CORRESPONDENCE The City of Boyrw-on Beach P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FAX: (561) 742-6985 www.boynton-beach.org \ 1\ \ \ ' '"\ ,Jj ,,-_. OF DF'Jr~ r ---.'..- OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER August 8, 2006 Mr. Michael D. Rose, PSM Shaw Drotos Engineering 3410 North Andrews Avenue Ext. Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 Re: Heritage Club At Boynton Beach PUD Plat. - Second Review. Dear Mr. Rose: Attached are the remaining comments for the subject development under Exhibit "A". When the record plat and plans have been fully corrected, please submit three (3) signed and sealed sets of the construction plans, three copies of the plat, and the signed and sealed Mylar. The following items shall be included with your re-submittal prior to placinq your proiect before the City Commission: 1. An Administrative Fee of $ 23,594.00 (2% permit fee) plus 2% of your cost estimate for the surveying and monumentation itemized on our "Required Improvements" list. 2. A Recording Fee of $45.00 payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court to record the plat. Please note that we did not find the subiect check in the submittal delivered to us. Please submit another check in the same amount for recordinq purposes. 3. The Park Impact Fee of $63,222.00 payable to the City (C.O.A. #32). Please submit your check with your final corrections to Mr. Hall who will process the check. 4. Restoration Surety: Submit an Engineer's Certified Cost Estimate to restore the site to its original condition including, but not limited to, repair of access/haul routes; seed; sod; trees and utilities. Surety will be 110% of the cost estimate and may be cash, a letter of credit, a performance bond, or an escrow agreement, subject to approval. Not Received. 5. Receipt of all, required outside agency approvals. AMERICA '8 GATEWA Y TO THE GULF8TREAM Mr. Michael D. Rose PSM August 8, 2006 Page 2 Please call for an inspection when the monumentation has been "lathed and flagged". Upon receipt and satisfactory review of all required documents, your project will be placed on the next available Commission Agenda. Please note that all documents/fees must be received three business days in advance of the upcominq meetino to be elioible for the subsequent meetino. The Commission meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Please call Ken Hall at 742-6283 should you have any questions. We look forward to working with you on your new project. Sincerely, . .S.M. HDK:amq Xc: Jeff Livergood, Public Works Director Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer Jody Rivers, Parks Director Tim Large, Building Code Administrator Ed Breese, Senior Planner Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager. Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst EXHIBIT" A" HERITAGE CLUB AT BOYNTON BEACH PLAT COMMENTS: Regarding the title: While it is not mandatory to name the plat the same as the HOA, it is preferred for future reference purposes, when new homeowners (some years from now) call for site modifications. We are also asking that the civil plans reflect the same title. The bearing from the north quarter of Section 4 to the P.O.B. is to the east but the callout in the description states it is to the west. Please clarify. Also, rectify the bearing callouts in the last call back to the P.O.B. Regarding the dedications: Add the legend, L.A.E. after the dedication and include it in your legend. Not Done Under the HOA Dedication: Clean up the identification of the association including removing the word, "profit" from underneath the first witness. Not Done. Add parentheses around the "as to both" phrases. Regarding the Surveyor's Certificate: State that the map closes within .01 of a foot per CODE (Chap.5, Art.V, Sect.lD7h). Regarding the Mortgagee's Consent: Replace the word, "corporation" with the correct identification of the mortgagee (the LLC). Also, replace the corporate titles with the title, Managing Member and replace the remainder of the paragraph, except for the date, with the words, by and with the authority of its Board of Directors. Sheet 2 of 2: Identify Tract B between the following units for identification purposes: Between units 67 & 79; between units 27 & 30; and between units 20 & 59. Not done Remove the L.A.E. within the emergency access. Note that we are requiring a minimum, 15 foot wide access path for emergency vehicles on the civil plans. Not done paqe 2 of 3 Add the following to your notes: Plantings higher than 30 inches are prohibited on corner lots within a safe sight distance based on the crown elevation of the street. Four of your street names do not comply with LDR Chapter 22, Article I, Section 1 regarding approved suffixes. Please review and modify accordingly. Not done. CONSTRUCTION PLAN COMMENTS: the construction plans shall require a minor modification Please note be shown on through the that all approved changes to the site plan which may P&Z Division. PLANNING AND ZONING: CE (Page 2) - Condition of Approval #44 requires a sidewalk to be placed on both sides of the streets. In lieu of complete sidewalks, where on-street parking is provided, extend sidewalk links to the parking, so we limit the amount of walking in the street. In nearly each instance, sidewalk links can connect in each direction. Where this is not possible, at least connect to sidewalk in one direction. F. Y. I.: Any recommendation by staff approved by the Commission becomes a development order requirement. CE (Page 2) - The pool setbacks are not as approved on the site plan. The pool setbacks should reflect seven (7) feet rear and side, and for the pool screen enclosure six (6) feet rear and side. These incorrect dimensions are still shown as a typical on a lot along the west perimeter of the project. Not Done. ENGINEERING: While it is not mandatory for the name of the site to reflect the name of the plat (Heritage Club at Boynton Beach) the City prefers that you change your title sheets to reflect the plat name for future reference. Thank you. Sheet CE-3: Provide an engineer's certification that the drainage plan conforms to the City's Land Development Regulations and SFWMD criteria. Not Found. Widen the access easement a minimum of 15 feet and adjust the L.A.E. on the plat. Corner lot lines at intersecting rights-of-way shall be the long chord of a twenty-five-foot radius or of a greater radius where deemed necessary. Corner lots shall be designed to provide a safe intersection with respect to sight distance. A restriction shall be defined on the plat prohibiting construction or plantings over 2 foot six inches high on corner lots within a safe sight distance based on the crown elevation of the street. Page 3 of 3 The diameter of the 18 inch HDEP is not clear on the pipe callout on the south side of Building #3. Please clarify. Not Done. Show the section letters, J-J clearer to identify the section on sheet CE-7. Not Done. If the section letters through Gulfstream Blvd. are H-H and not I-I, please rotate the letters accordingly and identify Gulfstream Blvd. in the section view. Not Done. Regarding the units along the three, dead-end roads abutting the railroad, provide and identify locations along the main road for the roll-out carts for safe and efficient pick-up of garbage and trash. Also, insert appropriate language in your HOA documents specifying that the carts will only be picked up at the designated locations. Locate the H/c parking space away from the mail kiosk for accessibility to the kiosk by everyone. Show a H/c ramp to access the sidewalk to the building. Note that the locations of the mail kiosks will be subject to Post Office approval. Sheet CE-7: In sections F-F and in all other appropriate locations, make the lengths of the parking areas 20 feet to assure no encroachment into the sidewalk with a small space between the front of the vehicle and the building. Please see Engineering Development Order # 7. In section J-J, make the parking space 18.5 feet and the back-up area, 25 feet to meet current, parking lot standards. Not Done. Additionally, change the word, ~roadway" to read parking lot. See Development Order # 7. Show the M.A.E. in section H-H and in any others not shown. Add legends for the mail kiosks and the street lights. Regarding your responses to those previously listed conditions of approval: Thank you. Please provide copies of the Flora and Fauna survey and the gopher tortoise permit to engineering as well as the Forester (C.O.A. # 33) . S:\Engineering\Office Associates File\Kelley\Heritage Club plat letter 2nd review.doc WEiNEr...: 8: AROI\!SOi\!, P.l\. ATTORI,JEYS AT LAW The Clark House '102 Norlh Swinton Avenue Oelray Beacl" Florida 33444 Telephone: (56'j) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-683" E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S, WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, PA Florida Bar Board Certined Real Estate Lawyer July 3, 2006 Hand Delivery Mr. Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach File No.: NCC0018 Dear Michael: C( x;.j_{l/{JJJ/I ~/lli!..A;f In connection with our A13andUllfTlent Application, enclosed please find: 1. An original Affidavit, including radius map, mailing labels, and photographs. The notices were sent out on June 30, 2006 and the signs were posted on June 3D, 2006. 2. A copy of the notice of public hearing which was sent out to all those as indicated on the enclosed radius map. All mailing notices have been mailed out and the appropriate signs have been posted on the property. Thus, I am confirming with you that all notice requirements have now been met and that the application is deemed completed. ..... Very truly yours, , /' .,/--7-/" Jason S. Mankoff JSM:el~ Enclosure Cc: Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosure) Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo (w/o enclosures) Mr. Robert Mathias (w/o enclosures) ill ~@~ow~ Jl330i rn PLANNING AND znNII~G DEPl .- O:\NCCOO t S\Leller 10 Ciry re Nnrices, .I111y :I. 20()(i,doc WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: jmankoff@zonelaw.com MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF KERRY D. SAFIER PAMI R. MAUGHAM OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, PA Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer July 3, 2006 Hand Delivery Mr. Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Heritage Club at Boynton Beach File No.: NCC0018 Dear Michael: In connection with our Abandonment Application, enclosed please find: 1. An original Affidavit, including radius map, mailing labels, and photographs. The notices were sent out on June 30, 2006 and the signs were posted on June 30, 2006. 2. A copy of the notice of public hearing which was sent out to all those as indicated on the enclosed radius map. All mailing notices have been mailed out and the appropriate signs have been posted on the property. Thus, I am confirming with you that all notice requirements have now been met and that the application is deemed completed. Very truly yours, '~ ~. Mankoll JSM:ek Enclosure Cc: Michael S. Weiner, Esquire (w/o enclosure) Ms. Ashlee L. Vargo (w/o enclosures) Mr. Robert Mathias (w/o enclosures) O:\NCC0018\Letter to City re Notices. July 3. 2006.doc AFFIDAVIT RE: Heritae:e Club at Bovnton Beach I, Jason S. Mankoff, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400' of the above-referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The notification was postmarked at least 10 days in advance of the initial public hearing. A copy of what was sent to each property owner is attached as Exhibit "A". Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advance of the initial public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007 and City Ordinance 05-004. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. Sincerely, .:;q ~O" ~(jA'oT/ Notary Public, State of Florida 5"'AtE~~ Cou,;-rt( cF 0L1l1 g~H --;lit ~C4D.lb .:w~lJA5 fsCt)t~JlfOGIO ~ffJ(tf m611-WS' 3ILO V/'tY cF ~t( ~ ~N (l'IA+.JJ;:ufF, WI,",:rS" ?!l1oolhlL'1' KiJI/W~1l' IYlE. . ~ ~ - -----.... - - (~ () :-.~.::.~ c .. ...... ... EXHIBIT "1\ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Community Redevelopment Agency Board of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING, on Tuesday, July 11,2006 at 6:30 p.m. The City Commission will also hear the request on Tuesday August 1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. Both meetings will be held in the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, to consider this request submitted by Weiner & Aronson, P.A., agent for New Century Companies, LLC. The request is described as follows: LOCATION: Northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard. REQUEST: Request site plan time extension approval for a Planned Unit Development for a large scale, mixed-use project containing 19,538 sq. ft. of commercial (office, retail and restaurant) and 166 multi-family residential units on an 8.302 acre parcel. This request can be viewed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at the City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Patricia Tucker (561) 742-6268, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. '" LL o ~'"'? --' r-- tDOO :::2:;:: <(--, Ww rr: _ 1-1- WLL LLo --'...,. :::>w 0LL LLO 01- ZLL 00> >-~ --'Z ...,.W ;:::w WW zd. LL >- 05: :;1: I ~w 5:>< WiS LLO 0--, NO ;:::oes W'" C'irr: ...,. 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