LEGAL APPROVAL The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org August 29, 2005 Mr. Jason S. Mankoff Weiner & Aronson, P A 102 North Swinton A venue Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: File No.: Location: Heritage Club HTEX 05-004 NW Comer of the intersection of Federal Hwy and Gulfstream Blvd Dear Mr. Mankoff: Enclosed is the Development Order granted by the City Commission on August 2, 2005. This approval is for a height exception pursuant to the City's Land Development regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.2. and is co-joined with your site plan approval. Like the site plan approval, it is valid for one year from the date of final site plan approval. In. order to maintain vested status, a building permit must be secured or an extension granted within one year of final approval. To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. A copy of the Development Order, including these conditions, must accompany the submission ofthe fully amended site plan set. The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable Development Order conditions in the submitted plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit issuance. A thorough review will be conducted by the Plan Review Analyst and if the necessary documentation is not attached and/or the plans are not amended to reflect all of the approval conditions, the plans will be returned to the applicant for correction and re-submittal before the permit is further processed. Feel free to contact any IRC member for additional clarification of comments. Important: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan beyond those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff for a review before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. A copy of the complete Development Order and Amended Site Plans reflecting the "Conditions of Approval" must be submitted to the Building Department along with the first permit request to avoid any delays in the processing of your permit. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, Ze/? Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Heritage Club @ Boynton Beach\HTEX 05'{)04lapprovalletter after CC.doc DEVELOPME,..... ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS~- ~N OF THE CI. . OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDk Development P&Z Building Engineering Oce. license Deputy City Clerk PROJECT NAME: AGENT: Heritage Club Mr. Jason S. Mankoff / Weiner & Aronson, P.A. AGENT'S ADDRESS: 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Fl 33444 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 2,2005 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request a 15-foot height exception for a mixed-use project on an 8.302- acre parcel in the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district. lOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" A TI ACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MA TIER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 5. 6. 7. DATED: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's land Development R - 0 [@~DW~r:\1 The APP~IC nt ,. 7 I .U f , i' HAS f Ii, _ HAS NOT WJs - 5 2005 i t ~, i established by substantial competent evidence a b 5i'i>klffi,l"li"f reoueJed. ' 1) /')EVE'LOPMF N J 2. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Appl~nt's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. Other S:IPlanningISHAREDIWPIPROJECTS\Heritage Dub@BoyntonBeachlHTEX 05-004 " , " LOCATION MAP Heritage Club @ Boynton Beach u : 14 ~ E .. ..., b U I ~ '" Exhibit A .J ~ Ci a= 0( 200 N A 100 o 200 Feet " .r r EXHIBIT B .. '" ::::=::::::::::::::::::::::..~-~ --=---::::::_~ ----===--~ -------- 1 II ~:::::,~ -.-.----- ; ---- ---~- I --=::--~-=~=----___ i' il------- g . r ... "\ '" r1 . :J: JI. ~~ ..,m ~1J Qr q~~~ i~j!~f~~ I ,f'lf'f! . hJ,hi iJ flh .! 'If ~t II i . 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MSI\ g'lE'': HERITAGE CLUB " ~ MCHITECTS M..::::" ~- ~ ARCHllECTURE Ie PlANNING New CeaIUry Componies .. -.-- ::.:-.%-~~~~w::r"_~":=':::"'~.. =..:t\._ ~ r tl--rn'.l '~'. .~ L. 'l. iJ ;' ------"'~_. ) f . , t~ .f I r ! 1MI I ~ 0 11 .HI f . ~i r Ii'" i:~iiil~fg '~ ,fJt I :!;1! II i~1 iMii~ un ,1'( I)>, .al~~ m , . '<\ .' ll.j I 'Zl ia ill ~Idllz t=l ! f I --' I ~ 1M ~I.l 0 i ~ iil 01.-" J~ 11 ~ Iii ~ U ; "I (':cn' lilt .U~ i f(j\ ifh 1 I~l II-I ~I ~ji :.' ~m ih % '.....1 i e ~~~ i t!I ''II 10, . i1' ! ! ~ iWL ! t~ I; lb.' .. I ~ p ~. '+:D . ~ ~XH'B'T 8 I . ~ ..~ .~ b nt!1 (Q) '!!:I '!!:I ,-< 1MI I: . ~ . ) : ! ; 'I ~ n (Q) ~ o. , - ( tJ .! .J ~ ~t mr~ ... MSI\ ="""- HERlTAGECWB ~ j' !,==,>>... ~Bcach i5 ARCHITECTS New CcOIIuryCompooiel ~ . NlCHlTECTURE at PlANNING . __ _ 1oC.__ _ ..._~_ , __.=.::-"ll~__~_-..::.:-_~-==_=._ !f - ............-- . ':.:c,.,_).",.,....:~- \ '. SXHIBIT B' " I ~ ~ IB Ill" ~ i . - -- -:.. J' .... .... ~ · t f"JI]~ l !'~ ~ '. I=-I l. IL- -- I ~J ,~lt mm I J~ ~~ ll1l .~ P 1I1!J (Q). 1!J t!1 0 Nt MSI\ --- i =-::'_K HERITAGE CLU, ==11"''' . B ~l~ ~_~~~~.=-:::;::.. ~ ..... . '- _._...u. '. '. . , ~XHIBIT B I , i! I U . !~ 'i. I, . ! ....... ;1 I 'J : t:!:l b , ~ : 11 1(QJ : €} ,I , ! r----------.., I , 1 I I I , '..rr. --n--, N]]-~~ ~~ : .;' ~ l % . 'l. 'I .1 \ -~.- U - i m ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ un ~ 'i t:!:l , ~ ~ 1 11 ~ :; {Q) - - - - - - _. -, ~ ~ Q I I I ![@ I ~~mrr --. ~J"'.,Uf f :=.t fill',~ '~~~li!~f5 ~ ' 10 1,m, III !id .I~ -- -- -,itf . l~l II ="; !l111 ~ ~ IiI, :Zl ~a ii, ~1.bl.Sl ~~ I -II J~ 1511 ~ II m l~ liU rl~! I III, ill 1'1 IIi t 1)101 i IllS hi! ~ i il j.~ II ~ I" Iii I"; '~'.' q' I ~I . ~ ..,.. -- ....- ~ ~ ;! " '\ " I i "" .... "tMSI\' =~.... HERITAGE CLUB ==..>>'-1 ~&e.cb MCH1ECTS -- _~~ ARalIlECTURE '" PUNNING -. ----._'- ....- . . -~-_._._--====--.:---.::=.-==.=--- --.........-...- i ~ ~ ~XHIB1T B' I. 1 I j I i i:~I' i~ !1!1 I n @ g 0 ~l . i .. EXHIBIT" e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Heritage Club File number: HTEX 05-004 Reference: Elevations dated June 14. 2005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS: Comments: 1. None X Page 2 Heritage Club File No.: HTEX 05-004 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 2. To be determined. ~ S:IPJanningISHARED\ WPlPROJECfSlBoynton LoftsllITEX 05-00] ICOA.doc ". Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 New Site Plan 2. Project: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach (NWSP 05- 014) Michael Weiner, Esquire, Weiner & Aronson, P.A. Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC 3629 South Federal Highway Request New Site Plan approval in order to construct 70 townhouse units, a four (4)-story mixed-use building consisting of 84 dwelling units, 3,500 square feet of restaurant, 4,100 square feet of retail, and 5,164 square feet of office. The site plan also includes a three (3)-story mixed-use building consisting of 12 dwelling units, 5,394 square feet of retail, and 1,380 square feet of office, all of which are proposed on an 8.302-acre parcel zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Heiaht Exception 3. Project: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach (HTEX 05- 004) Jason S. Mankoff, Weiner & Aronson, P.A. Thirty-Six Hundred Holdings, LLC Northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard Request for a height exception of 10 feet pursuant to the City's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.2, to allow the decorative towers to be 55 feet in height, a distance of 10 feet above the 45-foot maximum height allowed in the (PUD) Planned Unit Development zoning district. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: All three Heritage Club items were heard simultaneously, since they were integral to the rezoning request. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, reported that the subject property was currently classified as Local Retail Commercial and zoned Community Commercial. The request is to change the Future Land Use Map to Special High Density Residential and rezone to Planned Unit Development for the purpose of building a Mixed Use project containing slightly less than 20K sq. ft. of commercial space, which includes office, retail, and restaurant space. There are 160 multi-family residential units. Staff recommends approval for the following reasons: o The proposed land use amendment and rezoning are consistent with the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies and also meet the review criteria required for the Land Development Regulations. o The project will replace an antiquated and declining strip commercial center with a mixed-use project that will be an aesthetic and physical improvement at the Oty's southern gateway. 7 '. Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 o The project supports the "Eastward Ho" Initiative, which emphasizes redevelopment of the coastal area where infrastructure is already in place as opposed to encouraging development patterns in the suburban areas to the west. o The project proposes a sizeable number of residential units in a variety of sizes and styles, with a commercial portion designed to provide a year-round customer and employment base, which supports the revitalization of the downtown. Eric Johnson, Planner, displayed a map that showed the townhouse buildings on the west side and two mixed-use buildings along Federal Highway. The property in the southeast corner was not part of the project. The office square footage is 6,544 sq. ft. The retail square footage is 9,494 sq. ft. Restaurant area is 3,500 sq. ft. There would be 70 townhouse units and 96 multi-family units. The project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, contingent upon the dedication of a right-turn lane into the development from North Federal Highway. Staff reviewed the project for concurrency with respect to potable water, sanitary sewer, Police/Fire, drainage, and school and all conditions were met. There are three points of ingress and egress, two on Federal Highway and a third on Gulfstream Boulevard. Mr. DeMarco asked Mr. Johnson if the entrances to the property were one-way or two-way, and Mr. Johnson explained the configuration of the different ingresses and egresses. Ms. Horenburger asked how people coming from the west on Gulfstream Boulevard would access the property. The response was that they would have to go north on Federal Highway and make a U-turn. She asked if there were a plan for a U-turn lane and the response was affirmative. There is no ingress from Gulfstream Boulevard. Chair Heavilin inquired about which parking garage the residents would use. Mr. Johnson said that any shared parking would occur in Building 2. Staff had reviewed the shared parking aspect of the project and technically, it met the requirements with parking spaces to spare. However, the applicant had to make the owners aware that they would only have one parking spot. Parking spaces cannot be designated for just one use in a shared parking scenario. Ms. Horenburger believed that no parking spot would be designated for the residents and requested clarification. Mr. Johnson elaborated, saying shared parking occurred in Buildings 1 and 2, but the restaurant users would only have access to the parking garage in Building 2. Persons living in Building 1 would have access to a space in the parking garage in Building 1. People in Building 2 would also have access to a space in Building 2, except that during peak times, there would probably not be any guest type spaces. Vice Chair Tillman inquired whether there would be a bottleneck at the turnaround at the end of the main drive aisle. Mr. Johnson responded that the City's Engineering Department had reviewed it for turning movements and radii and found no problem. Mr. Johnson stated that the applicant had been made aware of the shared parking restrictions and he thought the applicant would be willing to put this in the Homeowners Association documents. Ms. Horenburger wanted to make awareness of the parking restriction by the residents a condition of approval. 8 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 Jason Mankoff affirmed that they were going to designate twelve of the parking spaces in Building 2 for the twelve units in that Building. Also, they would have documentation in the contract advising buyers that they would only be guaranteed one space. Mr. Johnson reviewed the Height Exception. The buildings comply with Code, but there are some decorative elements that exceed the forty-five foot height maximum height in a PUD. However, the features of the building that exceed the height limits are interesting and make the whole project "work. " Staff felt that the proposed project was good for the City and recommended approval of the Height Exception and Site Plan. Chair Heavllin invited the CRA Planner to add her comments at this time. She thought this should become a regular feature in future hearings. Vivian Brooks, CRA Planner, had participated in the Technical Review Committee. In spite of having to work around the use on the southeast corner, the applicant had hidden the garages and actively addressed Old Dixie Highway, Gulfstream Boulevard, and Federal Highway. All the townhouses connect with walkways to the sidewalks. They were going to create a community that would, hopefully, set the trend for the rest of Old Dixie Highway and the other projects that will occur in that area. She thought the project was interesting architecturally, with no long, unbroken expanses. They had done a good job and she recommended approval of the project. Mr. Fenton asked Ms. Brooks to comment on the architectural value of the features that called for the Height Exception. Ms. Brooks said the features added value to the project to a focal gateway project in the south. To have something that stands out architecturally was what the Oty had been looking for on its gateways. The applicants for the project on Woolbright Road and Federal Highway were asked to bring that project up in height. She personally liked it. Mr. DeMarco inquired whether the project would have security and protection from surrounding uses, particularly the one to the southeast. Ms. Brooks responded that the community was protected visually and physically since an actual physical structure, Building 2, separated them. Jason Mankoff of Weiner &. Aronson, P.A., 209 N. Seacrest Boulevard, Boynton Beach, spoke as agent for the project. Robert Mathias, David Biggs, and J. P. DiMisa, principals with the developer, New Century Companies, were present along with Jim Knight, principal of Thirty-six Holdings, the current owner of the property and Stuart Debowsky and Jose Samuel with MSA Architects. Jeffrey Schnars, President of Schnars Engineering, and Hugh Johnson, landscape architect with Architects Alliance, were in attendance as well. Mr. Mankoff distributed a booklet summary of the project to the board members and showed visual renderings of the Site Plan to the board and to the audience. Mr. Mankoff stated that this project was very similar to a successful project they had completed in Delray Beach. Stuart Debowsky, project manager of MSA Architects, said they were proud to present this project to the City. This is a mixed-use project that has 96 condominium units, 84 of which are in Building 1. The residents in Building 1 have exclusive use of the parking spaces and Building 2 only has 12 residential units. There are three-story townhouses with 70 units to the west. They had tried to put together a project resembling a village. The east-west road was meant to simulate a "main street" concept, with angled parking and a large pedestrian arcade. The applicant is planning a cafe concept for the comer of Building 1 in support of a theme of street activity, both 9 '. Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 day and night. They were considering townhouse models with two "fronts," so they would not have to present their "back" to Old Dixie Highway. They hoped that all the elements they were putting together would be reminiscent of a village that had come together over a period of years. Ms. Horenburger asked what they had done to screen the uses to the north of the project. She had been told there would be a parking garage between the residential and that area and it appears the residences would be facing it. Stuart Debowsky said that it was a tough site on all sides: cars on Federal Highway, the train on Old Dixie Highway, the use to the southeast, and the storage facility on the north. They had created an access/service road as an adequate buffer. The first unit occurs thirty to forty feet from the edge of that. Special care had been taken to screen the property on all sides with landscaping, but especially on the northern boundary. They felt the actual living spaces were set well apart from the northern border. Mr. DeMarco asked why they had chosen the name Heritage Club. Mr. Mankoff responded that there were other Heritage Clubs in Delray Beach and it was like a brand name. In regard to the property to the south, if they were able to acquire it, they could possibly have a Phase II. Mr. DeMarco then asked about the price ranges of the units. Robert Mathias, New Century Companies, said the condo building would have one, two, and three bedrooms and they would be between $200-400K and the townhouse units would be between $400-S00K. Mr. Fenton questioned what kind of noise buffering the developer had in mind for the units next to the railroad tracks. Mr. Mathias responded they were going to use landscaping and building materials that would provide an amazing amount of sound insulation. They had developed two projects close to railroad tracks and they had not had any issues. Jose Samuels, MSA Architects, commented that the taller features helped to create visual appeal for the project. Most main streets did not have long buildings with flat tops, but ones of varying heights. Marie Horenburger asked staff whether additional density or height would be involved if the developer were able to obtain the parcel on the southeast corner. She thought this might occur since the property owner to the southeast was asking an exorbitant amount of money, additional incentives might be involved. Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, stated that this project had come in under the current land use and zoning scheme - it solved the problems. To go outside that, because the developer was at those thresholds, would exceed what the system allows and would be inconsistent with the Corridor Plan. Prior proposals were well above the current thresholds. Ms. Horenburger thought it would be nice to have a more cohesive site as the entrance to the City. Mr. Mankoff stated the applicant agreed to all 71 conditions of approval. He praised staff for their assistance and cooperation in the planning of this important, gateway project. The applicant added two conditions based on the discussions at this meeting: 1) designate twelve spaces for the condominium owners, and 2) provide notice in the condo documents or in the contract at the time of signing that each of the individual owners would only be guaranteed one space. They believed that the height was important for the project and that they had met all the requirements for such a request. 10 .' I . Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2005 Chair Heavilin opened the floor to the public, and closed it when no one wished to speak. Mr. Fenton took issue with the passive voice in some of the Conditions of Approval, pointing out item 1 that asks: "Please indicate number and size of containers." He felt that a more declaratory or dictatorial tone was in order. Mr. Johnson responded that staff was confident that all the conditions would be met and if not, permits would not be issued. Staff felt that it had protected the City with the Conditions of Approval. A large number of the conditions had already been satisfied. Mr. DeMarco confirmed with the agent that the applicants were in agreement with all 71 Conditions of Approval and were adding two more. He expressed appreciation for what the developers had done for that corner of the City. Mr. Johnson declared that staff agreed with the two new conditions of approval suggested by the applicant. Motion Ms. Horenburger moved to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential (LUAR 05-005). Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion that passed 5-0. Motion Ms. Horenburger moved to approve the request to rezone from C-3 Community Commercial to PUD Planned Unit Development (LUAR 05-005). Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion that passed 5-0. Motion Ms. Horenburger moved to approve the Site Plan approval for the Heritage Club at Boynton Beach (NWSP 05-014) subject to all 73 Conditions of Approval. Mr. Fenton seconded the motion. Chair Heavilin commented that the applicant had raised the bar for development in Boynton Beach. She thought it was the best project the board had seen. Mr. Mankoff commended City staff for its efforts. The motion passed 5-0. Motion Mr. Fenton moved to approve the request for height exception of 10 feet for Heritage Club of Boynton Beach (HTEX 05-004). Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion that passed 5-0. C. New Site Plan Neelam (fka Schnars) Business Center (NWSP 05-022) J. Ernest Brady, Stephen James Inc. Anand D. Patel (Contract Purchaser) 924 N. Federal Highway Request for Site Plan approval for a three (3) story, 8,754 square foot office/retail building in a Mixed Use Low (MU-L) zoning district. Ed Breese, Principal Planner, stated that this property had changed hands and the site plan approval expired. The new owner would like to build the same building as previously approved. 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: 11