CORRESPONDENCE FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax Planning & Zoning Division FAX: _(561) 964-3499 TO: Bob Lowen FROM: Dick Hudson NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 4 DA TE: June 30, 2003 RE: Staff Conditions as approved-Abandonment 03-002 (Ordinance 03-021) If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260, Thank you, I TRANSMISSION VERIFICATIct< REP'F1T I TIME: 06/30/2003 09 04 t-1AME: FAX TEL SER. # BRClE2.J409484 DATE,TIME FAX NO,INAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 06/:30 09:03 99643499 00:C0:58 04 OK STA~mARD EeM .Ma~ 16 03 04: 03p N VENTURES LC 561 l2 2864 p. 1 N-K VENTURES LC DEVELOPING UlVJ.QUE URBAN PlACFS---:---~:- _-- _,_ 1'.-.,\ ,= \' " ~; ,\ L~ ::-.-:!'-----=-, ' '-:] i \'1 319 CLEl\IA~rIS STREE~r 11L\ ~.---~~=--~ Ui Ij SUITE 512 JUl r~L~Y i 6 '~_:'.j 1lS/ ""VEs'r PAL1\1 BEACI-I, FL :3:34.01 II" i 'rEI": (';:>(>1) S:~-'1,1" DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMI--NT F A.c'X: (5(>1) 8:12-~. The information contained in this fax transmission may contain privileged or confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the person(s} named below. If you are not the infs1ded recipient, you ate hereby notified that any teView, dissemination distribution or duplication of this communication is stJictJy prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original message. 1M: To Kurt Bressner, City Manager From: Kevin Lawler Quintus Greene. Director of Development City of Boynton Beach Fax: 742-6011 742-6357 Pages: 2 Phone Date: May 16, 2003 Re: Request for Postponement - The Arches Cc: Ryan Weisfrsch, 954/4554961 Greg Young, 888/325-9190 o Urgent o For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle Please see accompanying letter. Regards, Kevin ~a~ 16 03 04:03p N IENTURES LC 561 12 2864 p.2 "'-K Ventures LC Developing Unique Urban Places .'11 ..':!I:: = .. .~. = May 16, 2003 Mr. Kurt Bressner, City Manager Mr. Quintus Greene, Director of Development City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 VIA FACSIMILE RE: Request for Postoonement of All Matters Pertaininq to The Arches. Mav20, 2003 Commission Meetinq Dear Messrs Bressner and Greene: This letter is to request a postponement of all matters pending before the City of Boynton Beach Commission on The Arches at Boynton Beach, presently calendared on the Commission Agenda for May 20, 2003 Our partner, Nancy Graham, has for family personal matters, been called out of town and is not expected to return until after the Commission Meeting of May 20, 2003. Nancy is essential to our presentation of the three items pending before the Commission on May 20th, Specifically, Boynton Ventures 1 LLC has three (3) items pending before the Commission: (i) New Site Plan, Item 03-002; (ii) Alley Abandonment, Item 03-0002; and (iii) Land Use Amendment, Item 03-003. We are requesting each of these items be postponed until the June 3, 2003 Commission Meeting. 1Z=-- J. Kevin ~ r Member Manager for Boynton Ventures 1 LLC cc. Nancy C. Graham Ryan Weisfisch, MaxweJle Real Estate Group LLC Greg Young, Edwards & Angell LLP 319 Clematis Street . Suite 512 ' West Palm Beach, FI 33401 Office 561-832-4177 . 561-832-6908 . Fax 561-832-2864 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-082 TO: Maxime Ducoste- Amedee, Planner Planning & Zoning Division H. David Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM~/ City Engineer FROM: DATE: May 9, 2003 SUBJECT: "The Arches" Alley Abandonment Application - 1 st Review This memorandum is in response to your initial memorandum dated April 25, 2003 on the above noted subject, augmented bye-mails dated April 29th and May 1 st. The legal description within the application (which included a metes and bounds description), is recapped as follows: "A portion of that certain 20.00 foot wide alley lying adjacent to Lots 1 through 4 and Lots 11 through 14, together with the north half of said alley lying south of and adjacent to Lot 5, all in Block 7, ORIGINAL TOWN OF BOYNTON, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida." After several discussions, a review of the response letters from the various utility systems utilizing the alley, and a meeting with the applicant on April 29th, this Division can only approve a partial abandonment request, specifically that portion of the alley lying adjacent to said Lots 1 through 4 and Lots 11 through 14 only. This is approximately one-half of the total length of the alley located between SE 1 st Avenue and Federal Highway. Under the Florida Statutes for abandonment(s), public right-of-way abandoned is divided equally with each half given to the owner of real property adjacent to the abandonment. The existing 20- foot alley is currently owned by the city. With the requested abandonment of the north half of the alley lying south of stated Lot 5, under statute, only 5 foot would be given to the owner of said Lot 5, and the other 5 foot would be given to the city (and remain as part of the alley, but now being 15 feet in width). Obviously, this is not the intent of the applicant, nor the desire of the city (to create a substandard alley remnant). There are three (3) options that need to be explored. Option #1 would be to have the property owner of the remaining lots on the block join in consent to a total alley abandonment. This would be the owner of Lots 6 through 10. Existing utility services currently in use could remain via a conversion of a portion of the alley into a utility easement. Public Works Department, Engineering Division Memo No. 03-082 Re: The Arches Alley Abandonment Application - 1 st Review May 9, 2003 Page 2 Option #2 would be to have the property owner of Lot 10 to join in consent to the alley abandonment in front of this lot only. However, Lot 10 would have to be joined to Lot 9 in "unity of title" in order for the combined lots to have frontage on the remaining alley. This option then would allow for that half of the alley adjacent to Lot 5 to be joined to that lot. Likewise, that half of the alley adjacent to Lot 10 would be joined to it. Option #3 would be for the City Commission to specify that the one-half of alley located adjacent to Lot 5 be specifically (and totally) attached to said Lot 5, and when the other half of the alley is a component to another abandonment application, that it be specifically (and totally) attached to Lot 10. This option creates only a 10-foot alley as frontage for remaining Lot 10, which mayor may not be sufficient for ingress and egress to that lot. Again, the owner of Lot 10 should be consulted about these options so he can determine his position in this abandonment action. Again, existing utility services currently in use could remain via a conversion of a portion of the alley into a utility easement. I suggest that the Legal Department be appraised of this application, our options for a solution, and any discussion that they want to have with both your and our divisions. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise me at x6488. HDK/ck xc: Jeff Livergood, PE, Dir. ofP.W. Laurinda Logan, PE, Sr. Engr. Mike Rumpf, Dir. ofP & Z Div. File S:\Engineering\Kribs\The Arches Alley Abandonment Application - 1st review.doc 'no~ >luelu. '09Z9-ZtL (~9S) Ie '~lale!pawW! a:>!:uo Jno ~!lOU aseald 'UO!SS!wsueJI L11!M alqnOJI a:>ua!Jadxa JO 'JOJJa U! xej. S!L11 aA!a:>aJ no~ j.1 'v-also~no aw!xeV\l 'AlaJa~U!S 'UO!lelUaWn~op AJessa~au a4l ap!^oJd pue puodsaJ aseald 'luawuopueqe Aalle ap!M lOOJ-Ol a4l ou!pJeoaJ UO!S!^!o oupaau!OU3 a4l WOJJ sluawwo~ a4l aJe aJaH 'We4eJ8 'SJV\I Jeao luawuopueq'V saLl:>J'V :3C:J t (Ja^o~ 6u!pnpu!) :S3f)Vd ::10 C:J3eWnN 800l/60/90 :3J. va "'V-also:>na aw!xew :WOC:J::1 t98Z-Zt8-~9S :)(V::1 ::>11 :0.1 'Sald!:>u!Jd ueqJn 'WeLleJ~ "::> ~:>ueN xe::l 69l9-lvL (~99) 09l9-lvL (~99) 9lv88 eppol::l '4~ea8 UOlUA08 0~8 X08 'ood 'P^18 4~ea8 UOlUA08 '3 00 ~ OU!M lsaM 'lIeH Al!J H8V38 NO.lNA08 =f0 A.ll8 31 I 11\1 IS8V.::J 6u!uoZ ~ 6u!UUeld JO 8~!JJO 8lH WOJ.::J ..-" , . TRANS"'S"'ON VERIFICATION REPORT ] TIME 05/09/2003 10:20 NAME FAX TEL SER.# BROE2J409484 DATE,TIME FAX NO,/NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 05/09 10:19 98322854 00:00:52 03 OK STANDARD ECM Hudson, Dick (Orran) From: Sent: To: Subject: Lamanna, Rosemarie Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11 :11 AM Hudson, Dick (Orran) FW: Arches Abandonment I omitted to indicate that the message below was dictated by Jim Cherof. -----Original Message----- From: Lamanna, Rosemarie Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:00 AM To: Hudson, Dick (Orran) Cc: 'wpbmayor@aol.eom' Subject: Arches Abandonment The determination of continuing public need for a street or right of way is reserved to the City Commission. The City Commission may have an interest in the opinions of the adjacent property owners but the consent of adjacent property owners should not be made a condition of the approval of an abandonment. It is my opinion that imposing such a condition dilutes the Commissions' power in the abandonment process. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ABANDONMENT I , hereby acknowledge that I own real property adjacent to a public street/right-of-way/ or alley hereinafter described and that I have received notice of the City of Boynton Beach's intent to abandon the following described street/right-of- way or alley Description of public street/right-of-way or alley to be abandoned: See diagram attached. I further acknowledge that I have received notice that the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach will conduct a public hearing on the _ day of ,2003, at which time I will have the opportunity to express my consent or objection to the proposed abandonment. Dated this _ day of , 2003 by C:\Documents and Settings\HudsonD\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK4\ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ABANDONMENT.doc