REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-119 TO: Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board THROUGH: Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner 7f DATE: July 6, 2005 PROJECT: Heritage Club / HTEX 05-004 REQUEST: Height Exception of 15 feet for decorative tower features on the mixed-use buildings PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC Applicant: New Century Companies, LLC and Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC Agent: Mr. Jason S. Mankoff / Weiner & Aronson, P.A. Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard (Exhibit "A") Existing Land Use: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Existing Zoning: Community Commercial (C-3) Proposed Land Use: Special High Density Residential Proposed Zoning: PUD Planned Unit Development Proposed Uses: Office: Retail: Restaurant: Residential: 6,544 square feet 9,494 square feet 3,500 square feet 70 townhouse units 96 multi-family units Acreage: :t8.302 acres Adjacent Uses: North: Developed property (self-service storage) designated Local Retail Commercial and zoned C-3 Community Commercial; Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 05-119 South: Developed outparcel (adult entertainment) designated Local Retail Commercial and zoned C-3 Community Commercial, then the right-of-way of Gulfstream Boulevard, then developed commercial (fast-food and office building) designated Local Retail Commercial and zoned C-3 Community Commercial; East: Right-of-way of Federal Highway then undeveloped property in the Town of Gulfstream designated Recreation and zoned OR Outdoor Recreation; and West: Rights-of-way of Old Dixie Highway and the Florida East Coast Railroad, then vacant property in Palm Beach County designated MR-5 (5 dufac) and zoned RS- Single-family Residential. BACKGROUND Mr. Jason S. Mankoff, agent for the property owner (Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC) is requesting to develop a mixed-use project. The survey shows that the subject property is currently developed with a one (l)-story shopping center and related parking areas. The intent is to raze the existing shopping center and redevelop the site with 13 townhouse buildings and two (2) mixed-use buildings, including their interior parking garages. Approval of this project is contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request to amend the Future Land Use Map and rezone (LUAR 05-005) the property from Community Commercial (C-3) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The PUD zoning district allows a maximum height of 45 feet. The townhouse buildings would be three (3) stories tall and would both require approval of a height exception. However, the mixed-use buildings (Buildings 1 and 2) would have portions of their structures that exceed the district's maximum height threshold of 45 feet. The elevations show that several decorative towers would reach as high as 60 feet in height. Therefore, approval of the accompanying site plan (NWSP 05-014) is contingent upon approval of this request for height exception. ANALYSIS The property is currently zoned C-3. The C-3 zoning district allows for a maximum building height of 45 feet. As previously mentioned, the applicant is concurrently requesting to rezone the property to PUD. Part of the justification to rezone to PUD is to support and stimulate revitalization efforts in the city's Community Redevelopment Agency area. Staff recognizes that a viable downtown and surrounding areas would have a mixture of uses with higher residential densities. The proposed mixed use project will serve to revitalize the southern "gateway" to the City. The project proposes 166 residential units in a variety of sizes and styles, while the commercial portion is designed to provide a year-round customer and employment base. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height Limitations and Exceptions, states that in considering an application for exception to the district height regulation, the City Commission shall make findings indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered in relation to minimum standards, where applicable. The citywide maximum height of 45 feet would generally limit a typical building to four (4) stories. The PUD zoning district allows for a maximum building height of 45 feet. It should be noted that both mixed-use buildings meet code as it relates to building height because their roof level would be 41 feet in height and the top of the parapet wall would be 46 feet in height. The parapet wall may exceed the 45-foot threshold only if the wall itself is five (5) feet or less in height. The elevations of the mixed-use buildings (Building 1 and Building 2) show that Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 05-119 portions of both buildings exceed the 45-foot threshold. However, these appurtenances are eligible to be considered for the height exception request. Decorative towers (cupolas) are the types of building appurtenances that may exceed the zoning district's height limitation and be eligible for height exception review. In this case, the top of several decorative towers are proposed at 60 feet in height. However, the aforementioned structures would account for only a small percentage of the entire roofline. In fact, according to the applicant, the decorative towers would account for approximately :1:10% of the entire roof area of the mixed-use buildings. This figure becomes significantly lower when the roof areas of the townhouse buildings are factored into the equation. According to the applicant, the height exception is necessary, as a means of breaking up the horizontal massing of the buildings with minor (uninhabitable) vertical elements. The enhanced quality of these buildings is achieved by the inclusion of these elements. Allowance of these heights would not severely reduce light and f or air in the adjacent areas. The applicant claims that the height exception would not adversely effect property values in adjacent areas or adversely influence the living conditions in neighboring communities. Staff concurs. Granting of this height exception does not constitute a special privilege to the current property owner. RECOMMENDATION In the accompanying reports, staff is recommending approval of the site plan and request to rezone to the PUD zoning district. As to the issue of height, staff recommends approval of the height exception request of 15 feet. This would allow the top of the decorative towers to be designed at 60 feet in height. Any conditions recommended by the Board or City Commission would be placed in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\Heritage Club @ Boynton Beach\HTEX OS-004\Staff Report.doc LOCATION MAP Heritage Club @ Boynton Beach CJ Ie : .s .... b U Exhibit A ... cC z E 0:: cC 200 N A 100 o 200 Feet ... r EXHIBIT 8 t' r g . 3 '" .., ,. x Ji t; to i- . ~ 1 <: Ii ~i s: !i_1'" (f) -I m 1] l:z~ z2 }l I UH nil ~n~w i!n I ! II nnl I iH~ < 111-<; 1 J 1-< I . .. . i/:..... t " II I i i 1 I I I I , . , I !I I , i I I I i. I .' . , I · i i I I I . II I I I , . , , . . Iii tt i t' II n' ::II~ II II ... i.1J .. i.... ., ! ...~ .. Ij I I I II ~ i~~ I I! II . .1 . . ! I . . iti .- i II (\ i ~ ~ ti z R ~ :r: Ii , ~. I I I: j~~!~~~~ I IhUII! lilf'h: .i ~.t ti i!i~ 19 lj.! 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I HERITAf~LUB ,. . "..........- SA. ::::.ili="u'u "'_=Componies . M "- __, Nt ADCHlTECTS -=a:.-._ 1Y"l at PlANNING =.",.".!:;::':~. ARCHflECTURE __ =...,. _ __. 5:'~1=ti.~~_'"::-... - . .__n.n~' ._ m ~ -XHIBIT B' " ,I ,I i~ . '1!1 , n @ rrrf]]---~~: €} 0 ..... , fl . ~..~ ~\I o I~, ; ~t. I 5~: ~ln'....." M_ HERITAGE CLUB ~Beoch .. EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Heritage Club File number: HTEX 05-004 Reference: Elevations dated June 14,2005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS: Comments: 1. To be determined. Page 2 Heritage Club File No.: HTEX 05-004 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 2. To be determined. S. IPlanning\SHAREDI WPIPROJECTSIBoynton Lofts\HTEX 05-001 \COA.doc