LEGAL APPROVAL STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Governor THADDEUS L. COHEN, AlA Secretary March 28, 2005 The Honorable Jerry Taylor, Mayor City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Mayor Taylor: L--. ! . DEPARTMENT ----.J i OF OEVELOPME The Department has conducted a preliminary review of the City of Boynton Beach NT proposed comprehensive plan amendment received on February 15, 2005, DCA Reference No. 05-1. We have determined that the proposed plan amendment need not be formally reviewed for consistency with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. No recommendation to review the amendment was received from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Councilor any affected person regarding the proposed amendment. ~_. I'n i, ! i'2s I (^~i Iii . .... ;/)~~..~ if .... Therefore, the proposed amendment will not be reviewed and the Objections, Recommendations and Comments report will be waived. The local government may proceed to immediately adopt the amendment. After adoption, please submit three copies of the adopted amendment to the Department for our final compliance review, consistent with the requirements of Rule 9J-l1.011, F.A.C. Also, pursuant to Section 163.3189(2)(a), F.S., the Department recommends that the City include the following language in the adoption ordinance regarding the effective date of the adopted amendment (if the local government plan has been determined to be In-Compliance): "The effective date of this plan amendment shall be: The date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding the amendment to be in-compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F .S.; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184, F.S." 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD . TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399.2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, FL 33050.2227 (305) 289-2402 COMMUNITY PLANNtNG 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 (850) 488.2356 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 (850)413-9969 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 (850) 488.7956 \ The Honorable Jerry Taylor, Mayor March 28, 2005 Page Two Further, the Department's notice of intent to find a plan amendment in compliance shall be deemed to be a final order ifno timely petition challenging the amendment is filed. Any affected person may file a petition with the agency within 21 days after the publication of notice pursuant to Section 163.3184(9), F.S. Please be advised that the Florida Legislature amended Section 163.3184(8)( c), Florida Statutes, which requires the Department to provide a courtesy information statement regarding the Department's Notice ofIntent to citizens who furnish their names and addresses at the local government's plan amendment transmittal (proposed) or adoption hearings. In order to provide this courtesy information statement, local governments are required by the law to furnish to the Department the names and addresses of the citizens requesting this information. Please provide these required names and addresses to the Department when you transmit your adopted amendment package for compliance review. In the event no names, addresses are provided, please provide this information as well. For efficiency, we encourage that the information sheet be provided in electronic format. This letter should be made available for public inspection. If you have any question concerning this matter, please contact Roger A. Wilburn, Principal Planner, at 850/922-1822, or Richard W. Post, AICP, Senior Planner, at (850) 922-1813. Sincerely yours, ~~~ Charles Gauthier, AICP Chief of Comprehensive Planning CG/srp cc: Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, City of Boynton Beach Michael J. Busha, AICP, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 05/04/2005 03:41 6090 CITV:CLERK PAGE 01/03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 '14 15 16 17 18 19 32 ORDINANCE NO. 05- od1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF .BOYNTON BEACH, .FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDlNANCE 89~38 BY AMENDING THE F1JTURE LAND USE EJ...EMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR A PARCEl... OWNED BY PARAMOUNT INVESTMENT GROUP AND GEORGE KECHRIOTIS, AND ,LoeA TED ON THE NORTHEWEST CORNER OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD AND MINER ROAD; CHANGING THE I..AND USE DESIGNATION FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (PALM BEACH COUNTY) TO M"EDIUM .DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has 20 adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land 21 Use Element pursuant to Ordinance No. 89~38 and in accordance with the Local 22 Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and 23 WH.EREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a 24 Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. has been followed; 25 and 26 WHEREAS, after two (2) public hearings the City Commission acting in its 27 dual capacity as Local Planning Agency and City Commission finds that the 28 amendment hereinafter set forth is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive 29 Plan and deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the 30 aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as provided. 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: S:\CA\OrdiIlanceS\Flanning\r..an(l Vse\ffS.!;lh ~,.d!;le N~'" Urban.doc 05/04/2005 03:41 6090 CITV: CLERK PAGE 02/03 1 Section 1: The foregoing WHEREAS clauses are true and correct and 2 incorporated herein by this reference. 3 Section 2: Ordinance No. 89-38 ofthe City is hereby amended to reflect the 4 following: 5 That the Future Land Use of the following described land located on the 6 Northwest comer of High Ridge Road and Miner Road in Boynton Beach, Florida shall 7 be changed from Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential (palm 8 Beach County) and shall now be designated as Medium Density Residential (MDR): 9 See Legal Description attached 10 11 12 Subject to easements, restrictions, reservation and rights of way of record. 13 14 15 Section 3: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element 16 of the Future Land Use Plan shall be amended accordingly. 1 7 Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby 18 repealed. 19 Section 5: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof 20 be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid. suchdecision shall not affect 21 the remainder of this Ordinance. 22 Section 6: This Ordinance shall take effect on adoption, subject to the review, 23 challenge, or appeal provisions provided by the Florida Local Government Comprehensive 24 Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. No party shall be vested of any right by 25 virtue of the adoption of this Ordinance until all statutory required review is complete and 26 all legal challenges, including appeals, are exhausted. In the event that the effective date is S:\CA\Ordinance9\Pl~n~~9\Land U~e\High Ridge New Urban. doc 05/04/2005 03:41 6090 CITY: CLERK 1 established by state law or special act, the provisions of state act shall control. 2 FIRST READING this L day of Fe.hrc.utr 1 ' 2005. 3 SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this _ day of 4 2005. 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ATTEST: 22 23 24 City Clerk 25 26 (Corporate Seal) 27 Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner S:\CA\ordinan~el!l\Plannin9\Land t1fle\H~,9b Ridge New Urban.doc: PAGE 03/03 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 Vice Mayor McCray concurred with Mr. Norem's remarks. He had served on the Cemetery Board and recalled that the earlier survey had not been accepted because the feeling was that they wanted to get rid of the existing field before finding a new one. The stUdy group had wanted the Commission to go out and find a place for a new Little League Field. Motion Vice Mayor McCray moved to approve Consent Agenda Item VI.F, to ratify the City Manager's action to accept a proposal from C. R. Dunn, Inc. at a cost of $53,930 to replace the lights at the Little League Park. Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. Vice Mayor McCray suggested that the term "not to exceed" be included in the motion with reference to the price. Vice Mayor McCray and Commissioner Ferguson agreed to add "not-to-exceed" before $53,930. The motion passed unanimously. VII. CODE COMPUANCE .. LEGAL SETTLEMENTS: None VIII. PUBLIC HEARING: AGENDA PERMITS 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE Mayor Taylor announced the first reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 05-008. City Attorney Cheraf read Proposed Ordinance No. 05-008 by title only. City Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all who planned to testify during the public hearing. At Mayor Taylor's request, and with the permission of the applicant and all interested parties, all three High Ridge agenda items were discussed concurrently. A. Project: Agent: High Ridge/New Urban Communities (ANEX 05-001) Timothy Hernandez and Roger Decaplto of New Urban Communities, Inc. Paramount Investment Group Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road Request to annex :1:18.438 acres of land currently designated MR-5 (5 du/ac) and LR-2 (2 dujac) and zoned RS (Single Family Residential) (Palm Beach County) (1 ST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 05-008) Owner: Location: Description = 18 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 6-1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: High Ridge/New Urban Communities (LUAR 05-002) Timothy Hernandez and Roger Decaplto of New Urban Communities, Inc. Paramount Investment Group Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road Request to amend :I: 18.438 acres of land on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Medium Density Residential (Palm Beach County) to High Density Residential (HDR) (J,ST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 05-009); and B-2. Request to rezone from Single-family Residential (RS) (Palm Beach County) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) (1ST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 05-010); Proposed Use: Single-family residential and townhouse community Tim Hernandez, Principal of New Urban Communities, Inc., owner of the property located at the northwest corner of Miner Road and High Ridge Road, addressed the Commission. He briefly outlined the history of his organization, stating that they had been focused on doing infill redevelopment and traditional neighborhood development projects throughout South Florida, in Broward and Palm Beach Countjes. Mr. Hernandez explained the design practices of his group. He cited a quote from Mike Bush of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, where he said that of all the people who were building in his area, New Urban Communities, Inc. was about the best for infill development. Mr. Hernandez showed aerial views of the property. He stated that High Ridge Road was a mixed-use area already. They were proposing two different things: 1) town homes of Mediterranean and Anglo-Caribbean style ranging form 1,850 to 2,000 square feet under air, with a total square footage including garage and balconies averaging 2,200 to 2,500 square feet. The lowest priced one will be $325,000 and go up to $400,000; 2) single family homes of 2,200 to 4,000 square feet, three to five bedrooms. Mr. Hernandez showed a copy of the site plan. Town homes are sited along the edge of High Ridge and Miner Roads and going to the north, the homes are all single-family detached. There is a Recreation Center in the middle surrounded by a lake. Streets were provided along the west edge of the property for future interconnectivity to the property to the west and to the north, when they are developed, 19 Meeting Minutes City COmmission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 New Urban Communities was requesting three things, 1) annexation to Boynton Beach; 2) a Land Use Plan Amendment from Palm Beach County Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential to Boynton Beach Medium Density Residential (They had originally applied for High Density, but at the Planning & DeveJopment meeting the previous week, had agreed to do Medium Density); 3) rezoning from Palm Beach County RS to Boynton Beach PUD, and Master Plan approval. Mr. Hernandez displayed a list of land use/rezoning justifications. Using conservative pricing and considering the current millage rate of Boynton Beach, Mr. Hernandez stated that this project would generate over $lM in additional property taxes for the City of Boynton Beach each year. This includes deducting the Homestead exemption and assuming that the properties are appraised at 850/0 of fair market value, Also, according to the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, 100/0 of the house value is what the average household spends in the local community. If this were applied to this development, there would be about $6M per year of additional spending in Boynton Beach. They had met with the Cedar Ridge Homeowners Association and he thought it had been mutually beneficial. Hanna Matras, Planner, commented about the Land Use and Opportunities Section of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support document, saying that there was a section advising Low Density Residential Land Use on this particular parcel. She stressed that this section was part of the Comprehensive Plan and had been adopted by reference, but since last year, it was no longer part of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff has done a more detailed review of the surrounding land uses. Having done that they think that there would be no significant Land Use conflicts. About 30% of the perimeter of the project is bordered by Industrial uses and the density of the town homes in Cedar Ridge are built at a little over 9 dwelling units/acre (du/acre). About 1,300 feet south of the subject property, Canterbury is built at over 9 du/acre. Staff believes the applicant has done an outstanding job of providing a perfect transition for this area. The staff report discusses this project in depth and Is available from the City Clerk's office as a public record. Staff recommended approval of all three requests. Mayor Taylor opened the Public Hearing. Herb Suss, citizen of Boynton Beach, was in favor of the project, but asked how many units were anticipated. Ms. Matras responded, 174 units. Mr. Suss thought that with two cars per family on average, that this would increase the traffic in the area by 300 cars. 20 Meeting Minutes City Comm 15510n Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 Mayor Taylor responded that the County had looked at this and while there was heavy traffic in the morning and afternoon, it was still 350/0 of the traffic that was allowed on High Ridge Road. Mr. Hernandez stated that It was actually 38% of capacity for the road and that a two-lane arterial road in Palm Beach County has a capacity of 14,900 cars per day. The 2004 traffic counts showed 5,700 a day on High Ridge Road. The traffic could be tripled on this road, and it would stili be under capacity. Ms. Matras commented that the only potential crisis area was the intersection of Hypoluxo and High Ridge Roads, which was close to capacity during the peak morning and evening hours. The formal analysis of the impact of the project on the intersections will come with the site plan. The County Traffic Engineer assured Ms. Matras that there was no way that one project could tip this into the failing intersection state. Richard Levy, 1973 Tom a Toe Road, Boynton Beach, FI 33426, read a letter from Susan Larsen, another resident from his street, who felt as he and most of the others on the road did that if development had to occur, it should be at low density only. Also, this project would change the rural character of the area to an urban one, something that no one wanted. Where would the ingresses and egresses be to the property? Would they all be on High Ridge Road? How much green space was the developer offering? Would the pine trees be kept? What would happen to the horse cemetery on the site of the stables? The City could buy this property for a nice IS-acre park. The City seems to be allowing more and more density without concern for green space, parks, recreational facilities, and traffic. He referred to a conversation with County Commissioner Warren Newell, who believed that this area should have low density. Karen Garren, High Ridge Road, expressed concern about the amount of traffic this project would generate. Although the speed limit was 30 mph, the actual traffic went much faster than that. She was concerned about what it would do to her property values. Also, she would be .personally affected if High Ridge Road needed to be widened. She asked for low density in any development In the area. Danny Underwood, 28 Maplewood Court, Bovnton Beach, lives directly east of the proposed project. He was impressed with it, having visited some of the other developments in Delray Beach and Jupiter that this developer had completed. This site was not suitable for a park because a park would bring in and out traffic whereas the proposed project would only have destination traffic. Michael King, 10 Redwood Court, Boynton Beach, President of the Cedar Ridge HOA and President of the Community Master Association, present with several Board members and neighbors. He thanked the developer for meeting with them and addressing their concerns. Most of the 30-40 people who attended were in favor of the project. Most people were primarily concerned with the Increase in traffic 21 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 from the many developments taking place at the southern end of High Ridge Road and the Publix complex planned for Gateway just to the west. Adding the proposed project to it would Increase traffic hazards in some places. This would worsen with the opening of the Canterbury project. Several Planning & Development Board members expressed concern about the peak hour rush traffic, which was already unacceptable. It was now necessary to sit through 2 or 3 generations of a light before being able to go through the intersection in the morning. The Intersection of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road was also too close to the southern on ramp for I~9S. Mr. King asked Ms. Matras whether she had compared the density of the proposed project with the town home community of Cedar Ridge. Ms. Matras said that was correct, and that the proposed project was only consistent with the town home portion of the Cedar Ridge PUD, not when the entire Cedar Ridge PUD was considered. Mr. King stated that the entire Cedar Ridge PUD was built out at 4.6 to 4.8 du/acre. The Cedar Ridge PUD was low density, and Mr. King's point was that it was not consistent with the medium density project that was proposed. Ms. Matras contended that density was a relative thing - it had a visual component and a mathematicaf one. The town homes in the Cedar Ridge PUD were developed at 9.06 du/acre. That made it of comparable density to the planned project. A resident of Cedar Ridge stated that it was a rural, country-style living community that was consistent with the City's Land Use Development Plan. They wanted to see the densities come down to maintain the open and spacious feel that was part of what the area offered. That is why they bought there and their property values had increased significantly because of the low-density land use, which many desired, but few could find. What was fiscally beneficial to the city came with a price and that was the privacy and space for which many people purchased homes in this area. That privacy and space was slowly being eroded. The City had to balance high and low density to give people who want to raise families more choices instead of less. Bob Crissey, 7521 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, asked how many people would be living in the new development. Mr. Hernandez responded that there would be about 250 people in the town homes and around 300 in the single-family homes. Mr. Crissey thought this would mean about 700 more cars. He also commented on the extremely busy nature of the road and the long light at Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road. He wanted the number of people and the number of cars to be made publiC in detail. He wanted to see some fairness. He had invested a lot of money and had to decide whether he wanted to keep his property or not. Jeanette Tortora, 1801 Tom a Toe Road, Boynton Beach, was concerned about the Increased density of people and traffic. She also complained about the traffic light 22 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 on Gateway and High Ridge. She hoped that the City would try to keep High Ridge Road as a little bit of country in the City. Victor Nonus, 261 N. Palm Drive, Boynton Beach travels on High Ridge Road and finds it congested already, even before the developments are finished. Timothy Lamb, 1860 Tom a Toe Road, Boynton Beach, felt that urbanism was wonderful - for downtown Delray Beach. This was country, 18 acres of green land. He mentioned the many accidents at Gateway and 1-95 and that any traffic study did not take the new developments into consideration. Rob Goodman, 1961 Tom a Toe Road, Boynton Beach, echoed all the sentiments of those against this project. He felt that the increase in development was creating an atmosphere for disaster. He asked about the City's plans for traffic after the Publix complex on Gateway was finished. Tara Archer, 7383 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach gave the history of the area when it was a dead-end country road with one-acre lots. She is President of the Great Southern High Ridge Property Owners Association south of Hypoluxo and spoke for them also. They would approve a low-density project like Cedar Ridge but without the town homes. She asked if the town homes would be three stories high. Also, the Lake Worth Christian High School was adding an elementary and middle school to its complex on High Ridge Road. Where would all the children go to school? Ms. Archer wanted to see detailed traffic statistics of how many drivers actually use High Ridge Road per day. Tim Morrell, 1933 Tom a Toe Road, Boynton Beach, expressed concern about the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, which would suffer with more traffic. Mr. Morrell viewed infill development as fixing up a blighted area of the City and this area was not like that. He compared it to farm country. He called the proposed project, "urban sprawl." Mr. Hernandez stated that the proposed property was a stable for horses and had never been a farm. He commented that an area within one half mile of an Interstate Highway Interchange, on a Palm Tran bus route and in close proximity to Trl-Rail, was not a good place for one-acre lots. They had already begun to see the conversion of the uses along High Ridge Road. He feft that the value of the land would outstrip the value of the houses in the next year, if it had not happened already. The further development of High Ridge Road was a reality that time would bring. He realized that it was distressing to have the character of an area change. 23 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 Mr. Hernandez addressed the traffic concerns of the residents. He stressed that High Ridge Road was being used at 38% of its capadty and still functioned well even at peak hours and even at Gateway Boulevard. If traffic became an issue, the County might decide to widen High Ridge Road. However, to get enough volume on High Ridge Road to justify widening it would take a great deal more development than the one currently under consideration. Alicia Levy, 1973 Tom a Toe Road, Boynton Beach, asked where the children would go to school. She felt that it was not possible to widen High Ridge Road since many property lines were right on the road. The road had never been improved and she felt the project would create congestion. Ms. Matras stated that the project had obtained concurrency from the Palm Beach County School Board. She advised that the peak traffic on High Ridge Road, morning and evening, had been measured at 779 and 559 cars respectively, and the cap was 1,450 cars. Commission Comments Commissioner Ferguson felt that one issue was density and the other was traffic. He felt that the traffic issue could be solved with the County. He could definitely foresee that Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road might be widened in the not-too-distant future. Mayor Taylor stated that the project had to meet traffic performance standards and school requirements before it could even appear before the Commission. He offered to ask the County's head Engineer to look at the light on Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road to see If the cycle time could be improved. Having to wait through two light cycles was a problem that could possibly be adjusted. Mayor Taylor advised that if the County wanted to widen the road, it would do so. It could take the homes that abut it by eminent domain and pay the owners for their property. An area resident stated that the concurrency for the road showed no widening. Also, there was a 35-acre natural scrub area that could not be changed. Mayor Taylor said that it would be a misconception to believe that things could never change. In regard to County Commissioner Newell's letter, Mayor Taylor had spoken to him and advised him of the Planning & Development's condition that the development change from high to medium density. Commissioner Newell was relieved to hear that this was the case. 24 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February I, 2004 Mayor Taylor commented that his agenda item said High Density for this item and he wanted It on the record that he would not approve of anything more than at most, medium density and that would be a condition of his approval. Mr. Hernandez responded that this was their original application, but they had agreed at the Planning & Development Board meeting to change to medium density. Commissioner Ensler asked the applicant if they had discussed what could be built on this site with the County before coming to the City of Boynton Beach. Mr. Hernandez responded that the County would allow 5 du/acre, but he never talked to them since they wanted to be part of Boynton Beach. Commissioner Ensler did not understand why the proposed development was not compared to the Cedar Ridge PUD in its entirety, and not just to the town home portion. He was concerned about compatibility between zoning and a reasonable transition between zoning. A property of 9+ du/acre was not compatible with the 4.6- 4.8 du/acre to the east and the 2 du/acre to the north, and the 9.9 du/acre to the south. Commissioner Ensler read some points from County Commissioner Newell's letter dated January 24, 2005 and asked staff to comment on them. 1) "The proposed high-density housing project is incompatible with the surrounding properties to the north. The project is also in conflict with the adopted High Ridge Road Corridor Study." Ms. Matras responded that they had not heard from the County that the Corridor Study had been adopted. But, the main point was that the recommendation for low density residential was not the recommendation of the County, but the County's reference to the City's earlier Comprehensive Plan, which had included a recommendation for low density residential for this area. As mentioned earlier, that was no longer part of the Comprehensive Plan. 2) "The Plan (The High Ridge Road Corridor Study), which was developed with input from residents and the City of Lake Worth, Town of Lantana and the City of Boynton Beach, requires primary access for Tract B (the proposed site) onto Miner Road. Any secondary access to High Ridge Road should be shared with any new development to the north, and aligned with the entrance to the Cedar Ridge PUD if possible." Commissioner Ensler asked Ms. Matras if the proposed project met that condition. Ms. Matras responded that it did not. The Shape of the parcel was a consideration. Also, access would be too close to the intersection If the platted road the appltcant referrecJ 25 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February I, 2004 to immediately to the west of the proposed project became an access for it. The access to this project from High Ridge Road would be in line with the Cedar Ridge development entrance. Commissioner Ensler felt that the density should be compatible with the density to the east, or something like 5 dujacre. Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, added that this contradicted the original direction established in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan that was written several years ago. He did not recall what the basis was for having such an abrupt transition from industrial land to the residential community, Today, the greater development in the area, especially that of Quantum Park, had influenced the picture. He saw this as a transition from higher density in the industrial area down to the lower density of the residential. Zoning was not a science and there was no pat, textbook answer. The City had not totally overlooked the High Ridge Communities and the older County zoning, but was trying to find a middle ground. Staff believed that the proposed project met the City's master plan requirements in an ideal sense. Commissioner McKoy inquired about the traffic situation, and Ms. Matras stated that the full traffic concurrency would be done at the site plan stage of the project. At that point, any mitigation of traffic impact will be discussed. Mayor Taylor announced the first reading of Proposed Ordinance No 05-008. City Attorney re-read Proposed Ordinance No. 05-008 (Annexation) by title only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 05-008 (ANEX 05- 001). Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion passed 4-1, Vice Mayor McCray dissenting. B~l High Ridge/New Urban Communities (LUAR 05-002) Request to amend ::t:18.438 acres of land on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Medium Density ReSidential (Palm Beach County) to High Density Residential (MDR) (lSf READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 05-009) Mayor Taylor announced that this was the first reading of Proposed Ordinance No, 05- 009. Mayor Taylor had verified with the applicant earlier In the discussion that the 26 Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida February 1, 2004 applicant had agreed to Medium Density Residential as opposed to the High Density Residential shown in the Item's title on the agenda. The applicant reconfirmed this. City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 05-009 by title only. Commissioner Ensler asked how many units were allowed per acre for Medium Density. Ms. Matras responded that it was 9.68 du/acre. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 05-009 (LUAR 05- 002). Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion passed 3~2, Vice Mayor McCray and Commissioner Ensler dissenting. B-2 High Ridgel New Urban Communities Request to rezone from Single-family Residential (RS) (Palm Beach County) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) (1ST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 05-010) Mayor Taylor announced the first reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 05-010, City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 05-010 by title only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 05-010. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion passed 4-1, Wee Mayor McCray dissenting. THE MEETING RECESSED AT 9:08 P.M. AND RESUMED AT 9:18 P.M. C. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Knollwood Groves (LUAR OS-OOl) Chip Bryan, Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc. Knollwood Groves, Inc. 8053 Lawrence Road, west side of Lawrence Road at the intersection of Miner Road Request to amend ~30.683 acres of land on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Agriculture (A) to Low Density ReSidential (LOR) (IST'READrNG OF PROPOSED ORDrNANCE NO. 05-011), and 27