New Urban
August 21, 2006
Mr. Michael Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
City Hall - West Wing
100 Boynton Beach Blvd
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
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Re: High Ridge - Minor Site Plan Modification Request
Dear Mike:
This letter is provided as a request for Minor Site Plan Modification approval, pursuant to the
comments prepared by Ed Breese on June 22, 2006, to address the site adjustments made
pursuant to comments/conditions of Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Division and City
Utilities. The following describes the most significant changes and includes a response to the
associated Planning and Zoning comments.
Hiah Ridae Road
Subsequent to site plan approval, Palm Beach County Traffic Division required a 15' dedication
from the east side of the property for High Ridge Road right-of-way, which has been indicated
on the plans. Per the County Traffic Division comments concerning the three laning of High
Ridge Road, the improvement plans have been modified to indicate the appropriate roadway
transition from three lanes to two lanes at the north end of the site, without obtaining additional
right-of-way from property owners to the north. These changes resulted in the elimination of the
left turn lane into the northernmost entrance; however this turn lane was not warranted pursuant
to the traffic study prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, which was accepted by the
Palm Beach County Traffic Division. Additionally, the County's comments regarding the on-site
stacking required the elimination of three (3) on-street spaces adjacent to the inbound lanes:
Two (2) on the southernmost entrance street (proposed Sound View Way) and one (1) on the
central entrance street (proposed Belmont Way).
Lift Station
The lift station, which was originally indicated at the southwest corner of the retention area/lake,
was relocated to the southwest corner of the site and the lake modified accordingly. Subsequent
to the approval, easements could not be obtained from the adjacent property owner to the west
(Country Club) to connect to the force main, as originally requested by Utilities Department. As
an alternative, the lift station has been located at the southwest corner of the site, which will
allow for future connections from vacant property southwest of the site. In order to locate the lift
station at the southwest corner of the site, the two eight (8) unit townhome buildings facing
Miner Road had to be shifted 20' to the east.
398 NE 6th Avenue, Delroy Beach, Florida 33483
tel 561.279.8706 · fax 561.272.3951 ·
To: Mr. Michael Rumpf
Re: High Ridge - Minor Site Plan Modification Request
Page 2
PlanninG and ZoninG Comments
Per Planning and Zoning comments, the following items needed to be reflected in the
amendment package:
1. Depict the required 10-foot front or side setback for all units abutting High Ridge Road.
The required 10-foot setback has been depicted for the side units and the front units that are
set back 10'. Those units that have a setback greater than 10' were not dimensioned.
2. Provide letter of authorization of landscape planting in the High Ridge Road r-o-w.
The right-of-way permit for the installation of the landscaping in the High Ridge Road right-
of-way has been submitted to Palm Beach County Traffic Division. Once approval is granted
a copy of the permit will be provided to the City.
3. Revise landscape plan to reflect the r-o-w plantings.
The landscape plans have been revised accordingly.
4. Provide language within HOA documents indicating installation and maintenance
responsibility for the landscaping in the r-o-w.
Language will be provided within the HOA documents as requested. Once the documents
are finalized, they will be provided to the City.
5. Revise landscape plan to reflect additional plantings within the front setbacks of those units
abutting High Ridge Road, to compensate for the loss of landscape associated with the r-o-
w dedication.
The loss of landscaping following the right-of-way dedication along High Ridge Road was
compensated by the provision of additional landscaping along Miner Road, the west
property line and .throughout the site. Additionally, a large amount of the required
landscaping remains within the right-of-way and a permit application has been submitted to
the County requesting the installation of the landscaping within the High Ridge Road right-
of-way. It is also noted that the amount of landscape material has increased with the
modified/final plans.
6. No portion of the lift station should be located forward of the front building line of those units
abutting Miner Road. There should be adequate space to shift the enclosure slightly to the
north and still provide space for a vehicle to park in front of the gate to the station.
A meeting with Ed Breese, Pete Mazzella and Laurinda Logan was held regarding this item.
It was agreed that the lift station would be shifted 5' to the north to the balcony line and the
four ale units initially indicated on the west side of the building, adjacent to the lift station,
would be relocated to the south side of the building in the front of the respective dwelling
To: Mr. Michael Rumpf
Re: High Ridge - Minor Site Plan Modification Request
Page 3
7. Provide details of the lift station, including the six foot high concrete block stuccoed wall,
plan and profile of the landscape buffer around the wall, and screening of the gate with
material to obscure the view.
The site plan now indicates a 6' high concrete block wall enclosure. The gates will be vision
obscuring with the material to be determined. Viburnum Hedge will be provided on the north
and south sides of the enclosure while Climbing Carrisa will be provided on the east side,
due to the limited space between the building and the enclosure. To the west is the
perimeter landscape buffer. The City's lift station detail, which indicates a fence surrounding
the lift station, is provided on the engineering plans. If desired, a note can be added stating
the enclosure will be a 6' high concrete wall. We did not feel it would be appropriate for our
engineer to modify the City's detail; however, the lift station site plan on Sheet 30 of the civil
drawings indicates a 6' high wall.
8. Sheet 29 of the civil drawings depicts a chain link fence enclosure around the lift station.
Please correct.
Please refer to the response to #7.
Attached are four (4) sets of the site, landscape, engineering and photometric plans. Should you
have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561)
279-8706 ext. 214.
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~ A. Costello, AICP
Ibirector of Planning
C: Ed Breese, Principal Planner
David Kelly, City Engineer
PROJECT NAME: High RIdge New UrbanCommunities
LOCATION: NE corner of High Ridge Road and Minor Road
Jeffrey Costello, AICP ADDRESS:
Director of Planning FAX:
ADDRESS: 398 NE 6th Avenue PHONE:
Delray Beach, FL 33483
FAX: 561-272-3951
PHONE: 561-279-8706
PUBLIC NOTICE/ SIGNS 30 days /10 days
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\MMSP 06-051\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc