MICROFILM INPUT SHEET l'h - ... .. " i. ,"'} ~, D D D o D ~ Numb~rofSheets flp-t~pr"pg;:t1\ ~ tI 1f- d- 6--Z'L Cit" of Bovnton Bench 1\.ncRoFICM ThTUT SfIEET ~ -. . Plnilning Depnrttllent De'\'elopnlent File' . . ~~---- ~--- s:. DOCtJ1vIENT TYPE Parking Lot Variance - PLV , . Conditional Use - cu Rezoning - R Rezoning-1U1d Land Use Elemcnt Amendment - LUEA Annexation - A Abandonment - Abdm Date prepared: COMlwiENTS: A~proved ~ 51?;) ,Yeat~ Iff'? 1Cl) Lv. &tr-ft,n 6eAdt {j(,vd.., D D D D D o .~~ ~-hI(':J t?L~en:l-' PrcappHcations - Prcapp Master Plan - MP Master Plan lvfodification - 2v{PM Preliminary Plat - PP Site Plan,- SP Site Plan Modification: SPM .- , Number of Plans ~ Denied C:l Conditions ~ Fiche No. x of X TO BE FILLED OUT BY MICRO ~OMPANY Retdx No. F ra mes COM HEN- T S l~