Garrett Graue Construction Manager cc: File 10DO East !\t!antlC ;.\venu0. Dekay 8edch, Florida .33483 . P 561266 991C . F 56-12Gb 281.5 " hhcrlGl'lda COrYl COA 06/15/06 6 and maintained by the Home Owners' Association. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ITY RED COMMENTS: x ends enhancing the south fayade of the southernmost building 2 osed along Federal Highway with additional elements, such as faux windows, faux balcony, score lines, decorative shutters, awnings, and / or inlays. Comments: ------- -- 7. Omit condition #36 and require south elevation along Bamboo Lane to have X similar arc . eatures as levation along Federal Highwa /IGM) .:1/ Jo IS 8 ; { , 38. Request from DOT approval for on-street parking. X 39. Consider placement of utilities underground. X Comments: ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: 39. To be determined. MWR/elj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Estancia @ Boynton Beach\NWSP 05-026\COA.doc . Minutes Regular City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida December 6, 2005 Description: Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from High Density Residential (HDR) and Low Density Residential (LDR) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR). (1st reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 05-070) Request to rezone from Planned Unit Development (PUD) and R- 1-AA Single Family Residential to Intlll Planned Unit Development (IPUD). (1st reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 05-071.) Proposed Use: Townhouse community containing 30 residential units. 1. Estancia @ Boynton Beach (NWSP 05-026) Request for new site plan approval to construct 30 townhouse units and related site improvements on 2.6S-acres to be rezoned Inflll Planned Unit Development (IPUD). Mayor Taylor suggested the three items relating to Estancia be heard together and the applicant had no objection. Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all those testifying and gave a brief explanation of the procedure to be followed. He asked the Commission to disclose contacts with any interested parties and none were shared. Carlos BaUbe, 4401 West Tradewlnds Avenue, indicated the project was on 2.6S acres on Bamboo Lane known as the former Lofts property. The proposal is to build a townhouse community with 30 units, three stories, and two car garages ranging from 1,900 to 2,300 square feet under air. Mr. Ballbe concurred with all the conditions of approval. Commissioner Ensler inquired about the agreement with adjacent property owners regarding the water service. Mr. Ballbe confirmed all landowners had agreed to be hooked up for City water, including compensating some owners who had previously connected to the water system. Commissioner Ensler also asked if comment 39 would be complied with and Mr. Ballbe agreed the utilities would be underground. Mayor Taylor opened the issue to public audience in support of the application. No one came forward. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, notified the Commission this was a request to amend Future Land Use Regulations to Special High Density Residential and rezone to Inflll Planned Unit Development. Thirty dwelling units have been proposed with a gross density of 11.32 units requiring a special high density. Mr. Hudson indicated the project was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the criteria of the Land Development Regulations had been met. The land use amendment and rezoning should be approved. Mayor Taylor opened the issue to public audience in opposition to the application. No one came forward. 20 Minutes Regular City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida December 6, 2005 Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 05-070 by titled only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 05-070. Commissioner McCray seconded the motion. ~ City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The motion passed 5-0. Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance 05-071 by title only. Motion Commissioner McCray moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 05-071. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. ~ City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The motion passed 5-0. Attorney Cherof advised the application for New Site Plan approval should be held and approved in conjunction with the 2nd reading of the previous Ordinances. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to table item VIII.B.1 to the January 3, 2006 meeting. Vice Mayor McCray seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. c. Project: Agent: Descri ption: Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Staff-initiated Presentation of Final EAR prepared pursuant to Section 163.3191 F.S. and to be ultimately adopted by the City Commission and transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. (Proposed Resolution No. R05-204) Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, presented the report required by statute to review the Comprehensive Plan approximately every seven years. The last EAR was adopted in 1986 and the subsequent amendments were adopted in the year 2000. The Planning and Development Board and Community Redevelopment Agency have reviewed the report also. Clarification of the future availability of waste water use and footnotes for additional explanation of various charts were added to the Final report. Once adopted the Report would be transmitted to the state and the review agenCYI which will have 90 days to issue a finding of sufficiency. One year thereafter the City would have to develop the EAR based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. If the Report is not adopted and transmitted, no further Land Use Amendments can proceed. Mayor Taylor opened the issue for public comment and no one came forward. 21 Meeting Minutes Regular Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2006 Motion Commissioner McCray moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 05-070. Vice Mayor McKoy seconded the motion. Mayor Taylor opened the issue for public comment. No one coming forward, Mayor Taylor closed the public hearing. ~ City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The motion passed 5-0. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 05-071 Re: Requesting to rezone from Planned Unit Development (PUD) and R-l-AA Single Family Residential to Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) (Estancia @ Boynton Beach) Attorney Cirullo read Proposed Ordinance 05-071 by title only. Mayor Taylor opened the issue for public comment. No one coming forward, Mayor Taylor closed the public hearing. Motion Commissioner McCray moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 05-071. Vice Mayor McKoy seconded the motion. ~ City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The motion passed 5-0. a. Estancia @ Boynton Beach (NWSP 05-026) Request for new site plan approval to construct 30 townhouse units and related site improvements on 2.65 acres to be rezoned Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) Motion Commissioner McCray moved to approve NWSP 05-026. Vice Mayor McKoy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Ordinance - 1st Reading 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 06-010 Re: Approving abandonment of a portion to North Circle Drive (aka NE 17th Avenue) and a portion of South Circle Drive (tka NE 16th Drive) from NE 3rd Court westward to the Four Sea Suns Condominium, Inc. complex. Attorney Cirullo read Proposed Ordinance 06-010 by title only. 23 . ~ HHC FLORIDA June 29, 2006 Mr. Ed Breese City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Dear Ed: RE: Estancia Pursuant to our conversation today I went back and reviewed all of the information available to show that we met the condition of approval item. This C.O.A. item first appeared on the T.A.R.T. 1 sl review comments from 7/28/2006 (attached item 32.). We then modified the elevation accordingly as follows: . Enhanced the roof line to create more jogs, detail and effects, etc. . Added more detail to the scored stucco and surrounds as well as more on the large walls within the center wall space both arched and square on the 1 sl and 2nd floor. . Added awnings on the first and second floor windows (more detail). . Arched the windows on the first floor as requested in lieu of square. . Added raised stucco bands to add more detail and break up the large walls at the second and third floor levels. In addition we were requested to provide a landscape plan illustrating the trees in this location because it was on Federal Highway and a key focal point. Therefore, we submitted color drawings showing the trees to scale including the large royals, washingtonians and other trees that add cover to the building (see attached). The above-mentioned items were all accepted in the 2nd T.A.R.T. review meeting and approved as shown in the CRA and City Commission meetings, but the same comment remained as did many other comments after being completed. I am still unsure ifit was the CRA (12/6/05) meeting or the City Commission (1/3/06) meeting that brought specific attention to the elevations approving them as shown. Based on the information included herein it is clear this C.O.A. item was accomplished. 1000 East Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 . P 561.266.9910 . F 561.266.2815 . hhcflorida.com This minor site plan modification is critical in order for us to obtain the Land Development Permit and start construction after several months of the permitting process. We simply cannot afford any more delays for this project; and would appreciate Vivian and your attention and agreement with this letter. Feel free to contact me at 561-779-3239 if you have any questions or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, Ci// Garrett Graue Construction Manager Attachments: A- 1 st review comments B- Original submitted elevation of"B" unit c- Revised elevation incorporating 1 st review comments D- Requested landscape plan showing the actual elevation condition with trees, plantings, etc. cc: Vivian Brooks, CRA Planning Director via e-mail File G-04 (;~ \ - I {I / 1\ ? <1 i (1 -f {, r ! I. f ! I ' ./ .' V f~( ,'rom:KEITH & BALLBE, INC. 954 489 9802 07/28/2005 16:09 #154 P.018/018 07/28/2005 12:38 5617426259 PLANNING PAGE 17 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 07/28/05 15 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 127. Fifty percent (50%) of all site landscape matmaIs must be native species (Chapter 7.5, Arti"le II, Section S.P). Please categorize as follows: 1. Shade trees 2. Palm trees. 3. Shrubs &. GroundcovCl'. 128. All trees, ifproposed as trees, must be at least 12 feet in he;ght and three (3) caliper inches at the time of their installation (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2. . 129. AU shrubs and hedges are rsquired to be at minimum 24 in~s in height, 24 int:hes in spread, and planted with tip-ta-tip spacing measured immediately afier planting to adequately COver the planted aIea3 on the site Cha tel' 7.5 Article n, Section 5.C.4. . J 30. The trees proposed around ths townhouse and condominium buildings must be installed at ~ the building ~jght of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article n, Section S.M. . 131. All signage is subject to revjew and approval of the Community Redevelopment Aiency Board and City Commission. Provide a detail of any proposed outdoor freestanding monument signs and indicate their setback from the property line: (minimum 10 feet), and include the sign area, dimensions, exterior fini:d1. and letter color(s) (Cbaptcr 4, Section 7.D.). The subdivision sign(s) may not exceed 32 square feet in area (Chapter 21, Articll: IV, Section l.D.). .. ,~ ,., _: ;'.--...'~ f ^ (,,-( ! 11, '{.... C 132. Provide enhanced north and south elevations oftownhomes abutting Federal highway. EIlSIlI'e that these elevations contain many of the RrchitectOral trea.tments of the fayade facing Feder.d. These elevations are extremely important in defining the streetscapc. Thtre is too much blank wall space. windows should ~ ~hed md greater embellishment/detail design ovided. 133. All site and landscape drawings should depict lamucape island in Bamboo R-O-W. PRELJMlNARY eRA STAFF COMMENTS Good front elevations. No wall at North Fedcral. and the comer at Bamboo/N.Fcderal- wrought iron with tes to each townbomc. Connect walkways of units on Nol1h Federal to public sidewalk. MWRIsc S:\Plann'ng\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\Estancl:l @ BoynlDn BeachlNWSP 05-OZ6\'ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc '). II --_..- ..- ... ~ .... ..- - ...~ - -.- :..- LL~L-Z~Z'(G€Z)" 1::1 'llsldpN GGL<ZJ-€vZ (I~~)vvv€€ 1::1 'I.f::>P9g nPJlsQ 'SA'v' UOlUlmS'N zv; 0" 'L.lo.ufioe ":;)"O.t-f ,= '4:::l\ii'lPa uo.ufioe ~ I ON~ J.~S SHJ. S~;)3.1IHJlIV IddOlS ~~VaNV'lI ~ :r ~:i! 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I'.C' \\ II D ~ JII RA N D ALL STOFFT ARCHITECTS PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT ---.I Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Ed Breese 5-30-2006 RE: Minor Site Plan Modification, Since there have been minor modifications to the Fayade we have clouded the elevations of the buildings that have changed and have provided a detailed list below of the changes to each of the buildings. We feel that all of the minor changes are improving the architectural style and that they all benefit the project. 1. Elevation and Plan of Cabana Bath a. The plan has been enlarged and enclosed to be an air-conditioned space. b. New roof lines have been designed to enhance the elevations, note the change in beam elevation height. c. The enclosed area now has windows and decorative shutters d. A stucco band has been added to enhance the elevations e. Decorative brackets have been added to further enhance the elevations, 2. Building A (known as buildings 4,5 & 6) a. North elevation i. 1st floor 1. Window and door locations have changed 2. All windows now have arched transoms 3. Covered entry detail has been removed 11. . 2nd floor 1. Window and door locations have changed 2. Arched transoms over windows have been added 3. Canvas awnings have been added iii. 3rd floor 1, Balconies have been eliminated 2. Decorative shutters have been added 3. Canvas awnings have been added 4. Rooflines have been modified 42 N. SWINTON AVENUE, SUITE 1 . DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 PHONE: 561.243.0799. FAX: 561.243.0299. EMAIL: STOFFT@BELLSOUTH.NET RA N D ALL STOFFT ARCHITECTS b. South elevation i. 2nd floor 1. Window and door locations have changed 2. Awnings added 11. 3rd floor 1. Window and door locations have changed 2. Windows all have decorative shutters added 3. Scored stucco detail added 4. All rooflines modified c. East and West elevations 1. 1 st floor 1. All windows have awnings added 11. 2nd Floor 1. Window locations have changed 111. 3rd Floor 1. Windows removed 2. Tile inlays changed to scored stucco detail 3. Roof lines all modified 4. Decorative brackets added 3. Building B (known as buildings 1 & 2) a. West elevation 1. 2nd floor 1. Balconies modified 2. Stucco detail added around double doors 3. Transoms added above double doors 4. Arch top transoms added 5. Canvas awnings added ii. 3rd floor 1. Window locations have changed 2. Rooflines have been modified b. East elevation i. 1 st floor 1. Window and door locations have changed 2. Canvas awnings have been added 11. 2nd floor 1. Balconies have been modified 2. Covered balconies have been added 3. Window locations have changed iii. 3rd floor 1. Scored stucco detail added 2. Decorative shutters added 3. Canvas awnings added 42 N. SWINTON AVENUE, SUITE 1 . DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 PHONE: 561.243.0799. FAX: 561.243.0299. EMAIL: STOFFT@BELLSOUTH.NET RA N D ALL STOFFT ARCHITECTS 4. All roof lines have been modified c. South elevation i. 1 st floor 1, Scored stucco detail added 11. 2nd floor 1. Scored stucco detail added 2. Decorative shutters removed 3. Canvas awnings added 111. 3rd floor 1. Tile inlays changed to scored stucco detail 2. Roof lines modified 3. Decorative brackets added d. North elevation 1. 1 st floor 1. Canvas awnings added ii. 2nd floor 1. Decorative shutters removed 2. Canvas awnings added 111. 3rd floor 1. Windows removed 2. Rooflines modified 3. Decorative brackets added 4. Building C (known as building 3) a. North elevation 1. 2nd floor 1. Window locations have changed 2. Canvas awnings added ii. 3rd floor 1. Window locations have changed 2. Scored stucco detail added 3. Canvas awnings added 4. Roof lines modified b. South elevation 1. 1 st floor 1. Covered entry detail removed 2. Window locations have changed 3. All windows have arched transoms ii. 2nd floor 1. Balconies modified 2. Covered balcony detail added 3. Window locations have changed 4. Canvas awnings added 42 N. SWINTON AVENUE, SUITE 1 . DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 PHONE: 561.243.0799. FAX: 561.243.0299. EMAIL: STOFFT@BELLSOUTH.NET RA NO ALL STOFFT ARCHITECTS iii. 3 rd floor 1. Scored stucco detail added 2. Window locations have changed 3. Arched transoms removed 4. Roof lines modified c. East and West elevations i. 1 st floor 1. All windows have awnings added 11. 2nd Floor 1. Window locations have changed iii. 3rd Floor 1. Windows removed 2. Tile inlays changed to scored stucco detail 3. Rooflines all modified 4. Decorative brackets added Thank you and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the number below. Sincerely, ~~~I~ Brian Bullock 42 N. SWINTON A VENUE, SUITE 1 . DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 PHONE: 561.243.0799. FAX: 561.243.0299. EMAIL: STOFFT@BELLSOUTH.NET ~ \) ~ ~ '.:I ' · r I LL9L -Z9~ (lOf:Z) l::J'sOlldl? bbL0-f:ve (19'0) vvvf:f: 1::J 'lpl?Olg fil?JIOld 'OlAV' UOWJms 'N ZV --.-.:::;;..., 011 'l.Io,+l.fRoe '::;1'O'H SI.1 ~310I HIJ lISV -s~ "&'! if ~ . 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III ~u h~ . ~ HHC FLORIDA June 9, 2006 ~~.... 9 lUUO 'r~ fl~NNING ANO OtitNG OEPl j Mr. Ed Breese City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Dear Ed: RE: Estancia Item number 8 on David Kelly's May 26, 2006 letter regarding the plat condition is as follows: "The record plat will not be recorded nor the Land Development Permit issued until P&Z Division informs the Engineering Division that the dock minor modification application is satisfactory". Per our conversation today by re-submitting the site plan as a "minor site plan modification", showing the changes to the canal area to exactly what is shown on the approved plat; this will suffice the comment. As you can see these are minor changes as the plans have developed for the record plat. I would appreciate it if you would inform David Kelley recognizing receiving and accepting the minor site plan modification and completing this item number 8. Feel free to contact me at 561-779-3239 if you have any questions or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, 0/~ Garrett Graue Construction Manager cc: Carlos Ballbe File G-04 1000 East Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 . P 561.266.9910 . F 561.266.2815 . hhcflorida.com !~';i;l> , F ! .....\jrn~ ~~ 'i'" Y r' ,0 ~} " +/ ~ r-., ~~1 ~ ~~i~~ iQ;.; ;;) I/'l ::>""r- '" ':2 e~z.... b1!),J I 61r 0 :::I!,.......... It) lX"'N ">\., - ~iti", "'/' Ia.I >- .... t:! ~~~~ :::JI- . 8~a:i~ {J'J~co m~:!:! ~~ 'cD a:I'I'~~ ~~ .... (k: ~. ~ r C! ~--- a...,. <(:? vie!. 1-" "-- g~ ~~ o a.. '" . <(r- 0", t:55 ~g ::;1- ~ . co .,. in I/'lo "'''' ai,rj :::I!I/'l~ (k:1/'l0 a..CO.,. CXJeo I- r- '" lXz.... ~ Q. Z ;:) - <( :n~~ ~~~ ~I ~~~~ e~z.... -UUJ ~~~~ ~b~~ 1-0.,. 0 jtlliCO.,. -~~ tizzw VlO w ~ Co r m z ~ Ia.I ~:G ~ Vl~ ~ CO~8 cxi..,:~ 88 8 ~.~ fD. :::I!"'5.....,o .0 O. "'r- N8 (k:~.,. .......... ~ .....N :::I!" 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