CORRESPONDENCE The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 FILE COpy www.boynton-beach.org May 17, 2006 Mr. Michael E. Sipula JMS Architectural Design, Inc. 16106 75th Avenue North Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Re: Interstate Sign Crafters MMSP 06-032 Dear Mr. Sipula: In response to your request dated May 12, 2006 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: . Addition of infill block in approved window locations on west and south elevations (as depicted on the attached plan) . . Increase of office square footage in tenant space "A" of the building by 134 square feet (as depicted on the attached plan) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 5/12/06 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Si te Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application, subject to the following conditions: plan Land This as a 1. The infill of openings in the wall shall consist of the same materials as the remainder of the structure, have the same finish and be painted the same color, as noted on the plans and letter of request. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Ed Breese, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst J.\\S AI~HITECrIJIML IttiSlt_1 II~. PLANNING & CONSULTING 16J06 75thA\-E. :NORTH. PAL~l BEACH G_-\RDENS. FL. 33-1J8 TEL. (561) 7-15-21::20 F.~"{ (561 i 7-15-1707 May ] 0, 2006 To: City of Boynton Beach Planning And Zoning Division Mr. Ed Breese ] 00 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-03] 0 t~AY , 2 ~006 Ref.: Request For "MINOR MODIFICATION" To Approved Site Plan Interstate Sign Crafters (Phase ill) File No. NWSP 05-025 High Ridge Commerce Park Lot 13,]4, B]ock 2, Cedar Ridge Commerce Road Boynton Beach, Florida Mr. Breese, Per our discussion the following is a cover letter requesting minor modification and listing/describing the specific proposed changes and what plan sheet reflects said change: 1. Office area at space 'A' has been increased by 134 s.f.. The "NEW BUILDING INFORMATION" has been revised on Sheet SP.I noting a 1% increase in office area which was already 17% below 25% maximum allowable. Sheet A.I at the "FLOOR PLAN" has also been revised to show detailed layout of new space. 2. Windows at the warehouse areas (other than those facing the public street - Commerce Road) have been replaced with infill block for purposes of security. We are proposing the use of 6" wide partition block with stucco finish for the window infill so as to provide a 2" reveal comparable to the original window size thus maintaining the same architectural look as with windows. The color of the infill area is to be the dark tan lower wall area color and is identified at the "MATERIALS & COLOR SCHEDULE" at Sheet A.3N. The infill is intended to be removed if a tenant should move in to the space and want additional office with windows. This proposed revision is shown on Sheet A.I at the "FLOOR PLAN" and on Sheet A.3N at the "ELEVATIONS". If there are any questions or any additional information required to process this "Minor Modification" to the approved site plan please feel free to contact me at (56]- 745-2] 20 and iI will assist in any way possible. ~[~ Nlichael E. Sipula, Architect ~5 (J/Cf (j1f'39 ~yL- PROJECT NAME: Interstate Signcrafters LOCATION: 130 Commerce Road PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 06-032 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Michael Sipula JMS Architectural Design, ADDRESS: Inc. ADDRESS: 16106 75th Ave. North, Palm FAX: Beach Gardens, FL 33418 PHONE: FAX: 561-745-1707 - PHONE: 561-745-2120 E-Mail: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 5/12/06 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC /IP ARC NOTICE: TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Interstate Signcrafters\NWSP 05-025 Phase III\MMSP 06-032\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc