REVIEW COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 06-123 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director, Planning and Zoning FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer DATE: November 3, 2006 RE: Review Comments Minor Site Plan Modification -1st Review High Ridge New Urban Communities File No. MMSP 06-051 The above referenced Minor Modification plans, received on October 31,2006, were reviewed for Public Works, Engineering, and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Additional revisions were made to the plans not included with the original submittal. Modifications submitted with this request include minor relocations of features at the recreation area, changes to driveway materials (from decorative pavers to scored concrete with decorative paver medallions), changes to landscaping, and revisions to the Littoral Plan and Lake Management Plan. We (Public Works, Engineering and Utilities) have no objections to the proposed revisions. However, please inform the applicant that "Hold Harmless" agreements will need to be provided to the Utilities Department at the time of building construction for any properties that have water or sewer mains under the driveways. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information regarding my comments. Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering Glenda Hall, Forestry & Grounds Manager, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste File S:\Engineering\ Memorandums\Memorandums 2006\06-123 LOGAN MMSP High Ridge NUC MMSP 06-051 110306.doc "'., ""'/ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Memorandum PZ TO: Kevin Hallahan FROM: Ed Breese DATE: October 31, 2006 RE: High Ridge New Urban Communities Please review the attached request for change in canopy tree location, landscape tabular data, littoral plan and lake management plan. The request is included for your convenience. Provide comments by November 3,2006. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. j;cl - hcJl!s / J Vile! , I~u t VI, I\)0 CO flMf 11 r S . U, OCT 3 0 2006 ! i__n... L P!.'~ ,',.-: __!~_:~ ' C , f ---.--....--.- Cotleur & Hearing Landscape Architects Land Planners Environmental Consultants October 27, 2006 Ed Breese City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: High Ridge Subdivision CH Project #040910 Dear Ed: The following items should explain changes that were made to the approved Site Plan for this project. Following a meeting held in your offices on September 20, 2006, I revised several portions of the Site and Landscape Plans. 1. The approved Site Plan contained approximately 400 linear feet of seawall on the west side of the recreational area. The seawall requires tiebacks that extend 16' to the east. On the approved Site Plan, the pool was 14' from the seawall. The revised Site Plan now shows the pool 26' from the seawall and 2' south from its original position. 2. The pool cabana moved north 5' to accommodate the relocation of the pool. 3. The tot lot decreased in size approximately 350 SF to accommodate separation from the pool. The lot is 450 SF total and will be of adequate size to accommodate playground equipment for the subdivision. 4. The pool deck and overlook area was changed from decorative pavers to scored concrete. 5. I revised the walkway that borders the seawall to accommodate pedestrian movement throughout the recreational area. The original plan required that pedestrian's transit through two gates in order to walk from one end to the other. 6. The approved Site Plan contained decorative paver driveways for both single family and multi-family lots. I have revised the Site Plan and the Typical Unit Site Plans to show scored concrete driveways with decorative paver medallions. Maplewood Professional Center 1934 Commerce Lane - Suite 1 Jupiter, Florida 33458 Lic.# LC-C000239 561-747-5336 FAX 561-747-1377 Ed Breese City of Boynton Beach High Ridge Subdivision October 27, 2006 Page 2 of 2 7. In response to comments received from Palm Beach County Engineering, the landscape plan was revised to remove canopy trees and palm trees from the areas in the High Ridge Right of Way where exfiltration trenches were located. All of the approved trees were relocated a few feet to the west of the sidewalk alongside two townhome units with the exception of the following. Nine (9) Seagrape trees were relocated to the west buffer. Four (4) Royal Palms were relocated to the pool area. 8. The landscape quantities, shown on page 16, were revised. It now contains two additional columns. One column contains the landscape quantities that match the approved graphical Landscape Plans. The second column shows the difference in quantities between the approved plans and the revised plans. 9. The Littoral Plan was revised to show the new recreational area. The cross section was revised to show the correct control elevation. 10. The Lake Management Plan was revised to show the correct control elevation. Thank you for the opportunity to address these comments. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 747-6336. Sincerely, Cotleur & Hearing Inc. J1:~~ Landscape Architect KAE/mlb FIProject DocumentslNEW URBANIHIGH RIDGE\Final Plans Commenls1doc DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 06-096 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director, Planning and Zoning FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer DATE: August 31, 2006 RE: Review Comments Minor Site Plan Modification - 1 st Review High Ridge New Urban Communities File No. MMSP 06-051 The above referenced Minor Modification plans, received on August 23, 2006, were reviewed for Public Works, Engineering, and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Modifications submitted with this request include relocation of an on-site City owned lift station, revisions to the required road improvements to High Ridge Road, and assorted revisions to address Planning & Zoning comments. The requested Engineering and Utility modifications have previously been discussed and approved by the respective departments/divisions. We therefore have no objection to the proposed minor modification request. Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering Glenda Hall, Forestry & Grounds Manager, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste File S:\Engineering\ Memorandums\06-096 LOGAN- High Ridge New Urban MMSP 06-051.doc jJ~ tU~ fvt> . ~~' J'4~ ~ ~ / - ~~: ~;:,~ ~;.. '\ /1.. _ O~~ ' ~cu. Pt.,4JJr' ~ ~/~ 6IU~~. s ~ ~5 I ~ _ '" S - ~ fh2.. ~ X-S~~&'U ~~ . . - ~ b1J NlJ"f' J/ktZI e..r.s =:> ~".c,.. ~ f1 - ~ 11> Sa. 'f'- ~~ ~ If><JI'E ~. ~~ ~1IJ"ihQ. ~ k n~ (Z.etJ/tiJV ~~ F7A-1A<-1~~. - ~ Am' 0~ ~~ o/t.<.> ~ ~~ ! -- JJ" ~r GU) C~ J,ffl~A.J u! Itf1 f'Bu4IT ........ 0 __ fkt, ~~ 8rlu, IN ~ f~ M1}.J: 1?J ~~ 4<J ef4-z- / ~a f/rM~ ~... 303 /).~ (p ~ 10 'f1t,&IZ. ~~~.f t.3~~ /IMSVlit> TO ~. 3~S 7l~Ar.f-& 6UMIN. ~s ~I 1~7 t<rSS ~ 45 f2.6 ~ G~ 5J~~ 10 705 I ~ &IV ~~ .srr U-- A.f1ff' 1"b ~ ---- ----- """" .,~ UJfU V~ ~ 4-410 P81-~ ~ . M t%~ 15 @ /I:~o ~ ~/I 7tf-eM hIz- 4f~QL bv7' /A! ~ X to/tl-- Hd~ tJzff ~ ~ /~.s~ .- COA 09/01/06 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 28. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction X documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi- family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 29. The impact fee will be: X Single family, detached 48 units @ $940.00 each = $45,120.00 Single family, detached 126 units @ $771.00 each = $97,146.00 TOTAL $142,266.00 FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 30. All ornamental trees on the Plant list must be listed in the specifications as a X minimum of 3" diameter (not Cal) at DBH (4.5' off the ground), 12'-14' height, and Florida #1. The height of the trees will be larger than 12'-14' to meet the 3" diameter requirement (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C. 2.). 31. The irrigation system design (not included in the plans) should be low volume X water conservation using non-portable water. 32. Turf and landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate X zones and time duration for water conservation. 33. Trees should have separate irrigation bubblers to provide water directly to the X root ball (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. C.2.). --..-- ~~ ~~NING AND ZONING Comments: ~ ~ 34. According to the Land Development Regulations, alleys and other secondary X roadways are considered to be rights-of-way. In a Planned Unit Development, the minimum width of a right-of-way is 40 feet. Approval of a variance or an amendment to the Land Development Regulations would be required in order to allow the alleys to be less than 40 feet in width. 35. A unity of title may be required. The Building Division of the Department of X COA 09/01/06 7 II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Development will determine its applicability. 36. On the master plan (sheet 1 of 6), with a dashed line, show the limits of the X 2nd story porches proposed on the sides of the townhouse buildings; or is this already shown in the typical Multi-family Setback matrix? 37. At the time of permitting, the elevation pages of the clubhouse should include X the exterior finish, paint manufacturer's name, and color codes. (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). 38. On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between X the tabular data and the graphic illustration. 39. All trees, if proposed as trees, must be at least 12 feet in height and three (3) X caliper inches at the time of their installation (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2.). This applies to the Ligustrum, Bald Cypress and Live Oak trees. r'- ( 3 The trees proposed around the townhouse and single-family detached X buildings must be installed at Yz the building height of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section S.M.). 41. The landscape plan shows that there are trees proposed outside the property X line, along High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The trees would require the Engineering Division review and approval. Regardless, they cannot be used within the landscape plan as counting towards meeting the minimum required number of trees. ( ~~ff recommends that where possible, the trees proposed within the east and X south landscaped "common" areas be spaced no further than one (1) tree per 20 linear feet. 43. Regarding the subdivision wall sign, place a note on the site plan indicating X that the sign will be located 10 feet from the property line (Chapter 21, Article IV, Section I.D.). 44. The ends of those townhouse buildings directly visible from High Ridge Road X and Miner Road should be enhanced with features similar to the front facades using elements such as balconies, individual roof features, porches, varying surface materials and colors, etc.). Those units would include #1, #17, #40, #84, #96, #139, #147, #169, and #174. 45. Indicate on the plans the proposed locations of the townhouse buildings by X type (not unit type). Two building designs are proposed but not located on the site. Placement of the two building design types should maintain compatibility in the proiect. COA 09/01/06 8 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 46. Color swatches are to be provided for all proposed colors. Those unmuted X colors proposed, typical of the Caribbean or other islands, or waterfront environments, are inconsistent with established colors throughout the High Ridge Road corridor, and should be replaced with muted earth tones to increase compatibility with existing buildings and the natural characteristics of the area (i.e. existence of scrub and other preserve areas, and mature trees and other existing vegetation). Modify the proposed colors as follows and provide color renderings to match. ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS: Comments: 47. None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 48. To be determined. MWR/elj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\NWSP 05-016\COA.doc LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN The following plan has been provided by the OwnerlDeveloper of the High Ridge project. The Lake Management Plan shall be used to govern all activities or concerns related to the lake noted in the Site Plan for High Ridge, City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The plan conforms to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations regarding the protection and incorporation of native plant ecosystems into development lake tract. The Lake Area and its management shall be the responsibility of the master property owners in perpetuity. The lake tract referenced in this Lake Management Plan is centrally located within the site of the High Ridge project. The Lake Littoral and Transitional Zones will be located within the lake tract. The applicant proposes to plant aquatic and upland species on the littoral shelves and lake maintenance easements of these lakes per Section 5.R of the City of Boynton Beach Landscape Code. 3.1 Delineation and Surveying Specifications All Lake Areas shall be staked and field surveyed based on the approved Final Site Plan so as to maintain compliance with required Area calculations. Creation of littoral shelves shall be completed around the constructed borrow lakes and shall provide, at a minimum, an area equal to 10 square feet per two linear feet of lake perimeter. These littoral and transition zones shall be developed to create a variety of niches and ecotones and shall be vegetated with suitable native plant species. Littoral zone planting elevations are referenced to control water elevation of 10.0 NGVD and includes area down to 2.5 feet below control elevation. Upland transitional plantings extend upland from 10 NGVD to between 13.0 to 15.0 NGVD. The littoral zone shall be provided with a minimum of six (6) inches of organic topsoil to promote vegetative growth if soil conditions are determined to be unsuitable for littoral plant establishment. The littoral zone shall be planted with appropriate native wetland vegetation, spaced as shown on the plant list. II eotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce lane. Suite 1 Jup~er, Flol1do 33458 5617476336 Fox 747 1377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/23/2005 11 :10 AM F:IProjectsl04-0910-NUC-High Ridge RoadlWordExcellLake Management Plan.pdt 1 3.2 Plant Material Plant size and quantities are provided on the plant list. All plant material shall conform to ANSI Z60.1 "Standard for Nursery Stock" for shape and quality and "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plant" Volume I and II FDA. All plants to be Florida Grade #1 or better. Bareroot material shall have well-developed root and shall be planted with good soil to root contact. Plantings of bareroot or containerized nursery stock shall be planted by hand at a time when lake water elevation has stabilized and can sustain plant growth. All material not planted immediately upon delivery must be stored in water (wet framed, near shore, etc.) to prevent desiccation or damage to plants. Any and all conditions which the contractor feels will be detrimental to the success of the planting shall be brought to the Owner's representative's attention. All aquatic material is to be freshwater grown. All plant material above six (6) inches and above the lake control elevation shall be irrigated with a temporary system through the warranty period. All plant material shall be warranted for a period of 360 days after date of substantial completion against defects, including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from abuse or damage by others or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond the contractor's control. Warranty period for deciduous tress to be one full growing season. A minimum of eighty-percent (80%) survivorship and a minimum of eighty-percent (80%) coverage of the planted herbaceous marsh zone shall be achieved by the end of the establishment period. A minimum of one hundred-percent (100%) survivorship and a minimum of fifty 50% coverage shall be achieved in the upland transitional zones by the end of the establishment period. One hundred-percent (100%) survivorship of upland transitional trees and vegetation must be maintained at all times. 180 days after the issuance of "substantial completion" the landscape architect and contractor will evaluate the littoral and upland transitional zones to determine if they are trending toward success. All dead plant material will be replaced by the contractor in a timely manner. Plant material in the upland transitional zone must be replaced with in thirty days or an additional quarterly monitoring report will be required. If in the opinion of the landscape architect the required coverage's will not be obtained by the end of the establishment period the contractor shall provide supplemental plantings. If the required coverage's are not achieved at the end of the one year establishment period the contractor will continued to provide maintenance until such time that the minimum 80% and 50% coverage's of the Lake Littoral and Transitional Zones are obtained 3.3 Fetilization Trees and shrubs planted within the upland transitional zones shall be fertilized with "Agriform" 20-10-5 twenty-one (21) gram tablets at the below specified rate: · B&B stock to have seven (7) tablets · Seven gallon (#7) container stock to have five (5) tablets · Five gallon (#5) container stock to have two (2) tablets II Cotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce Lane. Suite 1 Jl.!)tter. Florida 33458 561 7476336 Fox 7471377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/2312005 11: lOAM F:IProjectsI04-0910-NUC-High Ridge RoadlWordExcellLake Management Plan.pdt 2 . One and three gallon (#1 and #3) container stock to have one (1) tablet Position plant in the hole. Backfill halfway up the rootball, and place tablet beside the rootball. 3.4 Prohibited Activities in Littoral and Upland Transitional Zones No construction or alteration shall be permitted within the Lake Area as reflected on the Final Site Plan, except as necessary in connection with the proposed Lake Area restoration/enhancement as outlined below. Prohibited activities within the Lake Areas include: . Trimming or pruning of native trees, shrubs or other valuable vegetation without approval of the City of Boynton Beach. . Construction or storage of building materials, soil, debris, trash or hazardous materials. . Mowing or the placement of sod. . Removal of native trees, shrubs or other valuable vegetation. . Excavation, dredging, soil removal or activities which create erosion. . Parking or operation of vehicles. . Any activity that would be detrimental to drainage, erosion control, habitat or wildlife preservation or conservation. 4.1 Exotic and Nuisance Activities that are allowed in Lake Littoral and Transitional Areas shall include removal and eradication of exotic and nuisance species, trash and debris. To minimize potential disturbance to surrounding vegetation, eradication of exotic and nuisance species shall be accomplished by herbicide treatment with the herbicides such as Arsenal, Garlon 3A, Tordon and/or Roundup, or other approved herbicides and only by licensed herbicide applicators, depending on the species. All activities within in Lake Littoral and Transitional Areas shall take proper care to avoid damage or disturbance of existing habitat. All exotic and nuisance vegetation as defined by the Florida EPPC, May 2003 list shall be eradicated from within the Lake Littoral and Transitional Areas and from on site. eotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce Lone. Suite 1 Jup~er, Florida 33458 5617476336 Fax 7471377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/23/200511:10 AM F:IProjectsI04-091 O-NUC.Hlgh Ridge RoadlWordExcellLake Management Plan. pdt 3 4.2 Short Term Maintenance A monthly maintenance program shall be implemented to control invasive exotic and nuisance plant species and maintain Lake Littoral and Transitional Zones as functioning habitats. During routine maintenance events, all trees, shrubs and other plants shall be maintained by cultivating and fertilizing as required for healthy growth. No trimming or pruning shall occur without the approval of the City of Boynton Beach. All noxious plant species (Category I and II Exotic and Nuisance vegetation) shall be manually removed if possible. However, due to the invasiveness and control difficulty of species such as Torpedo Grass, herbicide control may be utilized depending on type and severity of problem. Herbicide treatment, if necessary, shall consist of controlled selective treatment of exotic or nuisance growth. Herbicides utilized shall be EPA registered products approved for use in the State of Florida that have been shown to present a wide margin of safety for fish, waterfowl and human life. Any herbicide treatment shall be conducted by personnel certified and licensed for such application in the State 0 Florida and in strict accordance with manufacturer recommendations. The maintenance programs will be conducted in an environmentally sensitive manner by hand or chemically. A list of the most commonly encountered exotics and nuisance plant species to be eradicated during maintenance procedures is provided below. Throughout the establishment period the contractor shall maintain Category I and II Exotic and Nuisance vegetation within the wetland mitigation area at coverage's equal to or less than 1 % with particular emphasis on the species below which shall be completely removed or eradicated from the entire Lake Littoral and Transitional Zones: Commonly Encountered Exotic and Nuisance Plant Species List Altemanthera philaxeroides Colocasia esculenta Eichhomia spp Hydrilla verticillata Ludwigia peruviana Melaleuca quinquenervia Pancium hemitomon Panicum repens Pennisetum purpurea Phragmites australis Pistia lactuca Salix spp Typha spp Alligator weed Elephant, wild taro Water hyacinth Hydrilla Primrose willow Melaleuca Maidencane Torpedograss Elephant grass Common reed Water lettuce Willow Cattails Any population of Panicum hemitomon (maindencane) that becomes established in any area shall be maintained to less than 10% coverage of the total planted area. · All maintenance debris shall be collected and disposed of properly. II Cotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce Lane, Suite 1 Jupner, FlalldO 33458 5617476336 Fax 7471377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/2312005 11: 1 0 AM F:IProjectsl04-0910-NUC-High Ridge RoadlWordExcellLake Management Plan.pdt 4 . At the end of the one-year establishment period, any tree staking or guying shall be removed. The landscape architect shall inspect the littoral zones for compliance one (1) year after planting. 4.3 Long Term Maintenance Lake littoral planting shall be maintained in accordance with the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Code and the Lake Littoral and Transitional Zone planting plans. At a minimum eighty-percent (80%) vegetative coverage and the survivorship of littoral zone planting area shall be maintained. The upland transitional zone must maintain a one hundred-percent (100%) survivorship at all times. Any dead upland transitional zone vegetation or trees must be replaced within thirty days or an additional quarterly monitoring report will be required. Exotic, invasive, and non-native invasive shall be kept free of the littoral planting area. Such species shall be maintained at <10% coverage at all times. The City of Boynton Beach approval shall be obtained prior to any reconfiguration of the approved Lake Littoral and Transitional Zones. Written approval shall be obtained from the City of Boynton Beach prior to modification of the planted littoral or upland zones. 4.4 Monitoring Program Upon completion of initial littoral zone development, routine maintenance and monitoring will be initiated according to the following specifications. The littoral and upland transitional zones shall be inspected and monitored for two (2) years after planting. During this two-year maintenance and monitoring period, maintenance shall occur monthly and monitoring reported quarterly to the City of Boynton Beach for two (2) years after planting. The maintenance and monitoring program shall consist of the following: · Inspections, monitoring, exotic removal and replanting during each monitoring period to maintain the minimum eighty-percent (80%) survivorship criteria for the planted littoral zone and one hundred- percent (100%) survivorship for the upland transitional zone. · Inspections and monitoring of all equipment storage, maintenance and service areas shall be required to ensure the site has not been contaminated by regulated substances. Construction areas shall be maintained in accordance with the "Regulated Substance Best Management Practices For The Construction Industry." · The submittal of a monitoring report to the City of Boynton Beach, landscape architect and owner representing a time zero monitoring, to be completed within thirty (30) days of initial planting; and quarterly monitoring reports thereafter for two (2) years after planting. Each report shall be submitted to the City of Boynton Beach, landscape architect and owner within thirty (30) days of the completion of the II Cotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce Lane, SuIte 1 Jupner. FIOIIda 33458 5617476336 Fax 7471377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/23/200511:10 AM F:IProjectsI04-0910-NUC-Hi9h Ridge RoadlWordExcenLake Management Plan.pdt 5 monitoring period. The time zero monitoring report for this project shall include an as-built drawing signed and sealed by a professional recognized and approved by the Florida Department of Professional Regulations. · Each monitoring report, including the time zero, shall assess the species, numbers, locations of planted littoral zone shelves, and related upland transitional areas, and shall include multiple panoramic photographs of each lake clearly depicting the entire littoral zone planting. Photographs shall be taken at approximately the same location each time. The reports shall also detail the species, numbers and locations of additional plantings that were made to attain the survivorship and coverage criterion, if such plantings were necessary. The water body dissolved oxygen content will be measured in each lake and fauna species noted. The reports shall also depict the condition and location of storage and service areas if applicable. After the first year, the landowner or entity having maintenance responsibility for the planted littoral zone shall maintain the littoral zone in the following manner: · A minimum of eighty-percent (80%) survivorship and a minimum of eighty-percent (80%) coverage of the planted littoral zone. · A minimum of one hundred-percent (100%) survivorship in the uplands transitional zone. · Exotic, non-native invasive, and invasive plant species as defined by the Florida EPPC (1993), such as cattails, primrose willows and water hyacinths, shall be restricted to less than ten-percent (10%) of the required planted littoral zone. 4.5 Inspections Forty eight (48) hours prior to the completion of the lake excavation, the landscape architect will be contacted to inspect the slope angle of the littoral zone. Lake excavation slopes shall be re-vegetated within thirty (30) days of completion. The landscape architect shall be contacted forty-eight (48) hours after planting to inspect the littoral and transitional zones. Time Zero Monitoring Report shall be submitted with an "As Built" drawing of Lake Littoral and Transitional Plantings with in thirty (30) days of completion of plantings. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the landscape architect and the owner as required within these technical specifications. 5.1 Enforcement The Lake Management Plan will not be changed without the approval of the City of Boynton Beach, and the City shall have the right to enforce the provisions of the Lake Cotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce Lane. SUite 1 Jupner, Flonda 33458 561 7476336 Fax 7471377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/23/2005 11: 1 0 AM F:IProjeclsl04-091 O-NUC-High Ridge RoadlWordExcenLake Management Plan.pdt 6 Management Plan through any available administrative or civil proceeding which may result in penalties, appropriate vegetation and other remedies as against any person, corporation or other entity in violation of any of the provisions of the Lake Management Plan. 5.2 Responsibilities The Affidavit of Responsibility identifies the responsible party for maintenance and protection of the Lakes shall be New Urban Communities, 398 NE 6th Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33483. The Owner/Developer of the High Ridge site recognizes the natural scenic and habitat value of the native upland habitat on site. The Developer has agreed to eradicate and manage the encroachment of exotic vegetation and manage the Lake Littoral and Transitional Zones in accordance with guidelines set forth by the City of Boynton Beach. These management practices are intended to improve the potential utilization of these areas by various types of wildlife. The OwnerlDeveloper of the High Ridge Site shall have the responsibility of maintaining the Lake areas free of litter, debris and yard clippings. Lake Management shall be the responsibility of High Ridge's Master Association from the point that the project has been completed. High Ridge's Master Association shall be responsible for the continued eradication of exotics. There must be a mechanism for policing the Lake to keep the area free of bottles, paper trash, plastics, and associated discards. All foreign material must be disposed in a proper waste disposal facility. Initial implementation and future management of all lake areas within the property will be the responsibility of the developer or its successors and/or assigns. II Cotleur Hearing 1934 Commerce Lane. SUite 1 Jup~er. Florida 33458 561 7476336 Fax 7471377 Project #04-0910 Created on 3/23/200511:10 AM F:IProjects\04-091 O-NUC-High Ridge RoadlWordExcenLake Management Plan.pdt 7