APPLICATION " '~ PROJECT NAME: Arches LOCATION: SW corner of Ocean Ave, and Federal Hwy PCN: 12 PCN's (see below) I FILE NO,: ABAN 05-006 Sidewalk II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENTICONT ACT PERSON: OWNER: Boynton Ventures I, LLC Bonnie Miskel, Esq. I Kim Glas-Castro, ADDRESS: 3050 Aventura Blvd., 3rd Floor AICP Aventura, FL 33180 Ruden McClosky FAX: 305-792-2100 ADDRESS: 222 Lakeview Drive Suite 800 PHONE: 305-792-7500 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 FAX: - 561-514-3443 PHONE: : 561-838-4542 SUBMITTAL I RESUBMITTAL 6/22/05 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC lIP ARC NOTICE: 9/2105 TART MEETING: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): LEGAL AD: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 9/13/05 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 10/5/05 COMMENTS: 08-43-45-28-03-007- 0031, 0032,0061,0062,0081,0082,0083,0091,0111,0112,0113 and 08-43-45- 28-03-012-0010 S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ARCHES @ BB\ABAN 05-006 Sidewalk\2005 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc City Codes Accessed Via Website www.bovnton-beach.org www.amleQal.com/bovnton beach f1 ~Jd. }05 IY J Q<; I Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? ~ Date: CITY OF BOY-N10N BEACH APPLICATION TO ABANDONNACATE PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two (2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S PHONE: AGENT'S FAX: OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: OWNER'S PHONE: OWNER'S FAX: PROJECT LOCATION: OR PCN NUMBER CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) The Arches Ruden McClosky Bonnie Miskel, Esq, Kim Glas-Castro, AICP 222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 800 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 561-838-4542 561-514-3442 Boynton Ventures,I~ LLC 3050 Aventura Blvd., 3rd Floor Aventura, Florida 33180 305-792-7500 305-792-2110 Federal Hwy. and Ocean Avenue <not legal description) see attached listing of PCNs . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue the,(check one): ( ( XXXX \ ( ) ALLEY ) STREET (Sidewalk Only) ) SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT ) OTHER NON-FEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one ofthe above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development Board or Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission meetings held to review this project. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ) DEED ( xxxxJ DEDICATION ( ) PRESCRIPTION Recorded in Plat Beach County, Florida. Book 1 , Page 23 , and Public Records of Palm 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. The list of names and addresses of the owners and occupants of abutting real property, addressed envelopes and 1st class postage (stamps or pay for required postage). NAME ADDRESS Boynton Ventures I, LLC 3050 Aventura Blvd., 3rd Floor Aventura, Florida 33180 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) (ALL UTILITY COMPANY RESPONSES MUST BE INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION SUBMITTAL) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: see attached DATED: "'1 (J. oS APPLlCANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS Boynton Ventures I, LLC BY:~ 3050 Aventura Blvd., 3rd Floor Aventura, Florida 33180 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that _ he _ are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to AbandonNacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. J \ - '- ~ ~ (')./C-QS No~~t;e of Florida My Commission Expires: Updated 10/15/01 THE ARCHES Owner Property Street Address PCN BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 530 E OCEAN AVE ~8434528030070031 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 516 E OCEAN AVE ~8434528030070032 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 502 E OCEAN AVE ~8434528030070061 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 504 E OCEAN AVE 08434528030070062 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 118 SE 4TH ST 08434528030070081 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC ~E 1ST PL 08434528030070082 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 501 SE 1ST AVE 08434528030070083 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 514 SE 1ST PL ~8434528030070091 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 5115 SE 1ST PL OB434528030070111 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 115 S FEDERAL HWY 08434528030070112 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC SE 1ST ST 08434528030070113 BOYNTON VENTURES I LLC 211 S FEDERAL HWY 08434528030120010 WPB:204993:1 .. LAND DESCRIPTION RIGHT OF WAY VACATION ARCHES AT BOYNTON BEACH PORTIONS OF SOUTHEAST 4TH STREET, SOUTHEAST 2ND AVENUE AND OCEAN AVENUE lYING ADJACENT TO BLOCKS 7 AND 12, ORIGINAL TOWN OF BOYNTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 23 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BLOCK 12, ORIGINAL TOWN OF BOYNTON (REVISED PLAT), ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGE 18 OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 7; THENCE SOUTH 00002'09" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 12, A DISTANCE OF 312.55 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 69000'03" WEST FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE); THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 16.19 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49054'09", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 14.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88031'35" EAST, 313.23 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 00045'40" WEST FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44049'08", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 18.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00002'09" EAST, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FEDERAL HIGHWAY (U.S. NO.1, STATE ROAD NO.5) TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST AND REFERENCE POINT "A"; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90058'24", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 12 AND THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 88059'27" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 309.58; THENCE NORTH 00002'O~" EAST, 312.55 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 7; THENCE NORTH 88059'27" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 5.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS ; TOGETHER WITH: COMMENCING AT SAID REFERENCE POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 00.02'09" EAST, 551.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00.02'09" EAST, 6.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 44.07'46" EAST FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE); THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09.47'29", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88.59'27" WEST, 336.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00.02'09" WEST, 8.63 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88.59'27" EAST, 340.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID LANDS LYING IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CONTAINING 8173 SQUARE FEET (0.187 ACRE), MORE OR LESS. LAND DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY: SHAH, DROTOS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 3410 NORTH ANDREWS AVENUE EXTENSION POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33064 PREPARED BY: MDR CHECKED BY: MDR PROJECT NO.: 0598800 FILE NAME: X:\CAD\SRUVEI0598AOO\RIGHT OF WAY VACATION June 20, 2005 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS .... I j;~~IO.~~~i~iIlR5~g ~ I ~iiiil' ~iiil' imi ~ I i~~~ II ~ I~~~i · ~I Is~ I ~ I.~ I l I I~~lln nnj 8 .1.1..111"" Ujllll~liU n I~i il B8 ~ ai I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I )~\'l I ... '!'I I -~.. I ~~ ... . ~ '" " ~ 1 ~ l:: I ~~~I ~ 2~1 ~sl ~<:)I ~ ~~I 3' I~I 1!1~1 R~I ~ I '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r----;----, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~LOCK 8 1;:1 I I I' I I I~ I I I~ I I I! L___...J___.JI .. I ~I I ~ ....t'lJL----_____ l....t'lJ !I....:~ ------------________...JII'q. ~~'" SE 2nd AVENUE :;:~;;; ili8--- (MI' RIGHT-OF-WAY) ~<;)~ .. "(' <::::l'Ota ........ S88'Jl~1: J7J.23" ~... " \:!~!':> ~~;~~. ~1 I jrl ;I~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~! lild ~ ll~ r- -~,., t ISOUTH llN[ No '59'27"W 'J09.58' I> IllOCl< 12 I 1 I -f',f,S'hO ~~~ i :: J~~~~ ~l<i<:j!ill 13 12 I 11 I . ~~ ~~~I 10~0~ 9 ~ . . I I A~~'I> I ~~'I I q~ ... . I o~ I ~ I UJ I III ~ t ~ r III 0 :;,; - III -f'.bO "'1 0 ~ ~ ~ III -tcfl~..t... ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..:: _ _lJ I .c," ~c,~~o" ~Qo ^ 111....0 0 Q 0 ~ It .... Ill. ">C}~.('Q<Q ~ f' ~ liT 0-$'''&'''1> tv ::.F~1," ~ :i ~l! ~~ iI'iI ' 3! L ~ <:) j;) ~ ~ hi ...oiPi'" ~~ ;;; ~ 8 :!: ~ ~ ~6~ :< ::~I ....!=:~I ~: ioi-, : !~P I Ihll I ~... ell L I ~ ~f I;: ~. ~~ I~ ~ -re- ~ ~ '" '" ~ I l:: i;l I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I $) I ...~s~ I :.~ I Lt I I- II1I , I I I I , I I 3 I o.() I .f'~<3:" lo,?'I> ~~ ."if~ ~o)pl <.,1,;8> I ~o" I SE tllf AVENue (40' RIGHT-OF-WAY) =. 'rEI I I 0 I I -oe!! I I ~~ I l' I 10 l!l ~ 9 I 8 OJ 0 d I ":e I r I - Z I o I ~g I 01 ~Q I ^ I ~~ I I I I ~ I --~--~~~--~____L___j____L_ 5. ' NlJ8'5 '27 '4 '3 12 _ _ -,_ _ _ [!!' AWY) I r---'----r---,----r--- I I I I -0 ~ I I I I I ~I ~~ I I I I I I; ~ I I I I I I g a I I I I liS I I:~ I I I I :13 jiJ I I ~ g I I I I~I ill 15~g: I I I I II ~ I I ~ g I I I I ~ I I ~ I I J~O.OI' ....~ . . . ~~~ - - - - - - - - - ~~~ - - - - - - - - - - _. "i . '" . rli II! liS IIi dl 115 "i;! ~~~ ~il !S i, lil b ----------, I I I I I I I I I I I ~I@" po il a.~1 i ~!l alell " I;; . iil ~ j!1l fAil. ~A :11 ,; 5iq Ii ~ ~~I !i ~~~I 1'iI. U~i Ii U~ 11;!~3i ~ ~ a ~ iil en THE ARCHES AT BOYNTON BEACH i ;: SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION !I r ORIGINAL TOWN OF BOYNTON SECTION 25. TOWNSHIP ., SOUTH. RANG[ 43 EAST S I I I I ... . !I . !I If ~ 1I It ~ I crnA SHAH 1- ~DROTOS -- a:ASSOCIATIS ..- DIGIM[[ItNG MmL NO. H3f SI.JRY(YING UC. NO. La 64sa ".,. II. ......... M4MtUt bt. PompoM ...... n. ~14 Pft: 1St-.G-1ND . f.lXl: .....713-41$4 1 I I L___ r----- m~ I grd ^" ~i1i ~ 5~ ~1 ~~ ~t\j '~I [---:---/ ~ II II:" II 0.' ~ Ruden ~~I McClosky 200 EAST BROWARD BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 POST OFFICE BOX 1900 FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33302 (954) 527-2476 FAX: (954) 333-4076 BONNIE,MISKEL@RUDEN.COM June 15,2005 The Arches at Boynton Beach Abandonment of Public Interest in Sidewalks Along SE 2nd Avenue, SE 4th Street, and Ocean Avenue Boynton Ventures I, LLC, the "Applicant", requests the abandonment of the public interest in the sidewalks abutting The Arches at Boynton Beach frontage along SE 2nd Avenue, SE 4th Street, and Ocean Avenue. SE 2nd Avenue and SE 4th Street and Ocean Avenue are 50'- wide streets, platted as Dade Street, Palmetto Street and Ocean Avenue, respectively, that were dedicated to the public via the Original Town of Boynton plat (PB 1, Pg 23, PBCR). That portion of the street rights-of-way that are improved as public sidewalks along these street frontages adjacent to Blocks 7 and 12 of said plat are the subject of this abandonment request (the "Sidewalks"). Any utilities located within/under the Sidewalks will be protected with easements or relocated. Letters from the applicable utility companies are attached. Concurrent with this abandonment request, the Applicant is requesting a major site plan modification to The Arches at Boynton Beach. This amendment incorporates additional land area (including the subject abandonment area), reconfigures the site plan, and changes the proposed uses in the mixed-use project. The requested vacation of the sidewalks will allow the redevelopment effort to include the widening of the pedestrian amenities with plazas, covered arcades and expanded pedestrianways. These pedestrian-oriented facilities could not otherwise be improved within the public right-of-way. The Applicant is the sole property owner abutting the subject Sidewalks. The requested vacation will not prevent other property owners from access to and from their property, will not restrict pedestrian access along the subject roadways, and will not adversely impact other properties. The subject area is under the control and jurisdiction ofthe City of Boynton Beach. WPB:206082:3 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. CARACAS. FT. LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPLES' ORLANDO. PORT ST.LUClE . SARASOTA' ST. PETERSBURG. TALLAHASSEE. TAMPA. WEST PALM BEACH @ BEL.I..S0{JTH ' June 10, 2005 BelISouth Telecommunications, Inc. 321 SE 2nd Street 2nd Floor Delroy Beach, F1 33444 Bharat Shah, P.E. SDA & Associated 3410 N. Andrews Ave Ext Pompano Beach, FL 33064 ,And- Ryan Weisfiscb Boynton Ventures 1 3050 Aventma Blvd. 3M Floor Aven~ Fl33180 Re: Manhole Access .Mr. Weisfisch, This is to infonn you that based on our meeting and review of The Arches Proposed site plan, BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. will agree to a Statement of No Objection to the proposed abandonment of the alley and construction of the Arches at Boynton Beach. The only condition is that there is vehicular access to the existing BellSouth manhole location, 24 hoursn days a week. The access must have a width of no less than Fifteen (15) feet for agreetnent. Should you have any further questions in regards to this matter, do Dot hesitate to contact me directly. .') Sincerely, "'--... "~'} I.) .... I) ,i' , -(<. , ),,-01' t/l".C....' \---, ". ..r..---"..... ~ i' Stephen R. Buck Specialist Outside Plant Engineers n .f. L),~~.... PAGE 2/2 ~ RCVD AT 6/151200510:33:49 AM lEastern Daylight TimW SVR:FTLWEB1/5 * DNIS:3442 * CSID: ~ DURATION (mm-ss):OO.32 . WED/JUN/15/2005 07:53 AM ADELrnlA CABLE FAX No, 561 640 jj96 P. 00 liDO 1 Adelphia 1401 Northpoint Paikway West Palm Beach, F133407 Wednesday June 15,2005 Kim Glas-Castro. AlCP Ruden McClosky 222 Lakeview Avenue WestPaIm Beach, Florida 33401-6112 RE: Vacation ofSE 1st Ave and SE 1st Place, City of Boynton Beach. Easement Abandonment Dear Mrs. Glas-Castro, Please Be Advised .. .Adelphia has existing / active C03:ll: plant within the limits of your request. Please note, ... witbin your plan, should it become necessary for Adelphia to relocate its plants within the limits of your project, please contact me for further coordination. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to call me at 1-561-656-8931 Fax Numbers - 1-561-640-3996 or E-mail address/mike.west@adelphia.com Sincerely, J(~~ Michael West Construction Coordinator' PAGE 1/1 ~ RCVD AT 6/15/2005 8:49:47 AM ~astem Da~ight Time] * SVR:FTLWEB117 ~ DNIS:3442* CSID:561640 3996* DURATION (mm-ss):00048 ~ FLORIDA PUBLIC UTiliTIES FPU Ref.: #001 6/13/05 222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 800 WPB, Fl 33401-6112 RE: Vacation of SE 1 st Avenue and SE 1 st Place, Boynton Beach Dear Kim Glas-Castro, Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has existing gas facilities within referenced area. We must, therefore, object to your request unless one of the following indicated conditions is met: 'b A. All related relocation expenses will be paid by the party requesting the abandonment by the date specified by Florida Public Utilities Company. .~ B. A separate easement must be granted to Florida Public Utilities Company within the referenced area. All related easement expenses will be paid by the party requesting abandonment by the date specified by Florida Public Utilities Company. C. Abandonment of existing facilities within the referenced area is possible provided all related abandonment costs will be paid by the party requesting abandonment by the date specified by Florida Public Utilities Company. ' If you have any questions or if! can be of any further assistance, please contact me at (561)838-1787. Sincerely, on .. 1 Engineering Tech. Encl. 401 South Dixie Hwy. A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 1., Phone: 561.832.0872 A www.fpuc.com ~f~~~~~~~ ~~m ~~ ~i ~~~~ ~~ z; ~i ~~~~~~~~~S!~ ~~~~~ ~e I 9 )f:J 19 , f;, 9 e I ~- z 0 ~ "'J<) S;N I -t Ow IlL . , cot:)S ~ Z ~ 5a: Ii 2- I "x 00 I ""0 -,CO I < ~~ I I e! ii;ll. a i! ,~.! .. '" c,I'\ ~ 4. I! . i I.',: ;1 z I I ~ ~~ ! :.::: i f I i ~: . I lIlt:) jU I .~ --~ I i ., \:30: 10 .~ I II) I " I-.J I, ~ 'IS ~ll....l z- "'x l' ~;. ~ I . '''.. ~ ( ~:.:: im I~,I 'if. 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I~ :1 ~ <Q $I , I ~ ;. l~ O!'<N('.1'V - .. rI'J :lo- Cl q ~'r{' I V' . - . - .-. ~(j# ~. -------------lr 04;0....0 ..s-<> ,OJ I () , ~ q:i>'~VO~ I .' ?-o#- ,<;0 0 ii ~G <. I - ~ . Q q-:t l.-l . ~I ""'c m 1;1 . M 1;1.; Q i:o-om ~ 1"'0'" ' b . . ';'1",~11l iooL ~ IUI 100:... 5 I -,.. . i.t < ~ r, ~. ;I! - ! ,I> "'" ---..t; .~ ~. ..~ .'" I I ...i ~2"; .,~ ' ~ >l~"" . :;1;5 \;! , ~ IL Do 1;' .. .~.~"b · I. .,. '\, , ", .". ff2~ ~.. .... I ~ ~~ 1 Iii ~I:!I;; ~~i :'. I ~. "g , ~rl~5 '" I ! , .~ -;> '\ I ~~so I :l~rl u9pn~-WOJ ~ we5E: 50 900HZ-90 mmSl99 A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A Office File Number 300506758 Effective Date May 24, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Commitment Number 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA OWNER'S POLICY, Form B (amended 10/17/92) with Florida Modifications $ To Be Determined Proposed Insured: To Be Determined ALTA LOAN POLICY (amended 10/17/92) with Florida Modifications Proposed Insured: $ N/A N/A 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is a fee simple, and title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in: The City of Boynton Beach, Florida 3. The Land is described as follows: PORTION OF S.E. 1ST AVENUE TO BE VACATED: That certain 40.00 foot wide right-of-way bounded on the north by the south line of Block 7, on the south by the north line of Block 12, on the east by the west right-of-way line of Federal Highway (U.S. Highway No. 1) and on the west by the east right-of-way line of S.E. 4th Street, all in the ORIGINAL TOWN OF BOYNTON, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 8 in said Block 7j Note: This Commitment consists of insert pages labeled in Schedule A, Schedule B-Section 1, and Schedule B-Section 2. This Commitment is of no force and effect unless all schedules are included, along with any Rider pages incorporated by reference in the insert pages. A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A (continued) Commitment Number: 300506758 Thence South 88 degrees 59'27" East along the south line of said Block 7, a distance of 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence continue along said south line, South 88 degrees 59'27" East, 335.01 feet; Thence South 00 degrees 02'09" West, 51.80 feet to a point of cusp on the west right-of-way line of Federal Highway (U.S. Highway No.1, State Road No.5) ; Thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 12.00 feet, a central angle of 89 degrees 01'36", an arc distance of 18.65 feet to the point of tangency; Thence North 88 degrees 59'27" West, along the north line of said Block 12, a distance of 323.21 feet to the east right-of-way line of S.E. 4th Street; Thence North 00 degrees 02'09" East, along said east right-of-way line, 40.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said lands lying in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. PORTION OF 20 FOOT WIDE ALLEY (S.E. 1ST PLACE) TO BE VACATED: A portion of that certain 20.00 foot wide alley lying adjacent to Lots 6 through 9, together with the south half of said alley lying north of and adjacent to Lot 10, all in Block 7, ORIGINAL TOWN OF BOYNTON, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 7; Thence South 88 degrees 59'27" East along the south line of Lots 7 and 6, a distance of 100.00 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 6; Thence South 00 degrees 02'09" West along the southerly extension of the east line of said Lot 6, a distance of 10.00 feet to the centerline of said 20.00 foot wide alley; Thence South 88 degrees 59'27" East, along said centerline, 50.00 feet to A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A (continued) Commitment Number: 300506758 an intersection with the northerly extension of the east line of said Lot 10; Thence South 00 degrees 02'09" West, along said northerly extension, 10.00 feet to the north line of said Lot 10; Thence North 88 degrees 59'27" West, along the north line of said Lots 10, 9 and 8, a distance of 150.00 feet to the east right-of-way line of Southeast 4th Street; Thence North 00 degrees 02'09" West, along said east right-of-way line, 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said lands lying in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B - Section 1 Commitment Number: 300506758 I. The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1. Instruments necessary to create the estate or interest to be insured must be properly executed, delivered and duly filed for record. a) Resolution from the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, abandoning those portions of S.E. 1st Avenue and the 20-foot Wide Alley (S.E. 1st Place) as described in Schedule A herein. b) Ordinance from the City Manager of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, authorizing the Resolution required in l(a) above. 2. Payment of the full consideration to, or for the account of, the grantors or mortgagors. 3. Payment of all taxes, charges, assessments, levied and assessed against subject premises, which are due and payable. 4. The actual value of the estate or interest to be insured must be disclosed to the Company, and subject to approval by the Company, entered as the amount of the Policy to be issued. Until the amount of the Policy to be issued shall be determined and entered as aforesaid, it is agreed that as between the Company, the applicant for this Commitment, and every person relying on the Commitment, the Company cannot be required to approve any such evaluation in excess of $100,000.00, and the total liability of the Company on account of this Commitment shall not exceed said amount. 5. The names or names of the proposed insured under the policy must be furnished and this commitment is subject to such further exceptions and/or requirements as may then be necessary. FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: Vested Owner as to the properties located along the boundaries of the proposed vacated legals that are described in Schedule A herein. Boynton Ventures I, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, by virtue of Warranty Deeds recorded in Official Records Book 18074, Pages 845, 848 and 850 and Official Records Book 18256, Pages 1759 and 1761, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B - Section 1 (continued) Commitment Number: 300506758 A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B - Section 2 Commitment Number: 300506758 II. Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. 1. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereto but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 2. Standard Exceptions: a. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. b. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. c. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. d. Any lien, or right to a lien, for service, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. e. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. f. Any claim that any portion of said lands are sovereign lands of the State of Florida, including submerged, filled or artificially exposed lands and lands accreted to such lands. g. Taxes and assessments for the year 2005 and subsequent years, which are not yet due and payable. 3. Standard exceptions (b) and (c) may be removed from the policy when a satisfactory survey and surveyor's report and inspection of the premises is made. 4. Standard exceptions (a) and (d) may be removed upon receipt of a satisfactory affidavit-indemnity from the party shown in title and in possession stating who is in possession of the lands and whether there are improvements being made at date of commitment or contemplated to commence prior to the date of closing which will not have been paid for in full prior to the closing. 5. Plat of BOYNTON as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 6. Subject to unrecorded Utility Easements. CHICAGO TITLE INSUI't\NCE COMPANY 2701 Gateway Drive, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Broward: Dade: Fax (954) 971-4111 Fax (888) 824-8400 Phone (954) 971-2200 Phone (305) 265-7000 []=Via Fax []=UPS Overnight []=U.S. Mail []=Hand Deliver Palm Beach: Fax (888) 824-8400 Phone (407) 433-0515 @ June 21, 2005 Re: Our File No. Your File No. With regard to the above captioned matter, enclosed herewith please find the following: 1. Chicago Title Insurance Company AL T A Commitment. 2. Chicago Title Insurance Company Invoice. 3. Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA Owner's Policy. 4. Chicago Title Insurance Company AL T A Loan Policy. 5. Endorsement No. 6. Copies of Documents 7. Abstract 8. Excess Authorization 9. Update Form. (After your closing, please fax to our Customer Service Dept. at (888) 824-8400) 10. Diskette 11. If we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely yours, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY