CORRESPONDENCE New Urban Communities -I 1 December 19, 2008 Mr. Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: High Ridge Annexation/LUPNPUD Dear Jeff: As you know, we are in the process of changing the land use and zoning on our High Ridge Road property to Industrial. As discussed, we paid a Recreational Fee to the City in the amount of $142,266.00 on October 25, 2006. This fee, of course, was based on 126 town homes and 48 single family homes being constructed on the property. No homes were ever constructed on the site nor based on current market conditions is it ever anticipated that any homes will ever be constructed on the site. We request that the City of Boynton Beach take whatever action is necessary to process a refund of this amount, since no residential development has occurred or will occur on the site, and there will be consequently be no impact on parks. If the development order needs to be rescinded to process the refund, we are in accord with the City taking such action. We understand that if the property is ever approved for housing, a new fee would be due based on the amount then in effect. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I have attached a copy of the check and the letter from the City requesting it. Should have require any additional information, please advise. Sincer~ .-.------r- Timlt~H~mandez, Principal cc: Kevin Rickard Brian Grossberg John Jacobs 398 NE 6th Avenue Delroy Beach, Florida 33483 tel 561.279.8706 · fax 561.272.3951 · www.newurbancommunities.com i' ~ ~. The City of Boynton Beach /\"{v ()....... //lC~..'.. ... .....J:\\\ l . 1 \ "IJ\\ IX! 0\ ;; U/ J-" . / ,'1. ,~... _..../ '" tr/ Vq~ohl ~v P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARtMENT FAX: (561) 742-6985 www.boynton-beach.org OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER October 17, 2007 Timothy Hernandez, AICP, Principal New Urban Communities 398 NE 6th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483 Re: New Urban High Ridge Development High Ridge Road Improvements Dear Mr. Hernandez: This office is in receipt of your letter dated October 11 t\ and your request to modify Condition of Approval (CA) #2 of the original Development Order (DO) of the City Commission for this project. Please be advised that this office is in concurrence with your desired change to the CA, however, only the City Commission can modify any CA to their DO. Upon the submittal of your revised development plan to the City Commission by the Planning and Zoning Division for approval (and a revised DO), this modification to the CA will be submitted for their ratification. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise me at the above address. Sincerely, /i." . f{.' ... _~...~ t. . (;f,.rf:i.':/{./{;LY~\ H. David Kelley, Jr., r~IP~' ~. City Engineer .. . ~ xc: Michael Rumpf, Director, P & Z Division Ed Breese, AICP, Principal Planner, P & Z Division Jeff Livergood, PE, Director of Public Works Laurinda Logan, PE, Senior Engineer File AMERICA '8 GATEWA Y TO THE GULF8TREA,M STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Governor THADDEUS L. COHEN, AlA Secretary April 13, 2005 Mr. Dick Hudson City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Mr. Hudson: As Richard Post of our staff has discussed with you, this letter is to clarify the status of the City's amendment cycles for this calendar year. Pertaining to the attached letter sent on March 28, 2005, regarding the amendment previously referenced as DCA No. 05-1 (requesting no review of a land use change on the Knollwood Groves PUD property [LUAR 05-001]), please note that the amendment has been renumbered as DCA No. 05-2. This is because since receipt of this proposed amendment, we received the prior comprehensive plan amendment that was adopted on February 15,2005. Based upon the date of adoption during this calendar year, the prior amendment comprises the first large scale amendment that may be adopted during this calendar year. Note that the finding of the March 28,2005, letter has not changed and the ORC report has been waived. To reiterate, please note that the plan amendment adopted on February 15, 2005, counts as the first amendment cycle, and that this amendment, DCA 05-2, will be the final large scale comprehensive plan amendment that the City may adopt during calendar year 2005. This letter should be made available for public inspection with DCA amendment No. 05-2. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Roger A. Wilburn, Principal Planner, at 850/922-1822, or Richard W. Post, AICP, Senior Planner, at (850) 922-1813 and we will be glad to discuss yom options regalding t11t; second am\;;udment cyclt:. Sincerely yours, ( .' i (--- ., , , \ C 1 r~~~ _.,,--..- i . <' ~ Wi APR I DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPM(Nl i ~~ Charles Gauthier, AICP Chief of Comprehensive Planning CG/srp cc: Michael J. Busha, AICP, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Attachment: March 28, 2005 Letter 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD . TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncorn 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon. FL 33050-2227 (3051 289-2402 COMMUNITY PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak 80ulevard Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 (850) 488-2356 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2555 Shumard Oak 80ulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 413-9969 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak 80ulevard Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 (850) 488-7956 03/09/2005 10:25 7722214~r7 TC REGIONAL PLAN~'T"IG PAGE 01 (t-/ TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL 301 EAST OCEAN BOULEVARD SUITE 300 STUART, FLORIDA 34994 PHONE: 772-221-4060 FAX: 772-221-4067 FAX TRANSMISSION Date:' H.~ct1 q I ').OOS Fax Number: 54/ ~ 7'1'J.~ ro 1.$'1 Number of Pages (including cover sheet): S Operator:5~ ,'-e.. . i/ H Dc:"_1 C I 'tv of fJOYNT'O'J ll>f:fJr.:11 To: Dte" r..c. ~uvl ( From: ~i::.;;" Pty ~SS 1b CITY CDr11 fl,,f}W Project: 0 P,i1'F7 /tHr:NOt-pJT s I ,ovt ~~h # oS-I Comments: S1'fl-FF fJ.~T pOp., TCMC 11tGW6 oF J/flf/01 ~ ~S~c~S , cf)N1tJoC r MIf If: Y()k tI't~ q>~ " ~L.AE'~IJ" (Jp,OCltIJE:TJ co'fJ1 rO DC4 03/09/2005 10:25 772221401=.7 TC REGIONAL PLAN"ITNG PAGE 02 DRAFT Subject to Modifications TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 5G From: Staff Date: March 18,2005 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan DCA Reference No. 05-1 Introduction The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Sta.tutes, requires that Council review local government comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the provisions of this law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) prepares an Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report on a proposed amendment only if requested to do so by the local government, the regional planning council, an affected person, or if an ORC Report is otherwise deemed necessary by the DCA. If the local government requests DCA to prepare an ORC Report, then Council must provide DCA with its own objections, recommendations for modification, and comments on the proposed amendment within 30 days of its receipt. Backln"ound The City of Boynton Beach has proposed two amendments to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the City Comprehensive Plan. The City has requested that the proposed am.endments not be formally reviewed by the DCA. Evaluation The amendments are summarized on Table l. and the locations of the subject properties are shown on the attached maps. 03/09/2005 10:25 7722214{'lC7 TC REGIONAL PLANf"T"IG PAGE 03 DRAFT Subject to Modifitstions Table 1 Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, DCA Rem 05-1 Amendment NllmberlName 1. LUAR-05~OOl (Knollwood Groves PUD) Proposed FLUM De~i ation LDR Approximate Location 18.4 LR-2 (4.4) MR-5 14.0 LDR West side of Lawrence Road, south of the intersection with Miner Road Northwest comer of High Rid e Road and Mi.ner Road 49.1 LeJltmd Citv FLUM Desillnations ...Countv FLUM Desirmations Ag _ Agricultural (pcrmi~ 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres) LDR- Low Density Residential (maxirnum4.84 dwelling units per acre) HDR - High Density Residential (maximum 10.8 dwelling units per acre) LR-2 LQW Density Residential (wax 2 dwelling units per acre) MR-5 Medium Density Residential (mu 5 dwelling units per acre) 1. LUAR-05-001 (Knoll wood Groves PUP) - this 30.7 acre property is presently used as a citrus grove with an accessory retail use. The proposed use is for single family homes (145 units proposed in development application). The current FLUM designation is Agricultural. The proposed FLUM designation is Low Density Residential (LDR). Existing uses on surrounding properties include the L.20 Canal, then single family residential development beyond to the north, Lawrence Road, then single family development to the east, and vacant land and single family residential development to the south and west. The FLUM designations on surrounding properties are LDR to the north and east, LDR and MR-5 (County designation) to the south and MR.5 to the west. Tb.e City considers the proposed amendment to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and compatible with adjacent uses. The City acknowledges there are issues of right-of.way width and alignment and a,ccess to a landlocked property to the southwest of the subject property that need to be worked out with the County du.ring the site planning process. 'The City also considers the proposal for single family homes to be a plus in improving housing choices, since most recent residential development in the City has been multi-family or townhouse in na.ture. According to the City, there are no level of service issues/problems. The School District of Palm Beach County reviewed the amendment and indicated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the projected resident population. 03/09/2005 10:25 7722214p1Q TC REGIONAL PLAN,"TNG PAGE 04 DRAFT subject to Modifications This is one of the last remaining parcels in the City that could be developed for single family homes. 2. LUAR-05-002 (High Ridge/ANEX) - this 18.4 acre property is being annexed by the City. It cuxrently contains some single family homes and stables. The proposed use is as a residential development of both single family detailed dwellings (48) and townhouses (123). The current FLUM designations under the County plan are Low and Medium Density Residential (LR-2 and MR-5). The proposed City designation is High Density Residential (HDR). Existing uses on adjacent properties include single family homes to the north, Miner Road, then warehouses and vacant land to the south, High Ridge Road, then single family homes, townhouses and a commerce park to the east and vacant property to the west. Surrounding FLUM designations include, LR-2 (County) to the north, Industrial (1) and Industrial (INn-County) to the south, LDR and I to the east and LDR to the west. The annexation will reduce an unincorporated pocket surrounded Oil three sides by the City. The background section of the City Comprehensive Plan anticipates low density residential development for this property; but the City makes the argument that the proposed high density development is comparable to surrounding uses and will help to establish a transition from non-residential (commercial and residential) to residential use and from higher to lower density uses. The proposal is to construct a compact, high density development with a number of "new urban de'\lelopment" attributes such as smaller setbacks, rear garages with access from alleys, front porches and balconies, spatially defined open spaces and an absence of gating. The City indicates that the project would meet a demand for single family homes in the area and provide for the conti.nued high demand for townhouse units. There are no apparent level of service problems, according to the City. The School District of Palm Beach County indicates that the proposed project complies with the adopted level of service for school capacity. Extraiurisdictional Impacts The proposed amendments were provided to the Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee and were processed on December 3D, 2004. According to the Clearinghouse Coordinator, no objections have been received. Effects on Significant Regional Resources or Facilities Analysis of the proposed amendments indicates that they would not have adverse effects on significant regional resources or facilities. 03/09/2005 10:25 7722214plQ TC REGIONAL PLAN~'T"IG PAGE 05 DRAFT Subject to Modifications Qbjections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments None. Conclusion Due to the lack of detrimental extrajurisdictional impacts or effects on significant regional resources and facilities, Council does not recommend that the DCA formally review the proposed amerldments. Recommendation Council should adopt the above comments and approve their transmittal to the Department of Conununity Affairs. Attachment 01/18/2005 17:16 FAX 5613335365 PBC PLANING IaJ 002/002 FORMAL WRITTEN OBJECTION TO: FROM: Cle :Irlnghouse; City of Boynton Beach; and IntE -local Plan Amendment Review Committee Lor ;,nzo Aghemo, Planning Director ~. Pal'n Beach County, Planning Division;/'; f TUIIsday. January 18, 2005 DATE: '~E.: _ _ _ _ _ ~e~ [:r~!.1~ ~~ ~9.Y:~~ i~~~ _~~~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ __ The Palm Bee: !::h County Board of County Commissioners herby files a formal objection to the proposed City pf Bovnton Beach comprehensive plan amendment number LUAR 05-002 for the following reasc Ins: 1. The B, :ard of County Commissioners has directed Planning staff to object to any municillal land use amendment within the County that negatively impacts .iny thorou! Ihfare facility in the long-range planning horizon (2025). County staff cannot comple Ie an analysis of this proposal since the trip generation for the maximum develollment potential is incorrect in the traffic study. The traffic study assumes multi- family 'lomes for maximum intensity, although the City's planning staff indicate lhat single 1 :Imily homes can be built under this proposed land use. The traffic study need!~ to be revi ;;ed to include more roadway segments for analysis. Since an adequate trslffic study ~ iiS not been provided. the County cannot evaluate the full impacts of the land use amend 'nent. Therefore, the County objects based on lack of data and analysis. 2. This pr :)posal is inconsistent with the High Ridge Road Corridor Study which calls felr a low de'lsity residential land use designation on the subject property. The Study also calls fa' primary access from this tract to be onto Miner Road and any secondary aoo~ss to be l,hared with the existing development to the north and aligned with the Cedar Pointe :)UD entrance. This fonnal o~ l;tction shall be transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs. Signature of G :>vemment's Authorized Designee FOR USE BY ::LEARINGHOUSE Forwarded on to: Date of Recei~ ;~ Signature of Clearinghouse Date Local Govemment Panel Meeting Scheduled For: Panel Member 1 Panel Member 2 Panel Member 3 T:\PIannlngllntergOll ,mmenlaN PARC\FY05\Boynton\BOY -QbjectionForm-HlghRidge-Jan05.doe '~r".' /. ' ( ') \. ~ ./ , ' . '.. The City of BoFJitton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Ronda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 22, 2005 Mr. D. Ray Eubanks, Administrator Plans Review and Processing Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oaks Boulevard Tallahassee, Rorida 32399-2100 Re: City of Boynton Beach Round 1-2005 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Eubanks: Enclosed you will find three copies of the original transmittal package for the above referenced large-scale amendment cycle. It has come to our attention that the original submittal was not received by your office. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561)742-6264. Sincerely, ~ Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments S:\PIannlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\h1gh Ridge- New Urban Communlties\DCA Transmlttal2.doc , ..,.(....(('..(.. ............., ..~.. The City of BoynWton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Rorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9,2005 Mr. D. Ray Eubanks, Administrator Plans Review and Processing Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oaks Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Re: Oty of Boynton Beach Round 1-2005 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Eubanks: We are pleased to submit the Round 1-2005 amendments for the Oty of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. This submittal contains two (2) land use amendments. The land use amendment for High Ridge also includes annexation of the property. The City Commission/Local Planning Agency, at a public hearing held on February 1, 2005, following proper public notice pursuant to ss163.3184 (see attachment), approved these amendments for transmittal. We request DCA not to review review the proposed amendments as provided in 163.3184(1)(a)4~,F. A. C. Adoption is anticipated to occur in June 2005. '.J -I! ,(1).;" '/ /, '~ . .T"'. Please advised that the proposed amendments: · are not, nor do they affect, An Area of State Concern; . are not exceptions to the twice yearly limitation for plan amendments as noted in F.S. 163.3177(h)( 4); . are not proposed to be adopted under a joint planning agreement pursuant to Chapter 163.3171, F.S.; · have been submitted to Palm Beach County, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Coundl, South Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Florida Department of State (see attached letters); and · do include two (2) amendments to the Future Land Use Map or map series. The contact person for infonnation regarding the amendment is: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Oty of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Telephone: (561) 742-6260 Fax: (561) 742-6259 . Page 2 February 9,2005 Three copies of the amendments are provided for your records. As stated above, separate transmittals, including only one copy of each of the adopted amendments have been sent to the other required agendes. Should you have any questions, please call us. Sincerely, ~/ -- Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner Attachments Cc Palm Beach County Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council South Rorida Water Management District Rorida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Department of State S:\PlannIng\SHARED\WI'\PRO.JECT!J\l<nO Q-oo;es PUO\OCA TransmIlIaI.doc I.((..(7 (............ .....~..... The City ofBoynr'on Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9, 2005 Gerry O'Reilly, P.E. District Director, Transportation Planning Office Department of Transportation, District 4 3400 Commercial Boulevard, Third Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 Re: City of Boynton Beach Large-scale Amendments 2005-1 Dear Mr. O'Reilly: Attached please find the transmittal package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on February 9,2005, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, All Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PlANNING\SHARED\Wp\PROJECT5\HIGH RIDGE- NEW URBAN COMMUNmES\REVIEWAGENCYTRANSMffiALDOT (((.'?(..........c. ". '.~ . The City of Boyirton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9,2005 P. K. Sharma, AICP, Lead Planner Water Supply Department South Florida Water Management District P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: City of Boynton Beach Large-scale Amendments 2005-1 Dear Mr. Sharma: Attached please find the transmittal package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on February 9, 2005, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~/ Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\ WP\PROJECIS\HIGH RlDGE- NEW URBAN COMMUNmES\REVlEWAGENCYTRANSMrnALDOT ..(..?..r?'.' '. ...:' ''1 ' The City ofBoyilton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9, 2005 Ms. Lynn Griffin Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Programs Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Re: City of Boynton Beach Large-scale Amendments 2005-1 Dear Ms Griffin: Attached please find the transmittal package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on February 9,2005, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, A~ ----. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\HIGH RlDGE- NEW URBAN COMMUNmES\REVlEWAGENCYTRANSMITTALDOT 1\.(..(' r?'............'. i I ..~. The City af BayMan Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Rorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9,2005 Mr. Terry Hess, AICP Planning Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 Re: City of Boynton Beach Large-scale Amendments 2005-1 Dear Mr. Hess: Attached please find the transmittal package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on February 9,2005, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, k~ Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJEcr5\HIGH RlDGE- NEW URBAN COMMUNmES\REVlEWAGENCYTRANSMITTALDOT \qr\ The City ofBoyrrton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9, 2005 Lorenzo Aghemo, Director Planning Division Department of Planning, Zoning and Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: City of Boynton Beach Large-scale Amendment 2005-1 Dear Mr. Aghemo: Attached please find the transmittal package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on February 9,2005, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~# - Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\HIGH R1DGE- NEW URBAN COMMUNmES\REVIEWAGENCYTRANSMITTALDOT sc.....r............'...'). ~ ' . , The City af BayMan Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org February 9,2005 Ms Susan Harp, Historic Preservation Planner Bureau of Historic Preservation R. A. Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Re: City of Boynton Beach Large-scale Amendments 2005-1 Dear Ms Harp: Attached please find the transmittal package sent to the Department of Community Affairs on February 9,2005, regarding the above referenced large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach. Please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, All ~ Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Attachments S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\HIGH RlDGE- NEW URBAN COMMUNmES\REVIEWAGENCYTRANSMITTALDOT TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJECT NAMEjNUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING &. ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-024 Chair and Members Community Redevelopment Agency Board Hanna Matras ~ K Planner Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning January 20, 2005 High RidgejANEX 05-001-LUAR 05-002 To annex the property; to amend the Future Land Use Designation from Palm Beach County's MR-5 (Medium Density Residential, maximum 5 dwelling units per acre (dujacre) and LR-2 (Low Density Residential, 2 dujacre) to HDR (High Density Residential, 10.8 dujacre) and rezone from Palm Beach County's Single Family Residential (RS) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Property Owner: Applicantj Agent: Location: Parcel Size: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Paramount Investment Group and George Kechriotis New Urban Communities/Timothy L. Hernandez and Roger Decapito Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road (Exhibit "A'') ::1:18.44 acres Palm Beach County's land use designations of MR-5 Medium Density Residential with an underlying maximum residential density of 5 dwelling units per acre (dujacre) and LR-2 Low Density Residential with an underlying residential density of 2 dwelling units per acre (dujacre) RS Single Family Residential (Palm Beach County) High Density Residential (10.8 dujacre) Planned Unit Development 48 single family homes and 126 town homes File Number: LUAR 05-002-ANEX 05-001 High Ridge Adjacent Uses: North: Single family homes in unincorporated Palm Beach county, designated LR-2 Low Density Residential (2 dUjacre) and zoned RS Single Family Residential. South: The right-of-way of Miner Road, then developed property (flex space warehouse) designated Industrial (I) and zoned Ml Light Industrial; further south a townhome development (Canterbury, currently under construction), with a density of approximately 9.9 dujacre, designated Industrial (I) and zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID); to the southwest, undeveloped property within unincorporated Palm Beach County designated Industrial (IND) and zoned Single Family Residential (RS). East: The right-of-way of High Ridge Road, then, to the northeast, Cedar Ridge Estates, with single family homes and townhomes (townhomes built at 8.04 dujacre), designated Low Density Residential (LDR) and zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). To the northwest, High Ridge Commerce Park, developed properties designated Industrial (1) and zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID). West: To the west, undeveloped property (High Ridge Country Club) designated Low Density Residential (LDR) and zoned R1M Single Family Residential. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff recommends approval of the requested annexation, land use amendment and rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The request is consistent with the objectives of the City's annexation program and relevant policies in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Annexation of the said property will reduce a pocket of an unincorporated county area surrounded on three sides by the City boundary. 3. Even though the requested land use amendment and rezoning is inconsistent with the recommendation of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section of the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Support Document, which advises Low Density Residential land use designation for the subject parcel, it would not create significant land conflicts. The review of the uses in the surrounding area shows reasonably comparable densities. Moreover, the project design establishes an appropriate transition from non-residential to residential uses and from the higher to the lower residential densities. 2 File Number: LUAR 05-Q02-ANEX 05-001 High Ridge 4. The requested land use amendment and rezoning will allow the development of a project that will be a benefit to the city, both fiscally and esthetically. 5. The proposed development meets the standards for development within the PUD zoning district. PROJECT ANALYSIS The parcels which are the subject of this land use amendment total 18.44 acres; therefore, the proposed land use change qualifies as a large-scale amendment pursuant to Chapter 163 F.S. Following local board review and City Commission public hearing, a "large-scale" amendment is transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption. Following the review period of approximately 60 days, DCA provides the City with a report of their findings in an "Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report". The City then has 60 days to either (1) adopt the amendment as transmitted, (2) adopt the amendment with changes in response to the ORC report, or (3) determine not to adopt the amendment and inform DCA of that decision, According to Florida Statutes Chapter 163, large-scale amendments may only be adopted during two amendment cycles each calendar year. This amendment request is a part of the 1st round of amendments for the 2005 calendar year, This proposed amendment is being reviewed for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). After transmittal and DCA review, the proposed amendment will be scheduled for adoption in June 2005. The proposed land use amendment is inconsistent with one of the recommendations included in the Comprehensive Plan. The recommendation is advisory and not a part of a plan policy. Nevertheless, staff is required to review the petition against the following eight (8) criteria by which land use amendments and rezonings are to be reviewed as indicated in Section 9.C.7.: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies including but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the City's risk manager. The planning department shall also recommend limitations or requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan. The aforementioned recommendation is contained in Section VIII, Land Use Problems and Opportunities, of the Future Land Use Support Document. Initially adopted into the Comprehensive Plan with the intent of directing development and redevelopment activities in nine (9) planning areas within the city, recommendations of Section VIII have at present advisory character only. The subject property is located in planning area 58. The recommendation reads: "The unplatted parcels on the west side of High Ridge Road, immediately north of the Miner Road right-Of-way should be annexed, however, prior to development (....) should be placed in the Low Density Residential Land use category'~ 3 File Number: lUAR 05-002-ANEX 05-001 High Ridge This recommendation is also referenced in the High Ridge Road Corridor Study, published by the Palm Beach County In 1997. The study has not been adopted and it Is supposed to be conveyed to the local governments as an informational Item to be considered at the time of annexation and jor development approval for any of the reviewed sites. The objectives of the study include maintaining the predominantly residential character of the area, keeping densities and housing types in new residential projects consistent with those in existing developments and limiting access and traffic on High Ridge Road. The subject property is located in the southernmost vicinity of the study, Area 3, and is referred to as Tract B. The proposed use is residential as recommended, but the applicant is requesting High Density Residential land use. However, the proposed use should not create significant land use conflicts given that (1) to the south and southeast, the adjoining properties have an industrial land use designation; (2) there are townhomes to the east of the project, developed at a density of 8.09 dujacre (townhome density only); (3) the R1AA, single family zoning of the property to the west of the project, carries a maximum density of 5.4 dujacre, which corresponds to Moderate Density Residential land use designation, rather than the low Density Residential actually on the ground and; (4) the applicant proposes single family homes along the west and north perimeter of the project, minimizing the land use conflict with either existing (to the north) or future (to the west) single family homes. Such master plan layout establishes the project as a transition from non-residential to residential uses and from the higher to the lower residential densities west, north and northeast of the property. Finally, the density proposed for the project is 9.44 dujacre, below the maximum of 10.8 dujacre allowed in the High Density Residential land use. A number of comprehensive plan policies of the Future land Use Element and Housing Element support the amendment. These include: · Urban sprawl-discouraging policies under Objective 1.13 of the land Use Element, such as Policy 1.13.4: 1.13.4: "The City shall further discourage urban sprawl; (A) Prevent the presence or frequency of the primary indicators of urban sprawl through continuous promotion of compact developments within the City's urban selVice areas, while requiring the maximization of all publiC selVices for each development in the most cost effective manner possible (...); · Policies concerned with housing choices for the community, under Objective 1.19 of the land Use Element and Objective 6.1 of the Housing Element, such as policy 1.19.1 and policy 6.1.1: 1.19.1: "The City shall continue efforts to encourage a full range of housing choices (. ..F' 6.1.1: The City shall provide information, technical assistance, and explore pOSSible incentives with the private sector to maintain a housing production capacity sufficient to meet the community needs. Possible incentive could include (....) density increases';. · Policies promoting the principles of using the New Urbanism in development and redevelopment, under Objective 1.22. The proposed project is a compact, high density, new urban development as promoted by policy 1.13.4. and by policies under Objective 1.22. It would provide 48 single family homes to 4 File Number: LUAR 05-002~ANEX 05-001 High Ridge meet a significant demand for single family product In the environment where the new home market is dominated by townhomes (relatively few single family homes were build in the City in recent years). It will also provide 126 townhomes, a product for which a strong demand continues as demonstrated by sales in recently completed similar projects. The subject property is not located in the hurricane evacuation zone, so the Future Land Use Element Policy 1.12.1 pertaining to residential developments in hurricane evacuation zone does not apply. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. The proposed rezoning will not be contrary to the established land use pattern, will not create an isolated district, nor will it constitute a grant of special privilege to the owner. As argued in item (a) above, the applicant proposes single family homes along the north and the west perimeters of the property, where either developed single family homes or vacant single family lots abut the property. Similarly, Cedar Ridge Estates, east of the property, is developed with both townhomes and single family homes, the latter being specifically placed to transition unit type and density to the single family homes north of the project in the unincorporated county. Cedar Ridge townhomes are developed at the density of 8.09 du/acre (as compared with the 9.44 du/acre for the proposed project). Another townhome development, Canterbury, a recently approved project with a density of 9.9 du/acre, is located about 1,350 feet (1/4 of a mile) south from the subject property. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. There have been changes that make the proposed land use amendment and zoning desirable. The population growth rates within the county and the city have been significantly higher than expected over the past decade, fuelling a very strong demand for housing. Increasing the density when it is feasible is one way to accommodate this demand. Land is becoming increasingly scarce; few larger parcels of 2 or more acres for residential development exist in the city. Consequently, land prices escalated; the need to assemble parcels has further increased the development costs. As a result, a townhome has become a preferred residential product, and it has been readily embraced by the market as part of an urban lifestyle. The product is desirable in view of the scarcity of land and anti-sprawl and transit-oriented development increasingly promoted in South Florida and reflected in the city's Comprehensive plan. The Tri-Rail station is located approximately V2 mile from the proposed development; a bus stop is located nearby on High Ridge Road. These changes have taken hold since the Comprehensive Plan was amended through 1998 EAR. The transformation of Quantum from an Industrial Park into a mixed use area with 1000 residential units illustrates the trend. Some 426 of these units are townhomes; as indicated in (b), Canterbury, a recently approved Quantum townhome project with a density of 9.9 du/acre, is located about 1,350 feet south from the subject property. The proposed use of the property will represent a transition from the multifamily, commercial and industrial uses south and southeast of the property to low density residential to the west 5 File Number: LUAR 05-002~ANEX 05-001 High Ridge and north. Moreover, the industrial and commercial development (either existing or recently approved) in close proximity of the project will provide employment opportunities. d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The applicant has provided a traffic analysis that indicates that if the property were redeveloped with single family homes under the current county land use designation, it would generate 750 average daily trips as compared to 1,362 average daily trips generated by the proposed project (a mix of single family detached-attached dwellings), or 612 more trips per day. If the maximum density at the proposed land use designation were utilized, 1,393 average daily trips would be generated, an increase of 643 trips over the existing land use potential. The review of the existing traffic conditions on the directly impacted link, High Ridge Road, indicates that the number of average daily trips in 2003 (with the peak season factored in) was 5,312, while the capacity at the level of service "0" on the said link was 15,400. Therefore, a significant unused capacity exists; in fact, the road is effectively operating at a level of service "B". The analysis shows volume-to capacity ratios for High Ridge Road (at the level of service "0") in 2008 and 2025 at 0.47 and 0.54, respectively. The ratios indicate that, on the long run, the road would still be operating at the better level of service "B". At present, the Palm Beach 2030 Transportation Proposed Cost Feasible Plan shows High Ridge Road at two lanes; the previous county recommendation to widen the right-of-way to four lanes has been revised. Based on the City's adopted Levels of Service (LOS) for potable water (200 gallons per capita per day (GPCO) and sewer service (90 GPCO), the projected demand is expected to be 78,648 gallons for water and 35,392 GPCO for sewer service. The City's utility plants currently have unreserved capacity to serve the projected demands of the proposed project. Required infrastructure improvements will include a pump station for sewer; water access is adjacent to the property, With respect to solid waste, the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the 10-year planning period. The School Oistrict of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has issued a statement that the project complies with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for school concurrency. The concurrency determination is valid for one year from January 7, 2005, the date of issuance. Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the site plan approval process, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. The proposed rezoning will be compatible with adjacent and nearby properties, and will only serve to increase the value of these properties. The projected unit pricing ranges from $300- to $400 thousand for the townhomes and from $400- to $600 thousand for the single family homes. 6 File Number: LUAR 05-002-ANEX 05-001 High Ridge f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. With annexation into the City, the Palm Beach County land use designation and zoning must be changed to the city land use designation and zoning district. Physically, the property could be developed with single family homes under the city's Low- or Moderate Density Residential land use designations and corresponding single family zoning districts. However, the current economics of the market (chiefly very high land prices) could make it unfeasible for the property to be developed at a significantly lower density. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. The requested land use amendment and rezoning is reasonably related to both (see above section "c". h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. There are currently no vacant residential lots within the city to accommodate a project of the proposed scale and density. MASTER PLAN ANALYSIS It is a basic expectation that anyone requesting the use of the PUD district will develop to standards that exceed the City's basic development standards in terms of site design, building architecture and construction materials, amenities and landscape design. To that end, all applications for rezoning to a PUD Planned Unit Development must be accompanied by a detailed master plan. The maximum density allowed by the High Density Residential land use classification is 10.8 du/acre; the applicant proposes a density of 9.44 du/acre. The master plan (Exhibit "B") shows forty-eight (48) single family lots and 126 townhomes in 19 structures. The average unit size would be 1,900 square feet for the townhomes and 2,600 square feet for the single family homes. The townhome buildings extend along the south and east perimeters of the property, A drainage lake at the property's center incorporates a recreation area; the pool and cabana are located on a small peninsula. The lake tract occupies approximately 2.45 acres. The master plan shows three access points, all from High Ridge Road. This is contrary to the recommendation of the High Ridge Corridor Study for primary access for the subject property to be on Miner Road. However, given the property configuration (the lot frontage at Miner Road is only 458 feet) and the proximity of the Miner Road/High Ridge Road intersection, the feasibility of this recommendation is questionable. The study also recommends that any secondary access on High Ridge Road be aligned with the entrance to the Cedar Ridge PUD. The master plan shows the suggested alignment for the primary access point. The proposed master plan reflects the basic tenets of the New Urbanism; in fact, the development would be the first new urban community in Boynton Beach containing detached single family homes. 7 File Number: LUAR 05-002:ANEX 05-001 High Ridge The new urban design features include: 1. Smaller building setbacks The proposed building setbacks are generally smaller that those in existing or approved PUDs (see below). Such setbacks foster proximity between the public and private realms, thus facilitating closer interactions among inhabitants and creation of a real community in a social sense of this term. Building setbacks are as follows: For the single family homes: Front: Side Rear For town home structures: Front: Side Rear 15 feet (as opposed to 20-25 feet in other PUDs) 5 feet (as opposed to 6-15 feet in other PUDs) 10 feet (as opposed to 15-25 feet in other PUDs) 10 feet (up to 20 in other PUDs) 5 feet (up to 10 in other PUDs) 5 feet (up to 10 in other PUDs) 2. Rear garages accessed from alleys This feature contributes to a pedestrian-friendly environment which downplays the role of an automobile. 3. Front porches and balconies These features also facilitate creation of a more friendly community, offering opportunities for people to get to know others in the neighborhood. 4. Spatially defined open spaces Likewise, these facilitate community interactions. For example, the lake resides completely in the public realm, with no private access for any of the residences. 5. A non-gated community CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS The request is consistent with the objectives of the City's annexation program and relevant policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Even though it is inconsistent with the recommendation of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities of the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Support Document, which advises Low Density Residential land use designation for the subject parcel, it would not create significant land conflicts and is justified in part by current land development trends and characteristics within the area and in Quantum Park. The requested land use amendment and rezoning will allow the development of a project that will be a benefit to the city, both fiscally and esthetically and a development that meets the standards expected in the PUD zoning district. Therefore, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. 8 File Number: LUAR 05-002':ANEX 05-001 High Ridge If the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or the City Commission recommends conditions, they will be included within Exhibit "C", ATrACHMENTS S:\P1annlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hlgh Ridge- New Urban Communltles\WAR 05-002\STAFF REPORT High R1dge.doc 9 HIGH RIDGE New Urban Communities LUAR 05-002-ANEX 05-001 Exhibit A ! II ~ -----------------__ / 1/1 --------__ /':lI ----------- I Ii ~ G ... --.---.-.-.......-. . ----( ~..------ ~ -I c g al b a [-,-,,, 590 295 N A o 590 Feet Ii Ii ~I III! Illllli II iillllli ;':;:111 { III ulII i III'III/! 1/I..I~.111 ~~ n ~ ll'li/d I II !I! I! jl /III I~III ,! i I~ ! P I! II I i' illJ I lid' a I , I !.I i ~ Ii li~ d. '11UI'IIII'lj'IIIIUI'lti '11111 I II II I ~ IJi i I I 'III I' I I II11 i ~ I I D j I .."1 ....1 11m limA . UP hi . ! 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Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that shelhe has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. .~}U~J Sw= to m>d ,omeri'" "'fore 25. day of JiJjj;;jh ml~ . Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ..,,~~~I~~III, r~Jr \:n fi1. rtli.i.h:.tc J ':>~'r.4.. ~ "; g.f".@"'~1Con;missi~n # DD359566 ;~..A:ff.:ExplIes; ~ov. 15, 2008 ",,'-"iiJrf..,(t'.....:- Bonded Thru 'III,UI"" Atlantic Bonding Co,) JiI<C. :;J:: c..::>uJ 4c..::> uJ- O)U- U- -;ce' Ot.:...., 1-. :;t:"::f.,',- :rcc OL... co_ C u... 0:- \-- )-- I-G 'G o (") - - ~ ::a: ..0 N ?2 -, ,n C) ~ ,I' :si;i=.~tf~R~.fd~:. REQtJES1: ~G ~iYe PIon FulUnitand 58 ~ From - Medium 0en$iIy ReSidenllal and ..Densily . , .,1l~IlaI(parin BeachCounIyI } . . -rpYi' .;tllQIi()erisily Re.idenlial (H~lf ; ,~';:.'. ,', .~J'f.::4.;t. , Iomi'" .ResidentialfPbl4 Beach CoonIyI lfn,t Development; " ," se community e N .,-----A This request con be viewild between !he hours 018:00 a,m, and ~a::~ GIy 01 BoynIon Beach Planning and Zoning Division, 100 East8oynlon r , All interested .!!rties are naIi..,tl ~ ~ :;~~.h..ar~n::~ ~t ~.ffl'Ci'" Conunission with I'OSfl!'!i to "!'Y ...-- considered allhese meetings will.need a old. 01 :e~!'ll'madearid 1or,'ich'JCh P"'P?~":.'3'es ~ :'i""monyre ~a~m~ - 'ngs~,--.- ~ . and evidence upon which ohe 0ppeaI is to be baSed. , The r.... shaIllumish <lIJPlqlI'iaIe auxit""Y aids and ~ ~ Ilece!SOf)' to aIford . ;.;d~ with a disObt1it)o an equal '1f'I>O"!l!niI to ~in and en~ beneIi.. ::r a service _, or adivity i:andiited by ihe CIIy. canIa<t., '? T: (561) 742,6268,QlIea$i --..y-lour (24) hau.S prior 10 !he program OI'.acIiviIy m lor IIie City 10 reasOnably .xcommodc:ile your request. ciTY OF BOYNTON BEACH . PlANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742,6260 PUBUSH: T~ Post, January 15, an~ 25, 2005 TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING &. ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-022 Chair and Members Planning and Development Board and Mayor a~i~~mission Dick Hudsgr,~cp Senior Planner Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning January 12, 2005 Knollwood Groves PUD/LUAR 05-001 Amend the future land use designation from Agriculture (A) to Low Density Residential and rezone from AG Agricultural to PUD Planned Unit Development Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: Location: Parcel Size: Existing Land Use: Existing Zoning: Proposed Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: Adjacent Uses: North: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Knollwood Groves, Inc. DRHI, Inc./Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc. Southwest corner of the intersection of Lawrence Road and the LWDD L-20 Canal (Approximately 1 mile south of Hypoluxo Road) (Exhibit "A') :t30.683 acres Agriculture (A) AG Agricultural Low Density Residential (LOR) PUD Planned Unit Development 145 single-family homes Right-of-way of the LWDD L-20 Canal then single family residential development (Manor Forest) designated Low Density Page 2 File Number: LUAR 05-001 Knollwood Groves PUD Residential and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development South: To the southeast, developed single family residential (Nautica) designated Low Density Residential and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development. To the southwest, vacant land in unincorporated Palm Beach County designated MR-5 Single Family Residential (5 dujac) and zoned AR-Agricultural Residential East: Right-of-way of Lawrence Road then single family residential development (Citrus Glen) designated Low Density Residential and zoned PUD Planned Unit Development West: To the northwest, vacant land in unincorporated Palm Beach County designated MR-5 Single Family Residential (5 dujac) and zoned AR-Agricultural Residential. To the southwest, single family residential development (Sunset Cay) also located in unincorporated Palm Beach County, designated RTU Residential Transitional Urban district. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff recommends approval of the requested land use amendment and rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The requested land use amendment is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan, including the requirements for concurrency; 2. The requested land use and zoning are consistent with surrounding development; however, 3. While the proposed Master Plan meets the minimum requirements of the code, there are several issues that must be worked out with the County; therefore, 4. Staff would require that a final Master Plan, to be approved prior to final adoption of the rezoning, will address the issues of right-of-way width for the continuation of Miner Road and the provision of access and utility connections for an adjacent isolated parcel to the southwest, lying in the unincorporated area. PROJECT ANALYSIS The parcels, which are the subject of this land use amendment, total :t30.683 acres. Because of the size of the property under consideration, the Florida Department of Community Affairs classifies this amendment as a "large-scale" amendment. Following local board review and City Commission public hearing, a "large-scale" amendment is transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for review for compliance with the state, regional and local comprehensive plans prior to adoption. Following the review period of approximately 60 days, DCA provides the City with a report of their findings in an "Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report". The City then has 60 days to either (1) adopt the amendment as transmitted, (2) adopt the amendment with changes in response to the ORC report, or (3) Page 3 File Number: LUAR 05-001 Knollwood Groves PUD determine not to adopt the amendment and inform DCA of that decision. According to Florida Statutes Chapter 163, large-scale amendments may only be adopted during two amendment cycles each calendar year. This request is part of cycle 1 for calendar year 2005. Master Plan Requirements The regulations for the Planned Unit Development zoning district require that a master plan, including multi-year phases be submitted and reviewed for approval at the time of rezoning to PUD. The Master Plan accompanying the application is preliminary only. There are several issues to be resolved before a final Master Plan can be approved, which will occur prior to final adoption of the land use amendment and rezoning. The primary issues involve with Palm Beach County's requirement for right-of-way dedication for the continuation of Miner Road westward to Military Trail. Currently, Minor Road stops at Lawrence Road; however, the County's Long-Range Transportation Improvement Plan calls for a right-of-way of 110 feet along the north boundary of the property, while the Master Plan shows a dedication of only 80 feet. The requested dedication would not align with the improved portion of the roadway. Both the proposed right- of-way width and alignment are under discussion with the County. These issues must be settled prior to submittal of the revised Master Plan. Currently, the Master Plan shows one entrance off Miner Road. A 25-foot wide landscape buffer separates the residential lots from Minor Road and 10-foot landscape buffer easements are provided on the other three sides of the development. A lake/water management tract of 5.37 acres is located along Lawrence Road, and a 0.69-acre recreation area is centered on the entrance and double loop roads, which are shown with 40-foot right-of-way widths that provide circulation through the development. Individual lots are not shown but are noted as having a typical size of 45 feet by 107 feet. The preliminary master plan included with the application, meets only the minimum criteria for submittal, and will be revised and reviewed again prior to adoption for details such as setbacks, preliminary drainage plans and specific consistency with adjacent planned developments. Staff has identified a potentially landlocked parcel in the unincorporated area abutting the subject property to the southwest. The County is requesting that the proposed development provide a 50-foot access easement and utility connections to the landlocked parcel. These provisions should be a condition of zoning approval. Review Based on Criteria The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings are listed in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies including but not limited to, a prohibition against any increase in dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in the hurricane evacuation zone without written approval of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the City's risk Page 4 File Number: LUAR 05-001 Knollwood Groves PUD manager. The planning department shall also recommend limitations or requirements, which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan. The subject property is not located in the hurricane evacuation zone, therefore the referenced policy is not applicable; however, other applicable objectives and policies contained in the comprehensive plan include: ''Policy 1.17.5 The City shall continue to maintain and improve the character of existing single-family and lower-density neighborhoods, by preventing conversions to higher densities, except when consistent with adjacent land uses, or with implementing redevelopment plans including the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan. Policy 1.19.1 The City shall continue efforts to encourage a full range of housing choices, by allowing densities which can accommodate the approximate number and type of dwellings for which the demand has been projected in the Housing and Future Land Use Elements" The subject property is located outside the area of the City covered by the Bovnton Beach 20/20 Redevelooment Master Plan; however, the proposed development is similar in density and type of development to the developments surrounding it. Therefore it is consistent with the directions of Policy 1.17.5. The provision of single family homes, as proposed on this site, offsets the recent trend in the City to develop multi-family projects and townhouses, thereby increasing the range of housing choices available to the market, and providing consistency with Policy 1.19.1. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. The proposed rezoning would not create an isolated district, but would relate to the adjacent developments surrounding the site. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. It is unfortunate that this is the last agricultural parcel left in the City and has been viewed as somewhat of an institution; however, the costs of agricultural production and the fluctuating market conditions, have taken their toll on small grove operations throughout the state. The proposed land use amendment and rezoning are the minimum changes to the property, and are consistent with surrounding land uses and zonings, both in the City and the adjacent unincorporated area. d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. Page 5 File Number: LUAR 05-001 Knollwood Groves PUD Based on the City's adopted Levels of Service (LOS) for potable water (200 gallons per capita per day (GPCD) and sewer service (90 GPCD), the projected demand is expected to be 72,600 gallons for water and 32,670 GPCD for sewer service based on an average of 2.5 persons-per- household and 145 houses in the development. The City's utility plants currently have unreserved capacity to serve the projected demands of the proposed project. Traffic analysis prepared by the applicant's consultants, shows that the proposed land use designation is consistent with the Transportation Element of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. The County Engineer has stated that the Traffic Division has no objections to the proposed change in land use. With respect to solid waste, the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has stated that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the county's municipalities throughout the lO-year planning period. The School District of Palm Beach County has reviewed the application and has determined that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the resident population. Lastly, drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the review of the conditional use application, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. The compatibility of the requested land use designation and rezoning has been discussed above. With the requested land use amendment, the property becomes more compatible with adjacent properties but would probably have a value-neutral effect on adjacent properties. f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. The property is currently in use as an agribusiness and has been for many years. It could continue as such, and the site could also be developed with one accessory residence. The pressures currently affecting agribusiness are briefly discussed above; therefore, it may not be economically feasible for the property to continue under this use. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. The size of the subject parcel will afford a development similar in nature to surrounding residential development and will contribute to the range of housing opportunities available in the City. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already aI/owed. This is one of the last parcels of such size left in the city that could be developed for single family detached residences. Only one other parcel of similar size, the property surrounding the High Ridge Country Club, is designated for low density residential development. Page 6 File Number: LUAR 05-001 Knollwood Groves PUD CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will not create additional impacts on infrastructure that cannot be accommodated by the City at present; will be compatible with adjacent land uses and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. While the proposed Master Plan meets the minimum requirements of the code, there are several issues that must be resolved with the County; therefore, staff would require that a final Master Plan, to be approved prior to final adoption of the rezoning, must address the issues of right-of-way width for the continuation of Miner Road and the provision of access and utility connections for the parcel to the southwest, lying in the unincorporated area. If the Planning and Development Board or the City Commission recommends conditions, they will be included within Exhibit "B". ATTACHMENTS S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Knollwood Groves PUD\LUAR 05-00l\STAFF REPORT Knollwood PUD.doc Exhibit A Knollwood Groves PUD LUAR 05-001 III J,lJJ.Y 1=1 ~ ~ t1I/~ ,fldJ/\ r= _ mll-,.oi _ -:r I l- I I 11\ l--. ~ ~ 1.- ~ R/e ::c..-: · s.h ~1 ~ -i ~~ ~ .~ ^ 111I I /~ - I11111 '-.... li~-vrll COL fI ~ tt;:; -i ~/g L,ldl --"1, \I ~~'I ^aJ~1 ffff~ ~ ~ ij ~ t:: t: r-l ~ r:I ~~ '<\\ll~ ~~ =i ~ /-. 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LCbAST~.~ MAN..~G.E.~'E~T.'.'~~~~~.Nr..~:~._J _'_n -. .. . .-......--.. -..---....- --..-...... ..... ,.- '.. - -. .--.- - -. .._-;- . - ......j '. , I . r~ 'i:CONSE.RVArION_O'lJ;.R.L~ Y_~OJ,STRICI=~U.S,;_ A~.o! I. " " , , "_". ' '.'" . " _ _. i.t>~VElO.PMENT.QF,'PROpeRT_Y SUBJECT ..TO, . i I} '.J ;J " KNOLLWOOD GROVES PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP THEPAL~ .3EACHPOST Publish~Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Kristi Morrow, who on oath says that she is Customer Service Supervisor of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper, published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising for a ~ in the matter of Public Hearin~ was published in said newspaper in the issues of Januaty 15. & 25. 2005. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Pahn Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. K~)U~ Sw= to ~d '"""""'" ""fore 25" d.y of 'i"'l/t jh In h- . Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced "..';.~~'p~/".. t~Jrcn fi1.l\'h.i.lEt.:, J. ff'.Jt;'~f<i Con;missi~n # DD359566 ~~..~:~.:ExPlles: NOV. 15, 2008 ";,;~"OF.f\.tI'.....:- Bonded Thru ""Ull\'\' Atlantic Bonding Co.~ Inc. ::I: (;) t..:>\,IJ 4t..:> (") W- cO\J... - \J... - :;r.:C ~ Ou-' ...:: r-. :::''':1,:: ..0 ;>- c:c Clt-' N 0:>_. ~ c.: l.>- 0>- -') \0-- II' )-- 0 r-G 'G oj/'< ,,! " :!\';~S~~i~.:~; . REQUESt. From, . Mo,dium DenW Reiidon.ti Density . ;~tiaI(Pc:ilm Beach~l . .;.lit:;' ~;l1l{j1iDensity Re.identialIH~", .' REQUEST; " .<,1f '!'. . ,. .: .',' '. . " "i\ .,.,(. --;- ^' ' ;RS.'..~naI.. fan family Residential1itol."" Beach County} ~ PIOnned lJnil Development ~ sf.hnil)'~~~.'.. 58 community f'!on1Ury'.i.d 't,;;1rid'~ e N .,-----A This request can be viewed betwe;en ~ ~ of 8:00 a,m, and ~e::~ Gty of Boynton Beach Planning and Zootllg OIVISlCIl, 100 East BaynIan r ' All in~~n::es are noIi,z':.o~ ~ ~~ arPla~n::~ ~I li.:'J ~ Cammission with .1'8Sf'!'!'I1o "!'Y mailer cons:t .: .= :h:':,~i5T~t"~~~.':t,it ~~ the Jesti"'?"Y and ....idence upon which the 0ppeaI is ta be baSed, The C"" shall furnish -"ate auxitoary aids and ~. ~ J\ece!SO'Y 10 aIIard an ind~duaI with a disability an equal '1Pf'C'!IIni1y,1o ~in and ~ ~Im of a service program, ar activity CandU8ed by ihe CrIy. oonIacI., ~ ~ (561) 742,6Z68;Q1leasi Iwer1Iy-Tour (24) hauri prior 10 the program Cl",adMty In a far tIie Gty ro reasooably accoinmod<iIe your request. Cl1Y Of BOYNTON BEACH ' PlANNING AND ZONING oMSlON (561) 742,62UJ PUBUSH: T~ Post, January 15, an~ 25, 2005 ! '. . "'~:- ."'.' i ,'1~:J.V"~'r\;:F"'~'n:J;:;:.'f,ill -,~f'i~1!~~~~t~~> ';"'" . '~~'!' I"V ,..\'"'fII..~~l~ "'" ,t l'~'.l' ..;'~:~~. :.... ';Ii'.: ':...~" ,:,-!<','i'l!1 ,.~ :'~':~;~'!l' "., "..: i\\:'l'of-n,' it...~4'.~..~,;. " '","~. ""f<~:; -:~>:;-ry~""Y'\'''''''-:i'7:-ti1't', ";:,L:'~;:'1-:;d""'<","" ,~.t.\~ . ~,' .'\. ..... .,~:;; ,,'''''.'.- '"~'R"";;'E""''''S~::''I''D'''''E'' -~)'m>~I"~";\b?':";~:~::"'" ~':. !., ,':. . , 'I.~'i\ ,), " ;\..},f:'i'l; ': .~-?;;~' 4.1:.... .' ..' ,.,,' :: .", .:' l'., :..l~r.!~~",.~. r. ,;!".~...t~~'f,~' ',..J .":;,1.-" " ".,,?, ':-.. -. .7""""~;'L';,.'::>"~-:'''''''''':''',ii" '~'; ;;;;~,r: j ,,/ .. " :.,.':, '/, "',"'\~?t~~{p~~~,:7."/:~<'\ '. :~:i:'. ~\il {~9.v!/', :,QE..N ~J~ r'~: '~~p. i'~'l ~~\ l. ':, . "':';:' ':'; '~"MAX' 4',8~( D'lj~A~:R1::..t'i,"', . 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'.'.. .. ..,. - -, l.bEVElO,PMENT__QF,'PROPERT.Y SUBJECT ..TO, , ,P '0/ THE PALl,,_ .dEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Kristi Morrow, who on oath says that she is Customer Service Supervisor of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper, published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Horida; that the attached copy of advertising for a Notice in the matter of Public Hearing was published in said newspaper in the issues of January 15. & 25. 2005. Mfiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. K~W~ Sw= '0 Md ,ub"rib,d "fore 25" d,y of J:U?;]C7h In -h--.. ' Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced .:-..~~~~.~.I~~~~'i.. r~~i~? ~,1. A!I~:~,ii:t~ ..1 ff.'tb;, "h COn;rrnSslOn # DD35%66 ~;..\..3,'~.;ExplIes: r-;ov. 15, 2008 ,,'1;"'t"o,.i\.d<'.....-=- Bonded Thru '1IIIIll\"" Atlantic Bonding Co.. Jil('. ;:;:: OuJ 40 W;"'" COu- XC' Cl . ;::~ )- (~. Cl_ cD_ c:::. ('~ "'","-' ~- o.L--::' ...0 N .-,... ...- ..c: -, ,. '-- 0;-- \-- r- ,::::U C~,' t" l::) NO. 760892 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 'u:{'. NOTIC~ .Q.F",ANNEXATION NOTICE OF LAN I): QSJ,.. . . , NOTICEOf,\REIO NOnOEJS.HEREBY GlVEtoHliol,the Mnjng and DeveloomentJloo IiClYNTO!'I BEACH. FlQRlDA, will tol)\:li> aPllBlIC HE'A!lJN@i, 2!2005'at,6:30 p.m,in'!heCflY ER6 .'. . n~~<l(l&~~~~, The City Commi"io~, . . , ,CJkQ '0. 0 public hearing 10 consider ~ 7:oq-'p.m., or os soon thereoftero~-~, CHAMBERS, looEastBoynlonBeoch " MAP AMEN LOCATION:' ' REQUEST: . . 8053 'lawrenc~" q[.lqwrente Rood at the int~rsection ofM' RciOd) ." "'''''t-".. . Am'::; the Compreh";;ive ptan FutureLQrni~~i:' k,'~ (;rom , Agnculture IA) ^.'b~~",' TCl-'".. [ow Density Residen~al(LDRI RfQUES'f. RezOlie: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQuEST: REQUEST: . ,- . , ""."" ,,,' Northw~st <pmer of l10gh Ridge Rood OJ) ",;' Annex the property ,- Amend the Comprehensive ptan Future Land Use MoP! From ' Medium Density Residen~al and LOw DenSity Residential (Palm Beach County) 10 ' HI9h Density Residen~oIIHDR) , >" .-:; REQUEST: Rezone{ <1:< ~ " !;:-. f......~~;' RS Single familY Residen~al lPol",..' Beach County) To" ,; PUD Planned VOlt Development ; ~", Single-family r~si~tial-.-ond ~house community On lil",~ ,the Planning and ionirlij tlivi.(bo ,? " '....--..'''''''..,'1 PR~DUSE:' '. LEef' .oEStRIPl1ONS: e . '.-'" .. - -- A This request con be viewed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 ~.m, at the City of Boynton Beach fltanning and ZOning DIVISion, 100 East Boynton Bead, Boulevard. All interested parties ore notified to ap,pear at said hearings. i.n perfsothn optr by ?ttomea and be heard. Any person who decioes to appeal any deciSion 0 e: annlng an Development Board or CitY. Commission with res~ to any matter consl~ at these mee~n9s will need 0 recora of the proceeding, arid far such pl'Of'9se may n 10 ensure that a verbatim record of the proCeedings is made which record Includes the teshmc:my and evidence upon which the 0ppe0I is 10 be bo;;;d, The City sholl furnish opp:opriote auxiliary aids, ond se~ices ~ere .,';jesso';h t~Ho~~ on individual with a disability an equal qpportuOIty,thelo R<;1mclpote to a ta~~Ytr. E! 1i nl of a service program, or activity condUded by City. Please con ~ .ICI~ uc~ 15611742.6268. 01 least twenty-lour (24) hours prior to the progrom or ad""ty ,n or for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. CITY Of BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISIQN 1561) 742-6260 PUBUSH: T~ Post, January 15, an9 25, 2005 HIGH RIDGE FUTURE LAND USE MAP \ i ~I , j'l , .1' ~, ,,' < .' ~ I.r.' ,,.,~~:,/:~:;>: ~;'<~: ',::. I I:~>~,I::~, .,,"; ':. x> " ,'>,:' ':>! . ~~: ;~ \ : " ~; ~~ v:: ~~:': ; , ,'" , " ' "7 ' , ~,,~> f ~,. . 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Building 100 Australian Avenue FAX NUMBER: (561) 233.5365 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (561) 233.5300 west Palm Beach. FL 3340b (561) 233-5000 TO: FAX NUMBER: !v1~k e~' 742 - 6259 Planning Division 233-5300 Zoning Division 233-5200 Building Division 233,5100 Code Enforcement 233-5500 Contractors Certification 233.'>;, :,", t\dminist~ative Office 233-5(:0 . EJcec;utive Office 233-500-' www.pbcgov.com/pzb FROM: ~ck~ DATE: I {~;)eOS' TIME NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): I Do' o)oawt (~ . COMMENTS: l2e.- BDY- 9"2- (LVAR. 0;--002..) -rl. () ~r~a1_n';~ 1Jclb...V 11:. ~~ Palm Beach COunty Baanl of COunty Commissioners Karen T. Marcus. Chair 1bny Masllotti. Vice Chairman Jeff Koons warren H, Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L. Greene Cotanty AdmbUstrac.or T:\P~NNING\ADMINVonns\FAX SHEET wpd Robert weisman ';1" Equal Opportunity AlJIrmartve Acrion Employer- flJ.:J pr/nItId 011 ffICyd<<J paper , 01/24/2005 11:28 FAX 5613335365 PBC PLANING 141 002/002 V.rITHDRAWAL OF FORMAL WRITTEN OBJECTION TO: Cle.; ring house; Initi :Iting Local Government; and Inte'local Plan Amendment Review Committee FROM: Lon IOZ0 Aghemo, Planning Director Pallll Beach County,' Planning Division DATE: Jan uary 24, 2005 ~~~_____~e!~~~~~~~~9Y:~~i~~~~_~5:QQ~~___________________________________ The Palm Bea ;h County Board of County Commissioners hereby withdraws its objection to 'tie proposed BOYlJton Beach comprehensive plan amendment number BOY-52 (LUAR 05-0{~ issued on TUE sday, January 18, 2005. By letter dated January 20, 2005, City staff hElve demonstrated 1at the maximum traffic reviewed in the traffic study is the maximum permit:ed on the subjec site. The traffic study indicates that at the maximum permitted density all affected road E f~gments within the project's radius of impact are projected to operate within LOS o capacity in : :025. As a result, this amendment is consistent with the traffic requirements of Palm Beach C, :unty for land use amendments. Therefore, County withdraws the objection. For consistency ,... th the High Ridge Road Corridor Study recommendation for low demiity residential on ":his site, however, the County requests that the City consider reducing the proposed dens ty. -----------.------------------------------------------------------------ FOR USE BY f ::LEARlNGHOUSE Date of Receip!- Signature of Clearinghouse Forwarded on to: Date Local Government T:\Plannlng\lnfergoIlIPARC\2005\Boy\80y-WithdrawarFormaIObJection-Jan05.doc Warren H. Newell County Commissioner District III 301 North Olive Avenue 12th Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2203 FAX: (561) 355-6344 'An Equal Opportunity lifjinnative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper January 24, 2005 t!; "!r!~ ~~ '~~...." L..>f- ~ / O-r-- . '_ ')f?-<:) J / ~O r- Honorable Jerry Taylor Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach and Boynton Beach Commissioners 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: High Ridge Annexation/LUP A!PUD Dear Mayor Taylor and Commissioners: I am writing to express my concern and objection regarding the above referenced proposed voluntary annexation, which includes a high density housing project located at the northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The proposed high density housing project is incompatible with the surrounding properties to the north. The project is also in conflict with the adopted High Ridge Road Corridor Study (copy attached) and the intent of the County in the preservation of this unique area. The Plan, which was developed with input from residents and the City of Lake Worth, Town of Lantana and the City of Boynton Beach, requires primary access for Tract B (the proposed site) onto Miner Road. Any secondary access to High Ridge Road should be shared with any new development to the north, and aligned with the entrance to the Cedar Ridge PUD if possible. As always, I am available to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, &::Newell Board of County Commissioners RECEIVED JAN 2 8 2005 Attachment CITY MJ~NA,GER'S OFFICE c: Bob Weisman, County Administrator Barbara Altennan, Executive Director, PBC Planning, Zoning and Building Department Bob Banks, Assistant County Attorney Lisa Amara, Principal Planner, PBC Planning Division Kurt Bressner, City Manager, City of Boynton Beach " High Ridge Road Corridor Study I. OVERVIEW The Area The High Ridge Road Corridor is a predominantly residential area, unique in eastern Palm Beach County. The setting encountered by someone passing through the area __ a well- maintained older residential subdivision giving way, south of Lantana Road, to lower-density, large-lot residences tucked among abundant vegetation, along a narrow road, winding and hilly by south Florida standards -- belie the corridor's actual location: adjacent to 1-95 and the CSX railroad, surrounded by relatively high density residential development and in close proximity to retail and employment centers. Origin of This Study Concerns about protection of this distinctive area's character have been prompted in recent years by a number of non-residential uses that have located in, or been proposed for, the area. These include a solid-waste transfer station, a Costco store, and a now-defunct proposal for an excavation and construction recycling operation. Most recently, following a proposal for the expansion of a service station/convenience store in the area, the Planning Division was requested to identify potential problems or opportunities related to preserving the area's character. Purpose and Method of This Study The purpose of this report is to identify any actions that could be taken by the County or area residents in order to preserve or enhance the area's character. Because the area is largely built-out and stable, this is not intended to be a detailed neighborhood plan, nor a community revitalization strategy. This report focusses on two basic issues: first, the development potential of key vacant and developable sites within the corridor, and second, other items such as future transportation plans which may affect the character of the area. Study Objectives T~ study assumes that the goal, to protect and enhance the charater of the area, would be achieved through the following objectives: · Maintaining the predominantly residential character of the area through residential, as opposed to non-residential, development of vacant parcels · Developing any new residential areas at densities consistent with existing densities and housing types · Maintaining and/or enhancing the existing vegetative buffer along the roadway II. BACKGROUND Study Area Description The study area extends along High Ridge Road from its intersection with Miner Road north to its terminus at Lake Osborne, a length of about three miles. The study area covers about 630 acres, and is bisected at one-mile intervals by major thoroughfares, Lantana and Hypoluxo Roads. 1-95 serves as the eastern boundary. North of Hypoluxo Road, Lake Osborne is the western boundary. South of Hypoluxo Road, the High Ridge Country Club serves as the western boundary. These boundaries encompass those areas which either front on, or otherwise have access to, High Ridge Road. The study area is shown on Map 1. Population and Housing The population of the area is about 2,500, according to the 1990 census. Median household income and housing value are somewhat lower than, but in the general range of, the median values for the County. About three-fourths of the dwelling units were built prior to 1970. About three quarters of the area's population and dwelling units are in the northernmost portion of the study area, north of Lantana Road. The area south of Hypoluxo Road contains only about 3% of the population, and the highest income and housing values in the study area. Existing Uses The study area is predominantly single-family residential, with just over half the land area in residential use; five percent (5%) is in commercial or industrial use, primarily along the major east-west roads near access points to 1-95; six percent (6%) is institutional, three percent (3%) is utility; eleven percent (11 %) is in agriculture; and about twenty percent (20%) of the land area is vacant. Of the vacant land area, about 20% is designated for commercial use, with the balance designated residential. The area north of Lantana Road is a largely homogeneous area of predominantly single family homes at a density of about five dwelling units per acre (5 du/ac), and having virtually no vacant lots. This area is part of the Lake Osborne Estates subdivision, the remainder of which is within the Town of Lake Worth. In addition, in proximity to the High Ridge Road intersection with Lantana Road, there are three churches, two day care centers, a retirement home, a Costco store, a solid waste transfer station, and several vacant parcels designated for commercial use. The central portion of the corridor, south of Lantana Road and north of Hypoluxo, exhibits a somewhat different character. Residential densities are generally 1 to 2 units per acre, and 3 III. ANALYSIS This analysis focusses on two issues: first, the development potential of key vacant and developable sites within the corridor; second, the analysis examines other issues, such as future transportation plans, which may affect the character of the area A. ANAL YSISOF VACANT AND DEVELOPABLE SITES 1. ASSUMPTIONS In order to analyze the development potential of vacant and other developable parcels in the study area, study parameters or assumptions must be defmed. These are: Residential Land Use · Residential development would occur pursuant to the future land use designation now on the property. Future land use designations on vacant and other developable parcels in this area are generally consistent with surrounding designations and built densities, and it is therefore assumed that changes in densities will not be needed. · All discussions of allowable units are estimates only. Actual determination of the permitted number of units would be made at the time of development, and would be subject to site development regulations and other limiting factors which have not been considered for the purposes of this analysis. · "Underdeveloped" residential parcels are not likely to redevelop. For the purposes of this analysis, underdeveloped residential parcels or neighborhoods (developed at less than the permitted density) are not considered likely to redevelop to their maximum allowable potential. (It should be noted that, even if additional units were to result from these parcels, impacts would be. minimal due to the relatively low densities throughout the area. Commercial Land Use · All discussions of allowable commercial intensities are preliminary assessments, based on an overview of current conditions. An official determination of a CL (Commercial Low Intensity) or CH (Commercial High Intensity) is made at the time of a rezoning request. 5 · appears in the 5- Year Plan as a 4-lane road; or · has an average traffic volume of 10,000 trips per day on the Traffic Volume Map; or · has a 120 foot ROW on the Thoroughfare Plan; or · tile applicant agrees to pay to improve the roadway to meet one of these standards as a condition of approval. Neither the intersection of High Ridge Road with Lantana Road nor its intersection with Hypoluxo Road meet these criteria. 7 AREAl .EXlSJ1NG USEr Vacant 0 Agriculture _ Residential 0 lnstitutional _ Commercial _ Utility _ Site Boundary Lantana Limits _ . _ . _ Tract A ~'<',J Tract B V / /~ ~ I o 35~. 700 Scale Approximate In Feet Tract C Description: Tract C refers to the two parcels (38 acres) that comprise the large mango farm located on the east side of High Ridge Road 1,000 feet south of Lantana Road. The area, like Tract B. bounds the solid waste transfer station at its northeast corner. In 1995, the property owner attempted a voluntary annexation into the Town of Lantana The proposed use included excavation and construction recycling on the eastern portion of the property, and residential (total of 16-18 units) along the western and southern perimeter of the parcel on High Ridge Road and Hillside Lane, respectively. Based on County and resident concerns and objections, the proposal was withdrawn. Town staff has indicated that the Town would consider additional proposals from the property owner regarding annexations or uses. However, to date there has been no additional activity regarding this site. Development Potential: The future land use of this parcel is LR-3 which means the property can accommodate 115 units if developed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Tract D Description: Tract D is a one acre parcel at the southwest corner of Lantana and High Ridge Roads. Development Potential: The site has a future land use designation of CUI, and an existing zoning approval (CClSE) for any use consistent with the CL designation, except for auto service station, convenience store and automatic car wash. Assessment of Area 1 The size, location, and configuration of the vacant and developable parcels in the southeast corner of the intersection (Tracts A, B, and C) present a unique opportunity for a unified development approach at a highly visible access point to the High f{idge Road area. Combining the tracts under one development plan could provide several opportunities: 1) to enhance one of two "gateways" to the High Ridge Road area 2) for more flexibility in mitigating the impacts of the transfer station through buffering and clustering of units away from the facility 3) to reduce access onto High Ridge Road to one entrance, with an additional access point onto Lantana Road 11 · Should the County's Transfer of Development Rights (TOR) program be revised to allow for the provision of units at a reduced cost in order to further specific Comprehensive Plan objectives and aims (such as coastal area redevelopment and reducing commercial land use intrusion into residential neighborhoods), then consideration should be given to the use of such discounted TORs on combined Tracts A, B, and C to facilitate unified residential development. · Encourage a site plan that provides for compatibility with the existing single family homes to the south and west. · Should a unified residen~ial plan not be pursued, limit commercial land uses on the commercially designated portions to those allowed in Commercial Low (CL), and minimize access to High Ridge Road. · Minimize the number of access points on High Ridge Road, for any residential development. · Require an appropriate landscape buffer along High Ridge Road for all new development, consistent with the existing landScape pattern of the corridor. (This recommendation may not be applicable to Tract D due to size limitations described. above.) 13 @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ Boynton Beach Limit N-2 . N-I 8-2 71st St. So. Finn Hill Drive AREA 2 Site Boundaries _ _ _ _ I Boynton Beach Limits .......... I A NOIth EXlSllNG USIS o Agriculture o Institutional _ Utility - - - - Vacant Residential Commercial Industrial 700 · Encourage unified development of parcels N -1, 2, 3. · Limit or eliminate, if possible, any access on to High Ridge Road for aU the sites. · Require an appropriate landscape buffer for all new development, consistent with the existing landscape pattern of the corridor. To be carried out in the near term: · Consider a Comprehensive Plan text amendment in round 98-2 to clarify how surrounding built and designated densities are to be applied in determining appropriate commercial intensity. Specifically, the actual density should be considered when the residential property is built or approved for development, and the designated density should be considered when the property is vacant. · If such a Comprehensive Plan text amendment is not feasible, initiate a Future Land Use Map amendment, redesignating the neighborhood south of S-l & S-2 to LR 3 to reflect built density. 1bis would clarify the interpretation of the corrnnercial intensity on S-1 and S-2 as CL, which is most compatible with the character of the area. 17 .---; I i I I I I . . . . . . . , . ~ . 411t______-, AREAS Site Boundaries Boynton Beach Limits ...- ............ CXlSlJNG USlS Vacant Residential Industrial Agriculture Institutional o o - - - A North o 350 700 Scale Approximate in Feet .., . , . , . . . . . . . 1_____-------- MINER ROAD TRACT C '1 I ~ Boynton . Beach Limit . I f I . I Tom-A-Toe Road Area 3 Recommendations To be applied at the time of development review: · Require an appropriate landscaped buffer for all new development along High Ridge Road, consistent with the existing landscape pattern of the corridor. · Limit the number of access points on High Ridge Road for any new development. · Require primary access for Tract B on Miner Road. Any secondary access to High Ridge Road should be shared with existing development to the north, and aligned with the entrance to the Cedar Ridge PUD if possible. · Require primary traffic access for any development on Tract C onto Miner Road, with limited access to High Ridge Road through the existing roads that serve the Newport Place development to the north. · Locate any multifamily development proposed for Tract C on the larger western portion, and locate lower density single family development on the narrow eastern portion. B. ANALYSIS OF OTHER ITEMS In addition to the development potential of key vacant and developable sites, several other items were identified which could potentially enhance or detract from the character of the area. These include a number of items such as municipal annexation plans, traffic plans, bike and pedestrian pathways, scenic highwayslbyways designation programs and 1-95 interchange beautification programs. The extent to which these might affect the character of the area, and possible actions to be pursued, are discussed below. 1. Traffic Situation: Currently, High Ridge Road is a 20-foot-wide paved road within a 50 foot right-of-way (ROW). It carries about 4,000 trips per day (tpd) in the study area, and is not on the 5-year road improvement program for expansion. High Ridge Road is well under its design capacity of 12,000 tpd, and future land use build out of the study area would result in approximately 6,000 additional trips per day. However, the 2015 Roadway Network, adopted in the Comprehensive Plan, indicates an expansion to 4-lanes for the portion of High Ridge Road south of Hypoluxo Road. This map is based on the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) WPBUSA 2015 Plan (adopted in November, 1995), which indicates that the same section of High Ridge is cost-feasible to be improved to 4-lanes during the 2011-2015 phasing period. The County's Thoroughfare Right-Oj:-.Way Identification Map (TIM), which identifies ultimate ROW, indicates that segment's ultimate ROW as 80 feet (4-1anes). 21 the Lantana annexation, is part of the County's review process for both proposed annexations and municipal future land use changes. Annexation Recommendation: To be carried out in the near term: · The High Ridge Road study should be conveyed to the local governments as an informational item to be considered at the time of annexation and/or development approval for any of the sites discussed in this area. 3. Scenic Roadway Designation Situation: An additional tool which may be available to enhance the corridor's distinctive character is designation of the roadway as a local scenic feature. For example, the Florida Department of Transportation administers the Florida Scenic Highways Program, to preserve, maintain, protect and enhance Florida's outstanding cultural, historical, archaeological, recreational, natural and scenic resources. Nominations are made at the local level, fostering local commitment to preserve and maintain intrinsic resources important to local communities and the regIOn. Potential Impact: Though this type of designation is more commonly applied in natural areas with landmark vegetation or long-distance views, residents could opt to pursue designation under this program. Even if not designated under this program's criteria, residents could pursue obtaining signage or other indicators of entrance to this unique corridor. Identification of the corridor at its access points could provide a source of community identity for residents and visitors, and could help establish local partnerships with the common goal of protecting and enhancing the features of the corridor. Scenic Highways/Byways Program Recommendations To be carried out in the near term: · Encourage residents' groups to evaluate the desirability and feasibility of scenic corridor designation or a locally created effort such as the placement of signage that would establish and convey a community identity for the corridor. Neighborhood associations could jointly fund the signs and work with the County's Engineering Department for placement at appropriate locations along the roadways. 23 IV. IMP LE ME NT AT 10 N · Incorporate any BCC comments and directives from the December 9th Workshop, and return with a finalized Study Report for BCC approval on a future consent agenda. · Provide the approved report to aU affected neighborhood associations, subject property owners, local governments, and any other interested parties, and convey the BCC's intent to use the study to guide decision-making for issues affecting this area. · Continue to work with interested property owners and neighborhood associations to facilitate implementation of the study recommendations. · Initiate items identified for Palm Beach County implementation. · Provide monitoring and reporting to the BCC through periodic neighborhood planning program reports. ' F:\COMMON\l'LANNING\HIRIDGElHIRIDGE4,WPD 25 January 20,2005 Department of Planning, Zoning Ii. Building 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach. FL 33406 (561) 233-5000 Mike Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Planning Division 233,5300 Zoning Division 233,5200 Building Division 233,5100 Code Enforcement 233,5500 Contractors Certification 233,5525 Administration Office 233,5005 Executive Office 233,5003 www.pbcgov.com/pzb RE: Proposed Annexation New Urban Communities, 2005-08-003 Dear Mr. Rumpf, Thank you for providing the County the opportunity to review the annexation below. Name Description . New Urban Communities 2005-08-003 Acres: 18.44 Location: NW corner of High Ridge Rd and Miner Rd First Reading: 1/25/2005 Second Reading: 5/24/2005 Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Jeff Koons Although the County is concerned about the increase in density and associated traffic impacts related to the proposed future land use amendment, County staff have not identified any inconsistencies with Chapter 171, F.S., that warrant an objection to this annexation. Please be advised that the County Engineering Department has identified that both adjacent rights-of-way, High Ridge Road and Miner Road, are identified on the Thoroughfare Right-of-Way Identification Map, and consequently, has recommended that adequate right-of-way, including corner clips, should be protected by the City during the site planning process. Also, the City should consider a left turn lane for the project. Tony Masilotti, Chairman Addie L. Greene. Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Warren H, Newell Robert Weisman Regarding the land use amendment, the County requests that the City consider reducing the proposed density for consistency with the High Ridge Road Corridor Study, which calls for a low density residential on this site. The Study also calls for primary access from this site to be onto Miner Road and that any secondary access is shared with the existing development to the north and aligned with the Cedar Pointe PUD entrance. If you have any' isa Amara. p~incipal Planner at (561) 233-5334. roJ I ~ (f,: ~ L~Lj:'.: r ' . 9~z.. lQ)! JA: Lorenzo Aghemo I Planning Director Dtf'I\YTf<; , . Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson County Administrator -An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer- cc: The Honorable Warren H. Newell, District 3 Commissioner Kurt Bressner, City of Boynton Beach Manager Barbara Alterman Esq., PZ&B Executive Director Verdenia C. Baker, Deputy County Administrator T :\Planning\lntergovernmental\Annexations\2005 Fiscal Year\Letters\Boy-NewUrbanCommunities-Jan05,doc Bob Banks, AICP, Asst. County Attorney Lisa Amara, Principal Planner Kathleen Chang, Planner @ printed on recycled paper JAN-19-21211215 15: 55 NEvi URBAN 561 272 3951 P .1212 New urban+communities January 19. 2005 Ms. Hanna Matras, Planner Economist Department of Development Planning and Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: High Ridge Annexation/LUPAlPUD Dear Hanna: This letter concerns the conversation held earlier today with yourself and Vinod Sandanasamy of the Palm Beach County Planning Department regarding our High Ridge PUD at the NW comer of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. It is our professional and mathematical opinion that it would be impossible to achieve the maximum density of 199 units (High Density Residential maximum density of 10.8 units per acre multiplied by site area of 18.43 acres) on the subject property with only single family homes. A summary of our logic follows: · According to the surveys prepared by Calvin and Giordano dated January 5, 2005 and Renner, Burgess,lnc. dated December 3,2004, and the master plan submitted to the City of Boynton Beach with a revision date of December 17, 2004, prepared by Cotleur Hearing. the site contains 18.44 acres, (607,577 square feet for the southern parcel and 195,772 square feet for the northern parcel.) which amounts to 803,349 square feet. · A total of 5.03 acres, or 219,107 square feet, is allotted for the lake. common areas and buffers. · An additional 4.20 acres, or 182,952 square feet has been allotted to allotted to internal rights of way. · Any site plan, based on City of Boynton Beach code requirements, would require similar amounts of land retention, common areas, buffers and rights of way_ · This leaves 9.21 acres, or 401,290 sQuare feet for lots. · If the maximum density were to be achieved using only single family homes, the lots could only average 2016 square feet! This would be neither allowable, practical or marketable. · We attempted to maximize the number of single family lots on the site, with a pleasing site design that meets accepted design standards and the Boynton Beach code. We hired probably the most creative land planner in Palm Beach County and were unable to design a plan with 199 single family units and find it likely that that the only way 398 NE 6th Avenue. Delroy Beach, Florida 33483 tel 561.279.8706 · fox 561.272.3951 · www.newurbancommunities.com JAN-19-21211215 15:56 NEW URBAN 561 272 3951 Hanna Matras January 19, 2005. Page 2 someone could achieve the maximum density is to build 199 multifamily units. P.12I3 Thank you for the opportunity to provide this opinion, If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 279-8706 (office) or 954-610-7400 (cell). Sincerely, 1[; Heman cc: Kevin Rickard Vi nod Sandanasamy Yvonne Ziel TOTAL P.12I3 HIGH RIDGE NEW URBAN COMMUNITIES BOYNTON BEACH CALCULATION OF WATER AND SEWER DEMAND FOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED ZONING December 28, 2004 Revised January 11, 2005 WATER DEMAND: Existing Zoning: RS Single Family Residential (Palm Beach County) Maximum Density: 5.0 units/acre (Palm Beach County ULDC Article 3, Chapter D, Section 1.A.) Project Area: 18.43 Acres Maximum Units: 92 single family homes Demand Per Unit: 452 gal/day (based on 200 gal/person/day and 2.26 residents per unit) Total Demand: 41,584 gallons per day Proposed Units: 174 (48 single family homes and 126 town homes) Demand Per Unit: 452 gal/day (based on 200 gal/person/day and 2.26 residents per unit) Total Demand: 78,648 gallons per day SEWER DEMAND: Existing Zoning: RS Single Family Residential (Palm Beach County) Maximum Density: 5.0 units/acre (Palm Beach County ULDC Article 3, Chapter D, Section 1.A.) Project Area: 18.43 Acres Maximum Units: 92 Demand Per Unit: 203 gal/day Total Demand: 18,676 gallons per day Proposed Units: 174 (48 single family homes and 126 town homes) Demand Per Unit: 203 gal/day (based on 90 gal/person/day and 2.26 residents per unit) Total Demand: 35,392 gallons per day C:\Docurnents and Settings\MatrasH\Local Settings\Ternporary Internet Files\OLK2D\Revised water demandOl 1 l05.doc 01/10/2005 16:31 56143dDq15 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02/03 THE SCHOOl OISTRlCTOF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA PLANNING OEPARTMENT 3300 FORESTHILLBLVO., C-110 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTliURC. JOt'WSON, Ph.D. SUP&RINTENDENT January 7, 2005 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION AMENDMENT- CASE NUMBER #0501702C- HIGH RIDGE (FKA 04101401C) Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the requast for a Concurrency Determination Amendment on the above referenced project. The previous approval for 130 units (45 single family units and 85 multi-family units) is now being amended to show a total of 174 units (48 single family units and 126 multi-family units). Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for High Ridge. This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been iS$ued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development Order. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343. Sincerely, ~ Senior Planner cc: Tim Hernandez, New Urban Communities ene. S:\Plannins\Pubtic\INTERGOV\ConcurnmcY\Cl)nculJ'en~"diliMfib~~lQ~01070;2.doC 01/10/2005 16:31 561434pQ15 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03/03 School Dlstrtct of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form ket8n1 ....1... ..... -= ........ n.p.... on. SdIMI DWrkt .,..... >>-ell ar..tJ 3320 ......11II.... C-U. w.......... IlL D41H813 {S'I)4U.IIOI... (5fl)KW177 Put (NJ)04-lIII7... (SA) 0H815 AttctmIon: Concurrency SectIon Fee Paid & Date Local Gov'l SChool DIab1ct Instructions: SUbmit one copy of the completed .ppllcatlon and fee. for the review, for each new residential projeGt reqUIring a determination of concurrency for schools. A determination wi be provided within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of a complete appllcaUon. A determination is not transferable and Is va'ld for one year from date of Issuance. Once the Devefopment Order IS issued, the concurrency determination shall run With the Development Order. Port L To b. -"pleled by IIpl ~~ ':s =.=, ~r uu_~~ :~ _0 ~~It(l'OT1 Mailing Address: ~ L$.3. '( g 3 Telephone Number: s~~ ~~i- F8CSi'nIe~ber.S"15 tq:r. "'" ~ I ~BdN.me: Apt ~(~ Municipality or Unincorporated PBC n.. t-l -. ~ Ul t-J T Property Control Number (PCN): .~.. ..~f:;'~/~~-"I~-O~-~~O-03<;~ oq~~-"'lS'- 0'8-01"000- o~6t Project location: Alo'.'rw~~'1" ~1L~fA.. t)~ l...h'6--(.f D.<OChF ~~ 6bt~ (H NU RoO Concurrency Service Area (~SA): DEVELOPMENTREQUES~~U Total # of Units: -,- Types of Units: L(~ lllL CSA l7 ScLc.;l39 Single Family ~ Apartments (2 ,.Pial er le..~ \00)10) Hon. e. High Rise Apartments '. AQe Restricted Adults Only Provide Covenant Phasing Plan: . If applicable, please attach a complete Phasing Plan showing the number and type of units to recewe certificate of occupancy yearly. Proof of OWnership: Please attaCh copy of Warranty Deed and Conse ParQl).. Lotovernrnent Revl. ~ -!!---- Local Gove;:;;;.nt Representative PrInt Na~~? /~f1Dtl Petition tJ.:' ~ 'ot!> I TItle ~;I>>E- L,vGiIL Part '". To be completed by School District Staff /""e_: '/7 La5 CaleNuIl1ber. 0501 ()70;;"C I verify that the project complies with the adopted Level of ServIce (LOS) for Schools. , verify that the project will comply wfth the adopted level of Service (LOS) for Schools .ubJ8Ct to the attached conditions. I cannot verify that the p with the attac. c . with the adopted level of Service (lOS) for Schools -DnJ~ Date FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: fJCJJt/~lle Jh U J{ a /tu;1 UlJ /~ / ~3/ 0'1 I · FAX: ,21:J-gQS/ FROM: DA TE: NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 3 RE: &CJ6J;/~}J :1" ~r/()t'/;oq ;f;- ~ ?;;J'CilIt f J<<II4f~ ~~ tlat'~ r't'/tIv! ,fpt"ft' /II Q/VO /Ol>~ IZ- U,11,-tYi It;,,.o! u~ tUllflo:J' ITlu 1'9~t"t?! rJOfA 1}(1t/<<I }tqJ J.OY ~kW3' Pt!'h'~etth'p/. Ron k" jo k /tvl-~. d ~ fir- UJ4 rH!-~ Me ~ ~t~ ~~\I( IL /I~e,t; t.:! ~ 10 ~j?OIR ~ 0111 ~cnL ~~. ~ /{gut! /ku~ If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. ~,,,> The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVlSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org December 22, 2004 Ms Anna Yeskey Clearinghouse 9835-16 Lake Worth Road, Suite 223 Lake Worth, Florida 33467 Re: Knollwood Groves File No. LUAR 05-001 Location: West side of Lawrence Road, south of the intersection with Miner Road High Ridge New Urban Communities File No. LUAR 05-002 Location: Northwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road Dear Anna: Attached is the completed Executive Summary for the above-reference Comprehensive Plan Amendments. If further information is needed, please contact me at (561) 742-6264. Sincerely 6t-a-;/ Dick Hudson, Senior Planner End: \ \CH\MAIN\SHRDATA \PLANNING\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\BETHESDA \LUAR 2002\IPARC COVER. DOT Page 1 of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: December 22, 2004 Reference # LUAR 05-001 General Information Project's Name: Knollwood Groves Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach Contact Person: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Telephone/Fax: (561) 742-6264/(561) 742-6259 fax Applicant! Agent DRHI, Inc./Julian Bryan & Associates, Inc. Telephone/Fax: (561) 391-7871/(561) 391-3805 fax Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: _ amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks _ amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: ~ land use - traffic circulation - mass transit _ ports and aviation _ housing - infrastructure sub-elements _ coastal management - conservation _ recreation and open space _ intergovernmental coordination _ capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: FLUM amendment Page 2 of2 Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map): West side of Lawrence Road south of the intersection with Miner Road Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres): 30.683 acres Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition): Agriculture (1 du/5 acres or 0.05 FAR Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition): Low Density Residential (4.84 du/ac) Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition): AG Agricultural Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) POD Planned Unit Development (4.84 du/ac) Present Development of Site: Citrus grove and accessory retail sales Proposed Development of the Site, if known (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): 145 single-family homes Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? N/A Comprehensive Plan Change Processing DaterrimeILocation Scheduled for Planning and Development Community Redevelopment Agency Board Hearing: January 25, 2005/6:30 p.m.lCity Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL DaterrimeILocation Scheduled for LP AlGoveming Body Public Hearing February 1, 2005/7:00 p.m.lCity Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA February 11,2005 Page lof2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: December 22, 2004 Reference # LUAR 05-002, ANEX 05-001 General Information Project's Name: High Ridge New Urban Communities Initiating Local Government: City of Boynton Beach Contact Person: Dick Hudson, Senior Planner Address: 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Telephone/Fax: (561) 742-6264/(561) 742-6259 fax Applicant! Agent New Urban Communities and Roger Decapito Telephone/Fax: 561-279-8706/561-272-3951 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: _ amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks _ amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: ...K- land use - traffic circulation - mass transit _ ports and aviation _ housing - infrastructure sub-elements _ coastal management - conservation _ recreation and open space _ intergovernmental coordination _ capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: FLUM amendment Page 2 of2 Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map): Northwest comer of High Ridge Road and Miner Road Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres): 18.438 acres Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition): MR-5 Medium Density Residential, 5du/ac (Palm Beach County) and LR-2 Low Density Residential, 2 du/acre (palm Beach County) Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition): HDR High Density Residential (10.8 du/acre) Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition): Single Family Residential (RS) Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition): Planned Unit Development (PUD) Present Development of Site: Stables, single family homes Proposed Development of the Site, if known (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): Residential development: 48 single-family homes and 123 townhomes Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? N/A Comprehensive Plan Change Processing DaterrimelLocation Scheduled for Planning and Development Community Board Hearing: January 25,2005/6:30 p.m./City Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL DaterrimelLocation Scheduled for LP A/Goveming Body Public Hearing FLUM amendment Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA February 11,2005 Exhibit A Knollwood Groves PUD LUAR 05-001 ni ,.LLLlY ..H ~ i/s /\ n.~ --..,;r-'i _ -,~ r- 1 I /1\ COL ~r t;'j '-----' '" n ~~ " .-.Tt~ ~~) , , ~ ~ 1:5'- ;== =; ~ :::'-1 --i=1 ~ :;;;J:j t=:f- = ~ ~f- ~ ~ ---i Ii ~ I, /! III I 2!.!!:!- ......, II ~ 'A 'II I "/ IIIII I ,y/ II/II I 1 OTH // '~ ~ ~;; ~ ~1';P13 ~b:d ~ ~ ~~ ~ \ ~ ~~ ~ r-' /' - ~ "- -c J / / r- ~ m:R .1 I III !:= i::.:: '/ I i::.:: /" ~ tvff, E Fe. =: ~/1 ----4 ........... Z "'ffE~ == ~ uv~ - \=~ B = IT~ I-f- ::;; ~ /' ~ 11\ lUll IllillU ~ IISRI ~J ki!'td, A\lllll'( J7 ~',c ~ \llIil\i\1 Ililllllll/l '/ ~ I11111111111111111 :- == == == == AT II I ,--...... ,.--. ----- z ~ S :l 1,100 550 I ~I;(--:; ~ ~ ~ iL: '-J...~ '::i I-: -1 ~ / II I \\.~ :;.-.:: ^ 1/1111 /~ \ ---.../ /' " - II 11111 '-~ - 1/1/ I ~v J. =kI ),h ~ Ii ~ "'( :; _m.wJ.WJ,J.JJJ ;t, Tin I JJ.lillill, SHERATON 80ANZA f-/ - / f-:L ~ ~~ KIRKWOOD !;; ~"Ge" f- -f HALLMARK c""\.\' S c." Iii ~ NEW' OON ~~JI AROS PATRICIAN ~ .- .-.-.- .-.-.-. II DMAN KENSKILL _~I ~~ U ~ ~\I>- ~ ~ ~~-- \ != ~.^"""'.-'\ -- /' I T ~~ ~ ~ 11 ~ f- ~= ~LENCIA II II :; T 1\ \.1111 SUN TOP SUN TREE SUN f.., 1111 1111 lIT t::C ):: II ~.1TIIIII\11 '::. L I N A o 1,100 Feet Exhibit A HIGH RIDGE New Urban Communities LUAR 05-002-ANEX 05-001 I I , I II I I I I I I ~~--___ j II i --------------------------, /' II ~ I >- I is II ___ _ _ _ ______1 L__ .. . . ... .. .. .. ------- -1-.-'-'-.-'-'-- ---r-- -- L "-...., ""'-------7 ~ I 'a / c / ~ ~ G 590 295 0 590 Feet N A Department of Engineering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 wwwpbcgovcom . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T Marcus, Chair Tony Masilotti, Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative ActlOn Employer" w W printed on recycled paper November 10, 2004 '" ---~-- -'~ - ~ r~ \~ 1 !' \ D ) r---- \ ~ i rll': 1 tIlV 2004 .) \ wL } \ '(NT OF DEVELOP~j,ENl \ DEPARTt-., .. - Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: High Ridge Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW Dear Mike: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the small-scale comprehensive plan amendment for the expanded parcel of the project entitled High Ridge Residential, pursuant to the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Parcel Size: Municipality: Existing Use: Current Land Use Designation: Proposed Land Use Designation: New Daily Trips: New PH Trips: Northwest corner of High Ridge and Miner Roads intersection. 13.94 Acres City of Boynton Beach 12 Stalls Horse training facility RS (low-density) Residential - 5 DU per Acre HDR Residential - 10.8 DU per Acre 360 13 AM, and 12 PM Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the additional traffic shall not have a significant impact (3% LOS D Capacity) on the surrounding roadway network, and therefore, the County has no objection to the proposed land use amendment. Sincerely, If you hc:we any question::, :'Egaroing thi::. debl nli(lalioJi, pie2St contact ifie at 684-4030. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER 1)7/~ . Masoud Atefi, M CE Sr. Engineer - Tr(<l cc: Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consul!allts, Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review Approvals/041009.doc 10/16/2004 06:14 561434~g15 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 01/03 C:.B(iJl"\O~L DI&~ ~ Q q ~~~~~ THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3320 FOREST HILL BOULEVARD - C331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL PHONE: 561/434.8020 FAX: 5611434-8187 Number of pages sent (including cover page): 3 TO: Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, City of Boynton Beach DATE: October 20, 2004 FAX NUMBER: 742-6259 FROM: David DeYoung, AICP, Planner, SDPBC COMMENTS: Attached please find a copy of the approved school concurrency application and provider form for High Ridge. Attachment S:\Plannlng\Publlc\1 NTERGO,^Concurrency\Conoummcy Determination Letters\Fax811\FX041 01401 c. DOC 10/16/2004 06:14 561434R815 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02/03 ll'ESQiOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA ~NG DEPARTMENT 3300 FQREST HILL BLW., 0-110 WEST PAlM BEACH, FL 33406-5813 (561) 434-8020 FAX: (561) 434-8187 ARTHUR C. ..JC:Ht,lSON, Ph.D. SUPERINTENDENT . October 20,2004 Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER #04101401C - HIGH RIDGE Dear Mr. Hudson: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the request for a Concurrency Determination on the above referenced project for 45 single family units and 85 multi-family units. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Con,c::urrency Application and Service Provider Form for High Ridge. This Concurrency Determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Development Order has been issued for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Development . Order. . . If you have any questions regarding this determination. please feel free to contact me at (561) 434-7343. cc: Tim Hernandez. New Urban Communities ene. . S:\Planning\Public\INTEROOV\ConCUITency\Concnrrency OeterminBtion Letters\Concll1Teflcy\C041 OI401.doc' AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPL-OYE:R, . 10/16/2004 06:14 561434PJ:)15 PLANNING DEPT , PAGE 03/03 ~OOL D/~..>. ~(2J;O f- Q ~ ~~C~ School District of Palm Beach County School Concurrency Application and Service . Provider Form Retum completed foon to: Plannh'g ~"ment The Sehool District of hIm }leach County 3320 Forest 81U JJlvd. CallO West "-Jm Bnth, FL J3406.S813 (561)43,,""00 or (56J)H3-3877 Fas: (561)434-8187 or (561) 434-8115 Attention: Concurrency Section / Fee Paid & Date \oL'l S /0 i-- Local Gov't. - School District Instructions: Submit one copy of the completed application and fees for the review, for each new residential project requiring a determination of concurrency for schools. A determination will be provided within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of a complete application. A determination is not transferable and is valid for one year from date of issuance. Once the Development Order is issued, the concurrency determination shall run with the Development Order. Part I. To be completed by APPlicat ~ =:l;:~: . l~~111~~:~~irt1~ih~~I~~ Telephone Number: '5 "'I - 2.'\"1. -1. +Q" Facsimile ~u~ Of: S<.l-1 q? - ~... ~ I Project Name: Municipality or Unincorporated PBC Property Control Number (PCN): Project Location: Concurrency Service Area (CSA): DEVELOPMENT REQUEST: Total # of Units: \'30 Types of Units: CSk --,f7 $. Pre ~. .~"b~ I+~~ to. .~.. .;~~~II ~~ ()c)~'\.3.W:s..6~,('b-ro~ _OOlO ~T~W~~ ['i})tt ~€. ( ol=' ~CrH ~\Ys.€. {(b Af.,)\) \\..i(\)U.. ai), lt~ 'BS Single Family Ap;ntments (8 storle& er 18&&~09tJ t.\-o~~f ~ High Rise Apartments Age Restricted Adults Only Provide Covenant Phasing Plan; If applicable, please attach a complete Phasing Plan showing the numbel' and type of units to receive certificate of occupancy yearly. Proof of Ownership: Please attach copy of Warranty Deed and ,Consent Fo P,,~oc~vem-.:ent Review Local GoJernment Representative Print Name V,dK.. /~PstJ1t/ Date Filed Petition i: / ~~ t!:J~ -tJt'7Z- TitleJlH ~~. , Part III. To be completed by School District Staff Pate andJime Received: ----l n I tJ.t,1 0 f..:L Case Number: 0 tfJ..QJ 4' 0 \ c V I verify that the project complies with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools. I verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Schools subject to the attached conditions. I cannot verify that the project will comply with the adopted Level of Service (LQS) for Schools with the attach . .