AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office 0 August 2, 2005 July 18,2005 (Noon.) D October 5, 2005 September 19, 2005 (Noon) 0 August 16, 2005 August I, 2005 (Noon) D October 18,2005 October 3,2005 (Noon) 0 September 6, 2005 August 15,2005 (Noon) D November 1,2005 October 17, 2005 (Noon) ~ September 20, 2005 September 6, 2005 (Noon) D November 15,2005 October 31,2005 (Noon) D Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF ~ Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 Public Hearing 0 Legal 0 Bids 0 Unfinished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the September 20,2005 City Commission Agenda under Consent Agenda. The Planning and Development Board recommended that the subject request be approved on August 23, 2005. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-153. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: High Ridge New Urban Communities (NWSP 05-016) Tim Hernandez, New Urban Communities New Urban High Ridge, LLC, George Kechriotis and Kosta Kechriotis Northwest comer of High Ridge Road and Miner Road Request for new site plan approval in order to construet 48 single-family homes and 126 townhouse units and related site improvements on an 18.44 acre parcel in a (PUD) zoning district. PROGRAM IMP ACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Develo City Manager's Signature ~ r 1" JtlL ,/ .anning and Zoning Di6ttor City Attorney / Finance / Human Resourees S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\NWSP 05-OI6\Agenda Item Request High Ridge New Urban Comm NWSP 05-0169-20-05.dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-153 STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: Chair and Members Planning and Development Board and Mayor and City commiSS.ioni, Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner --IV1/J<1 Michael W. Rumpf r \U 4..- Director of Planning and Zoning THROUGH: DATE: August 18, 2005 PROJECT NAME j NUMBER: New Urban High Ridge PUD j NWSP 05-016 REQUEST: New site plan approval to construct 48 single-family detached homes and 126 fee-simple townhomes on an 18.44-acre parcel in the PUD Planned Unit Development zoning district. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: New Urban High Ridge, LLC, Mr. George Kechriotis, and Mr. Kosta Kechriotis Applicant! Agent: Mr. Tim Hernandez with New Urban High Ridge, LLC Location: Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road (Exhibit "Aft) Parcel Size: 18.44 acres Existing Land Use: High Density Residential (10.8 dujacre) Existing Zoning: PUD Planned Unit Development Proposed Use: 48 single-family detached homes 126 fee-simple townhomes Adjacent Uses: North: Single family homes in unincorporated Palm Beach County, designated LR- 2 Low Density Residential (2 dujacre) and zoned RS Single Family Residential. South: The right-of-way of Miner Road, then developed property (flex space warehouse) designated Industrial (I) and zoned M1 Light Industrial; further south a townhome development (Canterbury, currently under construction), with a density of approximately 9.9 dujacre, designated Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 2 Industrial (I) and zoned Planned Industrial Development (PI D); to the southwest, undeveloped property within unincorporated Palm Beach County designated Industrial (IND) and zoned Single Family Residential (RS). East: The right-of-way of High Ridge Road, then, to the northeast, Cedar Ridge Estates, with single family homes and town homes (townhomes built at 8.04 du/acre), designated Low Density Residential (LDR) and zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). To the southeast, High Ridge Commerce Park, developed properties designated Industrial (I) and zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID). West: To the west, undeveloped property (High Ridge Country Club) designated Low Density Residential (LDR) and zoned RIM Single Family Residential. BACKGROUND Site Characteristic: On May 17, 2005, the City Commission annexed (ANEX 05-001) the subject site per Ordinance 05-008 and rezoned the property to PUD (LUAR 05-002) per Ordinance OS-OlD. According to the survey, the subject property is comprised of several lots that contain horse stables, wood fencing, and a single-family home. The property was previously used as an equestrian center. The subject site also contains may different types of trees, both native and exotics. The species include but are not limited to the following: Slash pine, Royal Poinciana, Magnolia, Orange, Mango, Black Olive, Oak, Cabbage palm, Queen palm, and Areca palm. The highest ground elevation is 23 feet above sea level, located near the halfway point of the property along High Ridge Road. A four (4)-foot tall wooden fence exists along the east property line and an eight (8)-foot tall chain link fence extends along the west property line. Proposal: Mr. Tim Hernandez of New Urban Communities proposes to develop the subject property with 48 single-family detached homes and 126 fee-simple townhomes. Both single-family homes and town homes are permitted uses in the PUD zoning district. The maximum density allowed by the High Density Residential (HDR) land use classification is 10.8 dulac, which would provide the developer a maximum of 199 units. The project proposes 174 units (9.43 du I ac) and would be built in one (1) phase. The project is a compact, high density, new urban development as promoted by policy 1.13.4. and by policies under Objective 1.22. of the Comprehensive Plan. Concurrency: ANALYSIS Traffic: On April 14, 2005, a traffic impact analysis was sent to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for concurrency review, in order to ensure an adequate level of service. Trip generation would result in 1,363 new daily trips, 105 a.m. peak-hour trips, and 128 p.m. peak-hour trips. The analysis concluded that the radius of development influence was two (2) miles, which was based on the peak hour trips Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 3 that would be generated. On April 27, 2005, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division determined that the proposed residential development meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. According to the analysis, the Palm Beach County and Florida Department of Transportation Five (5)-Year Road Program do not include any widening projects in the vicinity of the site. According to the land use amendment staff report (PZ Memo 05-024), High Ridge Road is currently operating at a "B" level of service and would continue to do so after project build-out. Utilities: The project is expected to require 75,000 gallons of water per day. The City's water capacity, as increased through the purchase of up to 5 million gallons of potable water per day from Palm Beach County Utilities, would meet the projected potable water needs for this project. Local piping and infrastructure improvements may be required for the project, dependent upon the final project configuration and fire-flow demands. These local improvements would be the responsibility of the site developer and would be reviewed at the time of permitting (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). The expected demand for sanitary sewer would be 34,000 gallons per day. Sufficient sanitary sewer and wastewater treatment capacity is currently available to serve this project, subject to the applicant making a firm reservation of capacity, following approval of the site plan. Policel Fire: Police staff reviewed the site plan and determined that current staffing levels would be sufficient to meet the expected demand for services. The Fire Department expects to be able to maintain an adequate level of service for the subject project with current or anticipated staffing. Infrastructure requirements such as hydrants and roadway would be addressed during plan reviews and the permitting process. It must be noted however, that this project is located in an area that has experienced significant growth this past year. Fire supports the project with the understanding that Fire Station No.5 would be available when the buildings receive their certificates of occupancy. Drainage: Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The Engineering Division has found the conceptual information to be adequate and is recommending that the review of speCific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review. All South Florida Water Management District permits and other drainage related permits must be submitted at time of building permit (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). School: Regarding school concurrency, the proposed project lies within Concurrency Service Areas (CSA) 17 and SAC 239. On January 7, 2005, the Palm Beach County School District approved the project for school concurrency purposes. Driveways: The plans show that three (3) points of ingress / egress are proposed along High Ridge Road. All openings are Identical to each other In terms of width and function and no driveway opening would be gated. This is a basic characteristic of new urbanism type of developments. The southernmost opening would be located approximately 650 feet from the Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 4 intersection of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The entrance would directly align with the recreation area. Parallel, on-street parking spaces are proposed on each side of this entrance drive. The second of the three driveway openings, would be located approximately 450 feet north of the southernmost opening. This opening would align with the single-family detached homes proposed at the rear of the development of the subject development and also with the entrance to Cedar Ridge PUD on the opposite side of High Ridge Road. The northernmost driveway opening is proposed approximately 170 feet south of the north property line. Similar to the middle opening, this third driveway would align with the single-family homes propose at the rear of the development. The presence of these three (3) driveway openings allow for ample availability of emergency / service vehicle ingress and egress. The Typical section of High Ridge Road shows that the right-of-way is 65 feet in width. It presently contains a northbound and southbound travel lane but as required, would be improved to include a 12-foot wide center-turn lane. The east side of High Ridge Road would have a four (4) foot wide paved shoulder, six (6) feet of sod, and the existing six (6)-foot wide sidewalk. The west side however, would have a two (2)-foot wide "F" curb / gutter and 11 feet of sod. The Typical 50-foot wide section of the internal rights-of-way indicates that the development would have two (2) travel lanes that are each 11 feet in width. The development's parallel parking spaces would be nine (9) feet in width, followed by an eight (B)-inch wide "D" curb and a four (4)-foot wide sidewalk. The Typical 40-foot wide section of the internal rights-of-way indicates that the development would have two (2) travel lanes that are each 11 feet in width. However, in this scenario, the only difference between this section and the 50-foot wide section is that parallel parking spaces have been omitted on one of the sides. An important component to a new urban community is the employment of alleys (subordinate street systems) throughout a development. The Typical 20-foot wide section of the alleys show that the alleys, proposed within the single-family detached area would have two (2) travel lanes, each being 10 feet in width. However, the language in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2.5 Planned Unit Developments, Section 9. Internal PUD standards. F. RIGHTS OF WAY, reads as follows: "F". RIGHT -OF-WAYS. The minimum width of a right-of-way in a PUD is forty (40) feet. In the event of a conflict with this section and any other provisions of the City's Land Development Regulations regulating the width of the right-of-ways, this section shall prevail." This requirement leaves no opportunities for one-way streets, service roads, or common driveways of any lesser widths. The site plan proposes alleys that would be 20 feet in width, which Is less than the above-referenced 40-foot requirement. These circulation elements are not permitted because of the restrictive language in Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 5 the PUD regulations. There is no similar problem with the Infill PUD regulations, since language in those development standards permits narrower rights-of-way at the discretion of the City Engineer. Staff is currently proposing changes to the Land Development Regulations (CDRV 05-014) that would allow a right-of-way width of less than 40 feet. Therefore, approval of this project is contingent upon the approval of the revisions proposed to the above-referenced section of the Land Development Regulations (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). Parking Facility: Two, three, four, and five bedroom dwelling units require two (2) parking spaces per unit. The project proposes 174 residential units and recreation area, therefore, 353 parking spaces would be required. The plans provide 432 parking spaces with the potential of providing an additional 48 spaces for a total of 480 parking spaces. These additional spaces can be achieved because an undetermined number of single-family homes have the 3-car garage model, as opposed to strictly just 2-car garage models. The Typical Townhouse Detail shows that the townhouses would have 1-car garages. However, it should be noted that the number of 3-car garage models has not been finalized at this time and will not be finalized until the site plan is approved. Therefore, staff utilized a more conservative approach at reporting the parking statistics. The site plan tabular data indicates that 84 on-street parking spaces are proposed throughout the development. The graphic shows that these spaces would be dimensioned nine (9) feet in width by 25 feet in length. Landscaping: The site plan tabular data indicates that 10.59 acres (57..43%) of the subject property would be pervious. This figure includes the 2.11-acre lake tract. More importantly, over 5.36 acres (29.08%) of the subject property would be set aside for buffer and open space area. As previously mentioned, the subject site contains a mix of native and non-native trees. The mitigation plan (sheet 18 of 18) indicates that the property contains 220 trees, of which, 13 would be preserved. The preserved tress would include 12 pines and one (1) oak. The developer would have to mitigate up to 2,214 caliper inches. The Overall Landscape Quantities plant list indicates that 186 or 92% of the canopy trees would be native and 65 or 58.56% of the palm trees would be native. Likewise, a total of 74.13% of the shrubs I groundcover would be native. The plant list includes the following species: Red Maple, Bougainvillea, Gumbo Limbo, Silver Buttonwood, Seagrape, Dahoon Holly, Ligustrum Tree form, Live Oak, Bald Cypress, Bald Cypress Glory Bush, European Fan palm, Coconut palm, Alexander palm, Medjool palm, Florida Royal palm, and Cabbage palm trees. The plans proposed landscape buffers around the entire development. A note on the site plan indicates all exotic and nuisance vegetation shall be removed from the site and from within native buffer areas. Native vegetation within the buffer shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. The east (front) landscape buffer along High Ridge Road would be eight (8) feet at its narrowest point but a majority of It would be 10 feet in width. The plant species proposed within this green space would include the following: the relocated Oaks, Coconut palms, Bougainvillea, Seagrape, Ligustrum, Dwarf Yaupon Holly, Dwarf Variegated Schefflera, Redtip Cocoplum, Crown of Thorns, and Croton. The length of this perimeter buffer Is 1,731 feet in length and would require 58 trees. The plan proposes 59 trees. Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 6 However, within the east and south perimeter buffers, staff recommends reducing the spacing between each tree to one (1) tree per 20 linear feet (see Exhibit "CIf- Conditions of Approval). The south landscaped "common" area adjacent to Miner Road would be 15 feet in width. This perimeter would be 459 linear feet. It would have similar plant material as proposed within the east landscaped area. The west landscape buffer would be five (5) feet in width. This is the buffer where a majority of the existing trees would be preserved. The west perimeter buffer would be 1,745 linear feet and would require 56 trees. The landscape plan proposes 79 trees. The plant material within this buffer would also include the following species: Relocated and additional Coconut palms, Silver Buttonwood, Gumbo Limbo, and Crepe Jasmine. The north landscape buffer would be 398 linear feet and seven (7) feet in width. It would require 13 trees and 13 trees are provided. It would contain similar plant material as the other perimeter buffers. Varying planting schemes are proposed for the individual lots. The scheme would be dependent upon the style of the single-family house proposed on each lot or the style of the townhouse building. Each Typical Unit Landscape Plan indicates that each lot would have a multitude of plant material. A note on the site plan indicates that all air conditioner units and similar mechanical equipment shall be screened with landscaping which will achieve a height of 36 inches. When adequate room for landscaping does not exist, a 36-inch high masonry screen wall will be provided. Also, on the Typical Landscape Plan for the single-family homes, a note indicates that no landscaping would be planted within three (3) feet of the rear alley. The Engineering Division is requiring five (5) feet (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). Regardless, the plant material proposed adjacent to the alley shall be clear (vertically) as to not interfere with service vehicles (garbage trucks) traversing the alleys. The landscape plan shows that there are trees proposed outside the property line, along High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The trees would require the Engineering Division review and approval. Regardless, they cannot be used within the landscape plan as counting towards meeting the minimum required number of trees (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). Building and Site: As previously mentioned, the maximum density allowed by the High Density Residential (HDR) land use classification is 10.8 dwelling units per acre, which translates to a maximum of 199 units. The site plan proposes a total of 174 units, which is a density of 9.43 dwelling units per acre. The site plan tabular data indicates that collectively, the lots would account for 9.72 acres or 52.72% of the entire property. The private rights-of-way would account for 5.50 acres or 29.82% of the site. The developmenfs recreation area would account for 1.73% of the site. This 0.32-acre recreation area would accommodate a swimming pool, a 1,409 square foot cabana / veranda facility, and a tot-lot. The recreation area would be located adjacent to the site's lake / water management area. The project, designed with new urban design characteristics, proposes homeowner accessibility to the lake by all, so that It functions as a public amenity rather than a private amenity enjoyed by few residents. Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 7 The Typical Lot Details of the single-family homes shows two (2) different types of lots are proposed, namely a 40-foot wide and a 50-foot wide lot. The Detail indicates that screen enclosures and pools would be permitted within the building setbacks of the house. Solid roof enclosures are prohibited. The Detail shows that all single-family detached lots would be 110 feet in depth. On both Details, the houses would be setback 15 feet from the front property line and the 2nd-story front balconies would be setback seven and one-half (7- V2) feet from the front property line. The Detail also shows the house would be setback five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. The smaller building setbacks, as proposed, are generally smaller than conventional PUD type of projects but they are common among New Urban type of developments. The Typical Townhouse Detail shows that the buildings would be setback five (5) feet from the edge of pavement (along the sides), 10 feet from the front lot line at ground level. The 2nd-story balcony would be setback four (4) feet from the front property line. A 2nd-story balcony is also proposed at the rear of each unit; it would be setback five (5) feet from the rear lot line. The plans propose a 20-foot wide building separation (at the sides) and 14 feet between 2nd story balconies. The size of the townhouse units varies between 1,615 square for the smallest unit to 1,940 square feet for the largest unit. They would come in either two (2) or three (3) bedroom model options. The single-family detached homes would come in numerous varieties. The smallest unit would be 2,097 square feet while the largest would be 3,964 square feet in area. It should be noted that a number of units have habitable space above the detached garage. These spaces are not considered individual units and do not count toward density. Design: The City has reviewed and approved many different residential projects over the past several years (i.e. Anderson PUD, Serrano PUD, Knollwood PUD, and Boynton Dixie) and most have been developed as conventional, suburban-style types of subdivisions. With the exception of Anderson and Serrano, most of the newer projects have been townhouse developments. Associated with the proposed type of single-family residential development are a wide variety of possible building designs (i.e. contemporary, traditional, Spanish-Mediterranean, etc.). This is a New Urbanism type of project with hints of the aforementioned architectural styles. All townhouse buildings would be three (3) stories. The elevations show that the buildings would be 35 feet - three (3) inches tall (mean roof height) and 40 feet- three (3) inches at the peak of the roof. The single-family detached homes would be two (2) stories tall and have varying roof styles. The tallest single-family detached home would be 27 feet - six (6) inches tall at the mean roof height and 32 feet - three (3) inches tall at peak of roof. The elevations of the townhouses show that the exterior finish of the walls would be medium textured cementltous finish. All trim would be painted bright white and all front doors would be painted mahogany. The applicant Is proposing a variety of colors schemes. The Benjamin Moore paints are as follows: Staff Report - New Urban High Ridge PUD (NWSP 05-016) Memorandum No PZ 05-153 Page 8 Scheme Color Paint 1 Tan Crisp Straw #2157-50 2 Yellow Mellow Yellow #2020-50 3 Orange Peach Sorbet #2015-40 4 Blue Clearest Ocean Blue #2064-40 5 Green Eccentric Lime: #2027-30 The single-family homes would come in numerous varieties of wall and accent colors. There are eight (8) different color schemes and each scheme has two (2) or three (3) varying options. The color palette proposed contains a combination of light or white pastels, and dark, unmuted primary/secondary colors. Staff supports use of the soft color palette, particular as they are light earth tones to match existing natural vegetation in the corridor. However, staff opposes use of highly saturated and primary colors for this project. Such colors are inconsistent with both existing improvements in the corridor as well as incompatible with the existing natural environment in this area which consists of many mature trees and natural scrub areas and preserves. The bold colors are more typical of the Caribbean settings or other waterfront environments, and should be changed to soft earth tones to compliment the general area rather than just the project (see Exhibit "C"- Conditions of Approval). Signage: Project development signs are proposed on small posts labeled "ID columns". These posts would be located on each side of the entrance drives. The sign detail shows that the column would be four (4) feet - two (2) inches in height. The base of the post and its decorative caps would be a smooth textured cementitious stucco base, painted white. The greater surface of the post would be a medium textured stucco finish over CBS and painted yellow (Mellow Yellow BM 2020-50). Its colors would be consistent with the building colors proposed throughout the community. The sign face would be located in the center of the post. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this request for new site plan approval and recommends approval, contingent upon the adoption of the changes proposed to the Land Development Regulations (CDRV 05-014) related to widths of rights-of-way in Planned Unit Developments (PUD), and also subject to satisfying all comments indicated in Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval. Any additional conditions recommended by the Board or City Commission shall be documented accordingly in the Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJEcrS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\NWSP 05-016\Staff Report.doc Exh\Jit 'A' - Location I\.Itt9p . 275 I 137.5 o 275 550 825 I 1,100 I Feet ..' R EXH IBIT B f'~ ( . II~~ II ! 1/ II UilW I! I! 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New Urban Communities II i j I!. g II to : , II Boynton Beach, Florida ~ TI-lI~ DOCl.MeNT Ie TIoE ~RTY Ol< ELIOFOULOfl 4 A&5OCIATE& INC. ALL I'tlGl-lTll AI'I:E fI<E$ERVl!:D AND ,U>j'r ~eIIlfER. Lle.E OF n.lltl ~T WlTl-lOUT n-E ~TTEN 1"E1IlN1e610N Cf' I!LIOl'"QJLOSo 4 A&6OCIATES !NC. 1& ~eITED !~~ JII~ ~ gU ~ II' III ~ ;; fD. ~ ~ * ~~ &51i!~ a 1Ill!::: ~.. '" -5 f' 5iD~ ~ II ~ D EXHIBIT B ::I:l ~. O'l:l ::T ~ ~. c.. O'l:l ('t) :: t:::j ('t) -< to ('t) ...... 0 0 ~ 'i:::1 ~ S ~ 0 ('t) ~ ~ ~ to ""I:l ('t) 0 ~ '1 ('j t:r' Z ('t) ~ ~ - 0 c::: '1 '1 ~. c.. f:i' ~ ~ ~ ::I:l ~. O'l:l t:r' ~ ~. c.. O'l:l ('t) b <J 'II ~I I Iq .~ 'II 1!1 III 11(11 II )'1 ~I ~~ 5 ; EXH IBIT B PI ~ lti II III ".1 IP HI' ",i 8m '011, II ~:!J ~ ~ III h .~ ~ III "" 5 I III i'l :l- I" i'l ." fr ~ ; IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1!1 I / _Iq 1'1 ill -/ 'I I I , H m - - I 1,1 C COl'Y'UGHT 1HI$ ilOCUlQff IS THE ~MPEflTY or IM"I to ELIOI"Du..OS oIlRCHITtcTS. ,...... AlL IUOHTS AM: Ilt$[ltVCD ilINll Notl I"OUCUlQN, REPRODUtTJOoI [M OTHEII UK lit' THIS IOCVHtNT ....ltfOlT THE 'If1lIITTEN CONSENT IF KuPl .. ElIlIl'O.A.OS o\fICHlTECTS. ,...... IS '""OHt.ITt:D. )> @ I :~ 19 · .' CD t'.1 I "i I~I i I 'High RIdge' Develbpment for I!i I: D~ I..~ U NEW URBAN HIGH RIOQE, LLC. -;:-:; II I ;:::i ~ ;:F! ,yo D BOYNTON BEACH, FLOII:lA ~ ~ ~ ,.. ~.- ~ I !~ ~ ~I jJ! .fi ~ II I~ .. i~ .jlI ~ I , I , !~ I~ '::IE I~ , I i EXH IBIT B !~ *~ !! .:.1 ifi II 1,\ .. ,- - - --- - -- --- --- -- - - - -- ----- --- - - - --- - -- --I I ,'1 I - - , I , , I , I i i L-- ----- - - --- -- ---~~ - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- j ill i . i . i ~ I , I , !~ I , I i C carYl'tIGHT '"IS DQCUENT IS TK ~EItTY or _I .. D.1QPlM..D5 IIRCHlltCTS, PA. ........L IUlIHTS ME MSERVED NG lIoN' POU(SSlllH, M:~TION IIIl DTHEIl Un: oj THIt IIClCVMt.HT YlJlolllUT TI1[ wtIIlTTEN CllNSEHT or ,",uP'1 .. 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C/l 7z a ~ ~ ! m m i m ~m Iii r- r- I ~ ~ ~ j ~ D H '-l '-l 0 1>> 0 5 z z z a '"Oi ~j i HIGH RIDGE IUl'f j~f 13 mid > i BERMlJOA TOWNHOME BUILDINGS II m )E ~ 0 ~ UNITS 103-110/118-125/133-140'141-1<18/149-158, m It ~t~ 8 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 'f I ~ '-l PALM BEACH COUNTY, flORIDA nil II 5 I z I [ If C/l I Ii by: NEW URBAN HIGH RIDGE, LlC c z :::j OJ 1;0 c z ~G') :::j s ;0 ! g I~ q Z o "T1 r o C o Z ;0 :::j -U ?' !; ;0 z Il. '"0. :pI OJ m ;0 ~ 5 ~J. o g ,rr f . ~ 15 II III I. t ~ I [ 11Sl118!11Si11Sl1 - [_n-l--l c z :::j )> , ..J I~ c z :::j ~ () . ------~ , ..J Ij c z :::j OJ ll~ _m_j c z :::j o uJ c z :::j m , I nmJ , ll~ __nJ ....1 Il l~ -----, ~ j , nJ I~ 11Si118!11Si11Si1 _ Ln__j_...! r~i~ 1 HIGH RIDGE I BERMUD'" TOWNHOME BUILDINGS UNITS lQ3.110/118-125/133-140/ 1(1.148/149-156, CITY Of BOYNTON B~CH PAlM BE.6.CH COUNTY, FLORID'" by: NEW URBAN HIGH RIDGE, LLC s s ~ ~ ! ~ I I ~ ~ ~ f(! s s ~ ~ ~ f(! I I ~ ~ ~ ~ -:XHIBIT 8 I I ~ ~ UI~11i11 ~ I d I ill UQil ~jil!U ~ ~ f(!!(I!(I!(I !(I !(I !(I !(I t B~ ~ Il<<i ; ~ g~II~I~I~ ~. L ~ ~ &I~I ~il~~ '" f(!f(!!(I!(I !(If(! !(I !(I i B~ ~ jfl!i ; ~ gml ~ ~ h I ~ ~ i g ~ ~. L ~ ~ &I~I l:l!&~ <> f(!!(IlI!f(! lI!!(I!(IlI! ~ ~ lI! I I ~ ~ UU ; II ~ ; ~ " m~g~!i!~> ~ 2 g ~ is ~ ~ ~ linh ~~H~ !i lI!!(If(!f(!!(I lI! lI!!(I f(! c UU I ! Ii i ~ " ~i~U~~ ~ . ~~ ~:z' .tl~1 ~li!~~ =l lI!!(I!(I!(IlI! !(Ill! lCl!(l m IlIi III iI i ~Sh~;:"k"~~> ~ lI! lI!f(!lI! S L'G . !II !(Ill! f(! Ii aJ!l~i Iii ~ ~~ J ~ q! ~ IPI!llilll ~ Ii I i II I Ii !' j;h:. 'ii i!" 1I!l II 1IIIIillll ;! ill! II I~ .~d. III II lilll III If f Ir IUlrl . ~ I I ' I I is nl''' I .' "'-.. ~?':""~r-->;-l' () en I . . . I' 0 m ~~(')"t1~~ 5 ~ ;;lrilii~p; :<I In :<IZ~:i:o"tl ~ < ~~~gj~~ ill ~ oOoillm~ ~ Z ~~@!!I5:;E fI! ~ Ir;nZ~~~ ~ ~l!!o ... ~"'ffi~~~ ~ ~~! ~ ~ 02?:j!:0 ~~r-~ 0000 :<100:<1 !!lOr-en m~~pl :<I~enm 80~~ ~en032 _:i:men In ~ C' dm~ ffl~~ ~d8 iijlll.i:l , ~j!: ~~ 02:1 ~;: ~~ -<2:1 'Gl =i ~ =l .m ;>J G5 :!i m hi ); -i I 0 , z , , II II I , II I~ IP !~ ,~ il fJJ pi ,~ U J II e 1 I .1 II. :Bt ~J i HIGH RIDGE m mN H~i~ POOl & MAll CABANA C/l ~ . 1-1 ),> '-I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ 0 PAlM BEACH COUNTY, FlORlD^ Z C/l by: NEW URBAN HIGH RIDGE, lLC, EXH IBIT 8 ~ ccco cccc e~ 111111 I ~ IIIIIII I ~ II IIIBIIIIIIIDIII CCCC ;>J cccc ~ ~ m r- ~ -t 0 Z , b I ,< l!! ,. J JJ Ir TUlff i~t 'f Pi"- a Ir I I If rrf f ~ I~l!i Ji~ B ~; p' i [ ~ en ~ - h:; -I ~m ~ "'U 1- ~ m ;0 ~ ;:- l'f ~ :> tJ:' ~ I g~(f) n r>> (f) n -~~:r: 0 ~ m(J)~ ~ to~~ m 4'-2" B'-6" ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ :n jl~'i! m:<l~ m'i ~U ~ ;~i ~U ~! ~~s ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ u~ u ~~~ U ~~ s~~ ~ EXH IBIT B !~IHr~ .. h ~ III <.11 ~ ~!:!!"_~ m-l %~~~~~ f ~ ~ ~ Q )>0 1iIil~ lM----f W 0(") ~s;: ~~ -" 2- G)(") )> -I - o z EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: High Ridge New Urban Communities File number: NWSP 05-016 Reference: 3rd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with an August 9.2005 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. Staff strongly discourages on-street parking along High Ridge Road and X Miner Rd. due to their functional classification (Urban Collector) and the volumes and types of traffic they carry. The applicant may petition the County for permission to utilize on-street parking. If allowed by the County, provide written concurrence of this decision. 2. At the time of permitting, improve High Ridge Road to a minimum of three X 12-foot lanes from Miner Road to the northern boundary of the proposed development. Provide plans, including typical sections, for off-site improvements, including curb and gutter along High Ridge Road. Palm Beach County permits will be required for work within the Palm Beach County right-of-way. Staff recognizes that improvements required by the city may not be required and / or supported by the County. The developer shall provide a letter of credit in the amount of 110% of the engineer's estimate for public roadway improvements prior to issuance of any building permits for this project. The letter of credit shall be held until such time as the improvements are complete. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. The minimum right-of-way width for a PUD is 40-feet. (LDR, Chapter 2.5, X Section 9.F.) The applicant is proposing a traditional neighborhood design and is desirous of utilizing a proposed Code Change, currently in process, to allow for lesser right-of-way widths for portions of the project. Internal roadways will be categorized as "Primary" and "Secondary" based on their functions. Primary roadways will handle internal flow, guests, deliveries and Fire/Rescue access. Secondary roadways will be utilized for homeowner access to the rear loaded parking and will additionally be used for Solid Waste Access. Primary internal roadways shall have no less than 40-ft. right-of-way widths, but may use II-ft. lanes widths. Secondary internal roadways shall have no less than 20-ft. right-of-way widths and may use 10-ft. lane widths. The COA 08/23/05 2 DEPARTMENTS applicant shall provide, through homeowners documents, an additional buffer area of no less than 5-ft., adjacent to both sides of the proposed right-of-way to allow for Solid Waste storage and pickup. The buffer area shall be kept free of all obstructions, including fencing and landscaping, for this purpose. Primary access roadways connecting to High Ridge Road will conform with all Land Development Regulations and City Standards. The above Condition of Approval is contingent upon Connnission approval of the proposed changes to Chapter 2.5 of the LDR. In the event Commission does not approve the Developer shall be required to provide roadways and rights-of-way in accordance with the LDR and City Standards or may seek a variance, in accordance with the procedure established in the LDR. INCLUDE REJECT 4. In order to accommodate a roadway typical section within the proposed 20-ft. X secondary roadway (if approved) the engineer shall construct two - 9 1/2-ft. lanes with 6-in. concrete header curb on each side of the roadway. Asphalt paving, lime/shellrock and stabilized sub grade in accordance with City Standards shall be completely contained within the header curb. 5. Upon Connnission approval of the site plan schedule a pre-application X meeting with the Engineering Division to begin the plat process. 6. Show proposed site lighting on the landscape plans (Chapter 4, Section X 7.BA.) The lighting design shall provide a minimum average light level of one foot-candle. On the Lighting Plan, specify that the light poles shall withstand a 140 MPH wind load (Chapter 23, Article II, Section A1.a and Florida Building Code). Provide a note that the fixtures shall be operated by photo-electrical control and are to remain on until 2:00 a.Ill. (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A1.a.) Include pole wind loading, and pole details in conformance with Chapter 6, Article N, Section 11, Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.7 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section A on the Lighting Plan. 7. It will be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light X fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A1. b). 8. At the time of permitting, show sight triangles on the Landscape plans (LDR, X Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). 9. Per the LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2. Ficus species are not X permitted. See Sheet 13 of 17. 10. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the X LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 11. Paving, Drainage and Site details will not be reviewed for construction X COA 08/23/05 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES Comments: 12. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required for the water X and sewer systems serving this proiect (CODE, Section 26-12). 13. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. (500 g.p.m. some residential developments) with 20 p.s.i. residual pressure as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is ~eater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 14. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid X for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within seven (7) days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 15. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer X utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City Utilities Department before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy. 16. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has X approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 17. The City of Boynton Beach does not wish to have another lift station X constructed for this project. If the applicant desires, there is a lift station approximately Y2 mile north of this project (south terminus of NW 7th Ct. - Lift Station 717) or another approximately Y4 mile east of the intersection of High Ridge Rd. and Miner Rd. (Lift Station 718.) Also available are gravity systems in the Commerce Rd. right-of-way and within the Cedar Ridge subdivision. The invert elevation at Lift Sta. 717 is 1.19. By upsizing to a to-in. main and using a 0.3% slope it is possible to tie into Lift Sta. 717. Credit for oversizing the main may be available. A copy of the as-builts for Lift Sta. 717 has been given to the applicant. Should the developer propose to build their own lift station for this project, they would have to submit an analysis indicating that the life cycle cost (capital and O&M) would be cheaper for the system with a new lift station than it would be for connecting to the existing stations. This analysis can be conducted based upon "present- COA 08/23/05 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT worth" of the two alternatives, with an expected 40-year life on the stations. 18. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability X at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. FIRE Comments: 19. Appropriate fire department access will be required at the pool/recreation X area. At the time of permitting, an access road (14 feet in width) will be required to the pool area so that medical/emergency victims can be quickly and safely loaded. Revise the plans to show compliance with this requirement. POLICE Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 20. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X proposed construction. 21. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates X the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the accessible units and the recreational amenities that are provided for the project and other common area elements located at the site. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement markings required to be installed along the path. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parking vehicles. Identify on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width required by the Code is 36 inches). Please note that at time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in the 2001 FBC. This documentation shall include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade elevations along the path of travel. 22. As required by the CBBCO, Part III titled "Land Development Regulations", X submit a site plan that clearly depicts the setback dimensions from each property line to the leading edge of the building/so The leading edge of the building/s begins at the closest point of the overhang or canopy to the COA 08/23/05 5 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT property line. In addition, show the distance between all the buildings on all Xsides. 23. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that X utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 24. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of X Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: a. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Connnission-approved site plan. b. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Commission-approved site plans. c. The number of dwelling units in each building. d. The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit. e. The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 25. At time of permit review, submit separate surveys of each lot, parcel or tract. X For purposes of setting up property and ownership in the City computer, provide a copy of the recorded deed for each lot, parcel or tract. The recorded deed shall be submitted at time of permit review. 26. At time of building permit application, submit verification that the City of X Boynton Beach Parks and Recreation Impact Fee requirements have been satisfied by a paid fee or conveyance of property. The following information shall be provided: f. A legal description of the land. g. The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Connnission-approved site plan. h. If the project is a multi-family project, the building number/s must be provided. The building numbers must be the same as noted on the Connnission-approved site plans. 1. The number of dwelling units in each building. J. The total amount being paid. (CBBCO, Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3(f)) 27. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, X the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Connnission. COA 08/23/05 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 28. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction X documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi- family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. The name of the project as it appears on the Development Order must be noted on the building permit application at the time of application submittal. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 29. The impact fee will be: X Single family, detached 48 units @ $940.00 each = $45,120.00 Single family, detached 126 units @ $771.00 each = $97,146.00 TOTAL $142,266.00 FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 30. All ornamental trees on the Plant list must be listed in the specifications as a X minimum of 3" diameter (not Cal) at DBH (4.5' off the ground), 12'-14' height, and Florida #1. The height of the trees will be larger than 12'-14' to meet the 3" diameter requirement (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5.C. 2.). 31. The irrigation system design (not included in the plans) should be low volume X water conservation using non-portable water. 32. Turf and landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate X zones and time duration for water conservation. 33. Trees should have separate irrigation bubblers to provide water directly to the X root ball (Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. C.2.). PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 34. According to the Land Development Regulations, alleys and other secondary X roadways are considered to be rights-of-way. In a Planned Unit Development, the minimum width of a right-of-way is 40 feet. Approval of a variance or an amendment to the Land Development Regulations would be required in order to allow the alleys to be less than 40 feet in width. 35. A unity of title may be required. The Building Division of the Department of X COA 08/23/05 7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Development will determine its applicability. 36. On the master plan (sheet 1 of 6), with a dashed line, show the limits of the X 2nd story porches proposed on the sides of the townhouse buildings; or is this already shown in the typical Multi-family Setback matrix? 37. At the time of permitting, the elevation pages of the clubhouse should include X the exterior finish, paint manufacturer's name, and color codes. (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.). 38. On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between X the tabular data and the graphic illustration. 39. All trees, if proposed as trees, must be at least 12 feet in height and three (3) X caliper inches at the time of their installation (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2.). This applies to the Ligustrum, Bald Cypress and Live Oak trees. 40. The trees proposed around the townhouse and single-family detached X buildings must be installed at ~ the building height of the building (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section S.M.). 41. The landscape plan shows that there are trees proposed outside the property X line, along High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The trees would require the Engineering Division review and approval. Regardless, they cannot be used within the landscape plan as counting towards meeting the minimum required number of trees. 42. Staff recommends that where possible, the trees proposed within the east and X south landscaped "common" areas be spaced no further than one (1) tree per 20 linear feet. 43. Regarding the subdivision wall sign, place a note on the site plan indicating X that the sign will be located 10 feet from the property line (Chapter 21, Article IV, Section I.D.). 44. The ends of those townhouse buildings directly visible from High Ridge Road X and Miner Road should be enhanced with features similar to the front facades using elements such as balconies, individual roof features, porches, varying surface materials and colors, etc.). Those units would include #1, #17, #40, #84, #96, #139, #147, #169, and #174. 45. Indicate on the plans the proposed locations of the townhouse buildings by X type (not unit type). Two building designs are proposed but not located on the site. Placement of the two building design types should maintain compatibility in the project. COA.doc 08/24/05 8 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 46. Color swatches are to be provided for all proposed colors. Those unmuted X colors proposed, typical of the Caribbean or other islands, or waterfront environments, are inconsistent with established colors throughout the High Ridge Road corridor, and should be replaced with muted earth tones to increase compatibility with existing buildings and the natural characteristics of the area (i.e. existence of scrub and other preserve areas, and mature trees and other existing vegetation). Modify the proposed colors as follows and provide color renderings to match. ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS: Comments: 47. None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 48. To be determined. MWR/elj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\NWSP 05-016\COAdoc DEVELOPMV ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS '?N OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA' PROJECT NAME: New Urban High Ridge PUD APPLICANT: Mr. Tim Hernandez with New Urban Communities APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 398 Northeast 6th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: September 20, 2005 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New site plan approval to construct 48 single-family detached homes and 126 fee-simple townhomes on an 18.44-acre parcel in the PUD Planned Unit Development zoning district. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road (Exhibit "A") DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk S: IPlanninglSHAREDI WPIPROJECTSIHigh Ridge- New Urban CommunitieslNWSP 05-016\00 .doc ~ Meeting Minutes Planning & Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 23,2005 Location: The Klatt Family Limited Partnership and Klatt Enterprises, Inc. NE corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request for Conditional Use/New Site Plan approval for two 5-story buildings with 206 condominium units on a 4.384-acre portion of the 106.5-acre Boynton Village and Town Center site. Owner: Description: Chair Wische described the project, asking the applicant's position on the 44 staff conditions. James Comparato, representing Anthony Comparato from WRI, LLC, 980 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, stated the applicant reviewed the conditions and agreed to all of them. Ed Breese, Principal Planner, stated this was a Conditional Use due to the height associated with the stair towers and elevator shafts that far exceeded the requirements of the height setback envelope. Chair Wische opened the floor to the publi~ and closed it when no one wished to speak. Motion Mr. Cwynar moved to approve the request for Conditional Use/New Site Plan approval for Boynton Village Parcel 3 Condos for 2 five-story buildings with 206 condominium units on a 4.384-acre portion of the 106.5-acre Boynton Village and Town Center site, subject to all staff conditions. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion that passed 7-0. G. New Site Plan 1. Project: High Ridge New Urban Communities (NWSP 05-016) TIm Hernandez, New Urban Communities New Urban High Ridge, LLC, George Kechriotis and Kosta Kechriotis Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road Request for new site plan approval in order to construct 48 single-family homes and 126 townhouse units and related site improvements on an 18.44-acre parcel in a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Assistant City Attorney To/ces swore in the latecomers. Chair Wische described the project, and asked the applicant's position on the 46 staff conditions. 12 " Meeting Minutes Planning &. Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 23, 2005 Mr. Casaine reiterated his understanding that the conditions would be handled in the same manner for this project as the Boynton Town Center project heard previously. Motion Vice Chair Hay moved to approve the Boynton Village request for new site p, n approval in order to construct a large scale, mixed-use project consisting of 80 dwelli g units, 14,541 square feet of restaurant, 10,000 square feet of office, and 135,641 square et of retail, all of which proposed on a 20.33-acre parcel in the Suburban Mixed Use Zing District (SMU), subject t all Staff Conditions of Approval with the modifications agr; ed to by staff. Mr. Casaine se nded the motion that passed 7-0. Description: Boynton Village Pa (COUS 05-07) Anthony Com para I Kim Glas-Castro The Klatt Family imited Partnership #1 and Klatt Enterprises, Inc NE corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request f; r Conditional Use/New Site Plan approval for 4 five-story buildings with 376 condo . ium units on an 8.8l5-acre portion of the 1 .5-acre Boynton Village and Town Center le. E. 1. nditional Use New Site Plan Chair Wische asked the applicant's position 0 th 47 staff conditions of approval. James Comparato, representing An ony Co arato from WRI, LLC, 980 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, ated the apph nt agreed to all of the conditions of approval and thanked staff for its coo ration. Mr. Breese commented on the eight setback envelope i the SMU district, saying the applicant's project far exceeded e requirements in relationship single family residential. Chair Wische opened the flo r to the public, and closed it when no 0 Motion Mr. Casaine moved to prove request for Conditional Use/New Site Plan ap oval for Boynton Village Parcels 4 & 5 ondos for 4 five-story buildings with 376 condominium nits on 8.815- acre portion of 106.5-acre Boynton Village and Town Center site, subje to all staff Conditions of Ap oval. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that passed 7-0. F. 1. Project: Boynton Village Parcel 3 Condos (COUS 05-008) Anthony Comparato, Kim Glas-Castro 11 Agent: Meeting Minutes Planning & Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 23, 2005 Tim Hernandez and Jeff Costello of New Urban Communities, 398 N.E. 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, 33483, offered to answer questions. Mr. Costello declared that the applicant agreed with all Conditions of Approval, but wanted to discuss Condition #46 regarding the color of the buildings. Eric Johnson, Planner, displayed the building colors for the benefit of the board and the public. He read Condition #46 for the record as follows: Color swatches are to be provided for all proposed colors. Those unmated (corrected by Mr. Johnson to read unmuted) colors proposed, typical of the Caribbean or other islands, or waterfront environments, are inconsistent with established colors throughout the High Ridge Road Corridor, and should be replaced with muted earth tones to increase compatibility with existing buildings and the natural characteristics of the area (i.e. existence of scrub and other preserve areas, and mature trees and other existing vegetation). Modify the proposed colors as follows and provide color renderings to match. Mr. Hernandez gave a PowerPoint presentation showing photographs of houses they had erected in Jupiter using the same color scheme as proposed for this project. He acknowledged the proposed colors were more colorful than staff wanted to see, but did not agree the colors were inappropriate for the High Ridge/Miner Road area. After a very lengthy discussion on this topic, the net result was that staff and the applicant would work together to come to a mutually acceptable color scheme. The colors shown in the artist's rendering were considerably darker and brighter than the colors shown in the photographs of the homes in Jupiter. Most of the board members did not feel they could approve the colors as shown in the rendering. Mr. Johnson opined that the heavy chroma colors shown in the rendering would be inappropriate in the proposed setting. The applicant noted that the color chips they presented more closely matched the colors shown in the photographs of the homes in Jupiter. The applicant tried to be true to the Bermuda style of architecture.' Staff expressed a desire to have the colors muted and used as accents and not as the entire building color, as proposed. Some board members felt the colors were acceptable as presented, and others preferred that they be more pastel or muted in appearance. There was some feeling on the board that government should not dictate colors to the commercial sector. l . Ms. Jasciewicz asked the price range of the homes in the proposed project. Mr. Hernandez responded that they projected the single-family home prices to be $500K to $700K and the town homes in the mid-$300K's to $400K. Chair Wische opened the floor to the public. Timothy Lamb, 1860 Tom-a-toe Road, stated the proposed colors might look all right in downtown Delray Beach, but not on a horse pasture in the country. Also, the traffic was already intense and would increase even more with this project. He referred to Mayor Taylor's offer at a previous meeting to talk to the County about getting the timing changed on the light at High Ridge Road and Gateway Boulevard. This was still a problem and only ,he first five cars can make the light. 13 .- Meeting Minutes Planning & Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 23, 2005 Jane Forrester, 7648 High Ridge Road, felt color was less a problem than the extra traffic generated by this project. Ron Vanderwey, 14 Redwood Court, had no problem with the project, but wanted to know the long range plan on traffic. Mr. Cwynar responded that High Ridge was a County road. Mr. Vandewey expressed concern that water would be diverted to this project and away from his community in Cedar Ridge across the road. He thought a stop sign on Miner road would be a good thing, but especially wanted to see a traffic-calming device in that area. Tamara Pilosi, 109 Spruce Street, a resident of Cedar Ridge, was concerned about traffic. She also felt that pastel colors would be more in keeping with the rural environment in which the project would be built. Chair Wische closed the floor to the public. om Hernandez stated that High Ridge Road was now at service level "B" which meant it was almost free-flowing traffic. According to the County's projections, when the entire area is developed, it would never need more than two lanes and would never drop much below its current level of service. A level of service of "D" is allowable in Palm Beach County before a road is considered to be over capacity. He commented that the applicant and the City had been working with County Commissioner Newell and the County Engineering Department to time the signals to give people enough time to make turns onto Hypoluxo and Gateway. At the request of the City and the expense of the developer, High Ridge Road will be three-Ianed along the entire project frontage, which will allow the project to create turn lanes in and out of their development, and this should help the free flow of traffic. Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer, pointed out the City is working cooperatively with people from Quantum Park to improve both Gateway and High Ridge Road to increase the number of turn lanes from southbound High Ridge Road to eastbound Gateway Boulevard to get to the Interstate. This is in progress and will happen as the separate developments are constructed. Ms. Jasciewicz asked for and received confirmation that the applicant would meet with staff to discuss the color issues. Motion Mr. Casaine moved to approve the request for new site plan approval for High Ridge New Urban Communities in order to construct 48 single-family homes and 126 town house units and related site improvements on an 18.44-acre parcel in a Planned Urban Development zoning district, subject to the comments made by staff and a specific notation that the color scheme will be worked out between the petitioner and staff. Vice Chair Hay seconded the motion that passed 6-0. (Mr. Saberson left the meeting at 8:35 p.m. just before the motion.) H. Master Plan Modification 1. Project: Agent: Fosters Mill (MPMD 05-010) Bernard Malatesta, Vice President{Treasurer Foster Mill Homeowner's Association, Inc. N/A Owner: 14 " To the City Clerk - City Of Boynton Beach AFFIDA VIT RE: Property A~d!ess: 0,' Project Name: rt\ ~ t\- q\....A.D G-€-- I/We, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400 feet of the above-referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The notifications were postmarked a minimum of 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advance of the public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. No t\ l>Q,o lw~ ~ t:..UJ ~ €.NT 1'0 ~ tJ e.to aU) ~ EA'li ~ ~ LE. "'*- (AS. '\ So ~b t\.l TTl\t. p\ll CY1\ffJ~.s te. f-C.Li ueAJ f-.Jo\\' <...e:.S S. ~5. co ell . mcerely, rpplicant/ Agent Notary Public, State of Florida '...l....J'...........................H...... : SUE A. CUCE i I tI ColMII_t'III i I ~ ....121F12OOI: I ~\6J~ IondId ltWU (800)432~54i : ~ICf~.. Florida Notary Assn., Inc ,= a... .... ... I" .......... ........ ......1 ... ... Cc: Planning & Zoning Department S:IPlanninglPlallnillg TelllplateslP&Z letters and lIlellloslAFFIDA VIT.doc To the City Clerk - City Of Boynton Beach AFFIDAVIT rf I(,./..f ~ r[)b6 jJ~Ut:L 0 f'1'/lt;f'J ( , RE: Property A~dress: ~ { C 1L n r tV Of<. R () It JJ j Project Name: H T. (;. Ii R..L D lJ CT Ai hJ Ie.. I/We, the undersigned do certify that to the best of my knowledge, the attached ownership list, 400' radius map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within at least 400 feet of the above-referenced subject property. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. The notifications were postmarked a minimum of 1 0 days in advance of the public hearing. Site signs were posted on the premises 10 days in advance of the public hearing in accordance with City Ordinance 04-007. Attached are photographs of the signs showing their placement on the property. Sincerely, .....::rnu'.... SA~iril:l,,, ,l" LONGO I; r~'J::'i:..\ MY COMMIS810~1 '! fjD ~4180S ~'~k:f J:i\PIPES June 10, 2009 "~jff;:n3.'" Bnnd~d Tr. :J NC,I~l"; '.)I,b:l;' I i"lrler\vri-,-. Cc: Planning & Zoning Department S:IPlanninglPlanning TemplateslP&Z letters and memoslAFFIDA VIT.doc j......""\. 1(' ~ "'I~ -~-"-- , I I' I' II ; 11) I, i' I' : U r~-'-'.- :'(. L,__,.. . !'rr',\ ',",""" :t ~ ~~ ~~ Ale:. ~c- ~" ~ --- -------- ---------- -- - --------- - --- --- -- -----------------------~-~-- ~ t-\ ~~ ~i'l Nf~ 'tJ" \\~ , '\ Cl\ ~ ~ \ ~ OJ '1 ~ ~ ,- .. ,. ,: :J ~ ~- ~~,~ '~l. ~ i" "\ ( ,f Ll )2 ...~ ~n 1_~ !-~ i'~ .l: ~~ ,... c:. (1\ "'t .~~ ~: ~ ~~ ~ :~ :::>- l\j '--..... \:J V'( ::t: f-\ ~t ~j14) ,'-' O~ ~~ ~ ~ : I ~ " .. " ~ , , ~ ~ ~ : , -l I Johnson. Eric From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Gabrielle Ortner [gortner@newurbancommunities.com] Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:35 AM 'Johnson, Eric' 'Coale, Sherie' RE: Public Noticing requirements Sherie sent the Hearing Notice and we mailed it yesterday. I am mailing it today to the new 3 owners I mentioned. Jim Knight should be posting the signs tomorrow, per my conversation with him this morning. -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:37 AM To: 'gortner@newurbancommunities.com' Cc: Coale, Sherie Subject: RE: Public Noticing requirements Excellent. Yes, please send them to the 3 new owners and everyone else that is on your list. The public noticing that was conducted during the annexation and rezoning process is not covered under the public noticing required by this request for new site plan approval. Please coordinate with Sherie if you haven't already. Thanks, Eric -----Original Message----- From: Gabrielle Ortner [mailto:gortner@newurbancommunities.com] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:02 AM To: 'Johnson, Eric' Cc: 'Coale, Sherie' Subject: RE: Public Noticing requirements I check every owner and there have been only 3 sales. I will send the notices to the new 3 owners. -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:04 AM To: 'gortner@newurbancommunities.com' Cc: Coale, Sherie Subject: RE: Public Noticing requirements I assume the first time around was when you went through the Land Use Amendment / Rezoning. You must understand that the subject request for site plan approval is totally separate from the previous request for rezoning. This is why my comments sometimes ask for the same things (i.e. traffic statement). This public noticing is a city requirement, the previous was a state requirement. The previous information may be used such as long as it is current and accurate (i.e. the list of property owners are current) . You'll have to confirm this information before you submit your affidavit. -----Original Message----- From: Gabrielle Ortner [mailto:gortner@newurbancommunities.com] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:52 AM To: 'Johnson, Eric' Cc: 'Coale, Sherie'; jcostello@newurbancommunities.com; Jkncalco@aol.com Subject: RE: Public Noticing requirements Eric, Am I missing something? We already submitted the map, list etc... the first time around. We did two sets, as requested, we mailed out the first set and 1 this is the second set. That was my understanding. I am not sure about Jim being able to do this before the weekend. I think he was planning on doing it this weekend, 10 days prior to the 23rd. -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:55 AM To: 'gortner@newurbancommunities.com'; Johnson, Eric Cc: Coale, Sherie; jcostello@newurbancommunities.com; Jkncalco@aol.com Subject: RE: Public Noticing requirements You mean to tell me that Jim Knight is working on this? Oh no; what are we going to do? Just kidding. Excellent. I'm glad that everything seems to be working out. I would suggest that Jim do the sign thing sooner rather than later. I'm working on the staff report today and I would like to have the affidavit (with all the back up material) in the office by tomorrow so that I can indicate in the staff report that you've complied with Ordinance 04-007. Remember, you'll have to submit the affidavit, pix, map, list of property owners, etc. to the City Clerk's office. They'll forward the info to us. Thanks and have a nice vacation. Eric Johnson -----Original Message----- From: Gabrielle Ortner [mailto:gortner@newurbancommunities.com] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:37 AM To: 'Johnson, Eric' Cc: 'Coale, Sherie'; jcostello@newurbancommunities.com; Jkncalco@aol.com Subject: RE: Public Noticing requirements We are on track, the notices were mailed out yesterday. The signs should be installed this weekend. Jim Knight has graciously offered to handle the signs for us since he is a Pro at this. I know you need pictures and an affidavit to be delivered to you. I am waiting for Jim to call me back on this. I will be on vacation next week. Gabrielle -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:39 AM To: 'Gabrielle Ortner' Cc: Coale, Sherie Subject: Public Noticing requirements Gabrielle, Good morning. As you know, the New Urban High Ridge project is all set for August 23, 2005 Planning & Development Board meeting. As such, neighboring property owners within a 400-foot radius will need notification per Ordinance 04-007. The code requires 10 days notification prior to the hearing. The responsibility of noticing is the applicant's. As a courtesy, we can provide you with basic information, but nonetheless, the applicant is required to comply with the ordinance. How are you coming along with the noticing? Have you gone to the property appraisers office? Have you gone to a sign company? Please say yes. If you have any questions, you may contact Sherie Coale at 561-742-6260 and she can help you. Not trying to be nitpicky, just want to make sure your project goes smoothly, that's all. Take care, 2 Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Gabrielle Ortner [gortner@newurbancommunities,com] Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:05 AM 'Johnson, Eric' RE: Name We now own 100% of the property we closed On August 1, 2005. -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:06 AM To: 'gortner@newurbancommunities.com' Subject: RE: Name I hope so, otherwise I'll be offending someone. He's listed as a property owner. Please confirm. Thanks, Eric Johnson -----Original Message----- From: Gabrielle Ortner [mailto:gortner@newurbancommunities.com] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:54 AM To: 'Johnson, Eric' Subject: RE: Name I believe it is a "He". -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric [mailto:JohnsonE@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:59 AM To: 'gortner@newurbancommunities.com' Subject: Name Is Kosta Kechriotis a name for a man or a woman? I want to indicate gender in the staff report. Thanks, Eric Johnson, AICP Planner City of Boynton Beach 1