MICROFILM INPUT SHEET ; . \. Plnllning D(!pnrtIllent De,.elopnlent File . . Cjt'~, of Bo\"nton Bench ~.ntROFJ:LM L\'Pur S:tIEET ", .-.- ~iect.Name &~ ~ z1~f?ii s: ~~ Parking Lot Variance. PLY [21' Ii. . Conditional Use. CO m Rezoning - R ~\\ /rtJ " I . . \. Rc::.oning--snd Land Use \.1' ' Element Amendment - LUEA \.~, /D Annexation - A . 0 Abandonment . Abdm 0 Prc:lpplications . Pre3pp Master Plan - MP Master Plan lv!odification .lviPM PreIiminuy Plat. PP Site Plan.- SP Site Plan Modification: SPM o o o o o (3j ..0 . .. ~. Number of Sheets t lp~~p,../' FIg"" , / $' . Number of Plans 4- - 1~/Z1/q&- c"' I . 'f Denied D Conditions 0 Date prepared: COMJ\.1ENTS: . Approved ~ pjP-"VtL--h ;"1 (l /1 d...rtAI"~' C.41'B CJ ~ TO BE FILLED OUT BY MICRO ~OMPANY Fiche No. x or x Retrix No. rr:1mes S'h,~ ---'" 'I C Q M HEN' 'r S /) /' ./~~::.~ 1../( ,. '\\ . , II '-/ /;" , ' ~" r-:::. , \\ {i~S / - --.:.... / L