CORRESPONDENCE WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Fl 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail:jmankoff@Zonelaw.com ,- . --.. :~--::---._--._-_.. r;! '.... .i,.. " C' .' ! '~i ,I' i L !! I! n ,1..,.' , II LI.! r---'-'"'''.-' ...~.. /'1 n<) i if I. !",!"".' '" 0 J ! ~, I ' I' - ; ..j ! ' \ ,; MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER SHA YNA M. REITMAN May 30,2007 Via Hand Delivery Mr. Ed Breese Principal Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Estates at Heritage Club OUf File No.: NCC0026 Dear Ed: As you suggested, I am submitting to you the colored board depicting the proposed changes for The Estates at Heritage Club along with a black and white copy of the same. After you have had a chance to conduct a preliminary review of the revised elevations, please let me know what process will be followed. The board shows the approved elevations and alternate elevations. The alternate elevations have added architectural elements in a Spanish Mediterranean architectural style. Therefore, we respectfully request that these alternate elevations be approved administratively. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Please contact me as soon the decision as to the proper procedure has been determined or if you have any questions. on S. Mankott JSM: ek Enclosure cc: Mr. Robert Mathias (w/o enclosure) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosure) Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo (w/o enclosure) O:\NCCOO26\Letter to Ed Breese. May 30. 2007.doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-077 TO: Ken Hall Engineering Technician THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Ed Breese ~ Principal Planner DATE: April 13, 2006 SUBJECT: Heritage Club - Plat Comments I have reviewed the above referenced plat and have the following comments: 1. Plat (Page 1) - This project was approved as the Heritage Club, however the Boynton-Dixie PUD plat was submitted under the name Heritage Club. The Planning & Zoning Division noted the discrepancy under their plat review comments. To avoid confusion, the names should be changed, or somehow differentiated. 2. Plat (Page 1) - Under the Description, Dedications and Reservations heading, where Tract R is discussed, there is reference made to A-7. 3. CE (Page 1) - The approved site plan depicts seven (7) parallel parking spaces on Gulfstream Blvd., while this page and others within the submittal package depict only six (6). 4. CE (Page 1) - The approved site plan depicts two (2) parallel parking spaces between buildings 13T and 14T, while this page and others within the submittal package depict these spaces as angled parking. 5. Gen. Notes - Pages 7 through 11 and 15 through 19 were not included within the submittal package. - Have Homeowner Association documents been submitted addressing maintenance of Common Area Landscaping and Condition of Approval #71, regarding the use of meeting rooms (proposed within Building 1) to accommodate the townhouse owner association meetings? 08-11-Z005 lZ:56PU FROU-WEINERARO~ + T-561 P.001/00Z F-546 COVER SHEET FAX Date: Pages: Mr. Michael Rumpf 742-6259 Capacity Reservation Fee for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach August 31. 2005 2, including this cover sheet /Xi@@@O W1@/p) AUG 3 1 2005 PLANN ZONIN~NG ANo OE:Pr. . To: Fax: Subject COMMENTS: Please see the "attached letter regarding the above referenced matter. From the desk of... Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Weiner & Aron50n, PA 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach. FL 33444 (561) 265-2666 Fax; (561) 272-6831 Confidentiality Notice The Information contained in this transmission Is attorney-client privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the LIse of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication Is strictly prohIbited. If you have received this communicatIon In error, please notify us Immediately by telephone, collect, and return the original message to us at the above address via U.S. Mail. we will reimburse you for postage. Thank you. 08-3j-Z005 lZ:56PU FROU-WEINERARON~- . + T-561 P,OOZ/OOZ F-546 , . WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Ronda 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: mweiner@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WeiNER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFfER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWAR1Z, P.A. Florlda Bar Board Certlnecl Real EslalB Lawyer oC MICHAEL R. HARRIS , Ll.M. (In TlIXEItion) . ~ August 31 ,.2005 , , .., '. . Via Hand DeliverV-. OO~@~UW(l!Q) AUG 3"1 ~ BOYNTON BfACH ~ES Mr. Pete Mazzella ,." Utility Department ' City of Boynton Beach . 100 East BOYr:lton Be~ch Blvd. :: Sbynton Beach~, F~ond,~ 33425 \, , , .'~e:': , capacity ~es~~tion Fe&for 'Heritage Club at Boynton Beach '. ',' Qur f=Ue NC?: .NCC0010" -, .... . . . .... I' . ", ," Dear Pete: ' " , , ... ',' EIit,c1QSed. please 'fi~d' a c~e~k in the am,Ollnt" of. $.30'1120.55 for th.e' estim_~~ ~ap~ity reservation. fee for Heri~ge Club at Boynton Be,aoh. This check serves tQ ~atisfY , ~ondit!(;J5"t~NCj...9"of the Condition's of "Approval. I am~confirming'with you,t~t"the abov~ arnOURl wiH ~ applied to the actual cap'ac.ity reserV.atton. fee once rt is determined' afthe building permifstage with the correcfnumber'and sizes 01 meters) and".if the estimate is m'ore the actual amount, the developer:wiII ~ceive a 'credit back in the amount of the overage.: If hbi is not correct, please notifY me at once prior to cashing the-check. ou very muc or your assistance in this matter. ~ , . h el S. Wein M W.alv enclosure co: Mr. Michael Rumpf (via telecopier, w/o enclosure) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier, wI enclosure) Jason S. Mankoff, Esquire (w/o enclosure) Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo (w/o enclosure) O:\NCCOO1O\Lettsr to Mazzella re ched<;.Aug 31. 2005.doc i..,:: _ 08-Z3-Z005 11:18AU FROU-WEI NERAF' ~N + T-464 P.001/005 F-436 COVER SHEEr FAX To: Fax: Subject Date: Pages: Mr. Michael Rumpf 742-6259 Capacity Reservation Fee for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach August 23, 2005 $, including this cover sheet COMMENTS: Please see the attached documents regarding the above referenced matter. ~~@~ow~@ AUG 2 3 2005 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. From the desk of... Jason S. Mankoff, Esquire Weiner & Aronson, P.A 102 N. SWinton Avenue Delray Beach. FL 33444 (561) 265-2666 Fax: (561) 272-6831 ConfIdentiality Notice The information contained in this transmission Is attomey..cllent privileged and confidential. It j:jl intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination. distriblJtion or copy of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone. collect, and return the original message to us at the above address via U.S. Mail. we will reimburse you for postage. Thank you. WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMIR.MAUGHAM August 23, 2005 OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ. PA Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) Via Telecopier and ReQular Mail Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Capacity Reservation Fee Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Mike: Enclosed is a copy of the letter which I sent to Mr. Pete MazeHa. I am sure you understand our predicament. We cannot really meet this condition of approval yet. However, we are trying to do everything possible in order to do so. I am sure that you understand. If you have any suggestions, please let us know and we will do what we need to do. Ve ure Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier, wlo enclosure) Michael S. Weiner. Esquire (w/o enclosure) Ms. Ashlee Vargo (WID enclosure) NCC0010 Letter to Mike Rumpf 8-23-05 roJ; ~ @ ~ ~ W ~ m, WI, [II ! L. DEPARTMENT OF DEVElOPMFN11 ----..---_____.._ I WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, PA Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) August23,2005 Via Telecopier and Rer;lUlar Mail Mr. Pete Mazzella {~D N !~" I;: n ~17 r~' r\') Utility Department ~ ~ r - In! I ~g6 ~~~~~~~n~~e~~:Ch Blvd. j,ULlI-- c"::' I Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 L____..:..._._.__ OU'AfHMF "'T c;r 'if \, " ",' . Re: Capacity Reservation Fee for Heritage Club at Boynton Beacn--------.~ :~.q' ..:~' ' Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Pete: On behalf of our client, The New Century Companies, I am confirming that Ms. Ashlee Vargo of our office has been in contact with you regarding the Capacity Reservation Fee for the Heritage Club at Boynton Beach. Condition No.9, a copy of which is attached, of the Conditions of Approval state that the capacity reservation fee is paid either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. Since site plan approval occurred on August 16, 2005, seven (7) days would be August 23, 2005. Since we want to be sure that we comply with this condition of approval, Ashlee has contacted the engineer and the architect on the project with the information you requested in order for you to finalize the cost that will be owed to the City. Upon speaking with the engineer and architect, the number of meters and sizes has not been determined at this stage and will not be available anytime soon. However, I understand that you have advised Ms. Vargo that the estimate for the cost for this capacity reservation fee is approximately Twenty Six Thousand Dollars ($26,000.00). Therefore, please let us know if you would like us to now remit a check payable to the City of Boynton Beach in that amount, so that we are considered to be compliant with this condition of approval. We can then reconcile the amount which is due once the exact fee can be determined, which would O:\NCC0010\Letter to Mazzella re capacity reservation fee.Aug 22, 2005.doc Mr. Pete Mazella August 23, 2005 Page 2 of 2 be at the building permit stage. As an alternative, if you would like us to wait until the building permit stage to make this capacity reservation fee payment, we will also be happy to do so. We just want to make sure that we are in compliance with this condition of approval. Please contact Ashlee as soon as possible so that we can ensure compliance with this condition of approval. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Ve~~rUIY ~1 urs, ~ \ Jas0 \S. Mankoff \ JSM: rr1g enclosure cc: Mr. Michael Rumpf (via telecopier, w/enclosure) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier, w/enclosure) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/enclosure) Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo (w/enclosure) ."..._,_.__-...~.,,,",.~,,,,..,.._._.__a~""" I \ ;:-~ <11 \~'j ;-;\ r'-"-"'- I fi : , j ,{' '< l '~ ! i ; , ! I " ~w_~,.._..._- f"f )";\;-1; t.,/': f\~: , }- ~ l.}1 IV' l I' . ...~_..~ ..,-......--.---<---.-..- ,--'- O:\NCC001 O\Letter to Mazzella re capacity reservation fee.Aug 22, 2005.doc COA 07/07/05 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT permitting. 5. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light X fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. I .B.). Further evaluation will occur at the time of permitting. 6. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction X acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES Comments: 7. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water X and sewer systems serving this project (CODE, Section 26-12). 8. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments) with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, Section # ,.-;..t:.. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26- I 6 (b)). 9. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) reqpires that a capacity reservation fee be paid X for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seVen (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. -. 10. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable X water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for inigation. 1 11. A building pennit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has X approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 12. Show alJ off-site improvements to the existing water and sewer infrastructure X as follows: 3. The on-site lift station must be upgraded or replaced so as to accommodate the added demand and the constraints imposed by site changes. Existing gravity and pressure flows to the station must be accommodated in the design. 07-05-Z005 lZ:14PM FROU-WEINERARO~~' ~ + T-875 P.001/004 F-73Z COVER SHEET FAX Fax #: Subject: Mr. Mike Rumpf Mr. Eric Johnson 742 - 6259 Heritage Club at Boynton Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 July 5. 2005 4, including this cover sheet To: Date: Pages: From the desk of... Jason S. Mankoff, !!squIre Weiner & AronllOn, P.A. 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray 6each. FL 33444 (581) 265-2666 Fax; (561) 272-6831 Confidentiality Notice The information contained in this transmission is attomey-client privileged and confidential. It is intended onlyforthe use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipIent, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication is illltrictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in elTOr, please notify us immediately by telephone, collect, and return the origInal message to us at the above address via U.S. Mail, we will reimburse you for postage. Thank you. 07-05-Z005 1 Z: 14PU FROU-WE I NERARO~' -, + T-875 P.00Z/004 F-7SZ WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clarl< House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Rorida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KeRR.Y D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBeRT MARC SCHWARTZ. PA Rorida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R- HARRIS L.L..M. (In Taxetlon) July 5, 2005 Via Te/ecopi.rand ReQu/ar Mail Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Responses to Building' Comments for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Michael: This letter serves as our written response to comments in a memorandum from Mr. Timothy Large dated June 16. 2005. The Je5ponses below have been provided by the architects of the project, MSA Architects, Inc. and Perez Design, Inc. . 1. Sheet SP..1 - Clarify the type of construction for building #1 under the Building Tabulation Table. There is no Type I protected construction in 2001 FBC, Chapter 6. The tabular data on sheet SP-1 will be amended at time of building permft to read (only) TYPE 1; it is the developers intent to sprinkle this building. 2. Sheet SP-1 notes the parking garages occupancy as Ilopen." This is not a correct occupancy type. To be considered "open," the structure shall comply with all the requirements of the 2001 FBC, Section 411.3.2, 411.3.3 and 411.3.4. As designed, the garage cannot be considered "open." Indicate the correct occupancy per 2001 FBC, Chapter 3. The occupancy type for building 1 is simply US". It is designed with the intent of an open-air ventilated garage, considering that is open on (virtually) three sides. It is our opinion that the garage, as designed, complies wfth the current building code. 3. Clearly show all the setback dimensions from each building to each property line. In addition, show the distance between each building on all four sides. All setback dimensions and distances between buildings are not shown on SP-1. Although most building-to-building setbacks and building-to-property line setbacks are currently depicted, the SP-1 sheet will be updated at time of building permit to include ALL dimensions, as requested. O:\NCCOO1 O\Lstt8r to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 5, 2005.doc OT-05-Z005 1 Z: 14PU FROU-WE I NERARO" 'I + T-8T5 P.003/004 F-T3Z July 5, 2005 Page 2 of 3 4. Clarify the number of surface parking spaces dedicated for building #1 and building #2. A handicap accessible parking space is required in each parking area per the 2001 FBC, Section 114.1.2 (5)(a). Also, Indicate on the plans If the parking garages are strictly for the use of the residents or for both the retail/restaurant/office areas and the residents. The parking areas depicted are designated for building occupants and the general public. The garage in building #1 is gated and intended for the exclusive use of the residents of this building; the parking deck adjacent to building #2 is open to the public. Obviously, all surface parking is open to the general public as well. Each of these areas contains adequate parking to meet accessibility standards for residents and the public. Please refer to the tabular data on SP-1 and the individual building plans provided. 5. Provide the occupancy classification and construction type for the clubhouse. Comply with 2001 FBe, Chapters 3 and 6. The occupancy type for the amenity area contained inside of building #1 (depicted on sheet A- 1.1) is A-2. The occupancy type for the pool club house is also A~2 and the construction type for this pavilion is Type VI, unprotected. This information will be added to the appropriate sheets in the set at time of building permit. 6. Sheet A 1.1 - The balcony at the clubhouse shall be provided with vertical accessibility. This Is considered a "Common area~' and shall comply with the 2001 FBC, Section 11.. 4.1.3. ,The balconY,depicted in sheet A-1.1 is of the tp"Ii(s above. The clubhouse in this building is all ,contained on"the first floor and is therefore not subject to vertical access. . 7. Submit a tabulation table that clearly reflects each building, number of units in each building, the type of units (model type), number of stories in each building, and:Square. footage per floor. There is tabular data that clearly depicts the breakdown of each building - spaces and units - on sheet SP-1. Although the number of stories is called out in the site plan and efevation, it is not yet a part of that table. The SqUBrs footage of each floor will also be added to this information at time of building permit. 8. SheetA-25 indicates a floor plan fora '5 new townhouse. II Submit additional infonnation on this unit: 8. Model type or model number (identify units); and b. Which buildings will contain this structure? Buildings 3T, 4T, 5T and 6T house this unit. Sheet A-25 will be con-ected to reflect this change at time of building permit. 9. Sheet A-6 - Indicate the number of parking spaces on each level of the garage. The parking garage levels wifl be updated to show the spaces on each. Currently an overall total for each structure is provided; new data will be added to every sheet at time of building permit. 10. Sheet A-12 - The square footage for units "e" and "DiU does not correlate with the square footage listed on Sheet SP..1. Also, identify unit uO" as '101" on SP-1 The units shown have the correct SF information; the SP-1 sheet will be updated to reflect the correct numbers and overall SF totals. All unit nomenclature will be coordinated throughout the set at time of building permit. 0:\NCC001 C\lett8r to Rumpf ra Bl.Ilf!:l",g CommenlS.July 5, 2005.dcc 07-05-Z005 lZ:14PU FROM-WEINERARO~- ~ + T-875 P.004/004 F-73Z July 5, 2005 Page 3 of3 11. On sheets A26-A32, your calculations for the percentages of openings are Incorrect. The percentage of openings is based upon Table 600 of the 2001 FBC and the distance separation of buildings from property lines or assumed property lines (In the case of multiple buildings on the same lot). Refer to 1001 FBe, Chapter 2 for the term "Property line, assumed," and submit correct calculations for the percentage of openings. The percentage of opening calculations on sheet A26-A32 shall be based'on Table 600 of the 2001 FBC and the distance of separation from property lines or assumed property lines (in the case of buildings on the same lot). Correct calculations for the percentage of openings shall be added to sheets A26-A32 at time of building permit. We are confirming that these responses meet with Mr. Large's satisfaction and that we remain on schedule for the July 12, 2005 eRA hearing. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. --- on S. Mankoff SM:alv . cc: . Mr. Tim Large (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Eric Johnson (via telecopier and regular mail) . Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Stuart "Debovvsky {via telecopier} Mr. Francisco Perez (via telecopier) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo. O:\NCCOO1 O\Lelter to Rum!)f te BUilding Comments.July 5, 200S.dOC Page 1 of 1 Johnson, Eric Jason Mankoff [JMankoff@zonelaw.com] Friday, July 15, 2005 10:31 AM RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com; 'Ashlee Vargo (weiner)'; 'Michael Weiner Esq'; 'Johnson, Eric' Subject: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach From: Sent: To: Eric, I understand you asked Robert about the parking conditions discussed at the eRA. Please be sure to cc Ashlee and me on all future correspondence to our client. We do appreciate your thoughts. However, it is our experience that one (1) assigned parking space for each unit is adequate in these types of projects. Additionally, as we indicated in the conditions of approval, we will notify all prospective purchasers about the one space assignment so it is not a surprise to them. Thanks, Jason P-b~ pi A'- {-kR-~~ CI ~ fA/J S:lJ E- '1JN~~ . ;}i- 7/1512005 ill R (ill fr~ n "n i <: . o I I( Ih if. 'm_i'~"I.I'- r . .- ' I I ' !, IUL I 'J l ;: ~ _0 I ~-/ : I WEINER & ARONSON, P .A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com OEPARTMENT OF OEVElOPMENl MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) July 5, 2005 Via Telecooier and Reaular Mail Michael W. Rumpf Director of Plann;ng & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Revised Responses to Building Comments for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Michael: This letter serves as a revision to our letter dated July 6, 2005 in response to comments in a memorandum from Mr. Timothy Large dated June 16, 2005. These additional responses underlined below are beeing provided by the architects of the project, MSA Architects, Inc. and Perez Design, Inc. after a meeting with Mr. Large on July 7, 2005. 1. Sheet SP-1 - Clarify the type of construction for building #1 under the Building Tabulation Table. There is no Type I protected construction in 2001 FBC, Chapter 6. The tabular data on sheet SP-1 will be amended at time of building permit to read (only) TYPE 1; it is the developer's intent to sprinkle this building. 2. Sheet SP.1 notes the parking garages occupancy as "open." This is not a correct occupancy type. To be considered "open," the structure shall comply with all the requirements ofthe 2001 FBC, Section 411.3.2, 411.3.3 and 411.3.4. As designed, the garage cannot be considered "open." Indicate the correct occupancy per 2001 FBC, Chapter 3. The occupancy type for building 1 is simply "S". It is designed with the intent of an open-air ventilated garage, considering that is open on (virtually) three sides. It is our opinion that the garage, as designed, complies with the current building code. We aGreed to close up the sides of the GaraGe that are parallel to adiacent units. The remaininG sections of the sides (facinG the open courtyards) and the rear (facinG the access road) are adeGuate to meet the mandated 40% of open perimeter. Calculations will be forwarded at time of buildina permit. O:\NCC0010\Revised Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 8, 2005.doc July 8, 2005 Page 2 of 3 3. Clearly show all the setback dimensions from each building to each property line. In addition, show the distance between each building on all four sides. All setback dimensions and distances between buildings are not shown on SP-1. Although most building-to-building setbacks and building-to-property line setbacks are currently depicted, the SP-1 sheet will be updated at time of building permit to include ALL dimensions, as requested. We will chanoe the buildino construction type to Type VI for maximum allowable openinos. 4. Clarify the number of surface parking spaces dedicated for building #1 and building #2. A handicap accessible parking space is requ ired in each parking area per the 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.1.2 (5)(a). Also, indicate on the plans if the parking garages are strictly for the use of the residents or for both the retail/restaurant/office areas and the residents. The parking areas depicted are designated for building occupants and the general public. The garage in building #1 is gated and intended for the exclusive use of the residents of this building; the parking deck adjacent to building #2 is open to the public. Obviously, all surface parking is open to the general public as well. Each of these areas contains adequate parking to meet accessibility standards for residents and the public. Please refer to the tabular data on SP-1 and the individual building plans provided. We will be rep/acino the ano/ed surface parkino space with an isolated (pemendicular) accessible space in the southwest comer of buildino #1. This will allow access to the retail and residential components of buildino #1. 5. Provide the occupancy classification and construction type for the clubhouse. Comply with 2001 FBC, Chapters 3 and 6. The occupancy type for the amenity area contained inside of building #1 (depicted on sheet A- 1.1) is A-2. The occupancy type for the pool club house is also A-2 and the construction type for this pavilion is Type VI, unprotected. This information will be added to the appropriate sheets in the set at time of building permit. 6. Sheet A1.1 - The balcony at the clubhouse shall be provided with vertical accessibility. This is considered a "Common area" and shall comply with the 2001 FBC, Section 11- 4.1.3. The balcony depicted in sheet A-1.1 is of the units above. The clubhouse in this building is all contained on the first floor and is therefore not subject to vertical access. 7. Submit a tabulation table that clearly reflects each building, number of units in each building, the type of units (model type), number of stories in each building, and square footage per floor. There is tabular data that clearly depicts the breakdown of each building - spaces and units - on sheet SP-1. Although the number of stories is called out in the site plan and elevation, it is not yet a part of that table. The souare footaoe of each floor and all support spaces will be added to this information at time of buildinopermit. 8. Sheet A-25 indicates a floor plan for a "new townhouse." Submit additional information on this unit: a. Model type or model number (identify units); and b. Which buildings will contain this structure? The floor plan labeled "new townhouse" has been oiven the name "Berkeley". Buildings 3T, 4T, 5T and 6T house this unit. Sheet A-25 will be corrected to reflect this change at time of building permit. O:\NCC0010\Revised Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 8, 2005.doc July 8, 2005 Page 3 of 3 9. Sheet A-6 - Indicate the number of parking spaces on each level of the garage. The parking garage levels will be updated to show the spaces on each. Currently an overall total for each structure is provided; new data will be added to every sheet at time of building permit. 10. Sheet A-12 - The square footage for units "c" and "01" does not correlate with the square footage listed on Sheet SP-1. Also, identify unit "0" as "01" on SP-1 The units shown have the correct SF information; the SP-1 sheet will be updated to reflect the correct numbers and overall SF totals. All unit nomenclature will be coordinated throughout the set at time of building permit. 11. On sheets A26-A32, your calculations for the percentages of openings are incorrect. The percentage of openings is based upon Table 600 of the 2001 FBC and the distance separation of buildings from property lines or assumed property lines (in the case of multiple buildings on the same lot). Refer to 1001 FBC, Chapter 2 for the term "Property line, assumed," and submit correct calculations for the percentage of openings. The percentaGe of openinG calculations on sheet A26-A32 have been revised and are based on Table 600 of the 2001 FBC and the distance of separation from assumed property lines due to havinG multiple buildinGS on the same lot. The type of construction for townhouse Types III throuah Type X have been chanGed to Type VI unprotected. Please see the attached calculations for each townhouse buildina. We are confirming that these responses meet with Mr. Large's satisfaction and that we remain on schedule for the July 12, 2005 CRA hearing. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Jason S. Mankoff JSM:alv enclosures cc: Mr. Tim Large (via telecopier and regular mail wi enclosures) Mr. Eric Johnson (via telecopier and regular mail wi enclosures) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier and regular mail wi enclosures) Mr. Stuart Debowsky (via telecopier wi enclosures) Mr. Francisco Perez (via telecopier wi enclosures) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (wlo enclosures) Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo (wlo enclosures) O:\NCC0010\Revised Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 8, 2005.doc BUILDING TYPE III EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARATION (DISTANCE FROM COMMON OR ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE): 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ELEVATION 1-A26 SIDE ELEVATION 2-A26 REAR ELEVATION 3-A26 SIDE ELEVATION 4-A26 WALL AREA FRONT ELEVATION 1-A26 SIDE ELEVATION 2-A26 REAR ELEVATION 3-A26 SIDE ELEVATION 4-A26 3,946 SF 1,195 SF 3,832 SF 1,195 SF % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 16'-4" 17'-1" 15'-0" 18'-7" OPENINGS PERMITTED NL NL 1,533 SF - 40% NL OPENINGS PROVIDED 1,087 SF - 27.5% 83 SF - 6.9% 1,124 SF - 29.3% 79 SF - 6.6% BUILDING TYPE IV EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTlON SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC. TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTlON TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARA TlON: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT FRONT ELEVATlON l-A27 SIDE ELEVATlON 2-A27 REAR ELEVATlON 3-A27 SIDE ELEVATlON 4-A27 CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 11'-6" 9'-5" 12' -0" 11'-6" WALL AREA OPENINGS OPENINGS PERMITTED PROVIDED FRONT ELEVATlON l-A27 3,146 SF NL 914 SF - 29% SIDE ELEVATlON 2-A27 1,195 SF 239 SF - 20% 83 SF - 6.9% REAR ELEVATlON 3-A27 3.239 SF NL 937 SF - 28.9% SIDE ELEVATlON 4-A27 1,195 SF 239 SF - 20% 79 SF - 6.6% BUILDING TYPE V EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCllON SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCllON TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEP ARA 1l0N: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT FRONT ELEVAllON 1-A28 SIDE ELEVAllON 2-A28 REAR ELEVAllON 3-A28 SIDE ELEVAllON 4-A28 CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 37' -4" 15'-8" 10'-6" 21' _gO WALL AREA OPENINGS OPENINGS PERMITTED PROVIDED FRONT ELEVAllON 1-A28 3.766 SF NL 1,146 SF - 30.4% SIDE ELEVAllON 2-A28 1,392 SF 542 SF - 40% 89 SF - 6.4% REAR ELEVAllON 3-A28 3,628 SF 1,451 SF - 40% 937 SF - 25.8% SIDE ELEVAllON 4-A28 1.355 SF NL 105 SF - 7.7% BUILDING TYPE VI EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARATION: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ELEVATION 1-A29 SIDE ELEVATION 2-A29 REAR ELEVATION 3-A29 SIDE ELEVATION 4-A29 WALL AREA FRONT ELEVATION 1-A29 SIDE ELEVATION 2-A29 REAR ELEVATION 3-A29 SIDE ELEVATION 4-A29 4,346 SF 1,195 SF 4,435 SF 1,191 SF % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 62' -5. 13'-0. 21'-'- 21' -10. OPENINGS PERMITTED NL 478 SF - 40% NL 476 SF - 40% OPENINGS PROVIDED 764 SF - 17.6% 92 SF - 7.7% 1,436 SF - 32.4% 67 SF - 5.6% BUILDING TYPE VII EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: All EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCllON SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARATION: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ELEVAllON 1-A30 SIDE ELEVATION 2-A30 REAR ELEVATION 3-A30 SIDE ELEVAllON 4-A30 WALL AREA FRONT ELEVATION l-A30 SIDE ELEVAllON 2-A30 REAR ELEVATION 3-A30 SIDE ELEVAllON 4-A30 3,465 SF 1,195 SF 3,523 SF 1,191 SF % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 16'-4" 10'-3" 15'-0" 13'-0" OPENINGS PERMITTED NL 478 SF - 40% NL 476 SF - 40% OPENINGS PROVIDED 764 SF - 17.6% 92 SF - 7.7% 1,436 SF - 32.4% 67 SF - 5.6% BUILDING TYPE VIII EXTERIOR WALL CALes: NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSlRUCTlON SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC. TABLE 600. CONSlRUCTlON TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARA TlON: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ELEVATlON l-A31 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATlON 3-A31 REAR ELEVATlON 2-A31 LEFT SIDE ELEVATlON 3-A31 WALL AREA FRONT ELEVATlON l-A31 3,235 SF RT. SIDE ELEVATlON 3-A31 1,184 SF REAR ELEVATlON 2-A31 3,239 SF LT. SIDE ELEVATlON 3-A31 1,184 SF % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 13'-1" 20'-5" 15'-0" 21' -0" OPENINGS PERMITTED NL NL 1,296 SF - 40% NL OPENINGS PROVIDED 969 SF - 29.9% 81 SF - 6.8% 945 SF - 29.2% 81 SF - 6.8% BUILDING TYPE IX EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: All EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARATION: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ELEVATION 1-A32 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 REAR ELEVATION 2-A32 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 WALL AREA FRONT ELEVATION 1-A32 2,588 SF RT. SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 1,184 SF REAR ELEVATION 2-A32 2,610 SF LT. SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 1,184 SF % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 23'-7" 11'-6" 15'-0" 11'-6" OPENINGS PERMITTED NL 474 - 40% 1,044 SF - 40% 474 - 40% OPENINGS PROVIDED 781 SF - 30.2% 81 SF - 6.8% 756 SF - 29% 81 SF - 6.8% BUILDING TYPE X EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VI UNPROTECTED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARA llON: 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT % OF PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % NL = NO LIMIT FRONT ELEVATION 3-A32 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 REAR ELEVATION 4-A32 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 CLOSEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 21' -0" 19'-1" 16'-0" 18'-3" WALL AREA OPENINGS PERMITTED NL NL NL NL OPENINGS PROVIDED 761 SF - 29.4% 81 SF - 6.8% 756 SF - 29.8% 81 SF - 6.8% FRONT ELEVATION 3-A32 2.588 SF RT. SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 1,184 SF REAR ELEVATION 4-A32 2.538 SF LT. SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 1,184 SF RESPONSES - TART Memorandum - #05-117 from Timothy K. Large MSA Architects, Inc. 07/08/05 1. The tabular data on sheet SP-l will be amended to read (only) TYPE 1; it is the developer's intent to sprinkle this building. OK per T.L. 2. The occupancy type for building 1 is simply "S". It is designed with the intent of an open-air ventilated garage, considering that is open on (virtually) three sides. It is our opinion that the garage, as designed, complies with the current building code. OK per T.L., please note that we agreed during the meeting to close up the sides of the garage that are parallel to adjacent units. The remaining sections of the sides (facing the open courtyards) and the rear (facing the access road) are adequate to meet the mandated 40% of open perimeter. Calculations will be forwarded at time of penn it. 3. Although most building-to-building setbacks and building-to-property line setbacks are currently depicted, the SP-l sheet will be updated to include ALL dimensions, as requested. OK per T.L., Perez office to create a site plan with all setbacks and will change their construction type (to Type VI) for maximum allowable openings. 4. The parking areas depicted are designated for building occupants and the general public. The garage in building #1 is gated and intended for the exclusive use of the residents of this building; the parking deck adjacent to building #2 is open to the public. Obviously, all surface parking is open to the general public as well. Each of these areas contains adequate parking to meet accessibility standards for residents and the public. Please refer to the tabular data on SP-l and the individual building plans provided.MSA will be replacing an angled surface parking space with an isolated (perpendicular) accessible space in the southwest comer of building #1. This will allow access to the retail and residential components ofbnilding #1. 5. The occupancy type for the amenity area contained inside of building #1 (depicted on sheet A-I.l) is A-2. The occupancy type for the pool club house is also A-2 and the construction type for this pavilion is Type VI, unprotected. This information will be added to the appropriate sheets in the set. OK per T.L.; MSA \:vi11 be placing this infonnation on the actual sheets. 6. The balcony depicted in sheet A-I.l is of the units above. The clubhouse in this building is all contained on the first floor and is therefore not subject to vertical access. OK per T.L. 7. There is tabular data that clearly depicts the breakdown of each building - spaces and units - on sheet SP-l. Although the number of stories is called out in the site plan and elevation, it is not yet a part of that table. The square footage of each floor will also be added to this information. OK per T.L., wiII be added to sheets as part of pemlit. MSA must also add the infomlation of all support spaces for floor totals. 8. PEREZ Architects 9. The parking garage levels will be updated to show the spaces on each. Currently an overall total for each structure is provided; new data will be added to every sheet. OK per T.L. 10. The units shown have the correct SF information; the SP-l sheet will be updated to reflect the correct numbers and overall SF totals. All unit nomenclature will be coordinated throughout the set. OK per T.L.; tabular data is now corrected. 11. PEREZ Architects WEINER & ARONSON, P .A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach. Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L L.M. (In Taxation) July 5, 2005 Via TelecolJier and Regular Mail ~I';(;hae:. \'V. R~rnpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re,: Responses to Building Comments for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Michael: This letter serves as our written response to comments in a memorandum from Mr. Timothy Large dated June .16, 2005. The responses below have been provided by the architects ofthe project. MSA Architects, inc. and Perez Design, Inc. 1. Sheet SP~1 ..- Clarify the type of construction for building #1 under the Building Tabulation Table. There is no Type I protected construction in 2001 FBC, Chapter 6. The tabular data on sheet SP-1 will be amended at time of building permit to read (only) TYPE 1; it is the developer's intent to sprinkle this building. 2. Sheet SP-1 notes the parking garages occupancy as "open." This is not a correct ~ce~pan!;y !l'p~. Te- ~c ':c~~!de~~~ "cpen," t~.,:, str!..!!:tur~ ~ha~~ ~~r:1::1~. ...~.'i~~ ;:!~ the requirements of the 2001 FBC~ Section 411.3.2, 411.3.3 and 411.3.4. As designed, the garage cannot be considered "open." Indicate the correct occupancy per 2001 FBe, Chapter 3. The occupancy type for building 1 is simply "S", It is designed with the intent of an open-air ventilated garage, considering that is open on (virtually) three sides. It is our opinion that the garage, as designed, complies with the current building code. 3. Clearly show all the setback dimensions from each building to each property line. In addition, show the distance between each building on all four sides. All setback dimensions and distances between buildings are not shown on SP.1. Although most building-to-building setbacks and building-to-property line setbacks are currently depicted, the SP-1 sheet will be updated at time of building permit to include ALLdimfillsi.QQs...._ __~ as requested. -', . 1:" i ; .. " '-.-----.----i ! : i I ; ~ ''\ f l I; ! 1 'JJl ILJi kPARTMFNT OF OFV"0,,'",.':.'i O:\NCC001 O\Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 5, 2005.doc July 5,2005 Page 2 of 3 ,~:. ,~;;. 4. Clarify the number of surface parking spaces d~dicated for building #1 and building #2. A handicap accessible parking space is required in each parking area perthe 2001 FBC, Section 11-4.1.2 (5)(a). Also, indicate on the plans if the parking garages are strictly for the use of the residents or for both the retail/restaurant/office areas and the residents. The parking areas depicted are designated for building occupants and the general public. The garage in building #1 is gated and intended for the exclusive use of the residents of this building; the parking deck adjacent to building #2 is open to the public. Obviously, all surface parking is open to the general public aswell. Each of these areas contains adequate parking to meet accessibility standards for residents and the public. Please refer to the tabular data on SP-1 and the individual building plans provided. 5. Provide the occupancy classification and construction type for the clubhouse. Comply with 2001 FBC, Chapters 3 and 6. The occupancy type for the amenity area contained inside of building #1 (depicted on sheet A- ..., -1 \ i,.. J\ .:) II-..;>.I'V....-. .'.....~Il"\..-~.# +u~.c .fr,.- +.;.1..& '~.-/,: ~/;: IhnA1 f.;,a ;~ ~!cn IJ.._.? ~l''1rl. ~.hC$ ~nn~t..T~.~t;r\.n t\J..~i~" Ji. '} 'v ,''1. _. ;;.._ -' v..,......,..r(..;.. '''J' .7t.;..... ,-~: ,....;- ~-,...... L......;,..;.. .-..........- '''-:'- \,..IIV.... .... - ...:, ~ ... ..~ "-. -r.:' .....,- - ~ ..;.~ , ..?i"'~' for this pavilion is Type VI, unpr,htActed.This inf0r.mation will bA Addpct to the appr0priate sheets in the set at time of building permit. 6. Sheet A1.1 - The balcony at the clubhouse shall be provided with vertical accessibility. This is considered a "Common area" and shall comply with the 2001 FBC, Section 11- 4.1.3. The balcony depicted in sheet A-1. 1 is of the L{ni(s above. The clubhouse in this building is all contained on the first floor and is therefore not subject to vertical access. 7. Submit a tabulation table that clearly reflects each building, number of units in each building, the type of units (model type), number of stories in each building, and .square footage per floor. There is tabular data that clearly depicts the breakdown of each building - spaces and units - on sheet SP-1. Although the number of stories is called out in the site plan and elevation, it is not yet a part of that table. The square footage of each floor will also be added to this information at time of building permit. 8. Sheet A-25 indicates a floor plan for a "new townhouse." Submit additional information on this unit: a. Model type or model number (identify units); and b. Which buildings will contain this structure? Buiidrl ;!:is ::Jr. of Ii 5T6ifd GT hOUS!:1 iHi~ unit. Sheet A 25 wiil bt: co, fHiJied w teftect this change at time of building permit. . .. 9. Sheet A-6 - Indicate the number of parking spaces on each level of the garage. The parking garage levels will be updated to show the spaces on each. Currently an overall total for each structure is provided; new data will be added to every sheet at time of building permit. 10. Sheet A-12 - The square footage for units "c" and "01" does not correlate with the square footage listed on Sheet SP-1. Also, identify unit "0" as "01" on SP-1 The units shown have the correct SF information; the SP-1 sheet will be updated to reflect the correct numbers and overall SF totals. All unit nomenclature will be coordinated throughout the set at time of building permit. 0:\NCC001 O\Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 5, 2005.doc , ~ July 5, 2005 Page 3 of 3 11. On sheets A26-A32, your calculations for the percentages of openings are incorrect. The percentage of openings is based upon Table 600 of the 2001 FBC and the distance separation of buildings from property lines or assumed property lines (in the case of multiple buildings on the same lot). Refer to 1001 FBC, Chapter 2 for the term "Property line, assumed," and submit correct calculations for the percentage of openings. The percentage of opening calculations on sheet A26-A32 shall be based on Table 600 of the 2001 FBC and the distance of separation from property lines or assumed property lines (in the case of buildings on the same lot). Correct calculations for the percentage of openings shall be added to sheets A26-A32 at time of building permit. We are confirming that these responses meet with Mr. Large's satisfaction and that we remain on schedule for the July 12, 2005 CRA hearing. ThAi1l<: you very much fo~ Y01.~r C1~;$i:jt;?~;;(:f.l in this matter. Very t~ours, ..._' ~., n S. Mankoff LfSM:alv cc: Mr. Tim Large (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Eric Johnson (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Stuart Debowsky (via telecopier) Mr. Francisco Perez (via telecopier) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo O:\NCC001 O\Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 5, 2005.doc 07-08-Z005 05: 05PU FROU-WE I NERARr. 'I + T-94Z P.001/014 F-803 -- Weiner & Aronson, P.A. Fax To: Mr. Eric Johnson From: Jason S. Mankoff Fax: 742-6259 Date: July 8, 2005 File No.: NCC010 Pages: ..rl; induding cover sheet Re: Revised Responses to Building Comments for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach cc: D Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 PIea$. Recycle From the desk of... Jason S. Mankotf, Esquire Weiner & Aronson. P A 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach. Fl. 33444 (561) 265-2666 Fax: (561)272-6831 Confidentiality Notice The information contained in this transmission is attomey-client privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended ree.ipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemJnation, distribution or copy of this communication is stricdy prohibited. If you have received Ihis communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, coUect, and reb..Jn'l the original message to us at the above address via U.s. Mail. we willlllimburse you lOr postage. Thank you. 07-08-Z005 05:05PU FROU-WEINERAR' ~ + T-94Z P.00Z/014 F-803 WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265--2666 Telecopier: (561) 272.6831 E.mail: jmankoff@Zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAM I R. MAU G HAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, PA Florida Bar Board Certified Real estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS LL.M. (In Taxation) July 5, 2005 Via Te/eco/Jier and ~eflular Mail Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Revised Responses to Building Comments for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Michael: This letter serves as a revision to our letter dated July 6, 2005 in response to comments in a memorandum from Mr. Timothy Large dated June 16, 2005. These additional responses underlined below are beeing provided by the architects of the project, MSA Architects, Inc. and Perez Design, Inc. after a meeting with Mr. Large on July 7, 2005. 1. Sheet SP-1 - Clarify the type of construction for building #1 under the BUilding Tabulation Table. There is no Type I protected constnlction in 2001 FBC. Chapter 6. The tabular data on sheet SP-1 will be amended at time of building permit to read (only) TYPE 1; it is the developers intent to sprinkle this building. 2. Sheet SP-1 notes the parking garages occupancy as "open." This is not a correct occupancy type. To be considered "open," the structure shall comply with all the requirements of the 2001 FBC, Section 411.3.2, 411.3.3 and 411.3.4. As designed, the garage cannot be considered lIopen." Indicate the correct occupancy per 2001 FBC, Chapter 3. The occupancy type for building 1 ;s simply "S". It is deSigned with the intent of an open-air ventilated garage, considering that is open on (virtually) three sides. It is our opinion that the garage, as designed, complies with the current building code. We BQreed to close uo the sides of the aaraae that are parallel to adiacent units. The remaining sections of the sides (facing the aoen courtyards) and the rear (facing the access road) are adeauate to meet the mandated 40% of open perimeter. Calculations will be forwarded at time of buildina oennit. O:\NCCOO10\Revlsed Letter to Rumpf I'Q Building Comments.July 8, 2005.doc OT-08-Z005 05:05PU FROU-WEINERAR' 'N + T-94Z P.003/014 F-803 July 8, 2005 Page 2 of 3 3. Clearly show all the setback dimensions from each building to each property line. In addition, show the distance between each building on all four sides. All setback dimensions and distances between buildings are not shown on SP-1. Although most bu;ld;ng-to.building setbacks and building-to-prcperty line setbacks are currently depicted, the SP-1 sheet will be updated at time of building permit to include ALL dimensions, as requested. We will chanae the building construction tvae to Tvae VI for maximum allowable ollenings. 4. Clarify the number of surface parking spaces dedicated for building #1 and building #2. A handicap accessible parking space is requ ired in each parking area per the 2001 FeC, Section 11-4.1.2 (5)(a). Also, indicate on the plans if the parking garages are strictly for the use of the residents or for both the retaillrestau rant/office areas and the residents. The parking areas depicted are designated for building occupants and the general public. The garage in building #1 ;s gated and intended for the exclusive use of the residents of this building: the parking deck adjacent to building #2 is open to the public. Obviously, all surface parking is open to the general public as well. Each of these areas contains adequate parking to meet accessibility standards for residents and the public. Please refer to the tabular data on SP~1 and the individual building plans provided. We will be realacina the angled sut1ace oarking space with an isolated (perpendicular) accessible space in the southwest comer of build/no #1. This will allow access to the retail and residential components of building #1. 5. .Provide the occupancy classification and construction type for the clubhouse. Comply .. with 2001 FBC, Chapters 3 and 6. : The occupancy type for the amenity area contained inside of building #1 (depicted on sheet A- 1. 1) is A-2. The occupancy type for the pool club house is also A-2 and the construction type for this pavilion is Type VI, unprotected. This information will be added to the appropriate . sheets in the set at time of building permit. 6. Sheet A1.1- The balcony at the clubhouse shall be provided with vertical accessibility. This is considered a .'Common area" and shall comply with the 2001 FBe, Section 11- 4.1.3. The balcony depicted in sheet A-1.1 is of the units above. The clubhouse in this building is all contained on the first "oor and is therefore not subject to vertical access. 7. Submit a tabulation table that clearly reflects each building, '1umber of units in each building, the type of units (model type), number of stories in each building, and square footage per floor. There ;s tabular data that clearly depicts the breakdown of each buillfing w spaces and units - on sheet SP-1. Although the number of stories is called out in the site plan and elevation, it is not yet a part of that table. The square footage of each floor and all support spaces will be added to this information at time of bUildino aermit. 8. Sheet A-25 indicates a floor plan for a "new townhouse." Submit additional Information on this unit: a. Model type or model number (Identify units); and b. Which buildings will contain this structure? The floor alan labeled "new townhousen has been given the name "BerkeleV'. Buildings 37, 4T, 5T and 6T house this unit. Sheet A~25 will be corrected to reflect this change at time of building permit. O:\NCCOO10\Revised L.etter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 8, 2005.doe 07-08-2005 05: 05PU FROU-WE I NERAR' 'N + T-94Z P.004/014 F-803 July 8, 2005 Page 3 of3 9. Sheet A-fj - Indicate the number of paf1(ing spaces on each level of the garage. The parking garage levels will be updated to show the spaces on each. Currently an overall total for each structure is provided; new data will be added to eve/y sheet at time of building permit. 10. Sheet A..12 - The square footage for units "e" and "01" does not correlate with the square footage listed on Sheet SP..1. Also, identify unit "0~~ as "01" on SP-1 The units shown have the correct SF information; the SP-1 sheet will be updated to reflect the correct numbers and overall SF totals. All unit nomenclature will be coordinated throughout the set at time of building permit. 11. On sheets A26-A32. your calculations for the percentages of openings are Incorrect. The percentage of openings is based upon Table 600 of the 2001 FBe and the distance separation of buildings from property lines or assumed property lines (In the case of multiple buildings on the same lot). Referto 1001 FBe, Chapter 2 for the tenn "Property line, assumed," and submit correct calculations for the percentage of openings. The percentaae of oDenino calculations on sheet A 26-A32 have been revised and are based on Table 800 arthe 2001 FBC and the distance of separation from assumed oroDertv lines due to having multiple buildings on the same lot. The woe of constmction for townhouse TVDes 11/ throuoh T'iD8 X have been changed to Tvoe VI unDrotected. Please see the attached calculations for each townhouse building. We are confirming that these responses meet with Mr. Large's satisfaction and that we rerTJain on schedule for the July 12, 2005 eRA hearing. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Jason S. Mankoff JSM:alv enclosures cc: Mr. Tim Large (via telecopier and regular mail wI enclosures) Mr. Eric Johnson (via telecopier and regular mail wI enclosures) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier and regular mail wI enclosures) Mr. Stuart Debowsky (via telecopierwl enclosures) Mr. Francisco Perez (via telecopierwl enclosures) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosures) Ms. Ashlee l. Vargo (w/o enclosures) O:\NCC0010\Revised Letter to Rumpf re Building Comments.July 8, 2005.doc 07-08-Z005 05:06PU FROU-WEI NERAP' 'N + BUILDING TYPE III EXTERIOR WAli.. CALCS: T-94Z P.005/014 F-803 U AI.1. EXlERIaR WAlL OPENINGS AND Ex1ERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SHAll CQUPLY WITH 2001 me. TABLE 600. CONSlRUCTlON f1'PE; VI UNPROlEC1ED OOERIOR BEARING WAlLS HORIZONTAL SEPARATION (DISTANCE FROM COMMON OR ASSUMED PROPERTY UNE): 0-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OYER '0 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ELEVATION 1-A26 SlOE B..EVAllON 2-A26 REAR W;VAllON 3-A26 SIDE El..EVA TlON 4-A26 YlALL AREA FRONT ae:VAlION l-A26 SIDE EL.EVA liON 2-A26 REAR ELEVAllON 3-A26 SlDE E\.EVAl1ON 4-A26 3,946 SF 1,'95 SF 3.832 SF 1,195 SF ~ ~ PROTECTED AND UNPRo'IECltD OPENINGS 0:% 20 ~ 40:% 60 " NL II NO UWIT g,psEST ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE 16'-4" 1;-" 15'-0. 18'-t ~ PERMITTED NL NL 1,533 SF - 40" Nl (f~ ~~ 1,087 SF - 27.5% B3 SF - 6.9% 1,124 SF - 29.3: 79 SF - 6.6t 07-08-Z005 05:06PU FROU-WEINERAr- 'ON + T-94Z P.006/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE IV EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: WlIE: ALL Ex'ItRIOR WALL OPENINGS AND ExTERIOR WAlL CONSlRUCllOJll SHAll COUPL Y W1lH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSlRUCllON 'NPE: VI UNPR01ECTED EXltRIOR BEARING WALlS HORIZCl>lTAL SEPARA nON: 0-3FT OVER :5 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 n- OVER jQ FT % (:F PRol!CTEO AND UNPROTEC'lED OPENINGS 0::1: 20 X 40X 60 X NL . I'iO UUIT FRONT ELEVAllON l-A27 SlDE atVATlCt{ 2-A27 REAR lliVAllON ~PlJ.7 SlDE El..EVA liON +-Al7 CL~ ASSUMED PROPER!YJ.!HE 11'-6" g'-s" lz'-O" 11'-6' WAlL AREA ~ ~ E'ERMllJED ~ FRONT ELEVAllON 1-A27 ;3,146 SF NL 914 SF - 29X SlDE ELEVAll(J,1 2-K27 1,195 Sf 239 SF' - 2~ 83 SF - 6.9" REAR ELEVA'I1ON :5-A27 3,23g SF' NL 937 SF' - 28.9% gDE aEVAn~ 4-A27 1.195 SF 239 SF - 20% 79 SF - 6.6% or-08-Z005 05:06PM FROU-WEINERAr '~N + T-94Z p.00r/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE V EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOTE: All EX'lERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXlERIOR WAU. CONSlRUC1l0~ SHAll COUPl Y WlH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONsmucnON TYPE: VI UNPROlEC1ED EX1ERIOR SEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARAnON: 0-3FT OVER 3 F1 TO 10 FT OvER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT x OF PROTEClED AND lINPROlEClED OPENINGS 0" 20 ,; oW:!: 60 " NL ;: NO UlIlT FRONT aEVAlION 1-A28 SIDE aEVAl10N 2-A2B REAR ru:VATI~ 3~A2B SIDE ELEVAllON 4-A28 ClOSEST A~Urn PROPERTY lI~E "!i7'-4' 15'-B" 10'~6" 21'-9' WAll AREA ~ ~ PERMlTlED eJmDED FR~T ELEVAllON l-A28 3,766 SF Nl 1,148 SF - 30.4" SIDE ElEVAlION 2-A2B 1.392 SF 542 SF - 40% 89 SF - 6.4~ REAR ElEVA liON 3-A2B 3.628 SF 1.451 SF - 40X 937 SF" - 25.8:!: SIDE ELEVATION 4-A28 1,355 SF Nl 105 SF - 7.7"1. 07-08-2005 05:06PU FROU-WEINERAR 'N + T-94Z P.008/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE VI EXTERIOR WAll.. CALCS: tmlE; ALL ExTERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND EXlERlOR WALL CONSTRUC'I1ON SHALl COMPI.. Y WI'lli 2001 FBC. TABLE 600. CONSlRUCTlON l'fPE: VI UNPROlEClED EX1'ERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAL SEPARATION: 0-3FT OVER :3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT fRONT ELEVAlION 1-A29 ~DE ELf VAll ON 2-A29 REAR El.EVAll00 3-A29 SIDE aEVATION 4-A29 FRONT ElEVATION l-A29 SIDE ELEVAlION 2-A29 REAR ELEVAllC>>! 3-A29 SIDE EL!VAl1ON 4-1\29 WAlL ARE6 4,346 SF 1,195 SF 4,435 SF 1.191 SF ,; OF PROn:C1EO AND UNPROlEmD OPENINGS o ,; 20 l 40:1: 60 X NL = NO UMIT Q.DSEST ASSUMED PROPERlY LINE 62'-5" 13"-0. 21'-1" 21'-10' ~ PERMrmo NL 478 Sf - 40% NL 476 Sf - 40X ~ ~ 764 Sf - 17.6" 92 SF .. 7.~ 1.436 SF' - 32.4% 67 SF - 5.6X 07-08-Z005 05:06PU FROM-WEINERt ~ON + T-94Z P.009/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE VII EXTERIOR WALL CALes: rmEi ALl EXTmI~ WAll OPENINGS ~ND OOERIOR WALL CONSlRUcnOt{ SHAll. CONPI. Y MlH 2001 FBC, TABLE 600. CONSlRUC11QN 'l'tPE: VI UNPROTEClED EXTERIOR a~ING WAllS HORIZONTAL SEPARAllON: Q-3FT OVER 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 IT TO 20 IT OVER 20 IT TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FRONT ElEVAllON 1-~0 SIDE E1!VA liON 2-A3Q REAR B..EVAllOH 3-A30 SlOE El.EVA 110N 4-A30 WAL~ ~E6 FRONT ELEVAllON l-A30 SIDE ELEVAllON 2-AJO REAR ELEVATION 3-A30 SIDE ElEVATION 4-A3D 3,465 SF 1,195 SF 3,523 SF 1,191 SF :t OF' PROlEC'lUl AND UNPROTECTED OPENINGS 0: 20 " 401 60 " NL = NO UMIT ClOSEST ASS\lUFTJ eRpPFJlTY LINE 16'-4' 10'-3' 15'-0" 13'-0" ~ PERMITlED Nl.. 478 SF - ~ Nl 476 SF - 40:; OPENINGS ~ 764 sF' - 17.6:1: 92 SF' - 7.7'1. 1,436 SF' - 32.4'1. 67 Sf - 5.6" 07-08-Z005 05:07PU FROU-WEINERA' 'ON + T-94Z P.Ol0/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE VIII EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: NOlE: ALL EXlERIOR WALL OPENINGS AND ExlERlOR WAll CONSiRUCllON SHALl. COMPLY W1lH 2001 me. TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: ~ uNPROTECTED Ex'IER1OR BEARING WALLS HORIZ~TAL SEPARATION: 0-3Fi OI,{R 3 FT TO 10 FT OVER 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 n TO 30 FT OVER 30 FT FROOT B.EVAlJ(.ll l-A31 RIGHT SIDE ELEVA110N 3-A31 REAR aEVATlON 2-A31 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 3-A31 ~ll AREA FRONT ELEVATION 1-A31 3,235 SF Rl SlDE ELEVATION 3-A31 1,184 SF REAR El..EVAl1ON 2-1.31 3.239 SF . LT. SIDE El.EVAllON 3-A31 1.184 Sf % OF PROlEClrn AND UNPROlEClED OPENINGS OX 20 :; 40% 50 :; NL = NO UIIIT ~ QSW.. ASSUMED el3Sle~ LINE 13' _1w 20'-5w 15'-0' 21'-0. ~ PFRt.llT1FD NL NL 1,296 SF - 4mC NL Of'ENINGs eemmED 959 SF - 29.9% 81 SF - 6.8% 945 SF - 29.21 al Sf - 6.mc 07-08-Z005 05:07PU FROU-WEINERAr 1N + T-94Z P.Oll/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE IX EXTERIOR WALL CALCS: ~ All ExTERIoR WAll. OPENINGS AND EXltRIOR WALL CONSlRUCllCN ~ALI. COMPLY Wl1l-l 2001 FBe. TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTIC>>l TYPE: VI UNPROTEClED EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS HORIZONTAl.. SEPARATION: 0-3FT OVER :3 FT TO 10 FT O~ 10 FT TO 20 FT OVER 20 FT TO 30 fT OvER 30 f'T FRONT ELEVAlIQ\I l-A32 RIGHT SIDE El.EVAll0N 5-A32 REAR aEVAl10N 2-A32 lEfT SIDE EL!VATlON $-A32 WALL AREA FRONT E!.EVAllON l-A32 2,5811 f9 RT. SlOE B..EVATlON 5-A32 1.184 SF REAR ELEVATION 2-A32 2,610 SF' LT. SlOE ELEVATION 5-A32 1.184 SF :; OF PROlECTED AND UNPROlEC1ED OPENINGS 0: 20 :c 40" 60 :; NL = NO UMIT CLOSfST ASSUUED PROPBTY UNE 23'-r 11'-6" 15'-0' 11'-6" ~ E'E:RMrTTEO NL 474 - 40lC 1,044 SF' - 40% 474 - 40% ~ PROVIDED 781 SF' - 30.2X Bl SF - 6.8% 756 SF - 29! a1 SF - 6.8" 07-08-Z005 05:07PU FROU-WEINERAr '~N + T-94Z P.01Z/014 F-803 BUILDING TYPE X EXTERIOR WALL CALes: t:l.QIE; ALl EmRIOR WALL OPENINGS AND ElCTERJOR WAll CONS'lRUCTlON SHAll COIlPL Y WllH 20m FBC, TABLE 600. CONSTRUCTION n'PE: VI UNPROTECTED EX'IERrOR BEARING WAllS HORIZtJllTAL SEPARATION: 0- ;3 IT OvER 3 Fi TO 10 IT OVER 10 FT 10 2D FT OVER 20 FT TO 3D FT O\ffi 30 FT FRONT ElEVATION 3-A32 RIGHT SIDE ELEVA liON 5-A32 REAR ELEVATION 4--A32 LEFT SlDE ElEVATION 5-A32 W-\L AREA FRONT ELEVATION 3-AJ2 2,S88 SF RT. SIDE ELEVATION 5-A32 1,184 SF REAR ELEVA ll()l +-1132 2,535 SF LT. SIDE ELEVATION ~A32 1,184 SF " OF PROTECTED AND UNPROlEClED OPENINGS 0: 20 Z 401; 60 % NL '" tI'O UMIT ClQSfST ASSUMED PROPERTY UNE 2"-0. 19'-1. 16'-0. 18'-;3" ~ PtRNlTlED NL Nl NL NL OPENINGS ~ 761 SF - 29.4X B1 Sf - 6.llX 756 SF' - 29.BX BY SF - 8.8% 07-08-Z005 05:07PU FROM-WEINERA~ 'ON + T-94Z P.013/014 F-803 RESPONSES - TART Memorandum - #05-117 from Timothy K. Large MSA Architects, Inc. 07/08/05 1. The tabular data on sheet SP-1 will be amended to read (only) TYPE 1; it is the developer's intent to sprinkle this building. OK per T.L. 2. The occupancy type for building 1 is simply "S". It is designed with the intent of an open~air ventilated garage, considering that is open on (virtually) three sides. It is our opinion that the garage, as designed, complies with the current building code. OK per T.L., please note that we agreed during the meeting to close uo the sides of the garage that are parall~l to adjacent w1its. The remaining sections of the sides (facing the open cowtyards) and the rear (facing the access road) are adequate to meet the mandated 40% of open perimeter. Calculations will be forwarded at time ofperrnjt. 3. Although most building-to-building setbacks and building-to-propeny line setbacks are currently depicted, the SP-l sheet will be updal:ed to iDclude ALL dimensions, as requested. OK per T.L., Perez office to create a site pJan with all setbacks and will change their construction type (to Type VI) for maximum allowable openings. 4. The parking areas depicted are designated for building occupants and the general public. The garage in building #1 is gated and intended for the exclusive use of the residents of this building; the parking deck adjacent to building #2 is open to the public. Obviously, all surface parking is open to the general public as well. Each of these areas contains adequate parking to meet accessibility standards for residents and the public. Please refer to the tabular data on SP-I and the individual building plans provided. MSA will be replacing an angled surface parking space with an isolated (perpendicular) accessible space in the southwest comer of building #1. This "\lv-ill allow access to the retail and residential components of building #1. 5. The occupancy type for the amenity area contained inside of building #1 (depicted on sheet A-I.l) is A-2. The occupancy type for the pool club house is also A-2 and the construction type for this pavilion is Type VI, unprotected. This information will be added to the appropriate sheets in the set. OK per T.t.: MSA will be placing this infounation on the actual sheets. 6. The balcony depicted in sheet A~1.1 is of the units above. The clubhouse in this building is all contained on the first floor and is therefore not subject to vertical access. OK per T.L. 7. There is tabular data that clearly depicts the breakdown of each building - spaces and units - on sheet SP~1. Although the number of stories is called out in the site plan and elevation, it is not yet a part of that table. The square footage of each floor will also be added to this information. OK per T.L. will be added to sheets as part of permit. MSA must also add the information of all support spaces for floor totals. 07-08-2005 05:07PU FROM-WEINERAr 1N + T-942 P.014/014 F-803 8. PEREZ Architects 9. The parking garage levels will be updated to show the spaces on each. Currently an overall total for each strncture is provided; new data will be added to every sheet. OK perT.L 10. The units shown have the correct SF information; the SP-l sheet will be updated to reflect the correct numbers and overall SF totals. All unit nomenclature will be coordinated throughout the set. OK per T.L.; tabular data is now corrected. 11. PEREZ Architects 07-01-Z005 11 :06AU FROU-WEINERAP""I)N + T-855 P.00Z/003 F-713 WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: mweiner@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL.; ROBERT MARC SCHWARlZ, PA Aorlcla Bar Board certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) July 1, 2005 Via TelecoDier Mr. Eric Johnson City of Boynton Beach 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Re: Conditions of Approval Our File No.: NCC0011 Dear Eric: For your convenience, I have retyped the paragraph concerning the condition of approval on the clubhouse. I believe this now fits the situation. If you should have any questions, 0 not hesitate to contact me. / Very rs, MJ\~I s. wel&Y~ MSW:lg Enclosure cc: Mr. Robert Mathias (~/enclosure, via telecopier) NCC0011 Letter to Eric Johnson 7.1.05 07-01-2005 11 :06AU FROU-WE INERAp....~l')N + T-855 P.003/003 F-713 Staff originally recommended the site plan provide a full-sized clubhouse I recreation building for the townhouses portion of the development, in part, to accommodate homeowner association meetings. However, the developer informed staff that the meeting rooms (proposed within the Building 1) could accommodate the townhouse owner meetings and that the townhouse owners would be authorized to use the meeting rooms once per month for their association meetings. Staff concurs and therefore, the condominium documents should reflect this intention. NCC00111 Heritage Club - Clllbhouse 7.1-05 06-30-Z005 lZ:13PU FROU-WE I NERApl"t .~ON + T-835 P.OOZ/OOZ F-691 Michael From: Sent: To; Cc: Subject: Robert Mathias [RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com] Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:22 AM Michael Weiner Esq; Jason Mankoff Esq. ; Ashlee Vargo (weiner); Robert Mathias David Biggs; JP DiMisa FW; Heritage Club - clubhouse on condo-to be used by Townhomes High Importance: Michael and / or Jason, We are ok with allowing the Townhome community (TH) to have the ability to use the Common / Social Area of the Condo Mixed USe Building Once (1) a month for the their (TH) homeowners meetings. Please make any comments and respond to both Eric and I via e-mail On the language that you would like them to add into the document. -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:05 AM To: 'RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com' Subject: Heritage Club Good mo~ing. I am finalizini the site plan'S conditions of approval and ~ wanted to get your feedback regarding one of staff's proposed recommendations. As you can recall at the TART meetini, staff recommended increasing the size of the townhouse development's clubhouse, in part, to accommodate homeowner assocation meetings. However, we were informed that the community room proposed inside Building 1 could accommodate sa:i.d meetings. As such, staff wants to ensure shared use kletween the two developments. You agreed to the idea of shared use. Therefore. staff proposes the following condition of approval: Staff originally recommended the sice plan provide a full-size clubhouse / recreation building for the townhouses portion of the development, in pare, to accommodate homeowner aesociation meetings. However. the developer informed staff that the meeting rooms (proposed within the Building l) could accommodate the townhouse owner meetings and that "...84 ~.:n::Be'tW&ee. L1..... &.vel...pmcu....", wElulti---;;l. prekuad al&e~ive. Staff concurs and therefore, the condominium documents should reflect this intention. 1 J. ~I~~ ~6~~ . J:i,~ ~ ~ ^~ ~ ~ rT .tr<\.~ [tJI\ ~ ~~ ~ Is this condition acceptable to yOU? If not, feel free to ~ev~ae accordingly. Hope ~o hear back from you soon. Thanks. Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Pla.uner City of Boynton Beach TIlE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3320 FOREST HilL BL YD. C-II0 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX (561) 434-8187 ARTHUR C. JOHNSON, Ph.D SUPERINTENDENT tl June 23, 2005 Mr. Dick Hudson Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 RE: Proposed Land Use Amendment - BOY-55 (LUAR 05-005) Dear Mr. Hudson: The School District Planning Department has reviewed the proposed land use amendment for 8.30-acre site located at the northwest comer of Federal Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard. The proposed land use change is from Boynton Beach's designation of local Retail Commercial (10.8 dulac & 0.50 FAR) to Special High Density Residential (20 du/ac). The proposed development for the site is 166 multi-family dwellings (70 town homes and 96 condominiums). The proposed development is located in Concurrency Service Area (CSA) 19 and SAC 283. Based on School District's adopted student multipliers for a dwelling unit, the proposed development of 166 units may generate approximately 14 elementary school students, 7 middle school students and 10 high school students. The schools currently serving the area are as follows: Schools Current Current Utilization% Capacity Enrollment Plumosa Elementary School 652 384 59% Odyssey Middle School 1742 1178 68% Atlantic High School 2500 1909 76% The schools referenced above that would currently serve the proposed development are subject to change due to boundary adjustments to equalize utilization, or to provide capacity for the new student growth. The level of service for school concurrency is 110%. Based on existing utilization, another school would not be necessary to serve the area. Please be advised that a Public School Concurrency Determination is not required as a part of the land Use Amendment process, but will be required in conjunction with the rezoninglsite plan applications. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-8962. Sincerely, JtJJ(_O~ Michael C. Owens Senior Planner - Intergovernmental Relations c: Kristin K. Garrison, Planning Director Arthur Wittman, Demographer Angela Usher, Manager, Intergovernmental Relations L:\PlanninglPublic\INTERGOV\Govemmental Review\MUDicipal\BOYNTN\IPARC Review 06-20-0S.doc 06-28-2005 04: OOPt.! FROt,l-'~1 NERARONSON + T-B05 P 0021002 F-657 ~ ~ ~ '11 ~I ; I t 2 ! ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ! ~ I I II~fifi~ I I l "f- it G ~ ~~'~ij i~!!ri l;j ~ (\ > i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "< ij!( !( 111"( N iJ11!( ~ - i << 0' ... ~ G l.) ... 9- ! 0> Ie 5 ~ '" != ~ i ... ~ ... ... 8 I ~ IS IS IS ... - ~ ~ ~ i i i I ~ ~ I m ?I ;l (' i. ~ ~ ,l!! t I r J ~.w ~ ~ i ;1J l~~ ~ ~ .1 I~e ~. .. ~ fl ~ :J ~ mli i -Ii' J: t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;1 "'..!(~ fI ;l ~ N~;!' - - - il~ -- --- ...... ... .... !Iii iii III 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G VI 1.1 1.1 - l.) t - ti b b '" ~~ b \II ~~8 !3~ I z t mBUA ...~ ~~a II 01 scll$~ i"'~a;~ .., - - !:l ~ III .. 5, I I ~ ... i u . 'g i~ ,1~u \Ii I~ Go i (' i ~ t ~ i i~ ~G :t ~I~ I ii~ Y Icn~ t ,Ii! l.) <;; i JUN '2 9 2005 1-, ' I .' '_________-----1 .i\ \ ,'J i- .~_~~. n ....-~._.._.- WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMi R. MAUGHAM OF COLJtJSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARfZ, P A r:lorida Bar Board Ger@ed Reai E&tate l.c>wyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS l. U.; (ir. T;;.xation) June 27,2005 Vi!tHand~Delivery Mr. Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zonmg City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Revised Plans for Heritage Cijub at Boynton Beach Our File No,: NCC0010 Dear Mic:18el: Endosed please find the following items per our letter dated JU:-;l~ 2-~. ~:n06 regardmg the Site Plan Application for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach: ~, Two (2) original copies of the Shared Parking Analysis; and jY A copy of the letter to Ms. Laurinda Logan as well as a copy of the cross-sectil)n vf Old Dixie Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard which were submitted ,:tirectly to her on June 20, 2005 by the engineer. l am confirming with you that the Land Use Amendrnent!Rezoning/SltE~ Plnn wii: br;, placed on the eRA agendfl of July 12, 2005. Please provide me. with a copy of the Stt=lff Report as soon as it is HVHilnble. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, If J~ankOff J$M:alv enclosures cc: Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier wI enclosures) Donald Thomas, Esquire (wlo enclosures) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (wlo enclosures) O:\NCC0010\Letter to Rumpf re revised plans.June 27. 2005.doc OS-Z4-Z005 04: 13PU FROlti-WE I NERARO'. '~ + T-T63 P.002/005 F-S13 WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E.mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEl'S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAUl R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEl.; ROBERT MARC SCHrWnZ. P.A. Florida Bar Board CerIIfted Real 5sl8ta law)w, MICHAEl R. HARRIS L.LM. (In Taxatlal1) June 24, 2005 Vis Te/ecoDier and Reaular MIIil Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re; Revised Plans for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Michael: Enclosed please find the revised plans in response to the comments received at the June 14, 2005-T.AR!-meetU:lg...rega~ing....tt:te.Site...J?lan-AppiiQatic;>r.l- foHier-itage..ctu~tof)- Beac::h. -.. .- The following items are thus enclosed: )0 One (1) copy of the Shared Parking Analysis- (The original will be sent to you early ne>.t week); and )- The cross-section of Old Dixie Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard was.submitted directly to Ms. Laurinda logan by the engineer. (One (1) reduced (8. % x 11) copy of revised engineering plans will also be sent to yo.u eany. next wee.k). I am confirming with you that the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Site Plan will be placed on the eRA agenda of July 12, 2005. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, ~s.~ Jason S. Mankoff JSM:alv Enclosures cc: Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier wI enclosures) Mr. Donald Thomas (w/o enclosures) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosures) O:\NCCOO10\Lener to Rumpf re reviSed planS.June 24, 2005.doc WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, PA. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) June 24, 2005 ilia Teit;c;opier and Reau;ar Mall Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Ro: Revised Plans for Heritage Club at Bo~'ntol1 Beach Our File No.: NCC0010 [)~ar MIchael: Enciosed please find the revised plans in response to the clAnments received aT the June A, 2005 fART meeting regarding the Site Plan App!icatirJn for Heritage Club at 8oynton Beacn. The following items are thus enclosed: ? One (1) copy of the Shared Parking Analysis. (The original wi!! be serit to YOli 8<3rly next week); and ,.. The cross-section of Old Dixie Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard was submitted directly to Ms. Laurinda Logan by the engineer. (One (1) reduced (8 % x 11) copy of revised engineering pians. will aiso he sent LO :Iou early next WeeK). I am confirming with you that the land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Site Plan will he placed on the eRA agenda of July 12, 2005. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, ill, ~!I~ ~ 0 W ~ 1m: I I L..,' , L I' fla4o<< s. ~ Jason S. Mankoff JSM:alv Enclosures cc: Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier wi enclosures) Mr. Donald Thomas (wlo enclosures) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosures) .!-~~_~\t t::'J~!' 1 :r-,[ r"( \ 'I! (q , q t. : J O:\NCC001 O\Letter to Rumpf re revised plans.June 24. 2005.doc PltlDE~ T~OOTMAlt COtlSOLTltlG. Itlc. ; Transportation Planners and Engineers 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663 www.pindertroutman.com June 24, 2005 Mr. Robert Mathias New Century Companies 1020 South Federal Highway, Suite 102 Delray Beach, FL 33483 Re: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach - #PTC05-037 Shared Parking Analysis Dear Mr. Mathias: The purpose of this letter is to provide a shared parking analysis for the site located on the west side of Federal Highway in the City of Boynton Beach. The proposed mixed use development provides opportunities for sharing of parking spaces. A shared parking analysis of the retail, office, and restaurant uses as well as the 12 residential units in Building 2 was examined. Exhibits 1 A and 1 B show the shared parking analysis for a weekday and weekend. Hourly parking utilization percentages were obtained from the Urban Land Institute's Shared Parking study. The code required parking for these uses, shown on the site plan, is 125 spaces. As shown on Exhibits 1 A and 1 B, the maximum projected peak parking demand for these uses is 104 spaces for a weekday and 84 spaces for a weekend, which results in 21 shared spaces during the weekday. The Building 1 garage is proposed to be gated and is therefore not available for the shared parking analysis. The available parking spaces that can be utilized by these land uses include the 31 angled spaces between Buildings 1 and 2 and 79 spaces in the Building 2 garage that will be ungated, for a total of 110 spaces which are sufficient to accommodate the peak demand. The entire project requires 434 spaces per code requirement as shown on the site plan. With the sharing of 21 spaces, the peak parking demand is 413 spaces. The proposed 417 parking spaces provide sufficient parking supply to meet the peak parking demand. Additionally, 7 on-street parking spaces along Gulfstream Boulevard and 14 on-street parking spaces along Old Dixie Highway are also available. These on-street spaces were not included in the above calculations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. AMT/ldr Attachments cc: Ashlee Vargo Stuart Debowsky West Palm Beach (561) 434-1644 · Stuart (772) 463-0277 fDi Letter Mathias 05-037 6-24-05 ~f'.- Lr) .22 N M 0 X '- 9 0 . 0 Lf"l'>:::b OM' UNO ~ ,...--..Nctl a.. '"'",a.. "II:: r--.. M 9 Lf"l o 0.0 C :.2 rn CL -0 ~ ctl ~ '" >- ~ .r:.~ u.::t. ~ Q,l Q,l Q,l ~3: c: o CI) .... .- c: ~ >-- o ~ ~ c: ....< ~ t)t:l ..c c: :;j32 < U ~ 'r""Q,lC- ~ ;0] ._ .- L... ..c~~ >< Q,l..c wJ:V':l ::0 ~ C'" ...., ClJ o ~ ~Lr') N '<"" "'t:I '" ClJ eJ"'t:I ~ <'tI ClJ '.0 c.... ClJ s:::,<""VlZ ClJ N "'t:I 'Vi ClJ ~ - ~ "'t:I ~ ClJ ...., U "'t:I s::: <'tI ClJ ~ c.... ClJ -Lr')VlZ IS M '" ClJ ~ ',[9 co ClJ '<t ~ ClJ U t.::;::; o 9.- ClJ ~ ~ :) ~ "'t:I:52 s::: .... <'tI ctl --..J CI... "0 ~ ClJ u"'t:l ctl ClJ c....ClJ VlZ "0 ~ ClJ u"O <'tI ClJ c....ClJ VlZ - s ...., s::: ClJ E ClJ .... 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(I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I) ~ 0 0 0 .. .. .. .. 0 0 <rJ ~ <.n /'... co N ..- N M oq- U"'l <.n /'... co ;:) O"l 0 ..- ..- O"l 0 -0 ~ ..- ..- ..- c .... ctl ctl ....J Cl.. 'IS E:' ,.Q -0 C <tl E C! -0 >- ctl ~ C! C! ?; "- 0 '#. If) 0 -0 C ctl C! U ~ 0 ,.Q N 00 -0 c c J2 ctl E =' C! ..c -0 c >- '- ctl .l!l -0 'c ~ C! =' C! N ?; ..- "- 2 0 '#. >- "- c 0 00 .~ 00 C -0 C :.2 c :g ~ ctl E ~~ C! -0 -0 -0 C! 00 E:' ~ c 's ~ :.2 o-V) C ~ E:' I ctl 0- .l!l ::i 0: -0 C ::> .E:l c C! ~ <fl C! V5 C! E:' i:: C! C! 0- =' C! S ci\! 0 V) V) :s 8 3 ~ -- PINDE~ TIlOOTMflN CO"SOLTlttCi, Ittc. Transportation Planners and Engineers June 24, 2005 2324 South Congress Avenue, Su ite 1 H West Pal m Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434.1&&3 www.pindertroutman.com Mr. Robert Mathias New Century Companies 1020 South Federal Highway, Suite 102 Delray Beach, FL 33483 Re: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach. #PTC05.037 Shared Parking Analysis . Dear Mr. Mathias: The purpose of this letter is to provide a shared parking analysis for the site located on the west side of Federal Highway in the City of Boynton Beach. The proposed mixed use development provides opportunities for sharing of parking spaces. A shared parking analysis of the retail, office, and restaurant uses as well as the 12 residential units In Building 2 was exami ned. Exhibits 1 A and 1 B show the shared parking analysis for a weekday and weekend. Hou rly parking utilization percentages were obtained from the Urban Land Institute's Shared Parking study. The code required parking for these uses, shown on the site plan, is 125 spaces. As shown on Exhibits 1 A and 18, the maximum projected peak parking demand for these uses is 104 spaces for a weekday and 84 spaces for a weekend, which results In 21 shared spaces during the weekday. The Building 1 garage Is proposed to be gated and is therefore not available for the shared parking analysis. The available parking spaces that can be utilized by these land uses include the 31 angled spaces bemeen Buildings 1 and 2 and 79 spaces in the Building 2 garage that will be ungated, for a total of 110 spaces which are sufficient to accommodate the peak demand. The entIre project requires 434 spaces per code requirement as shown on the site plan. With the sharing of 21 spaces, the peak parking demand is 413 spaces. The proposed 417 parking spaces provide sufficient parking supply to meet the peak parking demand. Additionally, 7 on-street parking spaces along Gulfstream Boulevard and 14 on-street parking spaces along Old Dixie Highway are also available. These on-street spaces were not included in the above calculations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. AMT/ldr Attachments cc: A.shlee Vargo Stuart Debowsky West Palm Beach (561) 434.1644 . Stuart (772) 463-0277 Pi L~rr - .. "IdS L.- . -t" -l '. -11.05 . : I.':~!' 1.1 ~V92:6 900~ 't~. unr l'lI"\...IaN 80 x_ o . 0 ~~~i t:a.'ill':\ 1.00- ~ r-.. N ~~s:l ~ 1.&;)100 ~ ~ ~ co . g'l co ~~ t"') :c .,.. 9 N " COC'l 0 IX) l:I'I g'l C'l If) ~ g- ! ~ ..- 0 Cl! 0 ~ ~ l/"l ~ ~ N ..- 8.. ..- eo " LI"l ..,. N M C'oI M M -.:r ;J;J co 0 0 T"" ..- 1) N T"" ..- T"" r ,... ,... - .- .- .... .... .... N N N N --- B~ ~ ~ II> -; ~ ~ '.0 ~Z ii r- N 6~~*~**~~S*~~~~**~ -= O"lMCOO"JO .-...:0 V')~\.&)=OO"l .~ =O""'\J;JiJ"lI.&;)iJ"lIoDIoOIoD"'-CQg'lg'lO"lg'l OJ! s- ;:J '#.. >-- ~ -S:B ~~ ~ I S .~ ~- o "' ~ L: ...< "' be .c C ::: .- - ~ <: u ; - ~~ .~ !'!l ~ ..c ... Q) .t: ~ -6 Q) "' ~:I:~ O....N.".-COV')..-T""COLl"l~LI"ll/"lLl"lN ........NNN..-N!"I1I""'lM!"I1M .. ~ ~ c: ~ Qi ~ iJ"l ~~ jM 6~~~I~I~lll~llll~~ s => '#. .- t""' ~ O-.:rO"JOMN"="~NCOO"JMNO"JV') NMo:r"lt-.:r"lf"..MM~.N..- ~~ 'ra ~l I~ =~'#.~~~~~~'#..~~~~~~~* " <:::> co IX) N co F-.- " "1.I"l f... ~ N ~ " ... 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I r I I I I 'P"""' ,.... 5~~~ 1,1 '~::E::E::E~~~~~";'~ c<:<<~~~o...o..o...Q..o..g.,Q.Q..Q..<< I~$.$.gg8$.~~~~~~~~88 1.O"a:l......N....NMo:rlrJ\,Or-..CO.... 0">0'1"""'1""" 010 'I""" 'I""" 'f""" .!! 2:: ~ "B ~ d) "0 >-. ~ ~ '0 'iJt 8 - "'C i ~ ~ .2 N ll.Q "B~ ~~ >-. .~ tIl .l!l J.l 'c d) :: ~ ~ "0 ... .E '?R~ ~ 8 .!!l tIC) ~ ~~~ ~ - ~ Q,1 !. ~ "'C ~ fa .~.; ~ . ~ !ir I l: "' ~ i Q.. tl ::J 11 c ::l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .........~.-........... c~o~ ~V9S:6 gOO~ .t~. un 06/27/2005 08:06 FAX l4J 002 . SCHNAII'f Jeffrey T Schnars, RE. President ENGINEERING CORPORATION James W Mahannah, RE. Vice President June 20, 2005 Laurinda Logan, P.E. Civil Engineer City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 phone: 1-561-742-6482 via fax: 1-561-742-6285 (original full size sheets to follow) Re: The Heritage Club at Boynton Seach Schnars Em!lneerim! Corooration Project No. 05106 Laurinda: As we discussed in the TART meeting of June 14, 2005 and pursuant to the latest conditions of approval, please find attached 3 copies of the Preliminary Engineering Plans revised to include cross"sections of Old Dixie Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard. As usual, call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, SCHNARS ENGINEERING CORPORATION Jeffrey T. Schnars, P.E. President copy: Robert Mathias, New Century Companies, via fax: 561.272-2869 951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 320 · Boce Raton, FL 33487 . Tel: (S611241-6455 · Fax: (561) 241-5182 06/27/2005 08:07 FAX J I4J 003 ~NI7 111/& ""2- ~~_..,,- ~ , cJ~ ~r 1.0 ~~ C\J . O"-J uQ G Lw Cl., . ""l, l!)u -.:t" <-"l ~ -.J -I ~I ~ Q~ =:: LlJ ~ ~ f.- ei U-I Cl., Q;: ct: (.) Lw Vi -0 ~ (..1'- ~ S:210 Co >- f-,.< ~ 0 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ::r:o<i :: Cr, G C; ~ ';8 ~ "l- ~...j "<t ~ 7V.I, Z ...... v) . I ,~' ~ - ~;-..; , 0 ~ C\J ~ C\J I l.W <= gs -... ~ I- ><: 0 a w a (J)I cs Lu ~ --.I ~U-l ~ q ~ ,.\ '} ....... A"" J~ _" r.- C\J F:.'~.'.: ~ \.J'U '-I.." ~... ' LlJ ' ~'" l.lJCl:lf-,. :;",: 0.... Q;: f.- 1("" i::: ::J ::J <Y u l:) I>~ L.] Cl I t-'1 a t/) I -..-..-1 3N/7 If'I/1:i 'M 1 I I ll...; Q "<;C Q;: ~ ~ Q I.J..J ~~ -.J ~~ f-,.-.J t/). - ~ ~~ 06/2i/2005 08:0i FAX ~ ~ 0:; f-. W -J ~ ~ <..J Q. ~ :Qci :;:;:::>... 3N17 M/CI'N :l:;:~ -;-c:j I-~ V)V', ~._.._..-. ." ~?;; '*~ "'" ., r (n~ ~~ lI) , lJ..J~ i--a ~ (.)"- .<;:""l: Sf-. lLJ <<:t ~ ~~ ~8 ~ V) ~~O: ~~ ~ lLJ ~ ~ V) l<J 8:;h V) ~ l<JClJf- <<:, Cl ::::. Q..C::S )....~ 't--~ liJ -.J f-(')l.:l V) f- Lu ~ 1.l.Ji-- a.. 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Q.. ) ~~ o::;j;~ 20 ~8~ 1..1)1- 8~8 ~ l.( ~ ~ lo( [4J 004 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION · Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment June 20, 2005 Mr. Michael Weiner Weiner & Aronson 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, FL Re: Heritage Club NWSP 05-014 Dear Mr. Weiner, The above referenced project received a 3rd TART staff review on June 14,2005. The hourly rate plus benefits charged by staff for this review was $368.98. Please remit this amount to the Planning and Zoning Department. Make checks payable to the "City Of Boynton Beach". Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Ed Breese Principal Planner CC: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning EB/sc City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.cl.boynton.beach.or DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-107 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rick Lee, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevi!!-&l1ahan, Fo~e~!er/Environmentalist ~7~flli lI~tiIlgton, 'p~l~c~~~ - H. DaVId Kelley, UtIlItIes Timothy Large, Building Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Laurinda Logan, Engineering Ed Breese, Principal Planner Jody Rivers, Parks FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: June 14,2005 SUBJECT: 3rd Review- New Site Plan Project- Heritage Club Location: 3629 South Federal Highway Agent: Weiner & Aronson, P.A. File No,- NWSP 05-014 \ Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3rd review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than 5:00 pm today. 5)!1-r h{lAt7"t'i'( G (c) iI./ < ~o '"7;L:> '/ ~ '''' t~1 t 3fOZ6 MWR: sc C:\Documents and Settings\coaleslMy Documents\letter fonns\3rd Review MeJro.doc 20 .~f) '\v DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-107 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rick Lee, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police H. David Kelley, Utilities Timothy Large, Building /~-1effr.;ivergood;Public ~affic ~, Laurinda Logan, Engine~~~ --Ed~Breese-;-Prmcipal Planner Jody Rivers, Parks FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: June 14,2005 SUBJECT: 3rd Review- New Site Plan Project- Heritage Club Location: 3629 South Federal Highway Agent: Weiner & Aronson, P.A. File No.- NWSP 05-014 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3rd review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than 5:00 pm today. '3Zit'B)<.I 35% (bc()ci='-it~7) ~ 'J..6hr. :.z. MWR: sc C:lDocuRlents and Settings\coales\My Documents\letter fonm\3rd Review Memo.doc \ 110?!E '4 '0'::']( GuJ Or citJe?J?) .~ t'1I5~ Plannine Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist To: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director From: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist Subject: Heritage Club 3rd Review- New Site Plan Date: June 14,2005 The following is the calculated review time and costs associated with my review of the above project. Review Time Calculated Costs Hourlv Rate Plus Benefits 1 hour $27.52 + $ 9.63 (35%) total $37.15 Kjh file TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-107 Ei2RCMEMB RS (' ..:.: Rick Lee, . Plans Review Analyst ..,..c_ . . allahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police H. David Kelley, Utilities Timothy Large, Building Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Laurinda Logan, Engineering Ed Breese, Principal Planner Jody Rivers, Parks Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director June 14,2005 3rd Review- New Site Plan Project- Heritage Club Location: 3629 South Federal Highway Agent: Weiner & Aronson, P.A. File No.- NWSP 05-014 \ Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3rd review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than 5:00 pm today. J ) . ( C', l~ ) MWR: sc /1 ( I /J , ./ ~~~ {(d ~'7 C:lDocumcnts and Settingslcoales\My Documcntslletter Cormsl3rd Review Memo.doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-107 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rick Lee, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police H avid Kell Imot y Large, Buildin Jeff LIvergood, Public Works, Traffic Laurinda Logan, Engineering Ed Breese, Principal Planner Jody Rivers, Parks FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: June 14,2005 SUBJECT: 3rd Review- New Site Plan Project- Heritage Club Location: 3629 South Federal Highway Agent: Weiner & Aronson, P.A. File No.- NWSP 05-014 ~ AWrfIJ {fl12(;E- Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3rd review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than 5:00 pm today. ~. :I. #:.. .:7 P #-VJV?? c?;J- 'Z tJ t# f' U :/ !? Z, (,r MWR: sc C:\Documents and Settings\coales\My Documents\letter fonns\3rd Review Memo.doc ~~6'~~~q ~ , , l S ~<? ~ V- '~1 ~ 1f ~-t.y~ 'f~S ~ ~ - . , ~Y.4~~ t- lL_~ J - JpLf(P. S; WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW;~ ( The Clark House U 102 North Swinton Avenue . ( : ~.. - l r"I",- Delray Beach, Florida 33444 \...J / Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMIR.MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) May 25. 2005 via Te/ecofJier and Reaular Mail Mr. Dick Hudson Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 1 00 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Mr. Eric Johnson City of Boynton Beach 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 James Cheraf, Esquire Goren, Cherat, Doody & Ezrol, P.A. 3099 E. Commercail Blvd., Ste. 200 Ft. Lauderdale, Flor;da....13~W.. 8....... Tr-. 11,..' " :, Sche~uled Dates for Gulfstream Malll Heritage Club I.U~ f----. Our File No.: NCC0010 L~ I ~L-\. I I .......... Re: Dear Gentlemen: I understand that the schedule for the Gulfstream Mall Project is now as [) PAR~M[NT OF Df'IJ[l(WMf~' I: ~ CRA meeting of July 12, 2005 it is my understanding that the only confirmed date that we have as of now is the July 12, 2005 CRA hearing. I understand our Land Use Amendment /Rezoning, Site Plan and Height Exception will all be heard by the CRA at that meeting. Thus, in order to meet the thirty (30) day notice requirement for the Land Use Application, appropriate notice must be posted and mailed by Friday June 10, 2005. I am confirming with you that we can also include the dates for the City Commission hearings on these ,,'une 10, 2005 postings and mailings and that additional notices thus will not also be required to be sent and/or posted ten (10) days prior to the City Commission hearings as long as the original notices and mailings include these City Commission dates. Additionally, I am confirming with you that the Height Exception Request related to this Application need not be part of the posted notice or mailings. I also understand that the schedule for the City Commission hearings are contingent on the PUD Text Amendment and whether or not the Planning and Development Board is to review the PUD Text Amendment. I understand that the PUD Text Amendment will follow one of the following two schedules: Mr. Dick Hudson Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Mr. Eric Johnson James Cherof, Esquire May 25, 2005 Page 2 of 2 )0> June 7, 2005 initiation by City Commission; ~ June 9, 2005 CRA; ~ July 5, 2005 City Commission First Reading; ~ July 19, 2005 City Commission, Second Reading. OR: ~ June 7, 2005 initiation by City Commission; ~ June 9, 2005 CRA; ~ June 28, 2005 Planning and Development; ~ J:..dy 19, 2005. Citi Commissiorl FI-rst Reading; ~ August 2, 2005 City Commission Second Reading. If the PUD Text Amendment does not need to go to Planning and Development Board, I am confirming with you that our schedule for the Heritage Club would be as follows: ~ July 12, 2005 CRA (this is regardless of the PUD Text Amendment Schedule); ~ August 2,2005 First Reading; ~ August 16, 2005 Second Reading; If the PUD Text Amendment does need to be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board, I am confirming with you that our schedule for the Heritage Club would be as follows: ~ July 12, 2005 CRA (this is regardless of the PUD Text Amendment Schedule); ~ August 16, 2005 First Reading; ~ September 6,2005 Second Reading. Please confirm that these dates are correct and that there are not additional dates, such as any Third Readings. If any of these dates are not correct, please let me know immediately. Additionally, please let me know as soon as you know which schedule we will be following concerning the PUD Text Amendment. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please let me know by June 1, 2005 so that we can put the correct dates for the City Commission hearings on our postings arId IiiCliiiflgS ,0 be sent out by June 10, 2005. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, ason S. Mankoff JSM:ek Cc: Ms. Sherie Coale (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier and regular mail) Don Thomas, Esq. Michael S. Weiner, Esq. Ms. Ashlee Vargo O:\NCCOOIO\Letter to Rumpf-Johnson-Hudson. May 24. 2005.doc WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, PA Florida Bar Board Certified. Real Estate L.awyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) May 25, 2005 '. Via Hand-Deliverv Michael.W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton. Beach- 100 East BqyntonBeach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 r---- - I' r, ' _....,i Re: Height exception for Heritage"cClub at Boynton Beach OUf File No";: NCC0010 iUN j 4 LlJ(b L..J \;'ii~:G AN. -..-.. ......._.J Dear Michael: This!etter is:our request for heightexception pursuant to Chapter 2 SectionA,(F) of ._ the City-'of Boynton Beach Land Devetopment Regulations. We are r.eq\Jesting a he~ght .. exception for up to 15-feet to allow the towers as a decorative feature tor the project Thus, our application for a height exception meets all the- findings. required as follows: a. Whether the height exception will have an adverse effect on the existing and proposed land uses. The height exception will not adversely affect this .project or any that are adjacent to it. On the contrary, it will add to the area's ~esthetic appearance. b. Whether the height exception is necessary. This height exception is absolutely necessary as a means of breaking up the horizontal massing of the building with minor (uninhabited) vertical elements. The aesthetics of the building depends upon the elements. The height limitation makes the architectural expression we want to promote impossible. O:\NCC0010\Letter to Rumpf re Height Exception.May 20, 2005.doc \ Mr. Michael W. Rumpf May 25, 2005 Page 2 c. Whether the height exception will severely reduce light and air in adjacent areas. The height exception is only a small percentage of the overall project and will not reduce light and air from this site or adjacent areas. d. Whether the height exception will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accord with existing regulations. The height exception will not deter future development and will actually serve to establish a much more pleasingarchit~ctural expression to this gateway area of the City. No adjacent properties will be affected. e. Whether the height exception will adversely affect property values in adjacent areas. The height exception will make adjacent properties more valuable, as this project will be, a vibrantand exciting additionlothe redevelopment to this' area of Federal Highway. :.. t. ''':c VVhether the height exception will adversely influence living conditions in the ".., . neighborhood. The height exception willno.t have any adverse effect 'on the neighborhood. The request would simply allow tower elements to be add~d to ,a "g~te" effect to the proje~t. They are uninhabited arctlitectural " elements." . g. Whetherthe height exception will 'constitute a grant of a special privilege to an individual own~r as contrasted with the public welfare. The height exception will not constitute a grant of a special privilege or conform to the public welfare. Other similar projects have received height exceptions. h, Whether sufficient evidence has been presented to justify the need for a height exception. As mentioned in the above statements, the height exception will" not adversely affect this project or any adjacent properties. It will only add to the area's aesthetic appearance by breaking up the horizontal massing of the building with minor (uninhabited) vertical elements and will actually serve to establish a much more pleasing architectural expression to this gateway area of the City, The height exception is only a small percentage of the overall project and will not constitute a grant of a special privilege. O:\NCC0010\Letter to Rumpf re Height Exception.May 20, 2005.doc Mr. Michael Rumpf May 25, 2005 Page 3 In addition, enclosed is a check in the amount of Two-Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars for the processing fee for the height exception. I am confirming this matter will be heard at the July 12, 2005 eRA hearing and then will follow the same schedule along with the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning and Site Plan. ( Jpson S. Mankoff \fiISM :vf:alv cc: Mr. Robert Mathias Mr.. Donald. Thomas Mr. Stuart Debowsky Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo O:\NCC001 O\Letter to Rumpf re Height Exception.May 20, 2005.doc Page 1 of2 Breese, Ed From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:00 PM To: 'jmankoff@zonelaw.com' Cc: Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: FW: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Jason, to confirm the dates, I am providing you with the original e-mail sent to Michael. The text amendment does not need P&D Board review given its wording limiting it to the redevelopment area. Therefore, read the schedule accordingly (correct dates are underlined). Let me know if you have any questions, Mike -----Original Message----- From: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:55 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:14 PM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Greene, Quintus; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, Your client has this schedule but I wanted to supply it to you as well along with explanation of the time constraints, and schedule/processing requirements. Pre-Commission review - June 7th CRA - proiect and code review - July 12th [there would not be adequate time to totally prepare the amendment for the June eRA meeting which has been moved to June 9th]. P&D - Code review - July 26th [given the possible impact outside of the CRA jurisdication, the P&D Board would have to review the code item. If not, the schedule could be adjusted 2 weeks]. >>processing requirements skip a CC meeting coming from the Boards<< Commission - Public Hearing & 1 st Reading of ordinances - August 16th (August 2nd if P&D review not required). Commission - 2nd Reading - September 6th (August 16th if P&D review not required). Mike, at this time, without knowing details of the amendment, I must assume that a review by the P&D Board will be required. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw,com] Sent: Friday, May 06,20056:13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall 6/6/2005 Page 2 0[2 Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. Michael Weiner 6/612005 Page 1 0[2 Rumpf, Michael From: Jason Mankoff [JMankoff@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2Q05 11 :04 AM To: 'Rumpf, Michael' Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment ./ L ~> ( . --f\ 1 I c;cl \ ( (. (;.... ty ;~ I C~rf\S 1<2-" ("1'\/ [) j- ~(! t:."")c- Thanks. Have a great memorial Day weekend. Jason S. Mankoff, Esq. Weiner & Aronson, P.A. 102 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 561.265.2666 x 303 561.272.6831 (fax) imankoff@zonelaw.com From: Rumpf, Michael [mailto:RumpfM@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:00 PM To: 'jmankoff@zonelaw.com' Cc: Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: FW: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Jason, to confirm the dates, I am providing you with the original e-mail sent to Michael. The text amendment does not need P&D Board review given its wording limiting it to the redevelopment area. Therefore, read the schedule accordingly (correct dates are underlined). Let me know if you have any questions, Mike -----Original Message----- From: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:55 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12: 14 PM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Greene, Quintus; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, Your client has this schedule but I wanted to supply it to you as well along with explanation of the time constraints, and schedule/processing requirements. Pre-Commission review - June 7th CRA - proiect and code review - July 12th [there would not be adequate time to totally prepare the amendment for the June CRA meeting which has been moved to June 9th]. P&D - Code review - July 26th [given the possible impact outside of the CRA jurisdication, the P&D Board would have to review the code item. If not, the schedule could be adjusted 2 weeks]. >>processing requirements skip a CC meeting coming from the Boards<< Commission - Public Hearing & 1 st Reading of ordinances - August 16th (August 2nd if P&D review not 5/27/2005 Page 2 of2 required). Commission - 2nd Reading - September 6th (August 16th if P&D review not required). Mike, at this time, without knowing details of the amendment, I must assume that a review by the P&D Board will be required. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 6: 13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. Michael Weiner 5/27/2005 WEINER & ARONSON, P .A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265~2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS LL.M. (In Taxation> May 20, 2005 Via Hand Delivery Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Revised Plans for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach .Our FileNo~.: . NCC001 0 Dear Michael: Enclosed please'trnd the revised plans in response to the comments received from the City .. regarding the Site Plan Application for Heritage Club at Boynton Beach. The following items are. enclosed: >>. One (1) comprete s~t of f.educed plans (8 Y2 x 11); I 'i >>Complete set of plans on' CDs in a PDF Format; 9(zq, b ~ One (1) reduced plan (8 Y2 x 11) of monument sign; d ~ One (1) reduced plan (8 % x 11) of color samples; :i A >>.. .l;lA/81~ G {ll)1'evised site plans (sheet SP-1 ); g ...1.>> ::r'.'Jelve (12) revised site plans (sheet SP-2); 11- ..1. ~ T..dvt: (12) revised elevations showing the pool building (sheet A-1.2); y ..1.)0:. or'helve (12) revised elevations showing the west elevation of the building 2 (sheet A-10.1); and 'f! V T.....clvCJ (12) revised elevations showing the north elevation of the building 1 (sheelA-9). I am confirming with you that the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Site Plan will be placed on . the CRA agenda of June 9, 2005. A request for a height exception. will be provided to you under separate cover. \ Jason S. Mankoff JSM:vf Enclosures cc: Mr. Robert Mathias (w/o enclosures) Mr. Donald Thomas (w/oenclosures) Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosures) A.".) //?t~J !L(2.~ ~. 1;w MAY 2 0 2005 Very truly yours, ,......5. -'.11/1 0/?P {o S 0:\NCC0010\Letter to Rumpfre revised plans for SPA.May20. 2005.doc Page 1 0[2 Rumpf, Michael From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, May 19,200510:15 AM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Brooks, Vivian; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran); Johnson, Eric Subject: FW: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, I did not receive any feedback from you nor your client regarding the schedule provided to you both on May 10th, amended to incorporate the needed code amendment item. However, your staff has contacted Planning staff asking for review dates inconsistent with the amended schedule, justifying their request by stating support from senior or other officials here at the city. Unless I hear differently from superiors, the schedule is as presented on May 10th via e-mail to you and handwritten to your client. These dates need to be finalized for legal ad and processing purposes. Given the date of the preliminary review of the code amendment by the Commission (June 6th), and the outstanding issues on the site plan which I understand to be warranting plan revisions and review by Engineering, time is too limited to make it to the June CRA meeting. As the proposed code is limited to the CRA review/jurisdiction, it need not be reviewed by P&D, thereby saving a couple weeks and finishing in August rather than September. Please confirm receipt of this e-mail and acceptance of the schedule. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Breese, Ed Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:55 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: FW: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:14 PM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Greene, Quintus; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, Your client has this schedule but I wanted to supply it to you as well along with explanation of the time constraints, and schedule/processing requirements. Pre-Commission review - June 7th CRA - project and code review - July 12th [there would not be adequate time to totally prepare the amendment for the June CRA meeting which has been moved to June 9th]. P&D - Code review - July 26th [given the possible impact outside of the CRA jurisdication, the P&D Board would have to review the code item. If not, the schedule could be adjusted 2 weeks]. >>processing requirements skip a CC meeting coming from the Boards<< Commission - Public Hearing & 1 st Reading of ordinances - August 16th (August 2nd if P&D review not required). 5/19/2005 Page 2 of2 , Commission - 2nd Reading - September 6th (August 16th if P&D review not required). Mike, at this time, without knowing details of the amendment, I must assume that a review by the P&D Board will be required. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 6: 13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. Michael Weiner 5/1912005 05-11-Z005 OZ:58PU FROU-WEINERARON. + T-138 P.OOZ/OOZ F-847 WEINER & ARONSON, PA ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach. Florida 33444 Telephone; (561) 265.2666 Telecopier: {561} 272-6831 E-mail: mweiner@zonelaw.com MIC:I-IAEL '. WEINER CAI~t;)LE ARONSON JA~;(:IN S .tANKOFF KEI~I:tY C 1AFIER PAIIIII R.~, ,UGHAM M~l 11, 2005 OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWAR1Z, P.A. Florida Bar 80am Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) Via Te/ecopier Mr luintus Greene DiI .::tor of Development Ci1 of Boynton Beach 10. East Boynton Beach Blvd. Bo 1ton Beach, FL 33425 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE' Gulfstream Mall Our File No.: NCC0010 De : Quintus and Mike: I appreciate all of your assistance with respect to the PUD Ordinance and the rec velopment of Gulfstream Mall. My suggestion to you is that the Ordinance be all'; nded to allow external commercial development in a PUD so long as the PUD is being de 'loped in an area designated as a "City entrance community" within Planning Areas 1 an 5 as set forth in the Federal Highway Corridor Plan. In this manner, the area that wo lj have to be studied would be relatively small and a report could be produced quickly. This is not a selfish amendment. As a practical matter, the City probably only wants to '. kcourage an external commercial function to a PUD if it is located wtthin these areas. Under these circumstances, I believe that a preliminary report could be brought to a Co imission on June 7,2005 and we could proceed on the schedule which would allow the GLI:;tream Mall to move forward. I hope you find this to be an appropriate approach. I knl i th we are all working towards the same goal. ~'\ YO! ~ _ /M';'~SW' ~ t If' ;~~ . elner M(. "Ig '-.1 1/. CO: Mr. Robert Mathias Mayor .Jeny Taylor Mr. KUl1 Bressner, City Manager Nee 10 l.ottortD Quintus Greene and Mike Rumpf 5-11-05 Department of Engineering and Public Works p.o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti. Chairman Addie L. Greene. Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" ~ nrintEJd on raevdArl n::u)I:jr May 23, 2005 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Heritage Club TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the proposed re-development mixed use project entitled; Heritage Club, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. !his project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: NW corner of US-1 and Gulfstream Boulevard. Boynton Beach 76,923 SF General Commercial - to be demolished 12,994 SF General Commercial, 6,544 SF General Office, and 166 MF Residential Units. 2,249 101 AM and 197 PM - (56 AM and trip reduction in PM, upon demolishment of the existing retail) 2008 New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the residential portion of the proposed redevelopment project is located within the county designated Coastal Residential Exception Areas, while the retail and office components generate less daily and peak hour trips than the existing retail space which is to be demolished. Therefore, we have concluded that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, contingent to: · Provision of a SB exclusive right-turn lane onto the project access driveway on North Federal Highway. No building permits are to be issued by the City, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COU /".t/) . INEER .. : ~ -- _._-~.- i; - rn-'l ----:l ~ ~ cc: Pinder Troutman Consulting Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F:\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\050340.doc '.1.. NT OF DEVElOPMENl The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 , . ,. - ,;;1 www.boynton-beach.org May 24, 2005 Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 o~o3~O Re: Traffic Study: Heritage Club Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed concurrency traffic statement, prepared by pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. dated March 18, 2005 and revised May 9, 2005, was received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and me with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742- 6260. Sincerely, ~o 2-. ;'/ ___ Michael ~mpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/sc Attachments WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmar.koff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certifjed Real Estate Lawyer M!CHAEL R. HARR.IS L.L.\A. (lr Taxationi Ma'l25.2005 ';Iia Ta!et;oJjiGf" ami Rt:!4uiar Mail Mr. DIck Hudson Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 1 00 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Mr. Michael W. Rurnpf Director of Plann1ng & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beac:h Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 3342E, Mr. Eric ~!olmsor. City of Boynton BeaCh 100 Boynton BE'JC\Ctl Boulevard Boynton 8e<.'l,ch, Florida a343f.1 James Cherat. Esquire Goren. Cherof, Doody & Ezral, P,A. 3099 E" Commercail Blvd.. Sts: 20C Ft Lauderdale, :=Iorida 33308 . Re: Sr.heduled Dates for Gultstrearn Malll Heritage Club Our File No.: NCC0010 mr((n[! \~ r L~ \ MAY f I I understand that the sdledule for the Guifstream Mall Project is now as ,'ItlIClM"'.H' It '.' iV \~ " fn'. 'II : ~ . ", ; ~ i : :'0 ...., I -l..-:-, ! i I I, "I f ! : j ~ .. ! 1 i.: 1 --..--../ Dear Gentlemen: );. eRA rn8bting of July 12,2005 it is my :md3!"3tandbg thc:t thE :.;n!/ c0niiniii:;;d date that We rldv;~ as ui flOW i5 the. ..;uly.1 L, 2005 eRA hear:ng, ! understand our Land Use Amendment /Rezonin~J, Site Pian and Heiynt Exceptioll wi!! all be heard oy tllf: eRA at that meeting. Thus, in order to meet the thirty (30) day notice requirement for the Land Use Application, appropriate notice must be posted and mailed by Friday June 10, 2005. I am confirr;ling w:th yo~ that we can also ;nclude the dates for the City Commission hearings on these June 10 2nD!) postings and mailings and that addItional notices thus will not also be required to be sent and/or posted ten (10) days prioi' to the City Commission hearings as long as the onginal notices and mailings include thesE. City Commission dates, Additiona:ly, I am confirming with you that the Height Exception Request relC1ted to tt-,js Application need not be part of the posted notice or mailings. I also understand that the schedule for the City Commission hearings are contingent on the PUD Text Amendment and whether or not the Planning and Development BO<=lrd is to review the PUD Text Amendment I understand that the PUD Text Amendment will follow one of the following two schedules: Mr. Dick Hudson Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Mr. Eric Johnson James Cherof, Esquire May 25, 2005 Page 2 of 2 y June 7, 2005 initiation by City Commission; ? June 9, 2005 CRA; y July 5,2005 City Commission First Reading; ~ July 19, 2005 City Commission, Second Reading. OR: );- June 7, 2005 initiation by City Commission; ~ June 9, 2005 CRA; .", June 28, 2005 Planning and Development; ,. Juiy 19, 2005 City Commission First Readi",g; ? August 2,2005 City Commission SecQnd Reading. If the PUD Text Amendment does not need to go to Planning and Development Board. I am confirming with you that our schedule for the Heritage Club would be as follows: "i' July 12, 2005 CRA (this is regardless of the PUD Text Amendment Schedule): ~ August 2, 2005 First Reading; );. August 16, 2005 Second Reading; !f the PUD Text Amendment does need to be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board, I am confirming with you that our schedule for the Heritage Club would be as tollows. ~. July 12,2005 CRA (this is re9ardless of the PUD Text Amendment Schedule); ~ August 16,2005 First Reading; ).> September 6,2005 Second Reading. Please confirm that these dates are correct and that there are not additional elates, such as any Third Readings. If any of these dates are not correct, please let me know imrnediately. Additionally, please let me know as soon as you know which schedule we will be follOWing concerning the PUD Text Amendment. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please let me know by June 1, 2005 so that we can put the correct dates for the City Commission hearings on our postings and mailings to be sent out bv .June 10. 2005. Thank you very much ;-or your assistance in this matter. Jason S. Mankoff JSM:ek Cc: Ms. Sherie Coale (via telecopier and regular mail) Mr. Robert Mathias (via telecopier and regular mail) Don Thomas. Esq. Michael S. Weiner, Esq. Ms. Ashlee Vargo O:\NCCOOIO\Letter to Rumpf-Johnson-Hudson. May 24. 2005.doc Page 1 of2 Rumpf, Michael From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:00 PM To: 'jmankoff@zonelaw.com' Cc: Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: FW: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Jason, to confirm the dates, I am providing you with the original e-mail sent to Michael. The text amendment does not need P&D Board review given its wording limiting it to the redevelopment area. Therefore, read the schedule accordingly (correct dates are underlined). Let me know if you have any questions, Mike -----Original Message----- From: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:55 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:14 PM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Greene, Quintus; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, Your client has this schedule but I wanted to supply it to you as well along with explanation of the time constraints, and schedule/processing requirements. Pre-Commission review - June 7th eRA - proiect and code review - July 12th [there would not be adequate time to totally prepare the amendment for the June CRA meeting which has been moved to June 9th). P&D - Code review - July 26th [given the possible impact outside of the CRA jurisdication, the P&D Board would have to review the code item. If not, the schedule could be adjusted 2 weeks]. >>processing requirements skip a CC meeting coming from the Boards<< Commission - Public Hearing & 1 st Reading of ordinances - August 16th (August 2nd if P&D review not required). Commission - 2nd Reading - September 6th (August 16th if P&D review not required). Mike, at this time, without knowing details of the amendment, I must assume that a review by the P&D Board will be required. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 6: 13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall 5/26/2005 Page 2 0[2 Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. Michael Weiner 5/26/2005 'l'1te 'City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org May 24, 2005 Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Heritage Club Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed concurrency traffic statement, prepared by Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. dated March 18, 2005 and revised May 9, 2005, was received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and me with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742- 6260. Sincerely, 7w()~ 11 __ Michae;~pf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/sc Attachments . '. """ PlttDEIt TROOTMfltt COttSOLTlttCi. Itlc. Transportation Planners and Engineers March 18, 2005 Revised May 9, 2005 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H VVestPalmBeach,FL33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663 www.pindertroutman.com Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 Re: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach - #PTC05-037 Concurrency Traffic Statement Dear Mr. Rumpf: The purpose of this letter is to provide a traffic statement for the above referenced project, to determine compliance with Article 12, Traffic Performance Standards, of the Palm Beach County Unified land Development Code (UlDC). The site is located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Gulfstream Boulevard and US 1 in the City of Boynton Beach. The buildout of the project is estimated to be 2008. Exhibit 1 provides the AM and PM peak hour trip generation comparisons for the existing and proposed development. Daily trips for the proposed development are also provided on Exhibit 1. The residential component of the proposed development is located in the Coastal Residential Exception Area and is therefore exempted from the standards. The proposed Commercial development is projected to generate less peak hour trips than the existing development. Therefore, the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards have been met. Exhibit 2 provides the driveway volumes for the project. A preliminary site plan is also attached for your use. Please contact me with any questions. ..---,~r--;- 1ft i4 . drea M. Trout 'an, P.E. ~?~S lorida Registration #43409 ~--- 1 _~,_jm,_ ~._ [) w..~. r"~. fD)'. .' r. . . .---............-...... ....-., . I , r , ~ . ,( , ~ . . . I"',' . I'. , !!. M/W L [J. ~ ~,; ,~ . '. L' ; '-'." AMT jldr Attachments cc: Robert Mathias Masoud Atefi Letter Rumpf 05-037 5-9-05 Di ,,"'... 98.:l V)~9 8~'l' t '" ... ::;:; :x '" ~ j 1 " g- o: Ilb -s .t::. <) .. III a:l C B c >- o a:l "l;l C ~ 0 =~ U III ... III C .... OC II> :sJ90 :Ei~ ~J:~ ! "'....'" '" a>""", .... "'...~ '" ! ~ ",' i: ~ z ~ ~n~~ ! ~U"lO 'r: I- ~ M" 0 . 0 . ;; IX) :. "'~'" '" "'....'" 10 ,,~~ 0 ~~ ~ ... M' ~i: ~ "/fI."/fI. "/fI. "/fI. "'.... 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" "-'... !~ - r - It_- I I \.1 II II (' f .... ___ 1M, l - ~ I ILL" t) '- ( r~ $ / ~t ~ .1,......., tl.. ~..... ~\r.I j I Iii j '::;;l ~ , -0 2 ~ I 1r:J ( (' ~ lit- I ! ~I t, .,- ~ --1 n roo' ~-,..~ ~..q ~17_:--=.;;J .1 " l I ~ ~ f- - n j';) j .. ~ ".:::::::::J ~; T ...l-J L ~ J 1~~1- '1 f::..:t! @ t..;j _:l ~'\.~ ~ a -c> ~; ;~ '-t-': t~_ 1:jf-ff- tr-- ;; .. - - .1 =t. ~ - ~ ~ _ Ii _~ L~ 1 I ~ '\ .~ t' -._~~ I .~ lf~ir~ff-irtf-. r,; .t _.. - ~~ ~ ~ J U , 6~ , T ~ ..:./-. - II tt~_ -.I,J .--l~'.:r, ).'ilI1H!JIH J oar ~, \'-;p~LJU/'-t"rn -J L-_ ---\ ~ ~ ':=:' ~ -.- ,:::UL __ -- ::-~<:;~.::4-:' I~' .-' I 1 _._-,__._~,L/ .....S! ... It ~ I -- ~l~h g %. ~ Q cr; <t > W - ...J ;::J . 0 c>:l - ~ <t W I- cr; l- V) u.. ..J ;::J l:l :--- ----- ---...;: r \ /- Department of Engineering and Public Works Po. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti, Chairman Addie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper May 23, 2005 Mr. Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Heritage Club TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the proposed re-deve!opment mixed use project entitled; Heritage Club, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. !his project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: NW corner of US-1 and Gulfstream Boulevard. Boynton Beach 76,923 SF General Commercial- to be demolished 12,994 SF General Commercial, 6,544 SF General Office, and 166 MF Residential Units. 2,249 101 AM and 197 PM - (56 AM and trip reduction in PM, upon demolishment of the existing retail) 2008 New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the residential portion of the proposed redevelopment project is located within the county designated Coastal Residential Exception Areas, while the retail and office components generate less daily and peak hour trips than the existing retail space which is to be demolished. Therefore, we have concluded that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, contingent to: · Provision of a SB exclusive right-turn lane onto the project access driveway on North Federal Highway. No building perrnits are tc be issued b~' the City, ::lfter the b:.:i!d-o:..:t d:l!E'l, zpe~:fied above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COU /'t/). INEER I r'--, f' n I'J) \~ fn\ I \1'.. r" ~ I~' II'! \1, n.. i \r,\ l', ~-""':":'----I.il,1 , :,\r--- ,\ I, ,j \ ..., I " \ \ " \ : "" '\ ! 1 II j I Ii" . \!...:J\ \ I , ___J \ \"'"_._--'--.'~:- \-f'-~:T l (\;If,,A,f. ~Jl 1 ~ , \ ~'-. cc: Pinder Troutman Consulting Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F :\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals'D50340 .doc i' Page 1 of2 Rumpf, Michael From: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Sent: Thursday, May 19, 20059:55 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:14 PM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Greene, Quintus; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, Your client has this schedule but I wanted to supply it to you as well along with explanation of the time constraints, and schedule/processing requirements. Pre-Commission review - June 7th CRA - project and code review - July 12th [there would not be adequate time to totally prepare the amendment for the June CRA meeting which has been moved to June 9th]. P&D - Code review - July 26th [given the possible impact outside of the CRA jurisdication, the P&D Board would have to review the code item. If not, the schedule could be adjusted 2 weeks). >>processing requirements skip a CC meeting coming from the Boards<< Commission - Public Hearing & 1 st Reading of ordinances - August 16th (August 2nd if P&D review not required). Commission - 2nd Reading - September 6th (August 16th if P&D review not required). Mike, at this time, without knowing details of the amendment, I must assume that a review by the P&D Board will be required. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 06,20056:13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. 6/1412005 c.~, WE!NER & ARONSON, P .A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 -^ i'''' f ". .''' ,. _ \ Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer MICHAEL R. HARRIS L.L.M. (In Taxation) May 6, 2005 Via Telecopier and ReQular Mail Mr. Dick Hudson Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Amendment to PUD Ordinance Our File No.: NCC0010 Dear Dick: I understand that you will be preparing an Amendment to the PUD Ordinance to allow for general commercial uses. After speaking with Mr. Ed Breese, it is my understanding that the City Commission would like to see a preliminary review of this proposal before an official review of the proposed ordinance begins. As you are aware, our CRA Hearing for the project for the Heritage Club is scheduled to go before the CRA on June 9, 2005. Therefore, it is my understanding that this preliminary proposal needs to go before the City Commission at its meeting of June 7,2005 in order for our project to stay on schedule. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate if you could expedite the review of this ordinance. We would also like to have a chance to review the ordinance before it is submitted. We are willing to help in anyway possible. Th nk you very much for your assistance in this matter. I am sure you understand the importan;~ of this to our client. / I I Very JUI l 5 n S. Mankoff :ek:vf Mr. Robert Mathias Mr. Michael Rumpf Mr. Ed Breese Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Ms. Ashlee Vargo - - -~- -~_._- , . I,', J'.'~~ , -! \r : ;,' , ---~-,-...J...._---:':""ll [) Ii : , ; If 1 ,r /..! II i i__. ' Ii U I I . L...I I ' J I L___. j~~f~"'r:nHNT OF DEVELOPMENT O:\NCCOOIO\Letler to Hudson. May 5. 2005.doc Page 1 of 1 Rumpf, Michael From: Michael Weiner [mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Monday, May 09, 200510:16 AM To: 'Rumpf, Michael' Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall Mike: I spoke to both Quintas and the Mayor. I will see you tomorrow. I know this is not a problem of your making, but keeping the Mall on schedule is critical to the plan. Thanks. MSW From: Rumpf, Michael [mailto:RumpfM@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:01 AM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall Mike, I apoligize for the delay in responding to your request to meet. With multiple deadlines, a pay/class study underway, budget proposal due, and being two planners short, it's been busy. This has not been intentional. I will have to be filled in by Quintus before discussing this further as I don't want to contradict prior judgements. I'll let you know once I've had that talk with Mr. Greene. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 06,20056:13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. Michael Weiner 5/912005 Page 1 of 1 Rumpf, Michael From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:14 PM To: 'mweiner@zonelaw.com' Cc: Greene, Quintus; Breese, Ed; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: RE: Gulfstream Mall-Code amendment Mike, Your client has this schedule but I wanted to supply it to you as well along with explanation of the time constraints, and schedule/processing requirements. Pre-Commission review - June 7th CRA - project and code review - July 12th [there would not be adequate time to totally prepare the amendment for the June CRA meeting which has been moved to June 9th]. P&D - Code review - July 26th [given the possible impact outside of the CRA jurisdication, the P&D Board would have to review the code item. If not, the schedule could be adjusted 2 weeks]. >>processing requirements skip a CC meeting coming from the Boards<< Commission - Public Hearing & 1 st Reading of ordinances - August 16th (August 2nd if P&D review not required). Commission - 2nd Reading - September 6th (August 16th if P&D review not required). Mike, at this time, without knowing details of the amendment, I must assume that a review by the P&D Board will be required. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Michael Weiner [mailto:mweiner@zonelaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 06,20056:13 PM To: rumpfm@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Cc: RMathias@NewCenturyCompanies.com Subject: Gulfstream Mall Mike: I spoke to Quintus. He said that we might be able to address the Gulfstream Mall project administratively. Can we meet to discuss this? If I cannot move forward with the site plan, there is a good chance the deal will not go through. Considering that we have a consensus on a great project, I would hate to see it disappear because of a timing problem. Lets meet and see what we can do to keep this one going. I really think we have our "gateway". I just need to keep it on track. The meeting will not be long Thanks. Michael Weiner 5/11/2005 PlrtDEit TitOOTMftrj CONSOLTING. INC. Transportation Planners and Engineers May 9/2005 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663 www.pindertroutman.com Mr. Masoud Atefi, MSCE Palm Beach County Traffic Division 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Heritage Club - #PTC05-037 Dear Mr. Atefi: The purpose of this letter is respond to your comments dated March 28/ 2005 regarding the traffic impact analysis for the above referenced project. Your comments are outlined below with our response following. Enclosed is a copy of the traffic impact analysis, which has been revised to respond to your comments. 1. Comment: Response: 2. Comment: Response: 3. Comment: Response: Project Access A driveway volume map has now been provided as Exhibit 2/ as requested. Project Buildout An estimated buildout of 2008 has been included, as requested. Demolition The entire existing retail intensity is being demolished. The square footage should have been 76/923 SF not 55/575 SF. Please call with any questions. reaM.TroutmV~ ident cc: Michael Rumpf Robert Mathias Ashlee Vargo Letter Atefi 05-037 5-9-05 .. ID) ~ ~ n,~ rn ~Il lnJ IA. . . ..,;:5 ~ j rrp~RTMfNT ~ MVElOp,.., a. Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Tony Masilotti. Chairman Addie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" ~ printed on recycled paper March 28, 2005 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Heritage Club TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the proposed re-development project entitled; Heritage Club, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: NW corner of US-1 and Gulfstream Boulevard. Boynton Beach 55,575 SF General Commercial 12,994 SF General Commercial, 6,544 SF General Office, and 166 MF Residential Units. 2,249 101 AM and 197 PM - (69 AM and trip reduction in PM, upon demolishment of the existing retail) N/A New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Build-out Year: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has the following Comments: . Provide an evaluation of the project access driveways. . Provide a project build-out. . Clarify demolishment of all or part of the existing 55,575 SF Retail. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, /Vl. .~:~~~\ _J ~ cc: Pinder Troutman Consulting Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review \ \" u' I \ L- \ ..' RTMENT OF OEVElOPMENl Pf PA, F:\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Comments \050340 .doc