AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 April 4, 2006 March 20, 2006 (Noon.) 0 June 6, 2006 May 15, 2006 (Noon) 0 April 18, 2006 April 3, 2006 (Noon) 0 June 20, 2006 June 5, 2006 (Noon) 0 May 2, 2006 April 17,2006 (Noon) 0 July 5, 2006 June 19,2006 (Noon) 0 May 16,2006 May 1, 2006 (Noon) [g] July 18, 2006 July 3, 2006 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 Public Hearing [g] Legal 0 Bids 0 UnfInished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the July 18, 2006 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinance - Second Reading to follow review of the corresponding ordinances for land use amendment and rezoning. The City Commission tabled this request on July 5,2006 to allow for fmal action on the corresponding ordinances prior to review of this height exception item. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Memorandum No. 06- 093. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hemingway Square (HTEX 06-006) Garcia Stromberg Architecture, Inc. 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC / Robert Vitale (Managing Member) 2319 South Federal Highway, northwest corner of SE 23rd Avenue and Federal Highway Request for height exception of four (4) feet to allow chimneys to exceed the maximum building height of 45 feet, for a total of 49 feet. PROGRAM IMP ACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Develop N/A N/A N/A City Manager's Signature Planning and Zon' g irector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJEC \Hemingway Square\HTEX\Agenda Item Request Hemingway Square HTEX 06-006 7-l8-06.dot S:\BULLETINIFORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: PROJECT: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-093 Chair and Members Community ~ent Agency Board and Oty CommIssion Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning Kathleen Zeitler J::-Z Planner June 6, 2006 Hemingway Square / HTEX 06-006 Height Exception 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC Property Owner: Applicant: Agent: Location: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: Acreage: Adjacent Uses: North: South: Robert Vitale, 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC Garcia Stromberg Architecture, Inc. At the northwest corner of the intersection of South Federal Highway and SE 231'( Avenue (see Location Map - Exhibit "A") Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) and Community Commercial (C-3) Special High Density Residential (SHDR - max. 20 du/ac) Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) 21 fee-simple townhouse units 1.25 acre (54,526 square feet) To the north, property designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned Community Commercial (C-3) currently occupied by a single-family residence with frontage on South Federal Highway. To the northeast, property designated High Density Residential (HDR max. 10.8 du/ac) and zoned Multi- Family Residential (R-3) currently occupIed by a single-family residence on SE 4th Street; Right-Of-way for SE 23rd Avenue, and farther south property designated Loca Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned Community Commerdal (C-3) currentl} occupied by a Sunoco gas station. To the southwest, property deslgnatec Special High DensIty ResIdential (SHDR) and zoned Intill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) currently being developed as Coastal Bay Colony, a 64 unif Page 2 HemIngway Square HTEX 06-006 Mel110randum No. PZ 06-093 townhouse development; East: The right-of-way of Federal Highway, then property designated SpecIal HIgh Density ResidentIal (SHDR) and zoned Multi-Family Residential (R-3) developed as Tuscany on the Intracoastal, a condominium complex; and, West: Property designated as Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned Nelghborhooc Commercial (C-2), currently occupied by a single-family residence with frontage on SE 23rd Avenue. BACKGROUND The applicant Is proposing a fee-sImple townhouse project consIsting of 21 units at the northwest comer of South Federal HIghway and SE 23rd Avenue. The project Is currently pending a land use amendment request (LUAR 06-006) from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR) land use classification, and a rezoning request (LUAR 06-006) from the Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) and CommunIty Commercial (C-3) zonIng districts to the Infill Planned UnIt Development (IPUD) zoning district. In addition, the subject property Is also pending approval of a new sIte plan (NWSP 06-007) for the townhouse project. Approval of the site plan will be contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request for land use amendment I rezoning (LUAR 06-006). The Hemingway Square site plan indicates a combination of two-story and three-story townhouse buildings to be constructed. The proposed townhouse buildings will be 45 feet in height which will comply with the maximum height permitted under the IPUD zoning district. However, there is a certain building element proposed that exceeds the 45-foot threshold. That element is the subject of this request for height exception. The floor plans for the 3-story Models "c" and "0" indicate an optional fireplace. Therefore, the exterior elevations for Buildings 1 and 3 reveal chimneys, which extend above the rooflines and will exceed the maximum height of 45 feet The exterior building elevations indicate that the elevation from finished floor to the highest point of the chimney Is 46 feet 2-inches for Building 1 and 48 feet 8-lnches for Building 3. The applicant therefore is requesting a height exception of four (4) feet above the maximum building height of 45 feet allowed In the IPUD zoning district. The requested height exception is applicable only to Building 1 and Building 3 (see Exhibit "B"). ANALYSIS The objective of the CRA, In part, is to support and stImulate revitalization efforts in the heart of the City. Staff recognizes that Infill residential development along Federal Highway is desirable. The architecture for the proposed townhouse project Is a Key West theme with standing-seam metal roofs, balconIes, picket fencing, natural stone veneer on the first floor walls, and a mix of siding and stucco on the upper building walls. The proposed chimneys will be of the same stone veneer to match the stone veneer at the front and rear of the first floor of each building. The chimneys will raise the building height slightly above the maximum height allowed, but they are necessary for the units that choose to have the optional fireplace. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height Umltations and Exceptions, limIts all portions of structures to a maximum height of forty-five (45) feet above the minimum finished floor. Noted exceptions to the maximum building heIght Indude noncommercial towers, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanIcal support systems, parapets, and similar structures. However, the noted exceptions are allowed only through obtaining approval from the Oty Commission. In considering an application for exception to the district height regulation, the Oty Commission shall Page 3 Hemingway Square HTEX 06-006 Memorandum No. PZ 06-093 make findings Indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered In relation to minimum standards, where applicable. The City Commission approved a new method for measuring building height based on roof type (Ordinance 02-010, adopted on March 19, 2002). The goal of the new definition was to be consistent with current standards and to allow more flexibility In building design. Plans Indicate the proposed townhouses will have a gable or hip roof. Building height for gable or hip roofs Is measured from the finished grade to the midpoint between the eaves and the ridge. The building elevations Indicate the two-story and three-story townhouses will have a mean roof height of 45 feet, which will comply with the IPUD zoning district height limitation of 45 feet. However, the maximum height as measured from the top of the proposed chimneys Is 48 feet 8-lnches, which exceeds the maximum building height by almost four (4) feet As evidenced by previous approvals, this request for height exception would not constitute a grant of special privilege. RECOMMENDAll0N As previously mentioned, staff generally supports the redevelopment efforts proposed in the accompanying requests for land use amendment and rezoning (LUAR 06-006) and the new site plan (NWSP 06-007) for the Hemingway Square project. Staff is recommending approval of these application requests and recommends approval of the request for a 4-foot height exception. Should this request be approved, it should be approved contingent upon satisfying all comments noted In exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval (see NWSP 06-007). Should the Board or City Commission have any additional comments, they will be placed accordingly within Exhibit "C". S:lPlannlng\SHAREOIWPlPROJECTSlHeningway SquarelHTEX 06-006\Statr Report.doc -+- 110. = 139.6 feet XHISlr A .. . . ...... . Hemingway Square EXHIBIT I B> ~m' :, ~~ ';1 ~I e~li ~. 11~.t ~~ .~"~5 i. ..if ~i' e! lu~u Il~ pr!l at lal; II: .il ~;I ~: tt ~!l i! ill!1 ;. ~i p . i~i I! i~!l ~i I 'd I i 'i ;,'j · J I 'i; I i I !i ell Ii j ii .. , I I - ~ ..- --......u.c .'IWI......._ COUL_ "- -- EXHIBIT "E &> 'yo ~inr -r ; III ;. .1, II !!~l Ii 11 I!! ~I il ",. aJ~e~ i~ ii;;ii ill ~~;~ II il~1 =1 .~~i i. 'i!1 ~I ~~ ~ ~ - 1M tI1 .. ~ J PIli ~lllll1q! 1 ~ I I I IIIIII U ~ ... ,. I ---.- ...~ II - ~ '0 ~b1 ~~ 8~ s:;Q 0 tts ~ ,,~ . 1\ - fJ> ~ tI1 ~ d ~ ~ >-< '() ~ 0 ~to "'"'l '%j~ , E;:: t'"""t1 0 8:z t1 s;:OQ m 5g t'""" ~~ ~ . ~~ () ~~ :... . - ~ ~ ...-......." ......1..._ CIClUL_ - - EXHIBIT E ~ ~~ ts~ ~~ S 0 ~~ ~ t~ ~ &> ; ~ ~ CI.l I tr:l I .(') I ~ . 0 ! e~ I I >-:l fl~ i I ~ ... 8 8g _Z tTl F'" Q ~i r-' ~ "'0 Z "a q ':: r-' 0 ~! ?~ . ~ &> - ~ -- _--.r ____ .....1""...... -..a._ - - EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Hemingway Square File number: HTEX 06-006 Reference: 4th review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a May 26. 2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp lei mar 'n!!. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None X ENGINEERING DMSION Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DMSION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTERJENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X CRA STAFF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Hemingway Square (HTEX 06-006) PAGE 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: None X COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS: Comments: None X CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: To be detennined. MWR/kz S:\Planning\Shared\ WP\PROJEcrS\Hemingway Square\HTEX 06-006\COA.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office D April 4, 2006 March 20, 2006 (Noon.) D June 6, 2006 May IS, 2006 (Noon) D April 18, 2006 April 3,2006 (Noon) D June 20, 2006 June S, 2006 (Noon) D May 2, 2006 April 17,2006 (Noon) [8] July S, 2006 June 19,2006 (Noon) D May 16, 2006 May 1, 2006 (Noon) D July 18, 2006 July 3, 2006 (Noon) D Administrative D Development Plans NATURE OF D Consent Agenda D New Business AGENDA ITEM [8] Public Hearing Legal D Bids D UnfInished Business D Announcement D Presentation D City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the July 5,2006 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing with the corresponding items for land use amendment and rezoning and site plan approval. The Community Redevelopment Agency Board recommended that the subject request be approved on June 13,2006. Staff recommends that this item be heard in conjunction with the land use amendment and rezoning and site plan but tabled to the July 18th meeting for fInal action to follow ordinance approval. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department Memorandum No, 06-093. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hemingway Square (HTEX 06-006) Garcia Stromberg Architecture, Inc. 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC / Robert Vitale (Managing Member) 2319 South Federal Highway, northwest corner ofSE 23rd Avenue and Federal Highway Request for height exception of four (4) feet to allow chimneys to exceed the maximum building height of 45 feet, for a total of 49 feet. PROGRAM IMP ACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Dev ment e artment Director City Manager's Signature ~ ~~ ,., Planning and Zoning ~ector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hemingway Square\HTEX\Agenda Item Request Hemingway Square HTEX 06-006 7-S-06.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: PROJECT: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 06-093 Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission . ~~ Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning Kathleen Zeitler t:-Z Planner June 6, 2006 Hemingway Square / HTEX 06-006 Height Exception 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC Property Owner: Applicant: Agent: Location: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: Acreage: Adjacent Uses: North: South: Robert Vitale, 2319 South Federal Partners, LLC Garcia Stromberg Architecture, Inc. At the northwest corner of the intersection of South Federal Highway and SE 231"( Avenue (see Location Map - Exhibit "A'j Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) and Community Commercial (C-3) Special High Density Residential (SHDR - max. 20 du/ac) Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) 21 fee-simple townhouse units 1.25 acre (54,526 square feet) To the north, property designated Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned Community Commercial (C-3) currently occupied by a single-family residence with frontage on South Federal Highway. To the northeast, property designated High Density Residential (HDR max. 10.8 du/ac) and zoned Multi- Family Residential (R-3) currently occupied by a single-family residence on SE 4th Street; Right-of-way for SE 23rd Avenue, and farther south property designated Loca Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned Community Commercial (C-3) currentl} occupied by a Sunoco gas station. To the southwest, property designatec Special High Density Residential (SHDR) and zoned Infill Planned Unil Development (IPUD) currently being developed as Coastal Bay Colony, a 64 unil Page 2 Hemingway Square HTEX 06-006 Memorandum No. PZ 06-093 townhouse development; East: The right-of-way of Federal Highway, then property designated Special High Density Residential (SHDR) and zoned Multi-Family Residential (R-3) developed as Tuscany on the Intracoastal, a condominium complex; and, West: Property designated as Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and zoned Neighborhooc Commercial (C-2), currently occupied by a single-family residence with frontage on SE 23rd Avenue. BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing a fee-simple townhouse project consisting of 21 units at the northwest corner of South Federal Highway and SE 23rd Avenue. The project is currently pending a land use amendment request (LUAR 06-006) from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR) land use classification, and a rezoning request (LUAR 06-006) from the Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) and Community Commercial (C-3) zoning districts to the Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) zoning district. In addition, the subject property is also pending approval of a new site plan (NWSP 06-007) for the townhouse project. Approval of the site plan will be contingent upon the approval of the accompanying request for land use amendment I rezoning (LUAR 06-006). The Hemingway Square site plan indicates a combination of two-story and three-story townhouse buildings to be constructed. The proposed townhouse buildings will be 45 feet in height which will comply with the maximum height permitted under the IPUD zoning district. However, there is a certain building element proposed that exceeds the 45-foot threshold. That element is the subject of this request for height exception. The floor plans for the 3-story Models "C" and "D" indicate an optional fireplace. Therefore, the exterior elevations for Buildings 1 and 3 reveal chimneys, which extend above the rooflines and will exceed the maximum height of 45 feet. The exterior building elevations indicate that the elevation from finished floor to the highest point of the chimney is 46 feet 2-inches for Building 1 and 48 feet 8-inches for Building 3. The applicant therefore is requesting a height exception of four (4) feet above the maximum building height of 45 feet allowed in the IPUD zoning district. The requested height exception is applicable only to Building 1 and Building 3 (see Exhibit "B"). ANALYSIS The objective of the CRA, in part, is to support and stimulate revitalization efforts in the heart of the City. Staff recognizes that infill residential development along Federal Highway is desirable. The architecture for the proposed townhouse project is a Key West theme with standing-seam metal roofs, balconies, picket fencing, natural stone veneer on the first floor walls, and a mix of siding and stucco on the upper building walls. The proposed chimneys will be of the same stone veneer to match the stone veneer at the front and rear of the first floor of each building. The chimneys will raise the building height slightly above the maximum height allowed, but they are necessary for the units that choose to have the optional fireplace. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height Limitations and Exceptions, limits all portions of structures to a maximum height of forty-five (45) feet above the minimum finished floor. Noted exceptions to the maximum building height Include noncommercial towers, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanical support systems, parapets, and similar structures. However, the noted exceptions are allowed only through obtaining approval from the City Commission. In considering an application for exception to the district height regulation, the City Commission shall Page 3 Hemingway Square HTEX 06-006 Memorandum No. PZ 06-093 make findings indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered in relation to minimum standards, where applicable. The City Commission approved a new method for measuring building height based on roof type (Ordinance 02-010, adopted on March 19, 2002). The goal of the new definition was to be consistent with current standards and to allow more flexibility in building design. Plans indicate the proposed townhouses will have a gable or hip roof. Building height for gable or hip roofs is measured from the finished grade to the midpoint between the eaves and the ridge. The building elevations indicate the two-story and three-story townhouses will have a mean roof height of 45 feet, which will comply with the IPUD zoning district height limitation of 45 feet. However, the maximum height as measured from the top of the proposed chimneys is 48 feet 8-inches, which exceeds the maximum building height by almost four (4) feet. As evidenced by previous approvals, this request for height exception would not constitute a grant of special privilege. RECOMMENDATION As previously mentioned, staff generally supports the redevelopment efforts proposed in the accompanying requests for land use amendment and rezoning (LUAR 06-006) and the new site plan (NWSP 06-007) for the Hemingway Square project. Staff is recommending approval of these application requests and recommends approval of the request for a 4-foot height exception. Should this request be approved, it should be approved contingent upon satisfying all comments noted in Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval (see NWSP 06-007). Should the Board or City Commission have any additional comments, they will be placed accordingly within Exhibit "C". S:\PlanningISHAREOIWPlPROJECTSlHemingway SquareIHTEX 06-006\Staff Report.doc . .. ... 1 In. = 139.6 feet r XHIBIT A . ... Hemingway Square (~"\~\" . ((-:-JI " '.\ ...._, 'VI ^", '.'~'--/.../ " ~;>~g~~.~' EXHIBIT E ~ B> U~~~1!l ai!l! 'U,gF.! f:Jl iuii ill eq~~ =~ ~!~.~ ~~ On ~~~ ." ia~a ~: TEl a~ !~M Iq ~~ ~~: ~, !f~~ ~~ i~I~I!1 ! ia ~l · ,F- a~ i~~l ~~ W ~il ~ ! ; Ii ~jn ft ~ ~. , ~; I i I !i i ;; ;i ~ ~~ l' trl >Tj ...., Vi ~ ~ trl ~ ~ ~::l ~~ b w I, \ H ( I \ S I h (I \! 1\ 1 ]{ \, . .. . ~ . .. . . ." .. . .. . - . . . --- .....__u.c 1691 8W I:MlhAVDIUE CORAL_ FLOIUD.\ ,..., .....m: I 11111 I II ~ "V 5'~j' !i sh. . ~ud qlN~ i~" Ii I') '~i~~ ~~ !l~!ll i~ . ~l ~~ d~'. g~~ii Iq i!~ ~~=;~ n ad I mi "! ~~ 'I~! i~ i .~ ~i ;0 ~ ~" ~ ~ o ..., trJ EXHIBIT liE ! P IJ I I J I~H J diE I Ih~ ""i l ~@! U ~ 'Bii 1 Pljl Ill! 'i Ill!! J ~ i ~ ~J f! II ! i ~ , --- IIlfl__W: :N911W lM4VIHUE CORAL ........ ""'RmA """ ......w I 11111 II IP ~ trJ en ....,] ~ >-<: ~ ....,] I ~ ~~ ~~ 8~ ~:::o 0 Po Z ,;t""' 0 ~~ :... ~ o tJ trJ r' <l en trJ () o e~ "'1~ r'tJ 82 ;:>;:)0 tQ~ ~. ~i ~i ~i ~~ r--------l : ~~! I >cQ I ! ~~! l_________J &> ~, \ J{! I \ c.; J k ( ) \! I I !, , , .. . - . .. , - . . ., , , . .. I , : ! r ! e . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ," .......... IIItl__W: M9I SW I_AVENUE CORAL_ FLOIIDA ,.... EXHIBIT E .............. III UII 11111 III (;) ::0 ~~ fJ~ ~~ ~ ""0 Z ~t""' 0 ~~ ~ &> .., ~ CI.l .., o ::0 --< ~ .., I ~e "Q '. '" , , I ! r f;> CI.l .trJ (") o ~~ '"J:j~ "0 8:z ~::o (;) [;""0 Z ,>" 0 ~~ . ~ 8 f1 ~ r--------l , , i ~~ ! ! ~~ ! L________.J .5 ~~ ~~ r--------, ! ~I 1 ! ~~! l________J 2319 SOtn'H fEDERAL IIIOHWAT BOYNl'QMBEA n.atlDA .-.:uoo lIIt~__u.c _11W1~AVEHUE C<laAL ...".,. FLOlIDA ,..., EXHIBIT B .... .... ~.." ,. 1111 ill' 11111 III EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Hemingway Square File number: HTEX 06-006 Reference: 4th review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a May 26,2006 Planning & Zoning date stamp marking .. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X CRA STAFF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Hemingway Square (HTEX 06-006) PAGE 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: None X COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS: Comments: None X CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: To be determined, MWRIkz S :\Planning\Shared\ WP\PROJECTS\Hemingway Square\HTEX 06-006\COA.doe CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 April 4, 2006 March 20, 2006 (Noon.) 0 June 6, 2006 May 15, 2006 (Noon) 0 April 18, 2006 April 3,2006 (Noon) 0 June 20, 2006 June 5, 2006 (Noon) IZI May 2, 2006 April 17,2006 (Noon) 0 July 5, 2006 June 19,2006 (Noon) 0 May 16, 2006 May 1,2006 (Noon) 0 July 18, 2006 July 3,2006 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF 0 Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM IZI Public Hearing 0 Legal 0 Bids 0 Unfinished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the May 2, 2006 City Commission Agenda under Public Hearing, to be removed publicly from the agenda. The applicant requested that this item be removed from the Community Redevelopment Agency Board agenda on April 11, 2006, for further plan review and the ultimate and timely re-advertising. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hemingway Square (HTEX 06-006) Garcia Stromberg Architecture, Inc. Robert Vitale 2319 South Federal Highway, NW comer ofSE 23rd Avenue and Federal Highway Request for height exception offour (4) feet to allow chimneys to exceed the maximmn building height of 45 feet, for a total of 49 feet. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMP ACT: ALTERNATIVES: Developme Depa ent Director City Manager's Signature /~d Zo~c:::1I!?. City Attorney / Finance / Hwnan Resourees S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hemingway Square\HTEX\Agenda Item Request Hemingway Square HTEX 06-006 5-2-06.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM. DOC