Ju1. 17, 2006 12:02PM
No.0120 P. 2/2
-.. __ ....-1
July 17, 2006
Mr. H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E.lP.S.M
City Engineer
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Re: New Urban High Ridge PUD
CDI Project No. 06136
Dear Dave:
I received your "Second Review" comments letter of July 14, 2006 and request clarification of the
Comment: Since the HOA will be known as High Ridge HOA, please change the title accordingly.
Please clarify the title you are referring to. Are you asking for the name of the plat to be
Comment: On all sheets, change all the front, five-foot U.E. to ten feet per city code.
The site plan documents that the City approved indicate 7.5' and 5' ,front porch 8et backs for
the single family and town home units respectively. Since the porches cannot encroach Into
a utility easement, please advise as to how we should resolve this apparent conflict
Comment: Corner lot lines at intersecting rights-of-way shall be the long chord of a twenty-fIve-foot
radius or of a greater radius where deemed necessary. Corner lots shall be designed to provide a
safe intersection with respect to sight distance. A restriction shall be defined on the Dlat prohibiting
construction or plantings over 2 foot six inches high on comer lots within a safe sight distance based
on the crown elevation of the street. Not Done per city codes.
Please clarify what is not per city codes.
Comment: Show the L.M.E. all around the lake except where disallowed by the recreation building.
A L.M.E. was not provided on the north and south sides of the lake since maintenance can be
accompli.hed from the adjacent roadways. Please advise if this is acceptable.
If you have any questions you can reach me by phone (561) 659-5760 or by email at paQuart@civil-
Please feel free to respond to me via e-mail.
PeterW. Aquart, P.E.
120 S.Olive Ave.. Suito 403. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 . T: 561.659.5760. F: 561.659.5772 - - ED 9664
~f, Michael
, -, .
iI, rl /r:."~l)2-
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Rumpf, Michael
Wednesday, September 28,200512:17 PM
'Jeff Costello'
RE: High Ridge - Revised Colors
(C~ V'-'-"" ; f, ;J
Jeff, the colors proposed in your September 26th e-mail are also acceptable by staff as more compatible with existing
improvements and the natural environement in the vicinity. Thank you for the willingness and flexibility to work toward a
compromise with staff, When convenient, please return the older color swatches used as suggestions in our previous
Thanks, Mike
-----Original Messagenn-
From: Jeff Costello [mailto:jcostello@newurbancommunities,com]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 3:08 PM
To: 'Rumpf, Michael'
Subject: High Ridge - Revised Colors
<< Message: Untitled Attachment>> <<File: Revised Townhouse Color Rendering 9-26-05,JPG >>
. .
The City of Boynton Beach
P,O, Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
FAX: (561) 742-6285
August 19, 2005
Jeffrey A. Costello, AICP
Director of Planning
New Urban Communities
398 NE 6th Ave.
Delray Beach, FL 33483
AUG 2 5 2005
RE: Request for Administrative Waivers
High Ridge New Urban Community
Dear Mr. Costello:
We are in receipt of your request for Administrative Waivers to various portions of the City
Engineering Design Standards, dated August 15, 2005. We have reviewed your request and the site
plans to make a determination regarding the impact of waiving the requested standards. Following
are the requested waivers and the response for each:
. A waiver to City Standard Detail P-1 to reduce the right-of-way way widths for the secondary
roadways from 40-ft. to 20-ft. Response: This item is being handled as a Condition of
Approval of the Development Order. It will be acted upon by the Planning & Development
Board and City Commission in connection with the Site Plan. A separate waiver will not be
required pending their approval and the approval of a concurrent Code Review being
processed to allow relaxation of required rights-of-way in certain instances.
. A waiver to City Standard Detail P-1 to reduce the pavement widths of the secondary roadways
from the minimum required lane widths from 11-ft. to 10-ft. (from 22-ft. to 20-ft.) . Response:
This item is being handled as a Condition of Approval of the Development Order. It will be
acted upon by the Planning & Development Board and City Commission in connection with
the Site Plan. A separate waiver will not be required pending their approval.
. A waiver to City Standard K-1 to reduce the required 9~ ft. x 25-ft. parallel parking space to 9-ft. x
25-ft. Response: Given the nature of the subdivision design and the "Traditional
Neighborhood" design character sought this waiver is hereby approved. Reduction of the
stall width by %-ft. will not pose any safety concerns.
. A waiver to City Standard Detail P-3 to allow the back edge of the sidewalk to abut the right-of-way
line/property line, eliminating the required 1-ft. separation. Response: As all roadways with
adjacent sidewalk are within the subdivision this waiver is hereby approved.
. A waiver to allow the turning radius to 'be reduced from 55-ft. to 50-ft. Response: With the
concurrence of the Fire Protection Engineer, Rick Lee, and Public Works/Solid Waste this
waiver is hereby approved.
.... "'"
Jeffrey A. Costello, AICP, Director of Planning, New Urban Communities
Request for Administrative Waivers
August 22, 2005
Page 2
A copy of the original correspondence is attached to this waiver request and is hereby made a part of
the record. Please be advised that all other CODE, Land Development Regulations, and Engineering
Standards still apply to this project.
If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6482
or H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S.M., City Engineer, at (561) 742-6488.
, CUUUffti . ,
Laurinda LOgan~'
Senior Enginee
Xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
Timothy Large, Building Code Administrator, Department of Development
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning Department
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering
S:\Engineering\Kribs\High Ridge New Urban Community, Reg, for Waiver,doc
New urban+communities
August 15, 2005
Ms. Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
Boynton Beach City Hall
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
AUG 2 5 2005
RE: High Ridge Development - Request for Administrative Waivers
Dear Ms. Logan:
As a follow-up to our conversation Friday, concerning the above referenced project,
the following administrative waivers are requested:
. A waiver to City Standard Detail P-1 to reduce the rights-of-way widths for the
secondary roadways from 40' to 20'. (A City initiated amendment to the Land
Development Regulations is currently being processed, which includes a
waiver process to reduce the required right-of-way width. The requested
waiver is in anticipation of City Commission approval of this proposed
amendment to the City's Land Develof>ment Regulations.)
. A waiver to City Standard Detail P-1 to reduce the pavements widths of the
secondary roadways from the minimum required lane widths from 11' to 10'
(22' to 20' overall width).
. A waiver to City Standard K-1 to reduce the required 9.5' X 25' parallel
parking space to 9' in width.
. A waiver to City Standard Detail P-3, allow the back edge of the sidewalk to
abut the right-of-way line/property line, thus eliminating the 10" separation.
. A waiver to allow the turning radius to be reduced from 55' to 50'.
Within the townhouse portion of the development, the secondary roadways will be
asphalt and 20' wide. In addition, on both sides of the roadways, a header will be
provided along with a 2' paver block strip (on private property) consistent with the
material of the driveways which will differentiate the 20' roadways while providing, in
essence, a 24' wide travel lane. These 2' paver areas will be located within 5' utility
easements that will run parallel to the 20' roadways. Landscaping within the
easements will be limited to groundcovers.
In the single family portion of the development, the secondary roadways will also be
20' wide as there are significantly less single family units generating a minimal
number of vehicular trips per day. As agreed, the 20' width would be acceptable
provided that within the Homeowner's Association documents there will be a
provision that the trash and trash receptacles shall not be placed within the
roadways and that they be placed on the individual's property. Also, the documents
398 NE 6th Avenue, Delroy Beach, Florida 33483
tel 561.279.8706 · fax 561.272.3951 ·
To: MS.laurinda logan
Re: High Ridge Development - Request for Administrative Waivers
Page 2
will also contain a provision designating a 3' wide restricted planting area on each
property which will run parallel to the 20' roadway. There will be a statement that
plant materials must not be maintained at a height greater than 3'. Fences and other
site visibility obstructions shall not be located in the 3' area.
The proposal is a Traditional Neighborhood Development with front porches, on-
street parking and rear-loaded garages. Primary access will be provided by 50' and
40' rights-of-ways to the fronts of each property/unit and 20' wide secondary access
road will be provided to the rear of each property/unit. The improvements within the
primary roadways/rights-of-ways will include sidewalks, on-street parking and
landscape nodes, which provides the desired urban streetscape. While the City
standards could be easily met by providing front loaded garages and eliminating the
on-street parking, the proposed design does not compromise safety and will provide
a superior product as well as a pedestrian-friendly development desirable to all age
Based upon the above, we respectfully request approval of the administrative
waivers. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do
not hesitate to contact me at (561) 279-8706 ext. 214.
e y A. Costello, AICP
Director of Planning
c: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director
Jeff livergood, Director of Public Works
Page 1 of2
Johnson, Eric
From: Betsabe Chavez [bchavez@sbdassociates,com]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 20053:02 PM
To: 'Johnson, Eric'
Subject: RE: High Ridge TownHome Building Elevations by New Urban Communit ies
The smallest townhouse unit has 1615 SF under air, the largest is 1940 SF. The Units have either 2 or 3
Please let me know if you need further assistance,
Betsy Chavez
From: Johnson, Eric []
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:38 PM
To: Betsabe Chavez
Subject: RE: High Ridge TownHome Building Elevations by New Urban Communit ies
They came out great!
What is the smallest sized townhouse unit (in square feet under air)?
What is the largest sized townhouse unit (in square feet under air)?
What is the minimum number of bedrooms?
What the maximum number of bedrooms?
---uOrig i na I Message---u
From: Betsabe Chavez []
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:27 PM
Cc: Sean Naeger;
Subject: High Ridge TownHome Building Elevations by New Urban Communities
Good afternoon,
Please find attached the requested PDF files for the above project. Let me know if any problems,
Thank you,
Betsy Chavez
E. Betsabe Chavez.
Page 2 of2
2400 High Ridge Road
Suite 100
Boynton Beach
Florida 33426
Phone 561.733.8800 ext. 208
Fax 561.733.7900
New Urban
August 8, 2005
Ms. Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
Boynton Beach City Hall
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
. i .' AUG 9 C.uU;)
\UU\ ~
RE: High Ridge Development - Request for Administrative Waivers
Dear Ms. Logan:
This letter is being provided as a follow-up to our meeting of Monday, August 1,
2005, concerning the above referenced development proposal. Provided is the
request for administrative waivers to the following:
. A waiver to Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F. to reduce the rights-of-way widths for
the secondary roadways from 40' to 20'. (A City initiated amendment to the
Land Development Regulations is currently being processed, which includes
a waiver process to reduce the required right-of-way width. The requested
waiver is in anticipation of City Commission approval of this proposed
amendment to the City's Land Development Regulations.)
· A waiver to LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section 1, to reduce the pavements
widths of the secondary roadways from the minimum required lane widths
from 11' to 10' (22' to 20' overall width).
. A waiver to City Standards K-1 to reduce the required 9.5' X 25' parallel
parking space to 9' in width.
. A waiver to allow the back edge of the sidewalk to abut the right-of-way
line/property line, thus eliminating the 10" separation.
. A waiver to allow the turning radius to be reduced from 55' to 50'.
Within the townhouse portion of the development, the secondary roadways will be
asphalt and 20' wide. In addition, on both sides of the roadways, a header will be
provided along with a 2' paver block strip (on private property) consistent with the
material of the driveways which will differentiate the 20' roadways while providing, in
essence, a 24' wide travel lane. These 2' paver areas will be located within 5' utility
easements that will run parallel to the 20' roadways. Landscaping within the
easements will be limited to groundcovers.
In the single family portion of the development, the secondary roadways will also be
20' wide as there are significantly less single family units generating a minimal
number of vehicular trips per day. As agreed, the 20' width would be acceptable
provided that within the Homeowner's Association documents there will be a
provision that the trash and trash receptacles shall not be placed within the
398 NE 6th Avenue, Delroy Beach, Florida 33483
tel 561.279.8706 · fax 561.272.3951 ·
To: Ms. Laurinda Logan
Re: High Ridge Development - Request for Administrative Waivers
Page 2
roadways and that they be placed on the individual's property. Also, the documents
will also contain a provision designating a 3' wide restricted planting area on each
property which will run parallel to the 20' roadway. There will be a statement that
plant materials must not be maintained at a height greater than 3'. Fences and other
site visibility obstructions shall not be located in the 3' area.
The proposal is a Traditional Neighborhood Development with front porches, on-
street parking and rear-loaded garages. Primary access will be provided by 50' and
40' rights-of-ways to the fronts of each property/unit and 20' wide secondary access
road will be provided to the rear of each property/unit. The improvements within the
primary roadways/rights-of-ways will include sidewalks, on-street parking and
landscape nodes, which provides the desired urban streetscape. While the City
standards could be easily met by providing front loaded garages and eliminating the
on-street parking, the proposed design does not compromise safety and will provide
a superior product as well as a pedestrian-friendly development desirable to all age
Based upon the above, we respectfully request approval of the administrative
waivers. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do
not hesitate to contact me at (561) 279-8706 ext. 214.
A. Costello, AICP
'rector of Planning
c: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director
Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works
New urban+communities
August 8, 2005
Mr. Eric Johnson, Planner
Boynton Beach City Hall
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
AUG 9 iUu:J
RE: High Ridge Development - Resubmittal for TART meeting on 8/9/05
Dear Eric:
This letter is provided in response to the Technical Advisory Review Team (TART)
comments concerning the above referenced development. As requested, attached are
the following items so that we may be scheduled for the August 23, 2005, Planning and
Development Board meeting:
1. A copy of the waiver request letter addressed to Ms. Laurinda Logan, Senior
Engineer, relating to the following items:
a. A waiver to Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F. to reduce the rights-of-way widths
for the secondary roadways from 40' to 20'. (A City initiated amendment to
the Land Development Regulations is currently being processed, which
proposes a waiver process to reduce the required right-of-way width. The
requested waiver is in anticipation of City Commission approval of this
proposed amendment to the City's Land Development Regulations.)
b. A waiver to LOR Chapter 6, Article III, Section 1, to reduce the pavements
widths of the secondary roadways from the minimum required lane widths
from 11' to 10' (22' to 20' overall width).
c. A waiver to City Standards K-1 to reduce the required 9.5' X 25' parallel
parking space to 9' in width.
d. A waiver to allow the back edge of the sidewalk to abut the right-of-way
line/property line, thus eliminating the 10" separation.
e. A waiver to allow the turning radius to be reduced from 55' to 50'.
2. An itemized response to each of staffs comments, which also addresses items
discussed at our meeting of August 1, 2005.
3. A copy of the Concurrency Determination letter dated January 7, 2005 from Mr.
David DeYoung, The School District of Palm Beach County, to Mr. Dick Hudson
City of Boynton Beach.
4. Twelve (12) full sets of revised plans, 8.5" X 11" reductions, and digital copies of
the plans.
398 NE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483
tel 561.279.8706 · fax 561.272.3951 ·
To: Mr. Eric Johnson, Planner
Re: High Ridge Development - Re-submittal for TART meeting on 8/9/05
Page 2
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact me at (561) 279-8706 ext. 214. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation
on this matter.
A. Costello, AICP
Director of Planning
c: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director
New urban.";'T~~' ... Communities
August 8,2005 .' ~'
AUG 9 20C
Ms. Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer
Boynton Beach City Hall
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
RE: High Ridge Development - Request for Administrative Waivers
Dear Ms. Logan:
This letter is being provided as a follow-up to our meeting of Monday, August 1,
2005, concerning the above referenced development proposal. Provided is the
request for administrative waivers to the following:
. A waiver to Chapter 2.5, Section 9.F. to reduce the rights-of-way widths for
the secondary roadways from 40' to 20'. (A City initiated amendment to the
Land Development Regulations is currently being processed, which includes
a waiver process to reduce the required right-of-way width. The requested
waiver is in anticipation of City Commission approval of this proposed
amendment to the City's Land Development Regulations.)
. A waiver to LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section 1, to reduce the pavements
widths of the secondary roadways from the minimum required lane widths
from 11' to 10' (22' to 20' overall width).
. A waiver to City Standards K-1 to reduce the required 9.5' X 25' parallel
parking space to 9' in width.
. A waiver to allow the back edge of the sidewalk to abut the right-of-way
line/property line, thus eliminating the 10" separation.
. A waiver to allow the turning radius to be reduced from 55' to 50'.
Within the townhouse portion of the development, the secondary roadways will be
asphalt and 20' wide. In addition, on both sides of the roadways, a header will be
provided along with a 2' paver block strip (on private property) consistent with the
material of the driveways which will differentiate the 20' roadways while providing, in
essence, a 24' wide travel lane. These 2' paver areas will be located within 5' utility
easements that will run parallel to the 20' roadways. Landscaping within the
easements will be limited to groundcovers.
In the single family portion of the development, the secondary roadways will also be
20' wide as there are significantly less single family units generating a minimal
number of vehicular trips per day. As agreed, the 20' width would be acceptable
provided that within the Homeowner's Association documents there will be a
provision that the trash and trash receptacles shall not be placed within the
398 NE 6th Avenue, Delroy Beach, Florida 33483
tel 561.279.8706 · fax 561.272.3951 ·
To: Ms. Laurinda Logan
Re: High Ridge Development - Request for Administrative Waivers
Page 2
roadways and that they be placed on the individual's property. Also, the documents
will also contain a provision designating a 3' wide restricted planting area on each
property which will run parallel to the 20' roadway. There will be a statement that
plant materials must not be maintained at a height greater than 3'. Fences and other
site visibility obstructions shall not be located in the 3' area.
The proposal is a Traditional Neighborhood Development with front porches, on-
street parking and rear-loaded garages. Primary access will be provided by 50' and
40' rights-of-ways to the fronts of each property/unit and 20' wide secondary access
road will be provided to the rear of each property/unit. The improvements within the
primary roadways/rights-of-ways will include sidewalks, on-street parking and
landscape nodes, which provides the desired urban streetscape. While the City
standards could be easily met by providing front loaded garages and eliminating the
on-street parking, the proposed design does not compromise safety and will provide
a superior product as well as a pedestrian-friendly development desirable to all age
Based upon the above, we respectfully request approval of the administrative
waivers. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do
not hesitate to contact me at (561) 279-8706 ext. 214.
c: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director
Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works
WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813
(561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187
January 7, 2005
Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
Planning Department
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
f RE:
HIGH RIDGE (FKA 04101401C)
Dear Mr. Hudson:
The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency
Determination Amendment on the above referenced project. The previous approval for 130
units (45 single family units and 85 multi-family units) is now being amended to show a total
of 174 units (48 single family units and 126 multi-family units).
Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency
Application and Service Provider Form for High Ridge. This Concurrency Determination is'
valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has- been iS$ue<f
for the project. the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development
If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at
rn. ~ [il_~I-~1
, "I! :IVl
J' ~~ J L:.J
David DeYoung,
Senior Planner,',"'t$W.~~a~~j~ti~$,;
S:\Planning\Public\lNTERGOV\Concurrency\Concurre~b~DRiWNOOttdU...~o 10702.doc
School.DI$trid of Palm Beach County
School Concurrency Application and Service
Provider Form
Rdan completed form te:
DeSdleei Dllcridor.... BeadI Copty
3310.......... c.n.
Wat........n. ~13
Pu: (56J)43UlI1... (561) 0f-I8l5
Attention: Concurrency SectIon
Fee Paid & Date
Local Gov't
School DIstrict
Instructions: $ubmlt one copy of the completed application and fees for the review, for each new
residential project requiring a determination of concurrency for schools. Ac:tetermination will be provided
within fifteen (15)worJdngdays of receipt of a complete application. A determination is not transferable and is
valid for one year from date of issuance. Once the Development Order is issued, the concurrency determination
shall run with the Development Order.
Part I. To be completed by ApPltca~ .-. ~~ . '..5
Owner'sName: ... T~~~\l~:t. · f,LltlZlon
~~~: ~:;:s: ~ r:-Tkft ~ Z- D Il~ , F'-~ \(83
Telephone Number: S(;l- 2l:\q- K':\.CI~ FacslmRe Number:s~\..: 2~"'l- 3,q ~,
Project Name: ~IA ~(~ .
/ i Municipality or Unincorporated PBC n.:t:D IV . _~ P ALI:l 7Z\~ l-t Lo~ T ~
( / Property Control Number (PCN): -~ ~ _ _ - noo _ ~~"30 100 -"~-4~-OB -Ol-f.,oo -0 3~ '"
oo~~-~S - 0'8 -01 -000- o~6"
Project Location: lVoJt.TwE:~'T ~rL('1f.ll. of- /..h'(i-f.+ O-<06lf ~ f.\ A~~ ill NEAl- (Li)
Concurrency Service Area (q)A):
Total # of Units: -.-
Types of Units:
Single Family
Apartments (3 steRes gr 1899}'\0u3~ Hon e
High Rise Apartments '
Age Restricted Adults Only
Provide Covenant
C>>A \7
Phasing Plan:
If applicable, please attach a compfete Phasing Plan showing the number and type of units to receive certificate of
occupancy yearly.
Proof of Ownership: Please attach copy of Warranty Deed and Conse
Pat99.. Lot. Government Review
~ 1----
Local Government Representative
, Print NameJj;;~ /:b/)~
, ) .
C J Part III. To be completed by School District Staff
Date Filed /.
~ ~ ffl n WI ~ ',:-
,. ',': 8 ,;t~1
, l J i
I.!.}_F '^ 'HMFNT ()F OEVHOf'I.'
Petition #: /
Title ~""7v;tJ1L. ~~
I verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools subject to
the attached conditions.
Iy with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools
--.Un 1 'UP~
Cotleur &
Landscape Architects
Land Planners
Environmental Consultants
June 3, 2005
Mr. Eric Anderson
City of Boynton Beach
Planning and Zoning Department
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
JUN - 6 2005
L __'.... ,
.:--. ~ ._-_....J
Re: New Urban Communities, High Ridge PUD
Submittal of Additional Information
CH Project #04-0910
Dear Mr. Anderson:
As a follow up to our meeting on Tuesday, May 31, 2005, we are forwarding to
you the additional information requested at the TRC meeting. The following
documents and/or additional information are being provided.
1. The applicant was requested to provide an additional, Typical Building
Landscape Plan for the corner units containing second-story, wrap-around
balconies. The applicant was also requested to provide a tabular
landscape list that included the overall tabulation of the landscaping
materials for all of the town homes. This documentation has been
prepared and is being submitted with this correspondence in both 8.5" x
11" and 24" x 36" format.
2. To assist the City in review of future landscaping for the single-family
homes, the applicant was requested to provide a table identifying the
minimum standards for landscaping that would be applicable to all of the
single-family homes. As pointed out during the TRe meeting, the
applicant has provided a custom landscape pallet for each of the homes.
For simplification purposes, the applicant has prepared a table of the
proposed minimum landscape standards. These minimum standards
have been multiplied times the 48 lots to come up with a total quantity of
trees, shrubs and groundcovers to be provided on the single-family
homes. It should be noted that the actual quantities are expected to
exceed the minimum standard.
Maplewood Professional Center
1934 Commerce Lane - Suite 1
Jupiter, Florida 33458
Lic,# LC-C000239
561-747-6336 FAX 561-747-1377
Mr. Eric Anderson
City of Boynton Beach
June 3, 2005
Page 2 of3
3. The applicant was requested to provide additional clarification to the
tabular data for parking. It was requested that the applicant break out
both on-street parking and garage parking for both the single-family and
the multi-family units. The parking calculation really is quite simple, and
has been clarified as follows:
Each of the multi-family town homes contains a two-car garage, One
hundred percent of the required parking for the town homes is provided
within the two-car garage. Additional o.n-street parking, as designated on
the plans, is available for guest parking. For the single-family homes, all
of the 40' lots contain a two-car garage, and all of the 50' lots contain a
three-car garage. There are 17-50' lots, which will have 3 car garages.
The site data has been clarified and cross-referenced with a note
indicating the same. One hundred percent of the required parking for the
single-family homes is accommodated within the garages. Guest parking
is available on the street. There is no tandem parking provided for either
the single or multi-family homes. An 8.5" x 11" copy of the site data is
provided herein, and a full-size copy of the revised cover sheet reflecting
the tabular data has also been provided.
4. At the TRC meeting, the question of project signage was raised. The
applicant responded by stating their intentions to construct project
identification columns or monuments that would be understated. The
location of the monuments were identified on the Site Plan but not labeled.
Please find attached with this correspondence an 8.5" x 11" sheet
identifying the entry-identification columns together with the required 1 0'
setback from the public right-of-way. An 8,5" x 11" copy of the
architectural design of the column including colors and similar information
is also provided.
5. At the TRC meeting, the applicant was requested to increase the height of
the screened walls for the mechanical equipment to 36". The applicant
has modified the general notes on the plans to indicate that landscaping
will be provided around all mechanical and similar equipment. When
adequate room does not exist to provide landscaping, 36" masonry screen
walls will be provided. An 8.5" x 11" copy of the revised general notes is
included herein.
JUN - 6 2005
F'lProject DocumentslNEW URBANIHIGH RIDGEISubmiUal of Additional Information Ltr doc
Mr. Eric Anderson
City of Boynton Beach
June 3, 2005
Page 3 of 3
6. During the TRC meeting, it was noted that a Typical Town Home
Landscape Plan had not been provided for the town homes which would
contain air-conditioning units in the front. An 8.5" x 11" version of the
Typical Unit Landscape Plan is enclosed herein.
7. At the TRC meeting, the applicant was requested to provide some
dimensional criteria for the second-story balconies including the wrap-
around balconies utilized at the corner location. A representative portion
of the Site Plan showing the minimum standards for the overhang is
provided herein.
8. At the TRC meeting, the applicant was requested to confirm their intension
concerning screened enclosures. The applicant initially stated that no
screen enclosures would be provided; however, after further thought, we
believe that screen enclosures may be appropriate on the single-family
homes. To address the TRC's concerns, the applicant has added a note
on the Typical Single-Family Site Plan and in the general notes stating
that screened enclosures may be provided on single-family homes within
the side and rear-yard setbacks. The note indicates that solid roof
enclosures shall be strictly prohibited.
Please find enclosed the revised, 8.5" x 11" documentation as discussed above.
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely yours,
Cotleur & Hearing, Inc.
bOlliU]!'" l;dLu 11/1/"
Donaldson E. Hearing, ASLA
CC: Tim Hernandez
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F:IProjecl DocumentslNEW URBANIHIGH RIDGEISubmittal of Additional Information Ltr doc
Department of Engineering
and Public works
Po. Box 21229
West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229
(561) 684-4000
Palm Beach County
Board of County
Tony Masilotti, Chairman
Addie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson
Karen T. Marcus
Jeff Koons
Warren H, Newell
Mary McCarty
Burt Aaronson
County Administrator
Robert Weisman
"An Equal Opportunity
Affinnative Action Employer"
@ printed on recycled paper
April 27, 2005
Mr. Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
Department of Development
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310
RE: High Ridge Residential
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the proposed
residential project entitled; High Ridge Residential, pursuant to the Traffic Performance
Standards in Article 12 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, This project
is summarized as follows:
Existing Uses:
Proposed Use:
New Daily Trips:
New PH Trips:
Build-out Year:
West side of High Ridge Road, north of Miner Road.
Boynton Beach
48 Single Family, and 126 Multi-Family Residential Units,
105 AM, and 128 PM
Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed residential
project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building
permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date specified above. The
County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth
in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance,
If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030,
Masoud Atefi, CE
Sr. Engineer - Tr
rol, ~ f& ~ n w ~ ~
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cc: Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc,
File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review
F :\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\D50434, doc
The City of Boy.,.~:on Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
TEL: 561-742-6260
FAX: 561-742-6259
April 14, 2005
Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer
Palm Beach County Traffic Division
Department of Engineering and Public Works
P.o. Box 21229
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416
Re: Traffic Study: High Ridge New Urban Communities
Dear Mr. Atefi:
The enclosed traffic impact analysis, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic
Consultants, Inc. dated April 8, 2005, was received by Planning and
Zoning for the above-referenced application.
Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's
Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building
Code Administrator and me with your written response.
If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
S:\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\High Ridge- New Urban Communities\NWSP 05-016\Traffic #2.doc