The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
May 2,2006
Michelle Harner
Garcia Stromberg Architecture Inc.
8000 N. Federal Hwy.
Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487
RE: Hemingway Square
Dear Ms Harner,
The charges incurred for the above referenced project include 2 additional TART reviews
with City staff, and the cost of the legal notices published in the Palm Beach Post. The
breakdown is as follows:
. 3rd Review TART = $142.43
. 4th Review TART = $279.47
. Legal notice with 2 dates of publication = $1304.40
Please forward a check in the amount of $1,726.30
Payable to the City Of Boynton Beach.
The mailing address is City of 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Attention: Planning & Zoning (Sherie Coale).
Your prompt attention to this is appreciated. If you need further clarification, I can be reached
at 561-742-6265.
Thank you,
Sherie Coale
Application Technician
. .
The City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
4H V--S+/O /v'
rn (JJ~ (! 0 hiAJ
March 6, 2006
Garcia Stromberg Architecture, Inc.
6413 Congress Avenue
Suite 130
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Re: Hemingway Square
NWSP 06-007
Dear Sirs,
The above referenced project received a 3rd TART staff review on
February 28, 2006. The hourly rate plus benefits charged by staff for
this review was $142.43. Please remit this amount to the Planning and
Zoning Department. Make checks payable to the "City Of Boynton Beach".
Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions.
Ed Breese
Principal Planner
CC: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hemingway Square\NWSP\3rd review charge.doc
Planning and Zoning Division
PZ 03-
TO: Mark Cohen - Garcia Stromberg Arch. In.
Robert Vitale - 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC
Ed Breese, Princi al Planner &
Hemmingway Square
Please be advised that site plan approval for the above referenced project will expire on Julv 18.
The City Commission granted site plan approval on Julv 18. 2006. To date, no building permit has
been issued for this project. A building permit must be secured within one year of site plan approval in
order to maintain the vested status.
The Land Development Regulations Chapter 4, Section 5, provides for a one-year extension for site
plan approval if the application is submitted before the expiration date. Please call the Planning and
Zoning Division at (561) 742-6260 for more information regarding the site plan time extension
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hemingway Square\Site Plan Exp.
1-A J6e
L~"t 0 l&e -r A 1 A V~.~
lA>6 n.:t' ~ '] P L
May 10, 2007
Attn: Mike Rump
100 East Boynton Beach, blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
1 1
The Hemingway Square Town home planned unit development is set to expire on July 5,
2007, The file number for this project is NWSP 06-007, Realty Acquisitions & trust is seeking
a 12-month time extension for this project from July 5, 2007 to July 5, 2008, We have put
good faith efforts to go forward with this project and that is why we are asking for this
extension, To date we have full site plan approval and complete construction documents.
If the City Planning has any questions, please contact my office at 1-800-980-2443.
Timothy S. Earnest
TC Home Builders LLC - General Contractor
~ ~ ~ f5!~lo1
OFFICE 800-980-2443 . FAX 800-980-2449
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning and Zoning
Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
June 2, 2006
Review Comments
SE 23rd Ave. County Map & Text Amendment
SE 23rd Ave. (Federal Highway - Seacrest Boulevard)
Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to the County's Staff Report for the above
referenced project. Myself, Jeff Livergood (Director - Public Works), and Dave Kelley (City Engineer -
Engineering) all availed ourselves to comment on this report. Following are our comments compiled into
this one document for your use in responding to the County.
1. Throughout the provided document the subject roadway segment is incorrectly referred to as
Southwest (or SW) 23rd Ave. This particular segment is Southeast (or SE) 23rd Ave.
2. Summary Report, Paragraph A, states that the City of Boynton Beach has expressed support of the
proposed amendment. The City does have comments and does not presently concur with the
requested amendment.
3. Summary Report, Paragraph B.1, states that the ultimate right-of-way would be reduced from 80-ft. to
70-ft. It does not specify how or from what point that reduction would be made. Is the intent to take
5-ft. off each side of the right-of-way (symmetrically around the centerline of the right-of-way) or to
take 10-ft. from on side or the other of the right-of-way? This should be spelled out in the text of the
amendment; as it may have an impact on existing businesses and residences along this segment of
4. Summary Report, Paragraph C, states that the proposed amendment was initiated at the request of
the Engineering Department. If in fact they are referring to the City of Boynton Beach Engineering
Department, then there has been some miscommunication. This map and text amendment was not
initiated by the City of Boynton Beach. I believe this amendment may have been initiated in
response to a request by the developers of Hemingway Square to reduce the ultimate right-of-way
width adjacent to their property to allow them more room for their development.
5. Support Data & Analysis (Exhibit 2), Paragraph C.a., states "no road or intersection improvements
are currently proposed for the subject roadway." The City is actively pursuing the Train Horn Quite
Zone Designation (as set forth by the FRA, RTA, FDOT, CSX & PBC) for all of its at-grade railroad
crossings. Roadway improvements will be required (per the minimum criteria of the FRA) and said
improvements will likely require additional right-of-way (between the existing 50-ft. and ultimate right-
of-way width.)
Dept. of Public Works, Engineerh.J Division Memo No. 06-063
RE: SE 23rd Ave. County Map & Text Amendment -1st Review
June 2, 2006
Page 2
6. Support Data & Analysis (Exhibit 2), Paragraph C.c., should be expanded to indicate that portions of
this roadway segment have already dedicated half of the required additional right-of-way required for
the County's ultimate section.
While the City of Boynton Beach does not oppose the requested ultimate right-of-way reduction we feel
the above comments should be addressed before this proposed map and text amendment prior to the
LPA Public Hearing scheduled for June 9,2006. We respectfully submit that the Engineering Division of
Public Works and the Public Works Department do not support the proposed County Map & Text
Amendment at this time.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information regarding these
Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
S:\Engineering\ Memorandums\Memorandums 2006\06-063 LOGAN- SE 23rd Avenue Row Reduction.doc
May 26, 2006
Mrs. Laurinda A. Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer,
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Hemingway Square
Request for Administrative Waiver
Reduction of Right-of- W ay Width
Dear Mrs. Logan:
As you are aware, we have submitted our rezoning application for consideration for Infill
Planned Unit Development (IPUD). Recently, the City has voiced concerns as to the
minimum width shown of internal roadways. As stated in the City's standards and
regulations the minimum right-of-way for a PUD is 40-feet. However, Land
Development Regulations (LDR) allows for a reduction in right-of-way width so long as
the health, safety, welfare of the public, and/or efficiencies of public service are not
jeopardized. It is our option that a minimum right-of-way width of 36' -3" for the internal
roadway is sufficient to accommodate the above listed needs pertaining to public welfare.
We base our evaluation on the following.
1. All utilities construction details are shown to be in accordance with the Utilities
Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction
Standards" manual.
a. We have provided a ten (10) foot separation from face of building to
center of proposed water main. Additionally, we have provided a ten
(10) foot separation from face of building to center of the proposed
sanitary sewer.
b. As you suggested, we have reduced the separation between the water
main and drainage to approximately (8) ft. Likewise we have reduced
the separation from sanitary sewer to drainage to approximately (8) ft.
2. We have shown vehicle movement simulation of both Fire Rescue and Solid
Waste pick-up utilizing AutoTrurn software. The simulated vehicle data and
dimensions are thirty (30) foot long, by eight and half foot (8.5) wide, by
steering angle of 31.63. Vehicle movement shown in drawing sheets numbered
Office 954-698-9906 Ce1l954-818-0375 Fax 954-698-9963
May 26, 2006; Page 2 or 2
Mrs. Laurinda A. Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer,
"Movement 1" and "Movement 2", both identify approaches along SE 23rd
Avenue from east and west bound lanes will accommodate a safe means of
egress/ingress. Furthermore, all vehicle movement identified inside the internal
roadways is shown to be unimpeded.
3. Each home owner will have sufficient space for placement of solid waste
containers directly in front of their property for pick-up.
4. We have included a four (4) foot sidewalk with HC ramps and pavement
marking identifying access routs located on the north side of the internal
roadway, which will minimize pedestrians walking in the street.
In addition, the City has mention concerns regarding the lack of adequate sight distance
for vehicles backing out of garages will negatively impact the safety of motoring and
pedestrian public. We have reviewed this issue in depth with Zuhair Jalloul, P.E. the
Engineer of Record for this project and have concluded that the current site plan
configuration for this private 21 unit development is adequate and safe for both motoring
and pedestrian traffic. It is our option that each unit owner will use common sense when
backing out of their garage and will do so in a cautious manor slowly edging their vehicle
to the end of their driveway before entering into the street. At this point the unit owner
will have an uninstructed view of any oncoming traffic, pedestrian and/or alike.
In light of the above, we hope the City will consider our request for the internal right-of-
way width of36'-3" for the above project. Thank you in advance for your consideration
on this mater.
V ery truly yours, '" IJ ./'
. ~ Y./
~C ,.'/
-/(/t: !5eJ/---7{
Michael Edward Bellefeuille,
CC: Zuhair Jalloul, P.E., Florida Consulting Engineers, Inc
Office 954-698-9906 Ce1l954-818-0375 Fax 954-698-9963
The City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
FAX: (561) 742-6285
May 8, 2006
Michael Bellefeuille
Stealth Construction USA, Inc.
1919 NE 15t St.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441-4504
RE: Hemingway Square
NWSP 06-007
Request for Administrative Waiver
Reduction of Right-of-Way Width
Dear Mr. Bellefeuille:
We are in receipt of your request, dated May 4, 2006, for an Administrative Waiver to the Land
Development Regulations (LDR), Chapter 2, Section 5.L.4.h(1) and Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F. You are
requesting a reduction from the required 40-ft. for PUDs to 34.25-ft. The LDR allows for a reduction in
right-of-way widths so long as the health, safety, welfare of the public, and/or efficiencies of public
services are not jeopardized.
The issue of right-of-way widths was brought up during the original (15t) review of this project and
discussed at the 2/14/06 Technical Advisory Review Team (TART) meeting. This topic continued to
be brought up and discussed at the subsequent 3/28/06 and 5/02/06 TART meetings. Staff also met
with you on 4/10/06 to clarify and provide direction to reach a compromise in the right-of-way width.
Additionally, you and I have had numerous phone conversations regarding this topic.
At this time you know that the City is willing to reduce the required right-of-way width from 40-ft. to 36-
ft. In order to adequately maintain water, sanitary and storm sewer we require no less than 10-ft.
separation from the face of the building(s) to the centerline of the water and/or sanitary mains. City
standards also require 10-ft. separation between water main and storm sewer, and sanitary sewer and
storm sewer. Under special circumstances we will consider a reduction in the 10-ft. separation and
have previously indicated to you that we may allow an 8-ft. separation dependent on the depths of the
various mains.
However the latest plan, received via fax on 5/04/06 following the 5/02/06 TART meeting, proposes a
minimum 34.25-ft. right-of-way width, This would provide 10-ft, separation between the water main
and face of building (north right-of-way line), and 10-ft, separation between water main and storm
sewer, and sanitary sewer and storm sewer leaving 4.25-ft. between the sanitary sewer and face of
building (south right-of-way line.) This is unacceptable.
Mr. Michael Bellefeuille
Re: Administrative Waiver- Hemingway Square
May 9, 2006
Page 2
The requested reduction in right-of-way width from 40-ft to 34.25 ft. is hereby denied. As previously
stated, the minimum acceptable right-of-way width shall be 36-ft. In order to provide maintenance of
the water and sanitary sewer in the future, they need to be placed no less than 10-ft, off the face of the
buildings. they are adjacent to. The separation between water main and storm sewer, and sanitary
sewer and storm sewer may be reduced to 8-ft, Please be aware that the reduced separation between
water, sanitary and storm sewer creates a constructability and maintenance problem. The exfiltration
trench is 9-ft in width. This provides 5.5-ft. (or less) between the edges of exfiltration trench and water
and sanitary sewer. As the storm sewer is and will remain private, the developer shall enter into a
hold-harmless agreement with the City for any damage to the storm sewer system that may result from
maintenance of the water and sanitary sewer.
. We also continue to have concerns regarding sight distances for vehicles backing out of garages, It is
the opinion of City Staff that the lack of adequate sight distance will negatively impact the safety of the
motoring and pedestrian public, The developer's professional engineer should opine on this issue.
The developer needs to provide a revised plan view with the correct dimensioning of roadway,
sidewalks and driveways along the east-west internal roadway for our review,
Please be advised that all other CODE, Land Development Regulations, and Engineering Standards
still apply to this project.
If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6482
or H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E.lP.S,M., City Engineer, at (561) 742-6488.
Xc: Jeffrey. good, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E.I P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Glenda Hall, Forestry & Grounds Manager, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division
Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste
Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning
Kathleen Zeitler, Planner, Planning & Zoning
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering
FAX NO. :9546989963
)V. 10 2003 12:21PM P2
May 4, 2005
Mrs. Laurinda A. Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer,
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Rench Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Project: Hemingway Square
Reference: Justitication for 34'-3" Internal R.O.W.
Dear Mrs. Logan:
As you are aware, we have submitted our rezoning application for consideration for Infill
PlatU1Cd Unit Development (IPUD). Recently, the City has voiced concerns us to the
minimum width shown of internal roadways. As stated in. the City's standards and
regulations the minimum right-of-way for a PUD is 40-feet. However, this being an
TPUD, which allows flexibility to the owner to accomnlodatc infill and redevelopment on
parcels less than five (5) acres in size, without jeopardizing the preservation of adjacent
neighborhoods or public safety and/or welfare. We feel that a minimum right-of-way
width of34'-3" for the internal roadway is sufficient to accommodate this private
development. We base our evaluation on the J()l1owing.
1. All utilities construction details are shown to be in accordance with the
Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Han.dbook and
Construction Standards" manual.
a. We have provided a minimum ten (10) foot separation between water
main and storm sewer. Additionally, we have provided a minimum
ten (10) foot separation between sanitary sewer and storm sewer in
accordance with the City's Standards .
b. We have provided ten (10) foot separation from the lace of building to
the centerline of water main, also in accordance willi the City's
2. We have shown vehicle movement simulation of both Fire Rescue and Solid
Waste pick-up utilizing AutoTrurn soilware. The simulated vehicle data and
dimensions are thirty (30) toot long, by eight and half tool (8.5) wide, by
steering angle of 31.63. Vehicle movement shown in drawing sheets
numbered "Movement 1" and "Movement 2", both identify approaches along
SE 23rd Avenue from cast and we~1 bound lanes will accommodate a safe
Office 954-698..9906 Ce1l954-818-0375 Fa~ 954-698-9963
FAX NO. :9546989963
)V. 10 2003 12:21PM P3
May 4, 2006; Page 2 of 2
Mrs. Laurinda A. Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer,
3. meuns of egrcsslingre~s. Furthermore, all vehicle movement identificd inside
the internal roadways is shown to he unimpeded.
4. Each home owner will have ~umcient space for plucement of solid waste
containers directly in front of their properly Lor pick-up.
5. We have included a four (4) foot sidewalk with He ramps and pavement
marking identifying access routs located on the north side of the internal
roadwaYt which will minimize pedestrians walking in the street.
6. Also, we feel that this being a private development of21 proposed
Townhomes will generate very lUtle internal movement und should not be
required PUD minimum standards. In fact our Trunk Consultant, Yvonne
Ziel, determined an overall reduction of291 trips compared to the old Site, a
5000 squared foot furniture store (Bakers Furniture Store).
Tn Iighl of the abovet we hope the City will consider our request for the internal right~of-
way width of 34' -3" for the above pwject. Thank you in advance for your consideration
on this mater.
Michael Edward Bel efeuille,
Office 954-698-9906 Cell 954-818-0375 Fax 954-698..9963
FAX NO. :9546989963
1V. 10 2003 12:21PM Pi
Fax Cover
M.ay 4, 2006
Mr$. Laurinda A. Logan, P.E., Senior En~ineer,
City of Boynton Beach
Fax #:
Michael Ii. Bellefeuille
3 Total Pages
This message is intended only for the use of the i"dividual or entity to
whiclt is addressed and may conttlin infi)rmat;IJn that is privileged,
confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
Office 954-698~9906 Ce1l954-818-0375 Fax 9S4-698-9963
FAX NO. :9546989963
;t. 11 2003 02:08PM Pi
Fax Cover
April 4~ 2006
Kathleen Zeitleen
Dan Weisberg, P.P. Dir., Palm Beach County, Traffic
Michael Rumpf, Dir., Planning & l.oning, City of Boynton
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, City of Boynton Beach
Murk Cohen, Oaooiu Stromberg Archite<..1:ure
Alex Zale7., Vice President, Garcia Stromberg Architecture
Michael E. Bellefeuille
6 Total Pages
ThL~ message is intended only for the Ufe of the individual 01' entity t(l
which is addressed and may contain information that i~ privileged,
confidential and exempt from d;sclo.~ure under applicable law.
1919 NE lat STREET, DEERFIELD REACH, 14'LORIDA 33441-4504
Office 954-698-9906 Ce11954-818-0375 Fax 954-698-9963
t. 11 2003 02:08PM P2
~ I:~:;i-"-
April 4. 2006
. MIl. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner:
The City of Boynton Beach
Development Department Planning and Zoning
100 E. Boynton Beaeh Blvd.
Boynton Beach. Horida 33425-0310
RE: Hemingway Square
Dear Mrs. Zeitler, Planner:
A$ you are aware, we have submitted our rez.oning application for consideration ofInfill
Planned Unit Development (TPIID). It is a ba.qic public expectation lhallandownen;
requesting the use of the !PUD district will develop design standards that exceed the
standard of the basie development standards in terms of site design. building setbacks,
requirements for parking spaces, parking lot and circulation design, as well as
architecture and construetion materials, amenities and landscape design. Ibe IPUD
District standards and rebrulations were created for the purpose of allowing flexibility to
accommodate infill and redevelopment on parcels less than five (5) acres in size, without
jeopardizing the preservation of adjacent neighborhoods or public safety and/or welfare.
In reference to the above, the City had a previous instructed us to contact Palm .l3each
County to determine the "ultimate Section" desired by the County along SE 23rd Avenue
and to provide additional right~of-way for future widening, if required. We met with Dan
Weisberg, P.E., Director, Traffic Division on Mareh 14,2006 and agreed to the
1. The pavement for SE 23rd Ave. will be widened as far as possible to
the north without encroaching the existing City's lift station.
2. A S' sidewalk wilt be constructed and an easement win he dedicated to
the city for maintenance of the existing lift station.
3. ^ 5' additional right-of-way will be dedicated north ofthe exjsting
right-of way fhr SR 23rd Ave., as well a.~ to the south ofSE 23rd Ave.
4. ^ 25' x 25' right-of-way comer clip wiU be dedicated at the
interse<..-tion with U.S. Hwy 1.
As a result of the above, we gave up one (1) Townhouse Unit. Tn addition, our original
planed building setback of 10' along SE 23 rd Ave. will need to be reduced to 5'-11" to
CGC057774 .
Office 954-698-9906 CeU 954-818-0375 Fax 954-698-9963
FAX NO. : 9546989963
ct. 11 2003 02:08PM P3
Mrs. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner:
RR: Hemingway Square
4/412006 Page 2 of2
accommodate our current plan. Additiona11y~ we wilt also request a reduction in internal
ROW from 40' to 34' in a separate letter.
As stated in the City's Land Development Regulations and fe-iterated in you e-mail,
(attached) to Mark Cohen, Garcia StTomberg on March 31, 2006, building setbacks are
required to mirror ~acent similar development Coastal Bay (recently constructed
IPUD across SE 23 Ave) has a minimum 10.5' setback. Although in two separate
letters. from Palm County. Traffic Division, sent to the City indicated that SE 23rd
Avenue, also know as Golf Road, is identified as a Thoroughfare and additional right-of-
way is needed to be dedicated for future expansion. Additional, CoastaJ Bay's newly
constructed driveway is located within the future left lane at the approach to USl, which
could cause vehicle stacking and/or be a traffic ha7.ard.
With all things being equal, Coastal Bay building setbacks is/will be reduce to 5'-5" and
likewise win mim)r ours of 5'-11 ". Understand, we are not looking for any kind 01'
special treatment, only what is fair and equal.
We hope the staff will reconsider and re-evaluate our plan prior to our CRA presentation
scheduled for April 11, 2006. We are available at your request.
S~ly, ~.~ //
/~. (1t4:!h
2:, ~~11 feuflle,
Attachment: Kathleen Zeitler's E-mail sent to Mark Cohen, March 31,2006
Palm Beach County Letter sent to the City on April 12, 2004
Palm Beach County Letter sent to the City on August 2, 2005
CC: Dan Weisberg, P.R. Dir., Palm Beach County, Traffie Division
Michael Rumpf: Dir., Planning & Zoning, City of Boynton Beach
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, City of Roynton Reach
Mark Cohen, ('J8J'Cia Stromberg Architecture
Alex 7ale7., Viee President, Gareia Stromberg Architecture
1919 NE l,t STREET, DEERFlELD BleACH, Fl-iORIDA 33441-4504
OMce 954-698-9906 Cell954-818-037S Fax 9S4-698-9963
FRCI"I : STEA.... TH CCI'lSTRUCTIc:t4 usr Ie FAX NO. : 9546989963
Jet. 11 2003 02:09PM P4
Page 1 ofl
Subj: FW: Hemingway R-O-W Width & Setbacks
Date: 313112006 4:12:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: mQ;),b~!.!.Ca~-'
To: stealth.lnc@corrlcast..!llt
",uk eohen
aooo North fleder81 HIghw8y, Suite 300 I Boca Raton I Fl33487
eeU05.15012I e81.Sle.S032 fax
---orIgInal Message-
Prom: Zettler, Kathleen [mailto:ZeitterK@d.boynton-beech.f1.usJ
Sent: friday, March 31, 2006 3:01 PM
To: I1'; Logan, Laurinda
Cc: Breese, Ed
SUbject: Hemingway Square R-o-W Width & Setbacks
To re-.lterate the issues discussed today in our earlier phone conversation:
Laurinda has not received a written request from you (agent) asking for a waiver to the 40 foot
ROW width requirement.
Previous plans indicated 34' ROW width, revised plans indicate 30' ROW width, and less In
some places. .
Building setbacks are required to mirror adjacent similar development. Coastal Bay (recentty
constructed IPUD across SWl3rd Ave) has minimum 10 foot building setbacks. Revieed plans
already indicate less than 10 feet in some areas, and setbacks can not be reduced further (will
not be an option In solving ROW width issue).
These issues will need to be satisfied prior to this project going forward. Should you have any
questions, please give me a call at 742-6260.
~l(iJ.tfifet:tt. Zeitfer, City q")
Offi~e: r-561)742~6263
Cf'aJG' (561)742M6259
Sundav. AmI 02. 2006 America Online: MeoonnCGC057774
FRCI'l : STEA... TH cnISTRlX:T I (t.I usr -Ie
Department. of J!nllncrrlng
IlIlC! Public WOrks
F:O, ~ux 21229
W.'I r'lllm B~iIId;. fl ":\"1".12~l~1
(561) M4-4000
Palm "each County
~rd of Count)'
K/iffm 1 M.rcus. Chll,f
"!tmy Ml\!lilnlll, Viet' t:hat rtnll n
Jr.ff Kuul1~
W.rnm H. NI:'~II
Mar!>, McC.n)'
BUrl ^lIrUI111~'1I
^c.ldit' L, titeel'~
County Adminilcrator
fl.nbpn Wc!isman
.An 4IIu,,' DpJII..,.rullil,"
fl[(fI'm<<Ii"( Ill'Iion ~mplClYI!I"
@ P'illIt.'t1lll'l recyc/<<J ~,
FAX NO. :9546989963
Oct. 11 20l1l3 02: B9PM P5
April 12.2004
Jim Peters, Pennlt Section
Land De"elopment
Bogd.n Piorkowski, P.E., Registered Ellglneet
Traffic Di"lslon ~~
The Traffic Division reviewed the subject project and we Nt". the foIowing
See red line plans. Comments may be addresHd direclr on the plan
Return the red line plans and a copy of this memo witt your next
Golf Road (SE 23'" Avenue) and Federal Highwey are bOeh ~ on
the Thoroughfare Rlght-of-wey Identification Map, part of P8IM Beach
County's Comprehensive Plan. Golf Road ;.s shown .s 80' right-of-
way and the Comprehensive Plan requires e~8nded WMlIsecGon in
accordance with Palm Beach County Typlc8l T -P-04-0()1, p. 11 of
19 (see attached). Therefore, please provide the requAd right-of~..vay
along your property per the above standard.
The proposed driveway will be within the future left turn I8ne at the
approach to us 1. Is it possible to move the driveway further west?
Please advise.
Show the existing driveways in the vicinity of the proposed driveway at
Golf Road.
Provide incoming volumes at the Golf Road driveway.
Thank you for allowing us to assist in your plan review process.
Attachments: Plans returned herewith
Typical T-P-04-001
Driveway Traffic Assignment - Figure 2 - of Trame Report
pc: Dan Weisberg, P.E., Director, Traffic DIvision
Michael Rumpf, Dir. Planning & Zoning, City of Boynton Se8d'l
File: Roads - Golf Road (SW 23111 Ave.)
SID - .C" Misc.
Intersection - Golf Rd/23nl Ave. SE & Federal Hwy. (US 1)" ~50
N:\TRAFFIC\btp\RWPermft_LO _ Revlew\C08,taIBayColonySW23rdOrivtwayConnMem2.d
ct. 11 2003 02: 89PI'1 P6
Depaatmeac of ...........
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p.o. JSQlt 2J 229
WIllI Plllm &each. PL '3416.J229
(561) 684-4000
... 8acII Coa~
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~ L Qraene. VIce CIw.irpenIon
!Wren T. Marcus!
WUrer1 H. Newell
Mar)' Mccany
Surt AvorulQn
co.nt)' AlllalnlRmtlDl'
Robert 'Welsman
~ AaIotIIbItpIoye'"
@ fIIt*tl 1M fWIII*d"..,
August 2, 2005
Ms. Laurlnda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. 'Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Dear Ms. Log~n:
We are sending this letter as a follow up to our conversation of.hilly 28,
2005 regarding the right of way for Golf Rd. Th. Traffic DIvision ~
reviewed drawings for Coastal Bay Colony adjacent to SE 23 Ave.
Golf Rd. Is shown as an 80' right of way roadway on Palm Beach
County's Comprehensive Plan Thoroughfare Right of Way Identtftcelion
Map. However, the drawings submitted for the driveway connecIiOn
permit do not show any right of way dedication for the Mure expaMion
and Improvements to Golf Rd.
Enclosed for your use is our right of way reservation map. This map Is
also available at the Palm Beach County webslte www.Dbcaov.comin
the Englneeringfrraffic Division. Your help in obtaining right of way for
the Mure roadway Improvements will be greatly appreciated. Pteae8
feel free to call me at 561-684-4030 If you have any questions or require
additional information.
Bogdan T. Piorkowski, P .E.
Registered Engineer, Traffic Division
Attachment: PBC Thoroughfare Map
pc: Dan Weisberg, P.E., Director, pec Traffic Division
Motasem AI-Turk, Ph.O.,P.E., Asst. Director, PBC Traffic Division
Masoud Aten, MSCE, Senior Engineer, PBe Traffic Division
Dave Kelly, P.E., City Engineer, City of Boynton Beach
File: Roads - Golf Rd. (23rc1 AVe. SW/SE) In Boynton Beach
Page 1 of2
Zeitler, Kathleen
From: Zeitler, Kathleen
Sent: Monday, March 13,20062:15 PM
To: ''
Cc: Mike Bellefeuille; Breese, Ed; Logan, Laurinda
Subject: RE: Hemingway Square Townhomes--3rd Review Comments
Hi Mark,
We do not see the necessity of another T ART meeting at this point, and would like to keep you on schedule for the
April 11 th eRA meeting. Our comments below are straightforward and can be addressed by you through written
responses which clearly indicate how the site will function (#1, 3), and through revisions to the plans (#2, 4), and
through additional materials submittal (#5). Feel free to call or e-mail the staff person initiating the comment if you
have any specific questions regarding the comment. Once you have addressed all the 3rd review comments that you
can by plan revision and submittals, please schedule a time when you can come in to insert the revised sheets, etc. The
remaining 3rd review comments that have not been addressed will become conditions of approval, meaning they will be
addressed by you before we will issue any building permits for the project. All the above information has been
explained to you before, if you still have questions, please call to discuss further.
Thank you,
Kathleen Zeitler
From: Mark Cohen []
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12: 15 PM
To: Zeitler, Kathleen
Cc: Mike Bellefeuille; Breese, Ed; Logan, Laurinda
Subject: Re: Hemingway Square Townhomes--3rd Review Comments
Hi Kathy,
Per our conversation this morning, I have put together I list of questions pertaining to the 3rd Review Comments. The following
are questions I have and I would hope to have Lorinda, Ed and your self present to address them.
1. Comment number five (5) on the first page of your email of the 3rd Review of Comments. Garbage pick up consists of
rollout curbside receptacles. How will garbage truck maneuver/turn around if streets are narrow and there is no turnaround
2. Comment number two (2) on the first page of the Public Works -Traffic comments. Contact Palm Beach County to
determine the "ultimate section" desired by the County for SE 23rd Avenue. Provide an additional 15 feet of right-of-way
along the south boundary of the development, to be deeded to Palm Beach County for future improvements to SE 23rd
3. Comment number three (3) on the second page of the Public Works - Traffic comments. The minimum right-of-way width
for PUD (as designated on the plan Cover Sheet) is 40-ft. Staff may consider right-of-way widths less than 40-ft. Please
provide appropriate right-of-way widths for all internal roadways and/or make a written request for reduced width, including
justification for the request.
4. Comment number thirty-eight (38) on the second page of the Planning and Zoning comments. All project utilities along the
rights-of-way of Federal Highway and SE 23rd Avenue are required to be located underground. Clarify on plans what will
happen to the sign, signal panel, signal box, control panel and tower which exist at the SE corner of the site and the off-site
lift station and well. If not located underground, or removed what will remain on site and how will it be screened?
5. Comment number thirty-nine (39) on the second page of the Planning and Zoning comments. Revise color of white
building to another (pastel) color and provide paint manufacturer, paint name/code on elevations and submit a revised color
palette, revised color renderings and a revised materials exhibit board.
Page 2 of2
Please let me know what is the most efficient way of addressing all the above questions at one time with everyone's input and
mark cohen
8000 North Federal Highway, Suite 300 1 Boca Raton 1 FL 33487
561.995.50121561.995.5032 fax
Page 1 of 1
Zeitler, Kathleen
From: Zeitler, Kathleen
Sent: Monday, January 30,200610:31 AM
To: Mark Cohen (
Subject: Hemingway Square
Just a couple things that have come up during my further review of Hemingway:
1. A unity of title will be to be recorded to combine lots 1-5 into one parcel. The recorded Unity of Title
will be required at the time of permitting. U IG
2. Are the proposed units fee simple townhouses or not? Add this information to plans.
3. On the survey, the surveyor has incorrectly called out the property lines between lots 1 -5
line of Lot or the north line of Lot . This should read east and west. Also at the SE er a
B.F.P. is noted, but B.F.P. has been omitted from the typical legend notes. Please have t e surveyor
revise the survey to make these corrections prior to permitting.
Thank You,
1(atlifeen Zeitfer, City O?{anner
Office: (561)742-6263
Pay\;, (561)742-6259
Page 1 of 1
Zeitler, Kathleen
From: Zeitler, Kathleen
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 2:27 PM
To: Mark Cohen (
Subject: Comments on Hemingway Square
To clarify comment #151: indicate sign locations on plans, and complete sign (freestanding and wall) details
including materials, colors, height, sign face dimensions and square footage, font, and address.
1{atlifeen Zeitfer, City cp[anner
Office: (561)742-6263
([aJG' (561)742-6259
Meeting Notes - General
Hemingway Square Townhomes
City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department
Notes Issued:
Meeting Date:
Project Name:
Project Number:
Rick Lee (RL)
Ed Breese (EB)
Kevin Hallahan (KH)
Don Johnson (DJ)
Kathleen Zeitler (KZ)
Laurinda Logan (LL)
Leo Urban (LU)
Mike Bellefeuille (MB)
Alex Zalez (AZ)
Mark Cohen (Me)
1st Review TART/Team Meeting
City of Boynton Beach
City of Boynton Beach
City of Boynton Beach
City of Boynton Beach
City of Boynton Beach
City of Boynton Beach
Urban Associates
Stealth Construction USA
Garcia Stromberg
Garcia Stromberg
zeitlerk(a!ci. boynton-beach. fl. us!
azalez(a!garciastromberg. com
mcohen(a!garciastromberg. com
1.1 EB & KZ stated that for the public hearing notice is thirty days and the sign should be up and
stays up all thru the thirty days. EB & KZ stated that it is the builders/developers
responsibility to furnish and install the sign and to notify the proper individuals within a four
hundred (400) feet radius.
1.2 KZ asked that MC & AZ show and label the square footage of the useable open space on a
separate drawing sheet. KZ stated that the area at the southwest comer of the site cannot be
counted useable open space. KZ also stated that the planning and zoning division does not
have authority to exercise any leniency for the useable open space requirement. EB & KZ J
stated and recommended that we add a gazebo type structure at the northeast side of the site
where the hammer-head is.
1.3 KZ asked MC & AZ what consideration was taken towards comment number 158. MC & AZ
stated that consideration would impact construction budget significantly and would rather
leave design/architecture as is.
1.4 KZ, MB, MC & AZ confirmed that the classification of the project is Fee Simple.
1.5 KZ stated that MC & AZ needed to revise and correct the site data with reference to
comments number 132 and 133.
1.6 EB & KZ stated that more detail is needed on what is happening with the utilities located on
the comer ofS. Federal and SE 23 Avenue. More detail was defined as what utilities will be
removed and what utilities will remain and how will they be screened. KZ also stated that the
fate of these items/utilities should be called out on the civil and site plans.
1.7 KZ & EB stated and agreed that the three story units (building three and four) on the north
side of the site do not need to be replaced with two story units as comment number 134 had
requested. With reference to this matter AZ stated that it would be difficult to provide
parking if the three story buildings were replaced with two story buildings.
1.8 KZ inquired as to what the decision is with regards to comment number 144. KZ stated that
we needed to add a note to the site plan that says if there will be restrictions by the HOA or
not. AZ stated that there will be HOA restrictions and the restrictions will have no provisions
for outdoor patios, concrete patios, screen enclosures or solid roof enclosures to be added on
by any and all homeowners.
8000 North Federal HIgl1way Suite 300 Boca Raton. FL 33487 TEL 561.995,5012 FAX 561,995,5032
1001 SE Monterey Commons Blvd, Suite 100 Stuart. FL 34996 TEL 772220.9501 FAX 772,220,9516
ga rciastrom be r9, com
Corporate License # AAC001655
KZ stated per comment number 149 that the material and color of the garage trim, window
trims, shutters, fencing, railings etc. need to be called out on the elevations. MC and AZ
stated that if we decided on what the materials would be now and after receiving building
permit the and the cost of the materials go up how does the builder addresses that issue. KZ
advised MC, AZ and MB that no reissuing of the plans instead a simple administrative Minor
Modification submittal would be required to address changes of that sort or similar.
KZ stated that the design of the monument signs need to be finalized because the CRA board
will need to know all the details of the signs. KZ also stated that if it changes after the CRAJ--'
board meeting, this could be reason for denial of site plan permit and cause for reissuing of
site plan package.
KZ & EB stated to MC, MB & AZ that the separation of the buildings was not encouraged
and why was it done. g responded. that it was d.9ne to avoid conforming to FHA
requirements. KZ stated that a ten (10) foot separation would be the norm and then the blank
end walls wouldn't have to be blank.
DJ stated that dimension from the edge of the patios to the property line needs to be added to
the site plan. AZ concurred with DJ request.
KZ discussed the idea of having the lot lines stopping at the back of the curb instead of the] ;:J
back of pavement.
DJ questioned the idea of having the ground floor patios and balconies encroaching into the
setbacks. AZ stated that with IPUD zoning the three (3) foot patios, privacy walls and
balconies are allowed to go into the setbacks.
Items presented: Design Development site plan, unit plans, perspective and elevation rendering
presentation board and exterior rendered building elevations
Items received: N/A
Next Meeting: Refer to Boynton Beach City schedule.
If there is a discrepancy with the accuracy of the information provided, those concerned must respond
in writing within 5 days upon receipt of these documents.
Garcia Stromberg, Inc.
Mark Cohen
C: Alex Zalez, Senior Project ManagerNice President
Citv Submission and Meetinl! Schedule
Original Submittal TRC Meeting P & D Board Meeting
CRA Meeting
City Commission Meeting
December 28,2005 February 14,2006 February 28, 2006
March 07, 2006
April 04 and April 18, 2006
8000 North Federal Highway Suite 300 Boca Raton. FL 33487 TEL 561 995.5012 FAX 561.995.5032
1001 SE Monterey Commons Blvd. Suite 100 Stuart, FL 34996 TEL 772.220.9501 FAX 772.220 9516
garciastromberg com
Corporate License # AAC001655